DUQUESNE 'WORKS. .c o ..mAri';'74', -., ,JEvr4 - '.:',4 1 0 - 6 !IRON,NAILS; STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS, puquasmi. L X AND JIINLIMA, FLAT BAR. ROUND AND SQU ILRE IRON. AND HOOP, SHEET AND TANN IRON. BOILER PL A 'FAS AND I ( HIC ADS, GUARD IRON, DRAG nd TIROPPER BARS, FLANGED I OUTrER BANS, C LINDER FILAT RAIL, for Coal Roads. CROWE a Itt4_ ,WEDOEs H A Rtti /1V TEETH, SPRING.PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL, gILWINGS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. BTTEEL. TIuES, STEEL SHAFTING, A. B. STEEL COACH, BUGGY and WAGON SPRINGS and AXLES. CUT NAILS AND SPIKES. All Goods First Class and Warranted. . - OFFICES AND WORKS: Sixteenth Street and Allegheny flyer, and 77 Water Street, Pittsburgh. inb9 GODEFFROY BRANCKER & CO,, 42 Exchange Place, New York, Are prepared, `its (Sole Agents In the United States for the Prussian Mining and Iron Com• Pliny of Dulaborg, Westphalia, to contract or sell in quantities to snit purchasers, (delivered In either New York or rhiladelphia,) the celebrated- V.. G. SPIEGELEISEN Vaud ao extemileely for the manufacturing of DESSEDIER STEEL. This Iron is free from Et tapir and Phosphorus, and contains a heavy per cen:age Of Manganese. Pull particulars, samples, prices or chemical analysis will he promptly forwarded on applies* , &Lion.laBo:47B • SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. fiIIiTGER; NIIIICK & CO. I , - , ~ MUM PA. •1•1 11 " 13 1 , s • • • ifoittorero of every deseription of CAST AND CIERILiii STEEL, BATLw... armies, itromr,:c. ANIS PLATTORN SPRINGS, • AXLES, STEEL Warehouse:, 88 Water and 100 First BU. NIILLEIR, &inn & PARItIN. WM. XILICALIe, REUBEN MIL/Mk GEO. W. BARB. I CHM. PARKIN. arscuz PAATMCM-13. X. EDER. CRESCENT ;STEEL -WORKS, MILLER, MR _• PAREOLN, NO. 339 Liberty St, fel9:d4B PITTSBUB.GH PA. DIAMOND ATEEL WORKS. I. 2 ARIE, BROTH.= & CO., Idanntsetirers of all descriptions of . Mee and Warehousq, 120. 129. 194 dECOND and U 9 and 191 FIRST STREETS, ;as. Vim, Pr0n..... W. P. PORIZZ. Bart. pirrSBURGH FORGE AND IRON CO., Bar ,Iron; . - 'Railroad MIA Bars and Bolts; Sane d Car Axlei _Belled; Railroad Car d.slei4limmeradi Locomotive Priunees, LortimotiveFrameßluspesi Side Bads: ~ . . Tokesiklitraps;; PistOn'Beads; Steamboat ,Shartia Steamboat Cranks; P 1•40 nOttnilsi Pitman Jaws, Collars, die. moe, No. 177.-PENN STREET, * ITPTSBIIRGE. PA ELLERSIIIIISEN PROCESS. The Trustees are now nre_pared to Arent Men. les for the use of the ELLERAELAIRINS ems. - - - The auperior quality Imparted to good Iron, the great improvement in inferior Iron. andabe renoedeost.conunend it to Manufacturers of Iron. Pante/wishing tonne it can obtain Ueenses by, applying to JAMES SPEP,R, Attorney for the Trustees, _ROOkS 1-and. S; Eng li sh's Bending; 963 fonith avenue. Pandas interested are Invited to visit the SHOMNSZROEX WORKS. where the process Is cow in succeufni operation. fe3ndt7 EvortsoN,,pwarroN & co, Pennsvlvaili Iron Works. Warehouse, , Nos. 166 andletT rola OepOSite Mouosiniaele House, .1934:d8 • -, PITTSBURG/ELI OVELT-TiWORW prrTsßußlin a * , NOVEINY WORKS. .-.. I.'tiad` . a. n. oss.- - : z. ,...,- :: ,.. .S.DAJEIC3itIrigIESJ'-i4A3O:" asthiiiihimide ow` • KEYSTONI EITANDABD, )PAIRBANK PA'N KNT) PLATFORM ABD COILINTAZ • Janus raced Paient _Min Locks *int Latches,. Paint and Coffee /pp a, 3q. ... - vomat oilizatittius" 1121=== ti-T:7-1? 4:14 kcifvf;Awl4 , w kLefi /011:31 . ° Doris' ',roc alas. .10gar iff.• COOPER BRASS F4DITSIO.IIEICIt,V`:. GAB ',Alia STEAM FIT!'ERA itanufsecurersof PWLPB ANDINApit. of evagemeVtlinlegala,tpAll .4,46 Ur, of Pike and Walnutlitreets,- Manufacturers Of 6.12/EIL&L PARTY/US PIIMSBIIRGH. IRON WORKS. 114iTUFACTOZ/Va9 07 t•• PITTSBII3 rum. --#o‘ 'iliD3lllo,-• mama:mgrs. BMW PORT PITT FOUNDRY COITANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. !`Engines, Bolling, Mill Ma chinery, Nail -Machines, Re. torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOIMMIkT AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Sinallasaalltrosita i (NINTH WARD,) rrxwrasitunciii. WILLIAM SMITH Marinfocturer of - CAST IRON BOWL PIPE • FOB GAO AND WATER WOMB. Hy Pines are all alit insariablyin Pits, in dry sand, and 1E fist lengths. Also, full assortment of general Castings for Gas and Water Works. I would also call the attention^ of Superintend. ants of Oas Works to my make of RETORTS. TLAtiWORKS, MORTON STREET, If inth Wayd, P'FTTSIII;:M(itEL. THOMAS N. MILLER President. These - Worts are among the lamest end most Complete establishments in the West, sad are now prepared to furnish - Engines, of every deerriPlielle Boilers, Oil Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Casttags.. Bolling Mill Castings. Engine Castings. 'Machine Castilians. Sioneral Castings. ORDERS SOLICITZD. nokneSl ROBINSON, REA be CO., Successors to Ilcznistse, HEIM & MELLIsIII, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Bearing, naiting, Castings o all descriptions: 9 11 Tanks and Stills; Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No., MI, corner First and. Smithfield Streets. fbr m Age elti s ng Bont for 411FIPARD'S PA TENT IN JECTOR ilers. MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. ntutter Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Onion Iron Mils,' ruysnumen. Rolling 11111 and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MLOIII2OII/tY AND essrmes OSNEBALLY. Orders promptly and eendtdly executed. Charges reasonable. EBi3EBT & NACHLESD. cools=El THOMAS CABLEN & CO., hulk Ward Foundry aid Machine Work', 13ANDCHKY BT.. ALLEGHENY CITY, EL., . . . llanaacturers of .tlteam Engines, OU Preues, rnileye; Shafting, Grist and Saw MU Wirk, Bolling Kill and Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, dc. Baud to order and have on lowa $llll/1161 of 111111{1Zeft. VIT/4:Q5 CENTICUL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS 880 Penn Street. BOLIALIN, .130 YD & BAGUET? . .. Chill Rolla, MW Castlip, Roll Lathes, am. LUMBER. LUMBER L11711113Elt! ! ALEXANDER PATTITSON. . Ilealerhl all Kinds of Lumber. • • ON. HAND AND TO E L 0004000 feet Dry Pine Beards; 150,000 feet 1)f and 2 Inch Clear Phu*: au,ooo feet Dry 1K inch Common Plank; 30,000 feet Dry 1 and Si lac& OW • • • _ 25,000 het Dry 9, 9JI and * Inch An, A,8,000 It. Dry , 23i, in. Cherry & Maple, 30,000 ft. Dry,l, 13i, 2 and a inch Poplart 10,000 feet Dry Poplar Scantling; 250,000 feet Hemlock Joists and ScanUngi 750,000 No. I lig-inch Shingles, sowed: 250.000.,N0. Jls.inch Shinalee, sawed:. ' 40 . 4 a501 Mrlech Shingles. inaveft Fire Br dr.; 1,000 Tire Tile. • . LOU Tons Fire MeV SO PILEBLZ - STREW. formerly Manchesteroutd 1824222CUA STEW, 013 alte the GaiWorks..Aßesheny City. non COPPER.. ri= BII PERIOR; ..• iliD BY wan ...Przreuvac t u. PARK, AtcCURDT & CO., taatutitturon of EtheaktAng, Braden' and Bolt Q pressed Colo Per bottoms , Raised SW Sot. toini s Opener Bolder. Also,lnsseters and Deal sys m Metal, 'Tin Plate, Skeet Iron, Wiry, - -LC. pm nappy on hand Tlnners , Machines atd Tools. _arehonse, No. 1,40 FIBBT STRIA? and MI tzMBD BT J/JECT,Pittsburgtt. Special orders of Cotner =lt to any desired isin. fir*. .nris•ested or? DYER AND 80017 MR, ,J6-LANCE, DYER AND .SCOURER. No. 8 Bnl.ll:7ZUSitti AFA, No, Ma Mei NI, 2 thd inmdt I **ss l *OR. PA. : . • - - •• r lA* , . „ M 4 f , - a PITTSBIT . a IGS GAZETT E: „TIIIIES.PAT, APRIL 1, 1869. FII7;E ENGINES, BOILERS, &o. HUGH N. BOLE 8c CO mi Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St., (Hasa Tux Pont's,) Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENOINES, of all sizes. Special attention Invited to our new STATION ARYeto OIL WELL It GINE AND PORTABLE BOILER, of 15-hors wer. OASTIN4S,_of ev kind,. made to order stonr 'Foundry, on THIRD TRBE ,T 'below Market. RIGS for 011 Well*, MATTING, PULLEYS, HANOER,S, HOUSE and TORAOOO SOREWS and IBON TOBAOOOEMESUS,OII band and =AA. to order, at the • INDUSTRIAL WORKS I IfronUng on the Alleghonyltrvei, noes the Point, PITTSBURGH. PL. air All orders promptly tilled. rim tre. FORT PITT /1011 E; STILL Alllll I'ANK WORKS .1 CARROLL &SNYDER MAIMACTIntr4 B O P TUBULAR, DOUBLE-IFLIIED TUBULAR, Fuca-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL. EBB. OIL STILLS AND OIL 'I'ANKS: - CHIMNEYS, BREECHING. AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND' IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL BRUTES 01See acid Warehouse. corner Eleeoud, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. Nit- Orders Bent to the above address will be promptly attended to. mh7:189 CO.,WM. • 'BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORRIERS, NOS. 80, .114 AHD AC PENN ITT. Having secured a large yard and . furnished It witn the mat approved machinery, we are pre pared to manntsetureovery description of BOIL ERS In the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds; Stem Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, halt Paha. Tants. Oil Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pzns„ Eosins iron. Bridges. liMar Pans, and sale nunntaeturtra of Barnhill , ' Pat ent Boilers. Repairing done on shortest notice. Ish:c2l AME 3 N. BITER, Nos. 53 and 56 Water area, ICANCI7ACTL'7I.Ia OP IRON OIL TANKS, SZTTLINQ C0F.1".23317.41X FLEE, EOLI4I MILL STACIE% And SHEET IRON WORE. For Steamboats. JABXD Y. 8111188 ...../DIEVND D. BEM( JARED M. BRUSH & SON; xixorAcnnuois or Steam. Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks SHEET IRON WOES, &O 61 ' Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &o. THE BEST STOVES: A. BRADLEY & CO. Eanufactunrs of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and HeatingStaves , TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. Sole Agents for the Celebrated Base Burning Oriental - Stoves and Furnaces for Hard Coal or Coke. B est in the World for Parlor.ol3l . Store or Church. Fire needs no rekindling—bus all win ter. Do not ion until you see or seed f r Circular. No. 30 WOOD STREET. f Our Agents for Orientals—DEßNLEß BROS, Smithfield St.; GEO. SUBLET. Allegheny City. GRAFT, HUGUS &CO ..9_ - 6 9 zumorecruaras or zvratr wurrr or eI Ii r 4 CO 9 VMS3 9 BOSTON. COOKING RANGE, "THE FIERY FURNACE," Fos Wean:um BUILDINGS. TM6 NEW ANTI-DUBT COOKING STOVE, ••REGULATOB. ,, COLUMBIA COOK STOVE, VAN'S (Cincinnati Pattern) PORTABLE RANGE CAST IRON MANTLES, WELLMAN'S REF RATE (.E.CTOPL BRUN , _ T% F GRATE END S, freeERS, itc trout . dlriatui duet; G 206 and 208 Liberty Street, se2s:il7 PITTSBURGH, PA. coos stovEs. CET THE BEST. Bissziar. TRIUMPH, FOE is.rruarrivo US COAL. warranted tO Cook, Bake or Boast as lull many other Store In the Union. BISSELL & 00. 1 ‘ No. pplkLibertv •Street: &won bud tad for Ad.."' • PARLOR STONNI,, RRAT/No BTO ORATZ V NDIRM, 720 WINO • PA Re. 00/iii AND' o • COAL! CO4LIF,COALSIt DICKSON, STEWART & 00., saving ` removed their 02oe to NO. 567 LIBERTY STREET, litellreiti /lour 12/413ZOOND IWO& &re sow _areeared to famish Rood TOIIOIII.O- suarnr Lump, 241:12 OtheL 021241.024 AS saS lowest market mice. All orders left at their olnee, OS ad= fe them . through the mail,will be a la prompter. STONE; WEST connow • • • Machine Stonii Work 4 Northwest corner of West Clommopti Allejthe,XY. FRED% ILTVATICIt sis 00: "-" Have on hand or prettare on short notbsa Hearth and step. atones,. - Days for Sidewalks, Itrilwar Varna, -Head and Tomb atones, Bft: 4r • • ,utoors promptly eueatesl., Prices ritagmibbl 7 . FORT PITT BANGING CORPANY, No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, DIALERS IN " GOVERNMENT SECURITIES INTEREST ALLOWED ON TINE DEPOSITS. Collections made on all accessible ;Mats In the Halted Diablo and Canada+. • M D. Hostetter, J DIRJDOTOno. 0 Blsher, James Gordon, Itobt. H. Hang, D. WaDime, Andrew Miller. E. Fureett, James M. Bailey. NATIONAL BANK Of COMM Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sta. --- A. PATTERSON.. ..... .....Prealdeme. JOS. H. HILL ..........................Vaahles. CAPITAL, f - I 1 $500,000. _ DERECTOIIB: A. Patterson, - Heome W. Cu., Wm. H. Brown, it , H. Palmer Chas. Lockhart, Wm. Douglas, Dan. B. Davidson, Wm. Beed. W. 8. Haven. . DISCOUNTS DAIL' azze:ozi HART, CAVIARE'S & CO., BANKERS. AND BROKERS, Varner Third and Wood Streets, rrx - rommon, PA., IBITOCICASOBII TO HANNA, HART A C 0.,) DZALIES - - Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particrilat attention Paid to the purchase end .ale of COVERNMENT BONDS. Bight Drafts on London. HOLMES & SONS, N. =MI Collections nude Oa all the principal points of the United States and Canada". Stocks,Bonds and other Securities \B OUGHT AND BOLD ON C0N2413810N. aal P t Licular attention paid to the Iltmehase sad United States Securities. ja3o:al JAY COOKE & CO 33Et.32.1Merfig, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADYLPRIA. 2 STOCKS and BONDS of all descriptions bought and sold. Special attention given to the purchase and sal* of Government Securities. • mh3o ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY, HERBERT W. C. TWEDDLE, MANUFACTURER OF Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. Reßime Railroad Azle 011. Stands great heat without change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special pit for tropical climates or hot weather. Locomotive, Engine, Machine Shop, Will cut Screws. : Saw Rill and Planing Min Oils, Adapted for high speed. Spindle Oil. Woollßead•Light OR, Tanners' Stnirollensole,. ing & Finishing 0/I.lo4soline, Harness 011. Parralline. ARMOR VARNISH. to preserve Bright Iron Work and Machinery from Rust. These products are manufact der Dr. Tweddle , spatent by Superheate St e am In Vac cuo. The Lubricating Oils are almost 'odorless, perfectly pure. uniform; and mostly light col ored, stand a high temperature unchanged. and remain limpid during extreme COW. The Railroad Ohs are* unequalled - and are in constant Use. on many of the principal Railroads. . Samples can be examined and orders left at 174 WOOD EITR&ET. Works at Sharpsburg Bridge. • Wes AN-D Conunlsslork Merchants and Brokers la , Petroleum and' its Products, • DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, leas PA. - PHILADELPHIA apDIMINS, WARING, KING & CO" - . into, CAMERON.' MOUNTS,' Petroleum and :Pitiducts, pittibur:Ouco—Ditli._ToiritiLDni es COUlet of avian's Way an ir LA streets. -, Phlladal phis Clißee-14 DIAMOND oiL WORKS, M. M. I.OIIC ig CO., oinc l ;Dia t zzu, atinaime. • Duquesne WO % Zittsbarkb, Pa. J. OMIT ' " 11. SHAW figla BRATT, ""e , ' ABONITNITITBAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS -110. 618andusky St.; r . Allegkeit; . Pa. A, lino aosoitment of NEWEL MTN 'and BALI.IOIO/4 - xonstoddlYelM hand. TURNINIC. of all dostril) - ns. done. . ooYctll. PINANOIAt. AND COLD. 111A111 1 /. LIIMS~H. Pres'f. D. LEFT W ILISON. Cashier. AT U A. N. 57 Market Street, prx-rorsinritoix. PAL. OILS. ° Is7.w,aane.stie.sa. Crari*i PACIFIC RAILWAY BONDS, The cheapest investment now In the market for sale by PI-1,; IL 31CIERTZ, Corner FIFTH AVENUE & WOOD STREETS. Also. dealer in Government Bonds. Gold and Coupons and European Exchange at market rates., dezi T. .& Co., mute... to B. JONES a C 0..) Corner. Fourth and Wood Sts.; Et -EL INT ME. 11. BUY lei.ND SELL ALL kXNDS OP GOS'EBNMENT SECURITIES, sot D I DILATE AND COUPONS, ON MOST revonszLz TEEMS. lir Interest Allowed on Deposits. Monff,loaned on government ponds at Icrwest moment rates. I 't Orders executed for the Purehase and Sale of _STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD.; JAMES T. BRADT & CO. sT4t Vittslnirgt Ctrfft. FINANCIE .'AND :TRADE,- OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, March 31, 1869. Money being somewhat easier, and rates, which had reached as high as. )(, per cent. ochnutission besides legal inter est, could .be procured on prime laterals at 7 per cent currency, and a small commission: This influenced gold, bonds and stocks in favor of higher quo tations for gold, the market remaining firm at 1313, with a decidedly strong un dertone. E2l Bonds, although strong at the early board, had :yielded a little, but at the close had reached the highest quotation of the day. - The slightest indication of an easy - money market would attract so many bUyers that a short rise would be inevitable. Stocks are now manipulated by the Erie clique:. Fort Wayne is kept up for the purpose of selling out, and the 'ru mors of a consolidation of Fort Wayne and Cleveland keep the market firm in the latter; both roads have declared their 2% per cent. dividend. Money in the local market is still scarce,although busi ness has not much improved. Quotations as received by Ph. R: Mertz: Gold, 131%; Silver, 125; Eighty-. one's, 115%; Five Twenties, .1862, do 1864, 113%; do 1865, 115%; do 1885, Consols, 112%; do 1867, .113; do 1868, 113; Ten, IForties, 105%; New York Central, 61%; Erie, ----; Reading, 91%; Pittsburgh, 1 Fort- Wayne .5t Chicago Railroad, 124%; • Ohio gt Mississippi, -32%; Michigan Southern, 95%; Cleve land It Pittsburgh, 89%; Chicago tt Rock Island, 134%; Chicago air North Western, 84%; Chicago & North Western Preferred, ! 92%; Adams Express Com pany, 58%.; i _Merchants Union Express, 15%; Pacific Mall, 89%; Western Union Telegraph Company,. 38 3 i; Gregory, 2,75; Quartz Hill, 92; . Corydon,'—; Smith 41 Parmlee, 1,85; W. Am. Express 40%. —Closinguotations received by James T. Brady Co. Gold, 131%; United States Sixes 1881, 115 9 ; Five-Twenties 1862, 117%; do:1864, 113%; do. 1865, 115%; Ten-Forties x 105%; Five-Twenties, Janu ary and July, 16 - , 112%; do. do. 1867, 113; do. do, 1868, 113; Seven-Thirties, par less, Due Compounds, 119 r Union Pacific Railroad, par; Central do. do., 103; Cy. Pacifica, 101;4. ray Telegraph. to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] NEW YORK, March 31,1869. Affairs in Wall street are in a very mixed state, and we have witnessed to day the reinarkable circumstance of a general upward movement in valuta§ on Stock Exchange, in the face of an un usually stringent money market and the complete demoralization of foreign ex change. This naturally excites con siderable • discussion, but it is merely a repetition of the bull programme of the past year, when prices advanced on tight money, and afterwards de clined on general tearing up in financial affairs. The imports of gold and'amount on way, being variously estimated at one to six millions of dollars,. is very generally discussed. It is the result of recent heavy purchases -of bonds by for eign bankers and the''sales of gold against thein. In 'the - money mar ket the stringent demand continued very urgent until after bank hours. On govern ments loans made, were at 7 per cent.gold early in the day,• but later at 7 per cent. gold and 1-32 per cent comthission,, while at the close there were transac tions at 7 per cent. currency • and y, per, - cent commission onlitocks. - Early built' res, was at 7 per cent. gold, but later , at 7 per cent. , currency, nrlth coMmissioni added of i-ia@g per cent. After 8 o'clock a large crowd gathered on the sidewalk, in front' of the stook-ex change, and commenced to buy and sell. Money sales were' made at 1-16®3‘ and X'Per cent., and .7 per cent. for currency per 8131111 M ., r ' Foreign ;Excherige :market ':dull and demoralized. „Prime. Bankers Me • at 73 @7 at sixty danmhile Bond Bills are 71017% and;Produce Bills are .1335@7; • The gold' 'market epened firm with. sales at ialy@ing, and closing at 181 g. The rates pai d for borrowing were 8; 6 and 'to flat, and for carrying, 1, 3,4, 6,7, 6,3 and 1 per cent. Governments; market without special interest and prices well: maintained, in some cases slightly above yeeterday'S. Coupons of 'Bl, 11534@1146; do. 118@u830; do. '64,118.74®114g; do. 65, 116©116%; new do., 112X®113y. do.. '67, 113©113X; do. 1 .68, 1111@)113 MA- 10.408, 106% ®105.,i1 State bonds quiet. Missourhi t 8631; New Tennessees, 643yi North Carolinas, 55)4 @ SB X- Stock market during the morning was irregular, but in - the main the strong_ fea tures were .New 'York Central, 'Rock Island, Northwestern 'and Pacific Mail. New York Central rose s to on . re= ports froinfAlbauy that the pro rata;bill will not beoome a law. Yesterday the 'advanee in Rook Island was - fully main tamed and it touched 135%. Dividend. North Western was firm and =Pacific Mail feverish; St. Paul also was strong and moderately active; Western Union rose to 38%J. Express shares neglected. In the afternoon the market was buoy-i ant,. the speculative interest, however ; centering 'in a few stocks. New York Central rose to 1623.4; Fort Wayne, 125 V: Rock Island, 131; Exchange Dividend equal to 136; Pittsburgh, 89%; do.' new preferred, 92%, and St. Paul common. 71%. The advance on other shares was less marked, but the whole `list was higher. The market subsequently fell off slightly, and closed unsettled. 630 .I'> - ices—Cumberland, 36; Wells Ex press, 303;@31; American, 40% ®4l; Ad ams, 58%©59; Merchants Union, 15%@ 16; United States, 55©56%; Quicksilver, 20%020%; Canton. 59@59%; Pacific Mail, 88% et.B9; Western 'Union 59%@39%; Mari posa, 18%,®19; preferred,„ 34%@31%; N. Y. Central, 161 y„@161%;7..rie, 343@34;4; Hudson, 139(4)139%; Reading, 91%®91 1 %; Terre Haute, 34; do. preferred, 84(4)66 Wabash, 66%®67; do. preferred, 78; St. Paul, 71%®74i; no. • preferred ; 903;(g) 90%; Fort Wayne, 124%®125%; Ohio and Mississippi, 3 ,2 A @ 32 %; Michigan Central, 118©118%; Michigan Southern, 97%@98; Illinois Central, 13834; Pittsburgh, 89% ®89%; T01ed0,106%; Rock Island, 130% @)130y; North Western, 84 0 8 4qt:do pre ferred, 92%'©93; C. 0.1. C.. 43 1 4; Chicago & Alton,- 100; Lake Shore, •106%; Du buqUe litSionx City, 115%. ning shares dull; Gregor* 270; Grass Valley 125; Smith Parrnlee 185. Copper stocks at Boston; Franklin 15%; Hancock 4; Minnessota 2; Quincey 24. Gold clearances seventy-four millions; receipts at Sub-Treasury, 84,407,130; pay ments 11,230,230; balance $87,695,448. LIVE STOCK MARKETS.- PENN'A CENTRAL STOCK YARDS, t WEDNESDAY, Meth 31; 1869. CATTLE—The market has.been rather dull thus far this week ,the sales in the aggregate being comparatively light, and under the influence of unfavorable ad vices from the east, buyers are insisting on concessions. There were several droves of good shipping steers sold for New York at prices ranging from 7; ;to 7X and it is prdbable that extra tine, such as sold a few weeks since at 83/, would have brought- 7X, or perhaps 2 8 eta. I; is said, and we haVeAao doubt it is true, that nearly all thaoperatorsiVtio have been buying • cattle here for ship ment for several weeks past, have lost money, and as a consequence they are unwilling to take any more risk than they can possibly avoid. Peter Rieman, whe heretofore has been one of our largest cattle; buyers for New York, has quit the business and engaged in the hog trade, in connection with the arm of Crouse, Em erick 6t - Co., of Phila delphia. We were unable to get a full report of the sales of cattle. Holmes. Lafferty & Co sold 18 head to E Young weighing 20,775, at 74; 14 to same buyer weighing 15,925, at 734; 13 to Kelly weighing 13,700, at 734;.91 to Beach & Bray weigh ing 107,625, at 7g; and 15 to same weigh ing 18.000, at 7'. . • SHEEP—The market for this class of stock continues very dull, and notwith standing the arrivals are not unusually heavy, the demand is only'moderate and prices are lower than last week. -We quote at 5 to 7 cts gross, for fair to prime tar mutton sheep, and these may be re garded as tho extremes of the market. There has been several droves of clipped sheep in. market within the -past few days, and buyers are making a difference of about a cent per. pound between clipped and wooled sheep. The sales on dates below mentioned were 'as follows: Monday March 2 872 head Tuesday. " 23 2,388 " Wednesday " 24 4,607. " Thursday, " 25 2.282 ~ Friday, ~ 26 1,552 Saturday, " 27 1,077 " Monday, " 29 176 " Tuesday, " • 30 1,626 1, Wednesday" 31 1,687 4, Total.. HOGS—The Hog market is devoid of any new or important features worthy of special notice. Philadelphia Hogs are a , shade lower, while'Yorkers are a frac don higher than at the close of last week= :.: fornier may be qnoted at 11W1134, - and the latter at 93%,@a 10/. The recipta are more liberal, and shippers generally, are expecting a still further decline. The sales on the dates named below were as follows: Monday, MarCh 22:-. Tuesday, " Wednesday 24.... Thursday, _ " 25.... Friday, " 26.... Saturday, " 27.... Monday, " 29.... Tuesday, " Wednesday" 31.5. Total PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OP PrTTSIRTEGH GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY. March 31,, 1869. The market was again quiet today the volume of business in the aggregate being comparatively ligkt, thoughi the feeling, as a general thing, was stroitger than on Tuesday. There was considera ble inquiry or spot Crude, emanating from short sellers, and with 'little 'or none for sale, an advance of a full cent was offered without meeting with any response 'from:sellers. On the other hand, spot Redned was weaker and'at one time sold at a decline of a full, cent, but closed :stronger.- It was currently , reported that one speculator who had` some 10,000 bbls to receive in Philadel phia today, at froth 38 down, had gone under, , and either refused or yips 'linable to take ' the oil. For the information of those not regularly in the businefis, it • m a y beproper to state that the partV here referred to •is not a Pittsbargher,. nor is, he, we ' a believe, in` way Cfori.,.'is heated here. with,the exception perhaps that there:are acme some s*,ntifortueutte as to have sold him • • CRUDE—As already intimated lite Crude 'market waa stronger to.daY,. W._ • tioularly for spot ' oil,;. 10 baiting been' offered without: finding • sellers—and in one inetainee, ' - 183g. ;Sae of two lottl,of 1.000 saebt seller . to July, at: 16X, with toi asked toward the close. - July to December;; for. 500 to 1,000 ; - eaoh mnnth, may be quoted at 17f. Prices are re p • orted higher botbat 011 City and on the. reek. REPlNEo—Spot'reftned `was dull end lower 'the early part of the day, with a ifiblutiv sale of 500 bbls at 2934, but'. the market closed at 80 with a sale ,of 1,000 bbls at that figure. Sale 1.000 bbls 2d half April at 82%; 500, April, seller, flat, atllo;'offers to buy May to •Septem- .- ber at 35, ancleffera to sell April to. Sep- tember at same figure. 'Eclipse Winter Imbricating oil 41 Eclipse Railroad Aile 850 Eelipse*Madhinery........ 760 I;elipse , Spind .. • ,80a dir:SHIPPED 79.16 'Br al,. V. R. B. da Bro., 279. bbls refined to W. Pi. Logan 13ro.,,Philadelphia. • , • OIL satPeito EAST Piton, DUQUESNA 4 ' 'John Spear, - 50 bbis tar to N. Y, dc Be Parntine Co., New York. MEM -16,367 " 951 head 914 so . 847 " . 891 . 1,027 59.5 . 1,274' " . 1,130 " 349 " 7,978 it
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