~. IRONWORKS. DUQUESNE WORKS, COLEMDI, ROM & CO,, Ma-nufactoress of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES. AND SPRINGS, , Duquesne. rot', Sheet and Tank Iron, it:mitts Iron. Wagon Box Iron. Charcoal Iron. t pander iron,.E.l. tron s .rianged Cutter Bars, Guard Iron, 'Drag and Dropoer Bare, T Rail for Coal Roads, Iron Wedges, Flat Rail for. Coll Roads, Boller Iron, Crow Bare Chain Links, Boiler Helios. Steel nd Iron Harrow' Teeth. Carriage, Walton, Beat- ud Coach springs, and. Axles, art styles: Slab S l for Plows, Cultivator Steel, St eel Wings i ee And wilds cut to fpittern. o,.rtoa steel all sizes. A.. B. Steel and Steel T ire , Steel Crow Bars, Steel Shafting. Ac. ALL GOODS FIRST CLASI AND WARRAN TED. , ; i i /13-0211cts. and Works lOth street and : lle gbeny river and 17 WATER STREET; , Pitts- -4 i? r wr r twa. a't EBNER. res`t...... W . P . OS uP . 1101111TTSUURGII FORGE a. ... . AND IRON CO., isigur—Abas 07 Bar iron; • - Railroad Tiell Bars mot Bolts; Bahraini Car Axles Rolled; Railroad Car 'AXtell Illanamertidi; Locomotive Frames; Locomotive Frame Bhagat; Bide Bads: Yokes, Straps;: : Piston heads; Steamboat Shafts; • • Steamboat Crankin. Piston Rode, Wiliam, Pitman Jaws, Collars, Re. <Moe, No. 177 PENN .SICREICT, PITTSBURGH. P. VVERSON PRESTON & CO. , Pennzylvnitia Iran Work& Waiehouse, Nos.. — l46' 'andlB7 :91.1p3T STEERT, o e poslie Mononim..tei a goose, . aD24:d6 STNELEN WORKS, DIJEWEISNE . 4 IRON 00 STEEL WORKS; COLEMAN, ItAELM & C 0 .9 . ILULIZUFACTEULELS Or Iron, Nang • 9lnd liteeli:Varrlage find • Wagonliprlike and Axles. _ , Duquesne, XL. and Juniata ' Merchant Bar, Bound a.idSquare Iron; Bang, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; "Cal, Half Oval end Ralfßound Iron Cylinder and Wagon &a Iran; Drag. and Drop 'Toler Bare: .T and Flat. Hall ter con Roads; Cut Nails and Spat= "Um, ntntng and & B Keel; Laminated tneel: (loft r.r Bars. Crow Bars, Ste. Office and Warelionse-77 4 .VATElt iSTBEET, SIEEFFILELD mom WORKS. • 81141M,.t E GO:, ' PITTSBURG-11. PA.. Manniacturers of every description of CAST A_ND , GERMAN STEEL, gsn.WO.Y SPFJNOS, ELL iP7IC PLATFORM SPRD7G. , 3, AXLES. STEEL TIRE, ac., &c Warehouse, 83 Water swAl 100 First St. lILL , ER, - BARR 81..•PARKLN.. 613117. EAL 'PAIVENE.IIS: Wq. METCALF'.I REUBEN MILLER, GE"). W. BARR, CHAt?. PARKIN. SPECIAL PAP:LIME-S. M. KIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, _MILLER, _BARR ..8.; PARKIN, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTSBIIIIGH, PA 1t14:d48 BLACK STEEL WO4KS. EIRHK, BROTUft N ' s • Montane:di/rent of all descriptions of EliaranlMlCA: „ , . .Office Sad Warolionse,l2ll. 129. 194132C0ND and-119 non 121 lellibT ISTREEII3, NOVELTY WORKS. piTgrSBURGII NOVELTY WORKS. ~YoniLid A; .IL 18= ADAMS, M'EEE & llJLlCl:rf.lrltilikS OP IKETFTONEETANDLTID.).FACSBANV. , B:TAT- ; ENE) PLIV/FOgg.td *Nig C1a1.N.22E8 SCALES. ', " Jane Faced 'Patent Ikbr Loc:La and Latcheg, ; . ;Paint and gon'ea AXIBNER:OP ,17111. , 5T - ANEFUR4 ORA= it ' ll, Pittaborz". COPPER. LILAME SUP . E1 : 1.11 . „011 aiorprat znia;mum's VOBIS: Prra1134311J14431-i. PARK, McGTJRDY & GO., Algantsfacturers of Sheathing, Brasiers' and Bolt 1134apper; Prettedeopperßottoms,lialsed Still Bot toms, Speiter Solder. Also, linpurrers cad Deal ers n Metal, Tin Plate, dheet. Leon, Wire, &c., von otautly on hand Minolta' Maritimes sa.d Tools. Warebouse, No. 140 IrlitST STIGE‘T and 1:14) -11BCOND ST BM ET, Pittsburgh. • .Boecial orders of Conner cat to ant , diisired pat- Ite-n.. • mq14.r514./isger STONE. WEST CORIBION_ Machine Stone-Worke, Northwest corner of West Common, Alleghpay, FRED% ATVATER &IGO. Have on haiid or prepare on short notice Hearth and Stcp fstones, - Flags for tHdewalks„ Brewer: 'Vaults, hc. Head and Tomb Atones, &v, Orders nmtnntitreiter.impd.: i.rlapiertqtannii:l' A/ONET 11101VEtt !,—54,060 to Invest In. a-lion/age on City, or County Witierty. for a tenn'of Dave years - . „, $2.000 to loan on Bond and-Mortgage for -4 years. WANTED—Business or Accommodation Paper to the amount of $20,000; time from 00. days to 4 mouths. • , WASTED — To exchange a Farm of 160 Acres of -Land In Mibsourl for a Faintly Horse and sprine Wagon. B. Apply to MeL AIN 2 CO, de4 Corner Fourth ay. and Smithdfdd at. lc - oTICE.---Persons owning nroetty fronttneor abuttimron Alkeos eve -nue, In the city of Pittsburgh, will please take notice the report of viewers. In the matter of the. opening tf AlSeynil Ayellun, has been placed in My banes. The ass e.sments; It not paid on ere be fore rehrn- Arsl 11th 11280:40.11 be l'htered In Court aspens. _ J. I 4 bLAlltif.. Cite Attorney, /5/2:49 .).06 Fifth Aveout. FOUNDERE I , MACHINISTS. KNAP FORT PITT FouNDRY, COYPANY. OFFICEAND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, 'PA. rgir Engines, Rolling Mill Ma chillers-, Nail Maphines, ( Re torts, and Caslingsgenerally. NATIONAL I'oWirDirk AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Eimaliman !kraals', (NINTH WARDO Prx-rtsl3l:fuomi„ WILLIAM SMITH • . • XantiftiOtlx:ver ;Of. = OA= IRON BOWL PIPE roB. OAS AND.WATITR WORKS. My Plow are all cast tllVeltiliblyill Pits, In dry sand, and likftet lengths. Also. rullassortment of qenoral • , • , Castings for Gas and Water Worts. *I lecuild alsocall On attention of Briper***• 'eriVs of has Works td lay than of RETORTS. ATLAS WORKS, IidORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, ralrrerisuitaall. WINONA'S N. NILI.F.R, lE"residerit. These Works are among the largest and most complete establishments in L tite Wait, end are now prepared to tursdsh - Engines, of every description. Boilers, Oil Tanks. Sheet ir_oe Wols. Railroad Castings. lialltsat, JIM Castings. Engtne Castings. Machine Castings. General Casting!. , ORDERS SOLICTrED n09:n69 Q. 0. LITINGBTOK W. a. sum W. A. LIWUNISON. J.t. J. LIVENGSTON & co., IRON FOUNDERS, MANUFACTURERS OF FINE LIGHT 'CASTINGS, All descriptions. for Plumbers and Gan Fitters ; • Agricalturtillimpleinents,Ortion nndPr Ms ntanery, An JobWora.promptip attended to. Office and Works—WASH/NG-TON ANZICUE, near Outer Depot. Allegheny City, Pa. 'IIIIOBUC3ON, REA br. COQ r. Successors to BOUM:3OW, mum a mrixass, WASHINGTON"irimirs , FcILINDERSAKI MACHINISTS, PITTSBMRGH, Minnisaniers Gf Ifaft[t ind . StidOnaryefeam Lra gllnnes Blatt Engines, kfill Machinery, Bearing, dilating, Castings of al. descriptions: Oil Tanks &no Bolierawiliheetirtin tWOrit. Came, Y.io, •corner Pim and liznithfield Street.. Agents ter.Gl - rFARp'S PATENT IN.TIC_CTQII. Tor trot:Ling. Bonet% • • . 1 •f. ; n i tioNT BLANC FOUNDRY. . , . der Stre e t, Niitth Ward, ' Egg NIB and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACIIINETtY kith CAsTINOO Orders promptly and carefully executed.. Maros reasonable. 'PIITBBETROK. THOMS CARLIN & Fourt4 Ward Femadil add lachine Works, EIA2S27Z7BKT ST., A.LLEGHZNY CITY, PA., lifainfieiure' re' of Stagin Etienne; Oft Pretseg, raneysilibardnir, Grist and ISsw 31111:Work, ling Itllt and. Machine Cuttings, Orate Bars , , lglrts, Wagon Bonet, /tn. Build to order and Lave on band Enemas or all sizes.' mTH:qt C&NTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS sso Penn Street., BOLLKAN, 13011:1 BAGAUY. ChM Bolls. 261111 Cutlass, 8 0 0 Lathes, &c. Lu!tutzas Liprampliq ALEXANDER PaTTEIRS9Pir: i Dealer ia s all Kinds 04 Lumber. ON HAND AND FOR BALE: 1 0014000 feet. Dry Fine Boards:. •• 180.0 W feet 15i and 2 Inch Clear Plant; 30,000 feet Dry men Common plank; 30,000 feet Dry-1 and 4 bleb (fat: • .25,000 feet Dry A. 2) and Inch Ash, 5.000 ft.' Dry A. i5l, to. Cherry & &lapis, 30 , 000 Dry 1, IA, and 3 Won Poplar: 10.000 feet Dry Poplar tleantllnn; 250.000 feet, Hemldelt Johns and Sesztimo 150,000 No. 12.1nch !Shingles, unwed; 200.000 No."170-inch Shingled, sawed 40.000 No. 1 10-Inch Ml:angles, slave d; *O,OOO Flre Arida; . . . 1,000 Fire Tiles • r 100 Tons Fire May; • YA):irs-No.islo,3ltElyLP.; -3THEET. formeily blanches ter; and -167 It EBECOA. STREET, oppe. WorksAlleirlit-nY 9. alts the Oas , C/1 . . SAMUEL M. WICii.FfRSHAMo 'EON EROKER, 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Agent for the sale of. Cornwall ? Donghamoie t ! ailebtptilne, Isabella, tioncannon,htanhope, Glen don, anci other bracCa of Anthracite, Youghio gheny Coke and 0, B d (.210rOblae . • • Cons , gnmento are most res niftily 'elicited PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: (Opposite llnioh Iron Mills.) x;1:1:4:1 Ejt,:i i;pil LUMBER. r, -K IRON BROKERS- PlCii ENGINES, BOILERS, &c. HUGH E. BOLE & CO., Car. Point;Alley and Duquesne!An (Muir, Tturrourr,) Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES of all alzes. Special attention invited to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINk. AND PORTABLE BOILER, of 15-horse power. CASTINGS. of every kind, made toorder atonr foundryci F t tlGS or ali STREET below Market. HANEll6,3Oleca nd TO BACG 0 SOREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order, at the _ INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny River, near theXatit, PITTSBURGH, PA ler All orders promptly filled. TRY US. FRT () ; LE PITT B 11, ) , STILL AND TANK WORKS. , - CARROLL & SNYDER, NALittITACTIJEMBS Or TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLITED TUBULAR. FIRE-SUM AND OYLINDER,.STEAM BOIL EBB; OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHLWEI AND ASH PANS, SETTLING. PANS, S - S, SALT, BANAND. CON DENSERS; . STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS. AND IRON BRIDGES; PEWS DOORS AND COAL SHIITES Oftlee and Warehouse, corner Second, Led, Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. . Ordcra sent to the above a!ictreaa will be promraly attended to. tntintla WM. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON W ORKERS, • NOS. AO, AA, Afik AND 25 PENN ST. Having Peattred , a large yard S t ud furnished_it wan the most approlred`machinery we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS In the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, 13temn .Locomotive Boilers, Coridensers,'Salt Pans, Tanis, .011 Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole manufacturers of Barnhill's Pat ent Boilers. Repairing dose oh shortest notice. I silicitt JAMES M. BITER, N ' . 55 and 56 Water Street, .- • e irrretivisism, FA., , ILLITOTECTCPSE OT IR X OIL TANKS, SE ING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIPE, BOLLING MILL STACKS, . _ WORE. IRON ORE. I For Steamboats. JABXD ..... zDtrinw D. =win ' J r Z I ED & SON, MANTITACTVEJLEII3 01? 8 Boilers,.oil Stills, Tanks. aninET IRON WORE, &O. 61 Penn Street, Plitt:burgh, Pa. — ST I.TES, 'CA r.., BEST STO A. BRADL Manufacturers of the gr Cooky Parlor and TO SE POUND, dole Agents for the eels .! Orioatal Stoves and Yu Coke. B 'At in the World for Chnrcti. Fire needs no rek ter. Do Doll, ty. until you se No. 30 WOOD Our Agents for Orlentils , Smithfield 6t.; UEO. HUB; nurr, KU ILLNUFACTURERS OF SITC , BOSTON coo `•THE FIERY 701 WAILYING THE NEW ANTI-DEtT COOKING STOVE, "REGULATOR." COLUMBIA COOK STOVE. TAN'S t Cincinnati Pattern) PORTABLE RANGE C ksT IRON MANTLES. WELLIILAN'S Ej 4.E.OTOR,BATES.. Irtrat Mit Api:l But ; (pIATE,XRUNTI4 REND . &Cr., , , F , 206 arid 208 - LiberfifsPlitreeti , ITTSBURGH, PA. - . 4P25:y17 COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL as c 0.% TRIUMPH, FOR SITTIMINOUH ,QOA.L. ME Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as Nell as any other Stover in tliailfon••' • , BISSELL dr, 'CO., No..2.B6.Liberty Street. j, I.n on handand for tile, PARLOR STOVES, • REA.TINO STOVES„ ORATE FRONTS, FENDERS, - • MOWING .u.aNcirsi obc. . PAPER. PAI#EII.IMAMI— BACTUBING COMPANY. Manufacturers of • PRINTING WRAPPING PAPERS CLINTONMILL . --STETIIi ENVILL E. 61110. BRIGHTON HELL—NEW BRIGHTON' PA. oancE 4ND wmistrousx:_i No. 82 Third Streot, Pittsburgh, EL OPTICILIIS—AIIGUST TIARTJE, President. JNO. it . LIVINGSTON, Treastertra' SAMUE RDDLE, Secretary. • • Drniteronn—Augy L st I Hartje. • loVl , APsfell . i B. H. Hartman, Johu IL I • ington. Cash Dahl for Payer Stock. ; JaZkoin WINES. LIQUORS, &C. °SEPIK S. & C 0.,, Nom. 183, 10$7, 189, 191.103 and ' 'FIRST sTREIns. PITTSBURGH, ZuronCluidus 5pr t, .,;.,, Copp; DISt Wed , Pare Hie if filikey. . Alio. dealers la FOREIGN WINES and LI QUORS, SOPS, Se. mh2a.nal VffDlitoj*fy-TANl:frAit't—t:lsd9. (, FORT P 1 No. corr. STOCKHO GOY INTEREST Collections tilt Culled 13 D. Hostet James tior D. Wallace Z. Fawcett NATIONA Cor. of Wood and Sixth tits. A. PATTERSON ........ President» JOB. H. RILL Cashier. CAPITAL, : : .$509,000. I DIRECTORS: George W. Cass, H H. Pal g mer, k ou d: l Wm. Das, ' Ma Ree I • A. Patterson, Wm. H. Brown, Math Lockhart, Dart.'.lL' Davidson,' W. B. Havtn, DISCOIIBI44 DAIL amgoza I - - 13 Corner rir4 mid ,Food Streets, "JPITSI31:711G11, (1311C011ESSORa TO HANNA., fIART a 00.4 DZALTIIS fl Exchange, : Coin, Coupons, And particuilar atlntt i o a li e p o ttd to the purchase COVBRNNIENT BONDS. Stght Drafts on London. Mylam I N. HO 34491.114472LW0R1E5, Collealonamade on all the Principal points of Ms United btatas *Ad Canadaa, Stocks,Bends and other &turn* Botiowi, AND SOLD ON oomfosioN. Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of - I United' States Securities. ja3d:al 1 &o pITTSIKRGII ['E S . Y & - CO. I • .atest variety of Formerly tlef DIME SAVINGS INSTITETION. No. t Four t h Street, 141z.f.nrr OrSOmit 10K BANK OF PITTB➢CEOH. - EHAUTERED LN . 1609. 'OPEN' DAILY from 9 to 4- o!clock, and on WEDNESDAY and SATUILDAY EVENINGS, (ruin May Ist to November • Ist, from 7 to 9 o'Clock. and from November Ist to May Ist, 6 to )Rooks of 11 -Laws; fritnished it the 06lee. Pllll5 lnstitlltt non especially oiler to those whose earnir.gs itredimited. the opportunity to accumu late, by small deposits.•easily saved. a sum which will be a • rucpuree when needed, and bearing in terest instead of HOARD rainin MA g A unpttEl4s:roductive. em OF N • • I'UNSIDENT. GEOUGE A. 13ElraY. Incr. PIIII,44IDENTS, S. H. HAHTMAN,. JAMES PARS, Jot. eating Staves, ITHE STATE. 1 .• rated Bue Burning 'goes tor..liard Coal, or I Paribr,o elec. bore or udling—, burns all win.. or schd for Circular, STREET. . . - O.IILER EY. Allegheny CWT. US &CO., SYCIitTAIIV AND TRICASUII.S.II, D. E. MeKINLEY. A. BRADLEY, WM. K. NIMICE, I A. s. BELLI ItAI{M. JOHN S. DILW'ORTH, j JOSHUA RHODES, G. FOLLANSBEE UIIN sCorr JAS. L. GRAHAM , 1 U. C. scaMERTZ, • CHRIsTOPHER ZUG. SOLICITORS—D. W. k A. S. BELL. mhl4:ll3l' !vsrsy yistsirrY or lINGtRiENCI FURNACE, " , ECLIPSE 1 PETROLEUM REFINERY, A . -,- • - , , .--, • -, - ~, , itEll IMT W. C. T*EDDLF, ,, 1:1 MANUFACTURER. 01T Lubrieating & High Test Burning Oils. 'clips', Railroad Axle 01.1. Stands 6 :4ra beat without change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Vil for tropical ellmates or hot weather. XOCOMOtIVes Etiiilnepßachiri,Sh°Po , ar /194rept iloretrti 1 , i ~ ) , 1 Sa It 111 - tind - Plinini 311111 . 1/liii." Adapted for high speed. Ogiltidle Oil. Modlilireit&tlglitoll; col. Tanners' Stnir. Be n zoi c , /FM it FiniPhialrOtis ItiIIUSUI Inlet Illarness Oil ll'arratrine. ARMOR VARNISH. to preserve Bright Iron Wert and Machinery from dust. .. These pro tects are manufactured ruder Dr. Tweddie's pttent br 8 uperheated Stearn in VIM-. tiro. The Lubricatlng tills are almost odorless, perfectly pnre. uniform. and mostly light col ored. stand a high temperature unchanged and remain Illnpid during extreme cold. The - Railroad ohs are unequalled, and aro In constant use on many of the principal Railroads Samples can bp examined and orders left at 1.14 Wool/ STRELV, Works at ishsrpaburg lirldge. BE WrAitl*G AND KING; Comintialon Merchants and BroXers In ,Pdtroleuri, and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, tiS 1 . 1 7 21 1 1 1 3 , !MIMI Wits ERYLADEPRIA ADDRESS, TACK BROTHERS,, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 4ND DEALIBB IN • l'ofrideuni ;: a*lll its Products, rittsburgh I DifIes—DA.LZELL' 8 BUILDING, corner of Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. Philadelphia oface-1317 sll4l' 13*. ' spina) , TT , M. LONG ,&?, X.A.NIFF.A.OTIIIiiiIt,S OF PURE WHITE BURNING OIL, ..• -= • , z Bran/J-1 ,0 /d UCIFBB.OO Office, No. S Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh, 122C.)11 T BANKING BOIIPANY, 169 Woo& ,S4mt, ~. • • • -•- COM 000 . ••• • • LDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEdLEEtS IN TMENT SECURITIES AND..col.D ! t -, ! nowEpON TIME DEPOSITS. made on all accessible Pants In ates and Canadas. DpECTORS: J no: 0 Blither, 'told.lLag, • , Andrew Miller, James M. Bailey. L. aleci.trßlLts, PreVl. LEgr •: ' ,LSOR. Cashier. BANK OY COMMERCE, T, AT 11 A. Mf. EY & CO., CAUL AND BROKERS, S & SONS, 57 Stlarket Street, PITTTSUIIII.GII, .PA. BANK FOR SAVINGS, '- OILS. "TUNG. /LING & 127: gralniit . , tENTRAL AND 'UNION' • • PACIFIC RAILWAY. BONDS, The cheapest investment now in the market for sale by' pii. AllErtrr,Z, Coiner FIFTH AVENUE & WOOD wriqats. also, kaler In Government Bonds.' .t3obt and Coupons and .uropean Exchange at 'market rates. iniE§ T. %1ADy8606., (succeasore to S. JONES & C 0..) Corner Fourth and Woid Sts., MALI°4II3...IMW;Lig, BUY AND SELL ALL BINDS OF GOVERNIIENT •, SECURITIES, IJOLD, SUNNI AND COUPONS, , ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Er Interest Allowed on.DePoidis• no- Maney hiatted s on Clorertittt n entl Bondi' It lowest market rates. • '. . • , Orders executed for the 'Purchase and Sale of MOCKS, BONDS -- and JAMBS. T.' BRADY & CO. tll.t gitt4ntrgij Gaot. FINANCE. AND. TRADE. OFFICE CIF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, TCESDAY, January 26, 1868. War rumors from Europe have in creased thp deuntnd for 'gold, and nearly all the foreign honses were largikbuy ers to day. Those who still hold gold on speculation have their ideas up \ and are not disposed to sell at present. Speculators for - short turns are: how ever less desirous to buy largely. ex pecting a reaction within a few aays. Tke Government bond. , market is strong and higher -to.day; With an in creased demand for bonds on either speculation or investment; 1852 bonds i h.ve advanceirto 113%, and are scarce, the market being considerably oversold In the them, whilst the Stock in the market is limited. The Invest ment demand runs chicly on the simian denominations of 1865 to 1867. • Stocks are strong,- and at the base of a new rise; all the Erie clique stocks are firmer and higher, but the excitement created on Saturday and Mopday ha 4 led a .great litany parties to cover their shorts, and; thus prevent a cornering operation. r - Express stocks are' dull land lower again. Business very dull and money scarce. _ .Quotations as, received by Ph: R. Mertz: Gold, 136%: Silver, 131; Eighty one's, 112 X; Five Twenties, 1862, 113%; do 1864, 109X. ' do 1855, 110;'; do 1865, Con Sols, 108%; do 1837, 10834 do. 1868, 109; Ten Forties, 108V0 New York Cetitral, 164%. ' Erie, ?8;6; Reading; 96%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne de. Chicago Railroad, 123%; Ohio d Mississippi, 33 , M; Michigan Southern, 94k; Cleve land dr. Pittsburgh, 925.,..c; Chicago & Rock Island, 133;6; Chicago & North Western. a%; do Preferred, S 8 y.; Union Telegraph Company, 36;‘; Pacific .Mall, 120; Adams Express. 55; Mer chants, 16;i; Gregory, 2,65: Quartz Hill, 69; Smith andParmele, 2,40. —The Chicago Tribnne, of Monday, says: Private bankers who deal inreal estate paper, find a considerable' in crease in the amount offered for sale by parties who desire to realize the money for the purpose-of investing again. in view of the anticipated advance in prices of real estate. The class of capital, however, WilichAusnally seeks this kind of paper as an investment, has not in creased in the same proportion as money In the oatnutercialt market, and loans on, real estate hafe!been ak diffi cult to secure as ever. At almost any time previous to October money could have, beep borrowed, on longtime at 8 per cent: per'annum on first-class busi ness property, but since then, and now; loans oc. that kind can not be .negotiated 'll3:Jtjaeltliall:l,9l/br residence property are made to cost from 12 to 14 per cent. by the addition of a-ccanuabiCsion iq tJaiiqegla rat@ t of in terest.' - ' PETRWLEILIM MARIKEIf . OFFICE OF PITTBIIP.GH GAZETTE, TUESDAY, January 26, 1869. Thereitas a Strongerleeling manifested to-day than yesterday, but notwithstand ing the market had more vim in it, there was but comparatively little done, in the •aggillgatq. Indeed; so far' id iie`COUld learn, there Were but Very few offers Out to either buy or sell, and the market is in such peculiar condition, that the brokers, in many instances" do qot think it' Werth while to aslefor'"refUsals:" 'Re finers are so indifferent about selling thatihey will not give a refusal unless at a figure considerably above the market, and the, broker, therefore, has but little chance to do anything with it; and what is true ofthem In regard to selling refined ;is also true II regard . - to buyinr_Ortide. 48 tkgSneral thing if they makotin,,offer to buy, at' all, It is just about as much too low as the other was too high. Thus it will be seen that the, market is in such a peculiir condition, that it is difficult to do anything, and the wheels of trade are pretty well clogged, _ „ II is said that t the ,ttipferage 1 0 price of refined oil during the year 1868 was twenty-eight and a half cents. There is a good deal of .conjiictii ring as to what will be the price during the year 1869, and in this, as everything else connei3ted withlhe oil business, views are very con flicting. We have heard it set down at from 34 to 38, and even 40 eta. ; ; ' There 'wee` but a 'single sale reported to•day, 1000 bble each April to June, eel- MEM ler's .ption, at 17c. Next six months, seller is held atgc, and I 20c is offered for atl year, Inlyer's option. For spot oil th re seems to be little inquiry, and at the same time there is but little of fering.end, in the absence of sales, -we quote nominally at 17c. REFINED. There was a firmer feeling today, as already noted, and while the market is quiet prices are a shade higher. .fan- - uary,l for which 343.4 c was the best offer yesterday, could have been sold to-day at 35c. ' Sale of 500 bbls each April,to December at 35e for April. and an d vance of three-fourths of a cent for each sutr ar ent" mouth; 1000 bbls, last half of p bruy, at 35340, and- ; two lots of 500 e ch; buyers' option, all year, at 40c. (Mini to buy first half February at 35c4 April! to December at 39c, and March to May at 36;4c. LUBRICATING OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 400 ( Eclipse Railroad Axle 35e Eclipse Machinery , 750 Eclipse Spindle • 800 Eclipse Tanner's Stuffing 400 Eclipse Tanner's Finishing . 0i1.. . 65c RECEIPTS OF &ROE ori. - G. S. Th0ma5....480 Riess it Eros 320 -Johnston t P.... 50 R. T. Leech 960 W. M'Cutcheon.loo John Spear__ .. 50 Total 1966 OIL BEIPPBD BA ST BY .11. V. B. B. p' McKee; Hack6tt 6t. 'Co., 43 bbla refined to Warden, Frew t Co., Philadelphia. Braun & Wagner, 300 do do to War ing: King Co., Philadelphia. McKelvy Bros.. & Co, 328 do to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Lockhart, Frew & CO.. 422 do do to Warden. Frew &,Co.. Philadelphia. Nat. Ref. Co., 50 do do to F. A. Dil (worth & Co. Philadelphia. Citizens Ref. Co., 250 do do to Tack Bro., Philadelphia. Total shipments Refined. REIS CP-lIDE NM PITTSBURGH t3I4RKCF.TES. , :OFFICE OF PITTS3OROIE GAZETTE,_i Toicsmay, Jaauary 2.6, 1869., There is no improvement to note in the general'markets; and with a . demand confined almost entirely to supplying immediate wants, the volume of business continues light. It is but pr ( oper to re mark, however, that usually business is dull at this season of the year; and we are in hopes that there will be a reac tion and better tines soon. The feeling akainst the credit system still seems-to be 'getting_ Stronger. -and some 'llouses express a deterranation to abandon 'it, even if by an doing they are forced to • I lose some of their long-winded custom ers. Collections are reported difficult tomake, and in some instances are at tendo with considerable trouble and annoyance, to sw nothing of the ex pense. APPLES—Qubt; sales at $3,50 to $5,69 per bbl, for inferior to choice. APPLE BL' EP-75 85c. BUTTER'-Paine to choice Roll is in better demand with , sales at 38 to 40c. Common and isferior very dull. • BEANS—n:S to 53,50 per butt:lel. BUCK WHIAT FLOUR—DuII at 4c. CRAN.BERI/ES—Quoted at $2O, to $23 • -r barrel. CORICAIN:AL-81to $l,lO per bushel. CHEESE—SaIes of prime WeStern Re-' serve and Eamburg at 17c to 18e, and Goshen at 19.0 21e. CARBON )IL—I. firm and but little offering; miy be quoted at 20e, for stan dard whlte.in a fobbing way. DRIED FILJIT-Steibly with a fair de, nand but uichanged. Satesi of Peaches. at 14e Tor wart.:rrs; 15e for ritiarters and halves mild, and 1; to 18..: fur halves. Apples. 9 0 11e. DRESSID HOGS—DuII at 12 1 / . to 15.34. EGGS—Atned. Eggs in good supply and.excedinglY and freshpacked are also dill but unchanged at 28 to 30c. HAY—We can report sales of baled' on landing a t 12.0 for common to $24 to tz for strictr prime Timothy. • • 11011111 Y—56,25 to t 8,50. • HEMF—Sales at $2lO per ton. PROVSIONS—Bacon is •tirm, with •jobbing ales at 15 to 1530 for Shoulders; Clear Sites at 18c, and Hams at 19 to 19 1 ,1. Countrt Lard, 18 1 ,4 c to 19, and '2oc for prime fettle rendered in tierces. and 21c in kegsand pails. _Mess Pork, $3l to $31,50. POTLTDES—SaiaII sales inatoreeat 80 td 85 pa bushel: 1 • - POT:CRY—Market almost' bare:-:de mend ight. SEEDS—Salesof tloverseed at $9,50 to $lO, tie latter, firare for English. ...Tim othy, F,eed.-113 undtanged at $3,25,' tO 13,60. Flaxsscd WA Wady demand at. U 35 to $440. SALT - Stead; but unchanged at $2 by the car load. SORGHUM,-0 to 65 cts. LARD OIL-Firin'-at $1,9 for 1+74g2, and 81',70 ibt Nc 1• - GRAlN—TheGrain market continues exceedinglpdtd, and there is ( *timely enough.' dOing to establish quotations. Wheat is dull and , nonainal $1,75?t0 $1,60 for Red Vinton" Oita coming ' in more freely, ad cannot be quoted above 63 to 64,, for prime white, On track and 66 to 68' i stOie. Coin continues very dull thosh the arrivals are light; It is difficult o give quotatiOns. Rye may be cmosi quiet at $1,45 to $1,48. Barley 51,50 t 11,8.5: for Westerge; andlB2 for Choice Oh) and Penns ` . FEATIIES—Live • Geese Feathers quoted at 75 1- 80 to' the trade, and the usual advent le a retail why. .PLOURIere-is - nti improvement to note in the clmand, and while the'Mar.. little (tell. liter, are !unchanged. continue to quote at $7,50 to sB,oClibr Spring, and Tinter Wheat, $8,50 to $9,00. Rye Flour, tpso.i. 110 Pearl-Mill quote their brand, madenf the hestWheat, as follows: ExtoPanilly Plour, in barrels, at $9,30,' incin sacka, $9,130 per barrel; Double Exu Family, in barrels; $19,00, and, in sac), $9,70 per barrel; Sprhag Wheat Floe Itt, barrels, -$7,60, and, In sacks, 137,50.er barrel. The City, Mills quote pricass follows: Extra (Winter) iparrels, $9,30, and, in sacks, $9,011 pbe ba'sl;- . Wouble• garii in barrels, 180, and, in sacks, - §9,50 per barrel, andpring, $B,OO, in barrels, and $7,70, in eats, per barrel. • Ciscurx:r, anuary onr. and Grain unolnged." Cotton dull at Motor middling. Whisky dull and pricese lower; noinally 90o' offered; and ak 970 asked. , Dvisions ,strong, , and, Prides tending ward., Mess Pork at $30,50,. but it is dlz.ult to bay at less than $3l; country ad at $3O. Bulk Meats higher, with largiales athe, for shoulder's, 16e 'for clear s sides, and lie for clearaides. Bacon firand in demand at 1410171‘x 18c for shdderß,elear rib and clear sides. Hams tit 30190. Lard in demand, bat the &inns of holders checked business; prime atm sold at 19a151 4 ,•c, Country at 19%0, an city at 19%a191ie; the latter could homy° been bought below 20c at the closand there was not ninch offered even at is rate. Butter unchanged and qui g . geese active and firin;at lfht22o. Es fir -owin to the cold. and and brl: , 22a23c g . Linseed Oil (pil ea ot and jfi l lfirm' atA,o7al,oB. Lard 0111 active at * $1 81a1 Petroleum" has advanced to 35a37c..110ver Seed dull at $15,50a15,75. 'Flax $d at ;3,15a3,25. Gold at. 136, buying Exchange firm at par, buying, and 1-premium, I 1393
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers