a STEEL WOMB, DUQUESNE .WORKS. COLEMAN, MIK & CO., • Mearkeinrers IRON, NAILS,I , STEEL, A.. AXLES AND. SPRINGS, woursßNE, !Lair Aajr* lUMLITA, ELT ROITND AND !SQLI ARM IRON. • AM HOOP A BUERI AND TANK. IRON. MRS PLaTaS AND HRADS,____ . 4PUAAD IRON DRAU andLDßOrrisa BARq YLANelay:O , BASS, DTLINDma SON ; • AR.ROA.7I4IT RAILjor Coal Roads._ .1 1 1 knhEltDOas & HAUSA INV TRA - wri• _PLow aND CULTIVATOR STSRL• • MEL WINGS AND MOULDS entio pattern. • STEEL 'USW, STEEL SLIAFTD4O. A. R. ' MCC . streciv . and NV AGON SPII/N6B and NAILS AND SP • 1 34 . 1 r1 a 1i .-AUSOodslirst Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND. WORKS. , • oLatotearh Street and Allegheny River, and IT Water Street, Pittsburgh. BUEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. BINGER, NI3IIOIC & CO., PITTSBURGH. 4 11anufacturers of every deseriptlon of • -VAST ANP.GPMM STEEL, 171cr TS f ir n ; a f 5 Warehouse, 811 Water aadl.oo First Sta. MrIMER, BARR & PAIEUUN• araram. rAwnriate: r• =To t REUBEN KILLEN. 30. W. BABE. cHes. PARKIN. PARTRAIL — B. H. SIBS. CRESCENT STEEL 'WORKS,' 13/113 & P :41 Ilee, No. 339 Liberty St, GIL PA. :11 ,k rEsB i rs 1014:d48 8LA43116. ,.., D1A810ND STEEL WORKS. BROTHER & CO., • Vinufseturersiif all descriptions of sineommir-16 THIBTIATH, THIBTY FIB= 1.44 lathitchiu STREETS., IRON WORKS. IWRSIIRSEN PROGISS. , The Trustees are now p re arts to grant licen ses for the yaw& the 11...11A.Uallai PRO ICEM. ' The riperier quality imparted to good iron, Vie great improvement in inferior iron. and the reduced cost.cominend It to aL manufacturers of Parties wishing VS use it can obtain license! by owning tio JAMES P. SPEER Attorney for the Trustees, BOOKS 1 and B. English's Building, VS% runlet avenue. parties interested are invited to visit the in: su 11110ENBERGER W erationßKS. where the recess is =mccessful op. ileS:dt7 EFERSON, PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works. Warettotie, Nos. UR) and WY rutn WSW. Won Ito Mcmonga s Ron se._ UILG so24:dfl PITTSBA BRASS FOUNDERS. imi d )"° lll7 JliN COOPER & CO., Bell and Brass Founders. BIW4S CASTINGS NADI; PROMPTLY TO ORDER. ldaleatde and Grey Iron Fittings, _43 GAS PIPE AND TUBING, IHROTTLB,BII I I II AND CiIECK TAM% ALL ;MOBS PATTERN. , 1:110N COCIEK.S; grass Work of every daqtptlon for Steam; Water and ML K ANtriiartiitisi arg,coorz Lys Improved (Balance-Wheel Steam Pump. Agents for Dreyfus' Patent Oil , era, the best fa the Market. Office and Works, corner Thirteenth and Pike Weld& . , . aq4 fti 1144W.11) pITTSBITUGH lotrilirT WOM. - "'winded A. D. IS3$ AXIAM. BPI= & CO. MASIMACTOIIIOII ar ILNYErioniE STANDABb,LTAXMLINIC Ei Pia zza) PLATV,OIthI AND COUNTS& "SCALES. Anne Faced rate.nt Doo ! r I Locke and Latches. Paint and COntOUs, &c. noun Big Platsbpunkb. Peon's. GLASS. CHINA, CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET. NEW GOODS. 73 FINE VASES, lit BOIMIIIAN AND CHINA. NW B DIN E N B ift SETS TEL BETS. OLFT ours,, s SMOKING!WiIIi large stock of SILTITII.PLATED GOODS - of all descriptions. CO and :es mine oar goods, sad we feel satisfied no one need fall to be stilted. 8,. E. BREED & CO. • 100 WOOD_ STBDET. LITHOGIIAPEDDRS. 42114A1011 8ILINOZ8LT••••••11111111 altlll6 QINGERLT or successors Sso Om Y. aCIECCIIIL&If a Co., PILUMF#Is IMIORIMEMEIUM adlanglattlige l laV ElVAl WitIaNTIFA Crars gar m% ca. IS sad 14 = ''ENGINES; EttMiMtS, HUE It BOLE 8c CO,, Con Point Alley and Duquesne St., Miss MI POINT.) Engine ,Buil ders, Founders and Machinists. &Jinon STEA)SBOAT ViGrtiEd and Pak uoNAßy ENGINES,. of sties. • Special attention invited to our newSTATION SOIL ARY ER,of OIL WILL ENGLNE AND pORTAELZ . CASTINGS, of every kind, made toorder *tour Foundry, on THIRD 13TREE,T below Market. RIGB for Oil Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS, HOUSE and TOBACGOISOREW I3 and IKON TOBAGPO FAURE% On lIIOXI pill made to order, at the A INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny lilver,near, the Point, sar All orders promptly filed. 'MT V!. F oaT NTT BOILER, STILL AND TANK ,-.WOIZIES - . • CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, rioußLELimum TUBULAR, 7IBIL-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM SOIL NRS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH I'ANB, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS ANA CON DENSERS . STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES' PRISON DOOlll3 AND COAL erairms (Mee and Warehouse. corner Seeond, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, Aar Orders sent to the sbcrre address will be .nintly attended to. mh7:189 WM. BANNIIILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND sli3ora . IRON WORKERS, sos..so, is, 1114 AND lie PENN BT. - Having secured a e yard and furniShed It ;11110 the. meat lipprovea machinery *ease pr e . Dared tOmanufacture every description of BOIL ERS in the hest manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country'. Chimneys, Breeching, Tire *Beds, Aneam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Bain fans. Tanks, Oil Stills, Agita tors, BettU.ng Tans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole ManaPacturers of BarnhilPs Pat ent Boilers. N Repairing done o shortest notice. I abicil &WWI 814 R , ER, Nos. 65 and 6 i Water. Street, ;immune 4 , PA., . - ttaNSFACTRERR IRON OIL T MKS, -, oiriumi rays, porrEsearrs4roz. ROLLINO KILL 13TACEN, Arid IMOINT IRON WORN. - For Steamboats. PITTPITIVReIEt. JAB= M. 1381,811.«. - . • —... cominn) D. Baum TAILED M. BRUSH & SON, ti . YANDIAC4RII I2I3B 01 Steam Boiteri,'Oil SEi lbh TARIM. SHEET IRON WORE. &0. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. BB PIA Ytt CO., NO:30 WOOD STREET, Cook, Parlor Heating Staves, TO BE 101331 D. In our assortment will be found all the LATEST PATTPENS AND IMPROVAMENTS. and the i n rep' reputation of our Stoves Is such that any one in Wa t of a good article should purchase none but rho e manufactured by us, as they will be found the oat durable as well as economical. Would STOV E. curhAtchni oha lo anatnrweVOLCrAOiO 1 sold In three montne. - Intended for with or with out casing. All who have used them pronounce them superior to any other and far cheaper. Send for Catalogue and Price List. Je.3o us & CO3 awanrAcruares OF WINN TABEIST OP SEITCIOI7WASEI BOSTON COOKING RANGE, ‘THETLEBV: mon," \ YOB WINDOM BUILDINGS. rzaw_ ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE., VAN UL ( COLUMBIA. COOK STOVA. VAN'S (Cincinnati ' Pattern) PORTABLE RANOK 0 AST IRON MANTLES, WR BEFLECTOR,HBATES tree from dirt and dut; MI 44 . • - •13 1 . / 11 T c:T 10111.1144. s4.)ftliabegti. Alttnett 5e75:127 PITTSBURGH, PA. EIS prrreatatea. Pl. KA2IO7I=MMU3 07 PITTSBURGH, Pa. STOVES. CASTINGS, &o. Manufacturers of the greatest variety of COOK STOVES. ' ---'' :4E11::1;' WEST. B 11416-, INl4l r.. ' CO:111 i \ fiir\ ,ITRIXTNIPII, rat • Bripirrif oGB mu,. Warranted to Cook Bake or Boast se Ail many other store in the Won. No. 285 Liberty Street. Lilo on kind and for salei, FA/MOB STOVES, Nic721161 Timms& COOKING ANGER. So. LUMBER I IaWEII TO HU , • aoo.ooto feet Dry Pine Boards. • 110.000 feet 1% Mel: Clear Plank: ' ! A 5,000 feet 1% inch Common Plank, • U 5,000 feet Dry : 1 and Si inch Usk: )15,000 ft. %, 1,1)01 and 3 Inen Poplar: 10.000 feet Dry Poplar Scantling: • - • 10,000 feet Dry Yellow Me licrardli 100,000 feet Hemlock Scantling. sommo feet lio. AS lnch Man ls 1 . SOO.OOO No. 164nch Shingle!. luireu; 50,000 140. 1 15-inchtlhlAgles, staved; 60, ' Fire Brickt • • 1, - Plea Tue. 100 Tons giro Clan • Also, Saw 111111 Lumber, Locnet and Cedar Posts, and all articles In the line on band and for sale by ALEXANDER PATTERSUN. Yards— No. 101 Rebecca street and corner of. Pre ble and Juniata streets, Sixth ward, Allegheny. lulu bor" cosh of Aluschester. . r . , !LW MIRGEITS AND BIZAS'O3IIB. 13.1•16CEN, • ■ sealer of Weights and ig eureat so. • SBetwtea Matt sad rem streetil Odes smispar ettluded alga sSATURDAY AU GUST FOUND KNAP -PORT PITT FOUNDia OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSI3ITRGH, PA. DrEngines, Bolling Min Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Caitinp generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. corner Carroll and filmannoase Eltgesda. (NINTH WILED,) , : „ • , • PITTEDEMIUWEI, PAL. , WILLIAM, SMITH, Manufacturer of • OAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOB CAB k AND WA.TBB WOMB. PloesUre all east Inyariablyla Pits, In dr7 sand, and as feet lengths. Also, DM assortment of general • Castings for Clas and Water Works. I would also call the - attention ofitrwl intend. ants of Gas Works to my wake of REW/ITS. DUQUESNE FORGE: WUMI (Successor to JOS. P. HAIGH £ C 0.,) Hu facilities co•extensive with the leading Forges la-the East, and is prepared to promptly and satisfactonly 11l all orders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS, CRANKS, PISTON RODS, LEVERS, PITMAN JAMS,WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVE FRAMS, together with every description of OILY& WORK. 0111.ce and Porte, Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street. apl4M4O ROBINSON, ILEA & CO., Successors to BOBLVIKIX. MINIS a XlSSZlirai WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, • Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam Su gSin es t Bl , a C s t Engines,B M e Machinery. Gearing, h dhs,_Bl ng and ll he d t c a WorkolTanks ce, No. LI, corner First and Smithlield Bt fan. Ag • nts for o ilers. PATENT INJECTOR for le • • • Boller,. jallirS2 THOMAS CARLIN & CO., 6' Fourth W kiloundry and !Lachine Works, BANDLIBMP ALLIAKIIMP OITY, PA., Manufacturers of tAllon sry and Portable Stearn auguss, Los .eres. )3haftiso;„ Orbit and law It Work, • Iliac. Mill and Machine. eastingg, Grate ßUS, "eights, Wa,p_ts Boxes,. in. Build to order and b ye MI liana =rines oi all flies. 'nets:ob. CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL W , NKS 880 , Penn treet. BOLLMAII, BOYD & mullions, MD. Castings, 801 l Lathes. & DIAMOND OIL WORELS, H. M. LONG & CO., Office, DLLZELI; BUILDING. fen Dagnesne Way, Pittsburgh, Pa. WAIONG - AND BUNG, Oomadsidcni Merehants and Broken la Petroleum and ' its Products, DWELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY. ruiLAD=rsiL ATIDBZBB, Boom 17, MoMber of Commerce, ni BovrilzirD BiREZT. spiD E Vela:* BROTHERS, COPH ISSION x NE CHARTS . AND IilL&LI88 IN Petroleum and its Products, s . ..... . rittainrElLosee—TiAisans. =wore, comer of LuqUenle Way sad Irwin Med& - Philadelphia 0110-IST WALNUT ST. aal:wao ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. REHM= W. C. THYDDLE, MANHIACTDBILB Oli Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. Eallpso Railroad Aide OIL ~ Stands great heit withbut change; remains limpid at lowest to Special OH for tropical OUntatea or hot weather. Looomotlve,Englae, Machllie Shop, Will out Screws:\ Saar.llllll.aad Planing XiII 0114, - ~, ' -Adtateillorbigr (peed. ' 1 Spindle 011, Wool. Ilead•Lighs oll, oil, Tanners' Stuff. Bousale, Ing&frioishiraii OR, Gaaolino, litaruela 011, IPar \ ratUne. ARMOR VARNISH, to preserve Bright Iron Work and Machinery from Aust.\ These products are mangactured under Dr. Twegdie , s patent by iinpergeated Steam in Vac cuo. Ibe Bubxicating Uills are almost odorless, perfectly pure, ['Mom and mostly \ light Cot. ored, sten d a high temperature unchang= !vant' limpid during extreine cold. The Ohs arertinequalled, and are in constant `use on many of to e principal Railroads. Samplea can be ezmined and orders left at 174 WOOD wr az m. Works at Sharpshurg Bridge. _22. :!2J le;zV-i HOLMES, BELL es CO., ' ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, swarms: 40CD, 1 if 4115 our. errrisisicraGn. FINANCIAL. i , ERICAI BANK, NO. 80 FOURTH .AVENUE, PITII3I3I7RGE. CASH CAPITAL • • • • • $200.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. . liANIK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD W. FLOYD, President. - ' Cashier. nInaCTOML Thos. M. Marshall, - 1 John M. Martiand, Wm. T. Shannon, I Archibald Wallace, James, W. Arrott, • ! Jae. D. Kelly, Chas. B. Leech, I Wm. Floyd. John Floyd, 1 This Bank is now tally organised and prepared to do a general Banking business. Okla - FIFTH AVENUR BANK Of Pittsburgh, Is now open for Discount, Deposit and General Baaktng BlllllleBll4 at 195 FIFTH AVENUE. Any an receited from One Dollar upwards. Interest at the rate of Biz per cent. paid on time deposits. • tmacToss: ED. DITHRIDGE, W. P. WHYMAN, W. R. RMS. FRANK hIEBERT, W. O. ROBERTSON, IDE.ARY ME O Y R IN, DAN. KINZER. th _ O 31ABBTEL. D. DITHRIDOE, President. F. V. SCHENCK, Cashier. jy10:198 HART, CAUGHEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, corner Third and Woad Streets, Pr1T53311711.4211, arUCCMORiTO HAPAX. EAST • C0..1 mew= IX Exchange, Coin, Coupons, had particular attention e road to the oarehase awl sal -GOVERNMENT BONDS. Biala Drafts on 'London. inyian 1 1 Z' HOLMES & SONS, .A.l • 57 Market Street, Prr'TTS33Viten, Pd Collections made on all the wincing Pointe Of the United States end Osnades. Stocks,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON 00XKLBSION. Particular attention Dud to the purchase and sale of lirj o Llted States Seourities. JAY COOKE & CO., 33a,ials-erost, • 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PBILLDELPNIL. STOOLS and BONDS of all descriptions bought and sold. Special attention given to the purchase and sale of Government Securities. NAM CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. osrsr.“.. smooth STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. INTEREST' PAID ON DEPOSITS. POREIGN EXCHANGE - Bought and sold, and when desired remitted to, Europe. Colleetions Amide on all the principal Points of the United States and Canada. Dog:mica litatazz‘Tresident. JANZIS SICOABZ, Vice President. JOHNS. ttonmxacr. Cashier. Dutscroas. • D. Ibmsett,James McCabe, Thomas Bourke, John Savage, J. Dunievy, Jr., Terence Campbell, Patrick- Kans. James Chas. B. Barr, - JnOaros.Hermann. Thomas Barnes, Hugh eating. jel:ks UPHOLSTERY. HOLTELiIf 'a WIEDEBAOLD. No. 100 Third Avenue, Upholster* and , Graleni in Curtain Goods, Direct the attention , of their friends and the pubis to their fine* assorted stock of Lace and Nottingham cartel= Vestibule Laces. Damask Reps. F erry's Mexican cloth Batin;Delanes, (lilt Cornices, Gut 1111 d Walnut Mouldings,. Spring Beds of unperior make, Ram ?detrains (pure white hair.) Pillows. Bolsters, and everything pert. lultut to a first.clam bed. The latest Paris and - Berlin designs for Draperies atthe 'um:mutton or their customers. Pure white - Eastern lihow Feathers Aiwa's or. hand. HOLTZMAN' dr, WIRDEHHOLD. NO. 100 THIRD AVENUE. mild% : • SUMMER RESORTS. CRESS& SPRIN GS.. Ti•ls Fayorlte Sommer Resort, • . Sitnited on . the Summit of the * ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS, 2,2100 FEET ABOVE THE LEVEL OF THE cEA, will be open for tbo re. °option of guests on the 18th oay of JUNE. Thu buildings' connected wlththe establishment have been entirely renovated and newly furnish ed. Excursion Tlt kets sold by the Pennsylvania go oda PldlAdtlybla, Harrisburg and Pitts burgh, for tip. Baum " All _ train , stop at BENT.I 14 F TVO r URiNfIo S m ED ti C , TadAesESFOB GEO Vtf. ; IItULLIN, Proprietor, CI moon Springs, Cambria rmanty. Pa. MEJ kilial• p : ' RS. • TIEGEL,' e • \(Lotatuttersith W. HessentuSse.) 111:13 T TA41407 3 0 • No. 53 Smithfield Streei.Pittsburgh. semv2l \ NreW *RING 000 pg• • splendid new stock of CLOrlis, 6,*pifEßEß , iji l4 6 :ci atershaat Mori 111,1110 644 Wadi FINANCIAL. • NOLON/J,,,,WANINN GOL D , SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at Highest Priccs. PH. A. 11F4RTZ, Banker Cor. Wood and Fifth Streets. my 6 stoJAMES TB DRAM 00 4 • i (inecessors oS. JONES i C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts, .3B .43t. 3r." 319, BUY AND SELL ALL ILIN DS 01 GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, • ON MOST lAVORABLE TERMS. lir Interest Allowed on Deposits. Nr Money loaned on Government Bonds at lowest market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and WILD. JAMES T. BRADT & CO. GOVERNMENT BONDS We will register ell kinds of Governinent rol i tit i :s i g e uil f tr arge. st.lt t gft , s T o r s r s s . g r ie d ride c r uo t JAMES T. BRADY & CO., Dealers In Government Bonds, con. rota.= & WOOD STS. say111:1115 tts littAutgij Gaidtt. FINANCE AND TRADE. re, OFFIale or PITTSBURGH GAIDITTE, FRIDAY, Angus 6, 1869. The Cable dispatches shoW a decline of American bonds in Europe, in conse quence of which gold became stronger, andlarger purchases were made in antici pation of a rise. The decline of gold a few daysstro was mainly based on better reports from Frankfort concerning the gradual absorbtion of our bonds held there on speculative account. The over speculation at the money centres of Europe in tile comparatively worth less securities of some of the European monarchs has opened a new geld for our bonds. In Austria, and especially Vienna, large purchases are made for permanent investment and on specu lation. A. sudden decline in the bonds would increase specie shipments and tend to a firmer rate for exchange and gold. Government bonds are dull and lower, especially for 1E65 and 1868, which suffered a decline of % per cent. yes terday. Bonds are now more freely offered and there is a general desire to exchange the present high,,,prid gov ernment bonds for some - other securi ties offering equally secure invest ment. This has directed attention to the Union Pacific Railroad bonds, which bear the same interest as government bonds, and are almost as secure, if not more so. Gold interest bonds • have so far had the preference, but it all that class of securities are run up rapidly, people will naturally turn their attention to muncipal bonds and like invest ments. The success with ' which these securities meet in the bands of compe tent agents, has encouraged enterprises of that kind, and, if all who are dispos ed to invest , will have fall choice by glancing over some of the circulars sent out by interested par ties. Stocks are stronger and higher, and a fair huffiness is promised for the be ginning of the cooler season, on account of the easy money market caused by the laxge disbursements by the govern ment. Money not much in demand, at from Bto 10 per cent., but business requires only a limited amount of borrowed capi tal. Quotations as received by Ph. R. Meru Gold, 136%: Silver, 130; Eighty one's, 124%; Five Twenties, 1862, 125; do 1884, 123%; do 1865, 123%; do 1865, Consols, 122%; do 1867. 322%; do 1868, 122%; Ten Forties, 116; New York Central, 208%; Erie, —; Readine 97; Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne - & Chicago Railroad, 53%; Ohio & Misissippi, 32%; Michigan southern, 108%; Cleve land & Pittsburgh, 107%; Chicago & Rock Island, . 116%; Chicago dr North Western, 88%; Chicago & North Western Preferred, 97%; Adams Express Com pany, 59%; Merchants Union - Express, 10; . Pacific Mail, 84; Western Union Telegraph Company, 38%; Ant. W. Ex press, 41. sixenANsix, Large. Sma ll . London, per £ 56,78 56,85 Paris. per franc 27% _ 28% Berlin, theft:lr 99 1 4 1,01. Frankfort, florins 58 1 34 59% —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold, 136%; United States Sixes, 1881, 124%; Five-Twenties, 1862, 125; do. 1864,123%; do. 1865, 128%; Ten-Forties, 116: Five-Twenties. Janu ary and July, 1865, 1221.; do. do. 1867, 122%; do. do. 1868, 122%: Due Com pounds, 119; Union Pacific Railroad, 8834; Central do, do.. 99; Cy. Pacific, 111%; Lake Superiors, 96. (sr Telegraph to the Flttaburgh Gazette.) NEW Yank. August 6, 1869. Money easy at 5@7 on call loans— chiefly 6. The demand is very mod erate.. Sterling dull at 9%@10%. The engagements of specie for to morrow per European steamers amount to . 8464,000. Gold dull; opened st 186%, fell to 138, and closed at 136%. Carrying rates 4§6 per cent. Clearances 552,000,000. . ' Governments quiet but cloSed, steady: Oofiiins of 'Bl9 12 4 ,4 125 : dO. '62i i2s@ lifpg: do. 111; 1.2k1i11iL 1 416 .dox, V, ..42596 .123 V do. now, 113)(41122%; do. '67, 1223,4(0122%; do. 68,1221/.1(4)122%; 10-40'l 115%@)116; Pacifica. 111%@ 111 %. State bonds firm but quiet; Missouris 87%; old Tennessees 62%; new 55%: old Virginias 57%; new 6035; old North Caro linas 5634; new 51%,. • Stock market strong on entire list and generally higher: business more evenly distributed than in the morning. New York Central was the feature of the New York roads and rose to 210. The specu lation in western shares was quite ant -Mated in Michigan Southern, North -- Western, Rock Island.and St. Paul. The rise in Michigan Souhern caused the failure of a small operator on the "bear" side and 1,200 shares were bought in for his account. Michigan Southern sold as high as 110, and Rock Island 117 1 + . The market closedsteady. Five-Thirty Prices: Canton, 59%; Cum berland, 34%; Western Union Telegraph, 38%; Quicksilver. 15%; Mariposa, 7%; do. preferred, 1434; Pacific Mail, 85 1 /,; Adams Express, 69%; Wells 203,; American, 41; United States, 6735; Mer chants Union, 10: New York Central, 20934; Harlem, 164: Hudson, 183; Read ing 97%; Erie, 28%: do. preferred, 55; Mitligan Central, 13230; Michigan South ern, 109%; Illinois Central, 14135: Pitts btirgh, 107% ; Northwestern, 90; do. preferred, 97%, Cleveland, Colutnbus and Cincinnati, 4; Rock Island, 116%; St. Paul, 83 1 ,; do. preferred; 91; Wabash, 74%; do. preferred, 80; Fort Wayne, 153%; Terre Haute, 34; do. preferred, 58%; Chicago and Alton, 164; Ohio and Mis sissippi, 33%; St. Joe, 126%; do. preferred, 125%; Hartford and Erie, 21. Mining shares - dull: Smith Jr Parmlee, 285. Copper Stocks at Boston: Copper Falls, 3; Franklin, 12; Quincy, 23. Balance in Sub -Treasury, $94,872,552. PITTSBURGH MARKETS. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH aIZETTE, t FaIDAT, August , 1869. The markets in a general way, are de void of anything new or really import ant. The weather continues cool and pleasant and all that could possibly be desired for the transaction of out door business, and if it continues for another week, the crops in this, as well as other States. will have been safely and fully secured. Nor is the fine weather , confined to • this section of country alone. A letter from Wisconsin to a gentleman of this te city, reports that • there had_ not t been a drop of rain for two weeks. ' A coriespOndent writing from 'Oshkosh, Wisconsin, to the Chicago journal, under date of July Slat, says: Ten days and no rain to speak of. Farmers are getting in their • crops rapidly. The bay crop is the heaviest we have had for a number of years. The wheat crops look splendid, • : and the indications are that we shall have a large yield. Indeed, the advices from all quarters are very favorable and encouraging, and the croakers in regard to the crops will • soon have to subside, and as there will • be a large surplus of both grain and flour, it is to be hoped that there will be a good foreign demand, and it is al together likely there will be. AFFIX:S-4n good supply and dull, and we now quote at - 13@4 per bbl. BERRIES—SaIes of Blackberries at 58@8 per oase, as to quality and condi tion, and Huckelberries at 55 per bush. BUTTER—Is in steady demand, with sales at 20@25 for fair to choice. BEANS—SaIes at 151,75®2. 'BROOMS—Quoted as follows: No. 5 $6,50; No; 4 58; No. 3 55, No. 2 plain, • 54,50, and market firm. CHEESE—In good supply and dull, but unchanged. CEMENT—Johnstown Hydraulic Ce- Ment is quoted at 52,25 per bol. CARBON OlL—Standard brands may be quoted at 28 for 50 or 100 bbl lots and 30 in a retail way. DRIED FRUIT--Little or no demand and the season is about over. EGGS—DaiI; sales at 17@18. FEATHERS—DuII; quoted at So®Bs cents to the trade, and the usual advance for small lots in store. - FLOUR—There is nothing really new or important in the flour market worthy of special notice; the demand continues light while prices are unchanged, choice Spring Wheat being quoted higher than Winter Wheat brands. The former is quoted at 57.00 to 7,50©7,75, and the lat ter at 57,00@7,50—e0me very good Win ter Wheat brands being offered to the ,rade at 57,00. - GRAIN—SaIe 1 car new Wheat—half red and half white, at 51,35; prune old Red is in demand at 11,40. Oats dull but unchanged; may : be quoted at 65@66 on i wharf and -track and 68(4)70 in store. Corn,is quiet though the supply is lim- f, ited, and prices unchanged. Rye is dull with, sales of small lots to =lye . at 51,10 Allegheny - - • --- - - HA.Y—The A market was bet- 1 ttr today, under the influence of dimin ished receipts; sales of 60 loads reported •-• • at 517 to 520.20, as to quality and condi- -; - tion. . HEMT—Tery dull; 5205 Per ton. HIISKS—SaIes at 2%@3 cts per pound. ImArr.--White Lime is quoted •at 11,50, and Cleveland at /2,50, per bbl..' , I: LARD' OILF. Sellers . & g kl. quote r Extra No. 1, at 1,44, and No. 2, at 11,05. :, POULTRY--Sales of spring chick- ens, at 60@65 per pair. 12 POTATOES-Dull; small sales at 51,50 -. (311,16 per bbl. PEACHES—Were rather tenor to-day, -, owing to , the diminished receipts, and -.--:! prices'are a shade higher, we now quote . '.; at 11,75@2,00 NS—Firmper bushel. FROVISIO with good job- .'; bing demand. Shoulders, a 1534@)15%; '', Ribbed Sides, 1834, Clear do 1934; Sugar .. Cured Hams, 2334@)24 and Breakfast ,-: Bacon, 2234. Lard, .20 in tierces, and 21 in buckets. Dried Beef 2234. mess Pork, 0 3 11.. PEANUTS—SaIes, at 1234. • -. SALT—Allegheny River . brands are ~ quoted. by the car load, I,.at 11,75@)30. '. TALLOW—Rendered quoted at 1034. TOMATOES-11,75@2 per bushel. .. Live Stock Markets. NET? Yomr, August 6.—There is 11 - ,; , :z lighter run of stock and the cold weathesi - helped the markets. Only 950 Cattle ar rived today; they were of ordinary or , medium quality and were ! sold at 12® = 16e per pound; the old loth have all been closed out and an advance of y;®;443 is quoted. Of the haexander- cattle, 50 Tex- i s ens, cwt, brought 13c; 320' Illinois, 6%. out, - 14@15c, and 100 of 7 cwt at 150 average, the top reaching I !' 16c. Sheep; receipts 4,600, and ail selling; the market is quicker but at the old rates, a hard lot of State Sheep selling at 4 1 4 e; a- car of eighty z• pounds sheep at 5%e; two ears Ohio of 75 pounds at Sc, and 2 oars of 86 - pounds at 6Xc. No very fat sheep were on sale. A ear of 46 pounds Pennsylvania lambs sold at 7c; a lot of Canadas of 60 pounds at 834 e and some State lambs, same !I , weight,'at9o. Hogs are scarcely as firm, a few sales being at about 12y,,c for dressed. Receipts 3,400. Three ears linola of two hundred pounds brought 10340 alive. •cmcado, August 6.—Cattle dull and„: l inactive; sales at 04.50,35,35.,f0r common. !i ;to gaol cows and 1410 etetalst 4 (§)7Xfor fair to good shipping steers. Hogs dial and 10®15a. llovrqrsaleta at $ 8 ,76449,25 for fair to inedinni; W,10(0,76' for goad to chola% , a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers