MC I.‘ ry_EOII NOMINATIONSI.., Delegates to !State Convention Instinetea , tor Gen.'lleary. p. REEOLDTIONS DEPORTED kND ADOPTED Thii Aelegat • es to the different Republi. can Conventions, called by the Conicity Exetutiva Committee, assembled on Tuesday at the designated places, and traniacted the business set apart for eazh, as will appear from the annexed .rePort of tho proceedings: JUDICIAL CONVENTION.. Th? delegates to the .Judicial Conven tion, called to nominate a candidate for Assistant Law ,Judge •of the , Dlstrict Court, a candidate for Askiclat La w Judge of the - Court . of Colcanon e Fleas. and to elect delegates to the ,Stste Con vention—two Senatorial and six Tipper sealtativiontembled• at Masonic. , Rall; Fifth avenue, and were called to order at precisely eleven o'clock, the designated hoar, by Ron. Russell Errett, Chairman of the County Executive Committee. • Messrs:a. - NV. Morgan, E..castdday, A. 1.4' Pearson and J. W. Murray were Chosen temporary Secretaries. The credentials of delegatetwere next in order. The representation was as • - . reffsbuigh. - ...y:rst ward—Tomo Cohen. W. B. fluster. • Second E: House, B. B. Carbaban. Third—Jacob E. Stagte JH. Miller. • Yo*.rth—C. W. Robb, O. Follansbee. eixt ti ..;A:' W. Smith; A.,-{,-.ltemjA. th-L-Robert Houston. lienrT Brats. • .Seventu—A.. M. Brown,Charies Jrey. -Eighth—Jno• Wallaceltarsball• Begley, D. H. McElroy. • . • Tenth—Jos. French, D. Wilson. Eleventh—B. F. Kennedy. J. N. Robb. TwclCh H. C. Kaaren, J. E. McKelry.• Thir,eonth—Jolus Harrttort. lit•tasstdaye ourteenth—W. C. Idoreland, Jcrieph Jones. Tiftecaul--A. L.lFearron,.. 7 . ti• Kerr. 131%teenth—Bertjamin :Schmldt, James W. over. 13eventeenth—Z. Wainwri_ght , J. B. Stewart. ' • Righteenth—D,- Holmes. d. L. Livingstone. Nineteenth—r• D. Perchment, E. C. Begley. Twentieth—C. W..Batchelor. John R. Baum. . Twenty-Aria—B. W. Morgan, John T. Wilson, Twenty-second—Jos. Dilworth, it• B. 1"01111pL Twenty-third—H. W. Oliver.- 13. Ste. venson diieghtzni/.; First ward—Wm. McKee, W. G. Alseo. • Second—W. H. Alexander, w. ' Third—tint precinct)—J. Mcßrier, R. C. Gray. t2d precinct) — A. F. A. Fanthaber,- F. Alt.ater. W. Murray . precinctl—John A. Myler. James W Murray. CM precluct)—C. W. Shaffer, W. Fitzsimmons, 8. Mulford. Slxtn-Cbules Pugh, M. A. Barnard. Seventh-0. Wettach, C. L. Gehzins. • L. Jones. H. 0. C. Oehmler. ' /taro:4hr, Ormstiy—W..Fergnson, Geo Betz. • Monongahela — R. Parry. H. T. O'Sane. Trniperanceville — lt. Grier. Theo. Itaig.h. West Ph tsbnrsir—J. B. Anti:, Lewis Braddocka — S. Dempster. H. shailenberoer. Birmingham-Ist predict: Witt M. Hartzell, T110311%8 d. Atterbury; 2d prezinct• John Adams, NAO. Birzninghatn—Darld Chess. J. r. IL own. Id onnt Washington —r..A.Ditworth. H. Meyer. Elizabeth—T. Id. Tower, Jas. H. Maffett. . McElroy. _Benj. Felmach. South Pittaharigh—J. B. licCord; Wm. bhear gold... . Alitrpstearg — W. A. Lewis, J. Munizhelnlier. . Tarentom—B. D Hnmell, D. H. Morrison. Etna—Andrew William., John Helber._., , Sew:ales—Milo P. ecott, Dr. W. Woods. 2 llicHeesport—P. D. Marsh, Joe. Wadsworth. West Kiarobeth—John.B.Vance,Jas.Hudspeth. , Belleatur—Bichard Straw, B. B.Mctiraw. • ; Tinian—J.. C. dialer. Jno. Patter. _ Toronshgps. Mentioning C. B. Welty, IJvion--.T. B. I•feeld,:Geo. McCormick. .r.. One; tiers—W. Feria J. 1.. Graham. Sewickley—J. ST. Stonr, Semi. Neely. • Botansmo--Rouen--Buisell Streit. A. 0, • Igegtey; 21 precinot--Wm. Glass, Wm. Glbton. • -Scott-Ist prectuce—W. G. Stem= W. S. Lea " Inte l nc ' t g — i e n: g l' oisit t l enn a t v a 'D P .....g l lt ib ' H. DlVria, J. xi. Mueller. Hotenstetn, until:Huger. yridei—Geortre Barns, Alex Bums, EastrDeer — j, os Henderson. F. M. Edmondson , Moon—Robert WIDSOn Alfred McCabe. • Patton—SL Clugaton. 'S. Thompson. a. Plum—G. L. Lee, G. B. Alter. Penn—Jas. Duff, Chas. Conlif. th—lat preeinct--Jos. Scull, Jno. Speer 2d precinct—gas. Patter,on, J. W. Xdmundsoni ad pregnant—Thomas Speakman. Maly; ith precinct—ht. Hatton, David Rankin. Lincoba—Levi Edmondson. S. Fetlock. - Forward--Sos. Wall, S. G. Kirg. • ' • Baldwin—A.. Hays, xt Bennett. Sr. • • Ross-Ist precinct—John Colder. W. A. Shinn nrecinct—Thon as Towers D. }Wands. . ' McCandlessr—Retd. Wallace. Wm. Peebles. Upper St. Clair—John W. T. Fife. , North Fayette—lfark Robb, H. E.-Mcßride. Neville—John IL Hamilton, 'Geo. Cote. nhattr—lst precinct—Chas. Theobald, J. Y. ' "Dieu; 2d precinct. "-John Herron, T. W. thaw. • Fawn—John Martin, JoLn Dickson. • WillOns—Jno. Shafer, Jno. F. MCKeivy; V,ersailles--Ist precinct: Jno. Penny Jno. Vying!: 2d precinct: N. S. Brown, B. L. Wood. " Jeffers •a-Henry Heft,. M. W. 'Foster. Ohio - Jas. B.:-Duff. J. M. Crawford. Snowden,—lasso Moir. Thos. Kiddoo. pine—Jac. Reno% `M 1. ueypows• West Deer-Jno. Fleming. Jno.• Carnes. 'lndians—W. W. Shaw, Jlledt) Iletzel. • Lower ut. Clatigust Haas, Fred Hemp. South rayetter-Jacob Jordan. James Morgan. Crescent—Jas. Davis, L. C. McCormick. MoCture--Jacob Franz,S. E. Davis. Itichl.nd—R. B. Dickey. S. , Hampson—Robert Somme. Robert Perkins. - ,Marunall—James Robinson, David Emery. litliaLdel Muter. Robert Anderson - On motion of Maj. J. F;Slagle, a com inltteee' was appointed on contested seats from the Tenth ward. Messrs. J. E. McKelv, Charles , Frederick - Riddle, J. P. Brown Jeremy and J. FE. McElroY were appointed the committee. Mr. Sla gle declined acting as a member of the committee. _ .While the Committee was deliberat ing, Mr. "ft. IL Davis moved that Major • A. M. Brown be selected as permanent chairman. C. W. Robb, 'Esq., nomittated W. C. Moreland, Esq. for Chairman. Mr. *Moreland, in a graceful speed], *declined, preferring that entire harmony should prevail in the Convention. • Whereupon Major. hnft , • OT Brown was -n. unmanly c hos en cleiirrnan, and. having 'been conducted to the stage by Mr. idcireland, and fornially -introduced; , re turned thanks for the honor conferred: and made a few oloqueritrimeitlitti , ' • : 1 :* F. C. Kegley,. Esq., moved. that two. tables be procured and that four Tellers he appointed for each, to superintend the marking for candidates., 14. Slagle, Moved tot amend by des . , Nplatik. the .Secrets Ties ,• as %%Bet tenets; . , - On motion, three tables were ordered to be procured, one for, - Akelcity.i,delegatee, one for those from the boreughs„atid another for -those: from. the country. districts.._ aid ()WEER., moved that J. W. Over be 'an • additional Secretary. - • - • , ' The .- following Vice Presidents were se. ? "t G. M. .fdorrison. Johtl Adam ' s, Birmingham,' ..i.Jelleptt4 Pal9rtbs 8. Robb, R ussell Errett, J. Ek. renny, C. Greile and • Hon. Russell Errett moved the appoint;, ment et's-Joint Committee Ofithl:oe oil Resolntiotue, to meet:with similar mlttees from the Legislative and CountY ConVeiltkiris; • Carried, and Masers. ncailiahaii.e4Gar, , M 4E la appolitteli thd COM=tee.,o-1, P.,` Mr. Morehtud.deeltned gaolingon the' "eomnifttee, and '" Ittr; - 3040 pH wOrlW was imbasituto44:, , O. W. Robh. Esq., .nemmated "Johnit: Si r ttpatriek for `Assistant !MC - Jiiacia•of AbeDbitticrOorati 1112lignoved the nomination be adopted by acolOW, Mon: Carried, • ;.u. W. C. Moreland, till,;?notranats F. B. Collier for-Assiut:late, Judge - or tue ' Court of COmmou &c. ' • Capt. C. W. -Batchelor naMed*, , W. l B. • 2fegleri. Beg, for the same position. m • mr. oretand moved that the dillfOles, *otetPfea voce. l Carried. The Tote proceeded, the delegate* re' • ~, a tety -444 7 ,14 " t -r" _ n r .' ,121 /R mding s'ov'iet isNeg,ley;" as their o 1111M88-were called. The voting havingibeenpmcluded, was about being announced, when Dlr. F. C. lieltbly moved - that the nomination of Geri2- - F. H. Collier be made unanimous. • rttle vote staid; Collier, ,one -hiindred apd_eielity-one; Begley, twehteAnie.) The Committee .on Contested. Seats re ported through thir Chairman, Mr. J. E.' McKelvy, that e Josepli', French and David Willson were entifiedto seats from the Tenth ward, Pittsburgh: • 1 Mr. F. C. Begley said he Was pretty well acquainted with the facts of the case, and believed Dr. H. Manchester and W. H. EL Rutledge were entitled to seats,and made a motion to that effect. , • Mr. Slagle thought it at least due to the Committee to receive their report. The report was received. Mr. Begley rekewed his motion. C. W. Robb indeed as a enbatitute that the report of the Committee be adopted. Carried.. "Nominations for delegates to the State Convention were next in order, and some forty names having been suggested, the Convention_, at half past twelve, adjourn ed hour. AFTERNOON, sasszoic. Thle Convention • re-assembled tit ' a quarter past Awe o'clock, delay having been occasioned 'in the preparation of printed lists of• delegates. . _, • Before the voting commenced, Mr. F.' M. Edniwidseri, moved that the dale= gates chosen to the State Convention be instructed to vote for Gen. Geary for Governor. . , Mr. J. S. Robb opposed the 'resolution, and hoped It would not be insisted on. While not opposed to Gen. Geary, he de sired the delegates to go uninstructed, in order that nothing -might be thrown in the way of Judge Williams as a candi date for.the Supreme Bench. , Ild4 or J. T. Wattle thought the reeidu tlim " iMliolitio - and. hoped it would be withdrawn lie, too, was not unfaVora -1 biate s Gen. 7 Gettry. b ut did not wish to Interfere with Judge Williams'schances. - Capt. C. W. Batchelor opposed•the res. ointionfor a like reason. fie came to 1 1 the Convention a Geary man, but be ' lieved it nest the delegates should go un instructed. _ The resolution was opposed by Eton. Russell Erred, R. H. Davis and others. General A. L. Pearson warmly advoca ted the resolution. There was no.•other candidate for Supreme Court beside Judge Williams, and his nomination was a foregone conclusion. The majority of the counties in the State had instruct ed for Gen. Geary, and be could see no reason whatever why Alleghev county could not do likewise, and lead • the van in his support. He had been a good Governor, was'an excellent soldier, and should be re-elected. • . Gen. P.'a remerks•elleited marked ap plause. ,, The question Wee taken end the reso lution Hon. Russell Errett desired that his name be stricken off the list of those suggested for delegates. Not believing it politic to instruct the delegates as indi cated, he desired to be consistent, and therefore hoped his name would be with drawn.: W. C. Moreland, Esq.,, for a' like reason, desired his name, to be ,with drawn. C. W. Robb, Esq., moved that-nny ' other - gentlemen whose names-were on the list have the privilege of withdraw ing them. : Not entertained. . , A resolution was adopted that those • receiving the highest number of votes be' declared the delegates, the 'lmo highest tube Senatorial and the six next highest to . .he the Repreeentative. - - • - The marking then proceeded and result ed as followe,those marked with a* being the successful candidates: - . • ISSNATORTA.L. Blc.haril Perry at .IL Ire :Brown lt. Allen 15 •Pboa. M. Marshall. 143 John Adams .. ... .... 10 RAPILLSKATATIVS. Atlgnit Ammoil 5 'Jas. L. Gnat= 120'8. ta• Brown 29 •11. W. Oliver. Jr . —111 A. 8. Sell 10 • VT. S. Purvlanee... 98 J. P. Brown 15 B. W. Morgan • 95,8. B. Chitty 13 *C. W. Batcnezor.... Waal= Cotten 6 "J. 8.• McKelvey.... se Darla Holmes...—. 24 John•H. Hampton— 26 Charles Jeremy .• .. 61 M. B. varnehan..-- 46 J. C. Lewis IS 11 11. bald, 53 J. O. hlacConneil.... .21 John 4411ffllan. —•... al G. IL 111441 e 6 frttol.M. 11ayn0...... 21 ..bchoyer. Jr , 18 H.U.1i1aakr011..;....•• — l3 B. libagerlv ...... 21 ~ F ..C. 8 egley—:i.. i.. . Wm. ocauarelt 17 - .list befetalha ,Veitk•Wee antioaneed. Hon,: Russell ' Hriett,,:Chairruan iof the Committee on Reisolelibes, reported_ end readthe following; . , . • • lat.: That the Republican citizens of Allegheny, county rectignize, with feel ings of just pride, :Ike Inauguration , of sound, political principles, and the 'already decisive illustration of a national policy of wise statesmanship,•of pure in tegrity. of a capable efficiency, and a 'patriotic devotion to the highest and,tru est interests of our once more united people, under the , Administratioe of President Grant. ' They point; with equal satisfaction. to , the marked expeession of their conlideece in the new - Chief Megistrate. in Nevem ber • last,' and 'to the spotless fidelity with which he •has, •in his high, office, maintained the jus Ice of his title to their regard. They now renew the as- . surances of their cordial support to his government, in the great domestic work of campleting the national pacification, of upholding the national credit, and of developing and protecting the leading national interests, as well ae in maintain ing abroad the national rights and honor before all the peoples of the world: ' 2d, That we heartily endorse the Re coruttruction 'policy , which has been shaped by lieprddican ,Congresses, and which has at last found a faithful Execu tree, in the head of the present Admiuls Credo% end we earnestly urge upon the X.L'lst Congress, the iMperative need for such further 'legislation, in the cue of the people of Georgia, as sball systemet icaily perfect the National palm tine. harmonious whole, finally healing 'the` ;last open'•Wound of all thee*, which a .eautielemi rebellithi inflicted upon the Re , 341,...Thet we WORK/Me the 'Xiirth Arti ale,au*Eidatoryof the Federal Conathu holt, tisthe just Dud , nendfu 1. acknowl edgment of 'the ja/ 1012 W41 'Men; ass well under human se• under Divine laws, in, the full possessio n and ; unrestricted an, joyuusnt of.) al natural and political •righte,,in strict ixonsoilancer, with a truly republicau theory rif . government. ' 1 -4th. That we recommend to our Sena-; tors and Reprises:daft es in - Congress the abrogation of all the no longer nendful • restriotiorits upon the polidcallighte of our chastened and repentant Southern !veil& ;fen, behtddingin this element - and wise Polley, - as ,we ;do; an influential: l46 p toward the , more thorough extlngnish mitt of any still lingering traces Of. ppest: unhappy strife. . , I , " snis- That we maintain the just claims' of every public creditor upon', the Na [ Coast Treasury; that we . uphold) our; ! honorable duty to discharge l'aithfully .thalest dedier.of• the National debt; that r we avow.our strengthened minfiiimuse is.. Its early _ and,.convenient 'llolll.4lpn, .under the . existing ,leglabilve.;,.nre vistane • therefor; • that we - . demand a • „strict adherence 'tit* polieS" ot--Reoneettcal• ' , Retrenchment 'ivihion a RePtbileatiCtOmerfsbnent asp su ccessfully instgeutitei l is 14 1 4-thA t we Vetnat against. any pledge of ins pubdo•faittrifor any ' new ' 'fora bt'flidsibvicilitm,',llirew of in. direati . whether - 'by way of treaty' with I. foreign powers or of 'doinersubtndy tt corporate ,or iwiteldizel..: telliriae, as being •-wholly incompattole with a true Itepubilart.,pelletn Abe Pro Per odbioaort;athgAMlnt jnek'sleolandi: MHO , . - , - . . 3.,,,, . _,.. ~,,,,,.. - ... , , ,7 , - ,I, . ~. - -, . ,. . „ 1 „.„.----4:-.4., : i 47e 4i , J ,, '.471r4-':' - ri.,.. a 0.., Th . 2 5 n t . , 0, -, 0. - „. 4 „-f-ts . ~ , , 1 - 4 . , 14- i te , 7 0. 1 7,,,:%. 7 ; 4 - erApint-4 4- I.'-aa - T - Vx.3 ,-,,, ao , Viwpi - v.,,,i - t.A . r.... 4 --, 4a, t 1 . • -.1.74. 4 ,qt - .;c• -a., - - F — ''''' .. - -,l ,..ttrqe,- , ... "- .. .. ~.„,., ~.4. . „?...„,..--;....,,,,.1, , v . 11 , a,..1 1, - - k , , ..41, - ; , ..-.-A-,-,-. --: -............-- ,0 ,n" , ." , ,..... - 1-' _ - , ..5.„...„..v...3. e 0wt.,.,,,,.. - *4O . • . . PITTsB111.011; iGAZNIT.E4 71 . 74711)NW\L - .3...2 JutiE., , ,, 2, 1869.7 1 . ;, olgol trs9 '...1.; of: POildtige rfcan PaoPie._ -- 6kia.-Iressihsedi That or ll i x . rt are_due to: the national teiVerrilii in', that it, has done much to , ' ze the just, rights Of Albert - On lAbor, , and that we! urge. upon Cungresa - andAne Execritive,, the stilt unsatteded • but clear • claims oU American Industry; fermi adequate pro tection against cc the &repetition, in our own market s , • f the dense and under paid poptdations Of Eurotae, and for the fostering care of •a , government which should be wisely bent upon the broadest development of every material element in the national prosperity. 7th. Risetved, That, we testify to the entire satisfaction with which t heir con stituents of Allegheny county have re garded the Congressional couplet of their Repriasentatives, Hon. James S. Negley and lion. Darwin E. Phelps; that we re cognize their yigilard fidelity to our ma terial and political interests; that we con gratulate them upon ,the success with which they have achieved positions of leading initutnace in the deliberations of Congress, and that; we pledge to them our cordial support. in upholding and practi cally enforcing the principles of a sound public policy. Bth. That, 1 1 , we, avow the hearty Malefaction With which we have observ ed the successful' administration of the affairs'of' this ,CoMmonwealth by his Ex cellency john W. Geary, under Republi can auspices; Ithat, in the large reduc tion of the public burthens by the re moval of many onerous forme of taxa- Lions froth the pockets of the people, in the' faithful collection of the ravel:weal in the integrity which , has controlled, their disbursement in: strict eccor dance , with the /awe, •In ..the wisdom whifah has marked our gen eral legislation Upon matters of the highest social and public importance, and in the fidelity to high trusts which has been conspicuous in every Execu tive department of our State Govern. ment,—we ;recognize results not less profitable to the people of Pennsylvania than honorable to the Republican On ducE of the public affairs. eth. That, in behalf of the Re publicans of Allegheny county, we pre sent to the Republican State Convention the name of Henry W. Williams, as our unanimous choice for nomination by that body to the Supreme bench of the Commonwealth; that we invite once more their just consideration for those high personal and professional qualifica tions:which secured to him their approv al two years since,—which were ex , eluded from the popular election only by the moat flagrant frauds upon the ballot, —and which have since been, and con tinue to be, illustrated by his judicial experience. and confessed by the con senting testimony of the bench, the bar find the'petople of Pennsylvania. 10th. That we invoke, from all depart ments of the State government, a rigidly faithful persistence in that policy of Un sparing Retrenchment of all needless ex penditures, which Is essential to a con tinued success in the further reduction both of the public- obligations and of popular taxation; that we , tiemand from our Senators and Representatives an economy the most strict In all justly avoidable expenditures. not denying the reasonable claims of any rightful de pendents upon the charitable regards of the Commonwealth; and that we avow our determination to hold them, mid all others, mix public servants, to the most searching account, ibr the constant recti tude and 'unswerving fidelity of their 'official conduct. Ilth. That the selection of our fellow citiranl Hon. H. W. Illagkey, for the rezpreiidbitr t ales ' , ld:, &a te ,, Teassurer, meets the cordial apprOvalpf the Repub licans of this county. His, elevation to this high , trust is a deserved tribute to his peroonal worth -and abilities. and a graceful acknowledgment; by our to as throughout the Commonwealth, of the diistingumbed services of , the Itepubli• cans of Allegheny county in behalf of their party and principles. -, • 12th. Teat, the Republicans of Alleghe ny county have neither had nor lot in any vague and indiscriminate impeach. meld. whether within or otWide of , their organization, of public servants whose official records stand open_ to challenge the- specific and minute investigation of their constituents, and thallre can justly hold no citizen, whether in or out of of deo, to be grillty of offense against the • public interests or the law, until that of fense be proved by clear and ample testi many, - _ lath. That we present th e no minees of these' Conventions, to our felloW-citizens of-Allegheny county, as candidate ' s alto. 'gather Worthy of their stlffropeil,' pledg ing ourselves individually, •as delegates and as Republican voters, to all legiti mate exertions •for the eleion of tie ticket this day dominated. „ , 14th. That we do herehytepPYPen of the actiep of our County Committee, in re cenflinendibg the .rhodlecatichni , this day 'ititroduced into the Republictrit system of effecting nominations t ier 'places of public trust, and that we again refer the subject to the Committee, with; instrue- 41orte to consider the.proprietytf a atilt further subdivision of the it minathig I bodies, and with such full powers to that end as according to their Judgment may be exercised for the advantage of our political and public, intonate. R. 13. Carnahan, Esq., stated that the twelfth resolution had not the, assent of the majority of the Committee, consisting of himself and htr. Jess Dilworth-,, They had oppesed it, for the reason thattit cast censure or wasUn indirect'assault upon a newspaper .of the county, ..and , ,, they did hot tank it the business of the,Con vention either to whitewashpublic ace yenta or to interfere with newspapers in the exercise of theirprivilege of criti cising the ects of public men. The rem- , infirm not haying the assent , of the .rna''' jority . 6f. the iCordmittera it was fruit a proper repert, and he did not consider theeelrinftnatr. had. tuiy . -'right th intrci-' duce it., t MreErreit rialitilitirehorlihe'lli ad made was that of the majority or a Joint' Corn mittiee Pf 4 1 4 4 4 Ore Ponyet4tons. Ws motemirsliAbeit Motet a;lefrifialttee, and the members of such Committee from ) 11 h 1 Teaffettlititt wo o er` , 141111 e' ,CoMMit tees tom 'the twothdiriventieme.. The, reeoleitioas ,were approved by the mijitieWortheloint•Ctimrdittee, and he ,considered he had, no more, thinadia• 'charged his duty in reporting them ae,, he Ini4.An.r. he. ,rdettt,.t spigt or Oen-, sureuPort a .-rifdri• iniwePaper. ha.__Oh ° , l 4 ,' -1901044 tile-ilaaPOW4/09.9 1v t w ...r re Ae"' was. - Rio ,newspepee - -wee, ment io n ed Ilie seholtitiont weegnothing' mareu‘°°r foe& ', Mina raaltrad 1 9f . fbo• Imar n loartprinelp e. that every men she I,be. oxnisideredinnohent until , proved iOlty4 ..s bir.dailialiti di Sala DilWiliir dllre to impute an improper motive on tit -Part o.lthe:Plaidematilryntrminellig the foto liWon. In point o fac t, ' he said, a ma" jt.tlty of the Committee had not sena_ lidlifgLlVMrje 2lVerf*.iq 13,°°' Erse was aPpohatUbyelieno v ° ' pa l but only one from the County Conven 40440gided,Vidneephrp.; sat pultopt of the seven inenlbere prebefit' Opt' *ed of that resotutle . ei..,oBgejotteraan proceeded at some lefigth'irl—Cohtlfhlenaticin of _the resolution, charaeterizing its ' introduc tion as an unwarranted teterferea tith, the prerogatlius of -the' press. 'lf flews.. papers went tea far *in their oritioistrin ;Of tlittectliduct of public officers or, &I ona, Phe Courts were open for redress. It wane part of the business of the Core T teritiento interfere. It wasthe right al tge pronto oriticilo public' Ofilakai` lin ° ~ . to say whether 0, 1 not, they,: honestly or fair l represented !bier constituents. . ett saldthe resolution had been approved by two-thirds of - the Joint Committee, and that was sufficient justi flcation for his presenting it. He pro tested against the gentleman "ringing l i p n ewspaper's, when none were men- I tioned. The resolution was nothing more, he repeated, than the expression of a well -recognized principle, and it was aothing more than proper that the Con vention should express its dissent from the wholesale abuse of members of the party who had labored zealously and faithfully in its behalf. Mr. E. continued at some length in favor of the resolution. C. W. Robb, Esq., was opposed to the resolution, and in high-flown language depicted the evils certain to flow from such trammeling of the press as was pro- posed. Farewell, he said, to honesty and good government, if it should , come to pass that • the press Should not be at liberty to criticise public servants.,He referred to the Comme - rcial, and aaid hat paper had done - noble service in the Cause of Republicanism. He paid a high com pliment to Mr. Errett, for his 'course as Senator, and said no, member of ; the Con- Vention or citizen Of the coutity would link his name with ,sorruption in any respect, nor would any one else do so in this comma/IST- - • .• , , • • i'i Mr. Errett —lt has been don'ts 'the the paper you speak cif.' • - A. delegate, sellopece—Yes, Major, but it took it all back. Mr: Joseph Dilworth, of the tee,Commit e made a feW remarks, begging the Convention' not to approve of the resolu tion, because the Committee had not, and because to do so might injure the Commer cial, , A , ltiob, watts very influential, paper. IsaiitrCohen; Esq., who had beet wait ing his turn for a. speech, now obtained hit oppolitesity. He endorsed all that had been said concerning ex-Senator Errett, whom he held in the highest esteem, endorsed all that had been said by Mr. Carnahan about the rights of the press, but he deprecated the personal character of the discussion, and,asked what the Republicans of - Allegeny county, in Convention assembled, had to do with these 'Patters, at this time. He would be loth, indeed; to assist in stabbing so valuable a paper as the Commercial had been and sincerely-hoped the resolution would be struck out of the report of the Committee. lie apostrophized the free dom of the press, and concluded his re marks by demolishing Napoleon 111. for • his interference with that glorious right. Mr. Errett begged the indulgence ol the Convention for. a Word. He asked the opposing gentlemen to point out in what way:the resolution proposed to interfere with the liberty of the press. The right of newspapers to criticise the action of public servants was not denied. He had been too long connected with the press to fairer interference with its liberty, and when that was • proposed be would be found amongst those clamoring the loudest against such innovation. Maj. Slagle thought the resolution had been entirely misapprehended. - It was intended as nothing more than a disap proval of the onslaught made upon the delegation from this county in the last Legislature. With ono exception, (who would be nameless) he believed the men sent from this county to Harrisburg, last winter, were honest, and had faithfully discharged their trust.: In this belief he , thopght the resolution not an improper one. H. C. liackrell, Esq , favored the...Faso- ' thtion, and saw no justitleatlon for the "lugging in" of the newspaper question in tMs discussion. :But since the news papers had been referred to, the Commer du/ -partionlarly; -- he said it wottid be time ; enough dor- that , taper to talk of con-at:tier! when it had cleared Its - own skirts. It might talk of., corruption In the Republicun party; but' its right to do I so, by a Copperhead editor, he denied. 1 [Hisses.] Don't do that, gentlemen, we heard enoug . h of that kind of argument during the i to var. Mr. Carnahati said since it had come to this, he might be permitted to say the resolution in question was written by the editor of the Cis ZETT E. Mai. Rome, Chairmanthe Conven: tiOti, called the gentleman to order. The gentleman t o was reported b the .Commit tee, and must be regards as their pro duoo3tui ,', t :_, • • 4; ' Ilbre this dliscussionended mado ,Carnahan's • motion, r previously , that the report of the Committee, with : the exception of resolution.twelfth, be accepted, was carried. The - report asaccepted .was than adopt ed, and the Convention adjourned. Note.—The eleventh resolution, rela tive' to the State Treasurer, was pot re ported in the Judicial Conventlon; but adopted In both 'heathers. ' LEGISLATIVE CONVENTION. CALLED TO ORDER.. 4 The Legislative Convention delegates met Welty Rail at eleven o'clock, and were called to order by Dr. A. S. Gross,: who read a letter fron - Ron. Russell ErJ, rott, stating that he could not be present Chairtuan of the Convention, acco log to the usual custom, and requesting him (Dr. Gross,) to act as Chairman nnr til a perumuent organization - was affected, , .1 PERMANENT OFFICEns ELECTED. 1 On moderiof - Joseph A. Butler, Esq., Dr. Gross was elected permanent Chair man of the.,Conventlon. Upon taking the Chair the gentleman briefly returned thanks.... for ;: , unsolicited honor, ,and urged upon the delegates, in the dis charge of their important duty, to apply the Jefferson test of honesty to all candi dates presented for their support.. The next thing in order was the elec. lion of a Vioe President. for which posi tion Mr.RughMONell was unanimously • chosen.:., • • , - :Messrs. B. 8. , Coursin, Jos. A. Butler, W. B. Rodgers, Ralph Richardson, 0. D. Levis, and' Henry , • Baum, were • then elected permanent .secretaries. • • Mr. Joseph Hartman now moved that a committee ot five on ap .pointed. Carried, and 'Dieser& Joseph Hartman.: -R. .11.,,IdoOtaran,. John W. • Riddelli O. Elliott, and Dr. J. H. Rob. Inson,oppointed bylthe Chair. •• 00111111.1TTEEI,DIE RESOLUTION& •Mr. Da.vidifirkinoved tht a commit- • Itee of three similar rinted th a t fe with Otexiinittees from the Judicial and VotiffeyViintrentions in.refertidel p preptiftibu of resolsitione.l. Carried,And Messrs, Tmes Steel, /Jae, .A. and Dr: Thomas appointed... • I • Ur; Roberts deolinedltifiqgtl,Aoluit E. Parke was eribstltuteli- • The Secretaries then •proceeded to ;call the roll' by. districts, and, the. resented-their,eredentialias follows: Viret ward .1L to4ou, Ed. Kincaid. second-Themanasl ate 1. John rani, n t icagge , Mt , z U . S r U Fonhh-J spll James viewing. W. Welitsw' aura—nenry)rortau. 01 Ottna Idevrntik-s. A,Bailer, Taos. tCoaerzsll4. .1 • iLlantn-Juir4) 711ntb-ntamefhnot 9' Hartmaa.,Ven. , Etoot - . , . • %O Pa vidn -Bictisroson. tok . a.,..4tipia: U. Mason. Fourteenth-qr. „ an Jones. • ; --Vifteenta -4 . J. Waidiwitinr, Dr. J. Robinson. S. Eidde caltb.,tasunes . ' -13.,Tentoinith 'Wlkili A N iahtmlin. Kirk- <Yetis lideldotata. Nmeteanin •W. H. *Wien; ism.nitesni. ZwentiAtiOtAol 'OroAg lacOlarrm . . Twenty-etst-ittelksAapiskomplon, II , s um. TWORtrliellea ..'Weltr. L. Deirdnilt. D. Vier. Cowan. • ad ti i g . Wird w iv tUW. John Roos. i • " "Talrd Lt .I .lteconclr•W. i c e, B wane, i,t , -•,; kt!!-. 7- 1 4 u`suug'hi Holmes; 2d precinct: - Peter Bolster. William Wett Pourth-ist precinct: Hugh McNeill. William B. Bolters 2d precinct:Louis Moul, DX./duller. Fifth-J.IE. earke.,Christ. Hoch. Sixth-lames Bandar. John rLpeer. beventb-Sulins Sharnke, B. Renter. Eighth-GeorgeMoul, Hi Betz. .11orouOhe Ortnaby47. Lorimer. J. J.• Ross East Rtriningbam-JenkinsJones,llenry chess Birmngkom-let prekinct: is. Cr Ripley. Wm. Do le; ad precinct: David Morgan, Samuel Barr. South Pistabnrgh - Dr. J. ii. Roberts. R. Moor head. i Mononvibela-James Shears. O. W. Jane. West Pittsburgh - E. S. Remit*, w. Reems. Temperanceville-P.Weaver, T.C.Dorring:on. Mount Washingiou-C Koclmeler, J. Burford. Braddoeks-E. J. Allen, C. C. Fawcett. unzabeth-J. O'Neill, J. C. Boyd. Dillivale-J. J. Williams. A. A Johnston. Sewickley-B. C. Christy. J. W. F. White. McKeesport-Jas. H. Berry. Wm. E. Harrison. b arpsburg-J. A. Taylor, Charles Thomas. Etna-I:Jenard Jones, Pets r Klingensmith. Bellevue-J. S. Ferguson. Wm. Roseburg. larentum-Ream" lismpson, W. H. Humes. Tatonships• ReEerte . " - Wm. Peters Wu:. Shoemakvr; Chrtiers--Ratph Bradley, Jos. B. LIIWBOTI; Union•-Wm. Car-wright. Janie! Nil:lick; !co t precinct. J. etephenson. Wm. Ford; 2d vb. - eel:tot, J. E. Wilson, J. F. Oliver; IIIIIIPAL-J• 111-her, Wm. Oliver. Kilbuok-Minas Tindle, J. W. Robinson.. Finley-J. W. Hood, BYers. Vtankiln-Phillip Newbort, Alex. Resenstelo. Robinson, Thos. Robin.on. 1400 11 • W• li• Duri_J• F. erree. Patiort-Thos. :McMaster& W. N. Haymaker. NortlilFayelte---laniuel Dickson. South Payette-Jos. McElroy, Levi Gremr,• qtrosailst 'Precinct, Jas. Sanderson, Andrew ldreths er; 2.l"precinct, W. W. Bradley. W. A. Eynotten: L Sewickier•••P. Marion Love, Jos. B. Dickson, Versoilles--Irtpromsca, 13. B. Coursin, J • Mi.; 2d _precinct, A. J, Shank, D. A. Lynch; • Fenn-J. L. Blotter. J. W. Doak; Robinson - ISt precinct, Isaac goes, Italie Walker; 2d precinct, Wm. Hill, Jr. Samuel An-. derion; • Ellsobetlr-Ist _precinct, Sam • Scott, Matthew Wilton: Buena Vista orecinet, Cho ries $. Lucas. ' M. A. Drayo; Greenockprecinct, John E. Gra ham, James Arthurs; Mount Vernon precinct, Wm• Douglass, Samuel Hankin: Crescent-Isaac G. Wynn ,Wm. McClelland. H. W..asting. t r IC qr s e -j lo h b a n Nt e e r r, a 1 .1 nets ( 4 g?,; g .". rrn• Shot r-ist precinct: Wm. Seibert . Wm. .am ple, Jr.; Id precinct: Harmer DeHaven, John Miller. MoCandless-Wm. Grubbs. F Huhn. Lower St. Clair-Charles Wt helm, Thos•Smith Nesdne-W. H. Breeden, F. H. Anderson. East Deer -Hugh Woods. John Kennedy. Snowden-Phitip Simmons. Wm. Wilson. West Deer-H. K. Harnitton, Wm. P. fdavill. Baldwin-let precinct: J. L. Hi'lman, Matthew West; Jr; 21 pUeinet:,Joseph kiceibbery, Mottle: Pine-John G Connor. Thomas Graham: Indlons-John Fedefirell, Josiah Scott; own-Davin nag. Campbell Dud': _ Hamiltono Lee. rn. wavacp; Fswn-Jame James Kennedy; 1, Jefferson-John tr Neill. Rep) Gilmore; • Lincoln John B Kelly, A C Edmunsun: wo:wad-Hovey Applegate. Jos W Harrison-J It W W salsworth, B White; Richt nd-O. Harper. J b Crawford; liarshall-DavidEooll36oll, Thos Robinson. THE NOMINATIONS. COL E. J. Allen moved that the Con vention proceed to make nominations for Senate and Assembly. Carried. Messrs. George H. Anderson, Thomas HoWard, George Wilson and Samuel B. Cluley were then nominated, when the nominations for Senate closed. Nominations for Assembly wereunct proceeded with, when the following were named: Senate—Messrs. George H. Anierson, Sapi'.l B. Cluley, Thomas Howard, George Wilson. Assembiy.—Messrs. J. W. Ballantine, A. M. Barr' Wm. N. Burchfield, Samuel Chadwick, John W... Curry, J. V. Don aldson, Wm. Espy, Samuel Glass, George H. Holtzman, Miles •S. Hum phreys, Capt. Sstuel Kerr, John Et 'tKerr, David irk, James Lacy, Al l ea `: Millar of NicKeesPort, James G. Marshal, Col . ' George F. Morgan, of Pitts biirgh, George Moul, Gilbert N. Mobitts tars, Vincent Miller, R. B. Parkinson, Win. Peters, .Joe. . 'E. Shaffer, D. L. Smith, James TaYlor, Minas Tindle. Wseph Walton.'D. N. White, W. J. White, Vb. Williams, Jr., A. G. Williams. ' A RECESS. • •• A delegate moved that the Secretaries he - instrutted . to have the names der , candidates printed in alphabetical , the. Convention in the meantime taking a recess'until two v. H. 7 " I The motion was amended, directing the named to be printed as they oc curred on the Secretaries lists and the Convention to adjourn until half past one o'clock. After I..onsiderable discussion and some confusion, the motion was further amended and carried, requiring the names to be printed alphabetically and the Convention took a recess until half past one o'clock. - AFTERNOON SESSION. Re-assembled et the appointed hour. COMMITTEE OHCREDENTIA.LB REPORT, Mr. Joseph' Hartman, from the Com - I lnittee on Credentials, presented the fol lowing report: "GENTLEMEN:' The Committee on Cre dentials respectfully report that Messrs. Friday and McCreary, of the • Tenth ward, having been voted for at the regu lar place of holding elections, and having received a majority of all the votes cast, are entitled to seats in this Convention. Also, that Louis Straub, of the Fourth ward, Allegheny, is entitled to a seat in stead Louis Moul. Mr: Fof erguson made a motion for the reading of all the papers handed to the Committee in the contested cases. Mr. John' W. Riddell objected. He thought the . Committee was the proper ' authority to decide upon the matter. If one side was heard by the Convention, then the other in fairness should be sim ilarly treated, and time would be thus uselessly consumed. A point of order Was raised by a dele gate that the vote was upon the adoption of the report, :and not upon a consider ation of who was entitled to the seat. The Chair decided thepolnt'well taken, when the question was put, resulting in the adoption of the report by a large majority. CHANGE IN . DELEGATES. The Chairman , read a communication from John Anderson, delegate frem Rob inson tewnship, asking that Isaac Wal ton be substituted in his place and bil -1 titled to a seat in the Convention. Oa motion, the communication was re - 1 ceived and the change agreed to. A motion wag made that the election I be next proceeded with by marking, delegates, to vote, at. the same time for Senate and Assembly candidates. 'Oar .ried. • The list of the nominees was reatiover, When the 'name ' .of James ''llacl3riar, of Allegheny, *as withdrawn -se a candi. date for Assembly. The , dillegates frota the cities then, as their names': were ;called, stepped for ward and recorded their.,vote lat a table on theright,, While Ahose from the bor t oughs and townships, voted on the left. This arrapsernent was made to facilitate, the business;and; prevent itonfusion. oßn* tH P ltAw*L ' use,While fro was in progress;- the :cliairmelistated h had instreceived botncautileation from :. lion: George 'Wit.' ' eon, Whiehi.:if it was the pleasure of the 'Convention would be read.: ' Mr. Oliver.—Mr.Presidentl object to ;having the,paper read. , Ws.outi of.order during the progresa of the ballot., Such APreell.oo has never been heard of, before., A ; number of delegates at this juncture ',oroNdecaround;rthe platform' and a in, bated upon not having the paper read. -' 'Mr. Chairman, move' to lay the paper the table: ';au gentlemen, it's al v neYe the privilege iirs'ooo,omtion da. bide upon itstiwn' buidliam ,put then ltlotion antrYOueari decide this case. , P' The motion mai", accordingly -put by the Chair, and decided in: the negative elky' an almost unanimoue vote.. • On motion the paper was-the; r as es follow*, . , • PITTSBURGH, ' Stine 1.1 9. ,telAa - itember; zeostaftve eon. :2'004010' Onfertitsilleft: Froizintilirapresini tam ItS4V, , . Wand*, • ; - -02-TOlV'ti • .1.:1* - ri • - .., and unpreoedented pensonal - Warfare canewd upon me, so that many good chi- ' • who were my supporters heretofore;., are now in doubt as to their duty in the ' premises,. I decline to submit my m aw as a candidate for State Senator. At the same time I pledge my indi. , : vidual support to the Republican party and its nominees, as heretofore. Respectfully, GEORGE WILSON. The communication was accepted and the name of Mr. Wilson thought to be accordingly withdrawn. WHAT CAME AFTER. A Delegate—Now, Mr. President, since. this ,withdrawal has been accepted, what is to be done with the votes ' which have airehdy been cast in favor of Mr. Wilson? The Chairman—The Convention has decided the matter, and there can be no further discussion upon it. The balloting then went on, but it was evident from the commotion and excited conversation among a number of the del egates that the result was not satisfac tory. A. few minutes after, Mr. Wilson made his appearanee outside the temporary r,ailing separating the delegates from the spectators. and was quickly surrounded by the disaffected parties, when - an ani mated discussion ensued, in which "for , gery," "never authorized it," &C., were clearly distinguishable. CoL Allen now rose and said ,(excited ly): Mr. President, I have just learned that the communication just read is a forgery. Mr. Wilson is here f hlinself, and will explain. I think if - dorrtiption hasrentered this , Convention we ought to know it: Chairman The communication :was handed to me by . a delegate and I 'sup posed it was all right. Mr. Riddell—l move that Mr. Wilson be allowed to speak. A Delegate—Speeches are out of order in this place. We don't „want -any ex planations or speeches. -- (Several volces—"Wilson, Wilson, lit . ', hint go on.") - Mr. Riddell pressed his. motion which was put and decidell in the 'affirmative by a large majority'vote. MR. Vlhsex's ItxistlMlS. ' Mr. Wilson then came forward to the platform and spoke as follows: "Mr. President and gentlemen of the Convention: Thati dictated that commu nication-I do not deny. But that it was handed in here at the present time with my consent I most emphatically , deny. I never intended it to be presented until a certain time. I never intended and did not consent to have -it presented on this f ballot or at this stage of the 'proceedings, rand the person who handed it in did so without authority from me. Ido not recognize the action and still consider myself a candidate. (Applause.) That's all the explanation I have to make."' Mr. Wilson now retired ,argd much excitement. WHO OFFERED Tr? Col. Allen—Mr. President, who offered the letter? Chairman—A delegate named Magee I believe. • 1, Col. Allen—ln whose interest? Chairman—l don't know. The excitement gradually subsided, when the votinwas resumed and moved harmoniously u ntil the eloseof the ballot. i.THE RESOLUTIONS. While the Secretaries were counting the ballot the Chairman read the report of the Committee on Resolutions. [The resolutians'were the same as in troduced in the. Judicial Convention, the Twellth being emitted by m the, Comit tee.] , . ' . Mr; R. C. Elliott Mimed to a mend by striking out the Eighth. : ' The amendment was alniost unani mously voted down. The resolutions, as read, were then en thusiastically adopted. FIRST BALLOT. 'lhe result of the first ballot was an nounced as follows: . SSSATS. . 6471193 TiOward • 09 MiGeoll(6 .W 49911.... / .. 19 AMEN lOLS. Ilallantine ,C,lolorgan 76 Barr ':Kcal Burchfield 2 Mcblasters.... ' 14 Chadwick 31 Sutler ' 42 Curry 30 Aarklnson 33 Don•adion • 9 Peter 5........... . . ... 17 Ebpy • 48 Shaffer ' 6 Glass 3 Smith—. •N Holtzman 14 Taylor.... 100 ; •Eumptireys... ... .. 123 'Omits Kerr, (Sept Moon;lel.. 48 ...:. 121 Kerr, Jonas 11. 63 VC kW. 1) Kirk 42 Whlte,'W J LOWY...J..' 40 Willlares,lb. Jr.— 3 ; Millar 113 Williams, ... ... 10 Marsha, 51 Messrs. Miles S. Ilumphreys, Alexan der Millar, and Joseph Walton were an- I nounced as having been elected. No I choice for Senator. I A motion was made to proceed With a second ballot, and 'strike off all on the list of Senatorial candidates who had 're ceived less than thirty votes, and all 'on the Assembly list who had receivdd less than twenty-five votes. Carried. - By this arrangement the contest for Senate lay between Messrs.' Anderson and Howard. On the second ballot the delegate's front the township and boroughs were allowed to•vote first, that they might withdraw. During the vote the names of Capt. Samuel Kerr, George N. Morgan, Vin cent Miller and R. B. Parkinson were withdrawn. The result was ,as follows: SECOND BALLOT. I ' Geo II Anderson baml FS Citaley-- SZNATE• ' i • =Anderson % 1 . _ Ass SAHLI'. 1 t. 11311anthae .... ~ 87 Curry 1:9144......... ..... ... 171 Kerr ' 90 pi Kirk., ...... . .... 391 LIICY •• 4. kr. •• • • 23 1 Mai B u s t .._ v i er:o , lot .. . ...• ..,. .... ns "White, If N.. . . . ... 1141 Mr." Thomas Howard as Senator, and .. Messrs. James Taylor and D. N. White - for Assembly, were announced as the choice of .the Convention.on the second - ballot,• which was . received with un bounded applause. The Chairman announced' that" one more candidate would' have to be elected ;„1 to complete the AsseMblrlist. ' •ti A motion mat made to proceed with we third ballot, when the "wildest' excite-g ment ensued. 'Motions, tions and amendments were . offered in tri quick . succession, but • the; original.. rno-,,D 1 1 tlon finally prevailed, .The contest P seemed nor to lutve narrowed,down be.p tweeu Mr. Jima G. Marshal anl, .T,obn. 4. It Kerr; Ksil,, and Eleverarineflbetual is e '' l, • attempts Were made to tnakellksitanina- 0, tion of on S of.Aope gentlemen' . initmi- r" , At leng,th:WheP the voting'Ori the third 0 'ballet had been commenced, a deleitate,l. 4 .,s,.. by authority,- withdrew the name of Mr. f3 ' Marshal. Mr. Kerr was' then elected byi;ll. - acclamation, a result which was 'receivedtkt with the leartiesti manifestations of ap44", p '4 P• revia. ._ , , - ' • - •.:,..i • On motion • of, Colonel Allen i a vote or •,,, 4 thanks was tendered. to -•Dr. Gross ando,; the other often of the:OOnfentlon for. theirOloient'diaohirepf,lnty. and ther cotiveOt4on adjontineit. :-.L ,' , : v 7._ ._—_,....4 . p----" . . , • , ::, , 4 _ - ,, topwry CONVENTION:. Nq The helegates 01100811 to the Cknivelitiontr to nemkßatOPouniX°itt ( ?Mi**BsTubl ed in tfi., - the OommontPless Gaut. room at eteventv O'clock, and were called to order by Mr ~ 4,. John. K . -Siewiuti Secretary of the Count37 l 4 , rs Exeentive oOhnnittee, ichen. on motion; 4 . , of Dr. NV J. G il more,rThomas If. Mares FlGWard (Casttaunt on Founts. Page.) , ,: t ! V.tet t !k-' '.. -.--• 4 , , z,,..w.m444,, v , ! .7.4.,, 44 , 72:1 , ~„:- ~:, . .1.,,i.5.„„yg.,,,, r ,, ._....,),.,. , .„.,t v4 6,.., 4 ,„z4 ..- , .4ir.,.At ~„-„v...„ .....: .„. ...4, , ,w 1 ‘0..t. ,- ..- -, , Lattimi . - - , Ak.4 , 4,- ,z- . ~~~~. f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers