------------------- aff'DIDEPENDENT TEMPER CE CANDIDATE. FOR .COUNTY COMMISSIONER. ISAIAH DICKEY. 1115:n12 gr"YIRIE MEMBERS . OF TIRE UNION EPUBLICAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE V OI ALLEIMIENY Co *T, hereby notified that a =mini of the Committee will beheld In the DISTRICT COURT ROOM, AT Tile cousr ROUSE, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1868, AT 11 O'CLOCK A. X. A full attendance h requested. W. S. P lIIITIANCE, Chairman. WALTER B. MCIINg. Col. GEL/. F. 21301 WAN, Eeeretarles. an4:cs GUYAN M. 'RIM', A3 , l33EXillfAl 4 t, tiecond Ward, Allreeny. Office, No. 35 OHIO BTRILET. betw.en toe Dlnmond and Beaver streets. Atl huntress appertaining to the posi tion attended to with pnomptliess and dispatch. att.ntit CITY CONTROLLER'S OFFICE, CITY or ALLEGHENY, August etb, 1868. I NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.-- Sealed Proposals will be received office until 3 coclnck.P. rt. on FRIDAY. August 13th. 1869, for Grading end Paving the follow,- ing ~EAFv V e E u R e SON Ft Sf r REE n T A r e = s : Be i a z v : er street to Shields alley. EVANS ALLEY, from 24x02 street to Wash ineton avenue. MONTOOMERY AVENUE. from east line of Union even to to west lice ()Merman avenue. - tireclficat inns out be seen at theollice of CHAS. DAVIS. Esq. City Euglneer. Ire Committee do not ',lnd themselves to ac cept the lowest or any bid. att7:n2o WIGHT CAPS S NIGHT CAPS BITE NETTED LACE MORT CAPS, alrery desirable and cheap article. On!Y 25 cents apiece AT PHELAN'S. MEN'S WHITE AND COLORED COTTO NIGHT CAPS. ' INIPANTS, LADIES' AND GENTS GAUZE MERINO UNDERWEAR. SILK SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, LISLE THREAD SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. AT :AWES PM:MAWS • .• Old Stand Stocking Store, 80. 24 FIFTH AYE 21172. auT:s S. A. CLARKE & CO.'S Register of New Books. . OHIO, VALLEY HISTORICAL SERIES, History of Athena county, Ohio, by Chas. IL Walker SG 00 Hose's Historical Collection of hlo. Boquet , a Expedition against the Indians in 1764 3 03 Clark's Campaign' 1 a the IllinoLs in 11278.9 NI 00 Hall's Legends of the West 2 00 Hall's Romances of Western History A 00 • Claude enemy, the last days. or a Condemn ed Man, by Victor Hugo - 150 Lickirn's Ozfora University Sermons, new. edition 1 50 Famous London Merchants, hook for boys 1 00 The Peoltic Railroad Hew t 3 go and what to see 75 .Cyclopoedlc science Simplthed, by Prof. Pepper, with 800 illustrations 4 eo Ocean to . Ocean. Pacific Railroad and ad joining Territories, distances add fares.. 40 The Tourist s Pocket tirade for 1889 1 00 tild-Town Folks, by Mrs. Stowe 2 00 Little Women, 2 roil, each - 1 50 John and. the Demijohn. A Temperance • Tale 1 50 Five Hundred and Seven Mechanical Move ments 1 00 Good Society; a oomph to manual of man- 1.78 75 ers Bright's Speeches. Cheap edition 75 Credo; - a valuable book for thinking read ers., 1 50 , HoFai th dge's Commentary on Confrooton of 1 75 Haven's Rhetoric; a new text b00k ........ 1 50 Toe Subjection of Women, by John Innen Mill 1 00 rreadley's Adlrondacks; PW edit n 745 Philips' Scripture Atm, 19 colored maps. 25 S. A. mamma & co., 119 Wood Street, ..51d door below BIM Avenue. EM3 J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO.' HAVE JUST PUBLISHED, The Second and Cone4'lllll6 Part of DAISY, • By the author of "The Wide, Wide World." • •ueechy,"••Say and Seal," etc. 12mo. Flee Ciotti. $1 78. ASPASIA, A Novel. By C. HOLLAND. plmo. Tinted . Payer. Extra Cloth. $1.25. • MORAL REFORMS. Suggested In &Pastoral Letts' , with Bernerlas on Practical Religion. By A. CL fr . V.ELAND OOZE. Bebop of Western New York', author of “Thoughts on the Services. etc. Mon. Pine Cloth. $1.25. COUNTESS GISELA, A Novel. Prom the German or E. mAaLrre. aatbor- i or "The Mam•eele's Secret...etc. By re. A. L. WISTEB. Part ;. IBmo. raper Cover. 75' cents. • CHRISTIAN •SINGERS OF ORRIKANY By OA.TREEINE WINKWORTH. WitliPor traits. 12mo. Toted Paper. Extra Cloth 02.00. Ircrmlng Vol. VI. of the •MundayLl brary." . B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Pnb'takers, Booksellers and hnporters. 715 AND 717 MARKET SST.. PH ILA. an7all6--- 2,000 POUNDS OF 2.HAT GOOD COUNTRY YARN, Which we - have been selling for several years, JUST RECEIVED. FLANNELS, AT, LOW PRICES, Full Line of Colors. SUMMER GOODS, AT thilDtrailD PRICES. Hoop g33lmlr-t9, A FULL VARIETY. CORSETS, all the best makes. PAPER COLLARS OF ALI. EMSCUIPTIONS. AND A FULL STOCK OF Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods. WRITE GOODS, HANDKERCHIEFS, LAOltd, TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS. MACRUM. GLYDE & CO, 78 & 80 /LIAO Streets VACTJ LTY. GEORGE WOODS, LL. D., Tresident and Pro fessor or Mental and Moral nesence. • JOS. F. GRIGGS. A. Professor or °reels. Hou. W. WILLIAMS, LL. D.. Professor of Law. B. C. JILLSON, PR. 8.. M. D.. Professor of Chem'stry s Mineralogy and Geotogy. MILTON B..GOFF, A. M.. Profsesor of Math ematics. REIT. E. P. CRANE, A. 8.. Professor of Lat.n and Rhetoric. S. P. L a. 1% G LEY Director of Observatory and Protestor or Phys.cs and Astronomy. • MAJ. W. J. L. NICODEMUS. U. o..Armv, Pro fessor Military Soler ce and Clv I and Mining En gin. , ee E ring. .1 AVE/IS, A. II Adjanct Professor of Latin. ALPHON . SE M. DANSE. Instrnetorin French. I: N. FOB.NEII., Prlnctpsl Commercial nt Depart me. a LEVI MIDDEN. A. M. Principal Preto. Dept. P. P. ROHEBACHER, Processor German and History. • Win 14 6v REGiISTEWB NOTICE. 1 W. IL PORTER, CITY CONTROLLER. ROTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the fol. towing Accounts of Executens, 'Administrators. Guardians, Jac., have been duly passed iln the Register's Office, and will be preseni ed to the Orphans Court. for confirmation and allowance, on MuNDAY, September Btb, 1869: • . No. Ho ff econd and Partial account of Gen: Win. man. one of the executors of Louden Simpson, deed. Filed May 18, #869. Benjaminccount of 'Lames alevey. executor of A. Meyer, decid. Flied May 15, 1889. No. 3. Final account of Balthasar Weis and Caroline Bender. executors or J. tot George Bender. dec'd. Filed May 15 1889. No. 4. Final account of Samuel Phillips. ad ministrator of Wm. B. Phillipr, decid. Filed May 17, 1869. No. 5. • ccount of Jestah Aber ing execu tor of Jacob Aber. (he'd. Filed Stayl7, 166% Nn. ro tor ai account of Francises retie, au, minis of Francis Miler. timid, Filed • May le, 1869 7. Final account of David S Macrom, oxecutor of ft. C. Giyele, decid. Filed May iiti, 1889. No. 8. Final account of Nicholas Way, exiiicu tor of Nancy Way, ilec'd. Yl ed Mai 20. 1869. No. 9. Accouns f Lemuel Spahr, executor of Mary Pi:Atm dec'd. I lied May 21, , 1869. No. 10. Account of George Scheiffele, guar dian of John deliderbr, minor child of Conrad tteilderbr, uec'd. o. 11. ' Account or J..N. Ewing and atex. D. Moore. executors of Charles Moore. dee'd. Mo. 12 Final account of E. ti.. Duncan, guar. diem ix minor cendren of A nabrote Pearce, deed. Filed May 31, 1869. .No. IJ. le anal acc:iunt orAgnes Stager, admin. ream of John Stager, de'd. Filed Jaue 1, 1869. No. 14. First and final account of o Miller, administrator oftieorgeMiller, deid. !Bed June 4. 1869. No. 15. Account of Watson Whitfield. exeeu. tor of David liluelum. doc'if. Filed June 6, 1669. No. 18. Final account of George S. Head, guardian of Henrietta Faber, minor child of Franalin Faber, deed. Filed Jane 9, 1869. No. 17. Final accmut of Alex. oordon, guar dian 01 David S. Breed, minor eon of tieurge Breed, &cid Filed June 10, 1869. No. 18. Separate account of F. 4. Gardner, co administrator Gardnerep S. Mem. Ja n e minus of John Flied ii., 1869. No. 19. Separate account of Joseph 8; Morel son, Esq. co.administrator with F. p. Gardner. ee tate °done Gardener, dec'd. Filed June 11. 1889. No. 20. Account of Isaac Weaver. administra tor of Margaset Woltz, dee'd. Flied June 15, 1869. Emanuel. Account Of Henry Em an ueler. and Stotler. executors of Stotler, deed. • Filed June 15, 1889. No. 22. Final account of C. J. Hammitt, exe cut ir or Mary Hammett, dec'd. Filed June 15, 1b69. No. 23. Final account of .7, F. Mimes, guar= dian in minor children olJames and Mary flumes, deed. Filed June 17, 1869 No. 24, Final account Rogers, Cunningham, guardian of 3Liggie A. dec'd. Fhea June 19. 1869. No. 25. Account of William Thomas, adminl•- trator, of Michael Felder, dec'd. Filed June 21, 1669. No. 28. Accoun decd . ernard Raloy: executor of Patrick Walah. Filed June 211. 1899. No. 27. Final laCCOUlat of Levi Wade, guardian of Elizabeth J. Head. Filed June 26, 1869. No. 118. Final account of George& Head, inisto b ad mNo. 26. F o na sa ccoun T ofG d orge S. Head, ad ministrator or Jane Taylor. accessed. Filed June 28. 1889. N0=.30. Account deceased . Gormley, executor of Matilda Gormley Pilau June 28, 1889. No. 31. Final account of J. Ross Byere, exec utor of Korth& Burns' estat:. Flied June 3#9. 1869. No. 32. First and final account of Edward Frannheirn administrator of Joseph A.But4de ceased. Flied June 30,1869. No. 33. Account of Fredericka Bauman ad minustrator or Casper F. Bauman, dee:lased. Filed Jaye 1. 1869. No 34. Final account of Robert Adams, ad mtulatrator of Elizabeth Bennett, deceased. Filed July 2, 1869. No. as. Final account of Robert Wilson, guar dia. of Henry 0. Bughman. Filed July 2.1869 No. 36 Final acco.nt of Joen K. Brown. ad- July 3. 1889. ministrator of Mary Brown. deceased. Flied No. 37. Account of W. P. Ketchum sad F. C. Gardner, executors o Joel KeLlum, de-, ceased. Filed July 8, 1869 No. 38. Final account of Jeremiah Meek, ad ministrator ofThomas Wtilfams , deeeased. Filed a My 6. 1889. Bitty 9 . First and Robertcount of William guardian of E. Beatty. Flied July 0 1869. No. 4U. Account of Hester Boyer. admra trix of Geo. W. Berger, deceased. Filed July 9, 18119. No. 41. Final account of John B. Kelley f ex miter or Samuel Crawford, deceased. Flied July 9. 1869. No. 41. Ariount of WPM= Huffman, admin istrator or Milhaud Lowrie, deceased. Piled July a 3, 1889 No. 4.1. Final account of Mary Douglass, id minlsts atrix of Samuel Douglass, deceased, Piled July 20. 1869 No. 44. Account of Mauna,' Weeks. edminis trator or Joseph Weeks, deceased. Filed July 21. IBM No. 45. Final account of H. Iburg. guardian of Theodore Primmer. minor child or #ibristlan Presser, deceased. Filed July 29, 1869. - No. 48. Account of Nancy Ellis, administrai finx of alien Mills, deceased. Filed July 24, 1889. No. 47: Account of B A. Sampson. executor of Jolla Shaffer, deceased. Filed July 28,1889. No, 48. Final account of William Wade, ad ministrator of Samuel Vi r ade.diceeted. Filed July2B. 1889. No 49. First and Seal account ofq. 8. 600 and E. A. Meyers, administrators of John 6111, deceased. Filed July 219:1869.• No. 50. Final account of David Stewart. guar dian of Alfred Stewart. Flied July 20. 1869. No. 51 Final account of Thomas Jiffrey and Joseph etewart executors of Mary Jeffrey, de ccased. Fis t uly finalB69 No. 52. and account of W. P. Mur ray and Emma Fawcett, exe.futors of Lucretia Fawcett, deceased. Fib d July 31, 1869. No. 53. Final account of Rebecca itzell,'ad• minlstrairlx of David Titzell, deceased. Filed - !MOM 9, 1869. No. Brown e , deceasedin. Clayton, execntor of Eliza Piled Augnst 4.. 1869. No, m i nor l children o f James Young. guar dian of children of George Mellvaine. de ceased. Filed August 4. 1860 - No. 66. Final account of ifugh Richardson, executor of Humus Scrotti, deceased. File.' Au gust 5. 1869. No. 57. Second partial account f Ell Neeld, guardian of minor children or James S. Neeld, eeceosad. Filed August/1 , . 1869. No 58. Fical account of simnel Gaston, trus tee in sate of real estate of Win. B. niniih, de- Ceased. Filed August 5. 1869. No. 69. Accouty. ofJames kraus, administra tor of James Dougherty, deceased. Floul Aug ust 6, 1869._ _ _ No hO. First and dna! amount of Alex. *Ur. dec. Richard Breed and Henry A. Breed, execu tor. or Georg° Breed, deceased. Filed August 8, _l-,60. No. ev.. Final account of Magdalena Shade mantle, exenstrlx • • f George. thademsatle. tiled A egos& 0, 1869. No. 133. First and dial account ofJohn Ra maley. executor of Jonathan McCall, 4cceased, Plied August II 1869 No 88 First and dnal account of. EdWard gu , rdlan of HeorgoEl.la iVainwrivit% - Filed Auguste, 1889.. 111 -" ,NLAX. Navistar. • Prrrairtnign. Aitititas 0, mem .faa:11111 wvpits , . SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, at West Chester, Pa. The Scbolist lc Tear of le months begins, WED NRsDA Y. September Ist next. For catalogue; apply to WM. F. WYER% au7:nl7 PRINCIPAL AND PROPRIETOR. WESTERN UNIVERSITY, Ross dud Diamond Streets, Fall Term . Opens September 2d. There are Seven Uepartments—Golfe late. Rel-1 entitle, Civil and Mechanical hoglneee g, min- tary Science, Conmercial and Prepare 0ry..1.0 end', Instruction is thorough - and n team c. The Departments of di Civil and Mean! at E O tt nt ering were organized last year, and, aye s c ceeded beyond all expectation. VI Inlet e higher departments of the tin veralty are well minded for, special- care is taken that Prepare ory Stu- dents are provided with the best imam log that can be employed, Past suttees, verrraa a the ks tertlon that btudente are afforded as good oppbr tntutles as esti be had at home or abroad. Call, for the present, from DM to MIA. If., or send-for a catalogue. PMSBURG . II cIAZETTE SATITAP , 4OI:,.‘.-AI7,(TFT, 7,, MIN!••••Malir HEADQUEtTERS GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOOD PU'rfill ADAMS WILL CLOSE OUT IT Greatly Reduced Prices, The Balsam of their Extensive Stock of SUMMER GOODS, CONSISTII OF Gauze Cotton `Undershirts & Drawers. Gauze Merino Undershirts & Drawers. Gauze Silk UndErshirts and Drawers. Lisle Thread Undershirts & Drawers. L INEN, JEAN AND MUSLIN DRAWERS, INCLUDING THE CELEBRATED PATENT PAYTIIOON DRAWER AN DDIENSE STOCK OF LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS .It rery Low Prices GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, TIES, BOWS, SUMMER SCARFS, ALL REDUCED SPECULL Dancungs IN MEN'S HALF HOSE: A LARGE LOT OF FANCY SHIRTS To be Closed Out Ye 112 THE "QUAKER CITY FINE SHIRT Of which we are the Sole Agents for this City. are unsurpassed in quality, style, make and excel lence of lit. It is a make of Shirts that has become Standard, and for which the demand is STEADILY INCREASINC We have these Shirts in all sizes FOR EYELETS AND STUDSI ALSO, To Open at the Back. FINE' DRESS SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER Mao, Wholesale. Agents for the Celebrate, "NORWICH MOLDED" Linen Collars and Cuffs, #SAEATOGA, NEWPORT, NIAGARA, alt Manufacturers Prices. PUTNAM & ADAMS, 72 Fifth Avenue a._ .z..,:, ,:. .-..,,.. -.OMKUTh',. FOR Best Makes of Calicos HANDSOME NEAT STYLES BLEACHED MUSLIN Fine Unbleached Muslin BLEACHED UNDRESSED MUSLIN DOUBLE WIDTH ALPACAS EXTRA GOOD BARGAINS IN CA.S SIIIK.ETLES SHIRT G FLANNELS New Bargains Daily .AT s w~. r~ s 180 and 182 Fedehl Street, DAY 11001181 Ledgers, Journals, Cash Books, • Check Books, Copying pooks, COUNTING NOUSE STATIONERY Letter, Cap and Note Papers, 3Elp.wcr el c• e BLANK BOORS, Of all kinds made to order, of any desired pattern of ruling or banding. MERCARTIM PROMO. KAY & COMPANY, pir OBIE 8 1 HOMES t HONES I omz4:,,Au lands or !Tonsils for sale la BEAL' EnTATX mem. 1 11:11 1 ;: n cillOPT r HLOAPS. Publishers and jiSal Aosta, No. b.n Totals imam. • ..%11 -T- . ME NO: . SEERTY: OFigOH-1 PLENTY OP GOOD BARGAI*I4. TWELVE YARDS Fast Colored Dark Calico FOR OXE DO.L.LaR GOOD FAST COLORED CALICO At 10 Cents. At 12 1-2 Cents. TWELVE YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR TWELVE YARDS FOR ORE DOLLAR FINE 'MELD W/DE At 12 1-2 Cents. Fine Black and Colored At - . Cents: At Vety Lew Prices. ALLEGHENY_ CITY MEE Order BOoks, Dray Books, 65 WOOD STREET. (Lafayette Btilldlaß SPECIAL NOTICE HOLESILB RETAIL Bpyers of Dry Goods NOTWITHSTANDING The Unusually Ltime DEMAND AND SALES 113 "V GIL 040 S, This Establishment DURING THE E PAST FEW WEEKS WE ABE Pleased to Inform our Customers; AND THE PUBLIC, That our Stock is Still Kep FULL AND COMPLETE, By Large Arrivals Daily NEW AND DESIRABLE GOOD AND That We Kaye Plenty of CarCoCUDISI AND GOOD BLIIGMS To Offer All, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Irl3 SEMPIX'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street,. ALLEGMY air MWSPAPER FILISE-Costl iners. and persons desiring a Western Gme, and others, can have a spicy Weekly Paper FREE TOR SIX MONTHS br_sendlllS SIMS and Polio!!Ice address to GARDENS. JOURNAL, (inches, Illinois. • itentinlk J. W. BAR „MARKE asciyom,c) TEN DAYS STILL GREATER 'RED Many Goods offered Twe they can be bought for in iwesent time. Winter Goods as THE SA 101 E. must he C By Order, ; REM OF En OF The partnership! here to fore existing ander the name or JOHN THOIdPBDN & CO. , was dis• solved o Thompson July last by the withdrawal of John The baldness will be can tle.: on as uses. at the old establishmen4l3s TaittD AVJcjWE. In retiring from the above firm I would cordl dlaLly recommend my former partnere to myold custom busine s she public generally, believing that th will be carried on by . thg_ni In an i t , honest and eprl ht manner, and I woad - desire to return my el ceie . &tunics to .my-friends for the very liberal atronage I r ave reeetved from them during the thirty. oue years I have carried on business In Pittsburgh. JOHN THONPIKIN. • The undersigned t successors to John Moran:- son & Co., have formed a partnership dating from July first, under the name of • THOMPSON & MILLER, and will continue the businesd of El OM wiPAINT INS, and dealing in PLAIN AND °BRAKER TALHIRD REIGN °LABS, at th e old stand, 138 TFu AVER Ult. Thankful for the favors of the past we would respectfully Balite continued tuttrrnage of our °lends and the public, assuring them that we will sysare no palm to render asAlatactiont., every C&Boia9hich we may be emplogd. ROBERT TROMPBOR. B. C. MILLER. SCHOOL DESKS:: SOHO , CiIa D'ESK. ADVANTAGES; • . Z. ptronost and Most Durable. ' • 11. Does not require to be fastened to the floor. ° !..11:. Presents no obstacles t - • o the Brown In IV. It Is perfect In the ease of Ingress and egress. V. It Is the Chespe;tw . ' • Private sad public school; supplied ttiroturh R. S. DAVIS : ho CO., 192 LIBESTY Where a Model may be seen and Prices and other particulars recelsed. auSrrara T STREET: corth IC73ascaa:.\ LONGER! UCTION IN PRICES 1' nty-fi;ire per cent. less than the Eastern Markets at the well as Summer rtpanucm[orif. lotted •Out I V. ithaRKER, Jr rir 2 f o T/CES- 11 To-Let,'"ArZare, "Lost," "Wantk" “Found," "Boar ding," : cte., not exceeding FOUR LINER, will be inverted in awe coiumn B once for TWENTY-FIVE ORN2I each-- addi tional line FIVE . OE.NTa.4. WANTIID-..HELP. ERS WANTED.— TEAC H.—In Union township, FIVE' TEACHERS. Applicants will - meet. at 310 nt Pisgah School House on SATURDAY, August 7th, at 3 o'clock P. M. -/tf By order of the Board. • ' WANTED.r-NELPr--AT EM• PLOYILENT OPPlCfit,_ No. 3. tn. ()lair Street. BOPP CURLS and XEN, for dtderent Rinds of employment. Persona wanting help of all kinds cantle supplied on 'hart notice. WANTS. AIMED:—A :good; Becond- I4ANDD ENEKTIE AND BOILER: engine about Inch e7l.lader: Boiler trawl@ to 20 tier. 38 to 46-Inch, and fined. Parties baviut such maehiners to sell will please address Box 384. Pittsburgh Postoffiee. stating Ilse. make Azad price. WANTED. -.4. 19 WALL HOUSE, of three rooms. In Manclireter or Law renceville. Also. a SITUA.TIOX hi a clothing store a. salesman: Good rsference given. Ati - - dress W. P. BRANDON., Pittsburgh Postai/ice. STRAYED. STRAYED AWAY FROM TREE subscrther. in Pleasant Valley, *R&D COW wit h hr.rns turned In. It ny informs on that will lead to th e recovery of the Cow w be thank tully recehTs. • PALOON. Pleasant Valley, Allegheny Co., Pa. TO LET. T0 -LET.- SCHOOL nano.— Prat. H. T. Gourley havinz discontinued rooms lately occupied ny him In Phelan's Buildings," 22 and 94 rim avenue. will be for rent, together with all the school furniture complete. or farther Particulars inquire -of JAMES PITMAN. No. 24 PHU avenue. • rr o-LET.--noonts. 'on Second thor, with Boarding. Location the most desirable In the cite, with the conveniences of bath rooms, the comforts of a private an few boarders are kept. MI Borth Avenue, Al legheny City. FOR SALE. FOR SALE.—A Rare Chance to secure a home In the s 'PITTISBURuEr AL ESTATE REGISTEJI," office No. 139 roatth wrestle. FOR SlLL — Bargains in Beal Estate In the "PITTSBURGH RBA', Be- TATE REGISTER. Pobllsbea. only by °Rolm & PHILLIPS. at No. 139 Fourth Avenue. e FOB SALE-CITY RESIDENCE On Colwell street, one square from street cars. - The House has tea rooms,- ball, good cellars. pressed brick front, gas and water throughout, bath room, rangy In kitchen. and In a pleasant nelghoorheod., price ONLYV1.000; on easy terms. A opt. to CROFT it PHi Real Estate Am nts, No. 139 Fourth avenue. FOR SALE .— Ove r $1,000,000 worth of property,:comprising-Parms,litiLs. hotels, Stores, Houses. Loh. City and Subur ban residences In such a vast variety. that the most fastidious cannot of to get suited in a home. Pull particulars of all the above given in the "PITTS/W.6UB REAL ESTATE ESUIS TEE," CROFT PHILLIPS., Peblishers and Real Estate Agents, No. 139 earth - avenue, Do rt. fall to get it. • P _ ER SONAL—A.II persons seek- ING. HOMES, or investments In !teal Es tate, will save time, trouble and money pro. ESTATE a CODV of the “P.ITEI3EUBOIFI EAT, ESTATE EEC/WTI:HO' his gtvenaway awns Persons be cannoty mall Pa= to any requesting lt. tall to get suited out of the large list It contains. CROFT A PFTILLIPe. Pun. Halters and Real Estate Ageata, No, 139 Fourth avenue. I'OR SALE.-VALVARLE crry RnSIDENCE.HOUSE AND LOT, No. 7* Washington street, Allegheny City. The lot Ls GA feet on Washington street, extending back 260 feet, on which is erected a double two e brick dwelling, having , all modarn improvements. Also brick stable anti carriage room, with tier. !Ants room attached, all in first rate order. Tit those wanting a comfortable home, this propeatil is recommended. Enquire on the laremLses, or. to .61.038 RT DALZELL. 1yI2:m8 49 Sttoelfgon Avenue. DISSOLUTION. • JOHN THONPSON. itoBERT THoMpsoN z' B. 0. MILLER. •05:E13 RiNKTIPB UIPROyD ER CO, El lie
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers