I 6. DUQUESNE WORKS. Rtam & co., IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINCS , ibuctuzsiona, L Z AND JUNIATA, FLAT BAR. ROUND AND SQUARE IRON. BAND HOOP, SHEET AND TANK IRON. GUARDPL ATItS AND READS, • IBON,DRAO and DROPPER BARS. FLANDILL CUTTER BARS, C LLNL IER tRoZ)N, T AND FLAT RAIL, for Coal Roads. CROWBARS,WEDGES .t HARROW' TEETH, SPRINO_,PLO W AND CULTIVATOR STEEL, W STEEL INGS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. STEEL TIRES, STEEL SEIAFTINO, A.B. STEEL. COACH, BUGGY and WAGON SPRINGS and NAILS CUT NAILS AND SPIKES. All Goods First Class and WaTranted. OFFICES AND WORKS. Sliteenth Street and Allegheny Riveri staid 77 Water Street. Pittsburgh. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS SINGERNINEECK & CO., ' PITTSDUUGU. PL. Manufacturers of every description of CAST AND GERNAN STEEL, akmw lISPALITOS; SLLI..:C. AND PLATFORM SPRINSii. • AILLS, STEEL TIRE, In., an Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 First fits. MILLER, BARR & PARKIN. EXIMEAL PASTIMES: METCAI.I, I REUBEN MILLER, - EFEO. W. P AST I CRAB. PARI.LN. SrscTAL ISTEII-13. 11. MIERR. CRESCENT STEEL 'WORKS, 311140311 BARR tt ' PARKIN , °Mee, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTSBURGH, PA.. fel4:d4B BLACK DIAMOND , . STEEL WORKS. PARK,,BROTHER & CO. ; Biannfaeturera of all descriptions of Err '"111 " 117. Office and Wareionse, THIEtTIRTEI, THIRTY MR= and RAILROAD 13711ERTIS, , PITTSBURG'S'. 74/1. Viaxxs, Preet..... W. P. Pours% Bap% pITTSBURGII FORGE Bar Iron; Railroad Fish Bars end Bolts; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Hammered; Locomotive Frames; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Rods; Yokes, Straps; Piston. Heads; Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; pitman Jaws, Collars, Adz. 71U . 0e, No. 177 PENN STREET, BILERSESEN PROCESS. The Trustees are now Prepared to grant licen ses ior the use of the MLLERSII.A.IIBEN PRO CMS, The superior quality imparted to good iron, the great Improvement In inferior iron. and the reduced cost. commend it to manufacturers of iron. Parties wishing to use it can obtain licenses by applying to • • JAMES P. SPEER. Attorney for the Trutees, BOOMS 1 and' A, Englieh , e 963 i /math avenue. Parties interested - ere Invited to vidt the SHOENBERGER WORKS, where the rocen Is now In rucceingatoperation. . telhdt7 EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works. Warehouse, Not. 166 Ladle':MT 11 ;gril * ""1"""V'llt'll'atfiG111 pITTSBIIRGH NOVELTY WORKS. ADAMS. DVIEEE & co. EITBTONE STANDARD, )TAIRBA NYC S PAT. ENT) PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES. /sans raced Patent Door Locks and Latches, Paint and Cotree Mills, Le. 0011.111& OF =TOME & CI&AST BF& Pittsburgh.; Penn's. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, WiNK..-BRANDIEk GIL : to, PURE RYE WHISKIES, Have lienurtTd to NOS. MU AND: 886 PENN, • • Cor. Eleventh St.; (formerly Csinal.) JOSEPH S. PINCH & CO., - mos. Itah 189,181, ses sad M i l _ !LOT STREET, PITTSBITItIiH. suletriii=234 o DIPPer MOMed Pars Bye.Whiakie, Also, dealers In Y08L1027 'WEIS sad LI. QUOB& HOP& ae. ' • . sal4B,,afis LITHOGRAPHERS, STEEL WORK Nanatacturois of IRON WORKS. AND IRON CO., XLSITTACTMLIRII 07 PITTSBURGH. PA NOVELTY WORKS. Foinnded A. D. 1333. Mk surAcurnsns or WINES. LIQUORS, &o. IMPOILTEAR 07 wiloixsAus DEUmeas Ia 409 PEEN STREET, --• .rinw cums. ',LEM 811OCiesson j larielagal l innUli A AhO = hill . 2141A11130eat 1.2 gwow am% Latta' OaVii.. W l'unirseis or fis oh Soh TS sad 14 ~ a W , uk ,A. 047.07-r--5 FOtMMI,, 111.AM!=3T13. SNIP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Oar Engines, Rolling Mill Ma• chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and` Eastings.generally, NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. I Corner Carroll and [(mailman Streets, (NINTH WABD,) prx - rsistritcar > PA. _ WILLIAM SMITH Manufacturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOB GAS AND WATER WOR] S. My Pines are all cut invariablyin Pits, in dry sand, and ISt feet lengths, Also, full assortment of general Castings forl i filas and Water Works. .DUQUESNE FORGE. TT MILLE (Successor to JOS. P. HAIGH & N CO. I ) Has facilities co.extensive with the lead 4 Forges in the East, and is_prepared to promptly and satisfactorily fill all orders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS, CRANES. PISTON RODA._LEVIIII.S, PITMAN JAMS , WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVE FRAMES, together with every description of SHAPE WORK. Office and Forge, Corner of Duquesne Via) , and First Street. spit:MO ROBINSON, REA & CO., Successors to Bosnr.sox. Mans t XILLIEus, WASHINGTON WORKS, • - FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manufacturers of Bost and Stationary Steam En =ast Engli e. , ld l r il aCastingofal escriptogNaaa; and Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No. IA, Corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIFFABD'S PATENT INJECTOR for seeding Boilers. TROIKAS CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward.Fonadry and Machine Work', SANDUSKY ST., ALT...WHEN - Fein', PA.., Manufacturers of Steam Engines, 011 Presses, ruileys, Shafting, Grist and Saw Mill Work, Bolling Mill and .Machine Castings, Grate Barg, Weights,Wagon Boxes, &c. Build to order and have on band Engines of all sizes. myitholi CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS 880 Penn Street. BOLLBAN, BOYD & BAGALEY. Cblt/Bolls. Outing.. 801 l Lathes, &c. BRASS FOUNDRS. JOHN Y. COOP= Iit2CHT BIER. JORN N. COOPER & CO., , Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTINGS MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER.'• • Maleable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE' AND TUBING, TIIEOTTLE, SAFETY AND CHB' VALVES, ALL GLOBE PATTERN. MON - COCKS, Brass Work of every description for Stearn, Water and OIL swill/ACTT/BMW OY J. M. COOPER'S Improved Balanee-Whe,el piteam Pump. 'Agents for Dreyfus' Patent Oil ers, the best t o the Market. Me and Works, corner Thirteenth and Pike Streets. sr?, FLOUR. PEARL MILL • MILT FLOUR. PEARL KILL Three Star Green Bread, equal to FRENCH FAMILY FLOUR. Thls Mow will only oe sent Wit.when eine claim ordered. PEARL KILL DMZ PEARL ard k itirilitha' rug'. WHiT* GGRINLO36.. BEIEETIN GS AND BATTING. 11 01 40.•11EtL eve o • ,. ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. k'ETmommwEi. Many thoturers oragaii Ki m= witi we= Aacuoz 4 aseaoLlA SirtETINGS ANT B&TTim, HAIR,AND PE/M_MTIERY. 1 1 2 ON PE . S__,li ORNAiiENTAL HAIR WORARK AND PREY e l d . p l ialre r.tk No. Third street, near Omithe Alwa evn liana, ap i i r ir l a s : assortment of - I,: a . dine d Ofi k f r e se , ORR e rei l lei,l o tk a n ei v i EfAtiturcs, a 1,.. wir i t a sod Mee is X' a will be given for RAW Ladles , and Gentlemen's Rai/ Chatting _dies in tee neatest manner. . , , mil s as . raEpatiallCAL .E.IgGrNBEIt: 151ERCIVATI . BECK TT --,,, nurioe • iILANIOAL 3 / 4 5rGINZICIrdad *Vie net on and foreign Patenta. No. KRAL WITSZT. AMON' On . Ps. _ I. B.—Staiddi 'Amy W d. P. WIP4 PrTTSB GE` GAZETTE ENGiNEp, BOILERS, 413. - - KUOII N. BOLE & CO, Coi.Point Alley and DnquesneSt., . (NIL\ LB THE POINT,) 1 - Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. I=l Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES of all sizes. flpeclal attention E NGINE our new PORTABLE BOILER, OIL WELL AND PORT.A.BLE BOILER, of 15-borsemower. CASTING/3,0! THIRD STREET made to order atonr Foundry on THIRD STREET, below Market. HANGERS, HOUSEIs, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, and TOBACCO SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny Elver, near the Point, ,PITTSBURGH. PA. • ge- All orders promptly !Med. TRY us FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AR TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, IiAPITACIIIIIPSS OP TUBULAR. DOUBLE.FLUED TUBULAR, PIS IC-GO AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL. RR. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS. CHDINEYS, BREECHING . AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND LEON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES OMee and Warehouse, corner second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa ifir Orders sent to the above address will be promptly attended to. mh7:189 WIN. BARNHILL A. CO., BOILER MAKERS ANR e SliElg IRON WORKERS, NOS. 20, SA, 114 AND 20 PENN ST. Raving secured a large yard and furnished it With the most approved machinery we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes • Locomotive Boilers Condensers. Boat Pans. T anaß fitins. - Allital tors, Settling Fans, Bolle Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole manufacturers of Barnbill , s Pat ent Boilers. Repairing dcine on shortest notice. la/Poil JAMES M. RITES, Nos. 55 and 56 Water linsiest, rrrranunen, PA., INGLICIIPACTITECI OP IRON OIL TANKS, LETTLING PANG, COFFER, STZILIi FLPIC, ROLLMO MILL STACKS. And SHEET IBON WORK, For Steamboats. JAEID ..... D. BEUBH JARED 11. MUSH k SON, ILAITUTACTISEDRB Of Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORE, &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, '&0„ THE BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY & CO. Manufacturers of Ott greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, To BE :FOUND IN' THE STATE. bole Agents for the celebrated Base Burning Oriental Stoves. and Furnaces for Hard Coal 'or Coke.B est In the World for Parlor,Office. Store or Church. Fire needs no rekindling—burns all win.. Do notbny until you see or send for Circular. No. 30 WOOD STREET. Our Agents for Orientals—DEßMLEß Smithfield St.; GEO. LUMLEY, Allegheny City. BM, HUGUS & 00., DANUFACTUBIIII 01 MIT VARISTY or 163 1 1 1 C7NTM13, BOSTON COOKENG .B.ANGE, "THE * FIERY FITRNACE," ?OR WARDINCI BUILDINGS. . THE NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, ~,muLtms."ftrilaTtL°°PLlTTAYll.ll RANGE C AST IRON MANTL E. WELLS/LAN 43 REFLECTOR. GRATEIree tramdlrtand dui; GRATE RU N T S. FEND DC. 206 and 208 Liberty Street, se2s:yl7 PITTSBURGH, PA. COOK. STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL •fft CO.'S TRIUMPH, FOR rig 12431610 b 9 coAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or toast as 'sell as any other,' Store W the Calm dsoo. No. 285 Liberty Street. lo A ra t n i f i t o n*: aK9S4AMAZIRLIZ: NIIIPTCY PLAYED 0 S2•OOe—THIS CARD - entitles the bearer, on presentation, to TWO VOLLABOtbatkpitiitt on a cash purchase of 112111.99, at the great cheap'elothing house of s. S CL TFLAVERMILM • ORIGINAL BIG NUMB= Sixth Street, late St. char. Nobody bea I by' this establishment, but :Mr dealinß to Call and be convinced. An elotllingplainly marked by printed cards, at 4ri Wkgr .C.AOEr Me that iie,,ope .114ssaentr i. !the mace °fiesta big ntLhaber ALL STRUT:Iite et:etiir: • • • • BZWARX, 01, • 09111V1118111Tel OFTEM3I e. TRAUEBILL 40113714 JLNE 1, 1869. 1 FINANCIAL. FORT PITT BANKING COMPANY. No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, DEALERS IN DI 00, 10141 41:1 sls[ig AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TINE DEPOSITS. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States and canwies. DIRECTORS: 1 Jib. 0. Rasher, Moat. H. King, Andrew Miller, James M. Bailey. D. Hostetter. Joann Gordon, D. WaDuce, Z. 'Fawcett, SLM'L. Me D. LEET W HART, CAUGHEI & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, I I Corner Third and Wood Streets, P.17"1"13131311121:1, 0H1C0H13130114 TO HANNA. HART L 00.0 DZALEUB IN Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to the minium and tale of . COVERNMENT BONDS. Battlit Drafts on London. Ely L:Sra N. HOLMES & SONS, 313.4161%1112E-I=FL/B, 67 Market Street, P.I.Tr'X'SI3II/iiCill, (lolleettons made on all the Pit:Mira volute of the United dtates and Canadu. Stochs,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND 80th ON 001112415810 N. Particular attention pea to the pnroluise and side of V,Rited States Securities. JAY COOKE . & CO., ' MlatraLel e gair 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS and BONDS of all descriptions bought and sold. Spectal attention given to the purchase and sale of Government Securities. MII3O OILS. WM1111144 AND KING, Commission Merchants and Brokers In Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, PHILADELPDIA ADDRESS. Room 17, Chamber of Commerce, 133 SOUTH SECOND STREET. apin ECLIPSE " PETROLEUM REFINERY, HERBERT W. C. MEDDLE, MANUFACTURER Or Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. Zelips. Railroad Axle 011. Stands great Jaeat without change; remain■ limpid at lowest temperatures. Special VU for tropical Climates or hot weather. Locomotive. Engine, Machine Shop, will cut Screws. Saw Mill end- Planing 11111 01 1., Adapted for Idgb speed. Spindle 011, NuollHead.Llghtoll, Oil, Tanner's' Stuffißensole, ha g dt Finlehinw 011, liaeoline, Harness, 011, - Perralline. ARMOR VARNISH, An preserve Bright Iron Wcrk and Machinery from Bust. These products are manufacttired tinder Dr. Tweddle's patent by Superheated Steam in Vac 'cuo. The Lubricating 0119 are almost odorless, perfectly pure, uniform, and mostly light col ored, stand a high temperature unchanged. and remain limpid attiring extreme coin. TheT.atlroad Ohs are 'unequalled, and are in constant use on Many of the principal Railroads. Samples can be examined and orders left at rva WOOD STREET, Works at bhsrpaburg Bridge. • TACK BROTHERS,' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND UMW: S IN Petroleum and its Products, zr-bara4vere - 4 , Tall=l l . 3l3l LD.Thre. Iladelpldslee-111! WALNUT T. soma DIAMOND OIL WORKS, • N. M. LONC & CO.; Ono% DALZILL BUILDIIfes feu Duquesne Wsy.Pittibarg6. PIANOS. ORGANS. &O. VIM THE BEST AND CHEAP ESTJ., PIANO AND ORGAN. Sehomacker's" gold Medal Phu, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The SONOXACEICII PIANO combines all the Latest valuable Improvements known in the con struetion of a Sot claw inst nt. and has all ways been awarded the h u t best premium ex hibited. Its tOne IS full, sonorous and sweet. The workmanship, for durability and beauty, surpass all others. 'Prices from $5l) to $l5O. (according to style and snub.) cheaper than all other so called drat clue Pluto. RATRY'II UOTTAGE ORGAN " Btands at the:head of all reed instruments. in producing the most perfect pipeiluality of tone of any similar instrument in the united States. It IsisimPle and compact In construction, and not liable to set out of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT " VOX 111IYANA TREMOLO , * Is only_tC be found in this Organ. Ps ot Man pin to mu. All gamanteoll for are SAX% Ran fik Ilr. CLUB MUM !arCOl-.3:), SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at Highest-Prices. PR. R. MERTZ, Banker my6 Cor.Wood and Fifth Streets.- JAYLET S Ts BRADY a C 0.., (Siceeavore 08. JONES A C 0..) Sts Cornur Fourth and Wood Sta.; .A. BUT AND BELL. ALL KINDS OV ir GoYERNMENT • SECURITIES, eca,p, SILVER* AND COUPONS, ON ; MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. 1 fir Interest Allowed on Deposits. —Money loaned on Government Bonds at lowest nnt i rket rates. and r 4 e e x o e t utigrOlC for t tee hang: GOLD. t TAMES T. I3RADT & CO. LIIBICAN, Presii, ILSON. Canister. GOVERNMENT BONDS ! I We wilt register alt kinds of Government Bonds freii of charge. This gives the bolder ab solute security against theft,loss, or destruction, JAMES T. BRADY & • CO., Dealers in Government Bonds, COD. FOURTH & WOOD STS. ii Ilittsturgij Gatttte ißv Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] Money easy at 6@7 on call. Sterling quiet 'at 9%®9%. Sight 10%. Gold Power cst the rise in 'bonds in London and reports that Mr. Motley made a pacific speech in England; opened at 138%, and closed nt 188%®138%. Carrying rates s@B peri cent. Clearances 860,000,000. Governments active and higher. For. eign houses are the chief buyers, one firm aldne being credited with taking live mil ions. The improvement in Lon don is at tributed to the knowledge that j Mr. M tley's instructions are entirely pacific and that our troubles will be set tled amicably. Coupons 'Bl, 122®1224 4 /: d0{.'62,4 12'27%®17.2%; do. '64, 117% z ® 117 y,; ao. '65, 11 - 8%®119; do. new, 120®120%; do. '67, 120®120% do. '6B, 120®120%: 10-40 s, 109%®109:%; Pacifies, 107%, ®107%. State stocks steady; Missouris 883 , .®89; Old Tetinessees 67.3:,'®67%; New do. 64% ®65; Old North Carolinas 59%®59%; New do. 55655%; Old Virginias 57%®58%; New dol 431%C:462 1 .:. Stockimareet strong and active, partic ularly in Michigan Southern, Lake Shore, Pittsburgh, St. Paul and North Western, with marked advance on these shares. Report says the Vanderbilt party expect tt obtain c Introlof the two former roads (a the election in Cleveland, Wed nesday,that theymaybe consolidated with N. Y. CSntral, arld ) a scrip dividend of 10 to 25 per cent. be Made on them. Pacific Mail and Quicksilver weak; the latter on announCement that new mortgages were given to secure their leading debt. 5-30 : Prices— Cumberland. 34®343 ; Wells /Express, 311‘®31 6 5; American, 1334; Adams, ' 57%®60; United States, 66 4 4 ®611%; Merchants Union, 1.45015; Quicksilver, 16 ®16%; Cant0n,64 3 ®04%; Pacific Mail, 81®81%; Western Union TelegraPn, 43%®433 4 ; Hartford & Erie, 23; Mariposa, 24 ®24%; do. preferred, 50%®50,%; New York Central, 190%® 190%; Erie, 283 ®28%: do. preferred ' 51 ®62; Hiulson, 157% ©157%; -Harlem, 151 ®41545,,• 1 Readiu , ' 100®100%; Chicago and Altbn, 158; d . preferred, 15440163; Terre Haute, 38 4 4 (4)40%; do. preferred, 61; Wabash, 77® 7%; do. preferred, 82% ®82%: St. Paul, 7 %®479 1 %; do. preferred, 94.9:,'®91; Northw stern, 157®157%; Ohio and blississippi, 35%®35 4 4: Michigan Central; 128 @ I 0; Michigan South eirn, 119®119%; Ill inois Central, 145%® 1463. i: Pittsburgh 105; Lake Shore 117% ®1171 , 04 Rock I land 127®127%; North 3 1 / 'Western 93% ®9 ‘; preferred 103®103%: C. C. &1. C. 43% St. Joe 120; preferred 119%;.0. C. C. : I 75%; Burlington and : : Quincyll99; Dubuque & Sioux City 119. Mining shares Smith & Parmelee, 300; Gregory , 2435; Quartz Hill, 110. Coppers at Boston: Copper Falls, 8; Franklin, 18; H-cla, 80; Hancock, . 4. FINANCE AND TRADE; NEW YORK, May 31, 1869 Receipts of Suq Treasury were $1,784,- 564; 1 paytnents, $7.7,333: balance, $76,888 0 478 i disburseme •Ls for coin interesf, $306,719. I --Closing quota .ions received by. James T. Brady.& Co, Gold, 188%; United Sates Sixes,lBBl l 021%; Five-Twenties, 1862, 122%; do. 1864,117%; do. 1865, 118%; . Ten-Foities, 109%i rive -Twenties, Janu ary, and July. 1865,119%; do. do. 1867, —; go. do. 1868 1 , —; Sevelh-Tbirties, par less, y(; Due Compounds, 119; Union Pacificißailroad, Par; Central do. do., 103; Cy, Pacifica, 107. ST. Loms, May( 31 . active a full Prices. Co tton; no sales reported. Hemp . I very dull; small. sales . , -choice dressed at $2,40 Flour drill and n. changed; super add spring - extra sold at $4,50®5,00; spring and club double extra $5,25®6,00; fall 16,60(g.,75; treble extra to (Andy $7®9,50. 'Wheat 'in moderate demand and unchanged; prices No. 2 aprinizt 1. eld at $1,09; No: - $1,12; choice club $1,15.®1,16; primeto choice red fall 111,35®1,52; fancy red • and white $1,60 @7OO. : Cora dull, lower and unsettled; mixed:and choice mixed in bulk 55®62c; mixed In 2d hand sacks 05c; choice white o. 75c; mixed in new sacks 70c; Yeno* 7o @ 73o ; , choice and fancy white -700)78q. Oats dull and drooping, at 62® 630 in bulk and 63®65c in sacks. Rye lower it $1,05. Whisk* dull and lower at 95.596 c. Sugar; 1334®150 for Louisi ana.' lifolasses; 75®850 for Plantation. Coffeii.e2.l34®2sVo for good to prime Rio; 25®2534c for choice do. ,Provisions stiff, but only an order business doing. ,Pork sold at $31,50. Loose dry salt 12c; de hams 13. r rib sides. 150. Bacen; shoulders 180)13%c; clear rib sides 16% ®170;1 clear si e s' 17%®17N0. Lard; holders are ask higher prices:a choice lot sold at 1130, and Jobbing sales pt 180 for tierce, and 20c for keg. ' Cattle atea 'dy at 4®73i0. :Hogs are quoted at 734(g.90. Reeeipts--4090 ~b• h p! flour, 25,W0:. bush wheac 25,000 bus 'coin, 25,400 War oat', 600 bush barley, 1`,400 bush rye, 500 head hogs. i • 1 • PITTSBURGH MARKETS OFFICE OF PITTSBUROH nATNTTP., MONDAY. May 31, 1889, Business - was very dull today and what is worse still there are no indica tions at present of any immediate im provement. It is but proper to remark, however, that trade is usually dull and neglected at this season of the year, and we may expect dullness to continue for the next two months. The weather is all that could possibly be desired for the crops, and the prospects for au abundant harvest were never better. APPLES—Choice, $/eL.S. APPLE BUTTER—SaIes at 1®$1,10: BUTTER—Is every dull and - may be quoied at 16(g22 for good to' prime fresh , Roll. BEANS—DuII at $2.@2,50. CARBON OlL—Dull and lower and ay now be quoted at_27@2S. CORNMEAL-$1,50@1,75 per cwt. CHEESE—In better supply but un changed; Sales of new Western Reserve at 18g20, and New York Goshen at 2V.@23. DRIED FRUIT—In fair demand and limited supply; sales of Peaches at 14 for quarters and 18 for halves, and Ap ples at 13©15. as to quality. EGGS—In fair demand and with light arrivals prices are sustained at 17®18. FEATHERS Live Geese Feathers may be quoted at 85, to the trade, and the usual advance for snail lots in store. FLOUR—Is quiet and rather weak, though without quotable change in prices. Sales of Spring Wheat brands, in store, at 85,50@7 and Winter Wheat at 87,25(4)7,75. Rye Flour dull at 8G,50© 5,75. GRAlN—Wheat is dull and nominal at 51,45®1,47 for prime Red. Oats un changed 67G8 to arrive, buyers furnish ing sacks; 70 for car load lots, on spot, and 75 in store. Ear Corn is still quoted at 78@80 'on wharf and track and 85 in store, for prime Yellow. Rye is dull and nominal at 81,25@1,30. Prime Spring Barley, 81,75. HAY—Prime choice to baled is quoted at t.2t3Q28, and a little stronger. HOMINY—Almost out of season; nom inal at 84,75@)5 per bbl. HUSKS—SaIes corn husks at 3M. HEMP—Sales at 825. LARD OIL—F. Sellers & Co. quote Extra No. 1, at $1,50 and No. 2, at 41,20. LlME—Cleveland Lime is quoted at $2 50, per bbl, and Common White at $1,75. MAPLE SYRUP—SaIes in gallon jugs at $1,50. POTATOES—Arrivals continue light but the supply is up to the demand, and r.rices are unchanged; sales in store at 50.- PEANUTS—Quoted at 12c. PROVISIONS—The market is re ported a little stronger but prices - are unchanged. Bacon Shoulders;, 14; Ribbed Sides 16y,@113%; Clear do, 17r,@ 18; Plain Sugar Cured Rains 19@18X; Canvassed do 19%@20. Dried Beef, 20@ 20M. Lard, 1934 in tierces, and 20% in kegs and buckets. Mess Pork $32@82%. STRAW—SaIes at Allegheny Diamond )ttmarket at BlB@2l. SEEDS—The season is about over and here is not enough selling to establish quotations. • SALT—Sales of car load lots at §1,83 @1,85. TALLOW—Ls quoted at 1010,‘, for rendered, and dull. PETROLEUM MARKET OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, MONDAY, May 31, 1869. The oil market was rather quiet to day and the volume of business compar atively,-lght, while compared with Sat urday. prices have undergone but little change. While prices are too low for and too high for others, it is very • gratifying to be able to point to.facts that place beyond doubt the resumption of business; we refer to receipts and shipments. The receipts of, Crude by the Valley Road, reported Saturday and today, tort up over ten thousand bar rels, and the shipments of Refined east, reported to-day, were over three thou sand barrels. Here is tangible proof of business, and our refiners having gen erally put their works in operation, Is evidence of the fact that they mean business, and the season, which looked anything but bright thirty days ago, now gives promise of being a good one, at least much better than was gener ally expected. MEM! The Crude market with •the 'exception of being comparatively quiet, presented no new characteristics to-day worthy of special notice.' The sales foot up some k ten thousand barrels, while compared with Saturday, prices have undergone but little change. Sales 1,000 and 2,500 bbls to be delivered on first water, at 12%; 1,000 June, seller, at 12%; 1,000 on cars at Oil City, •at 1.4,80; and 5,000 all year buyer, at 15. . I=EIZE Spot oil was stronger to-day- which May be attributed to this being the last of the month, with sales of 3,500 bbls re 41orted at 29;i. There was but a single other sale reported, 1,000 bbls last half August at 30%. June first half quoted at 20g; July first .half at 29:1;: August at 80%; and November and December was reported as having been offered at 31%. , LUBRICATING OILS. Eclipse Winter Imbricating oil 400 Eclipse Railroad Axle 350 Eclipse. Machinery 75a Eclipse Spindle .. . . 800 RECEIPTS OP CRUDE OIL. . Fisher & Bro 1,440 bbis. Wormser, Myers &Co 1,040 " NlTaring, King &Co 320 " G. ' 'hotr S. thornm . E. H. Long Kirkpatrick Ac Lyons J Gallagher Total AIL IFILIPPEDBABT BY A.V. R. B. Moutzheimer K & C0.,.400 bbls refined to Waring King •& Co., W. P. Lockhart, Frew it Co. 391, bbla to War (inn; kVew Jr, Co.. Philadelphia.' , Braun &Wagner 301. bbls refined to Waring, King &Co., Philadelphia. • Lyons &13r0., :!9 bids refined to W, P. Logan& Bro., Philadelphia. Citizens Oil Co. 518 bbls refined to Tack & Bro., Philadelphia. , McKelvy & Bro., 263 bbls refined to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia., J. C. Kirkpatrick, & Co. 169 bblEpref. to Waring, King kcp., Fhiladelphia. R.Xoehler 350bbls refined to War ing King it Co., ,Philadelphia. . Liberty ORWorks 3041 bbls refined to W. P. Logan & Bro., FhiladelPhia. Livingston & Bro. 300 bbls refined to Warden, Frew it Co., Philadelphia. ' Total Refined 3241 bbls. Dry- Good,. Darker. . NEw YOBS,. May 31".--There haie been large movements in plain Cottons to our largest dry goods jobbers, based on the idea that prices have 1 touched bottom, and that an advance must take place soon, as many' , brands have been sold at a se rious lose, and the mills have conse quently curtailed their production. In terior buyers, who efeld neOd gOodei for early trade, would do well to supply themselves in tim e , _before an advance, is establlaled by jobbers, At present prices role steady. "'",7,` , '" 480 " 180 1 480 " 480 ~ 4,400,bb1e.
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