6. STEEL WOMB_ DUQUESNE WORKS. . COMM, ROM Sr, CO., ; Ma nsdicU:trers of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPR I INCS, DVQIIESNE.I. X AIM Illjr2111,&TA. FLAT BAR, ROUND AND SiIITARE IRON. BAND, HOOF, SHEET AND, 'AMC IRON, BOILER , FL TESL AND HEADS, HUARD IRON, __DRAG and .I::,.OLTER BAR: 'MANGLE CUTTER BA R 4, OILINDER. 130.14__ T AND 'FLAT RAIL, for Coe{ Roads. CROW BARS,WEDGES A HARROW TEETH, BERING,FLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL, STEEL WINGS AND MOULD cut to pattern. STEEL TIBER, STEELS FTING, A. B. STEEL. COACH, BUGGY and W AGO SPRINGS and XLES. CUT NAILS AND SPIKES. All Goods First Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND WORKS. • Sixteenth Street and Allegheny River, and 77 Water Street, Pittsburgh.. teh9 SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, ACS & CO., rwrsßunas. PA.. MAnnincturers of every description of CAST AND GEENIN STEEL, . B.Atuist amid s. 'SELL .IC. AND PLATFORMSPRING% ALLIALI, tiTREL TIRE, WiTellOuSet IS Water andloo First Sta. MILLER, BARS PARKIN. rit ; vr i f.M AL "Waif jammaz, B.c:EAL PARTETB-B. M. KIER. • CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, UM" 'BAR •Bz . PARKA Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTSBURGH. PA.. [~'~'] BL.WM DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. \ I'.iRK, BROTHER & CO., Xanninetoreriof all descriptions of SIBTa=EULai., lee and Warehouse, THDITIRTII, THIRTY. lIRST and RAILROAD WRESTS. . - PITYSHIHRIR-11. IRON WORKS, Ml. V u, Frees.— W. P. Panza, Burt. pntsuunon FORGE AND IRON CO., xAstirAcruszos or Star Irma; Railroad Fiskliors and Boni" Rai/rood Car Axles Boiled; Railroad Oar Axles Hammered; Locomotive Frames; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side nods; Yokes, Straps; Piston Heaths Steanzboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars, Re. °Moo, No. 177 PENN STREET, rrrrisSlJHGH. PA. IiLLERSESIM IPROCIISS. • The Tiustees are now - ore p d tosreollieen ses tor the use of the . Mi ...11.1LEN PRO CESS. The superior quality imparted to good ircta, the great improvement in inferior iron. and the reduced colt, commend,it to all manufacturers of Parties Wishing to use it can obtain licenses by JAMES P. SPEER ' . Attorney for the Trustees, ZOOMS 1 and 2, English , " Building, 96ii Yourib ayenne. Par tles—interested are Sweated to visit the SHQS NBEEGKit gy r a tion. where the dtl is now in griecesattl EVERSONi PRESTON & co, Pennsylvania Iron Works. Am on. PPOS I N W1101121:aen i one,_ 711181. , spZl:de PIwTSHILIssaII BRASS FOUNDERS. JOHN N. C00rza..... ; JOHN H. COOPER & CO., Bell and - Brass Founders. BRASS CASTINGS /ADS PROMPTLY TO ORDER. Maleable and Grey Iron. Fittings, • GAS PIPE AND . TUBING, 11110TTLE,VSETY AND ,C ICE Tim; ALL GLOB El XILI.U3Nr COCJ.K S, Brass Work of Avery description tor L. Steams Water and OM itOITITACTIMIERB or d. H. COOPER'S Itsprotedlialanet:Whiel Steam map. .itgeninto `Drepitte Patent OW en' the best in the Market. were aid,igarks, coiner Thirtendiaid Pike ow. AND oozy. ( rAm (MAUL COW!: '= ' DICKSON, SMART is ak, Kailas remand tbafx Ofiles to No. 667 LOWY , SW" -. (Let4lllty H oot MUll ND It .5.- ,0 , , AM oomornrigterntsb soot! tOllOllW + teellittit i GOAL OIRBIACK. at the lowest otrozlenotos, , _ , , All Were se , tbelr elloe, be sedreesed to Wes co tie enstWeelle be attended ., to riocowlizmul. , snrikatnr 1utex4T,...........naws aims. toISERLY & 01$111, Eluppesiors aso, lt, liCrguesitAx•Vai , - ~ IPALialloAti ,zrraosouriticir& wts li ty lp ta Tx* 4460010 k, n+ at lr,,ti . 4 4 ei,l4; i s zotnz , 1p .• /trim, lertly 11l CO&VI ' • 10/10; illlnitißk Vitali OA. WIPE. WI Id - 'Matti oven. rmaliselti• ii 1 : o__ . . I .- . . . . -,-,-.. --- - ..:-.,`,„: ; 37;•:i .9i , .%,;?.?...,14 A : ,-- !.;NiiiMiSlitWilA4ft' 4 . . f':27 '..,,..'"---'.'"' ''," '`'''' ,-,,,r,,- ','...."', ,- : - ' ~cr..,y,.i.,. ,-, , , .', , ,..4.,,,.e..r..x. 0, . .4... - .4% ~..., , , . . ' . ,_ ... , _ , _ ,.....,,,.4e.,,,,....07 f f a' : : Z i .'44; " ', V1i :- : 4 IINV - 4g4i . *frf.;.iq , tj.L.' 7 ',..VS'4% , / , ...kA 5 % , ,t - A lr ,'Ve.,4 . 4' :7, „ , Att"'. r' -171':;37'7.'.: 4 - P : i . A ;.-4- 4 ' ;P : ' I, VS , 4 - '.ZV4'Ai..i1ik , N,43..:10.§ , Ci1i.:0 4 t.4,..110 . g:' . ' Fs*P.s.ig'e•K:r..4;%ZWV,:,; ' F;.::oo.t'fAA. ' 6 ' ; " ' S Q ' Vl Z '3, Vg'WTW ,lo, . t4 ''At:* ' P.tN; : ; l P' ,,'- '. l s : '''r- , ' . • . . . .. t ,,4,.‘i4 1.4 .0 , C t Z..'. 4 V 1; `....f - Ag t4 7'-' '-'''''''•'. -.- ''''', r i . '': -.--. .- ' . . - -.y4i2t..( 4 to.YA'' ..'":, "'.' • . - . I r^. ~-. ! . ;.-- , ?4",~ 4 7_,,,i 41 4 . ... - . • . -:,75.41., A1i t ,, .. , k .„,...,, ..r.V , W , 57. ,.. cp.,V75.',.* , .. , .‘1....i'.., ..,-.' '-': . ' . . . - t:'v t.. ,',t '.:..*gA. ,, ,p,;e.5.My . f..":,," . . JAV.... , :ktt.' A....V. '. • T's'i.'o'ol. 1.,. ''?."41 1 4 , . 1,, , ,.., , ,,' -; _. . FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS. 'KNIT - TORT PITT-- FOUNDRY COYPAM. OFFICE AND 'WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. - Vi'Engines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines,. Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Cornir. Carroll and Samllnannitriets, I WILLIAM SMITH, Dlanuro,oturcor or OAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOR GAB AND WATER WORM. hig Pipes are all cut Invarlablyln Pita, Mal , sand, and 18 feet lengths. Also, fall useetment of general • Castings for Gas and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Bispurlutend eats of Gas Works to my make of lizTuftTS. DUQUESNE . FORGE. MIME MID; (Succeisor to JOS. P. HAIGH & C 0.,) Hu thetuties eo•extensive with the leading Forges in the East, an orders pared t* SMOLT SHAFTS. satisfietorily &H far /ay A SMOLT SHAFTS, CRANES. PISTON ROD +, LEVERS, PITMAN JAMS WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVEFRAMES_ ,_ together with every descriptkon of SHAPE WOES. °Mee and porde. Corner of Duquesne Way and Vint Street. apl4:h4o ROBINSON, REA. & CO., swum= to Itostwsox. Mims a Iffsszatt • WASHINGTON WORHEI, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Ifanotocharers of Boat and Stationary Stearn En eiNils;sit Engines, Mill Machinery, Gearing, , Castings of all descriptions; 011 Tanks and El Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Mice, o. corner lint and Smithfield Street,. Meats fbr OITTARD , I3 FLTENT INJECTOR for reeding Boilers. - THOMAS CARLIN & CO Fourth Ward Foundry and Slain Works, BANDITEICY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA.. itanutacturers of Stoma Etelies, Gil Presses, Pullers, Shafting, Grist and Bait Mill Work, Bolling BIM and Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, &c. Build to order and have on hand Engines of all sizes. invl4:q6 CENTRAL FOUNDRY '- AND ROLL WORKS' 880 Penn Street. BOLLIA.N, BOYD & BAGALBIic Chil Molls. KM Outing. 801 l Lathes, to WABLIIG AND KING, Conranlon Merchants sad Broken la Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, PHTLADELPHIA. ADDRin, /loom 17, Chamber of Commerce, apo 333 SOUTH SECOND STREET. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W. C. TVIEDDLE, YLNE/ACTIIRER Or Lubricating 8 , High Test Burning Oils. ILSICRY SIZE. Zell's. ItsLbrosbill Azle 011. Stands low e sta without change; remains limpid attemperatures. Special Oil for 'tropical climates or but weather. Locomotive, Zagine, Machine shop, eat Screws. Saw Ilm and Planing NM 001, Adapted tor hlgh_ew..d. Splndle Woolinead-Lfghtoli, 011, Tanners' dims nonspie, Harneytsng, 11a11011nar s 011, karrallne. • ARMOR VARNISH. to preserae Bright Dna Work and Stachinery from oust. These products are mandractared ander Dr. Tweddles patent by Superheated Steam in VSLO. ciao. The Lubricating Olaf are almost odorless. pa/Italy. pure. unlibrm. and mostly light col ored. stand a high temperature unchaivaand remain limpid during extreme cold. Th road Olts are ! unequalled, and are In constan on many of the principal Railroads. Samples man be examined and orders lett at 114 WOOD • ISTIOOLT. Works at Sharpsborg Bridge. TACK , BROTHERSi COMMISSION BIERCHANTS, AND DlLl4lia IX . Petroleum , and its Products, rituiburo inecorliALSTlll , ll Somme, emus et aneiteerae via, fad IMAMS'S/. , Philadelphia 44119e-11i WALNUT pT. a • Iva) DLIBIOND OIL WORMS, H. M. LOPIC a co., Office, DALZIELL BUILDING, /tin Dugllene I #ll. rthabliso.4ll. noITTNOUJIIGH' NOVELTY WORKS. .Wiaiited D. Ina. • it ; arKEE & co stiumiaagEnuom or ICITIMICISTAIMAIWaiLMEAWKAP. I I.T. ? Mr) rlu.darol)ll4-Nu-OUUDITEA SCALES. Am ! ! l ei= Dom wave Lt foci a:Eas t FilitLYnine WIT ra. imeoevorphipwww: MEMEL (FIRTH. WARD.) 1 1 GFEL, PA. OILS. NOVELTY "WORM_ PrITSBUEGH GAZETTE: FRIDAY, JUNE 11, !1869. ENGINES, BOILERS, am HUGH N. BOLE 8c CO., Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St., (Nam %as Pourr,). Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all ekes. Special attention Inv_ited to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGDIE AND YORTAI3LE BOILEE,of 15-horeamowes. OASTINGS, of every kind, made to order stow Foundry on Wens , TREET below 'Market. Bios 1.9 x o sHerime PULLICYS I HANGEno, HOUSE and TOBACEPO sCREWB ana IRON TOBACCO YREASES, on hand sad made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Frontlniotithe Allegheny Mier, near the Point, PITTSBURGH. Pa. air All orders prOmptly sued. • . TaTl7B FORT EIITT BOILER, STILL AND TM WORKS. CARROLL & SPIYDER, mAutrrA=43bl OP TUBULAR. DOTIBVE:irLtran =BOLA& FINS-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL OLL STILLS AND OIL TANTA, CHIMNEYS. BBEEOBING"AIifp- AM ) PANB. BETTLING PANG . SALT PANE CON. DENEERB: _ STEAMemomsza AND LEON BRIDGES: -MESON mesa AND COAL Saimaa One. and Warehosise. Owner Maenad, Third. Short and Manly /UNMAN PITTSBURGH,. Pa. ar Orders seat to the above addreee will be promptly' attended to. mb7:188 W. BARNIIILL & COry BOILER MASERS AND SHEET IRON WORIVIRS, NOB, SO, SS, SO &ND SO rzzor BT. Having secured a large yard and furnished it wail the meet approved MlChillerf, we aroma- Ea_rlid to manufacture every description of BOIL BBB in the beat manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Breathitt, Biro Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Mts. Zeta. tors, Settling Pans, &der Iron,Hriages, Bagar Piny and sole manufacturers of BaraM's Pat ent BMWS. Repairing doze on shortest notice. Wheal JANES M. BITER,, los. 55 and 56 Water fared, rmwornas, PA., KAIFIVACKW at IRON OIL TANKS, RETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM VI% solzme MILL STAMM, Aid SHEET IKON WORK, Tor Steamboat& LIMED K. 331000.. D. WM= t iMU I D M. 11111111 & SON, . KIUTD7AOIIOIIIIIS 07 Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. WEST IRON WORK. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &o. THE BEST STOVES. _ A. BRADLEY It CO. • Manufacturers of the greatest variety of - Cook Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BB FOUND IN TER STATE. Sole Agents for the celebrated- Base Burning . Oriental - Stowe' and Furnaces for Herd Coal or Colte.Best in the World for Parlor.ollce, Store or Church. Fire needs ao rekindling—burns all win. tat. Do notbay until you see or seed for Circular. No. 30 WOOD STREET. Our Agents for Orientals—DENlM= BROS., Smithfield et.; ORO. HUBLZY. Allegheny City. RAPP, IHIGUS & CO., INAROTACTRAISS or mar worry or IS I F I CWV - Meiv Boarok GOOKI2iG RANGE, FlEt! FURNACE," TH Fos WARRING Butunroa. • Z DIIST COO AL IFINO S VVS YAWS (ClannatA AI.T. Pattern) P i IfRTABLII HANOI CAST IRON MANTL ES. WIS4I4II.A.N`S RKYLICCTOROHATII,S,free Isom =AAA ALI: GRATZ TRA.IN, TANORRA. AA. 206 and 208 Liberty Street, saltßyl7 • PTTTSBUROH. PA. COOK STOVE& ~ L CET THE,BEST. BISSELL aT CO.'S - TRIUMPH. FOB B.rrrimmors coaz. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast aa well at atheatore In the Won. BIN ELL & 00., No. 285 Liberty Street. Woo laid sad for mid. I rt e gent Agra .1 LUMBER.!' BOILDERBI 198.980 feet AryPineifolls,._,..4 • , : ' 101 00 0 Stet 14 Inch oar nou t io r , 1 , 18:000 feat isslsosa gunman i il . en 15,000 feet lily a A litci O c A, OO „i s 18,00011. I l i, I ,A ouus it • 10,081 feet ey °Mir Scout t °° `a:: I_o, wou tees ry Ow Pine uxup. 1,0,000 feet Rea oek ficantitigt ,' ~,,„ 318.010 fees lie. I 1111u01 104 111114 v--- le ". 1 iiie watt 110.11111 o. 1 64nch Ilhl es, Oa ed i t 50,000 No. 111-luott Skluilos, *SW . bey F?irn' Ilricki liveu • . 100 PTA Clay' 8 • • _ __ Alis. Saw Mill -Lumber, Locust an d Wu - Posts, an illrtioleiln i?eltnl_onbautd4 r i ardi ag V i et llV A lt i ctelesPrve s latt Un E iTrai l lible and Juulats stmts. IAzIA word, Allegbeal., la s tr r i . oust' of atanolleilter. • " •-• (e P I,3 „ L i f e#, , seater of *eights. awl Meow!4 .l No: i7ODATS:BPBIi?•;,, - rf .") tlieelebb Liberty bad POUT IUSSSs Oftuspreaser aline" St% . FINANOLLL. FORT *KU BANKING COIIPANY. No. 169 Wood Street,. CAPITAL, : : : $200,900. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIAEUI, DEALERS IR 1 GOVERNMENT SECURITIES - AND COLD. ISTEILEST ALLOWED ON TERI DEPOSITS. Collections made on all accessible points In the tinliertfatates and armadas. 7tlailieToll43l lifostetter. Jno. . 11ber. James tiOrdoni BObt S B a ng, D,Walinoe,- • Andse*ldlllce. X:yip/feet% Bailer. , 102111. Cannier. RE= D. LEFT . EIfLILT, CAIUGHEIIi & CO., I . BANKERS AND BROKERS, 0~1 , , Third and Wood Streets, PrTri'l333lThilan, O3OCCEBtI 1113 TO HANNA, HART CO. MUM= IN Exchange, Coin, Coup Ons, And • particular attention paid to the purchase' and sale or GOVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on London. muses N s HOLMES & SONS, 31BLALINTICJIMCELIS, 57 Market Street.' prz-r-rsuunGla, , / , .&. Otdleatlons made on all the principal points of the United States and Canada.. Storks,Bonds and other INmiritia, BOUGHT AND SOLD ON OOYNTINION. Putt=las atteatioa paid to the runk‘se sad eats of Vaq i ted Btatps Securities. JAY COOic..E & CO. , - I 33a,331m.ere,1 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, WELPM. STOCKS and BONDS of all desciliOons twinabt and sold. Special attuntloit given to the purchase of Government Securities CITY, - B NS 12 Fifth Street, ittsburgh, Pa CAPITAL. $lOO,OOO. H STOCIHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY . LIABLE ' . EiTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN- EXCHANGE Bong'st and sold, and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on all the principal • . Mu of the United Elates and Canada.) Dominica Itimarav, President. \ , Lamm miceaDe. vice President, \, 1 Joule 11. Ooa*LZT, Cashier. i DtirCCTOSII. • ' D. Iltmsea. • James McCabe. Thomas Rourke, John Savage, J. Dunlevy. Jr., Terence Campbell, Patrick Kane, . James ehelan, Chas. B. Barr,H.A.FrerrOgle, Jno.Jos.Hermann, Thomas Barnes, Hugh Keating i lel:ks PEOPLES' SAVINGS BINI = Of Allegheny. CORNER FEDERAL. AND LACOCK STREETS. CAPITAL $OO,OOO STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE Bank of Discount and Deposit: rszazyszir—s. 11. HARTMAN. _ CABlllllllt—Z, P. Y9uNG. DIRECTORS. W. U. fort, . 0. Patter.on. W. F. Brown. ! . O. B. blograw,l iny2l:Ji2 S. H. Hartman, J. I'. Henderson, J. Kohen, knannel Dyer. W. O. Damon. FIFTH AVENUE BANK OF PITTSBURGH Will open for Discount. Deposit and General Banking Business on JUNE 3d.1869. nt N 0.193 Fifth avenue. Any sum received from one dol lar nirwardo. Interest at the rate of sLi percent. paid on time deo:wits. DIRECTORS: Rd. Dithridge, W. P. Wellman.. W • H. Him'. Frank Seibert, WPC. Robertson, at lir, Royer, Dan. Kinser, . D. Armor, Trail Poerstel. 4 RD. DITRRIDGE. President. I le. R. tiCHENCR. Cashier. jed:dlll & CO,. NO'. 221; and 223 Liberty iiStreet. Corner of Irwin, now offer to the trade at/ow ggenut, strictly . - Prime New Crop:New Orients Seger and nohow . r__ _ otto RICO, Cuba and It RUsh Island Sugars. ew York, Pkiliadelp and Baltirnore Re ined do. 4 1 ()Olden Dti_ys, Layer* 1 3 4 1 i Bragg', Miami Adams , and Long isianol t ya rtos . _ l_ o _ aate Porto Moo, Cues and E ILO 1 nd Id 1 s. Young Hymn , Japan, mce 11111Po'wder gad Oolong Teas, ' Carolina and Bangoin Mee. • ' Java, Lavers and <to oofftes. tooscco,,tLares OIL SUN NUM, GI a, BoaPs. Cotton Yarns,'&e., Constantly pn hand. • AMMO, -:! ; IIIiPORTKRA ,CR/r , : Fite Brindle!cit,lnes`lin r 4 . 4iggars• Eh "nlo4lllosefie.fand' Bbartline,Sook WLatis Of 0 oast &Ji10.. , la bottles. ‘„ .• i , 6 klitig musk ) - 13abariberg. andlJobaustda tons Hookbelmer, Burgundy, • B deaburg £ Freres' Flue 011ve Oil. - ' do do ,- glarsamorted in bottles. do do visit& wines. In bottles. i ! II N. Wort •& Bons , Sparkling Catawba. ri e old einerry. Mara anpyort Wines. : • Fre*, o_l4 M9.11100,11Re i Rya wialskles. , bare. Qo ‘vori,buiNg,lor Id iloo tcit , do 1-. do. lots& to fbrliostA Chdado&No etbait Via. enemymd Bellel7 l 4ll4 l MlL • , :sadist 1A . 010011 , 1 NIIIC t -asil Twastaitsd• it. ts . . 1 _, .. .. . Wai - X - wi - .pvak,''- - 4 , --:-- 1 .M 4 -V.t.7.,...v i ~11* A- * Ait :, , „ , _ =MONSEN' C'll-OLD, SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at Highest Prices. PH. R. MERTZ, Banker Con :Wood and Fifth Streets. la y 6 JAMES T. BRADY & CO., (Successors 08. JONES & C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., BANMr... EL El, BUY AND BELL ALL HINDS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAvosABLE 1211E9. Intekest Allowed on . Deposits. rlonewoi Oovernnent Bonds at lowest rates. Orders executed for the Purehaie and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and . GOLD. LAMES T. BRADT & CO. GOVERNMENT BONDS ! We will register Ell kinds of Government Bonds free of charge. This gives the polder ab solUte security against theft, loss, or destruction. JAMES T. BRADY & CO., Dealers in Government Bonds, COD. FOUR= & WOOD STS. my 11142.5 Os lath* ekayttt. FINANCE AND TRADE. Onion Of PITTEIBMIGH GAZETTE, - THURSDAY, June 10, 1889. Gold remained firm to-day at 130 y;, to 139%. The bull element feel very con- fident that they can raise the price much higher and in this they are sup -ported by the foreign houses who have put up their bills of exchange and will soon force specie shipments to bo made. What arrested the upward course was the tightness of the money • market, which seems to have reached, for the present at least, its worst, and a rapid reaction in all the markets is expected to set in to-morrow. - • Government bonds declined about per cent. to-day and 1867's sold down to 1193 i, whilst old 186k's were almost as flrin as the day previous. Stocks experienced • a still farther de cline at the 1:30 board and looked very weak, but after board there was a better feeling, Nvhen it was noticeable that good houses had no difficulty in making up their balances. rEZIMI mh3o Money is easy here and our banks and monied institutions lend freely to all good borrowers. Business is dull hi all its branches. Quotations as re . aeivea by ,Ph. Mertz: Gold, 139%; Silver,l3o; Eighty one's, 121%; Five Twentis, 1862, 122%; do 1864, 117%; do 1865, 118%; do 1865, Consols, 119%; do 1867, 119%; do 1868, 119%; Ten Forties, 108%; New York Central, 84%; Erie, —; Reading, 97%; Pittsburgh, Fort. Wayne do Chicago Railroad, 55%; Ohio dt 32%; Michigan SorAthern, 104%; Cleve land dr, Pittsburgh, 93%; Ohicago_&. Rock Island, 18%; Chicago dr North Western, 87%; Chicago Qt North Western Preferred, 98%; Adams Express Com pany, 58%; Merchants Union Express, 14; Pacific Mail, 83%; , Western Union Telegraph Company, 40; Gregory, 300; Quartz Hill, 100; Smith it Parmlee, 250; —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady dt Co. Gold, 139%; United Sates Sixes, 1881, 121%; Five-Twenties, 1862, 12 . 1%;.d0. 1864,117%; do. 1865, 118%; Ten-Fortiei, 108%; Five-Twenties, Janu ary and July,-1865,119%; do. do. 1867, 119%; do. do, 1868, 119%; Seven-Thirties, par less, %; Due Compounds, 119; Union Pacific Railroad, 94; Central do. do., par; Cy. Pacifies, 107. C ny Telegraph tto the Pittsburgh tiszette.) Nzw YORK, June 10,1869. Money active, but atrlngent. Early transaction were made at 7 per cent cur . rency, but before two o'clock the rate rose y a , per cent., and there was some little easing up before three o'clock, which resulted in a fall to coin interest. Alter barking hours, hoWever, the de mand was again very urgent, and many brokers were compelled to pay 1-18, X, and 14 per cent. for money in order to get their bank accounts made up. Ms. counts nominal. The sudden stringency in the market is chiefly due to the ma nipulations of Combinations operating for a decline in prices at the. Stock Ex change. Sterling dull at 93;09%. Gold opened at 138% and closed at 139 g. • Ger man bankers were large purchasers on reports that affairs In Paris were in an unsettled oondition, but the market closed dull. Cash gold abundant at 70 12 per cont., high rates due to the= atria gency in money.'- The .'sub-Treastfrer sold $1,000.000. at ' 89. 9.100089 12-1110. Governments lower but closid steady:. Coupons of 'Bl, 121%@miy„.• do. 'B2, 122)40122W d 0... 'B4, 117y;0117X; do. 'B5, 1111),(01183j;. -do.' new, 119%0119M; do. 1 67, 119340i19% do. 'BB, 119%011934;• 10.40s,108%@108%; - Pacifica, - 108,4:01.07. State bonds dull:: Missouris, 91)4092; old" Tennetiieee, - 64%; new do., 81N; new North Carolinas, 543f,(055%.. The stock market dating themorning was'a scene'. of intense .exciltement. . The transactions ,were of unusual magnitude. The fluctuations were wide and frequent, withs tendency in favor of operations for, a detline.. The prices were steady until the drat session of Stook Exchange, when large blocks were pressed for sate end. a.Aeherp • decline followed..,Later theraWas a reaction of X,®sl ,per cent., hut. the market again became , lweak. There - was a dreier tone towards the close of the dayy:and a sharp rally is prices, the market in many cases , tecov-: sting to, the highest point of the day. There is still, •lhowever * an :unsettled ; feeling, and thebeavy : deoll.ne has crip pled the bull interest. Among: ,the said cep made meet to .produces panic was, the following • A for order. Purporting to come *ow timore eon respendenti of a leadjng - ,hpose in Broad- Idrtleti was given to'thsir repFesentives in litooX,F.xchange..4lMinhig: the solo. of MOD Shaift 0 1 /1/0 4 ettit and Cincinnati AMA MI second preferreq stook The I -" „•c., ,* • '70100011,101e",-c. 074 + / stock was sold and reported,when the for gery was discovered. Steps will be taken to ferret out the perpetrators of the fraud Bidding pricss at Five-Thirty:, Com. , berland, 32; Wells Express, 30%; Amer. ' ican ' 39%; Adams, 58%; United States, 66; Merchants Union, 14; Quicksilver, 15; Canton, 62; Pacific Mail, 83%; West.. ern 1jni0n,,,40%,; Mariposa, 4; do. pre- : furred, 164; New York Central, 185%; I Erie, 3634; do. preferred. 52%; Hudson, 154; Harlem, 144%; Reading. 97%; Terre Haute ' 36; do. preferred,- 56; Wa. hash, 69%; do. preferred. 82; St. Paul, 75%; do. preferred, 85y; Fort Wayne, 1 156%;Idississippi, 32y: Michigan Central, 130: Michigan Southern, 104%; Illinois Central, 142_. Pittsburgh, 95%; Rock Island, 118%; Northwestern, 8734; e. do. preferred, 98%; C. C. t I. 41%; i St. Joseph preferred, 118: Chicago & Al. ton, 153%. Mining shares quiet: Smith and Parm. lee, 275; Gregory, 290; Crrass Valley,s4. —Copper stocks at Bostbn: Copper Falls, 8; Franklin, 17; Heels, \ 85; Hancock, 4; Minnesota, 2: Quincy, 25. Sub-Treasury receipts; $1,186,484: pay- i merits, $1,605,719; balance, $81,173,522. Disbursements of coin interest, $241,688. c. Gold clearances,s64,ool4oo. ' • 1, The bills of ayor & Co., Havana, and ; Dont, Molar dt. Co., Cardenas, were, re-, l fused acceptance by instructions from those firms, for reasons' connected' with the Schepeler failure. PITTSBURGH MARKETS. 3 OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH - GAZE 5., I , THURSDAY, June 10, 1869. The markets in a general writ present t, but little that is new or-imporiantt noth ing,\ at least, worthy of special notice. 1 There is no improvement to note in the demand for any of the leading articles, and with a light volume of business, prices are without important change. There is not so much complaint inregard to making collectiona as there was some time since, but under the influence of a strong competition, margins are very much reduced, and there is more corn- plaining about this than anything else. It is evident that our people will have to be satisfied with smaller profits and the , 3 sooner they make up their mind)! and • accept the situation, the better. APPLES-Fair to choice, 545®8. APPLE BUTTER-75®51,00, as to quality. BUTTER--Quiet and unchanged sales of prime io choice at 23®.5. IsEANS--Dull at $2®2,50. CARBON OIL—Is easier but await tled, and cannot be quoted correctly., CHEESE—SaIes of Western Reserve, at 18®20; and New York Goshen! at A 23®24 and market steady. DRIED FRUIT—Is dull . and un- 4. changed. Peaches, la for, quarters: 15 for mixed and 18 for prime halves. Apples, IS®l6. EGGS-ISales at 21®22. • FEATHERS--Filin and hi limited '4 supply; we now quote live geese 'at 85® 90 to the trade, and $l, in a retail way. FLOUR—Is quiet and unchanged; de mand fi confined mainly to supplying im mediate wants of the local trade. Spring A Wheat quoted at $6®6,50 and Winter at 7, 57®7,50. The Pearl Mill Prices for fresh • ground flours are as follows: Pearl Ei Mill three star, green brand, in barrels, 59,00 and in sacks. 58,70; double extra of selected amber and white winter wheat, in barrels $7,90, and in sacks $7,60; choice selected fed winter wheat flour, in bal.- 1, rels $7,30, and in sacks 57,001 choice spring wheat flour In berrels's6,6o and in sacks 56,30. The - Pittsburgh City Mill '4 prices are as follows: Choice white win ii - ter wheat flour in barrels, $8,00; and in sacks $7,75; choice red winter wheat flour in barrels $7,25, and in sacks 57,00; t." choice spring wheat flour in barrels 56,75. and in sacks 56,50 per barrel. GRAIN—Sales of 4 cars choice lowa Spring at $1,25; prime Winter may be quoted at 51,30. Oats dull' but un changed; 66®67 for car load lots on spot. Li Rye continues very dull; smell sales at Ej 11,10®1,15. Corn very dull and cannot be quoted above 73®75, on tiaek, and' in elevator. Barley—none offering, and but 's t :t little wanted. GROCERIES—The grocerY market 7) continues unusually dull, and what is worse still, there are no indications of any immediate improvement. In regard to prices there are no changes; it was v..j, thought some time ago that Sugars, in view of a heavy fruit crop, would ad init thus far these expectations have not been realizet. -- SUGARS-8 H, 11.35;-A A, 13; Havana 'I 14; Cabs, 13; Porto Rico, 14®1434 Demerara, 1535; New Orleans, but little prime. in market and sells readily at 14%®15; lower grades, 13@14; Refined, 6 Ex. C, 15%; B, 16; A, 16%; hard, 17%.„ Mousnsivis--New Orleans of good _ ity is in strong request and bring 80%85; Porto Rico, 65®75. Siaturs—White Honey Drips, 51,15; Silver Drips, 95e; Jersey, $1,05; Golden 85; Amber, 75; Common, 55®75. Covrxx--Fair to Good Rio, - 20®22; Prime, 2435®25. Choice, 26®26%. Rion—Carolizirt, 1C34 to 11c; Rangoon, .1,1 9No. 4 TEAS—Young Hyson, 51,10 to 1,85, G. , o P., $l,lO to 1,90. Imperial, $1,40 to trl 1,80. Oolong, Soto $1,45. Sou Chong, 90c to 51,50. • ST./atm—Pearl, 735; Silver. Gloss, 12e, p . and Corn Starch, 12%c. CONCENTRATED Lyn-18,00 per_ case. Fnurrs—Layer Raisins,43,so per box; 11 Matt do, $7350; Prunes, 14c; Currants -0 13c; Vallenela Raisins 14%. Brims—Cassia, 90o; Cloves, 45e; grain A Pepper,. 36 Allspice, 33e; Nutmegs, $1,60.• 4 BAR LEAD-12%e; Shot, 53,25 per bag. IA SOAPS---"Balibit's," 12e: "Oaksly's," lie; Rosin, sto 7e; “Dobbin's," 150; •K Wax, 10o; Chem. Olive, 9o: kl CANDLER—MouId, 160; Star, 25e i • BI;CARB SODA-57,00 per 100. .i . 6 'Frau—White Fish $8,75 per half bbl. Lake Herring $3,75. S'l, HlDES—Green salted 11%®13; do Hip, ®2 15®1 11 ,p; do Calf, 17®20; Dry Flint, AT HAYl—Baled is dull and, nominal, at E. 82,5®27 on wharf, for good. to strictly g 4 Prime- • • • HOMINY—DuII; #5®525 per bbl. HIISICS—SaIes corn husks. at 11%. • HEMP—Sales at $2lO. _ t.'•A LEATHER--Rough Oak, 38®40; Oak t.„ Sole. 88®41; Red Sole B. A. 29®84; Wax t Upper, 23@f/it : do gip, 50®75; do. Calf, r „ : 111,86@)1,85. • LARD OlL—Sales of Extra No. lat $1 60 and No. 2 at $1,20. • leveland Lime Is quoted at ,75. $2,50, per bbl,, and - Common White at F.A 51 .• 4 • PQTAOES--Salesof old crop in store, eif at 45®5() per bushel, and new crop at 53 WOO Der. barrel. PEANUTS--Small sales at.l2a, t PROVISIONS—Market firmer;"`and price.s.tending onward. . We now tifote f r :`,; Shoulders at 144314%; Sides 1634®17 for ;1. Ribbed and 17iti . . for Clear; Plai HamaHaa 17%; and. Canvasaed 1834; Su ga r Cured Canvassed 201520,q. Breakfast N BROOD 20. Beef Tongues, es,so per dozen r. Mesa Poi.k, $32." Dried Beef, 21 - * SEEDS --:Occasional small sales of Flaximed M. - V.45(42,50,Nq demand' for- T.. .01over, ery.Titnothy. • SALT—Sates of ear lead lota 88 ' 10185. . 1 TAW Nothing doing in this ant- 4 ,5 '' ;le of.importanoe, and prices are nom ” TANNERS OlL—Straits 11 18; Bank 12 11,. - • '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers