1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SPECIAL''I•. MEETING 01' DAVIDGE LODOIL, No. 374 A. Y.M.. will be he'd WEDNESDAY, 12th lust , at 7 O'clock Y. at•thelr HALL, corner of Beaver avenue and 0 butler street, sth ward, Allegheny. By order W. M my17:117 , i g r 1111PORTA.NT RIEDICAL 6 .Ntrncz. 1 z Akita solicitation of lila numerous Philidel• pina patients, I ; ; Dr. E. DE F. CTIBTIS, Cfliislttmore, antbor of several medical Works, I WILL ATTEND IN PHILADELPHIA From the Ist to the Ifith of JUNE, inclusive. Thoie who wish to see the Doctor in Philadel phia abduld e"rrespond at, Battimore. Fhy an atment and. Core of Nervous d steal Deesilitv. myl2 0 - ty'7 NOTICE TO CONTRAC. , N O TICE Chrtiers Valley 'Railway Letting. Pl .O POSALS will be received at the orrice of the undersigned at Steubenville . Onto, until. SA lIRDAY, MAN A9th, 1969,f0r the mading, brl gina• Ind baltuting or 14 miles of the Char. tiers Valley Railway, be+ ween blanalleld and Ciliensiitirbt. fan, laCt:e awl' sigement Of quasititiecan be teen, and ee t a lle d interaatin will be g yen at the Engl-eers Office, in Sten beiville, after Saturday, 15th Inst. M. J. BECKER, `ZUBYNVILLE, May 10, 11369. Engineer. ,12 8t SEALED PROPOSALS WILL be received at the DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. No. 68 Fourth avenue. until WEDNa.23- DAY NOON...MAYUIth. for the diag..aa and re moving the dirt of the cellar and foundation of the Dullar Savings Bank buildina. on Fourth avenue. nearftitudeld street. Price per cubic T May be s'ated. 11, 1880. .• inyl2 BOYS' CLOTHING. A fall assortment of all styles and situ or Boys, Youths and Children's Suits, For Fpringand Summer wear GRAY & LOGAN. net: 47 SIXTR STREET. (late flit. (7lair.) ICE! ICE! ICE! WM. KREBS, DEALER, No. 56, Diamond Alley, P/TTBEITIRGH. P& air Orders addressed to W. E'REBS, Eighth ward, Allegheny, 1011 receive iii.canprittention. Wagons running in Pittsburgh and Allegheny. my 1 5 .410 C . G • HAMMER, & SONS. I• (Late of the firm of Hammer .IDanier,) ' At their new ,establishment, No. 46 SEVENTH AVENUE, have a large. s‘ock of elegant and fashionable PARLOR, LIBRARY & BEDROOM FURNITURE AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. We have erected &large Victory, and are pre pared to fill all orders on shortest notice. We Ratter ourselves of always having made good work, and it Will always be our endeavor to con. • Mims having a large number of experienced workmen. and a foreman of 26_ years experi ence at the trade to superintend all work before caving the Baitory. We use no machinery; all our work Is made by band, and foe durability and • eteginee it cannot he excelled. 0. 0. HAMMER & SONS. TRAVELERS TO EUROPE . • . Should supply Vita:waves with I. HARPER'S HAND 8008 For travelers in Europe and the East. Pries, $7.50. • IL APPLETON'S SHORT TRIP I GUIDE TO EUROPE. PRICE, WOO. 11 . 1. HARPER'S PHRASE BOOK, In Fugnth, French. ettIIIIIIII and Ita!lan.' Price, SI,GO. For sale at the new book store of B.A.CLARKE & 11.9 Wood Street, • Pecond door below FMh 1101,,TZEU & WIEDEBROLD No; 100 Third Avenue, Upholsters and Dealen in Curtain Goods, Dftel, the attention of their Mends and the ?labile to their !Wyly sorted stock of Late and Nottingham I oirtains Vestibule Laces, Damask Reps. Ferry's Mexican cloth, Baits. Delanes, Gilt Cornices, 6111 and Walnut Mouldings, gyring Beds of superior make, Hair Hatrasses (pure w bite hair.) Pillows, Bolsters. and everything pertaining to a first.class bed. The latest Park and Berlin designs for Draperies it the inspection of their customers. Pure white Hastert' bhow Feathers always Ob hand. HOLTZMAN & WIEIDERHOLD. NO.IOO THIRD AVENUE i0y8:193 • VOOD TISI:MNO, SCROLL SARIN: AND MOULDING. rlatirOgto orieval6lLscock treet, A e P, LEBZELTER. & CO. The best attention wilt beglien to all who w snt seltblag In oar line, and as we have experience ourselves for the Lest twenty.tive years In the "MITI and keep only first rhos hands. we are sure ton sanity all eastomers. We *away' keep a large Lot of turned work, _.such as lialusters.'. Newl Vests, line.. se. Also, a gaol stock. of dry Walnut. lberry . and other thinner on hand. 7, . myllkl7 • IatBZELTER £ CO. $20.000 LOAN ;AN BOND 4. a MORTGAGE. I' • Bookisetiled and accointaVroMrdli eotteet" ed. Hunan and Lots in rittsburri and Almelo. py. _Cheap 'Houses and Lo in east I.llqerty and B adeockc • Lou in 'Mansfield. A very desirable farm of 10 sores; splendid young orchard. good Bosse, with store-room attithed; spring of never failing 'Pater: near EconurnY, on the .Inc of P. w. C. B. W. • for sale very cheap. lowa, Missouri ark!Virginia land for sale. Enquire of %THOS. SIMPSON & B. M. ROLLAND 1 Brokers and Real Estate Aihesals. 89 GRANT STREET, • dtloe.:back mom I . my . FEDERAL OIL COMPANY—. In pursuance of en order from the Court- of Common Plese of Allegheny cnnety. Pennsylva. the Directors of.the VhDEttAl. OIL (JON- I PAN Y bAve this dayldeelsred a^dividend et Tit?! CENTII per alter.; payable forthwith touts le holders of stock in said company. OR retur n. to the !Secretary of certificates or other evidence . of ownership. All par r lies_ are hereby notified that dividend+. nchum l :Z: d ril l ed of six MOO thaorlh be dis- By order uf the l it:W f. • A. 11. MlLLS,Secretary . Office,Dunnesne Way, 3 doors bel o w Mulls 01, ritcsburgh. P 4. PittArtrgh. April XL 1V69. atria[! oN•licair & seas. • . SS Salsa Cotton. 111 : 114 ersPralla ir s. 11.3°P. 'gape, g[9lll steamer Cetera , for tale bl - sou saala.sa DIVAS X R Co. qui 3131 y__O al ti a) EWERS AND REAPERS. GENERAL AGENT it OR "THE EXCELSIOR," OR ORIGINAL DROPPER. - Acknowledged by farmers everywhere to bave no superior as a MOWER, nor equal u a litit,4l'. EH. Also. THE "WORLD," The grrat CUT GEAR machine. which has cre ated a revolution in blowers, and all inteltigtnt farmers un•te with us In pronouncing It the BEsT. 11 will run Ifghter. look better and last longer by AO years than any other machine made. Come to fis.ADQU , RTEitn, where beta these macbinss were drat introduced to farmers in Western Pennsylvania, Parmerefromadloining countle4 should see us before purthaish.g from local ag_ents . as we offer them SPBCIAL DUCEMENTIi TO BUT NOW.iN. W. W. KNOX, 1 187 Liberty Street, Pitteturgh, Pa. m 12: in 13EAUTIFVL SUBURBAN PROPERTY; ON PERRYBVIIIR ROAD, AT AUCTION. ''.ll , lltritbßE3ls , lY, MAI' 19, nt 3 ogelock.wlll be sold, on the premises of Mr. W. b• BISSELL. on the Yerrysville Plankto.d, one mile non!' of Allegheny SIX BUILDING BITES, of three to elgh acres each, viz: Nu. 1. Iliayyfieli Cottage and Grounds; eight acres beautifully planted and Meer bnted in vine yard! fruit, evergreen and - delic'ous trees and shrubbery; a full ass rizent of the Irult3 of the climate In bearing. Commodious stogie. car riage and tenant'h once under one root •} rain Wa ter cistern. ci d pure water spring at the door. The Cot age contains seven rooms, tnree closets and pantry. No. It A four acre lot adjoining above, with stone foundation ter a hones. Apple, pear or chard, and other improvements. Nos 3 and 4. Each four acre lote.covered with primitive forest, haw g very flue building sites, and never-failing springs. Nor. 5 and 8 leach ttir,e wren, lawns and 'for est, and fronting 214 feet ou the Perryavitle Road. • Those desirous of procuring lovely rural homes will find In this property an unsurpassed collec tion of beautiftu betiding sites Lot no. 1, par• tiontarly, Is a really magnificent place. command rich panoramic viewmand abounding In fruits or the richest varimies A critical examination of these premises Is revel tfally solicited. A boardwalk from Ftderal street to the door per• mite dry walking In all weathers: Terms of >ale wit b.: liberal. Plotpf grounds and photograph of be dings et the Ice of A. LEGGATE. Auctioneer. 159 Federal street. Allegheny mil: THE • WIDOWS AND ORP HANS BENEFIT LIFE INSIIINCE COVEY: OF erEir YORK. CtiAnLES 11.41(01CD President F. BLS:LC/IEORD Braga General Agent. 400 Walnut St., Phila. This Company under the direction of a Board of Trnstre. comprising the most experienced geese ssfull life insurance directors In tue United btilte is, offers its plans of insurance and financial management to the public as presenting the most sterols and economical way of saving money, or Investing for the security of tLe family. The assets exceed one and a quarter millions of dollars. Dividends wPi hereafter be made at the end of the first year. and annually thereafter. No charges are made for policy lee or for medi cal examination. The Company la mutual. Policies are non-forteiting. For particulars enquire of • HENRY W. STRICKLER, (Agent for Pittsburgh and vicinity, ) Office, 119 Wood Street. mys:kwis SABBATH SCHOOLS • Will remember that 1 have the Largeatiatoek 3.t SABBATH SCHOOL BOORS AND REQUISITES In the CHI. JOSEPH HORNER. Bookseller and Stationer, 129 Smitirtleld Street. mai A 6BEAT CAANCE FOR A .01.11 LAN WITH A SMALL CAPITAL. 'EsOlt SALICA.M, A FARM OF 120 ACRES, With a TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, BARN, OUT 'SOUS P. S and abundance of choicest fruits. .30 acres cleared. 80 in valuable timbrr; • little stream running thedtigh .the premises: haying dark rich soil. and being miller nigh state of cal titration. This farm lr situated in Putnam coun ty, Ohio, on Toledo A Das ion H.R..3 miles from Ottawa City. Th. price is only $3O per acre, . sl.Booin cash, and the balance to tie paid in 9 annual Installments of 4590 each. For further particalars, • TEIBTIN & apbo:lB3 la Grant ttftet. JOIM 11. STZWAIIT ROM H. PATTZIIIION. ORIE'. u. PATTERSON CO., R 114.1 1 7M713C, SAME AND -e COMMISSION STABLES COR. I BEIENTII AVENUE k LIBERTY ST., rrrrinsunon, re. a026:b4 aILAVS FERNY PRINTING git NORM O. E. ROBINSON, mAror.ororro or Black nnd Colored l'rinting di Lithographic INES, VARNISIPS, &C. Grafs Ferry Road and 88d Streit ) feiceso PIFILA.DKLPAITA. O STONE CONTRACTORS. T Th • Pelt Commbielcm of Allesheity City will receive PHONMALts until WEDS ESDAY, the lAth inst.. 3 P. Y. tor constructing on Part Grounds d Circular Yount:tin Basil:l.'so fes.t di ameter. in cut stone, with rubble nundatlon. Plans and specifications can be seen and lull par ticdlars obtslued at City Engineer's t T e Commi-sion do nut bind themselves to ac cept the lowest or any bid: i:HARLES DAVIS, Superintending Engineer. aly6:1&1 REMOVAL. Dns. LIGHTIIILL S BEID . have removed to their newts-furalsked parlors 197 Third avenue, near Grant street. llltat lUNDBMS. 14 Bate / c ot ton . 7,,,,tben• AiSdkul• Wra $w 1,69TP • im r. q:k vs anat oact, ai &NMI 71Tew fry• in To mi en:v oir e ea ileamil PITTSBURGH - GA Z=E : WE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BATES OFFER A I r-tri,r STOCK DRESS GOODS, fi=r s~~~ LACE CURTAINS, LINEN GOODS, LOW PRICES, TO ALDERMEN JUSTICES OP THE PEACE. PURDON'S DIGEST AND SUPPLEMENT. BINNS' JUSTICE, DUNLAP'S FORMS, JUSTICE'S BLANKS, DOCKETS, FOR SALL..r. 331 Z KAY & COMP 65 Wood Stre (LAFAYETTE BKILDIN myll-Tvr STATEMENT or THE REAL ESTATE SAVING APRIL 30,15160: ASSETS Bonds and Mortgares U. 0.11181 Bonds, par... U. B. 1040 Bonds. par.. Real It tate Office Furniture Cash Total Amount due depositors 5503,111413 J. Inter•at Due D.positou, May 1, 1889 - 1954% 13 Cont.ngent /rani 3V, 3UU ----...1385.1(93 "" Total The undersigned, /auditing Committee. have examined the gooks ot' the nano, the Ron s, Mortis. ea and Becurtales, eod couplet the Cub, and nod the !or .omit statement correct. EL Camps,. W.N. einem, !Committee. NICHOLAS YOZOTLT.Jr. . • May let, 11169. ISAAC JONES, Presluent Accountant B. C. PAVEL bolle.ll.or—Z. BRADFORD TODD. TRUSTERS. Hon. Thos. M, Howe, 0. G. Hosp.,. Isaao Jones, Jacob Painter. D W. C. Bidwell. Nlcho as V , egtiy, Harvey Childs, Wm. 11. taint). Hon. J. K. Moorhead, INTstREST ALLOWED on Delimits at 'SIX PIGS CENT. ANNUM. psychic t "Dep oillors In May and November. which, If not drawn, will be added to the principal coo compounded. Open for Deposits from 9A. at to 3p. weary; also, on Saturday evenings trim 6 to 9 o'clock. OFFICE, 63 FOURTH AVENUE, Prx - rsiscrwan. ;• • • EXTRA NO. 1 & LARD OIL 00 OUR OWN MANUFACTURE Extra S. C • D.Eeer and Beef Tongues In store and for sate by s•- . !' A "e /PLUMB,' SV CO.. Car Penn and Tenth strcetis my: 4 Anzpine• 'forASOIENCE, 101 Federal Street, Allegheny, ( iavlngajtana, B 43 ding.) Spring term tlegyte =ZULU, APRIL 1869. Tor eirculara..£o.• apply to 140 • • ••.. , z M. 0. BUBB. A. M.. Prin. FLOUR. • . „ Choice brands PLOD'S and SEED POTATOES in store and for salts low .X.NSTALLMENT NCITICE.—The eteett howls. s of the Mercantile Lib , ary Hall *manly are hereby . °Heed that the et. b Install meet. '1 HUME MALM per . hare,h as been Mu day called payable in or before has 15th, 1889, at the °fact of N. itolmes 41 damn Mar ket. street. . By order of the Board. JAMES H. WRIGHT, Treasurer. _Pittsburgh, May 4, 1249. mittla _ - gARDEI NEIIII TAKE NOTICE. —WOI BALE.—Tbe YoUSTEFIT MILE E A.ND, on the 'Allegheny Rarer. and now used lbr gardening purposes; well improved a 3 ,13 in high state of - cultivation; containing 40 r 80 sorts, now_offered at • bargain. Call soon • A IA other Farms in good locatloaa.t- Woolaa Factory, two Houses, and_yirenty acres or land on Ine Ciatral Railroad. Houses and Lots 101 Sale and To-let, In boils aides. Tor ruttier par. 140/18•11==lh zw,; . lq . BELL OF na FEE BSLS, NY, BANK, 60.098 VI . 45,00 u 00 . 90.000 00 . 311.1110 00 NME 418 65 =35,358 F$ 1155,193 34 LIABILITIES. $655. 88 81 A. A. CARRIER, Treaim&r. WM. H. SMITH Preildeut AT 'TILE WHITE PBONT, VW Liberty Street, Pittsburgh By MEANOR & HARPER, r 3 ~- F,Ae&Mt I ArziDAY. NNW ADVERTIS=ThTS. AT 22 CENTS PER I RITE MARSEILLES. AT 26 CERT% tra Wide Double Width ALPACA LUSTRE. AT 2,8 COTS, Extra Wide Double Width ME ALPACA LUSTRE. FINE BLACK MOHAIR LUSTRE AT VERY LOW PRICES. GOOD BAR CAIN S IN HEAVY BLACK SILKS. ED WILLIAM SEMPLE'S; 180 and 182 Federal Street, -ALLEGHENY CITY TAG/t ALE'r RETAIL i . BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS,' I AT Wholesale Prices. -I- NO. 129 FEDERAL SIIREET, VDU Allegheny Cit.+. A GIRE.AT SUCCESSI TVIRTIC r irrEaI, • WASHING MACHINE ! • It wuheti the guest fabrics; • without injury ] perfectly clean In less than one. eighth the emits nary way. It does nos rub the cloth, but pe forms-the cleaning process by steam and - th quick a-tlon of hot water; It can be operated a child. Its great chmtwiess makes it accessible to every family aim eaves Its own cost in doing away with tubs. PRICE, $l5. Sold from the Manufactory; at 1. THOMAS KERNEL% PENH ST.. orrourz THE PAIR GROUNIk t. MirAGENTIS WANTED. aolsthiSl ROCK THE BABY l' IN EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. COW 02m, itir I LEMON & W.EISE. ' Practical Furniture BlanufacturersAl e f 118 VOICTIVTFE Ay - von:rm. - Where may be found a MI assortment of Pat io,. Chamber and Kitchen Furniture. deb% P",•Ei.evrm3, An Immense *COED & c ./31 , W00D 41-1, LE 44 AI la al -T INS 1 HANC 'COMPANY OF PITTSBIJR3 . . 1011,110. OTEEPTHISTREIT,B BhOoY. insures "LARS; t 01.10445 ,of Fin ana x e N' TEWIN :II Presidentt 'US". JOHN • —VI Pied T. J. HOSKINSON a l en t. C. O. DoNNELL. . CART. WM. DE . General Agent; DIBSCTOBS: John Irwin. Jr., B. L. Fahnestock T. J. Hoshinion, W._l3. Everson, C. O. Huse?, Hobert li: Davis, Harvey Childs, Francis Sellers, Charles Bays. Cant. ,t. T. Btockdal . Cant. Win. vesn. T. H. Nevin. 1 p -- EsIIiASLE REAL ' ESTAT E rots SALE , situate near Wood,' Run suth avenue, Union avenue, Stockton avers e, West Common. Ridge street, Second ave rs e, Fifth avenue, Sixth avenue.. Franktia street, rem , street, N orth avenue, Rebecca strret, p l. Fillers street, G rant street, Fulton street and other locations. S. OUTIIMIRT it 80N13. Dab Sixth Aveuni - au . UNITED STATES PASSPORTS. Othels:l PABSPORTS - or: the. Deaartuteuti of State, Indlso•usidde to travelers, issued by • WILLIAM ROBB. Notary Publics. Oloe l49loerth'aveasie, Plthibtdrs KEELERS PAT QUICK SCALES ' ".1 - 1 00- , F NC - - 86. MM ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW STYLES. • , LADIES' HATS, CHILDREN'S HATS, BONNETS, RIBBONS. FLOWERS, GraPS,' &c., &c. LADIES' GLOVES, CHILDREN'S GLOVES, STOCKINGS, HANDKERCHIEFS, COLL/418, &c. PARASOLS, SUN UMBRELLAS, TRINIEING S, EMBROIDERIES, &e., &c Lidies' Kid Gloves at 75`Cents WHOLESALE CASH BUYERS *lll finds (1111 uiortment LOWEST PRICES, i'WILLIAM SEMPLE'S. 6 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY PITY. REFINED FAMILY LARD, PACKED BY PROCTER & GAMBLE, CINCINNATI. . Ask your Grocer for our brand . of Lard In these Packages. Packed In 3,3; and 10 pound Caddies. po . pound Cases for atllpment. .Cbeapeat. mode for selllrg Lard. Send for Price Llat. BOLD ivy ISAIAII DICKEY & CO., PITTSBURGH. And Grocers and Dealers Generally. ap2n:t93 FOR BALE.., AL CHEAP FARM in Jefferson county, of 100 acres, 70 of which are cleared and 30 In fine timber, all underlaid with an 8 feet vein of coal; large orchard of eholie fruit; will sell for $4O per acre on easy terms. 33 ACRES of level ground 'near Jack's Run-, well adapted for a small fruit farm and garden, ACRID§ of ground In Preedtun; splendid lo catkin for grapes, or to lay main building lots 5 alma:mitt LOTS on Lyndhsat street:, 10 VACANT LOW on Locust street For parttenlant, enquire at. ST Grant Met! FOR SALE. _ Near Osborn Station, on the Pittabergh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad, z' • 4 TWO LOTS, Obtaining About Two Acres Each. octursz on W. MACKEOWN &, BRO., 195 Liberty- Street. mhis 017/O7 OF MY ENGIN/01R AND 81714VZTOO, Pittebiusb,, May 7. 1869. ( NTICE.—The Assessments for grading, paling and curbing Townsend street hom Wylie street to Decatur street, and Vine qley groin tederai ,fetreet to Wasmogtoo, street, are now _ READY MR EXAMINATION, Anil can be seen at thts office until =MAY, May, latti. /be% when they will be returned to the City Trersarees Waco for collection. H. J. 110011 E, CITY mamma. . zn l y7:l9o FR . SALE.--Suburban Rest exuse or. Businestlitand, and One . Acre of d, situate in the borough of Bratidocks. within two minutes , walk of a station on `either railroad. The house is a neat frame of seven rooms, large hall and cellar; lot contains all ne cessary outbuildings, and an abundance of all kinds of frail, good Boring water In k'tchent ten feet from the house Is a storeroom ltl by 80,with were•room stbiebedratore-roour now rented and doinga goodbusincss. She I,.catton of th e property alt that could be desired 'either for a country residence or business stand, or both. Apply to ROFT & PHILLIP'S, AfßalEstait Agents. No. 139 Fourth avenue.- ap29 MM EM p _ ROPOSALS.--___Propqsa IS; for the Carpent e r Work, brick Work apd t &luting required for t he . Court Home and Jail improvements will be recelled at the ofacect the Nierelaned, until Pits lay, May jcb, rood. 'Plana and apecideationa are now ready for examination. BARR a MOSER. m7:189 2Tov. A and 4 Sixth (late at,. ClalrS O E WEER LONGER - lei the elostny out eale at btu /GO Onto street. Al legheny. ,$B.OOO Worth of Dry floods, Senna r floods, Notions, 'Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window lihades, Ste" to sold forthwith to colt business. Store to rent, Lease and natures for sale. Also ‘ More and Dwelling for tent on East Lane, No. 39. my7:11111 JAMES GOSLING , - rlll BALE—SaIt Works and 8111 Ace of Land on Western Penna.B.A.: 0 miles east of Pittsburgh. Works are along aide of railroad. and are now In successful °Pen" Von. Will be mild at a bargain, as the owner is too o.d to attend to it. Land is underlaid with coal anti Are clay. a romlersonal examination . aw Wen say this 'wooer Is deeidedy on _AP. CROFT pialt.upri, Satiate Agents. o° 189 . tuarai avenue. 11P39 :QUAKER DRIED cons. p,,, Arsoperkor article* sn tzetTlentatotfluto fOr irittta b r 5 t 1.4 1 /4 46 Nqr o*ft tW il ari Sr birskal Icy JNO. A. NININAWr awn saw Ulm. Walla* AM* MI !IM=IIMM a7r NOTICES—“To is ' '." Sat‘," "Lott." "Wante,t , " Ingo, &Q., sot ex taedtnp;FoCs LINES stet,. •te /Matta tAese tuns" once for TWEET T-FIVE CENTS: each saltiness! its° FIVE CENTS. WAI 'rED---111ELE.---AT Eno PLUMMET OFFICE. No.l St. Clatr Street, BOYe OHMS and MEN, for ditleretef. kinds of employment. Persons wanting help of on kinds can be supplied on abort notice. WANTED.—A! No. 1 Canvasser with s capital of from Otto 46 to sell a, art i c l e . Can maim $5 Der day. Apply at Fulton £ Hopper's Furniture rooms. 40 13MIthlield St. WANTED.—AGENTS for Legs - sin g's new HISTORY OF THE UNITED sv...ris in one large 8 vp. volume of 800 pave and 400 IllustratJons ou , sseel and wood, a. splendid volume. with - tnap4. diagrams, foot notes, in which are a great many facts, Apnea, dates, and biographical et tches of prominent men, containing the matter of 3 ord.nary vol umes. Equa ly popular, with the scholar and the people, as it Is the only full history of our country brought down to the present time. 13, a sten datd onthor. and lust out. Every one will buy s. tihiory of their country that will buy any book. ForSterms 'and territory address W. GILL. SS Warren street,' evacuee, N.Y. my8:185 IcVrANTEDiert GE I% T13.-.1575 to $2OO per month everywhere, malf. and female, to introduce the OENIIINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING MA CHINE. This machine will st;tch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider, iu &most superior manner. Price only elk. .Fally warranted for *rapiers. -We 'will pay 81,000 for any machine that will sew a• stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the "Elastic Lock Stitch." Every second 'stitch can be cut, and still the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing it. We-pay agents from $75 to $2OO p.-r month and expenses, or a commission from which twice that amount cut be made. Address SECOMB & CO., Pittsburgh. Pa.. St. Louts, Mo., or Boston, Mass. C.AU - s lON—Lou not be imposed upon by other parties palming off worthless cast iron machines, under the same -name or otherwise. Ours is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manufactured. la3l TUSTIN 1 KLILU. WANTED---HELP. WANTED--AGENTS virA.pirrED_ AGENTS NEW BOOKS-200 ENGRAVINGS—The Far mers and Mechanics Manuel. A book of gm, value to every one. Send for 18 page circulart Also. LIFE AND EPISTLES OF ST. PACE.. (43.00.) with introduction byßev. Bishopcimp lon. The only complete unabridged edition. TALCOTT & CO.. 98,55 Fourth avenue. Plitsbbrgh, Pa. TTRS-T WANTED —AGENTS.- I To sell the American Knitting 'Machine. Price $25. Tne rimp.est. cheapest and best Knitting Machine ever invented. Will knit 20.000 stitches- per minute. Liberal inducements to agents. Address AMERICAN KNITTING MA CHINE CO., Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. WANTS. WANTED. A respectable, trilddle.agPd -- wcinan. who has had expert encein house-keeping. to do the gentral house • work of a mall family. kio children. Oood. wages. Reference required. inquire at Casette Office. L. vc I ANTEEI-6,AGETAITS.—OneIo cal agent Mad illierAolicitors for a first class New York Lire In-nrance Co. Experienced men can make a good arrangement. Call at office of Kline & linnsa,No.Bo Fourth avenne.betweea the hours of 9 and 1O a. N. and 4 and 5 P. it. A WAI% TOR. - BOARDERS. - A few good boaritera can be accommodated with good board by the week; day or meal, a; 159 EISCOND AVENUE- LOST.' XIOST--On Sunday,Aprilniti, In Citizens street ear, a pale of GOLD CTA.CLE'S. marked "Sokbl to Father. t , liberal reward will be paid r leaviag It atlfo. 100 Ohlo street, Allegheny City; Pa. •- J. GOSLING. .08T.—55.00 - REWARD —On SUNDAY, the 9d Inst. 'between 6 and o'elobx 4. LARUE NEWFOUNDLAND DOD, color blear. with a whits spot on his nose and tail and a white breast. Had a collar on with the name of'Fldo Orient, and N0.8414th street, Pittsburgb,'engraved upon it. A reward of IS will be paid to any person finding - and leaving him at the Mayor's 0nce. . ..m16:178 TO LET. trOLET.—House an Centre Av . .: A.,ENUE.--Gas. Water. tee. very convenient_ Out of s'ason . Rent 1125,00 , per 1111011/1. Call soon atl2ll.,Centre avenue. Pittsburg a. T O -LET..-2d and 3d story of No. , 243 Diamond, Allegheny. flu story suitable for a private sehool,--Inipare on the wen lies, MO-LET.—A • house with • tem remit e, two kitchens, and a bath room, newly papered and painted. Gas In every de partment. Could be used by two families. Oa Eighth street, (llsecock,) opposite Christ Church —a hematite. situation in summer. Apia) , at SPIT Penn s net. • . . Te O•LET.-A tines-story brick • - dwehl-g house, lust completed, situated on t corner of Fremont street and Ohio avenue, Allegheny City, with a fine store room on the ground 500 r, which will be rented separately from the remaining part of the house, if desued; also the adjoinins house on Fremont street. three stories, and newly built. For terms, ac.,en quire of JtillN RAMSEY, 91 Beaver strte, Al legheny' • ~ • my3:152 TO -LET.— Roons.— Two ,fine RNIB in GAZETTE, BUILDING. Apply at L oo ntl ag Booms, 84 and 84 Plitt' avenue. rJLEIN—A _Large and Com.. ortoble Double Omca at .7811 r iberty street. bollix* at No. Ist 13mIttillebt street. up 5ta1r4,..... FOR SALE VOA SALE.—The one-half in tereq Irt the Drug Store of BLACHISTON es Aft.GßEtiOtt, In Si Haire, Ohio. They are doing a thr.ying Modems, and Melee-Atkin is one of the b , st• la Nascent Onto. Ne• son tor selling, lit health of Mindy. Terms reasonable. Apply soon. FOR SALE. BONDS AND ROBTOLGES For Building Associatioas, by . . Eh MAVEN (St CO.. myB:j2 ' Corner Wood St. and Third avenue.. FyneOß SALE.—Stoek, Fixtures and Leese of the haedome cigar $ tore. 73 street . street. Price. 3fiOO. Call at 73 Wylie F°H-• - SALE!--LAND--15 , &tires In the lath ward, :renting on centre ave nue. Drain a d N evlUe streets. Ibis is a desira ble location for country:resident:tea; well watered and near Penna.-R. IL and Bin .I.llltr.y Passen ger Railway, Will be sold ***whole or In lots or Duni one to Me acres. Enquire of W. TAYLutt : Wo d street. or an nis rad& nee oa Neville atre,,t, near the paor ll 7: of 0 f HENRY. LLOYD, Kensington Iron belie. n156:180 :7p -1 011. 'SALE.—Look here, $4O PER ACRE wlll purchase - a PALM of tulS acres In Armstrong conntr, Pa._ (food house and barn arlrndld orchlrd or of 'rafted fruit , 60 sari Mims+. Umber. good r e ithbortmod. IA; hol ' worked by machinery.' There,' 1 0 gain .In Ibis pr s perto: IT MIN , bOON,..TERMS APPIY ' PtiLLLIPS, Real Estate AgenytM. VORSALE—PriPn--A , .a.• Rounds MINTON TYPE.nearl new. Enrollee at THIS OFFICE. VOll SALE.—The undi 'offers los sale s on Ttie oc,ook. eithor In piece, or altogettu stoat ot tkr LIVERY STABLE on C B rraughsra. Partlts. wishing to livery nueleeter, ran either buy or et tate belont lug to lt. Enquire on I Carron ,atreet, Blrmlnignazo, betty and Elglith atreeta, or on the corns etreet , ro3:141 JACOB' OK SALE.---The rem 1 7 e Refiner, by' the late Me ort s, conelytlng of lsollers, Sally dewing Tank ,- ire. together Nat, upon which they de load d. e harpist:argil bridge. between A. y Allegheny river. Apply to gaNgir Co., at works. • EAR SA LE. NEW COTTAGE vt-8 room MR w• Ar d, Gate 'Nast Ltner % ty4 fret; bread board walk from mat Pena low and terms nae7. , ;ndr FICZ. FOR BALE.-.Bare ohm the prottaoht Investmecot of 1115 Gambit bed istehttlhougeluo briefness it mine largely.:- It deeteid brute oe szitr i Fse toareataturte the manses" of a batteteetioo. so Its I stumor est aloft opPl7 to (MOTT BONO In Feu* muse. . lii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers