'NEW AtivifferxszawErivs , WOFFICE .:OF PENNSYLVA• NIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Faud..bur.aqica, February 17, 1869. .• 'NOTICE To BTOCKHOLOE II4 . The Annual Election for Directors of this Com -play will be held on MONDAY, the Ist day of March:lB69, at the office of the Company, N o . .Stail South Third e treet. The polls will be ope.. from 10 o'clorr. A. is until 6 o'clock r. M. No 'share or shares transferred within six'y days preceding the election will entitle the holder or holders thereof to vote. EDMUND SMITH, fel4:fll - Secretary. NEW. PIJLICIITIONS _llleadY is Week. D. APPLETON & Nas..9o, 92 and 94 Orand St., 14IEW YORK, PUBLISH THIS DAY FIVE WESES IN A BALLOON: on. Joun "SSTS AND DISCOVERIES IN AFRICA DT THE= ZNGLIREDIRN.. Compiled In French by Jules Verne, from the original notes of Dr. Ferguson; and One Into 'English by Leekland," -expressly for D. Appleton k Co. 1 vol., 12mo. , "give Weeks in a Balloon" is, in a measure, a satire on ingusii books of African trave% So far . As the geOgraPhy, the inhabitants. the animals, mid the fentures of j a pe country are r describe& it .la, in some particulars., a survey of the whole field of African discovery, and in this way will •often serve to refresh the memory of ttie reader. • The mode of loco Motion is of course, purely imaginary, and the .incidents and adventures de bons., The litter are abundantly amusing. snd fa view of the w•nderful travelers , with which we have been entertained by African -explorers,lhey can scarcely be considered ex ' iravegant, while the ingenuity'and invention of Ike author will .be sure to excite the surprise ..and even the admiration of the reader. THE STUDY OF . LANGUAGES BIIOII6IIT .F.A.Olt TO ITS . TRIM FiIINCIPLE3; or. THE 'AST Ow THINKING IN A FOREICIN LANGUNIN. By C. MAncnia., Ent. Leg. Hon.. Author .of "Language as is3lnuient !Lents! Culture," km*: - "Yrecniere irtnelpes d , Eduestion. , ! &c., :ae. *l-5113. - . The. ebject of this brie f essay is lo set forth a method, of lemming f,?reign : . langus gen which .shall puma:Liao the facility in their use both for reading and speaking irrithOut thhinterventiett of the iernacul.4. The author's a disiingulshed -French philologist, who haswritten this work in wire and vigorous English, with reference to the wants of Au erican travelers In foreign countries. le system of at udy can be made nee of in Icon nection w Uri any of the common manuals, and - Ls equally applicable to all the livin European languages, It attaches great imporfance to the thorough training of the ear, as tlie means of speaking fluently, and tumbles tlee student to eonverte with the natlies, u well as to: translate ' from ; the foreign 'enrages.. M WORSHIP OF THE CHURCH TN THE HOUSE, Collated chiefly from the Liturgy of the American Church. Bye. Son of the Church. , vol., LSmJ., PS PP. 75 cents. VOL. 3 OF THE LIBRARY EXTION OF Tip WAI7ERI4 NOVELS. To be completed In stz volumes, uniform with the "Library Edi tion of Dickens. volumelllustrated with limner : on sfine tteel and wand engravings. Bound in morocco eloth, - glit side and back. Prioe,sl.7s per volume, or 1110.50 per set. . • • . • • • V. coanniz. By 3ime. DS STasr.. • thlid volume . of s nay asap edition of ; the Frenalrelaislcs. Already issued, "The Attic Indlosopyer,l , prltelli cents, and "Plcclols," price 75 cents. In Ivo'', 151 mo. piper: Price 75 cents. t• r•ff, <, fl) T 137. PrikNTON. SHIP.I3y Capt. lifshiri,irr., Deinp theLtenth volume' of the , se* chesp edi- Von of Itarryste , s novels. Hindiontely printed on ilitepiper, from 'mite, eleitr type, with an Or , un:nerds' pep( r'cover. Volumes tilresdv issued: ."MieiriliPtnall 'Easy," "getv "Jseob Faltbfal, it .*•3laval Offlaer,* , • 'King's Owi,” "Japhet In - Si_rch of a riiher, ,, , .sNewton 'krises,' _"Factio of Many Talei!,!* PosOker. 7, Pnce 50 cents. •• . . . m rathet of .the above sent frqs fry ot/ tonal' part, of tire United state s on receipt of ~the -price. SIMPLIES FOR WATER WORKS. ' ' corrnoLlacsfs 0/PICI.. OFFS OF ALLKOHY.Th February 24, 1869.1 . , SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv_e4 tills office until 4 O'Clak P. N. on ltßliipAY, March But, 1E169, for furnishing' tbe • Allegheny Water Works .dnriag the current year with the foliowleg stip- Tulsa, to-wit 7. = • - , WATER PIPE, BBAN('FIES and SLEEVES, lißtidrilitVilsaia"Crs' vii 4, 8. 19 . • FIRE PLUGS, VALVES. AND IfISCELLA. DEOIJS Gs, • • , .•• . • FIREPLUG AND nor -COOS BOXES AID Alin. : all' the COAL re plied during th;;Year. Bide are. requested for both NUT COAL and All of the above supplies to be delivered at each times and posecas the Superintendent of the Works may _ • Bide for. Wnter Pine are aollelted payable both lunel4fegettitoMearc"7 BOuds, and payable lipedgeaticos. - andllbanke 'fey blddeie can be bad at this o nce and at the of ce of tits Super . intendant, Whl, PAUL, E s q. • • The right isleserved to reject spy and all bids. , . B. B. FR&SCISi =CM . STERN - DISTRICT OF VrE 'PENNSYLVANIA., ear t , ~ ; ' Pittsburgh. the Wid day.of irebrium. A. 43. - - lee% The uunersigned nerebi„gives -notice of his appointment as A.ssigglee o ou , ...B.'liD MP, F. of; vugins 'township, to the County •of Al. legheny, State of Pennsylvania. within said Die : trut; WDO has been ;adjudged a Bankrupt, upon h i s : Own -petition. by the District uonri of said Dis t r i c t. . JOHN 11. BAILEY. Assignee, leStall-IT: Atte ritey at Law, 89 Grant street. itt:DSADAJUILS puraFlN TIC mom FOX g4BY DIICOGISTS - EVERT - OEMs adrogOana AS BURY LIFE INSFILANCE COMPANY; The Asbury Comninv has insured, in the first' s nine moths of Its businces, over an unexampled success, and 18 rapidly Increasing dmiby 4•3, . • 'Thts Company issue* policies in all the foram in p;esent use, on single and lolnt lives, endow ments and annuities.. A special table for Insuring lives of ministers by their conuregat,lone calculated at much below . the ordinary rates. A at:waist table of halt rates or the lint ten Pew' restrictions on travel - and acne atter the. first year. Registered Policies. countersigned by the In' ettrance Department of the State, certifying that such policies are secured by a epeceil depgalt of public stocite. All Policies Absolutely Dividends to Policy holders on a new and most popular plan.introduced by this Company. after two payments, arplicaele, at the option of in surers, to an Increase of the policy, td reduc tion of future premiums, or payable in cash. In giurers. preferring ,to relinquish their interest in profits May. have instead 'a bonus addition of one-third of amount of policy. Members accommodated by it loan of one third of premiums when desired, but no note re quired. Books of rates tarnished on opollostion to the Comps 3. or soy OFFICE; 129 Smithfield\ Street FIUNCLS SEL I LERS, Resident Director. BATES TiTIEW c ODDS. fel7:xvri LARGE SALE OF - Furniture t carpets and Ronan. AT MASONIC BALL AUCTION BOOMS. tiffs. 65 and 57 Elfth avenue, will be sold. wit) out reserve, a large afsortrnent ,of Furniture. Car pets* and Bowel:old Goons; as follows: At 10 A.X., -a large line of Fine uutlery,Spoons and Silver Plated Ware. Cigars. Soap, Tea, Ac. At 11 A. 11. about 90 pairs Fine Yenitian . Blinds, entirely new, of best manufacture. At AP. m. precisely, astreciall sale or New.. arpets, for ac count of llsmern manufacturers., At 3 P. sale et Itereltere, eft:bracing, In part, Dressing Plain Bureaus. Centre, Card, Bitension, Dining and Kitchen Tables, Cushion. Cane•seat and Kitchen Chairs:, Wardrobes. Clipboards. Sofas, Loin es. New Mattrasses, large lot of Featbern. Ao . &e. : • . Persons baying FUTIIittITC to dispose of will send It in on or before Wudnesday evening. • =I SOPECIO. SALE OF NEW CARPETS. On Thursday, Feb. 25th, at 2 P. M., At mAgliN re BALL AITOTION BOOMA, Nos, 55 *aid 67 'Fifth avenue, wil be told, for account of Panorn mAnutactitrers. FIFTY PIECES NEW CARPETS, Embracing Superfine two ply Ingrain, Venitian, Stair. Rag and Hemp Carpets. • This being a peremptory sole., those wanting OnlOntio tor Spring' Purnisniztenti nhonld not Tall to attend this rale. . . . Goods cut in any lengths to snit purchaser.. CITY CONTROLLER. W Th chase an. Model About 1 der aui 7' titulars, ',I9MBURCrit GAZETTE • ADVERTISIIMINNTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Of New York. $2,000,000, NON-FORFEITABLE. S. Y. IaNNEDY, Solicitor. BELL'S Mourning Goods, American Silks, White Goods, Plain Dress Goods, Linen Damasks, Shirt Fronts, Corsets, Ladies' Underclothing, Lace i t l irtailiSt Vestibule Lace, id ■ nOnlib. o3 l r. Cashmere Shawls, Thibet Shawls, Flannels. ME told Goods On T1i11118147, February nth, S. B. 031111ESON 4t 00., AMOTIONIr,gIII3 S. B. SIIIIIISON iIjOiiONZEILS TED- TO 'PURCHASE.- CABBON MAL Co. wish to put, ,mber of Barges and a Eltern=whee • Tow Boat,, 0x34.x6 rect a Engines SA Inch cittn feet stroke. Address, giving NI par !rice and wbere the boat nosy be seen, JOHN BAIRD, Prestdent Grand Tower, Illinois te18:071 BRUINS IN DRY GOODS. At 10e., Good Fast Colored Calicoes. At 12 1.2 c., Best Quality Calicoes. At 10e., Ilnen Toweling. At 20e., Cotton Table Cloth Damask. At 23e., Yard Wide Feather Ticking. At 12 la2e., Yaid Wide Bleabebed Mos- In-wmod. a. At 121.24.. Yard Wide Sheeting sus- Haul At SLOO. Ken's White Shirts Linen Bosoms. ' : FULL ASSORTMENT OF Sheeting .Mtsslins, Pillow Case Linens, Table Linens, Table Napkins White Quilts,. &v., ima Very Low Prices, WHOLE.SALE AND RETAIL MI with' D ' SEMPLE'S, itS ) A?ii° J?ie2 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY 51 51 5 Fifth Avenue, CARPETS,' CARPETS, CARPETS. M'CALLVII BROTHERS, 31 9 CALLIN. BROTHERS, 11PCALLU3i BROTHERS, 51 Fifth Avenue, Au ABOVE WOOD STREETk. TO -LET. . Minn RESIDENCE AT RAZLEWOOD • The Tfouse colitain• eleven-apartments cont. fortablir , arranged. The premises comprise nearly 8 lcres of land, planted „with the beet varieties of fruit tree and vine. Connected with these are soling house, welt, stable, pasture for cow. .nd macy other conveniences of *,comfort able home. &board vralkleade-frOmttie station to the premises; and this, with the frequency of passing traine l ,renders ths,prhperty quite,ecces;• topartiviruilitieness in 'itrtqtitre . - - Ifazlewoood. Pittsbnrah. NEW Sittig UM II _TS ::AILND CAPS, JUST RECEIVED Al McCORD & CO's, RAbe MARK. DITIIRIDGE'S.. EIRE- PROOF' Lamp CHIMNEYS: SIiIATES; SKATES, SKATES. kAMerititil New York Club, Empire, Starr; tke.. All o,Lber styles and sizes et the very lowest rates warrEsunts a DRUM, 4,114 •9 P DERALBT„ A IitAIf,OFIRN f THE RAN - . OR ' I I9HE '`• MEN. who hold PATRON'd TICKETS of tbn 2d 3d 3 E 31 E3 'Or WAnHINGTO4 _MEDAL- L e Uncap, rorme d the draw. in i ;e ll 'idr jr‘ e li ura . made January 29 1809 , and that elr. taints giving furl infer/natio° of the numbers arawn. will be- spot to persona interested, on their andreasing the WASHINGTON LION PEN consPAriY. New York. B.—READ Tlik TICILETEI.Or TBE 4,115 E• $2• t 000 TO LOAN ON - , SOND AND DIORTGAGE. for 1r Si Or 3 Yearrf, APP/3! to - • 6EO. S. COMM AN, Attorney•ac•Law, , fes2:oB !No. GO Grant St.. Intashur ,h. Pa. 2 .000 111 1 11 8 1 . ELS OF PEAC DILLDIGER & BTEVEIRSON NESDAY.', .FEBRUARY .- 24, 1869. NEW mmnminsExerrrs, 7areem Ci,:c•codis WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, FOR MEN AND BOYS' \YEAR, BAiRCIiiINS IN assimeres, Jeans, Tweeds, eco., eccriti ' AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGIOLNY. 'lEiTlik quaint OF Heavy - Black Silks. STRIPED'AND CORDED 3121reistar. \ 013L113.59, \ A^r SEMPLE'S, NO. ISO AND 182 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, tir AT TUB E 4 LOWEST PRICET. 131' 'WOOD STREET NEW lESI No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLIK/HENY. Tflß LARGEST ASSORTMENT in the City A GOOD Ah. MIL M FOB 25 Cents a Yard. OLIVEI McCLINTOCK & COMPANY, No. 23 Fifth Avenue. fel7 40 A. rt. 1 10 "1" . BO%ARD, ROSE & CO., 1 ) - Mil X ~ IS I- - . 1, OLT_. -CLOTHS. , ROSE & CO., BOYAR ow Shades, Win , ROSE •& 'CO., BOVAIt . - . •2l fe9:d&trT dam. A. 11134 1569. • 13. 'MVO. McFABLAND & COLLINS, . r WILL CONTINUE Taint ANNllikli %MANCE SALE TWO WEEKS= LONGER. t.„ Otaterllargolnshac Ever .Wibe Offered to'Cl. so Out Special 'Lines of Goods, at • ' and 'id Aienne; Second Floor. NOTICES. TItI3JNPS OIL CODIPOiIf. NOT/CE:—The ' ,othottai meeting. of the Stock holders of the TEXIIMPH OIL COMPANY will be held at their once, No, 19 SEVENTH (late Irwin) STREET, - r On. - ;I onday, Mara lat, 1869, at 3 P.M., For he purpose of electing officers for the ensu ing ear, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before them. feilliell2 WILLIAM MEMER, Secretary. =ln NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ANNUAL STATEMENT LIFE INURE €oiltiNi OF PIIHADELPIEU: Office, - No. 921 Chestnut, Street PUBLISHED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CHARTER. Receipts for the Year Ending Decem• bee 31, 186 S. - Piemiams received, roller tees, &c - $914.070 . 59 Interest on investments - 1.9w,629 49 6772.708 11 Losses and Expenditures During she Lossea on 47 lives, ' amounting to $1341.300 00 Expenses,aalaries, advertisements, stamps, &c:.......20,575 07 Beat and taxes. City State and National 4,25 L 213 Commissions to agents,licenses44 55,0135 93 Prtmlum rein. ned, policies cancelled, o 30,211 90 Furplus.. Accumulated ag -B,m. December " 31,18137 51.001,845 97 Deduct actio re ceived ln pay ment of premi ums and nutes Aecimmlated assets. Dec: 31. 1868 ta ,405.379 99 - Assets of the. Conigetny Liable: for Losses. Mortgages, ground rents, real estate, do $ 635.019 00 United States, Slate of Pennsyl vania and City Loans 7211,028 88 Pennsylvania Railroad. Conntr. City and other Bonds' 158,012 65 Bank, Railroad and Insurance. • e rtocks .. 156,712 85 Premium Notes, secnrea hy Poi- Sc id rip ea .4vlderide purchased Balances in bands of agents— Loans, accrued interne', quar terly payments, be Cesn in 0111 t and on band Deduct losses not due Market vslue, Janusry,7 69. . 1 41141,111 93 SURPLUS DIVIDED :ANNUALLY. Losses Paid PrOmptly. Return Premium Divtlend 50 per cent. !scripprevious to 1867 receitablein payment of premiums. Policies Issued on the various plans of:lnsu rance TRUSTEES: Ramat I C. Huey, John G. Brenner. Theophilus Paulding, ID niamin Coates, Edmund A• Souder, Richard S. Newbold, I•amuel E. Stokes. James B. McParilind, Henry C. Townsend, William P. HicCer, - Thomas W. Davis. Jost•ph H. Trott Joseph H. P. Price. William H. Kern. Ilamuel A. Bisphem, James Euston, Rodolohus Kent, Edward M. Needles, Samuel .1. Christian, Charles Watson, James 0 Pease. Ellwood Johnson, Warner M. Raisin. John C. Repp Frederick %.• Hoyt. John A. Needles. Christian J. Hoffman, Baltimore. . . HENRY C, TOWNSEND. Solicitor. MEDICAL Effe•StUt - EJtS: YD. HARTHORNE, V. D., 1439 Walnut Si. . EDWARD A. PAO.E, 1413 Walnut Street. ': In attendance at the once of the Company, from 12 to 2 P. M. dallr. JAM €,S TRAQUADI. President, .1.,31 , L E. STOKES, Vice President. drily W. Hoir.pas. A. V. and Actuary. HuusTio $. bTEPIIIMS, Secretary. H. O. W tt,sox, d.,perintendent of Agencies. The undersigned, having been appointed Gen eral Agent of Cue "Penn mutual Lite insurance C 0.," and Paving, after dilligent inguiry, be come satiffied of the entire reliability and safety of the Company, confidently presents its claims to his former pupils and friends, and the public generally; ang will be pleased to hear from any of them desiring insurance, or disposed, to act as eanyasst es for the Company, di any Darker West ern Pennsylvania. He refers . by permission to the following par ttes: WILLIAIO THAW, Esq. Dr. C. et. HUssEY. Gen. G. W. CASS, President P. Ft. W. - tikio. WOODS, LL.D,. Pres't West. Unlytkel ty ot Pa. . • . •Rett. W. . HOWARD, 'D-TY. • ' IteY. g ILSON, D.D., West. T h eo. Sein. Rey. F. A. NOBLE. • 'Rev: .f. P. DICKERSON, D.D. Rey. JAM E S ALLISO_ LD. Rev. JOBEPIR B. BITTINGER, D.D. , J. W. V. WHITE, Esq. • HARVEY CHILDS, E.eq, THEO. 11. NEVIN, Pres. let Nat. Bank, Al. legheny City: R. IL DAY'S. Esq. JOHN IRWIN:4B.i President Allegheny In , suraure Co. M. W. w.ATSON, of W. McCully-it Co. Wu...MBA Esq., of Metals & Coffin. JAMES IRWIN. Mg., VIM - BLURPHY. Esq. F. B. PENNlMAN,l.sq.,Plttsburgh GAzzaTg. GEOlitilt A. BERRY. 'Esq., President Clti gene` Nat:Bank. • - • . , Wbf. HOLMES, Esq. GEORGE BLACK, of Lloyd & Black. ..,.1110DARD ED W SEMPLE & JONES, Bankers. FLEMING BROs. , i • • - JAMES MARSHALL, Esq., Fres't Far. Dep' Nat Ink. , Rey. W.. W. EELl.S,!Weseti Setiliitins. Bible Society. JAMES P., BARR,Esq,i Pittelyargbflost; C. D. BRIGHAM, Esq., "Editor of Pitteburgh Covimgrefol. _ . J KING. of the Pittsburgh - Gazette- GEORGE BINGHAM, Bleq .„Adarai Exp. Co. GRAirr, BENNTT &CO . , JURE' SIRMINUIItad, Esq Cash'r- Say. Bank. • „ J SHARPE facDONALD, ES Q. Rey: DAYIO tricKiNNEY D.D. . W. G. .I‘ , IINsTON & CO. , BENJ. PAO'S, JR., 'rig. Rev. DA friEtt,.Birausgligni,l . .,. er HITE, ORR & CO. • . .1 4 •HN P. - KRASIEB, Esq., CAWS': First Nat Bask Allegheny. • Ra.E‘E . THoMAS, Esq. N. GRATTAN MURPHY', Rey. DAL KERB, DD., of the ernitti&Pregbyte riJ. OgIAII- COPLEY, Esq., • , . Rev. adt t peuvt.L. • • W. O. UUHART, Esq., P.esident Connets rite Railroad. ' tiHAELII3 Q. -MELLO , Esq. • Capt, W. W.'M SATIN. Rev. D. E. NEViN. - JAMES M. COopswzgq. • • - • F. M. HUTCHINSON, Esq.. Sec. P., Ft. W. & C. R. R. B. L. PAHNESTOOK, Esq.. 'HENRY IRWIN, President B. Frank lin Insure-Pe- 'Co.' - Rev. W. PRESTON. D.D: Be". Col. J. B. CLARK E, D.D. ' GEORG& COCHRAN, Esq.',.of IN Cochran Co. AVENUE. R. E. BREED, Esq. .10a. ALAIRRE. Ktg_ BARMAN PRESTO2tZ, Esq.. of Everson: Prtstan &Co. JAMES I, ALE eLt, _ H Esq,_ Hon. THOMAS M. OWE. HUMOR. Wool/ & CO., BAKEWEfiIi. PEARS CO., w iLus B. roTHE, Esq. WHITMORE. WOLF r..DuvP CO. .ItaSEFLI-LIORNIC.B., -Epla,Boolc Store. s • MUHL WATSON. of J. Watson. Wood street, near Front. Lion: J. M. KtHIC.PiTRICIE. MEDICAL EXAMINE:B IN PITTSBURGH: JOSEPH S. No. 37, Bank B 1 Lbw .. ~, .. OF THE PENN MUTUAL IT 268,424-18 504,2134 01 100,550 00 1,901,093 9T 449,445 90 138. 9593 9T40 88,01 91.813 07 83,932 09 $2,4212,079 98 18,700 00 M. D.. M. D. JANES SW6, I F. LenoirNE, RAVELED k, Fifth Avenn 01 , 4 D STORT; ROOM No. 3, Aar sorzess—..ro "/ 1 "' t i "e"" "mi nt ," F oun d . al "Boarding:ft" 4.1., not ex :zedinelFo OR LINES .% 14 * wilt 64 Jarts4 to these trolumnome a for err .r. Tqa , 77 7 4 . 178 ec,rll oeletetteenal tint F!Y& CENTS' W ANTED -HELP`. • WANTED. Ark experie uced 1 4 .,\LESMAN for the Carpet Et s bits!. Ilood references required. Apply to o.li C A %L" TUCK it CO.', 23 -11th avenue. k • WANTED.--GIRLS to SOVIT y y RAGS. Apply at . 100 NEY'S BASK_ CT FACTORY, on toe Pleasant Palley Passeallez Railway. ANTED—HELP.—AT PLOYMENT OFFICE,* No. 3 St. Cis it t Street, BOY& GIRLS and MEN, tor aliment: kinds of employment. Persons wantingbellp of all kinds can be supplied on short notice— , WANTS. WANTED-HOIDSE.-A line house of four or five rooms. by a fins. Hy with no children. Adore, D. D., GAzirrrs Macs. WANTED—floods . and Mort gages to the amount 0f1010,600 on city or county unencumbered property. havlnr nom one to five years to run, in amounts ranging from $5OO to $5.000. . Also. business accommodation Paper to the amount of $40,000, 1n sums from $6OO to 0,000. and from 60 days to 4 months to ram 160 acres of good Western lands Da exchange for furniture. Apply to - B. McLAIN 1 00.. Ja24 Cor. 4th avenue and nmithileid street.. TO L= rre-LET.-A BUSINESS HOUSE. 1. • No. 1813 amitbdeld street Also on back end of lot ateue of six Hens. Enquire at X7P7 PENN' oTREET. rril.LET:—. A well finished lOUSE of 8 rooms. Ina most conven:ent and beactu fel location, 27 EIGHTH STREET, formerly Hancock street, opposite Christ Church; clean and quiet; in the summer shady. Also No. 22 with seven rooms. AlsorNo. 22-wiCh eleven. rooms. Enquire'at 277 PENN STREET. TO-LET.—Four new • TWO. STORY BRICK DWELLINGS on Franklin street, in the second sanarefrom the Passenger Railroad, Sixth ward. Allegheny, (late Borough of Manchester.) Each house is farnisned whk a•Boston range. Ana hot dud cold water fixtures complete in both stories, and contains seven room. besides bath room and finished) garret. Inquire at the office of the subscriber ' No. RR: Franklin street, Alle • beny. B. A. Bk. • PSON. TO -LET.-That desirable•mod— FAN .bulit reeidenie. No. 134 3,lsirloit St., Pittsburgh. For particulars staply.tcrX..ll,4lnt GUSUN. Attorney-at• Law, ST fifth avenue. TO..LET.—Th e ST. LAWRENCE , HOTEL. Federal street,- Allegheny City, above the Diamond. Posses:4on giv en 31arch Ist. Apply to VW AL SEMPLE, IEICS and PM Federal: street,Allegbeny, • - rig&-LET.—Three- two .. story BRICK DWELLINGS, 6 rooms and cellar, si - n good order, Nos. 297, 999- and 301 Rob- IDSOII street. • Ilegbeny. Inquire at office No. 4, 14* FOURTH AYENDE, Pittsburgh. . , - rTIO•LET—That THREE STORY JL„' BUILDING. No. 11l Loganatient, contain ing cigar roams and baring large Ira. d attic-bed- Rent SIMS per annum. 'Enquire of T. P. HOUS TON, GAZZTT OFIPICE. TitLET.—A fine, large+ well. sbed ROOM. suitable for an (aloe: Daspatcgritallding, secoadfloor, back. Apply as Boum for terms, ax. MO-LET. WITH IMMEDIATE _k„ POSSESSION a well-Hatted comfortable HALL !inn avenue. 'W by 80 feet; well adapted for society meetings. Address Lock Box 160, Pittsburgh Postoffice. mo-LET.-STORE and DWEL LING. No. 210 Beaver Avenue, Allegheny City: contains floe rooms, flnishfd attic, store room and large cellar: gas and water. Apply ti S. S. D. THOM egiON,, on the premises. Bosses slon given April Ist.. TO-LET.—ROOMS. Two fine R 00.113 In GAZETTE BUILDING. Apply at Counting Rooms, 134 and b 6 Filth avenue. riro-LET.--ONE &TORE ROOM. 11 FOUR BASENTRNTe, well lighted and finished. OFFICES In the s.cond story. SLEEPINti ROOMS in the third story, and ONN LARGE with two ante-rooms. In the fourth story or A. 13. English & Co's new Fourth avenue. Apply toA• B. ENG LISH & CO., No. 539 Firth avenue. Ye -O -LET.-THE SECOND AND TIM THIRD STORIES of a Business House on eral street,' Alleglienreity. — ltaciiroonk IsSO. by O. Splendid location for a pHOTOGEAPH EN, SAMNA BOON or' light Manufacturing. Spacious front entrance, and In the best business portion of the street. For particulars apply to CROFT b PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agents and- Brokers. No. 139 Fourth Avenue. . ~.. FOR SALE . FOR BALE.—A' LOT; 20 by 111: feet, or "larger, if desired," on Wylie street extension, near corner of rirthurs and . Wylie street, running back to an alley, will oe so'd at Public Bale, on SitaTUNDLY NEXT, the 2lEtti. For terms, apply on the premises. FOR SALE . -1,. Zig* BRICK 'ROUST, of 5 rooms and lot, 50' hi 200 feet, ZOO grapevines, fruit trees, - shtalberr. &e., on tine tot, at No. 160 Bidgegtrett, ward, Allegheny ate. For terms and parties'. tars apply on therpr.mlses,, s 4 • ALE"sr.-' iraig OT - Fos- - - TAGIL containing rl exCellent cellar, with lot 60 by 18111.0teuksIdttobl9th!ward, (formerly East Liberty.). Trice low, .61(fthire on the premises, or aduretaß.l3. IL; ukszrrs 071104 VOR SALEeI-FAJEVICILT AT BAR per sere will relrehitie 11 nail of 100 acres to Westmoreland . pountY.2 l ‘. one and, a her miles from a regular station on - West. renissylvanla Railroad, all •under good fence. good frame bAnk barn. good house of fere Mutt, plenty of fruit, abundance of good water. Tea acres cleared. balance in good Ask timber, good nelltborhood,. school on the farm.. Terms easy. App y to OPorr & ,feillE4lP!‘ e Age is Vent) Menne. , , • 'F°',43ALE.-46th BRICK BOUSF of seven rooms, on Willtals. str, et, adioltons the residence of F. K. Buff: lot 40 feet front and 800 feet deep; well im proved and plant( d with trait trees. Ennistre on the premises, or of L. B. DUFF 03 DLL MOND 'STREET. • • -.- VOR SALE.-STOCK AND FIX- J2•TURE6..-Tbe Stoek'inil Fixtures of If first elms -Family Grocery Store. The undershmed. wi s hing to ellga..e tn. another butleass_. , offers the Fixtures and block at a bargain. r. 49 Federal street, Allegheny Oily. • FOR‘BALE.- , That hittditome TWO STORY BRICK incennNes, No. 403 Western &reline. Allecheny City. On the line of the Manchestiir Passenger Rail War con tains balk *rooms. finished attic bath room. hot and cold eater aryl gas- throughout. The burd la* bas aTtont 24 feet wide. and it erected oa a lot 48 feet front by 120 Mica to a 20 toot 'alley. Terms emir. For path:mien' enquire at the Al, LEUHENT posTar ram. • VOR, SALE O• BENZ—ThAt • elegant ill t RESIDIeNcE. COrnerliretiteril'Ar Dna and iticinell_st.eet. Allegheny. Lot 1100 y AST feet. Male' c o ntain* 16 rooms, h 'Tandem ILusproyements. — Apyilyl nOLONSMH. HOLTZMAN, 60 Fourth ,sicenue, (up stiirs,l Pittsburgh. FOR SALE--Desirable Western AV EN 11E RE -1 BENCE, located ern Avenue. Allegheny Clty. A doubly t st o otT a brlck.: residence pf- eleven rooms. Ind od finished Ittl drat class style .7 Lot 48 by 120 fett to a 910'foot alley. Terms very easy. Apply to ono rg PLIVALIPB, ; Real lieut. Ageitts. No.. 1133 91rc avern s FOR SAL —BARE - .Cll AN CE FOR A WAGON WOE leß—At 'ParDISsIll Matto°, A. V. B. R... 17 ' miles from the half an acre of ground with shop and dwelltai and a large quantity of lambert, abandancerot work 'Dr , three hands; blactamith stop oonve. Went; rare opening for a man trf s man means, wit! be sold on very easy terms. Apply to CBoteT PHILLIP& Baal Estate Agents, No. /39 Fourth Ave nue. Olt SALE.-4311SINES PROP ne_worttredfor s , tte that. dents, te 'LOT 07 GROUSD. No. 187 Bmithaeld street. Mir property is .sred located for boo_ we to on .lootont for- mood Handle/1: do well to call n BAILEY, FARRELL 400 - . OR. SALE. , , • tonatrfli etidetiee u d Pour Airivi of Gron an d, • rour- Sur miles from Allegheny and easy of access to „ e c iao os tbe Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and lii deago itiroad. or bs the New sortghton Tn. , , The house new, nabbed in modern style r,iecont.,tismi rooms. incondlng lintstted attic; si l o polar A.', bath g e ts; in c it i rg retll The lo fall— tar V ir a a r t i e e r ty " .Prr. ti trees lit ) ise snag Co c uli n i: Om a coal house and Stable, with oarge cistern. The dwelllng is located on an tomtits-nee. and commands an -extensive viewed' the 011soRiver and surrounding country, It a most desirable Dropouts and van be bousht.,:open seasonabie terms. For further information apply to IP: A.- Biala omen Sun Ugh. Olt Works. Ito:l,Elgt3 street, (formerly Hancock.) feLtelit El El , II
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