tr7iitaagi G-cigtte: RAIISAS. _.—.....---- [The fullowiag letter was, by an acci dent, interrupted in its passage to the compositor's hands. Its late publication, however, does not impair its value.] /Cor. e3pon.l , !Ice or em •Lurth Gazette.; PErtnY, Ilia-Ns-as, December 21, It4iB. sThlsig • a town of considerable promise. ituated on tle Kansas Pacific railway, where that tflotough fare crosses the Grass hopper I:Ter, twelve miles west of Law rence. It is on the extensive bottom land of the Kansal, about a mile from the river and directly opposite the ancient town of 1 .Lecomplon, of bad political fame and early decay;'which lies on the south bank of the river.,. The land of this valley is extremely rich, the black, fat soil being frohi lon - .to eight feet in thickness. . There is"an unusual breadth of timber land' herc,',especially in the valley of the Grisshopper -, fuel and fencing materials are consequently abundant and' cheap. The bottom lands of the Kansas, which are from two to 'form miles• - wide, - are principally prairie: 'They - are - bounded by bluffs of moderate elevation—in some places, abrapt and steep, hi 'others gently' talOping. 1 . -Where theY are abrupt a heavy vein of ilinestone, composed of regular layers, crops out. Above the blutisffrem fifty to 'one hundred feet higher than the ' bottom land, there are beautiful, rich roll ing prairies, even more desirable for --ag .riculture in all its branches than the rich= es lands below - . - This second "bench" runs parallel with the valley, and is of va riable-width. Then comes another vein of limestone and another blufl",in some places. broken , Into beautiful and picturesque knolls. Above this there is a third and still heavier vein of limestone, over which rolling prairie stietches indefinitely. - .This description does not apply only to this lo cality, but to nearly all. the valley of, the Kansas and the adjacent higher lands. Perry is the natural mart for an eaten . sive area of exceedingly good land. Un til recently -this reeion belonged to the Delaware reservation, so that it has been but a short time in market. As the sur rounding country improves the town will grow. Alreadyit is an excellent market and shipping point for the West.; for it is a fact not generally known that the farmers of Kansas do now and ever will find their bestmarket in the West. 'Phis is the last really' g,obd agricultural State until we reach California. 'Colorado, New - Mexico and Arizona have some agri . vulture, but they can never, ~be self-sus . Mining. - They, as well as Western -Kan sas, are,piistoral - and mineral regions, and must always draw their, principal sup -plies from the rich farming lands lying , east of Fort Harker. The town is laid out on an extensive scale, the streets run ming parallel with, the railroad, number ing from one - to seven, and are perhaps a `mile in length. There are three or four ,good stores in the place, a hotel of no great pretensions, and shops for the usual mechanical operations. The people are intelligent and noted for sobriety and . good erder. The Presbyterians and Bap tists are both entering upon the work of erecting houses of worship. All this may suggest the day of small-things; but bear in mind that two years ago there was no town here. N. , J. Stark, Esq., a gentle> man than whom I have found none more energetic and generous, is the agent of the town company. - , TOPEKA. The other day I went up ,to Topeka, the capital ot the State. It is fourteen miles above this place. The old and principal city lies on the south side of the Kansas, on beautiful and gently inclining .ground;..biit-thl - eorPoritte limits •embrace both sides of the river. - The Pacific Hallway runs along the north side, and the city on the south side is reached by crossing a floating bridge. When 1 was, ' first there, in 1866, the north side was still in a state of nature—a little forest. • . Now it is a rapidly-improving town, . where much business is done. There are some: few business houses, a large hotel, 454:;c. But the city on the south has .. . . more than doubled in sire, and makes - , really a fine appearance. The State - House, one of the most imposing I ever - saw, built of Junction City stone, elabo rately, ' . yet chastely ornamented, is nearly completed. It stands on ground mode . rately elevated, and, is visible from the' window at which I am now sitting, four '-: - teen miles distant. , The population of the city is lietween 'six and seven thousand. During the year just closin g r , I was told that about two : i hundred ses were erected, some of ' them very co u od. Stone is a great deal more used than brick. Indeed I did ' not see a single • building composed exclu sively of brick. Many of .the stores have • - brick fronts, but the sides and rear arc of stone. The churches, so far as I noticed, • were' all of stone, and the dwellings either stone or frame. They have excellent ; building atone, to an unlimited amount in -: - the adjacent slopes—blu& they are. not. . ~ I was pleased with almost everything . ..l saw at Topeka except that miserable apol ogy for a bridge, on which two vehicles • , cannot pass each other, and for going over ..., which the most extravagant rates of toll . are charged—five cents fora man or -"" `woman, tivo for a sheep, and from fifty 4 4 cents to one dollar and a quarter for - - wagons- Vehicles have :to wait their . , - turn On the banks until the bridge i Clear , 4 of others moving in the opposite direc> tion. The width of the river is about the . same as that of the Allegheny at Pitts burgh, -, lncluding a small island ; in.the ; ventre. This nuisance will not Continue long, as the people are taking steps to have a good bridge erected, either free or , -- -at moderate rates of. toll. The travel is ,-- -enorrrions. As we came over yesterday .., -inorning in un (Minibus we met more .' tnan twenty wagons in less than half a a mile. -; As nearly all of the principal towns of •this State have colleges, so -Topeka is not behind in this respect. - Lincoln College was established in 1864; but recently the name was changed to Washburn College, , I partly bectoise other institutions have the same name, which caused confusion, and partly bemuse of a donation of $25,000 - - by the Hon. Ichabod Washburn, of Wor , • -cester ' - Massachusetts, to this College. • Dlr. Washburn died about the time his letter was written. It is in : .a flourishing condition. Tuition IS free to candidates for - the minis , ry to Union soldiers honorably discharged, to children of Home Missionaries of till - . evangelical denominations. .-: ,We had a snow storm of unusualse , verity for this State on the sth and 6th. `The-snow on a level lay to the depth of - -about twelve inches. In some places the drifYkWOO , 44 4 .A.V.V.t - and Sok-Vieltilk* the railroad up this - valley was ^seriously impede& Ilimrietirlia week, trains did not run regularly beyond Topeka. East of that there was not Innch difficul ty. For about a week-the weather con-f tinned cold, and sleds were brought into requh•ition, • after which beautiful,• mild, bright, Springlike\ weather set it; and now the snow has. nearly disappeared— melted and sunk into the earth: The streams arc but little affected. , In a day or two more the roads Will be drk and as good as ever. • • • .c. 'The Coming Ship.” The "cumin, ship," as the intended rival of the Great Eastern is desiznated, has at present been exhibited, in model only, in San Francisco. It is to be of the Same size as the, Great Eastern, ex cept that instead of\ ttwenty-eieht feet it will draw only eighteen feet, - and carry proportionally les& tonnage. It is de signed to carry four times as many pas sengers as any present style of ship, and to substitute for bunks regular beds; it will also give four times the space to a stateroom. The San Francisco Times says: The present mode of bunking pas sengets is unworthy of the age. Seal sickness if preventible by construction- Should lie rendered obsolete. - This &aid' 'datum is attained in Thomas' Silver's coming ship; it is secured by the propor tions of the ship; and by there being thirty feet less of the bull out of Water than the Great Eastetn, but the motion is rendered.almost imperceptible by a new device. The state-rocidis, instead of be ing at the outside limits of the vessel, are amidships; that is, along the centre line of the ship, where the roll is scarcely per ceptible: The saloon is to be five 'hun dred feet long, and clear of obstructions. It is not for dining, Instead of a public table, there are t 4 . be two competing res . taurants at the extremities adjoining the. saloons. The ship will sell passage.only; the board being payable as meals are or dered. It, is, contemplated to carry second , class passengers and ' third-class in the same way. The present first-class bunks I will be for third-class berths. A Marlue Vtlocipedv. Our enterprising velocipede proprietors, and those gentlemen who are establishing schools of instruction in the art, should make a note of the fact that Captain .Du i Buisson, commander of - Prince Na- I poleon's yact, the Jerome Napoleon, has 1 an invention whereby he proposes to run I a marine velocipede upon the water with almost the same' facility that Burnham and Hanlon run theirs upon the land. It is composed of two parallel tubes of cast iron, cigar shaped, connected by iron cross pieces. In the centre is the propel ling wheel, covered by a house or drum, on the top of which the person using the vessel sits comfortably in a sort of saddle, with stirrups. By means of these stir rups and a t hand crank upon each side, he gives the heel its motion, precisely as it it is given to a-velocipede on shore. The' novel craft is easily propelled, at the rate of six miles an hour. office. SECTION sth. That the Sherjff of Allegheny county shalt present the dictdis of all pt °peaty I thatinay be sold St judicial saes. whether for I par:ft:ion or, w, be Lay Euglneer and A Modern Literary IllstitutlOlt. surveyor for reglst• r fo-e be deliver.; the came The Philadelphia Mercantile Library ,toI he purebastr. and It shall be dee rued mli• !' denteallot 4 n eillce Oar the Clerk or 'Prothonotary Association is now finishing what will „ soy court to admit such d e( ( a to ice .rd until be far the largest edifice dedicated to lit • I the same is properly regiftt red, and the .aht erary uses in America. It is . in Tenth I sher iff is hereby authorized to demand and re street, between Market and Chestnut, and cell:0 from the purchasers of, such proptdrty for measures ninety feet by three hundred, Bald duty the sum of twenty-dve cents for ea to ch running almost through the entire block I deed. Irthe Sheri ff, shall neglt ct refuse from Tenth to tleYeranstreet. No such perforce the duty herein presented be be .ject to P fine th f Cod dollars for each offence, structure for the purposes of a library - to be recovered before the Mayor or any Alder• can be found anywhere else4tt of, d Mall of the City ol l'ittsborgh, by summary con. States, and the nearest appipach to it is viction or by penal actiGti In the name of said one just projected by the Young ]Len's I env , Mercantile Library, of Pittsburgh, to be ' sserlos shirt be the duty of the Pro built during the ensuing season. The tbonotary and clerks iff the several ethanol Al latter, however, like that In New 'York, legheny c 'only, In, %bleb procerdluits In pallid will have the whole first story occupied non may be ha•l, or judicial sales other than sales • • by the institution alone, the library being by the Sheriff, -mar be ordered or any other pro upon the ground floor back, and the read- ceedlings by which-paperty may(be divided or I transferred, whenever such Bales or proceedings ing-rooms in the first and . second stories _ affeet property within the city of Pittsburgh as front.--. North American. I soon as the s me shall have been completed], to ----"."16"."---- I make out and deliver to the Englueer and Survey 'or adescriptlon of the property so sold or divided with a description.of the porprals lad° which the saute may be divided, with the names of the or Ig• tnal owners and the names of the parties acquir ing Wieldy said proceedings, for which services they shall be entitled to receive the sum of twenty-Ore cents' for each certificate and the further sum .01 twenty, • cents for each hun dred words fir said description, to he charged as part of the casts of the ease, and any Prothono tary or clerk, who shall neglect or refuse to mate and deliver tile certificate heroin required, shall be subject to a fluent live dollars, to be collected before the Mayor or any Alderman of said city by summary that - ration or penal action in the name of said City of Pittsburgh, • . SEM lON th: Whenever the title to any lands within the C Ity ef Plasburs It *ball accrue by vir toe of a devise by will or descent by lair it shall be the duty of the cerisee or heir at law , to notify' the Engineer and - surveyor of thin fact with the date of the cath of the original cwncrs with an accurate description of the property 6o acquired. SCCTIO.w SO. if neitlar , the seller nor buyer, de' face or heir, or other pails, lvhohas aralu'red title to ItOokes and Imo's, In the' said city, our ern °Mem' above named elan ba4e ' furnished the description of the property, sold AS 11011861 d ,• both he, who may have parted with end he who acquired title, she I be liable for the., taxes and 35.5mi:emits theteafter assessed there on, ..without without right of reclamation,. or, con tribution (therefor. either against the other, and If the lauds or douses sold be after wards iold for taxes or assessment thereafter accruing as alien by rceddril, beforesitid duty than have been formed with the name of the former owner, the purchaser shall ardiulie . title of said owner and all clahnlng under him, but If the said dnty of making the return as.required by this act, st all bare been discharged be the party, who shall ' have acquiredtitle, In whatsoever manner, be fore the tax accrued. - as alien of record, for which the Faltie shin ',nee- beell sold, pure chaser, at the tax sale, shall not acquire the title of. such nelson. who stall have performed said duty, or big heirs or assigns, unless the sale shall have been made, In the name of such owner, af ter st rvicc of PrOieil upon him, as in the case of suit by summons. SECTION 9.b. And should the Chief Engineer and SurreYor apprehend that conveyances, or de, vises, ot descents of house!, or lauds, shall have Viten place without Wag reported to blot, he shall cause Btß'ell to be made therefor and peed. I:et .boOK Of plum; and every parson found delindpient for six mouths after acquiring 0 " as aforesaid, In inakag repai as afore-tali, shall' be liable to a fine of five dollars, to be ree wered by the saldl.Chief Engineer and Surveyor In the. nameof the c ty, as debts of that amount are by rec9Verable. • SLCVoIi 10. The Chief Engineer and Surveyor ,shall." ccd ll a - Pr o l er a otpl/ date,ll la, aarlri reports ailgedi u made to 'of desciptions, of boas, s and lands, .and shall g ivohlacertalcate,al the foot ofadupllc dte,of the description ordeserlptions, that, report has been made ',Molds office of the description of the eesig haled property or , properties when s duplicate of, a e molptions shall be,produced to him with the certificate written out fox his signature, and his certificate shall bo evidence fur ;her( celver of it, and any prononotarv, register, and all others, that t6lslawhasbeen.complfad with. SECro:c 11.11. 11.0.11 , 11 be th,,thity tx . er y A g . seasor,i ivheneyer bushel; find any property to bo from the name In the proper °aws:le:djaill(4elutrbeonlYd til,:leport such change to the Chi e f ,Englueer anti Surydyor,svithout 41 lay, and leasblon Furs. The richest street dresses are now trim med with fur. velvet or velveteen is made with twp skirts—the lower with pleated, flounce, df course; the, upper crossing in front like a shawl, and bar dered with sable, ermine, astracan, or grebe. The fur plush is used on velveteen with good effect. A short, tight jacket is worn with this costume, and the round pout should have a border of fur. The astracan osets—jacke4 muff and collar—which sell in New York for $7O a the least, cost in Vienna—how , little do you think ? Seventeen dollars only— as add have been brought:_over by private individuals which , cost that price. The Addition can easily be made by counting the variousprofits and dutiei whic h are imposed on such articles.—Neto York Tribune ( . A BOSTON PAYER tells this story about sculptor Volk : ' "Shortly before Lincoln was Inaugurated President in " 1861, an artist proceeded to his house in Spring field, Illinois, and with his consent took a cast of his head and hand, for the pur-. pcise of • securing a handsome pile by making as many duplicates as might he required by his: patriotic admirers.._ Mr. 1 Volk, the artist in question, was soon after besieged by certain ladies to permit them to exhibit and sell the 'heads and I lands for the benefit of the Sanitary Fair. But, when he came to New York, he dis covered that some shrewd. Yankee had I manufactured the articles by the hundred, and that they were exhibited in the Broad-. 1 way stores, where they were rapidly sold 1 for four dollars each. There was a slight 1 difference between the bust Volk cast and that of his imitator—Which saved the hat ter train-prosecution from infringement of 1 his right—but the difference was; some: what novel and ludicrous, for it consisted of the. real head of :Lincoln—that is, the bead•Volk cast—upon a bust originally designed'for Jeff., - Davis." ' • • TOE critic of the New York Tibias, in noticing iTecent'Parepa concert in that city,, remarks; "The defect in the pro gramme was that there was a great deal too much Rosa. and nut half enough Par epa. meam-of course, in a musi -threcal sense. Ile (the Rosa) . appeared , e times,- and the audience being hardened iwcrime - or steeped-in supineness,permitted him to play twice more byway of encore. RIB the curse of a fiddle that it always, gets' the exicore. 'lt is a Sisyphus of an isult- meat. If Mr. Rosa were the hest.of vio linists—which he is not—this would be too much. In his way, he )6 pleasant enough. He trots around his little mill with manifest pleasure to himself; and even amuses thosd who are looking .on. But it is enough to give one the blues to reflect that the nett time we'are,called upon to attend a Parepa-Rosa concert, we must hear Era st's 'Elegie.", ( PITTSBITItarcr GAZE TTE W ; .-vlkilk-A 4 EILNAUIPMkVX . FOR, TILE=ItEHISTRY OF:LOT3 IN TEE CITY OF FITTSBURGE. S ofox list. Pe it enacted by the Senate and House of Remeseutatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. in General Assoinli'y met. and 16 is herby enacted be author if] of 'he same. - The Chief finzlneer and Surveyor of the Mil: , 'of Pittsburgh, under an ordinal and appropria tion by the Couccils thereof, entice to be model oek:c.,f p'ans f the iiaid city, 1!Iv1,1,•4 Into sections. to fm• as tltz streets of sal.) city - are, Ot shall be; lahl out. which shall show the qtuatb n and tlimen‘ton'y of each property therein. with the chy s thereof and vino are the owt.ers, w:th such suCcession of blank c oli mns us will permit the naines of future owners to be enured _therlitti, with the date.= of transfer, and with hi. dex for recording such Tames alphabetically; and the person or persons who shall be employed to perform snob dilly, shall have access to all plans of su coy, in the offices of any Surveyor of the said city, to all books, in the Recorder of Deeds' Mike, and all records of the Courts, and in the Register's 'Office, and may take copies, or extracts thereof, without any charge therefor. SECTION' 2d. The original books, when:made. shalthe kept In the fire-proof of the Department of Surveys of the raid city, and the said Chief En• ittneer and Surveyor shall keep um the books in his office, so as so show, at ail dines• vvho are the Goners of the lots on the plans.; and Such bootg shall be kept in such manner as no' to destroi the evidence of the ownershlria at any jorevictus tithe; 'but *addltlOns, whritt will shrilt the sub divisions of property, and the owners thereof; as - t.anamlaslims of title mil' :Mita place; and the, said Chief Engineer and , Surveyor may Danish copies of the Said books, rpartg thereof, for such price as may be fixed by Councils . , for the use of the city; and his certificate shall- be'received in evidence us and for such proof as the assesstnent books would be, and lithographed copies of the said books may b. multiplied, 'and sold for the profit of the said city.., • . SE2TION 30. I; abaft:be:the duty of all owners. of h uses and lots to furnish, forthwith., descrip- Rocs of their property to the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, to std him In making up he books of plans; and whensoever such Aellutbtlon ,aball' bare been so furnished, and the certificate of the, Chief Engineer received, Lib property so erturned_ shall be subject to sale for taxes thcreafter to ac crue as a lieu of record thereon, except in the name of the owner as returned, and all such re turns shall be arranged and filed alpnaLetl cally. . SECTION 4th., To enable the Chief - Engineer and cerveyor of the city to keep up the said hooks of plans, it shall be he duty of every buyer of ground upon the planned Plot* of the city of l'ittaburgh, to make report to li'iin of every con. veyunce made, with the precise dimensions and locatty of the premises., ant so doing. tee same, shall be received, .without charge, and noted on the deed of cnaveyance by, the Assist ant of the said Chief Engineer and eur• veyor, but if eat& buyer shall omit said duly, the recorder of Deeds of said county or. Alle• 1311,enY, shall not alit Doi deed of conveyance to record In his Mice, and any recorder of deeds who shall adinit to record any deed or cmvey once of a lot or part of lot within the city of Pitts burgh, winch has net beep registered,. shall for each offense he subject to a fine of five dollars, to be recovered by summary conviction or by penal action in ice nani,l of the otk of. Pittsburgh be fore the Mayor ur any Alderman of sett city and Shan be I able to indictment tor mks& meaner in WEDNE , DAY,. JANL • tf. l lO l 34.AF h . fireliook form. by.-the 'proper entry. ' llirut without erasure orltirttametand. the fauttre of the•as3eisor to perform this linty , shall suhjeithim to a charge or ntrintiv'of Bve ddlarr foteacit om sbion. to tie •recovered debts of the alount thereof are re coveratle bylaw. Fiend and onion d to be puld'sheifvnce 1u the papers authorized to do the'elty prl tin r. J A . 511:S Sic A.ULEY Presided,' of select Council. Attest: E. S.ltortitow.. • Clerk of :elect „ou nen. ' S. 'r0317..n.:50N. Premfient ( I f Coninuor. Council. Attest: It. of common Cirtllle.n. MZtt=l= r - PEIALON'S "PAPEXAN LOTION," FOR BEAUTIFYING TBE SKIN AND COM PLEXION. Removes all Eruptions, Freckles.. Pimples, Moth Blotches. Tan. etc.. and renders toe dkin sort, lair and blooming. Fur Ladies In the Nursery. It Is Invaluable. For Gentlemen. alter abacit g, It has no} equal. "PAPHIAN LOTION" is the enly relluble remedy for disease and blemtshee of the shin.l "PAPIIIADI SOAP" For the Tani, and Nursery ) 'Bath: will not chap the akin. Price, 23 cente per cake. net► new Peritune 'for the Handkerchief. Taquisit , , delicate, lasting fragrance. -bold by all Drug gists. ! r PIL4LON & SON, New York. =ZZI Or' DAYCHEL4:IIII4 OMR. DYE. • o n l ynid Hair the beat in theieorld: thctrue and peMel Dye; harmless, stile-. Me, instantaneous; no disappointment; no ri diculous remedfts the 111 effects of bad dyes; invigorates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful. black or b'otore:. , " gold by Jill Druggists and Perfumers:and propet applftd at Batche lor's Wig Factory, No:1 Bond street. ' New ;g5 - MARRIAGE AND CELIRA CY.—An Essay Mr young men on the crane of Solltude, and the DlSEaleaB and A BUS ttS -which create int pedttne.uta to,MIatHIAHE, with sure means ot relief. Sent in seated letter en velotws. free of charge. ] Add , ess, Dr. J. b 10.1.- LIN HOUGHTON, Howatd Maculation, Piths de!plila. Pa. •. . Jalc BY IL B, BMITHBON ar, 00. BOOTS, SHOES AND CARPETS FOE THE ( M/LL/O.N. .SMITHSON'' .EMPORIUM, ' 55 AND 571IPTM AVENUE. 11 Messrs. M. B. SME MON & CO.. proprietors of the well known 51apaMoth Auction House are creating au excitement consequent upon the ar rival. of new goods which are being sold at re markably low prices. :Foods ()revery yariety; the finest sewed Le or', t e most • rashlonabla be moral gaiters aud a klet ehoes.• slippers, &c., blankets, flannels, cloths. casslmeres„ cutlery and carpets. Call ann examine. No trouble to show goods. Lartieir. misses , and chtldren's i furs at almost your own prices. All goods war ! ranted as reork,euted.. n 0.4 E-*EAL ESTATE. FOB SALE. 1 Acre at Woods Ilun. 4 Acres nu..lions. In Ens - . Liberty , 8 Acres, unlinprold. on Trey Hill, Or, 2 Acres on OrellS pike. 5 Acres on Four Bile Hun lion 13( miles from P. C I:. ( 0 . /trees near P. F. W. dr C. R. R. 118 Acres near Pa: IL it., Westmoreland coun t. 9. 0 Acres at 14111SI:de Station. Pa. R. H. . 4 Fatres In Prestnn county. W ent Virginia. 183 Acres In Armst rung county, underlaid with co 10si. 8 Acres and good improvements, In Trumbull sounty, 000 Acres 01 Timber land, with paw Mill and dwellings. House and Lot on Center Avenue, near Kirk patrick. y Hous and Lot on i'lcr stree ( House e and Lot Mt Vast o Liberty t. . House and Lot In Manstlekt. House and Lot on, Carroll street, Allegheny. House and Lot orq Beaver avenue, Houses and *Lots, very cheap, on Vine street.. Lots, very cheap, on Vine street. 2 Houses and Lot on Franklin street. 1 House of U RoOms and 2 Lots on lloberts St. Farms in Moots, Missouri and West Virginia. Coal ',rods in Allegheny, We-stmoreiand, Fay-. elms and Beaver equnties in Penna. 2 HOuses of 9 Booths 111 the 17th ward: rent {3OU 3 do. of 3 do ; do. 17th do. do. 14-4, do. of 3 do .10. llth do. do. 150 , do. of 6 do; do. Bth do- d0..300 1 do. of 0 do. du. Bth do. do. 300 1 do. of 0 do,, do. tibt do. do. 600 1 do. of 3 do} do. 6th o. do. 192 1 do. of 5 do; do. o'h do.; do. 240 1 do. of .4 drip do. 17th do. do. 108 1 do. of 7 do: do. 2d du. 1 do. of 0 do. Grant street. The Houses that I have for rent will be rented very low to good i tenants for the balance of the rental year 'APPLY AT ), D. P, Hatch's Real Estate Offic. No. 91 Grant St.,Pittsourgh. n07:p15 2,000, CHOICE j Union Poe ( I Lying along tki $l,OO And on s CM Or CHAO. FARM the subscribers offer for sale the farm of the late JAM Eli Fill. t ON, Esq.. of Middlesex tow n ship, Butler cininty, I'a , - , i Coat, ,inin. ,,- 150 Acres '-• - of good quality of lac dovell thnbe,ed and water d, WO acres under cultivation. This farm is 18miles , frem Allegheny City, and upon the .4. ffaxonburg Ttinnel Ridge road, convenient to churches, school and mills. For ,particulttis call on the subscibers on the prenals'es, or address r t them a t.;,,,h itown, Alieght ny county, l'a. 0. W. [FULTON. WO:n:0 . , 'ROBERT Fuurow ARY Z 7, iseoo. " 6 11.012 DE MATO," AUCTION SALES._ 000 ACHES. SFOISALE. BY TNE Railroad Company, ISTEILN DIVISION, • line of their road, at TO 115,00 EFS ACRE, is IT OP TICE IMAM. ,articulars, maps, &e., addregg For further p JOHN P. DEVERF.II/Le ICommiestoner, Topeka, Kamm. Land LELINBORN, Seolyi St.:L011151. 31195(113q,, UM OR BALE. VOIL th LE TO. her:- . -Illouses and Dot for sale In all parts jof tha city and ea warns. several P ARMS , to rood locations. Aiho; n unnII'IVOOLZN ir AC rOit wiqth 20 acres of land, wri*good improvements, widcb I will sell cheap and on reasonable terms. Business Houses to let on i eOMI streets. Private Dwelling Rouses fur ~trt, bout a w es . or her ling i nq uire of I ( WILLIAM WARD del ., 110 , Orton stroot. oDuoaltu Cathedral BIECBANICAIi ENGINEER. PERCEVAI4 BECKETT, nociBaNIOAL ENGIN/GDR, And Ilolleitor of Patents. (T.Ate of P. F. W. l & C. Ita(livar.) Mine. NO. 79 FEDERAL S'PREET, Room Nn. 2. stAre. P. U. .Box JILLEAMENY LIM • MACIIII 3 ERY, of all 'descriptions, designed. ISLAt}TFURNACE and ROLLINti 'MILL Mien IN 4. furnished. l'artienlar attention Paid to COLLIEitY LOCOMOTIVES* 'Patents ebnudeutially e f .licited. Air An EVEN ING DRAWniti. CL.W3 for mechanics every Vr&DtaiSDAII NisaliT. • arisuss IME THE NATIONAL LIFE IN COMPANY, OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMFRICA, WASHINFTON, D.'C. Chartered by Spectaf Act of Congress, Approved July 15, 1868. Cash Capital - $1.000,000. Bianoh OE N: PHELA.DELPHIA, FIRST NATIONAL RANK BUILDING, ' • ••-- Where the general business of the Company Is transacted. and to. Which all general' corres pondence should-lie addressed.' DIRECTO 4S: . Jay Cooke. , E. A. RolAins. Wasien. C. H. Clark, Phllada. 'Henry I). Cooke, Wash. John W. Ellis, Clueing. W. E. Chindler,Nitash. W.H. Moorhead. Phila. Sao. D. Deurees.Wash. Geo. V. Tyler. Phila. Ed. Dodge, N. Foals. J. Hinckley Clark, rhila. H. C. Faanestock,N.Y OFFICERS. ' I C. H. CLARE, Philadelphia. President. - HENRY D . COoliE, Washington, Vice PresiNt... JA.Y COOKE, Chairman ,FlLanceapd Execative Committee. EMERSON W.-PERT, Phil., Sec'yland Acthary. E. S. TURNF.R.Washlngton. Ass't Secretary. FRANCIS G. t3311'1 M..D., Medical I)lrcetor, J. MEDICAL. n.A.RS. al. D.. Ass't Med. Director. ADVIQORT BOAREk. J. R. BARNES, Stag. General U. S. A.,WaeLs'n. P. J• HORWITZ., Chief Medical Dep'T U. b. N•., Wathibgtou. D. W• LILLSS, Washington SOLICITORS AND ATT RNEYS. Witf. E. CHANDLER. Washington, D. C. GEORGE HARDING. Philadelhia, Pa. This Company, N(stional In its p character, offers. by reason of the Larg , Capital; g.ow Rates of Premium and New Tables. the {nova desirable means of insuring life let presented to the pub lic. .The rates of premium being largely. redneed, - are made as favorae 40e at ags ose of the best Mutual companiesd r avoid all tb the complications and uncertaintit_w bf Notes, DIM. dends and the misunderstandings she lat• • ter are co apt to cause the Policy-holders. Several new and attractive tabiel are now presented which need- only to be understood to prove acceptable to the ynabtic, sueli asINCuME— eItODUCING POLICY and RETURN rrtr.mi POLICY. In the former. the policy er notintly secures life insurance, payable at ~ but will receive, it living, after aperiud of a few years, an manna/ tnsontsegual an ten. per tent. (It) per oent.) of the por of hiapSiten. 'Elie I. t trr the Company agrees to returntu ths assured. the total amount of money rsehasi vairk In act-. ditto% to the amount of his pobiey. The attention of persons Centenquating 111511011 g their lives or Mereilaing• the amount or In trance they al ready have, is called to the &pedal advantages offered by the National Life. Insurance Cora- , Pan e Circulars. Pamphlets and full particulars given on applicathdi to the Branch. °Mee of the Com pany in Phitadeiphia. or its General Agents. LOCAL. AG r..N 'IS AUK WANTED in v eer( -Cif city and 'lowa; and applications (row couipe y - , tent parties for such (rieencles with suitable en dorsement. should be its dreased let THE .COM • PAN I'S GEN HAL AGENTS ONLY, in their l l respective districts. CiIt.S.II:AL A o.r..zyrs : 'E. W.- CL A RE s CO., Philadelphia. For Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. LAY .t CO.. WaDtington, D. C.., of Colu For M mbia and Na aryland, D es ela t w Virgiare. nia. Virginia, pistrint B..II4eVAT et CO., Agents for-Allegheny. Beaver, Hallett, Mercer and Washington counties. For further particulars address B. S. RUS SELL, Manager fur tieneratAtient..liarrist :ay u trg , ra. • he:a:me ENTERPRISEI SU RANCE CO, OP PITTSBURGH, PA, °Moo. No. 424. PENN NATION'AL TROST CO. BUILDING.) DIRECTORS: ) Robt. Dickson, Sold. Liddell, W. Frida4, G. Media, U. Van e l l,, IF. Hirsch*. E. H. my e rs, it unurrisch, ',Chris. Siebert L. J. BUuaubard, IJ• Weisser, te. Schlldeeker E. l ll. MYERS, President. R 1 OB '. DLC KS, is. V icp yresidunt. ll° it.T. J. Li It 1E It. "e re a urer. elaitiwp .1. ALRIETZ. Seeretarv. WESTERN INSUILANCE COM- PANT 0Y :PITTSBURGH. • LEI:ANDER ?MUCK, Pre ildent. WM. I% HERBLILT. Sea'etary. CAP'S. OF.eIgtirINEELD, tieneral Agent. Deice, 93 Water street, Strang A Co.'s 'W are. house, -up stairs, Plltsbargh. , Will Inzure •agatust all kinds of Fire and Ma rin. tasks. , A home Institution, managed ,by Di rector. who are well 'known to the community, and who ar, determined by promptness and liber ality to 11111D14111 the character which they hare assumed, as ru tering the best, protection to those who desire to b. insured. DIURCTORS: Melllloet Wiltilet, Jottu R. McCune, R. Miller, Jr.,• Chas. J. Clarke. James McAuley. ' William B. Evans,- Alexander, t4peer, ~ Joseph Kirkpatrick, Andrew Acklett., , PhilllP_llefieer. Darla M. Long', Wtn. Morrison, D. lhmsen. noif7 imrEni.e.L FIRE INSURANCE CO., •NSF LONDON.• ESTAULISMED 1803. CASH CAPITAL PAID UP AND INVESTED isIINDS EXCEED LNG $8,000,000 IN GOLD.. Inehrance ,aGgont ?Wles eeatend MRrOcWhaenSd aned Builings, , Steatobeats, /c. Policies issued payable in Rohl or eurreney• 'United. otates Branch Offic.e, 40 PINY STItEET:New York. All lonses of the United States Branch will be adjusted In New York. .1. Y. 11113:31:;1.17G1ILIN, Agent, .PiTTOI3I.IOOII. I'A: Ornce, 07.F011111T0 STUEET..- MR. IdeLAUGULIN a also Agent for tne Man• hat tan Life Insurance Company. sown ENNSYLVINIA , INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTISSURGH OFFICE WOOD STREET, BAN 0) cosoi E Z:; l o tkir sis it Home Company, snit Insures spans -- ice. e Fire y re exclusively. LEOBA.RD wALTEE.,,Yresitlent., C. C. BOYLE. Vice President: ROBF.BT PATRICK, Treasurer. • HOW' McELILENY. Secretary: .' RIErECTOIId: Leonard Walter, Geork.L wkson, C. C. Bovie, ' • 6EO. W. Evans, Robert Patrick, J. C.' Lappe, Jacob Painter, J. C. Fleluer, Josiah King. John Voegtley„ Jas. H. Hopkins, A. M3llllOll Henry Sprott', INDEDINITY AGAINST LOSS_RT FIRE FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO,OF PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, 435 8 SIWT CHESTNUT ST., n4ar b Ti[ • DIRECTOes. - • Charles X'. lianclier, I blordecai H. Louis Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown, • Samuel Urant, Isaac Lea, • . Jacob R. Smith, Edward C. Dale, 6 ".orge W. Richards, • .Ii: Pales, CHARLES D. HAS P:C President... EDW. D. DALE, Vice President. t W. C. STEELE., Secretary, pro tem. ( J. tiMiDNF.R. CO FIN, AGSM. North West corner Third and Wood Streets • pE r OS 4. I.EP INSILJELANCIE COST OFFICE, IL E. COUNTER WOOD & FIFTH ETB Home ClomOlin Wan g Fire and Mulne Maki DlnteToltS: Wm. Fhllllll6, • Capt. John L. =owls John Watt,. Samuel P. Salver, John R. rarks, r Charles Arbuckle,. Cant. James Miler, Jared M. Brush, Wm. Van lark, . Win F. Lang, James 1). Verner Samuel lisCrleltart W5l. rtra.Lirs, fresident. • • JOHN WATT,N. lee President. • W. V. (LULU:Et:EA_ Beereu. I y. OA.PT. JAS. tiORDON, general Agent. ..-.:4=V3 IT INI — ON tgrNE W: ' OPERA BOUM. 1 Lessee fIz.NPRREON. Mana7lT • . PANNING. SECURE SEATS DE RING TILE DAY.( LEst 'Neck of the great get Burlesque. TIVE EFFIN GAVEL'. • An entire eliana . e - of prOgranzine. Two Bur lesque_hi one night. . - - • MEDEA: Or thy Bot. of Motheri tctth altrutt of )iuNband, and as lbe bloom! , ii!ow Twankt•y; ALADDIN, TILL WOM.' , ERFUA. SCAMP. mom) a' and TIIE:dJA V. •lanuaiT• :2.3th and . 96th. 154'.0. • Lonlnaw,ll Matireo on Eirturday. Alll ERMAN T TIE AT it E (T.,te ii:imm.E's V AEI £,TI ES. , 1 1,- • C. i±.:llYTtif, Lessoe and .Vanager DIMENSF. SUCCFAiS OF THE eItOWDS TUR:CP.D AWAY CIL\ NV'F. OF PIZ,OGRA3I3II: NRAITLI? GO EARLY TO SECURE SEATS! SPLENDID BILL TO NIGHT! See rrogramme.i. Doors open at e 1 o'clock; commence at 8 WrirrsitlLlßGH THEATRE. IL W. WILLTA3IS .. .. St.ole Lessee.and Manager. GEORGE R. ED hs.o` • . 'stage Manager. New Faces and Old FfINOTIteS: The European artistes, M 'LL E COUTELLIr . It and BR( eTHEIt upon the F:Vng Trapeze. ssmuel S. Sanford. H. . Eagan. Viola Clifton, Ada iriebutourt, 'Miss Julia S..nlord. Saar-. Vere, Otorge It Edeson. Emma Marsh, rßurton, ..•nute nagan. Lacy . JO.Nle FOrward T IME. great drama, entitled TELE MARCH OF Distil:lee on Saturday afternoon. WBVIINELVIS 111111,E1111- AND PARLOR MENAGEREO, The Great -"Family 17.:eacorte. 711"111 AVENUE:, between ftdthdeld and Wood E•treeta.'oppostte 014,Theatre. the year(vonnd. - /Fir Open Day and Evening, all Aamlasion, %Scents; C - Aldren.,ls , cents. tTHE GRAND For the Dentin of the Si& an,' Poor, WILL OPEN IN IHE • BASEMENT OF THE CATHEDRAL ! ' On Monday Eventag, Jan. 25ih,1869. A Sae band of music will be in attendance each evening, and,rare attractions will be intro tioced. Admtasioxi, Ri3 cents. WTRINITT CHURCH MISSIONARY FESTIVAL. Annual Sale or Needle. and Fancy "Work AND REFRESHMENTS , tn- the SCHOOL ROOM, on: WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, 25th and 26th Inst. Noon -day Lurd:lean and E,apper each day Entrance at the Church gate, on Sixth avenue jat'i3:(ll:6 :"...47F 113E1 P, ART EXHRBITiOPi. The Annual Exhibition of the School of Design sciii commence an Tuesday, SanUary 26. at 10 A. M., AD CONTIATE FOtR• DAYS. _ FIVIO. 10 A. It. to 10 D. it., coiner of Wood and Sixth nvnutie. )32i: FAIR IN MAN SFIFLIL- Fair lOr the benefit of the in the vlllage of Mansfield will open on the 18th of JANUARY. andwilleouthaue for two weeks. , Trains on toe Panhandle lzwad leave the 'Union Depot for Manag-Pt !laity &L. 3:25 and 4 :. :53 p. M., returning at UP. jai? GLASS, CHINA, CUTLERY. 1 1 HOLIDAY GIFTS. i'll"TE VASES, BOHEMIAN AND CHINA. NEW STYL'ES, DiNN ER' SETS, • zETS , GIFT GUrs, SMOKING SE `A , _ Urge stock of '_SILVER PLATED .GOODS BEIKEU -100 No SHBBTINGS AND BATTING. ....... ...... liotABS, BELL & CO., lANCKpIi COTTON MILLS. tscwrers MEDIUM and LIGHT PEARL MILL FAMILY FLOUR. PEARL MILL `'three Star Green Brand, equal to FRENCH. FAMILY FLOUR. Thls Flour will only oe sent out when espe ciahl crdered. • rEABL NELL BLIT. BRAND, • Equal to best 6t. Loofa. PEARL num, RED BRAND,' Equal to best Onto Floor. WHITE CORN FLOUR AND CORN REAL. - • • B. T. KETINE.DY & BRO.* Allezhetiv, Sept, Si. ISIII4. gisar.. MILL. inV C 0 ANY: F4IRI lv ew Catholio ClixLveh. /00 WOOD STREET. of nil descriptions Call and examine our goods, and we feel satisfied no one need tall to be united. PITTS.BTJI txl . ALNCII.O)3 &ND XiAtiNOU& SW' STINGS . AND FLOUR. GAS AND STEAM FITTI JOFiIi 2S . COOPER JOS. NAT'L •..111SUP =RR. JOHN. M.:COOPER &C 0.4 BRASS FOTTNILEILS, GAS AND STEAM FIVERS, Aianufteturerp of rU311•16 AND BRASS WO 'Aiii-N.l.AVlZtignilleit= Elful Cor of Pike and Walnut Streets, PITT SAUR.pET I int , i •.' LITHOGRAPHERS. um:Jaunt sixiitiator PHILIP clam QINGEBLY & CLEIS I Successors kj to pr.O. F. Scauclutt.s C 0. ,& PRACTICAL LITILIOGRAPIIERS. The only one Ithcrgraphic Establishment eko of the Mtns. Business Cards, Letter Heads. Bonds, Laheli Cirenlars, Show Cards, Dtptomas. Fortraits,,Vtawn„Cortineates of De uts, Itivtuidot , &c.. Nos. 'la and 1 N TWA Irtroet. Pittsburgh. II II 1 & CO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers