CITY CoxvoLLen,s' OFFICE. OF ALLEGHENY, February 24, 1869. f RrNOTICE SEALED PRO”O9ALS will be received at this ()nice until 3 o'clock.g. rum on FRIDAY. March 3th, for building an ENti.NE ..EIOUtIE nr the tiOtib WILL FIRE COMPANY. Plans and Spec dcations can be sten at the office of JAM •13 I. B tLPfil, Esq , Architect, No. —; Federal 6 reet. up stalrs. The right is re's t ved to . eject any and all bids. fiziille R. . FBA-NCte. CitV Controller. __ _ _ RE VIVALIST. New Edition. Revised and Enlarged, A col /m.lon of Choice itevival Hymns and Tunes. selected by JOSEPH HILLMAN. It now contains nearly trIVE HUNDRED 'choice Hymns and So.ritual sor_gs. and more than 7.110 HUNDRED AND THIRTa soul stirring chornases. For sale by JOSEPH HORNER, • 'Bookseller and Stationer, Methodist Epleopal Block.) 129 SIIITIIFIELD STREET. R • Rs S. DATES' LIST OF. 'NEW Roo. ..i HAVELS Is THE EAST; Indian Arcbl- • ticiago. Rickimore .. . .. iis, 00 LETTERS OF A sEN'illiii.Vl;:ii:iiiikic. • H. H. Leech STA L L. I tIADAME DE Historical N0re1..,1.50 CHINA AND THE CHINESE. By Rev. John L. Nevins ... •1, 75 TRAVEL AND A DVEliTiliii.K IN ALAS.. Frederick Whimpf-r.., _.,. ... ... 2,50 • THE SHAKESPEARE TREASURY. By . Clue. W. Strmrn.. H. D:... ..„,, ." . 2,50 MEN AND THINGS Al' WA S..._ltilO, During the Mira of a Century. ByL. A. tiobright ... .. ........................ . • THE LIRA PLET OF PEARLS . Anchor of . "Heir Bof Redo' , ffe"." ... By " .. Sir .. .. a e1 ..... 2,00 • CAST 13.1' W. Baker. y THE SEA. ..... ri VIC WEEF . i . .... ............... .. . .... Three 78 Englishmen. ........ .1 50 HRH BIAJESTV'; ioWEii. isi .......... I, SO iworth Dixon.... -- ... .- ... Gordon . . . 2 00 iIIAtIOON it H.'S ISLAND; o . r. Dr. Goion . ln . search of his Children. By author of "Young Maroon ers ,, .. ...., ... , . - .... 1,50 CHILDREN IN TILE TEIIPL.E " By Rev. H. CM. Trumbull. .. 1.25 COLORADO, ;I'd I;lft'ifi '11; ... ....... 'PAINS. By Simnel Bowles-. . ... . .. .1.00 STUDIES IN SHAKtiPEARe; 113; Mary . Prebton. .... 100 THE TAB . L . E.TA.Lif . OF lii"iifiii'lli: TRER. . , ... .. ..... .. .. .. .. .... .. . .. .. .... 2.00 REALMA . H. By author . of • *Friends in council"..... . .... 2,00 TLIE-LitTla S AND ..... ii;i:W : o r. ......... tion in the art or Tnrning Wood and ! _ Metal ... .... . ............................... 6,54 fe2.s:Trs ... JOSEPH HORNE t CO'S Dealers will Find in Our WHOLESALE DEPARTHEW NEW AND COMPLETE LINES CF Hosiery, all grades, Irish Linens, Handkerchiefs, - White Goods, Embroideries, Hoop Skirts, Balmoral Skirts, Neck Ties, Bows, • Famishing Goods. Notions, and SMALL WARES or ALL KIND _rEzsLOWEST EASTERN PRICES. SUPPLIES - FOR. WATER- WORKS ciTy, CoxTztozaacn's P ALLEGHENY, February 21, .113139, SEALE') PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 4 o'clock P. R. on At ONDAY, March slit°, 1869, for furnishing the Allegheny Water Works . . during, the current year with the, . avrl folpngsup, -cues, to-wit: ' - • • ." •• . .- . • of WATERI PIPE BRAN( ES and SLEEVES 11 and 15 Inches., the foing diameters, via.: 4,6, 8, /0. FIRE PLUGS, VALVES AND MISCELLA. IV KOUS CAST' ".GS. FIRE rEsauLPzs. LUGAND sror-coca BOXES A 1D Also. all the COAL required during the y•Par. Bids are requested for bath NUT COAL and SLACK. All of the above supplies to be delivered at such times and places as the !Superintendent of the Works may direct. Bids for Water Pipe are solicited payable both In 0 per cent. 20 year city Bonds, and payable In CUD every three months. , J Specifications and Blanks for bidders can be had tend at this office end at the office of tit, Super- Inmt, I. re WM, PAULR.. Esq. The tight served to reject any and all bide. g_ZM 1869, SPRING GOODS, 1869, NEW SPRING GOODS Are Daily Being Received at , F. H, EATON'S, No. 17 SIMI Avenue. Third arrival of HAMBURG EDGINGS. REAL SETTES, AND IMITATION LACE CHEM/. Fu/1 line of LADIES JiII:WIN RID GLOVES, FANCY STRIPYD RIBBONS of all widths mid colors NEW NoV ELTIER IN Embroideries, Late Goods, Trimmings And a choice line or nostarir AND CORSETS. N. B.—A fresh suppl nod of fibula B argains In TAPE BORDERED • .lIIS LINEN HANDRERCHIEPS. RE TISCHED !slay:ins FLOM. W 131.7" Eire:dee Extra Family Flour, warranted Wadi ground and pure. For sale by ItEANOR Qc MALIMPIER, 329 Liberty etree QM __t• BARRELS OF, SOltgrourty 40 MOLASSES. Di I. LINGER A. STRVRNSON; Inv, —___ LS OF pt 9 othry---Iq7-----____ ' • E AGO 4iii,s ILL/NGE It A STEVENSON. 'EW ADVERTISEMENTS, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, IarPITTEIBURGIT NATIONAL COAL AND. COKE CO.-= - Tbe third an nual memlne of the Stoctrholders of this Com pany will he held 03 THURSDAY. slarcla 4th. at ID Weibel: A. M.. + t thelr oFFIce, comer of Fourth avutue and Try street. The eleotlon for a BOARD OF NINE DIREC rows co serve the ensuing Vesr. wilt he held from 11 to RI o'elrck, fe2.S:L7G z.ORGIC W. SCHLUEDgeBERD. Secret:up and Treasurer. TO CARPENTERS MI AT AT Tap, R. B. FRANCIg, . . Past Co/ore. - • Prices Within the Reach of Ali t Keep the 'wearer dry, do not soli the dress or ti oor, and will terti • •Inside out."• All will bear inside the above mark: none o there genuine. At wholesale only by *RIGHT, BRUTILERS dc CO., 322 and 324 BROAD STREET ,Philadelphia, _ and 344 BROADWAY. New York, texwee If :TR ITY CONTROLLER rTRE MAN. OR THE— MEN. who no PATRON'S TICKRTS of the 9d an 3d SERIES OF WASHINGTON MEDAL LIoN PENH, ale hereby informed that the draw. Inge were made January 29. 1 669.-and that cir culars giving fell inforwatios of the numbers strewn, will be setit, to persons Interested, on LlONtheir addressing the WASHINGTON MAHAL. PEN COMPANY, New York. BLEB.B.—.READ TUE TICKETS OF TUE 4TU SE. te24:fa $( for 1,2 or 3 yeue, Apply to .. GEO. R. COCHRAN,•Law, fe72:e.90 No, 60 Gratis St., PI ttaburqt, Pa, PiD LEAD. -600 pigs Soft Ga:en a Lead for Sale by J. R. CANFIELD.— /41 First avenue. BA SUET WILLOW S.. 23 bdle to arrive so steamer BoUle, for sale by /KALIL! . DICKEY CO.,re N No. 8U Witter stree. shROLL HOTTER.-15.half bbls bilie by II Butter, Jost received and for J. B. CANFIELD. IftiELO PEACHES., --100 bush, a prl ;At. at ticie. rjr salby e /DA AM" CANFIELD. sate casks r • _ THE BEST ORGANS Prices of Inferior Work. 25 PER CENT. REDUCTION IN PRICI:g OF MASON & HAMLIN'S Prices to Suit the Times THE MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. win_ he of seventy-tlye blithest pretniums,incin Altig e Paris this Medal. for the best instru ment of this class in the world, respectfully an nounce t hat their facilities are now so great that they undertake to furnish not only the best and cheapen. - but the LOWEST P.RICEo that-clan Organs obtainable, and they ask attention to their resent scale of prices, of which the fol lowing are Maturations: FIVE OCTAVE SINGLE REED ORGAN, In Solid Black Walnut Case. Carved and Panelled with Trertyilant. (Style A.; • Price, rovwhich other n,anufacturers ask from OM to 11)160 .". . . _. . ~. . 2 . . . ..$ 100 FIVE OCTAVE DOUBLE ....... ORGA:N, Five Stops, with Tremulant; Solid Black Walnut Case: Carved and Pannelled. (Style C.) Price. for which other manu facturers ask from 3150 to SIRS . . ....... $126 FIVE OCTAVE DOUBLE BEE() CABI NET ORGAN. Flee Stuns with the new MASON a HAMLIN IMPROVP.D VoN II li3fANA, which excels every other at tachment of th'sc ass In the beauty and va riety 'of Its effects, the ease with which It Is used. suo its freedom from liability to get one of 'order. solid Walnut Case. Carved and Panelled. (Ntw Style. No. 21 and d l cap This ca pacitwhichy can be made. Price. . for which other m anufacturers ask born $2OO to' $125 . ... . . .. . .... . ~. .. ~ .2.4175 EVERY INSTR irstEINT . it lIIL LY WAIIR Alv 1 , ED. Be sure Local! and examine my stock and prices before purchasing elsewhe re. ca . c. 3.IDELT.-1011, --• 81 WOAD STREET, Sole Agent for 3L & H. Organs. Sir'Organs Rented, and rent applied to the Purchase. • AZ:IU ASBUR Y LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Of New York. I The Asbury Company has Insured, in the firs nine months of its business, over $ 2 ,000,000, an unexampled success, and Is rapldlylncreaeng day by day. This Company issues policies in all the forms In present use, on single and loin: licns, endow. ;ciente and annuities. A special table for Insuring lives of ministers _by their conaregations calculated at much below the ordinary rates. A speulal table of half rates for the first ten wars. Frew restrictions on ;ravel and none after the first year. Registered Policies., countersigned by the In surance Department of the State, certifying that such policies are secured by a Special deposit of public stocks. All Policies Absolutely ' i NON-FORFEITABLE. Dividends to Polley holders on a new and most popular plan introduced by this Company, after two payments, applicable, at the option of in surers, to an incresie of the policy, to reduc tion of future premiums, or payable in cash. In surers preferring . to relinquish their interest In ' propts may have ,instead a bonus addition of one-third of amount of policy. Members a :commodated by a !clan of :one- Ultra of premiums when tlesbed, - bat no note re• qulred Books of rates furnished on application to the Company, or any agent. OFFICE 29 Smithfield. Street F RA II CTAOS.q4LERS, Resident Director. 8. Y. KENNEDY, fe=:esti WRIGHT'S REPELLENT MURRELL, LOOO TO LOAN ON BOND AND IBORTGAGE. 'HITEbbls. for Hale by . CANFIELD. PITTSB URGII GA UWE : THUIRSD.A. Y, FEBRUARY 2 AD TIS MI CI BAILEY, FARRELL & CO'S, Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead, 167 Smit h fiel d Street, GRAY'S FERRY PROM% LNE WORKe. C • E• ROBINSON, Black and Colored Printing & Lithographic Gray's Ferry Road and 83d Street, fOu . eal NEW STYLES HATS AND CAPS, iiEilli Il American Rink, Nee Yolqi thib; Empire, Starr, &e. All other styla and Arises at the verr !awes' rates at . WILITESIDES & DRI:111, dpi4 prazut HT.. ALLEGHENY. SOlicitor. (nISSOLUTIO N OF PARTNER- A., liiiilp.—Notice Is hereby given that the partnership lately subsisting between ROBERT ANDREWS and- EDWARD ARMSTRONG. tinder he Arm name and' style of Andrews & Armstrong bas dissolved on the day of Jan. nary, 1869, ymutual consent. All debts owing to said partnership are to be received by said fEdward Armstrong, and all demands on the said oserattn.ership are to be presented to lilm forpay. ROBERT ANDREWS, feisteri ED WARD AnfeTßuNa. I. 2. MINT w... ................... S Will i r & MUTT, ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS No. 62 Sandusky St., Allegheny, Pa. A large assortment of NEWEL RATS an BALI ITERS' constantly on band. TUitS IN of all descrlotlons. done. *moat 4_41 ,ICONOheMLZE YOUR FUEL; by using t SHIITE CENTRIFUGAL . GOVERNOR, the only true and easily regulated Governor made: perfect In Its operations and truly reliable. A large size Governor can be seen at the °Mee of PERCE VAL BECETT, Mechanical Engineer andSollcltor of Patents, No. 70 Federal street, Allegheny City, th e only agent for this Governor In the West. ' se22:xe6 ALL BOOR AGENTS SEND for the 10 reasons why Cobbine Domestic Illustrated Family Bible Is superlor to any other. Address STRPET & Cu., 111 Nassau street. New York. 40rtold only by agents. Refers to all Eastern Publishers. I feeteleartwlNT B. YOUNQSON & CO., Er • FAA' CY CAKE RAKER I', CONFECTIONARY, ICF. CREAN and DINING SALOON, ,. 83 litnitbideld street, corner of Diamond alley, Pittsburgh. cakes :- , . • air- Partlea and families sUnp with Ice Cream a ndon mien notice,.. lied . , • , RESIT r FISH ry ordEsf sti llcontinue o en i a n y i n Put nd coun. FRESH WHITE LAKE FISH, SALMON AND BASS, Send to No. 45DIAMOND MARKET.PItt. burgtt, or Ills old well known TWIN CITY. STAND. Allegheny mark t. ova) JA VA COvz.. E. rliteen receive bags. n cholced ourld rn Govement Javt Col- Ice, just d a f mat. at the Famil G sale low by the Lag' . r y rocery /Store of JNO. A. RENSHAW, roll Corner Lawrie and Gand streets. • 33,16t;Te' -4Q.000X:),M SPRING TRADE OF 1869. Full and Complete A sortrnent s of HOUSEKEEPING AND DONESIIC DRY GOODS, Sheeting 21tualin Pillow Case !Muslin, iShirting ATualin, Linen Sheetings, • ! Pillow Linens, White Quilts, AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF . GARPETS OF ALL QITALITLES. • 3CO AB SS oar CO C:0 30 In Desirable Fabrics and Alaterial. CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, JEAms, FOR- MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. EMBROIDERIES AND TRIMMINGS, ROSIER AND GLOVE All DepaSeason rtments of the Rouse during the will be kept well supplied , by daily additions of New Goods. WILLT.6.kI - SEMPLE, 180 -AND 182 FEDERAL STREET, Nos. - /PTV TONS PIG LEAD, Best Brands, For Sale at the Lowest Market Rates, at MANCFA CTURRII.S . -02. TaANV/PACITRZR Or VARNISUES, a! JUST RECEIVED AT McCORD .& CO's, 131 WOOD STREET. FOR THE TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, $15,000 115,015(1- $1,1,000 WORTH OF GOODS SELLING REGARDLESS OF COST, T HEMIRE STOCK OF DENNISON & HECKERT, At No. 27 Fifth Avenue, M= Embracing a complete line of Trimmirkgs, Embroideries, HOSIERY Ailn GLOVES, STAR SHIRTS AND COLLARS SHIRTS AND r ORSETS. •RIB- ItoNS. STRAW- GOODS AND PLOWERe. TANOTARTIOLES AND NOTIONS. Haring been purebated by ILICREII & CIRLISLE, I They will open It up to the public. on --, - I THURSDAY HORNING. Feb. 1. With the roost EXTHAOR DI a AY II AHD &LW ever offered before in this line of Goods. . FOR ONLY This ( losing C L ASH O NLY for ONLY THREE WEEKS, and purch•sers would do well toScPailj/711.IVtigLttEVTRIstcoll' ts and Dealers who - sill! buy Job Lots. lit [5,000. $15,000. $15,000. ascuNG AT A SACRIFICE, AP NO. 27 10.1.1"2"/X., A.VP.N7 fell N - - • OTICE IS lIEREI-11/7--aviEN that the partnership lately subsistlnß be tween DAV/D C K. MACRUM, B. C. OLTDE and ALVIN RAGAN, under the firm name of hfa CRUM. GLADE St CO., expl:ed on the alst day of January. A.D. 1809, by limitation. The successors or Une Imo Arm *lt/ receive paYmvot •eill e all *cM lalzal Jae and settle all claim s against the lat. I: D• S. MALCBV.M. CALVIN RAGAN. D. N. naonvir. (Executor of C. CLYDE.) NOTICE OF CO-PA RTNEOSIIIP. WP, the umiersignel, have. this FIRST DAT OF F EBRUARY, A. D.,18130, entered into Co Partnership ender the firm name of BILSAMITAL GLYDE & CO , , TO CARRY ON THE Notion and Trimming Business, Old Stand, Nos. 78 and 80 Market Where but also to makewill not ly pleased' to see nor old k great many new ones. D. 8. mAcittrm, • CALVIN lIAGAN, fer,,,6 3 NAT. MOB,. uAIISTERN TRADE. WAlik. FIRE- I'ZiOOP Lamp ;CHIMNEYS. teto:e2G ' KEYSTONE P O TTERY. S. M. 111ERC &0., Manntkettuters" of • " QIIEENSWARE. BRISTOL WARE &e. - evince and Warehouae. 3qa LIBERTY STRICICT. ordersnrnmptly atten • • 1.• ATE NT LACE /11E44 for Bab by J. & PIIILLIPS. TabTleabriiiteonenBy/ai:z..B";:Netintsng, 8, ro • - Towel s, Toiet _Vats AT TIIE OFFICE ALLEGHENY BRIDGE Comp4NF,- PITTSBURGH. February let. MO. ItgrAN ELECTION FOR PARES , !DENT. BIANA3ERS and OFFICERS of the "Compan Ten or ere 'Lug a bridge over the Allerlieny i,o will be TOLL ' oollotY Br A neNtiellY." will be held at the eNDAYROUSE, at the south.end ' of ; the - Bridge, on , the Ist day of Mareb. at 2 o'clock friteli•T .• - • ri -.- i-- • -WM.-ROSEBURG. :. ~ , ,-- • A a ltre ( OFFIc; MONONGAHELA 1311IMIL PORTANT, / . , •• PlTTanntioir, Jannaty.3o, 1868. WAN ELECTION I'OR.THIR . TEEN MANAGERS of the Company for siva lug a bridge over the Ittonongahmp rlvtr, o, poelt . Flttanurgh, In the eounty ot Al:egbecy, Iva). i.e. ield at the Toll 4ouse, on XIOh.DAY, the Lit t ay of March nest, at 2 o'clock r. XL le2ulBJ Mg JAS. H. IV/attar, Treasurer. ............ RUBBER BELTING, nose Stearn Packing and Gaskets of the luston B I ting Cow panics manufacture at brines nu low A this quality of goads can be bought tie manufacturer A lull stuck always on han .r d be India Rubber D. Ilot, 116 and gs sixth & If, the sole Agents for the Company. scree feb 1869. ' 11071086—..r0z "Lost,' "Frantat.” • ...Fbund, e ..Boardtng. 40., not ex nettinteFo OR LIRES each soitt be in serted these 10 lumne once for 2 ' 147 E12'1"-F/ 4 OR IPPN eaM additional tine F/V.B OENZ'S. ANTE D. -- NALESMAN for m e Carpet Beuntcee tCOOI referencesrequlrtd. ApI LOOMCCL/. a Id. TUCK 2. CO. 23 • Ifth aTehue. X ANT ED - EFELP.-AT PLOYMENT OFFICE, N 0.3 Clair Street, Boys WEL!, and MEN, for diflereni kinds of employment. .Persons noticeelp of all kinds can be snoplled on short I W -- ALIVTEDIIOUSIE,A. dire,- v . line [Luse of four or five rooms, by a fam ily with to children. Ad..resS, D. D., GAXXrr.6 OltriCE. WANTED-Banda and Mort gages to the amount of 1150,000 on city I or county unencumbsred property, having from nns to lIVP $5OO to $ 5.000 . yars to run, in imonnta ranging fro m Also, business accommodation raper to the amount of 840 ,000, In to from $OOO to $3,000, and from 60 days to 4 months to rcn. 160 acres of good Wester/a lands t) exchange for furniture. Apply to 11. IticLA.T.N & CO.. JaZ' Cor. 4th arcane and hinithlield Bt., strect,_ AIVTED—TO PURCUASE.-- Tae MT. CARBON COAL co. - Nilzb to pnr- chase a numbcc of Ito(lel Barges and a Stern-whee, frow Boat, About 1703:34x5 feet, Engines 22 inch eplin• der an 3 7 - feet stroke. Address, giving full par ticulars, price and where the boat may be Been. felB:t77 TD -LET.- A comfortable brick 1. DWELLING of slx r ozus. ball and doable porch on Forty-third street, (form.rly Ewalt ) Plt t +burgh. Inquire at 227 LIBERTY brit EET, Pittsburgh. TO - LET.— ho. A BUSINESS HOUSE. 188 einithilleld street Also on back end of lot a !muse of six r. oms. Enquire at 277 PENN esTREETe TO - LET.— A well finished • ROUSE of S rooms. Ina mast coneen'ent an beant,ful location, 27 EIGIITEI cITREET, formerly Hancock streetopposite Christ Church: c2O lean and quiet: In the sunimer shady. Also No. with Preen rooms. Also. No. 25 with 'eleven r ot"ns• Enquire at 277 PENN STREET. _ T 0 -LET. --Four new TWO STORY BRICK D%ELY.INGS on Franklin street, la, the second square from the Passenger Railroad, Sixth Ward. Allegheny, (late Borough . of acester.) Each house Is furnished With a Boston range. ant hot and cold water fixtures complete In both stories, and contains seven rooms besides bath room and finished iiarret. In at the °Mee or the subscriber,._No. 33 Franknii str ee t , A ile"eny. A. SAMPSON. , . 7, r O-L ET.—That LET.—Th at desirable sued il. FRS built residence. No. Si 31arion St., Pittsburgh. For purileMitr3 apply to .r. is FER ti USW.. Attorney-att,aw, 87 rum avenue. T O- LET.—Tb r e ST. LAWRENCE J. IDITEL. Federal street, Allegheny City, above the Diamond.. Povsession given March Ist. Apply to Id M. SESIPLE. 180 and IWO Federal strcet, Alleguelq, _____----- IC • r f lo- LET,-Thre e ) , "orw y ji_ BRICE: DWELLINGS, 6 rooms and cellar, ad In goo I order. Nos. 297, 499 and 301 Rob- In son street, 4 Ileglienv. Inquire at office No. 4, /4 4 FOURTH AVE!,:UE, Pittsburgh. T O- LET—That TRH EE STORY BUILDING, No. 71 LOKIIII street, contain. Ing , eignt rooms and Lavine large f a d attached. Rent s4OO per annum. Enquire of T. P. HOUS TON. Gazi,rrg orriug. _ - Typato-L ET.—A. fut----1----------e. arge. Well. finished 1100.11, anftable. for An office. In cli (Wilding. second if or, back. Apply at Rown for terms, &c. rllO-LET, WITH 111111EDIATE A possEssms a well-lighted comfortable hALL on Plfth avenue. 30 by 80 feet; well adapted for society meetings. Address Lock Box 169. Pittsburgh Poatollice. m O- LET.-STORE Be acid DWEL LING. Yo. 210 aver Avenue, AlleghenT ity: tomato's Ave r&orns. finished attic, store room and large cellar: gas and water. Apply to id. It. D. 1 HUM PhON, on the premises. Posses sion given Aprtl Ist. - _ ripO-LET.-1100718.—Two line _i_ H00.31,S In GAZETTE ILDING. APPiT at Countlug 800 IM ms, 84 and MI Fifth avenue. 0-LET. --ONE STORE 4 .• FOUR BASEMENTS, well Ligh 0011 ted and Ished. OP le ICES la the e•eond stee; • IttElgl'lNG BOOBS in the third story, and ONE' LARGE HALL, with two ante-rooms. In the fourth story of A. B. English . Co's new building, Fourth avenue. EN G- Moll & CO.. No. 20 Flfth *retitle. • xio-LET.---TillE SECOND AND Thin t) STOR/ES of a Business House on .e.'erai street, Allegheny city. .ff sett room Is 20 by 0. Splendid location for • PBOI OtistAPII ER, sAsIPGE BOOM o sl i g h t M anufacturing. Spacious Isom entrance, portion of the street. For particularsp a pp l y to CROFT 3. PHILLIPS, Heal Estate Agents and Brokers, No. /39 Fourth Avenue. . .__ to-LET. 18. 0 11 'RESI,DENCB .11 1 ZIZLE WOOD. , : r The Retire contain, eleven apartments corn- Portably arranged.; The prendaes p comrise nearly 6 acres of land, planted with the best Varieties of fruit trce and vine. Connected with these are Bering h use, well, stable, pasture for cow. and mai, y other able home, conreniences of a comfort- A. board want leads t om the station 1 to the premises ; and this, with e frequency of passing trains, renders the prepeity quite acces• alble to parties in business in the city: " Esquire of fe 9:e8!O. E. FLOWER, Hazlewoood, Pittsbnreh. NOTICES 163MGIFFICE OF PENNSYLOA. NIA RAILROAD COMPANY. P/I7LADZLPIIIA. February /7.1869. NOTICE TO STO CRHOLDER.S. • The Annual Election for Directors of thls Com ! pany will ho held on 3IONDAY,.the lat day of March, 1 809, at the office of the Company, No. 138 South Third street. The polls will be opei. front 10 o'clock A. mt until 6 o'clock P. mt. No share or shares transferred .Irlthln six' y days preceding the election will entitle the holder or holders thereof to vote. EDIiUND SHIM ...22a_vtary EIMMI farTIIIUMPII OIL COMPANY. . NOPICE.—The annual pleeting of the Rock. holders L of the TRIUMPH OIL COMPANY will be held at theltoMee, No, 10 SILVXNTH (late /min) SPRBET, • On Monday, March. Ist, 1889, at 8r: N., For the purpose of.electlng ofileers for the euso tug year, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before them. feld;t62 WILLIAM /511783LER. Secretary. WANTED---HILP WATS JOHN' BAIRD, President, TO LET. WESTERN LAND AGENCY. 70,000 Acres of Land for Sale, In lowa and Minnesota: Price ,from 13.00 to *5.00 per acre. Land bought and sold ou coin_ mission.'. Taxes raid; Titles es:ermined; abstracts furnisbed; Surveying and Plotting done. Informetion furnished In reference be locality, quality and valuation of lands: General collecti ddreis ing business done. Address 1 .1 1 .Z:de.9 4 Acre at Woods Run. Acres /1116 House In East. Liberty. 8 Acres, unimproved, on Troy HILL 2 Acres dn Greensburg Pike. 6 Acres on Four Mlie Rnn /Coe 11( mil's from P. C. It. IL 10 Acnes near P. F. W. & C. IL R. ' 118 Acres near Pa, R. li., 'Westmoreland coun ty. i 90 Acres at Rill Slde'Statlon. Pa. R. R. 4. Farms In Preston county, West Virginia. 186 Acres ha Armstrong county underlaid with coal. 108 Acres and good Im provements, in Trumbull aounty, Onto, 900 Acme' of Timber land, with Saw Mill Sad dwellings. 1 - Patrick. House ancL,Lot on Center Ayer,ue, near Kirk. • House and Lot on Vicroy street. /louse and Lot In Haat Liberty. House and Lot in Mansfield. House and Lot on Carroll street, Allegheny. House and Lot on Beaver arenue. 2 Houses and 4 Lots, very cheap, on Vine street. , 2 Lots, very cheap, on Vine street. • : 2 Houses and Lot ou -Franklin street. • I House of 9 Rooms Missouri and s ' on-Ro berts SG ' Farms In lillnols, Coal Lands in Allegheny, Westmoreland, Fay- ette and Beaver counties In Penna. TO - .1,M7r. 2 Houses of 9 R.ooms In the 17th ward: rent ;300 3 do. of 3 'do. do. 17th do. dce 144 A do. of 3 do. do.. 12th do. do. 156 do. of 6 do. Bth do. do. 360 I do. of 6 do. do. Bth do. do. 300 I do. of 9 do. do. 2ci do. do. 600 1 do. of 3 do. do. fith do. do.- - 1921 1 do. of G do. do. auk do. do. 240 1 do. of 4 do. do. 17th do. do. 16/1 1 ' do. of 7 do. do. 2d do. / do. of 6 do. Grant streeG The Rouses that I have for rent will be rented very low to good tenants for the balance of the rental year . APPLY AT • D. P, Batch Real, Estate Office sNo7:szo. 91 Grant St., Pittsburgh. s J. L. ........ S. EMI 80 a . Oil 4. 16 STEVENSON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. AND RECEIVE A SELL • All Rjn of Country Produce, All orders for Merchandise promptly tilled at LOWEST Market" rates. Particular attention given to the sale of Brater, kgge, Cheese Dried Fruits, &c, We feel confident that we can Rive entire s atisfaction, by making wilt:A sAtats and PROMPT RETURNS. at ITIOItEST SIARRETI PRICES, and therefore resneCtfialy solielt your 'consign. mente. All correspondence answered prompty. Marking Plates furnished free. Grain In store and to arrive daily. au3l:t7B BENCH BU •MILL STONE& • French parr Swot Machines, THE BEST WHEAT CLEANERS /N Portable 17 70ur. aril Feed ATMs, , sovrtzvo =Anus, All numbers and best quallty.• For sale at 319 and 32/ Liberty St., Pittaburgh. I:E3 • L. Wholesale and Retail Hroeers, No. 390 PENN i.TREET. aplB:xB9 • , _TWIN I. HOUSE BROS. , Mle. cesaors to JOHN I. HOUSE It cu., Situate. sap Grocers and and Merchants, car. ner of Smithfield and Water titreets, filtisburifh. I i ` FOR SALE. Volt SALE:—,4 LOT, 20 , by 117 feet, or "lrger, If deStred,“ TY./Ue stieet extenelcn, near corner of Arthurs and Wylte street, running taf k 'to an tiller. oe so'd at Public Sale , SATURDAY.NEXT, the 2 7th. For tsrms. Apply orr the prenilses. " FOR SALLIE.A'NEW BRICK. PorrsE 'or 5 roonss inti lot, 50 by 200 feet, 200 grapevines, fruit trees, shrube,v, &c.. on the lot, at N 0.160 Itldge a n d pi Fifth= ward, Allegheny Cite. For terms and pinion. was apply on the prPtnlses. VOR SALE.--FRAME CDT- I'Ac/E. COntathing five rooms and excellent cellar, with lot 60 Ey 187 feet, fn the 19th weed. ( formerly East Liberty.) Price low. Enquire on the premises, or adLrers B. B. 8.. GAZETTE OFE ICE. F€4ll.lAL'p7r/Pea tiligpAThAstriAl;" of 100 acres in Westmoreland conurnety, a .! one and a half miles Irvin a regular station on Wen Pennsylvania Railroad, all under good fence, good frame Wink barn, good house of Aye room. plenty of fruit, abundance of good water, 7 0 acres cleared , balance In good oak timber, good neighborhood, school on the farm. Terms easy. apply to eenFT PHILLIPS Real. Estate Agents. No. 139 Fourth Avenue: F ( T i IaCE 81-10 ji.r•lLF.ofslev6enithroorne A i l ii strs el. adjoining the residence of F. K. Duff; !lot 40 feet Iron t and 260 feet deep; well Inl !proved and plant( d Nebli fruit trees. F.tiqulre on the prethises, or of L. E. ,DIIFF, 83 DIA /410ND STREET. VOR BALE.- S TOCK AND FAX LC' TUBES. — The Stoek and Fixtures of a first class Family Grocery More. The undersigned, wishing to enga 4 e In another business offers the Fixtures and stock at a bargain. G.13-.PUSEY. 49 Federal street. Allegheny City. V647SALE.--Thait handsome TWO STORY BRICK RFSIDKE. 203 Western avenue. Allegheny City, on th Zt e line of the Slanchestrr Passenger Railway: con tains hall, 8 rooms. finished attic bath room. hot and cold water and gas throughou The bnild ing has a front 24- feet Wide. and Is erected on a lot 48 feet front by 120 back to a2O foot alley. Terms tam Pot particeiars enquire at the AL LEGIIENY POSTOWIPICir V - 41 iii Ft . DE it ...L' elegant RESIDENCE. corner We RENT stern Ave. it. and laid well street Allegheny. Lot 1.00 by 227 feet , House contains 16 rooms, WI It all modern Improvements. - Apply to uzotrGt, H. HOLTZMAN, SO Fourth avenue lap stabs,). - Pittsnurgh. yoiis-A-L E - -liiii r a 1 e 'Western . AVENUE REsIDENCE, locate'd ou West ern Avenue, Allegheny el , y.• A. eatabic two. story brick residence of eleven rooms, hall and good cHlr, Ilnished In first class stile Lot 48 byl2o feet to a2O foot alley. Terms very easy. Apply to CRON` & PHI -LIPS, Real Estate A.lnt. N 0.1.39 trorirth ~ venue , fell:e4s _______- Fl' ,►t 11 .4.1,E.—. OR A WAGON MARER—At Parnassul Station, A. V. IL R., 17 miles from the . Ity. lialflan acre of ground with shop and dwedlng and la a large quantity ol lumber; abundance of work for three hands; blacksmith shop conve. nfent• rare ooeultig for a man °tat:mall mans vrltl be sold on very easy terms. Apply to CROErt & PR ILLIPs. heal _Es tates. Ageuts, 'No. 139 Fourth Avenue. "VOR SALE. ' --BEISINESS PROP., ..i.! ERTY.-/S flow offered for sale that fleslra tue LOT OF GROUND. No. 167 Smithfield street. This property is wed located fur busi ness. i Parties on lookout for a good "Land wir do well to call . n liA/LET, FARRELL ft CO No. 107 bmithfleld street. ___. F6. rig SALLE. Couniry Residence rad Four Aeres of Ground, 1 Four miles from Allegheny and easy et access to tile cities oy the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne. and Chicago Railroad. or by the New aszlghtort Turn pike. The house is new, finished In modern style and cot:n*l2Bl2 rooms, Mounding finished attic: lalso pantres, bath room and a well of neve: fail anirnr a ft iv w . a r t i r t o y a to Mtl,ctifo.cpreen 8 4'4) 2 rbeaer loctocnocizi: t'on, a coal house and Stable% with large fistern. The dwelling is located on an eminence. and commands an extensive view of the Oho River and surrounding country, His a most desirable . Property and ran be boneht. upon reasouabie terms. For further information apply to F. A. 13 { TES.' office Sun Liglio. 011 Works. No. 1 Eigh)tt street. (formerly Hancock.) felS:ei.) C. WAY, ALLINGTONr, lOWA OR SA W AIL (:E
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