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"7;" --------------.- .- -d,...=• .............---_ - , . , - . -......... , . . 1 . 1 - , ......- , El 'VOLUME LXXXIII. FIRST EDITION. cyci.cocm_ M. TILE CAPITAL. Land Survey—Bounty Land War .rants Located—Land for Dela ware—Summary Punishment to Indians Directed—Appoint- ments of Gaugers. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazettg.l WASHINGTON,. August =, 1868 'CONTRACTS FOR LAND SURVEYS. The General Land Office has received from the Surveyor General at iDenver, Col orado, two contracts, submitted for ap proval, one for surveys in the vicinity of the headwaters of Bear and BOulder creeks and in the vicinity of Central and Idaho cities, including valuable mineral and tim ber lands, and the other for la survey in San Luis Talley, including a large number of-settlers on Sawatch creek; the Mexican tOirn o f Conejos and - Mexican' settlements nearthe.same. These contracts have been approved by the Commissioner. INDIAN OUTRAOES cONPITED—SUMMARY PUNISHMENT OR BRED. Secretary Schofield , received a dispatch today from Gen. Sherman, dated Omaha, August 20, in which he announces that he had just received a dispatch from Gen. Sheridan, in which he confirms previous dispatches about Indian outrages. General Sheridan says the outrages are too horrible to detail. Gen. Sherman orders Gen. Sher ridan to continue the pursuivand drive the 'savages from that section of the country, and when captured to - give them summary punishment. The . Secretary of War com municated the intelligence to the Presi dent who acquiesdid in the stringent meas ures with which the Secretary of War and Gen. Sherman weretalii* in the matter. STEAMSHIPS ARRIVED The Steal:dahlias' Minnesota and Aleppo, from Liverpool, August 11th, and City of Antwerp, August 12th; also the U. S. steam ship, Desota, Commodore - C. S. Boggs, from Port-au•Prince, Hayti, August 16th, have arrived. When the Desota left the U. S. Gunboat Gettysburg, English - men-of-war Favorite and Mullet, and .a small Spanish gunboat were at anchor off Port-au-Prince. Al well on bard the Gettysburg. The po litical airairs at Port-au-Prince is reported - unchanged, and Solnave gaining strength dally by deserters from therobely. BOUNTY LANDS LOCATED. , • The Commissioner of general land office, i• in making up his annual statistics, for the fiscal year ending June 30th 1868, has ascertained that 3776 bounty land warrants for military services have been - satisfied by locations• embaacing, an aggre to of over 512,000 acres ofland. ' The lan s thus taken' were generally by actual set lers in Missouri, Michigan, lowa, Wisconsin, Cal ifornia, Minnesota, Oregon, , Kansas, Ne bra.ska and the Territories of. Washington, Dakota and Colorado. iIKCJOERS - APPOINTED The following is a list of gaugers under the new Revenue law were appointed to-day: John Sexton, First District'of Missouri, at St. Louis; John. C. Nayles, J. Mathias Combs and Wm. J. Newkirk, Second Dis trict of Indiana; B. Brown Brashears, Twenty-first District of Pennsylvania, and John T. MpGingle, Ninth District of Perin . sylvania. LAND FOR DELAWARE The Commissioner of the General Land Office has, transmitted to the Governor of -Delaware. 663 pieces of Agricultural Col leue scrip issued under act of Congress approved July 2d. 1861 and its Supple ments. The said scrip ,embraces 90,000 acres, being the full quota to which that State is entitled under the law. FINANCIAL. The fractional currency received from the Printing Bureau for the week was 80169,- 500; U. S. notes shipped, $1,000,000; national bank notes issued, $83,300; amount in cir culation,s299,9l7,B7o; fractional currency -destroyd during the week, $537,000. PAAGUA.YAN MISSION William P. Murry. Esq., of St. Paul, has reached here from Venezuela. It is said -that Gen. McMahon,, the new Minister to Paraguay, will be instructed to use his best efforts to restore peace between that Re public and the allies now waging war against her. . Prohibition in Massachusetts. -(l3r Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. I ?' 1342d3T0N, August 22.—The State Prohibi tory Committee have issued an address to the Republicans of Massachusetts, urging a return to the-prohibitory liquor law, clos ing as follows : "Impressed with these views we urge you to select delegates to ~! the approaching Republican State Conven fl ton who; on this question, truly represent the Republican party, men who in its bebalf • will demand with no ambiguotis phrase the repeal of the present liquor law and a 'l 4 return to the former policy of the common- Wealth. In the hands of such men every interest of the State and the future of the Republican party may be safely trusted." Washington, Alexandria and Georgeto ;.4 n • Railroad. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.; ALEXANDRTA. Va., August 22.—1 n the case, of the Washington, - Alexandria and , Georgetown Railroad, Judge Underwood had not delivered an opinion to-day, but stated he would, upon the giving of the si* requisite bonds, direct the delivery of the road to the old - lessees until the Coninils -• stoners' report was made. The Commis stoners were appointed and trains will re : sume running hiondw. Two lien Killed—T he I Express Robbers. CRY Telegraph to the Pit? shurgh Gazette.] ' TORONTO, August 22.—William Smith - and James Richardson, ' employes of the Great Western Railway; were run over and killed by a locomotive, at Esplanade to r, day. ThiAr heads were mashed in and their legs severed at the knee. ! The express robbers' case was continued to-day, and the prisoners were remanded • until the 29th in order to enable the prose ution to procure further evidence from • • the United States. Base flail Match. • tlly Telegraph to 'he i'lltehn Igh Gazette.) CINCINNATI, Aug. 22.—Over three thous and persons were in attendance this after , noon to witness a, game of base ball between • the Union, Club,iof Morrissiana, and Buck eyes, of this city. The excitement was in tense. The score was 12 to 7in factor of the Unions, , Regatta at Toronto. By le elegraph W tn^ Pin4bUrgb Oazette.l OrrowA August 22. At the regatta to day Mr. ' Llaveoek, of Ottowa won the ehampiora nice of two miles in fifteen min utes and three seednds, beating Frank ;.1 Johnson, fro.n Aonfrghl, and Turanery add Berry, eolored Men, from Toronto. " NEW YORK CITY. LBy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] , • NEW YORK,.August42, 1868 ARREST - OF COUNCILMEN. One of the most serio-comical affairs ever perpetrated in this city was the arrest to day of the whole Board of Common Coun cilmen for contempt of Judge Barnard of the Supreme Court in not obeying' an in junction of said Court. Writs for their ar rest had been in the hands of the Sheriff for several days, but they could not be found. By preconcerted arrangement. 'the Councilmen met quietly at their rooms in the City Hall to-day, and proceeded to\ transact business. They had- just passed a resolution'ailmitting to seats the five mem bers to whom they have heretofore denied that right, and by that denial bringing theniseives into contempt of the Order of Judge Bernard, when the Deputies of the Sheriff appeared in their midst and de clared them all under arrest. A motion to adjourn was carried. They formed in line and, headed 'by the Sheriff and his Depu ties, marched to the Supreme Court. The Court had, however, adjourned, when the Sheriff put them each under parole oath to appear next Tuesday, and they dispersed. The who!e affair is regarded here as a farce. DISEASED MEAT AND MILK SOLD By report of one of the Health Officers it appears several cattle have been sold to butchers, who have sold them for meat to our citizens. One man who kept a dairy in Duchess county continued to send milk for several days in this city, knowing his cows were sick, and even sent it from some seven of them on the day they died. He has now been prohibited from sending any milk to the city. MORTUARY-DEATHSFROM DISEASED MEAT The deaths this week were seven hun dred and thirty, an increase of nearly a hundred over last week, owing msinly to diseases brought about by eating diseased beef.• 11,1 i Several persons who tended Methodist camp-meetings are said o have died since arriving home, from tng the meat of diseased cattle,- sold them at Sing Sing. THE NEW REGISTER. The new Register, Mr. Jones, in a pub lished letter intimates he will bestow some if not all the Mikes at his disposal upon members of the Republican party. It had been stated that he intended to make no changes. EIMIECIM A man named Nicholson assaulted John Jordan and wife, in a tenement house, in Navy street, Brooklyn, last night. In de fending themselves Jordan and wife killed Nicholson. They have been arrested. GRANTED A RESPITE Michael Condy and Charles Burke, who were sentences to be hung on the 2.Bth inst., have been respited until October 9th. They assisted at the murder of Miss Hicks near Fort Schuyler. =2 The gnnbbat Tallapoosa, with Secretary Welles on board, arrived here to-day. He will sail for Washington on Monday. COUNTERFEITER Ertglish Bill, a notorious counterfeiter,' was to-day released on bail in 43,500, after laying in jail several niontbs. PLANINb MILL BURNED. -- Roark's planing mill, at Albany, with U . large amount of luntber, was burned yes terday. Loss P:1,000. FOLLOWING CITIZENS Three men, claiming to be detectives, were arrested to-day, and held for trial, on a charge of following citizens for several days past. COFFIN BEEN AT FEA A coffin, with a cross standing upon , it, was passed at sea, off ldontault Point, yes terday, by a pilot boat. STEUBEN VILLIAN DEAD Mr. George Scott, a highly respectable merchant of Steubenville, Ohio; died this morning while attending divine service at St. Albans church. His body is at the St. Nicholas Hotel. BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. —Miss Clara Louise Kellogg returns from Europe neat month. , —The first bale of new cotton was receiv ed at Charleston, S. C., on Saturday. -Palneck Hastingen died in Brighton, Massachusetts, on Friday, of cholera. —lt is generally believed in Washington that the present Congressional recess will be extended to December. —One thousand dollars have been raised in Montreal, Canada, for the entertainment of All England Eleven cricketers. —A new route has been formally opened between New York, Boston and Montreal, via Rutland, Burlington and Plattsburg. The, Gas Works at Southbridge, Mass., was blown up on Saturday night and seven men , reported killed and four seriously in jured. —George H. Pendleton had an enthusias tic reception at Portland, Maine, on Satur day. There was a torchlight procession and a large assemblage of people. —Rudolph Stake, who attempted to as sassinate Justice Jecko, in St. Louis, a few days since, has been committed jo jail on a charge of assault with intent to slit. —Secretary Seward has concluded a treaty for the purchase of an island in the Mediterranean, for half a m illion of dollars which is to betsed as a naval station. —The Chicago .and Northwestero Rail road badge at Sterling, 'Wools, three hundred foot in length, w,us destroyed by Tire last 14'r/day night. It will be replaced at once. —The Boston Commonwea/th states that Bon. Wm. Claflin has finally yielded to a request of his willingness to have his, name used a .9 candidate tor Governor at the en suing Republican State Convention. . -9.dvices from the South show that the Democrats are making considerable head way in securing the negro votes, and the Republicans are urged te renewed activity in several of the reconstructed States. —A dispatch from London says the inter national race between the American yacht Hapho and the English yachts Candor, Ouarra, Cambria and Alice Is postponed to next Tuesday. The race is round the Isle of Wight. ....Friday evening last Miss Isabella Smith, aged seventeen daughter of Gen. Kilby Smith, United States Vonsul at Parra, was accidentally drowned at Forres dale on the Delaware river. The body h ,not been recovered. —The Schutezen Festival will commence at BaltimOre to-day. Arrangements have been perfected to make It the most enter taining ever held there. A grand prixes sktri this (Monday) morning will inaugu ipite the festival. —The petition of R F. Lester claiming the seat in the Senate of Georgia, made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Bradley, of the First district, was granted by a We of 18 Yeas to 11 nays. -Mr. Lester was sworn la ' and took his seat. PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, A I GEJST 24, iBeB. SECOID £lllllOl POUR O'CLOCK A. M. FROM EUROPE. The Attempted Assassination of Victoria--Newspaper Edition in Paris Confiscateth-The bama Claims--Admiral Parra.. gut--The English Parliamenta ry Elections. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] GREAT BRITAIN.. LONDON, August 22.—The dispatch an nouncing the attempted assassination of Queen Victoria in Switzerland was received , through the regular news channel. The* foreign office here has received no advice of the affair. FRANCE; PARIS, August 22.—The ,proprietors of ,the Lantcrne, the editors of which were re cently sentenced to pay a fine of ten thou sand francs for a violation of the press law, yesterday attempted to resume the publication of that paper. The police, how ever, were notified and the entire edition seized and 'confiscated before it left the of fice of the printer. PARIS, Aug. 22.—The Patric, in an edito rial on American affairs. advises that the dispute between the United States and Great Britain concerning the Alabama claims be referred to the arbitration of one, of the great powers, as the only means of arriving at a definite and final settlement. TURKEY. LONDON, August 23.—Dispatches from Constantinople report that Admiral Farra go: still remained in that city. Last week he had an interview - with the Ignatife, the Russian Finbassador to the Sublime Porte, and subsequently the Admiral, in compa ny with Gen: Ignatife, visited the Turkish Ministers Fued Pashi and Aall Kish!. - RUSSIA. ST. PETERSBURG, AllEnTht 22.—The Gov- eminent is in receipt of .later dispatches from Bukhara. The Emir had signified his willingness to accept the terms of petice offered by the Cza,, with the exception, however, of the duty of building fortitiCa tons. FINANCIAL AND COMNICIICIAL. QuEusszowN, Aug. 221, The steamer City of New York, from New York arrived this e. u. PARIS, Aug. `22.--Boursb closed firmer; Rentes, 70 francs and 52c.. 1 . FRANKFORT. Aug. 22.—..5 1 20s closed a shade tirtner and higher at 75,;;'. liosuos, Aug. 22—Rvesiv.—Much fluc tuation in sugar to arrive and it is impossi ble to give the exact prloovmajor part of business transacted at 25s for No. Y. D. D. Foreign News by Mall. lquw , YORIr, Angusk istesuite, City of Antwerp brings mail nth - ices from Queenstown to the .13th. Preparations for the forthcotning Par-, liamentarY elections were In progress throughout Great Britain. The test ques tion is 'the Disestahlishment of the Irish Church, and th 4 Liberals and Tories are obliged to declare for or against that measure before their constituents. W. E. Forster, M. -P. for Bradford, made a speech in which he condemned D'lsraeli and his policy; but praised. Lord Stanley's course with regard to the Alabaina claims and the naturalization Question. Dou4las Cooke, editor of. the — Saturday Review Is dead. A telegraph cable is to be laid between Denmark and Russia. Semi-official correspondence from Berlin praises Baron Von Buest's recent speech at the Rifle meeting in Vienna' on account of its admission that Austria is no longer a German State nor considers her self called to exercise a guiding influence Overthe destinies of Germany, and adds : "Prussia will not quarrel with -Austria as long as she adheres faithfully to the prin ciples of peace and reconciliation thus laid down." National Camp Meeting of the Secoud Adventists. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.' ; . SPRINGFIELD, MASS., Aug. 23.—The Na tional Camp Meeting of tho Second Adven tists will begin in this city tomorrow and hold one week., An immense gathering, including persons from nearly every State in the Union, •ls anticipated. The grove where the meeting is to be hold wits dedi cated to-day with religious ceremonies which were witnessed by thousands of peo ple.. —At a meeting ot the New York brick layers, on Friday night, reports were read Showing that about twenty rive ,thousand dollars have been . expended In the strike. A resolution to appoint a committee to travel through the coui.try, to collect such sums as the different Trades' Unions may be disposed to contribute to the strike, and to prevent men from coining to the city, was adopted. —Attorney Genoial Evarta having deci ded that the term of office of District At torney Charles Gilpin, of the Eastern Dis trict of Pennsylvania, his expired, the . President has appointed John P. O'Neill to Mt the position. Hiram yKetchatn, Sr:, of New York, has boon appointed Collector of Sake, and will leave for that port in a few days. —At Toronto, Canada, the receipts of now crop of barley amounted to forty thousand bushels. The price averaged on the street 11,06, being the highest ever ob tained this season. Two cargoes have al ready been ehlppeq, and it is expected Canada will export about three-quarters of a million more bushels than last year: _Under tho recent act of Congress regu lating the Internal Revenue Bureau, there are seven thousand and forty offices created; of those there aro over lour thousand yet to till, among which, are twonty-five Super visors. This law gives to the Cetutoissioner of Internal Revenue more patronage than any other °Meer of the Goverreinent. —Taylor, who commenced walking ono hundred miles in twenty-four consecutive hours yesterday at four o'clock at Fitch burg, Massachusetts. for 000, gave it np at 3:43 p. m. Saturday; having; alked eighty eight and a half miles In eighteen hours and thirty-one minutes, resting two hours and twelve minutes. =:=:=2 —The Executive Committee of Soldiers and Bailors - ore making arrangements for holding three or more National Mass Con ventions, at brief intervals. The first will probably be at Philadelphia on or before Ilie . tirst of October, and the others at Cin cinnati and Chicago. • ADDRESS TO SOLDIERS AND CITIZENS. ' SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' STATE E. DEL J CENTRAL COMMITTEE, Purr, PIII4, Aug. 19, 1868. The Co mittee have thought proper to lay before heir constituents a brief but full statement of the reasons which should in duce all loyal American citizens, at the corn lag Presidential election, to vote for Grant and 'Colfax: and, in doing so, they will pro ceeoT at once to a discussion of the grave questions to be settled by the decision of the American people. in November next. It is no less a question .than whether a rebellion, successfully ended, shall be fol lowed by a permanent peace or by a new rebellion, to be' headed by- the Democratic nominee, with the advice and assistance of his co.:nominee. General Blair. These reasons will be published from day to day by the Committee, in a series of ad dresses. ADDRESS NO. 1 WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WAR ? Mr. Rhett, of South•-Carolina, a leading. rebel, said after the ordinance of secession was passed by the convention of that State "The secession of South Carolina is not an event of a day. It is not anything produced by Mr. Lincoln's election, or by the non-exe cution of the fugitive law. it has been a mat ter which has been gathering head for thirty years." General Andrew Jackson, our patriotic President, in 1833, said of the Nullifiers and Secessionists cif his day : The tariff was only the pretext and disunion and A SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY THE REAL OBJECT. The next pretext wili be the negro or slareiy question. A prophecy fulfilled by Mr. Calhoun and his followers to the very letter. By resolve of the Cincinnati Convention in 1856 the Democratic National Convention of 1860 assembled at Chaileston on the 23d of April, and atter a stormy session, and the secession of eleven slave States ( adjourned to meet at Baltimore on the 18th of June. The seceders adjourned to meet •at Rich- moodon the 11th of June. From the Con vention at Baltimore, other secessi.us took place, and. Stephen A: Douglas was nomi nateO by the adhering members, and John C. Breckinridge by the seceders, as their re spective candidates for President of the Uni ted States, in which last nomination the Richmond seceders acquiesced. Mr. Bell was nominated by a body styled the Union Constitutional COnvention,which met at Baltimore on the 9th of May; and Mr. Lincoln was nominated by the Repub lican. National Convention, which met at Chicago on the 16th of May, 1860. There were, therefore, four Presidential candidates in the field. two of them belong ing to the Democratic party, the pro-slavery wing of which would never coalesce with the supporters of Judge Douglas. To the Democrats .of the slave States It therefore became clear that Mr. , lAncoln mast be elected ia Noverabraveadlir. speaking for South Carolina, said: "In my judgment, if the Black Republican party succeed in the coming election the Governor should. immediately assemble .the Legisla ture,and that body should provida -for a State Convention, which should protect the State from the dishonor of submission to Black Republican rule." The same sentiment was openly avowed by the leading Democrats in every slave State, and the Democratic party was sedu lously prepared for sec( i ;ssion, and a forcible dissolution of the Union. On Tuesday, the 6th of November, the returns showed that Mr. Lincoln was the next President of the United States, Gov. Gist having expressed in his message to the Legislature of South Carolina, on that day, the opinion that in that event the only al ternative Jett is the "secession of South Car olina from the Federal Union." . On the 7th (the next Gay) the United States officials resigned at Charleston, and on the 10th the U. S. Senators, Hammond and Chestnut, resigned their seats in the Senate. On the 17th December the ordi nance of secession was unanimously adop ted, and on the 31st commissioners were ap pointed to proceed to Washington to treat for the possession of Government property within the limits of South Carolina. On the 24th their representatives in. Congress withdrew, and on - the 3d January, 1801; the South Carolina commissioners left Wash ington. On the Ist February seven States had passed ordinances of secession, and withdrawn from the Union. On the 4th of February the Democratic Congress met at Montgomery, and its presi dent, HoWell Cobb, announced that seces sion "is now a fixed and irrevocable fact, and the separation is perfect, cotuplete, arid perpetual." On the Bth the constitution of the provisional government was adopted, and on the 18th Jefferson Davis was inau gurated as President. On the 11th of Marsh, 1861, the perma nent slave constitution of the Confederate _,States was signed, and Jefferson Davis and Alexander 11. Stephens became the rebel President and Vice President of the South ern Confederacy whose corner-stone was negro slavery. i 3 During this whole period up to theAth of , March, 1861, Mr. Buchan , a Democrat, was, President, with a Cal inet of whom, originally, only two were nion men. The Democratic Secretor a the Treas• ury having injured, to the utmost of his power, the finances and credit of the nation, stole away on the tenth of December and became the President of the provisional rebel Congress. On the 20th the Democratic Secretary of War, who, at the instance of Jefferson Davis, tilled the Southern arsenal; with United States arms for rebel use, re signed and was followed on the Bth of Jan uary, 1801, by the Democratic Secretary of the Interior, whose department had been robbed by a subordinate. while the Detini erotic Secretary attic liavy,who must haVe known the intention. of his colleagues, had distributed our uaval force on distant stations, from which it would take months to bring them borne. - The Democratic Attorney General advised the President that he had no power to coerco a State, in which opinion the Democratic Executive coincided, and of course took uo measures to prevent the robbery of arsenals and mints, the seizure of public vessels, and the capture of forts, with the firing on ships of the United States conveying provisions to United States troops in United States forts. The President was an aged man, traitor ously deserted by those Men whom ho had rewarded by the highest offices in his gift, and witltcut,a single honest adviser of his original Cabinet, General Cass , having re signed as Secretary of State. Southern emissaries swarmed at Wash ington, postponing, by every device, all measures of the Government, tending to counteract the active and constant prepara tions for war by the rebel slave States. Mr. Keitt, in November, 1860, said: "John Hickman said defiantly, that if we went out of the Union, eighteen millions of Union men would bring us back. Let me - tell you there are a million Democrats in the North,' and when the Black Republicans attempt to march upon the South, they will be found a wall of fire to the front." [Cries of "that's so," and applause.] And Mr. Durgan said: "It is not true in point of fact, that all the Northern people are hostile to the rights of the South. We have a Spartan band in every Northern State;" and when we find an ex-President in a private confidential letter to the man who the next year was the rebel President, using the following language, it is not to be wondered at, that the Southern rebels relied on the active and efficient aid of Northern Democrats: "I do not believe," writes ex-President Pierce from New York to Jefferson Davis at Washington, "that our friends in the South have any just- idea of the state of feeling, hurrying at _this moment to the pitch of intense exasperation, between those who respect their political obligations and those who have apparently no propelling power but that which fanatical passion, on the subject of domestic slavery imparts. Without discussing the question of right, of abstract power to secede, I have never believed that actual disruption of the Union can occur -without blood; and if, through the madness of abolitionism, that dire calam ity must come; it will not be along Mason and Dixon's line merely— it will be within our own borders, in our own streets, between the two classes of citizens to whom I have referred." On the Bth of January; 1861, the Mayor of the city of New York, a sound Demo crat, said:"lt would seem that a dissolu tion of the Union is inevitable." He then propounds the question whether the city of New York. throwing off its allegiance to the General Government, may not become a free city. "If the Confederacy is broken up the Government is dissolved, and it behooves every distinct community, as well as every individual, to take care of themselves." But, as these doctrines savored strongly of treason, the prudent municipal Executive added: "But lam not prepared to recom mend the violence implied in these views." On the 31st of January, 1861, a great Democratic convention was held at Albany, composed - of the most influential men of the party. On that day and on the next day, seven slave States had seceded, and four days afterwards the Confederate Congress met, and announced their separation from the Union to be "perfect, complete, and perpetual," and fourteen days afterwards Jefferson Davis inaugurated as Presi dent, under the constitution of the provision al government, adopted on the Bth. The President and both Houses of Con gress were Democratic, and so was the Su preme Court. The seceders, who had actu ally levied war, were Democrats, buttrat; tors, while the meet'ng at Albany was court- `po sett - of . .. Democrats, - who,- -in._ _Novena b had voted the Dimocratie ticket. One of the speakers at Albany presented and approved the view of the election of Mr. Lincoln taken_ by the South Carolina rebels. "The Democratic and Union party at the North," said he, "made the issues at the last election, with the Republican party, that in the event of their success , and the establishment of their policy, the South.irn States not only go out of the Union, BUT WOULD HAVE ADEQUATE CAUSE FOR DOING SO." [Applause.] An ac knowledgement which a true patriot and not a mere partisan would have been ashamed to have made. To think that a great party which had governed the country for eight years should consider its defeat, in the elec tion of President, a sufficient cause for the secession of all the slave States and a ner manent dissolution of the Union. The temper of this meeting may be safely esti mated by this single miserable partisan avowal, • - Governor Seymour said, "Revolution has already begun," We are advised by the conservative States of Virginia and Ken tucky that if force is to be used it must be, exerted againft the united South." "Let us also see if sucessful coercion by the North is less revolutionary than successful secess ion by the. South." After praising the valor and sagacity of the men of the South, he urged the necessity of compromise in language which be repeated even in the last month of the expiring rebellion. "The question is simply, this—shall we have compromise after war, or compromise without war." Rejeaing all idea of coer cing the Southern traitors, and assuming that their treason must be successful. The milk and water resolutions of this and of similar Democratic meetings in other States, served only to inspirit the Southern rebels, one of whom said to a member of Congress from New York: "If your Presi dent should attempt comion, he will have more opposition .at the ?fora than he can overcome." No Deinocrat, certainly not Governor Seymour. ever urged President Buchanan to maintain the Constitution by force, If necessary, and in the words of the hero of New Orleans, "solemnly proclaim that the Constitution and the laws are supreme and the Union INDISSOLUBLE." The London .Times sent its correspondent Mr. Russell, in March 1861 to the United States, and in 1863 he published what he styled, '"My Diary North and South," being, for the most part, "extracts from the diaries and note books which he assiduous ly kept while he was in the United States, as records of the events and impressions of the hour." Referring to a dinner party in New Ynrk a few days atter his arrival, he saYs': "The Hon. Horatio Seymour,' a foimer Governor of the State, was one of the gueAs - ;" and adds,"l do not think that any of the guests sought to turn the channel of talk upon politics, but the occasion offered itself to Mr. Horatio Seymour to:give me his views of the Constitution of the United States, and by degrees the theme spread over, the table. There was not a man who maintained - the Government had any power to coerce the people of a State, or to force a State to re main in the Union; or under the action of the Federal Government ; in other words, the symbol of power at Washington is nut at all analagous to that which represents an established government in other countries. Although they admitted the Southern lenders had meditated the treason against the Union years ago, they could not bring themselves to allow their old opponents, the Republicans, now in power, TO DISPOSE OF THE ARMED FORCE OF THE UNION NUMBER 902 J against their BROTHER DEMOCRATS IN THE SOUTHERN STATES."I "Mr. Seymour is a man of compromise, but his views go farther than those Which were entertained by his party ten 3 , ears ago. Although secession would produce revolu tion, it was nevertheless 'a right' founded on.abstract principles, which could scarcely be abrogated consistently with , due regard to the original compact." "The Democrats behold with silent satis action the troubles into which the Republi— Can triumph has plunged the country, and are not at all disposed to extricate them. The most , notable way of impeding their efforts is to knock them down with the 'Constitu- Lion' every time they, rise to the surface and begin to swim out." Treason was rife among the officers of the army and navy, who had been edueated and supported by, the United States, given high rank and large pay in both arms of the ser vice,and a General in Texas disgracefully be trayed his trust, and turned over his army with all the posts and fortifications, arms, munitions, horses, and equipments to the rebel authorities, by which most base and treacherous acts the Union lost half its mili tary. force, With the State of Texas and the control di the Mexican frontier. _ . In all this tumult of treason, the rank and file of both services—the soldiers and sailors -stood firm, resisting all the persuasions of their treatherous commanders to desert the time-honored flag of the Union, under which they hail fought and bled, and were readyto meet the traitors whether on the land or the ocean. Having failed to get Fort Sumter by ne gotiation, and Alabama being partly repent .ant, in a discussion at Montgomery?, Mr. Gilchrist said to the rebel . Secretary of War, in the presence of Jefferson Davis, "Sir, unless you sprinkle blood in the face of the people of Alabama, they will be back in the old Union in less than ten days." The next day Beauregard opened his batteries on Sumter and Alabama was saved to the rebel Confederacy. .Major Anderson had moved his whole force of 80 men from Fort Moultrie to Fort ,Sumter, and after sustaining a bombard ment of 34 hours capitulated and surren dered the fort on Sunday, April 14, 1861. In the South the news was received with rapturous joy, and the rebel Secretary of War predicted - that the rebel secession flag would before the first of May-float over the dome pf the Capital at Washington, and eventually over Faneuil Hall in Boston. At the North the effect of this attack and surrender was electric. No sooner had the _ telegraph communicated the news to the ex cited citizens in Wall street than there was but one sentiment, that the insult to our na tional flat could only be washed out with the rebel blood. On Monday journals that were half rebel became loyal, and in Phila= delphia the sturdy median:es and artisans forced the rebel sympathizers to protect themselves by the flag of the Union. This loyal flag spread like wildfire through the whole country. The Spartan bands prognosticated by. Keitt, Durgan, and the ex President disappeared for the time, whilst armed aid was proffered from every quarter to - President Lincoln. Ten States went-out of the ,Union, some therg.bsinuid.and against; the express will of the people, and three wero kept in the Union, although large bodies of their citizens joined the -rebel armies. • Mr. Russell - went to South Carolina, and there in intercourse with theirlead ino- men, he remarks, "Again' cropping out of deed level of hate to the Yankee, grows its .climax in the profession from nearly every one of the guests that he would prefer a return to British rule to any reunion with. New England. They affect the agri cultural faith and the belief of a landed gentry. It is not only over the wine glass —why call it cup—that they ask for a prince to reign over them. I have heard the wish repeatedly expressed within the last two days that - we could spare them one of your young princes ---but never in jest or in any frivolous manner." "Not a man, no, not one, will ever join the Union again ! Thank God," they say, _"we are freed from that tyranny at last.' "After dinner the conversation again turned on the resources and power of the South, and on the determination of the peo ple never to go back into the Union. Then cropped out again the expression of regret for the rebellion of 1776, and the desire that, if- it came to the worst, England would re ceive back her erring children, or give them a prince under whom tney could secure a monarchical form of government. There is no doubt of the earnestness with which these things are said." These 'were the Southern Democratic friends whom Governor Seymour so lauded but a few weeks before, and whom he would not see coerced into`diseliarging their duties as citizens of the United States ; theoretical democrats, but praetical monarchists ; and these are the men who would have you be lieve they were not responsib e for the blood of your gallant comrades. By order of the Committee. Ca/imam H. T. Comas, Chairman. A. L. Rossini., Secretary. THE letter in which Hon. J. M. Bnoom- ALL announced to the Conferees of the Sev enth District his withdrawal as a candidate, in behalf of Mr: TowNEIEND,. his "apparent though not actual competitor," reflects the highest honor upon his unselfish patriotism. We quote one paragraph, which will inter est Repuhliean leaders everywhere. He says: "The questions which claimed the atten tion of Congress since I became a member of that body were new, as well as momentous. The creation of four_ millions of American citizens out of mere chattels by the aboli tion of slavery; the conferring of civil and political rights upon these citizens; the re constructing of States destroyed by rebel lion and war; the proper treatment of a sub jugated foe; avoiding the extremes of. too harsh : punshment and too hasty forgive ness; the judicious management of a victory is often more difficult than achieving it. These and kindred subjects, for which there was no American precedent, have constitu ted the great legislative business of the past six years. The future will decide whether the work has been faithfully and successful ly done." VALLANDIGIIAIS says the New York Con vention was "imbued with the spirit which went forth on the natal morn when Christ was born." The operations of that spirit are described on unquestionable authority in these words : "Then Herod was exceeding wroth, and , sent forth end slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers