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Since his last dispatch of the 27th nofurther news of great importance at the interior had been received. On the 17th of Aprlll,Boo troops, commanded rived at Nuevitas from Villa Clara, and the day after General Lesea appeared at Nnevitas, very unexpectedly, with 1,200 . ..men from Puerto Principe; having started with 2,200 and left a detachment on the read.. They reported no resistance on the march, although large bodies of insurgents were pcsied on high ground some distance from the road. A number of well constructed trenches; breaat works, ditches, (tc., we * visible. The 9,000 men conceritrate.l at Nu evitos, among them 1,500 Cat - sideman volunteer* recently from • Spain,' were to commence operations on the railroad between Nuevitas and Pen= tip° immediately. About 1,500 started on the 23d, convoying provision trains. This expedition under Gen. Lesca is to repair the road temporarily, get cars along and provision the troops at Prin. cape, who arq said t o . be on half rations., It was reported that., Qoesada, the revo • lutionary leader, purposely allowed the Elpaniard.s to march without Opposition from the interior to the sea coast, but in tended to obstruct their return, and if possible capture their provision trains. Dr. Simmons is still confined" at Prin ipe, accused of aiding the insurrection and giVing aid and comfort to the rebels. Gen. Lesca has stated that the doctor's life was spared becadse he was an American. Rear. Admiral Hoff has had an inter view with the Captain General relative •to a young engineer, named Rafael Es trada, who, although having declared his intention of becoming an American citi zen, bad never, it seems, taken out his final papers, although having married and lived some years in the United States. The Captain General Issued an -order for his immediate release. Rear Admiral Hoff has forwarded reports.from Lieutenant Commander T. H. Estman, commanding. the Penob scot, dated April 28th; at'Boy Francis, the anchorage far the , ports of Remedios Caribean. The • prisoners taken.] —bow the Lizzie MajOraodient to Cart: bean, had', been. released: 'The Spanish °authorities at that place had, offered no courtesies or facilities to the Penobscot, as Is customary on the arrival of a for ,eign •vessel, perhaps more from igno rance than design. " The United States .Consul at Carthean lied been infbrmed by the Government at Remedios that he musit7tibt hoist the flag of the Consular Office again, in consider ation of the condition of affairs in that country, where American citizens are holding over two millions of property,. and the fear of injury front the volunteer forces. Lieutenant Commander East man has concluded to remain there for some days. A Cuban, named B. B. Valles. who claims to ci an Americ n citizen, was -undergoing trial on hharges preferred oy the volunteer force, and it was expected would soon be sent to Havana fur sen tence. The accused bad no evidence with him of being an American citizen, but had written to the United States for it. Rear Admiral Hoff had requested the Captain General to allow the American limit° be hoisted over the Consulate at Caribean. SPECII&L , CUSTOM AGENTS, The following appointments of specie, custom agents have been 'made by the the Secretary of the Treasury: J. C. Dutch, for sth' district, headquarters Su vannati, Georgia; E. T. Schenck, (brother •of Representative Schenck) Bth district, 'New Orleans; Levi Nutting, for 13th dis trict, headquarters St. Paul, Minnesota:. A. R. Leib, for sth district, headquarters Rey West; T. N. Goodwin, for district of 'Virginia and North Carolina, headquar ters Norfolk; - J. H. Wig in appointed as sistant special agent .andassigned to duty in 6th district, and Charles S. Parker, as sistant agent and assigned to duty in sth district. 671 3 / 1 N FIXPED/TIONS. The Spanish Minister has repeatedly, - within the last two months, reported to , the Secretary of State .that expeditions 'were fitting out in thiscountry for. Cuban service, but did notprodnce proof*. The Secretary, 1 however, directed inquiries to be made North and South, when it was ascertained there were ho .facts upon which to found proceedinq The proper officers have been instruo dto exercise due vigilance to prevent *violation of .the neutrality laws, which' the Govern ment has assured the Spanish Minister, will be enforced. A COLORED DELEGATION. The colored delegation from A.lexan. a, Vs., headed by their spokesman, R. D. Kelly, called on the President this morning and had an! interview cement ing appointments at: that place, and to Lou. him , something about the feeling of qoolored•people on the subject of recton , *ruction. The interview was satisfats-, story to them. " REVBNWE DECISION. The following decision hail been mride the Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue: Defilers in liquors who sell - in quanti ties less than five gallons, and also in, quantities of Live gallons and upwards, must pay a special tax both as wholesale ! :and retail dealers. _ °Tura APPOINMENTS.. The President made the following ati ointinents today, Robert W.= Lositer, - Pension Agent, Raleigh. N. P.; Richard P. Goggin, Collector of Customs, Erie, Pa.; Geo. A. Houghton, Supervjaing In- Spector of Steamboats, Sixth "District. -John Wlldon , Surveyor of Customs, Chester. Pa. . rriarrnArirr TO BEI OBSERVED. Mr. Roberts, the Spanish Minister, in forms, the Secretary of State that the steamer Quaker City is about to sail from New York for Cuba, with munitions of War-for the rebels.' The Secretary has requested the Secretary of the Treasury to issue an order which will prevent any violation of the neutrality law of 1812, which will be issued. • PRIVATR INTERVIEWS. • Governor Curtin had a private inter view with the President this morning, also Geneial Banks and Governor Spen cer, of Alabama. CURE/LIMY STATEMENT. No fractional currency has been re ceived during the week. Shipments, $396,800., National Bank notes issued, 8129,320‘circulation, $299,806,165. Frac tional ctirrency redeemed $666,500. RETIRE°. Brevet Major General James C. Robin son, Col. 43c1 Infantry, is retired with the -full rank of Major General. NEW YORK CITY. Auban Pilllbusters—action of the Span. tvan Consul—Marshal Barlow Instruct. ted by Secretary Ptah to Prevent Breach of Neutrality Laws--Fraud un Maytien GoVerbinent—Prlvate Meet. lag of Erie Snareholders in England. 'aty Telegraph to the Pltteburgh Gaiette.3 NEW YORK, May 8, 1869. Unitanish' Consul, in an interview with ed States Marshal Barlow this morning, stated that he had received positive information that a steamer and several small sailing vessels are being fitted out to take volunteers and arms to the Cuban Insurgents, and demanded that such expeditions be stopped. He also called the Marshal's attention to the various recruiting stations of Cubans in this city, and furnished a list of them. The Marshal yesterday afternoon re ceived orders from Secretary Fish to pre vent any possible breach of the neutral ity law in relation to Cuba. The chief officer of the steamer Quaker City to-day denied, on his honor as an officer and a gentleman, that her owners had the slightest intention of sending her to Cuba or even to the West Ladies. Alphonse Brett and Wm. Jones. prin ters at No. 83 Nassau street, are in cus tody. charged with being engaged in printing counterfeit notes of the Haytien Government. John Russ was also ar rested as the party who ordered the printing of the notes, and alleges that he was deputized by an officer of the Haytien Government to procure them. Notes representing two dollars each in gold to the amount •of $BOO,OOO were p_rinted, of which $600,000 were sent to Hayti and placed in circulation before .its real character was discovered. The balance has been recovered here. Three Haytien officers, including an Admiral, - are implicated. Assistant Treasurer Van Dyck invites proposals until Wednesday noon next for sale to the government of a million dallars of 5-20 bonds: The subscriptions to the American Mu seum of NaturaT History, about to be established here, already exceed forty thousand dollars. . In,the United StattorDiStrlCt Court, to day, an order was entered discontinuing the snits of Whelpley and Belmont against the Erie Railway Company, Police Superintendent Kennedy , has received a letter from Lancashire, Eng land, signed M. F. W., stating that there have been several private meetings of shareholders in Erie who have been swindled out of considerable sums of money by the Erie directors, and they have come to the understanding of dis pensing with the principal thieves, as they call them, in the Erie Company. The writer begs for a lookout on ail boats arriving at New York during the next few weeks, and expresses the belief' that Mr. Fisk is to be dispatched. Jude d to-day decided the case of Latng Barn a bert vs. r the Sioux City and Pa. cific Railroad in favor of the plaintiff, who is to 'receive 277 shares upon paying the assessment of forty dollars.per share and an extra allowance of $l,OOO. The steamer City of London, front Liverpool on the 28th ult., via Queens town on the 29th, arrived tonight. • Vice President James Gibbons, and the Executive Committee of the Fenian Brolherhood, publish an official contra diction of the statement in to-day's World newspaper, that the Fenian offi cers• had entered into negotiations for the transfer of their forces to the Cuban revolutionary Junta. • Arrived, steamship ,Henry Chauncey, from Aspinwall; May lit. The Chauncey brings $359,362 In specie for this city.. Also arrived, steamships Nevada, from Liverpool, April 27th. via Queenstown, 28th, and Helvetia, from Liverpool. The Herald states that United States Marshal Barlow says the reports of an in terview between the Spanish Consul and himself yesterday were sensational and unreliable, as noone but the parties con; cerned know what actually took place at' the interview, but admits the points forming the Cuban sensation of the day were the basis of the interview, and that she sensational reports - and rumors. of special dispatches from Washington tire mere fabrications. The United States steamer Memphis was sold by auction yesterday, at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, to V. W. Brown, of this city, for $55,800. A Sunday paper states a large num ,ber of Cuban took passage on the Ham burg steamer Bremen from Jersey City, and it is the general impression that out side the harbor they were transferred to some other vessell ready to take them to Cuba. ' A serious riot occurred at West End Hudson City, N.J.. last evening, between some English miners and a crowd of Irishmen. in which a number of persons were injured, one, and perhaps two, fa tally. The cause of the riot was the refti- M 1 of a dealer to give liquor to three Irishmen. & large mob attacked the house, tearing down the shutters and smashing the windows. A number of persons were arrested and conveyed to prison, but with one exception they were subsequently admitted to ball. The preliminary services of several re ligious societies 'whose anniversaries oc cur this week were held this evening. The New York Bible Society anniversa ,ry was inaugurated at the Methodist Episoopal Chisrph in Seventh ave. nue, and appropriate addresses Were delivered to a large congregation by Br. Hastings, Rev. 0. D. Foes and Nev. C. H. McVlokar, The Rev. Dr. Storrs delivered an address to the Amer ican Home Missionary Society this bven lag at the. Broadway tablernacle. The Rev. T. Cuyler delivered the annual ser mon to the American Seamen's 'Friend Society at the. Collegiate Reformed _Chubb on Fifth avenue. Rev. Reo Z. Eddy to the American Female Guardian Society at the 4th Presbyterian. Church. Large coagulations were present at each, and much interest was manifested at all I , the meetings. . SECPai EMIL VOIIII O'CLOCII. A. M. XEWS BY CABLE. Fluctuation in IstociE Market—Mayor of Cork Declines a Nomination for Ilir— liament—Affairsi in Spain—Dceline tt American Bonds. [By Telegraph to the i'lttehurgh Gazette.] • GREAII" lIRITAIN. LONDON, May B.—The stock market has within a few days been influenced unfavorably by the increase in the rate of interest Of the Bank of England to 434 per cent. and t e current belief that a further, advance will be made shortly., by the political uncertainty occasioned by Senator Sumner's speech, the expor tation of gold, foreign loans and the de pressed state of trade. CORK, May ullivan, the present Mayor of Cork, has refused a nomina tion for Parliament' from the electors of Younghal. The Irk& national papers de• fend the recent course of Mr. O'Sullivan. SPAIN. MADRID, May S. is certain. a pro posal has been made to the Cortes to name Marshal Serrano as Regent and Gen. Prim as President of the Council and Minister of War, until a king is elected. MAnnin, May 9.—The condition of the• national finances causes much anxiety. It is estimated the expenditures will ex ceed the revenue by twelve million reale. In the Cortes yesterday Gin. Prim allu ded to the rumors that he meditated an attempt against the Liberal Regime, and pronounned them utterly baseless. He declared that the future wouldprove that honor and liberty was his motto. It is reported that Gen. Cabraro, a noted Car.; list leader, has appealed in Catalonia. ITALY. FLORENCE, May 9.—A new cabinet has been formed and is composed as follows: President, Gen. Menabrea; Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minghett[; Minister. of the Interior, Ferrares; Minister of Jus tice, Mirabelli; Minister of Commerce, Baragul. There will probably be no change in the heads of the war, marine or finance departments. BELGIUM. BRUSSELS, May 9.—The Senate has re fused to pass the !lilt for the abolition for debt. Mr. Bara, Nlinister of Justice, bus tendered his resignation to the King. He is urged to remain In office, but re-i fuses Mdi) so unless_ the_Senate -is -7 - GERMANY. BERLIN, May B. A Congress of Ger man Protestants is to meet at Worms on the 80th of May. The object of the meeting is to consider and frame a reply to the recent'appeal of the Pope to Pro testants. MARINE NEWS. Qtramorrowx, May 9.—The steamship Russia, from New York, April 28th, ar rived yesterday afternoon and sailed for Liverpool. Movit.t.s, May 9. The steamship orth American, from New York, for Lasgow, arrived yesterday. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. LONDON, May 8- Evening.-Consols for Money 92,4; for account 9234. Five- Twenties firmer at IN. Stocks firmer; Erie 17 1 ; Illinois 911 c:. Atlantic and Great Western 23 1 4. Tellow.43s. Sugar 395. 3d. Calcutta Linseed L9s. 6d. • ANTWERP, May 8.-Petroleum 52f. HAVRE, May 8.-Cotton on spot 1423,J. FRANKFORT, May 8.-Unfied States bonds 88.' LIVERPOOL,-8. -Cotton dull at 11%cl. and Orleans . 12d.; sales of 6,000 bales. California white Wheat 9s. 4d.; red western B.s. 7d. I Western Flour 21s. Gd. Corn-mixed-275. Oats 3. 4d. Bar ley Ga. Peas 38s. 6d. Pork. 101 a. Gd. Beef 911 s. '.Lard 685..66. Cheese 83.5. Bacon 60s. ~C ommon Rosin 55.; fine 15s. Spirits Petroleum 9d; refined ls. Tallow 435. 9d. ANTWERP. May 8 . -- Pell'oloOra haS clined to 51Nf. 4 Pants, May 8.-Bourse easy; Routes 711. 70c. *FRANKFORT, May A.-Evening:Al F. bonds partially recovered and became firm during the day-and closed at 85X. FRANKFORT.- May G.-Five-Twenties are quoted to-day et 84%.* CANADA. Financial Statement In the Cotantoma.-. Case of Father McMahon. (By Telegraph to the Pittston rgh Gat, tte.) OTTAWA, May B.—Hon. Mr. Roie made a financial statement in the House of 43 01Thri o ng last night, during which he mentioned the revenue of the Dominion from ordinary*seorces duting he nine Months ending March 81st, was $9,927,- 882; gross amount of loans effected dur ing the year $12,124,881; making • in. all $22,052,748. The ordinary "expendltufes were $9,811,579; amount applied towards the redemption of public debt and In vestments 118,480,787 r leaving a balance of ordinary revenue in favor of the Daman /9n 0/4316.283, 'The ,eatimates for the coming year are: expendlures, $14,819,- 000; revenge, $14,885.980; showings sur plus of nearly a quarter or a million,. No changeis suggested in customs br excise 'tariffs. i Hon. Mr. Holton gave notice that an address would be presented toiler Ma. jesty expressive of the deep interest felt in the passage of the Irish Church bill. Bishop Connolly, is in this city and had an interview with the Gov ernor General to-day concerning the ease of Father McMahon. Dr. Connolly strongly urges his release. Another Death from Hydrophobia. LB/ Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette.3- CINCINNATI, Ma y Math "Fehr, a German lad fourteen years old, died of hydrophobia in Covington yesterday, af ternoon. He was bitten by a rabid dog on the 7th of March last. The first "noon Of the disesiut, appeared on Thursday and Friday. He took spasms yesterday and was strapped i bed in oonsegnence, of a violent disposition to bite ai coming near. Thia death is pro diming great excitesnent in Covington, AIT. X CA.LIPOkN.TA Rejoicing San Prahriaco and Sacra-. memo ovei7 the Completion of the Pa ciHe Rallriartd—linuttuse Demenatra- Hons. or Telegraph to tht , Pittabargh Gazett?.) SAN - Fltalscisci - t May B.—The cele bration over the co 'npletion of the Pacific Railroad today was • one to be remem bered for all time in Van Franelsco. The day was ushered in liy a salute of one hundred guns.' At main all the Federal forts in the harbor fired a:salute, the bells Of the city were set tinging, and the steam whistles screw:nil:A% At night the whole oily was illtuninnted and pre sented a brilliant aPpearance. The procession was the largest and most entbuslastie ever witnessed iii San Fran eitheo. The people were willitg and eager obaerveatt event of so much importance to this city and the Pacific coast,. and turned out essetaa.se.!. Business was gen erally suspended and nearly 'every citi zen exhibited a hearty interest in the de monstration. The military and civic display was grand. In addition to the State militia, all the available United States troops from the several forts and the Presidoti participated on the occa sion, while the civil, societies turned out with full ranks. The city .and harbor presented a magnificent sight during the day, the principal streets being draped with the banners of every nation, and thronged with excited; joynas people, and the shipping dressed,in fine style. A disnatch from the junction of the roads, announcing tbe driving of the last spike of the Central Pacific road at 10 a. at. sent a thrill of joy through the _city. Congratulatory messages were transmitted to the Directors of the Cen tral Pacific and Union Pacific by the California Pioneers, At Sacramento tee event was ,eelebra ted in a grand and enthusiastic manner. The city was crowd. d with a nraltitude of people from all parts of the State and. Nevada. The Grand Lodge of Odd Fel lows in session in this city, accepted am In yition to attend the. Sacramento de monstration. Citizens from Nevada, Grabs Valley,Vallejo,, San Francisco, an Jose, Marysville and Virginia City and Geld Rill, Nevada, were also in attendance. The lines of travel to and from Sacramento were trOwn open to the public free, and kn. *Oboe numbers of people took advan tage of the circumstance and flocked hither. The Central Pacific Company had thirty locomotives gaily decorated ranged on the city front, and at the signal gun an nouncing the driving of the last Spike of the road, the locomotives opened - a cho rus of whistles,' and all the bells and steam whistles of the city joined in. '- Profound regret was expressed that the roads were not joined to-day. The failure is attribtiesbleio the obstfriacy gr ii iabibtxplakft_Llsi)u 4 ,.Paoloo.4tost-f6 -make - • , ,tiecuoti: -- The non -arrival of Mr. Durant was alleged as the principal reason for the post penman of the core mot*, of joining the roads until Monday next. , ~.. RAILWAir MATTERS. ---1 ... consolidation or Michigan Southern and Fromm Indiana with the Lake Shore Railroad—Celebration of Completion of the Pacific Railroad. Clty Telegraph to the itittsba tgh Gazette. cminAuo, May.—A number of the stockholders of the 9 Michigan Southern and Northern Indina Rai/road met this morning, in this bhity, to consider the matter otconsolid ting with the Like Shore Railroad. . . -Qovernor Barry, 'of Michigan, acted as barman. 91.383 out of the 121,206 sha es were represented, and they were una imously in favor of the' consolidation. The meeting for the election of now dir ctors will be hold in Cleveland on June 'd. The .celebration f the opening of the 1 Pacific Railroad.ill be celebrated in this city au Monda , Instead of Tuesday, as was at first con emplaced. Business will be closedand h classes of people will take part In ttjubilee. ‘ ,l SAN Fnatcursco May 7.---Dispatches -from Promontory state that the Union Pacific will be unable to complete their road before Monday, the 10th. Tho de lay causes. great disappointment: here and at Sacramento, every preparation being completed to celebrate the event to-morrow, in a befitting manner: Heavy rain storms have interfered with the work, causing damage to the track and bridges Inconsiderable the neighbor hood of Echo City and Ogden. The eel ebratiobs take place at Sacramento and San Franclaco to morrow, although the ceremony of joining the two roads is postponed tilLMonday noon. SraiNarxxLit, Niass.,-May 8.--The en tire force of workmen of the Walon's Car Manufactory, in this city, united this evening in celebrating the opening of. the Union Pacific Railroad. The Company are now building fifty-two passenger cars and a large number of freight cars for the Pacific Railroad. CirretlvNarr, May 9.—The Cincinnati and. Louisville Railroad Company yester day ratified a contract with Newport for the r ight of way to run through that city tol the Ohio river. • 1 THE PULPIT. The - N wapapers of the Day Viewed from a Christian Stand . Point—finch Plain Truth—Copious Eztracts from a sermon on "The Press" Delivered in Claim's • Church, Last Night, by key. J. A._ Grey: 4 '- or - Last might a very large audience as. r , sonabled in Christ's Church, Penn atreet, to hear a promised sermon on "The Press" ,by Revl J. A. Grey, the newly installed • pastor of that congregation. The sermon abounded in strong truth, well put for ' Ward, and .we regret our space will not permit thelull publicaticn. lie took'his text, "But while man slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat," Matt t Chap. XIL—V. 25., and after giv ing- a fall history of. newspapers and facie connected with their origin said: The knit is a Dower. Nis within the reach of all, and the newspapers find their way to the humblest homes,,as well as toothe marble mansions. It opens the common minds to broad views and sent informations. •The eountrylvlilages are not now confined to the [instilled discussions of the Ocandal and news of the neighborhood. The farmers know all about the affairs in Spain, the questioi s that agitate England , the insurrections n Crete and Cuba. and the courts and tong easienal send the tidings Qi their doings to. than Y 1 0, 1869, hum blestcottages. Thin fatuiliarity•With events transpiring in the different parts of the world 13:1113t have a tendency to oped the; minds of men and induce them to a breadth of thought and of views that cannot fail to benefit the rare. . .re,, power -to transmit enthitaimenis is no mean force. It is sometimes amusing and. sonketimes thrilling to .witness .how the pretes - few; a f, eling over this land— even in the trifling matters Of amusement. and fashion. lt - breathes on the - land a common purpose. We do net need now tq;kindle signal tires on I the moun tains to rouse the masses, for the first gut) against Sumpter has hardly ceased its echo before troops from' the Pacific are on their march to tilts rescue. • I think there is - else . a manifest im proierrient in the mentat paver of She pre as. Men went wild at first over - a cheap lit • ratnre, and thought anything that won'. interest the . mind could not but be of ‘ ,asitinrcheeetit.' Bet men have found out 1 hat it is net only-necessary to have an o • iortunity to say a thing, but It is 'quite * esSential to have something to say. • 4511,nt the n telegraph c was hiin laigdht thesewhen Atla was to be t a a glorious 'crease . in .kmowledge, but found that 1 when it was laid the. eople over the w • te-r.hadtDOthing more to say thaUbefor.. - - And I think 'right at this point .we : ..ave need of improvement. Little Ross p that dies in a . day does not amen • t to much. •Theie is some wisdom i • the provision of the. public libraries th , t will admit nothing that Moi been in pri'•t for fifty years. And Ido not think t l'e fathers need. to blush at - a comparison with this fast age.. Some of those old m :n that had few 'ldeas of soci or that • .Ver thought of revelocipede dreamedr of a telegraph; that grubedl out roots a • laid stonewalls - with their hard bron s'•cl . hands; they thought on the great q ;•stionssf free-will and foror-; dination au, moral responsibility. They had though a in theSr brains worth hand ling, and th' y ,were intellectual giants. Birt 'I t • unk there are • manifest signs of a r •action 'here: . The. press is • daily becorit ng stronger.. We ges from the press;as rule,better erticles,stronger editorials. • in -- editorials • have more power, with he masses than before the war. We h• •e more intelligent discus sions.of fore • n affairs, and the good side of journalis • i 3 becoming better. I do not propose to. discuss the Pittsburgh press. ! I tit nk we may congratulate otitselies th•t 'we make a fair showing with any • • 1 her city in the' Union. In the main the • are ably edited and deser. , vingoftt the people.. But there our jounaalivin • that 'common.. The press of It. I do not wish •ess in general terms aing-over which the Cl lent, in regard which oughts, aroused, and of '..eriOnvy_.of-tee.. ..latiblis ealt with all the mobs I refer to • the pared Unit is contiam ally a our /and. Du ring- the rebellion the press gained.: a circulation and power Unprecedented. The public mind was in a state of feverieh excitement. The progress of the armies, the accounts of engagements, the prospects of public af fairs, gave abundant material for its col umns. I But when the armies were dis banded and peaee came to the land, it was-ll:Mad advisable , to • hunt for sensa tional articles to keep up the demand. So revolting crimes were searched out of their hiding places and described in - all their revolting particulars. We have been treated to suicides; murders, de vices:Amity quarrels, street broils, con lideneo games, lynch mobs and police re ports in unlimited numbers. The public mind - was hungry for something and grasped greedily after theise things. And soon people began to wake up to the con scioniness that crime was fearfully on the increase. - We have heard much of the "age'of orime."- Now, I imagine that one of the strongest contributions to the increase 'of critne is this parade of. it In public print. There- is a tendency in vice to repeat itself. You cannot read the papers and not be impressed with this. A-suicide is fully recorded in the newspapers; and others follow with mar. velous rapidity.. Lis so with . divorces, so with murders, so with frauds and ein. bezzlements. These crimes seem to come in families, and- there. is apparently a connection. betiveen.them. And what a parade of vice is ma& in the papere. Take up the daily papers and you will find a long report of the police - items, and 'Very brief accounts or public chari ties'or personal benevolence. There aro papers Abet have eo tar pandered to this taste that they_have made these re ports of clime a speeialty,. and we have them pasted °lithe bulletin boards and the, street. corners, and illuStrated with frorgeous . wood .s.uta and adorned with taking titles. - ' you see young men gath ered, and .evert eliildrett looking ' with proverbar eyet• to . which t the-portr weaits do 'well to. .Th a takee heed, "Talk of the devil and he is Emil) toappear,!' or, as the Germans have it, "Paint the devil on - the wall and he will show himself anon." It is only an elm. phatie stalement of the results of-famil iarity with -crime, a statement too fully endorsed by the facts of our social life. The devil has been to faithfully painted, on the walls - of the imagination, and now he Is.shoWing himself in the lives of the people. ' There is -more importance- in this subject than.at first you may realize. Vise is ducting its way into all the circles of society.• .. 1, : . . - • . . Thisfamtlicirity tvith vice wil l intimately dispel all. di:squat al it. .This principle is one of the - most Common in our,.-es.peri once. You can suggest illustrations -,of M the fact that familiarity with - the ost re volting • scenes will modify our repug nance.. You may become-so accustomed to the ringingsof a - bell, the shriek of a whistle, the rumbling of the care; or the tramp of feet .as to be wholly unconscious of them . .You accustomed.becomem to the swell and the. rocking of. the - boat at .sea, so that you do !m t. realize the',.thotien. The p ysiolan comes to look Olt scones of physi ale gbring : Without that - horror that .• Il_possem 'one.'not- fatnillat with' than. now horrible,the theught - of war first se Med to-us.Whian thillate rebellion begati,l - but it came to pass that We could read _the, lent lists of the killed and , the wounded with comparatively little mite t ion.. And the soldiers thetuselVes became so familiar with the scenes of earn - age that they-could laugh and , chatiunder the fire Ofthe fee. siThere seems tube a.poWer in hiltnattinathre.to modilY its repugnance when prought into constant contact-with thinga.tha me disagreeablei s ' - ~ - • . • ' ~ : lioW,llet Man cultivate a morbid ca rioaltv.abo t crime; let him .. -. raad the pa. i 4, Pers, fa II efeenaation .details.in re 4 ard. to 14' let fir, voting man give, Illitplay.o tin imagination; let hili'mind :become-stored itli Ilia dating expk)Ltaarthe prominent , d villains. and the broad road to ruin is I paved smooth before him. His moral sense - la . gradually destroyed. He will tindhimself at, length inclined to follow the exatnples before him. He talks of the devil and the cid fiend anon sets face to face with him and claims to be a boon eornponion. And these newspaper ae counts of crime, so universally scattered over the cities and tbe country plactisore Idoing woeful things to destroy public conscience and to open the doors to mime. We do not want to know _these things, If the State has Aiundit It wise thing to prohibit public executions becauseof their evil tendencies, they ought to gcia step Ihrther and prohibit the accounts of them in the newspapers. If the . State feels the necessity to suppress the dims of infamY, we glory in the , faithful exequ tion of the law, but we do not care to have every den advertised for the whole city. We do takthink the doings of the police court need to be - Pilblished for the curiosity of the;evilminded, Talk of the Bevild and be will surely aPPear. There prond philosophy in the command of God to the Israelites, when thev went into the hind of Canaan. The land was , inhabited by idolators. They worshiped. their gods with scenes of cruelty, by acts , of bloodshed and. ,flebauchery, and 'Gard said: Dent. .12, 29. "When the Lord ,thy Gbd shall_cut off the nations from befo{o thee, whither thoti gees(' to possess theth, and thot7succeedest them and . dwellest in theirland, haze heed to. thyself that thou be not snared by following . them after that they be destroyed from.. before thee, and that thon inquire not after their saying." How did• these nations serve their Gods? God knew the. Constituthni of the human mind and that this mass of people coultl•not fanaillarlis themselves with these doings and these Impurities and not be degraded by them, and ,he commanded that they should not inqiiire anything in regard to them, lest with their 'moral natures contaminated by -the contact they should be degraded and en tangled In their doings. . We need to heed this•advice now, and not'enter Into the counsels of the w)eked,and stand not in the way of their doings.. Let their erica() rot in ignomy and - silence. .We not:want them held up In thefiices oaths • community. 2. Another era result r al thisinsnitiarify nigh vice - is sure tencleriCy deetroy al:fa:thin humenpurity.:You frequently hear men of some.,professions complain that they are brought, into contact with so much deceit, elmsion, cover reaching, and hypocrisy hi .men of high conven tional standing, that they- find a bailer unconsciously obtaining in their minds that all men are rasmls. And they come at length to look upon morality ass garb for rascality. Familiarity with, vice in such a case breeds contempt for virtue. You had better be deceived and be. robbed rebbed ef_senr_gold. - 41 0 "1-to - beltibri0 Or - r otir -- trun - in humanity. For, rest as sured; if yon believe the. world is fall false men and society thronged wit hypocrites, you will not long be content alone. to push your way against the stream Yon will giveyonrself away to be . drawn aside and dragged down by the powers of hell. God pity us when we coins to believe the world a great mass of corruption, and are ready to sit down and drift away with it into the vortex,of ruin. a. This familiarity with vice has all the degr.udeng tendencies of direct association. You will readily admit that a man cannot have boon friends among the lox. and criminal and not be affected by the association. "He that walketh with wise men shall be wise, but a companion pf fools shall be destroyed." That is God's law and you cannot avoid it. There is a desire in every man's heart to be ac cepted and admired in the society in which he moves. You all want some links of friendship. Your hearts send out tendrils and they will fasten some where. • Well, what is to be done? Who Is to blame? Who, must be responsible for these things—are our newspaper men meditating the scenes of this land In this way? You go and talk with them and they will tell yon that they are only sup plying a demand, and the responsibility is very far from resting wholly upon them. Where does the call for these things come from? Whe are curl otus about these matters of crime. I imagine if you could see the _names of the men that applied for lid mission to the Sheriff in the late execu- Hen in this county, you will find men of respectability among the nuniher—miin of moral standing. And when a prizefight has occurred, and the newsboys cry it through the streets,who buy the papers? Not the criminal and the depraved alone. There are some even within the pale of the Christian Church that are first to buy and eager to read. The press sup. plies a demand. And the first, thing is that there should be a public sentiment against this evil—a sentiment of moral men, of Christian, men. , Yon are the , men who support the press, not the de praved and ignorant. When newshoya cry "prizefights" don't buya paper, and Let t see how soon that will ap. Let there be a voice of dissent at this. and you may make it heard. • The small pox is delicious and the cho lera a luxury to the awful woes that are wrapped up in these obscene publica tions of the press. They ought to be slur pressed at once. and our journals ought to hear a voice from the people demad- Ing the ,cessation of these things. Di. Arnold, who has .had experience -with young men, deolareathat he does not be lieve any young man safe who simply maintains a moral deportment. He as aerte that a man rmust have a hate ihr wrong. A community Is not safe that tolerates these things, though it does net participate In them.- 'lt must have a hatred for wrong and a determination to • appmeas it. ` lhorit.—The abote embraces only se - lectionalrom the sermon, and Is neces sarily more or less disconnected in con struction.] —The attachment of case Cushi and others, own c ers m of the American ' ship Sangre, destroyed by the Alabama, against the proceeds of the pilze steamer Wren, , owned by Laird, the huilder br the Alabama, came up yesterday„ in the United States District Court at New York, Mr. Mallory, es -Confederate Seo rotary of the Navy, t appearing for Mr. Cushing, and the District Attorney and Mr.,Dookey for Mr. Laird. The decis ion is looked for as important in forth - lug a precedent with regatd to , sprivata actions on the Alabama claims. —The . Connectict Seate on Frday.... ratified the Fift eenth n 'Constituti i a- A.mendnient• by a vote of twelve il°1: 1111 t h. lican to five Democrats. Ttvo othaots. party were absent. MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers