1 ' - -I}ITTSBITPAR-- GAZEITEI 111.13 3 118 DAY , _r APRIL:I; Trio • II THE LAST' PHILADELPHIA HOE. BOR. • The telegraph T6esday night gave us a brief account of the horrible butchery of a tribther and her two children, by the husband and father, and the subsequent suicide by drowning of the latter, at Phil iulelphia. By mail we have the following particulars : • The name of the murderer and suicide was James L. Blackstone, of the Ann of Fanston & Blackstone, picture-frame manufacturers, on Market street above Ninth. The family resided in the north western part of the city, The first. inti mation of the murder was the receipt qf a dispatch Tuesday morning by Mr. Fon ston - from a relative of Blackstone, to whom the murderer communicated the crime by mail, immediately after its per petration. - The house was immediately visited by Mr. Funston, who, with the aid of police, forced an entrance, and discov ered on the kitchen floor the three bodies horribly mutilated and covered with blood. The floor - and every article of ftrnittire in the room was completely sat urated. •So great was the quantity on the floor that the fiend had placed, a roll of ranslin at the door to prevent the blood from running into the yard. The scene presented Was one of the most horrible type, and only equaled by the unparal lelelbutchery of the . Deering family, by Probst, a few years ago. An _examination of the body of Mrs. Blackstone disclosed the fact that the wounds were made by an axe. On the face was a frightful gash, severing the root of the tongue and jaw bone. The throat was cut through to the spinal col umn. On other parts of the head were a number of contused, wounds evidently Made by the blunt part of the axe. The body of the lade girl was next examined. -The head was crushed to a jelly, the brens protruding at different places. The child had apparently received two or three blows of the blunt part of the in strument. The head of the boy was also crushed in. and bore the marks of several blows of the sharp part of the axe. The head was nearly severed by a gash on the neck: The other portions of the bodies bore no marks of violence. -It is sup posed the family had just arisen, as the children were in their night clothes. The tragedy took place about six o'clocl4on Sunday morning, as the neighbors heard talking in the kitchen about, that time. Blackstone was a temperate man, and with his family attended church nearly every Sunday. 1 After the deed he visited a real estate broker and made an arrangement ' f some property and then walked towards the river, but before reaching it he was arres ted by.a Justice, who, from his singular actions, supposed him to be Jame. 11e, however, broke away. and, on reaching the Chestnut street whar4 pulled off his coat'and hat, and throwing them away, immediately pituaged into the river. A handkerchief on which was his name was liquid in his pocket. This fact, together with the writing.of the letter to his'fath er-in-law, informing him of the murder, to - refute the theory of his being in sane. 4,i; . ::1 Blackstone was thirty-seven years of age and his wife thirty-four. They had been married twelve years, during which time they have ' as far as is known, lived happily. The boy was eight and the girl three years of age. Depression of spirits, caused by disappointment in money mat ters, was the probable cause of the terri ble deed. Mrs. Blackstone has been heard to state that her, husband inherited insanity.` Washington Items. It is reported that Mr.. Delano, Com missioner of Internal Revenue, and Mr. Boutwt R, Secretary of the Treasury, will, with the approbation of the President, shortly remove a majority of the revenue officials in Pennsylvania from collectors to gaugers. Several Congressmen, who have con. versed with Genera: Grant on the sub ject, deny that he is opposed to every proposition bat absolute repeal, as has been published. The President says -that he, in common with everybody else outside of Congress, is tired of the never-_ ending discussion, and Ls willing to ac cept the Senate bill, or any other that is reasonable, if they will only stop talking. There were in favor of. the Senate office•tenure bill. on Friday, seventy Re publicans. A change of from twelve to fifteen votes will secure a concurrence, and eqd the controversy, which is be condrut a serious annoyance' to the mem ,bers of both Rouses, all or whom are anxious to secure the removal of various office holders, which =loot be done while this bill remains in force, and near ly all are anxious for an adjournment, that they may return td their homes. This bill is the main thing now which prevents a day being fixed for adjourn ment. • The following appointments of. Post= masters have been made in Pennsylvania: Condersport, Potter • county, M. S. - Thompson. vice B. O. Reese, resigned; t;andor, Washington county,- Wm. Brig. ham, vice B. Kelso, resigned. s• Under the amendments of the House of the Judiciary bill, Justices Grier and Nelson will probably go upon the retired - list. This bill makes three vacancies, one of which will, no doubt, betllled by Chief Justice Carter, of the District*Court. • A dispatch froth Macon states that Al exander EC Stephens,- formerly vice pres ident•of the rebel government, l is on his - death bed. " Secretary Irish advises . the President to be slow and cautions with respect to Cu ban affairs, Andtiler() is .every reason for believing MIS advice will be followed. The new Indian policy of the Senate proposes to authorize. th ePresident to.ap pOint a Board of not'More than ten CoM, missloners, to serve withoutprounialy cympen wbo,may,,uniter tion, supervite Mid control Me disburse- Mint' of&IV part of the' appropriations made by the act' including the contracts contemplated thereby, erection °Alain& ,lags for residences,- schoolhouses and , 11., improvement orfarall l / 2 removal of Indians, organization of schools, and tim-, ip/Pit teacher.,farmers,macbaeaar Interpreters and laborers . authoriZe by laie, and may reinove any such' employes and employ others at discretion;. and the wila Board of Commissioners shall have authority, silbjeci to 'the ..Preahlent'a.ap prove!, to establish all necessasy rules.and regulations respecting trade apd_inter• course with Indian tribes, and May, when present at any Indian Agency or Super ilitendenq, suspend such Agent or Su perintendent for malfeasance or misfeas ance in office, and from and after suspen- dor, such Snipe' nded - einem Aral cease' to act until the President othersiss di rects, and the President' is authorized to divide the country occupied by Indian tribes into districts and to assign two or more of said Commissioners to service in any one of such districts respectively; and 0 1 the Commissioners so assigned shall in all matters pertaining to said districts have all rights and authority of a Poll board; Mr. Sprague, of Rhode Island, predicts our financial rain with our present in debtedness' and Old Frank Blair declares Sprague is the only man in Congress who comprehends the situation and dares to titter it. • The appointments for the leading for eign missions do not yet appear to have been settled. Mr. Andrew J. Curtin is patiently waiting the announcement of his nomination to St. Petersburg, in Philadelphia, but some - way it halts. Some of his friends, some time ago, asked to have it changed to one of minor im portance, but which was altogether more pleasant, and they were told that Mr. Curtin need not gtve himself any uneasi ness on the subject. Ex. Governor Thomas, of Maryland, is - urged for the mission to Japan. It has transpired that John Jay or Mr. Motley will be appointed to the English Mission, with the probabilities in favor of Mr. Jay. In that case Mr. Motley will return to Austria. The indications are that the first Confer ence Committee on the Tenure-of:Office act will not agree, but that a second Com mittee, with Butler off, will adopt a bill which both Houses will pass and the President will sign. The deficiency bill will contain an ap propriation of two millions for Internal Revenue expenses. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. —Pike, the alleged wife poisoner, at Fitchurgh, Mass:, has been committed for trial. —Wm. lson formerly nati, was r Wi un over , by the cars at T o p ka, Kansas, last night. and had both legs ter ribly crushed: —The work on the Missouri River bridge at St. Louis is progressing favora bly. The engineers expect soon to com mence work on the centre pier. —Rev. Demetrius MarOgna. a promi nent Catholic Priest, formerly Priest of Vincent's Abbey, Westmoreland county, Penna., died at St. Paul, Alinn., Saturday. —The Criminal Court at Indianapolis overruled the motion for an arrest of judgment in the case of Mrs. Clem, -and I sentenced her to the - Penitentiary forlife. —A man named Bottrie, Iron Inspector on the Northern Missodri River Railroad, was foundcellar at Kansas City, Mo., Tuesday mornia, with his neck broken. —A female inmate of the State Insane Hospital at Middletown, Conn. was beaten to.death on Friday mornin; with ad iron castor of a bedstead by another _female inmate. —Wm. Lawson Carter, of the firm of Woolson, Carter Hitchcock, of Cleve land. shot himself through the heart on on Wednesday, while laboring under temporary insanity. —The Commissioners of Emigration at New York have concluded their :exami-_ nation into the horrors of the fever ship James Foster, Jr. The evidence fully corroborated the orevious statements. —The Chicago, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad has rejected the proposed lease to the Atlantic and Great Western Road. It lts rumored that Jay Cooke will build a new track from Dayton to CincinnatL —Nathan Cole, one of the most promi nent merchants, has been nominated for Mayor of Louis by thd Radicals. Dwight Durkee, a retired banker, re 'ceived the nomination for Comptroller. --James Harper, ex-Mayor of New York city, died on Saturday last, from the effect of injuries received by being thrown from a carriage on the Thursday previous. He was seventy-four years old. ... —At Richmond, Va., in the case of Governor Wells, Judge Bond and oth ers, charged with purioinizig a letter from the mail, the United States Com missioner discharged all the parties ac =used. • —Arizona intelligence ` of March 6th says the Indian depredations are numer ous, and the military appear powerless to render protection to the settlers. The savages are well armed and provided with ammunition. • • Hickman, dispatches say that Henry a prominent member of the First Baptist Church, under arrest for falsely and maliciously assaulting the character of Mrs. Vermate, wife of\the pastor. was found.guilty. _ --Tuesday a boat containing two sol diers from Fort Adams, and a boy named Lynch, was capsized in Newport Har bor, R. I. .Miss Ida Lewis, daughter of the keeper of the light-house, put out in a boat and saved the two soldiers Out the boy sunk just as she reached him. —Tho case of John Deggendorf, City Comptroller of St. Louis, charged with embezzling funds belonging to the city, came before the Criminal Court yester day,_ and wss nolle prossed by the Praise outing Attorney, there _being no evi dence to sustain the charge, and the case was dismissed. • - •---The bill, by tpeOhieo ofL e th g e is S la t t i uckren ey railroad about to nullify the lease of the Clncinnati,:Hamil ton and Dayton Railroad to the Atlantic sod Great Western road. The bill prch• vides that the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Compaw shall pay the contracts of the lessees. • , —A distilrbance occurred on Sunday in the Synagogue of Irvinton street, New York, in conseqnenee of the Trus tees endeavoring to prevent persona leav ing the Synagogue .be4me. the close' of the service. Mr. Moses Michael, a Member of the congrekation, was ar rested on a charge of disorderly conduct. -;-The order • of Odd - Fellows; of New York city, have completed the arrange ments for a fitting celebration of the , fiftieth anniversary of -the establiah Meat of, theerder on.this continent. ',The ad dresses will 'tie 'delivered at' Steinway Hall v ,on the evening of April 2 61 b, by the . Rev.'. Vivra H. Chaplo, P. P. G. Smith, of Briffald; and of —A dieustch• states the rescinding of General Sherman %s order, Iltrootlotitaft 'Officers and heatioof army bureaus to re port to him instead of the Ail:notary of War wail made by the President ) At ..the solicitation of, Secretary who said he would rather resign than only' ,serve as an ornamental head r rre.s Th e: ein eyst instituted', by Gene Sherman it Was found did not work 'very Immo , niously. It restates that theacereclited agents otthe Cuban insurrectionists are earnest-, ly at work in Washington with:Congress., men and others,- endeavoring to secure 4 / 0 some•recognition fro m the United Statei in favor of their e. lt is announced that an office, wil l, be opened there .:this week for the sale o bonds of the Cuban Insurrectionary G vernment, endr that Senor Lamas is perfecting arrangements to that end. PDX garfOßiniraturr. , mules: A. HERRON • Will be ireandldate for the once of Sheriff, eub. Jett to the decision of the 'Union Republican County Convention. mh26urio-cI&P larTO THE CITIZENS OF %L. LEeMENY COuNt I - r. spectrally annonoce myself as a canaidate for the ofeee of :LERK OF CUURTS, subject to the decision of the Union Republican Count,' Convention. I would state that ask the . °lke bui , for. ONE TERM. at tile termination or which I w uld cheerfully retire. believing andere are others equally entitled to the honoemoluments of the (ace, and as competent as myself • • I will be under obligations to the citizen:. of the -cc uaty for their support. Very realipctfallf. JO ..EP It Vol Late'lo2ll (old 13th ,) and sth Pa. Vol. itegt. mh..%:g47 SPECIAL NOTICES PTO CONTRACTORS. Pittsburgh & Connellsville Railroad. Proposals will be recelied up to SATURDAY, "3' Ist, inclusive, for the • GRADUATION, MASONRY AND BALLASTING Of the remaining 47 Sections of Ole Road, situ ated at intervals upon the 90 tulles between Con nalsville and Cumberland. ? hpecicetions will be read for distribution at the Pittsburgh and Cistubtriand (Mikes, on rut- DAY, the 9th of April; and alt information necessary for the proper examination of the work will be afforded by the Engineer upon the line. By order of the President and Directors. BENJ. li. LATROBE. Chief Engineer. ONTlCE Pirrrinr/tCowsraLtAmß ta. It:Co Pittsburgh, March 18th, 180 1. 3121120 1133:8 . 17il WORALUE„Proposals will be received on or before APRIL 4th. for _ • HORIZON rAL FORTY-HORsE POWER STEAM ENOINE, Including bollers t delivered WORKHOUSE. up t the ALLEGHESiI COUNTY Proposal* to state size or cylinder, dimensions of boilers, and gen eral construction of engine. Bics to be left at the office of BARR 8 MOSER. Architects, No. 2 and 4 011th (late St. Clair, street. FLEMING, W. S. maolttL. i eon. mIM:x42 IarBATCEILELOWS ELI.Urt DYE. the only This spl ruend id Hair Dye Is the best In the wo rld: te and perfect Dye; harmless, relia ble, instantaneous; no dlsaptMent; no ri diculous tints; remedies th eme effects of bad dyest.invigorates and leaves the Hair colt and beautiful. black or brown. Sold by all Druggists andPerttuners: and properly applied at Batelle lor,s Wig Fac tory, No. 18 Bond street. New York. an23:n29 -- EPILEpsiTh----------m ANCORED —Those havin g friends afflicted are ear. 1 nest'' , solicited to send for a Circular Letter of References and Testimonials, which will con vince the molt skeptical of the curability of Ms (Mears. Address %AN BUREN LOC etROW, .111. b.. 38 Great Jones stree., New Yore. • mitlergT3td&P MARRIAIiE :) mu" . _ CY.—An Essay for young men on the crime or Solitude, Itnd the DISICAsiO3 and ABUSES which creme impediments Sent In with sure Means of relief. Sent In sealtd letter en veloyws. free of charge. -Add. ess. Dr. J. WEIL LIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association. Phila delphia. Pa. . , lalb:ditT IIIarORNADIENTAL AND USE. - 'UL. Buy O.NTLY SILVER TIPPED SHOES- For chthlren. Will outwear three pate"; without jaMulas.rysit:e AUCTION SALES BY -H. B. SMITHS ON Qt CO. BOOTS, SHOES AND CARPETS FOR THE MILLION. AT • SMITHSON'S EMPORIUM, b 5 AND 37 FIFTH AVENUE. Messrs. H. B. SMITHSON & CO.. proprietors of the well known Mammoth Auctfoti House are creating an excitement consequent upon the ar rival of new goods which are tieing sold at the low prices. Goods otevery variety; the finest sewed br.ots the most tashionable bal. moral gaiters and - ' anklet shoes, slippers, &c., blankets, flannels, cloths. case eras , cutlery and carpets. Call and examine. No trouble to show goads. Ladles'. Misses' and children's furs at Almost your own prices. Al.! goods war ranted as represented. - no.:1 I mint AND. PERFUMER Y TORN PECK; ORNAMENTAL HAIR. WO RKW AND PERYIIIiER. No. Third street. near Smithfield, Pittsburgh. Alwayi_on hand, a_general assortment of La- Ales, %nfiS, BANDS, CURLS: Hantlemen's WIGS. TOPERS. SCALPS, GUARD CHAINS. wi d e. au. air A good Price in cash will be given tot RAW HAIR. • Ladles' and Gen titmarl'il Bair Cutting done nnh, /11 th. inattaet en WEIGHTS AND IVIEASIIRES. Fr B. LYON, — gooier of Weights and .111easnres. No. II POUBTH S raKETI tßetireen Liberty atd Terry street,. Orettrs tworamily attni nal tn. O.IIIIIIPNT, SOAP:STONE, &o. NO. 11.24 •Er Smithfield street, Vole Manufacturers of Warren's Pelt Cement and Gravel Roottng. Ma. Urfa' for sale. • laa:ra DRUGGISTS - - E 31(111D-111bertr°1aVtrejet, Dealers In fru?: a t and Patent Medicines. matzos WILLIAM KILLER 04- CO., Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin, now offer to the trade at low figures, strictly Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. Porto Rico, 'Cuba and English Island Sngsrs. New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Re. fined do. Golden Drina, Lovering', Brurkils, Stuari% Adams , and Long Island syrup'. Porto Rico. - on , and English Island Molasses. Young Hyena, Japan. Imperial, Gunpowder and Oolong Teas. Carolina. and Bangoin Bice. Java, taguayra and In Coffees. Tooacco, .Lard Nabs Gloat, Soaps, Cotton Yarns, dd., constantly on . band. - , • • ' !LIAR • . POETHBB % OP . Tine Brandies,Wines and Segars. • Ilbenlsh;.Moselle. and Sparkling Hoek Wines of Hinkel t Co.- in bottles. Sparklin Seliarsberg and Zobanxus. bum. Hai nehne4 Burgundy, gr. Brandeabnis & 'resale 'Sine Olive 011. • do: cdo , C larets ,_ 'mooned In bottles. W. ort - do ; doSons, white 'Wlties. In bottles. 'W Spaltllng Catawba. • Pine old Btu klaaelra snd.Port Wines. Free old Ifonongauela Bye Whisklem. pure. do Verytpioerior , Oid seote n do do. ALSO, So& Agents tbr !font Ctuindon'sV i n . Grand pa Verrenity and Seliery Cbimpagne. • Brandies of our own selecton and warranted. (74.1 a-rs nisitier ilintrjarst INK *one; O. E.-ROBINE3OI4 • • •• • leArtrinicivitin Black end Colored Printing Littsigraphle, •- _INKS, VARignntlii i Gray's Ferry Road and. 884 Street, . . &genie° ; - PHILADELPHIA. • AIRELIV • ELIXIR WILL CERN EWAXACIXi. MAMIIALL'S -EL LXLS W/LL CIIIIB DYBPXYBIA. BLutsum,loB ELIXIR WILL ett/IX COATIVX. RIR& • Price of Marshall's Ellzir, *l.OO per_Nottle. *Der,_"21:a3,1414,142:6.11- az4IIIALL For sale. wholesale and retail. by GEO, A. KILLLYt Pittsburgh. telsd99-1111/:8 AN ORDINANCE_ Authorizing the gradhis, Paring and Curb. lorgofTh irty.n, nth 'Street. from antler - Street to Allegheny Valley Ralleoll4. Sae. 1. Be a ordainedandenadedby th• of Pittsburgh, in Sled and Common Notsacits as • aemblei. and it is hereby ordained and enacted by au hority qf the eame, That the City Eugiaerr be and be is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for proposal+ tor the grading, paving and curbing of Tharty-ninth stze.-t. from Butler street to the Allegheny Valley.RaProad. and to let the same In the manner direct... , by an ordi nance concerni..g streets. passed August 31st, 1857; also, an ant moncernlngatreets, approved Ja merry 6th. 1864. SEC. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same Is hereby re pealed so tar as the same affect tins ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this 29th day of March, A. L. 1869. President pro tern E of N Select Council. Attest: E. S. Mormon*. Clerk of Select Connell. W. A. TO3ILINSON, President of Common Council. Attest: H. l'ile.liAsTEß, Clerk of Common Council. mluil AN ORDINANCE Authorizing the Grading and Paving of apruee alley, from Twentyfunrth Street to Twenty-Ufth Street. SECriOnl. Be ft ordained and enacted by the 011 8 City ty" Pttteburyh, — ln — Beleet and Common Coen assembled. and ft to hereby ordained and enacted by the autOrtty of the ealr.e. That the City Engineer be and he is hereby horlzed and directed to adrertise forproposals for the grading and paving of Spruce alley. from Twenty-fourth street to Twenty-fifth street. ord in ance con c ern.. in the manner directed by an lag streets. bassed August 31st, 1997: also. an act concerning str..ets, approved January 6th, /86,1, • SEC. 2. That any ordinance pas s ag e of of ordi nance cOntlicling with the passage of this ordi nance at the present time, be and the same is hereGy repealed solar as the same Whets this or dinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, Ibis 29th day of March, .1869. - JOHN SHIPTON, President pro tern of Se/ect Council. Attest: E. S. Monnow. Clera of Seleot Council. W. A. ToIitANSON, President of Common Council. - Attest: H. MCMASTER. • Clerk of Common Council. mull N ORDINANCE , - Authorizing' the Grading. Pavlof; and Curbing' Fortieth turret. front Butler Street to the Allegheny Val ley9Sallread. • I Stcrton 1. Be tt ordained and enacted by the My of Pittsburgh, to Select and Common (Arun. cite aemmbled, and tt te hereby ordained and esittetret by the authority of tne same, plat the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorized and directeu to advertise for pronosals tor the grad ing. paving and curbing at Fortieth street, from Butler street to the Allegheny Valley Railroad, as to let the same in the manner directedloy at ordinance concerning scree s passed August 31st, 1857: also, an act concerning Streets, ap proved Jarman 6th, 186* Sac. That any ordinance or part of ordi nance conflicting with the passage of this ordl. nance at the-present time, be and the same Is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this or dinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, title 291 h-day of March. A. D. 1869. OHN ON, President pro t ents of Select T Connell. Attest: E. B. Itsounow. Clerk of Select Council. A. TOMLI NSON, President of Common Council. Attest: H. McßlAs - rgt, Clerk of Common Council. mb:l AN ORDINANCE . horizing the grading. Pavin curbing of Liberty Street. foo t s Barlett Street to the Greensburg' Turnpike. • • • Ste. I. Be U ordained and enacted by the Select and Common Council* of the City of Pilaburpli, and it is hereby ordained and enacted bp Me authorilp of the same. That the City Engineer be and ne hereoy authorized and directed to advertire :or proposals for the grisolng,_paving and entlyng of Liberty street, from Haslett street to the Greensburg Turnpike, andlo let the same in the manner direeted by an ordinance con cerning street,. pasted August 31. t. 1857: alto. an act concerning Street* approved Jan nary 6th, .1864. Szc. 9. That an v ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at' the present time, be and the same is hereby re- Ordained r as the same affects this ordinance. and enacted into a law in Councils, this 99th day of March, A. L. 1869. JOHN S.HIPTOIf. President pro tern of Select Council, Attest E. S. MOnnow, • Clerk of Select Connell. W. A. TOMLINSON. . President of Common Council. Attest: H. MCMA.VEn, Clerk of Common Council. znlell AN ORDLTANCE Appointing Viewers on Greensburg , Pike Opening. StCriorr 1. he ft ordained and enacted by Me (Tay of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Coun enl:lrcted ci assembled, and it is heroy ordained and a by auttiortly wart,he Same, That James Black and Thomas ht. be and they are here by appointed Viewers lieu of opening of the Or ensburg Pike, in lieu ef ramu-1 McKee. who declines serving, and Z. N ainright, now a mem ber ot: Select 'Conn SSC. S. That anyordinance or part Of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the stimuli; hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. this Ordained d and enacted into a me , in Councils, h aypf March, A. D. 1869. JOHN SHIPTON, President pro tern of Select Council. Attest: E. S. Xonnow. • - Clerk of Select Council. W. A. TO3ILISSON, President of Common Council. Attest: 11. Roldaerrit, Clerk of Common Council. tohli ma A N ORDINANCE gar the Construction or a Board Walk on Broad totreet. in the Nineteenth Ward, (late East Liberty.) sze. 1. Be ft emoted by the City of Pittsburgh. in detect and Common Councils antembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the author ity of the same. That the City Enrineer be and he Ii hereby authorized and directed to ativeruso for'proposals for the const , !melon cif Board Walk on portionh side of Broad street, (e2cept. ing that already lald'down,) from High land avenue to the Frankstown road, In the Ninetr en It ward, and to let rue same In aecotd ance with rules In • IICII cases made atai provided, the cost of constructing the same to be assessed to roperty fronting thereon. sod to be collected tar he agsessments made by th.• city ar e collected. 311. Tont ant ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same IS h.rebr re pealed so rar as t'e SaIIIP affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this Both aay 0.6 March. A. I/. 1889. IMN SHIPTON. President pro tens of to s t et Councll. Attest: E. is. MOhnow, Clerk of Select Connell. -W. A. TOMLINSON'. President of Common Council. Attest: ft. 3 ibbtaran. Clera of common Council. • . 14 tIN 0 duppress Disorderly Nooses. 'Mouses of 111 Veto% and Disorderly Assess blazes. - - 92 CTIOW 1 11. BS t i nrdatned and enacted Coax City of Pittsburgh, &tact send common oils aeon/shied, and ft is hereby ordained and en ansd by the authority ortite same. /Las all houses ol 11l fame,_ all houses Irequented by per sons for lewd and unchaine" part:gores-, all unli censed public dance honses,, , and all houses and Places where= Intoxicating dquors are sold with out Hanle or contrary to the laws of this Com monwealth, *ball be deemednad held to be disor derly houses,And the Pollee of said city are em powered to arrest every keeper thereof and every person found therein, end 17 bring all. such per sous before the Mayor of sa d elly for examina tion and hearlog, and each such stave described Denton whom the . Mayor. shall .adtudge guilty or maintaining sten ' ipmsea,- or or visiting the same for. Improper payout, shall be lined. not les• than nue dollars nor more than one hundred dollars sot each' o ff ence, find in defau lt'of Pay ment 'of such fine mud costs, shall be &emitted to 'the, common Jail of Allegheny, county fur a period of nut more than sixty days. . 810. - A . All floes collected as score d shall be accounted -for by the Mayor and 'paid o the City. Treasurer,for the use of the-clty of Ylt, burgh. kdc. a. That any :ordinance or y• of *rill imam, connPfling wt. li the' pnnage of this ordi nance at , the -present tlme,:be and the same Is hereby revealed so far At the same ascots this or dlnai, ee. 1 Urdelned /led enacted Ilit4i's, lairthls the Allth 3. ihmor March, h,. D.,41889 . - • = - - - . - JOHN' 814IPTOir, • , President : Oro tent of Select Conne ll . ' Attes t E. B. MonnoW. _ • Clerk l' & efeet OCutecil.' W. A. T93ILINBON; Presidentirtm Of Coon Connell, ' Attests R. Moldastan...! in, 1 , Clerk of Comma Cutell. , . . RUBBER - ikENG, nose. Steam Packing and-LTfiaskets o f th e oaten Belting ComPanles manufacture at prices aI low as Has qualatybygoods can be boa ghttof stet. a A, PHILLIPS. he m the anufacturer A. lull stash always on hand t India Ilabber DiTet% and 28 Sixth re yeg Sou Agents fer the Company. 611b1SANCas Elb3l Union Nei(loWoad Company • - IitiSTICEN Lying along tboiine ottiteir soil, at • • Auden& CitEDIT OP TIC I . Itor aurraer parti • •cnla r 40., addreas JIOTIN P. AiIkiITJO:ITX • - LansiCorcualtsioner, Topeka, Kassa& . 0 • T /Litlllll/RN Reelr gull: . " it. Lots, Ittssonri. lclifiE, BiAN. OR , SUE; r- MEN, who hol d PATRON'S TICK' WI'S of the ild' au :ad SEMEN 'Or, WASHINGTuts MEDAL.. itlua r ENs. are hereby in rormed that the draw.. In were nude January 29, 1899, and tbstelr enlara gloingdfnll Informatioe-or the • numbers Mama, Ally be sent .to .porsons. Interested. on 'Miele aadresslag thaVAIIIIINOTON MEDAL. LION PEN OOMPANYi New' York. W N. ' B..maxitz) Tan Imams or- Till 412 89. u. I - : .... f, ,- : . .idthla .. ). - 0- lIVSffiELS OF P.EACII 41100 F BLoWe.: ~• ; : • - . • au; DIL, / 1 562.11 , & sTigVinwsos.• • Mat 149 mutliEmar lionotruir IdOLA SAES. • • DILLENVER & BTEVANBON. • - •rz, . • tt.l‹../"ltAkt.i6ghttl's•if#A,W,f7F,.... SCHIWIDT & FRIDAY, IMPORTERS OP WINES BRANDIES, GIN, &C. WHOLESALE DEALERS IR PURE RYE , WIIISKIES 409 PENN STREET, Will Remove on the Ist of April to NOS. 354 AND 856 PENN, Co'r. 'Eleventh St., (formerly Canal.) JOSEPH S. FINCH & CO., • COOL Is 3. 187, 189. 191, 193 and 1951: /REST STFLEZT. PITTf3BIIRE/H. • auannucrinuuts OP Ceppxr Distilled Pare Rye Whiskey. Also, dealers In POEZIGN WINES sad LI QIJORS. athuna OIIItTIi LIST ,;1869 A PPLI. F OATIONS TO enLL-tiguons, tiled In the t; erk's Once. PITTSBII4GII. Henry Shifter, tavern, let. ward: Fred. Jacobs. tavern, lit ward; Wm. Poll( etc, tavern, Ist ward; Chas. Qulan, tavern, lit ward; Geo. Free, tavern, Ist ward; Daniel McCafferty. tavern, Ist ward; Henry Schild, tavern, Ist ward: Win. X•oeger, tavern. Ist ward: Martin Pctinety. tavern. lac ward; Martin Joyce, tavern, Ist ward; David Reich, tavern. Ad ward; Reinhart Ullrich, tavern, 3d. ward; Jas. McCafferty. tavern, 31 ward: B. Gailla Bechtol d t a vern ard Ru.dolph. 4th ws.rci; Dan Heenan, tavern, 4th ward; M G organ I M L a ßryon avaeven4 t 4 twwr; d; John Getty, tavern, 4th ward: kl. H. Watson & Co., other ;roods. 4th ward. Linen & Mechlin& other gouda, 4tn ward: Charles Bilharz. tavern, sth ward: Edward McGarr, tavern, sth ward: Lucinda Putt real; tavern. Bth ward; James'. Wiggins, tavern, 9th ward: Hazlet Shields, tavern, 9th ward: Mary Nusbaum, tavern. 9th ward; H. & J. 'slain t 9th ward: W. Veitmeler, tavern , 9th ward: Adam Timms, tavern 9th ward; Henry Fuchs. tavern, fith wvrd; Joseph Hankie, eating house. 9th ward; Owen Sullivan, tavern, 10th ward; John l lcCambridge, tits. e rn , 10th ward; John tSchrlber, tavern. 10th ward: Cornelius Sheenan. eating nouse, 10th ward; John Frederick, eating honse, 10th wan; as. Gallagher, tavero.l/Ulward; Phil., Scnansenbach. tavern, llth ward; Peter Kaltenborn. eating house, 11th ward; Phil„Voiret, tavern, LAth ward; J. G. Hommel, tavern, 14th ward: - . p.,Pearson, tavern, 15th ward; Mich: Berger. tavern. 15th ward; John•Thalhclmer, tavern, 15th ward; Mich; Williams. tavern, lath ward: F. J. Lautn, tavern, 15th ward; Mary Waldler, tavern, 15th ward: Jacob Gime:Wort, tavern, 16th ward: Win. R. McKee. eating house. lOch ward; - Hannah Donaldson, tavern, 17th ward: John Kelly, tavern, 17th ward. ALLEGHENY. Hugh Callahan, tavern, \lLst ward: Jas. Getty, Jr., tavern. Sid ward; Adam Heyi. tavern, 3dward: Mich. ' firetrap, tavern. 3d ward; Henry e.ork ‘ tavt rn, 3d ward; Johnoffman. tavern, 34 war • Hoffmann. tavern, 31 ward; ` . John Diyer, tavern. 3d ward; • Theo. Hueskin. tavern. 3d ward; It. Hess, tavern, 3,1 ward; Casper Sauer, tavern. 3d ward; F. Richter, tavern, 3d ward; Chas. Rochrlg, tavern. 3.1 ward: .: L. Schuler. tavern, 3 , 1 ward: - J. Fru...ulna, tavern. 3(1 ward: C. Gelb, cavort', al ward; V. Benyer, tavern 3.1 ward: J. Schirmer, tavern. 34 ward; C. Set literback. eating house. 3d ward; ff5:115.4."' ea ,g , 'LL°:rl'.. a g t w wagi,- Keysert & Wernert, other goods, iSa ward: Mich' Miller. tavern, 4th ward; A. Glasser, tern, 4 th ward; F. J. Landgraff. tavern. 4th ward; A. G. Ehlers, tavern, 4th ward; George Garber, tavern, 4th ward; Anna Froelich, tavern 4th scud; • John Bltner, tavern. 4 . th wit* d; Charles Jacob, other &Kills, 4th ward; Adam titig, tavern. 51h ward; Val. Denhard, tavern , 6th ward; Fred. Stara, tavern, Out ward: W. Southward, tavern, Oth ward: John Hamilton. 1 tavern Oth ward! Phil. Wagner, tavern, oth ward; _ H. Reddenbach. other goods, 6th ward; Jose_ph Dlerstein. tavern, 7th ward; W. Eberhardt, tavern, 7th ward; P. Hornberger tavern. 7th ward; G. F . Stechie, eating house. 7th ward; :Flsher, tavern, 13,11 war: G. tchonn, tavern, Bth ward d .' , i BOROUGHS. 11. Becker, tavern, Braddock; V. Striate. tavern, Birminghain: John Kammerer, tavern, Birmingham; Lewis Smith. tavern, Birmingham, Job. schneck. tavern, Birmingham; Gertrude Gcli, tavern, Birmingham; John Windsicin, tavern, Birmingham; . - .1. Roth,' tavern, Binning_ham; .1. J. Haut, tavern, East B:rminghain; Je,hn Grein; tavern, East Birmtngham; J. A. Linner,, tavern, East Birmingham; (leo. Ullrich, tavern. Eastirmin Otani; Jac. Gommer, tavern. Birminghain; C. Feld. tavern, .I. Alt Birntinglam ; J. Frendenrich, tavern. East Birmingham: IL Dietrich. tavern, East Birmingham; H. Wilhelm. eating house, East Birmingham; Jos. V. tavern, McKeesport: John Cain. tavern. McKeesport.• D. is. Lindsay, other goods. McKeesport; L. Brucker, tavern. southlPittsbargh; John. G.lDeltsb , other goods, South Plttab'gh; Peter Minert, tavern, bbarpsburg; Dennis Hearer, tavern. Sharpsburs: J. A. Hart, other goods, ebarpsbarg; Geo. '/'rctisy, tavern, Tarenttun; T. J..Ltichardsen, o. goods. Temperanceville: TOWNSHIPS; Alex. Sp er. tavern, Hampton: Jacob Madotry, eating house, Killback; G. W. Warren, tavern Marshall; V. Hellion, tavern. Mlttlin; Peter Herres, tavern, Mifflin: Jos. Chlverton, tavern, McClure; Chu" King, tavern Reserve• J. Hartman, ,avern, Lower St. Clair. Host, Fisher & Co. e. h. Lower St. Clair: F. 8. Bogle, eatiniboure, Lower St. Ctrir; James Heinrich& tavern, Union; • Thos. Welsh, eating house, nion; Thos. Lawrence. tavern. Versailles; J. H. Meyer, tavern, Wilkins. . The Board will sit for hearing the above appilpatione on WEDNESDAY, the 7th April, at 9 o'clock A. H. JOHN - G. BROWN, (nett. ' : 2,0 ,000 ACRES OF ROWE LANDS FOR SALE, Br TBB $1,0? TO $5 l OO PER 1911 r, rarlVEyv ore s Lelfsee...• „„ HOUSE. !-anger, LIM ilighllbbUt tyro oi :lit beautiful and aceom- Wished young Attlee. Itl• • en Aitx.tri TE TH OUPSON. • THURSDAY EVENING.. April Lit. 1809. will be presented the ever popular play of FA NCIION. Fanebon ...........:....Miss Fr Charlotte Thompson. Vay Evening—BENEFlT of Mlss Charlotte Thompson. Idlsslhompson Matinee on Saturday. arACADEMY OfF THE WORLD RENOWNED,TROUPE OF TYROLEAN SINGER.; Two Ladles and Six Gentlemen. Who have performed with the greatest success before the CROWNED HEADS OF EUROPE, And lately received with the greatest enthusiasm In New kork, will give TWO CONCERTS in this city, on Thursday and Friday Next. The tirogramme will consist of selections from favorite Operas, Untrimmed with Native Tyrolean. Aire, Funning an entertainment at, once lINIQUZI NOVEL, and of the tift.EATECT ARTOT/C ADMlSSlON—Parquette And. Dress , Circle, $1; Family Circle. 50 cents; Gallery. 25 cents. deserved beats MS9 be obtained at H Kleberts Music 'tore, 1221 Wood street. on MONDAY MORN! n G Zik..X. - T, without extra charge. mhZ:g= • - PITTSBURGH - THEATRE. AnotHr W. sWtelLlaL t l i AM Sf SLtareie and M be a aut gt ful and dashieg AIIGUXTA LAMEREAUX, Misr NELLIE HOWARD. ^be popular Come dians OeCAB. WILLIS a.d JOHNNY COLLINS. Mr. ad 3irs. EDWIN aLA "'CHARD and their wonderful acting Dorrs. Carlo and Nero. In the exciting drama called —.The Watchmanand His Doss." Lillie Beckett, Dick Carroll, Charley Gardner, and all the Monster Company in anew olio. Ladles' Matinee every Wednesday and Saturday. 10'43 M Y THE 5 8 • AMERICAN THEATRE. (Late Trimbles Vaties.) THIIIMDAY EVENING, April Ist, 1669, last night but two of the success of the season, the DAell WOOD SI.TERS. .Last night but . two of Mr. ROBERT NICRI.E, the great Mogiclan. Brill'ant reception of Miss AMY DR BRENT. Mots ANNIE .ELDRIDGE. Mr. HARRY Et. RICHMOND, ano the .New Company. Friday Evoning, benefit of the DASHWOOD SISTERS. An Immense bill. __ ._ IarBURNELL'S MUSEUM AND PARLOR MENAGERIE, The Great ramily Iteeorte. WoadAVEUE. between Smithfield and. Woo FTH d streets N opposite Oh Theatre. Oven DayT and Evening . ..fill the round. Admission. ScentsilOklldren:ls cents. PIANos,,oRciANS, & BEY THE BEST AND CIIICALp• MIT PIA/i0 AI M ORGAN. Sehomacker's Gold Medal Plan% AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The, sonolteesza PIANO combines, all the latest - valuable Improvements known in the con struction of a ant class tostrument. and has al , ways been awarded-the highest Premium ex hibited. Its tone is full, sonorous and sweet. The workmanship. for durability and beauty, surpass all others. Prices front $5O to $l5O. (accordng to style and finish.) cheaper than all other so . called drat class Plano. ISTEY , I3 COTTAGE ORGAN Btands at the' bead all reed lestruments. itt producing the mostp er fect pipeonality of ton e of any similar Instrtunent in the United States. It is simple and compact in conatruc ll on, and not Had. to set out of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT A. VOR HUMANA TREMOLO" only_to .be found in this Orgst price from $lOO to years. 050. Al/ guaranteed for Ave BABE, KNAKE 4L - BIIETTLER ; No.'LZ ST. CLAIR STRIOET _ _ PIANOS AND ORGANS --An tire new stock of RNABE'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS; HAINES BROS., PIANOS: PRINCE k CO'S ORGANS AND "ISLODE. ONS and TREAT, LINSLEY & CO'S ORGANS AND =LC:DEW...S. • dea CHARLOTTE BLUME. 43 Mb avenue. Sole Agent. =!1 ASSIGNEE'S SALE. TN PURSUANCE OF 4N ORDER of the District Court of the United States tor the Western District willnsylvania. made March 4.6. 1869. there beexposed at Pub.; Sic Sale, at MCILWAIRE,S-AUCTION RODMS, ALL the City of Pittsburgh, on the 10th Day of April, 1869, At 10 o'clock A. Ir., the following described Real Estate of JOSHUA .11HODXS. Bankrupt, sub. ject, however, to existing Rens, via.: All that lut of ground, situate fn the First ward of tie eity or Allegheny, county of Alle gheny, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point 139 feet 3 inches southwardiv of .Reherca street, Fl inches westwardiy.frotn the line dividing ent-lots numbs re.ua and 24 in the Reserve trac opposite Pittsburgh: thence paraliel with said line south wsrdly 443 feet &Inches to Bank Lane: thence along Bank Lane westwardly 194 feet flinches to line of land of J. H. L ndsay env II D. Whi pile:Abe. ce along s Lindsay and tuba‘ple'is line nortbwardly 4 41 feet : 2 •Plenes point within 132 feet 3 Inches of said Rebe.cc. street; thencetsortn6B)4 d greee east 5103 . feet 9 Inches to the place of beginning., • . , Aso, I n certain other Lot or stria of land, 14 Inches. width and running_ trom Bank Lune to isithin 1351 feet 3inches of Rebecca street afore said. along the eastern boundary of the tot of ground above descrined.ard extending from said eastward ly boundary to the dlvidin alne be tween - out-lots numbers 23 and 24 aforesaid, less the following described piece of the above described lot, to-wit: All Ma t certain lot or ple.e of ground beginning at a point at the line of property of Joihna ithodes on Baulk Lane; thence Wong the line of said property of said Rimdessl4l teat to a eopneintof the t b y y o a Lind s ay andM4Cucheetnto; thence by the line ofsald Lindsay and WOW cheon 925 feet to Bank Lane; ttitace along Bank Lane 38 feet 3 Inch e s to - the place of beginning, on 'which drst and seoatiobed pieces ofground. less the last dewribed pieceqgronnti, is erected a large Brick Malt House'. Also, all those two ceriattilots of groom', inn ate In the (Sty o fPittsbnrgh,oon..ty of kliegherty and btate of Pennsylvania., bounded and de. scribed as follows: Beginning on Irwin street at the Matinee of 188 feet 7 inches front :Duquesne War: thence at right eaves with Irwin street 60 feet: thence parallel with Irwai . street, 40 `feet: th ence as right angles with Irwin street ISO islet. to sand Irwin street; thence along the same 40 feet to the place of beginning, being . lets , Numbers 3 . and '4 In a d Van of lots laid ont Itz' Joshua Rtiodss, recorde in Plan Book, vol. Page 977.. % :. . - . .. - . It. 17.2119CEETtAsalgis!o. TN_THE .orAtrAsrien ElNEQol7o...'Allighrtag mbar. Pa, Ja the matter of-the ' VACATION OP, OR aNT AVE. ' NIIIG. between Ohio end 'Washington avenues, In the second ward. of the ClOr or Allegheny. -:And now. seebruiuT AL , 1869 the Petition in this sue hgring been presented In °Pen Chart. b ordered to be filed. • .' : • , 14 ad the Court du gran t a nue as prayed ths jr, said petition, to ,shOW COMBO Wh rtalitzporjton of Brant avenue. lying between Ohl* and Nash. legion avenues lu said Second ward, should not be vacated .and clOSed tint, and 4 0 renhe korder that notice or the Allng or said petition and or th e printing of the rule shire...aid. be pnblished t wit Irrea e a week, for four collsftutire weeks t in th e uatht Ga um, published lu,the City or Pittsburgh. ,• tPront the Record.] re2B:nB•Tan • JOlti , A:WWI:NIS* RATRIX'S NOTIO,E. 4-3;Whereas.letters of adnilntiriattp. bola* Keen granted to the u nderstglted, Oh the estate of 6E0E04 GSCHWENI)Z,s,.. lat,e ,et Allegheny Co., lib pe ndebted to the **ld emote are requelted s ons e ltronlate paymt anathose harinir thaws to prese ntthe* to , pro prly intben t1544415"4"44 elit/SA Cl9llRltrillNl/El4' xrdtll:42PT4 liAlll Penn dtreel. 7 ,, WW. AINDIERSOX • .M. W. CANlrme.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers