S. CITY AND 811BURBAN. 121011=1 THE Gezuwit tie furnished in, the city the eix days of the week for 15 cents per week ; all mai, Riper annum 3 17208., la. Throwing Stones.—George Rinerniiler was arrested ymerday evening on Fifth avenue, charged with , throwing. a stone through the window of Putnam & Co's establishment on Fifth avenue. A friend:deposited $125 tor his aPPearillice this morning - and he was released. - Wants Debyed.—The trains on the West Pennsyilvania Railroad were de layed overt ee hours yesterday after noon,. in' co ne quence of an accident at Freeport. The locomotive attached to a freight train' it appears, jumped the track,. which 'Caused the detention. . That Decision.— Alderman Neeper, ,yesterday delivered his decision in the case against John Herman, charged with following worldly employment on Sun day. 'He decided that the man was guilty and itiposed the fine of 825 and costs. We presume the case will be taken to a higher court, New Wheat.—Blessrs. R. T. Kennedy & Co., the well _known and respectable flour dealers. have furnished us with a sample of new wheat, from which they today supply their customers with fresh flour made from It. The wheat is re. markably gocid; and we flare say, the flour frOm the popular' mills will be "eag.,. erly sought after. Michael Munich, en gaged in a row in a beer ninon in the Seventh ward, Allegheny, Thursday evening. He was arrested and lined by Mayor Drum live dollars for disorderly A similar" finß Wisbn - posed rilion. Fred. Ballas, for creating a disturbance on • CheatUut street, Allegheny., • Wife Whipper.—Charles Baughtonn, while intoxicated; Thursday evening, en deavored to entertain himself by whip !Anglia wife, and smashing the farni turennd windows in hie dwelling on Jackson street. The police interfered with his diversion, and lodged him in the kick-tip. Yesterday morning Mayor Drumfmed him 610 and costs. A Pleasant Excurslon.—On Thurs day the Sabbath School .counect ed with the Fifth United Presby terian Church, Rev. S. Reed, pastor. made its annual excursion to Baum's Grove, on, the Fenronlvania Rai/road. The children, teachera and accompany ing friends, numbered about five hun dred, and all enjoyed an exceedingly Pleasant day and evening. Blown Down.—Dating the high wind yesterday, a large tree on Beaver street, near.the First Christian Church,, was bloinfdii;wn.` . _ A portion of the. scadoldingin the new . Itildings,nn the north east side.of the Diamond, was also carried off. ',Di all parts of the cities, scatTilding, sign boards, and trees, scattered promisenosly abotit,.gave evidence of the force of the I blast. • .• • . Coroner's Inquest.—Coronor Clawson •• yesterday held. an Inquest on the, body of John Morirson,who died of sunstroke, in Indiana towuship,near Hamar station, on the Western Ponniylvania Railread, on Thursday evening.' DeeeaSed was - about platy years of age, was a native of Ireland, , and bad been a resident of this country about twenty two years. The jury returned verdict, , of ..death, from. sunstroke. ••. • Te Payers.—Tmx payers should rethember that after the 31st of this month 'the deduction of five per cent. will not be made, but the fall amount of taxes will be collected during the month of Angust,and on. mid after', the drat of. SePtember ten percent.Wlll be added to all taxes not paid. Those having taxes to pay will, if they desire to save the five per cent., call on Majoi` Dennfatori. , the' gentlemanly, County Treasurer, during preaent-Month: _ . Goal bi ifiattthi.--The Ribbath,evening 14 , 004%04_0c First ,l'ifethotilisY Ol otrch t Fifth avenne,(near ttie Ga„zArra - offlee,) by the minor.- Reiv.i/i.: Clark, are attract ing very appreciative urldiences. Lieu Sabbath,, evening thdongregatlon. was. quite 'large, notwith ending the heat! i lli Mr. Claxk's subject t o to-morrow even- - ing is` ciWaterathat Might-Have Been." Se treats his themes in a peculiar style, attractiYei..Pppular and suggcstive. The seals are frui6in title eftiticii.. Segars and II obacco..—Dealers and con snmerlof tobacco generally are invited to tali at the well-known establishment of /john Megravn Noi 45 Hand street, where they will find one of the largest /and best seleCtell stocks of labaceo and segars, and sinokers' goods, generally to .be - fonnd in this market. The stock of tobacco embraces all the fancy brands of - Limievitle.and Richmend. as well as an excellent' article of• - Michigan fine cut, and-lals Begat% are equal if not superior to - tinyin the 'city. A visit to the estab. - lishment will convince the most shop -tical, of these facts. The Boulevard Pavement, so generally tinsel in many foreign , and American cities, is now being succeaafally duced,in this community. It is decided ly the'beilf style of pavement ever in vetited,,being Orin, solid, emooth, dura ble and pretty. For garden walkic prom enades and side walks it Is 'vastly supe rior tiarbffickicilliliti or: narble,apresent ing *unbroken ;land 4cOlished Aillrface: Messrs E. M. bicCowW*. Co., office'Nol 65 Ohio street. Ailleghettr, arplatgelyen gaged in; the bpeiness,;.iind ofOnlpst i t* adnahl#4/arms.stitlt doWitthe 40.41A8 Balk; Orders left— g} "'et& - counting room will bp promptly attended to. - • queenswire, }fruit Jars, eke. • messiy- Ki-M. Aler;itt ceiw"et thfrKbi. stone Pottery, have on han d at their ez tetisive , a WarehOttge.:Bo ; No. Liberty, street, large_ and Nils aorta:tent Off tho , feblebrated Keystone ware, which Is equal in point of dam, strength, , tistrityancbdnrability, if Dot superior, to the best imported wares: In wiclitiontOliteli usual stock of queens, ware „they Ituryg I wowlort, 4 hand glarge ismii#o Vint laistf theft Otfnmanufae tura,. which for durability end convini once are equal,..• hi rsiOt suparlor, m any other :jars in 'market rTheyl-retail trot, nerally are invited to cal and their stocker- Run Ov P . '"Pjt ,I!Ctiled. _, ,- xsotencay morning, between eight ant; • ninno'*drealattL wiii i ptiollr p 1 00g ttakii4l. road near that place. when, a- coal train coming toward the city compelled httO to sturrostattO the etheriPtieki, As this instant the Fast Line, going east", came alongt, and ,:befora he bad time to get out at the say, not realizing his dan, ger, on account of his back being toward it, he was knocked depta and nut over, causing Instant deittir:!"The train Was stopped as soon as possible, find the bodes . taken. to his residence StArwin.- -could notlearil his attrue, but Understand, he had a wife and family depending upon ..his labor for support. - bietziire Uideithe Ittvenue iawa. 2, • - Cotlector Davis yesterday seized twenty barrels of whisky. which had been ship ped by Mills, Johnson & Co., of Cincin nati, to parties in this city, on account of some informality or violation of the rev enue laws in bianding. Fifteen barrels were consigned to a German on'Penn street, and were found on his premises. having been removed from the depot. The remaining five which were conaign ed to Mr Kellar, of Allegheny city, had not been delivered, and were still at the depot. , • In - searching for the whisky he made another and more important diicovery, which led to the seizure of twenty-three barrels of 'vinegar, shipped by George Engelke, No, 214 South Fifth street, Co lumbus, Ohio, as follows: 3 barrels to James Connor, Liberty street; 7 barrels to Voigt & Mahood. Liberty street; 3 bar relit to Haworth & Co., and the remaining 10 to P. Duff & Son. Toe two former lots hdd been delivered, and the others were found in the car at the depot. The seizure was made on account of a viola tion of the law, which prohibits the use of packages or barrels a secona time with out the stamp and brand having been entirely erased or removed. The barrels containing this lot of vinegar, it appeared from the stamps and brand upon them, had at one time contained whisky, . and instead of erasing the stamp as the law requires. it bad msrely been . covered with a blue wash or paint which Was . easily rubbed off.. The penalty Ibr this violation of the law is one. of the most severe that it imposes. The party ship ping is liable to a fine 0f,1300 and condo. cation of the property, and the carrier is anti/land 3 •elnilaillifiiic — Caron other means of transportation• carrying the same is liable to seizure. Alleged Disorderly House. Yesterday - morning, John G. Barder Made information before Alderman Humbert, against' Chas. B. Stein anct-his wife Barbara Stein, for keeping a disord erly houie on Third avenue. According to John's statement, a few days ago he married a young woman, formerly a do mestic at Stein's, and whom he had known for some time. • Atter the care- ' mony was over, ho 'left his wife at the house for a day or two, bit when he re turned again to bring her away, was re-' fused admittance and ordered fronr about the premises. He endeavored in vain to effect an entrance, and finally,ex prpered beyond measure, instituted the oceedings as stated. ' An officer was provided with a war rant,- and proceeding to the house suc -ceeded in arresting four of the inmates, Will. Stein, Margaretta Yanman, Ella nankam and Mar.Y, the wife of Barder. They were alt, discharged with the ex ception of Mrs. Stein, who was held in the sum of $l,OOO for trial. Stein, the proprietor of the establishment, was Erck • in bed at the time, - but will be compelled to give bail as Boon as he recovers. Margretta Yatunan, after being dis charged, lodged information against Barder for disorderly conduct, alleging that he called her vile names, and charged her with stealing his 'pocket book containing one hundred dollars. The case was heard and resulted in the dismissal of Border, the pn?secutrix paying the costa. _ • • - The Humboldt Centeulal At the meeting of the Committees ap pointed for the purpotie of devising the best manner of Celebrating the Humboldt Centenial, September 14th, 1869, a pro gramme of exercises was adopted, as follows: Thefestivities will be introdu ced on the' evening of the 13th, (Mon day), with a Crand conaertand TubleaUx Vivant; On the day properauesday I.4th, a proiies:sion will be formed at half past eight o'clock A. 31., in Pittsburgh. to pro. ,creed to the Allegheny Park, for the par `pose of laving the corner atone of the Humboldt monument or bust, to be decided upon by the Meesingcalled for Monday evening next. After these ceremonies the procession will proceed to Iron City Park, where a grand mass festival [yolks fort) and "summernight feitival," will be held. A banquet is talked of, .but the Com. mittee has not decided in reference to She feature. The meat meeting will be held Monday evening, July 19th, at Turner Bali, Sixth avenue, to which all persons with out distinction of nationality are invited. Guilty But Drunk. Mary Gardn, who periodically ad journs at the "City Hotel," was con d 'rated to that establishment last evening by one of' its numerous runners. It appears that ,Mary was passing down Ross street in the afternoon, and seeing the door of A. Wilson & Co.'s establish.' meat open, walked in. It happened that there was no person in at the time, and Mary seeing a coat banging on a peg appropriated it and walked out. Shortly after she had taken her departure.with the coat, Mr. Wilson, to whom it be longed;came into the room and looking for- the.-garment discovered-that it -was not where he had left it. HO went to the door and saw Mary a short distance off with the ei yroceedi lsurel alon the seet with the coat on het arm, w h ereupo n be followed her and recovered his property. At this stage of the affair tin officer came along and Mary was taken in charge. Narrow Escape. Last evening, about six oNarock, a cart er attempted to di4ve his vehicle across thei railroad track at the Sandusky street crossing, Allegheny, in front of the Free. port Accommodation, which was just then approaching' .he Depot. Alutbrtn nately, the horse falling to move zaeldly, enough thepart was struck by the bum. per of the /0430MOtiVe and shivered Into splibters. Miraculously the teen made his Escape by jumping out at the ;era of the' vehicle r and the horse was ` saved by the. .giving,..WaY, Pr. tbeitarneas. - which. was literally torn ittom his. bod,r. The animal wagers' badly rristbitared- that he seemed to have . lost the power of motion. and after the train 'bad 'passed stood trembiing,_ alongeido,the Mkck . until be was secured.- "The 'reckless driver was taught a lesson which be will doubtless remember. ys. 'tornado. 5. • There wasesevere wind'stormvassate ,ing the form , of a tornado, at Barmer's Station. on the Western Pennsylvania 1 • Railroad yesterday ., The grain shooks weretorn to pieces arid tho grain. ridst. terA%k•kt,..eeerY Nelrectkur f Attlesivirwe blown down and large forest trees were torn from - heir roots and prostrated. ImMediately after thneto rat a bea v X fall of rain ensued. The samirlgrust :Plielied.OVer th is city about one o'clock P. tr., during which the ' , wind bleW a !perfect hurrioanti.PlThe roof ireas blown from tit Co's bonded warehousefin titePifteenth wa and Smith dr, Friday's di rer gn,at the corner of Penn and=Eleventh etreets, *as blown down. We - heard orno further damagetieing done.. - • MEI r, Th : tpra, SATITIMAX, 4 . ?TIN : 31, ;1,869. iis. ' The IllittuialirOle — iii eti I The hitlttlition-4 - 3601 . 4; better - knoivii4l, the - "Iniortriere, l7 who have taken Upon themselves the task of corn pelling . istrict observance of the Sunday law, held a meeting in Tarner Hall yes terday afternoon, from which, as is their custom, reporters were excluded. Our reporter managed to get the following correct report of the proceedings from one of the protectionists, who holds that the meetings should be public: The Society was called to order by the President. Mr. Pearaon, who stated that a meeting of the tavern keepers, known as the whisky league, which was a branch of the Society, was held at An aerson Hall, Penn street, on Thuraday,j which he regretted to say was poorly at-I tended. He hoped ;those interested would take "a greater interest in the mat ter. The sneaker then referred to the operations of the Society, stating that in formations had been made against two drivers on the-CentrPassenger Rail way, and a driver on t e Oakland road, againat three tavern eepers and one i druggist, for selling kinky, and that one of the railroad cases had been de cided in favor of the protectionists. He recommended that no member of the So ciety make information against any per son without consulting the Society's attorney, who would be at Saenger Hall i every Monday, between the hours of nine and ten o'clock A. ]S., for consults tie'', which was necessary, he said, to avoid prosecution for conspiracy. He further stated that no action for conspir acy would lie against any member of the Society so far under the present law. He thought it the duty of every tavern keeper in the community to aid the Society in a strict enforcement of the Sunday law, and recommended that a subscription paper be circulated among the Citizens favorable to the movement for the purpose of raising funds to carry on the enterprice. . A hat "was then passed through the audience and a collection approximating $250 was taken np, after which the meet ing adjourned, to meet at the call of the President. Sliarpsburg Notes. A correspondent writing from Sharps_ burg, says: Our townsman J. C. Lewis, Esq., of the firm of Lewis, Dalzell st Co., is now in Europe, and Gen. F. H. Collier, wife, daughter and sister,, have gone to the sea shore in pursuit of health. But notwithstanding the absence , of some of our citizens, our* religious interests are not neglected. On Sabbath the 4th instant, forty persons were received into fall membership in the First Methodist Church, underthe, pastoral care of Rev. Coihoner. On the same 'day, the lecture room of the new M. E. Church was opened for divine service, under the direction of Rev. Wood. And on last Sabbath, the Baptist Church, having undergone repairs and improvements, under the direction of Rev. Colwell, was opened for divine ser vice by Rev. Dr. Young, of your city. The Catholics have been as usual, very active, and have held three very pleas ant and enjoyable pio nice. Mortuary Report. Dr. W. Salvely, Phyaician of the Board of Health, reporta the following inter ments in the city of Pittsburgh from July; 4th to. July I.lth, 1569 : ' Dissases—Uninown, 1; Accident, 1; Apoplexy, 1; Asthma,l; Variola, 1; Gas. tritis; I; Debility, 2: erebritis, 2; Peri carditis, 1; Hydrocephalus, 2; Dysentery, 1: Cholera Infanttun, 6; Zolampsia, 2; Whooping Cough, 1; Cerebial Congas. tion, 3; Cerebral Irritation, 1; Scarlet Fever, 2; Tuberculosis, 5; Still Born, 1. Of the above there- weie: Under 1 year, 13; from 1 to 2,5; from 2 to 5,4; froms to 10, 1; from 15 to 20, 2; from 2/4 to 30, 3; from 30 to 40, 4; frOM 60 ±o7o, 2. Males 171 White "34 Total 36 Females....l9 C010red..... 2 Improvement eommeneed. Some time ago we stated the Directors of the St.-Clair Street Suspension Bridge had decided to make a change in the construction of the toll house by placing a large bow window at each Bide facing the streets by which the bridge is sp. proached. Yesterday workmen were en gaged in altering the house on the Abe. gheny side in accordance with the pro. pqsed plan. In addition to these changes the house on the Pittsburgh aide will be removed several feet further back from Duquesne Way. as a portion of It has been found to be encroaching upon the city line. It is also contemplated to lay a new floor on the roadways of the bridge. ALLEGHENY CITY, July 12, 1869. To the People of Allegheny, Pittabufgb and Vicinities.r-Belleving that all of whatsoever creed or complexion ac quiesce in the Divine.beatitude which reads, "Blessed are thc , merciful, for they snail obtain minty." the persons whose names are hereto affixed respectfully in vite the charitable of the three cities find boroughs to convene in mass meeting at Brown's A. M. E. Chapel, corner of Rem; lock and Boyle streets, Allegheny', an next Tuesday evening, July 20, at ,Ty, o'clock, to contribute cash subscriptions for the relief of George W. Ditny, who was recently robbed of 63,000 of bor rowed money by two swindlers, and whose property will be sold unless the borrowed money is returned. Come. friends. or send your, contributions and lend n'helping hand. ' - TRUSTEES OP Bnowzg's A. M. E. CHAPEL _ 1 To Manufacturers add Shippers —L. E.' Suiton,6BMarketstrest; secondstom has , secured the , services of some of the best, Stencil flutters in , the country, and is prepared to furnish, at Short Dance, Stencil Plates, Steel Stamps. ac., of all descriptions. Mr. S. has gained an en ;viable reputation for promptness, and for the superior manner in which alt of his work is' performed. We request, our, readerifwithing any arlid.elnkilline to examine his patterns. . 4 3 Desirable City Property ler Sale. - -The attention of monied men, or. Parties wish .ing safe investments in desirable real estate, situated in the city, la called to the valuable poperty offered for sale In today's; paper,. on rOtkpilse. This prop: arty embracessome •of the' best paying Property in the city, and no sate invest ment can be made. Situated as it Is on two of the - best streets In the city, cap'. Collets will see at once the advantages it offers. k W We Morehead, No. 81 Market street, bag one of, tires attest argon meats of goods to be fount in any Waffler Web. lisbateat In the city. • Pnrobasersewbote• sale or retail. would 'consult tbelr Inter-, este by engraining his stock. Aa Yeitr,Ofeeki . for Marvin's Crack ent, Moults, Bread; SARIN!, - ti.irettthloir in'his line la kept py all ilrat•elaaa grocery atote& Ask for them tied take stone Otker. r n iletidieti, 611 at Moettead's for bargains a choice trimmings, laces, fancy dry gr_mds, etc. Remember the place, No. 81 NOM Anlnterest:ft EienL A. novel and meat - interesting festive rettnion,,gratifying and creditable alike . ... . . to the employerit and the em ploed, took place at Steinway Hall, New. York,, on Saturday last, when the workmen of Messrs. Steinway & Sons, numbering over seven hundred men, assembled in the hail, accompanied by a band , of , thirty performers, to comm,em orate the fact that piandforte num ber twenty thousand of the firm's . make had been completed, on which oc• casion they were to be the recipients of a magnificent banner, presented to them by Messrs Steinway A ns. The ban ner, a rich and elabora masterpiece of artistic skill, was . det geed by Mr. Henry Reca, the celebrated decorator of l s Steinway Hall, and the work of art was completed by Mrs. Francisca Klein; it was presented to the workmen with appropri. I ate remarks by Mr. Theodore Steinway, and enthusiastically received by them. Mr.Bnrkard responded on theirjbehalf in an able speech. An address was made by Mr. Abercrombie, who has been with the firm since they commenced business, who gave a brief history of the firm of Steinway dr, Sons, exhibiting hew, from an humble commencement seventeen years age, when they manufacured bat one piano weekly, the firm had within that comparatively brief space of time, solely through the excellence of, their Protltti3tlOns and , skillful emanagement, attained their present eminent position, namely, that of having the moat perfect ly arranged and extensive establishment in the world, regularly employing up ward of seven hundred Skilled workmen, and turning - 6d' to' reair than treaty?? grand, square and upright pianos weekly, which are sent to all parts of the civilized world. The business of the firm, ex ceeding in magnitude that Of the twelve largest piano forte manufacturers in New York combined, as shown by the pub-,, honed sworn internal revenue returns. Mr. William Steinway responded on` behalf of the firm in a terse and appro priate speech, on the conclusion of which the procession formed, arid, headed by the band, , marched down - Broadway, through Broome street, and down the Bowery to' the foot of Market street, whence a boat conveyed them to the grounds of their grand picnic at Jones' Wood, where the rest of the day was most agreeably spent in social enjoy-. meet with their families. The proces sion was well arranged and imposing in, appearance, and created a marked sea; Elation writ passed through the several streets in its route; aud the whole affair, which was conducted with enthusiasm on all sides, was equally creditable to the Messrs. Steinway and their employes. Great Reduction for Cash Only. . • Owing to the - death of the senior mem ber' of the firm, and the necessity of set. tlinithe estate immediately, we propose to make a great redaction in the prices of our entire stook .of dry goods, corn• rnencing the sale op - Monday, July 19th, and continuing until the first day of Au. gust. Many of the goods will be sold at much less than cost, and will comprise fall and winter, as well as summer goods. Those desirous of obtaining some of the grecifeet. bdtgains eter . offered. In dry goods should not neglect ttda sale at the storerooms of J. W. Barker dr 69 Market street and 20 Sixth . (formerly Si, Clair) street. J. W. BARKER, Jll, Administrator. Another Wonder or the Age We have been ahowu a newly-invented artiole,"- which is enough to make 'us think that the days of wonder 'are not yet gone—allilk which whitens the skin in a . wonderful and pleasing manner. Ladles using it exclaim: "How soft and white it leaves the skin!" "As long as I can get it I'll never use powder!" ".How delightfuky cooling in suinmer!" This'exquisite beautifier is known as Milk of Violets. Sold by all druggists and fancy goods dealers. V. W. &wok erhoff, N. Y., general agent. The best and Original Tonic of iron Phosphorus and Calisaya, known as Caswell, Mack & Co's Ferro Phospho rated Earl; of Callsaya Bark. The Iron restores color to the blood, the Phospho- rus renews waste of the nerve tissue, and the Caliraya gives a natural healthful tone to the digestive organs, thereby curing dyspepsia in its various forms, Wakefulness, General Debility and De pression of Spirits. Manufactured only by Caswell, Hazard a Co.. New York. Sold by all druggists.' a For Sale at all Grocery Stores. Marvin's Crackers, Marvin's Jubilee Cakes, • Marvin's Milk Biscuits, Marvin's Manilla Jumbles, - Marvin's Ginger Cakes, _ Marvin's Toast Thscuits. Everything in the bakery limit that you want for • family use. Ask for Marvin's. Marvin's store is No. 91 LI berty street. Wholesale and retail trade supplied at the lowest cash rates. The Centriental.—Mr. Holtzheimer's Continental DluingtEialoon. Fifth avenue, one door west of the Postoffice, is the lead ing establishment of the kind in the city. This fact is well known to our citizens generally, and we make the announce ment for the benefit of strangers and trav eller+ who will Lind the dinners at the Continental prepared In the best style of the art and served to suit their tastes. Mr. W. W. Moorhead, No. 81 Market street, is always ahead of the times in the selection of his goods. Ho is a con-, stmt purehaitei'hindiel4 'Avhitti. is ren- dered necessary by the rapidity with which his goods are disposed o 1 Hence purchasers always have the benefit of so* looting from the latest attractions. Deliciona—We can imagine nothing more delicious than one of eirlielmer's dinners at this season of the yaw. Any persons having doubts as to thts - matter, can have them removed by calling at the Continental Dining Rooms, Fifth avenue,' next door to the Postotlice, and ordering a dinner.. Choice Masi of se Mantles,' Tido Dress Goodell: Mourning Goode, JapanesP Silks, • • ' ' Ladies' Under•gartnents. • Bates *t Bell, 21 Mb avenue. `• The fleefißUitars Hall in la` :licitel Boston, 18 that of the A 111111a1CAN Bousx. Guests will and that every provision has been made for their needs and pleasures while sojourning in this favorite hotel. We ell admire aark andni v cesy bead oT Yseli. a6B by ilaingthd Lllimainan" , soon ,have the soft and. wavyAresses of youth. , Try it by all 'means, and see what , wonderful ffectsit will produce. The Nate Al : jos , :Whiter lame, Cal cined Plaster, Ha, Cement. is at f•;icei` ' 0090 y a 9mitbeteld,street t • , • sirthded P. worttrens doilar, 01 0 * , _ Ing,ont at 50 cents. 3.; 52. Burchfield a; co, No. 62 st..o)aft , r4rOs. • • • • - t • ; • Plating at Now eixtb pm*. The NW Novels fbr Pale by John" Pittock, Beekeeper, Stationer and Newsdealer, opposite Pustoftice, Pitta. burgh, Par. - Sent by mail, postage prepaid, to any part of the United States, or. receipt of the price. _ Thackerars Novels. Cheap edition. Illustrated by the author. Vanity Fair; with illustrations; Bvo, paper. 50 cents. TherVirginians; with illustrations; Bvo, paper, 75 cents. The Newcomes; with illustrations; Bvo, paper, 75 cents, Reade's Novels. Cheap edition. Hard Cash; illustrated; Bvo, paper, 85 cents. Griffith Gaunt; illustrated; Bvo, paper, 25 cents. Never Too Late to Mend; Bvo, paper, 35 cents. . Feul Play ; Bvo, paper, 25 cents. (Reade's other Novels to fol. low.) Anthony Trollops's Last Novels. Ptiineas Finn, the Irish Member; Bvo, paper, p 1,25. He Knew He was Right; complete; With 64 illustrations , by, Mar cus Stone;'Bvo, eioth, 61,50. My Daughter Elinor; Bvo, paper, $1,25. That Boy of Norcott's; by Charles Lever; with illustrations; Bvo, paper, 25 cents. For Her Sake; by Frederick W. Rob inson, author of "Carry's Confession„' "Mettle; • A Stray," "Poor Humanity," "No Man's Friend," dtc; with thirty il lustrations; Bvo, paper, 75 cents. Strettoip by Henry Ringelev; Bvo, pa per, 40 cents. Kathleen; by the - author of "Ray inond's Heroine; Bvo,'• paper, 50 cents. , The Sacristan's Household; A Story of LippaDetmold; 8 vo; paper, 75 cents. Cord ,and Creese; by the author of "The Dodge Club;" illustrated; Bvo. pa per, 75 cents. Waite Bedouins and. Bummer Shawls.. Bates tt Bell's. . • Silver Plating at No. 1 Sixth street Marylnts No. is 91 Liberty street. Marvin ,Wholesales and Retails. The Most Perfect AppliesUon of the true Idea of co-operation which has come under our observation is to be- found in the workings of - the Co-operative Life Insurance Company of this city. It asso ciates its patrons in classes with a limited number of members, who as between themselves are co-operators ie an ordi nary sense of a diffused partnership. But the real co-operative relation exist between the Corporate company and these separate classes, and consist in this; If any number of these co-operators make default to their class, the company as.turnes their obligations, makes the payments for them,. and protect itself from loss by a preferreft:claini on their pdlicies; and thus without risk or loss to any save the defaulters themselves, renders perfectly indestructible these mutual associations of self-insurants which have heretofore failed of success only for' want of this co-operation of a responsible company. The whole system is exceed ing simple, safe and economical, and when rightly understood will doubtless be adopted by the most progressive of the old companies. Marvin's No. is 91 Liberty street. Marvin Wholesales and Aetails. _ Japanese stitta.—Recluceet prices, at Bates de Bell's. Wonderful,--Henry W.' Bun, No. 49 West 14th street. while on 'a visit to the West, was attacked ' , with severe illness froth drinking impure water. Life was despaired of; and it was thought that he must die. His wife was immediately sent for, and in a day or two was at his bedside. Having herself seen the flcial results from the use of PLAfcraTroar BirrEPS, she insisted upon their being administered to him, which was done, in quantities prescribed by the attending physician. The result was almost as if by magic, and in oneauslf hour from the time they were given her husband was out of danger,.and by a moderate use of. them three or,four times a day, be was soon able to resume his journey to his home. This is but one case of many thousands that we know of. BLILONOLIA WA .--Superior to /the best Imported airman Cologne, and sold at halt the price. • Every article offered for sale at Moor head's ram* trimming_ store. No. 81 Market street. Is warranted to be as rep resented. No inferior articles are brought into the store, and purchasers can rely upon what they buy at this house. Marvin's No: is 91 Liberty street. marvin Wholesales and Retails. Lama Lace Dimities, In variety, at Bates '& Bell's., Slaver Plating at No. 1 Sixth street. Fifteen Acres, Pennsylvania Avenue.— The fifteen acres on Pennsylvania ave. nue, opposite McFarland's Grove, will be sold on the premises, this afternoon at four o'clock, by A. Mcllwaine, by order of assignees in bankruptcy of -Mi chael (YEfarra. The sale is peremptory. For particulars see auction advertise ment on seventh pare. Holtzheitn erre. —At the Continental Dining . Rooms, on Fifth avenue, one door west of the Postoffice, those who desire to dine In the city can be accom modated in a highly mitisfactory.manner, either as to quality;-quantity, variety or price. Everything in reason that the market affords, will be served to meet. the tastes of the greatest epicures. Notlea—Persons indebted.to the oon earn of J. W. Barker &Cci., are requested to make immediate '•, payment. Ala% parties having claims against the said firm Ptlll please render them previous to ;the let day of August. 7 J. W. BAREEB, JR., - % -Administrator. . • *bawls, trimmings, lane • • gtxtds, fancy articles. and everything appertaining to a first chute irimuding store will be bound id exidless variety, at and coloring at Moorhead% No. 81 Market street. Marvin's-No: Is 91 Liberty street. Marvin Wholesales and Retails Saver Plating at No.l Sixth street. Lozenges of the first quality, viz : Orotam mellow, ginger, lemon, winter- , green. olonapion.• sasaafras, ~ cayenne,, peppermint, musk, pine apple, rose. oon , variation, fruit, liquorice,, 01u. _ mina; , imperial and cough lozenges, at prices to compare with any, at 112 Federal street, Allegheny pity. , (--:- It.. ' ' • Giro: lisAvzs: cenautation Water "A o certain mire fbr Diabetes And all Inseams of tlAp.l3.ld neya.t. For eals by, all Draggling. ~ - - Hermaixi dress• dines' at Bates ft Bell's. - _ • - Kai DI Llbert7 street. ...#1101.12 Whaes*les angitetalls,' " Ceod Artlcles'it i use I Prices.Spiced salmon, spiced oysters, pickled lobsters, tomato soup, • fruit syrups, stuffed pep- Mrs; stuffed mangoes, pickled limes, French mushrooms, finest olive oil, fresh cove oysters,' mixed and plain pickles, chow-ehow, walnuts, cauliflowers, French mustard, walnut and mushroom catsupg, Canton ginger, (dry and in syr up, Worcestershire, Bengel and London club sauces, Bengal chutney, anchovies, shrimps, o c., die. , &,c., at 112 Federal St., Allegheny City. 2t !Remnants of dress goods, silks and poplins and wool goods, cheap at J. M. Burchfield itt Co.'s. Thin Dress Gamic cheap, at Bates d: Bell's. Silver Plating at No. 1 Sixth street. in's No. is 91 Liberty street. Marvin Wholesalim and Retai MARRIED. 11 ORMISON—BUYERS—On Thursday evening, July ltith, at the residenie of the bride's pare ate, 43 Franklin street, by the Rev, D.D., - Xi'. MERRY F. MORRISON and Dikes ANNIE E.. daughter of Alderman Joseph. A. Butler, all of this city. ' UTLEDGE—MONTGOME RY—"Stt Thursday evening, July 15th; by Rev. J. H.Montgomery, of Xenia, Ohio; Mr. W. H. H.MtITLEDGE and . Miss NA.NNIIS P. MOISTEIUMEMY, botb 'orthis city. HAEN—DITTIG!-On Thirsday, July 15th, by Bev, E. Mott, et the resldenCe ortbe brtde's patents, Mr. JOHN T. HAHN and Miss THILIDA DITTIG. allot Pl:taburgh. BRUVVIT — MUItDOCR—..un T eel day, J0,4.15th, as the residence or the britlee Patents, by key. J. B. Blttlnger, Mr.: SAMUEL P. ,BROWN. of Shady Shade, and. Miss LIZZI a MITBDOCE, of DIED. Mc - KIM-0n TM/redeyeJuly 150, 1869, at 10 o'cloet l•OULIA JUL , A , Infant clauge ter of William anti Itaigart t 31cKee. Fun ralfroMtke residence or bar parents, Sio% 200 South avenue, Allegheny city, anis MOEN IN(if /111 h Inst„ at 10 o'cloca. . The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. , . WILSON—On Thursday, 15th Inst., at /035 P."., Mrs. JANI WILSO N. - . • Funeral from her late residence. Lailmer ave nue, East Libertv, THIS APTERNO. N. at 2. o'clocs. Friends of the iamily are rcsPeettull, Invited to attend. Carrirges will leave Salzman & Samson's, corner Seventh avenue and Smith— field street, at .1.2!4 o'clock r. STA/lA—At his residence. near Whiteonm'. Armstrong county. Pa. Err. JOHN 'STARR, in. the 15th year of tits age. 31ILLEu.—On -Thursday att.-=eon. July 15th, RABAT BARlfh.h, Infant pud cf.V. ki. and Bar-. bars P Miller. aged six months. ..ynneral Tilts AFTEENOON, at 3 o'clock, from the residence of his paients,, 22d. ward. The 'thuds of the fatally are rcspectinily Invited to attend. WALLArlii—At his late residence, B irmaxig— ham. .July 15,1869. at It .o'ciock A. 11., 808 BisT WALLA:IB, aged furtT• three years. . Funeral will like pl.ce To-DaY. at 1 0 o'clock• is, from Ida sate residence, Tenth and Bing ham streets. Birmingham. EARLY —On Thursday evening, July vow. at hatf-past nine o'clock, ALMA FLUIte NOE. only onild of ct eurge W. and Alltile Early aged One year sud twenty days. • Funeral Irom the residence of the invents, No. 120 Kim street: JUIV 17th, 1869, at o'clock. The friends of thelamily are respect. . fully invited to attsnd. - UNDERTAKERS ALEX - . Ain EN J , UN KIER TAMER, No. '166 FOURTH ,CRAPES.. Lisburn/41'a. corrrris or all kinds, CRAPES. EILOVE , T., and C. ery description of Ir Far. nisiting Goods turnlstied. Rooms open day ant dent. Hears. sad Carriages furuisnod. Pacrravrass—Rev. Davia If err. /P. 4e17.111. W. Jacobus, D. D., TlioMat Jatlat (`ARLES ,PEEEIr m Es. &. 113/1.• RTAY.E.IIB AND LitTERT STABLE cornet 1 iSAN DUSKY STRKET AND CHDECIE AVICNTIt Allegheny City. where their CLWYD% ROOllB we constantly supplied wits real and imitation HcA ewood. Mahogany and Walnut Corms - , at priceslaryingfroln adk to am. 80. dies prepsred for Lo,rment. Bearsea and Oara daces it..rnisbed:,o winds of Mourning goods. Jr tuduired. MUM fit:ea at all boars, day and nicht. . WATCHES; BECOMING POPULAR. THE UNTIED STATE 4 WATCH . COI HEY & PENDANT WINDING er_9lE3Emei. The' beat watch made, and by fix the =incon venient. Call and examine them as W. G.DTTNSAS.TH'S, 56 FIFTH AVENUE. OPPOSITE MASONIC HALL Je3o . MERCHANT. TAILORS HENRY G. HALE, MEROI][ANT TAILOR, Would respeettelly tufo= hie Mende and Ma public generally, that Ws SPRING STOCK OF GOODS LS NOW COMPLETE, SOLICITING AN EMT CALL, Corner of Penn and Sixth Streets, • HESPENHE.ID & No. 50 SIXTH STREET, (late es. Matra have Just received from the Ease the bewt lot of New Goods fbr Rpring Snits ever brought to the market. The gm warrant to cat and 5: and Make Clothes cheaper and better than an. first-class hoase in Cali (JIM, A new and spies! • din assortment of 08.1511.81115N1817111N15E1. L5O ASOODS are at WI times to be found at tbli basso. Oar litomfbar, Jo. 50 , SIXTH %TUX,. DKUG9,• &e RECIUVEII),per Steamier. V , - GEANDLAILICT: roT AiSSA. 800 • _ OBAIIIILAR EE. BROMIDE 10. TARR/LIU) Ea.., • OBANI/L6R. EF, lODIDE PO 7 Tttiktßl l llli ft tlitAti MBAR EF BROMIDE Al %.11 111110 . E SQUIR s Ott•NULAR OF O ntoN AND QU.NIN SO 04, 84 11' IltrAe.' WWI BULB. r4e. cettEoNeTz Lit rRIA, 10 lbs. Arlo - NXTRA CTN. • BRItE° WNE'S OHLOROUVNE: cK ZLL , eI BIDN BO a r COOALE% As EttocKlCDOUtt bop . • • 11.1.5. • COLdf t , wts.mmirAni); 2,000 as: sa X, SG 1 aaa 10 lb califs, Al • • ' .JOHNSTON. sow/ ACIENB ROE • • - PETEfeEIIIJIRE ` (4I2den) ; SOAP, 17: ' AND . i ritte mentoor 'Preparations. Cor.IIIIIIIFIFLID lfiD - 41b AVENVE. '7. II II GEO. BEAVER,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers