RI 11! I N II II :'_ PlTTSBugail, May 31 . /ROIL t; larTO DAVID KIRK, Esq.- 6 . din: The undersigned, Producers. Veil. ti ess and Brokers In Petroleum, believing that the k i mportance of this business entitles it to repro. if illentatlon, and believing that you possess all the quillecatlons of a legislator, to an eminent de gree, _ requ est th e u s e of your name to f DI esent to the Republican Legi_latice Conven t i ;lon as a representative of the manufacturing in' term of Western Pennsylrania. Vet y respect / fu:ly yours, 'Wm. Frew . L. McMahon & Co., James A H u tchison , In c Aelvy Bro. & t o , , B,l sros th Brothers, Kirkpatrick & Lyons, James trilara, Hutchison oil A Ref.Co i Watt, Lang & Co.. Tack a rca. & Co.. i .IL M. Lvng g Co.. Montzhemer Roenler, W. P. Lo. en, Wormser, Myers & Co., H. S. Waring. Itt, W. Holdship & Co„ Joseph Fleming, • Braun A Wagner, Jos. Kirkpatrlcs Pres. James Wilkins, W.R. &-Stg. CO., D. Hushne/1, t - A. D. Mider. J. H. Biter.' S. o. Pinkerton, A. F. Brooke, W. H. Edgerton, C. A. Waratcastle , ; • ' g enLz Edgetpn.r- &.Co., - Ro bCer FW i gh tman, B. S. Musgrave. , lit”bert 8, cr ouc h , James I. um, Oliver P. Phillips, Burke & Wagner, Livatestone Brothers, 'lld. Dalian!. Richard T. Leech, J. K. Barbour,. Thos. Jackson, . Thos. K. Petty. B. P. Adams, Stoll Richardson, Samuel Lewis, John Bents, StAndard Oil Co.. Wm, Wightman, Wm. iticCuslieun, - Arnold Hertz, - A. A. Logan. W. C. Whitt, T. J. Gillespie, E. Fiuscett, Bateman fioe. •F. A. Dilworth, . Wm. El ack burn e. . -- J. J. Livingston, - Frederica Nicholas, Frank Task, D. Dempsey, Jos. Donnell, Barbour & lilellwaine, . Jas. H. McCutcheon, J. M. Gillespie, W. P. Hichardkon, Chas. L. 3lcCutcheon, Henry Hasley, .11. C. Keys, M. K. Salsbury, W arden & Batehelder. PITTSBURGII, May 31, 1869.. To 3Pstrs. Frew, Hutchison, Dilworth, O'Hara. • Long. Logan, Waring, Fleming, Kirkpatrick and otherd: GENTtintitg: Your very flattering call this mo• roent received, end in reply I would say I have been elected as a delegate to the Convention to - which you refer: sued to do my best to se. lect. as Standard B e ar e rs , men Is ho would not only do honor to and elevate the character of tbe Republican rarty, but would at the same time represent the great Manufacturing and C. mmer. dal Interests of our couity, and I fear that my own nomination would not be complying with the requirements of this platform. yo u reve, you think duterently. my name is at service, and If nominated and elected I will endeavor to act to the best of my abalty - Yours respectfully. ,iel:k66, D AVID KIRK. igrGIIAND VOCAL AND Il , . INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT, Under the direction of Meths. ALEXANDER i and GILES, at the .., SMITHFIELD M. E. CH EH CH, • 1:15 Hie CHOIR, assisted lay Miss Sue Beck, Prof. orating.m Dr. - McCandless, H. Horner, and m Thursday Evening, June 3d. . . Tickets. 60 cents. For sale at tbe principal music add :kook stores. Concert to commence at 8 o'cLock. jel:ks • _ .. . lar ICUE INTEREST IN GOLD Rahway, on First Mortgage Bonds Union Pacific 1 i , astern Divlslon,due JUNE ket,l6Bo, will he paid on presentation of the coupons there ; on on anu after mat date at Banking donee of DABNEY, MORGAN &.•u.. 33 Exchange Pia, e, New York. jel.k3 NOTICE. I -• Al/ perfons are cautioned against trusting my wife, abe haying left my bed and 'toard without anr provocation, nor will I pay any debt con tracted by her after this date. Vzxaxao Clrr, nay 31 ISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the partnership beretororo existing among the undersigned ln the manufactur r and bale of Psorafine DistiUste. under the name of W. H. CHILCOAT & CU., has DA. day beetrdi‘solved, and THOMAS a, CHEM having purchased the interest of W. H. CHIL- CoA'r_. and A. W. BELL the Interest of SAM UEL D UFF. The business of the late firm will CEEE be settled by A. W. BELL and. THOXAS K. . ' BABIL. DUFF, A. W BELL, W. IL CHILCC,AT. ---- The business of the late firm of W. H. CHIL COAT & CO. will tie continued by the under• 4LO.signed under the name and style of A. W. BELL el: A. W. BELL. A. THOS. K. CHEE. lett . , SPRING STOCK BEI OLIVER COMPAIY'S. We are receiving -this week by ocean steamers from England a fresh stock of the latest and most beautiful de signs in ; English Tapestry and Body 'Brussels by direct importations from the man. ufaottwers. We invite the innection of house wish- ers, confident that we offer .4 the largest .assortment• and greatest variety of elegant patterns ever 'brought to this market, at the lowest prices. Great inducements are offered in all, grades of In. grains and Three Plies, it being their constant aim to offer to the Multitude, the fullest assortment of cheap and serviceable Carpets at lower rates than any other house in the trade. No. 23 FIFTH AMC% REDUCED. A R 'ZAMA OF NOTEPAPER FOR H. INITIAL NOTE PAPER PER BOX, 40e. AT JOSEPH HORNER'S, • Bookseller and Stationer, Iti 120 Smithfield Street. IMLENSE REDUCTJON DRY GOODS • Owing to the dullness in the New York market we have purchased an immense stock of DRESS GOODS, Many pf them at one-balf their value and offer our customers UNIVERSAL BARGALNs, open ing . MONDAY MAY 31. 4,000 YARDS FRENCH JACONETS, elegant styles, 37:4 c- nte, worth 75 cents. YARD WIDE REAL FRENCH CHINTZ 31c, worth 50e. 3.000 YARDS -BLACK ALPACAS, 25, 30, 375, 50, 62S and 7 5 e,whlon are good hergains. 2,700 YARDS BEST PRINTS. NINE YARDS POE ONE DOLLAR. Very choice Itvls Prints. 12Se, GOOD 4.4 BLEACHED MUSLIN& l/e. CHOICE DRESS GOOD, compris!ng Japanese .flop Fins, Japanese Mixtures. A, J. BURBANK. We have some rare bargains 1n Linen goods, to Which we ask an examination. • BLEACHED DAMASK, S72c, now cheap at 11.25. LINEN NAPKINS, 75c per dozen. VERY FINE NAPKINS, 21,25. RED BORDERED NAPKIN'S, $2.50, worth 23.50. FINE BLEACHED TABLE CLOTHS, 12.00. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, TOWELS. Ac„ 20 per cent. under price. BLACK AND COLORED K'D GLOVES AT 0 . 1.00, every pair warranted; if they rip or tear another pair will be given. HOUSEKEEPING - GOODS, FINISHING GOODS, MOURNING Gbons in lull assortment. We ask an examination of our stocks, road dent that buyers will find many good bargains. • • JAMES N. CARR, 118 FEDERAL, STREET awl. ALLEGHENY CITY USI/TED STATIB.IFTSRNAL RIL4ENCYZ, TWZITTY'IIIIIIID D MAIM COLLECTOR'S NOTICE • OFFICE COLLECTOR INTERNAL RETIREE. 23d Collection District of Pennsylvania, No.Bl Water St.,Allegbeny `69. Not , ce ls hereby given that the annual Lets of SPECLAL TAXES, formerly termed LICENdES, and of the taxes on Incomes, Carriages, Watehes, , Silver Plate. te.. are now In this office, where payment will be received thereon by the collector on and after the latpAir OF JUNE, 1S80: These taxes, having become due, in be paid before the 95th DAY OF 4UNE , 1869; other wise, addltiolud expenses WILL be incurred by the taxpayer. Z. r DDFF/NDTON, Erg., Deputy Collector of the county of Armstrong, Ann EDWIN LYON, Esq., Deputy Collector for the. county of Butler, will be ready to receive after the let of June for their respective counties, and will post notices designating the times auctplaces. when and where they will be prepared to receive the taxes collect able by them. Tales payable only In greenbacks or 'nations currency. Office twirl from 9.i. N. to 3 P. Y. JOHN IL SULLIVAN, m 718461 C . G. HAMMER & SONS. . (Late of the Ann of "paramer & Dauler,) At their new establlahment, No. 4ff SAVENTIT AVENUE, have a large stock of elegant and fashionable PARLOR, LIIRAItY do =ROOM FURNITURE AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES We have erected Islam rectory. and are pre- Pared I°llll4l orders on shortest notice. We. flatter ourselves of-always having male good work, and it will always be our endeavor to con tinue, having a large number of experienced workmen. and a foreman of 26 years expert euce at the trade to superintend all work before eeving the Factory. We use no machinery; all our work is made by hand, and for durability and elegance it cannot be excelled. IeIYBFH • C. G. HAMMER & SONS. 13XITED 4,TATES HOTEL, CAPE MAY CITY, N. J., Will be opened for the season SATURDAY, May 29th. In all Orel class spnolntments, equal - to any and Yet &hording to families all ihe comforts CCapeof a twine. President /from expects to visit tates M,,.ay Ala season and vcilstop at the • 'united ti m72/114 AARON iaLLNe. Proprietor. WHITX ,LLEILE.-200 bbh. fox Nut* OASENUZas CITY 8.4.N1K. 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa CAPITAL. $lOO,OOO. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. • ....-FOREIGN EXCHANGE Bonet and said. and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on Alt the principal points of the United k tuts and Cana.ta. DOMINICK resident. JAMZEi McCa nk. ViceP President. Jon B. tiORMLEY. Cashier. DIRECTOES. D. Thmsen. James licCabe, Thomas Rourke; John Savage, J. Dpnlevy. Jr., Terence Campbell, Patrick Kane, " dames Phelau, Chas. B. Barr, 11.A.Preyvogle, Jno.Joa.llertuann. Thorns; Barney, Hugh Heating. Jel:ks Ea Plain Poplins, Melanges, Mohairs, French Lawns, French Organdies, Linen Goois. COLLECTOR • PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : TUESDAY .JUNE 1 1861 . • STOCK FULLY R ISIIED LAST WEEK'S SALES NEW AND CHOICE COLORS FINE BLACK. MOHAIR ALPACAS WASH POPLINS SILK -WARP POPLINS, LIGHT AND MEDIUM COLORS RICH HEAVY .713.7.45t015. 151.1.11 m BLUE, PINK AND BUFF PERCALES AND LAWNS WHITE MARSEILLES At 2.2 c Yard and Finer Many Good Bargains Just Open WILLL4jj SEMPLE'S. No.- 180 and 182‘ Federal Stree ALLEGHENY CITY A GREAT SUCCESS ! D'E~TER ~ WASHING MACHINE It washes the finest fabrics, without ln!ury, perfectly clean in lest than one-eighth theonlir nary way. It does not rub the clotit, but, per forme the cleaning process by steam and the quick action of hot water. It can be operated by a child. Its great cheapness makes it accessible to every family, and eaves Its own cost In doing away with tubs. PRICE, 815. Sold from tht Blanufactory at THOMAS MERXEL'S, PENN ST., OPPOSITE THE FAIR ,GROUND ) I 4101-AiikENTS WANTED. C nI7Z3 PEOPLBS' SHIMS 888 Of Allegheny. `CORNER FEDERAL AND LACOCK STREETS. CAPITAL ..... . $ lOO,OOO STOCRUOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY. LIABLE, Bank of Discount and Deposit. rIIISIDENT—S. IL HARTMAN, Caatiora—E. P. YOUNG.' DIRECTORS. W. H. Burt, J. C. Patter,on, rd. P. Brown, . B. Megraw, my2l:j7 S. H. Hartman, J. P. Henderson, J. Konen, !Samuel Dyer, W. G. Gibson. WOOD TURNING, SCROLL SAWING AND MOVLDING RU:4707,V0 order at 14 Lacock urea, Al P, LEszEi.T - 4 & The best attention will be given to ke e po want anything in our line. We always a large lot or turned work. such as , Balusters, Newl Posts, Hubs ac. Also, a good stock of dry Walnut., t,beiry and other lumber oo hand. tnyli:j7 P. LABZ&I.TER & CO. JOHN H. ROUT. H. PATTZHEI -2:II:ERSON & C 0.,, r R .T.rsrmivr, GALE AND CO *MISSION STABLE'S COL SEVENTH AVENUE & LIBERTY NT PT'Z'TSBITRO soze:b4 ISSOLWTION Notice Is hereby given that the co-partner• ship heretofore existing between B. M. 0/BSON and J. C. STEWART. under, the firm name of GIBSON 1 STEWART, manufacturers of . brick in Mansfield, Pa., isas dissolved MAY 1865, by mutual consent. All 'persona indebted can pay either of the firm, and all having clitins will pre— sent them for settleitent. my31:J100 26.000 TO LOAN '_ON Hoilin AND MORTGAGE. Books settled anu accounts promptly eonece: ed. Rouses and Lots in Vittsburgu and Alleghe ny. Cheap Houses and Lo bast Utterly and atitioeks. Lots In Mansfield. .A very desirabl e farm of 70 sores; splendid young orchard, soot house, with stor-room attached ; spring of neyer, faillogg water: near Economy, on the line or p i. w.d o, • er„ j,2y sale very cheap. P. lowa, Missouri a n d yirgiuds land fOr sale. Enquire of THOS. SIMPSON • HOLLAND i - Brokers wild Beal Ilstate Agoutis, 89 GRANT STREET "Moe back room. CM VOROCILARIATIO V.—The quail- FIED votete of the fourth ward ot the City o Allegheny will meet at the tieing time and' place of holding a; eet lone on TUESDAY. Jticar Bth. 1889, to elect kale pear - on to 'serve is a mem. her of :select Connell, to fill the unexpired term of John A. IfylAr, lueq., resigned. .. KIMON DRUM. Mayor. ALLEM:IOIINY CITT, Pa., May 28, 1889. toyZ BNBLIIIIIIIREAKFAIIT TEAL- A small Invoice of the doest B ouchonit 2 111I' Breakout Tea, imported rece this sea er j , son Mt ivedid lho_ p ou ad cdt use pod Meer! Mom JIIO.A.RXEIQLY, eahreelakeurca for se by ti Math starts, MON SINCE ALPACAS EMI Eli Dirert the attention of their 'friends and the public to their finely arsorted stock of Lace and Nottingham curtains Vestibule Laces, Damask Reps, Ferry's Mexican cloth, Satin, Delanes, Gilt Cornices, Gilt and Walnut Mouldings, Spring Beds of superior make, Hair Matrasses (pure white hair.) Pillows. Boaters: and everything pertaining to a first clam bed. , The latest Paris and Berlin deshrna for Draperies atthe inspection of their customera. Pare white Eastern Show Feathers always on hand. HOLTZILAN & WIRDKRHOLD NO. 100 THIRD AVENUE. my8:193 0771 CZ COLLZCTOR INTRRITAL RITZNPI. MAD DISTRICT, PA.. PITTSBURGH, No. 109 Fourth street, May 31st, 1869. NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual list of taxes on incomes, carriages. sliver plate, watches ;. &c., and special taxes. are aow one, and p semen& will be received thereol at this once from the citizens residing within the first seventeen wards of Pittsburgh. The foregoing taxes must be paid before the TENTH DA YOP JUNE. 1889; otherwise, ad ditional expense will be incurred. Deputy Collector W. E. HARRISON and /NO. A. SERGEANT will receive from the tax paverS of temple part' of the District not included in the above limns, and will post noTires of the time when and the places where they Will be prepared to receive tuescollestatue by them. T. W. DAM Collector. CM I FOR SALE. PITTSBURGH HALE di PENILE SEMINARY, Nos. 22 and 24 Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURGH. This school, now numbering sixty unpile, con flate of two departments, one of boys and the other of young ladles. The rooms are beautiful. ly located, well furnished, and have all the con veniences necessary to adapt them to school pur poses. Beason lbr melting. determination to re linquish the Profession of teaching. eau st the rooms from tix. at. to 2 r. W.,or at No. 94 Wylie street from 1.. AG tin 9. Terms will be made astlsfactory to thepurchaser. my27:JBB F' MEM CO 1 011 SALE.. Near Osborn fi‘on, on the Pittsburgb F. Wayne and Cl,.lcigo Railroad. B. 14. 011380.*, c:t. suvricaT TWO LOTS, Containing About Two area But . racturek oar W. MACKEOWN & BRQ.. mhls • NATIONAL FLOUR MILLS Mil be sold within thirty days: For descriptive circular apply to PIB:3T NATIJBAL BANK, Pittsburgh, Ps. Address, • . F. J. CHOOLM ALTON. ILLINOIS. m . : Rs EAwRIERBT Exc.,. ,41.4,,5...5, ;divert. -• G E 80. race' ...tikif,, L i -.6 1/11• no w ...,_ _ gin ~ s , 2.. , for th e sunk — n r er Y for the ii. :'',.. : 7 . ~:.,-_,,,,..: o . har Ta i b e l s e i s o n w pp . u . e_d - - - -As with the Jr°. 4114 futfog. •.licintrantsitY. ... w,, r Wit . h Thi gn °l 4: t. *---4: • ' ' .--P:LiZ,,Pii:-.• , ~1 :.,. .4z4,4,.. , . NEW RTISEDITNTS. ASSOBTIIENT STILL KEPT AND COMPLETE Rata, Children's Ha Bibbens, Plotvers, Ekm Umbrellas, Parasols, Children's Parasols, Skirts and Corsets, Stockings, Gloves, Embroideries, Trlinminge, Fringes, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL in WILLLA.M No. 180 and 182 Federal Street ALLISOHENT CITY TAGGART & NIMEN, RETAIL BOOTS, SHOES HD GAITER Wholesale NO.-129 FEDE spi4 Allegheny 110I I TZ NAN & WI Ifo.loo Thiid Gpialsters and Dealers 195 Liberty Streeit, AT ALTOM'ILLIPI9/91 FULL Surdotons, Bonnets ROAD. CO.I PIIIL TREASIMIER'S DEPARTMENT. ADZIIPIIIA. PA., April IS 1800. TO -THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE , PENN - SYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. All Stockholderal s registered on the Books of this Company e 30th day of April, 1860, will be entitled 1 bscrloe for TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. of theft respective interests In New Stock, at par, as follows: Ftret. Fifty per cent. at the time of subscrip tion, between the 15th day of May, .11.869, and the 30th day or Jt, 1569. tiecond. Fifty pe cent. between the 16th dey of November, .18601 and the 31st day of Decem ber, 1869; or, Ift4ckholders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid up at the time of sub scription. and each instalment so paid up shall be entitled to a pro rata of the Dividend that may be declared on lull shares. Third. That every Stockholder holding less than four shares, shall be entitled to subscribe for one share; and ( those holding more than a multiple of four sh tee shall be entitled to sub. scribe for an additional share. • ;bulk # ll shareetupon which instalments are yet to ;he liald under Resolution of May 13, 1868, will be entitled to their allotment of the Twenty-Aloe per cent. at par, as though they were paid la full. 1- mya:liel THOMAS T. FIRTH. Treasurer, Illusions, Laces, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Buttons, &c it c ~"DI~IDEND. • I OFFICE MONONGAHELA licuirneucit CO.. PITTSbURGII, May 24, .1.889 The President and lio.rd of Directors of this Company have Has day declared dividend of two dollen ($9; per share on the capital stock of ill. company,. out of the earnings of the last six months. payable, free of Government tax, on and after June 1, 1869. JOHN H. CLAYEY, Secretary: MTZS 088 \ ... CITY. ASSESSMENTS. OFs.Ch OF hCITY EITGINXILE, i ALLacingirr Cray. l PA., May 2Cith, 1869 , . I' NOTICE.—Thee Assessment for grading Jalaptiai street, from Allegheny avenue to Walker street, Is now ready ior exami nation, and can be seen at tbr oflice of the City Xnirineer until JUNE ad 1869, when It will be placed in' the hands of the City Treasurer for collection. i 1ny27;j90 ()SPICE CITY FROMM; AND SURVEYOR, Pittsburgh. May 23, 1869. t OTICE.—The Assessment for Grading, Pavink and Curbing CENritE BEET, from Forty- fourth to Forty-fifth . - treete, is now lead, for examination. &Ed can be seen at this °Mee ?until FRIDAY, June 4, when it will be returne4 to the City Treasurer's office for collection. iny2s:ls?. 11. J. MOORE, City Engineer. Orrice OF CITY ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, NOTlrirrsbuitem. May 22, 1589. f oE.—The Assessment for the Boardwalk on :Pearl street. from Main to Laurel street, le now ~ r eady fur examLaatton; and can be seen at ibid.; (Mee until WEDlgien- DAY, JURI'..2d, when it, will be returned to the City Treasurer s Mike for collection. H. J. MOOKE, City Engineer. ricer. my= ROCK TFIE BABY STREET EARNEST'S PATENT CRIEI City. DERHOLD LEMON & WEISE. Ezietical Furnitaie Manufacturers, &c., us irotnErin-Al7-Eavim. IWhere ii 3 sy be found 14,311 assortment of Par. Ir. Kitchen Furniture. detts venue, Curtain Goods • Y'S FERRY PRIMING INK WORKS. \ C3. E. ROBINSON, ek and Colored Printing & Lithograph nag, venmiums, &O• ray% Ferry Road ..and 88d Street, r9s:eso _ TRAM' ALL THE NEW STYLES, AT THE Lo v 4,13? PRICES, AT McCORD & CO's, artyls AIIDENERS TAKE NOTICE. I AND, BALL —The FOURTZFX RILE I AND, on the Allegheny River and now used for gardening purposes; well Improved and In a high elate of-cultivation; containing 40 or 80 acres, now offered at a bargain. Call soon. Also,•other Farms In good. location.. Woolen Factory. two Houton, and twenty acres of land on the 'Central Railroad. Rouses and Lots For Saleand To-let In both citie s LLlAM WARD. For farther par. limiters Inquire of W/. fe2l3 110 Grant street. opposite Cathedral, §II7BEII.IIAN D,NELLING HOUSE FOR RENT.—a. good Two Story rick Dwelling House of hall, Ave rooms and cellar. two po. eh. s, two cemented cisterns and a well of water. fruit and shade trees. sbrubbery,a frame stable. itc.. In a healthy and agreeable the on Mt. Washington:, A fine, view At :the eltles, rivers and surrounding country. Imme diate possession. Apply to m b. CUTHBERT ' r2l 39 Sixtl FLOUS. . • • Thieelebrated WHITE Zosz all who have tried It to be the .beat ini dour In the city. Hive It a trial, Bold By MBANOR BABI AT THE WHITE Ti 3519 Marty street„ Plttibt KEYSTONE POTTE 0 M. BIER & It annfactureni:o quezairsivAlur. anxsroz. °Mee and 'Warehouse*. 303 LIBRRTY Sirll ord Aera oromnitv wended to Aili Federal Street t Allegheny, (Say' ng.), Spring tom " PLONDAY, Anal Bth, 181 For t ' • t An *G, airy to. . R __ p _ A. At, jawing Toni:Er/s o 31 ANITIPACTON*OP WINDOW EiLA 'Warehouse—No. Si 7 WOOD BTII2I IDLtOid • Pitt/ pEEIF jusi sewed from smoke how.. eitrr si:lTougeek for sale Ole aoren or sh. J xXXIIHA i g, corner Lthertl 1-1114116.E.—F1FT71 AVENUE 51.51C;--T6e first Instalment of TEN COUCAItB FEU MARE, on the stock on the above bank will be due on the TIMM Olf JUNE NIS Xtpayable at the banking house, No. 195 Fifth avenue. tt F. E. SLMENCE, ! • !Cutter. P ENNSYLVANIA ILA L. tar EOAD Co/IPA NY. TilkeettnatOg DEPARTMENT. T N, t 1 77 Mny 3d, 1869. NOTICE!TO S I OCEIIOL DEES The 'llbard or Dlrectors baye this day . deelared a setni•annual dividend of FIVE PER C kNT. on the capital block 'of th e Company, cb-ar of Nit ttunalao d State taxes, Payable In cash on and af ter MAY 30 . 1 869.- 1 Blank powers of attorney fur collecting divi dends cau be blob at the office of the Company, No. a3BS. Tbirdurent. The otiose will be opened at Ha. xr. and closed at 4 P. at. from May 30 to June 5, for the pay ment of dividends, and after that date trou.t A. M. tO 3 P. M. THOMAS 'l'. FIRTN, Treas rer, NOM—The Third instalment on New Stuck of 1858 Is due and payable 00 or before June 15. mx8:118 • riGg77 DIVIDENDS cuss. DAVIS. City Enfineer SOLD ONLY DT bie?rore*aza 07 - PHILADELPHIA, , 181 WOOD STREET. air NOT . IORS—" ' “Trant " To Let,' , • ..po eiaze,• e, 6 0., nit ez :aiding PO OR LL17,3,5 each ur.ft " in serted In these co lumn ogee for T14,....2tii.1-F! VA osNrs: each additional line FIYa ORIV TB, r .OST—In the Troy fill Pas kj SRN H Railway Custer 43, that arrived at rittshunth Station past 12 o'cloCk au lethiay, a POCKET BOOK, containin CM g about ru The tinder will be rewarded by leaving it at the Comer. !al Office. Filth avenue. LOSTIt O STOLEN.—A, dark red MILEY COW, from the resideree of the subscriber Thuesday Mat. Any person finding her or 'Wing in'orrnstlon where ehe may be found will be rewarded: JORYf KERR. 78 Carroll street, Allegheny City. TUATED.—From the me SKS of the subscriber. a BLACK COW, nu. with tsdte stripe on back and tip of tall; with strap round neck Any person sending me Inform s : Lion of her whereabouts wid be sultabiy reward ed. . JOHN B. KENNEDY. im . No. 4,7 Heaver avenue, Allegheny. VOUN D,On Monday Evening, eth avenue, AN calling at The own. er can have the eame•by calling at Ernest wss. eel's Grocery store. ANTED , --HELr. PLOYAIENT OFFICE, No.l St. Clair Street, 130 3 /c GIRLS and MEN, for ditierent kinds of employment. Persons Wanting help of all kinds can be supplied on abort notice. W ANTED---AGENTS WA IV TE D.— A GE A TS. -75 to $2OO per month everywhere, mile and female. to Introduce the tiENITINE IMPROVED CiiIIIION SENSE FAMILY SEWINO. MA CIIINIn. Tnls machine will st!tch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider, lis a most superior manner. Price only 111.8. Folly warranted for five years. We will pay 4a,000 for any machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the ''Elastic Lock stitch. i , Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agents from $75 to s2ooper month and expenses, or a commission from whirl' twice that amount can be made. Address SECOMB A t.:0., Pittsbargh, Pa., St. Louis, Mo., or Boston, Masi. CAUTION• -11u not be Imposed upon by other parties palming namerthss cast iron lines,mac under the same or otherwise. Ours athe only genuine and really practicarcbeap machine manufactured: WANTED — AGENTS.--'ro sell the American Knitting linehlue. Price $25. Tne illopiest, cheapest and best Knitting Machine ever invented. Will knit 30.000 stitches per minute. Liberal inducements to agents. Address AM ERICAN - H.SITM% ti. 31A LIENE CO., Boston, Mass., or St. Utile, .310. WANTS. _______,............. 1 WANTED.—A, bright, actie BOY, about 143 years old, to act as ass v ist: ant to a business man in a manufacturing , busi ness, where he will have an opportunity to form influential cons ect'ons and acquire a budiness ed ucation. One who lives with his parents and could Influence sales of building lumber pre ferred. A smai t boy of good hablts can have a desirable situation. Address, wltl home refer ences, Box A, GAmITYX Orricx. -WANTED,—To make an -a RAZ:GEMENT with a good men who - wishes to make money and can give good refer enrev. to take charge of the manufacturing and selling a naw article used by everybody. Ad dress C. T.. Commercial 011 I ce. and state where an Interview can be had. tr ANTED. - BOARDERS . - A . few more boarders can find pleasant rt•oms and good boarding at No. 16 Ann street, Alle• geeny, for $4:.50 per week. W AN TED—Situation as Clerk In a w Queensware snore; seven years , ex pnderience; ell recommended; speaks tiertnan a Png BB; not afraid of work. Address P. O. Box 77A. m 326411 WANTED.—To loan $9OO on d or mortgage for one or two years Address) D. F.. care Gazette mace. W AN TED.—goose of 5 or 6 roorde. within the limits of the old wards. tIonJ lad terms. AddresslL 8., GAZETTE. OPP/CZ, stating toes, TO LET. TOLET-A BOWL—A coin- FORTABLY furnished ROOM for one or more gentlemen. Apply at t°• 33 Ninth, nate Iland.istreet. Mo. fine, large new A._ Start Room. In the .village of Wllklnthurg, with dwelling, if desired. Rent low, Also, beau tiful large omen front room,sec and Boor, on Oth. formerly Sc. Ci tr. near the bridge. Nnautre of JUIN W. BEATTY, Engraver, 93 Idatket St. reautiirul Rest rAl. deuce of-S rooms, attic, hall and vestibule au good cellar, ran and water In the house. pleasantly located on Forty. third tforinerly Ewalt) street. gent, $5 00. Apply to 0. ts. BATES, Cor. Penn and Butler streets, Pittsburgh. rp LET.—Rane eon C e ENITE.—Gas, Water, &e very Convenient. Out of season. -Rent *25,0 0 per mouth. Call soon at 121 Centre avenue, Plttsburigcr. 'lO-LET. ROOM.—Two line ROOMS In GAZETTE BUILDING. Apply Rooms, 84 and 86 Fifth avenue. F!)R $A LE FOR, BALE.—Hotel Keepers Ea- ThNTIONI—The lease, furniture, fixtures and a 'od will of one of the largest hotels in•Cht sago is offered for sale at a low price on easy terms. Tula hotel is now having • full ran of patronage, and Is as well established as arLY hotel In the Western States. For particulars address • COOK, COBURN & CO. Box B,OAS , Chicago, my3l:kl rtOlidi, - tereet irithe D ru gg Store of BLAZE...IMM McGREOOB, ellaire, Ohio. They are doing • thriving busineee, and the location is one of the best In Eastern Ohio. Beeson for selling, 111 health of handy. Terme reaeonable. Apply loon. FOJE - 17.4 -- LA —ILI-- scree Craig lath ward, fronting on Centre ave nue, a d Neville streets. This is a desira ble location for co usidences; well watered and near Penna. R. Rind }List Libeny Passen ger Railway. Will be sold as a whole or la lots of from one_to tire acres. EnquLre of W. H. TAYLOR, 2i 7 Wo d Street, or at his residence on Neville street, near thepro_peri y LLOYD, Kensington Iron Work . or of HENRY s. MY6:180 _ IFOR SALE.--Mhe remains of tbe Refinery by the late fire at Clara OU orks, consisting or Boilers, Stills,Punipc,Con- . denaing Tanks do. together with the ground upon which they a re locat.d. Location near Oharpsburgh bridge. between A. V. R. it. and Allegheny river. Apply to RANT, JAGARAIV A CO., at works. oVoit. i SEAT, calmed 'within three minutes walk tbe "Glen Dale" Station, and has.no esten.. sive front on the Ohio riyerand railroad, contain, leg two acres. high!y improved_ and ticked -- fruits ore , - ----- -- -- .... 11121 LOST STRAYED. POUND. Ii
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