El CHEAP OEMS FOR THE.PEOPLEO.- 2.44 GREAr. WBSTERN GUN WORK'S have been removed to N 0.179 SMITHFIELD STREET, where wilt altoays be found the most complete assortment IV Gang, Pistols, Anarnuniil and sport ing Material, &is., Wise city. ofOuns ana Pistols earefullY repaired l id fjor ARMY RIFLES and RR VOLV l stnp. for illustrated Circular. Apes n Conn in the United Stales Add gO ev ii e g STON. 179 Smitnaeld S treet. IarJOHN N. PURT Register in Bankrupte Once, 116'REDEBAL BTRE sir Office hours-9 a. V. to 5 P THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE superior Press Brick BlanufacCg Co., Will meet at the Office of the Company, No. 137 Liberty Street. for the election of officers and the transaction of other business, on MONDAY, Sept. 7th, MS. at 12 H. • aulo:u-T W. W. KNOX, Secretary. IWEST VIEW PARK. GREAT . RACE ON WEDNESDAY. At WEST VIEW PARK, Perrysville Road, four miles from Allegheny City, there will be On Wednettday.Afternoon, Trotting Match for a Purse of $3OO, Mlle heats, best three In five, to harness. The race will commence at half-past three o'clock. C. Bane enters R. M. "Dutch Queen.' • Gitubler enters S. G. "Prince Albert." J. Carton enters C. Seeley•s S. G. "Dan Itice. aulA:nSI - p i Toruagn FE MALE COL ELT. 1. C. PR&SHING, D.H., DIRECTOR. In buildings, faculty, patronage and all the facil ities for securing a thorough, solid and ornamental education the leading ladles school in the State, and one of the first in the - Union. Twenty-two able and "accomplished Teachers, su perb buildings, which have Just been repainted, car peted an improved at a heavy outlay. Thnrough course of stmly. Unsurpassed facilities in all the ornamental branches, especially music. Fall Term commences SEPT/MEER 2. Applica tfons can be made at any time, either in per.on or by letter. suit M. SIMPSON, Pre, Trustees JUST RECEIVED, • AT EATON'S, No. 17 M`lfth Street. A great assortment of HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES, VANDYEE LAZES AND EDGINGS, GENVINE JOI7VIN RID GLOVES, NEW SHADES IN RIBBONS, SEA-SIDE SHAWLS, REAL LACES. Ate • • X O , co cli 4 cu - • G.l' = . a ~ i ' • •I , i f 7 0 r... g ''g a ' - . 1 . • = E, 2 ir. . = - = ; i P t • E4 72 CS pa a = Si .111 M PCI 11. 1 immemN ...t Cez 41 Z ;. - 4 i:j - . a' a r: i. .... w p es I I t ••J I*, P si C I, • '-‘ ' 14 72 , • , • im z •=i ' • M E-4 = ts z • = CC a: P. p. - E 1:= .*. = 4 .:.°: REMOVAL. • • The PeeplesNational Bankof Pittsburgh. • Capital, :: : : $1,000,000. SA3IDEL REA President. GEORGE BLACK Vice President. F. M. : GORDON Cashier. • The above instlintion will occupy their ._ - . NEW-BUILDING, No. 75 Wood Street, above. Fourth Street, . . On MONDAY. August 3d, where in future their business will be transacted. au.1:482 -., 11 - OUSE ESTABLISHED 1824. • JACOB .B. HURLEY, ..Nos. 27 & 29 Fourth St., F , lttsburgh. . . . CHOICE. CONFECTIONERY, Of Superior French and American make, Wholesale .and Retail: and pure ICIS CREA3IS and WATER ICES. FOREDIN FRUITS, of all kinde, JELLIES 'slid rare delicacies. In season. • Weddings,'Farties. Festivals and Select Compa• hies supplied , promptly, and equal in style to any' ',other establishment in the country. Oliver and !China Ware. supplied, and also careful wailers. • it Elegant apartments provided for dieUls, com :pri.ing the • delic.cies of the season. Ladles and 'families can_ enjoy a quiet, retired place to dine. aul.4:n4s SILK SACQUES. • Lama Lace Points, Summer Shawls, FOB SALE AT LOW P.BICES, BY WHITE :ORR & CO., s' 25 Fifth Street .f4OOD CANNED n'EACJIES, PLUMS AND RAt3PBERRIES, Selling at very low prices, at GpIIGE }MAVEN'S. 112 Federal street. Allegheny • :. 4 1 0-LET OR FOR SALE. SIX NEW DEICE HOUSES, ;n Second% ward, Allegheny. Reasonable terms ;nqulre of .• - • W. EL TAYLOR, . . WARTED. 50,000 bush prime WHEAT 50,000 • • • • Fall and Spring BARLEY nd 25,000 EYE; E For which we will pay the highest price' In caihAt proacoox, & 00, ; ae:d&P FOOD NEWS. ' • GUI' BREAD T DEAR M .. ;Inquire for NVA.RIVS Bread. _The largest and beet. . The . Initials "H• W." On , ery loaf. Take done else. IGHTNING APPLE PABEEIS.-- ~4 Spa l he yhaveee e b vedaar ge esotek of o r t he h ab l o a ve :ree years, and have proved themselves to be the Est ever invented. They pare teeter, better. and their work much alkalies' lban any other Apple Arerill known. For sale wbolesa. ndretall, by, 7*XE,, DOWN, 138 'Wood street. ' ini:TER? lOUBLE. SiIItitEL:SHOT GUNS: 1..• —I have In store ateryatipertor lot of i , otade :arret Shot tinny. breech and muzzle loading. of . OWIli importation; whtch.l will sell 'stow as any . .use In the contury, :.lexcept. none: All I aak all and examing and be cenTlnced of 'the same. . for sale by t . ; :Tresizs nowar, uttrrtry ' • 138 Wood street. p RIOT! SHOTl—Just received. ti MAltnasortrneut tit New Yoilt Patent Bhut,itn u tor t g a byshasserted numbers from a/I • ' MIEN MORE; • 138 wookttreet. Z ATUEiI,:iIEXIVING, the best re " quality eak.,Tanued i t Ilea,' on -baud .at the r "l'a• • J. a a.rauaars. nth MEM NEW -A.IYVERTISEPSENTS. NOTICE. - To Cellar Diggers and Ash Haulers. Parties having earth, ashes or cinders to remove, can depoalt the same at the Monongahela Wharf. . . ItIHN FLINN, Contractor. aull3;n6C NOTICN_ E.-Letters of Adminis tration barin_g been granted me on the Estate` OBERT LAFFERTY, deceased, •all persons having-claims against his estate will present them to me, duly authenticated. and isli persons owing said estate will makeayment to me or my Attor neys, COLLIER., MILLER A McBRIDE. No. 98 Film street, Pittsburgh. aul9iur..3-tu KNAHE & CO.'S AND HAINES BROS. PIANOS, For sale on monthly and quarterly. payments CHARLOTTE MOVIE, 'ants 43 Fifth street, Sole Agent AN OPPORTUNITY for a GOOD INVETAIENT.—We offer for sale 300 acres or uoal. situate in Armstrong county. near the Western Pa. It, It., and about 50 miles east of Pittsburgh. The whole mass of coal is solid feet thick. and of excellent quality. and will be at e a low price and on easy terms. For further informa tion call on or address an 18 HOUSE AND LOT ON FEDERAL STREETrALI.EGRENY, AT AUCTION.— The property No. 311 Federal street, Allegheny. will be sold TO-3tOHROW (Wednesday.) AFTER NOON, at 2 o'c'ock. The lot Is MO by 100. The house is a good brick dwelling of seven rooms, fin ished in good style and in good order. Inspection invited. IMO ORDINANCE FIXING SPECIAL RATE PER FOOT FRONT FOR SEWERS. eEC. I. Be it ordained and enacted by the Select and Common Connate of the City of Allegheny, and it (a hereby enacted by authority of the Rama That the special rate on the foot front of all property fronting or abutting on line of sewers hereafter to be constructed, Is hereby axed and established at two dollars per foot. SEC. 2. Any ordinance or part of ordinance that may conflict with the foregoing be and the same is hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted into a law thls the 13th day of August, MS. JAMES McBRIER, President of Select Council. JOHN S. SLAHLE. President 6f Common Council. Attest: D. SIACFEIIIION, Clerk of Select Council. R. DILWO/t2l/. Clerk of Common Coen - cll. anis A N ORDINANCE authorizing the construction of the SEM:WICK AND 13E.RAL STREET:SE WE RS. SEC. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Select and Common Council., of the City of Allegheny, and it i 8 hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the iCderat and Sedgwick Street e.ewers, as marked and designated ou the plan of sewerage adopted, shall be constructed,fand the Commission are empowered and required to contract with suita ble parties for the construction of the same; and for defraying costs and expenses of the same shall levy a special tax of two dollars per foot front on all lots of ground fronting or abutting on the streets, Ac., in which said sewers are built. and the amount remaining unpaid after said rate is levied sballbe assessed upon the districts in which said sewers are respectively located, according to the provisions of an Act of Assembly enticed "A Sup plement to the 4th Section of an Act approved the Ist day of May, A. D. 1861, entitled an •'Act rela tive to the City of Allegheny." Ordained and enacted Into a law this the 13th day of August, 1568. JAMES McBIMAR, _ - President of Select Council. JOHN S. oLA6LE, President, of Common Courcii. Attest: MD D. MacrERWIN. Clerk of Select Council. Int.wotra, Clerk of Cothmon Council. aulS ORDINANCE authorizing the construction of the SIONTGUMERr AYE LIE SEWER. Eiec.l: Be it 'ordained and enacted by the Select and Common Co um:118 of the City of Allegheny, and • it i 8 hereby enacted by the authority of the oa me. That the Montgomery Avenue Sewer and Its later als through the Common Grounds Is hereby author- • izee to be constructed, and tile Commission on sew ers are hereby uuthurized and required to contract with suitable parties for the honitruction of the same, according to the plans and sucellications adopted. • SEC. 2. And fur defraying costs and exrcnses of the construction of the same. the Commission are authorized and empowered to make assessments on all lots of ground, public squares and Common Grounds within the district. according to provisions of Section 3d of an Act of Assembly approved the Ist daY of April. ISOS. entitled a supplement to the . 4th Section of an act approved the itt day of 3iay. A. D. istn, entitled "n Act relative to Allegheny City.” • SEC: 3. The special rate to be assessed by said Commission (for the construction of said sewer, i on the foot front, of lots fronting or abutting on the streets, &c., in which Bald sewer is constructed. Is hereby flied and established at $2 per foot. SEC. 4. All ordinances or parts t f ordinances con flicting herewith are hereby repealed. Ordained ana enacted Into a taw this the 13th day of August, A. D. 1868. • JAMES McBRIER, President of Select Council. JOH s S SLAGLE, ' • President of Commoo Council. Attest:• D. MAeFERRON. 'Clerk of Select Council. S. DILWORTII. Cleric of Common Council. aulB E, the undersigned, LIVERY ME N OF PITTSBURGH. ALLEGHENY. B RMINGHASI and vicinity. do subscribe to and agree to sustain the following BILL OF PRICES: Carriage ' pe pe r g a aif day . m - g 00 . ....... ..... 700 Concert, .c 0 .37 , 500 Party, .. 5 00 .. •• Country 7LO - " Depot . 8 00 per hour 3 00 Barouche, and pair, pea 3 20 00 " - p - e . r d ha . lf day 700 Buggy andpair,B 00 pr',:rr. dap day 6 00 `• and horse, per fl i t day 6 00 5 00 : :: .: per 4 00 BOrse and Saddle, per oa3- , - 3 00 ' " per half (la) 33 00 Ladies' and Gents' horse . 5 1./0 - FUNERAL:7'. Carriage, city trips 3 00 - Hearse, • • 6 00 Carriage from Woods' Run, Oakland. Cop per Works. Temperanceville andAirciwns town to Allegheny & St. Mary's Cemetery 6' oo Hearse for same 7,00 Carriage Dom East liberty. Glenwood. Manstield,lieek.'s Run and sharpsburg...: 700 Hear e for same N 00 Carriage, per day ' 10 00 : ,•• per half day 7, 00 . Hearse, per day 10;.00 , per half day 6 00 piggy and Horse 3 00 Horse and boggy, pit. week 6 00 Horse, per week 5 00 Horse and buggy, day time 3 00 Horse and buggy, over night 1 00 Buggy, per week ... 100 Single feed 50 All vehicles without huriies, half price: John McKeon, , 3foielsnd & Mitchell, Body Patterson, Jr., Campbell & Aiken. Thomas Dahl., Harper & Co.. - Spencer & 011119 mi, - Charles & Peebles, Andrew Jackman, Fahman & White, B. F. Mevey, Shafer &Floyd, Edward Czarnleckl, H. B. Miller. • Inner & Bradley, I McNulty & Samson, . Hamm & Bros., S. Kocher, Wiblo & Co., bicCaldn Bros., Jacob Yoe'key, j McClurg 8r05.,. Robert Young. T. Ifershberger. Li. Stewart. August 15th, 1568. . auls:ns6 TO RELITIT CONTRACTORS. THE GRADUATION, MASONRY AND BALLASTIN4 of the following enutner- 45 Ohio street aced sections of the Pittsburgh _& Connellsville Railroad, Are advertised for contract., and proposals for the same will be received at the Company's Office, In Pit. eburah, up to the t` 20TH OF SEPTEMBER, inclusive, Commencing at the' Uniontown Branch Junction, about &Mile east of Connelsville, !Sections 59 to 64 inclusive. Then Sections 65, ; 73, 74, 76; 00, 81, 82, 83; 84; 85, 86, 87038, 89, 90, 01, 92. /06, no, no, 115, 116, 117, 118, 110, 122. 128, 129, 130, 133, 140. All of these Sections are in the valley of the Youghiogheny river, up to Section 112 Inclusive. Sections 115, . 116, 117 are on the Summlk and embrace the Sand Patch Toone': and the remainder ■re In the valley cif. Wills Crack, Section 140 being about 5 miles from Cumberland. Spetdilestions of the work on the above k ect;ous will be ready for deliVer, on the Ist of September, at tiie Ofilees of the Company, at Pittsburgh and Cum. berri#6, where contractors will obtain all necessary information to enable them to examine the line. • The Company reserves the right to reject all or a part of each 'bid Auiust 10th (1888 §TORE: WINDOW . SHADES, of any color , and-stse reqtdred l irlth border and ttexe pistil or ellt; also the Dixie Blue for same V=uutr9Es 3o 7 ket wide, aL tbe bu inotp , and ot. Clair street. Jet J. h 8. riuunq JAMES D. KELLY, 102 Elm Street, Plttsburcb B. CUTHBERT & SONS, S 5 nenthfleld street A. LEGGAIIt. Auctioneer, 139 Federal street. Allegheny LIVERY H. H. ZATI{9I3E, CIVIL- ENCITNEYR. ' atil4:o9 PIM,R.TIRGH GAZETTE.i• TUESDAY, A.UGUSI 18, 1888. POLITICAL. tgr" 7TH AND BTH WARDS GRANT AND COLFAX CLUB A regular meeting of the GRANT AND COLFAX CLUB will be held This (Tuesda,,) EVENING, August • JOS. HARTMAN, president.JOHN D. McFADEN, See*y. au 18 GRANT AND COLFAX CLUB, OF BEOOND WARD, AT. I7 GERRY, MeetJfeets at SECOND WARD SCHOOL HOUSE, every Tuesday Evening', at S O'clock. au3it6l MTt NOTICES. L47"PITTSBURGII SAENGERFEST August 31st and September Ist, 2d and 3d. MONDAY, s Reception of the Guests. Torchlight Procession to the Keystone Rink. Addresses by Gov. Geary and other prominent speakers. To conclude with a 'Concert by the resident Singers and Orchestra: TUESDAY. GRAND CONCERT at the Rink by 500 Singers and an Orchestra of 50 Performers. IVEDNEBDAY. .SECOND GRAND CONCERT, at Turner Hall, by the Visiting Societies. TIIURSDAY . GRAND PICNIC at the Iron City Park. In the Evening the Festivities will close with it CRAND BALL AT TURNER HALL PRICE OF ADMISSION Reception Concert 0, Grand Concert ' Secured Seats 25 cents extra Second Grand Concert 1 00 Plc.-.tife, for every person 50 cents Ball 1 50 aul7:uBl. THE COMMITTEE. 110"'THE APPETITE FOR TOba l cco Destroyed • Leave off Chewing and Smoking POlllO4lOllll Weed, Tobacco. One box of ORTON'S PREPARATION . Is iWAR NTED to destroy the appetite for tobacco l i any person, no matter tiow strong the habit may be, Jar IF IT FAILS IN ANY CASE THE MONEY WILL REPCNDEE. It is almost impossible to brekk oil' from the use of tobacco by the mere exercise of the will. Something is needed to assist nature In over coming a habit so firmly rooted: with the help of the preparation there is not the least- trouble. Hun dreds have used It who are willing to bear witness to• the' fact that-ORTON'S PREPARATION com pletely destroys the appetite for tobacco and leaves the person as free from any desire for it as before lie cornmenc'ed' Its use. It is perfectly safe and harmlisS In all rases. The Preparation arts directly upon the same glands and secretiot.atft ilea by to.. borer., and thrungh these upon the blood, tlinroUgh ly cleansing the poison of tobacco front the systt and . thus allaying the unnatural cravings .if tobacco. No MORE HANK !NI: FOR TOIIAcEo AFTER PSI NI.; ORTON'S PREPARATION: P.P.CoI.I.FA: TIT I, WAR RANfEI/ BEWARE OF CoUNTERFE:TS RECOMMENDATIONS The following are a few selected from the multi tude of recommendation> in our no>session:': [From W. I'. Heald, Esq,, Bangor. Its>n:on, Mc., April 24. Viol, I hereby certify that I have used tobacco for thir ty ears past, and fur the last ditcen In ars I have used two pounds per month. I have made attempts to Marc on at different times. I have left oil one sear at a time, but always mmtlnued to hanker for it until I tiseti Orton's Prt parstlon, which has coal te:y cured inc of the appetite for tobacco. I wou.d recommend all who are affecked.with this ter rible habit to try the preparation. which will cer tainly cure ft If the directions are followed. W. P. HEALD. :From E. W. Adkins. Knoxville. Tenn., KNOXVILLE,' Tenn., August 5. 1867. This is to certify that I had used addict.° to such an extent .e that my h. alth had become greatly Im paired, and my whole system deranged and broken down. In June. 1201. I puichasetione box of Or ton's Preparation, and after using it I found that I was completely cared. I have not itad any hanker ing or desire for tobaccoaince using the preparation. I believe it to he all that it Is recommended, and I would advise all who wish to quit the use of tobacco to try one box of Orton Preparation. • E. W. APKINS. (From John Morrill. Bangor, Me.. lias6on. Me., March 24, 1262. This is to certify that I have used tobacco for eighteen years: have tried many times to leave off, but have MI tiered so much frotn a Waxiness In my head, and gnawing at my stomach, that I have soon given up the trial. A short time since a friend in duced me to try Orton!s Prep. ration tsold by you.) I have dour-so. and ant completely cured. I did not In the tenet hanker after tobacco, either to smoke or chew, after I began to use the Preparation. JOHN MOIMILL. Price of ORTON'S PnE.PARATION Two 'Dollars per box. forwarded to any part of the country. post paid. on receipt of price. 31,ticy be ia by wail at our rbk. Addreed. C. B. COTTON, Proprietor, Box 1, 745. Portland, Maine. - • REFEBENCE. We. the Undersigned. have had personal dealings with C. it. corros. and have found him a reliable and fair dealing man, and nelicre his statements 41eserclug the confidence of the public: S. 11. Richardson. Rev. .1, d. i reeh. Dr. S. B. Gowen, Portland, Me.• Charles ff. Morrill. Bidde ford, Me.; A. ff. Boyle, Attornev, Belfant, Me.; Alonzo , Barnard. Bangor, Me.; • Win. ti Sweet, Esq., Went Manntield, Mass.; ff. M. Boynton. Last Acworth, N. li.; M. Quimby. St. Johnsillie, N. Y. aul7:110 •-•- rgrNOTICE IS HEREBY;,II,-EN that BOOKS FOR SUBSCRIPTION to the Capital Stock of the Company to erect a Bride over the Allegheny River, from Ewalt street, In the City of Pittsburgh, In the County of Allegheny. to the Allegheny and Butler - Plank Road. at or near the mouth of Oirty's "Run, Incorporated by an Act of the Gene ral Assembly_ of this Commonwealth, ap proved the twenty-sixth day of March, t. D. 1868, will be opened at the office of SILL H STTERLY, on Butler street, in the Seventeenth Ward of said .City.of.Plttsburgh, on the TENTH DAT OF SEP TEMBER NEXT, at 10 o'clock A. it. of sold day. John W. Riddell, S, J. Walniiiight, J. J. Shutterly, James I. Bennett, T. R. Sill, ' J. B. Poor, T. B. Stewart, D. Derapsest, • M..?ncCullough, Jr., H. Sample, E. S. Hanna, L. Fellbaugh, W. T. Purviance, It. Coates, : W. Young, J. U. Barr. Win. Reardon, .Wm. McConnell, . Israel C. Pershing, John J. Williams, N. I'. Reed, Commissioners. Pittsburgh, August Bth. 1868. • aulOtn2l SUMMER STOCK OF CARPETS 1 White, Red, Cheeked, Striped and-Fancy MATTIN 4 G - S 9 IN GREAT VARIETY. 011 Cloths, 'Window Shades. &c. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., 21 Pula STREET. Je29:diwil D R AIN PIPE.--HALL & ATIABVP SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF - - • DRAIN PIPE, All sMesi c from one to twenty-tour inches at vr-EL DON RLLY.S. agents for manufacturers, 141 Wool street, between FLfth and Kith stmts. W. P. PRICE, Secretary . 50 cents 41 00 ' 031 BATES & BELL'S BATES .& BELL'S BATES & BELL'S No. :121 FIFTH STREET. auII:TTR&T DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, • ASSETS Open daily from 9 to *o'clock; alto l.l o O n i- jYr 1 9 DNE . S. DAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS, from May Ist to November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clock, and from No vember Ist to May Ist, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all sums of not less than ONE DOLLAR, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, In June and December. Interest has been declared semi-annually in June and December since the Bank was organized, at the rate of six per cent. a year. Interest, if not drawn out, Is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal,. , and hears the same In terest from the Ist days of June and December, com potinding twice a year without troubling the depos itor, to call, or even to , present his pass hook. At this rate money will double In less than twelve years. ]souks containing the Charter, Ily-Laws, Rules and Regulations, furnished gratis, on application at the orrice. • _ • John G. Bad:of4:lT - . --. 7t7M7rotiock, M. D., Benj. I h Fahnestoek,' Robert Robb, James Herd:nail, John li. Slmenberger, James :11cAuley, . James Shidle, James 11. I). Meeds, Alexander Speer, Isaac M. Pennock, - Christian Yeager. THUSTNES: Won. J. Anderson, Robert C. Loomis, Calvin Adams, Henru J. Lynch, John C. Bindley, Peter A. Madeira, George Black, John Marshall, • MR Burgwin, Walter P. MarThall, Alonzo A. Carrier, John It. McFadden, Charles A. Colton, Ormsby Phillips, John Evans, • Henry 1.. Itlngwalt, John J. Gillespie,, Win. E. Schmertz, William S. Haven, Alexander Thelle Peter 11. Hunker, Willlnni Van Kirk, Richard Hays, Isaac Whittler, James D. helly, . ', Win. I'. Weyman. TRZASUmfm—CHARLES A. COLTON. - SEcnoramor—JAMES•lL B. MEEDS Godeffroy Brancker & Co., Are prepared, ns Sole .Afents In the United States for the Prussian Mining and Iron Co., of Duisburg, Westphalia, to contract or sell In quantities to stilt purchasers, (delivered In either New York or Plana- delphls) the celebrate I V. H. SPIEGELEISEN Used so extensively for the manufactnting of 111,3 Iron la free from Sulphur and Phosphorus, snd contains a heavy percentage of Manganese.-The above are also ready to contract for, or sell to arrive "• . STEEL RAILS Manufactured by of Dortmund, for which latter firm they also hive the Sole Agency in the United States Full particulars, samples, prices - Or chemical au- game wUI be promptly forwarded on applicatban aull:u2o DlFtle - 0.41i LUMBER. ASSORTED THIORNICI3BEB. Algo t FLOORING and COAL PITT RAIL, In Yard below Suspension Bridge, Allegheny elde. prrlcir.—Perrri. 1014;04 lIAIHOOOR ST., PITTSBURGH. NEW FALL DRESS 4300135, In the Latest S yles and Fabrics, 11UST OP ENED AT WM. S I)IPLE'S, 180 and 182 Fe eral St., Allegheny NEW CALICOES, NEW MUSLINS, NEW FL/NNELS, NEW CASSEVIEREIS, AT POPULAR PRICES. WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182, Federal St., Alleghen) IMPORTED GOODS. DOMESTIC GOODS. FOR LOW PRICES, CHOICE GOODS, LARGE STOCKS No. 65 Fourth Street CII.A.1171".1E.11E.1:11 IN 1855. • _ PRESIDENT—ii 17.01{0E A LIIREE VICE rims! DENTS: 42 EXERANGE PLACE. NEW YORK, BESSEMER STEEL G. ARNDT dt: CO., A CHOICE LOT OF BUTT-CUT PLANK, Dfc P. ADAMS BRO. WM. SEMPLE, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal St., ALLEGKENY, NOW OFFERS A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF NEW FALL DRY GOODS, AT THE LOWEST PRICES, RETAIL, TO WHICH DAILY ADDITIONS WILL BE MADE, DURING TILE SEASON COMMISSIOIi MERCHANTS. BILLBTGER & STEVENSON, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the, sale. of FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE generally. Also, LIQUORS, WINES, BRANDIES, &c No. 87 Second. Street, Pitt burgh, Pa • frac - LIBERAL, ADVANCES made on consign no !its.. jyil:t7S J. 11. CANFIELD ............. .... ....A. T. CANFIELD'. 73-B. CANFIELD & SON, COM • mrq isos MERCHANTS, and Wholesale >eater, in tio.ditm, Factory. Hamburg and W. IL Cheese, Butter. Lard, Pork. Bacon, Flour, Fish, .Dried Fruit, Brain, Pig Lead, Pot, Pearl and Soda Ashes. Vh hit, Lime. Linseed, Lard, Coal and Car bon Oils. No. 141 First street. Pittsburgh. WATT, LANG & CO., , . WHOLESALE DEALERS Ig Groceries. Flour, Grain, Produce, Pro visions, Fish, Cheese, Carbon Oil, &c., Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD STREET, near Liberty street. Pittsburgh, Pa. -nu8:12,55 M. STEELE v r STEELE & SON, I.Y.L• Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, FEED, ate: 95 OHIO STREEI near East Common, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. JAMES B. If EANOR JOB. HAIPH.B. MEANOIi & ILUIEiIi; FLOUR, ORALN AND PRODUCE CO3X3ILSSIO.PiIr'NMRCIIis 329 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH Consignments solicited. __ I RIFICRENCES—J. G. Martin, Cashier mechanics* nNational Bank; J. S. Dilworth I Co., B. T. Ken; dy jA3I:I7A PETHR XXIL JAB. P. ILICILLIM KEIL.bt RICHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - AND DIALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, &c., - 349 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, my24:b:l7 L T J. BLANCHARD,. Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 396 PENN STREET apIS:xS9 =3 iniiM;Miil COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers in FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, No. 14a. WATER. STREET, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. FETZER ARMSTRONG, FORWARDING AND COMMISSIONIMOHANTB, For the sale of Flour, Grain. Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and ProdUce generally, No. 18 MARKET 'STREET, corner of First, Pittsburgh. fe22:uS JOHN I. HOUSE EDW. HOUSE WM. U. HOUSE. JOHN 1. HOUSE Si. Suc cessors to JOHN 1. HOUSE & CO., Wholesale JOHN and Conitutsalon Merchants, Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets. Pittsburgh. Pa. HA RIDDLE, No. 183 LIBERTY • STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa., Commission bier c ant and Wholesale Dealer in Country Produce. Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash ad vanced on Consignment., and paid for Produce gen erally. au2l. ROUT. KNOX ANIULW KNOX. 13 KNOX & SON, COMMISSION e MERCHANTS and dealers in FLOUR. GRAIN I, FEED and PRODUCE ORNERALLV, No. 79 DIAMOND, opposite City Ball, Allegheny City. Jal7:r37 knviLE, BAIRD & PATTON, lai Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants d ers In Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, 111 and 114 SECOND STREET, Pittsburgh. JOHN BM PION A war.Acs. §HIP'rON&WALLACEJ WHOLE SALE U ROCERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, o. 8 SIXTH STREET. Pittsburgh. isl2:rsB Ti W. C. FELD p. A.: • DEALERS IN , :, ` GLUE, CURLED HAIR, Tanners% Scram Cerooni, Cattle Tails, BONES, NEAT'S FOOT OIL, &C. - oOfee and Warehouse, No. 333 LIBERTY ST.. 3d door from Wayne, • PINTSBURGII, PA. SECOND-HANDENGINES WANTED, One 'Uri:omila 'Ermine, of 20 home power. - One . ..Nigger' , Fnglne, without reverse valve. . Also, a medium sized DRILL . Terms cash. Address, with description and price, JOSIAH! corvEY, Jr., • sunnB 66 Elver Avenue. Allegheny. ImNDIA RUBBER BELTING AND STEAM PACKIN6I.—A full stock on hand it all et, and of the best quality. Parties wishing to at up nAILs or shops where Belting is required, will and our prices as low as cau be bad In the East, and night Meth .•- • J. 11. ' PHILLIPS, Ori . Clair street. NEW STOCK HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, 180 and 18 Federal St., Allegheny B ARGAINS IN MEN'S SHIEITS, 180 and 182 Federal St., Allegheny CARPETS . AND OIL' CLOTHS'' I=3 CARPETS ! CARPETS! ANUFACTURERS HERE and in Europe HAVE NOW AD VANCED PRICES, but we of- e fer all hinds of CARPETS for the present at the very low est CASH RATES of the past season. Having made all our contracts previous to any ad vance, and invariably for cash, we are enabled to sell lowerthatt they can be pur chased this Fall. McCALLUM BROS., =l3 . fr O w :rWITHSTANDING THE nfactnrers' recent advance in prices, we will continue to offer the Largest stock of Braisels, Velvets and. Ingrain Carpets in the city, at the lowest prices reached this sea son. Just received, a few pieces of a new and exquisite patterns of Royal Axminstat OLIVER 11I'CLINTOCK f & CO., NEW CARPETS, T_T rl" A. I DX Mr WINDOW SHADES, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. THE •Bar GOODS AT LOWEST PRISM IicFMULOI) & COUIiNS, Nos. 71 and 73 Fifth Street, Next Building to U. S. Custom noes° & Post Ogle* soll:ThAT WM. SEMPLE'S, LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS_ LINEN SIEIRT FRONTS, LADIES' STOCKINGS, WWI. SEMPLE'S, 51 FIFTH STREET. CARPETS. No. 23 Fifth Street. CORNICES WELL SEASONED 52 Effl
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