"o. DUQUr.SNE WORKS, COLEAN, RAHM CO„ .31annfacturtrs of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS I Duquesne Iron, Sheet' VOLT/Ink Iron, Juniata Iron. Wagon Box Iron. Ch coat Iron, Cylinder Iron; SL Iron. flanged Cutter BIM, Ouavd Iron, Drag and Dropoer Bare, T R3ll for Coat Roads, ro Wedges l Hall tor Coal Roads, Boller Iron,Crow Bars, Chain Lillt6. Boller Heads. Steel and Iron Harrow Teeth. Carriage , Wagon, Seat and Coach eprings, Ind Axles, all styles: blab Steel for Plows, Cultivator Steel, Steel Wing. and ,Idonlds ent to .pattern. 6... ring rteel all sizes. A. B. Steel and Steel Tire, Steel Crow Bars. Steel,Shatting. &e. • • ALL - 000DS .11112 T CL TED ABS AND WARBLE . . —Offices and Works 16th street ..nd Alle• ahem' river and 71 WATER STREET.ja Nits. burgh ' . 4:e22 GODEFVROY BIANCKEII & CO., 42 Esebange Place, Nen York, Are prepared, as Sole Agents in the totted States for the Trussinn Mining and Iron Com. panY of Dulsbarg, 'Westphalia, to contract or sell in quantities to suit purchasers, (delivered,ine . itheiNew York or Philadelphia, ) the celebrated V. G. SPIEGELEISEN Use EO extensively for the manufacturing of • BESSEMER STEEL. This Iron is free from Sulpur and Phosphorus, and contains a heavy ner cut' age of Manganese. Full particulars, samples, prices or chemical analysii yrill be promptly forwarded on)330:0 applies -6 ation SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. UN ER, NIN11011& CO, PITTSBURG 73 . Vanesture;i7f every description of • CAST - Ali) GERMAN STEEL, Belli. • c.510-iirMrroom sronie}4 AXLES, atc., - Warehouse, 83 Water andl.oo First St& iviTLLER, BARR 45‘. j'AUELLN. 437.1c5HAL riatTNlllB:' • YLETCALIe, I REUBEN MILLER, GEO. 'W. BAHR, CHAS. , PARKIN. Svr.cisz. PARTsza—S, M. HIER. CRKSCRNT STE.EL WORKS, KILLER, BABE & PARIELN, - Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTSRURGII , PA re14:(148 BLACK DIAMOND STZEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., liannfacturers or all descriptions of SEVICUMMI —s . Office and. Warebonce 120. 12.2. 124 SECOND and 119 and 121 F I.IIST STREETS, IRON WORKS. VRASS.B., Presq..... W. P. POST, SUR'S. pITTSUURGII FORGE • AND IRON CO., 11JurryeartrimL 6 or • Bar Iron; ' Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Arles Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Hammered; Locomotive Frames; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Rods: - Yokes, Straps; Piston Heads; Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; Piston Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars, Oflloe, No. 177 PENN STREET, ETTTSBIIIIGH. PA ELLERSESEN 111,0CIISS. • The Trustees are now wrepared to grant licen: see for %house of the ELLERSILAXPSEN PRO CES-S. - The superior quality imparted to good iron, tthe great imp.ovement in inferior iron: and tne reduced cost,commend it to ali manufacturers of. iron. Parties wishing to use it can obtain licensee by • applying to JAMES. P. SPEER, 'Attorney for the Trols4.es, OFFICE, 80 PENN STREET. Parties interisted .sre invited_ to visit the SHOENIIEB.CrEti WORKS. where the process ls now in successful Operation. feSidt7 EVERSON; PRESTON tr; co., Pennultlnia Irk Winks. Warehouse, Nos. 168 antlB7 1 1 1119 T STltlf.Bl o i poplte Monona * JPITI 1114 " M. Agehi:d6 . ,TSBURGH. NOVELTY WORKS. pf.TTSBURGII NOV-ELTY WOM. rounded A. D. 1833. ADAILs, & co. iLEYSTONE STANDARDJFAIItitANIC S PAT , ENT) PLATFOUM AND COUNTEIL SCALES. Jana Faced Patent Door Locks and Latches, Paint mudCottte MU B, An. WESER OF FIRST AVENUE 4GRANT BTU. rittsburght, renn'a• • • * h7NM',Viirz ionzt m. worse JOB. 1LANZ....E 012 " 11 JOHN M. COOPER & CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Manufacturers of MIPS AND BRASS WON& of eveasiemrpttop;re_slere In GUS PIXTUA 1: NA AND UNl•Ditt. or a ll lands. Cat of Pike and Yralnut Streets, . . DIP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COYPANY._ OFFICE WORKS, TWELFTH. STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. tifrEngines, Roiling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL I'OUNDR Corner Carroll and tinnatiman Streetai, WILLIAM SMITH, OAST IRON BOWL PIPE )Hy noes are ell east Insst*lablytn Pits, In dr9 sand, and ICSI feet lengths: Also, full assortment of general easttegs for Gas and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Superintend• um of Sas Works to,my make. of RETORTS• ATILLS WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. DULLER President. These Works are among the largest and most complete establishments in the West. and are now prepared to furnish PITTSIIITRG II . - Y.AMIIPACTOTtiII 8 OP PITTSBUILGH. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE i iittIRSDA f. FEBRUARY 25, 1869, • ARO PIPE WORKS. (57113 4 TH WSED,) .1"1"1"1•Sa317 11(1,1-3 C. Itionufaoturer of FOR @LS ACID 4SATES WORSE. prvrsutmerEt. Engines, of eve' deseriplion. Boilers, Oil Tanks• sheet Iron Work. Rallroad Castinwi. Boiling DIM Castings. Engine Castings* Machine CaStIAWS• Genera Castings. OB.DERS SOLICITILD no9:ne9 ROBINSON, BEA & CO., Successors to Romig sow, 31.nas & Mu slim% Vcr ASEINGTON WORKS FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBOR 6 H, / Itannfacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gait Engine . Int MraidgerT'AlMl and E l ali r g l and a Sheerl e rog Office, No. IS, coraer/leirat and Smithfield Strts A ee gen . T INJECTOR ts for GIVYARIPS PATEN for Leediag oUer all MONT9IaNC FOUNDAY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, / (Opposite 'Union Iron rirrsnunas. 31111 and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS. AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY • Orders promptly and carefully executed. Qbarges reasonable. NIMBI & MACKLIN% oc15:12 THOMAS CAULIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Nadine Worko SANDUSKY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Oil Presses, guLleys. Shiftlnlrcfarist ,andjiam UM Work s , BollSnß,Mill and Maaine Castings. Weightii, Wagon Boxes, - Etc; Build Worder and have on band Engines of all sizes. _ mvli:qls CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL . WORKS SSC) Perm Street. BOLLNAN, BOYD & BAGALEY. Chill Bolls, Mill Castings, Roll Lathes, in. LUMBER. • ..._.. . LUMBER! - LIIIMBEILI I ALEIZANDDR ' 1 0 101 4 17/11SON. . Dealer in all sliblas of Lumber. . . . . ON HAND AND FOB SALE : , 1 000,000'feet Dry Pine Boards; 150.000 feet 13i and Blinc Commonlank; 30,000 feet Dry lli luck Plank; UZI', Fieett'lliyisl,°sll,lllPa°lllA Ash, _5, 0 0 0 ft. Dry 71, w% in. Cherry a Maple, 0 0. 000 ft. Ory 1, 1%:51l and 3 Inch Poplar: 'lO,OOO feet Pry Poplar Scantling; 9150,000 feet Hemlock Joists and Scanting: 150,000 No. 1 IS-inch Shingles, sawed; 050,000 No. 110-Inch Shingles, sawed; 40,000 No. 1 10-Inch Shingles, linseed; *O,OOO Fire Brick; 1,000 Fire Tile. YABD4TOntSPFIVF.eBCLIVIdTII,33.ET. formerly st Manchest ertthe Gas,wanodrkl s s , l A lt . E l I e eßbEr enyllititS7T. no BBliT,epor IRON BROKERS. SAMUEL M. WiCKF4IBII.III, ' • IRON BROKER, 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Agent for the sale of Cornwall, Dosighamore, Josephine, Isabella,Duncannon,Stanhoioe, Glen don, and other brands of Anthracite, longtdo gheny,Coke and O. B. Charcoal. PIG 1R0N9.• eAmognments Ire most rerwAtfhthr selleits.A COPPER. EASE SUPERIOR bona lam AND 1311ELVIM WOBILS Eirrorsinurmax. • VARK,' McCURPY & CO.' lanufacturers of Sheathing, Brasiers , anti Bolt jopper, Press ed Copper Botiom 6,ltahred Bull Bor. loms, Flpelter Bolder. Also, ImpoePrs and Deal ers a Metal, Tin Plate, dheet Iron. Wire. Ste. Con 'tautly on hand Tinnera,blachlnes sad Tools. Warehouse,_ No. 140 PlitiaT BTBELT and DIO IBCO.ND STUBBT, Pittsburgh. Special orders of Copper out to arty desirec.34:d p at te T. • ouria.T HUGE 1 BOLE tk CO2, Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St., (NEAR TUE POINT, ) Engine Builders, FOunders and Arachini.ats. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES of all sizes. Binds' attention Invited to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINL AND PORTABLE BOILER, of 15-borsemower. CASTINGS. of every kind made toorder &tour Foundry, on THIRD OTREET. below Market. RIGS for Oil Wells, SHAFTING. PULLEYS, HANGERS HOUSE and TOR ACOU !SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO rexsaus, on hand sad made orderort the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny Elver, near the rehlt, PITTSBURGH, PA: iwr All orders promptly tilled. TRY RS FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TANK WORKS. CARROLL iNtSNYDER, IL&NIIADCTURSOB OP TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR, 'FIRE-BUS AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL ERS. OIL STILLS AND ' on. TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES,, GASOMETERS AND IRON . BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES °Mee and Warehouse, corner Second, Third, Short and lAberty Streets, PITTSBURGH.„ Pa. ifir Orders sent to the above address will be pr2!3lll72 . st , teno l'° ATM. BARNHILL & CO., - BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. AO, AA, A 4 AND 26 PENN BT. Having secured a Urge yard and furnished it .wan the most approved machinery we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Stesza Pipes, Loctratortve Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks. Stilla.:Agita tors, Settling Pans. Boiler Iron. Bridges, Sugar pans, and sole manufacturers of Bo.rohill's Flit ent Boilers. Repairing done on , shortest notice.- - labie2l4 DANES M. BITER, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, rirrsnunes, / • I‘ll4t 7LCTOurru Or „, IRON OIL TANIISI SETTLING PASS, COFFF.RSTEASt Firs. NEILL STACKS, And SKEET IRON WORK, For Steamboats. ;AU= It. SILLTII• • • ••• ...... D• Erattfai TARED M. BRUSH lr. SON, / 11.1.2117rACTITIMIt8 Or Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SUEET IRON wons. &a. 61 Penn .Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &o THE BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY ISt CO. . Harmfactureni of the greatest varlet,' of Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves,. • 'lO BE POUND IN THE STATE. Sole Agents for the celebrated Base Burning Oriental Stoves and Furnaces for Hard Coal or Coke. Best In the World for Farlor,ollice, Store or Church. Fire needs no rekindling—burns all win ter. Do notb is' until you see or send for Circular.. Our Agents for n_ta l a - - S M E M T IIEB. Smithfield St.;°GEO.eHOBLEY. Allegheny City. Silt HUGS & 00., Yei(if!'ecrirnsnD Or 4VZSIT TA8U:7707 ' BOSTON .COOKING RANGE, "THE FIERY . FURNACE," • YOU Welly:MG BUILDINGS. THE NE,V7 ANTI-DUST COOKING 8T(52, "REGULATOR." COLUMBIA COOK STOVE., TAN'S (Cincinnati Pattern ) PORTABLN RANGE CAST IRON MANTLES. WELLMAN'S REF I.ECTOR,GRATES,_free Ir p m dirt and Glut: ed.ATE FRONTS; FENDERS, aO. 206 and 20S Liberty Street, se2s-717 PITTSBURGH, PA. • —_—_—____— 0001 i STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL a CO: TRIUMPH, FOB BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as sell as any other Stove in the Union. BISSELL & CO., No. 285 Liberty Street. a 1.., on mind and for s a le, PABLON. STOVE% "ANlGNarnni TB nurnitaa. • 000musre iimatEs. 40. COAL AND ma• . . ..... _ , C°A7"l cost:l CO AL!!! , DICKgON STENVAIer & CO, '., . Having semefed,ffiett Office to ~ NO., 50 LIBERTY. BTREET, , ~ .. (Lately City rourtlillit ) ffffOOND ELOOII. ... Lre now prepared to furnish good Y 01101140:, BOA NY LUMP, to NUT COAL 01031..A.0K1 At , too lowest orket rice' Al l orders ten at their office, or: dressed to them through the mail. wil l be &Medea to Promptly. WEST COMMON - • ' Machine Stone Works, Northwest corner of West Common, WIXOM ATITATRIA L CO. Have on hand or prepare on short notice Hearth and stop 15tones, ln¢a Ibr Sidewalks, Brewer Narks. - sc. Head and Tomb Moues, de. Ciders Promptly executed. Prices reasons-Me CF ANTRAL AND UNION PORT PIT! BAUM C 0 1Y: N 0.169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,00 0 . STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND COLD. NTEILEST ALLOWED ON 1111 E-DEPOSITS Collections made on to accessible points Lb the United States and Caned's. 1). Hostetter. James Gordon. D. Wallace, Z. FlWCeti, NATIONAL BANK Of Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sts. A. PATTERSON President JOS. 11. RILL CAPITAL, : : $500,000. A. Pattenon. Win. H. Brown, Chas. Lockhart, Dan.4t. Hav Davidson, W. B. en DISCOUNTS DAIL ID9tota HART, CAI:TONEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, Pr1"11313U11 131-11, IBUCCESSOR B TO HANSA.. BART & C 0.,) . DIA:LIMB to Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention , paid to the pnrchue ana sale of COVERNMENT BONDS. Btaht laritfts on London. agyi:bah - • N..„..EtoLinEs& SONS, / 31ZaLZ§i-I`Q -3 EEL 3O3EUS, PiTrrIBMTROIL, Collections made on an tbe points of the United nista , and Canadas. Stocks,Bonds and other Securities Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of United States Securities. ja3o:al DOUR SAVINGS BANK , WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, And open daily from 9 o'clock A. at. to 3 o'clock r. x.. and on ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. ' HERBERT W. C. TWEDDLE, MANUFACTURES OF . Lubricating & IliotTest Binning Oils. • Eclipse Railroad dale 011. • Stands great heat without change; remodel limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropical climates or hot weather. Locomotive. Engine, Raohlue Shop, Witt cat Screws. .11111 W Idlll and 01114` Adapted for high stee'd. * Spindle 011 e Woolillead..l4lo 011, 011, Tanneini Sta ff , UsSnsole, nig dig Finishing•oll,:li towline, llsornosu 011 irarrafilne. ARMOR ValollBll,_ to preserve ,Br ig ht Iron Work and 111E11112M from/Ott.' These products are manufactured under 11r. Tweddle's_patent. by Superheated Steam in Vac coo. The Lubricating Oils are almost odorless, perfectly• pure, uniform. ,and , mostly light col. cored': stand a high temperature Ameliang_cd. 'and remain limpid during extreme cold. The Usilroad 0111 Ire 'Unequalled, .and are In constant Use on many of the principal Ilsdlroads Samples can be examined and orders left at 114. WOOD STREET, Works at ttharpstiurg Bridge. STONE. DIRECTORS: Jl3O. 0 Bieber. Andrew . Mi ng , Jeuies M. Belief. ,LvBEAN, Pre.'s. S 'L.IIie ILNON. Candler. D. LEFT W Oeorge W. Cass, It H. Palmer Wm. Douglas, Win. Reed. DIILECT V. AT U A. N. 57 Market Street, BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. ' After tie First of 'larch Next, cloSol on Saturday Evpllings. fervess OILS. WARING AND SOO, Oortuningon Iterehente and Brokers In Petroleum and Its Products, DALZELVS BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, prrrsistraen, PA. 1141LABILI.PHIA. ADDREES, WARING, KING & CO., 127 Walnut Street. TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND WILIAM IN Petroleum and its Products col; 11 boYflts-411: — OZYgni 01 ; 1 ' . ingweipnii wage—. 'ally/p = fa: anirirso " 014310 ND OIL WORKS, H. M. LONG ik CO., °ince, DALZELL BUILDING, fen Dagne B P o W.I. Pittsburgh. Pa. MIT NC , I , IS AND 'BATTING. 111BMSE ANCHOR COTTON MILLS ~ • , erricsucrararx. Kant faatnrere of HEAVY MEDIUM andLIGHT ANCHOR AND MAGNOLIA sP:ICECTINGS'AND BATTING. PACIFIC RAILWAY BONDS, The cheapeat track tuitnt übw ;11 the market for mile by Fri. 11-...NICEIRTrZ, Corner in Fill AVENUE & WOOD STREETS Atfig, 4101kr 113 Ogverpumil 'Bonds. Gold and C1)111)04b ou r k.uropeau FALliange at market deZI rates. - - JANES T. BRADY 8 CO., ltineceomore to B. JONEB a CO-1 Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., S .A.1%7 X& 'M IS, BUY AND BELL ALL ELNDS GOV ERN RENT SEOURITIES OOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON NOWP TA:VOICABLE iglf Interest Allowed onDeposits. ler Money loaned on Government Bonds at oweet market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of _STOCKS. BONDS and GOLD. . JAMES T. BRADY & CO. i~Egittsburo Gaittts. FINANCE AND TRADE OFFICE OF PITTSBEF.OE GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, February 24, 1869. S The rapid changes in the gold market to-day from 132.9,; to 133, and back to 132% are good indications that bottom _has about been touched. The purchases are increasing in magnitude by the bu siness community as well as by specula tors who had sold at 136(741303,4. The low rates for gold at, present are also keep ing down the market for bonds, and for eign investors will pause for a while be fore purchasing, when it is almostcer tain that within a short time a reaction must take place. Bonds were dull ''and lower to-day, especially new 1865 s and 10 40s, whilst 1867 s are about ;sg pet) cent. higher. A short interest in these bonds has made them so scarce that -a close corner might be made at any moment if desirable. The public at large are sellers at present, and few bonds are bought at present quotations. The mar: ket is in about the sam condition as be fore the close of July fast, when every body predicted a rise of the new 5-20 s to 115, and on the very day they were ex pected to rise considerably, a sudden panic seized the large operators and they threw their load on the market, which pre6ipitated the whole bond quotations about two per cent., and which a three per cent. call loan market could not re deem. Everybody had been speculat ing on the rise about to take place after General Grant's' accession to the Presi dency, so that it would be a great wonder if the price should pot suddenly collapse for over-speculation and other causes connected with the price of gold and our business relations with Europe. The stock market is dull, lower and weak, with a general decline for the en tire list. Port Wayne, which bad touched 12435, declined to 1231,;; Ohio and Mis sissippi declined % per cent.; Cleveland %; New York Central 1 per cent.; whilst the Michigan Central advanced to 96%, with a strong market. The general opinion is that stocks are far above 'the Inaiket, and any day_ may - bring a heavy decline from the present inflated prices. The value of stocks is affected in the , same proportion as gold bonds are from a decline in gold. Local Stocks are dull with the exception of a few favorite bonds. Allegheny Val ley bonds are firmer, after the stock holders' meeting, and the report of the condition of the road, holders who ask now two per cent. advance, probably will sell for three per cent. less when they find buyers are scarce at the ad vance. Since the sudden rise and decline in • governments, more inquiry is made foi the Pacific bonds, which are • now a fa yorite investment. Ph. R. Mertz, Banker, quotes them at par and interest and 103, fiat. Closing quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold,. 13235; `Eighty-one's, 113%; Five Twenties, 1862, 114%; do, 1864, 111%; do, 1885, 112%; do, 1865, new. 1109¢; 'dci, 1867, 111; do, 1868, 111; Ten Forties, 109%; Railroads Cleve land & Pittabtirgo, 903;; Pittsburgh, , Fort Wayne & Chicago. 2334; Chicago" de Rock Island, 2798; Chicago & North- Western, 82%; do r Preferred. 91; Erie, —; New 'York Central, 164; Michi gan Southern, 97%; Reading, 92%; Ohio 1 & Mississippi Certificates, 34t West- 1 ern Union ?Telegraph : Company, 87%; Merchants Union Express Co pa ms, mnY; 16% Pacific Mail, 98%; Ada 59%; Miaing sharea=Gregory, 2,25; Quartz Hill, 78; Smith & Parmele. 1,55;' Con , - don, 10; Am. W. Express, 40. —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady & Co.: gold, 132%; United, Stat."l-Bliea, '-'1881'9,1133;; 1862;- 114%; fr-20's, 1864, 1119 8 ; 5-20's, 1865, 112%; 10-40's, 109%;5-2.o's Jan 'y and July, 1865, 1109 j, do. 1867,.111; do. 1868, 111; Seven Thirties ' , par less %; Due Com, pounds, 119; Ten' Forties,, 109%; Union Pacific Railroad, par; Central, 103; Cy. Pacifies, 101%. • (By Total: 401 to too Pittsburgh Gazette.] !' NEW Yong, February 24, 1889. Money continues easy; the demand was promptly , met throughout the day at 5E96 per cent. on call on Governments and 6@7 per cent. on stock collateral; prime business paper 768 per cent. Sterling quiet at 9@9%,e for prime bank- err; few commercial bills offering. Gold opened at 132%, advanced to 132 N, fell to 132 1 .; On the passage of Schenck's bill in the House declaring. bonds pay able in gold, but revived to 1324.;0132% at the. close. The Customs rleceipts yesterday were 5646,000, and today *915,0 00, which indicates importers are preparing for a large business. Governments opened steady, though at . a decline on yesterday's highest prices, the immediate cause of the decline being a report, that the Senate Finance Com- the mittee will probably not report Hooper bill prohibiting the further issue of'gold bearing bonds. In the afternoon, however, the passage. of Schenck's-bill _ occasioned a perfect rush to buy, and under great excitement and activity the market advanced •f ; per tent. Before the close there wasareduction of y 5 from the highest point. Coupons of 'Bl, 114 q; do. '62, 114.;,(D11414; do. '67, 111N@111%; do. '6B, 111g@111; Ten-Forties, 109%& 110. State bonds weak, especially on Ten nesees and Louisianas.,Missouris, 6714. 6_038; new Tennessees, 65,--4@65 , 4 , ; old d 0.,. 66 6610-.063.1; North Carolinas, 5:13; 61a62; Louisiana Levee 65, 673; do. Bs, 65. In Railway stocks there was a large business doing during the morning, and the market was strong and buoyant un til after the regular board, when there was a reaction of ?;@1 per cent. from the extreme advance. The particular fea tures were Fort Wayne, which rose to 125, and Michigan Southern, which touched 97%, under the amicable set tlement of the differences between the iormer and Erie corporation and the heavy purchases of Michigan Southern by the Vanderbilt interest. No change is however expected in its present direction. An announcement is made that the Directors of the Cleveland it Pittsburgh road have come to amicable relations with the Erie road, and that Mr. McCul lough will continue as President while Jay Gould will be Treasurer. Miscella neous shares are steady. Pacific Mall otherwise strong and iidvancing. Ex press shares are lower in consequence of . renewed litigation between themselves, • and report says that the Erie and Central Railway threaten to ex elude them from their.. road. .The United States fell fully 10 per cent. and • the others heavily, but not so much. In the afternoon the railway market was stronger, with a gener recoverfrom the lowest point. New al 'York Central, Wabash and Fort Wayne were the strongest shares and Toledo-the weakest, selling down to 105; from which it re acted before the close. The market closed firm. Express stocks are lower; miscel laneous shares firm. Pacific Mail ranged between 97W71:100.% and closed at higher price. Five -Unity _ erland, 37 w• 39; Wells Express, - 31 1 :; merican, 39 1 4 @4O; Adams, 591,./it erebants, 144 Cu,l7; United States,42.i Quicksilver, 24•y 4 @25; Canton, 6036 - i(A: Pacific Mail. 100N®101; Western Union Telegraph, 3714637%; Mariposa, 534@9; do. -pre ferred,3o.4; New York. Central, 164%; Erie, 36;:',. Hudson, 136; A 137; Harlem,, Haute, ©138; Reading. (421, 4 @92%; Trr 393 1 ',.; pref., 66; . ( Wabash, '6S; preferred, 77 St. Paul, 65% ,g 65; preferred, 7734A78; Ft. Wayne, 1237f,@123X; Ohio and Mississippi, 3434 @)34;4"; Michigan Southern, 07@973,.‘; Michigan Central, 11SX: Illinois Cen tral, 143; Pittsburgh, 90%@90%; Toledo, . 105%@105N; Rock Island, 126%@126%; Northwestern, n%q:32.3.; do. preferred, 91; @91;.; Burlington and Quincy, 190; Chicago and Alton. 156; C. C. C. Jr Ind:, 13Q; St. Joseph. 115; Lake Shore, 105 1 .“ C. C. & I. C., 453. Mining Shares active;" Gregory, 200; Quartz Hill. 165. Copper Stocks at Boston--Calurnet, 50; Copper Falls, 15: Franklin, 19!..; Hecla, 70; Hancock, 3.,"; Minnesota, 33x; Quincy, 30, Gold clearances for to-day, 596,000,000. Receipts at the Sub -Treasury, 41,458,- 459; payments, ?567,24.4; balance, 591,- 869,560. Exports for the week, except specie, 13,261,173. PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, / WEDISEtDAY, Feb. 24, 1869. There seemed to be a stronger -feeling in the 'oil trade to-day, and late in the day there was considerable excitement manifested, but the market was so un settled that there was but little done. The brokers seemed to be 'very busy, fly ing around in all directions, 'soliciting orders to sell and buy, and asking for re fusals, but, as already intimated, the vol ume of business was light, and there seemed to be a great diversity of opin- • ion among operators as to the real state of the market.. While it was generally conceded that there was a stronger feel i9g, and an Increased demand, some thought it was merely a "feeler," and did not or would not amount to any thing; while others entertained the' be lief that from good and legitimate causes, had reacted, and that prices would go mill: higher, It is reported that exporters have come into the market again and that they are bidding 38 eta' for spot oil—whlch is regarded, by those who want higher prices, as a very favor sble indication. CRUDE—The Crude market was stronger to-day, and somewhat excited, and, Late in the day. holders generally were asking .an advance compared with Tuesday's quotations. We can reoort sales of 500 bbls spot at 16,1.1; 1,000 till July Ist seller, at 163.S;—at toe close this delivery was held at 163;@17. REFINED—The market was unsettled and somewhat excited, and at the close, the tendency seemed to be upward,. with but little offering at any price. We can report 500 bbls I ebruary—early in the day-- , at 36141, 500' March at .36%; and 500 March to June at 37, 'and the same figuta was offered for more. At the close February' could not have been bought at the figures current in the forenoon. , LUBRICATING OILS. , . Eclipse Winter Lubricating 0i1..,... 400 Eclipse Railroad Axle 360 Eclipse Machinery - 750 Eclipse Spindle • 800 Eclipse Tanners' Stuffing 400 Eclipse Tanners' Finishing oil 650 OIL SHIPPED EAST FROM DUQUESNE. • DEPOT. Brooks, B. & Co., 15 bbls refined to W. F. & Co.. Philadelphia. G. W. Holdship & Co., 22 bbls refined to Waring King & Co., Philadelphia. Fleming & Co., 723 bbisrefined to Tack `Bros:, Philadelphia. Hutchinson Oil Ref. no., 110 bbls re 'fired to Warden, 'Frew & Co., Phila. H. lA. Long ft, ,C0.,-118` bbis refined , to Warihg, King & Co., Phlladi3lPhia. Miller, 4$ bbls tar, owner, New 'York. = Total shipments Refined 936 OIL SHIPPED EA ST BY A. V. R. E. Lockhart, Frew & Co., 512 bbls to =Warden. Frew &, Co., Philadelphia. Citizens - Ref. 500 bbls to Tack Bro, Philadelphia. Braun & Wagner, 4OO do to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. McKee, Hackett & Co., 250 bbls refined W. P. Logan & Bro., PhiladelPhilx• McKelvy Bros. dr. Co., 300 bbls refined - -W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Total shipments Refined ..... „ ... ..... 1962
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