FMMMME PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OP PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, June 9, 1869. The oil market was , moderately active to-day the sales in the aggregate being larger than yesterday, and with a t i stronger ;feeling prises, it anything, Were a shade higher. As a general f thing, bttyers took hold with less hesita tion, while sellers, on the other hand; t were not set analons about selling, being apprehensive that prices might go still . higher to-morrow. The advices from i the east were very conflicting, scarcely any two telegrams. being of the same import, thcmgh, as already intimated, the general tone of the market wits in creased firmness and higher , prices. • CRUDE. The sales of Crude- were large aggre -1 gating some 18,000 bble, and compared with yesterday, the market was stronger, I and prices, if anything a fraction higher, though without Important change. Sale 1 6,000 bbls for September at 15; two lines lof 500 each July to Deceniber at 15; 1,200 June (40@ , 15) at 143; 2,001) on Val* , care 1 at on City (40@45) at OM; and 3,000 on cars at,Venango City at- same figure. .tikyiNgn' Finn and moderatelY active, but with out quotable change.. Sales 1,000 June • at 82X; 500 July at ;2%; 500 August last half 33; 500 do first half,, at 3234; 500 first hatf.July at 8Z; and three lines of 500 each July to comber 33. • . LIIBRIOATING -OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 40c Eclipse Railroad Axle 35c Eclipse Machine* 76c Eclipse Spindle 80c BEfEIPTB OE CRUDE OIL., ~..... 270 bblio 440 480 bi Flatter &:Bio J. IStunbllt. . N. Di' 'utcheon Total F OIL SHIPPED CA ST BY A. V. B. B. : Lockhart, Frew & Co.r 628 bills refined /t ' o Warden; Frew dc Co. Pniladelphia. Braun (Cc Wagner 200 bbls -refined to, Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. 1 Montzheimer Kehler it C0.x203 bbls ref. ,lo Waring King .t Co., Philadelphia. _ ii Fawcett, L. dr )3, 200 bbls refined to W. P Logan & Bro .. Philadelphia. • , McKelv` &‘Bro., 150 bbls refined to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Motel Refined. ' ....„ 1381. 4alr. SHIPPED _.E AS T, FROM DUVILSIYM V' . PO'T. - Brooks, Ballerina° . it 'Co. 54 bbliref.- flo Wardell, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. ~.- § Hutchison Oil &Refining Co., 452 bins Ito Warden, Frew it Co, Philadelphia. ,it Brooks Ballentine ISt C0., - 50 bbls lubri.- .Lating oil to E. B. Mahlon Phila. .'..Total shipments Refined erotal fIL SHIPMENTS PER WENT PBNNA. B B. Arnold Hertz & Co., 500 bbls refined crarinig, King & Co., Philadelphia. etal shipments Refined_ .. ,Epoo k LAVE STOCK, MARKETS • Pram'A CENTRAL STOCK YARDS, t WEDNESDAY , June 9, 1869.. , • i . BitiIYNENTS. . The fallowing are the daily shipments :live stock from these yards during he week ending Tuesday, June Bth. ,_ Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses. I . l lffednesday,.... 475 1,529 -4,3013 So - hnrsdaty,. 312 2,267 3,700 62 kriday, 958 2,713 1,379 130 turday,......... 131 3,357 259 17 -, ' onday, - 1 , ,C.4 3,894 3,197 15 i l • uesday, 764 .3,741 2,463 , 49 - _ - • „1..0tal 2,904 17,501 15,306 333 .' test week...-. 2,94 19,813 19,085 487 ..„, COTTER. • The supply of Cattle was considerably' rger this •week than „last, but , with a qretty full attendance of buyers, and a ,frisk demand, prices were fully sus , • 'nod; indeed, wane operators thought at the market was .even stronger than at at week. - The • cattle on sale were inly, from lilinots. Kentucky, Mis *surf and lowa, avid consisted mostly of •lood tat steers,- saitable, for the eastern arkets; and , as we have already inti ,ated sold . at full! prices. Fourcar loada extra Illinois:goers, brought 8%,; con dared an outside price -and it is said ' 1 .at no •one except , the ' parties • who ught • would •hisce paid -that price. s'rime shipping I steers may be fairly 'rime oted at 7%®8; and good to medium et 7%. The number of cattle- from xis ri was said to I have been unusually ergs, some fifty car loads having arrived ere from St. Louis, and the supply was uch larger thaa last week. There was sale of two cars of light stockers at $3B r head. • -... • WEDNESDAT, June 2.-L & J Sham rg to Watey 0, weighing 7,125. at 7%; me to Kelly 17. - weighing 22,480, at 7,85; alter to Landis - 16,' weighing '18,675 at . . . THCESDAY; June 3.-Holmes, Lafferty Co. for Morris to Hineis 11 bulls, weigh.- g, 16,325, at 6; and 4 steers, weighing , at 7; same for Quick to Kiemen. dt ynes 62, weight' 72,550, at 7,40; same r , at Bray-75, , weigh -2,5 f 96,850, at 8, .end 160 otf;' 'Berry to emet,& B:31„; weight 38.87_0,. st -; oimes; Lafferty & Co. for Morris •to ll 11, , weighing 10,400; oßosh 'for Mor u, to Huntsberger 48, ; weighing 85,076; ivous to 'Smith 16, weighing • 19,750; 'olmesi 4..afferty •& Co.' for Morris% to etzten AtMaynes 18, weighing 9,526.••' WinDAT,Jette 4.-HolMew, ;Lafferty dr . for Brown& Co. to • Kelly 18, weigh g 18,550. atc-7%,• same for Simpson to .Mahon 17,-weighing 19,525; • same 'far berts .to ;same 17, weighing -19,175; me for Tate to Klemen & Mayne , 24; 1 0 121 8 88,050; J Brown to B; W. Gil t it C0.•98, weighing 122,175, at 7,90: AYIIEDAY. June 5.-Holmes,: Lafferty Co. for Brown & Co. toldeMahon - 17, 1 king 17,775, atiTIA i . 4- •. i. ' , ' ', / - ONDAY, .11140 7.--qreenwald ti; Kahvi Bunion 16; welghtrig2l:4 l 6so2 ' TODAY, June B.+ - -litilmes, LafrertY' Co. fog , Webb-Itorlroung 16 wingbingt 900, at . 8 ; aatinf9l% Mania to I Mltela 8.00 Ighing - 22,4,00; same for, L. B. paled W. Hedges ' 29 ' *bitching 874t5i HIM Trauerman toßeaulh it Bray , B4 weigh-'1 115,900,-.81..8;,, Bradley•to, Belts -at:' •',, ver 16 weighing 21,500 eat - 7%;,8eaf.; ' , to Beach &Bray 85 weighlug'44,4ol), r .... 7%; Holmes, La &Co. for Madden . Seitz -it .Hoover 46 weighing- 15,725; ,‘• 71:ne f:r Morris Beach & Bray 97 , * . ighing • 117,625, tat 7M; same for same. • • same -48 Weighing 68,225; at 8--111 per 6 • .'. l nzerzstimr. ;-June 9.-Birtholomew •- 'Case & Thatcher 85 weighing 34,776, at • 7%; Haziewood. it it Blackstook, for •• e to Lamb. at Musaehruus '66 weigh- I .• • 84,675, at 8%,420 off; same for same t n : 'Fritz 16 weighing 19,625, at 7,55;-Bar ,. OlamaXto Case 144 Thaoher '5l weigh , .g 63,050, ar, 7,70; _ Orr , at Williams to etch &Bray : 18 , Weighing7l9,63s; Mar* .. :at to Motzer ~ 1 .8 weighing 19,050; ;Had ' . •is it Taylor for . Mut/hall to FritZ 88 ~, • 'ghing- 86.125, at • .6,45; Hardewood & - katock 44 head light -stockers at s3B' e head4; same to - Roddy Maynes 186 Sid good'lllinola steers averaging 1,850, , . ~ •.- i.,.• saner „ 4 - . q .7 1 . , , Li 'rho arrival•yeateltdiAlr 10-ti, 0 - , re large and with oal den:bad b market was rather ull to-day, and ~, - • -~ ~,` ,:~~'; ~` prices drooping and lower than during the early , part of the week. One single deck of fancy brought 634. but this is an outside figure and is no criterion of the Market. Good to prime shipping Sheep sold at 5 to SW - eS6, and there was a pretty full supply of this grade on sale. Pideock Ac Erisman bought over 8,000 for New York, indeed_this firm bought more Sheep thus far than all the balance of the buyers put together. The follow tng is a condensed report of their pur chases:Monclay-1,500 head averaging: 81, at 5 , ; 500 averaging 99, at W s ; 1,000 averaging 40, at 5. Taesday--10.100 av eraging 92; at SX; 500 averaging 78, at 4;,4; 500 averaging 86, at 5%. Wedues.. day-1,000 averaging 76, at 4; 1,000 aver aging 86, at .5; 500 averaging 82, at 4,80; 800 averaging 80, at 4%; and 400 aver, aging 94, 7 at 41. f,Tne daily sales were as follows: Wednesday, Thursday,,Friday,... *Saturday, Mcinday, Tuesday, The market for this class of stock has undergone' Lut little change since the date of our last report. With light ar •rivals and . Iti'short supply, prices have teen sustained, notwithstanding the markets are dull east, and the demand insignificant. New York Hogs may be quoted at B V @B% and Pniladelphia Hogs at 9;@9r,. Following is a daily report - of the sales: Wednesday, 1124 Thursday, ' 921 Friday, -• 852 Saturday, ^' 1074 Monday;. - • • • 2090 Tuesdayi ' 1328 Markets hy Telegraph. , J ' NEw ORK, line, I).—Cotton firmer; . sales of 5,700 bales at , 31g- for middling uplands. Flour—receipti, 6,151 barrels; favors buyers; with moderate export and home tradedemand; sales of 8,900 bbls at 84,80@5,20 for superfine, State and west ern, 85,80@6, for extra State, $5,50@ 6,30 for extra western, 86,35@7,40 for white wheat extra, 15,85(44,90 for round hoop Ohio, 87®S for extra St. Louis, .59@11 for good to choice do.; in , , eluded in:sales are 2 200 barrels for ex port at 85,80 for extra -western, and 83@ 6,15 fir •extra State.iLßyil Flour without change. Cornmeal 'As . Whisky heavy; sales of 50 barrels 'of Western ,at 964ree. Recelpts—whiat; 44,957 bnahels: Wheat better,' good export and moderate honie demand; sales 0f6,000 bushels - at 81,3754 fOr No. 8 spring, $1,41®1,44 for No. .2 in store to arrive arid - afloat, chiefly at 51,43 to arrive, $1,48 for Nb. 1 do, 111,67 for choice amber Michigan, 81;46@1,58 for white Canada, inside price in bond, 51,55@1,70 for white Michigan, $1.70 lbr white California, 81,75 for white Genesee. Rye lower; sales of 7,000 bus western at $1,15®1,16. Reeeipts—Corn, 16,059 bits. Corn I@2c better with a good home trade and a moderate export demand; sales of 54,- 000 bus at 68(4)920" for- new mixed western via canal; 92®960 for do., via railroad; 84g89a for kiln-dried; 97c for old do. delivered; 83@90c for new white western; 980 for white southern. Receipts-Oats, 6,100 bus. Oats firmer; sales of 37 , 000 bus at 80@82.: for western afloat. Leather active and firm. Coal; domestic held at 86®7 per ton by cargo. • Wool dull and in buyers favor; sales 140,000 lbs at 51c for domestic fleece; 36340 for unwashed: 50 @9oc for scoured; 23®42c for pulled. Rice firm. Coffee quiet. Sugar firm; Cuba 11©15c. Molasses quiet and firm. Hops quiet at 6(4)14o for -American. Pe troleum dull at 170 for crude; 320 for re fined. Linseed oil dull and drooping at 81,05@1,07. Spirits Turpentine heavy at 444@450. Metals sheathing copper steady at 3349 ingot do. very dull at 3330. Pig Iron firm at $4012:45 for ccotch and , 536@42 for American. Sheet Iron quiet and steady at 1134®133440 in gold for Russia; bar 58E®90 for refined Eng lish. Nails dull at 4y,(4)4Xci ' for out; 6y.,(46%; far clinch. Pork steady; sales of 430 bbls at 83 i,L0(§31,75; new mess; closing at 831,50 cash; 433,37 for old do.;-$25,00®2.6,00 for prime; 828,00@28,50 for primemesa. Beef steady with mod erate sales. Cut meats steady; sales of 200 pkgsat 1.23.',(4)14c.; shoulders. 1534 c. Hams middles steady and quiet; sales of 130 bxs Stratford, Staffordshire and long cut hams at 16@)1634c. Lard steady; saless4o tierces•at•l73.s(4)l934e, chiefly 190 for steam; 19%®19 1 4c for kettle render ed; also 759 tierces' steam seller and buyer July at 193 4 @19340; 260 tierces do. seller August at 193 c Butter quiet at 20®310 for Ohio. Cheese quiet at 11(4)21c. Freighti to Liverpool dull. Shipments: 30,000 bush wheat at 4% per sail, and 6d per steam: 76.000 bush corn at fiXd per steamer, and 2,000 bbls flour at Is 13id per sail and la 734 ii for steam. Latest.—Flotir closed steady for fresh low grinies, with a moderate export de mand, and dull and heavy,for all other kinds. Wheat very firm for spring, with a fair export demand, at 11,43@ 1,43% for No. 2 and 11,48(4)1,4834 for No. 1. %Rye dull and heavy, at $1,15®1,10 for western. Oats steady, at 81%(482c for western afloat. Corn firm, at 87@92c for very good to choice canal and 93®95c for railroad. Pork decidedly firmer: sales 0ft750 bbls new mess at 1131,7512)31,87, and 250 bblii, buyer all this month, at' $32. Beef steady and in moderate de mend. Cut Meats quiet. Bacon steady, with s trifling inquiry; Eggs steady at 17@190. • . . 1.040 bbls. '• Critcano,. June 9.—Eastern ' excnange dull; par selling. Flour dull at two for spring extra. . Wheat active and firmer; No. 1 135©20 higher, and No. 2 advanced 15‘0)2Nc; sales of No.' 1 at .1.,1235 (41,14: 'No. 2 at 9 1 , 10 @ 1 , 1 /' closing it;'9l./1@ 1,113; cash, and sl , L 034 seller the month; this afternoon N0..2 was Irregtflar; sales at $1,1035@1,i04; seller timer= Corn in fair demand; No. 2 ,relected advanced J4(4,,,/,o; No. 1 steady,. sales at 61 0; No; 257%0159y,c; rejected 6147#62.3i'n0 ! grade At 4 2c , closing at. 07 1 ;40 for-N0..1, and 58y" Ito :No. 2; sales of No. 2 slued 'change at .680l5figo. Oats quiet and firtiter,.WoNe ;; sales of,No. 1 at 5910 W; malted at 54)540, closing atBoa for No. 2.> Rye quiet; 96(i)98340 for No. lielosing at inside price. Barley.dull andhnbminal, PO , 91',50 bulb). /./n More. - 1 1414winei .41411- 'and. 113011341p1 'At, 91493 c, riow Orleans Molasses at '9oo ' gnior at tz@AgWi', for fair to chafte;' , Mens•Ftirk firm, bald. ere generally -ilaiks32 • Case" and 032 bid; buyers for month; sales at 18475, cash., Lard held firmly., at J 8 (188 c Bulk; Meats odye a „' abort rIY midtiles'at'loe, loose -dry:Jtaffeir,ahoulders at' 120 cash,' MO buyer the'niti,nth t BeOeipti foe past twenty-four thltra 7 - Boar , 0,979, 'tibia; whest,ll2,43l3rftlilos;os7i. bats 8,620: , rye 702 buttoggf f o 24 .4gfil 4 / 1 4 0 ,— e our 9,250 lel' Wheat E2O, /1" 'tti &ph.: 614; °ate 679,903;' , rye 2,779 1 )6h: ;h ogs . 3,llo.Freights' steadY At'f,r o :9l l ,__ o 9rn., to Buffalo,andAktio on Wii at tfly,.tWfflto. ' Sr. LQUl } it -Xlll4O 9 , ; 'q J ale9dYi and tinchangOd..,,Cottom, told' WS Mid at 29c. Hemp , dull 'at Isll .440 r 25 14 plate undreseed, and '01,60 'for choice ' do. Flour active ano firm.for4w MOO; at 1110)5 for spring to fall ripper, 05,59 Or, eitra,,l6o7,faa. doablik , ,p.atrow nociAlnit 9,75 'fOr t choke. triable Agra,o;fanoYi Tiiiit, a*xe - ibat, t rinoirgesl - s t kilf.olo) ' 1,091br Oda to - eltoToe o. 2, 01,100)1,11 for No. I, 01,800)1,55 for low prime to 2 4; ;[ - I ) IITSIMEGIr GAZsTrg'? ... 2474 .....1896 ...... 533 259 3146 2217 13:13 . .f strictly prime red fall, and 81,40®1,88 for choice to f•trictly choice. Corn.buoy ant and higher for choice and fancy white; other grades unchanged; mixed and good white in bulk sold at 59@600: choice yellow in sacks 68c: mixed white 69@71c: white 74@760, and fancy. do 77© 80c. Oats firmer and a shade better at 60c in bulk, and-64;1®66c in sacks. Bar ley; nothing doing. Rye quiet at 93© 95c. • Whisky firm at 940. Groceries ex tremely dull at 20@251.5c for common to choice Coffee, and 13©15c for prime to choice • Louisiana Sugar. Pork stiff at $450. Bacon firmer at 18M®14c for shoulders, and 18®18ge for order lots clear sides. Lard quiet at 183‘,c for choice kettle. Cattle quiet with a mod erste demand at 3yA7e. Hogs in fair 'retineat:at 7@B)4c. Receipts-2,000 bbla flour, 15,0410 bush wheat,. 11.200 bush corn, .9,300.bu5h oats, 200 bush rye. • • CINCINNATI, June 9.—Flont and grain 'unchanged; family flour at -$5,501 5,75. Red wheat at $1,73®1,76. Cbrn dull at '61082c for ear. Oats less firm but Un changed at 89©72e. 'Rye dulrat-98c©31. Cotton firm but quiet at 29e for middling. Tobacco active •• w tit a large 'demand; sales 293 hhds at $ ;58®22. Whisky un settled and prices war held at 94c, but at the close, sale* magnitude could not have been made bet r Than 92c. Mess Pork advanced to 2, ith' a 'moderate demand. Bulk DI Etta eld at 13c, 15%c, 16yc and 176 for s oul era, aides, clear rib and clear sides; 'but no sales. Bacon Fluid at 14@l7ge and 17%e for shoulders, clear rib and clear eides, being a.further advance. Sugar Cured Hams 18M@)19;ic. Lard dull and held at 18%c. .Butter in fair demand at 23026 c. Eggs declined to 16c. 100 change in Oil. Gold 1383; buying. Exchange tirm at M, 10 to 50 per cent. discount. , ToLEDD, June 9.—Flotir dull and heavy. Wheat •dull; amber 111,32. No., 1 white p 1,55; white regular lo better and' busi ness very light. Corn—No. 1 a shade lower and quiet at 68c; No. 2 Machanged at 66;4c; yellow 70@70;40; condemned 46c. Oats steady at 65%065%c far No. 1 and Michigan, and No. 2 64c. Rye dull and nominally unchanged. Barley dull. Receipts-5,400 bbls flour, 14,000 bu wheat, 15,600 bu corn, 7,100 bu oats. Shipments-1,200 bbls flour, 2,200 bu wheat, 8,100 bu corn, 4,100 bu oats, 300 bu'rve. etaTELAND, Jaffe 9.—Floor dull and inactive. Wheat dall and heavy; No. 1 led offered at 111,27;4; do. sold at 01,14 and deMand very , light. Corn dull and unchadgod; No. 1 mixed held at 69c. Oats dtfil 'bat utichatiged;No. 1 State held at 65c. Rye very dall.;,No. 1 51,10 ®1,15 In small.lots: No. 2at $1.05. Bar ley-,--nothing doing and nominal. .Petro lenni excited. unsettled and lower: re• fined held at .27%Q2i1%c for June, July and August in , large lots. . , MILWAUKEE, June 9.—Flour dull and nominally unchanged. i Wheat firm, 51,16 for .1 , 4). 1, and sl,llii for. No. 2. Oatti firm, 59460 c for No, 2. Corn dull and nominally unchanged. Rye dull and lower, 950 for No. 2. Barley entirely nominal. Grain in lots firm and un changed. Receipts-2,000 bbls flour, 129,000 bash wheat, 50 bush oats. Ship ments-4,000 bbla flour, 16,000 bushels wheat. ; BALTIMORE, Juno 9.—Flour dull and declined 25(. - 5450c; western subertine ss@ 5,50; extra $5,50@7,00; family 8 7 ,50@ 4 ,50. Wheat weak but prices unchanged. Corn firm and higher; white 90692 c; yellow 87c. Oats firm at 70@76c. Rye nominal at $1,30®1.35. Mess Pork firm at $32. Bacon active and advancing; rib aides 1734 c; clear rib 183 c; shoulders 14Nc; hams 20@21c. bard quiet at 19;ic. Whisky very flat at P. PHILADELPHIA, June 9.—Flour dull and drooping. Wheat more steady; red and amber unchanged; white $1,65@1,73; Rye steady at $l,BO. Corn active and higher; Pennsylvania yellow 92c; west ern do. 69c; mixed 83©138c. Oata quiet at 72@75c. Provisions and Petroleum unchanged. Whisky 95cl:381,00; contra band sailing largely. • Loursvm.E. Juno 9.—Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat; red and white $l.lO @1,20. Corn; shelled 66c. Oats 70 Rye 81,25. Leaf Tobacco active; sales at 83,75@5,20®15,75. Provisions advanced. Pork $32. Bacon; shoulders 140; clear rib 17 We; clear sides. M. Hams 19c. Lard 19c. . • liry Goods Market. NEW Yons, June 9.—There has been an effort made by a few interested par ties to advance prices of heavy brown sheeting's and other styles of cotton goods, and some large sales have taken place to leading out of town firms at an advance of 36c per yard, but sharp buyers could Until today obtain all goods they required at old prices in other houses. Today all the leading inakesof Standard Sheeting firm at I6c, and the Pequot A are held at 1634, still first class goods can be bad at 15%. The Granitevllle A A 44, sell at 15; do E KAo. at 1454; Law. rence F do. at 1336; Cabot A at 15: Dwight Aat 13,, C s , ; Sherbrook A at 12; Interna tional 10%; Suffolk K at 10.. To-day the market was less active, and yet a fair business doing. Bleached goods are also looking up.. RIVER NEWS. The river continues to recede steadily with six feet three inches in the,ohannei by the Monongahela marks last evening. Weather cool and pleasant. Mercury at 5 7,', 'id. 76; wind from the , south. . The Grey Eagle, from Parkersburg; is the only arrival we tows to report. ,She had a big trip and, departediamin as usual. , By „the is reported %hat Capt. Brenner' contemplates building ,a new boat for this trade. . , . The' Lawrence depa rted last.evenilig 1 1 with an excellent trip, having all, the . freight she could take An 4 q uite a, num ber 0 tniso l 4gOrs• ~Pilete--7 " Mulritie and _Hoeft.' • • - ,.. ,.. ,1, Cr , 4 , , ' , ' The tdr,lllits . d.eitig4o4 SkiiMaii, is ea-, 1 1 nounekni - to depart. or. St. ~.tionis mid the 1 Upper '.24iisiettippl,.lo:oey., s ~Sliel i e .an I excelient;.boat . and In condition I The; w o Pap ,- Andy, Aolibutou, fr for ott8 1 7 0) . r . 1 ' , eUr . l . .i : /1.1 , 21. 1 ,, , t' 1 Jr., le ' g g ap steadify for "the Upper. mies_,fOil,, POKIM_ ii.Pitase, 9ilerCluidieblatefe. I can rely gr it ner,gsnng ,-- through, clear up, to St. Pa il Canty(' *bIUBOIA. illktk )00E11 1 there twlea-tlils , sefulcintel/41Ablis will_ , make his iiiied.trlp. , : ,. 1 • k, 1,7' c ~.. The Ida StO4dale, p'iuteefl 'Fort tautly, ).lay testii; S en -route for.: Fort Benton. 'With 280, tons; the'. b i ggest : trip at tile. 'Moon.• • -", 1 .i., ~ TheiMaggle Tiaye from St. , Lottis. and 1 1 .4ba , Hate Putnam from Olcoinuatir` are , among the.ftrat hoate dge. - ' : ' . ~ The Sam,Roberts aucoeatfed in getting ;at, y,Thite's .11,ipple withopttnuchtlieheui- Ay.. - The Wm. Stone, oleo,. got , aground 14.049 eagle PlaPe, but she, too, succeeded .117'4Ing 9v .e r l , . 1.u.: ~, 2 '. .4fiblary rroavage.. and :Tom FarreWl, ,gen; §it. 4.tila, pita tows. of iron ore, ii!hPßlfil reach herOaCen. ~ ~ 1' ...t•The Judge , Fletcher was &AS at'atm ' Aim in New Orleans on the 6th inst. , 4 3 . , •• ;..iThe Weletene has ',entered - lb° Et 'yett'Sitra and Otatit trade.,.;',ptje ,rett 'pier • Orleins 01 1 ' 1 h t1 a . 1 ' 34 ..........i.i-- , ..i: ' ,'+." 1 r 51.5 114441; ": . f2 4 114e `4 f - fit ' '40,11i tor W 1 , 1 4 1 4;444 . Ailit 7 f i4, t,,,....i.....,,.n.,..,...* ..,_, ~... Irvevcr ireltSiALVEtt, ow, as - rkanus River Packet Com pi:ly have already contracted for a boot ~` ~ ~ ENE ^•-••• 80 -1 1 a •5 to ix, built seen as the Cairo Docks are completed. • The Portland' Steam= Packet Com pany have run their steamers between Portland and Boston for the last tWenty five years, making 15,000 passages and running 1,900,000 miles. They have transported ,1,600,000 _passengers and 3,500,000 tons of freight. —Sam Bell,sa" White deck hand, fell from the guard of the Horned,:as she' was passing the.Temiesse Rolling Mills on 'Sunday, and was drowned. He swain some dietance r towards the shore, when he suddenly threw up his arms and disqmeared.,, He was about nine tetn years Old;and was from St. Louis. —On Monday night the weamer Eu Claire,'Captain Shewthaker, in attempt ing to pass the •railroad bridge at Terre Haute, struck, a pier. but at the time it was supposed she had received no serious damage. When she reached Fort Harrison, lour •miles above, it was discovered that "she; was in a sinking condition,Arid she sooh settled down in deep water, her smoke-stacks only being visible yesterday*morning. •It is be lieved she will prove a total loss, and it is said she was not insured. The Eu Claire was a. small side-wheel boat, owned by Captain tr. Shewmaker, and valued at 13,000. ' —The St. Louls'.RepuMican of Sunday, says: Capt,:?Henry Adkins has fairly .assumed his hew duties as Superintend ent of the Siktional Docks . . The Nick Wall haajust•been thoroughly repaired under his supervision. The Wauanita will reload immediately for Pittsburgh. The John Kilgonr has laid np at the "Island" for repairs. The Nick Wail will begin receiving for Fort Benton to morrow, The Messenger has iron en gagements at Sulphur Springs. The Wauanifa reshitped 260 tons of freight im the Noi them Line packets. —A St. Louis telegram under date - of Monday says: The Great Republic will leave here to-morrow for New Orleans with the heaviest freight carried this season. Capt. Vanhook, her - new .com mander, is' winninggolden opinions here. • —The body of a female, supposed to be one of the victims of the United States and America disaster, was found in the river at Log Lick, on Sunday morning. --Capt:'W. P. Fuller has gone to Lou isville, to testify in the case of PinelVar hre vs. The Bridge Company. The suit is brought to recover tho,value of the tow beat T. D. Horner, which WR3 destroyed by Striking one ofihe piers of the bridge in an attempt to pass over the falls. - —The - Annie Laurie, sunk In the Kanawha River, Is reported In a critical condition, wittilittle hope of raising her. , —The Medi on _Courier, saws Dan David, ot the Dumont, is making ar rangements to pilot a beautiful craft on the river of matrimony. —TheNew York reshipped her PlUS burgh freight at Cincinnati on the Kate Putnam, and will lay up and refit for the summer campaign. LiWORTS RAlLitthilLi, PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYIrE dt Cm. OAGO RAILROAD, JUDO 9.-10 cars metal, Musick & Co; 3 dodo, Bryan & Caughey; 3do do, Superior Iron Co: 2 cam wheat, Scott & Gisal; 2 cars shoulders, E Myers & Co; 30 bbls higbwines, Schmidt 4tr. Friday; 25 do do, S H Watson; 200 bbls flour, owner; 10 bxs crackers, Kramer & Bohn: 1 car stone, J HinchifT; I do do,C Millar; 2 tibla eggs, 6 palls butter, I eg apple_ butte"; Voigt, Mahood et Co; 73 aka barley, 21 do rye, 20 kgs lard, 7 bbls eggs, H Rea Jr; 1 car stone, J L L Knox; 10 has cheese, W Ilaslage; 20 bli,s plas ter, W Vi Wallace; 12 aks lags; Godfrey & Clark: 10 has cheese, M Gortnly; 85 do do, Volgt, Mahood & Co; 12 do dO, E Heazletoo; 20 do do, Dressel dr. Robinson; 27 do do, Geo Boon; IS eke rags, Christy & Benham; 25 doz brooms, 8 Ewart & Co; 3 pasts tobacm. E blegraw & Co; 12 kegs butter, W 11 Graff & -CO; 2 bbls eggs, Woodworth & Davison; bga oats ~ 1 Henderson & Bro; 15 sks potatoes, Wa tt, Lang Lt. Co; 1 car oass, McHenry & Hood. CLEVELAND ARID raiIISCROLI ROAD. Jude 9.-3 cars r.v e. dr_ Shep ard; 4 do limestone, Bryan dt C; 2do stone: J L L Knox; Ido do, P Noll; 6 do limestone ore, Bees, Gruff &D; 6do do, M'Knight, Pik Co; 2do do, Zug & Co; 433 cakes copper, . Hussey do Co; 1 car Potatoes, Meanor H; 2'do do, Voigt, M Jr Co; 1 do turnings, Moorhead Jr Co; 1 do H Hamilton; 66 bats copper. P dt B Mining Co; 63 aka wheat, Scott Meal; 15 has cheese, .H Riddle; 85 do do, Watt, LJr Co; "/0 bbls beer. J Klepner; 10 dodo, .1 Reinter; 8 big scales, Fair banks, hi Jr Co; 12 pkgs lire crackers, 2 bble torpedoes, P Huoker: 324 bas do, E (lc C Magian; 1 bz wool, J W Mor rison; 6 do do, Pickeralgll, L S Co; 1 car oats, 92 eke do. 24 do rye, 81'HenrYlk if; 68 do oats, H Sciatic/boob; 15 bbls oil, . E dtP R R CO; 6,217 ft lumber, Creighton Jr Co; 28 eke rags, Godfrey Jr Clark. PITTSID7ROK CINCINNATI AND ST. Louis Rwitnown, June 9.-L-10 bdls hoes 2 do forks. J M'Cutcheon; 10 biis starch, Miller dr.Co; 2do tools,. Logan, 0& Co; 1 mowing machine, Wilson & Co; 20 bbls fisb, Li.tie & B: 20 do•do, W M Ciorinly; 34 eke rags, Christy di B; 84 bdls seethes Whitmore, W D & 'Co; 15 eke rags, 6do oats, Rankin al Bro; 9 cases lard, 6 Ins candles, D Halorth; 20' tee hatts, 0 Mitchell;•ls do do; Watt, L & Co; 8 do do 8 hods bacon, J Et"Paiker: 3D pkgs to C D Arensthali - 8 do do, Means & C; 1 car hams, Meyers de Ido corn, Kali &•Ritcharti•lo bbls oil, Arbuckele dc Co: 16 tee hams, J 26 bbls eggs, Consignees. • • ' 1 0 • 2..LizowENT VALk NAILP.O/04 June 9.-480 bp's oil, Flakier - 4 Br% 940 do dC, Muchalidc'Co; Feat:Hine, _D Rey noldttitt 0o;"2 bbla eggs; E Ideazlaton; 21 bBB oats," Stewart at Co; 240 bble 011,, Mahal. Jett o; 450 do"do, & N -McCutc eon;,2 carp Metal, ,Totterccci; do do,' Painter Co;4 . dilder.Woodaldea it ,Co;' 1 motto, &Oct it u/sqiihF e i ere wetal, .T. 91111, _ • Aranunzux ifteenon . • - June • im-100 bbla,tlour i K npx *BOW 100 do do,,Chp, ißewar4;l 2,ooB *PtAbee9 o, ' , :W IPark;, 3, ,ok.e cheese, gold Itwer; •Llndeay , I.loCutobectai - ,1 bl , tallow L & apps Weise: , /fvow. , 4oo9erage, M. Ilempbtll:4 100 bide*, A tta. Groetzlogre; lair .. stone,Forreeterolk Megraw; ,19 "Ale Ptter... - Fraz.,,, NV& 1 Metagar; car 001103,r.i K Dit:KBOXb • , I . . ~ ...:C ;:, , t ', ‘', . 1 , , : I. ,' ‘ ~, 3 7! , .F.1,c .',.reti• t . ...v !.' . ' ... . , .... . 2.1. , ... i ....•;; ui` , ...::,: 1- - i . - . togylliOs,t4lll , 4W ,VARIOUS . ~ "Qiialities - and', - ., Ccislors , .I.nrtlattlat ;sitnatton, given to laying Engle and. r ft pst r i o g s,asepnia. -,/ , (Kpariicawa antl pares inrrnsa - „~. • .. , .• -, , . No. 43 . 81)Ve1i 1 111 Avenue, 7' ... iiigigliii , „, ii..l 1 .: ,‘: • " ~ , i ~ - ',- + . - ~ra ' -, , i' l ilrgl3ill3flieVA.. ‘., 1 v trizara re z-fizatazirar, ,:, mrk,..,... ,en AL MNUISEICR aid Eloltolto#_op median an* 'Foreign Patesto, No. Te PAD. RAI. oTiLllZT,Alloilmay(lllN Pa. 11.—Briagat .W - ooDlogtOND.o ape . . r.l-,..:Fi-.7.Z..-t:...1...:..17...•;. „ ...',•;:i'....:..Jfi_ . ;.•_'.:'l'l• RIVM_PA,CICETS. uPPER, MuSissIPPL • VOR _ ILEOKIIii , 461.41- i s i gr i t LENA. DITBUQng aad ST. PAUL direct—The cto.mer :' • GLASGOW. , Capt. ANDY NODINS011.4A••• Will leave as shovel on THURSbitir, the 10th Wet For freight or gamin apply on board or to PI - FLACK & coraamiNVOUlD; Agnnts. FOILST. LOIOIS, RUE. BURLINGI'ON, DU. DUQUE and ST. PAUL—The steamer L—RENA Capt. S. Snum Will leave tur the 'those and intermed,ate ports Tillti DAY, the 10th inst.. at 4-r. at. Fur traght oripa-saite pply on ()hard or to J.)l4Nt S , LACK or le7 J D. CO LLTLitiWOOD, Agents. sagrat 1869. sidarat. NORTHERN EINE PACKETS, St. Louis i to Klokuk and St. Paul, AND Ath.. IS IRRIKEDIATE PORTS. One of the splendid Sidewheel Steamers of this Line will leave St. Louis darly for Keokuk, H.vetr awn, Dubuque, Winona, an.. St. Paul. Through.reeeipts for Preisht 'and Passengers will be given to all points oh the upper lell-sis -slat-ippl on steamers running from this port and connecting with the 'Northern Lillie Packets at St, Louis, thus enabling Consignees to set their Prvight through witnont delay and at lowest rates. 'Apply to ' JOHN FLACK, J• D. OOLLINGWOOD, Agents, or to R. O. GRAY. rahD3:o23 91 Water street. PARIE ERSBURti: P , , . ... .. ITTS V,lft - Glif,. .044=ri virtreE, 11 Loat - AND PAR. KERSBIJIIII LINE.-I,amvP ComPano , a Wharf Ktallt. lam or tv.K.l 1311 , ..t. daily at 121 M., WED-. NESDAYB and SATURDAYS ti2tr4 EAGLE . ' C. L: BRZTTNAN, Mr.ster. 1 1 1 .Freightyrt lie received at ata noura ray :tAPdEtk COLLINS. • FLACK & COLLT.NOWOOD, apl.3 . t 'A.feLts. STEAMSHIPS. T ° - LITEROOOL AND , alit Q,VEENSTOWN. THE trarmaN MAIL STEAMSIIIPI , Numbering 'sixteen • cinit-elass, 'weasels, amonj t. , . mtbe celebrated CITY OF Egnin, CITY OP ANTWEFF, CITY OF BOSTON ! . CITY OF BALTISIOBE, orr‘P•op - Losnox, - Sailing EVE= SATIIHIMY, from ,Pler. 48. va rth Hirer; New York. Fbr mlasageor.further ,laforma,lon anniv to wmui timailAin.' • TO FIFTH emusisly`fetirl,All:ie.innialng• ..Twarlo annnOts4 Poat 171,+.1rr PirISCMaiik.NEOUB. ,•!....e.eowNi.e.rve.r.e." UNITZIi ST 4126 INTERNAL IcIEPENUE; • • • • TWAZirTY7TiIIBD DISTeIICT. COLLECTOR'S NOTICE, . , Orrlca oct.acron.trrsaakk. ezvExua. 23d Collection District of renneytvania 14.67 Water 6t,44leilbellY CDY,MILY•IB,'69: NoVee Is hereby Warn that the annual Ilets of SPECIAL TAXES, formerly Lamed LICENSES. and of the fazes on I Ineopex, Carrioies Watches, Silver Plait. £c.. are now in this Office, where payment will be received thereon by , , the. Collector on and atter the Ist DAY tsF JUNE, 1869. These taxes, havingibec.tne due, must be mild before the 1115th D 411 OF JUNE, 11369; other wise, additional expetises will b❑ Incurred by the tunpayer. E. BUFFINGTON, Esq.. Deputy Collector of the comity of A'rinstrOng, anu EDWIN LYON; Esq., Deputy collector for the county of Butler. wUI be ready to receive, after the;lst of June,for their respective counties. and will post notices designating the times and places. when and where they will be wepared to receive the taxes collect able by them. Taxes payable only tin greenbacks or national' currency. Office hours front 9 A. x. to .3 P. x. JOHN SULLIVAN , my15:151 LEGS! LEGS!! The Artificial With Manufacturing CO, CHARTERED BY THE STATE. OF PENNA. All Shareholders are Men Wearing the Limbs - Made by the Company,. To those reoutring ;a limb we would say that our own experience has Induced as to establish* factory here that would make *comfortable and durable limb for a reasonable price. Aft. r try tug a number of sollu scoket and padded socket legs, we have each found trio) re comfort and use fulness tn this ••./tDJUIa feBLE LACKING SOCKET. , than in any °Urn tune in the coon try. Ine of our number, a skilled mechanic, has charge - f the abut. We have bought the ?Uinta use two of the beet patents, and by our expert rime we hope to Improve In every way that will add to the comfor t,dura Utility or appearance of the limbs we make. We have nut the price of our new r de t a i ned Bo. Persons from a distance are only in the city while the Measure and • ' cut of the injured limb Is taken. he saving to pnrehallera, as cornotred with Eastern prices, /4 from 00 to 4193 in toe price of Legs . ; 4.• least Sell railroad fare, hotel 'bills and other traveling l expenses, and then we are satiated that our limb will stfee lirttse'sartkfacruns than any este:nada in: New Xork or Phliaas tphia. If we can get orderthwecan maintain our factory at the above price, and ,we ; therefore ask an ex amtnation before going elsewhere. - , We mate to erderlaad keep on band a small of stwklngs, braces, and appliances for Injured ei deformed liarb.._,s alto. etutches; trustießotionl der braces , de. For further - nformatton tr Cir cular, contaiaing mint testimonial:lettere from those who have worn our artificial Moos. address ARVricIAI. 1. 4. 11LWE1 tpr &CP URING 50Ik BP Resto:ei" y a Bar to 16 , 'varcarAt,''rtztroves 'Dandruff; • ALL I)lOiStS Ali? THE scigc. Prevents l3ii..n:m r ss, and. makes „ tie tft halt. growtOft,t*y and Luxuriant pm trio per pittlo,;E2rh l'apei,l4 l Illtiared by 'SEIVAEI), BENTL E Y 'NEY, llnigglets, Bufftdo. N.Y. Sold by all Druggists. mAnsusiws Ethan': v A usuiran ntaktii ierLL ueum.Lie ELI= WiLs.i,timaitiferilllak. 111AzililAIL 1 5 ELI= Cutts QOST4VZ• Price of Marshall`e - Ellkyr; St.Oatr tiottle. DoDot, 1304 Meek eV 'Wet.; , AlteliaLL a Co • CApagtete. Proprietiore. whiolefialetenh retatt.' by GEO:A. RELLY - .lrlttitour h'. feeone•Tvra e GOOD Emi;,- • • . 1) 0. 1 traga, f94W.A.XLIP6 Tlilirce W . . Dre tT a TO d., 'eVloT n k d am Teid4b 1 0 R 4 W 4 .0N! -a barrels )read lbr n Whlse Uzi% gale Z 5l J. B. 0 FULD. FROM COLLEC7OR IMMO `RAILROADS.. 18(.49,,„'''''''' - ' r , Mitagilit rillni3l.l.nerH. FOET WAYNE ..t. emcee° -. I. . W. antt.C.LE yELAND & PITTSBITRaIf ..11. - R. From Ma Oth 1869, trains will leave that anti arrive at the'pnllns' Depot, north aide, riSi•- - burgh citptfine; al follows: - • ... . Leave..,- i L.- ./1 . .427104 L • / , • - • - Chicr Ex,— 2:CB a m I Chleago Ex., 1:58 a is Erie Ygn Er.7:28 ars !Plica go Ex../55:03 p tia Cl. & YIP g 11 , 19:19 am ; Wheeling Ex 10:48 a ra. Chicago 1ira11..8:58 am' St. Louis Ex 7:08 p m Chicago Ex„ —9:43 a miChl , go Ex&3114:08 p m I U. diWk•Ex 2:08 pa. Cleveland Er 3:53 pas , Chicago Ex,' lis23 p m Erie A - Yg'n Er s:Bp at - ‘lV.e &Erie Ex4:3B pm CI. &Wh`g Ex6:s3p or. Departfrom dllephany. Arrive in Allegheny Bear Malls Ac. 8:158 amlLretadule Ac..6:58 am Leetsdale ." 10:03 a crt,Bca!r Paths " 8:48 sin " r ' " 11:513 a alt New Castle 4 10:23 am Rochester ',• 1:2il pnt4Enoir - z "*. 9:13 am Enon .. .3 : 5g ptr.! Leits dile " 1:08 pm Leetsdale - Ace:B:l3 pm i Bea 'r Walla " U:43 pm Bea'rFalla." •91139 nil Lee,t,G, Lige :: t:,,„ 33 ., Pa -- Leetsdale " 10:4311 - ..' - '•• '""''' "•''' Fair Oaks &in- ,' - . Feu' Oaks Ellin- day Church. 1:13 p m day.t.hurch. 9:58 at; AU' 2:23n.m. Chicago Express leaves. daily. sir. 12.03" D. E n.chleage. Express arrives daily. J. M. EIMBA.LL, • J. N. AvouL Lou° ,H - tien'l Ticket Agent. . Ueul SuPte.Vs. ga.H. A N Gr.F. OFMNII _M T/ME.." I MOMENT' VALLEY-RAILROAD. THE ONLY innEcT Boum° TO TUE ,ths EmIONS WrTHuUt CHANGE OF 0.1. 1 21. On and after MONDA 1, May 38.'1892 'TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY (txcept /Sunday) will leave Pittsburg:l'Depot, corder of Elev enth and Pike streets, ftr Franklin; 01102y.612 . !aim, and all points in ti e Oil Regions. MANE PITTSBURGH. ARMY fK PITIBBIIIiGH Day Ex 8:00 : am Day :Ex.....:'5:15 pie Night Ex.... 7:30 pm, N iglit Ex 6;39 aas Brady's B Ac 3:15 p mlßradys.ll Ac 19:15 ass Ist SodaW'ks 9:45 a ni: l EtsodaW l ks: :7:40 a at 2:lSodaWlks 6:30 p ut , 2d SodaWlcu 6:11 p na lat Holton.. 6:48 a m let Holton.. • 9:50 ais 2d Halton.- 12:110 in ed Halton—. 2:011 pra 3d Hutton... 11:00 pm 3d Halton— 1:05 p Arnold'a Ac. 5:119 trin Arnold's Ac. 7:40 piz Charon train to and from Soda Works leave Pttisburgh at 1:10 P. al. Arrive at Pittsburgh. (Sundays,) at 9 50 A. ii. Express trains stop only at principal points. Accommodation rains atop at all stations • J. J. LAM/REECE, Can't bap%t. THOMAS M. 2.18111, Assn. Mart. ap:10 • VIENNSYLV.4II,-& — mim MA CENTRAL RAIL R AD. On and alter April 25th. 1869; Truing will arrive at and depart from the LT ton Depot, come.- of Washington and Llbe , :streets, as follows: . .. . • Arrive.l, _ Depa . Mall Train.... 1:25 am • DayExpre a..21:14.414. Fast Line 1.48 am Sontnern E.; 4.e0 Am Walpe No. 1..6 20 am gall's Nu. .... 6:30 ma BrintonAcc'n. 7:80 am all Train, .... 0:1e am Wall's No. 2.. H:5O am RevodAss Nol Ito2o aim Cincinnati Ei.9:10 am •Cincin'ti Ex..1.2:80,pm Johnstown Ac 1035 am Wall's No; 2.. 11151 pm - Bawd Ac Nol 1: lu pm Sohntown...lo-3:05 pm Pittab , ol Ex. 1:30 pm Rraddocks Ap. B:40 iat Phila. Expressl!so pm Phil,: Express 4:201m Wall's No. 3...2:50 pm Wall% ',No: 3..... 4:sopm Braddock Ac.. 5:50 pm all'a.No, 4 0:041:13i- How'd Ac No 2 0:35 pm *Fast Line..y.. 7:30 pm Wall , B . NO.s. 7.:2OdSM Flow , 11 AgNo 2.10510 m m -. ..`i Way PaSsn'2 - 10:20 pm liVall , s2s o. 6.. I11:00 rum s - ,*These trs s ins maltvlOosc counettion a, Rarrls,, . 4, burg for BalOmbre. ~ ~.„ The Chuicliqtalti, leaves Walla Statinheivergtf .‘ ~ Sunday at 0:05 ji sa.,- reaching Pittsburgh ~ . 10:65 Is. ia. 'llletiliMini t /eaves Pittsbutgli • '. ,' if. 12:50 p. . .aud arri ve lit . Walla Btation . .. , ,g.iinclnnati Exprege leas .daut, All ,0 .,., trail. a daily except - Banda ),*1 5 - . • 7 7 1 1 For farther infurlfigar a Ntr n , ri f ' s k Ar . :l . P. The Pentisylvanlaßallroad Coti t pany Will 4 M ,', , nxi m. sum any vlstlMßs s mske, arca forwelulli ap ' panel, and limit thea , responslb litv to One ;.,, ~ Art. Dollars in value. Ali Baggage agate fort amount In value will be at theMsk of the ewnar. mien taken hV special contract. .... • (' ~,•_. 1. EDWARD el. - WI/4;IAM . ' ap2a. General aluperinteadent, Alajblp UTPENNSYLVANIA. OA.D.-011 and after April. 25111,18890th0 Pt. esenger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rai road will arrive at and depart from Mi. . Feder.! Street Depot, Allegheny City. as follow*: Arrive.- _ 1- ;Depart. Springd'e No 16 : 40 a m l lLall 7:00 Freeport No. 1 11:21111 a m !Freeport No. I 0:110att Express 10:40 a millinu•pb"g Not 11:20 . Sharpb's No.'l 1:20 pin Express . 2:50 pm Freeport No. 2 4 : 00 p m riprangtl'e No 1.2:30 pm Stall • 5:50 m Freeport N0.25:20 p Springd'e No 2 6:20 p D miSoringcl'e No 26:30 pm Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Sanction every eunday at 7:40 a. zu., reaching Allegheny: City at 8:50 a. m. 'Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:20 p. to. anti arrive at Allegheny June. Lion at 3:40 n. • COraworanalt. T/Crrirre—FOr- sale in - pselcagc of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Cluestans ' street. Herr's. Bennett,- Pine Creek., Etna and tlharpsburs and good only on the trains stopping- - at stationr , Pecilled on tickets. _ • - 'u. The trains leaving Allegneuy City at 7110 make direct connection at Freeport wlthWalv ' - kers line of Stages for Butler and ktaanatistown. Through tickets ma be purchased at the Ofilm. No. lilt Clair street, neartheSuppensionßfidgo,' ' rlttsburp h, and at the Depot. Aupitillal. t : • For fu.rtherinPranarion apply to . • JAMES Lxmams,ALent. . _ • reSerld Street DePtlte The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will nog Sc mune axy rittfor Baggage, except forurky: apparel, and limit their : responsibility to One /lunched Dollars. in• Stine. All baggage • ex.- ceeding ti la amount in value wllibe at the risk or the owner. unless takorr bir special contract. _ EDWARD H . WILLIAII4I ap3l GenemitinneriatendenV,' AltoOna:l'av ITTSBUltGalirmaglit., • CINCINNATI . LOWS RAILWAY, •• • PAN ILifinE ROUTE. • cziAtior up TIME.—On and - after MOEVAT., • April Statb, 1889, trains 9 - 1111ehve and arrpishB. the union Depot,l4 !MO's: - • ' ' Mall . A A :93 a. M. 1913 a. .. ... 9.4-3 a..M. , 11:13 Express .. .. 9:33 p. te.tu Mixed Ace'n 5:33 a. m. 8:58 p. MeDonald''s Ace`n,No.lll:43 a. nu 8:18 a. W. Steubenville Accommod. 3:58p:m. - - 9i33 a, m Idellonald!s• "We'll. N0..28,3 ei D. . ,311.9 Sunday Church Train.. 19:58 p. ni. 9:58 a. m. • • la- :33 P. tia'n will leave • 12:1a r 4 x. Ir.i twill entire ually. • 1- = A/1 mbar trains will rum dallv..Sonesyseavept..., ed. 'rue 9:11,3 . : ALL avant :Oates -oldie eon..` sections st Ntwark-itr Zanesville. , • • W . .110IILL, Onnetti Ticket Anna: w. CARD. putlit. • Steubenvi ll e. QUA. anYit • • rrrsinunGu ummit CON MMUS VILL AILROAD. _ _ Itlt and w i IIUESDA. 'Noyember; - 'l7th4 trains arrive at and depart from. tow Depot corner of erant and Water streets.' it s • fouowas. r alet. • D.Parta Ari Mall to andiron' Viten- r - town.. ' %Lir 6:00 V. ' ' lifeKeesportAceounit'M 11:00 A. it., 2:05 Ex. to and , froM Untini: - 3:0010:10 d' , :tar. West Newton Accom`d 4.4301.. u. t 3.5 A. ut., DraddockVAccoradtin.' 0:15 nat.' - 7150 P. Night 'Ae. tobiciVsport.lo:3ol!. X. ' Oyit 5 44 ilunday Church Train& • • • - and front Neat Newton 1:00 . !.; ar, 19;00 , Y.O elcitret r s apply 11. 2 ArifONP / W. B. BTOUT, Superintendent'. - nom M 'OK A. ROUTE. = UNION PACIFIC ItAILIWA' . I ah. E4tern, invizto l ut, , aif. • sauxtrirem: AND ' NOS't= DICLIA2II' JAyArg.t,lto fne sac co all yoga : '0 014 114,400 : , nitvada‘‘ ,;I: v I L, • r . rbrbia tI • , %1 I t ArizOnti Washington., New ItteoW -I # l osot - MI , n . • , . I-:: ; , t , . wrOgOID., ~, ....,f.: ,,,, , 11 .1: . Li;: . ' Two Walk I likri Statii una'aiiiLeisicsii "te'V l '" ,4all‘, (Sunday; eneepted.loa Iftearrlrak. tillailit: I, or Pacific Railroad - from bit: ilisia t i r ta Gal and St. Joe Railloaffrope iqo :-.11) in& k - as Lawrence. TOPeEs me e t , ego WI ata...e, for all Dcgitatst,glan -, track west * of. - kdew9rie b riZ i ti2 i !lin , ,, §TATICS ENPRESB . - 'CO P p. , . LINE olf oxints/411.ND )1414 lug , par p,chwass yva - - -, . , B • "i, - ; , • 11MP1T 1 V131 . 414 . • 1 .14A-IE,Ei . - ~-, ,-- , - 3.-AND± ,- ,iLEI_ All PithiP ,La ;(tie Territeries *; ,c: .. Aid with SANDERSON'S TM-WEEKLY LINX .' of 00AORES for 'Port Unicatißeare - Tort. -- Peasi, - Alhequelrwirt4l.-741011P1 IA :P9 1 1 1411. 1 i . s lama , and e • Woe:. • - - . -• with the races), additiOh_ J O Otg=l.ll,lr =II. c An..inlparent, • sad - the - wren la , a •: • with. ye opoAlible Overland TrausportatioarLinea from Its western tern:lnto; this m . y ad taw niter* ,anagneited Akellitles - Ror,!„..the Arsaaaguip a et Iraight to the Par Watt. • •Tlekets for lane . at ail , the 0 11 11011)114, allele tit; ~..- ~ the United States end Canada* -• Re we and l asi t tieticaraw-vin TEE - - KILL AtIIITA 019 PACIP/O. RAILWATi' EASTERN D N. '- .: - ~.-. At: 4 014111SO. lit - - $..., 3 1 . 51; iffl i n t elidell' ' .1. Z s WISIIISTRIL A . Ileastel reelisiS sal Triat 3 1.atf,;,1 , *44,4,4 El .-......._ 3.* EMI n„ . l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers