= = 1M NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ri. W. De CAN?, vi • ATTORNEY AND COU&SELLOW AT LAW,' , • Office... No. 137 voilwrti AVENUE. Puts. bush, (formerly occupied by Hon Walter K. Lowrieo old practice iii the U. S. Circuit and ' 4:ho Distitria Courts, In the State pre Snme and all the,' Coils in most of the adjacent touutlea. a19:d73 -- 11 - . It YOUNGION & C 0.,: ce., a FANCY CAKE r Mir 1, CONFECTIONARY; IC ' CREAM a d DiNING SALOON. • - t 3 S.. 'Wield stre9rt, corner of Diamond al!ey. Trash , rah. mir •„ rde s. pad !families' supplied with Ice ..Crea.. and Cakes on short notice. - / ~ , _ O ANTED—Bonds and No t 4 gages to the amount of 1150,1300;On tr iti' .or county unencumb.red property, having .on% to Ise years to run, in amounts ranging fr om 4300 to 43 000. Also, bushiest necommonation paper to the aunount of 400, in. sums from $OOO to 43.000, and from 80 days to months to run. 160; acres of .goOd.Weitern lands to exchange for furniture. Apply to _ 11. McLAIN & CO.; —3-19 " 92t. VILLITABLE FARM FOR SALE, 400 acres of good land. a bLick,ltaascr. aipptieWel lo geptea gliouse, outhouses:4,ooo young gritted F.:lll'w j elrh bapOlutitilitireir Vioarnihlrrlboef 900, acres in cultivation, Oltuate in Coffee.. county; Tennessee,one rifle from a railroad .atatlon. - ; The farm is welt ..watere.t and is well zdapted for I rain or stock and cannot be excelled flu middle Tennessee .for beauty ana location.: The improvements would coat metre than halfllie „erica asked. For ftrther Information apply to 8. CUTEIBSIIT.& isxJ 86 6mitblMa "feet. ANTIIRACITE, • ,oaL _• The undersigned, agent of the I'ENNSYLVA , NIA and OHIO 'ANTHRACITE - COAL po., baying r‘cetred fall - supply of all sizes of this sold, is prepared to fill all orders promptly. Mai 114 FOURTH AFOUL R. G. BAILEY, Agent J sZ:d7l "WESY_ERN LAND AGENCY. 70,000 Acres of Laud for Sale, In rows and Minnesota; price from $3.00 to 115.00 per acre. Land bought and sold on com mission. Taxes paid; Titles examined; abstracts garnished; Surveying and Plotting done. Information ftirnished in reference to locality , 4nality end valuation of Ludt. General collect Aug business done. ,Addrem • ag9;d , MEV 'OI3IE EFITABLISHED 11.1324. ' 7Cholce. American and French Confec-, .tionajp• of all kinds, and large stock on band. I -Alai() foreign traits, and other delicacies of the Weddings, parties, festiVals, fairs and dinners dor a cecoti. occasions, fu mished on short notice to any accessible point,by rail, river. or convey -ince, gotten up in the most approved style. Tdeali prepared to order, w lth the beat of every thing in sessoo. Ladles -Ira .families furnished with a quiet retired place to dine. Persons doing - badness in the city. or transient visitors, will find the place convenient and pleasant to enjoy $ .CoMfortible meal. J B. IIUBLEY, JCS 27 and 29 Fourth Avenue. LUMBER /MICODEIt PAITERSON, Tirtioleirtle and 'retail dealer In LUMBER of all de.. -acnption, keens constantly on band and fur sale -BOARDS, PLANE, SCANTLING, JOISTS, 'SHINGLES, LOCUST AND CEDAR. POSTS, WEATHER BOARDING, FLOORING, FANCY 'SIP LNG, PATENT SPOUTING, dc. Also a large Muck of OAR, POPLAR, ASH and YELLOW . PINE LUMBER. Attention of dealers is invited Aso my large stock of dry lumber in yards. N 0.1.57 REBECCA ST., opp. Gas Works, •:d46orner/of Pretile au , / Juniata Sts.. ja2oEir.tb Ward, A ilegheny• • pROCLADLITION.' • 'MAYOR'S OFFICF. 1 - PiTTSBUSCIS; Japnary Al, 1869. t In' t ccordanee wl'h' a resolution passed hi the eSelec mid tommon Councils of Litt -city of P4tta bargh,onihe 9IAd day of .1 11111111 .1,1E69,1 hereby - Issue thuf my .Proclamation for the election of • 'One Member of Select Counc il for the Sixteenth Wad of the Eity of -Pittsburgh to fill the va cancy caused bribe death of A. noeveler. Esq., -member elect from said ward. The elf eon of .the Sixteen' h ward of the. Cltv of Plttetwrigh, .ttalifled to vote Lr members of the House of presentatives or t- is Commonwealth, will; therefore, meet at the WIGWAM, corner oadain And Pearl stree Febr uary. eti'd ward. on TUESDAY, the 9th day of lBO9, and elect One Member of [elect Council to AU the vacancy aforesaid. - Given under my band and the seal of said city .of Pittsburgh. this 117th day of January. A. D. 0169. 1823: J.AITES • LO/ i1,__12.-----------------•I3L 3 THE METHODIST BOOS DEPOSITORYi tate Jo. 67 Wood, Now 1f0.129 Smithfield, IS PREPARED TO WERNIAM ELECELLANEOttd. THEOLOGICAL , MEDICAL, L AW. MUSIC BOOBS SCITOO BO LAND COLLEGE TEXT WES. Library Books and , all requisites for Sabbath Se.bocds of ail denominations, from the Ameri can American Tract Society, Pres bEterlan Boards of Publication, Methodist Epis copal S. S. union. Ac., ac., together with DIARP.B, Bt.ANK 110011 s. COBS TING MOUSE BEQUIIITE.3 and STATIONEEY. Wholesale and . Retail. JONEPH MCINNES, • • I Successor to J. L. Bead, Methodist Episcopal Bloch Pitteburgh, Pa. rN. B —AI, the hook unt* of the Deposi. tory under the steno! ofdl.• •Kea! are with his successor, J. BURNER, who will attend to their seatapisi. la2it:d43.mwr )SECii"IENS9 WORKS. SCOTTS NOVELS, Complete In 6 volt. Cloth - • • $lO,OO 1111 de. I do. • Half Calf . - $21,00 63 :WOOD STREET. - R. 3.i-.D. will remove to 193. .retberftv Street, above St. Clair estmnsi .3fgreh Ist. ihrw, • SILATES ti ..- . . SKATES. 1 . ' I have reeilyid nty sioek oi Skateii for the sail; I d , Ow C"A!,Sill,d-'o9.,9ov!iPrinizlir eTerystylakuown to the Q. at prises, ranging . FROM 60 ClithlTS rim p - ' tre TO 06. my.itock embraces & full line o f ' lie' end Gentlemen,. Skates. New 'fork Club, AMEICICIPAIAIuk,BIondIu's Anele Sup. Xierlet. our' Dirties , and , Gents' Clippero plat, 41elphis and Boston Club. Empire and Vulcan,. ogter with a large _assortowut of medium -priced. 01eute, for Boys.,w4lch I offer ategxete* 1 ; • taglylow ,prieei. 1 invite all la rust' of Skates .k o l iga be, convened that 136 WOOD 140 E T. la the place to buy Skatpt., • • .' pr ' ale wholesale arid retell by , , • ' ' • JAMES. COWS!, , , . 14 . 4 1: 136 WOOD STR3ET: PITTSBURG/I. ' - ' n ' ° - - - --- ---------; * -7.-- " ------*- ' --'.. E =I : .125 sack. Peaches , halves, • .:- Di a • .. •14, seeks do. .. win's' 1 - e —,.. ,Sr ear l . ' do. , p e aled; ' 1 L ' IS s ack attiptei, ' d dt l . On steamer New York. to arrive, gs sale b LBAIAII DICKEY i 7CO. ZS= NEW C ADVERTISEME: DOMESTIC A V p.riety of V. C. wAir, iLLINGTON, iOWk. von sAx.= xrsr .BKATII3BI !ME „ DM' GOODS, poul~r a,, OE !REM Goods, - Prints, Sheetingti, ~Jina4 ... lins, tlrnels, Gift Corn{ <, Cforsets, . Ladies' -Underclothing. POPULAIi EU BATES BELL'S. JOSEPH ROUE & CO. Are In conAttut Iteeelpt of NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS. Floor SHIRTS-Latest shapes; HOULE v ARD-SKIRTS; - STRIPED SKIRTING: ALEX ANDRE KID GLOVES: HECTOR DUCHESS KID GLOM; GERHARTON N WOOLS. - Z ILPHY RS and KNITTING YARNS; SCARF and BOW EtBRoNS; TRIMMING SATINS, BONN F.T VELVETS ' • CORSETS—aII the testing =lces. Cotton and Merino Hosiery, FRENOH STRIPICT; and MIXED.. GENTS SUPE R STOUT and REECHO HALF HOSE. MORRISON'S STAR SMUTS, Paper Collars and Cuffs, &c., • &c., &C. , WHICH WE Or/EB AT THE LOWEST CASH PEWEE. is 51 51 51 Fifth Avenues CABPETS, CARPETS, WCALLUX BROTHERS, WCALLUX BROTHERS, WCALLUX BROTHERS, ° • 51 Fifth Avenue, kPER. P Printing, straw, Alan, ROOFING, RIBIdARR AND , MOULIN, lisailtscuired and sold bI FRAZIER, METZG.ER CO., 82 Tilran AVENUE • PAW ROPE, , s f ! The 61rices *sic Worobotuleo of :FAME, BROTHER 6r. CO. " ' • 'REmoirED . TO :THEIR WORD • eon Thirtieth anditallroad Streets. Ofdera . left with, r AB.E. E c CIIUD Y & CO- Moi 121113ecinui Arenas. will resins prompt as:. • tehtiori. 7 1" iIESSONS I •'.. , • tgefieini iltEffed: AND ITAldEttir: A I, ED Pronessor of the 'above I:magnate; and Transiatorof Letters and Documents, w ill be glad to receive pupils either at Ida. resWenve or, will visit theta In their own , homer. Terms moderato. Address of the PITTEIBIntaIi IiAZITTIS. • '1 1a25:d19 REED. a oo'Btr.'cuatz or.ovicit BRED *6O bul:leis chotqe Timot67 Seed, In 'tore atAltts elle by .11118A74011 lIIABTE • ••• " 329 Ltberty street. • • ' " • • Pittsburgh. CORN•••• ' /9EC 4/111ifilielled , t4 341 sacks est , now len lig from Gtesmer Gray angle, lot sale by . rai LIALLII DICKEY a CO. •. I • , 1101ISEREEPING DRY GOODS Very, Low TABLE.LINENS: t - HALT BLEACHED TABLE LINEN'S; 4 HNBT,EACHEB TiRLF. LINENS; Tiq.tE NAPKIN S.; : TO*ELTRGS; :LINEN ,TOWELS; , litliAC.llo SHEE'TING ingSLINs: UNBLEACHED SHEETING PILLOW cAsiiiisalts' :10)11,Er coma QUILTS; MARSEILLES QUILTS; LINEN SHEETINGS—an esti.* bargain; PILLOW CABE LINENS:. TIMINGS , &c., ENE BM WHOLESALE AND BETAIL PRICES, WILLIAM' SEMPLE'S, , FtbERALSTREET, JANUARY, 1869. FFARLANDS:COLUITS, CARPETS. ABOVE WOOD STREST: PAPM 1111111111 M EMI E5l 180 AND 182 d2.VCCOMBNY IMO CARPETS Will Continue their ANNUL CLEBECE SOLI TWO WEEKS LONBR Greater Bargains than Ever vtrili be offered to clO_se' out Special Lines of 'Goods; at ' 71 AND 73 FIETII AVENUE, trEccisti ;FLOOR. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY 11111POBTEAS 01P `WOES FGRANDIES, x .GON,&O WINOLESALIC DEALERS ' ; :r• 3,09 RIPX I I STREET, - iiianiO4re on the Lt .of Alta to NOS. 384 AND mie PENN, Con( Eleventh St.t, (formerly Canal.) ;,,, 'NISI -YRS! TURK A.T NOCORIE& ;•• CO's , '1 • ' - 191 WOOD STREET. filiMitetatiriwwiA.'3ew .Bouse .o Seven BOOMS and Hall. corner of pride and Yorbes streets. Water and (las In the house; also Range In Itachea. _ CM TUESDAY, ME lijood ittat AT 191% CV! ISHED BLEAC CEN BLEACHED AT . 90 OEN/ .14 10 D 5 1 , - ;... AT 12m carri 1003. • AT 63( CZN' AT 'IS% CZNITS, LADIES' HEMSTITCHED HANDAERCHIEFS. AT AO CZNr, BARBED SHIRTING' FL AN . AT AD CENTS, DOUBLE WIDTH SHIRT. ING FLANNELS,. ' Full atfd Complete Stock of DOICESTIC COTTON, GOODS, Bought before the advance In prices. now offered at the LOWILST'Ca6M PBlca.e. , Wl4Ol, 8/4.E_AND RETAIL SEMPLE'S,' NO.IBO AND ILO , FEDERAL. STILEET, AI:LTNERSHIP. IHAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIA -81l with - me in co-partnership, WILTJA BRUM JOHN an4E. THORP, JEBOME M...EORiET. CO The bulb:telt will be conducted at the old stand undei the name and style of WM. MIL LER 1, COr WILLI42IMILLEB. Pirrsititort, January 1, 1809 • WILL Al~ IUILLEII $ CO., Nos. 221' and 223 Liberty Street. • - Corner ofi Irwin, now O'er to the trade at low figures, strictly Primeew Crop New Orleans Sugar, and I Molasses. Porto Rieo, Cuba and English Island Sugars. ew York. Philadelphia and 'Baltimore Re fined do.I Loverings. Stuart's. GoldenDrtDs.Adams , and Long Island byrupo. YPorto Rico. Cuba and English Wand Molasses. ou Hysen. Japan, Itatier t ial, tiuntiowder and 001. mg Teas. Carolina and Rangoln Rice. , Java, haguayra and to Coffees. .Tonamino, ,Lard OR. Flab. NARA Glass, Shp. Cotton Yarns, notistantivam hand. IMPORTERS OT Fine les,Wines and Sagan. Fbenian, Moselle, And Sparkling Bock Wines of iltnitel I Co.. in bottles. • Sparkitne itioselle, Schimberg and' Jot:muds. • !Mrs, liockhelmer. - Burgundy, t 0..„ Brandenburg I Yr...res` Flue Olive 011. dol do Clarets, imparted to bottles. - do l do thr bite Wines. in bottles. li. Wort a sour Eipa•lillng Catawba. • - Me Old Sherry, Madeira and Port Wines. Free old Mouongsnela Bye Whiskies. pure.- .do Very Superior Old Scotch do do. •• •• • . . I . • AT-4100, • Sole !feats f o r goat & Chandon , s Grand Yin • . . - • .trenity and Sellery Champagne. 1 Brandies of our own selert.on and warranted ja2 .4143 SPECIit INNOUNCEISNT. , • TO 13111 LET THF.,.. GENER I II. DESIRE OF Tl.loBlrwhohaVe been defetred from purchasing. until sifter the first or the year,we have concluded to continue our . . . , BOAT REDUCTION SALE FOR A. FEW wErasto-sozn. This Is posi tively, the-last opportunity to secure bargains In OIL Cloths, 'lllattings, Goodtarpeto for 25 cents a lard 'AOCK;TIIE BAB -7 EARN,i!§ PATENT CRlfk, • - sOt e tp OXLY AIX. I+l4, - U., A?:` t ' trMoN'a WEISE. '... , . PiitifeitiVniiiititre iiiiilidlAl eN, ke n 0'11314 irol7ilPrilAlfrENVEl. Where .rnay be Muds fell , assortment of Par tor. Ott t an TESL and Kitchen Furniture. r!eitilF"' $ ES, SKATES, SKATES. ' An Rink, . . . '1 , New . York ' Club,. ,-1 , ---Enpire,StarOrt. 1, - ,-,.. -. -i :-. • she. i - I , at , .!•11 other styles and the 'eery. lowest T ie," viiirrostbwic Dittni, dole 49 viiiiiiii sT. - . Ataconsw r, . VIATtr - W cit3n. JINIIIRY 26. 0 CENTS, lored Dark Cu aeog TB, YARD WIDE SOFT FIN • ED MIISLINS),:.: Et Bari' YARD WIDE tr fit :TANS. -COTTON TABLE 'CLOTH S, CHOICE NEW STYLE CAL LADIES' LINEN HAND Ina 11 ALLEGHENY M'CLINTOOK COMPANY Noe =YAM' street LOOR OIL CLOTHS-IWe hase In stock a largo assortnieut, of styles ao.d Va 'dude widths of thoroughly seasoned Flow Oil Cloths, which' we are offering to the whole sale and retail trade at prices 'lower , t a l on gull" tut° consideration, than can be bid is city. J. H. PHIT a LIPS. S 8 and A 8 811th street. moll tgrIEWALT STREET BRIDGE COM P Is Y.—Nottce is bnreby given to the subscribers for the stock of the Swaa. Street Ortdie,” that in;compltsuice,wlth an Act of As. meat IncorPoratinit, Conpany. an instal ment of PIN' e. DOLLAR:son each share of sto•A: is required to be paid immediately to the Treas urer. C. Siebert. at his oflee, No. 406 PENN r:TREET. By order of the - Com mi ttee. ,halth 2s . , c isuranth. OFFICE OF THE ALLF.GLIENY VALLEY R.R. Pittsburgh, January 25. 1809. riarSTOCKBOLDEIRS ANNUAL 31E1T1119.,-The tegulat.annual meetlng of the Allegheny Valley Railroad company will street, atths ale. of the mpany. Tao AG Pike on TUESDAY, 2 31 day of Febuiary. 1869, for:the purpelepf, electing Board of \ Managers' }be' the corning' year and the transac tion of inch other business es may be presented. AriaJOHN Secretarj. orrithiPitrOicrelittaliTic TILECIRAPH CO. • rikvanT4E.Yirtggsg,Tbi'e. FIFMEEIWiIi DIVIDEND:' The Directors oth ee Pacitic aad Atlantic, Telegraph Compantof the uled titate6 having this day declared theregultir quarterly dividend at the rate of TEN PER Do.r.T. per annum for the guar er ending December 31. 115160, I will. pay_ the samr at the °nice of. the Treasu re on eau. IsEr.wiff4 ED. JAM-AWAN, Treasurer. PlTTSEltritin,ClirrriTAl & ST. LOMS wr. co. Steubenville, 0., JanuarY 18. 1 809 . si 'W-NciTicz IS ItEitEillt Given I to' the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh.: Cincinnati Is St. Louis Railway Company to meet Lat imlotilcm lA Btenbenyttie.,39., on MONDAYt Pebrum Ist. 1869. between the hours of 1 and • o'clock P. le., - for the purpose of electing THIRTEEN DIREC7ORS to serve for the ellen ingivsr; and fat' irenisicitici of such other . bustnelelta may be brought before them. 1 J. G. 11ORIM ' • Secretary.l EMI WPERRY STREET.—The un dereigoed. 'lop:pied viewtra to assei. danates and. beneSta • for OrittWlG initity Inlitr. itT, from - ItS easternlermdbus to meet the Troy BI I Mond, will meet on the premises on ISO sIDA.Y. 15th day of February, at 4g. o'clock P.M .'.to *trend to the duties of their appoint ment. J. J. HERMAN,_ Tii °DIAS SrlTbi, I Viewers. 1 is..ALTER , 1 1 , MEM . 09— WEBSTER STIKEET.--we, the understgned. appointed Yiewerato as sess TA R pud benefits In the matter of widen.; lug WBBS STREST,..Second ward, Alle gheny, from Benton alleyto North Common,wtil meet on the #remlaes on 'ION DAY, the 15th day of February. at 3 o'clock P.M:, to attend tetbe duties of oar kPbuintmeat. • Buiroup, J. J. lIKRIKALN, . LEO44.ND WALTER. 127:d113 Lt orinciverriln 1 Pittsburgh, January 40.. 196 .. t. NOTICE.TO Soudneidelosi,i'J Notice-1s hereby giVen - that COUPON' 40. 19 T. BILE LUMEN.ni ch eVON CON. 9.TIIIICT,IteI WNW. Ane irst days of February - nest, irlll be paid on and utter , that date upon presentation end degree/ at the Pleat . )1141 . 1 H ' 11 . 131 111 131 u ghi:i4G Tleu E. Js.. , isid2o ' E.-"11"Y XX= AliplitnalgTOß!.l Pittsburgh, Jannwry g t for Grading and Paving SPRIGiti ALLEY'. frotn,,Twenty,eigni.g to„Treentr.nintnarteeet, is now ready for examtnattod and can be neeirst this once until THURSDAY, February 444 1869, when . tt will retgrned in the City Treas. ;trees once for collection. Ja.15:451 H. J. MOQUE. City Engineer. JEtio_iQucrrioiN VA TS, OIL CLOTILS, ceo., cect., We offer our stock at reduced prices- fora 81101 IT TIME fore commencing to take stock. Now is the time to buy. itOVARDIROSEaLCO4 21 FIFTH -.AVENUE. ie4:d&w , pITTSBURGH LEAD PIPE heet,tead: _Works. BAILEY, FABBELI; & CO:, 161 Smithfield Street, M.I.IIIILACTIIIiZUB Op" LEAD AND BLOCK TIN Firm. Sheet Lead, Plumbers and Gas Fitters Tools, AND . ► PiAnnusis. Ja27:W.B 3. R. SWINT ' SWINT 6;, 13BATT, ABOEUTECTUTLAL AND ORNAMENTAL. CARVERk. No. 63 Bandusky St., Allegheny, Pa. A. large assortment of NinirEL POSTS and BALl...taints constantly on hand. • TIISVINO, of a ll deserlotions oenmss ,KEYSTONE POTTERY. —_. • pa; ;Dit-HAPA &CO.) ,J. lifooofto.turero of RiIIEtWAII.E. BRISTOL W&IIR anit stamina. 4821 LIBERTY STREET. siren otderOotowitoiY attended to: CONOMIZE YOUR _ FUEL, by SHllig-LtiffratnlGAL fiffiffiNOß, the only true and eaalltiegulated ticurernor P:o4.ltongert halts *AD ant Mal' rutlabldi' A i l t /s; e Gorernor can seen atthe ollee or J r TM. BWlLETTOlgehadteal Engineer' -and to of intents; NW TOlrederal . West. Allegheny GUI, the only agent for thls Elotaluor ilitabokWeate t .0.1• r.,IL serytyni ~ .1 1:311/11.38oBIA) 0D . Yoh 841 a BirE~scs~~s xxxerwszaa. :414;b1Opirmlir - • c c. • qUEEit Of 31 EN -. ' 1 SOAP.: • QUEEN 07 liffriZtalto soap. QUEZ2i 07 ,zzoThativ i3OAP. , For doing a frailly warble*/ in the Doi , sue , cheapest mariner. 'Guaranteed equal to 'any in the world. Mew the etreagth acid rosin soap. with the Mild aad latheries qualities 1:& genuine Ositila Try_t_hts spleedid,aoap. gold ny Abe ,ALDELI7I33,IOAL MOWN Gallorth Fourth street. Philadelphia. e2tvid•NWlrat ' 1R1E611411811. -- Beniam in Yates iou 0 0 1 0 "!1* r !i# 4 4L 0 ".7""" code's for FRESH WHITE LAKE . FISH, SALMON AND BASS. -Bend ire. *5 DiAstosts MARKET. lAtit rilr4b).%gVl4 art 7 w et l , Litown TWIN %al it pENCIt . tK.EAS 491.14113 31-1.71811.11001!il9.• Just reoetyea;.also, Troth Arpirsiros, Gr 4 on Corn, Toms toe s, .I.IM B e s I'l2llokm. pot o pin tin Cans.lbr sal by .„ rhe jdcase b iltp . "l . r Co•isiztei Liberty . and Hand err #els, • IZICMA ASie-100 tone. 0.113.01C0 lo brands In storeisad far sale by_ nal7 .S. carunak T 4 a nos. sor 2r0I1015—"To Lao , "For fiats," 1.148t.'t "Wante." - "itnosa. ,l 6•Boarding.l. • ac.. not Wooa 4 tstr.Fo CR LINES each wilt be in &tried in Owlet oo himna onos rWENrY-F/1 7 3 aliPts: each additional tint ;TER 01INTB. WANTED- -- SITUATION. WASTE D; - SITUATION. - A •y ittralNE.Pai MA 31..W/Ch gooa quallficatloas, whp ean adapt himself to circumstances, desires a bitustion. Address 0., liAzixra nine.. WANTED-ACPENTS. WMitTED.- AGENT", DR. ASHBAUGH'S WONDEit OF THE WOBLIP , b warranled to oure Rheumatism, Neuraletu—sold on the Pular System. No one Isrequired to pay until tally to e t pray $6O per month, large commission, is flood oren•to dis tribute Ibex. masses, _ it V°. 11.134, at. Clair tames.. D. O. TILLituN. • . 117 ANTED. COOK. —A good' : elm, will find a pleasantberee In a small fatally.. by applying early at N0..68 BEAVER STlhrr, Allegheny City. Must be ' , good welt, wasber. sod ironer. References required. WANTED--1111ELP,- - -.A 41 ENE. VV: PLOTISEXT An,. 3 St. Clair Street, BOYS OLELb 1113 d MEN, - fordifterent. kinds of emplolment. Persons wonting help of.aU. klnds, Gan be,stinplied on short notice. WANTED---BOARDERS, NI,TAN T ED. - BOAUDESEI.-';- Pleasant room. with board, suitable for geetisman and wife. °sties young gentlernew, at 68 FOI7B~H STREVA. Abel, a few day ordit net' boarderd .can be accommodated. Reference wAaNtatr,lr vote R OOMS Gentle man and Lady tweentral ;it: , or the ca r y• rooms Laontlng on ttotge.o,..,:.A,sidilessElox A, liasirryr. 07.1 ICS. T ORT—OnTaetdaylast, a large CLUSTER GARNET BROOCH, probably on fdarhet street or io lath Avelino, or In an Uhlo avenue o a r s A , llberst. tewortli.forlts reinra to the GAZT OFFICE. o Tt -LET.— FRONT OFFICE, wewid story, 369didthdeld.streed. Itncintre 'ad ing Store, corner knurtliaitedue and Smith -1:1 Id ZLET.--lioolll6.—Troso tine • ingno3 ua sznriuniiiinNe. Apply 'it Ming Rooms. B*.andtelfifttt avenue. iIIO.ILET:-;•4 Maine 14514 b Many rooms and Alitntect and dry himuldoi., suitable for offices 'or 'store. omcdrner of Pena end F„ightlx atrertsoilll be. let ie DEPIII3 vote spirt ; mats or eleogetb r: :,Alfoadirellitig with elevels nastos: Slid one With' e. venotear cta same corner. Applies lITTRIDIN r i; 'r L • STREsT. mud 13PCICI. 110 !_ " lri_ Et etisol . 2 for s HOUSE 6,4"7. ,Toft,ogneeittaxrriesrbsoired.- "teLim- Ami n: l l%6 ,o e - end et'reati Coo r a • TCALET.-4INE.STORE ROOM. • Poo?. BASENEENTO, 'Fell• lighted and Mashed: UP ?ICES in the treonditory. bL ESPING Itts IBIS in the third atom and ONE LARGE Ext.L, with two allIe•rooms , In the fourth story of.d. H. Enntinti & Co's new uthltint: Fourth avne. Aptdrio A. H. EN O - LinH & CO.. No. i 9FlfalaVeDllo. T ° 4:IIET.--THE SEdOND AND THIR-s STORIES, of a Hotness-House on ieral street, legbeny olty.. Hach room is AO by SO. Splendid location for a.FIIOI KAPH- S AMP uE ROOM or light Manufacturing. Spacious tient e.ntrance, and in the best bu,iness portion - of the street. For particulars apply to CROFT & PHILLIPS, Meal Estate Agents and Brokers, N. 139 Fourth Avenue. TO. LET-HOILTSIE-'-A - First Class 3' story brick .house with 11•11 oms, agood range oprodern kind in kitchen, tot and: cold water tan stairs audidown. a good wash house and bath room. a good coal nodse on alter back: also a • good MI cell.r under the who'e house. Every thing Incomplete repair. Fir further particulars I inquire - of llithif - Real Estate Agents, No. 01 Heaver street. • TII•LET.--The- Officer Rooms now. occupied by D. COOPER, Oblo m , eet, Allegheny elty with,good stable au . e. CUTHBERT h SOPS. 85' tindthlleld street. LET.—TWO Handsomely furnished rooms. with gas and fire, one on rst door. and one front up stairs. Inquire at teitTbird avenue; AND J. M. =LIT' WANTED-RiILP. WANTS. ' MYST. T LET. 1223 , , FOR SALE EIOWSAILE.,—/1011fle.alld Let OH _2:. Fayette street, Fifth Ward, Allegheny. Houseilew, containing Five Rooms . Cellar and Hall, well furnbshed. Lot ~feet front by.---feet in depth. . . Tw Lots oh Cbartlers street,etiob 20 , feet front by 1 4S feet in depth, corner or Bayard Alley. • One Lot on. li I non street 20 feet front by 302 feet in depth, Stxth Ward, AllegbenY• ' Alao,. for lea- e I acre , of ground with a.good Rouse of Three Booms ; with necessary , out build ings, at Woods Fan; for a term , of frourone to ifonee and Lot Ifo. 220 Lai:rock . street; Alle gheny city. Apply to - • AL u=:.AbIDETIPATTERSON. Corner.lardata and Preble street: &nth - ward, - Allegheny. . ja2r. ----.. FoRSALE.—A DESIRABLE FAF..3I, containing 150 acres. located on the .41. - T. R. K., 113 miles fremdhe.eity and within five minutes walk of *Station; 1115 urea clear ed,' balance In good timber; 00;acres in gra- s, 30 , acres underlaid with a-3 foot. vein of coal: soil first class and the improvements No. I,_con astifig of a new Elow , le Tire Story Frame H0113613' of 1 Rooms, . foot . halls and good cellar, built. and finished in' splendid - ,slylet tarp new Bank B arn, 40 by 72 planed an dpalnted. Also. all neceslary oothulidingS conveniently arranged, including Tenement Hotlee of 4 rooma; whole fern) well watered and ein wl be worked hy ma chinery: six acres of orchard, select variety , of fruits; also mmall‘frnita: Thls farm is without doubt the best in the 'neighborhood, and needs , only to be .seen to be ap preciated . . From.. the bouse is bad delightfuslew of the towns of Freeport and Natrona, up and down the. Alle • gheny rivers and rearrounling COTIEVY , FOrpsr - Oculars apply to otorr a PHILUPS. Neal Estnte Agents, No. 139:Zonttki Avenue. I'olll SALE.—" , DI A FIETs D COTTAGE and GROUNDS. about Seteres. beautifully planted andldistributed in vineyard. fruit and ornamental , et ergreem and deoldtiona trees and shrubbery, a complete-sew/Ame r t of the fruits of tee climate; g Mediouse.reiage nouse, stable and tenant house-nee er one roof; cottage. or eget room, pantries, Re. summer kitchen. er rain slater cistern wed artfuof mutest wat at door. EStatito one mile nort hof .alleotany. Perrysville-road, andt a <ranter of mile from Pleasant Valley Passenger • Car• station. For terms and verticals= eaqulro at nor* end of' Hand Street Bridge rR SALE.--AC THREE STO c. y nallc.aiguiO ramleilia‘M.crintalavi Ntrislepheny City. Tbo le attsby AM; fee), ond .bag 11.:441.otiot.stable st.tenc end 'Vowing on Witeveteeet. 'Nor hunger totortra-: tion Inquire Of H. WitilLlos. - No. 183 Wood. street. rlttsbarlib- - • ' I" wAssuolusic._ phttfinSeATIVOIiTORISBII,I,OXStIyaIasNOL Obto stree_SLAneetnTy.,Pl=Ao„. ao.. gioor and TswiTmEMMtnittbeprempe__. -- 110011"--OAMILd4PIDIPINE911.--A. rVert` q n s“ lsofora Eta : - .olfPlets Fin ning ordor, matt ne . _si ban n operation. tut.A. prigjuo.4lo. otratarai moles , A. T. R. 11.. Orlond,the truent , 'sity . Ilditht.:' Calumny live hundred tibia pee wsek. Cut toe' disabled with •weittrh - eiciliase onnter uldithosal btill. ply *ONO/id liPli . ISTRZET, Pitts ltall 'CU IikiILI3:+—IMIONESS.--THE fiTOCIRAND GOOD WILL or Irtmlesale snd, re Dry Ooodratid Notices House; now doing s good busieeps, located ongetiorai street, allegne. •ny eity *loa t h e storOrterrosittsfixtures and cel lar.LllT.,, TM list opening seldom offered. as the stow; Is W.etid to none ett_the s , reet. For 'verdant:loll4looo •Ciff(Arr & rti MM.* . ti, Beal 'itato'24ol3o as Brokers. . _,a 139.1eoluth al. rt MILE-OESllltAint EWES TERN A 11414133 itIibIDENCE. located on sinters &senile.Auesbeny_elty.betweenick Bremell street and Inds axeaue. -AtafAcaoer-br of equsoq. Malaita ntcbd eelhr. EIS twougboot and rat antstar din first class style. Lot4B by isto tO 0 fOot sUrY_L_•llPlil,be sold oavasy ms. An 7211 to CHOPP & rtiIILLIYB. Real Estate Agents. e• 139 roultb &Temp., , ~- 3:45 FOA SAtl6-4SUSINESS STAND —A. welrknown and Prosperous wholesale hull' um stand, with stock tudAktures, isoflered the . _ rate., P!t, 1P.44)11 _??MO ere Alr,ett, lathe dis.. Pout. k013133iiiik1y1...._..----. 'FOIESALE—SHOW C,A 5E....ii - k , quire of J. R. S.F.Si NED 4, fiti 6tuttlttle% street. MIE
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