6. IRON' -WORKS: IMES p. roam*, Sup's. i. sn.Nr.E, Prean ITTSBURGH FOILGT. AND IRON CO., mArnmecruzaas OP Bar Iron; P -ilroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; • Railroad Car Axles Hammered; Locomotive Frames; . • LocomotiVe Frame Shapes; Bide Yokes, Straps; Piston Heads; , Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; plidOn Rods; Wrists; ' Pitman saws, Co ars, Ae. Ofilpe, No. 177 FINN STREET, TTSBUROTI. P RA" BYERS ' & CO., G MANUFACTURERS OF Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT IRON, frau Welded Tubes for Gas, - Steam, Water, (ie. ALSO, OIL WELL TUBING. Office, 'bfi Water and 132 'Opt Shuts. PITTSBURGH, Pa KENSINGTON IRON. WORKS LLOYD 45Z MACK, MANUFACTITREFS OF Best Common, Refined, Charcoal A1.. - D • JIJNIAT:A BLOOM . IRON. MERCHANT BAR; ROUND SuidITARE IRON. HOOP, BANDT andIi.NGLE . BOILF.R PLATE'and SHEET IRON. • MOW ER AND REAPER BARS, C 'MINDER and GUARD or FINGER IRON. SMALL 'T RAILS, SO and tbs. to the yard. WROUGHT OHAIRS and SPIKES for same. FLAT RAILS, _punched and Countersunk. COAL SCREEN IRON. Warehouse and trines at the Wont!, GREEN °UGH STREET, . (Gas ntinuat Pittsburgh t street, as loining-thp City Works, E VERSON, PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania 'lron Works. Warehoufie;loa. 1613 and 187 FIRST STREET oppoatte )Monongahela House, - ap2A:d6 • • PILTTSBURGEG .-STEEL: WORKS: PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. -CESTASISIVIEDfI 1845.] ANDERSON & WOODS, wuccEssous to ANDERSON, COOK k CO. Mauufaatorers of every description of • •. BEST REFINED TOQL.STEEL Mill, ?Inlay, Circular, Gang and Cross Cut SA.W. l'Aati-TFAS. Snring, Cast and German Plow and Blltter Steel. Sbovel. 116 e. Fork, nake and Toe ealk Steel. Railroad Spring steel and Frog Pointe. -Cant Steel Finger Bars. :sickle Steel, emring Steel Tyre, Plow Wings, etc.; 1)11 Drill bteer. Mee acrd Works —Corner Flan` AND ROSS STS., Plttsbargti, Pa . jv'Ai:da SHEFFIELD STEEL .. WORKS. SINGES •OK & Ca, - - PITTSBURGH, PA., -- • 1 Manufacturers of every description of CAST AND -CERNIAN STEEL RAILWAY SPRINeiI: H FIeLVITP t 251,3 PLATIffiRld !WEXNER).- - MUM, encer.. TIRE, &c., Itarehonse,-,05-Wateriand- 100 First St& VIILLER, nakfla & ILL . . „ turanCi&t . raximieav . ICCETCALIF, itELTBEN MILLEB, GM W. BARR, - I CRAB. P.A.BAIIi. _ Brame!. PARTNEB.-13. M. KIER. CRESCENT STEW.. WORKS, DLEILAUFAt. MIAMI L&,PAIUKENT, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, krrssuruis. PA. fel4:d4 B t LACJi DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARS, BROTHER & CO. ` , Manufacturers of all descriptions of 01Ice and Wareiionse_, /20_ ,122. 12 , 4 SECOND and 119 and 121 FIRST STRET% OVELTY WORKS. PITTSBURGH 'NOVELTY WARNS. 1. . ADAMS, M'S.F...E & CO., il Keystone Standa . Patent Platform 1 . ,nd Counter SCALES. - Janus Paced Patent Dooiligblndiattlits PAINT AND C TFEE MLLILAL MALLEABLE mos, ae. Corner of _CrltTit. ,, encli Streets', PITTSBURGH. EMII3 HARDWARE. NEW HARDWARE HOUSE. , LINDSEY, STERRIT & EUWEIi, man u i'ct.iitoti,onf4 importers ot -, ;r -•. • ii..AL it l2lW RE D , CUT LERIte .t. C I . ,--, l , 3 :3 7 LIB ERTY STREET, )TiN ER OF -WAYNE', '• Ono Styinnro Below Union Depot, • • P ETTSBURGEt. • " recta(z Iet...ULU/A-NEW BO ALE& ikloamE;Ts. A TLAS WORKS? MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS:N.•DuLLER.' President. Theke Works are among the largest and most complete establishments in the. Went, and are now prepared to furnish • Engines, of every description. Boilers, OilToolcs. Sheet Iron Rork• Railroad Castings. BIER Castings. Encino Caettlngs., ffincLine Castinitic. Genertil Casting F _ ORDERS SOLICITED n09:n69 NATIONAL FOUNDRY . • AND PIPE WORKS.- Corner Citrrtin and Smallinan Streets, (NINTH WARD, ) PITTsUUUGI-I, PA. swim Markufacturer of • CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS. saMnl,Patsl4Ffeeeallleellags Li s a: al l l s a o blr a l^ s r: s l o t ;im in enl.fD y f GeneralCaStings for Gas and Water Works. of Gas W or ks I would alk to so 6)l my makl the attention RERO.,JS. of per Intendents felthtlo 0. LIVINGS.TOS.W. li. BURT. W. A. ROBINS, JR. LIVENTGSTON Sr., CO., IRON FOUNDERS, MANUFACTURERS OF FINE LIGHT CA S TINGS, plt description s for Plumbers an d lit ieutuup i eaencottonane e o ; n ch[Ate7dbVork promptly attended to. (Mee and Works—WASHINGTON AVENUE, near Outer Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. ROBINSON, ILEA & CO., successors to ROBINSON, MINIS & MILLERS, - WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, fIITSBURGH, Manotheturers of Boat and Staticituiry Steam En gine ,s Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Gearing, Shafting, Castings of all Works;descripi oil Tanks and Stills, Boller and Sheet Iron .. Office, No. 12, corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for (RETARD'S PATENT INJECTOR for - feeding Boilers. - - ' jall:rs2 MOPiT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, KALEUNBRY AND CASTLNGS GENERALLY Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonible. • EBBE= & MAGELIND 0c15:t28 BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICE • & SIMS. Office and Warehouse, 29 Wood Street. Thimble, Skein. and Pipe.llloXeB, WAGON BOXES, DOG IRONS, ld Castings generally THOMAS CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works , asN - DusKy ST., y LLEGHESY CITY, PA., Manufacturers of Steam 'Engine_ 011 Presses; Pul leys, Shafting, Grist and Saw Mill Work,_Bolling Mill and Machine Castings, Grate Bars , :Weights, Wagon Boxes, 4Le. Build tO order' and have on hand. Engine s of all sizes. . mvl4:qs' -771ENTRAL FOUNDRY • AND ROL!. WORKS • 880 Penn Street. BOLLMAN, • BOYD & BIGALEY, Chill Rolls, Mill Castings, Roll Lathes. &a. IeJLTON MACHINE WORKS.. ESTABLISH-ND IN 11136. =factory. of STEAM ENGINES, of all sizes and of the most approved patterns, for_gtationuri urpee • STEAMIIOATS and STEAM .FERRY TIOATS. variety of IU, 12 and 16 horse power ENGINES, which will be sold at very reduced prices.- 't P. F. classic. Wellsville. 0. Piftytniles below Pittsburgh, on the Ohlo river, and line of C. d. P. R. . noS:h2 LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! ALES.ANDEII PATTERSON, - Prringsviton: Silila PITTBBiJRGH . (Oppositelln)on Iron Mills, THIMBLE . SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, manufacture and keep constantly on hand SUGAR. KETTLES, HOLLOW jWAHE, LUMBER. Dealer in all Hinds of Lumber. ON HAND AND FOR BALE. 600.000 feet Dry Pine Boards: 30,000 feet Dry. Oak, 1 and 2 Inch; 20,000 feet Dry Ash 2, A 3 and 3 Inch; 200,000 fret Hemlock. 1,000,000 No.l 18-Inch Shingles, sassed; .• ...::100,0 . 00 No. 1.16-tuch Shingles, sawed; 106,000V0 - . 1 10-Inch Shingles, smared: '' 2,000 Locust Posts, 7, 8 and 12 feet; • 300 Cedar Posts. • Also, Fire Brick, Tile and Clay, in large or small quantities. - - - YARDS No. 86 PREBLE STREET. formerly Manchester, and /57 REBECCa STREET, oppo site the Gas Works, Allegbi ny. Cliy. jy16213 WORT PURI' Li r litlßElL COMPANY • Capital, - .$126,000 . . • Psursinsuv--EDWARD DITHEIDGE. fiscueTAux—T. A. WRIGHT. Stirsuixtualuitirp.-RDW. DAVISON. /Li i I DIttECTOBS: ./ awned It:m*l4 74. M. Duncan, John Mellon, • • Dithridge, Geo. W. Dithrielsk" • M. L. Malone, S. R. Johnston. • LUMBER Y —Carter:of lUTIAB - and LUM BER STREETS, - Ninth Wisd.• ' OFFICE AT FORT PITT GLASS WORKS, Wash- GAS AND .13TE.AM FITTING. 701 IR X:. .308. Keys um= size. jOHNIK. COO 7. PER & CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, M 3 AND, _ : STEAM . FITTERS, anafictnrere of POWS 6.171) BRASS WORK eza Arigratoti 13A15 71X71111EEI Corner of Pikelind Viralint Streets, PITTSBURGII. • ' ' 4 IRON BRQBPRB. SAMUEL M. WIC f,T • ( IRON • BROILER, 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pst. , AjoetiVror the eeWorCorn,ralk Dongitannkre, Jr eephine, Isabelle. Imealuion stanbe„ Gletdon, end other brands. or Anthracite, Youkhlogheay Coke and O. B. Cll=39lll_, — FIG . ' niol'(l3. tri . „ . clostrasenti sad orderfrenecutifir eliths& PITTSBURGH.' GAZETTE : TUESDAY,I Avolrs'r 'lB, 1868 ENGINES, BOILERS; ato F ORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TAIIIII WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOM3LE-FLUED TUBULAR, FIRE BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, . CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND.CON DENSERS;I STEAM PIPES, GASOMETER AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SRUTES Office and Warehonme, corner Second, Third. Short and Liberty Streetti, erdcra sent to the above address will be promptly attended to. mh7:189 M. BARMULL Si. CO., y y BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON lISTORKE S, NOS. 1 20,512, 24 AND 26 PENN ST. Having approved large yard and furnished it with the most appr machinery, we are prepared to manufacture! every description of BOILERS in the best manner and warranted equal to any made to the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Bolters, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tangs, Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans. Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar fans, and sole mann faclurers of Barnhill's Patent Boilers. Repairing.doue on the shortest notice. JAMES H. RIMER, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, IRON OIL SETTLING PANS, caprit. STEAM PIPE, BALLING MILL-STACIT..I3, J.LIIICD M. BIIIISII ' • 111117811. jAireE7) M. BRUSH Ar. SOS, Steam Boilers, Oil :Stills; Tanks SHEET IRON WORE, 61 Penn Street, .Pittsbu A STETTLER SONS & CO., • MA.NUFACTMSEIIS OF Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks, And SHEET IRON WORK, of all kinds. Locust Street, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh. 3319 STOVES, CASTINGS, &c COOK - STOVES. GET THE BEST. BISSELL a Co.'s PITTSBURGH FOB BIT UMINO US Warranted to Cook, -Bake o well as any other Stove In the BISSELL & No. 235 Liberty ' Also on hand and for sale. PARLOR STOVES, HEATING STOYSE: ORATE - ESONT COOK I NG Bffl CHEAPEST PLACE in TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, Is at 2i o. 140 OR saiT STREET. OILS.. WARING AND KING, Commies4n Bercbanta and BrePere In Petroleum and its Products, DALZEI:L i S BUILDIN O G, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTSBURGH, PA. PIDLADELPRIA ADDRESS, WARING, KING & CO., 127 Walnut Street. TACK BROTHERS, Petroleum and its Products. PlUabargh unice—DALZELL' BUILDING. cor ner of Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. Philadelphia Mace-127 WALNUT ST. JACOB WEAVER, Jr. & Co., Oil Comandasion JobberB, No. 3 DIIQIIRSNE WAY, will buy oo era. on exienc eT a in ra 'tn b p e esrenezllirCoeleuUdMd and p ßefned 01Is, L g ubricating, trade n g bles Ourt to offer un usual facilitie t and In ducements to operatom.• As heretofore, wears de termined to make it the interest of buyers and sel lers to give us a call. Parties having Oil. for sale are cordially invited to bring their samples. apeinet g]ll.r. LONG & CO., MANUFACTIIIIERS OF PURE, W.HIIII BURNING OIL, Brand- 6 ...f.Luci.F . E.n. 00 Once, No. 2 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. 11 PRACTICAL 8.„ 118. FURNITURE . MANUFACTURERS , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LEMON & 'WEISE, NO.' 2.18 Oonstantly on hand every variety of PARLOR iid CHAMBER FIIEN_ITVICE, together with a cern. plete assortment of common Furniture at reduced prices.. Those in want of anything in our line are cordially Invited to call before purchasing. a. Work guaranteed. mh2l nl4l LEMON , . - LAE E SUPERIOR • 464 0,iriiill law Aripawraire WOBl5, PfiatKr. 101CUR0Y' di 'C0.,,. /laSufsaturets 'of Sbestitios, ; Brasiers, Belt OopPer. Presiea Copper Bottoms, Raised sun Rot. wa,s,.Speitar Solder', -Also, inipee. %Ts and ',Dealers Metal, Ftste.- Sheet' Iton,lFlrt" 'it:" Con. staidis Rae& Vonore Machines 11.. 4 1.99 1 41 areheaso,. So. 140 FIRST BTIIII4, +lna - ow . MOND STRIAZT, Pittsburgli. Special cullers , of unmet vas twiny. deikia& israteilidarT 11.1.FISFACTIIII.Sit8 OP PITTSBURGH, Pa PITTSBURGH, PA., M.kNIIFACTURICR OF TANKS, i • And SHEET IRON WORK. For Stearnboate MANUFACTURERS OF TRIUMPH, TO BUY THE P. C. 'DUFFY COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN bozi.ll2.thill COPPER. PITTsUV fl4Ui. FINANCIAL ca‘a.r..ik.444..Zca.i.2i6iiii•r•WiZgiel:t44iii FORT PITT BANKING COMPANY, No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY, LIABLE. DEALER'S IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AND COLt. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIE DEPOSITS. Collections made on all accesstblt points ill the United States and Canadas. D. Hoste tter, James Jordon, D. Wallnce, E. Fawcett, --. BAWL. fficCLURELAN, Pres't 1 D. LEET WILE N. Cashier, KEYSTONE BANK, No. 293 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBITRGII, PA. CAPITAL, (authorized,) : : : $200,000 DIRECTORS. H. J. Lynch,l Win. H. Hamilton, John Murdoch, Jr., I Henry_ Bookstore, William Espy, Geo. T. Van, Doren. Samuel Bare&ley, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS 1 aS•c2l Collections made on all socessible points in the United States and Canada. - Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD H. J. LYNCH, President. GEO. T. VAN DOBEN. Cashier. ,y-STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK OF I'ITT'SBURGtX-1. CASH CAPITAL Presidelit—HENßY LLOYD. Vice President--WILLIAM ILEA.! li Pa. Henry Lloyd. 'Hon. Thos. Idellon, tE. I'. Jones, Tb. Wlghtman Geo. W. Hallman, ;Wm. nen, It. Hartley, ,Edward Gregg, ilitram Stowe Secretary & Treas'r—S. F. VON BONHORST SIX PER CENT. INTEREST paid on time de imAts. Deposits made on or before August 15th will hear Interest horn that date. Interest computed on Ist November and Ist Mae. 1v31:C76 NATIONAL _BANK 'OF. COMMERCE, Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sts. A. PATTERSON JOS. R. HILL ... CAPITAL, : : $500,000. DIRECTORS: A. Patterson,; George W. Cass, Wm. H. Brown,• James McCandless, Chas. Lockhart, I Vim. Douglas, Allen Kirkpatrick, ' f Wm. Reed. W. S. Haven, DISCOLTNTM DAILY,'AT 11 A. M. . 14)9:02 OAL. Roast as Union. HART, CAUGHEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, CO., Garner Third and . Wood Streets, treet. .I' TIEU3I/11G - II , PA., (SUCcEs. , Olls TO HANNA, CO',) DEALERS IN Exclumge, Coin, Coupons, FENDERS, ANUES, the city And particular attention tuild t to he purchase and sale o COVERNMENT BONDS. sight Ebrartas on T..ondon. - N. HOLMES & SONS, 57 Market Street, UnitedCollec Eit tio ates end aa. Stocks, Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale or . United States Securities. is3o:al WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, No. 59 Fourth Street. CIIARTEIIED 1866. Interest paid on Time Deposits ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK. WITHOUT INTBREST. Discounts Daily at o'clock. • President—THOMPSON BELL. Vice President—A, M. MARSHALL. , TOU THOMPSON BELL DIEUIC ? i A. S: M. MARSHALL. JOS. DILWORTH. , JOB. ALDRICH. J. J. OLLLESPIE. • Stockholders to whom we Cal aire el n, Wm., ' Forsythe, Will Wm.is Ddw, l D. W. O. Bidwell, E. M. Fulton. PITTSBURGH PAPER MANE , - FACTORING COMPANY, Manufacturers of PRINTING AND 'IVRAPPING PAPERS. CLINTON MILL—BTEUBNVILLE. OHIO. BRIGHTON MILL—NEW BRIGHTON. PA. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, No 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, PA. OrnagsarAtTGllßT RARTJE. President. JNO. B. LIVINGSTON. Treasurer. - • SAMUEL RIDDLE. Secretary. • DIIISCTOBS—Augr at Hartle, John Atwell, 8. H Hartman; John B. Ltelngton. Clash paid for Diner Stock.' , , CARPENTERS dr. BUILDERS. ism J DICK, • IARPENTER AND . BUILDER; .; No. as PENNBTLVANTI , AVENM Moons slgkitroots Fitter:Fp, row. ;Madam, itooM emit street.— • ,„, , Joblitng, Aonewith tiettnua and I ttamatch. All ordottprOmptly attended to. and mittabotion wu routed. as!:oCsinfr DIRECTORS: Jno. C. Risher, Robt. H. Hang, JamestndrelMilaie Miller, TRANSACTED 8100,000 GMEMEI Preatdent. PrrasTSBURGFII , PA.. ANY BUM RECEIVED /EOM retake reference: ' Joseph Dilworth," Rev. David Kerr, Henry Lambert, A. k. Brown, Thomas Ewing. PAPER. PH. R.. MEELITZ, BANKER, Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets GOVERNMENT AND PACIFIC R. R. BONDS, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS ' Bought on the most favorable terms. Sells LET TERS OF CREDIT and DRAFTS a salable in any part of Europe. DEPOSITS received subject to check, or INTER EST ALLOWED ON TINE DEPOSITS. JAS T. BRADY & CO., (Successors to S. JONES & C-0•.). Corner Fourth and Wok Sts., F 3116 I'C "MK- M 3EL , BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF GOVERNMENT SEOVRITIES, GOLD, SILVER. AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS Vir Interest Allowed on Deposits. Its' Money loaned on Government Bonds at low est market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO C,lltpittsbittglj ,Gityttt. FINANCE AND TRADE. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, MONDAY, August 17, IS6B. The efforts of the bull clique to advance 'the premium on gold utterly failed to-day; the market opened strong to-da3l at 147 1 ., declined to 147 and suddenly broke to 1463; closing at 146%, dull. The cliquy i has suc ceeded on last Friday, to dispose of a large amount of gold at between 147% to 148 and the amount they now hold is quite small,.) failing to underly advance the premidm, their pre-arranged plans, are laid for , drooping the market to entrap short sales and discourage outsiders from buvipg—a sufficient amount of money, howeveri has been secured at low rates to advance the price so soon as politics become more ex cited. The Government bond market lOoks very .weak, and in the entire absence of buyers lower prices will have to be made to attract investors. The stock market was very weak and dull today, and prices point towards lower rates, although the •market rallied at the close. Western speculators were pretty well stuck with stocks at high prices, and and the cliques feel more easy, otherwise prices would have gone down and a panic might have ensued. It is reported by parties, well-informed, that the market is going to be railed again in order to attract more purchasers for a supposed rise, thus far they will succeed depends only on the ability of the western men to buy, they are ready and eager to cover their losses. Mining shares remain tine and un changed. Business is gradually iniprov ing. Money easy. —Tho New York Stock quotations tn-clay. as received by Mr. Ph. R. Mertz, were as follows: Gold 146;;; 1881's, 114.;.; 5-20's, 1852, 113%; do 1864, 109%; do 1865, 111% , do new, 1077; do 1867, 10791; 10-40's, 108 X; dleveland Pittsburgh 86; Fort Wayne, 107; Western Union Telegraph 33%; Adams Express, 47%; Erie, 52y 5 . —Closing quotations recetved by James T. Brady Lit Co.: Gold, 146%; U. S. 6's, 1881's, 114%; - 5-20's, 1862, 113%; '5-20's, 1864, 109 V,; 5-20 's, 1865, 111%; 10 1 10's, 1083; 5-20's, January and July, '65,.108; 5-20's, January and July, '67 107%;°'68, 107%; June 740's, par less July 7-30's, do )4 August 118%; Sept, 118,( Oct. 118; Union Pacific Railroad, 102; Coa -1 tral 103. [al ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, MONDAY, August 17, 1868. There was again a very full supply of Cattle on sale to-clay, and with only a moderate local demand and but little _. in quiry for shipment, the market was a little heavy, and when we left the yards - (half past ten) it looked as though there would be quite a number left over unsold. The great proportion of the Cattle on sale this week were from Ohio and Pennsylvania, with two or three small droves from In diana and Kentucky; so far as we could learn, there was not a single bullock here from Illinois, and until the cattle plague excitement has entirely died out, the fewer that are brought here from that State the better. There is a very strong feeling against cattle coining from that State, as it was there the infected cattle came from, and while we have no doubt but what there are plenty of sound and healthy Cattle in Illinois, our butchers prefer buying Cattle from some other localityk it is a well.known_ fact that previous to the panic_ini Conse quence of the Cattle disease, the best beef Cattle in this market came from Chicago, and they brought a bigger. price Ahanxither Cattle on sale, while since the time above referred to, Illinois stock has' been at a diSociunt. - Prime to extra butchers Cattle sold to day at from 7V 4 to 73;, though it should be borne mind that nothing bat the very beg Cattle brought these figures. We are cognizant of good retailing Cattle having been sold at 6;4 to 7c, and many of what are considered our. hest .butchers are not :.paying above these figures. Stock Cattle, for which there is a moderate demand, may, be quoted at 33 to 6c, according to quality and condition. Bulls, of which there were a fair supply, sold at from 2% to 3,c. Cullen sold 17 . head of prime ' lndiana steers to Moses & Co. at 7 Boswell to 'Duffy 26 head :of_ common mixed Indiana'stock at 4 to 53;. Woodward to Duffy 6 head ltullafia bulls and stags at 3% to 5._ , t Wick it, Co. 31 head Of eornMonlßutler county stags and heifers at 3M, to 411._ Rothohilds it Katz 20 heed of, zalieq Ttis barawas &linty' stock at 5 to 7. • L. Iti.thchilds sold 30 head of good, prime Washington county isteers at 6,t0 7,50'.22 head Butler county Steers dif era at 5 to 6,75. " M. Verner sold 18 head* Ohio steers'for. Campbell at 5 C0'6,50. • ' , 'Taylor sold 21 head of-. eon:monist" stock to Verner at E.,l;' , who' retiiired the same cattle'it`s'to 6. • . . . C. A. Vhayer•sold 20 head Western IteL serve cows and heifers at t Atos,2h a i 4 Kraus & Haab sql&,sl' 4,it 91:140 cattle at 5 to 6,TP-an •1441°- Myers : & Needy ' . at Sto 7 i,; ‘ HaaldWbod & Blic t listoolk sold S 9 head for Campbell at 5 to 7; 20 for Shomaker at 5,50 to 7,78; 18 for Shepard at 5 ' to 6:rall fro Ohio. Greenw i ald &- Kahn sold 39 head good Ohio steers at 6to 7,85; 20 head Penna.. stock at sto 6; 13 from Butler county for Emmen & Co. at 3 to 5. S. Marks & Bro. 20 head of prime Ken tucky steers at 7to 7,50; 17 Ohio steers at 5,50 to 6,50.. ; S. Traurnian 76 head-61 from Wa.shing ton county, and 15 head from Ohio, at -5,50 6,75. Holmes, Lafferty & Co. 92 head mixed Holmes, stock, all on commission, at 4,25 to 6,50. Hedges &Taylor sold 20 head for Keenan at 5,25 to 6; 20 for. Keener at 5,50 to 6,50; 36 ' head, for other parties at 5 to 5,50. L: Shamberg 10 head Penna. stock,- price not given. • Host 10 head at 4 to 4,75. J. Davis 2 head unsold. Stakely & Bro.• 20 head of fairish Penna. steers at 5,50. The tota number, of Cattle reported sold reached eight htindred and 'fifty-slx head; now we have no doubt there were fully one hundred head left over, so that the whole number of Cattle on sale Would foot up nine hundred and fifty head, against about seven hundred last week. SHEEP ANTI 'wizens. There was again a very large supply of Sheep and Lambs on sale to-day, every spot being full to overflowing, and the market was an exceedingly hard one, and a large Mimber would have to . be left over unsold. Notwithstanding this, however, there were but really few prime fat Sheep . in market, and those who were so fortunate as to have good mutton Sheep experienced no difficulty in selling, and _that, too; at good prices. Common and. inferior gradep, howe,ver, were exceedingly dull, 'and, as a general thing, the butchers bought at their own prices, say from 2 1 ,4 to 3c per pound, ' or from $1,50 to $2,50 per head; some few , good sat Sheep sold at from $3,50 to $4 per , head.. The sales reported were as follows: r Anderson wholesaled 120 head, averag--t -int: 90 lbs, to Deitrich, at 3,15. .1. R. Pringle 94 head common Mercer! - County Sheep at $1 to $1,50 per head. Bannon sold 42 Lambs for Douglas at $2 l , to's2l4 per head, and, had. 62 head Sheep for H ' eckathorn unsold.. ' P eeler reports having. sold 80 head at s4' for Sheep, and $2 for Lambs. - Filmier et, Sheitamentle '4O. head Sheep i and Lambs at $1 t 0.52,50. Emmen, Fowler (1, - . Co. 400 head; sold Sheep at $1,50 to $2,75 and Lambs at $1,501 to $2, 50. Stakely it Bro.- 200 .head; sold Sheep at $2 to $3, and Lambs at $1,50 to 52,50. Adam Eckert 94 Lambs at 51 to $3 per head. 'Kauffman 98 head Washington county Sheep at $2 to $4 per head. WelSh 39 head; sold 16 head at $2,75. Grier sold 50 head Sheep. at $1,50; ex pected to sell 150 head more at $l. ; J. Rinn sold 70 head at 2y, to 3q; 265 un sold; had an offer 0f51,25 der head. Wick de Co. 50 head Sheep at_srto $2. J. F. Neely 96 Lambs at 75c to $2;25. E. D. Emery 130 from Lawrence & Co.; sold . Sheep at $1,50 to $3, an:d Lambs at 51 to $2,25. Seymour de Co., had 200 head, Sheep and Lambs, which it was expected would have to be driven out to pasture-again. Shaw wholesaled 70 head Lambs to Sey mour Et: Co., at $1,25 per head. - Lindsay reports having sold 26 head sheep at 53,25, and 126 head Lambs at same figure. CATTLE HOGS • The Hog market is quiet and unchanged. The demand at these - yards is almost en torely of a retail character, and we quote in a retail way, at from 934 t0:10 . :3.f, gross for to prime heavy averages. PI'IICSSURGEL PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBUGH GAZETTE, t MONDAY,. August 17, 1868,-- CRUDE—The crude market was con siderably firmer to-day than it was on Saturday, and spot oil is higher. Sale of 3,000 bbls, on spot, at 13%; 193 (bbls re turned) at, ice; and—on Saturday evening —l,OOO bbls, tti be delivered between now and September Ist, at 12%. The- better feeling in Crude 'may be attributed, we • Presume. to a slight improvement in Re tined, as well as to the fact that the stock of spot oil is pretty well reduced, , and the offerings are light. Since the opening of railroad communication between here and Oil City, there is not the same chance for Crude dealers to spring an advance that there was previous; then, when the river got down those,who held oil could control the market; while now the refiner, if he cannot buy here, can 'order all _that be wants from Oil City. A prominent dealer and speculator asserted to-day that if it was not for railroad communication, oil would now command seyeateen cents, and, we_be lieve, he is right. REFINED—Was also considerably firin er to-day, than it was on Friday - and Sat nrday, though the market was devoid of excitement,. and the sales were small. We can report 1,000 bbls for the last half of August at 3314; apd 500 eaeh for September and October, at' 33%. We heard of an offer to sell a line from September to De cember at 33%, without finding a buyer. No sales of spot oil. reported; in the eh= sence of which we quote nominally at 33. It was reported late in the afternoon, that 33%, might possibly be detained- for the last half August. RECEIPTS CRUDE OIL.. Leech & W00d....360 D. M. Edgerton...24o J. Wilkins 0 40 I Nat. Ref. Co 160 Weisenb'gr t C 0.400 Total OIL SHIPPED E.. ST BY A. Y. R. R. ft. W. Burke, t6O bbls ref. to, Warden, Frew dc Co., Philadelphia. B. W. Morgan & Co., 150 do. do to "War den, Frew & Co.. Philadelphia. Wormser, Myers & . Co., 209 do do to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Fawcett, Logan & Stockdale, 400 do do to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philad• Iphia. IsicCreery &- Beaumont, 259 do do to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Nat. Ref. Co., 50 do do to F. A. Dilworth & Co., Philadelphia. Buffum, Kehew do Co., 168 do do to W. P. Logan & Bro, Philadelphia. • Livingston & Bro., 200 tin ref. to War den, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Livingston & .8r05.,,50 benzole to War den,Frew dr. Co., Philadelphia. Buffum, Kehew & Co., 42 do tar to W. P. 'Logan & Co., Philadelphia. OIL SHIPMENTS FROM DUQUESNE DEWY!. A. D. Miller, 96 bbls refined to. Waring. King & Co., Philadelphia. • Jas. Miller - 147 bbla ref. te.W. P. Logan t Bro., ,Philtdelphia. ~Kirkpatriqk & Lyon, 150 do do to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. G. W. Holdrihip &CO., 201 do do to War ing, King dr, Co., Philadelphia. , - Hutchinson Oil Ref. Co., 112 bbls refined to Warden, Frew &Co., Phhiladelphia . .Warden & Batchelder, 72' bbls relined to Warden. Frew& Co., Philadelphia; •. Brooks,.l3alleniffie & CO. '7l do ref. to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia, Hutchinson Oil' Ref. Co., 224 do benzole to Warden, Frew - A:CO.; Philadelphia. • •••• Fairview Oil Co., 306 bbls refined to Tack 13c Bros,,Thiladelphial NCIv York i * G°4l"—M,lirk—(4.• LBy Telegraph to the rittsbarss . G azelle. Nsw YoRS, Angniii`l7..;Meatlier pleas ant sadttradfi increasing. 'Prices generallY steady, beillif :4'. Ailahtiol4A • Sheetings , lB; Appleton and ••Amoskeag A 1734; Atignsta.l63s;•AgawfinT 14; • Boat 12; do ,43,13%; do ;11; "Broadway 15; Bed- , ford R. 11; .Cabbcit 14; Oohasset• 17%; Clarks' -1735®18: Dwight X .12-511 dd sW-14; Golden Ridge 18; Indian, Orchard B B 14; do NY 13; Laconia B 14turel 11..17; ,AbigsaChne l4B4 '. B B 14®14 01",..'1314;40 4 c lot; Miller.. River A 1 4 34; • hua Ads ; Newldarket .A 14; Pittsfield A 1334;.,8a0tia. x. 1734; do WOK: Pepperell B Id; 1t :15;, cl 44; N Portemont* P(do 11735 ; Si$ 011 rna /9)(1 y Ll. 451441 Iscol4 .Gtir• be s t . punand • 1( 1 •4 readily.' tricept" Spraguen,iwhichtiiili - 13. 1 Arderican Cot ton bring 4735; Stark A and Lewiston A. 62N. =I 1400
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers