ei 'BMW WORIN --- • DUqUESNE :WOM COLEMAN, .RAIIIII - dr CO., Xanidseterers of NAILS, : STEEL, AXLES AND:SPRINGS , L X AIM SITNILLTA, ' MA.PIT AL - ROUND AND SQUARE IRON. LA INIGOOP L .SREZT AND TANKTIRON. ILLS/1.0.TM AND BRADS, GUARD =ON DRAG and DROPPER B A- 16 R• yulacup obnint BARS. CI LUSW,R. IRON. T AND SLAT RAIL for Coal Roads. ‘ TH 72 1L 11w AND gt"nfTT34B2wMfigi EfE L: f lit tiINGSAND MOULDS ear to paern. DM. STEEL biATTING, • 00A011, BUGGY and Pi AEON SPRINGS and OUT 11 %/1.11.5 AND SPINES. All Chxdannit,Class anti Warrantee. 011110113 AND WORSE.. Sixteenth Street suid'AlUgheisy River, and IT Water Street, Pittsburgh. yea . GODEFFROY'IIBANCKER' 61 CO", 48 DLchange - 111643bWitOrki Axe prepared, u sole Agents in the United- States for the Yrussbut Mining and Iron Com.: twiny of Duistmrg, Westphalia, to - contract or sell is guantlties to snit purchasers, (delivered in githarMew York or Yhilmkgphiab,) the celebrated V. G. - SPIEGELEISEN . . Vied so extensively for the manufacturing of REISSENUIIt STEM. This Iron ig . free from snlpur end Phosphorus, sza contains s heavy per cent age of Manganese. Pull particulars, samples, price, or chemical analysis will be promptly forwarded on applies. stion. I a10:d76 STEEL worn BINGER! Nihau & rirrimunan. PA.. Maanfmturers of ivves7 doscriptkai of • CAST AND °MILO' VITIlly sa SPANGIS. • MALL, C AND PLATFORM BPZINEH% AXLZB. OTZZL TIRS, Ise.. le , . , Warehouse, 811 Water andloo First Sta. NELLEII9 RUM .**o4 ll. V o L . V:TCALP, I ttEl7B . ll 13rAciAL PARrAza-ii. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLYA BARE 10 \ °moo. No. 339 Liierty 11114:6411 rErrampes, PA. BLACK DIAMOND maim = vionas. PAV OTHEA & CO, ,iitilustanters of sal desetiptions of Odes and and WatehoisecT LETTITH, THIRTY 'MOM MAMMAL EITZEZTI3, rrnrsinnipir. IRON WORKS. • JAS. Visszs. Preen.... W. P. Pomp Fart. priwrsuunGs rORGE— . AND IRON CO., ItLETITACIVIGIU•OV Bar Press • nalread Pisa Bars sad Belts; Bralread Car Axles Sailed; 11allreadlOar Axles 'Fasamiariall ioiraliddivelPieskiaa ' , „ lisearsartive rrallse inuISP•I4 • :r 4 14MM Ilteaps, Wlsara - ireadsr Ilteluabeal *lades{ Stepail~ Crisalrai Metes Sods, MAIM r iP llll, 4 l Firik llrrs, me. aerial, No. 177 PENN NII3.N.ILT, PITTSBURiiii. PA. - EILLERSIBUSEN:IIWeEgg. ThalVasieis ate isow orupwred toßrouttleen sasW:6B tor the Ise of the =CT. Ralf PRO- The superior ,inality imparted to good Iv" the great improvement in Mftrior iron. and tbe reduced eoshoonunend it to utannfacturen of Iran. • • . Parties wishinis to use it canobtain Mensal by JAMES P. SPEER_ _ Attorney for the Trustees. ROAM' an4Bending, 96 feutih avenue. • , . Zink. tnterested are invited to ' visit :the IMOLA Bissoirs, WORKS, where theprooeU la now in - sueeessful operation. ieSidil Einws,(o4lwmcor af., copy Pennsylvanialron' Works. Everae, ) ; gr. •WI 13111 E 'UST rdilsde• "x " *' u r re& o" ~ A NOVELT7'WoB a ~, Ernirtinanium'.. • • NOV E:F AT -Wait ://eautiled‘ A. D ; ZUS. A.l).alactarEttE :Co. - swirr.tottiiiio fir „. ILIATNTONJA SiTA.NIS6264_hifiBANF/IPAT. /ANT) PLATFORM; &mks COuN - • C AL - Mass Paced Patent' Dasirs Locks sad Latches, Paint ataleogree to. a • ON= OP PIMP /314118 4 OZAIT WZI 1411E06 • ,21 IL4111••••E1]rU 11131310 , j OII XIN aKOPER co., trOingDZIZS,. GAWAITIV,MEAM FITTERS, Cor: of Pike U 4 Walnut Or eta MN? iNimm:esuk-mkainnam Yom ; 4 aIOIT FOUNDRY COLTAIII. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, plTTEilitlitGH, PAL tarEngities, polling Mill Man chinfry g Machines, Re torts, and 'Castiiigs ` generally..:; Xi:l*ktAt Pl>7'lll , lll* -- t AND PIPE WORKS. Verner Cam:44 sad !I_lNiallmuut (NINTH WARD.) "Tx-raw:at ix, IPA. A • _ .• WILLIAM SMITH, Atantigaotorer of , OAWX,IRONBONIMPIFIE POE GASAMD WATZB WOBXL , . . ' My Piles are allgast Intik la dry sand. and 1E feet lengths. Also, foil assortment of general - 484411 kr gas an4Watte Worth antsy of e "lWlNittevlreonofifiMillst°ll-, iDUQUESNE ;.X.O.IIGE. • WEiliiii BMALER, ohicAtagar. a JUL' IV , HAIGH - 41 6 ,C0. 2 ) Hu facilities co•extensive with the leading Forges the EAU; and is prepare npy and satisfactorily fill all orders for ST EAM B O AT' OffAFT/6•CRAMES, PISTON - •BOD4r_IaitiVIIIIS, PITMAN JAMSAVIUSTIL RAILROAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVE FIIAME4k lometner with every dess.riptioa pc SWEWOR, Qilloe and Forge, Corner of . Dogneano Way and Pint Street. apl4:h4o reBEISONaVre& & CO., `'. aneeeemee to BOSCRION. MINIS i iCIZZ.IIB, WASIaNGTON WORM, FOUNDtitnitiIIACHINIIITS,PITTUORON. Manninenuere of Boat and Insikotary Bteam ' Zi; emir: erT,...4113= and 8 C rll ti er gli antel l t e t ri nM i rric. "l - Mee. o. /A, corner Pint and BadthAeld Streets. gbs. V o Zor i f o 77lllD l s PATZNT_ INWTOre MONT BLAND TOUNThaI. — Utter Street, Ninth Wargo tOppoalte Union Irma ROMA! mur sad 'Bridge Coghill% THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, NACELLInitIe Az casTureffezzataLlam, Orders promptly and carets -11 Y executed. ' Charges reasonable. r 'Eniszr JUDELIZA ocIS:LVI THOMAS ceituit & co., Mira Wird Foruoirruillackine !arks, BA.NDtrupr ST., MAZGEBNTVITY,'TA., Mantahetarers of, SteamEnaines. On Trowel, Psulayso3haftla Grist Asia 'Baer. BM lo z st, Bo 7lntaadtßaeblise.eastluss, Beate Welsh W a Boxes, he. Bond to cotes have on Basixes of all Ilse'. arvleaS rIENTRAL FOUNDRY Ji"• . - 41 - 35} AND-ROLL= WORKB I • • 0. 889•31 lenn 1 enn Street. , BOLlinif, BOYD & ROULET. utonr, mutton:imp: maxima a'ct. COAL AND COKE. t. COALV - COAILII - CtrALIII • DICKSON, STEWART & CO., 114,onkre.iicrmktheiT.90 , 9ts', NO. 567 TAIBK4TY' (Lately City Maar Kill) SECOND 6Haxe nom pmpikred_ Wits:deb _good YOUGHIO. NY Lyme, 2q - u7 OIFISLACE. at the lowest morket price. All orders left at their °Moe, or addressed to them through the mall, will be attended to LITHOGRAPHMIB. 313121 "" nr lllQGElBllfleCLEll46liccesson to Gish P. Sestocussar up. 4 • • 1 11 017 45 A4: 11 ingtiARLIPHER 19 . The only. Steam LithwasbAsAbtabllshatent West of me Mountains. Business Cards, better Heads. Sends, Label ' s 431renlars,_Show Cards, Mamas. Portsal t te Oertmeates of Der 411_solon 0501i. ; 14.. Nos. TS and Ifs walril Imes. Plttelvarsti. 'STONE.' '• • ' Machine Ikons - Works, Northwenoo l 7 l aPtii r otOmacm. - XleghsaYs IPRICDPIC ATITATKIS CO. atveisaluibia otierebiddhAtilidr i Vitearti and Step Surees.7lags reelable rqrworp Vat!lut, de. Head au Tomb stones, • - : Ordarselreenualy,exedatO. getnen raaaoseeTe WEIGHTSIAND MEABI7IiIIS, EUB t LYOI% arlreights ad ilkasunif l / 2 No. SPOITE,TII 61BEET, I Betlreelilbeity ipl . rbrif Orders eremptir attended to. • • HAIR . UTDc,PEIWMMIr' -- - tOEIN Ple a & , oggLigyAL HAIR vro rh 4,..-ti c t wm ...,z i lZ,, , -fr F Patß e „ r o al uß siso .. twai eneELL'lr s , n t .' i k- . I.d . 14f4 tood e o 44l,ll„aga : wvumiivea fa RA gala. h s" A trZ: 01 L llt tu.. done .i.,.rn., atimciLuirskia, weiNEER: sacral BE e K iarr ms lqa "NreiTUFN•II4, t • WS • re & 1: _ p. :wp.. l bit:taat'z • PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : MONDAY • MAY 3' s MIL 0 ,11 mum TEI POE!?,) Engine Builders, 'Founders and Machinists. manulletan , errlwk, *xi and yrs- TIONABY RINI of ad dues. A. 1 6 8 Mal attention invi ted to oar new STATION KI, W_AJ,_L BNGEKB ABB .rOBTABLI BO - of ILMOrsiptaiwer, 3 .._- '0 Okof evetT____ A IM!' niadizto Order atonr Yonndr3 , ,, on THIRD mama__ . T below; Barnet. RIGS for Oil Wells, finATTLNG, pULLZYS, HANOBBBOIOI3I3B and TOBACI3O sCILICWiI and IRON TOBACOOr4BIBRIN imitind and made to' order: it tlie • INDUSTRIAL WORKS, fronting oipie 4 14eheny Elver, near the r . BITI I IIBBlikia,:PA. i 1: • • • Alp All orders promptly filled. TRY us. F our virr ''',,- :. , - i Btliall,STlLL Mill ?Mil ....... :- :--, 7; 4" , .."iith;:iiii ' '' - '•' ' • -••• 't• ! r ! , 1 . W lail • , -eARRCRIA . skiiilic t , . a clM:frtcruhiat or , TUBULLB, DOUBLE-YLVED TriauLAR. riEsesca AND I:MIND= EITTAY BOIL OILMOS. STILLS Azar - taL TANTA ONDINZYI3, BREICOMNG AND AMU Nun, SETTLING PANS, BALT PANS AND CON. DZNIXTREU : • 1.. -• • ' • - ermukt"Pipat,' eisoxinits - Athi , mks( DEIDGES; .. plimse DOWIIVAND 00,64,Butrzza O. I sz T o d Warehoo!" E corner Second, Short aka iormr Stritoto. -..- •JPITT3I3I7,ROHi 'Pa. wrZien sent to the above address will be *Moiled to.. - -307:181 w w, amilincr - BOILER MAKERS Axi,iinsxgr mop *axons, BIOS. SW 1111 1 114 41.17 D JIG PENN 8?. Raving seimied Si. large yak and furnished gt mutt the meet approved machinery we areipre. pared to manufactmc every description of BOIL KM in the beat manner, end warranted equal to any made in the oonntty. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Bteaun Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Balt Pans, Tanks, 011 Stills, Agita ‘iii==tlMilar est llers. Repairing done on shortest notice. tallutli jam. ate itrrEs, Nos. SS and Water Street, ~ .1 1 71 1 1 P RIolis PLI IRON OIL TANKS, 30/11415r e*C" 1 "AWD 4 A"BlIZZF'12:11711)111bollts. AMID ED1M8..... , ...«......./IDIIIIND D. IZMIR TARED M. waist! & soph Staunikens, Oil Stills, Tanks. • salurr taOWWORICe o. 6Z Plan" Stied% Pittatittiv/i; STOVES, CASTINGS, &O. TBE sEstinreoves. A. BRADLEY , 86 CO. _ Nauurlicterers of the greatest variety of- Cook, Parlor sad. Heating Staves, - - TO IT 'own) IN TE L fir47:i t . Sole Agents for the aelebrated C o a l Oriental Stores awl mason forAard Coal or Ooke.Bert In the World air Parlor °me. Btore or Church. lire need , aorektadlini—burn, all win. tar. DO =army until's* see or send for Circular. . No. 30 WOOD.STBINE. Oar_ ligents tbr Orieutale—D_Laumrs -Bum; Smitaaeld St.; GED. frOBLE . E. Allegheny • RAIII4AOM?4 , IIE OF May Twin air ErOVIIIIIS3, aosrozir cookniv - IrAlfaz, , f; , g• TILE FITBNAI3EP EOK Wammuta BEILDIEOL THE ANTI-DUST 4XOOICIN6 STOVE, "BSOULATWA , ' COLUMBIA COOK STOVTA VAN'S (Cfnebutstl , Patterel roBTA,BLL SANGHO/OM IRONTiam, WELLMAN% REELIKITO ORA tree train and flan; aiLLTS 206 and WS Liberty Street, seas:TH PTTTsIi H, PA. STOVEs. CET THE BEST. BISSELL Os CO.'S " pas .BlTll3fl2lol7fi 0017.. Warranted to Cook, Bake *raid aa adl SIM: other Edeve to ttes Widens 81, EUt firt 00 Of No. 285 tibertv-Streoe.' Ar m aardan ci e alga, • , 'WP" , rat t ar iv /So lB ftikatrina. A t r MORINO E& 'DYER AND spolpoil, DYER AND lICQDRER. No. 8 OT.CIA.tlit dud Ness 1815 and 187 Third Street, rrpomufx , PA• Altannmcrrel., BA = ! tfsmosswr..:.: , "Burr BMA ANSOCIATION Jvumps/eh,' trossulashoet s ousa suguss;mullahs Pa. Walla atteatiot 00 4 *W . 4aqiept WON= ZOOMS sal I. t . VaTi 'WI Jupvti.,",U , .. f, Illui gt. .ittuld ,kgi. i:10 ,a2Abt'u9SiTl .r..,11 . ..~:~INANQI~3a:: BANKISO COVANY. r . Na. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,000. STOCKNOLDENII INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DIALZB2 fl GOVIUMENT SEMMES AND :COLD. INTRUST ALLOWED ON TIER DRI'OSITN. Cloneettonumode on an noonintnlo Points M Um Valid Stites and Cloandar. DIBICTORat • D. Hostetter. Juo.- 'James Gordon, Bobt. King; D. Walluoth Azdzew Miller. LE= I•::::llufiliiiiii' D. =arr. 11110111 gill Of 0011110 L ' k• - • Car; Of Wood andlitth Sts; JOS. MIAs CAPITAL, - t t t $500,000. • DIRZOTORBI Vattersoa. fieme W. Ow, R. Brawn'. . zi..Palmer ' as:Lockhart, . W. - pones & • Dan. B. Davidaoa4, ' , Bead. W.B. Haven. msootrwris DAIL" ste:ott HART, CAITGHEII & CO., BANKERS AND tROKUS, Corner 17dr4 and Wood Sereeee, PlTTlKEetraciu. PA .• CSUOUEBI9OB3 TO HAZINA, HAI= I C 0..) MIMS Pachange, Coin, ; Coupons, _ _ • Lad particular attention o pir to the aaa COVERNMEirr Davi mit 'arena Art London. ' • & CO., NHOLMES & SON% IN • • 57' Mat'ket Street; , Collections nada on AU the principal potntrat the United !Nieto ana BW64lMiialiasid othei%Ovidties BOUGHT AND BOLD ON OONNIBBION, raetlealitr attention pali the parable* sad sale of United States Beouritiee: Ja30:61 JAY COOKE - - -00• 1 13a,23.1x.eri5, 114 80172" k TIMED - STREET, • PHILADELPHIA. ATOONS mid BONDS of all descriptions bought and sold. Special attention given to the purchaie and sale of Government Securities. aih3o , ,;(1 WAIUNGI AND KING, Commlmios Marchants and Brokili la Petride "slid' Its PrOducts, DALZELL'B BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY,* PIULADZIMITA ADDRESS. Room 17, Chamber of Commerce, In SOUTH BECOVD STREET. &pin ECLIPSE::PETROLEUM .11EfINERY. G TWIDDLE. BULNI3IPACMI&II 07 Libricating & High Test Burning Oils. Zellpse Zadireed 'Azle Oil. • Stands. great beat without *Mange; remains . _limpid et lowest temperatures, Elpeolal 011 for tropiau Mims sor net weather., Loeminotille. Illneltievall*P9 • Wlii_onlßerews. - - Saw MU aad Planting Um e ft: Adapted for high speed. ..., . ..„,.... 1 Mir nne e OM Woolnialt4.lgliss OM Tars'. Stuff- Iletssellet, '-- I lag fartatilkingllNl, **Alp% .. • BansauL(ll_l. ,Parramm ARMOR 'VABNLIMI•to pree: I Bright . - Wertand Michinaryzrollit Nast. lron I. Thmmuprolluats si .na ti Mbotared under Dr. Vtreddirs_pmentr flu emed Steam in We an°. The Lubrica g are almoirodoirless, Ilit. sad MOM . Illthj col. z a t ilif 1 1 1Weirigtare imams= extreme cold. The iiils — MM le • and are in constant tine on 11 14 Wa li pt______ 11415413 tk rps hin ler . 'I Birtfal) 04. and . k. mrnmsT...inirki il blartS se. ; t,'. COMMON BnIRCHAM AND DZiLZBEI IF Petroleum. and Its Produft Pittabura liffice'--DALTMLIA BUILDIO; oq*ar moans WaT and Icwla area& PhlladelpblaoMcie-I*T warattrr BT. DIAMOND OIL WORKEI, H. NI..LONC & CO4 Once, DAILZELL fen > Dsgnesnemirum Pittsburgh. Pa. 2. A. mute ' • ' ' A.. J. M. man , BWIBPT 84`11ILITT, .., ..., iliiiikwittiTAL #liAtivansl, 61% Itr kilts 41§ No. 6$ llli o., . Italic .es VS* 4 1 ..Z .. .1180.11 ..e 8 tr. 4 1 , .dia 1869. MEM James Y.. Biller. I:trn .iionyVt. AT 11 A. N. EMZE .4 Li corial. BO BO X TJO T AND DItrIAO AND 14 P AO ,C4OL EO D LD AT IVLL ' QVOTATIO~iS. Loi7l)oV;piltril,FitANlCY ORT,iitrill ART and BERLIN oraftt sold w Pork Mm (mots tSmall sums sent to every Pesiotnee UN DER GILTA.RANTEE of the linith (Penman' Post Department. Interest allowed on time depctsiti Current accounts soilelted on same couddlonS as any other Bank. PH. B. MEBlZ,Liaker, Coiner m'rn AVENVE I WOOD STREETS Plnanetal Agent for tne North German Post De ertme— , , • ;mtl ijAIES T 1 - BRADY & CO" tenccesson 08. roxis 3 C 0..) Corner Fourth and _Wood Sts., $3, BUT ANDAILL KINDS -0i ti,ionanENT SECIIBI'ITES, 901,D, SILVER AND COUPONS,' ON MOST r•vosaßLE TzsnisL Ur Interest Allowed on Deposit& ; ea-Money loaned on Otieennient. Bonds at lowest market retell. !Orders executed for the Purchase and. Male of. STOCKS. BONDS and SOLD. , lAMBS BRADT & CO. littisint* etaytti. FINANCE AND TRADE. , OFF/OR OF Pimentos GAZETTE, SATURDAY, May 1, 1869. The • entire money market is in an ab . • normal condition.' 'The. steady advance Ines:nunMkt bonds, Might be explained . . . by the generalimprovement of the goy ernment.ffrumcbe and the large &Wind for bonds from Europe to reinvest the interest jtutil4neon bonds, but why gold should also 'advance, despite the large distrurasmente t and sales pygold by the goitinnitehf, ban only .; be 'explained by the unusaal,„demand., for exchange, for. which thera.fir,riti*went nothing to cover but the., gold. eMp t ml i tts._ Besides A thaabliyy Interest ,Eno' :dribt"el we have; 1 n large ; adverb& eilialaztee settle & which requlrntallthe cotton and bther -surplus pr od uce '6l-nhip, but of grain or flour the ruling prices are still higher here than in Eurtpne,'unlesssgold 'should ooneiderably advance to cOmpen= sate for the, salebtexthange. The speculative feeling for American gOvernment bonds' at the money central is at present- axhausted, but . the inveit ment demand by small capitalists, con unabated, ,and 'from IWO edurce; quotations are sustained, besides the amount of bonds' on- the inarket, is so 'small, that • the volume , is instiffiblent answer the daily large dealings in ,them. For this reason higher prices mlgbt be predicted, if theywere not already too high for investment; and no other PP 'portunities offered to place capital at re muuerative rates, without risk. For 'the gold premium, the tendency is de cidedly a rising one, and it would not be surprising ' to see gold range much higher than it did since 1865. The stock market is still very strong, although the average quotations were lower on Saturday on account of the in clemency of the werther. The heavy break in Erie,. to V, carried down: Ohio and Mississippi, and the Erie pendencies. Fort Wayne is strong there is no doubt but that the present Mean to declare a heavy scrip dividend- In order to save themselyett. The large short interest now existing in this stock is favorable to such a measos, and would My compensate the present `originators of the rise, even if the stock should afterwards decline heavily.: It that Ole-stock' will:mp lit• the 'same rate as the 2reii Torlieentral road stock outside of Wall street. Money is still as difficult to obtain as s ever, and the best commercial paper is almost unsaleable, except` at a high rate of interest. The present Currency and :its Constant fluctnatious lags valtzo is •a curse on the mercantile 1 rests, and places the whole community in the hands of a few magrOtteticg the stock exchange. . , „.,_Business shows more, ecAlyity, but is unprofitable. ~.. ~.. ~.., ...t. - Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold,.lBs;;Silver, ; 127; Eighty. one's, 118%; •Pive'Twentles; 1862, 11736; do 1864, 1134; do 1885, 115; do 1865, Consols, 116%; d0.1867, - - 1 --• do 1868, 116%; Ten Fdrties, 108; ' - New York Central, 77; Erie, —; Reading,96%; Pittsburgli;; Fort_ Wayne ~, .t Chicago Railroad, 89%; Ohio & Misissippi, 333,; Michigan, Southern. 103%; Cleve ! • land & Pittsburgh, -92%; Chicago !A l Rock Island, 873 f; Chicago & North I Western, 87 4 %;'Phicagot& North Western, Preferred; =9BM Adam Etpress Cciin., pany, 6134; Merchants Union Expos 15%; Pacific Mail, 92%h western pi ii ... Telegraph Company, 48%; Gregory, 280;,Quartz Hill, 1,20; Corydon, —; Smith dr- Parmlee, 2,55; W. Atif..Eipres 40X; ` ., y , tap Telegraph to the l'lttaburgh Gazette.) 1 v. 193eFirtlgilitty 1, 1869, ~, , ~....... , , , Money was easy uring the morning at 6@7 per finit.l Mit , latec•thelemand itti-f proved, afitYper NMI: Plutep was the rate at the close of banking hours E . 1,21i few persons paid 7 per cent. gold,' but:. there was evidently some object in - do tett this, l lllo that classthing:paid oyes!T•per tent.lnirrerie The bankitaternent is favorable; loans 5260,485,17% l iticreitee 1 - 12,799 08* llpecdo , : , $9,2h7,460, increinie 54f;keirdulatiOti$88,972,060, decrease ,1148 , ' 0, dexvidtit41;188,848” inereile wit legal :leaden; 556,454,722, in ;etetlee: 81'1 4 854. - , Sterling - -q eui t acid • firm at 9(i)9 1 / 4 per cent. , Gold MMer, in 'omisetinence Of the unfavorable : reception 13y: the English prees of Senator, Seim net's speech, and inference that serious 1 serious oOmplications may ariae. The heavy !imports of the week also Stlifened,, the market price_ opening at 84g, ad , maimed to 86, and closed at , 81%®3434:: The rates paid for carrying Ware 6, 5;`.4,' 8, 2 and 1 per cent. to flat. Clearances, 57.600,000. Exports for the-week, , 069,- 289. including those of tp•day. to Europe' and Cabe. ' ' ' - (.; Governments opened . heavy and lower under the fall, of bonds, in. London ant fears of another advance , in. the rate' of interest,: but the, decline was recove Of and the ; arket closed strong and hi 61.'1 with an increased demand at the Alta Amalfi:4ldt tenth s thatwent to . a lio xpeltio4o% . l,Thp old bonds ; are qaetel apooupoaa We . quote , Ontipona ai,thl 01 .0 51,118 . ' 61181, 1 ;dox.)asio WV 118%; &hi-16441 - 115 ; lim. p ricy iiihje ...;, ut t , ,7;,...1.41,: ,Int,ti mat taw ate ,mill, Lill ,(2.121 1 / 41.!.) .11 .1, _. @PAM AC.I.MINA °B @ Satel bonder ••:MtseqnriS, 883AV1191 old Tenhessees, 6834W15N1 new do--8" ®67hr old :North' Carolinas, "_81 " . new do 5431@b5; old Virginias, -• 54, ; Long - lane Levee Sixes, 10g@70%. On hundred - thousand of the latter sold t 70. The interest on- these bonds w Paid to-day, The Stock market was le active than yesterday, and though som whit ITregular daring the day, becam buoyant during' the afternoon. With I general advance in prices, especially i Erie. i lielvti ;Ttirk Central, Mehl Southern and Northwestern close steady. PaCian Mail was weak, whil Erie in the forenoon sold at 25%. Th Stock Exchange has adopted the propo sal to amalgamate with the Government Board. The. Open Board to-day appoint ed a committee to• again confer With the Stock Exchange on the consolidation question. The street was filled with ru mors of injunctions and a reduction of the . price of membership of the' two Boards. , • Five-Thirty 'POices.—Cumberland,lo® 33; Wells Express, 3534@56:, Anforican Expresa,..4o34®42; Adams Express, 6114 6134; Merchants Union Express, 1534® 15;;; Quick-silver, 24 3,®21; _Cantou, 6134 ®61%;- 'Pacific Mail 11234®92%; Western Union Telegraph, 43%®4335; Mariposa, 2 034preferred,' , 4334®4414; :Hartford df Erie, 23; New York Centie, 17734@1n%; Erie, 2734®7:34V Hudson, 157®15734; Harlem, 150,43062; Reading, 96®96q; Terre Haut, 3834 @ 40; do preferred, 68@89 3 4; Wabash, 73(i)73;. •,pre ferred, 7734®7834• St. Paul, 7850§78 3 5; do prerd, 87%®87;4; Ft.• Wayne, 141/ ®14034; O. dt M.,' 33340333 4 ; Mich: C entral, l2634 12634@129; Michigan Southern,_ 124® 1244; Illinois Central, 14434®143; Pitts burg,34t2,4;. Lake Shore,. Icks 3 / 4 © 10334; Rock .1 land, 13734(4137%;•North western, 87y.®8734; dO.' preferred, 96x® ®91334; C. C. del.- C., 69 35; Chicago 'lt Alton, 159%.,._ , Mining Shares dun. - 4 - Copper Stocks at Boston: Copper Falls, 8%; Franklin, 19; Heals, 75; Hancock, 4; Q,nincy, 30. • Receipts at Sub-Treasury,. 111,869,332; Payment 5,53,638,718; Balance, 581,975,- 889; Diabisements of Coin—lnterest, during the week, 54,932,410. Receipts for duties, 52,240,000. Imports were: Dry Goods, *1,880,447; General Merchandise, $3,823,485. PITTSBURGH MARKETS. . Orriosolf PitTsinnunt Ginerys, t . SATURDAY ' ', May, 1,, 1869. S Bnainese generally la pieking np by degrees, though there is still plenty of room for improvement; and it 111 not what" it - should. be at , thief ;Pelson of the year. ZWitli; every appearance of good crops, and an easing up in money it iinfA that trade will soon be better, although, as we have repeatedly stated, people must tontine themselves to, doingibusi neas in a legitimate *ay, stofpi iteemlat so much, , and be satisfied4 l th smaller maritirio- This thing of Ma .N le g atortune in a few months, or.even Team, ,les A tuMite t things theiciet, i 2Betiree eepecisnetfi 'pod condition, and with a. steady demand Prices are fully sustained, ranging at 55 @a Per libl;as.to uality. ?•if. APPLE B • . 1 1 •pergilloo• ' BUTTER—Li in steady demand, and we, can rePortTgolor Oalotrit 05@ 4 0, for good to °holds. - 11EANS•Doll at 143®43,25.___„ CHBESE-43ales new 'Western - Bo some at 15®20,, as to anality,sucl -New York doaheu at 24®25. CARBON OlLlis quoted in a '•jobbing way at WWl' • dORNMEA.T.--$1,76®1,80 per.ewt; DRIED FRUlT—Peaches in moderate demand at 1335®14 for quarters and.lB® 19 for halves. Apples, 18®15,. as to quality. - EGGS—Quiet and unchanged, with a supply equal to the demand; 16@17. FRATRS-' -A shade firmer,snd we now quote llvegeeesfeathenliwilif,lio the trade, and the - =nal iidvanoeiti:aipetail way. - '-;:?;- •_ • "FLOUR ---,IC considerablVetronger, and. some' dealers are areasklngan ad vance.; , as a. generali4prioes :are tlitchatiged. We e to quote - Spring Wheat brands; 50®7, Winter, Wheat, 17,50®8. Rye Soar, IT® • .. GRAIN-Sale - of 2 cars 'Noi-iffpring Wheat at 51,44; sales of No, 1 Winter, at 51,50. Oats steady but unchazured; s ales on wharf and track at 70®71, and in store, at 73®75. Corn is in better sup ply, and while the market is a shade easier, prices are tuichangeil4 430 1 g82 for prime ear, and 77080 flok l i ed. Rye is nomin al 111 1 49 t oing in Barley. - • t s „,„ HAY—Baled continues d uwith a supply considerably in excess of the de mand; we continue to quote, on wharf, at 11270;9_,c, HOMLIW-415,76®6 per bl 4 ".4M•l6®inte per ton. 4 k , LARDCOM-iiiSaleffNe.- l'Eattia at 51,52 ® $1 1,53. and No. 2at ,23 ®1,25 MAPLE MOL •ASSES--sales . in gallon 4turs 0tA1,k0a1,75. PROIONS—Market steady with a fair jobbing 1: demand, while prices remain Ainchapited, at 14 for Shoul ders; 17%-fort plain, 19 for-sugar cured Hams, and 20 for canvassed do. Ribbed Sides, 16k; Clear do, 17%. Dried Beef, , 2034®21._Lard, 19 in tierces and 24®203r in kegs.: :Mess Pork, VI T = POTATOES--Continue very dull and Aka 'lariat: Is: pretty, wag glattedi sales on wharf and track at 60, and in store at E g ~ p° i<tolatatil SEIEID*-Cloy,er Seed is quoted =at 59® ' 'There is not - enongh doing 'in Tim oloi.tpw establish alirioe,anatkitrejs 'tliror'notie Mit& market. fitaijar- r igay, be quoted st 11,8;41,85 the.; -10iid, ;and; .49.5@1i0t Jots itt store. thilLaid,,drtktiatir and rendered catitipt be rote!, IbiSite 103i® VET.I r -r DryGeods r• f , ' • • • 1 - -t • `'NEW YOBii, May 1. - -Tha'fata - storm Which hlikßrevaile4Wroggit theAlay has laketi thtErUre eeniteqt494ly whofielrAstnai tennu ly bes and s e& aug teen'r th akent`an'bJesten t h o changer; prices. Heavy BrostAßheetinipt 'are'JEstelidy , ap,f , 45@i534b. loc:this best makes. Printing Clotho 7 . ,e4Mie, and stattdeld snake* of Trint,tutte ftliglied at 12, 34c. LOUISVILLE, May 1- Tot of 91 hilds common and good : 1110 at 94,80 ®5,90. Mess pork, $31,25: .18%@ Bacon, dull at 13©14e-, for shoul ders:-113)M17o' for 'del& rib ,, sides, and 17X®illic for clear sides,- Bulk meats firm st . l2,lMor, shbulderslami for clear rib sides, and 10y,o for clear. sides. Bu 'Perible floitriold at.,115,25. 11,40 @Mb. - Corn, 66©680. 68®700. - Bye, Ad7q Hayi,ll22t,riilOgartunelianged at 120. - Nrhisrey, 910. COtton ' quiet anA - Orel 29 P• 4•;-. • r. P2zpartzs t i.4., May 3..-. E m i l ,r ex treniely „ dull - Ohloc extri - 4ay s7® ,9; other gracteampohanged. Wheat dull; Ited‘sl;l36@lak Amber 111,801 , 445: Rye deafly at 111,45., Chili very quiet ;mixed Wilk RiOPOo: ; 'Western mit 03; (#45074 3 1. 3, 41:n aL quiet ; 091.012 l it akir • Pre. TIMM ,ng nriia .-.2zz , ; 7 7Fwm7 I • •••7`..-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers