1 El Ckt littoint* daittte Virginia and her New Governor. We are gradually getting et the facts rx regard to the late election in Virginia; and they dieclosesotne remarkable devt.l- opments. Discounting the exnitatioluilof tie victors and the accusations of the van , ,Ruished by their conilictbig emotions, two 'Alen:tents begin to assume prominent shape: L That the majority of the victora f l are ..' ,in hearty accord with the Democ laic .': party of the North, and will use their power, if not checked.by Governor Walk er, to give Virginia to -the Democratic candidate: for President in 1872. IL That the new -Legislature,m posed largely of es-Contederates, will ro ceed to strip the . free - constitution. ust I adopted of all its republican features the moment the State is admitted into the I Union.. We We cannot believe that Colonel Walk . , er, the newly-chosen Governor, will be a party to the first programine, and the i second can be counteracted by General Canby refusing to allow the tnembers of the 'Legislature to qrialify =leas they can take the iron-clad oath., _lt is a question for grave deliberation whether any other cowed 'would be an open' infraction of She acts of reconstruction and would not compel Congas to refllB:3 to admit Vir- But:tile futtiMple wit ifig -be Witeilv Wren of- results, let us...hope, upon the rebel Democracy. It may make sincerity on Mar part profitable. We are not die pnW to telleye that they ate'all dishonest ° in professing to accept. milliersal suffrage. Ilefe, indeed, they present a healthy con trait to their associates in MC/forth. It is a large gain also to, feel that they voted freely for candidates selectee as Reptii4J- - cans, and openly avowing - themselves to be such. And although much intimida• tion and corruption was exercised to se cure the colored vote for Col. Walker, we must ignore the fact that wherever a slave r holder approached his.former "property" f' and asked their suffrages, it was in a re , epecttul and sometimes in an obsequious ; spirit, and always on the plea that he did not ask them to vote for Democratic but for Republican candidates. Yetihere will no doubt be a good deal of "cheating round the board," and many of the old Virginia foxes.will soon etherge into first-class Democratic wolves. , But, as we have said, th ey cannot be If imposters. There are many who will doubtless try to make good R. T. Daniels' 1, dispatch to President Grant on the day . after the election. • Gilbert C. • Walker, thenew Governor, is doubly , bortnd to fulfill his covenants.- Not to mention `the fact that he was ad-, vocated. even by the old secessionists, 4 like Extra Billy Smith, as a Ilepublican, his speech at Richmond on the 7th inst., mid his Monday's visit to President Grant, I seemed to be deliberate prepanstions for _ decided fidelity to his Republican record. One report goes so far as to make him say to the President that he deeply regretted to see his friend, General Roseanne,_ the candidate of the Vallapdigham party in - Ohio, from which it is easy to infer that Golonel Walker never regarded himself as the candidate of the worse than Val- • • landighanuners of Virginia. _ And if these spoken and printed words mean anything they mean an early ups ' ration between Walker, and the rebel Democrats. Be. can do much for Virginia if he will He can get her admitted into the Union by boldly adhering to his record as a "War Democrat," and Iv refusing to assist the ex-rebels in tearing down the , new free Constitution. If he is the "Grant man" lie claims to'bc,let bin stop their war upon Republicans, white and black. Let him invite Immi gration and capital into Virginia by prov ing:that he did not enter this campaign to make Virginia another Maryland or Georgia. This 1$ the way to propitiate Congress and to secure his own enduring tame.--Wathington Letter._ Distinguished Men of Color in France. At the head of the Men of color at the present day celebrated in France, is Alex andre Dumas. He is himself a native of France and the eon of a general. Among literary men who are either negroes or mulattoes are, also, Eugene Chaps, a native of Gandaloupe, a pleasing and re- fined writer, at present the principal editor of the journal La Sport Franeaise; M. Felicien Mallefille, a romancer and dramatist, author of the 'Memoirs de Don -Than Les Sept Enfants de Lara " and a comedy entitled " Le. Cceur et la Dot," which, since 1858, has held a posi tion upon the boards of the Comedier Francaise; M. Auguste Lacansade, a dig tinguished poet, chevalier of the Legion of _Honor, and principal edithr of the Beau/ Ehroileznne, M. Victor, ;Sejour, a native of New . Orleans, a dramatic author' of considerable celebrity, and an officer of the Legion of Honor; M. Melvil Blon court, a most agreeable, pleasing writer, whose articles appear in the Courier du Dimanehe,: the &eels, and the Journal des Econennistes, la _which he has recently published a temarkable article upon Hayti. The founder of the Journal des •Etoks, M. Bloncourt, while still a student, defended the cause .of the enfranchised • slaves against the colonial reaction. M. Bloncourt has recently written for the Biogravlde Univers:mile the lives of ale braced men of color in all Countries. 14 : Alexandra Danis, (the younger), author of the celebrated "Dame aux inellas,""Diane de-Lys," etc., bears evi. :dent Marks of' litt-tirigiii , stidivree; ;Cr.raby, of New. Orleank, is one of the next brilliant advocates of the bar of Parit- ; M.' White; of Cuba, the son of a regress, received the first prize tis a trio. 'lnlet firm the Conservatoire de Musique in,l6M. M. de la Nur., also the posses. sor of a first prize from the Conserva tbireilk s pianist of great skill and In.the French =ay, at Ws time,' are several men of color, among them N. Virgil% an eleve or,the 'Boole Polytctie. vague, Colonel of artillery, and Ch e vali er of the Legion or.lionor;'lli: Lame de - Lance, Captain of cuirassiers; IL Gmuot Mout,Captalnot cousimii M. Bonscaren, Lieutenant in the line; M.. Seville, Lie u: tenant-of fituisare, and Set -mkOsptaia Sk6 `Prim&miry.. The ecolWasft- I pro. talon also conta in s many men of color, some of Ahem' of velebrigl and among these IL Alfred • Labory, , DIAT4PI' of the lireres . de la Doctrine Wireficutti,' of Mom.. mei, and X. Langlurne, missionary to Senegal. • e itrazotoii -is not luirinleasness, = not mctrallt3'inet.fonneWt it tilt wall by faith; that is rer z g 'thought fin feeling, word and not by the vis. Able, but by things ia ble and eternal. WASIMffOIf It seems that Secretary Boutwell made a long speech - in the Cabinet meeting yes. terday, against the Administration giving aid and comfort to the movements of the politicians in Virginia, Missisiippi and Texas, who style themselves "Conserve tiies." He had no faith In the success ful party in. Virginia, and he saw danger ahead to his party it . the 'Adnainistration insisted on countehancing the "Conser vative" or "National Republican" party in Texas and Mississippi. As he under stood it, the party in power is known simply as the "Republican" party, and. unless he was greatly mistaken, the so. called "Conservatives" are the enemies of that party, and did not indorse or support the platform on which President Grant was elected. He thought the Administration owed it to itself and to the party that put it in power to beware of pretenders, and to take no risks in any of the "new movements" which might result in disaster. He thought the position of the Administration toward the "Walker party" in Virginia had been misinterpre ted, and the country had been led .to neve, things which were not true concern the same. He had been in Col32ll3lllllClir lion with prominent leaders of the _Re publican party, both North and South, and found that they had fallen into the error of supposing • that the so-called "Conservatives' of Virginia 'and ether 43outhern States had received the Atli en dorsement of the Administratien l end they seemed Hiatinited ___ trains cautimi, adherence to' the well known principles Of the party of which he and his associates had been se lected as representatives. The result was that it was unanimously_ agreed to have the elections in Mississippi and Texas take place after the falLelections in the Northern States, and as-near the time of the assembling of Congress as is possible. It appears that Judge Dent recently nominated for Governor of Mississippi, by a party of so.called *'Conservative" Republicans, recently called on Secretary Boutwell, for the purpose of securing the influence of the Treasury Depart ment in his behalf during the forthcom ing canvass. The conversation which ensued was decidedly spicy, the Judge insisted that he was a supporter of the Adrainistration, while the Secretary de clared that be could not consistently use the patronage of his Department for the benefit of any political organization not in full accord with the Republican party and the principles embraced in the plat format Chicago, when. Gen.. Grant was nominated. As the interview proceeded the parties became quite earnest, and Mr. Boutwell bluntly told his - visitor to mind his own business, adding that he was capable of controlling the affairs Of the Departmemt without' assistance from outsiders. He added that none but those who supported the Chjcago platform, and were ,willing to support the Fifteenth Amendment, had been appointeil by him to once in Mississippi; and finally dig misied the Judge with the inton:nation that his requests were of no avail. A delegation of Radical Tennessecans have arrived here to urge the Administra tion to take a decided stand in favor of the election of Stokes for Governor bf that State Their efforts will probably be successful. - • It is rum - cored here, on good authority, that Chase will decide in favor of a habeas corpus to release Yerger, the murderer of Crane. In fact, it is believed that this result was settled upon when it was de termined to bring the case before him. This is to be Chase's bid for the Southern vote as Democratic candidate for the Presidency in 1872. Chase is further thought to have inspired the Conserve tive element of Virginia in favor of Walker, and that/he will follow out his plan allover the South. He was ready and willing to take the Democratic nomi tion in 1888. He declares that the Dem ocrats will never succeed until they adopt universal suffrage. This is to be the new Changes to Penniman's Postmasters. The following changes were nude be. tween June 15th and July 3d: Meadow Gap, Huntingdon county—A. K. Green, vice N. K. Covert, resigned. Phcenir, Armstrong county—A. P. Simmons, vice J. M. Hosack, resigned. Kilgore, Venango county—E. Garner, vice Oliver Beach, resigned. Brush Creek. Beaver county—P. H. Baker, vice G. Ronseher, resigned. Lawren'ceburg, Armstrong county— Miss T, Olden, vice J. A. Morgan, re signed. • McCandless, Butler county—William Gibson, vice D. C. Miller, resigned. Connersville, Butler county—H. ' C Lynn, vice B. Waddle, resigned. Atchison, Washington county—Miss S. A. Johnson, vice A. C: Barr, resigned. Irishtown, Mercer county—J. F. Ham mond, vice J. Rreckinridge, resigned. Perrine, Mercer county—D. 'Nelson, vice El. Perrine; declined. Barnbart'a Mills, BUtler county—A. Barnhart, vice'C. Aldlnger, resigned. "PaorassonAntbansox," an "itiner ant" illnelonist, we are informed, was stopping at the Belmont House, in Bel laire, last week, with , his wife (?), and intended to entertain the people •of that town by giving am exhibition of his ac. complishments ha the sleight-othand business. As as inducement to attend he proposed to distribute among his midi tors various prizes, -consisting of bed steads, little pip, arc. Everything was getting on swimatingly, when his •Vother- wife" made her appearance oh the scene. Of come that little circum etanee wrought a'snarvellons.change in the condition of thlpgs," and the "Pre lessor" concluded to A oncentratethe ex hibition into one grand dissolving view. 'This he accomplished.by heating a hasty retreat, leaving the two Mrs. Andersons to arrange their claims to his affections atlheir leisure. . - Air TM" National of the Nethiadists at Pound Lake, N. Y. ' , the supplementary 'Meeting", are, no usual; , well'uttended, and the lady preachers en jOrti'faif Share of public attention. 'My ancient friend of the fluttering (vitas bum ..a .. all day indoln wordy bat tle.against tobacco, rum, ad ul tery, mut, and the other enemies of godliness, and but for' her excessive vehemence would be'a mighty power in bringing over arrant sinners. he unmasked s new battery this melting, and op .-, a hot fire upon ti the sin of r ye racthg. She declites that on the day a races begin at Saratoga she will be the and will not miss the op- Portunlty to make known the will of God on the subject of wagering, bitting, gam bling and otberwise tithing, losing and 1 stealing what should be applied to the decent purposes of life , 1 , 1 1,4r4k , ,,A4 ,A NOTICES. Cam'.' PENNSTLIPAI4IA. fl LL GOAD CO. TREABIIRES:I3 DEPARTMENT,. rBUULDIELVIII4. ADM 2. MIL TO Tynk_im:opicgoj,Diatcs` qtFHp_ PENN. SYLVANis.Iiw LBO D COMwiiT.. AU Stockholders, as registered on the Books of thts 'company on the; 30th day of April. 1869, will be entitled to subscribetor TWENTY-FIVE PEE CENT, of noir respective Interests In New Stock, at par. as Wiwi's: • Arai. Fifty per cent. - at the time of subacrip-' Um, between the 15th day of Bay, 1869, and the 30th day or June, 1889. Seeond. Fifty per cent. between the 15th day of November, 1869. and the 3 Ist'day of Decem ber. 1869; or. if Stockholders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid up at the time of sub• scrfipti on, and each instalment so paid up shell be entitled to a pro rata of the Dividend that may be declared ort tullLshares. Third. That every Stockholder holding less t c li f i four shar.s, shall be entitled to subscribe f r one shaM; and those holding more than mu t lute f ill' four shares shall be entitled to sub. scribe for an additional share. • Fourth. 'AU shares upon which instalments are yet to be paid ander Resolution of May 13, 1858, trill be entitled to their allotment of the ITwenty-tilve per cent, at, par, as though they were paid In hal. I myB:iag THOMAS T. BERTH, Treasurer. IarNOTICE. • CITY TAOIOOII, 1869. . In accordance with Section. Seth Page' oy of City Digest, NOTIOE 113 Imonavir TO THE CITIZENS OF PITTSBURGH, That the assessments for 1489 of City. CRY Building: Special, Poor. Business. City School and Ward School Taxes and City Water Rents have been returned to me for collection. The above taxes are subject to s DEDUCTION CZ FIVE PER CINTUDIIf paid on or before the Fist Day of August, • and TWO PER (Matt* if paid between the FIRST DAY OF AUGUST AND THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER. aa-No deduction will be allowed'on taxes paid between eeptember fifteen th and October first. wan addition of five pe , cent= will be made to all taxes unpaid October tirst,and an additional dye per centum will be added to all taxes re maining unpaid on November first. A J. COCHAAN, crry TREASURF.R, 4th AVENUE. Pm - unman!, July 9.1869. DIVIDENDS. far'DIVIDEND. OFFICE OP TIIB PIPPOBIIRGII GAS CO„ July frith, 1880. The Trustees of the Pittsburgh tits Company have this day declared • dividend of TWO. DOL. LARS AND YlliTY CENTS per share of the Capital Stitt. payable on demand at the orate of the Company. jyl3:mlo W. H. HeCLELLAND. Trees',; arTHE BOARD OF DRUM. 20118 of the NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 23 Diamond, Allegheny, have declared a dividend of TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS per share out of the profits of the last six months, payable on and after the 18th bud. 1y12:m9 JAS. E. STEVENSON. Secretary. OPTICS ARTIZAW'S INSURANCE C O.i. I . rITTINALIEGLI. July IT. ltle arTHE DIRECTORS OF THIS Company base this day declared aftilyi dend of FOUR 'DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS per share, out of the profits of the last six monthi. Lobe credited on tee stock rates. 1,12;m10 J. G. COFFIN, Secretaiy. ar'DIVIDEND.—The Board of Managers of the MONONGAHELA h AV MATION COMPANY have this day declared a elividend of THREE DOLLAits a chafe on the. stock of said Company, payable forthwith to the stbckholderi or fnelr legal rePretelltativet• at the office of said Company. No. 04 DIAMOND n Fuzzy, rittsbn-gb, Detween the hl us of 10 A. M. B.Td AP. M. WILLIAM BANEWELL, Treasurer. rirrauusois. July sib, nap. mass OFFICE OF TAE BEN FRAN/a.xx INairnAscs CoarANy. = • No. 41 Mb; Street. . - ALLEGULNY; PA.. July 6th. 1869. aril= DIRECTORS OF THE BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COM PANY have thle day declared a Dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER SHARE oat of the proem of the last six months, payable In cash on and after WEDNEnDAY. Joly 14th, 1859. GEOMIN D. BID LE. jy8:IPO - ' Seeteta . GrDIVIDEND.—The Prod* 'DENT and Directors or the SIEVING. HAM and Pori tiBUEGLI BRIDGE CO. hate deciarvd a Dividend of ONE DOLLAR and FIFTY CENTS per share out of the eunings of the past six months, parable for . heith. ED WAND MOTE, Treasurer, ,j31:169 183 Libert street. MOICEIANTS ds MA.NITPACTULEWB NAT./Dorn. t Pt a Tr BURGH. Jely 6th. rgEr'Dl VI DEN D.—The Diree 701iS of this Bank have this day deels.ed a divided of FIVE PtCtg CENT. on the capital titoeic. out of Chia prontt of the lastairpouths, p'•yble forthwith. free of all taxes. Jy7:170 ' JOHN SCOTT JR., Cashier. HP7ICR 01 0 WIZ GASH INSURANCE PO., t PITTSBURGH, July 6. 1609. Car DIVIDEND.—The Board of illTeCt ore of this Company have tub. day declared a dtvltlend of ThILEK DOLLARS PVC BMA HE out of the profits of the last six months, payalve on demand - free or Government tax.. dt/SEPH . T. JOHNSTON. tl.cretary. ALLEGHENY NATIONAL BANS. i July 16d. HMV. f tgrTEIX . BOARD OF DIREC TOR 4 orals Bank have thla day declared * unit - amide' dividend •f B'X PER VENT, payable to th. stockholders forthwith free Of all tares. _ -;. 3t. cashier W. MA C K Y. :166 riT7BIII7ROII, darn 3. NATIONAL TRUST 0011P/LIM No. 11$121 ream tit:est. THE DIRECTORS OF THIS - • DANE have declared it Dividend of FIVE PER CMNT,.u; of the prom of the /sat *lx months. payable on or alter the iiith inst.. free of Government 11X. Irs • BOAT. J. DRIER. Cashier. WRIIARTEIILitz-niVID,END. NINO? NATIONAL BANN PITTBStdIOII.I PA.. (late Pittsburgh Trutt tdontihotrf.o., The • Dlre. Ore of this sank have this day de clared a Difidend of Tfilitat MI (MST • on the Capital" Stock. oat 41 the profits of th e three rneatteapayable forthwitit s .free of 'State and Unser unseat Tax. J. D. ROULLY. Casbtar. ..ftna B. 1869. . ty6:lC. Pirreatraoty. Jul 1.3869.• IarTHE MECSIABICS NATION. • AL'I3a.EN. will niair' a dividend of EItIET (8) PER ozrr..lree of taxes. on t . !d after July 13°1 hu t' JEO. . jy2:132, . Cashier. TIIADNONNIIII NATIONAL HANN, YITTSISINOIL July lit. 11,611. I • farDIVIDEND.-MheDisectors of tilt* Bank have ibis day neelaved dividend of PIVX Plra CENT.. Parable on no -12 and. - free et iul tax. • • • • jy2:l2i • eltßint CLARK. Jr.. ()ashler. falk IarTHE DUOS! OF Tills Conlvalry bays thla day dielanid a dbl. dand of 'THREE - C3O PER . CENT. oat .of 'the profits of the last nundha, payable on dee mad, free of V. e. taxi:- wan) MGR EcELRENT, Reoretary. • Otrws ALLsameurr Dog 00117 , 41Nr, r 17 T 8 8M1H.4111 , 1 /eh LBW = DIVIDEND.,— Th e p eed . DENT. Managers and Company,. for erec ting a bridge (Mr sae Alleaheny river. op. o wige pitesbursh.ln the copaty or Alleghelkt, have this day deals:Jae dividend of CNN DOu -1 Aft AND ElIVINTY•111 1 72, ciENTs on eats share of the capital stoelt ot the Company paya ble to stockholders or their inisi rentem a ati ... 7 the Treasurer torthwithi WM 8a1.1317110, Mtn Treasurer. • AA.TURDAY' SPECIAL =Tuna,' OrSCHENCIPS PVL MIMIC STROP. SHAME= TONIC AND MANDRAK2 PILLS will cure Consumptlon. Liver Complaint and Diapepala, if taken accord: lug to directions. They are ail three to be taken at the sometime. They cleanse the stomach. re lax the !Ivor and put itlto work; Met the appetite becomes good; the food digests and makes good blood; the paUent begins to grow in flesh: the diseased matter ripenslnto the lungs, and the patient outgrows tee disease and gets weh. This is the only way to cure consumption. PhTo these three medicines Dr. J. It Schenck, of iladelphia. owes his unrivaled succeas in the treatment of pulmonary Consumption. The Put. manic, Syrup ripens the morbio matter in the lungs,nature throws It off by au ea,y expectora tion. for when the phlegm or matter is ripe a slight cough will throw it off. and the patient has rest and the lungs begin to heal. _ T., do thla, the 'seaweed !ionic and Mandrake PI? must be ir.ely used to cleanse the stomach an liver, so that the fulmonic Syrup and the to,Marill make good blood.' . Schenck's Mandrake Pills act upon the liver, removing all obstructions:relax the u acts of the gall bladder, the bile starts freely, and the liver is soon relieved; the' stools will show what the Pills can do; nothing has ever been Invented ex cept calomel (a deadly po'son wLich Is very don-' gereas to nee uniess with great carea that will unlock the gall bladder and start she secretions Liver iver like Scheack , s Mactirake rills. • Complaint is one of tte asset prominent causes of Consumption. • Schenck's Seaweed Tonic las gentle stlauLant end alterative. and She alkali in the Seaweed, which this preparation is 'made ot, assists the themstoach withw out the gastric Mice to dimly e food he Pnimonic Syrup. and it /8 made into good &oat without fermentatioa Or souring In the stomaca. , -_ . . The great reason why phljitelar s do not cure Consumption is, they ill, to do too much; they give Aealelloato atop til t; cough, to stop chllls,to stint iiiitbi.eweatiktectic fever and by so doing they dcrlinge the whole digestivepowers. look.- alnico sa bat* thrseeretiOna, and eventually the patient ddles. . Dr. Schenck, In his treatmen t ~ does not try to stop a renal', night sweats, chills or fever. Me. move the cootie_ , and array will all stop 'of their own accord. ;No one can be cared of Consump tin. . : Pri vet _ egaplattit. - Dytpepsts, Ca 333111. atom taint? UllardthatirThrollt. unless the liver .and wn SU made healthy. 1 - us - rabor-uctaniniziption. of course the - angaln some way are LilltilHed, either tubercles, *busses bronchial Irritation "Inure. adhesion or the lungs are a mats of inillitmation and fast decaying. In such oases what meat be done? It /P9t.QhlY the butes tnat are wasting. but it la the IMOlii body. The stomach and liver have lost their power to Puke blood oat of fb d. Now trie only chance ts to take Dr. Schenck's three medi cines, which will bring np a tone to the stomas the patient will begin to want food, !twill digest easily and make good blood; then the patient be gins to gain 11111138 h. and as soon as the body be gins to grow, the lungs commence to bell np, and the patient gets dishy and well. This Is tile only way to cure Consumption. When there is no lung disease and only Liver Co m p and Dyspepsia, Schenck ' s Seaweed TZnic and Mandrake Pills are =lndent, without the i•wlipouic ayrup. Take the Mandrake Pills freely i n i vi towns cOmplaints, as they are ner featly harmleil. . .1 - • - - Dr. Schenck, wiui ialj toiy,o AaltArrepted health for =illy years past, anu &fir W hs 223 pounds, was wasted away to a mete eke, ton. in the'very last stage of Pulmonary Cdaschiptlou, hi, phydelens having pronounced his Mr hope less and abandoned lhai to his fate. De war ann:d by the dforehadd me, icines, and since his recove n, many thanksissuis similarly afflicted have used Dr. Schein:Vs preparation with the same re markable Mcrae. full directions accompany each, making it not absolutely necessary to per sonally see Dr. Schenck, unless patients wish their lungs examiited, and !or this purpose he is prefesslosally a e Principal Office, PhUadel phi*, every Oa y , where all letters for advice i ll is must be address He also profess.onaily at No. 33 Bond a: et. New York. every other Toe/May, and at No, 23 Hanover street, Boston., every other Wednesday. He gives advice free, but fors thorough examination with hls ;leapt rometer the price is 05. oa.ce bourn at each Mir from 9 A. Si. to 3'P. 113. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Ton-, is each SI. 3O per bottle. or 21.50 a tall' dozen.. Mandrake Pills 23 cents a box. For sale by all- druggists. znyl9:l2-4 &V . far DOCTOR WEUITIER CON TINUES TO TILitAT ALL PRIVATE DISEASES. That numerous class ot cases resulting from sell- abuse, producing un manliness, nervous denilt y. Irritability, erup tions. seminal emissions, and finally Im potency, permanently cured. Persons ed wl oelicate. Intricate and long stand ing constitutional complaints are poUtelylnvited to call for consultation which costs nothing. Experience, the- best of teaehers. has enaSted him to perfect remedies at once aliment, sate, permanent, and which in most cases can be use d without Itinerante to business. Medicates pre pared in the establishment, which embraces of dee. ramption and waiting rooms; also, boarding sod sleeping apartments for patients requiring daily personal attention, • and lapin and chemi cal baths. this concentrating ghe Aimed mineral springs. No matter who have Miled, state your case. Read what he lapilli his pamphlet of fifty pages, sent Wadi address for two stamps in seal ed enve.ope. Th ousands of cases treated *ann.. ally, at office and all over the eountry L Consul tation tree, rrsonally or by mail. Mee No. 9 Wylie stree (near Conrt.House) Pittsburgh, Pa. Houri A. it. tive P. M. Sundays 19 it. to Ni.r. R. Pamphlet sent to any address for 1300 stomps. , WIELECTRICSTIF AS - A CUBA.. TIVIL-i-Dr. A. H. SIR VENB has been axing Electsielty ass firscLo. Itemstilt in curing chronic IN well as acute COlldil WWI WU:HOOT sisorcure for more than TEN TZARS, with un bounded flumes'. A Pasiriumr, Including all particulars, with Centel:ales and reliable refer. cocci, will be sent to any Inquirer. A tew - furnish. d rooms vacant. for boarding pa 'Dents in the Doctors tateliy. Ltapplied tar soon. Office and residence. 9,00/ ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. • nivill:yß IarBATCHELOWS HAM DIM •••••• ThD rplendid Hair Dye Is the best in the world: the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, rens ble, instantaneous; no disappointment; no dlculoas tints; remedies the 111 effects or bad dyes; litylgorstes and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful. &Loa or bromn. Sold by ail Druggists and Pertam23 rat and properly _applied at Batch*. inrs Wig Psctoiy, .Vn. le Mad street. ew E York. mr2t:JM ay-EIPILEPSY CAN BE CURED —Those havieg Mends addicted ere neatly solicited to send for a Circular Letter ot References and Testimonials, which will con vince the most skeptical of the ctsrafrilifttqf tAe Mmes. !Address Vial BUREN LOCR.ROW. DI. D.,•36 Greet Jones street. New Yon. . nalatii:g2S.ddP WTHE MARRIAGE RING.- EBB aya on AGE . ORS OF YOUTH, and the YOLLIEd ln regard to SOCIAL EVILS. with certain help tor the erring and nn fortunate. gent In sealed letter envelopes,, free of charge. Addre.us. HOWARD Ati.oolaTlON. Box I', Philadelphia, ra. my21:163-dar ASSESSMENTS. ~, IIeoNIVMAJW CrrY Ea wiNitatt , s Oryzest. ALLIMMCNT CUT, PA., July IS, 1889. NOTICE.—The Assessments for Grading and Pay ng of ALLEGHENY AVENUE, FrOeS Western to South Avenues. Also the assessment tor. Grading of FRAZIER STREET from Western to Ohlo Avenues, are •now ready for examination, and MI be seen at the ofLe of the City gagineir. until July 110th. 1889,whea they will be placed In the hands of the City Treasurer fbr collection. ONARLILIS DAVIS, CITY ENGINEER. WIWI Or OrrY Zwoursia . AND Strariroa. Pittsburgh. July IV. 1869. Assessment for the Boardwalk on Elm street (Bloomfield) m Main street, to the Pennsylvania Railroad. is now ready for examination. acd can be seem at this office until WEDNEnDAY. July AM. when it wilt be returned to the City Treasurer's office for collection. . IL J. 110(40. jy10:102 ^ City Engineer. 03/11011 , OP Cll., illwurerstir AND Stnienntalt; - - • • riTTBRUEOII, July a, pow . OTICE.,-,Tbe assessment ..for orsang and Paving Irtnitts ALLEY. .m Butler street to the - Allegheny Valley Hall rord. la now ready tbr rsamotatlon r and can be seen at Ws office until. WX-I),M VADAT. July 14. when It sill he returned tbe City Treasurer's 'ullloe ter eorteetlon.-,' -• • - J 75. H. Jo VOORE, CittEnalueer. . - °Titbit hi cirr-Texotintzn inn Sim .trVi, • July / 2 4 awe. p I TOTICE.—The-Assessment for the Beardwalk on Bounditri and laurel s meta Js now ready for examination. and can be *wen at this °ace tint° DION DAY. Jib' lath. 1800, . when Itwilt be returned to We tit) , Tresturer's once 102 nolleotion • - • J. Nor ti ll i : '171:111 ' . pu3kiEDECCA STREET.--Mitice' is nervily alvenAltat aka undersigned. erce ted. viewers to assess damAses and benefits Mt opening Nance°. street. Vint ward. Alla. gimpy. momCalto rederal street. will meet re on the : premises attend to elegies ed: sp polntment. on W MMADAt. July Mid. ado,. at ek o'clock r. Y. • • , JOHN BAX2Mir. 4.H0. lit IN. A. M. MARSHALL, jr11:165 QEDGEWICIE STUFJCZ—The undersived. appointed to sum damages and benedts tbr opening Pedgewtek street. Sixth ward. C 11.7 of Allegnenw will l;Mret on the neon ises on Tat DAY. July 934. 1889. at 41 , &cloak r. m., to attend to duties of their appointment. d. H RRMANN.__ IrgILD WALTER. . LI Kan 81KUH. .IVMM I W iI INDERSONIIII7III6III4 sLe v t gy mi am m . Deals is Mis, JULY a. 1-72 14-9. A lICTION BALE 01' MMUS.. BAN. BB IDENOBS AND BUILDING Md.—ae Haxlewood, MONDAY.' July 19th. at 1 o'clock, will be sold. without reserve. a div- Iletitfed home, consisting cif a new house of eleven rooms, tastefully bunt withverandas, nmrches. &c. autrounded wltb Fruit Treed and Phrebbery o f best se.eoi lone. The Premises compthe about seven\ and i no.balf acres of ground of excellent soil, with well of good water a never ratline boring. a stone spring bou•e. and- an acre of coal &weedy opened 'Pr use. Al.o 'a comfortable Frame House of nine moms, with tabard of Peach. Apple. Pear. Plum, and Quince Trees. corlprzaing about three acres, with well of water:At the door. There is also a valuable stone gearry - the premises. • 10. twelve bultillcg lots Siii - by 100 mai The rielguborhood IS remarkable Or Malta and penury of seem yr. The St& km Is onlrfour miles from the city. and a good aldt-walk leads from the station to the premises. Title indLspu tante. Titims—rhie.third cash; balance In two yearly Inatallinents. H. R. MITT ARON. A etloneer;or GEORGE K. 'FLOW EicS. Hazelwood. N. B.—Tralns per Connellerllle H. H. leave corner Grant and Wa er btreets at 7 and /1, jy15:11117. ASSIGNEE'S SALE of 15 Acres Pennsylvania Avenue, apnbslce Alar , anti's Grave. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, July 11th. at 4 o'clock. will be sold on tho tort tillers, by order of John M. Kennedy and John G. DiacConnel . As. slimmed' in Bankruptcy of hilehael O'Hare. teat value:4eproperty In the City of Pittsburgh, for. teeny. Line r y townstrip, and fronting on Penn sylvania avenue, oppos to McFarland , * Grove, containing 14 acres and 130 perchei. Desna. fully located and commanding lianasome views o ?ma e v l a Or nd E a So o d n t din e g t to amortgage of $l2 447.92, balance cash. jya • A. BICILWAINE, Auctioneer. 1 g z CITY GROUD WEapt..§ 115 N 13. July 30.h.at El o'clock, will be sold - nn serond door of commercial Bale. Booms. 106 Smithßeld 'tree t. a toe, petual ground rent ot- $11.50 per annum on the Lafayette Mundt ng Lot, Wood street, below Yount' avenue. jilt MeR. WAIN'S., Auctioneer. FOR SALE OR RENT. An elegant new Brick Dwelling, Z rooms, at. tic and wash room. House of 4 rooms, 9 lots, 10th ward, $1,1300. House of 4 rooms, I lot, 18th ward, $/,1500. House of 4 rooms, 9 lots,l7th ward, 09,800. House of 4 rooms, 1 lot, 17th ward, 020100. House of 4 roams, 1 lot, 15th ward, 32,600. House of 2 rooms, 1 lot, 15th ward: 0 1 00. 10 lots,Slebert & plat,oloo to $BOO. 19Ss 1 44th Welty '211300 each. 4 lots, 43th streei, .1,000 each. 3 lots, Hatfield street; 4 800 each 1 lot, Sherman street, 417,50. . 3 lots, 40th street, 20:940, $12.001k 4 lots, Butler street; 84,000. BARGAINS 1N BLOOMFIELD. Lots 20x137 feet, $600; ten years to pay. A house cost $500; interest on both, $66 a year. Many pay *lBO year rent. At Moonier.lu you would save *ll4 it year and your house and lot In less than 10 years. Churches and schools near. 30 sores of hod.' mile from lfbaroabarg $6,000; I 5 acres of tt. $3.500. FOB SALE. • 31ots In Mansfield. 60g130 each. 11 at% of land, grapery, peaches and smau fruit. good spring of water, .og house, &c: price low. 70 serer. Economy township. Beaver Co; price 117 15 per acre; good orchard of 300 bearing/ fruit trees. House of 7 rooms, 1.4 miles from Econo my station. 1,100 acres,Glintore Co.. West Va.: good solkweli timbered and watered: price ;HI per acre. SOS acres, same county. Rood home and orchard; price IA per acre. 1 340 acres, Braxton Co. went Va; rich sell and well Um bered; price i?..50 per acre. Bonds and ortgages wanted by THOS. SDIPSON & R. L HOLLANI "HOBOKEN" STATION PROPERTY This beantlfil situation cannot ..he: surpassed !tor private residences In any area ion, so elate to both cities, being only eight miles up the Western Pennsylvania Railroad. Any person de. siring information abotattdsproperty can obtain it by calling at the once of the IRON CITY MU TUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. 15 Federal street, Allegheny. Lots from one-ha acre to 'live acres; also, small lots to stilt Per chasers. There is a good location fora manuthe taring establishment, between the Railroad an Allegheny river. ' jelStkie FA1431 FOR SALL A GOOD "'ARM. in West Deer township, Al legheny_ county, 10 miles from Sharpsburg. A FRAME TWO STORY ROM A, of six rooms: CELLAR under all house; ohms& LAltOlt FRAME BARN, 511x3S feet, and other ontbuilaines. A Young Orchard of Choice Mit Trees, &e. For pattlenlare call on the premises, or at JOHN W. Rita tiON , s. 349 Liberty street, or address ar ILLIAN EIIYnON, Muni Eldge P 0., Allegheny county, Pa. j410:197 igARDEIVERS TAKE NOTICE. r —FOR BALE.— Tae FOURTEEN NILE I AND, on the Allegheny River. and now used for gardenlny purposes; well Improved and in a high state ofeultlvallon: containing GO or 30 sects, now offered at a bargain. Call soon. Also. other Farms in good locations.. Woolen Factory. two Houses, and twenty acres of land on the Central Railroad. Houses and Lots For Bale and To-let In both cities. For further i;iar• Ventura inquire of WILLLUff WARD, reas HO firma etreet. onnosite Cathedral. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. • --eituated In Allegheny township, West. moreland county, 10 minutes walk from Mc- Kean' atat. on. ou the Allegheny Valley gal , road. Contains /04 scree. GO of which are cleared; all under fence; balance valuable Umber; under. layed with coal. 4 foot vein Hewed Log Hou.e and Barn; an orchard of 140 trees. grafted; tie place I. well watered and lu • row neighborhood. For price and terms apply to B. ale Lani a CO., No. 104 Fourth avenue. HOLTZHAN & WIEIIEBILOLD. No. 100 Third Avenue, Upholsters and Dealers in Curtain 'Goads, Direct the attention of their friends and the public to their !Moll assorted stock of Lace and Nottingham cartains Vestibule Laces,. Damask Reps. ferry's Mexican cloth. Satin. Delanee. Gilt Cornices. Gilt and Walnut Mouldings. Spring Beds of suistrior make, Nair Matrasaes (pure white hair.) Pillows. Bolsters. and everything pertaining to a firstcelass bed. The latest Paris and &Ilia designs for Draperies atthc inspection or their costumers. Pore whi te Mite= Show Yeathers always oa bane. HOLTHNIAN & WIEDISHOLD. NO. 100 THIRD AVENUE. 1in , 111193 ' Vomit covw cos Lin DICKSON, STEWART - Hating rezone thew Mee to NO. 567 LIBERTY STREET, I bogy ott7' now IOU) *EOM to Welsh I rag: M T uTO OA i r a Ti n t re tol a n 'ordt i4 thele eflee, - or ti Was t o the nuel. bill be Mewled to T em: S C E! le n t - A . was. KREBS, _ DEALE I 9 . 2 No. - 55 Diamond Alievs SRQB, Pd Jrnt., Orders addreued to W. HUM Eighth wad. Allegheny. will receive t attention. Wagons running fa Pittsburgh and egneity. atyls4lll AUCTION saws. FOR SALE D. b. WILLLLIP4I7th Fart, 89 GRANT BTRZET office, back room FOR SALE. UPHOLSTERY. COAL AND 00831 lan LEGAL.` ORPHANS' COURT. SALE. A. PINE PARR. late the property of ROBB= GLASS. dhoti.. comprising 148 acres, 1 rood anal U 4 perches, situated on West. Penna, R. 8.. two pours and a bait ride from Pittsburgh and within one • hair luthi of tither North Wed or b*. t e a, •t mons. together with Stone 'heeling of_ Twelve Rooms. • I re , , Frame Tenant Rouses. - One /frame Barn one hundred feet long, atone Senn: Hons.. Blacksmith ahop.l woatory Frame Gnm ery. Frame Carriage House. Frame Ray Rouse, with sheds. rlaughter House, Ls.rae theism or choice Fruit in good bearing order, Cider Press awl abundast of never failing eprlrtga of pure Water. To be sold on TURoDAY, THE TENTH DA.Y Ci t yATM . UG 1880.- Trains leave fele. ghenyat 7 and arrive at pi Por iurther moutre ot Mr. Phel Da, corner Cherry alley and Third seenne J. b. West. ottlce • of Clerk of Quarter Seaslous, K. lb McClure.. 370 Penn street. J. 0. Wilson. 86 Fourth ave. nue J. "3:118:TTR8r rya' PR A 111 V COURT` NALEi— Vir There will be exposed at Pnblic Sale. by or der ‘or the Orphabs' Cour.. on SATURbar, AUfellf.ST 7. 1869. at 4 o'clock .P. tt.. on the premises In NV ttionaburg, Wilkins townstdre, Al legileny county tae one undivided half of alt that cettain lot or piece of ground, describ d as fol lows. Yin Fronting one hundred and slaty-Bee feet fourluches on Fee 'ilea street, (Oa 4.14 R. extending back's, distance of one hundred and forte-nine feet four inches, (11-0 4.12 11. .) 10 Centre alter: fronts on Centre alley one hundred and sixty-Aye feet four Inches, 5155 1455 ft.,) and one rundred and Attu-one feet ten Inches. (10110.1:5 ft.,) on Bel.ey sfreet,beitur the whole of luta Nos. 514 and Alava parts of lots 24 and 25 In Reis and Carllnrit W4R-cir Wnninen n r ig• recorded In Plan Rook tel. SI. reAle ie. TERIf6 OF LlALlC.eelfarehalf cash: the balsam in one lied %An yenta. with interaai, 51351534 by bond And. tmetanila 051 th , LWegiiles- • • 03T011.111:NE fitatdian of the minor cbliklkii 9) Daurecego dee'd. • • • jet8:110.8 ADMIIIIISIeIIATOWS NOTICE.. —Notion is hereby given that letters of ad tration have been granted to the strider signed on the estate of JOHN SCHUELES,Iate oC Pittsburgh. deceased. All persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and those.iegyfinrelatntragatnst sald estate Iraq pre sentthem pro perly _ nothrti tested for settlement to Aides man Taylor. 438 Penn street. - LOUIS 8011IIELER. Aumlntitratas. jefttikleoorn9 - . . - SUMMER RIDSO I RTi3. AlVe/AIN/I/VAMAIV.Ae.././i0J,"0,.• CRESSON SPIitINGS. TLIS Faiorite Saminer Resort, MOUNTAINShe Summit of the ALLEGHENY , 2,200 FRET ABOVE THE LEVEL 017 THE eEA, will be even for the re. cention of guests on the 13th day of. JUN& The buildings connected with the establishment have been entirely renovated and newly tarnish ed. Excursion Ti. kets sold by the Pennavivanini Railroad. at Philvielptila, Harrisburg and Plas hing'', good for th. season.. All trains stay at t'ressan. T 0 FUENIaIiED COTTAGEB rou BENT. 19r Ruttier lnforptatlen. aildr9e • GEO W. MULLIN, Proprietor, I _ el mon Springs, Cansbritteatitity•. Pa. jynile . . - UNIMED :STATES HOTEL, CAPE MAY ICITY, N. J., . Will be n oped far the season SATURDAY, May 29th, in all drat eines appointments, equal to any red yet affording to families all the comforts or a home. President Want expects to The Cspe Hay this season and will stop atthe "Mated . States."' Address, myatlOl AARON KILLER. Proprietor. MERCHANT TAILORS. BTIEGEL, .(Late Catte: with W. liespeakelle4 Breatc-EtezrrrrAix.olll No. 33 Smithfield Street,Pittsburgh. 5e26:721 NEW SPRING GOODS, A rolenqd new stack CLOTHS, CISSIMEREI4 ea. Just received by EMMY 11Z11114 . 14 sett: Iderehant Vatter; Tit Smithfield:street. FLOUR. PEARL MILL FAMILY PLOD. MAUI. Sl= Throe Star. Green Gould, eipal tin FRENCH FAMILY FLOUR. Thls noir wtU only oe sent out when espy elan. ordered. PEARL JILL ELVE 1111411XD, sEASL MILL Rla u fairst b relDt it.l44lll. warrz CORN 114) * E arn& be t t Oirir & T. =MDT 4 RBA, Allegheny. Boot. 9. ISM • PlLture XML. LIYERY STABILES. JOHN S. ISSWAN: HOST. H.PATTNESON. ROBT. IL PATTFALSON & CO., LIVERY. se.r...P. AND eisy • (e)ffzif irt :) A COL SEVENTH AVENUE a LIBBER! at, PITTSDUUGU, PA. iD2l:h4l STEAMSHIPS. TO' LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. via =sax mui.'13111.011191:011, Numbering sixteen first-clam vessels; among to. mthe celebrated' CITY OF PAULIN 'CITY OF ANTTPETP CITY OF BOSTONCITY OF 'tumults:4u cm' or LONDON. ----' EVENT 13ATITBD&T. from Pler 45 firth Elver, New York. For nassage or muter leforma.lon armlet° TO FIFTH STBILTT. (Chronicle Bnildiag.. suarie flatboats Post 0.11,.. Pittabstsb' SLATE. ROOFING. RLLTIL OF TLRIOUS Qualities and Colors, Pcerlrua icutrseitenion:gri=gglaitaiva • - a.. s TRADEMARK; • bitoog' . • I WEELTr• P 32043 6 1: :1114an ip , • : ' - Ili EW4IItWING- Eteno4l MAT Ail UZI& • - - A tug . tot j ut tug r d sad tor sobt 16we market price. t ' • •W.Wnitiox,- • . , Potornoo Sbad in bait lilt:els: POtonnie Menne llate." g; Mackerel ''4E, 01 and 3 In-earro7. Ab e t pommel; White rlsb_t_Lake Ilettine. For wale: Low to the trade by. ATT, uameit CO".111% and IlatrWootemet.. rgiamESll•-.110 beiges Factory N„.l outemvabOres %wen tlo. Itor ssla - a. dumzia., gil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers