- .6 STEEL WORKS. DUqUESNE WORKS COLEMAN, ROM &:,CO. Mizullicturcrs of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, - • • • AXLES , AND SPRINGS, Disitzsais. L X AND JUNIATA, - rer BAIL ROUND AND-SQUARE IRON. AND,ROOP SHEET AND 14111 C. IRON. °ILEA PL& +as AND 'HEADS, GUARD. IRON DRAM and DROPPER BARS, PLAWAILE r arrTza. sew, oILuiDER ISOSL-_ , • T..anu PLAT RAIL, for Coal Roadia • ' CROWBARS ,WEDOES HARK( TEETH, SPILING , __ - PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL, ERWINOES AND MOULDS cut to pattern. MUSS, STEEL. BRAYTtlite,.4.. B. STEEL. WC% RUGGic and WAGON SPILMOS and CU I PiIAILS AND SPIKES. • AU Goods First Class and Warranted. • • . OirFICES AND WORKS. Sixteenth Street and Allegheny River, and 71,Water Street. Pittsburgh. inbe SHEFFIELD STEEL WORILS. SINGER, NEKOK. & Oa; vrrissauscan. ifsnufecturers of every description of CAST AND GETMAN STEEL, BATLW sr,turos, ELLL s.: C, .CIZII PLATFORM SPRING% AILES, STEEL TIRE, ar-, Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 First Sta. IMILLER, BARR &. PA.IIILIN. szmuu. rAnrinme: clirs.iNl2VNAllt I trAPP I AEMP. bniCIAL PABITUCH - 13. M. SILK. • CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER, BABB & PARKIN, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PTPTSBIIIIGH, PA. fei4:d4a BLACK. DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARI I .BBOTHER4 - 00.; 11.1intil ofall descriptions of girInMEEICA. oftwe andliiiirebottle; TIIIRTIRTH, THIRTY FIRST sad RAILROAD OTRZWIR. IRON WORKS. Warm, -Pres , t.....W. P. Plaria, ISTipst. pITTSBURGH FORGE AND. IRON CO., mAsum•cruazu CT Bar Iron; Itallioad Fish Bars and Bolisi Bailroad Car Axles Boiled; BaHread Csir Axles Hammered; Leeemotive Frames; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Hods; Yokes, Straps; Piston Heads; ;Steamboat Shafts; Bteambeat Cranks; Pistols Sods, Wrists;_ _ - pitman Jairs,Collars, *ollloe, No. 177 PENN STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA ELLERSHESEN PROCESS. The Trustees are nrepared to graislitoen ..ses tor the use of the r l3Tar FBA} 'CMS. The superior quality imparted to good iron, the great itapiOrenient in Inferior iron, and the reduced cost.commend Is to at manufacturers of Parties wishing to use It CIO obtaln licenses by' oPrilroS to JAMES P. SPEER. Attorney for the Trustees, .BOOM 'and it, English! Building, '96X Palish avenue. ties interested are , Invited to visit the 11002 la BERGER WICKS. where the rocess uow in successful operation. • telizdt7 WESSON, PRESTON & Co., Pennsylvania Iron Works. Warehouse. Nos. 166 • abdl6T /MT "TWIST.° pposite MouoisraSeta House. ars3l:46 PITT68011.0"4 NOVELTY WORKS! pITTSBILMOCUL NOVELTY- WORKS. Founded A. D. IA2II. ADAMS, & CO • KiONlirAorrnass or KIYSTONE STANDAIMIJFALRBANE'S PAT ENT) PLATFORM AND COUNTER. • SOALEFie: • /mu Faced Patent Docir Locks and Latlhes, Paint and Conte lOUs. &c. acs OP.ITBST AVRIMEAPIRLIT • Pittsburgh, Penn's.' • LIYMBEIL TC. BIIILIDERS 1 • . • , ~ . , • • 100.000 feet Dry Pine ,. lloards. 38%000 Not 11,lt teen Clear Plank: • - • 115.000 feet slt re Common Plank; ss,ooo feet Dry ant A Men Oak: 30. 000 ft. tisil. Ji.it and 3 lnels Poplars 3.11 • 00 U feet LIM ropier bantling; ti 000 fret Dry 'Yellow pine . r • 1 1 00% odo feet Hemlock ecintlin ill "n. ''' * .. 803,000 PM No.'l. 18 Men usiginad Plan. ifles. • * ,-; 600.0000. 116-Inch Mantles. sawed; , . . swoop ;do. 11:33-inckilk•saimrs14 ... ,'. se• will" Brick; . , ' : * At Tpnstre Clan moo. dew . Nal mbar. Locust and Wei I and all articles in the N oe on band and for TA.LIC.RARRER, PATTI/13130N. ,i n t y s .. Itt i n Rebecca street and comer of Prieto and . /insists streets.sh.ward i dlionlieny • late bor. ', wodbef Reacfsffarr• •, ; :. 0, . .00MeXWD-0 01131 . exa-Y, 9P4 11 - CA*P".. DICBON, SMART t _ gsTbag re 2 u7 e 4 Ofteet4 0 667 ' 'Masa U 41017010 74ous' 11111)8240ND *.OOll , ,Aliso'', vis teimuit good_ itfag)! eillartrU OVAL 031 1 11/Au as tee • Aowest Isorkltt P addressed i° 41.11 Wen Jett as th eir aloe, them uze;eek. *e . 0 "••""'" ._proymetie., ' WESTCODIXoN -- IDEIICIVAL .113ECILETT. DIE. .... • , LA-- CHANICULL lONGINZER on 4 solle t t or of . .139199 ' ' 99 1 ,..1.' IVno . etussn sad Iforal , Mos No. 19'1 - Una --- .. --AaPit gm, oT KIST, All i e r ;bosy 912,4119. " No: corner °Mut Comma*, 99999nr• N. IL -91st C 9 9 1194. W9 O / 12 kfutOf NM 1 .; : v_ SWUM il(9119:71991. a lob. • __,.., - r —' asse.,aep_rapare on short DotWirlistra UD, R;ri11ik,4 ,1 4 1 ,;/ 4., 0 1 : 1 0V:= ' ' its& Sitistik s' , tor 111.4in0 .-* sat I fts ia* NoWferje g n& —" 44l l 41 41, ' ts 1::i. ;Mr; . ~,, , :-.3, cl:. (Li i 0,.. . - -. er , ti- - Al ' '''," • I ~.f „ , l I,L. - -,, • I; 133 , 141 , ClOl 4: 1. 1 ' . '....1,.. , .i 1 ,;, , ,.. , ,WI la ......e4 •-,. , r -.. ' , ..- , 4•04.A 07 34041 a ':"" ,4 f- i , ,4:940s Walk fuss Vzoila Joao* :alto Iltl/443 I . 4 1 • MMAI/M MACM'IMI*II3 INItY - TORT "'mi.' FOUNDRY COMPANY. OFFICE AND TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. a$' - Engines, !lolling Mill Ma chinery, Nali Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOVpLISIitY - AND. PIPE WORKS. Corner Carron inannaisnlisaa emus w4RD.) PITTS3I3 PITA3VEI, PA. WILLIAM SMITH, Mornifoot - areir of - CAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOR GAS AND wATEii WORKS. lily Pines are all Cut ldvarlattlyln rite, In dry sand. and Di feet lengtns. Also, full assortment of general Castings for Gas and Water . eiigaLbar,mutrxtvattrofirayaWorksved. PITTSBURGH. STONE; DUQUESNE FORGE; WILLIAM MILLE% (ateieisOr - to los. - P. slili4H C 0.,) Has facilities co•isztensive with the leading Forges in the East , and Is prepared to promptly and satisfactortlyAl all orders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTII_; YIRAIMS, PISTON' ROD+, LEVERS; PITMAN AMBWRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES. LOCOMOTIVE FRAMES. together with every description of SHAPE WORK,. Office and Forge, Corner of Duquesne Way and Pint street. apit:h4o ROBINSON; REA. CO., Saccessora UtECISlEsdir. WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS - AND NACHINISTS,PITTSSSION, Marnifsetnrers of Boat and Stationary Steam En oiMats Blas t i Engines, Mill Machinery, et= , Castings of all descriptions: Oil arid 11 Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Moe, o. LS, comer First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for 41117ARDI8 PATENT INJECTOR fbr reeding Boilers. - jall:rtE VIORIAB CAJILIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works, shawtremr EST.. ALLEGE:ENT CrrY, PA. Manufacturers of Steam Engines, 011 Presses, Padeys, Shafting, Grist and Saw NMI Work, Bolling Wa n andMachie Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, n Boxes, gc. Build to order and have on haWsZnetnes of all sizes. mr14:45 UNION ENTERPRISE I. • it. - FOUNDRY, WE. M. JOHNSON. Manufacturer of COOKING STOVES. Archea, Grates,ery Cast Fenders , Sash Weights, end all kinds Machin of Hollow Wareings Ca . r CON. WATSON A SHlNheels and an kinds of _CO GIBS SM.. PITTSBURGH. PA. an26:v2IWAB VENTRAL FOUNDRY ' ..AND ROLL WORKS 880 Tenn street. BOILMAN, BOYD & BAG/LEY. era Bous, Mm 011131U11. Eon LAMM aa• BRASS FOUNDRS. JOHN 311. coorz& HIMILY HMS. JOHN IL COOPER & CO., Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTINGS MADE PROMPTLY TOwarm Maleable add' , Gtey Iron GAS PIPE AN4 TUBING, THROTTLE, SAFETY AND CHECK. VALVES, ALL GLOM PATTERN. • COCKS, Bros Work or every description for' *Steam, Water and Oil. MAISIIPACTITCOM OF J. 2E. COOPER'S Improved Balance-Wheel Steam Pump. Agents for Dreyfus' Patent Oil , • ere, the best to the Market. 0111r0 sad Works, corner 'lturterottk,and Pike Streets. , , orb LiII::! ILMAICIA,III . NGIUILT• • •..,..........11111,q, GL 11, Act OVERLY fs,CLElSifluccessors pato e20. - . 7.llsosirmasux „ l'uo.. .'• ,' -' '', ' i • ..?114157n0AL u gliegilarglra i. i r ,. ...,:_t iiyolila,l LOMA•tiiiiiinant 110 aim Wig . us,lneili 0.,.,,,atter tiaZ i ßon Label ` Iranian, :11bECIardsi Alp a. Po OL. yaws, Caruso& • a .De. %u. Imago - OW% aNg.,. Sac , in 4 VI ThivCitalies. ?Wilma. ,' . c, • ' -•• iv? :it it ): .r Or IfeJobb', and Scured * O . • / romrra, sour* ' ' tuotwoca ttberti sad Ism , stresale Orson oro sroustturndful in. HAnt 4wE'riamtvOiltY. TURN AL PEets ja O r rpAnEDZwolurtheftiawumz lIU , TbIni street nets kfe d, Pittsburgh, jassalLNon %tre hainis immoral assortment of 141. , wi es &tif BRADELETk, kw. liLl9ll7 , Food Prim ! la cask ibe elven for 114 W mita. L a dies, an4l.,Gentlellloll l ll Bath ,Ontting done forthe wean ireatsior, • - --osu up NEOEUiN'/O4M ENGINEER: _ -.11917,,rnkl PITTSBITEGH GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY. ;rc_ sate; ago: Hun No BOLE it CO, Cor. Point Alley and Dwinesnefit.. ( m Tin Pam) • Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. biannfactore B STEAM . OAT ENGINES and4TA TIONANY ENGINES, of all dam A l i tgclia attention Invited to our new STA*N OIL W E LL raiemr. AND POET LIE SOILES,qf W-borsengiowerr. CASTINGS of every kind, made toordeiatour Foundry_ o onUtpl e t ITT s B R lLET4err p y r ar N I RE I 4,IIOIISMAITOYACCO ACEN I *I3 et yg d IFION TOBACOO PRIMES, =bandeau' made to order, at the INFIUSIIIIAL - -WORKS, fronting on the Allegheny River, near the Point, ITITBBIIRGE, PA. ier All orders promptly filled. TRY 1713. FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AIM TANK j ,~ ~~~~~~.i CARROLL tk'SNYDER, KANuTiCTUEVII3 Or TUBULAR, DOUBLE-BLUED TUBULAR, FIRE-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL ERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON MUDGE% riusox moss AND COAL M11T221 Office and Warehouse. corner Second, • Third, Short said Liberty Streets, . PITTSBURGH, Pa. sr Orders sent to the above address will be romotly attended to. . , mb7:lo BOILER MAKERS fiND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 110, 11, 1! AND 16 PENN ST. Having secured a large yard and furnished It with t approved machinery, we are pra Pared W o manufacture every description of BOIL BUS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimney' Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pas& Tanks. 011 Arita tors, Settling Pans, Boller Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, Weal* sluinultaturertot 8ea51114, rat" ant Bourn. - • • Bevairms acme ba shortestuotice: • - Isemit JAMES 111. Ross 55 and 56 Tater afresh PATTIBI/110,14 PAr MarrtnrAOMMl OF IRON OIL TANKS, =mama was: °ems mum YU% ROLLING XFLL STACKS, And SEX= IBON WORK. - For Steamboats. JADED IL ...... D. =DBE TARED M. BRUSH & SON, warmucroluos OP Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. 1011111T,IRON WORK. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &o. THE BEST STOVES. • A. BRADLEY it CO. ganufacturera of the greatest variety Cook, Parlor - and Heating Staves, TO BE YOIIND IN TEL STATE. Sole Agents for the celebrated Base Burning Oriental Stoves and Tummies for Bard ooal or :Doke. Best in the World for Parior,Odice, Store or Church. Tire needs no rekindling—burns all win ter. Do notlyry until you see or send for Circular. `NIA 39 WOOD STREET. fo Oar Age nu r Orlentali—DESIIKLER 8808. Smithfield St.; OZO. IIUBLBY. Allegheny City. ORM BUNS 8; Cal ataxtrimoroszne or mar Tann= or er i r i CrinragEiV BOSTON COOWG RANGE, " THE FIERY FURNACE POR WARMING BIII2,DINGS. • THZNEW_JLETI-DM COOKING STOVE, 'IREGULATOR.?' COLUMBIA COOK STOVE, VAN'S (Cincinnati pattern) PORTABLE RANGE CAST N (MATE Y L, WELLMAN'S REP LECTOR_ S, tree tromMra and Rut; GRATE PIWNTS, !ENDERS, Lc. 206 and 20S Liberty Street, 5e2.5:y17 PITTSBURGH, PA. COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL et' CO.'S TRIUMPH,' Fos anwirmo QS Gasp. w arniatedj Or Rout u Dell lOW other,Stovela the Film ag- 00 4 NO. 285 Libertv Street; mak igegg .l ",. 4 il twigs, 33"1:6145regikAlivirart. DYER AND' SCOMUIR, IL 81111 THE REST AND CHEAP ma= PLAIiOOROAN. Bohomackerl Gold Medal Piano, isto AND ESTEY' COTTAGE ORGAN. The BCHOMAOKER PIANO combines all the latest valuable improvements known in the con struction of a ant chum instrument. and has al ways been attarded the bite hest premium ex hibited. Its tone Is fall, sonorous and sweet. The worktuanShio. for durability and beauty. amass all others. Prices from iliSihto SUSI •taccolding ...k. to style and Snisho cheaper than all other so celled first class Plano. ESTRIPs tgllTAfili ORGAN ..,, Stands at the bead of all reed. Instruments. In producing the most perfect, MeAltatty of tone BARR ill. MOSER, of any similar instrument In me unitea States. of bale sad istmaet .111 00nattnOtS011, /aid 41111100MTZMarrella ' not islet tO rat on t o! or der. i 0 rfilitit PATRNT " VOX ITTIMANA Warn' HOlllll Assointinolt 'malign% prTiluTionWsialavrAtirus Or ma. • and 4SU Olair Street. ragelion% ra• 11"°44-' -, 4 4 i n t1141 4 " 11 " a r tilgl , II , sant, iiiss alumni" , ' .rx ~ .• -•.! . • -., c , if' , ' , '::;: , ;,' ,, l6.liivr.casiansamC Ita4o tAt .x.. - iVini:fr/ 4 „4111 . -v 1.. , ' ~:' ". ,i',, ,i,j ' - ~ ,,.,1, 5 .ai r-s - .71 5 r4. 4 TA 4 1147.11.,h, 1 4 .ii I ' I a. - — ., initi .iii11;;11'1 ' "Un °lt J.,' 1 ::41 ,6. '7 ~,,, , ' ,1.,V,U ielr .) cd4-i.' , -vi ..... .- - r , .... - 4 - -.41.1.,.. - 4.44........ti1, ~otf~. DYER AND SCOURER no. a ow. cwut = " And Noss 18d and 187 Third Stride irminnunr. PA. ARCHITECTS.- FINANOLAL. HIT PITT BANKINer COIPANY, N 0.169 Wood Street, CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, MALI= IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND COLD. • - INTEREST ALLOWED ON ME DEPODITB. Collections mule on all &omissible points In the United States and Canadu. DIRECTOR& D. Hostetter, Jno. O. Risher . James tidon, Robt. H. Kati, D. Wall or noe. Andrew Z. Fawcett, ussAmr, 'I N. Caohllei! sLwir..llle D. LEET HART, CA.IIGHEN & CO., • BANKERS AN BROKERS; Corner Third anti Wood &recto, rri-rsistrivarL. 01000103801313 TO IiA3NA, OAST t C 0..) DII.6IXES IN J Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to the purchiuse and sale of I - c - GOVERNMENT BONDS. Bleat Drafts on London. tayi:stri. N. HOLMES & SONS, 57- ' Market Street, PrITTSISITR43IIEI, Collections made on all the principal paints of the United States and Canada.. Storks,Bon6 and other Elecirities NOVO= ASH BOLD ON OONYINNON. thnirartleular sates yield to the purchase sad sale of United States Securities. JAY COOKE & CO., 1 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, •: 4 - PHYLADELEhue.. STOCKS and BONDS of all leiie ' ziptions bought and sold. Special attention given to the purthaseand sale of Government Securities. mhao OILS. WARING_AND Commission Merchants and Brokeri in Petroleum and Ito PrOduets, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUEBNE WAY, rEITLADIELYBIA ADDREEO3, .\ Boom 17, Chamber of Combterm, '7 133 SOUTH SECOND STREET —sto— ECLIPSE PETROLEUM lIEFINERY, HERBERT W. C. TWEDDii; MANUFACTURER OF Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. Eclipse Railroad Axle 011. Stands great heat without change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropical climates or hot weather. Locomotive, Staging, Machine ' Shop, Whit° t Screws. , Saw Hill and Planing Min 011 s, Adapted for highspeed. Hp fndle Oil. Wool Head-Light 011, Oil; Tanners' Stuff- I Sensole. in` & Finishing Oil, Gasoline,' 011 Farraflane. ARMOR VARNISH,: to preserve Bright Iron Work and Machinery from Rust. These products are manufactured under Dr. Tweddle , s_patent by Superheated Steam In Vao ono. The 'Lubricating Oltt are almost odorless,, perfectly pre. unlfOrm, and mostly light col ored. stan d a high temperature unchanged. and remain limpid during extreme cold. The Railroad Ohs are 'unequalled; and are in constant use on many of the principal Railroads.. Samples can be examined and orders left at 114 WOOD STREET, Works at Sharpsbarg Bridge. macs RUOTIEEIIB, -, COMMISSION MXRCILINTS, A Dm= lN Petroleum and - its Prod' Tide, Fittaburgi offica—DALEILL% BUTWINe. aaltaer of ~tam Way aad Irwin Meets. rblladelpl n da Omar-EIT WALNUT*. • spiral° • • • DIAMOND DIL WORKS • H. M. LONG & CO.. Moe, DALZIMI. BUILDING, IbLI Datrteine W.T. PittMistxti. Pa. PIANOS ; .. • " • ft.".4l;:;*. MAY 12, 1869. 43VC).T.air:), - SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at Highest Prices. PH. R. MERTZ, Banker, Cor. Wood and Fifth Streets. My 6 JAMES Ts BRADY QV Co. ; (Successors oS. JONES & 00.,) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., 7 ALM 3ES. 30 IR. , BUY LED SELL ALL EINDt3 07 GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, OW MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. - Interest Allowed on Deposits. far Money loaned on Government Bonds at lowest market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOOKS, BONDS and GOLD. LAMES T. BRADY & CO. rbte littslntrO Gaidts. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, i TUESDAY, May 11, 1869. -The unexpected rise in gold to-day de pressed Government securities about one-half per cent. The feeling in bonds is less buoy ant,.,and if it was not for the enormous short interest in them and the limited amount of bonds, a decline of several points would not be surprising. Ono. thing is certain, Europe will no . - longer buy our , bonds dfiring an advan cing tendency in gold. If the purchase of Government bonds by the sinking funds money, and the weekly sales of one million dollars, cannot keep the premium down and prevent vio felt fluctuations, then Government cr dit cannot be quite as good as people ar , disposed to believe, and sooner or later we will receive b onds back from Eniope, or have European gamblers In national securities operate in our mar kets, whether bonds are actually sent or not. It may be that gold is advanced and bonds depressed for the purpose of baying cheap from the Government W- I morrow. Gold opened at 138, advanced to 138% and closed strong and steady. Stocks were subject to violent l fluctua tions. Money easy. Business is ompara- Lively active. . Quotations as received bY Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 138%; Silver, 127; Eighty. one's, 119%; Five Twenties, 1136 2, 119; do 1864, 115%; do 1865, 116; do 1865, Consols, 117%; do 1867, —; do 1868, —; Ten. Forties, 108%; New York Central, 81%; Erie, —; Reading, 96%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, 155; Ohio dr. Misissippi, 33%; Michigan Southern, 107%; Cleve laud it Pittsburgh, 93%; Chicago dt Rock Island, 32%; Chicago it North Western, 88%; Chicago dr. North Western Preferred, 101%; Adams Express Com pany, 60%; Merchants Union Express, --;; Pacific Mail, 91%; Western Union Telgraph Company, 43k: Am. Express Ell ES ORGANS. C. FINANCE AND TRADE, C By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) Nsw YORK, May 11, 1869. The stock exchange and open board are now consolidated and there is a pros pect in favor of a union of the gold ex change with thestrganizations, the mem bers having voted by a large majority to appoint a Committee of Conference. It is understood there will be two calls of speculative stocks in the Long Room, commencing to-morrow. The transac tions there to-day were not officially re corded. • Money market easy, at 7 per cent. on ,call, with exceptions at 6. The supply is in excess of the wants of brokers. Prime discounts 7@9 per cent. Sterling quiet and steady at 9@9% for prime bank ers, and 836 for good bills; prime sight 10. Gold active and excited duri the day, with a marked advance, on Washington telegrams that Boutwell don't intend to cancel the bonds purchased, rumors of Cuban successes and that bonds were down to 773;@78 in London. The prices opened at. 137%, 'advanced to 1383 and closed at 138%. Rates for carrying 4®7 per cent. Clearances 5108,000,000. The ilimbria took .5112,000, the Westphalia brought 5153,000 and the Havana steamer 58,000. • Governments °Petted firm but the ad vance in gold occasioned a heaviness and a fall of y, per cent. This brought in buyers, whotook all the bonds offered, and there was a recovery from the low est point, the market closing firm. The fact that the Assistant Treasurer Will to-morrOW receive preposals for a million' of bonds had a' favorable effect. Cou pons: 'Bl, 119N(®119%; do , 82,119%12)1193;; do '64, 115K@)115%; do '65, 116X(0116; new, 117%®117X; do '67, 117%®117%; do '6B, 117 y, @UN; 16-40 s, 108WS1083; Pacifica. 106%®1063L. . State - bonds firm: blissouris, :•.34; Old Tennessee, 6 8 ,6@/ 6 6,61 new do, 88% (6835; 'New North Carolinas, 5535(055%; Old 67,1a58; Louisiana Levee Bs, 70 @TOM. . took market was strop& during,the ' , morning( with larger transactions, in North Western,Michigan Southern, Rook Island; F o r t Wayne, and New York Central., North Western common sold at UM. and - preferred,lo2X;tnebigen ' Southern, 107 s. Rock Island, 132 g ;N ew York Central; 1823, Fo rt Wayne, 168. The market in the afte*oon was lower, 'particularly on , New 'York Central and particularly Western abates, Wabash and , Mariposa were exceptions and ad vanced. The' market:'finally •'closed strong. ' Rumor says all doubt abont a North Western dividend or 5 percent. is remoVed and that the Company, have se cured advantageous arrangements with the Patties Road; also, that the Vander bilt party are negotiating for the use of the road for a through connection with the Pacific Road. .71 - 5-30Thces—Cumberland;'86©33; Wells Express, 15g@isg;,AmerIcar!, 4934®41; Adams,6oXso)6l l A;l.7ialted States,6643il Merchants. Uni0n,..1.514©16; quicksilver; 19)i@20 ; Canton. 61.%@62; Pacific Mail, 92©9214; Western Union Teti. egraph, 4334@)48,1; blaripcnia,'243(l42434: do, preferred, 49)4(M8ti3 . :Harder& and Erie. 23; New York central; 131%10181%; lirloh.";3og4)3o3i;lltudigm, 13140016100; Iteeduilv 93 ( VW; Take 0,01 Ix :v. v.,,::474 1 lA, .1 Haute, MC prefaired, 68; Wabash,.76@ a 76%; St. YAW, 78@78%; do. preferred," 803/ 4 Ft. Wayne. 155@155%; ' Ohio and Mississippi, 811%@314; Michigan Central, 128;' Michigan Southern, 107 g (5)107%; Illinois Central, 14534@)146 1 %; Pittsburgh, 92X®93; Lake Shore, 107(goo 107%: Rock Island; 139@131; North western, 88%@88%; do. preferred, 101% (5)101%; C. C.ltt I. C., 47; St. Joseph pre larked, 117; 1 Burlington and Quincy, 187%. Mining shares dull. Copper stocks at Boston: Copper Falls, 8 ; Franklin,- 19 ; Hecht, 75; Hancock, 4 1 %; Quincy, 26. Receipts at Sub-Treasury, $1,147.090; payments, 11.328,964; balance, /83,526,- 788; disbursements of coin interest, 1.539,- 761. PITT,SBURGH MARKET, OFFICE Or' PITTSBURGH. GAZETTE, TUESDAY, May 11, 1869. The markets, in a general way, are de void of anything new or important. We can report a continued fair consumptive demand for most of the leading articles, but there is as almost entire absence of anything like a speculative feeling,' which is owing, in pitrt, to the strin gency in money matters. In regard to Yahlts, there aYe no changes worthy of special notice. APPLES-Sales at 35@8 per bbl, as to quality. APPLE BU - I.'ER-90a81 per gallon. BUTTER—Is coming in more liberally and prices are lower, prime to choice Roll beingquoted at 36@38. BEANS—DuII at 113@3,26. _ CHEESE—SaIes of new. Western. Re- Berne at 18@20, as to Quality, and New York Goshen at 24@25. CARBON OIL—Is quoted in a Jabbing way at 29(430. ,Jabbing way per cwt. DRIED FRUIT—is steady but quiet. Sales Peaches at 14@l8 and apples at 13 @l5, as to quality. EGGS—Sales at 18c, and some ixtqury for shipment to New York.. FEATHERS—A shade tirmer, and we,, now quote live geese feathers at 80 to the 'trade, and the usual advance in a retail way. FLOUR—Is easier, the little excite ment which for a time prevailed, having pretty wall subsided. We continue to qnote, at $6,50@7;25 for Spring Wheat, and $7,50(4)8 for Winter Wheat. Rye F10ur,57@7,25. GRAIN Wheat is scarce and in rather better demand, but unchanged; Winter is quoted strong at $1,50. Oats •• easier and in better supply, and com pared with laic week, prices axe lower; we now quote at 71@72 by the car load and 75(077 -for small lots in store. Ear Corn, prime yellow, is still quoted at 80 on wharf, and 83@85 in store; Shelled, 75@78. Rye dull but unchanged, at $1,40 @1,43. Prime Spring Barley, $1,75. HAY—The market for baled is quiet and unchanged, at $25@28 for good to prime, and $29@30 for choice., HEMP—Sales at $215. HOMINY—SS,7S@I3 per bbl.- • ; LARD. OIL—Is quoted at $1,20 for No. I 2, and $1,50@1,52 for No. 1. LlME—Cleveland Lime is quoted at $2 50, per bbl, and Common White at 41,75. _ MAPLE MOLASSES—SaIes in gallon Jugs at $1,50@1,75. PEANUTS—SaIes at U cts. POTATOES—Continue very4dull; may be quoted at 4.5@50 on track and 5.5@60 n ,tore. PROVISIONS In steady demand. and we can report regular jobbing sales • at 14 for Shoulders; 16y,@18 for Ribbed and Clear Sides; and .19(019X for plain and canvassed Sugar Cured Hams. Lard, 19 in tierces and 20 in pails. • • SEEDS—SaIes of Clover Seed at P; no Timothy or Flaxseed in this market ; worth speaking of. BALT—May be quoted at $1.83©1,85 by the car load, and $1,95®2 for small i lots in store. e' l TALLOW—Is quoted at 10%©10%; for rendered, and bat little doing. ,0 PETROLEUM MARKET OFFICE OF Pirrsauncnit LIszETTE, 2• TUESDAY, May 11, 1869. S • , . There is considerable feeling in the oil business just now, and' with but few ex. exceptions, operators are looking for , 1 4 ,' and predict a still farther. decline. There are various causes for this belief, among the most prominent of which are the advices from Europe, reporting an accumulation of stocks, compared with the same time last year; the increase of production, and stockS, in the oil regions, as well as the fact that prices are yet rel atively higher in this country lhan in Europe. It is also argued that the ex- MSS in the exports abroad. compared with last year, will have its effect, and it is this that is causing the increase In stocks -in most .of the leading foreign' • markets; but. as an offset against this, it is contended that the consumption this year is likely to be larger than last year, as was in the case of 1888, compared with 1867. There is one very important, point which it may not be out of place to notice in this connection, will there be as . large an increase in tho consumption of , oil in 1869 as there was in 1868, compared • ' with 1867 ? and on this hinges, to a con siderable extent. the future course of the trade. There are those who think that I this increase will be sustained; that new markets will be opened up, as was the case last year, and that nearly all of the I old ones, will want more oil in 1869 than they did in 1868. There are others, how. t ever, who contend that there is no pro- - I bability of the same increase in the de- ; mand this year, particularly if prices du- ‘i ring the latter part of the season, rule as g they have since the that of the year; that exporters are very timid, and are now 0 and have been for some time past, buying. very cautiously . and that there is a pos. eibility of a 'foreign war. One thing, ;+i however, is generally conceded, and that is that we will be able to furnish &li the te t oil-that is wanted, the 'lncrease in pro- J ; duction having reassured those " who • were uneasy on this point. were was but a single sale rt. reported, 1000 spot (40 to 46) at 14. It Fourteen cent s' was regarded as the top ; of the market and it would appear that there was but a single, hives' at that fig- IA pre; buyers, generally, were offering 1 . 133‘ @13%, and ' probable that if any oil ''4", had been offered at these figures, they 0: would have dropped to 18 ar 13g. 4 ' REFINED-Fairly active but a shade P. „ ioiyart: Sale 1000°,July, last half, ati'3Bi 1000 August, last half, at 33g; 600 July, V s ' last half, at 8140 600 May, at 82g; and Di 1000 each, May to July, at 32g for May, i' l ; 33 for June and 33 for Jul y. LUBRICATING OILS. Eclipee 'Winter Inbrie sting oil 40e Eclipse Railroad Azle 85c Eclipse Machinery 75c Eclipse Spindle stki - OIL GRIPPED BART BT A. T. B. B. Lockhart, Frew &Co. 472 bbla refined to Warden. Frew & Co. Liberty Oil Works, 218 bbla relined to W. F. Login & Bro., Philadelphia. Aladdin Oil l'Ac, 25 bbis gasoline to Copan & Merin). Ibtal shipments Refined 690 otr. swirPars Lan ' PROWL routrosszta *ion 011' Ret - od; isubbbshf. bzu Frew Clow Philadeptda. Apakumelf*44, l l* • 481 lint& to Ward Total : .; MEM .5gRA" 1 1.W.K;50,5i5v4.0.6**,,, - -. , V.NY74OI , 44II:IWW.7%CtreoteSAW 14*.31tVAT . W. A ; M MN =I
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