II H DI I :Ga p • Bow to Prevent Moths in Furniture. The following article in relation to ,-, moths in furniture is of special value at this union of the year. i . The recommen f dationa It contains willof followed, save l hundreds of dollars worth of furniture, in this city alone, every twelve months; i and we advise our readers to cut It out 1 and preserve it for future reference: - -; • There are two specie Sof moth which infest furniture. One is ii large fly of sil i very 'white color; the wOrm is also white, i shaPe like a chestnut Worm, and is Tamil- c' iarly known. It easily Infests furniture, iThe other is a small fly, of dark drab color; the worm is about one•fourth of an '' inch long, and tapering from the head to tail: It It was 1 the first observed by uphol sterers -about seven years ago. This fly , 1 penetrates a sofa or chair, generally; be t tween the back and scat of sofas, or under 1 the seats, where the vacancy among the i springs affords a. safe retreat. -It may . make lodgment in one week after the ! furnitere is placed in the house. If such i should be the case, in 1 two months the worm will appear; " and the continual process of recreation in a few months • 1 increases the number to thousands. This moth has no , season. It de stroy's in Winter and summer alike, as it is kept inactive life by thetonstant heat of the house.. We find, at the sometime ' in 1 the same piece of furniture, the fly, the t -worm and the eggs; thus showing that . ; they are breeding and destroying all the time. It does not eat good, pure, curled ! hair, but fastens its cocoon to it, the elas- Llicity of which prevents its being dis f turbed. The inside of furniture is used by it for the purpose of propagation. The worm, when ready for food, crawls out • ; and destroyithe covering, if; of woolen or plush material, and falling to the car i pet, destroys it. They rarely cut through ( plush from the inside, as it is of cotton back, but there are instances where they i have cut through muslin on the outside I back of sofas. There is no • protection seainst it except continual care. New fur i niture should be removed from the walls ~. 1 at least twits a week at this season of the t year, and should be well whisked all around, particularly under the seats, to ; prevent the fly from lodging. This is an ; effectual preventive, . and the only , one known. Cayenne-pepper, Scotch snuff, camphor, 'turpentine and all , other remedies for .. protection - from the / large moth, i'Pnre of --little or no I. avail: , : ! against. , : the .furniture. - moth. i Saturation with alcohol will destroy them t when in a piece of furnitare. If the fur niture is infested, they may be removed by taking off the muslin from under the . I-seats and off the outside, ends and backs, where they congregate most, and expos i ing it do the air as much as possible. Beat i, , with a whisk or open hand, and kill all ' the 'ilea and ' w'orms which show them ,- selves. ' , This done often will disturb them; and make them leave the furniture, as they desire to be left quiet. When the ~ furniture is free from moths, and is to be i left during the iiiinnier months without !attention, it may 'be protected by cam • phor in small bags, or highly concentrated "patchouli. Tne safest way is to have the , . 1 , furniture well whisked twice a week. If tthe h moths attack the carpet, which they • t will first do under the sofas and chairs, -"spread a wet sheet over the carpet and pass a hot flatiron over it quickly, and the steam will 'effecually destroy the worm ;and eggs. If furniture is delivered in a ldwelling free from moths.. the upholster ler's responsibility ends there, and all 'irests with the housekeeper, as no trades -3 man can tell whether the moth will attack tit or not. There are,cases where the fur- niture has been in use ten or twelve years before beimg attacked. It would be as ;fair to hold the tailorresponsible for the safety of clothing as to hold the upholsterer responsible for the safety of furniture. ' t A :..._.L . _ _ ',: nusaußLE AuC/DENT co.detiirred at the tSuperior, mine, near . Negaunee, Wis., recently. Hrs. Bridget Dwyer, while at ktempting to light a fire in the cook stove, t. resorted to the kerosene can, and; while oaring oil in among the coals, it ex loded. Her clothes were saturated with oil, and the fire enveloped her entire per son. She ran outside of the house and nearly succeeded in extinguishing the fi l re when, all of , a sadden , the thought track her that two of her little girls, one two and the other twelve years old, were till in the house; whereupon she'rushed : o the children, took ' fire a second time, 3.11 d burned al most to a crisp. She sue- Acceded in rescuing the oldest from the i antes, not until badly burned, but the ther little girl was burned te, ashes. i othing was found after the fire except tome bones- The mother lived until the ~ Iddle of Sunday afternoon, suffering he most intense pain, when she expired. The oldest child still lives, but is badly urned, and suffers much pain. ! A FEW days ago, as two young men flw the name of Stovall and Harris, of ranklin county, Georgia, were traveling together on horseback, Mr. ' Stovall's . °rat, being rather spirited and hard to ntrol, became angry with the hinge Mr. arils was riding, and, in attempting to , together te the horse, chanced to sieze Mr. liar ' • by the ankle, and snatched bim from e saddle, at the same time crushing the ts A nea of the leg, which he still held firmly Abetweenhis teeth. , r After Mr. Harris had ea seiend ime beld in t this s con seryre d e itim4f p o a r w so ed by metime, d the rse - as he held lum, .Ire:was released. r oa At last accounts - his phYaiciail, thought 'amputation wouldVecome pecessary. • ,- - - .. ; t - A not named Willain Henry Harrison . !was ' fatally ' injured by . anoth er named i - Cliarlea - Platt, 'ar Brooklyn, last Thidg, ) day.. Pisu,..pickid up a Small blOilt,st nod, and biking...up 1 a . stick about , three feet in . lengt h , and , thrOw7. ng the block . of:: ws: up. .in the ll' sl' , • struck it with ' e ' stick,' as' though it was a ball; at' the same time ling • out "Billy, la* out." — The 'block fiew Inthe direCtlon of young sir. coon and struck hlm'on the left - temple' 1 iwith great violence. Harrison remarked plat he If 0 11 41 hurt, and did not. return pome for several hours . . But he died the eat morui‘g. •. . . 1 semanon Nu and Hiram Walbridge' are said to be *gaged `in ' the establish- Merit of &vet steamboat comintitdeMiOn tween;thia aitintry and the „Keller neari and Illicit Seas. Nye IS going to , ; el ada and California be find the uftlide, ,, and Walbridge'is running the •scheme in ew York.. 'Mr. -• Mosey; • the Austrian Consul (General, , has heretofore tried la; • vain to encourage a:New :York. and Trieste line of steamers,,onrptoile gene*, ally *Wilk.- to io , Europe -via rrattmey or kierreenf j „go or England, but Isere WO NIYM ilk irying' , taelV'llne; ~,, T _ I The New York Commercial says: The labor atrikes,in the city have' proved, in nearly every_ Instance, dead failures, Men have found themselves out of work. their families suffering and landlords threatening to turn them out of house and home. All this suffering to gratify some blatherskite who is insane on the subject. The great majority of employers are easier coaxed than forced. NVorkmen, by &Small amount of persuasion, can, as a general rule; accomplish more tban by threatening to stop work. We have seen within the last week that the waiters' strike has not resulted in .success. The hotel proprietors resolved to employ none of the strikers at any rate of wages; the clothing manufacturers were , tnabte to obtain any advanci and were compelled to resume work at the old rates; but the strike of the window and door framers was the most signal failure of all--only four hundred andtftir out of seven thou sand men "turning out." The bosses not only refused to pay any increase of wages, but Mae determined not to take any of the strikers back. According to accounts from St. Peters burg, the continued Indisposition of the Emperor Alexander is beginning to cause uneasiness US his medical men. His Majesty, it has been stated, 'was, a few weeks back, crossing a bridge in an open carriage with his oldest son, when the horses took fright, , and, dashing across the footpath, :were only prevented by, the parapet from:'falling w into the vehicle the river. The shock was, however, so, violent that fears were entertained that the Eniperor might have suffered some in-. ternal injury, and Since the accident he has been ~tin well. On Easter Sunday the usual ceremony of congratulations after the midnight _Mass had to be omitted. His Majesty was' indeed present at the funeral services of the Greek Minister, Count de bletexas, and lof Admiral Men schikoff, but on his return to the winter palace was obliged to go to bed. The robust constitution of Alexander IL, however, leads to the hope that, by proper attention, his indisposition may not lead to any serious results. The be lief is that the Czar will fry a cure at one of the German watering places. Kleptomania NcaUy Punished. ' The Paris - .Rgeret l ells this story: "Mine. X—, an ele gytly dressed lady, entered one of'the emporiums of fashion the day before yesterday, and requested to see some Valenciennea lace, but after some time, not finding! any to suit her, withdrew ritheut inakitr any purchase. She had, however, been observed by one of the shopmen to slip la piece of goods under her shawl; Nevertheless, she re turned home as it wero unnoticed, but, on reaching the door of her house ; was ad coated by a messenger, who handed ber small parcel and a letter which was thus worded: ',Madame, I am, afraid that the fifteen yards of lace which you Selected in my shop will not be eufficient to trim your dress; I therefore tale the liberty of sending you a second piece of the same pattern. I beg to be infora.ed whether you Accept it.' The signature was that of the master of the establishment It is needless to say that the lady wad only too glad to escape, by prompt payment of the whole, "from some very unpleasant consequence." A Girl of Nerve. One of the most, ingenious modes of winning a husband ever practised. was that by which the wife of Frere-Orban, the Belgian diplomatist who is engineer ing his little country through the,trouble some railroad difficulties in France, won him when her father objected seriously to his proposals. The lady was heiress to the house of Ofban, in which there was unlimited mority. Bei father regarded Frere as an adventurer, and, indeed, he had at that time only just passed his ex amination for the bar. The young lady invited him to come to the box at the opera where she and her father were to gether, and, when he entered she-arose and kissed him, in full view of the whole audience. After - that they never heard her Whet; make any 'more objections to their marriage, and he, taking their fami ly name, became Frere•Orban. Tilt oldest prlsoner in the lilassachn. setts State Prison is •George Hunnewell. He has been incarcerated twenty-one years. The Warden facetiously calls, him ''the Rip Van Winkle of the:institution." On Tuesday, while the workmen were engaged in painting . the cupola of the orison, be discovered them at work there and asked to be allowed to go up and look off. His request was granted and he wits furnished with an opera glass and made the ascent. " It was the first:time he had looked out upon the world for , tweit. ty-one years. ',He turned his glass to• ward his old home inr Cambridge.;."lt is all changed," was his only comment, Tat Universalist denomination of this country will be one hundred years old in 1870. They propose celebrating the event by a general convention in September of that year.. to tonVene at" Gloucester, Mass. ' where Rev. Sohn Muffiy estab lished the first.society In , America. In the month of May next speciaLineetings will be , held in all the principal cities, and Ake various. congre gations be called upon for an offering to cancel debts, endow colleges and build churches. The hope is expressed that the centenalj offering will'retich $1,000.000i Of this $lOO,OOO will be apPlledie, mongtiental aiiirdiji Vashlngtozi city. ' Mug. Emu B. Wesumurtnie is spend ing the trimmer at her berme in -Galena, 111. , and will'lnake her debut in Parisian abotetyitekt winter . ; She is IS. - couain of m a dame ntholon, and lifi ts like her, de. scerided'4 thirrencli ', settlers of Illi nois, wife , 1110 to . great wealth by trading, With Vie Indians, . She speaks fluently the French language. , f . Acconinno tothe iest tuthorh7 tham are sixty-Ont . handled and forty•seven million ton s or ciisi the belt - of nountry bring fifteen tidies on , either _aide of the Tennsmen and Pacific road,. between 'Nashville ontifiEuenviikt At the -rate tif tlure milllnn. tons ,a •year . txmatuaption this quantity , would last over • two -thou sand years; '5 • ' , Tim gUarto Qllthe4 i Chlinetaz„lsbinds is nearly exhausted, , Ow months these IslandlYill be, deserted, 40 then the ships engaged in thevhsde will' Inaba lb: the Gnanspe Islands, Aral degrees south of the scission - . =There fits 0 1 ,1 ) Pir Of; ftv ano st-BakerV la iisland,` , the'r Oral *if group * estlata!,illpiit `4: 1 00,0,0, ow tone . 4 11 ,, _.. tile • , 04.1911 itt t M=MICINIE2 . . : • - . Lew Strikes Dead Failures. ILlneas of the Czar. Pl ' fl BU L a.; Fi ThnmnarOm NATIONAL LOB BEECH COMPANY, OF THE UNITED STATES OF AKERICA. Chartered by . Special • Act of Conipiwill. APproved auly 23, 1888. Cash Capitai - ;$1,000,000. PAID IN FULL. BRANCH . OFFICE : FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA. Where the general business of the Ctnnnany is transacted.- and to which all general corres pondence should be addressed. OFFICERS. • CLARENCE H. CLA.RK, President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Fir.anee and Executive Committee. HENRY D. COOKE. rue President. EMERSON. W. PRET, !Secretary and Actuary. This Company offers the following advantages: It is - a National Company. et artered ay special act of Congress, 1888: ,It hat a paid-up capital of 111,000.000.• It offers low rates of premium. -It—furnishes larger Insurance than other com panies for the same money. It titian:lite and certain in Its terms. h Its policies arn,exempt from attachment', ThPre are no unnecessary restrictions in the policies. Every policy is non. forh.ltable. Policies m.y be taken which pay to the insured their ftill amount, and return all the premiums, so that the Insurance,costs oaly the interest on the annual payments. • • • Policies may be taken that will pay to the 1r- aired. after a certain number-of years, duds, life, an asnual income of one. tenth the amount named in the policy. ?So extra rate-ls charged for risks upon the lives of f.males. • it insures, not to pay dividends to policy-hold ers; be: at so low a cost that dividends will be Im possible. -. eh callus, Pamphlets, and full particulars given on application to the Branch °dice of the Com pany, or to E. W. CLARK It (X).„ General Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. JAY COOKE & CO. Washington. D. C. For Maryland, Delaware., Virginia ,. District of Columbia and West Virginia. IRA B. .14eVAY et CO.. Agents for Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Herter and Washington counties. at-LOCAL AUENTSARE WANTED la every City and Town; and applications from compe tent parties for such agencies with suitable en dorsement, should be addressed T. 9 THE COM. PANY'S GENERAL AGENTS ONLY. IA their respective districts. mbreasw&r. PROPOSALS. _ .......... TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. T O Sewer Commission of the city of Alleghe • fly are prepared to receive PhOPOSA.LB for tne construction...l the following sewers with their appurtenances., inlets, manhole*. ac.: ~ CONTRACT NO. L Comprising about 1,900 feet of 18 Inch circular pipe sewer. on White Oak salty, between North :venue anu Spring alley. CONTRACT NO. 2. Comprising abo ut 209 feet of 12 inch el: cater pipe sewer. oe North 'avenue. between nandueky street and White Oak alley. Drawings and specifiCatlons can be seen at the Engineer s office, Cl Nail. DIU must state the kind of pipe proposed to be furnished. (cement or vitrified clay .pipe,) and must be endorsed "Sewer rroposa:e. Contract No. I," (or Nail, as.the rate may be.) and be delivered on or Wore 3 P. u, JUNE 12th, 1609. Forms of proposal. on which forms alone bids will be received; will be furnished at the Engl. The Commission &mot bind themselves. to ac cept the lowest. or any bid. Zir order of the Commission: CHARLES DAVIS. jes:k2.B . City Engineer. - • " Cosentot.tan!e Orrios. Cwr or ALLLOUZNT, Jane I,IBOE. I, NOTICE TO CONTRA.CTOIIB. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at fills ofilee until' 3 o'clock r at. on TUESDAY. June 151. h, 1809 for grading and paving the fonowing streets-and alleys, viz: Montgomery alley, from north alley south ward, aa ward. .a - • . Market street trent Washington evolve to Wel nut street, reserving central. apace or forty feet. where width Is ninety feet and over, btli. and oth Fayette 'street from Fulton street to Beaver avrnue; Eith vard.• - • 'Carpenters alley from Pine Crest to Unl(m. al. ley, StAl Want. also, for gtrtlng only, Estans alley, north of Nixon street , 6th ward., A.VO, for paving cubit . plOsifom alley, between' O'Hara street and Peach alley. ad ward. Specifications ran be seen in the. office of Chits , Davi., Esc., city .Engineer.- . W. 2d. 'PORTE Jail= • Controller. SEALED PROPOSALS. . - SEALED PEOPOSALS be received at the °dice of the Water Committee until 7 O'clock. •, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE. /sth, 1800, for laying AO, 15, 12, 10, 8 and 0 Inch pipee. Bide will be received for digging,' fillingand ramming the trenches for the 'pipe, by the cubic yard or by the lineal foot of pipe laid 'for the digging of trenchea,laylng pipe and making alt eonnections at cross streets. - , - . Per setting and connecting dre Plugs, le P ar6t4 bide 7111 be eel:elicit. For ilir:berinfbrmaticni apply to ' • • JO PKEINCIL Je9:130 • —Superintendent. ; SEDILETIN GS AND BATT;NG. Ha & CO., ANCHOR`'CO'T'TON EirvrtEinunrapi. Joint mowers of HICAVIC itXDIII;11 ilia Wein A3O/1011 AND 11AGNOLIA • tatriCICTINGS ,AND 8ATT114113., EtOSAJDAL.II 4 IS. PIIRLFIES THE BLOOD. • you EIh o LIC B. DETIGGIIiTS ,SVEBYWEIZR. A LARGE SHIPMENT OF , ,_ GRASSIIOOkg hal received teiiite it lowest parte}, price. '''. W..liirt /WM ;: ' .1.4387 übem wan, • - ; siTaillawr '' ' { titt 4l 44 l ; AI: ' :E CIVI 'Br is itETTiv 'fan& r X 01 anAlicill guk,- 1. IfIr•" 1 1114 . lky , ....,.....„„„ ,„ „„ ~.: i. 14 krol o o/9*witly.4**ROPainalli Q. IMBI ICIEW SPRING GIOODS.' - • Andelididnew stook of .o° l ** , l- 40,044 1' .4413P; . 0 • mikvinar :;'sitlftwafigql4lo24o/9 Tatitaudeutiteirk AT. -. 41 7% 1 1 .4 VW. IRMKIILm NOTIME. gr. -samEscivs_. .Pftmoaric • STROP. - SEAWtrisD TONIC AND MANDRAKE PfLLS will cure•Oontrumption, Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, If taken accord ing to directions... They are all three to be taken at the same time. They cleanse the stomach, re lax the liver and put It to work; the% the appetite becomes good; the laid digests and makes toed blood; the patient begins to grow In flesh the diseued master. ripens into the lunge , an d the patient outgrows tee disease and gets well. This is the only way to cureconsumption. • To these three medicinerD J .11. Sehenek, of Phil.delphla, owes his unrivaled success In the treatment of pulmonary Consumption. The Pub monic Syrup ripens the Morbid matter In the inuge,na. use threats off by au els,y expectora tion, for when the phlearn or matter la ripe skis ti iron gh tas 111 throw it off, and the patient has rest and the lungs begin to heal. • T do' this, the reawek d and Mandrake Pills must Le lb. el, a ed to cleanse the risen:ten And liver, so that the ruimunic Syrup aed the fosd vr.ll make good blood. Schencks 3landrake Pilla act upon the liver, removing all obstructiona. relax the elle! s of the gall bladder, the bile starts freely, and the liver is soon relieved; the scoots will Arm what the Pills can do; nothine has ever been Invented ex cept calomel (a deadly prestos mien is very dart genres to use on eas with great care,) that - will unlock the gall bladder and start the secretions of the liver like Scheuck's Mendrake • 'Liver Complaint Is one of t ae most prominent causes of Consumption. Schenck 's Seaweed Tonic IS 'S gentle alisaulaut and altera pre p arat i on kali In taws eaweed, which thisis made . assts stomach to Dirow out the gastric juice to dissolve the food with the Pulmonic Syrup, and it is made intotood hood without fermentation or souring In the stomach. . The greet reason why . physicist's do not cure Consumption is; they try co u g h, to much; they give medicine to atop the gto stop chills, to stop night sweats, hectic fever, and by so doing they derange the whole digestive - powers. lock ing up the secret one, and eventually the patient sinks and dies. Dr, Schenck, In his treatment, does not try to atop a cough, night sweats, chills or fever. lie• move the cause, and tuey will all stop of their . own accord. No one can bia cured of Consump tion, Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Canker, Ulcerated - Throat,- unless the liver and stomach are made health,. If a person ASS consumption, of course the lungs in some Ira:, are diseased; either tubercles, abeessea, bronchial irritation, pleura. adhesion, or the lungs are a mass of inflammation and fast decaying. In such cases what must be dose? It not only the lungs tnat are wasting, but It Is the whole body. Tee stomach and liver have lost their power tomake blood out of fo d. Now the only chance is to rate Dr. Schenck's three mettle,. eines, which will bring up a tone to the stomachp •the patient will :berm to want food. ft will dwelt.' easily and make good blood; then the patient be gins to gain in flesh, and as soon its the body be- • gins to grow, the longs commence to heal up, And the patient gets ­ and well. This is tae oniv way to cure Consumption. When there is no lung disease end only Liver Complaint and Dyspeesia, bchenck's Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills are suMclent, e latent the Pulmonic Syrup. Take the Mane rake Plit's freely in a.l billions complaints, as they are per fectly harmless. Dr. Schenck, who has enjoyed uninterrupted health fur m thy years past, and now weighs )125 pounds. was wetted away to a mere skeleton, in the very last stage of Pulmonary Consumption, • pkyi 'clans having pronounced his case hope less and abandoned lam to his late. He was cured by the aforesaid met lennes, r and since his recove ry many thousands slmilarty a:cted have used Dr. nchenciihs preparation with the same re markable success. lull directions accotalitzY each, =akin./ It not sesolutely necessary to per sonalty see Dr 'Oshenck, unless patients wish, their lungs exa m ined , And for this purpose be is profesalunalty at his Principal trace, Phliadele pits, every haturday, where all letters for advice Mali be addressee.. He is also proteu'onaily at No. as Bond street. New Fork, every other Tuesday, and at No. sa Hanover street, Boston, every other Wednesday. lie gives advice tree , but for a‘thorough examination with his Wept rometer the price Is IS. hours at each city from li A. SI. to 3 r. a 6 Price of I herulmoDie Syrup and Seaweed Ton le each 11.311rier bottle. ~r $7.50 a Der dozen. Mandrel:olllla 33 cents a box. For sale by all arugglsts. . noylettl.dF .orDOCTOR wurrilort CON. - TINUE 4 4 TO TREAT 'ALL PRIVATE DISEASES. That numerous class of cares resulting Prom self- abuse, producing nu manliness, nervous debility, Irritability, erup tions.- seminal emissions, and finally im potency permanently cured. Persons &Mkt, ed oelicate. Intricate and long itand fug constitutionaleomplaints are politelyinvited to call for consultation, which costs nothing. Experience, the beat or teachers. has ensiled Dim to perfect remedies at once ancient, safe, permanent, and which in most cases col be used without hinarance to business. Medicines pre , pared In the establishment, attach embrnees of nee, reception and waiting rooms; also, .hoarding and sleeping &penmen* for patients requiring dilly personal attention, and vapor and chemi cal baths, thus concentrating the famed mineral sprtugs. No matter who have failed, state your case. Read what he rays in his pamphlet of fifty Pages, sent to any address for two stamps In seal ed cave ope. Thousands of casts treated anon= ally, at aloe and all over the country. Consul tation-tree, personally or by mall. °Mee No. 9 Wylie street, (near Court Rouse) Pittsburgh, Pa. Hours 9 A. X. to 8 P. L. Sundays ILA at. to ti P. 8. Pamphlet sent to any address tor two aria arDOCI'OR E. de F. CVRTIS, of Baltimore awl Washington. author et several medicsl works, am. Ale, at the earnest solicitation or We Pittsburgh' patients. has con cluded to devote the If:Mewing days in PHILA. uELPiIIA to their Interests: Prom TIIESDAY, JUNE Ist, TO SUNDAY, 41TSE Sd intinsive at Gis consulting rooms, X 52 South Ninth Street. Hours from 10 to 3 and 0 to B P. Y. PPECIALTY.-Ir, lament and cure ofliervons and Physical Dehility, toe !can't of twenty years' successful practice. • jet fr;FELECTRICITTAS A CI:MA _ TIVIC —Di. A. IL 81EVENS has been using Electricity as a SrECiAI. flasnumin curing chronic as well as acute conditions wrniocrr SizaiclNS for more than TEN TEAR% with un bounded -"nemesis. A PA111 . 111.1T,;-Anelndlag all parrculars, wi,h certificates and reliable refer. epees, will be sent to any Inquirer. A few furnisb. d rooms vacant. for boardlngpa tients in the Doctor's famTy. If applied for loon. Office and , residence, 2,001 ARUR STREET, PHILADELPHIA. m;l3:j2l.dAP4 )lIATCHELOWS HAIR'DYE. • This splendid Heir Dye is the beetin the world: the only true and perfect Dyeybarmless, relia ble, instantaneous:. no dlosppotutmeuV, no ri diculous tints; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes: Invizor.atea and leaves the Hair ' soft and beautiful. black or Drown. Sold by all Druggists and Forftmers: and properly applied at: 13atche lor's Win Factory, Igo. 15 bond Street. Hew York. - roVilkftff garEPILEPSY CAN BE CUBED hose having friends attlictelfare ear nestli;'solcited to send for a Circular Letter of References and Testimonials; which ,will con. since the most skeptical of the curabtOty of the die:atm. 'Address V 40.. BUREN LOCii.BOW, 3S. D.. 38 Great Jones street, New York. , • inhleig*.dalt:, • • : • MARRACIE Eta vse on the RICEOES YOUTI3, and the FOLLIES OF AGE, In. regard to SOCIAL EVILS, with certain help for the erring and nn tottunate. Nett in sealed letter ,envelopes, free or charge. Addrete, HOWAliDetkB 4 0C18TION, Box Ivrtaliwolphhs, Ya. my=463.cliir MERCHANT TAILORS. THINIDARIII VAL OF • ' SUMER ODORS AT TBE Bowe C'dothing Headquarters, NO. 47 ' -t - - :0144Y , irt,tOGAIC • M'PHERSIPI . MUHLANBRING.- Noelo Sixth (Late St. Chdr) Streets' Asumbeisors t• di Co") IXERIIiaILUIT TAILORS Rave lust: received their earettolf - aelieted`stock of,Spring and Bummer Goods. and. will be,glad tol show or sell them to old and new customers. The (hitting. Department_wiji ipp_be cepedn• tended by Mr. 0. A. MuHr.ANßAuffi. ' I take pleasure in recommending the above arm to the Liberal support of the public. , B. McGric. B =GEL, •(Late pater with W. BW4wHiliettity) pz.V.ROXICAINIT TAJOLACIIii No. 53 Smithfield Street,Pittabil ski tehirr2i r- NOTICES. tom' PENNSYLVANIA ELM , ROAD COMPANY. Taaasunza'S DLPARTIAZST. Paix.Ansinua. May 3d, 1869. NOTICE TO STOOKHODURRN, • The Board of Directors have this day declared a semiannual dividend of •FiVEZZR C KAT. oa the capital stock of. the Company. clear of Na 'Ronal and State tarts, payable Ines& on and af. ter May 30. 18e9. Blank powers of attorney l'or !lends can be bad at the office of the Company, No. 238 S. Third street. • -_ The twice Will be opened at S A. N. and closed at 4 P. at. from Ids) , 30 to June 5, for the pay ment of dividends, and after that. date from 9 A. at. to 3r. , . - THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. Norr.—The Third Instalment on New Stock of 1858 is clue,and payable oa or before June 15.. mys:l9s Itgr PENNSYLIANIA RAIL ROAD CO. TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. PHILADELPHIA, PA., April 2, 1869. TO THE sTQC'KHOLDERS OF THE PENN. SYLVANIA. RAILROAD COMPANY. AU Stockholders, as registered an the Books of this, Company on- the 30th day of Aprll, 1869, will hi entitled to subscribe IorTWENTY-FIVE PER CENT, of their respective interests ln New Stock, at par, as follows: .Ftrett. Fifty per cent. at, the tune of anb6ulp7 tion, betweeu the 113th day of May, 1908, and the 30titday or June, 1*389: ' - Second. row ptr cent. between the 10th thy of November, 1809, and the Mat day of Decem ber, 1889; or. If Stockholders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid up at the time sub scription. and each instalment so paid up shalt be entitled to a pro rata of the Dividend that may be declared on lull shares. Third. That every Stockholder holding lees than Tour shuts, shall. be entitled to subscribe for one share; and those holding more, than a multiple of four shares shall be entitled to sub• scribe for an additional share• Fburth—All shares upon which instalments are yet to be paid under Resolution of May 23, 188, wlll.be entitled to their , allotment of the Twenty-gire per cent. at par, as, though thel were paid la full. ' mye:l9B THOMAS T. FIRTH. Treasurer: NOTICE. CITY TAXES, 1869. • In accordance City Digest, b Section 6th, Page 298 of NOTICE UEREBY GIVEN TO THE- CITIZENS !OF PITTSBUAGII, .: That the assessments for 11369 of City , .• City' Buqdlag, Special, Poor, Business. City School, and Ward School Taxes and City Water Rents have been returned to me for collection; _._,._' The above taxes are 'subject to a DEDMTION CF FIVE PER C „ETU'S if paid on or before the FIRST DAY O AIJOU.s . V, and TWO PER CENTUM ifiaid between the-FIRST DAY Or AUGUST an the FABTEEN Till Li AY. 'OF SEP , 'PRIMER. _ _''...._ • • = r 414' r icodeduction will,be allowed on taxes paid between reptember fil teenth and October lirst.• man addition orilve per centum will be made to all taxes unpaid October lirst,and an additional five per cesium will be addea to ail tares re maining unpaid on November STATE MERCANTILE LICENSES! The State Mercantile Appraiser has returned to me for collection the appralsement for' 1869. State Mercantile Licenses mantel Mild on or be tore Jule let, 1869. All Liceuses remaining unpaid at that da'e will be placed Ina e hands of Aldermen for col lection. ' • - '' A. .1 COCHRAN. CITY T ir EAS RER, nth AVENUE. Prrrattntuu„..hine 1, 1869, Je5:168 tsr9 t:flSO 0 0 tat ;TO: L. A. 3. EITSVIINSON BILLING & STEVENSON ! . DISTILLER' AND DEALERS IN Pure R Whiskies. IMP ETERS OF BRANDIES, 11=1 and !Avenue, No. 87 Se PIT/13EURGH, PA: ap2o ESTABLISHED BY 4. &. T 151?" W. N. OORMLY, WHOLES GROCER, No. 271 LII erty Street,'" . aIIItICTLY OPP. EA! HOM.)' PITT se :vs 1311 , 011", I=l ...... A.. 82%.112.16. SON, 34 . STEELE Commission AND D PI.401:111 9I• OHIO BITE: Memhants, Ellll3 , EMS - M. 11 4 ate. near East Com Mon, EGEIZNY CITY. PA. W,' C. ARM.STRONtk Buoartsor to Fetzer . k Az:last:on& PRODUCE COMMISSION MIRCILIIVP N". 25 MARKET STREET: kola 'arm rim JAB. T. lucitAar KEIL & RITCHART, COhtliflSSlOrt istiTs*oHlugTs; °AND DBALIM °R AW.• SEEDB ' 2 HILL ipLoux =y24 84 :14 1 Liberty SL,plitt‘ abnivFEri, L e J. BLANCHARD. Wholeutle and Retail tirocersi No. 3orzNN IsrakaT. soisocsa , • ~_ an4 ITTLEJ BAIRD &ipArront; ' Wholesale Grocersigeramadon Mordant. Dallersdn Producer •rtonr 8410021 MOM. r. "lab. Garbo, and Larsoli t Naltass. ColtoeYana and all P'asburgh Many etnrea gnerally b , WI and 346 ,na:C9hIM, OT JO ' ' '... ;y+IVA OZ, § 18 71 1 PTON&WALLACE_,Witele. • sktac GROCERS AND PROD Mit DEAL. $ 0 .41 1 44. tal3 TiilET..Pitt ialtre JOHN 017111311;:lIDW: '13017&11:,' :Mt: N. EOM& Eom HOUSE AlElßOtiky moors tio JOHN' I. HOUSEOO Wavle.. uti6rooirr and% VoMmlulort mervh4tifi'.vo:t ler OR ISP 2 WI.eAd Wd Wat!!kr St.r.*%* :Mu ... h, IOE. Tap! ;Iv 2 . . 'camas - ram - 1)E Ist°. .45 1 ir)iiimor kf ir ; Adley, PITTBBIMOII,IPA. tiiders RE sr; rigith ward. Allegany. will receive. orompt attcnriolit Wagoriii runnlng'ia Pittsburgh and Allegbent• mirs:llo , • 1 . . • ,L ICE FOR SALE • • AY TEE :TON OR OTHERWISEt 4 .4li'Nii; 64 kattitiiskv ;ref ,...kt vz.; la-NEW OPERATHOUSE• Leine° ' Wit. flgirginnfotnr. Manager . 1 'M. 1 W. CAN]UNe. 4 . : FRIDAY EVElifigt inneApb.lBBB,- .... BENEFIT OF J S. .11f,11FFLT.. When be will appear In hl; great character of - 1 FRIDAY, 4 7, i In the celebrated Burlesque arid Trick Panto. mime ; of ' ROBLE/SUN f i RUEOE. ' • ! Bartholomew as . ' i Robinson ernsoe. Saturday Afternool.—G 'lliad Farewell Matinee of Robinson Crusee. Saturday evening last night of the 821 . 16017, IWPITTSBITROIi TAIEATRE. H. W. WILLIAMS.Lesse' and Manager. Thursday evening, Ju'ne..loth, 80, farewell. benefit of the Great Amerle!nt 4 ta Consique,GES WILLIAMS. A splendid olio and he 10-al drama called AN HUNDRED FEARS ENCE. Fri t day evening, benefit of F. A. TANNEHILL. Ladies' Matinee on Saturday. Saturday last night of the season. OrACADEMY OF MUSIC. . . . VICTOR PARTON - - . . *aniirer MISS. JEAN MOS3IEII.. .P.A THE ACCOMPL I SHED••T GEDLENNE. ON . THURSDAY LTENING r ' JUNE 10th. _ Je7:104 . _ arFIFTH ANENIIE No. 63 Fifth avenue,lopp;sslte ths Opera House, Pittsburgh, Pa. W. H. STHOUP, This house has one or the fin In the city. It is o'ecieedly the inviting ;Race. The tabtea art brace all tile modern improvo superior attractions to lovers Tll THE' DISTRICT COURT OF ALLEGIfEISY COUNTY. - No. 470 of No vember Term, 1807. Anthony Young, now Tor uses), John angsviseh vs:John Brild,a, non-resi dent of Pennsylvania. Foreign attachment In case. J. Ludsilg Koethen, F-sci•srlarallsalled as starillshee and affidavit „ claim flied for g 2140.70. Judgment by and of an appear ance as been entered and rule granted for the Prothonotary to assess the dimages. • Notice is hereby given to the defendant and all parties in forested, that the Prothoriotary - brAllegheny conntiyrill *attest the plairanFai damages at the - Prothopatary' solllce on the linttflei OF JUNE, 1869, at 10 O'CIOCk A. M. • • • • ' `• •B.A; & W. 1 1 .lIRVIANCIF •• my14:j23.4. Attorneys forPlainifff. • IN THE DISTRICT COURT, Or THE UNITE D; BTATEB, ; for the Western strlot,ofEeollSYlVanid• •• • ' JOSEPEI M. ELLI O TT . aMinkruid'ihder the' Act of Congress of March 2(1, 186 'havingr-ap plied for a discharge from all Ids de and other* claims purtodble under Bald Act, by order,,bf the. Court, notice Is hereby given, to all persona who havei proved tht.ir,debts. and trhe• .persona Inter.' • este& to appear on the 17 SAMUEL ye,l at 10 o'clock .e. Be., before 'HARPER. EN., Register in dientrraptcY, at his ottice,N.m. 93 Diamond street. Eittsburgh,,Pa., to show Callef,• if any they have, why a discharge should not he granted to 0/Weald Bankrupt. • • • 8. C. McC AN DLESit, Clerk of 11. 8. Court ter said District. rny 4 M:23-E 11ARDWARE AND CUTLERY. • . haye in store and am constantly receiving direct from manufacturers, a complete assort ment of BUILDER,' HARDWARE. . winch I offer for asie on as fair terms as any house in the city, together with a flue assortment of CUT LERY, GUNS and REvOLVEIIe. Also, the -bast selection of MECHANICS , TtX)Ls, com prising all the latest and 'best improvements known to the trade. I • I have MY. actors' in hall operation-as usual. and -am prepared to do an kinds or lob work the same as before - the t ors,f thelld knives uar am% at krt, ding raz scissors, put- Dug In- knife blades , and repairing ail kinds of Ight machinery. JAMES. .EiciwN, NO. L 36 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. • Alie,_Agetit• te , r Giosekope's famous 111A , 01 4 1 LINEN ELLEREIt, the greatest novelty In the WOOD TITRMNCI, SCROLL. SAWING, - AND 310171,1311iitr' ftgimartpor ! le ; at IE4 Lacoo4 street, A. 17 P, LEBZEI.TgA & The beet Attention will be given to CI Who went • anytbing in our line. We always ke.p large 101 l Of. :Settled.. work. such as ileloster2 . Newt . PoSts. Bub! de. Also, a gaol stoo , Cot dry WalluttAlkliry and, other uunber band. - P. LILBZE & Ct ROCK THE ,BAJAY. EARNEST'S PATENT 0.01... LEMON & Practical IFarmitare Iganatacturers, US Vol7lrri3 AN - Eakru Et. Where may be , &mad e aseortseent Par. lar, Chamber and Kitchen Furuiture., ut 5y • J- -----, = , L ~„ _ •..,,,. 4,,.. ..,........_...,„ r...:.::,......: ,_!,. .: ~......:,..,... ROOFING „SLATE OF 11RIOGS Qualities and Ciolors.; Particular attention given - to laying glate and repdring B..ate rani: tor particura and peke , au 111141:08 • !:V.,A • 1711 • _ __ The celebrated WRITE RASE Is concededhi all who have cried It to be the beat and. eheapcit. the Hive AsULU. •Flold-hy •,, , . BY XLIIIOII &HAMM% • t. - 'THE-WHITETRONTI,, 3 , 1,1,1 J mutes, Pltlafinrigh P, . my 34 - ' ''.•• ' . . • . . .. , . ~ N THF- COtlefOrimmiriew - I ertmatois.. - ... tot , Alla ebony f Nullity , In . ' the • matter o , the vareiton of usotott,street, May So 1889.: Petition et triettiohiers vroiteoted,. An d; ;, • on motion of A. If. Browil. AttOrner for Den, ttohers.!ruktraoted Id etOw....tome tythe vin o % _.. - street, frOzz. 0, !amerce skytt!lo,llo._Bloaougem hells rive., ...1n 'eltrizilzfith wAra 4 )0( 4 - 4 pli•ibbra.t , ,t} giquidmt•*3 r °,fll 7 l : 464, 7,44,3l ta iv ii f i sta.4 .** - - •'. 4 ,, 4 • `'iiiloolle. L " I -At • AMMB=ffTE. . Manager. 3test. Billiard Rooms e coolest and most re - 114 1 , 2 W and em rements. and offers of the game. LEGAL. BOLD ONLY -8Y .1 Nliintrat, No. 44 Seventh' ietute. PlTTSBtritell. PA TRADEMARK DIENDOE'S virto.la.pztoor ..111.ainp-.,, 7, oßimys. Ii! IN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers