Q E t , Nat i Sttata aintt. THE RAW DR IBSER'& -REDION STRAPiQE. Sulphur and lead their Splendor shed On snowy craniums old and h oary; The mixture takes a "brace or shakes " And chignons gleam with borroweeglory. rowin roison ? Who set these wild t awes Ey - Pooh' g ? Poison ? What's the harm in dyeing, dyeing, dyeing? 0. hark! If your scant rived/we- - Be thin. and thinner. daily Crowing, The stuff we sell Is free tram ' smell. Both quality and tint b ,tstowing I Pooh! let us hear the rurpte tints replying: Pooh! Poison ? It must at. swer—dycin g. dyeing,' dyeing! Oar shilling dyel 0. come, apply To all your heads the mixture clever: - Wash once u ate the beautiful forever! whole from crown to poll, And yo Pooh I . Poison ? Who set these wild echoes flying? Pooh: Answer? . It must answer—dvelng, dye ing, dying. EPMERIS. —Revolt'ira sell well in New York. — 7 7enianAn'New Orleans still talk. —George Francis Train is lecturing in New -Jersey. - - ,ldassa.clittsetts has thirty thousand shoemakers. —Another reduction in the army is said - to he meditated , --Financial difficulties are said to envi xon "the Papal government —The population of Reading, Penn sylvania, is said to be forty-five thousand. —Rheumatism is what troubles Parepa, but she will be all right in a week or tWo. --225,000 seal skins from Alaska ap peered in the markets duffing the past VV. . —A Boston paper says that ibis winter they have had up there more bicicles than icicles. —The standing army of Bohvia is said to consist of eleven men, one of whom is Captain. —lt is said that both parties will this spring' renominate Chief 'Justice Dixon, of ,Wisconsin. —The - crown 'Pribcess of Prussia is said to have announced herself as a cham pion of woman's rightS. :Alaska Indians it is said are almost Am* to. those on the Plains in the arts of ructrier and treaty-making. :•4ccotenipoiary states that a new lux: mektuipede candy, but asserts that it kinotvOrked with the feet. Massachusetts baa ,produced a four wheeled velocipede, and Philadelphia thinks the thing will get a fifth wheel yet. —Dr. Bickel the eminent oculist of Paris, willed his corpse to science and thus - spared his heirs the expense of a • ftuieral. .--An orphan heiress, of $40,000 in her own right, him beenfient to the Industrial School at Louisville to keep her out of nilschieL —Some one has estimated that in Bos- ton.there are thirty thousand young.men engaged to be married and waiting for better times. —Even the dogs in New Yorkcommit suicide. A tine Newfoundlander killed himself the other day by leaping from a third story window. • —A newspaper has discovered that if a woman wants to get herself published, ill the has to do is to - elope or ether Wise make a fool of herself. —Brigham Young warns all his disci ples to have nothing to do with . Plan chette, lest they be drawn under , the in fluence which accompanies it. A plucky servant girl in New York I caught• a couple of burglars in, the house and held on to one v, of them until assis tance came and.he as arrested. —A lady in Salem, Mass., makes a prfltable business'of raising Maltese cats for sale. Most of them are taken to Phil adelplda for" the southern Market. , = . 7 . Berne ove writes from Emit Termes see that hoise bone are collected on the tattle fields there Mad buried in the con - entries as.the relics ofUnion soldiers. w•LA bill before the New York Legisla tire limits the number pf passengers in anytorse car to twenty-four, and in one ' omnibus to twelve, each person to have a seat. Boston , paper gives as the latest "Grecian 'Bend"—The acceptance`' of the ,proposition of the- European. Con ference at Paris by the Grecian Govern *TA" —The reiusylvania Numismatic and isititittarian Society, - which is in a most flourishing condition, held its annual meeting in Phifadelphia on Thursday evening,' , .•. —Forty years in the State Prison is an wipleasant prbspect fora man to look for- Ward to, and it is the' only , ; one Stephen Boyle has had since his sentence last week in New York. d. • New York sewing girl. drew five thousand dollars In a iitiw 'York lottery shop last week. This piece of good luck for the One,girl may prove the ruin of a haiLare.4_ ethers...o , —Ahasuerus once bantered his queen to spelt oyster with two letters. . She de clined i.4,3rY,.,' :when petnantly ea c.hilrire'd, Ohl' why, .Esther? " (0-Y-s 4 er —you observe.)--Ro. . fiftsenleadlng•Epimpal churches in te;W:Yo k city, contributed, last year to irallous charitable purposes nine hundred -artdthlrtY-seienithousand ,four hundred slid 4iiety=crie;dbliait: e —A young fellow, with but one. leg, Said one s fully developed ann, hopped a VMS bi nln minutes , ' at Plpionth r ,'lnd., the-pother day fox a small purse. lie makes his living-in that way.' --Illinois has some mean Ithieveir. At litiscatiti- in that Bt'ats, a Elsa McCarren recently - ..!;11pd and was buried. A day or two „!ifterviards it was diseovered that ibieies had broken throngh and stolen a gold watch and chain and some articles £f jewelry whiitt had adorned the corpse ~ • ~ and the silver nails etthe‘triffin. Poor Miss McCarren probably =had no gold fillings in her teeth, or they too would lave been. stolen. - - —A Richmond gentleman was awak ened the other night to find a bouncing baby on his doorstep, with a note re questing him to "be a mother" to the child. He is doing as well as he can with a bottle. 4—Shooting for fun is a dangerous thing sometimes; a man in Colorado was do ing it the other day when another man popped his head round; the corner and hit the ball which immediately killed him. i •,-Ramie-growing is fart becoming an hnportartt agricultural interest. Numer bus Southern planters are cultivating it, nd one down in Mississippi has all his i 1 ' acres sown With it, and advertises 500,000 young planti for sale. • —The New York Expreas thinks it probable that a dozen lines of balbons.l will be regularly crossing the Atlantic be- fore New Yorkers will . haVe a. safe and speedy way of getting from one end of the city to the other. --4eorge LockwOod, a raarried man, of Stamford; Conn., hung himself the 'other day. He was forty-five years old, and though seeming to enjoy good health, is now supposed to have had his brain in jured-by a recent severe contusion which he received on his head. • .The mulberrY trees near Browns ville, Texas, are. leaving. If wo were near that place we think we should . fol low .their example and, if possible, take our trunks with us, and if we stayed, no doubt like the mulberry trees, we should Isoon be buried. ' —ln the argument before the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, upon the mean ing of the word "survive" in the will of the late Joieph E. Worcester, L.L. D., the distinguished lexieographer, one of the counsel cited the definition of the word given in Worcester's Dictionary as indicating the intent of the testator. —Cassius M. Clay, Jr., son of Hoh. B. S. Clay, was lately married at Paris, Kentucky, to Miss Sue Clay, daughter of Mr. Barn Clay. There is a something Scottish in this which reminds :us of. the Claymore, which like the Damoclean sword, hangs over the happy family. -L-How sudden are the great changes of life 1 On Saturday Kauffman was a aim plebarber, and on Sunday he had beconae a cold blooded murderer and the object of the wildest hatred of an excited crowd. Probably he would have been much amused if any one had told him on Satur ' day that within twenty-four hours he would be a walled up murderer; and most probably that innocent Saturday seems .centnries farther off to him than it does to others. _ - -In Philadelphia a creche, or day nur sery for the bitbes of working women, such as area. common in Paris, has been going on for the past six years. During the past year seventy-nine mothers have left their children here while working, and the institution has averaged twenty nine children a day during be year.. The children are, received as early as half-past six in the morning and can stay until seven in the evening, receiving three meals and a bath, for -all of which the mother, who must be a woman whose work calls herfrom home, pays six cents a day. New ork has a somewhat simi larr institution - w , hich is connected with a lying-in bospltal and a child's hospital, and which haSbeen established for fifteen years. A simple creche, such as , that in Philadelphia, if well managed and cen trally situatedwould be.a great blessing to' many, poor mothers in our own busy city. . Railway hems. The Central Pacific Railroad is com pleted 510 miles east of Sacramento and 151 miles from the head of Salt Lake, leaving 240 miles of the trims-continental road to be built. The track of the Central Pacific; Road is being laid at the rate of froth three to four miles per day. • The Erie Company, it is said, is nego fisting another road, to substitute for the lease for of Columbus, Chicago and Indi ana Central to / the Pennsylvania Central. It said that the bonded indebtedness of the Cincinnati and Zanesvile Railroad, and the interest thereon, unpaid, amount in the aggregate_to twice what the road is worth. - : The following is the text of the • bill pending in the Ohio Legislature to amend Section 24 of ea: act to provide for the cre ation and regulation of incorporated com panies in the State of Ohio, passed May 1, 1862.[5. & C., pages 281 and 282. "SEe. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, that Sec tion 24 of the above entitled act be amend ed by adding at the close thereof the fol lowine proviso : • "Provided, further, that no purchase, sale, lease, or arrangement with any rail road company owned or controlled by a corporation, the majority of whose direct ors'are non-residents of ,this State, shall have any , effect or validity until said for= eign conipany shall file.with the Auditor of this State a full and complete statement of the assets and condition of thebusiness affairs of said comvany , under oath, and said Auditor, after an examination of the same, shall certify to the solvency of said foreign coMpany, and cause said state ment and his certificate thereto; to be pub lished at the expense of said company, in at learit tiro daily newspapers published in the city of Columbus. "SA°. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and afterits passage." • A cormucTonon the Dayton and Mich igan Railroad, on the Ist inst.,' attemptad to'44sllect fare from a passenger who ap- Ohred to be sleeping. Upon examina tion, however, ho was found to be dead, having limn shot through the head by a pistol lying at;his side in the ieat. rd Pas sengers,,remembered having _hea the report of a gun or pistol, but supposed it was outside of the car, and paid no at tention. He had no papers or letters upon his person by which he could be identified. PITTSBITRGIEI GAZE'I7E : TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, • 1869. • Washington Items. • - - The interest paid by the United States, on all bonds issued to the Union Pacific Railway Company,(Eastern Division,) including Decembr 81,1868, is $639,805. ray per cent. of the earnings from gov ernment business returned to the Treasu- rer by the Company, as piovidcd by law, is $518,185. The Alabama - Claimi Treaty will fail to be ratified, and the whole question will go over to the next Administration for a renewal of negotiations under anew Min ister. Such is the . - almost concurrent opinion of the Republican members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Senate and the Senators on the floor. An organized opposition to the treaty seems to have originated in 'New York and Bos ton among claimants for relief from dep redations committed by the Alabama and Shenandoah. They have prepared me morials and arguments against the treaty, which they are sending to Senators. Both Houses have adopted the neces sary preliminary steps' for the taking of the next census. The gentlemen who are to compose the Joint Committee on the part of the House were announced a few days ago. Mr. Wade has designa ted the following gentlenaen on the part of the Senate: Messrs. Qonkling, Antho ny, Howe, Sawyer and Buckalew. The joint resolution under which they are ap- • pointed empowers them to sit during .the Summer to prepare a draft of the necessa ry legislation. General 'Moorhead has expressed him-, self in favor of Ex-Governor A. G. Cur tin as representative -in the Cabinet from. the State of Pennsylvania, and is making strong efforts in behalf of)the Ex-Gov ernor of Pennsylvania. The San Domingo annexation matter continues to attract attention. M. Eu genard, the Envoy of President Baez, has been in conference with senators and Representatives. A pamphlet on the present, condition and resources of the Dominican Republic has been prepared, and will be distributed. He offers, on the part of the government, to cede their ter ritory to the United States, without reser vation, upon the sole condition of the . United States assuming the ',Dominican debt, amounting to some twelve or - fifteen millions, of which its English holders are pressing, through their- government, for immediate payment. 'The House Committee is anxious for early action, lest the opportunity should be lost. The Military Strength of Prussia. The following is from the Prussian .Afifitarisclis Woehenbiatt: "Our military organization is now so complete that a simple telegram from Ber lin would suffice to put a million men un der arms. The Prussian troops are com posed of 325 battalions of infantry, 268 squadrons of cavalry, 11 regiments of ar tillery, with 1,146 pieces, and 19 battal ions of engineers. In all there are 410,000 fighting men, to which must be added 50,000 to be furnished by the Federal con tingents. These last are made up as fol lows: Ist. Saxony, 29 battalions. 24 sqadrons, 96 cannon and 1 battalion of engineers. 2d. Brunsvrlck, 3 battalions, 4 squadrons and 6 cannon; Bd. Mecklen burg-Strelitz, 1 battalion; 4th. Grand Duchy of Hesse, 10 battalions, 8 squad rons, 24 cannon and 1 battalion u Of engi neers; total, 43 battalions, 26 ,siladrons, 126 cannon and 2 battalions of engineers. To this number of fighting men (463,0 00 ) must be added the Baden, -Hessian, Wur ternburgian and Bavarian soldiers, which the military treaties place at the disposi tion of the Chief of the Confederation. In addition, Prussia is able to put imme diately on foot: Ist. Troops of the re= serve, 120 battalions of infantry,76 squad rons of cavalry, 240 cannon and 12 bat talions of engineers; 2d. Troops occupy ing fortresses; 200,0 00 men. Neither offi cers. military train nor special corps are incltuied in these figures.' A letter from Rome, in the Monde has the following : "In compliance with a usage which dates front a very remotepe riod, the pupils of the celebrated College of the Propaganda, placed under the di rection of Cardinal Barnabo, gave an in teresting sitting of the polyglot academy just before the Epiphany. The proceed= tugs which took place on Sunday, and were repeated on the following day, drew together, as usual, a numerous And dis tinguished auditory. 'Amongst the per sons present were cardinals pre lates. princes, and personages belonging to high Roman and foreign society. This intellectual exhibition is assuredly most' curious. To hear thirty-two different lan guages; or idioms, spoken by young, men I belonging to nearly all the nations of Europe, and a great number of those of. Asia, Africa, America and Oceans, is not an, ordinary enjoyment. The event oc curs only in the Eternal City, and is re peated but once a year—always at the same period of the year. The entire nal -verse, so to speak, by the representatives of so many tongues, comes at the Epiph any, as did formerly the Magi, to adOre the. Redeemer, and to address to him the homage of its vows and science. - On the present occasion the display was consid ered unusually successful." . Traveiing Menageries. The expenses and profits of a flrst.class traveling circus and menagerie have been reported as follows i The season with this entertainment lasts from the first of April to the last of October. Nearly three• thousand miles were travo leftover in that time, an average of eighteen miles being made on every day the show moved at all: Ninety people draw. salaries from the proprietors in various capacities. The expenses for hotel bills, 207 days, were $22,448 for people, $27,022 for stabling and feeding stock. The animals require 150 pounds of beef a day. The total ex penses were about $BOO &day, and 'reach. ed, in the aggregate $141,000. The total receipts, on 177 show days, exceeded this, amount by 452,100, but from this profit the' expence . of wintering the animals must be deducted. • THE patent bricks -of the Howard Erni versify, in Washington; have been de cidedly condemned us unsuitable for building parposes by the supervisor•v architect of the Treasury Department and the architect' of the CaPitalextension. The specimens of 'the brick, partially solved in water. were broken by . a light blow, and crumbled under the pressure of the hand. It is believed that continued rains may make the lower part of the University building unable to sustain the weight above, and that if the building iS allowed to stand, it should bo well oiled, and in additi9n a frame be constructed inside, which shall sustain the entire weight of the floors, and the roof The opinion was also given that unless, as was claimed, the brick really solidified with age, it was unsuited for buildings more than one story high. TEETHEXTRACTED WITHOUT razor: NO CHARGE HAVE WHEN ARTIFICIAL TEETH ARg ORDERED. • FULL SST SOS AT DR. SCOTT'S its PRISM STREET, SD DOOlll2O l ll. HAND. ALL WORK WARRANTED. CALL AND EX AMINE SPECIMENS OF GENUINE VULCAN ITE. my9:dAT Babel in Rome GAS FIXTU WELDON & KELLY, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Lamps, Lanterns, _ Chandeliers, AND LAMP GOODS. Also, CARBON AND LUBRICATING OILS, _ nar.NZINE. N 0.3.47 Wood Street, seiktm Between sth and sth FRUIT CAN TOPS. We are now prepared to apply TINNERS,m,i the —de with oitr Patent SELF-LABELING FRUIT CAN TOP. Ills PERFECT, SIIIPLE and CHEAP. Basins thd names of the varicus fruits Stamped upon the Cotter, radiating from the center, and •an ifladZ or pointer stamped upon the Top of the can. It is Clearly, dlqlnetly and PERMA_NEICT ' • LY LABELED by merely placing tha nameof the fruit the can contains op. posite the pointer and sealing in' the • customary manner. is preserver of fruit or gad 110ESEKEEPER will use'any other after once seeing it. Send 95 cents for maple COLLINS do WILIGHT, 139 Second avenue, Pittatnirgh. PIANOS. _ORGANS, &C. BUT THE BEST AND CHEAr- EST ruso AND ORGAN. Se,homacker's Gold Nodal Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN, The SCROMACEER PIANO combines all the latest valuable improvements known In the con struction of a first olus Instrument. and has al ways been awarded the • big hest nremtnak ex hibited. Its tone is hill sonorous and sweet. The workmanship. for durability and beauty, a all others. Prices from $5O to 11150. taco= to style and finish,' cheaper than all other bo odles first area Plano. ESTEY'S OOTTAIIII ORGAN Stands at the head of all reed instruments. In producing the most perfect pipe quality States. of any similar instrument In the United It is simple and compact in conetractiou, and not liable to yet snit of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT " VOX FITIMANA. TREMOLO" Is to be found In this Or. price from $lOO toonly 050. All em oaranased for th'll jean. DARR, lINAKS & Mrila4 4 l4_ l No. 191ST. CLAIR STrugsp, PIANOS AND ORGANS—An en - - ttra, new Oleg of • SNARE'S UNUIVALLSD PIANOS; HAINES BROS.. PIAISOS: • • PRINCE t CO , B ORGANS AND NELODE. 0148 and TREAT. LINSLEY t CO'S ORGANS AND 31SLODEONS. cniera.orrn mum. deS 43 Fifth Avenue. Sole Agent.. „EH CHANT TAILORS 47, IMEARTERS 47. tor. BOYS' CLOTHING. Gray & Logan, NO. 47 ST. CLAIR STREET. BTIEGEL, ° Mute Cutter with W. Herpeubeide,/ INEWMCIL&Prr TAILOR. No. 53 Smithfield Street,Pittabragb. mown JEW FALL GOODS. A. oplendid new stone of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, &C., rularity. DISICEM. dant received by sel4: MeeChant Teller. Ir 3 Bmlttifteld street. GLASS. OBINA.. CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET. HOLIDAY GIFTS. FINE VASES, BOKEDIAN AND MINA. NEW BTallerkft BETS, TEA tIETB 'GIRT CUPS £3IdOKING. BETS, A large otobk of - • 7 SILVER PLATED GOODS of ail descriptions. • Call and examine our goods, w=• [eel Battened no one need fail to be suited. , • R. E. BREED •Sr... CO 100 WOOD 'STREET. WALL PAPERS. WALL PAPER - REMOVAL. , THE OLD PAPER STORE IRA NEW PLACE, ltimalativirAL Hu removed from 81 WOOD ISTBEICT to NO. 191 LIBERTY STREET, i few doom above 81. °Lit% • ilele DYNR AND. SCOURER, S J.:LANCE, DYER AND SeOURER. No.' 8 ST. CLAM STIVElirr „ficid Nos. .185 and 187 ma Streets PITTIMITESH. PA. 51 51 Fifth Avenue, CA_BPETS, CARPETS, CARPETtS. H'CALLITH BROTHERS, 11I'CALLUM BROTHERS, M'CAZIAITH BROTHERS, 51 Fifth Avenue, is ABOVE WOOD STREET. 51 SPECIAL ANNOVNCERENT. - . • J_ TO MEET Tit& GENERAL DESIRE OF THOSE who have been deferred from purchasing until alter the drat of the year, we have concluded to continue our , I . GREAT REDUCTION SALE FOR A YLVir WEE:ES - LONGER. This is posi tively the last opportunity to secure bargains In CA3RE9EITS 5 • Oil Cloths, Nattings,. te. Good Carpets for 25 cents a lard: OLIVER • AND COMPANY No. 23 Filth Street. 1 JALINTIJARY, 1.509. 40.1310LROPM9Lniii. IdorABLAND & COLLINS, WILL CONTINUE THEIR ANNUAL =OUNCE SALE TWO WEEKS LONGER. Greaterl3ariguins than Ever Will be Offered to Close Out Elpe i a Lines of Goods, at 71 and 73 Fifth Avenue, Second Floor. a 7 DRUGGISTS EN Liberty street EASON 5.6 r. B De ROTHERS,' Mt , alers In Dttiss, a nth and Patent Medicines. 10:29 W. ILICKEOWN & WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, ASM xAstoracrtruxas or C/a#1 4. 100 0 3 3 . NOTED TO NO. 195 LIBERTY STRUT ) PITTSI3I7II.OII, PE:4l4.k. White Window Lead, Glass and Glassware at Mannfactnrers nrlces. . dee SEGBETINGB AND BATTING. ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. P1TT5.13170.0.13. gum faa mum of HEAVY MEDIUM NO LIGHT AIDDIOB AND MADNOLLI SIIICETINGS AND BATTING. k'fi * ato r 34.0 -1 \if 511 i crivAL sEcarirr • IS . ECIEWiIIOAL't PiGIN'EEL And Ekgicritor Of Patents. • • (Late or P. F. W. &C. Railway.) Odice4 lib. 99 FEDERAL RTREET, _Room No.. ssq,.stairs. P. U., Bair. GO, 4L4E013.41iT 0 m °Emmy, of all deicriptions, designed. BLAST , iFDRIA ARE: and ROLLING KILL Dusw Wes .tarnished. Particular attention pall to designin& COLLIERY LOCOMOTIVES. Patents confidentially solicited.: sir An EVEN. IND DRAW 1244 i AMASS for ineohanios every WEDNESDAY MORT. ant:nit:2 SILtTES, SILVEES, SIaTES. American Rink, New York Clnb, _ • Empire, Starr, &e. AU other styles and- slits At the very lowest rates SS • wart:inns k DRUM, " deli 'l9 11"119111tAT. ALLIZOI3IIS i. Put PLUM 'till continual' to till all city and coon• try orders for , • FRESH WHITE LAKE FISH, SALMON AND BASS; Bend -to Ito. 46 DIAMOND MARKET. Mtn. burp or his old well known TWIN CITY t3TAN D. Allegheny market • inle 1e"0 T ICE.---Persons owning ntoeity frontinetir abutting on Attain ave. nue, In the city of Pittsburgh, will please tisk, 1201.1443 the report of viewers. in the mattes - the opening of Aikene avenue, has been place in my hands. • The assessments, If not paid on or before Yebra. VT lath, 1009, will be sir Oilyourt sa liens. t31..t0L kstorney, '1a12:08 lOO Fifth Avenue. M'ARSHALLIS % MARNIALL'S ELIXIR WILL CCRE HEADACHE.; 111.28 HALL'S nil'''. WILL CURE nYel'ILYBl*.. MARSHALL'S &taint WILL CURE COSTIVE NESS. price of Marshall's Elixir, 61.00 per bottle. For sale by_all Druggists. Depot, 1301. Mar ket street. M. MAltt-JIALL & Co , Druggists,' Proprietors. fe1:1389-SVIII:11 (AAR TANNED LEATHER IL" BELTING of wsuperlor quality; also round leather !Jolting of tllifereut elves. A. large stock on hand at the lowest prices. J. & H. PHILLIPS, fell • XR andNIS =tit 6treet. . 54. KIT'PANNING , EXTRA HEAVY BARRED FLANNEL, A VERY LAB.GE STOOK, NOW _ OFFERED; GOOD STYLES. IFELROY, DICKSON & CO, WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, 450 4 1. WOOD STREET. m '4 wi ta ° 0 ° C -4 Z 2 z. -4 OIL0 IL z C TI I E-4 P 4; Pi g g , En 0 p., -1* m }-7 ki A m a 0 g 0 P. Z 4 0 F . E -4 A 113 - C; 464 Z DRY GOODS A.9r CO ST, FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY. TO CIL.OECE STOCIE., THROBEILI F. PHILLIPS, 87 MARKET 827tEET. 0411 , 9 iIicCAIVIDLESS & CO., -1 , (Late Wilson, Carr & C 0..) _ Virif9r. fu-' l rlr. DZALLIMS ' - Foteign and Domestic.' , Dry Geods No. SHI• WOOD STREET. ' • Third door above Diamond alley, privsstritall, PL. CEMENT', SOAP STONE; &o. 10rAIITNIAN & TARE,. No. 124 111. Smithfield street, Sole filannfaetnrers al Warren's Felt Dement and Gravel Roofing. Ms. tees! fbr sale. -1a5:80 1' "NT D ' 4' Cheapest and best Me 1n the A1SO; 808ENDALIC BYDBAQLW OriIEECNT for sal% 1. n. a c. a. 'mecum a co. Office and Manufactory — SAO REBECCA. BT. Allegheny.. air Orders by rein promptly-atten ded , 1e22:1143. pG : : . atitpi ;i 11: 1MON, er of Weights and Measures, NO. 5 FOLIBTH srsnmr, tßetweeaLlt;erty sad Tess 7 Weeds Ord ors treauntlV attended HAIR AND PERFUMERY. isOHN PECK, ' ORNAMENTAL ..B.ALECWORYNR AND PNBPI2II,I3ID. Igo. Third street, near Smithfield, Pittsburgh. wi‘ rs. Al son hand, is enerel ageortinent Cti Lel 'Dui._ CURLS: GantlemenV wiee. %ES SCALPS, GUARD CHAINS. S ItACEL &C. inr_4Food Price In will be given for RAW RAID. Ladles , and Gentlemen , s 'Hair Cutting ,done is see nesteat manner. ~,sesma WINES. LIQUORS, &C. _ JOSEPH S. FINCH '& CO" Nos. IRS, 187.1E1%191, 193 and 1951 • , FIRST BTERRT, PITTSBURGH. *A2rOPACTITSZOB OP Copper, Distilled Pure. Rye Whiskeyi Alec; Sealers in FORRION WINES and QIICOIS, HOPE, at. mb2.105 0 IN 11=31
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers