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LONDON, May 7 .—There have been say ! eralbeavy rob oerl es ofarms, ammunition I&c., in various parts of Ireland during the 'past few days, At Itelfast a large quantity of arras were stolen last even ing. \Five - persons were arrested this • morning on supicion of committing the theft.l Dispatches from Cork mention the perpetration of similar outrages. There seems to be no doubt bat the cul prits belong, In every instance, toFeniati organizations. The police have been or lifted to exercise unusual vigilance. .—The wn Coun to. day adopted a 7 protestT o against the cil bill introduced in the Hotise commons disabling Mr. O'Sullivan. the present 'Mayor of the city, from performing the functions of a magistrate. They also re solved to engage coul to oppose the bill. Mr. O'Stillivan, Isannounced as a candidate for a seat in the House of Com mons from Youshall. LONDON, May 7.—The Times toyday has another editorial on the Alabameclaims. It says England endeavored to do justice to all parties during the late rebellion, and must decline to acknowledge any other motive for her action. She has • offered to submit to arbitration the clues _ ton whether she has been culpably neg ligent, but she cannot go further. Ex travagant misrepresentation Were neves. sacs to Ihrtrish the WWII for such a poli cy as is foreshadowed in Mr. Sutnner's speech. The Times concludes by assuring the Americans that it will prove a failure. The Tel also has an article on the same subject. It promises that England will 'an attentive ear to reasonable propositions, but will not listen to novel pretensions. If no solution is now prac ticable, she will leave the question at is sue to the infiuerces of tame and the maturejudgment of the American people for adjustment. Lotrobit. May 7-- Midnight.—The House of Commons has finished the considers • tion of the Irish Church Bill in commit tee, in the•Honse of Lords to-night the Marquis of Salisbury wanted to know if Her Majesty's Government endorsed the policy advocated by Mr. Bright, to the ,effect that the people muss be placed in possession of the land of Ireland in great numbers. He said the present uncertainty - as to the position of the government on the, land question was inturlous. Earl Granville, in reply,•said he must decline to' open the iquestion. A bill on the sub ject would be introduced at the next ses sion- of Parliament. He assured - the House that the government would main tain the rights of property. TURKEY. • CoNsTANTISOPLE, May 6.—On Wed nesday, May Oth, first day of Mahornme tati New Year, the Sultan, according to custom, received ministers of foreign powers. He made an address of a most pacific .character. He referred, with satisfaction, to" the favorable settlement of difficulties with Greece, the pacifica tion of Crete, and the friendly relations .of Turkey with all foreign powers. He said he should continue to insist in economy of the administration, the im provement of judicial procedure, the ex tension of the railroad syst3m, and the equal participation of all classes of his gribiects in the obligations and benefits of these reforms. The Cretan chieftains -have be.eu pardoned and set free. MADBID, 4.1.11 7.—ln the Cortea yea terday all the tith:endments to the re- liglous clauses of the constitution were rejected, and the clauses \ as they stood originally were finally adoßted. MADRID, May 7.—A Direc:ory is pronc sed, to consist of Serrano, River° and Closely!, with Prim at its head as Free .dent and Minister of War. 314111NE1 NEWS. elmmowrowx, May 7.—The stgamailiD 'Tarifa, from New York, as arrived.' PIRA RCI AL AND COMMERCIAL. • Lida lo N, May 7.—Consols for money '92x; am ( lunt 92X. Five-Twenty Bonds ,at London 78%; at Frankfort 8634 ® 86 :4- ErielBm ; llinois 96; Atlantic and great Wester Western 22L Stocks 7.—Cotton; dat. sales of the week 4; .000 bales, of whicn 7,900 were for expo rt, 'arid 3.000 on specula tion; stock. 362. 000 halos, of which 165,000 were:from the United States; :narket to day for Liver Cott o n quiet; middling . uplands lin I.ld, and Orleans 12d; • .sales -of Tpee bales. The market -for Tarns and tbrics at Manchester • benn7-" Wpm : d e white Wheat 9s. 4d, .; and red' weerE s : 7d. Flour—western -21 11. 6d. Oorn i7 s , , Oats Ss. 4d. Ba ley 59. .pe ss 8 8s. 6d. Pork 10 0 . •• Beef 90s. ',Lard eft . Cheese, /389. B 13°1511.° 60 & -Common 113- pr ve l n ee ß : k 41 9 n d. 4515. ; refined d d . . Tallow 439..9d, Loltnotr, May allo w 435. 9d. dined Petroleum ls. Bd. 8 lerm 011 100 s Linseed Oil X3O 10s. Liu,. ieed 5%. ad :Sugar 890.' on spot, and afloat 298 - 7 WERP, bitty 7--Pettulk _ "'" • Eutra, May T.—Bou rse ( „ q , t Bente 71 1kancir 89e. The Ballio'n erre `the Bank of Prance healn em** d 6,000 fr cs during the week" en"'" 'Thum y, May 7 E v ton is en ag , --001. Amster ut nominally unchanged, F REY/01i; May 7.—E en -closed AN at 86. vlll 9 *— l Thr se Southern Railroad ‘ProJect. , tßy Telegraph to the Ilttaborgb &et tt.t.j C kNOINZIATI, May 7.--The ruling topii, -of interest to-day has been the Southern Railroad. Gov. &sq., of South Cardlina, -is ex pected ed here to - morrow on business ine to the same. The City Council this afternoon appointed a :tall road Committee. To - morrow at ten A. ra. th e • Vint • Committees of the Council, Board of. Trade m i nd ea Com- imam will meet and h r e ave a talk with artmerottle delegates froti the Ekaith ID reference ,to:the n•p some."' the pbsto road. ." •'" • - • • 1 E 3 Reduction In Atlantie Cable Itatcs—Actor Arrested for Fraud—dlarshal Barlow Instructed to Look After Fllllbasteni-- Tnanksigiving Service Over Pacific Railroad Completion—Extensive Fire —Loss $150,000. lily Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] I NEw Yonu, May 7,.1869. The Telegrapher states, by authority, that the reduction on 'cable dispatches, for some time under consideration, his been decided upon, and - after June let ten dollars in gold will be charged for messages not exceeding ten words, exclu sive of address and signature, - and one dollar in gold for each word additional. A discount of fifty per cent. on the rates will be made on general and political news-dispatches to the press, but cipher and commercial news dispatches will' be charged at full rates. Egbert F. Teneyoke, an actor at Fisk's Grand Opera House, was arrested to-day charged with tg payment on twelve forged P ay m aste r 's checks for one hundred,dollars. Teneycke denied hay ing any knowledge that they were forged. He was held by Commissioner Osborn for examination in default of fiye thou sand dollars bail. The Convention of the Pheta Delta Chi Association was held at the Astor House to-day. About one hundred delegates and a large number of visitors were present. It was resolved to re-establish the Southern Chapters, which were bro ken up at the commencement of the war. The Association dined at the Astor House this evening. It is said Marshal Barlow has received a dispatch from Secretary Fish instruct ing him to use every precaution to pre vent the departure of any expedition for Cuba from this port. A fire this morning in the paint mann factory of C. F. Reynolds & Co., corner of Rogers avenue and Sackett street, Brooklyn, completely destroyed the fat. tory and a small frame dwelling ad joining. Loss 1 3 8.400. The fire originated from spontaneous combustion. Arrangements have been made for a special service in Trinity Church, to morrow noon, of Thanksgiving for the completion of the railroad , across the continent. Arrived, steamer Marathon, from Liv erTxml. The building, 67Reade street, occupied by Hall & Sanswiek, dry goods, and Ja coby's restaurant. was almost complete ly destroyed by fire this evening. The fire extended to 75 Chambers street, oc cupied by. Prescott & CO.. Peck & Ca mock, cutlery, and also to. 77 Chambers street, occupied by the Waverly Rubber Store, and Soulheim dr Co., fancy goods. It is impossible at present to ascertain the particulars in regard toinsurance, as the tire is still in progress. The loss will not fall short of 0160,1500. The Cuban Revolution. CR. Telegraph to It* Pitttturgb Gazette.] HAVANA, May 7.—The journals today publish accounts of several- engage ments between the troops under Count Valmaseda and the Culian forces, in all of which the Spaniards claim the victory. Capt. Gen. IDulce, accompanied by a battalion of - volunteers, will visit Ma tanzas on Sunday next. Sugar is firm with an Improved de mand; sales at 9 reals for No. 12. HAVANA, May 6, via HEY WEST. May 7 —A meeting of wealthy Suards was held at Government Palaee, a patt which the necessity of sending to Spain for more troops was suggested. Captain General Dolce, who was present, complained of the want of money. Insurrectionary demonstrations have, been made in the Vuelta Abale Legion. The mobilized negre troops at Nuevitas show signs of insubordination and threaten to rebel. • Advices from Sagna to the sth show that the rebels are operating around Remedios and" Lachica. Troops left Sagua suddenly for the in terior. Dates from Jamaica to the ist inst. have been received. Commodore Phil!. more will demand the release of vessels captured in British waters, the liberation of 'heir crews, and explanations and • in demnity from the Spanish authorities at Havana. He will also require an expla nation of the circumstances connected with the landing of Spaniards on British territory. If the reply tothese derdands is unsatisfactory, he will make reprisals. The Broadhead Murderer Captured, and Again Escapee. [From the Pittsburgh Medical News.) POUGHSEEEPSIE, May 7.—Brooks, one of the murderers of Theodore Brotulh.sd at Delaware Water Gap, who escapsd while awaiting execution, was caught five miles west of Tort Jervis, on, Wed nesday, by Mr. Laurant. While walking with his captor, Brooks suddenly plunged thirty feet down an embankment, again making his escape. Fresh pursuit was given. Markets by Telegraph, NEW ORLEANS, May 6.—Cotton in fair demand and stitfer; middlings 28%@p...8 3 34; receipts to-day,, 1,42.5 bales; for the week, 6,862 bales; exports for the week: to Great Britain, 11,206 bales; to the. Conti nent, 882 bales; coastwise, 619 bales; stock, 81,182 bales; sales for the week, 18,650 bales. Gold, 139 3 / 4 . Exchange sterling.lso%. Now York sight drafts % premium. Flour quiet; superfine $5,50, double extra 15,87, and treble do. 26,25. Corn—white 780. Oats scarce at 75c. Bran 21,20. Hay; prime 229®30. Pork nomi nal at $32,50. Bacon—retailing at 13%@ 17%c. Lard—tierce 18344519 N keg 1936 0)20e. Sugar dull; common 9 3 / 4 c, prime ~12%@123 / 4 0 . Molasses-=tormenting 50@ 55e. Whisky 85®9043., -toffee; fair. 15%c, prime 17%c Crizaaao, May 7.—Everang.—At < the open board in the afternoon there was a fair demand for No. 2 spring wheat, and the prices were firm and'higher, the market closing at 21,15 cash, and $1,18%, sellers for the month. Other grains dull and unchanged. In the-evening wheat• was a trifle higher, No. 2 closing firm at $1,1314 ®l,l3gr o sellers for the month. Corn and and Oats ac unchang e in d tive. Lake freights quiet . . • BALTIMO/IE, May 7.—Flour nominal. W'heat steady and unchanged, Corn lak; sales of white at ?.,4®Bsc, And 'yely ..t •at 88®90c. Oats lima at 74®78,6 for te and heavy. Rye unchanged* Ella, pork Quiet at 3 28 , 7 E03400. Baechl "Lma, rib sides 165,10, clear aides -17%0r ief4 - 'erSl4X(4l4Mo.hanis2o@2i.s quiet sib I.,ve. sacra t 19;ic. Whiskey firm stvowoo. ondlll . 1 NEW YORK CITY. P BURGH. .SATURDA SECOND INTIK FOUR O'CLOCK A. M. TEE CAPITAL. Regulations for Refunding Tax to Non / Residents, etc. Special Revenue • Agents—Parewell of Peruvian I ter—Appointments by the President— ' Proposals by the 'government for the IPurchase of Pive..TwentJes —:Texas Boads--East India Telegraph: Cont pang. I (By TelegFaph to tbe Pittsburgh Gazette.] WARRINGTON, May 7, 1869. •REGITiAATIONEI FOR RRFUNDTICG TAX. Regulations are being prepared by Solicitor Smith, of the Internal Revenue, fixing the kind and amount of proof re quired from railroad companies, corpor ations and individuals who have been taxed as non-resident aliens, under a provision of the Internal Revenue act -Which was repealed March 10th, 1866, and who now apply to have the amount of tax which was with held while the act remained . In force refunded. The nature of the proof required will be the affidavit of the claimant, attested by an additional affi davit frOm some other responsible party, and a certificate of the Consular Agent of the nearest port to which the claimant belongs, that he is a non resident alien. EAST INDIA TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Gov. Curtin, President of the East In dia Telegraph Company, and A.K. Mc- Clure, Solicitor of the corporatio, had interviews with the Secretaries of State e irt Company have a grant, procur b and Navy to-day ha relation to the tro duction of telegraphs into China. The y Mr: Burlingame, when he was the American Minister in C ina, l as ing authorizing them to lay a cable bet een Canton and Shanghai, thus conne g the commercial cities of the Asiatic t by telegraph. They have five hnn red miles of cable ready to ship and lay d we,. and will have the remaining live hun red _miles ready to ship during the Sum er. Orders will be issued to the commander of the Asiatic squadron to render, all necessary aid and protection. he State Department will instruct lour Minister and Consuls to give their official aid to the enterprise. This line will be completed during the , present year and by that time there will be a continuous line ir-m the Mediterranean Sea by India to Caine, thus connecting the commercial cities of the Asiatic sat with Europa and America. ' APPOINTMENTS. . The President has made the following appointments: Jas. B. Yet:taw-Pe .04* Agent; Dubuque, Iowa; Dirarn Giddi gs, Pension Agent, Fort Wayne, Ind.; G. M. "Fan Buren, Pension Agent, Invalid Agen cy at New York; John G. Blackwell, Alabama; E, M. Gregory, Marshall of the ' Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Collectors of Internal Revenue: Chas. IC. -Walcott, Seventh - District, Ohio; Geo. f. Dakin, Ninth District, Ind.; Jesse Dq k, Seventeenth District, Ohio; Jonathan . Willis, Thirteenth District, Ills.; G. Hencierlite, Eighth District, Va. As sore of Internal Revenue: Michael Se ta lon, Third District, N. Y.; Adams lie - kirk, Eighth District, Tenn. 1 TEXAS 502CDS. - The Secretary of the Treasury to.d y paid to Judge Paschall, Attorney or Texas, two of the indemnity bonds e la braced in the great suit of Texas agal st White, Childs and other& Judge P B ehan has oarninencsd suits against t e First National Bank. of Washington f r the recovery of large amounts of th bonds not included in the original suit to the Supreme Court. It is his intention to pursue all persons in England and in America who have converted any of these bonds. *The bhuda are now useless to the holders, the Court having decided that they are not negotiable unless en dorsedi 1 • SPECIAL REVENUE AOENTm. The first two appointments of special Customs Agents Icy Secretary Bontwell were made yesterday. and are Frank E. Howe, for Bighttl Customs District of New York, and Jno T. McLean, for Second District at this Francisco. Other appointments in this branch of the Treas. ury service will be made today. GOVERNMENT, WILL PURCHASE BONDS. The Seeretary of the - Treasury win purchase Five-tWenty bonds to the amount of a million of dollars each week, and has directed the Assistant Treasurer at New York to receive pro posals therefor. The £3ecretary of the Treasury has selected all the special agents to.be appointed by him. • TRH SOUTHERN TOURISTS. COl. 410. W. Forney, Goy. Ward, of New Jersey, Gen.' Van Wick, of New York, and Mr. Lloyd, of the Committee which has been\ travelling South for some weeks, had an interview with the• President this a ft ernoon concerning what they observed white on their trio to the Southall.). country. • UNION LEAGUE DELEGATION. The Alexandria Union League sent a colored spokesman to the President this, morning*, to ascertain when a delegation of the League may, have a conference with him relative to,. affairs In Virginia. The President consented to see them to, morrow. THE PERUVIAN /SINISTER. The Pcruvian Minister' Garcia - took leave ol the President this morning in'a farewell speech. The Presiden t, ll:cranky, hoped the friendly relations would (*a ttune between Peru , and- this country. Secretary Fish accompanied the Minister. ADJOURNED SINE DI . 'The Dyer' courtrnartial has adjourned sine die. General Thomas left yesterday for San Francisco and Genera, Terry,for Atlanta. The finding of the Court has not yet transpired; • EASTERN DISTRICT MILIWITALSIEM A large number of applications ',have been received, both personally and by letter, for the vacant Marshalab* of the I:3ittern District of Pennsylvania. rammer; ormtnr. Trev.itt, of New York, has , becn altiolgted Chief Clerk of the Pension Barean. f .; • RETURNED TO DUIT. Atto'rue.t. ,General Rear, returned to ivish,thgton• tide enerniug mid inks ode tiiidlattoihe ilutieso4his oat oe . , 14 4 .' CITY AN!► SUBURBAN. nited States Court—Hon. Wilson Mc- Candlas. FRIDAY, May 7.—The case of the United States va. John Bandies, previously re ported, was . resumed and concluded. The jury not having agreed upon a ver dict until after Court adjourned , it will be rendered Saturday morning on the opening of Court. The Grand Jury found true bills in two cases against Wm. Hays, charged violating the provisions of the law relating to distilleries. - United States_ i t j The May ten, of the United States Circuit Court commences on Monday morning, May 10, at 11 o'clock. The following cases are on the list for trial: B. C. Quimby vs. A. C. Sturgeon. E.' S. Pike vs. Erie and Pittsblirgh Railroad Company. R. A. Gregory vs. G. R. Gray, G C. Prather, et al. olon vs. Jno. R. Hunter, et Mo. First National Bank of Chicago vs. Gr: Hook and Jessie Goruon Reynolas & Kauffman . vs. Galway. L. C. Jones, Assigneee, etc., vs. A. 'D Black et al. W. L. Gould vs. Jas. Reese. Win. Stilt vs. A. &F. Hudikofns. C. Moran vs. City of Pittsburgh. - Cherryßun, Oil Creek and Allegheny Petroleum Company ve. W. L. Cleveland et al. Miss Dargeeei Rai ding , • Miss Aug ustall. • Dargov's reading at thd'Aeademy ofliensie dreez together cos of the largest and mast intellbctnal au diences of the season, and if we are to judge from the frequent manifestations of isppLausie which. rang through the ' hotis el e at the- proper times, Ater - hearers rraeyenlayt appreciative, tiv 111 h a er The w hii r d oi y e ',cor a.. reader, and in. al} of her renditions. , displayed that rare and charaeter-• laic genius , - which. has anade her p ., avoid ula for ce deatrical circles. She is ofaffectation, and in her native grace and delicacy incieevely gains her-way into the hearts of her auditors. In.the interpretation of characi erwhere great power la-needed; or in the transi tion to the tenderest and sweete st burets of pathos which• bid! tears rather than start the blood tingling and thrilling through the veins, Idies•Dargon is equally aehorne. She uses flue taste in the se lection of the strong points of her shetch, 1 ergehlite judgment in executing them. and marvellous adaptation in aleading together In one pretty picture of lease or esetry all that is worthy and strtking in , the conceptionof the author. She hairnet `l ea mist& e ein at:widening the , boards I -.. Dletrlet Courn....tudge klepatrlck. for the rostrum.. Sheyraced the /Mantra . Faina.V, May 7.--In thecaseof Preston as leading ladyl, . shining conspiouansly et al. vs.;Hogg es al., previouslyreported, forth to adorn and elevate her profession, verdict f a r plaintiffs. but her iunbitiorrlaid in , another diree- Spencer„.Moliiay &Co. vs. Welsh. Ao. don and with her vigorous will,' ffrm . purpose and degidect« ability, she must lion on a book account to recover the , value of a lot of, ale sold and delivered. :tend will carve her way high among -the Verdict for plaintiff s In the sum of ;few Snished renders- now before the .148 50. ' • merican public. We wish her success. --....--- - , lady so refined, cultdred, dignifted Commoh Pleas Courtindge • Sterrett. 'a d pure, and peesessing so large a share Face. May. 7.--The case of Stern dr of suture ' s richest endowments, genius. !i ll and ?ability, is worthy the place her was re sumed. Stein vs Saint Juror withdrawn acid Saint et. a 1.., previously reported, • • friends so ardently desire that she shenki weepy in the estimation of learned clause coutlnuedat cost of plaintiff. , Courtney vs. Cassidy. Action ,on a., lovers of the line arts. promissory note.. Verdict for plaintiff in. the sum of .1,142 81. Hewson, White & Co. vs. Jackson a al. Action matt. promissory note. Vet -, diet for jAalutill in the sum of .2,588.2,5. Rod o Spencer. Action of tree pass v il e tarrnie for damages. Defendant i 3 is propri tor of a hotel on Second ave nue, wh re, it appears, the plaintiff was acting i a very disorderly manner, when de endant ordered him to leave the house, which ho refused to do, where upon it is alleged, defendant made an assault dpon him and forcibly ejected turn fro the premises, and in dolug, so, it is elle Ed, used. more 'force than was really n‘eesaiiry. The jury, however. were not f that opinion, and foun d for the defen ant. , , Achen itch vs. Helvetia Building and Loan , -,.. iation. Motion for a. new trial and &woes died. iMageo • De Knight. &I fa on amort gage. PI tiutiff held a mortgage given by defeu. ant in which there want, con dition co . seguent, that if the interest wee not .aid promptly when due the entire a ..unt of the principal and inter est shoe d become due and (reflector bib. Def. ndant failed to pay one install ment of i terest • when it became due, and the 0 ortgage was left by plaintiff in thhan , of his attorney tor collection n der the condition named. The !N IP ing ,• y, howeVer, and before suit was broil! ht to recover the money, de fendant w :tit to the attorney's office and i t paid the Interest and received a receipt therefOr. The attorney receivingthe in terest alleges that he was under tale fin. pression that Mr. Magee, the plaintiff, had agreed with defendant to receive the interest alone, aud had sent hint there to pay it. Defendant held that the payment of the interest before snit was brought or even a tender of it was a ter to the action. The Court instructed the jury to . Lind as to whether plaintiff's attorney received 'the money under a misunderstanding, and reserved the question as to whether 'tender or payment before suit was brought was a bar to the action. Rohe jury found for the plaintiff in the sum of $3,027,80, with costs of suit; inolu d lug live per cent. attorney's commission. eittrjeet to the question of law reserved bythe Courti and further. that plaintiff's attorney was not induced by statements made by the defendant to receive the in tenet due, as alleged by plaintiff. Calhoun & Co. vs. McKim & Co. MO lion for a now trial and reasons Med. H. F. Cline Ira. Hartltird life Insurance Company. John P. Loop vs. Conattyof Allegheny. Martha Mawhinny et at. Nrs._J. Rlnieger e tal. A. V. MeKeel vs. W. L. Wharm. Josiah B. Evans vs. Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad Company. J. B. Jones vs. First National Ban Clarion. Dobbin vs. County of Allegheny. A. W. Marlien vs. City of Pittsburgh J. T. , Worth vs. County of Allegheny. EQUITY LIM G.C.Vincent et al. va. Thos. /6;r:let al. H. B. Goodyear, administrator, et al. vs. J. J. Seymour. Same vs. Samuel Musser.. Same vs. Jaeob A. Rohrer Pennsylvania Salt 'Manufacturing Co. vs. R. W a W. J. Snodgrass. Same vs. James Mills et aIL John B. Sutton vs. T. C. Joy. J. R. Smith et al. vs. W. Frazier et al. E. A. L. Roberts vs. Reed Torpedo Company et al. H. McDonald et al. vs. J. J. Ben nett et al. John S. McMullen et al. - os. J. Bar_ . clay t al. W. shoun et,ul. vu. Fred. Crocker. DeuUstry. If yon need the services .of a dentist, go to Dr. Gillisnie. Re'is always in the aivance with every improvement in his profession—furnishes the best artificial teeth, at the lowest prices; always aims t 3 give satisfactioo to- his numerous ' pa trons, and not willing to take their money without giving an equivalent, bat ever ready to bestow, 4ny attention, for the comfort of his patronsp never gives the cold shoulder •to anyone.tt4-: cause their:bills are imid:tat is °mutts one and kind to all. Gives the-iMprov ed langthr gas, Which bft.,lvarrAnts .r; fact. safe in every qf+l4l,- ogge. , - 1111 UM TEE COURT& )Ircult Court—Judge Me. Candles% After along negotiation, the conductor conclttded to take the car and its passen gers into. the city, as a special favor, and upon the payment of fifty cents by esett. and every one thereof, Of course the money was paid, and all got safely hoaae, but—. Will the mere fact that a man is an officer of the Pittsburgh and East Lib arty Railway Company, hereafter, be con sidered cone/us:v.lproof tnat he tells the trutbt . - Pelson tor Dogs. _ The Disparch takes sides with the Phsr in the advocacy of poisoned sausages for dogs4aimilia, Omnibus, curauter. Wick ed Diipatch! Weary peccavi, and pron.A Ise to. offer an ordnance in Council which shalt make the dogs of Pittsburgh tremble, and render their keeping as troublesome as that of a wife and ten children, but'Please good Misters, kind ffra, let the dogs have their day 'until their sacred liberties may be legally cur tailed: In the meanwhile, let us say, if any man poison your dog shoot him (410 dog) on the spot. Better that hc(die than linger in his agonies, and better that he die anyhow-, for he is a pitiful' dog who can't wag his tail with impunity on tne streets of hia native Coliblen. A huckster's wagon passing along Market street, last evening, jcollided witli"an obstrliction in the way of a mar , ket stand at the northeast corner of the Diamond and Market street, turning over the stand and strewing the vegetables in :grand profusion over the street. The stand capsized was located at the cross ingat the corner named, and obstructs boaQueenswre.—Au article we can guar. ono.half the footway. By what antee to genuine imported ware, and, authority are the streets and, sidewalks at such a price Mitt all classes can buy. l obstruoted by these market stands? The All we ask is for to call antkaattini ne free Mayor:has the. ower to keep the streets and we will prove that they aiegenuine. from all such obstructions, and we Don't forget the place. Beggs & McGraw ' , hope he will thatritet his °lacers to do so. No. 10 Diamond, Allegheny. • Amusements. OPERA. ROUSE.—HIMIpty DllMpty is having *'n excellent run. It is well put on the kuirds, and as a result has sue ceedeil perfettly. This afternoon a grand Matinee for Ladies and children will take place at two , o'clock, Special arrange ments hive been made for this Matinee, which will douLtilees be largely patroLk. zed. Pirrenunori r innamaz. —.The new troupe at this establishment succeeds in attracting . large .andiencea r which is a pretty good et-Wants of the character of the entertainment .6:matinee haw been arranged for this afternoon, with an en tire change of programme. The entire company will appear. Go early. fifE RuMEGADE 0P TEX POTOMAC.-- 'lle Academy of OS hiondity night, is to be the acene of the first rep resentation of this .nativonal drama. The committee having the engagement in. charge have spared no pains in making. their arrangements, and we hope they will be amply rewarded' for thenrlaborah. TER Ittnszum.—liew attractions al-- Most daily fat the Museum the only' establishment of its character in the city. ";/ An instrActiVe entertainment, worthy of - 4tenaive patronage. ~11".cionic Dam,. —To-night Evvrett, the great illasionist and presciiiptator, will give his farewell performance. Aside from the meritorious .character of the entertainment several valuable presents' will be dietributed, and the purchascr of a ticket stands a chanal of having - bin money returned•with manifold inter-ast. ; • A Complaint. Missits, Ebrroßaz The Pittsburgh and East !Liberty Railway Company haw re liable and tinfthful officers. If any one doubts it, lot him read and be convinced. Last 'evening was the occasion of a grand exhibition of tableaux vivanta in X.iist Liberty, and in order that Pittsburghera might safely attend it, application was made to the officials of that Company for a car, or cars, to Pittsburgh after theoon chudon of. thtentertainment. The President of.the Road, as I aui.in fbrmed, positively promised that a car should be sent through• to Pittsburgh, startingtmnscdintc/y atter the entertain meat. It was so announced it the even jing pavers, and relying on the• good faiths of the Company, Pittsburghers went:out to the tableaux. Mark the sequel, stated in few words. The exhibition closed, at a quarter , past ten; One car started from East Liberty at elevon; it reached Oakland, and the con ductoy announced that *, to car sthopped now, and you 'um' till hay to• vatic:" And this not to men alone, but to deli cate ONE WHO. WAS Tlfint.E. =I s - • - • ___._ ... ._. ..., _.... Oi Interest to Every One. We were surprised to learn how great a number of persona require the care of a Dentist, wad never fully realized it, un til we called at the Steam Dental Estab lishment of Dr. J. Scott, 278 Penn street, and saw the crowds that . made demands upon his valuable time -and services; But we are no! surprised to learn that ibe Doctor's business, although very large, is yet steadily increasing, for we knew n u n to be at the head of his _pro fession in this city, and a thorough Den tist, as well as a courteous gentleman; and, in connection_ with these facts, we may state that he has earned the reputa tion of inserting the very best artificial teeth that can be manufactured. For im itation of the natural organs, life-like ap pearance, together with the natural ex pression they give the lips and face; and last, but not least, . for masticating the food, hisiwork cannot he excelled. Many Dentistecan put up beautiful specimen cases who fail to give their patients teeth that Amy can eat with, for the simple rea son that they know not hew to articulate the teeth r eo that they will beat replace Itbe lost ones: It is just here that Dr. liScott succeeds so well. He is quite an , artist in his line of baldness, and haw 1 1; merely to examinee mouth,to know how _ to arrange the , teeth so that while pre senting a natural • appearance, they will masticate the food thoroughly. The Doo tor is called upon every week in cases where oilier Dentitft have tried, beenpafd and failed, and in- every case hie work gives entire satisfaction. His prices are , lower than those of any Dentist in the city, and it would be better for - those of nil* reader!) who want teeth, to callupon Dr. Stott in the first place, and thereby save time and money. We would also assure those who are suffering with diseased or unsightly teeth, that . they can be extracted without the least pain or deleterious consequences. Dur-. ing a practice of near thirty years, the Dr. has administered pure sulphuric ether to ovna TWENTY, THOUSAND persons, for the painless extraction of teeth, without, o injury resultingin a single case. On the , contrary, be can refer to numbers of Mai' patients ) who claim to lave been bene fitted in renewed- health. So fear no longer—enffer no , longerbut call at 278 , Penn street, and get relief. Read! Read:•ReadS Tobias sells brown• Garibaldi and Bis marck Pants and Vest at 57' 'Tobias sells Badness Sults at 510. Tobias sells brswn, blue and black Chesterfletd at $lO 50. Tobias sells new style- Walking. Coat a7s7 00. Tobias soils light spring - Overcoats from. s s lipwards—very cheap, Tobias* sells Blacit Snits- for $l2. Tobias sells-Melton Suits for. $l5. Tobias sells black Dress-Pants for $5. Tobias sells black:Dress Vest for 152'50.. $2Ol 'l4sbias vale fi ne Clergymen's Stlts for._ •• - - 'lbblas sells-Patetat Street N , osta,foir Tablas sells Hkrziii" Casehnere for ;10 50. Tablas sells- new Style Bey'S Suits at. b al Pprice. spring at Tobias Willa- all wool , Boy's Snit for - nbias sells- blue,. black and brown Clob Sacks at $B . 80. Tobias sellaSilk mined Suits at $l4. With choice assortment of seleoted. styles of Piece Gooda i .to be made up to order by competent% and experienced: cutters and workmen. Don't fail to find th e. r' e popular place and, number, 13 St. Clt. • The Keystone Pottery. Ibis salami enterprise is se quickly rewarded as In the case of the Keystone- Pottery. ,Establishing it in a commit nity, where all articles of queensware of good quality were imported, and the im prassien existed that no home manufac turer could sticeeed.in this line, the pro prietors of the "Keystone" by , careful attention to. businuss ind indefatigable earn; to manufacture a superior article, have in a comparatively short space of time, produced a quality of goods which are recognized by their numerous purchasers as- fully equal to the best heretofore imported., and much lowerin price. 'The warehouse. No. 363 Liberty street, is well stocked withia full line or these goods, which' will bear the closest Inspection, and be found all that is rep_ represented:. Orders addressed to S. M. Kier & Co., proprietors, will receive prompt attention. A Night Attack. Yesterday morning, about one o'clock, Christian Miller and Michael 'Yeager, residents on Second street, Third ward, Allegheny, aroused. the neighborinxid by getting into a row in front of Yeageetires idence. •Yeager, it *ls said, getting the worst of the light, stepped into • hla house, and - procuring a rifle discharged it at his opponent. The ball fortunately missed the mark, but the firing awakened a number of persons An the. vicinity, among whom aas Alderman Bolster. The Alderman, upon learning the state of affairs,`called upon the night police, who succeded, after eouslderablo trouble, in arresting Yeager, who was taken to the magistrates office, where Miller lodged an information against him for felonious assault. -He was held in the sum or one thousand dollars for a hearing. Rowdyism. Yesterday afternoon a number of youths; ranging in ages from sixteen to eighteen years, tidying imbibed a quanti ty,of fighting whisky, which they ob tained at one of the low doggeriea with which the city is disgraced,' attacked, a colored man on Federal street, Alleglte ny, and beat him In a shameful Inanner. The victim, after esciiping.,from their clutches, called at the hiappr's office and lodged an information against the ring leader of the party for assault and bat tery. Warrant issued. • ;. Obituary.—At Burlington, lowa, yes. terday, Mr. Waiter Bateman, member of the firm of E. Edmondson & Co., uphol- Moran, Third avenue, this city, depart ed this life. He was widely known and respected, and his death will be :de plored by a large number of warm and devoted pens:mai friends. T. TOI3IAB.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers