II II sA.k.tali) e , ttriisitu 1014:131N:411 -1 1 1:43341ukc of Ifontpenisier,hal!Volrn gray,' 1.. , ,-.••- 'i • . -the . Worrell sisters have qmatcled (andlited. • ; • -abhor/ ; Colenso has written a icip - i t book pn the Pentateuch. ' , -The owner of Marehall Btown's pups, returtis an income of 01,000, -;Aufaiit;which perambulates Chicago; has loot its' head-and no wonder. I - 7 What a6rt of ham is most like an ill• fitting waist-coat-A Westiailure.--.Am. They say it With A. Oakey Hall who' called :umiak doctorel_iPer, pf the. =ma tation. 44exclias4e Btl***tthe/teeth of Indies decay early, On , i4qiuit if;r4 swe:of their months4G'.' • what . Bowers was play= intin liouton last ,ireefs, Mrs. B. ought not•Vritilo Bostonians. • tit ' lisishie.breasted Waistcoats have , '',ifippessred in New York, and • are - . 4 o.o , *bligers of Spring. —An alivertisement in an A.ustra!ian Pairinites proposals - from clergymen os "for, ma two or more couples." --The:Boston Post says "the velocipede_ mania *already on the wane." .130 it is here—that Is if you call a bicycle a wain.. -A s nexehunge thinks the temperance people should take Charge of the money , questiou; tue money *now so'-frequently tight. - .. —A Volume of smoke does not tweets sal* apcompany all light rending, but will if you turn the wick 4:Ynni:Oading lamp too high up. —Wasliington is to, ; iave a fine large hotel.:for .colored people s , .We seppose only tvihite- waltee and chambermaids will be employed. —The names of - 4e;:biide's•maids, groontit,usen sah gentlemen ushers am now Ind on the same card with those of the bride and groom: • —Magsachusettslager beer is not intosti. cutting. „The Senate-bas &creed it, 'and thosepersons who'indulge in the use of that beverage thankfully acquiesce. , —One of the away troops of origLnal Christy minstrels is, maw performing in Soutif (l l4 t ica, wice it will probably derive many new ' and original n • anti:dashes. • ' 4ePtiorth Dixon,', at the ,Dia banqttht,said that 'As banquet is a very nobit, pastime," and the Sorosis of New York seem to agree with him as they pass a great •deal of their time In that way. —A. New York physician reports A curious 'cilia of a dog, which had just died, having-fresh blood pawed into the carotid. The dead animal revived, on his feet, wagged his tail and lived ov twelve hours, when he died again. —George Francis Train may get . self' into trouble again. He recenti called Adam (Eve's hnsbatidj a sn a 3 several of that gentleman's descen - nts are still living and may object to this kind of aspersion of , one of their most re nowned ancestors, George F. may 24 himself involved in a suit for slander of libel. -Francis W. Goddard, lately a captain in a Rhode Island regimen; has written a letter to little Senator Sprague, which he closes with these words: "It remains for me to pronounce you before 1 the world, slat- with a full apprehension of the words I use, a \ liar, a calumniator . . , , and a rioltroon." When - se ' little re mained to be said, we : Mb:110v; God- dard might have finished it all • TV in 66 job. ; . • • ' 1 —On the 11* of April Mr. indictor., P. 0. Wales visited Sebasthicaand the.Abaa• It is suggested that Mrs. , Wales might have said' "Albert, what is the difference between your royal mother and'this little stream?" Being naturally polite, Albert might have given it np, and then with that indeicribable and bewitching little . air of triumph, which only a woman can assume, his beloved sponse would have said " because her Majesty is grandma as well as ma, and this little stream is Alms.r '-• , —On Saturday we saw four policemen, not, iii* the Strand, bat OILS' verypram. anent street, the policemen were. hugely enjoyiiii,tbe ;, troubloatiflaily In trent, i W ho? was laming, ahead to avoi ~ the it .iarrchr which irsiiiiiiftv t ,g , her. - -At iength,she,c4verateiY, .Z., into the etreti,'lnd theiohtiltdditd laugh% wheeThewewer )" 1 4 Plalefil by, . thus I t obising* ..thof tour gebtleinen ' d of theiripawment. .Three, or four fine looking fellows in aelatinifonnsiparad. ing arm in anima the avenues; lei pretty: sight, but the, neanatal ~ waged, would have been hat-PertiellT rafirrtol if one of the group had forted that' hanklay wheelbar rarmo either into the street where se. tielonied, or t'ollie station house, where emahirre been , acCommodated. ;We have often spoken of this nuisance' be fore, and: siokll probibly have to do so alaila; as 'it Is condontly - forcing itself upon oar notice. • ; A Tzzaa paper observett . - "The price Of Indian scalps has advanced sin the netoribue outlaw • Glaiton - niade=ii ' con tract'irith the authorities of Chihli huts Mexico; to furnish them at 110 per • . ead, and attempted to ring MericaDA iPs ,atat the - same price. - Worrell Buck y 4 , Botquo nounty c htlwritinif to,a, niter pan,ot.Coralcana, says, a ßur Pr slooohiPi been made uP or the sea of each and - every Indian or thief kill n that section. RIME Prayer by Telegraph. The. Concord sage has suggested that the electric wire is about to heumonize all religions, and do away with- every ridic .tious tradition.. It is to be the universal medium by which , all creation may 'com pare notes at once, and out of the multi tude of opinions bring , the correct one. We have also • been told that love letter telegraphing is quite popular England and France; and one case is on record in this country.where a whole 'cotirtaktip was carried on in that way. But the most peculiar and astounding ,phase of tele graphic beneficence is the appeal whicha correspondent of the /mono/ of the Tele grok makes, that we may have "prayer by telegraph." He_ proceeds at some length to develop his idea, which is that non-church goers alight be hit in this way; and smitten to the heart. To pope larize prayer' is his aim. Tee news. paper, he thinks, should have an especial , prayer column. Why - not ? Beecher, under that system could pray, as well as preach, 'not merely to lathe Plymouth Church. congregation, but to the whole Englieh 'Peaking world. Prayers could not conscientiously be sold like sermons, • they are; or ou,ght to, be; voluntary soul' utteranCeSiand would.thusbeliftedshove. the range of the vulgar competitiork of the religionspresa, and free as the water iire,t ) 4 1 $7 8 PriNif‘aci qra B l9 its,Pob- Pemisyivania Postmaster, Appointed. Rimersburg, Clarion county—J. B. Wick, vice R. Callahrin, removed. Ball Creek, Mercer county—v. B. Wil- Ban* vice R. B. Coulter, resigned. Titusville Clearfield county—Jrl.9•Car lisle, vice C: Weaver,• removed. Wattsbmg, Erie cotatty-11.Vananden, vice W.W. Davis, removed. Prospect, Butler county—C. C. Belli. van, vice J. K. Kennedy, resigned. • Watsontown, Northumberland county -. 1.• L. Wagner, vice Philip Shay, re • Angliwyck Rills, Huntingdon county Peterson. vice W. Price, resigned- Plummer, -Venaugo county—A. S. Prather, vice W. Alden, removed. Masontown, Fayette county—James Bradley, vice Alex. Mack, removed. Summer. Hill, Cambria county—John Brown, vice J. D. Plummer, nmoved. Martinsburg, Blair county—Sallie Sny der. vice Lydia A. Gibbonay; removed. Dudley, Hturtingdon county—john S. Rainy,. vice Wm. Brown, removed. .Huntingdoni-J county-. H. Xennedy, vice E. P. Walker, re moved. East. Greene, Erie connty--Geo. Cor bin, vice Smith Corbin, deceased. McKeatt's Old Stand, Westmoreland county—Mrs. M. N. Yont, vice Wm. Ruff, removed. AN INCIDENT OF THE FLOOD IN ILL/. IC - OIL-Mr Rouse and his wife, living on the Rochester Road, near Sugar Creek, came into the city on Sunday, last, but owing to the severe rain storm remained in the city until the next morning, leav ing at home three children, one. or them a young man of about sixteen .or eighteen years of age. On Monday morning Mr. Rouse started home r and on arriving in the vicinity of his ..residence found that his dwelling was surrounded , with water, the creek having risen, rapidly during the night." He succeeded in 'reaching his hotule by swimmine his horse a portion of the dietande across the bottom land. On arriving at the house he found his chil dna all safe, but very much frightened, . being unable to escape from ,their pleasant situation. Fftlingit unsafe to , remain in the house,, House,tore tip , the chamber floor ofitis Con stru-cted a raft from the boards; and . on this his fondly took pa aaaje , and forts, nately landed safely on dry land.-- Bpripgftskl (11t)' Bepubldeao be T n- I oDraIZtaAtTEl R E NaALisY e appears S w v n e . The criminal code of that country, adopted in 1884, reduced the offences punished by deithfrom 88 to a very few crimes, such as murder and 'robbery with ;'violence.' Besides, the - Judges can substitita penal servitude for. hanging. Since 1868, . only seven ,persons have. been eXcPfitted t .81 have been condemned to capital punish; meat, and 285 to penal servitude for life. No executions have taken place- during the last two years, 'though a number of persons are lying in' prison under sen tence,of•death. The ob., ect in.not 'death warrants for:these convicts appears to be a desire- to aseertaln whether public security will be promoted by an abolition of the death penaly before formally pass lug a law to' that e ect. Extextertory from <Eneland to the United States, it is reporU l here. after bisysternaticidty or d. in g members of the Eng trade unions, sided by liberal capitalists and politicians, it is stated, have turned their attention'to emigration as a means of relief for- the Operstives. The spinners and miner* now on a strike 4111 be aided to emigrate, a eomitilttee of three or live W of the /- ing working tell are about coming to i thi United *41044 9btain.l44mntion. and On their *tint to to Englind a Bureau of Emigration in London. .71 , ... , :: , '. , The oldesYthieltdOwt - to tati : *lige - is the Great Dragon tree of Orotolni,' Ten ail% Ifidth - wes blown down by's. btu • rictane a few mouths since. 'lt . liras ' a ' Mataly uievieTenti or eighty ".feetlhigh, D. 402, and - fan early as." A. so. old :'-and remarkalft a tree then as to excite partiO ' tiler noticejuld care for its • preservation. When it wandedieled it wastelieved to be not lees than '5,000 years old.. On the banks-of. the 'Senegal river, in Africa, there ate, or,Were i 1748, trees growing silty or eighty feet 's WO, and some thirty feet in diameter, which were estimated by Adanson - the French .naturalist; to be over 5,000 years old. They are known as the Baobob, otAdansonia. The Eng lish yew is another , Very long-lived tree. T ere are numbers of these trees it Eng faroanmdl,B4c°ootitano 3 11 ,000 111k,i itiri ere aa beiteled ..ik cy: s tree in 4:*tice, .Ilietfico :which forty Eng le feetiz i kheight, 118 14 t' llllll43 clrctilitt uredi :; "s 'and ,hicli. Shel-. to ed semen de, Cones and his. follow under its wide-sprepAng boughs alma . I . yearslearoldr2inids supposed to n tltir w e 4 ' i rre mammoth cypresses which stretch their heads up 300 or .400 feet, and are believed to be some, 8,000 years old! There are many other trees, in differentp a r ts of the world—single trees, famous in history, and groups of' trees—as locusts and oaks, and limes, elms, and pines,. ; nut trees of different ;duds, olive . and orange trees, etc.,' etc., which are either absolutely known, or believed to be, all aloni from 350, 440, 516, 770, 780, 800, 900, 1,000, and so on, unto 8,000 or more years old. Boston Traveller. ' :Mai 8 TAM =2l 7f/ArONAM LIFEINSURNECOMPINT, °Pt TER WITTED- SUMS 'OF'AM:EItICA. . Obartered by SOloelal 'Atter Coagrm, Approvss July' A 5, 1560. • Clash Capita& - - 1.000,000. pAni,:nt iIIEtANCIEN . orpriem FIRST NATIONAL'BANK BUILDING , ?SL'SLA • When the amen' business nf the Comnany Is transacted. and. to. which all general corset. Pondenoe should Pe addranidat , . • CLARENCE H. OLAR-jwar. tresident. JAY COOKE. Chairman ea sad. Executive Committee. HENRY D. COOKE. Vice President. EMERSON - W. PIET, Secretary and Actuary. • This Companj offer, the following advantags: e It is a'National company.' et artvred a special act of Coagress, 1886: • • It has • paid-up capital of 81.0 00,000. .; It offers low rates of premium. It furbishes larger hist:ranee thin other eom panies for the same money. • It is delicate and certain *nits terms. - Iti policies are exempt from attachment. - There' are ho unnecessary restrintions in the po E icies. very polloy Is now:forfeitable. Policies mty be taken which pay to the insured their fail 'amount. and return all thegremintas: PO that the. insurance unite Oal7 • the interest on - the annul payments: Policies may be taken' that will pay to the it - cured, after a certain number of years. daring :Be, an cannel Income of one•tenth the amount named in the policy. • • • No extra rate la for risks upon the livis of i'aka. , It insures. not to pay dividends to pellY-hol d ere, bnt at so tow 6 cost that dividends will be im poasible.. • • - Choulars, Pampldets, andfhll Particulars given oa application ••to the Branch office of the Com- Pao!, or t 9 w.-CLAE Pena 0.. Philadelphia. 'Gene:J.-Agents forsyfraala and BOnthern New Jersey. • • JA.T COOKE CO:. Washington. D.. 0.. For Maryland. _Delaware, Virginia, District. of COlumbia and we:it'll:Kink. nit A-11. NeVAY CO.. Agents far Allegheny.' Bearer, 'Butler, 'Karam and Washington counties. t Dir y LOVAL AGENIVABE 'WANTED in even pi and Townt and applications -from comp& - Seat-parties for melt agencies wjth _suitable en dorsement, aheuld be addresaed Ti) THE CON. PANT'S GENNRA.L AGENTS ONLY. in their respective districts. tah26:ltwdir THE, ell- opERATivt, INSBINE CONANT . Of WsternPennsylvania. - oliPrt*riftocm ssoo.000? OFFICE : 80. lti inithaeld St.,Plitsbnrgh, and 1,111 Canon Bt., Birmingham. • . DIRECTORS: • . , Oen. P. W. COLLIZIL ;ions D." ennnt,T, ilon.Enwits H. 8r0w.% W. W. PATRICK, „-•, • COI. E.. .i At Liras. Jos. WALTON. • H. W. outing, JR.. "WM. ISANZWZLL I ALNZILNDZE TINDLZ, C. WHARTON. A. B. bTZYZNBOir , ,1. P. Omani. B. A N l 7 O ll. Dr. O. J. W up?. O. .11. 01131112311, • D. C. BIPLZT. W. CoATICIRITTBAUGH. President. A. AHMON,_Vice President. • E. O. Secretary. w. PA.TTERION' Actuary. JOHN P. BEECH.'EFE: ?ensurer. Hon JACK THUS7 lrkluitrlck; 'Hun. 11. H. Stowe. Hon. Agnew Duff, 'Junes P. Zan. John O. Scully, W. Sakewell, oar. W. E. SteirenUrn, ut West Virginia. This 1103 IE INSTITUTION la now jully organ. lied, and claims that itipecnila , Co operative, uyetem enables it to offer to Its patrons treater EmnomtSlincolletty. •Equalltv, iMirrenience and Liberal! , than can, be had with equal security, in any otttter, and only - mike an intelligent pinatas with the most Impulse Oompanbrs doing business ,on the ordinary plan. apl4:NWr LEG - A LLEGHENY C 01111214 es. La. In the Court of Common Pleas, Jame Wag ner, by her next friend vs. . Jelin A. Wagner. No. 303, March Term. 11163.. Libel la Dl 'torte. . • „ And now, April 10th. 1809,. C. toirvaiy, Rag. ' appointed Commissioner to take testlumM7 in this case, and ieport the same to the Court. (From the Record.] undersigned WALTER. Prothonotary. The will attend to the duties of the abov appointment at the OBee of H. C. MACKRILL. No. 89 Grant street, on MON DAY. Apr I Sloth; at la o'clock P. M. • aplaihm-.Yilm - .0..01111/ELT. 7 N THE DIMTUICT COURT 01IP' THE UNITED STATEs, NOR THE . WEST.' N DISTRICT 'OP PENNSYLVANIA. CHARLES O. BALALE a . a Bankrupt, ander the act of Congress of March Rd, 1807, havin' applied for a alseharge from all Ms debts, abd other claims provable under Mad Att, by order, lione Court notice - la beretry given to another who - hare' proved , their debts; and other parsons thieve/tad. to *appear on the.loth day Or MAY. 1889 at 10 o'clock A. It.. befOre: JOHN N. ele, 'EsO.l Mighter An' Raltkraptryi 11 NC Ile Pedeasaptetil lleghatty Mit.; w,caingo, If arty tEay, bro g whys os )12791: this' sald min tarp: .• .11*.i m gl e ilL..en. - thank 4 % 1 3.4.4 TA Di ... 0 /path; tiO and gwvigecltark- esbtAes-bertit gore the said Regiate r, &SAY') la tutu .gsgut. ,-0. v. mccov.rviqk - PielfoB. ORGAN& SEIPP - --- iltb CarkAp 1111171 r ,THE • ,i, . ,n.. *UT PLUTO Allfp 92E424 , !lawmaker,'" Oold Imo] Piano, I. , • AND ESTEWSCOTTAGEIORGAN.v • tie 154:110MAgnont FIA7IO au an 'the latest 'Valuable huprovements taunt .In the eau, structlon of a lint (gaga Insuurnent. and bu al *gre • bees E tiruded ' the - Vibram • tinnultun The blbiled. Mitotic lo rUll, senorouactaireet. ne workuutushwr darsbuiti add .' sumer all others., a IffnetiSpu '9 ,lIIIIU. guarding go style and 11,1 pp caper than ati other so ul/saint demi Plano: ~,, ~.-u ,_, _., , , EST/tro_tiUMegi RO/LX , • . littade st tbe 'head or ail reet e linugaminpi, In produting the Instal pupa pl :quality- o sue I . ant alailler /peuruument re kuniw States. It le u* iota, lump/Las , epama a tt aa, and not mute to mut of ora ~ ' • r CIARMANTKO'b ' tATINTA, VOXinnflarii 191M01,0 , , La Onl,ttsubt,(Sund In- this Organ. nice tuts, anv SO ITO% p4llplarahlued for live -"' ' B.inna ItumalßlETTrat_____ lenElinuE SHAD___RECEIVED • omit at BENJAMIN rIILPBEEts 'popular b stud, 80. 45 Dlemoed Market, Otto. bureb.-and et and Twln!,Clgriilijlenib)Va ahraer of Ofilo and Federal _ all kinds' or Elea end Lake 111 bT i t, !teak ,00ditsb.,,Raddoek arok , EeLs, Abe, huge gupAte of. Matte? Lake Meth kel_etsoq,; Saes. Borten: months tied Idietelor :remit, 'which enables us to pellet the lowest, itterkes.teices4 wholesale or retail. We levtte all tortes of Fresh Flab to give as call, and we will war theme treat. - Jams 111 trz , .!.%,z, 11 4; 0 1 1 J 1. .= TIM $27-70R-: : •. 4 itce=irlly 'wane" wyeeif a ainablata .4dbleeito Ma' eases of ihe *gam, italic= Pally; and If suooeseful• pledge Myself 10 devote slimy energy to an boaorable and faith. dischazite:Of the ihttlimit.f . thee Mee. • - apn:d&P. t, ' • A. 11. FLEMING; griFOR • ' • .Tolniprig 110214. • • Will be a eandldate •fo , SHERIFF. subject to ni c r u. dettalori bf the 'Reptibilean County Colleen- igrFOR SHERIFF, 'SOIEWB. HARD, Of Pltteburia, subleet to the decision of the Trolon "Republican Cogoty Convention. ap7b-01l IgrFOR IME4IF.F. I would reslisctiully ailnounce to the citlseniof Allegheny counly that Ise be a ca , didate for 'the office of SHERI og, subject to the decision of ,t he n e xt tasnlagriiltat Depabllein County entin. "Darr. •..ap2o:h7owlt (ado Township. SlELliarre 1 Mal" •AL IrASON. otElLtabeth towaohip, Privateyeinn D ' -79th l'a. Vole.. will be Candidate [the all e of% eL 2 . lBl lERlFFaublectk• the 4lecbsion o Union Republican ConitantiOn: aoßch72DF 'FOR surairr, mutat a. 10111 RON, • Wlll be a candidate for the OSee bf Sheriff, sub. lect to the decisio n of the - I:Talon ^ &publican county Convention. mh.26:09-dip, ligirT e r COVW y 'TREASVII- J. r..nrarmsTArr,.. • • • Mite Brevet Major LT. 8. V 015..) will bee eandl ate for •enomtnation. subject o the decision of the Beoublleah Cobb ty Cooventleo. i.s•D&r IarFOR COUNTY THRUMS- col 6 J.' a 00113141XD. of Elizabeth township, will bee candidate ftn• the above office. bllhject so the decision of the ,Beputdican ConotyConvention. . ext.bflf:b OrFOR RECORDER, zuntair SNIVELY, Will be &candidate for nomination to' she once of /Warder for AllegLeny county. subject to the decltion of the appfoaciling . & publican County Convention. ' ap30:122 Ia'FOR RECORDER, 1117GOVIRS REORERT, ll i tger t y . , a lr g i f i rlj h r Be lr t igh d f i gelgor Battle. 5p27:114 D&F ItarFOß REGISTER OF WILLS SOBEPIT B. GRAY. Subject to the decision of nye Republican County Convention. ap29:lZ9 'FOB CLERK OF COURTS, zortrira; agowrir borough. ykte Co. 1022 asittatillitpiratiutZetty td the PTO.TIC CITIZENS OF AL. LEGRENY COLNTY:' respectfully annewiee myself as a candidate tithe the aloe of MERE OF 4;;OURTS, subject decision of wouldaton Republican County Conventio state that I. ask the Mee but for ONE TERM. at the termination of which I would cheerfully retire, bellevibg that there. are others °gawky entitled to the honor and emoluments of Il e a ci eral l g t att i li nz oTe e n (' citte u z i kr: l f f the i county for their support: Very respectfUllr, JOcEPH BROWNE, Late 10ild (old 13th,) and Stk Fa. Vol. Regt. a"FOB C COUNTY COBIOOtti • 810NER. JOlLOPtiFtllbis-TOiilr . , & caadklate .tbr cous_ty Connnlsstoner , iptbject. to the Of:chitin of the Union Republican COuni y Convention.. ' • apEtttilt BENCLILL NOTICES; lar/EPI • PAN CAN BE CLUED friends *filleted are ear. neatly solicited to fend for &Circular Letter ot References and Testimonials. which. T u rk o r vines the most skep_ticel of the nimbi Ms dismay. Address vAtt BUREN LOC W. liM. i 4 3543reat Joni* stseer, New York. tehM: AP OrINADDIASIE AND CELIBA• of isouraZtAihtrerranionnial'Arsit which create hilted)Ments to MARRIAGE, with sure means of -relief: Bent la sealed letter en geJtoses.- treegd Address, Dr. J. sit !T r; Lim BOUGH/Dm. mowaid Association. Philo debits's. 'orawreasurws RAIRDTE. . This splendid Bair - Dye is the bestts the world: the only true and Pelleol, Dye: hanaless, fella- We, Instantaneou; no d i sappointment; no ri diculous tints; 'remedies the ill effects of bad dyes; invigorates: and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful' Oka or b ro ws, Sold by all Druggists andPerfr:meratand properly appned Batche lore Nirte Factory, • Nci, 18 Bond street. New Tort. • ardEtada. arDOCIPOR WHITTIER CON . T11417E 1 1 TO TREAT ALL PRIMATE Diseases.. eyphillsn all Its forms, tionorrhees, Glees, Li:rico:re, &c.. completely eradicated. That numerous class of cases resulting from self ablate, predating utunanliness, nervous death.", !renal:llBY, eruptions , seminal emissions, and finally Impotency, permanently cured. rations afflicted wl,ti collexte. intricate and long stand ing constitutional complaints are politely invited to call for consultation, which costs nothin. Experience, the best bf teaohers.' has enabled him to perfeet remedies at once eMcient, safe, permanent, and which lnmost-cases cut be used without htnOrance tO Medic.nes pre, pared in the establishment, which embraces ot nce, reception and:waiting rooms; also, 4:warding anu sleeping apartments for patients requiring 1 dagy personal attention. and vapor and chemi cal baths. thus Concentrating the famed mineral springs. No matter whO have failed. state your case. head what he P aysln his pamphlet of tlity Pages. sent to atm address for two stamps in seal ed .envelope. Thoids of eases treated annu ally, at office and a over the country. 'Consul tation, tree, pe rson ally or by mail. Mace No, Wylie ' stree (near Court House)) Pittsburgh,* Ps, Noon 9 1. • It. 'au 8 r. Y. Sundays 151 Y. to XT. Ilm i phlet spot to any address for two' EMEhIIMMERY TWINY 1 FRIDAY , • ; -114 0 1 . 10 0 4 or WINES, .11111NDIES, GIN; &V,, • PURE • IttE 409 PENN STREET. • Have • Removed to .NOEI.BI34PAND-8841 •.. , • Ca: tloventhiSt. (torznerlt 821 mops Ca & co" NO, Sita*OS% /19%; 716$ Wad 1,5, nen num, nrroptinsii. ..xiannr4o2thugg i OP • , 6014)Oi 'WOO Taw RS' video tvrillTE LIIIM-2001-bairrels Staab Wlllte:l.Jule, t J or sale by . B. 1i lo .• 1 • OtaitintirteiriticiailinSnirpltnnireas,'c ' ./FrMatiWM* APT/ 1-30 . MOW • I arNOTICEom-The • 'aisesanient rtreiiii t ribi gri riy libr N e=w w : 41 4Z r f grx ifa t e p- 14 tlosi. and tan beaeen at tote °Hee until May lilts, 1869, when It will be raturnetto the Clty Trem ont's °Zee for collection. H. J. MOOSE, • ' City Engineer. rgr'ALTTESTIONS REPUBLI • • !ADAMS ax.EZNTR WABD-.—A - nieet. ing the DINING of the 16th ward be beld in the'D.IMING HALL. at the upend of /row CIO 'Park. on SATURDAY AVEN'I May Ist; at.half-past.7 o'eloca. for '.the of selecting six delegates to represent utem.in the approaching COnventions. By order of , ariao • WARD EX-COMBEETTEE. 'THE ANNUAL MEETING of the'Stoekholdera of-the PAOLI:IC and At. lantlo TelegrOb Company of the Milted States, Air the eleettoti at a President and six Dlrectorr, will be held se the Board of Trade Booms at Burrs bulldlag . , Iroarth avenue,MAY 4th, at 10 A. • • EpwARD TAY ALLEN. atrlll;h97 ;. • .•'; • Secretary. IarRALILWAIIf NOTICE.-THE First Annual Meeting of the Stockhold ers of the "Pederal. Street and Pleasant Vallry Passenger Railway Company," will be held at Gray's Botel, , :torner of Jacon street and Ir. win avenue. Second ward, Allenheny. on TUBS., DAY EVINING, May 4tll. at 7P. xi., for the election of a Board of Directors, at which time the Stockholders will reoslys.their certificates of stock. By order of Board of Directors, - • art22:lMs • 7 :14. M. CLAbIEr. Secretary. • 7 . l . B .llrlcitWAVltirrAnnis A 8ei8601178 OPP/CB, • 29n DigT2lcT, .I , l,resstrzcar, April 210th,' 1869. ligr/VOT/CE.--1 WILL HEAR and determine at this office, until the 'AY 01 MAY NEXT, all appeals rein tiveio any erroneous or excessive valuations of any utessments made by- Assistant Assessors In their returns ot the annual lists. RUSSELL RRRETT, apu:boo Assessor 2.2 d District. Pa. FT.WAIrriZ kenicAtio B.R. Co., OFFIcz or P H A., March 6817RG PA. X* MOW. ar1 11 111E; BOARD OF DIREC TORS'OF THIS COMPANY ( have de• dared the regular Qtiari erly Dividend No. 511.) of two and one-heif per cent. free of Govern. mention, on the capital stock, for the Quarter ending Match alst; pavable on and after Mt/A -n/IPA April XT. - proximo. at the office of Wins. low, Lanier & Co. • No. , X 7 Pine street, to those registered. at New York, and at the once of the Treasurer, to those registeresl at Pittsburgh. The • Transf.r Books will close on , Monday. April LS. at A P. N., andre-open Tuesday, April 27, at SO A. 4. . . • 7.1 M. rivrcinxsorr, ecre , ary.. aplB:b6l NOTICE. Ptrsuant to in Set of Aosembly, approved thellOth of March, 1889, entitled ..an act relat ing to Interment* In Trinity Church-yard. Pitts 'burgh, Public Notice is hereby given of the in- Untlon of the minister. wardens and vestry of Trinity (Episcopal) Church. after the , 10th- of MAY, proximo. to use a part of the grave Frond belonging to or, connected with said church, as sites for new erections of Church and Chapel And for grades, and that Weorrs. JOHN H. SHOENBERGER. , JAMES M . COOPER. CALVIN ADAMS and JOaIAH XING, of the vestry have beeriappointod a Committee to con fer an d arrange ,wit h the friends and, relatlveri of. all persons buried In the ground required for the purposes set forth In the act of Assembly afore said, thr their retention under the new buildings. or removal to other parts of the lot or to one of the rural cemeteries. One or more of the. Com • mittee may be found at the vestry room of the church at 8 to b o'clock P. PI., on every WED- IitSDAY and SATURDAY until the Ifith of MAY, at wh'ch time and place parties Interested will please call. • Ilyorder.of thoyestry. • ' • JOSIAH KIMO, Junior Warden. stole:11SO IA A w ROAD Co. TUICASEIVS A., DEPARTMENT. • PUILADaI. ITR PutA_, A April 2, 1869. To . THE' STOCKIJOLDERS OF THE •PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. All Stockholders, as reentered on the Books of this Company on the 30th day of April. 1869. will be entitled to subscrioe for TWENTT-EtYlt PER CENT. of their respective Interests In New Stock, at_p sr. as follows. First. Fifty per cent. at the time of subscrip- Mon, between the lath • day of May, - 1809; and the 30thday or :7une: 1889. , • • Second. Fifty ,per cent. between the lath 4.9 of Nov_embe'r, l e B 9. add the 31st day of Decem-, ber.-• IMO; or, It Stockholders should prefer, the whole lunount may be paid up at the trowel sub. scription. and each Ituitalment so psi(' up .pall be entitled to 'wpm rata of toe Div dead that may be declared oa fan shares. Third. Thet every St cktiolder holding less than four shares, shin be entitled to subscribe for one share; and those holding more than a multiple of four shares shall be entitled to sub. scribd for an additional share. "burn.. AU shares upon which Instalments are yet to be paid under Resolution of May 13, 1808, will In entitled to their allotment of he Twenty-dive per cent. at par, as though they were_paid in full, apls:hel THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. iIarNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all OWNERS OP DRAYS, CARTS. CAMAGIEB.IIO9OIIBB, de., (whether resident or non resident,) la the City of Pittsburgh, to DAY their licenses at this otticezonynWrrit, in accordance with 'an Act of Assembly approved March 80, 1880, and an Ordinance of the Coon clis of the City Of . Pittsburgh, passed Aprlll6, All Licenses not paid on or before MAT 15, 1569, will be placed le the hands of a police of ficer for collection, subject to acollection fee of 50 Cents, and all persons who neglect or refuse to take out Licenses will be subject to a penalty doable the amount of the license, to be recovered before the Mayor:. ' The old metal .plates of last year must be re. turned at the time Licenses are taken out, or 95 tents additional will be charged on each License. BATES OF LICENSE: Each one horse vehicle • 7.50 Each two horse ventcle 19.00 Each four horse 'vehicle 15.00 Each two horse back 15.00 Omnibus and Timber Wheels drawn by two horses. 00 each. One dollar extra will be charged for each additional horse used In any of the above vehicles. - A.. 1. COC/IRAN, fe12:e48:1017 ; City Treasurer. RE KOVALS. PEOPLES' SIVINCS THE'PEOP:LES , SAVINGS HAS REMOVED:TEMPORARILY TO No. 81. .foierth daenue, Immediately apnea:die to its tinnier location,where It 'will remain until the date Denosit Company Building is oompleted when the B.nk will then be iodated in that building. S. F. VON IiONNRORIST, rIII4SECRETARY AND TREASURER . SR69.' a017:h:4 EftiovAiL. Z. M. GAZZAM, Attorney-st• Lass. luss'neatoved al, once to No es Firm AV NUB. LIMBEIR. TO 111111;.DVIttit I ' • InP• 090 . feet: Dry Pine Boards., - .1.100 het 111 Inch Clear PLank: 715,000 feet 14 Mon Common Plank: ' 515,000 feet Dry‘knad A inch Oak: 515,000 ft. Ig, 3. iiudainchrotau: 10.000,..W-Or t PO tar Reantllng: 10.1000 (Set Dry Yello w Pine Boards; , 100,000 feet 'Hemlock Sc,ntitnr. 803.4101) feet 80, I le Luck saginall,Skin• - . • '• Met, 4 0 0. ' ' NO. V 116-hich BhiniOes. linWed: 50,0 ' ' No. I lehduch Shingles,. 'navel; • • 110i0 ' 0 Pare Btlok: • - $.900 lize tile. -" • ' s? .e obi wareCia 7: , , • - A 150,.. killi, r.umber, Loonst• and , Cedar Pests. em Ali attunes in the line on hand and for Vie b i f AJAIX&NBER PATTEIB:011. , Yards— °. 1 I Rebecca street and corner of Pre :Se and Auelataitreetktittlward,Allenbeny. iste..bor'' o h aggiuttr IP'" Atz!.„.„......,,E4 r *11a Nlt INSIYMANCE wit r OP PITTIMITROII. No. TRUTH OTHRT.T, 'SANK Buhr". ..._. l u sTilthallilust <all kinds of Fire and /Karl= mu, JOHN !MTN, in.. President. - - -T. J. HOSHINSoNVIee President.' ,-, o.' O.' D_ONNN,LlA...heeretary. • CaPr. WK. IN . General A.tient. . - ' Osherow:: - itch Irwl a., 1 8.1.. !shiest** T. J. linsini; , W. H. Xeerson, • , V. O. Hussey. , Robert'N. Da - vls; Harvey Childs. ; Francis dollars, Charles Hank rant. 1. • T. 8i°011411144 Haw. Wm. Husk T. H. Nevin. 7 RE ME - :I - NEW OPERA. .1/OWBE. WAI. HintineSON. I%e M. W. eartleina. bfaminer takes pleasure w i t h Messrsce that be hai made an engvement with •. ELL ti..ER and Ds allEtt.nd their I. elebrated Panto mime rouge for the pro:mahatma of ta. L. $0.2.1 Grand Fury Track Pantomime entitled, HIIMPTY DHSEPTY, Cominencitur MONDAY EVENING; May 3a, eV. it will be presented with entire new gee.. nery and 13 , eine Surprise., Machinery.Trieks and Traneformatlona, Properties. Decorations. de. TONY DENIE It an GEO. A. DEANS as Pantaloon: HAUNT LES LIE as Harlequin; III'LLE AHEM/LAM Columbine. Matinee on Wednesday and 'Saturday After noon'. igrrrEtssunGs THEATRE. W. WILLIAMS, Lessee an. . Man ager. TO-MIGHT—Mks Annie Gibbons, Emma L loyd. Sam. Collyer. J. W. McAndrews. Charter Gard ner% and the Mammoth Company ln a new bill. WEDNE•MAY—Benefit or J. W. MeAndrlws. Ladles' Matinee every Wednesday and Satur day. • COMIMO--Jennle Engel and W. E. Cavanaph. - WANTED-40 young lacks. Apply at the Box °Moo. /O"I3I7IINELL'S MUSEUM AND PARLOR MENAGYDZIO, 'llia Great Family Betaarte. 713411 ..tiIaNITE, between engtldield and Wood etreete, optiel z teAd Th a e l a i tT. Adwlseloit. cen t s: elliffiteMtili?'sentarc:lll4 W'POPULAR ueertrizs AT LAFAYETTE HALL . DB. GLEASON, • Of Philadelphia, Will continue his celebrated course of admirable popular Lectures every evening this week,as fol lows: MONDAY EVENING,. on Digestion, Causes and Cure of "G-neral Debility," etc. TUESDAY EVENING. on the Heart, How to "Eutich and purify on , the ete. WED- N iDA Y E VENIN G on the Lungs, Causes and Cure of. "Weak Lungs," etc. THURSDAY EVENING, on the sraln and Nerves, Causer and Care of Nervous Debility. etc. FRIDAY EVENING, on the Organs of the Sense_ ,s Eye, Ear. Note and Throat .lAATUBDA X EVEN.' ING, on the Temperamen ts Anatomy of the Ha mad Pace. Beauty of the Human Countenance, Language of Expression. etc., splend:dv illus trated with by far the finest collection of Ana tomical motels and specimens ever seen in the United States, costing over *25,000 in Paris. Seats to the first Lecture free Regaining Lee. \ tures, admission 25 cents. myl arCOBRESPONDENVE. TO MISS AUGUSTA L. DAMSON: The undersigned. entertaining a high regard for your periunial wont' as an aocomHatted Lady, arz co lean than for your widely reco ed abilities, ic representing many of your trims fellow • board ers and other elt . zens of Pitts pure respectfully ask that3ou will give one. ormore • Pubffe Read- Ines and Recitations in our city prior to your con templated departure for the East. In making timtrequest we' are actuated by a profound respeolifilor your in ending among us as well in public as in private. and we dent. e to ex tend to our own citizens the same strarfeeatlon and delight which nave attended your Itexdings in neighbor.ng cities. ripriDitinfiti, April 28, 1869 s John B. McFadden, •S. B. Von Bonnhorst, F. A Madeira. William RegaleY," .Wilson..llcCandless, Edward M. Yard, Chas. A. Colton, H. L. B. Fetterman, L. It. licAboy. J. M. Caldwell, John IL Martin, Li...lw Lynch, Robert 8. Davis, &tett. C. Loomis, . . Thompstin Bell, ' Calvin Adam, 'Baal. P. 'Rots, C. D. Brigha, A. A. Carrier. Econ. J. htoneyo Jas. 11. D. Meeds. Jacob H . Walter. C. Hanson Love, And many . others. Josiah Ring, • -' ' • _ T. CuaIthEEMOI2L. • / Prgraintunn, April 28th, 1889, Dnan SIUs: Your kind Invitation tome to give a Public Reading Is very complimentary, and I shall be most happy to comply. In furtherance of your wishes. I will name THURSDAY EYENI3O, MAY 6TH, AS the time, and the Academy of Mhalc as the The Lecture Committee or the Young Mena Mercantile Librery Association have kindly offer ed to take the entertainment ander their special auspices., wh'cli arrangement I am sure will prove pleasing to you as it is flattering to me. TO you lualvidually, and to the generous lic of - Pittabureh permit me to pledge my utmost itzfrtions on that occasion to merit your appro bation. sincerely your, ' AUGUSTA. L . DABGON. To Measra. Jonn B. Mc traddetristi. A. Madeira, C A. Colton. Von- endless. Hey. L. R. AlcAboy. Johit.G. Mart ,rid others. BY H. B. BKETBBOB BOOTS, SHOES AND CARPETS FOB THE MIL ZION. AT SMITIifiON'S EMPORIUM, "sa &ND av rurTHAvstruz. Messn. H. B. SMETHSON &COO., proprietors or the well known Mammoth Anotion Moose are creating an excitement consequent upon the ar rival or new goods which are being sold at re- Markably low rice . Hoods ofev_ my variety; the finest sewed , boots, the most rsobionablis bal. moral "Item and anklet shoes, slippers, ac.. blankets, flannels, cloths. csasimeres, cutlery and carpets. Call and examine. No trouble to show goods. Ladles', misses' and children's firs at almost your own prices. All goods war ranted as renresented. uort MALT ROUSEAT AUCTION , ON THURSDAY,_ MAY 6, At 10 o'clock A, at., will be sold on the premises The New Malt House No 5 Penn St. • • , Having a capailts of abont twelve hundred bush els per week. - The attention or purchasers is earnestly invited to the above Valuable property. ft being one or the most substantial buildings of the kind In this country, and having all modern imprbvemente. Tbe above Malt House Islyelt on leased property, having 7 years to run from April Ist, 1800, a; the annual rent 014848,00. Parties desiring to examine the preises, or wanting further I n will call i t the of fice or. W. H. GARRARD & CO.. corner of Penn and Water streets. • • I r Rat.MIS AT SAIL - m. ... ' ALso—At same thee and place, 3V7agons. Lot Elarn,aa, Malt Shovels: Waterier Cane, 3 P'at form Scales. 1 Pair Small Scale., 1 Office bate, Al Desk,. 1 Letter Press, .11. clock. Abso—di lot of Malt and H ops , and a large lot of emote Backe. , H. B. 101 11T101031 it. 00.. Anc , rs. ap2o:h7s-TrUe - • • • BT e. lIII.W.UNS • • NALE-"ABOOK AC coum 0.--7131.8 D AY B.VotbitNis. Way t at 8 oleo L. by order of .1. M. KitIiTNEDY abe nd W. A. LEWIS. Asthma. In dankroptcy, silt sold on second door of Commercial. dales Rooms, 100 endtbtleid street. the 'Bony ae" Umtata al A. ft. NoltlttEr„ sinountles to '1 9 , 0 00• A. diaILWAIN Auctioneer. apl 1:bN) spa° PEARL MILL FAMILY FLOUR, PNARL KILL Tbsee Star erten Brand, "lug to FRENCH FAMILY FLOUR. c TWA Mont , onti eget out when esp. laim ordered. PEARL JEW/ AILVENIAND, - • • • *oleo beet. St. LODI'. PEA TILL _ Ikea to best Ohio Floor: SnEtITE DORN ILVOIN AND CORN HEAL. • . /111(4' Aileabesm !tot. Y. l PeAnt. 1111. t.. TRADE MARK. OMMEDGVS Ufinlo CIMBEYS. Jeimemi ON SALES '
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