e 4 111?1 , -- - •—• ! i Ralph Waldo Emerson on Woman a Sur. • I!rage. , . • . . , The ßoston - Post gives the subjolUed • , report of Mr. Ralph Waldo Emerson's • ..` ~! remarks at the anniversary meeting of - ' the New England Women's SuffiageAri. sociatfon in that city on Wednesday: ,•• '• .. LADIAB AND GitarrActrarr: It seenCs' -.- unnecessary to add' any'• words to the statements and , arguments which ' Yon ••• I have already heard, and I certainly shall • ' ldo but little more' than to express m? , sympathy and my delight in the rightfu - ness of this movement—the rightness Of I • this action as it is shown by the discours es I which - I have just listened to. Th ere 1 seems little to do, and it ought directlY to. I be put to vote. I think that the action of, t . 1 this Society, the sentiment of this assem- I bly, is by no means a whim; but is an , I humanized policy—slow, culminative and reaching a greater height of health and ,• z Strength than hitherto. I think we all . , feel the necessity of the admission into, our colleges of the,, taro partneri, in the, 1 activity of this world, , We" look upon. , • . the man as the re presentative, of - intellect I and the woman aa thelrepresentathr e of - I affection; but each Shares the chanicteriv tic of the other, only in the man one pre • dominates and in the Woinan the other. We know,woniarfair affectionate; as religicus,- 1 it order,possestedoftaste. In ages woman' as oracular as • delighting ~in I grace' and • i hakheen the representative of religion.. In all countries it is the women -- who 111.1 - , I the 'temples. :In every religious move ; ment the woman has been an active and ~. . , I poiverfal part; not only• in those' in the - • I Most civilized,/ but in the most uncivilized l countries- not less in the MohOrnmedan - • . i , t' than the Greek and Roman religNins. • i She holds man to religion. There is no I man BO reprobate, so careless of religious , . - i duty, but what delights to have his wile a saint. All men feel the ad.vantages that ..I abound ' of that qualitx" In a wo • . i man. 11111411 qt was tier friatinct' in the r , - 1 dark .superstition. of 'the.' Riddle Ages which peasetem the liardnetis or the the ,, ology b,y , malurig the Virgin Miry the ? mother of God, the intercessor to whom ,• all prayers were directed. M n own fee d t ing is that in all ages woman has held - • . ' substanthdly the same influence. I I think •1 that superior women are rare as superior 'men are rare. I think that women feel when they are in the press as men of ge nius are said 'to do among energ etic • workers—that they see through all toes .i efforts with finer eyes than their noisy I masters. I think .that all men i ove r- ' ... • i presence of the best women feellooked andjudged and sometimes senten- I; ced. They are the educators in all our 1 . •,; soctety. Though their sympathy and • . . ~ qtucknesa,, they are the proper meth. I ators between thbse who have knowledge • , i and these who 'want it; but what r would • I say is, that In this movement an impor .. , taut part of the history of woman la the •'• • ' , ; history of the Quakers, and then of the ' • " ;• 1 Shakers, who gave en equal part of their •• •• '•1 power to .the eldress and elder, and so : • : t: • made active mid instructed workmen and •... • • .1.4 workwomen in social and public affairs. . • :i,•; - When the great enterprise of reeent civill ''. 'o.'t • zation, the' putting down of slavery—of • i 1..• . that institution, so called-L-was done,' it . • •••••• •1 was done; as you knew, in this eonntry, '.. 1 ,,:il :I by a society whose Executive Committee c :. •• • •1 i was composed Open and women, and ••,• ••••,:i; • every step was taken by both. .So , they •:, .. bung together till success was achieved. !. .;i This was getting instruction of our sisters - • . 1, .AA in the direction and control of important • ... • .t affairs, and now, at the moment when we '.• are agitating the question of how to society society from the threatened mischief ... ~ of the invasion of the purity of the ballet, by corrupt and purchased votes, andtbus stultifyingthewill of the honest commu . pity—now, at thia,moment, wo asks . ferlier Vete. If the`vote is to b e d pined i‘..' i to women,' and certainly it must be, then ,1 we must arrange , to have the voting clean ~, ...- and honest and polite. -The State must : ••• --1 build:hi:mses, instead of dirty rooms and • i corner shops; the State must build palaces ,1 . and halls in .which 'women can'deposit :1 ' i their vote - in: the presence of • their. sons :f : andhrotherrand Esthers. Thei..effect of that reform upon the general - voting 'of ;' the State all can feel...Eut it isn't feeble at this time, after what' you have .heard, i•t to detain you longer. I only feel the ...? • ~, ~2 gladness with which such representations •••• 3 as you, have heard, such arguments as --! , - you have heard, inspire me. It is certain • : • that whiffs not given "today will'be given 1 ',..: .., 1to -morrow, and what is asked. for ,this year will be given in the next year; if not •:•. ' in the .next year, then in the next lustrum. • ':.,•4 ' The claim now pressed • by a • I claim for nothing less than all. women is She aaks for her property ; she asks for her right's, for her vote; she asks for her share in : • education; for her share in the institutions . of society, for her half of ,the ' - ,i world; and to this she is entitled. Whole • • t -- ... , • ' MISS DELINDA LOUISA COO; a Mal2lo 41 g girl of eighteen , who" recently poisoned .. herself in San Francisco, owed her death . 1 'to au-ignorance efthe.qualitles of arsenic. She was a robust-andlandsome girl, but ~i afflitted with *a. ruddiness of countenance, 4,0 not in accordance with: her ideas of .1 beauty. Having heard that arsetifewould improve --the complexion, she bought a couple of ounces of pidson at the drug.gist's.and when at home took:a teaspoon;' Iful of it. In the afternoon she was taken `li_ .. suddenly' ill. When questioned, she, stated that she had- taken the mineral. When infoiiried that abe kid tilt= s large dose of deadly poison, and that her ' life could. Probafily not", be - saved, she was ereatlY-AvitOnisliedr:EiP4 A t teagei ;l e nts! • anguish mas.added:te ker , aireidy gym. le& s uffering; aver)! Possible effort was made by the phyalciansin attendance to imiyo the life of the Roarer,. but!rshe died . - ih 'in tkw beton.' The Cordnerlit jury found at AO pantetiVf her death ""by . en'i'doie tifnrainfifor-thalpur , ;mop r . ittifilikeWecimpresion.," 4 . . , Bowen of ,the.Chloos ,241011e-cra-, 'vs* is told in the o .rfeW ` ,o 4o4'OaPerS: on The belle. fa, neighboring "conntry,set. the. banks ot, the Ail*, yea assiduousl a y,. courted by swo.cligible young gentle men, : to onCot !wheat _she gaye 'her heart, but , to the other her parents insisted.mpon ' giving' iii. hand. 'She Pviinlyiirtmoni.; 1111,110 6 kt the day Was' Ilsedi r -tlie _party ,-and'the' unfuttizilte gt i 'in a 76711 7 4 - alld , httir-Ptie°4lbl9llll llatei Compelled to %Uld 'pp" - Air ' the cere.. MOAT. g gm at eatlapplyrgymppproached, that PAO of OS 4ery ce *hirequire4l he: Assent; there Came ii - roar and a crash. The'iltier ita'bitritite bablit'crose to the h o use .huse''' he guests fled' in r'terior,' the ainted 'before she hhd said "I will," and then jected suitor,. rushing In , carried her oir,,and before , night had her, safely married.., The other,, wbo had promised n his married to love and" bberfsb; 'without ecgimiliXtherecinrucal.pledge thinks ei, rescca Eton. ' l e , a 4 . e litisnroadr en settle the .:,...., -The Manner In 'illialeh the la borers e Union Peelle Railroad-got•tlteitpay recently, Y. capturing: and' Cornering a Director, is this relatedhy anorrespend ent of the Bang rancisco Bid/stirr, writing from SunnOit rromontory, 10 inst: , • It appears the that the Director's'. car, with party named, arrived at Piedmont from Wasatch, on Thursday forenoon. Five. hundred men gathered aroUndriten oring for money. As the train was about to leave, four men, armed, but hot show ing weapons; told the conductor they did not Want that ear to'go on. •The'condtic tor took no notice, and the train moved on. The four men 'then loosed the pin and . the' ear was detached, Conductor moved back to connect again, when four pistol barrels induced hint to change his mind, and leave Durant and others' to ,their fate.' The men politely asked cash and wife and others not to be concerned, and to step out; but they kept Ddrantand Dillon, and were disappointed to find that Duff had staid at Wasatch. Therinform ed Durant he could not go until they were ' paid. Durant said: "All ' tight; the money is comin" He said he was only, going to, look at a bridge a re* miles east, and would be back to m orr ow by that time the money would arrive.' The Men did not see it, and told Durant they thOught he had better stay; and that he might not - get there. They : would put him on the side track; also, to prevent his car rolling, they wstild chain thewheele to the rails.- ' • _. I- . session:' of the meantime they took:pos gra Of the. telegraph office, itruttillowed no messages but those regarding finances t o go, employing their etvn. Operate% Da vies, the lawyer of the company, agreed with the men,. but one of them interrupted him, and thought on this oceasion • that the chairman of the delegates should do the talking;'whereemon an . Irith grader talked Tipperary law to them 'for two hours, complimenting,Davles on his le gal ability, but he must come to the Rocky Mountains to learn law.- • , Durant was very cooL Ile , had • in tended to , stay a few days at'Piedmont as he came back. There was Bonin good fishing inthe tnonntain stream - known as "the Muddy," and he would go there. His grading. friends consented; but thought it would help his sport if he had four or five men with musketd to worn. parry- him. Durant thought so much com- pany 'would p revent him from ;getting ti bite, so he dropped that idea. , Next it.became known that 300 troops were coming through, and there of communicating with them M was tea . , Oil& todianl teldlim they were sorry to in tommode hint by taking him out of his comfortable sar, but their wagons were hitched and fiche, would have to' take him' to:the woods tor a few • days. - 'Durant seeing iitrategern failed, submittedlo his persecutors with 'a good grace, and on naturday-,Morning, atter forty-eighthours / tention, he was liberated on paying the •In n and contractors $253,000. Some .of fellow travelers, who, though of course denouncing such outrages, had collected Several dollars' which .:the hardly expected •ttiget' for months, hae , theirjokes about Durant going fish ing in "the, Muddy " These were more frequent than pleasant to Durant's ears. Durant has had enough of the Rocky Mountain way of collecting debts; 860, 000 were paid to the/Promontory men. . : , .. - Ailment to Wasaington and „Lafayette • - Dedtratton a:mem:nuts. The martagereOf the Monument Cem etery, Philadelphia, have bad a beautiful monument, over 100 feet high, erected in their cemetery, to the memory of Wash. ington.asid Lafayette, and on Saturday it was dedicated with appropriate peremo nies in the presence of a large number of persons. - The . monument is obelisk in form, resting upon a pedests.l. The sur face measurement of -the pedestal is a fraction less• than 77i square yards, and Is intended to indicate the 77 years and five months Of Lafayette'& life.' Mime 'diately• abovt3 the pedestal' are thirteen steps or stages; representinrthe Original ' number of States in the Union ; above theset.ornamenting thetsub.shaft, are 82 v,ertical grooves, a on `each" of, the four sides, representing the tatunber- of; States composing the Union during the erection of the monument. From the:top of the pedeital to the apex of-the monument is 67 feet 10 inches, co rresponding-with' the years and months of Washington's life; the obelisk shaft, (a copy of Cleopatra's needle), • is 611 feet high, the number of signers of Abe Declaration of - Tridepen. deuce. Two large bronze tablets, one ' on the norand the othevon the south face of nor th pedestal, bear the following- Inscriptions in raised letters, surrounding a medallion‘likeness of the one to whom. theeulogy applies. On the'southern face is the following: "Washington-- first in War, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his corm. trymen." "As a warrior, he served, refusing. pay, and - led in the achievement of our inde pendence." "As a statesman and lawgiver, his Priding wisdom assisted in framing the constitutional law. As first President of the United States,legoverned witicn-tm ness and moderation." . . • exa "As le and a patriot, he bequeathed kis bright mp earnest counsel au immortal, legacy to bis•country" • ' i ' • i "As - alnafij his character stood superior ties:"' n its grand ,eqtdpolse of noblest quail-' •• ' 'lodest as great, prudent as wise. lie lic gayethe- best retire of his life to the pub meat." - weal, . and - died in , voluntary rere., • , I _ . IThe brightest star' n the constellation of the great_men of all time." , ..-. , ' That devot:ed to Lafayette, has killows: A' '"Beefactor of two hemispheres, born tlioble 14:Frane._... • ' !, •• -,- ~ - . ' lie ~ , ffeVied .as i citizen , Bolger' of American liberty,'" cherfahid 'friend or Waeldnileri; tiilel 2 elefilde he - fought and, ;Wad *d*incl, of the greafprliteyie Abet Ad" eril!igi4iMe' gO t tniqii*:,lhat . which ileAves 4.48 84940,- Sronii - gtlii 80v erned. -h.. iiatriot, , feariees.and-,*in 4n' days . dr.rterror;iirman-of:undiniwg in !egriwiondet. changing. dynasties,. .:'The r eonatent`sonnorternf %constitutional Sree 'fleitu'' Like Washingtotr,- le.died:invol ita4:4l.ilefifdAV lea f let 'eltaMe that aciuct# hlstolV,tltY Jeliel;Pf Pri.P.T° to 419.re l i c****; 1 4/iit Vell-V-Mem ory to °eery** ' •.I.!4ZeilAtC;„l. Ti klti,;; ii . viAliry Union , 1 3 4 - i k er fv , C; ,plogtietve adopted resoligioes di • eatelniess' Imes be taken by the, association. toward • ? the :building of it , grand: national :moon- , meat to the memory of the .115,000:iqk 'cinere'Vbtr' diettilifi •Boutherri qifise ii . Committees were appointed to -41trry? our these ret4titici , and it was also.,reaolVed to petition' Vohgressi for' the grmif of a ,public 44 4( 141 : 1 1 PP- ,P4 . 3nl2 ,l4 l litill,"_*enit t e which o erecitheproposed M.:Mame/se' 4 illifttlait tiagnifije: (114tirDnEant atibler - lififiL.Aradls_ NATIONAL LIFE OSUMI COMPRif Or UNITED B , r ATE'S OP Anium • Obortorod by Special _Litt or Controls, • Approved July WI, 1868. Criadh eaptfia &'•.':. 'di 14;00%0 'ooo. -• P b• IN :NULL, 1 • . '' 33 ' ,'63 OVI - 4•CE : . ' , .. , .. FIRST NATIONAL BANE AULDDIB, ..; APAERALDELPHLII4 •. • .. i ; Niiterf;'illokielel 'builille'se siittkii utiyle transacted. and -to wide!' all getters! corres- Donnence should be addressed. . 'oo.Frie PLARENDE H. CLARE. President. .FA:f COOKE. Cullman IP/Lance and ;Executive N HENRY D. 000 Vice Vice Prealdent. EHERSO W. PR ;Reenter) , and Aetuarr. , .. IhisCntopally offers the fbllowing advantages: It is IL National t in mpany . ..a. artered oy-special act of Congress,,lB6B: , It has a paid-up Capital tirsteuo,cibm- • It offers tow rates of president. • i•I • • It furnishes ..I Infer ktuoarance than other com panies for the same moner.,' It is definite and certalif in its terms. Itsrpolicles are exenaptlrom attachment. ~ $T here ims ; no unnecessary restrictions in the icies: • .. liolicy is non. forte itable.. •4. • ,Yollelef m ay taken:which pay to the insured their full 11,1 1101/D4 Itld return all the premiums, so Unit- thetinstiranee costs only the interest on the annual payments.. • - '," -... ,- ~ •• • ' • , Policies mat .be taken that will pay.to th e ir— snred, After a certain' number br years, during die,•an. annual litcOtne..of ene.tenth the ainount named in the nolioT• , • • : ..." No extra rate is citargea for dab upon ;neuron; of fintales;- • • • - '• '. bu . ' In t, nards t , notto nag dividends to polloy-hold possible.,ers, a iltiribyr it CO4. that dlvidenos will be Int-. .Cite ul appli ,P on tot atophietss given pon ca he /Innen onleu of the yam atty, or to '. N. W. MAR X& CO.i Philadelphia, General W. for Petinsytvanla and t3outhern, New Jersey. JAY COOKS & CO. Washington,B. C., For Maryland: .Delawarey, ~'Vlrgina, District of Coltutibia and West Viamin. .., • * ' '-- ••• IRA. B. movATltcla. A.gehts for Allegheni, Beaver, Butler, 3fercer and Washington counties. . - , , . IerLOCAL AGSM/GARB WA .TD to every City and Town; and application* from comps. tent parties for such rucles with suitable an: dorsement. should be dressed Tes "clit,COM, PANY Aantiram!: oruysolii. : their re- districts. • • I , :' : Cain L's VARCIIIAAttP4494a: Borst .CL i : • A fall increment of ail,eVnalad sizes of Boys, Youths and Cittldren's Suits, For Spring and Summer , '• GRAAP:&I}OOAtto cam 4! . SIXTH B THEPL:T. (late Stoat ' air.) M'PHERSON. & MUHIANB rRINet,G No.:10E11:t (Late . ciao tecimimonrii. w. , u; Mean s dt, c 0.,) stonottawr Terions, Mare jun received their cartlly selected stock or and . Stunmer. Good and wlll be Mad Showso or sell them totdd d new cm:Miner& Tbe etitttna Department will t tall be aupeldn• tended by Kr. 0., A. uar4lisktre. . I take.pleaanre In redOmmendlna above fi rm tattle libmal sap m1U1:181 - port ottlie mile. • W. H. McGEE. 'II i ce .EGEL, (Late Cutter with Reepeabeldea ravatenexer wsixdort, Mi. 59 Sgtith Id Street,Pittsburgh. sealsTll , . NEW. SPRING GOODS. , A 'Windy! new hock of MOTES, 04.881711ERES, tea, Justreeehre a by nicztuar Ruyan. 3rerebans Tailor; 73 Oro:litetele street. • LEGAL. • , - NN O TICE.---Dy a Decree, of.the COurt, ttukdi at Beaver Cobuty, N.:April BC /BOO,' the ' 'modem/nod 'was tlrm Receiver •OfO. ' :IL . HALL & 00: 'on . ed. a nd , In compliance therewith I wilt . dispose of Lubricating' land' Relined ' 'Olin And Barrels or said 'irta, and 'will eel! at Public Bale; on 'the Prezalsesi in the Borough offilaagovr.Beaver County, Pal, on the lIITIVOY JUNE NEXT. at / Welock 1., ac, all the property of B. 11. tun t, co.', , known i• the "Point 011 Works,'. consist. fog of ~efooeit,:fdlualtnerit, Ta r , Building,,; de. tect - ive um, withal/011s ellen re Mailling "lILIIIOIdh fre11131145114111J And alio - give netirse to allimiion a indebted tossidfirtm tor Mike Slim -Gate payment to refl.' ', ' .' , , - IL BRiiNETT,Recelver '-•,' . r'tiisirtraoft.isg r lapee. - - - ipst.tu FLlGE.,Wheisailifteigi l ) ,i• i /MOD tar, Id itl testhk 9!' Idlda' Wiliace;' • ' 0,9 f the bee.ugh ,04-, 01 tnnejth mei, leftism; • 1 6 _been meted to Me In bsori ber," id OOP one I ridable& to tVald Innate kre redueldkd Wipes. Srotdidail s‘eqvimpl:Nrll4ll4:44l wlUjnake nowt 4 oea t& . WitbOutidelmr ,• ,s 1., -If:,": 1/trppill'i.Waroyxecgtor.. oei ....es r . .. e 4 ittitlEtiti, Xiirli gide AO.' Fr inata- 3-- ' w -• . :owiessiftia.iiiiiiieediediemaii........_ - ~..: .... ...v . . i 84 8.418 ....' 48 4 .4•4 4111abira. 8 4 - ... :„,11-0 .r• -VI ..)• 'irrt-it 1., ~ I. -/') ‘• ~. AtirleMne' 4tORMV Tbrilarl ' i Niititiri ' IA 00/iOl. 43$41111WCilikiii44.?4,411itea". ' ' ll l "!, ,cr„ P'.llE ao ,l'lrAllasildi co: itAn 32 , a tritainvAmv:viesiti, Varlts.,Nc.,f Resd iu, wet?. orlop, Irowmtvir 4141Atmicoo. rmovir iv. , ‘ 1,- —• • • - • •,' , , nn , Ns ------ ciAlDEPtptg—Til----7,1-1,"!----1 —411. E OTICAT N , ikon % t e•JItt011, u lX! ~ie 14. klAsorer. Tillllettig' .1 OIL glietry au noir oneeelift iteedeetrit PacpoPeet well neibrovea aac ,to Arno • state, Oulwentlon,co l l tillia/nit 4 0 ot Mt mem now slit, a beelteln t eV soon: - , a. - nreoi Other erg*. it itepillocations ~ .wooj ea actory. two Rave tWentY arrow lend. on the °Wald I . ,Ilfraear.londs)Pirr &de mil Toilet I st be •11 pa + tUrrattrail sieie Xt. 'W ora,4"111. Iva MEM M t& a - . W -m" • t/I ?.t-7 . = Igrs*fili°l3e."llB' witt;TlZTlFHEAMAlericilat DISEASE& That ritimermis class - of eases resulting from. self- abuse, product/et un manliness nervuul, debility, irritabllitY; erup tions. seminaleihissions, ty ire pouter. siennanently cured. P e rsona &fillet ed 'wlti uellcate...intricste end lona • stand ing constitutional cortmlaints are polltelYinsited to call tor :coneuttatioe, -whica,:ecita thitbthr. -Experience. the. hest ,of teachers. has pledged him Co perfect remedies et'onee egfetent, gilt Permanent: and which in moiteastivetit be mien without hit:arenas to. busineee. editunte pre pared La the esablislnent, Which embraces of ' nee; reception and walringrOomst aiso; searched Akio sleeping apartments for patients requiring dWly personal attention.. ead , rapor and chem cal baths. thus concentrating the bailed mineral spriuge. No matter wk. bare 'failed, state your case. . Read what he lays ta bit Demphlet of arty. ases. septto_aur addreee for tiro atamps In eqf ed eare,ope.,- Thousands of eases treated smut. ally. at - argot? and all over 'the country, Consui- Utica tree, natty or. by mall. :thgne 20. 9 s/le s inear Court House) Pittsburgh, Pa. 'Mars 9A. X. tti 8 P; /I. deadeye XS rt. to XW. -st. paraphiet feat to any addrees fortis.° jELECTiurci --'---------- i ------- ------- 1 r " na. TIDE *Dr. A. el. 81.EVEN8 has be using Electricity Iti allrzCier, ItinanYte caring chroaio sit, well, as acme conditions wirdOur *gowned for more th an Yaw- YiteltEf. with a ll par gamete). A -Pemrsizsr, inclucting all part ciders, wish tertidcates and reliable refer ences, will be sent to eny Inqulrer. A few furnish d rooms recant for board!nitra• Verne la the Doctor's hum, y.,irapplied forioon. Deice, and residenes.; ill.thia ARCH arit wr. 'iii.GAI.HttP.11.1.A.. oriLITCRIELOWS#AUFS DIM thetiiis'ipleadidniar Die hittifi Vistlf4 tieirei/df triztytrne and perfect lgagrilarroolee' fella, blklnstantaneous; no' dlsa ea. no •11- dicelotas-tints; %remedies W. elfeote, of.bad dyes: inidgorates and leak s the Tfair to a nd- Dean beantiful. black or brown. gold by all And .remnierstand p ro periy -, milleti . at -Illatche ipV4 .Wilt, rempir r , , #o. 1 . 0 son 4 street. ear York . - —'" ' ' - •nr 21 far-EPILEPSY VANURCITRED --Those 'having friends afflicted are ear licitly, ,rollghed fo,send for 14 Circular Letter of References and Turtitnoblais.• whfeh Will - eon- "ince the most skeptical of the•eurabilieg of GU; disease. Address ,VAS BUREN .LUCALTi9W, . Al. D. AO Great Jones street, NeWrork, ' ( inh.l9::sz.dgir'. ,- • -i,. •, . igrTlllo- 111417,1tIAGE ..nizeg,— Hasse on the g liltOltiOtP,Yo MM and the FOLLIP.I. tie* AGE; lu regard to' SOCIAL If VILE!: I 1 h certain bettor the errt - ,sr and un tunate.. Oe , t sealed lets ellVelgpea, free of chargs„-.Adiltess.BOlVAlti,4S4l )et 4 Mil,: Box Pi yhtladel Mk; - lb i• • - ICE! ICE! ICES ro ' ' Wati KREBS, ICE DEALER, No. 55 Diamond Ayey, i , ' PI TTSBURGH', x. t a f ~ . aw. Orden addrened to vv. EttEtßS, Mirtith ;7174; 41-13111 1 1, 131 mr,z;.-avurgaii. ...y..... ICE FOR SAIE IitTILE TON OR OTliglittriE, At IV*. 4 Sciauttlikii!:l4l4e4 - ALLEGIELEIN,T ar;7(... . . . „.. VOOIOII t r itA T ING F ' : • ; 1 iti!11!; S • CROLL 1141111F1MTGV. . • • ' AND :letie ty 4 . 9T _ F .loV4o,Diii iro aAlptyttbd 101 1. 1 i c trei te ''- 1.1 *.:!;11, • . • ° P . I ft *4- *;4X4 cCi." veldt. •-• C i! ; CO., ..• : ,, 11 ;at ft ffr,:ii,Jitii ': -XAVErftj NIIISALM10.11001:0 i '',' • , 1 •.:,, , t.,:f ,;! - .)b! JO 1 1 :r .1eU.41-411 ti 4 4 ,1. , ...• .T 'IAI tlfiliti:.li I; rdi k o 04 0Megli9N •..: i. . i,...,.. ! Dv it'uftlyl 4-": Vt , *'lr.,l ,11., s o :.' ''' '1',.:./ E'ij a..i ' l rif , : , .:4;ff -,,11 Pk-:;SIN-97,t4819 &'141111" SIN`2 f., 4,0,, u-p.••., • :,., , -,,.. , ~- "., ~g too lgr olvoAr tv ~,., i 41,14,,..1: L. t• -L• . • .e. la . - ;` , ..14..:: '''' , ' -::: . -,. 5......-,r,... *.,**Jo.t*: oplownrit :A, instAT.r.,,,.„. , 1.: ,: •F,-7111-777-11,i '•,,1..i : :,,1;_.•.7, ...ipszorirrzontawAßD:-, .7, i: ...90NA M E NTAL.'CARVERS 4 I) .44).114444.64,ym,•,...,ti10gi0ny ta. _ 2 ... „,... , tin: :wilaili ji ii i .4 .3 , 4: . /NEwELIJR I . 2,7: ftgorr;folttzy,,, au haul.„.,,Tpr l ii , „ -',.. . * I', i, 1, ..., 1 • '., . .. as ;rel. 14 • _VIE, telikaritt !, ,' " if ir ' m ta iko na • ' en IL ; -:. 7.2..1 : z ..,... 'ft If ,_t- 1 ~ IN ,; ~lisitimp„nliAricl Qum. 4.,.....,.,..„.„,_, t• . • • ,• J ~ IiAItUR kidral rwlit cater a lal tak natlM . keti. 1 igualunts.gbelgralalMM et 4111/1170.11. ithevesuPplal•M 11 1 la dlieell aUpt 0 all &Win - % tiiieTi. • 1 S reet:AV= Meta/ iliMAll7l.PLlgglifat lj°7lit, hlametitne, Venneklunttrenvithoy, I Slttreettg.aillaw,./M211221P111„.„210- MIDI ettelf 4 l_ ‘ • lax tnedivarandput I afeerkbtheo, the appetite new street 1 0117111101allai rt, = 414 n R4 r! 41 irk34011e23 "Ottette.Pld pats .good- , ks-Itatie,tirtltta Matt 110' halltea tki ; the pa tent he o. groWs_tuliesirtitie ittreeti , • -, ' ..." ,-"'-' '''' ''" '' r truckled mattr+ ripsAputo,kbe: se uitai'aud' ' me :11-: - ,-..s 4C..: Patient It' ;Crewe Ihe flisetwe andietalvelt.,Title. gm? toN4. ,tre is or ed : ttrul fawn.. ..-.•• he Ott Of -Alteli' le 4 1 1 Ig il e a 1 tlig4CjillMegin kk h b n e k .. i, t . ah selec bvi ta p astiom mon co ndlleol. Ptdied•-awrnbis:nraltated - success in cue': ih: au.nnorite II -11141 r; !treaktot, prrionalryc,,,pisupaption, : Tho t put,-- on -Streets b r e sad they are hereby autborls , it rddTabtri: ( 4=4 4 If E 4 nie gips °l'D lis 'Ll4'll°ll)44 1 ± Iht t'cr -1 . itler‘ and directed - to invite 'and rebeiVt propoSals lugs s;tutirtirsithrowsit tatty kneel:a' eptiectorisQ, the" :eliding ot 0 trdner; Muhl and Mathetatrialts' non, for whet t he!phleant .pr Matter is ripe a ' aferestald. and to contract tberetor with tbe-low.- sash t c ough will turqw 'Pod- and the patient has e t stud best bidder he bidders" at: their disre...l rest and the l ungs,begin tb heat, ','•.- - • II - • •'- ' ' - the • T••• do t the* eaerkt.4 'loofa and• Mandrake bat:. 2. That for the p rpese of. defraying La PlllB Must be ir,•ely uted to , clartse the stomach, theretin exp. nses of till , said Impovements. :tad ttv••r, So that the rulutonle llytn p . and the,' he be see Is nerebr le led. a 'Pee"' tax* t° food vr,ll mategood bleed." - "' ' ' be equally aessesed upon rile - several lots bound ' SehenelOs Ida rtdrake.Pilln ant u n the liver, lug; and abutting upon the said Gariner, Main rentoving all obetructions. relax. t e oucts of the and , Market s.ree Ls, re gitt•ctively In proportion gall bladder, the bile Stairs rr,:e; end th'e liver' t o the feet front In them re , pectively • com bs SO on' relived: the S ta irs will ow -whit. the nyt 'ad d b ntli dhb tti fo aid Pills can do; no . Aan ever bee Invented ex-. - plti'4l.DT'hr,euasesnotosgnsingiskitiltheucisetgassndaprefnelB cept entente( (a deadlY PO'llert weld is very" dun- . ''' gerotts to use not sus .wlth great care, ) that' *lli fi La!! be P th e e dlfty n ei the Streeet i.,i'oymigi.sslonjertO unlock the gall bladderand atart4he secretions *Bless and apportion the 'tame among the sev of the liver like Scheock's Mandr e Pllls. oral lota bo tn ding and shutting upon said. Liver Cemptaint Is one of tle• la st promblent Gardner,' Main and Market - streets. retinte-. causes of Co nsUmptien. ' .- , •,, - • -'I , • ' Schenck 's eeaweed. Teaks la a +gentle • stiatnlant • lively, accorolar to the rules 'above '!h. (Mated: and thereupon 1 • proceed to make and alterative. and the alkali Eti the Seaweed, demand and rollea the. sante, aetording to the which this preparation la - made• of, • mutate the erect ilou sof the Act or the General Asset:ably of stomach to throw out the gastric Mice tool/solve the Co mmonwealth of, Ps tins) trania„ entitled the food with the Put:no:do IStsuP, atilt 4 l , Is made "Attract dedrOng the manner or collecting the into good b tied without fermehtatioh 94. searing dispenses of grading and pOing 'of the streets In the stomach. ' , . , ;-• '••-';i! " ' ' ' and alleys of the City otA , Eleaheny and for other the gr ileaeason, wily PhYaleise .donot, cure purposes. ",passed the thit tleth, lisp of Ilarch, . Consumpbacon; they try to do , tan taught_ they . .18.52.' ' • . , give Medielne tostop t etough, td top chilit,to Sze. 4. That so much of any ordinance sur mar ilimust(lp higUsWeattlleellmever, and ' kV's* doing cohnierwith.• or be supplied by the foregoing, they d. range the *hoe ,digestive wets. lock- be aud the same libtireby repealed. " • ' ' ' s p a tb d er s ret e rind events' o'4e - tenth day of M n y; A atm Domini one thou - Dr. Schenck:ln Ida treatment; deed : Ordained try to sand eight hundred anda.antlitßizrE ..• • : stop a cough, Maim: /sweater chilleor fever, . Lie roove the.cause, and tney Will all 8.i)16' 0111:tett! " President of detect ill. Co. oWn'aecord, "No one can beenredio .Chttsbni . the .- - . Attest:. J...R. Oxfam r 1 -- : 7 don oliver Oothipalet, Dycpepsiao Ottarr,g: rk of the lieleet. Coiihol.l .", ' rtavA Ulcerated Jb r eat,.ttnivis, the Airtran 4 .- i- , .-:cit . Atpitrtp. obAtqc f • Et math are Made healthy: '-' ''' y , '''' ' '' ' - •• • ' .-,- '1 - 1 - President of the Common Council ,lf a person, 'bttalconsulitPtiorf, 2 of' confab' tab -Attes:t•,Ronanr DILWOU.Tit, , .' I - lump limenne wayaredlsealsed.•elher teibercleer .I.,.S.__________lerk of Contraon Council; 'MP abcessei, broncnial Irritation; pleura:adhesion. ______ . , _ ovine lungs are a Masa dr milanimatirrn :Endres: deeltlingr:lmsuch cases what must be donee It lanot only the lungs. that are wasting; but It is the Whple.tiellS: Tit eitontacti abdilVer have !Olt their power to make bldedc-nt tor to . , i 1 jl Nowtlie only chance is to take Dr. Schenekla three men. clans, which will bring. up a tone to the st °reach, thecatlen t Will begin to *ant food. it*lll chgeat easily and.maki goodblpoclT then the patient we alas to gain 1 1.1,41:4b. JUDI -coon as the body. be gins to grow; the langB can roence tons at up. and the patient gets fleshy and' well: ' ' This la toe only way to ctlre Conseroptten. . • - Whets there Is no Lung disease and only Vier Complaint and Dyspepsia, ' Schenek,s 'Seaweed Tonle and Mandrake Plits are tualclent,„withont the Putmotilo Sy/I-pp.—Take -the Manorake Ribs freely 14 ail billions .ComplabitB, - as they are er fectlybarmless.'. ' !, 1 • p :. - -. Dr, Scheucki whr. hap+ enjoyed • uninterrupted heeith fur r. uay yea r r. past, and now weighs x.lOl, pounds. vnorwatted away to ii mere skeleton, In the Very lasPatage of Pulmonary • Consumptioa, hi, phyeletunedunring pronounced "ble cue hope less and a bandOried hlu tolls late-Re waseured - try the aforesaid meileines, and since bit reebve -1.. ,a44evavi,,i,d4:17.21,01.,..42..i.iictz have: used . Markable ' stmcest. 'lran direCtions accoronaVY • each, tnakluk Is not State:m*lV necessary .:to - per- • tonally see -Dr, Sentnek, • unless ittleadscrl.h, their binge eXatelled, and /or this uurpose„, he is proressio,.ally at hi S Plinelpal Cfitee,'Phllatie phis, seitery,tlattird a y where all lettere foradvice -must be addressed. • i Ble /a alto •prittess'onatly..at No. 32 Mond street' ? Lew all P every Other Tuesda,y, end at Ntr - :44' kialnlere;"ll"treetl- Boston, every APPlLa d grll a iti l lg oF i ! v .lill a illeit Il i; e l ' ruttietei the price mt.: ,;,,,Ce twine atesehee.t;' . - Prieeor the Pennant° dyne and Seaweed Ton to each '*l.so per bottle, .r 7.80 a halt dozen. Mandrake P 1111•28 cenbf a box. •• 'For. Pale by al emptiest :as •• • .-mrlellBl.tlir EMI AR , ORDIN.4.IIOE .• ... , , , To. ARthorize. 4lie tiitiliciic or Jegier• ... son v4iseti - room ishieitin 'ailer:'4l43! letticierey street ; trutemid 'soared •, • ~ .snerricic- L Be ft orceafasid-ancb enacted by -the Be/ect ,ond Common. Councils qt . MI VtcY ctr eiltc, oh - sax and ft. irkereb ordoented and enacted by Me. ourAbrity of the name, Mint. the:Comittee on Streets be. • and they , receive authorized. and directed to invite and proposals' for lite grading ofJeffer on street an &for esaidlind to contract therefor-with the lowest and best bid der or bidders. at their diacretion. . themeS. 2, That for the ; purpose of derikleg ntend expeas eof said improvements, 1 ere be,Aie la' hereby leyied, a special ;tax. to, be ,equally a, k bo64l.ed goon' the Several lot? bounding and • butting . timai' ' , the - Sald Jeffelton ' 'treat respectrvely .1n- Pro Portion to the feet front in ttru InestcOvelyalriprised, and bounding and a S2l t . le , Tbat °, ll: e roorras the coat and expenses p - or said inintOvenient a *hail be in.le ascertained, ace'Aell be the duty of the Street Cominiss S e veral ' is and apportion the sa me ambeg the 'lots; boubilingand abutting own Bald Jefferson 'Street respectively, accor din g: to the rule strove indicated, and thereupon proceed to make demand and collect the same; • according tattle :Provisicna is( the Act of the General Assembly of. the Commonwealth of Pounsylvania, entitled ionle“Arr Act dt fining the manner of .collecillic the eenses of grading and paving. of the istretta ys of the.Olty of Altegneny, and for other. es; 7 pasted the intrtielle- cay of March. 85 • ~ . .-.,1 f. co Bl i c'l.: IbAt En tuna Pc any.oPlin4ce artnoiv n ict with, - dr - be - 611pp led by' the f or be and the same is hereby rep - * ded.- ' - - Ordained:and enacted Irmo abw. this I. twen tv-seventh day oflday,Anno Dundni one thousand. eight 'hundred and - sixty-nine: . ' . - • . . . -• ‘ Attest: J _ •.. • i B. OxLi- • Presi tx dent of LheSeloct. Council. . . - Clerk of the Seleet Connell. ....,, ~- .. AI..P.tsED.. SLACK. President of the Com m on council. .lEitT /AILVORTII, • jilt of Common _ Cou n cil. '' ' litte.st: Rl> . ei A N 0. . • To, Authorize the Grading and-Pav ing of Page Street. from Fulton Street t Manhattan 'Street. -, Sac. tt orda(ned tract enacted bg at:Weis/I and Common Ocnoictis qf the oily of Atkeheatt, and Cta 'ha,. enacted by the raitherUP of Ole et, /CM*, • That the Committe on Streets be,aed they Cr,! hereby authorised and dlrectetro Invite and receive proposals , ior , the grad ug of Page street as sILIWaId, and to Contract here:kir 'with t dlacretto he lowest and' best-bidder er bldderes at their hie. R. ' That, for the mato:tee Or defralifeetbe cost and expenses of the said linnwivements. there be and Ls /fel), leVled a speclal lax. to be equally.assessen pon the several lots' bounding and abetting open the said , Page street re spective.), le proportlon to the feet:trent in diem respectively co prised, and bounding and abat es°. 3. That soon as the cost and expenses of said Improve eats shall be fully ascertained, It snail be the du y of-the Street Coimnlealonertu assess and app s Lion the .saum. among the Bev. oral lots bone lug and -shutting, upon said ling as Ps e. street reipe..ttivelv. according to the i i rule above Indica ed, . and them noon proceed be "make demand c0.1..et Ulu-same. arxirding V) the prov/slons ol the Act of-the (lenertl Assemr t hy ef the Comm &stealth of .Itentisrivmsin,•ell titled 'tan..est .1 fl int_ the mennetot zollectint the expellees of Inianit paving ort he-streets and alleys CI the ty Of-Allegheny. lull for other ri t irs," Dassa libek Ibtrueta day ot. March, il : Sac. 3. That so nett of in pbrdnastleeile may conflict with ,or : stippLiediby the toregouts. be and the same Is he by r pea/)41. I Ordained arta en cteil Into a law this the 21th day, 'Or May, A. 1). 8130. _,' r . • JAMES EfcBRIER, resident of Select Comicll. Attest: TOMPIi • OXLitY, ' 4 Clerk of :lect Council. , ALF/tED SLACK. rre Went of Co-omon Council. Attest: RolianT Drt.wonrir, Cie k of Cemmon,illouncil. . Aiir, oit . a . . 144.1ve1e . , , . To Authorize the " Grading and Pav ing of ,Gerg t .Alley, from .North . Line of Thir d ,Strabt to Nnt;th .Lino :Of KiltlitnaiVa Lot,; . Sic..l. Be it oidainclotml enacted by the Beket and Common Co ell/ tt,t' the OUP Of Allegheny,' and it is Aron* raanwd - anci enacted Ov legem-. M ortgfi dr Oa mina, That t 4 Vontmittee on 'Beretta be ann they e hereby authorized and dlri•cted to Invlt,, an receive proposals for the grating and paving ! . Gera t alley. as aforesaid, the same to be intuit e curb or the and to contract therefOr al the lowest and bese bid der or bidders, at the r dlscretln. bxo. Al. Iliac for th purpose or defraying the tr cost and expenses of astir luiprovements, there be.. and Is by 'levied,' a Epeeist teal, to be olunny &seeted epnri the,several lots emending end abuttln,uf.ou thel,sald t alley re:pee. Gael, ler propqrtion tolthe h etont in them re. spectiveli.coreprlsed, Alia bounding aznionontting. at etoresaid. ~- 1 . _Up. 3. !Mat aa s o o n ea the chat and s'pebses of said im p - oveinenta'shia he fully ascertaied, Its/mil be the duty of ttie ttrett Comntlealoner to listless 641 app.m.ion the iremeLamong the several kits boundlus and abuttleg epos Bald Gent al ley-respectively. accotdtng , to the rule above In. dented, and th ereePOn roOeed tomato demand and.collect,tbe :lam., according to the U.,ovlslons of the Act Of the Gent rw Assembly ch•the Come" Monwealth of .ramesylvainla; eletlittled 'vino Act ( leaning the marsuer,ofpolleettngAne eXpenses of, grading and Daring of t4e setectS and ittleys et the City Cr Aleghter, end for other Purposes. il poseed Cue thirtieth dig of March, leas, • Sao. 41150• That sottin ofrz ordinance as May 'conflict erten, or beau plfed b the fainting. be and the &Mem Ll'here y 're. ed. .. - ~" -4 . . Or.dnined and apagted iota a l aw this day or 31,1#4, 4.,-th 4 180 1 ' ' ' ' . • • • ' i - Tht*Mellitiß. , - • Attest • . t t ....tt Preildent et fieeot,Counll.., i, , ,,T. 8., uxtdrf,, ;,. ~ •;., , . , • Olerlt'ef *lief pOnneft i • ''' ' f • : ' 0 - •. , ' % • 'ilLrlisttflLACK. ' 4. '•Prealdentor cannon nonnal. Ittegft . . P. Dit.grearg.lk ' - • chtriroVubtanni Coition: '' • ' •thiy3l . .... j.m. ^AI ORDINANCE l,- fit"r • , f i • ..` , ' t.. 4 lffS 1, Atek,itingitai rasa , Cattle; 9 . 1-; ,4' '2.7 i la.: L'..: s .:' el • 4/ anni 111 RIO Ordaird, erto6t*Oir g.4efeeit, .4146 . qatimpt_ opp.Noupw trate Mtn or 4 l 411114: our It Cr ath ou Orchts arid eaftrett.bir the aui I : 4 ***2. , Of are Oe?riett; TheVanyveraespirhoushall gatte, hla hone, tuarei ligehllngtahle,e,ccow, •eadie or goit f 4 run at Mribalti-the Vim. ere, onk' TAird and Poarth wanieinflthisr WI, rshill for r intanacaposa,,, on ipantlgtivirahtim, "llot aarA. toy fop i6e.h 4.1. 461.01anhaale,rojanaloa at Ante the !Pin br Fit'el alLouj -•)birtr4; iitia every 6f the uroteratd .anhhallewtoura6 ratailsrataaarge .04 :he , oogiltinerit NmervahltAl 6 4 . ? .C5lll m mi e t. viraCtikioltill eter-sili4 atitrtlikelfitiiefet66;ind lapaoabilevtirytofitbartakhaidtaala;ifehuryt ritin,q DiAgtiStigaalfitihrtfyariilll76iitireX. isn't ph alit:liaa I ( costs s charges ,tr t 11 :414 to DT " IF re,:f Vl,?f, 'PM r ?fa" k 4 11 a , and tar Wine the amount ' _ laotestan ati In shill pa3"JflleLloaraneet.o 'tninth inta/en tar the haat., Ahr ..: , ... elg A ti; ii it parte ot , ordtaitneei enuteueg ibtrat.l tii /be ^ aupintelt ,4, 7' the . nova Ir! ill&at Cr .I exact -rj 4tl4);:mr tiiiiiiiip. sir 4zpmritiAr•trcanneit, ~L : ~,,,, R. oTiveVfiect V selPot coucil: i, 4`4rT-,;.:''.lfeiii-ollitetlbt. bodneit, ~ • 1 ., ' ' _ ' OtaCitj.l..:. i or Imo ppm= tiairt: Rtnin t f i f litt la Wtalltr l LA l ' , . 4,11 cili. dclozwritt.r•vm4alos uantrau , , . 67 I 4 , :rant large, ewr )t ig dit -r co. IN 149Ei = 1±1)11 No. 08 810 , 2 18 . anutirr *L . . Fred fARAMEUI - - ,pqmut mosma,,..f , 'AL° ettrtCl # rekillcrileV ittirr , Eo 11811 ASSOCIATION BMOCS'S% mr,,,,islwa4 ere Olifr. StreltPttatipxl/S. Pa. • 0040tottitsteatiba-livot+tothmatiollt ani building of 1101 18114 ,1414 TINILII • . ,•• • (NW.: opiars'iirovsz: ~ . . Lessee... MlLtlager, THIRD NIGHT OP EtAFFIT & BARIBOLOETEW . . • And the Penton:dole Troispi. : . WERNESDAT EVENING,June Dil69 the Comb. Oriental Pintomime of KIX RA, or the Adventures of an Aeronaut. Grand Olio Performance. To conclude with the Comic Pantomime matt • ' Tag TWO PUOITTVAIL , ' FRlDAY—Benefit of W. H. II ARliEw 'and first time ofMOTLIEtt WiIiDLE WADDLE. Urend Matinee on baturclay. PITTSBURGH WILLIAMS. Lessee and Reneger., LADDW,OR.AgD MATINEE AT Ay F. x. .A Splendid Bill. • Adintssien aft cents. - • To = night— , lest time of the new burlesque called IZlOhlt- Or the: Man the Wheel, , A supet b olio of songs, dances. ge. tar'FAIR -AND FESTIVAL - . . .. . . . _ . . The Fair and Festival fo r the beEflt of the .., . • SEVENTH U .P. CONGREGATION.• Of Tittiburgh, (formerly. LawrencerWO4 !Mar.:. W%'s' Andre* pastor. will be forntallr oPeueitu talk? ilium!' wt. TUESDAY, EVAIDIDa.. Jir &Sr in. r-The ladl iof the congregation-having ihe: matter•itcoharge, ' encouraged by the liberal coal: trlbuttois lif kind 4rlends. expect. to make .tha Fair idetreitinit; abdpropose keeping open each!. aftz.rhOott and ever:bran/log theweek. 'Tlcketii, • o f - ado:Wallop may be had of Inentbera or atthe igr43o . . : INSTRUMENTAL CONCERt. Under and GIL thEe,at, diron of liessra.,AL4.B-42fDirt Sreet the , . , . • - SMITIIFIEjeb 111. E cituuninFir, • By the 61:10.1•R, suieYsted Miss . ildd Enle, Prdf. Ma nning.. Mr. McCandless, M. Monier; And Thursday Xvening lune 3d. Tickets; ao cents: For. ealo.4t.:itie priuoiDai music and book stores, Coneerf. to coirunenee It 8 o'etook: .4.170130 N 44.. LES BY, A. IFILw4m, --- . D .1 MPR VAOAnE.I3I/017NDrti-PRTDG.E. ST4tLEIVRT. seventh Ward. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. •June 21d. at 3 o'clock, will •be sold on tile prefix- Ises. In old Seventh ward.. yo,. Eleventh ward, -on Ridge •strces,, opposite tipper Resin. : The .valuable property Of the nnd ercigned,.who la de termined to make a positive "sale, as he intends ' are in all 3 22:feet front. on Ridge s Tea, and 15 0 feet, more oriess,, in: depth to 'new of hill. The i mprovements, are the eaaellent brink dwell- Ing occupied by and which Is 32( by 40 feet. with 10 rooms andeellarS; te which can be given from BO to 400 feet fronto nabfgedireet. • Arse. 2 br cit dwellings of 3andb reams .m.ll. anti frame dweliings. each 0t , 3 r Mita. and cellar. These 4-houses ocenpylota 0f24 , feet Irrnit each on Ridge Scree_ .1. ~ - ; .21:10.11413•BrRerz. AI,MCIGNALNEA: Alactioneer..,.. -.10.313 . . , . .... . A N D , . r i l y. y o l Ezt, crtiyooling tl, . ~N AB r: 8 T AW ' Cl R l B i bli APT.o33oo.3,anne 3d, at 4U o'clock, will be sold otr the premises at 3omewood etation, on the• Pennsylvania leallroad. the vetT desirable residence and grounds of Prank Van Gender, Esq:, and situate near:lntersection of liorriewood 'avenue:v.l2ld Frani stown road ' 'The improvement Is a neat and well built two story • bride - dwelling, in geed condition. containing 10 monis, ' besides pantry,. • wash, nouse - and . cog, OD marble mantle In parlorininim in kitchen. hot and cold water up and eleven stair*. Also. a good stone *mina. house, and•a good stable with talent house over. •• " Te. grouuds comprise fourteen' acres under good cultivation, with a young °rano of choice tai fruits lu bearing; also,sman fruits and ornanien- Tnis iocation Li unsurpassed for pleaianittess and for extensive and beautiful views. ,The at tention ;of those desiring- an, elegant Suburban property is Invited to this sale, and Walters in vited , o exandr e the nr , lseq.. • - , The sale will be positive, so that th is will be a sped.' orittortua•lY, for 'unceasing a desirable property. Junneilfate PossegslOw given tw Pal' chaser, . • A,• 310,1 ZWAINE. • • , , Auctioneer. - zbom /a y 23 . • " • BY A. LEGOATY. •-- -• G.OOD - TWINE AND LOT ON ktEACH STR VET,' REAR.Dits NT • IN tf atE, AT AtTCTJON. --On WEDNESDAY done 24, 2 AUCTION.-- O n wit! be sold on the premises,that very d4sirable property on.Beah•Street,Alleghe ny, fourth house east of Grant avenue. The lot is. 51):feet front, extendingkack4.37 feet. to a 20 - Rot alley: . , . ",. • ~ The botthe le a two story brick. with preised front,wibe hen:Seven rooms, finished atti ,, bat water closeti. pantry, good ce ll ar. gas, w ate r. ash 1 pits, registers, ventilators, range, Inside striate:S. Jtc. Alatt: distinct front .the dwelling, are ifsebAckise,, bake oven a i d cluaetsander one .r,of, This 15,a good house in a 'good locality. lhelot; being iarge,can be nailir Improvetwith flowers and shrubbery. The. street ;will soon be paved, the cost of which.willhe Paid by present owner. rossess'on given :immediately. inspec tion invited. Tema at sale. zoy ..._ A. LEGGIATE; Auctioneer. ai _ 459 Eederalatreet,...allegheny. PROFESSIONAL W. De CAMP. ' • - • ATTORNEY- AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW tollice. No. 137. FQIIRTeI AVSN ITV, Pitts batik ilbrinerly occupied 'by Non Walter H. Losrrleo rrill practice In the V. 8.• Circuit and District Courts, lit the State Supreme and all th e Courts or Allegheny County. and make col Le a La moist of ttle adjacent mutates. 3a29:03 DI. B. PIE.F.PER, • . . • ALDERMAN AND EX- OPPIDXO J 178'XICICOP • THE PEACE. OFFICE, .89 FIFT.4 AVENT.In. collectlonetDeeda AZ% 11'd titt" na e fo ng perimetlY th l4 in° ay, sag euelnetie attende sad seenrate!y. ALIGIVEIL IGICREST .• . . • Ert- tiMetoJnatice of-the Pelage mud Poilei r. trate. Office, RRANT • STREET, opposite that 'Cathedral, PFTTSBURGIL• PA. - •13eet!a, Bondst.Mortgager, Acknowleagaieate. 4- ' grg r p.... !I:111AI LeEt,k Fluidness executed Joint A.m*Ajoi, eloimataLtzt, roc-opinolo . 1 1113710 E OP Tin PEACE AND POLICE MAGIfiTBA:PE. Ofieeata rurriusTaLET, opposite Dui Ca hstiral, rittsbargh; is 'Deeds, - Bonds; Mort gages, Atknewledgtuouts, Dew/LIM/a sad a/1 Legs Business executed with torprontxtess . arid 4. - 'l - I. ' • - ' ,AV I I P X '.. " J Justice of the Paw. ... , C ONVEYANCER ' REAL MATE - AND, INSU : i '17%111 611 n m ?orTI-ETia at s crad in alkar il psi 't. eiuo? l t ',-,• - , - = Fiji: 0134 !!!'‘A u RPNI.div::' ATTORNEY-AT-4; 4 10g. •:") OM* I.l4!Maisiond Streeie ••••• fitipliodte tlur Coil* Hama •• feisda: ; r.PlTTlanrige ' s' =Mg ,- :.~: 7 j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers