~x~.~rs3'll'l'BH~i3BQstp- OfiitanZir - itaiie.asTETTE,' I , molvoxr, February 8, 1869. The general •rnarkets are moderately active, though devoid of any new . br lin portant charactekistics worthy of.:speifial .. notice. Flour appears to be a drug near ly all over The country, the demand be ing confined mainly, to supplying the im mediate wants of consurneta. N'i r e lular it stated that consignraeuts are being made from the west to all points, where there is inri , probability. of; working it off, and when the cities are fonnd 7 foll; shiii xi:lents are made to ... villages' arid - Mt:miry towns, Within a ahais 1 times . a: Oa aignment was received ,at Conneila ville (Pennsylvania.) and another at Greensbrug (Pa.) which~'Places , 'plae es, I sere-' tofor ', when they; wanted 'anyrlOar. bought it here. This is no de l bt We first time that ever Flour wi from ai sea 'fro Wisoonsinto either of. these plan / a to be sold on commission, and it shows that - holders in the west . are 'anxious to re duce their stocks. APPLE 8U1TM1,75 to 85 cents.' APPLES—In good supply but prices are sustained, ranging from sa to $5 per bbl, as to quality.:, . r '_ BUTTER.—Continues dull witb a fall supply and , prices area barely , sustained; We continue to quote. at 38 to 40. , ' BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—DuII ~and lower, being quoted at 83( to 46. BEANS-ZPrime small White scarce, and ill fair demand with sales at 53,50 to 4 43,75 per bushel. . CARBON ~OlL—Has.still, further ad vanced, and may now be quoted in a job bing way at 34 to 34%. . , CHEESE—Market is almost bare, and with considerable inquiry, prices are' 'Very firm aad hilly sustained. CRANBERRIM.--Sales at $lB Co $2O. CORNMEAL--$1 to 51,10 per bush. —but little offerilrquoted at $2,40. DRIED FRU --Peaci.es , are firm with sales or qtiarters; 13% to 14; mixed = at' 15 to 16-and halves at'lB to' 19. Ap ples, 11 to 12c. DRESSED HOGS-13 to 14. EGGS-Fiegh packed, 23'to 25c. HAY—Baleti Hay continties dull but, unchanged; sales on wharf at $2O to 525, , as to quality. , ' T HOMINY—SaIes at 56,25 to 56,50. . HEMP—Sales at $2lO per ton. - • PROVISIONS—Bacon is firm and tend ing upward; we quote Shoulders at 15% 15%c; Ribbed Sides, •18o; Clear Sides, 19c, and Sugar Cured Plains, 20c to 20%c. Prime -kettle rendered Lard, 21c, in.tierces, and 22c to 22%c in kegs. Dried Beef, 21%e. Mess Pork, $34. „POTATOES—DuII, with., a supply birgely in excess of t the demand.. Small Sales in store at 80 to 8.5 c. SEED Sales of Cloverseed at 510,00 to , 510,50; Timothy. at 53,50, and Flaxseed, $240. SALT—Is ; quiet bat steady, and is still quotisd at 52 by the car load. PEANUTS S, ales 834 to 90 per lb. - TALLO W—Rendered, 11% to 120. SORGHUM-60 to 65c. , . . RAlN—There is' little or no demand for Wheat, and prime' Red may be quo. tad nominally at $1,60 to $1,65. Oata quiet but' steady at 65c On track_ and in eleva tor, and 67 to 68c in store. Corn is ` dull and irreguisul mixed may be quo ted at 75c, and prime Yellow at 78 to 80. Sale of 300 bush prime Ear, on wharf, (to a consumer) at 800. Rye' is unsettled, and is still (meted at $1,45 to 51,48. Prime to choice Spring Barley may be quoted at 52 to 52,10. • LARD OlL—Firm; we ' continue' to quote No. 1 at $1,73 to 51,15, and No. 2 at ' *1,43 to 81,45. FEATHERS Live Geese Feathers quoted at 75 to 80' to thS trade, and the usual advance in a retidl/waY. FLOUR—The market continues very dull and neglected, while prides .'are without quotablchange. We quote Spring' Wheat, 00 to 58, and cir Winter Wheat, 58;50 to 59,25 per barrel, Rye Flour, 57,50 to $7,50.kt The Pearl Mill quote their best brandp, made _of , the best Wheat, as followsik Extra Family , Flour,in barrels, at 59,30, and, in sacks, $9,00 per oarrel; Double Extra• Family, in barrels, .510,00, and, in sacks, 19,70 per barrel; Spring Wheat Flour, in bar . rels, 57,80, and ,in sacks, 57,50 per barrel. The City Mills quote prices as follows: Extra Family, (Winter) in barrels, 19,30, and, in sacks, $9,00 per barrel; Double Extra Family, in barrels,l9,Bo, and, in sacks, 59,50 per barrel, and Spring, 58,00,, in barrels, and 57,70, in sacks per barrel. WHISKY—We can report sales of Higliwines, in car loads, at 93% to 94c, and,ln a Jobbing way, at 96 to 97c. ONIONS-55 to $6 per bbl. Financial Matters in New York Gold Closed at 135%. 1 Er Telegraph to the Plttahnrgh Gazette:) NEW Youn t February 8, 1869. NONET Money easy at 6@7 per cent. on call. Prime business notes at 7@B per • cent. Sterling dull at 9,(,@93. Gold a shade lamer; opened at 136%. touched 115!,4 and closed at 185%. The steamer Cam bria, which leaves for. Earape Co-morrow, has §700,009 thus 'far engaged:, '6@7 per cont. - ,was paid for carrying at the,close. , • BONDS AND STOCKS. Governments opened strong and high . er, which was subsequentlylost, though the market closed firm- The- bill repor ted in the House on Saturday from'ithe Wiys and Means Committee meets with general favor, as hiving undoubted ten dency to improve the national It '_appears the balance of ~'Central, Psicilla bonds were negotiated in Europe. Cou pons of 1881; 112X®1124 M d0:' 1 62, 113 8 1134; do. '6l, 110 g O do. '65, 1111,4( 011%; .new, dp.,. 090 a 109 do. '67; 109 1 /4109 1 4: 108 (x Ton-Forties, 108g12)108X. State bonds steady but dull. Old Ten. I:lessees:67(467g; New Tennessee% 6634 4g67: North Carolinas, 61%®61X; 'Vir ginias. 62063; Loultdanak7l;' • • •' The stockmarket daring the morning, was 'steady but 'dull, except for Pacific Mail, Which opened at 113©118q,' felt to 3.09. g; rallied to 111.4 and settled at 110 X; the' break is owing to heatiy,sales fotac eount" of leading &rectors; 'New York Central was the neit'ln point of interest, and :opened "eV 161 N; idtanted to 163@ 1633. and 'fell to ICA' The rest of the Est' was without noticeable 'featurti. - In the evening the market was unsettled by the erratic course of Paelfie,Ktul sod,'Pli• tes were all lower until after the second board. Towards the close there was ,a rally, but the'inarket continued unsettled a nd closed dull. Sales of Pacific:Mail by a leading banking }lnd' are variously estimated at .'from twenty to forty thou, sand shares, the object being ,Sald td. be an: investment in up-town real eittfte: Some heavy tranaferewere made and the latest rumor matt of a uarrel among the directors. About two':hundred' :peteopi asseinbied to-day it 540 Broad Street to form an Erie or,'lndependent Stock E7ard, at which a committee was itP;, pointed to draft a constitution. . • Pi,ve-thsrty 'Pricea;---UnnibOland, St3lol 87: Wells Express.-.9916251V,t ,Anatirican, 47X ®4B; Adams; 65,a398; United States, 13 gXer . garMerobaZttatil-Unionce43o%ol9g; Quicksilver, 23@23;;: Canton, 60%; Pacific' MaiL 111y,®112; , Western Union Telegritph,37y,a437l4; , llartford and Erie, 28; Mariposa, 714(48; do, preferrad,. 25r ®26; New York Contrai l , 162%®182351 Erie, 36©36 1 ,4;, :Hudson, •136; :Harlem, 137@137R4. Reading,r 01I4@ 9 431;• Terre Haute, 4031,@41; pref. 67(568; St. Paul, 64 Wg66; preferred, 781,‘@78 1 / 2 ; Ft..Waynci 117®1173i; Ohio and Mississippi, 35%;,@, 3514; likihigati . Central, 119 i4V 126;1116h !gala Southern, 923a@93; Illinois Central, 138; Pittsburgh, 913:®92; Toledo, 104%; Rock Island, 130%®130%;Islorthwestern, 83%@83,( 5 ; do. preferred, 91;4@91%: Chi cago , and Alton, 156; pref. ;15:14 Lake Shore,lo2M; Marietta and Cincinnati _pref..23,. Mining Shares dull; „Grass Valley, 42;' Smith and Parmelee, 220. Copper Stacks at Boston-,-Coppor Falls, 15; Franklin, 16f ffeela, 70; Hancock, 3; Minnesota, 2; Quincy, 26; Cary ins:proye ment, 8; Water Power, 1531; B. H.. and -14,27 M. - Receipts at ,Sub• Treasury, 8801,908; „payments, 81,029,372ba1ance,4385,652,524. Imports, of specie -for the week 1459,- 06 1 • • - , , Markete by Telegraph. liEw , ;YORE, February 8.--totion-leas active And y y c loWer; sales of 12,000 bales ilt - 30,(e for tifiddling uPlands." FlOur, receipts, 4.945 bbls and 1,221.bag5. Fidur irregular anti unsettleit}iSles of 6;900 bbls at ;5,6546,30 Ibi'superior State Wesiern; 86,75a57,10 • for`extra Stater 16 50a 7,40 for extra Western; $7,f0a88,90 for' xtra $6,6545,75 for R. •11, - 0.4,187,00a58,50.f0r extra St. Louis; ;9100412,00 for choice. Rye flour dull; sales of 725 bble at 85,21 a 87;30, Corn meal quiet at 81,50 for W'es tern. Whiskek steady; sales Of 50, bbl of Western at $1,75. Wheat receipts, 1;205 hush. 'Wheat Indeed quiet and `closed rather -more active, and • Per haps &Shade firmer; sales of 52,000 bukh at 81,89251,61 for No. 2 spring, delivered; 51 4 71• for Noel.. do. delivered: 51,651f0r No. 1. and. No: :2 do. mixed; 81,9542,00 for amber Michigan; 52,10.f0r white Cali fornia; $2,15 for white Michigan. Rye Tuiet. Barley firmer. at $8,35 for Canada West. Barley,malt quiet. Corn, receipts 22,000 tonah. Corn dullard heavy; sales of 30,009 ,bush at 87a90c for new mixed Western; 87c for white Western; 90c for whiteSonthern, and 92a923ic, yellow Southern. Oats • receipts, , 1,525 bash. Oats a shade firmer;. saleiref '6 p ,000 bush st 75V ,076 c for ' Weetern in_ store, and 7834 c for North Western afloat. Stock grain in warehouse is as follows: wheat, _2,708,600 bush; corn, 1,407,649 bush; oats,' 2,396,610; bush; rye, 225,182 • bush ; barley, 91,384; malt, 58,034 bush; peas,. 57,807 braih.. Rice is quiet and firm at 9MalOy,c, for Carolina. • Coffee is very firm with a fair demand; sales were made of 5,500 bags Rio on private terms. zBu gar firm; 700 hhds Cuba sold at 10,ia 11.3ae; also 30 boxes Havana sold at a123.c. Molasses dull and unsettled. 'Petroleum quiet' at 233ya24e for crude; 38c for refined, bonded. Hops steady at 6a160 for American. . Linseed Oil firm at $1,0441,06.. Pork ie,a shade firmer and 650 bbls sold at 833,25a33,35 for new,mese; 832,50 for old do; 526a27,50 for 'prime; $29,50a31 for prima mess: also 1,255 bbls new mess sold, March and April, at $33,- 25. Beef is steady and 190 bbls sold at ;39 a 16,50 for new plain mess; $14a19,50 for new extra mess. Tierce Beef is quiet; 150 tierces sold at 527a32 for prime mess, $32a38 for India mess. Beef Hams quiet and 125 bbls sold at r530a34. Cut • Meats are, firm and 890 packages sold - at 14s 14;;c for , shoulders;-18c for hams. Dress ed Hogs steady at 15a15%c for western; 157,ta16cf or city; Middles are quiet and 250 4 boxes seld at 170 for short ribbed; 16,14 c for Cumberland cut. Lard is a shade firmer; 350 tierces sold at 19 a . 21c for steam; 2.1a213 4 c for kettle render ed:, also sales were rnade'of 2..250 tierces 'of steam, sieller, April and May,, at 21c, and seller, six monthS, at 204 c. Butter is steady at 25a35c for Ohio. Cheese'firm at 16a21c. . Freights to Liverpool are dull and heavy; engagements are reported of 15,000 bush wheat and corn, per steam, at 133Sd. and per sail Of 1,200' bbls flour at 2s. 6d. Spirits Turpentine quiet ht 56a Latest.. - --Flour closed' unsettled and prices are generally : - disposed to favor purchasers. Wheat is, firm with a 'mod erate' export demand, chiefly for No. 2 Spring. Rye is noininatat 51,48a1,50 ,for western. Oats dull at 75a7534c for west ern in 'store. Corn 14 dull'and heavy at 87a89c for new mixed western; old do. is nominal tit .$1,02 afloat and in store. Pork is firm at $33,37N for. new, mess cash' and regular, and 533,50 seller for March and April, Beef is firm with a fair demand. Cut meats are firm' and in moderate demand.. Bacon'lS firm at 16c for Cumberland cut. Lard is firm with wiles of prime steam for April at 21 . 1,4 c. Eggs are steady at 23a25c. MEE ST LOUIS, February 8.--Tobacco steady and unchanged: - Hemp and Cotton— , nothing doing. Flour—low grades ac tive and tending upwards; other Igrades are firm, with sales super at *5;251.0,15; extra at $6,25a6,7.5; double extra at $8,60.4 7,69; treble extra to fancy at *8a10,50. Wheat-4-Jan grades held above the views of buyers, and the market is dull; prime white sold at $1;65; choice Ted at 81.85; spring firm and in demand at $1,38a1,85 for No. and 111,40 for. No.• 1.. •Corn , held firmly at 72a73e for mixed:' and yellow; 73a75c for white. Oats quiet bOfirm at 64a86c; choice black for seed sold,l at 68a , 70c.: Barley quiet and firm, with' sales choice Illinois spring at 52 4 10: fancy Min aesota 2,35. ..Rve: scarce and. nigher at $1,27a1,30. Whisky easier , at 92c. Pork. active, and the market has afivauo ecctoil33,soa34. Bulk, Mess strong and active, with large safes - for future delive,- ry; packed shouldrrs on spot sold at 13m, and clear sides at 1714c;',, loose clear sides Inp the river, buyer for' the irionth;'eold fir 'l7c;, s h oulders and'heiiis 'to' ar rive at•lBXaliki. Bacon . ' etiff,Witli large Hales' for future' delivery; 'City 'shoulders sold at 143;, clear vib'sicieS 173 f, and clear tildes at"lBy 4 c: Sugar CaTed , Herne at . Dialer.. 'Shoe idetil and'Sides,.bilYer for March, at 1.5tAa18X43. Lard quiet and Very little doing, with saleSprime 'thrice 1it'20340, nominally: 'Rebeipts-'4;000 bills 'flonr, 35,000 bash wheat,..4,400 bush corn, ,200 bush.oats ' • 200: bush` WO bus rye, 1,150 head hogs •'• ' - • Eloga'A-strialf ale at510;60411,50.' Cat tle quiet and' nifehafiged, with a fair local and .mOderate,, shipping.demand for ohoiceigradesy, prices' ting ' from 2;4;143:54 forinferior to` common, Eagfri for fair to gridd",.l3it'7siii',fii i Marilee toettra: j Or.xyzwin, i #elirtiary 8. 7 .1 7 ,1c1ur;, no particular change in prices; pity. made; treble., extra 'white. ~011a11,2.5. .double extra Amber $0,51141,75; red .aril4r 48,25 a double • extra $7,7pa8,00; ccnintryt made; double extra rod and emberlCiihtB;olL Wheat ; ,double r exisa Spring : inactive 1 - .end nogfinally, un changedilio. 1 red, winter f 1,11.5; No. 2 do. 81,5544f43;,*.o;71wosterniipring 81,46 al,4s. Corn firmer, but Atiletr shelled held fitt 6 1 4:0390,1 ear at 65e . ,on' track. Oats quiet but' firm; Mi. 'l' State'herd at 112 c - :Rye qtilet; NO, 1 held at fi1. 8081 , 2 1 ansi.No. 2 at $1,2581,28. "'Petroleum very -firm and better; refined' held - at `85a360 !n round lots;:erriall-Idts '87a38c. , FebitiarYt Oa; • family $7,25a7.60`.' ,Wheht inactive, but utichatiged. Corn' Oiined firm but 010Seckdii11,at 64a85a..; nye quiet at $1,"(10. Oats quiet '4ll,3aiSts. Barley Itrrill at 52:25a2;40 for Canada, 120142,45 !for fall. Ootton.less firm antflofyer, dling 289‘ii200. Whigky dull-and pri ces nominal at 91c.. Linseed Oil dull at PITTSBURGH GAZETTE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9; 1869: 1 - 0061t407:4:P3iard >,CHt Alm: and - du - demand at .sl,6sal,7o.,,Petrqleum active and iliffrat 35a37 forrefined. Mess Pork• in speculative demand; prices advanced to $33,50; held at $36. Bulk 'Meats firm, shoulderitl3X,al3Xc, sides - Bacon higher; 'shoulders • 15e. clear rib sides 163,c, (dear sides .13iic; but little out of smoke. ,in laolders ask.Uc higher this afternoon.. 'Lard firm; sales it 20%d;' but 21c is the pride generally asked. • Sugar - cored hams at 19ai19.3ic, and the, demand is good. Butter steady, fresh 2.8a33c. FiggEr dull tit 20a21c.• Gold 135 buying. Exchange dull at 1-10 per cent, buying. The Fioney-?parket is quiet at 10a12 per NE 4 *. • Yonk, ' February Cattle Market—Biceipts of the week, 5,506 beeves; 31,485 sheep and . lambs; 11,844 hogs.l The market'for beef cattle ruled quite steady, with a moderate de- Luang from date of our: last report to.the latter partof the week, when it was meld brately active and heavy at 16a17c for in-' ferior.to extra *items. To-day's offeringi about 2,600 head, and prices heavy at 10a 17c, - with 'Moderate demand. Chiefly 'for better grades: • The bulk of -the offerings was common to fair and , we quote extra at 17c, prime 161a16ic1fair to good 15a 160, -Orclinary'l2al4y,c,'lnferior 10a12c. :Sheen and, Lambs—market-•has teen quite steady and fair demand, chiefly for good stock and Moderate 'receipts. To. day le eirivale at all yards *ere - moderate ,and theidentind being fair the market,ws a ,firm .at .7%a9c;ertiongtlie sales wege„l3o 'head of Michigan sheep. Swiri—owtog to the lighearrivals, the market . last week, :was, clull.h4t,Artner; closing Saturday at 125‘ a 12%. Tada3os•arrivals being about 5,500' head and prices firmer, 12%a130 demanded for common to prime grades, dressed firm at 15a153ic for western and 15 3 / 4 al6c for city. TOLEDO, rtib - ruary f3.—Flour dull and unchanged.' Wriest quiet; 'amber %ale lower; aides at f 1,68 on spot; ,$1,75 buyer for the ;month: white Michigan regular, at $1,701 No. 1 red Wabash, $1,57; No.' 1 spring, $1,40. Corn—new unchanged, at 60340; .rejected a shade lower, at 04,44 c; Market closing rather weak.. Oath firm, at 60a604c; closing at Inside price. Rye firm and unchanged; No.l at $1,30; Mich igan at 11.28. Barley higher. ' sales of Canada at $2,15; State nominal, and un changed. Dressed hogs held at 14a1.1)ic; no buyers. ' RiLriatokn, February lbW oiir is nominal: Wheat is dull, Sales of Pennsyl*enia red at $1.75a1;&5.C0rn; the market is firm, and sales were made of primerahlte at 882194 e, and Yellow at 87tiS90. Oath firm and prime is held it 75c. Rye is firm , at 61,30a1,55. • Mess Pork la firm at $83.: Bacon is firm with sales of rib sidw 17Nal8c, clear. do. at 18@a19c, • slionldclis at 153ia16c, and hams at i 2og. Lard is quiet at 21c. Febrnary 8.--Sales 0f;43 hhds Tobacco; new Jugs to medium leaf; 85,00a12,00. Cotton, 29e. Mesa Pork, 533.., Lard, 20 1 ,021 c. Bulltlif.eats; shoul ders, 14 1 ,/. 4 c: clear rih sides, 1714 c; clear sides, 17 3 / 4 c. Bacon; shoulders, 15Xc. clear rib sides. 18 1 ? 4 c; clear aides, 1834 c; all packed!' • Sttnerklne Flour, 55,75a6,25, Wheat. 51,70a1,75. Corn tiOa63c. Oats, 63c. Rye, 51,43a1,46.. - Whiskay dull at 95c. MILWAUKEE, February B.—Flour more active; prices firm and unchanged. Wheat fin:iv-and a shade higher;at 81,1931 for No. 1, and $1,14 for No. 2. Oats scarce and firm at 54c for No. 2 fresh. Corn unchanged at 59M. for new. Rye 'firm at 81,12 for No. 1. Barley scarce and higher at 82 for fair delivered. • Provis ions quiet and unchanged. Dressed Hogs steady at $14a14,75. MEMPHIS, February B.—Cotton irregu lar at 283.;a29c; receipts, _2,137 bales; ex ports-3,335 bales,. Flour quiet; superfine 87a7,50.. Corn 72a73c. Oats 800. Hay , $25. Bran $24a25. Corn -Meal • $3,25. Fork $34-. ,Lard, 21a %c. Bulk Meets firm; sticiolders .14a14'4c; sides 173.;c. Dressed Hogs 13Mal4e. - • PHILADELPHIA, February B.—Flour dull but steady7Wlieat dull; red 81,60 a 1,75; amber $1,8511,90. Rye $1,55a1,60. Corn firmer; new yellow 80. Oats firm er; western 72a75. Petroleum unchanged. Crude 28; refined 37Na3734. - Provisions 'unchanged. Whisky nominal 0741,00. BUFFALO, Fe b ruary B.—Flour inactive. Oats without demand. Rye nominal. Seed firm . .. :Corn—good demand for new; sales of 25-cars at 75a80c on track. Pork firm ai e 1 38,04{133,50:.f1ig1i 'wines ne glected. • - IMPORTS BY ..RAILROAD. : PITTSBIIRGH, FORT WAYNE 6/ CHI oAoo RAILROAD, February 8.-3 cars iron ore, Hussey, Wells & Co; 60 bbls flour, John Greer t Co; 25 do do, Dan Wallace; 35 do, do, E Heazteton; 90 bbls Hostetter & Smith; 1 car mid dlings, H 51 Henderson & Co; 1 car bran, F G Craighead; 100 Ws flour, Watt, & Lang Co; 1 car wheat, Seott & Gisal; 55 bbls highwines, Wm Carr; 12 cars barley, Spencer & McKay; 50 bbls highwines, M McCullough Jr &, Co; 1 car middlings, Brown & Williams; 400 bbls flour, own er; 1 car flits, Graham & Marshalt; 67 bgs rye, 194 do oats, Keil & Ritebart; 55 bbls highwines, Rodelheitn t &fielder; 10 hits soap, W:A. Cleriand; 3 pkgs tallow, 1 ba. beesvra.*, H Rea Jr; 4 •kegs butter, Felzer & Armstrong; 11 ' bbla Harbaugh deco; 6S aka 'rags, Godfrey & Clark; 4 doze brooms;• Haworth 'tft Dew :burst; I , Car barley' McHenry &Hood; 55 bbls highwines, S - IlloCrickert & Co. ,• ,OLDV - NI;AND , AND , i'lL'lttatu2utt, NAIL ROAD, Februdry,B.-B:tarS drilla 9re, Sho enberger & Blair; 2 do do„Reese, Graff & Dull; 3 oars , pig lido, Graff,, Bennett , & Co; 2 cars ye, :Thew Mbore &'. Sbn; ,50 bbls- oil, John Spear; 1 oar clay,'S M Kier; 1 car oats, - Vititfferty; 130 hf bbl herring; .T S 1/11*Orth & 'Co; l' bx axles, :Lippincott - rt!.,.Bs's. 15 ;cases.,tobacco;'' At well do :Leer 4 dO. handles, it H,Lauffman ' 4 Bro; 6 'pkga, sewing . machine. tables and covers, Carsplg 4 'Bre; .221 eks oats; B .c ',Henderson; - 1. - keg whydt; 1 bbl deur, Dtinievy & ' Bro; 4 .bbls - flour, Totten 'Jr, Co; 6'de 'cab:nerd, 1 kg pearlbarley, J .. 4 'Reitshavir(•s bble oatmeal, Strickler. & :Morledge;.lo- do green. apples, • Vangor der& Shepard; 11. firkins batter, P Duff - .41c Sonvil9 ske . corn; H . Rea dr; 27 sacks irags,licCullough, -Smith 4; Co; i box ioleDtlEtubtoav BrPs.A cp;.P9 .1 0)1 8-, ft 0 144 ' Morrison 4 •Devel- ~ • ,-; ,_,_ ~ . . , Feb- I 1 , Araxonii*: VALLEY '..Ltb.ILSOAD, rob- I' . rnarY 8.-4-2 card ,sneta,l, John Moorhead; I , do do', Moltnight; Porter & Co; 1 do'do; 1 Rrairn'Sr, CO; 56 aka Olds; Graham' 4, Co; 1'146 bags !rve; - ,- GAY . & - Welsh;-'0 `rolls ' leather; O'N. Ho trstott;l 288 'bp ;Ositit,t 13 do 1 .11:iiseed, 1 .1 . W ".Ttinrsby; 186; -aka pate,'6 1 do7wheat, - .49 do . rye. Scott IA ~Gleal; 144 .aka: corn, Blaney.4 Moore; .2440 wheat, .Birig,ham 41 Lying:264o oats, Adsuns & .Austin;;loo,.dn..do.:Bricker:&• Co; 1;600 ' Libra .911,,Jaii, - Mawhitittyy & jirin 240 .do 'do, D.:M•E'diertoni 280 dci'• - do; Fisher' & - Bro; 80 do do, -- . W- Wilson ; ' 56'do - do; B T Leec h . J.: , :• I,l', m ~ ,5,,,.t.q PENNSYLVANTA 'OMIT'. PAL RAILROAD, :yebruarrB.-450 bin! glassi,J;B Floyd; 8 kgplard; . ,2 Obis butter, Head .&; Meli• , garo.„pkg_ .mdse; Harris & Ewing; 1 'bial eggs, r, .11 M;$ 11 1 at Co;ls4';boxes dips, Mollane &, ; Anger , '5' . ;r4114 leather, (I' N 'Ttolltitht cl :100 bit; bitters , ' Hartman A Co; `4l lifrinhtn; 6 do, oats, ' p' A' Thompson;' 'l6l/6dla 'paper; Hostetter 413nrith. , • ' PiTTelitlitol4' ' ddl, - . "4lorrsplid,dvimi; EATtiltown, Vebrnary ' 8.4-4 ~ o ar' .metal, rJoh n "Moorhea'd ; 18 ' • rolls l eather,. M De lenge;', L car,woot4F : Hoskins; ~ 18 rolls letither, , E,lo,l,Neithlint 50 kegarpowder.. Rptik••4l... ; 9.4e. 11 ; 441 s cement, NV 11 KirkPSt-Ves- lit . c9;l r enr tan bark, LaPpe -4 Weise -.., . , ~. , .. lE= , The river appeared to 'be • abottt at a stand list eveninewlih. tlYe. feet six inches in the channel 'by the ltiononga• bele marks.. Weather soft and cloudy, with indications of rain; it thawed freely nearly all day, and. •if- the thaw was general, we• should not be surprised to sea it result in a rise in our rivers. ~ The arrivals since, the'ate of our last ,report, inplude the Julia No. 2, from Zanesville, Grey Eagle, 'from Parkers burg, mud the Wauauita, from New Or- . , The New York, from Nashville, the Maggie Hays, from St. Louis, and tho Armenia, from New Orleans, are amonig the first boats due. The insurande eottiplinies here settlJd With die- owners er. thie-ifl-fated steamer J., N. McCullough last week, paying them the frill atdotint for which she was instir r ed, 835,000. The parties at - Madison who undertook to raise. her r have been suceessful; and the enterprise to them, has been anything but profitable. "• .The Julia No. 2.. Capt.. Coulson, leaves for Zanesville to-day at 4 P. M. - The kate niimim, Capt. G: W. Reed, is filling hp - slawly for Nashville, as is also the. Wild Duck Capt.. Anawalt for St.. Louis.. , „ - ' . The Sailie, , Capt. Thos, S. CaihOnn , , is turnottnced‘ toleave for Cincinnati and Louisville .this evening. The high headed Glendale, Capt. John M. Hate; will leave ' for !St. Louis on Thursday without fail, She isone of the best boats in the trade,,and passenge and shippers should bear her in • minE The veteran, Capt. Jas. Mellott, still r _ tains charge of the office. . : —January seems to - have had a ovate Hone fatility about it for steamboats and steamboatmen on the . Western waters. Seventeen boat_ disasters occurred, and six proininer t btesnaboatinen died.' ' , -LA Louisville paper says: We under standl that he., rumors that capitalists would take t e canal of the hands of the government as opened the eyes of Sen ators, and th re is a light possibility of the canal apPropriation being made. ( 1 —A colored gentleman, -named Frank Norman, who has a lively sense of his own rights, bas 'brought snit for 510,000 damages against the Carrie Brooks, be cause be was not permitted to sit down at the table and eat with white neople on that • • _,... '"-Oii the trip before the last of the ,Alice Dean, coming up, she had, about ii i 100 tons,to discharge at Louisville, a d several of her deck crew jumped t e boat at that place., ‘ One of them was a - rested afterward for vagranCy in th t city, and; oh being taken before she Ci Court, reported :that . he had4been p t laahore by the Alice Dean. Thereup . 'the CoUrt entered a fine against the bo t of 1100 for haVing liiit ashore a pauper at that place. '. The tine was afterward an nulled in.order to give the boat a bear ing in the - rnatter, and 'the case is set for a hearing today.. The Louisville offi ciala proposed to dismiss the ease, if the boat would pay the'costs, which amount to *lo;'but Captain Shunk refused to pay it. .._ • River and Weather. Loulsvtr.Ls, February B.—ltlver risin with eight feet seven inches in the can: Weather cloudy and mild. STEAMBOATS VOR . CAIDO A ND ST.z n iZ a t J. LOLDS.—The oplendld. Fasson ger Packet GLENDA IX Capt. JOH:: M. HAW:. WM leave as annoone,o aoove, on THURSDAY, 11th Inst. at 4 P. 31.. posnlvely. For freliht or pei...ag, apply on board, er to A 9 'FLACK PLLINGWUOD, Agents, "VOR CINCINNATI and la gG i b eteamer SALLIE ........ .Capt. T. S. CAI:11017i, WHI leave for the above and Intermediate pore on TuEsnAl, 9th inst., at 4 P. u. 'ur freight o j rAs . si i t , g i e ,A ajr , di r t board or to • 4. I): eiILLI):G o WOOD.. fee UHRIEST dt HASLETT, Agents. ITTSBURGH bk.' ST." LorisAIME 'CO.—FOR GAIRO LOULS.— The powerful towboat " ' WILD DUCK AND 8A191328,...01ipt. J. • ANAWALT, . leaye as announced above, on TUESDAY, 9th inst. • For 'might or passage apply on board or to ' fe3 CHARLES EiAßl9CS,_Agrat. FOR CLARK:O'II.LE AND NASIIVILLE.—Tne tine steamer • 1111,0fteleilo KATE PUTNAM Capt..G. W. REED, Wlll leave for the above ports na TUrtiDAT, the 91h inst., at 4 o'clock P. M. Fortrelght or pas%age Apply on board or to . , JOHN FLAtlli. tel. . J. D. COLLIN till 001), Agent. pITTOI . URGH, l it tiEt WHEELING. gluietta and Parkersburg Line. LtIINC Company's Wharf Boat, foot of Wood SLreet, DAILY, AT 12 TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, • A... 5. SIIitE111:111); Master. WEDICESDAYE AND IiATUILDAYS, BAYARD C. L. BitworAx, Master. GREY EAGLE:,, Frel,cht will be received:at all bourn _ eels JAMES COLLINti. Aleent, STEIABISHIPS, T° r. 0,01„ AN D • QUE.FaNSTO - NVN. • THE INMAN HUM STEAMSHIPS. Numbering sixteen aret-ellse veseels, among mthe celebrated CM r OF FAuto, CITY OF-ANTIVEIT. CITY OF:ROS OITY TON, 'CITY , OF SAVFIMOILE, 'OF LONDN, Etailht; //FREY. SATURDAY, O from Pier 4b IN rtb River, New York. For eassage or !lather Information aeolv to , - • ' WIII-14111 '..froncliPTll STREET: febtoniciellaildlort: , NeaTprilDooptte, rest Pltubur.7b FBENCH BtitR . MLILL STONES. Freheh Burr Smut Madthmy MHZ NEST. WHEAT .CLIIIINIBS IN 1178/Le Portable. Flour and Feed, MOLTING CLOTHS, Au natal:wig ind 'best gum*. 319 and 21'1.41,ArtiSt., W. W,§ W4I.I4MLE. L ll WASTE OF • • HYDRA NT WATER. • tie undersigned deems It his deer' totilform . ,conbtuners otqvdrant , Water In t tlie city of Titts burgh .bat eg.tenslye and ,Irpghiy Marintaut chi:into/ie Hie mield'ery at 'the Lower Water Wotks w%ll require, fur nrestlnt;,' careful:use and strict preventlen of Ile waste of. water. •Pallr .s 4 comp:int, s acid o;ber I'rgb oontumers 'mete, use strict: Leonetti,. In 'woof water for all Turposee, and the nee of all street Washers and P 3 .1 3 Wits, except In conic .4,1 Ate, must be sue . peeled ant.' further notice. ' * ' • • • • • JOSEPH IrIIENCH.. fe3 due3dintendo et Water Works. C re l l 'l r4o :l::no l lVtot:t s t:Vb , ZW ll l , 1:1".."A J. 1.. Dim:corm. .. : . . . STEVE 180 N DILLINGER - & STEVENSON, COMMISSION, , M_ERCIIANTS, 87 Secithd Street; Pittsburgh', Pa. All Kinds of Country Produce, All orders for Merchandise promptly.filled at LOWEST market rates. Particular attention given to the sale of Putter. Mggs, Cheese Dried. Fruits, -A.c, We feel, conlident that we can p,lve entire Satisfaction, by 'making tIiTICK SALEM and PROMPT ItSTUANS. at lIIGILEST Ann"Fr .PII.IOES, and therefore resnectfttlly solicit your consign menu. 411 correspondence answered promptly. Marking - Plates furnished free. gram in store • and to arrive daily. ' . • . att3l:t7B • _ „ EB , IIA By SITIO 'ALi. & W. 31. GORMLY, ,WHOLFSILLE GROCER, • • • No, 271 "Liberty Street, (DinacTor 07. E.AGLIC Harzr-,) PITTSBURG-IL PA., Be :yl6 - wArri LANG •& . 00., - - WZOLZEIALZ DEAL* rig 'Grocerlex, Floor. Grain', Piedlie% • frowlolonst nob, Choe2Pirbell ; 011; ste.. Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD STREET, near 1.113- ert7 street., Pittsburgh. Ps. neBng66r 11. erlami Air STEELE & SON ) 4-7. '"COinmissiats 3ferehanie, ' • ' ADD DRUIDS .11f E'T-401TR. GkILMEN,.FEZED• No, us 0111.613TEEE7, ;sear Eitsi , Coucion, ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. PWLER SIIL us. 7. Emus% KEIL & RICHAILT, COMMISSION mzEtcaaitrs, AND AZATAZIIS PLODS, DEAtte, SEEDS, MELD FEED, Etc.. • 1149141bilty Ilt., Pittsburgh, ALEX. 1C11.4.N1i. J. B. *ma. eI:UWE & 'Ali/Ell4 r. CQ* I 4iSS/ 0 4. 1 4 , E*C;HAiro. Dealentpa ?LOU*, ,4414.„7 and, PRODUCE kiENERAT.LY, 31 - o. 14.CWA.T1slc OTEICET, above Saiitlitleld. Pittsburgb.; '• lea FETZER & ARMSTRONG, rOBW4PEIIe at . OOMKEHIP/PlCEgaiilinj Nor the sale orYlotir. Grain, Bacon, Lard, But ter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, No. DS Pittsburgh.' • ' 'rentsra a litir L J. BL CHARD, Wholes e and Retail Grocers, No. 90 PENN STREET.. solft:iBS ' ROBT. FEN,rOX, I RKNO . hiERo :; titt.AlN :111LL ALLY,. No. 7' Allezhenv pity rrriLE, ..j.j•Wholesal • auo Dealers In Ylsh: Carbon a Cotton Yarns' • generally. 1 , ..rittsburgh. , . 1 JOLLY I. ,110CSK TOW I. ceaaora to of a nor of thatattle •• JOHN autrroie A WALLACE. §isIYIPTONSL WALLACE., Whole ,. SALE ROCERS AND Pli t irUCE No. 6 SIXTH STREET. P antral:l: PROFESSIONAL. I MII3. NIIEPER, A.LDFIVISAN AND EX-OFFICIO JIIBTICE DB , • , THE PEACE. OEFICIB9 FITII AVE i NITIC ... . • .. Special atte . tlon given to congekinCleg hid collections ..1) eds . Bonen one Mortgagee.drawn up. and all ' legal unstnees attended to promptly and accurately. • -. . . • ••.: 7 ' ALDEWIAN 0131,ce, =6,9: Deeolo, Bonda Depositions, C I mai e nusinesi • SAIIIIIE , L Ex-Olrleto Justl trate.. OBlee 13 Cathedral - PITT Deeds,Londe, DarioSittoXl9,an with proMptuess C. MA f ATTORNEY I i, No S my?A:b26 JOIEW A. EX-OnIOIO J PO 0tace.3.19 £ '1 thedral, Plttsbu EtT'F/teclkniris disisatob. - . I EVSTAC NS-OPPICI • • 014 OFFICE, 73 PEN Deeds. Bonds, Depoidtioni, an. Wits unomptn- AlitHISALfi BLAKELEV, 417.1.1:16-1V,44A34P. • • 510.,98 H STItiET, ,• • ittiatn93:l&l? ,tTOlicAt , t t. E I:- 1. 0 4 " .e. e::. • CONVEYANCER•sii A I t igik inT i t i rE .413 WU JIAESON STREET, EAST ElBAiliEtAii. . Collection or, Iteuterllelted p romitly at 'teaJ~ed to: • •-• ' • iny3:l6o 9. rEnousoN,: ATTOR3IICA-AT-LAWiI No. '67 viral elti4et, 1112tX)171)ILOOM., PONT ROOK. • 501;w73 JOWV 9 / 13 " 16 /0 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. °Moe, 110 Diamond Oftreett toppinitithe Ootirt Boon.) to' s:tii RECEIVE AND SELL r. A. sTizz,z. M:637M COIIMMISSION ANTS and dealers hi FLOUR, EEL) and PRODUCE (MEER , DIAMOND, oppooltwatv al7: rB7 BAIRD & PATTON, Grocers, Commission lalerehinas IProduct, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, .d Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Ojai, nd alt P"asburFh 3Linufaciu and 111 oE,COND • STEM' T, EDW. 1101738....WX. 31. HpUBE. I: OUSE &BOAS., Sue oniv I: ROUST & 00 Whale -4 - Commtasion,Rerchtit 5, Oar . and Water Streets ; la burgh. TIER, Axn rotiotGunn Is . tE STREET, near Washingt,ba rsiuntGa, PA.. • )lortgages, Acknowledgment' , fleettom. and all other legitt mated Promptly. .mtanal entwirEns, DEILAL.fLN, I g• of the Peace and Ponce Nag . ANT • STREET, oiegtosits the •BURGHOPA. • , engages, Acknowledgments, all. Legal Bllible36 exec tahl te e d ind'dmpatch. 1331121521 0 'COUNSELOR li4T LAW, . . . Oran; Street,'„ • 1 YHVOIMOWAPL *SIAM, "JD'ER3IA.I 4 ir; • i TIdE PE*Crit AND E MAGILSTBATE. • • , TEI STREET. oPkaalte the 0 2 .- Ih, Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mort gments.:Epepdaitleas,•and all xecated with . nroaudninis and S. MORROW, . - Ervinar . -TICE OOP AND E MAGISTRATE: Nk. AVENUE, pinsatmem, PA. Morton., Ackn.wledgmeats• d all Legal BuWeis executed knd dispatch: *IV PIPPIIBURGE. PA rzi , riiintes, PA. EIMIM iLBOAD._ Or. IT'IIiBIIIIGH • • .! •' " . - - On and after TUESDAY, Noyember, 17th. tact trains wall arrive at and depart from tae Depot corner ofß.nuat, mad Water streets, as follows: , • . vivo. A/auto and froralirkl . ml- • Depart A ' • ' • '.i - •• 4 town 7:00 a. Ir. 6:00 ytic. hfclicesport Accomdtm 00 A. at. ti7os r. Ex. to and from 'Cava. -8:00 P. 10:/0 x. West Newton Accom'd 4:30 P. K. 8:35 P. M. Braddock's Accomdt'n. • 0:15 P. N. 7:50 P. M. Night Ac. tohlcK"sport.lo:3o P. X. 6:45 a. m. Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton 1:00 P. at. 10:00 a. II- For tickets apply tP • J. B. limp, Aient 'W. B. STOTlT:StParint.tadent. - ne2o el H A ker E - OEMNERR N.,..,/ TIME. 'imitibEtzifieviettin ' lariaoLlD, On ttaft and attr MONDAY, November 'IBOIL TWO TRAINS DAILY will leave _Piun Station, corner of Eleventh and Pile street* fir Franklin, 011101ty, Buffalo, and all points li th e Oil tiegions. . . - . - • NIA9B FITISMMGEt. [AHEM IN PIII4MMESI . .... .-. 7:15 ii. m Mail 5:40 m Express....... 7:10 D M ExDreati 6:30 a la Brady's A. 300 pm, Bradys BAn /OM a 11l bit goei,werge: ... ' ;Ist SodaWerke , a Accomd.... 10:50 am ' Accomod 9 k, jil,Jlo4 ess *I fiedeWerler—•=-- . • • ft d SediWiirktr - 1 ,_ .4 . as. 1 Accemod`D. 5:00 p m AccomoiPn. 3:*o Church Train leave ttsbtirgn: It 1:10 Y. Y. Arrive it Pittsburgh at 9;50 A. ]t. - .Pauengers •taking :-. express train lavfeW-1w.k..-- one change of cars between Plttsbualo and Oil. Regimes 11l ia and Express Turn erso, enly,st principal points. Mixed Waynad, AG cOtrunodatiod trains stop at aLlstatiOnt. . ~ THOMAS M. fitllo, Aglng . tlnpli. WPOITTER HOPE, TlCket Agent; - ' nell . - r. SiIIIIIGH, affings CINCD7NATI AND LOUIS RAILWAY. PAYRANDLrEOI7I% CHANGE OT TIME.—On Lite and r aI:MD/LT N0v.251d, 1858 4 ...traina will-leave and arrive at tea Delon Deppt, safellowa, Tittaburstp Stem: _ Dovitrt. Arrier. ExpreB"... " ..3:13 a. m. 1.0:13a. at. Put - • • 10:13 a. re. I:33'p. m. Put Ex press A:5B p. m. 111:18 a.m. Mined Way 5:43 a. m. '5:43 p. at. IdeDonald , a.Aeemello. 111111, a: m. 8:33 p.m. Steubenville Ar.n.mmod. 3:38 ;N o m. 9:48a. m. /4eDoneld'l/Aeo4l. Lt04:.5:08 p.m. 3:18p. m. sr 2:58 b. It. Expras 41111.11' I va atty. • 1 • •_.• 2:1 a m 'WM 10:1 3 3 -a. Kt.' Train leavesdaily, Sundayn excepted, and makes close :connectionCat New. ark' rti , Zanesville and Vol um on Sanduaky Mansfield a Newark 8. F. SCULL, General Ticket:An/Mk •• W. W...CA4tD,„lllunot.. Steubenville. Oble!4 . no2.C" I • . . , . . . .. 4 l iftll43H, POST WAH W PNE I V i & 4I PrA iII Eff 00 11, W. and CLEVELAND & FlTTBTiMialVilltlL From Dee. 0001;1868, trains win leave 'from end arrtve &situ! :iirnon.DeDot. natth sidiii2lllo - city time, ,as follows; ~ ym.,01. ~ . • • • ' "AraltUr. Chicago Ex....3:030;311 Chicago Ex... 11:13 It BMA:IW 31 , 17:28 am Chicago Ex:. 11:584 Cl. & Wh' g31 , 18:5119 a m Wheelies Ex 1113,11 a. Chicago, Mali ce m , Ore:Milne Mall '3:s3paw 43_ Chicago Ex.. 10:08 Ara' Chicago Ex..., 4:38 pat Cl. & Wit'g BIM :23 pia Cleveland:Ex -4:08 ww: Chicago Ex., .11:43 gtpi Ezle A Yen Ex:8:13 pia. W'e &Erie Ex4iB3 pm Cl. &Wh'ff. X.T.6;58 pal Deportfrons'Affeelesip. . :Attlee in tAftegilenp, N.Brigt'n Ac.. 8:58 a m N. Brigt'n .U.7:03 am Leetsdale'". 10:08 am li.-33rigt 4 n 44 8:08 asa. .__. " 11:88 a m New Vasil° "10:38am Boabiste#""' 1:33 pin Leetsdale - " 0:13 ling Leetsdale Acc.3:sB p . 't " I:logpaa -N. Brlgt'n " •11:33 p m IT:WUMe . 4 51:43 prm N. Brigt 4 a '4.8:28 pm Leetsdale .; ".4:sllpra. Leetsdale -4 ' 10:43pm " " I:10 cza Leetsdale San-- iLeetsdale Rear , . :Ea day elinrch: 1:13 p in, 'day tliarch. 9:58 as sir A:43p. m. Chicago Exprese , leaves daily. B` 11:58 a. ta. Chicago Express arrives.dally. _,dew P. It. MEM. General Zicket4ltelit. ENNSYLVAA lig . .i.' '3150111 - NIA, CENTRAL RAu ROAD. Onand atter Nov., 215th. 11160,. Trains will arrive at and depart from the Union-Depot. corner Washington. and- Liberty streeta.:sus follows: . Mail Train.— 1:30 a MDay Express.. Ilrat Fast Line 21•10.3 m Wall's 'No. 1.. 6:3oiisa • Wall's No. 1.. 6 20 n m 31all Train 13:15 am BrintooAcc'n. 7:50 a m !Clucin'ti EXl2:3sora. 'Wall's No. 2...5:50 a m 2-11:29 as I:lacinnati Ex .0:40 a m Johnetown , Ac. 3:1:15 pm. Johnstown Ac10:35 am Brad:locks Nol4:2opat Baltimore:Ex. 1.45 p m Phila. Express 5:10 pm rhua. Express2-05.pm [Wall's-No. 3.. 5:.30 pm WalVs No. 3...1.30 gm Mall's No. 4.. 6515 pm Braddecks No/ 5:50 p ml Fast. Line. SAO pm Wall's No. 4: • 7:55 p 11:50 pm. Way Passn'r 10:2,0 p I - L. The Church Trait: leaves Wails `stitionitvery Sunday as 9:15 , no- nu, -reaching Pittsburgh at 10:00 a. in. .Buturning, leaves Pittsburgh at 121:50 p. in. and arriverat W fin Station at 2 'Cincinnati Exprese leaves *daily. " All other Snipe daily except Sunday. - For further information apPly to • • • W. H. 'BECKWITH, - Agent, The Pennsylvaniaßailread Comp any will not as any risk fernß.sggage, exce for wearing Ap • pare and limit their redponelb My to One HUD re.. 'Dollars tramline. Ali Baggage .exoteding* that amount in value will be at ;he risk of the 'wear, unless tahott , trr epeeist eontrect. , • , n a sa iteral q EDWAIID U. Wilir.riviß, oittriiiventlent, - Altoons; Pai E T E PEN2INTI,VANIA LROAD.:—Ou and after b, or, 2.941.13(03,,,the Fut.senger 'Trains on t the Western' Pena 4vanla Rai. road will arrive at spd . depart .14041 the Feder, I Street Depot,- - Allegheny CRY, as follows: Arri . Deport. BerillittPe No l ve. e:4O km ' - - 103h : m Freeport No. 18:20 a m Freeport No. 1 . .9:15. asn Express 10:40 a m "Sharph'g Nol. 11:20 am Sharpb`g N0.11125-r: th Express. 9:45 pm Freeport No. 24:00 prniSpringd'e No 13.0110 pm Mali 3:55 p inieeport N0.25:99:1 pm Spring:Van: it 6:45 n mi3nringd'e No 2 T:wp Above trains run daily except Stinday. . The Church, -Train leaves Allegheny Juhetion. 'ever, Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. in. • Returning, leaves AllegheliF City at 1:20 p. in. and arrive at Allegheny Juno. lion at 3:40 p, m. : • - • ComiattrAnow TICIEL7B—For sale In packages -of Twenty; between' Allegheny' City, Chestnut street. lieres, Bennett, Fine Creek,.Etna and Ehaipsburg and good *nig on that:Kils stepping at Stations specified on tickets. The trains:leaving 'Allegheny City- at O' a. wt. make direct connection at Freepon.withWal ker's lint of Sieges for Butler and Hannabstowlx. Through tickets may be purchased at lb. Once, No. 3 at - Clair street. nearqbe Suspensionßridgs. Pittsbur. h. and at the Depot. Allsorheay.. FOY fortherin.formaticarapplv to • - ;-JAM 4 ES LFMLTS, Ageut, , • Federal StrettDeptit, The Western. Pennsylvania Railroad will, not a, some any risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, F and limit their re:Vomit:City Whist Rundrcti Dollars in value. All baggage eto. needing ais amount in value willbe at,ihe Atli et the owner, anion taken by .peciatcontraot. , EDWARD it;' , 1911,14.8.191%.. no= Gent.-al hanarintendent. Pe. m o HlLLasaggi liouTz, . „ UNION PACIFIC ilAileiVAi;. Eastern Division. The . ISEtOETEST AND „MOST ARV." 'RUE ROUTE from the East, to all Rehata In, 43 0 14 Madi1 1 5...- 'Nevada, > 7:2 • , ' Arizona WashingtOry ,ti r New Mateo, Oregon. Two t UMW Tral4l lesie State Llae.az4 Ifearkwortle tritroorMed.),in time of ite ad S Vlly. and UM W and SU Jet Railroad hem gentry,, *mulatto Inv at LawratLea, Eopeka aad -Warrietro' Teta 10.4,aa 'tor 'all pith:WM Kumasi `At end et track west et Itiltts ewortit z _with 04, wialt. STATES EXPRE 'ComPA.ErY ' E OP OVESTAND NAIL AND IMP COAOIIES FOE , !.1.9% ipzirliVlllaZa.l9A.X.lrk,Z4A4F4l7o - ' • , , ANDB 4, • .sat , AU Points. in .the And wtth SANDERESO6I4 of 00ACH.Es Dar iron V on,ni Sent's Fort,'Tase._ All,upertkys. • Banta - 1 41.•PdA PP II I son• sad ew Mexico. With the veep, •itddltto .4.otuns l itont ttWW oltxtpaient. and the - arangenients teed* reloottstble se :WdAVitetewrttttons Lines from Its western if% this read tiovi'offers unequal fot -tkirirgamigl4ls4 of {might to the, eta: Wait. Tickets tor sate is' infebilpitentnat ICU the United Btateitad.Cauades ' Be emtalliiii WM tot ( % tteketOrtsT/lERMONF . gibri acruiw i r ' •t d.l' A. Mr!)P111,1149 ••' 1 ; • • • t: • - General' Baperintsadeir. ? 107.1311113% ~neril ➢'retaht iad Tt~'kef E j~a Eil ~~ 3=3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers