C A QUIET LIFE. •RY CHARLES. G. STERNE A little crib beside the bed, A little face above the spread, A little truck behind the door, A little shoe upon the floor. - . A little I ad with dark brown hair, A lttle blue -eyed face and fair; A l i ttle lane that IPads to school, A 11..t1e pencil, slate and rule. In. • A little blithesome, winsome maid, A little hand within his laid; A little cottage, acres four, A little old-time household store. A little familtgatherlng round; A little turf - heaped t tear-clewed mound A little added to his soil; A little rest from hardest toil. A little silve andis hair; A little stooleasy chair; • A little night of Faith-lit gloom; A little cortege to the tomb. • PAitcutelokia Ereoino.Bu 1 le EPHEMERIS. —The rhentnatism is affecting Pr r ince Achille Ittnrat. - —Kathleen Villa is the name of Barney Williams's, summer home. The Boston Bulletin thinks the theatrical "sups" is a broth of a boy'. —An Academy of Agriculture is the latest Napoleonic idea for Paris. -Wooden parasols, painted to resemble . peacock feather are the latest. —On the 20th of June, the German North Pole expedition was in sight of Greenland. —A religious paper asks: "Can aDemo cratget to 14eaven Pirhaps if he goes Philadelphians have contributed . nearly $6,000 to aid the sufferers by the recent flood nt Baltimore. .-Etenator Doolittle will be the Democratic Candidate for Congress in the first district of Wisconsin. —The Wales family will spend the shobt ing season in Scotland and go to Denmark just afterwards. =Anna Dickanspn is in New York : for this and Mini mercies, the rest of the nation may sing a doxology. —The Crown Prince and Princess of Bus sia are goieg over to England to try and have peace with Mania Victoria. —Gounod is at work on an opera to be called trances= dt Rimini; he will not have it ready for performance for two yearn —The town of La Porte in California was _burned on the 10th inst.. and about $500,0000 worth of property destroyed. —Lucille Western and Kate Denin have been playing fogether to good houses in San Francisco. • —A Russian . fleit, an. English fleet and• • • the Italian navy are all anchored at present in Italian waters. • • —The latest literary sensation threatened, lathe publication of the private correspon dence of the Henken. —Edwin 11430th is to play in Washington This winter. - He has not played there since before the assassination. —Oliver Optic has written a very racy, entertaining life of Grant for the boys, who would be sure to enjoy it if they read it. —Ruskin writes to the papers and asks, "Is England lirge enough ? Decidedly not to support Kr. Ruskins political opinions. —Three thousand different varieties of the rose • were recently gathered into one basket and presented to the Empress of France. . —The world is waiting to find out if Alexandre 'pumas, Algernon "Swinburne and Charles Dickens willput on mourning for the Menken. —Barnum, after having done so many people is now - doi ng the White Mountains, where, a few days ifinee, he won a foot-race in handsome style: —One of the freckles on the fain of the sun has grown so large that in ;a few days, It is thought, it can be seen through smoked glass liy the etude eye: —Somebody, who has just returned from the West, says that one or two of the Pen dleton Escort are wandering aimlessly in the Rocky Mountains. —A strong effort is being made to , create a new county out of parts of Mahoning and Trumbull. counties, Ohio, and having Youngstown for its county seat. exehange announces that a girl in Topsham, Me., recently died because her bloodlurned to sugar. "We know a girl , who, if sweetness wer, fatal, could not live a minute. —lt is in contemplation to erect an ine briate asylum, at Binghampton for wo men, to be under the; supervision of Dr. Day, the Superintendent of the present State Inebriate Asylum in that city. -An exchange thinks that the United Staiea nuty be the greatest nation, England the most important nation, Prance the most brilliant, Austria the most haughty, but the most popular is decidedly Do -nation. —A Oerman paper; not content with call 'Harriet Hosmer and Charlotte Cushman "two blonde misses," designates the former as a:painter, 'and Ihe latter as having "served in the Ailinited States army as Mnjor Cush man." A "Digger" Indian iri Nevada, who sat watching a game of base ball for some time, suddenly asked - the players "How - mu4k you get .a day?" He could not un deratand how any one would work so hard for nothing. -4. gold brick, weighing fifteen hundred ounces , and worth ,twenty-seven thousand dollars; has appeared in *ontani. Any of the New York swells who wish to make a sensation-can do so by:building a house of just such bricks. —Napoleon has a pet raven who site above his chamber door, and probably, whe n , Louls siti in his . purple velvet chair,- and asks "Whin shall France agaitrank first in Europe?" thid - pei, mien anriely, "Rev ertudre," which 1 more unpleasant than Pland ette.;;:f —Victor Vigo wears a full: bh to beard; hie liair is gray, and not very thin; his•eyes Are as lustrous as ever, mid hedues not look much older than :dioni flfiy,,,yeere.q Thyra:ciaq thinks ,that the great poet will live SIM —An Irishman in Akron, last Friay I I evening, took it into his head that 'a world would - be Vetter without hispresen e, and despising the vulgar method of vacati g his place so common among . Americans,e adopted the Japan style, and ripped him: self open in front, and then jumped into the canal. Persons near by. rescued him, and he was taken to a surgecn and sewed up, and will probably recover. —Here are a few Boston Bid/Asti/am* : What is the most indecorous letter in the alphabet i The naked I. . Sea Gulls—Flirts at the shore. . . An old salt—Lot's wife. When is a drum like a bar of silver at the 11. S. Mint Z When it's rolled and beat touarters. The latest fashion in bathing costume for ladies is said to be a full suit of • tights. Fog bells areivery good things in their place, but the peeling of a belle in the surf at New port would be rather a startling sensation. —At Niagara Falls on Thursday a hack man, while "playing Blondin,ll by walk ing on an iron cable or stringer under one of the Three Sisters bridges, fell off into one of the cascades, and was quickly car ried down the river fora considerable dis tance, when fortunately he managed to touch the bottom with his feet and: regained the shore, nearly exhausted, , and his hair standing•on end from fright at his perilous situation. The escape was a very narrow one —Some one has taken the trouble to make statistics regarding the consumption of cigars in New York. He guesses that the denizens of that city burn up seventy-five millions cigars in a year, surd that they cost nine and three-quarter' trillion dollars. Then ;this ingenious individual estimates that if the cigars were placed end to end they would extend one and a half times across the Atlantic, or that placed sid l e by aide they would build a wall- two cigars high from New York to Albany. —ln Tunis, a girl, after she is betrothed, is cooped up in a small room; shackles lof gold and silver are placed upon her ankles and wrists as a piece of dress. If she is to be married to a man who has discharged, despatched, or lost a former wife. the shackles which the former wife wore are put on the new bride's limbs, and she is fed till they are tilled np to the proper thickness. The food Used for this custom, worthy of the barbarians, is called drough,•which is of an extraordinary fattening quality. With this food, and their unnatural dish, cas cassia, the bride is literally crammed, and many actually die under the spoon.' -730 tons of malleable cast iron are made yearly in Pittsburgh. —From 3,000 to 4,000 railroad spikes per hnur are manufactured in Pittsburgh. —The largest and best steam flour•mill on the Pacific coast is said. to be located at Salem, Oregon. —Nearly three thousand operatives are out of employment in and about Ellicott City, owing to the recent: destruciive flood. —The saw mills at Muskegon, Mich., are valued at $1,000,000, and about two thou sand men are eLgaged in the manufacture of lumber. —Corn planters and harvest gatherers are the'greatlabor-saving machines of the West. In Peoria, Ill:, James Sebey., Co., employ fifty men making Sebey's Union Corn Planter. • —Wm. Corgis & Co., ,of Buffalo, employ forty hands and make annually 5,000 sets of hulis, 1,200 seta of felloes, 200,000 spokes, arid all other sorts of carriage wood work in Proportion. -- Within ten miles of St. Joseph, Mo., will be raised grapes enough to Make 25;000 gallons of wine, and this amount will be increased fourfold when all the vines now planted are in bearing condition. —E. Remingtoon ik Co., of Dion, N. Y., have, since last September, .made and sold. 12,000 stand of arms to the United States, 80,000 to Sweden, 10,000 to the Pope for his Zouaves and 42,000 to Denmark. —A shoemanufacturer in Rochester, New York, employs 200 lutads, has twelve well appointed rooms, each 100 feet by 20,' and sixteen sewing machines, which, with all the rest, of the machinery, are driven by steam. —Rockford, Illinois, is a thriving, busy place. There are five flouring _mills, five planing' mills, one cotton, ; one paper, one Woolen and one flax mill, three reaperman ufactories, two plow factories, and one, tablishment each for the manufacture of iron, wood, malleable iron, bolts and flies. , --In Akron, Ohio, a huge amount of pot tery is manufactured, such as various kinds of jars, canp, - Osesi flower-pets, milk-pans, jugs and sewer , Pirie.. For,the nuqtufacture of earthenware there are pity kilt* which .turn out• each , hundred car, loads of 20,000• pounds ' per year. Of , sewer pipe they turn out 490 car loads," which' also froa(ibur to twenti.eight inches. iu-tilame 'eter. The iattei size.ls used for walla'. • ::.~.:, /r !j( for many years yet. His wife looks at least twenty years older than he. —The English papers publish long com munications from people who have seen or heard a_ mosquito, and gravely chronicle the ill luck of a gallant officer who gave, himself a severe box on the ear in the at tempt to kill one of the strange' creatures. —One of the citizens of Mystic Bridge, Connecticut, recently, in his zeal to enforce a local by-law against stray animals, am en _ sciously drove his own hogs to pound, and was obliged to pay the fee before he could get them released. If not "penny-wise," he was a t least “pound-foolish." l . —Was John Milton a prophet or are American barkeepers plagiarists, One or the other, for the'mint-julep is elaimed as an American drink and here is a quotation from Milton's Cams: 'And first behold this cot dial julep here, That flames and dancs and his crystal bounds, with spirits of balm fragrant syrups mixed." —M. Gourlet has bedn reading to the French Academy a paper on 'the fins of fishes and their use in swimming. His r(i searches have been very thorough and the results are quite interesthig. He is enabled to judge of the rapiditylof motion of a fi9h by examining the shape, size and locati.n of the fins. LABOR NEWS. PINSEURGH G,AZETTY: TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1868 TEE"( EXTRACTED wrrnotrr PAIPQ NO CHARGE MADE WHEN ARTIFICIAL TEETH ARE ORDERED. A rum. BET FOR $B, AT DR. SCOTT'S. EIS PENN STREET, 3D DOOR ABOVE HAND. ALL WORK WARRANTED. CALL AND EX AMINE SPECIMENS OF GENUINE VULCAN ITE. myt.al&T AS FIXTURES GA FIXTrIBIUM AND Chan.(l el lerss, FOR OAS AND OIL. Just received, the finest and largest aasortinent ever opened In this city. WELDON & KELLY, 147 WOOD STREET, COB. VIROIN ALLEY m144:n22 CEMENT, SOAP STONE, &c fYDRAIILIC CEMENT. 042 STONE. PLASTER, CHIMNEY TOPS, WATER PIPES. HENRY H. COLLINS, 25 Wood street arat:orio °I lIC C NT DRAIN PIE. Cheapest and best Pipe in the market. Also, RCI• BENDALE HYDRAULIC CEMENT for sale. B. B. * C. A. BROCKETT * CO. 01/lee and manufactory— 240 REBECCA BT.', Allegheny. 88 - Orders by mall promptly attended to. • je=r93 MERCHANT TAILORS. SUMMER GOODS. • Rays', Tooth', and Children's. SUMMER CASSIMERE SUITS, LINEN SUITS, DUCK SUITS. FLANNEL SUITS, - ALPACCA JACKETS. In every style, of the greatest variety, suitable for the present season. Gentlemen will end a line as sortment of WHITE and BROWN DUCK SUITS, ALPACCA and FLANNEL COATS, Re., every garment being specially made tor us by the best Eastern houses. Our [trice.; are as low as good goods can be sold at by any firm East or West. GRAY lOGAN. au: 47ST,.:CLAIR STREET. IFEEIVICV MEYER, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 73 SMITHFIELD STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. Constantly con band, a full assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTING& Ac. ap'Ehoas" , FLOUR. ' PEARL MILL FAMILY FLOUR. PEARL bratL BLUE.RRAND, equal to the best St. Louis ds. PEARL MILL Ur D BRAN D. as good as the best MEALrands. WHITE 0011:4 FLOUR and CORN ilfir See that all sacks are sealed and dated. R. T. KENNEDY & BRO., auTur2l picattL MILL. WE WOULD INVITE THE AT TENTILiN of the lour trade to the supe riority of our SOUTHERN WHEAT FLOUR. Which we are manufacturing from the best select ed Southern Illinois awl Tennessee Wheat. Prices as low as any in the market. J. S. maGiGna-r .sc. Co., iyal Pittsburgh City Mills. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. RI I DEALER IN ALL XINDk Or . ULF TOBACCO AND DEOABS, NO. 8 SIXTH STREET, (Notional Rank of Com merce Enllcibta, I ITS Branch of 173 Water street, TI NEURGHTA. . Y. . afrs:n77 DANIEL F DIN - .1.._ EXCELSIOR WORKS. R. alt W. .TEICHTNISON, Manufacturers and Dealere In Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Pipes, etc., No 6 FEDERAL ST.. ALLIMAISNY. CONFECTIONEIRI HENRY w. HORIBACIII,i ' _ Confectionery and Bakery , No. ZOO BRIMFIELD BTEBIT, ' Between Seventh and Liberty IfirLADIRS' OYSTER BA.LOON attached GEO. SCITLELEnt, Fancy Cake Baker & Confectioner AND IR ' FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITI34 NUTS, No. 40, corner Federal and Roblnaon stre_ela, Alle gheny. Sir Constac — y on band, ICE CREAM, at various flavors. BILLIARD TABLES. STANDARD • • AIMRICAN BILLIARD TABLES , AND COMBINATION CUSHIONS. . , Undlspubly the beet In use. NNW IMPRO MENT?4, Patented Nov. 116th, 1987. and ANI-Epril Si let, 1889. Everything relating to billiards orthe best quallty_and lowest prices always on band. Our NEW CUE TRIMMER, Patented May ath, 1868, price 418.58-a great success. II I natrated prim Beta sent on application. Address: PHELAN & ootLENDXs. 83. 85, 87 and 89 CROSBY ST., New York City intaal:rw.lt HAIR 4&bTD.PERFtTZTEIi Y. 01IN PECK, Ornamental Hail Or HAIR WORIL Elf AND PERFUMER, No. 133 bird street. near Smithlield., Pittsburgh. Always on hand a general assortment of „Ladies' Wltiti, BAND% bUNI.ht Oublielnen's WI H, PEEN SCALPII, (*CARD 011AINSBBACHLETtt, &a.kr A goo& ,Prlne In. cash wl5l be given An FLAW I AIR. • Ladles' and, Gentlemen's. Hair Cutting donel - the neatest laanner. Inh2no LITHQGR.APBERB. BENJAMIN BINGBEBY CESSB. MINGERLY '& CLEIS, Successors PRACTICALIT a HO C GR APHERS. The on_ly eteam Lithographic Establishment West of the Mountains. Business Cards, Letter Roads. Bonds Labels, Olroulars. Show Cards, Dlptomas. Portraits,. Views, Certificates of Deposits. lim a s ti° 4 Cards. is, Nos: 791 and TC T,hLt4 street. CORNMEAL, RYE FLOUR, Acc. ASHINGTON. MILLS, weßgiserroN pTREirr. Masi rittaburgh Grain Z.lennitor W. A.N.D.MRSON. , . . 'Manufacturer of CORN MEAL Mint FLOUR and CHOPPED PEED.. Orders delivered in elther altr free of charge. ()rain of all kinds. ohohped. and Corn shelled, on shortrs ti AR~~ I'EQT BARR al; t , :t ' • - -, , , . PAUPP Hu Illi I . Bl34 ivi.vilt j 4, 6 k, I, ~ , Ixica ~ - . 4 itad•4 Ilt:.Olots titcoet; Islt4birigh. ' U " 4 ' attentloit glr-4 - to' this oasis:dog i.no r-outiu. of COUBT HOLISM and PUBLIC BUILirtrAIN { i. , . =I AT WILLIAM 4EMPLIET, 180 & 182 Federal St., Allegheny NEW PRINTS, NEW DELAINES, NEW DRESS 000DS, NEW CAESIMEUES, HEAVY PLAID FLANNELS, yd. wide; NE STILT/SING FLANNELS; HITE FLANNELS, PILLOW CASE MUSLIN. 'SHIRTING CHEM, IRISH LINEN, SHIRT FRONT,9 HONEY COMB QUILTS, &c., A PULL STOCK, TM)lesale and Retail, 1121 WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal St, Alleghemy. QM EW GOODS: J. IL BURCHFIELD & CO'S, No. 52 ,St. aair St. NEW PRINTS, NEW OINGHAMS, NEW DELAINES, ALL, WOOL BLACK and WHITE PLAIDS, I 25 , cents. worth 50. WHITE GROUND PRINTS. bleak figure; WHITE GROUND ALPACCAS, do; BLACK A LPACCA., BLACK DOESKIN CASSINERES; BLACK AND BLUE CLOTH, BLEACHED MASLINS, LINENS,- TOWELS LINENS, TABLE LINENS. TOWELS AND NAPKINS. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, ALL ENTIRELY NEW air Remember the place: No. 54 St. Clair Street, Near Liberty. west side. ‘217 • siAnsuur STREET. O I. 11 GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! TO CLACNSIE. ST(3C3K OF DRESS la.CIOI3S. 87 .MARKET STREET. THEODORE F. PRIMPS. je3o: BT.—MARKET STRIeET....BI, 168. NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. NEW MOHAIR. BLACK SILKS. lOSIERY and GLOVES F. SCIOUC P TC, Vir No. 168 Wylie street.. 168. 168. rapBo:n4o eN A IOcCANDLESS & CO., -- ‘‘,_r (Late Wilson, Carr .t Co., WHOLESALE. DEALERS IN Foieign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 94 WOOD STREET, Third door alxive Dlaznond alley, PITTEIBITR9% PA. HAY R A GE' p FARMERS. TILE HAY RAKE g 4 PATENTED lktfi AND Is the best Hake made: It will ra Carry if thrther, load find unload it. any other rake. It is self-operatlug • old can do the work of a full hand certificates could be given. one of w !fainAttn, Erie CO.: Pa., • "I have used the Welcome Ray tared by W. W. Wallace, Pittsburg. ommend it to farmers. It is good In bay: Is easy on man and horse: is a er of gram and stubbl..; is . sample and easily kept in, order. JII Al All orders directed to 319 0t3EP Libert burgh, Pa.. or at the works In Coll promptly, attended to,. Bold wifeless] W. W. Bend orders In early, as supply is at HOTELS. URF HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY. N. 3. This first Class Hotel will open for the season on atilh Jim.. Terms, Itit.H, Per day; 00 per week. Address H. H. THOsiPoON.Troprietor, (Formerly , of Congress Hall, Ova island, and He* tropolltan Hotel, Washiturton,'D. 04 N. B.—Tha.musto Win 'be ander the direction of m Mr. cu. BENTZ.. .• • • •• • • • 'ellirld , • A NEW SIVINDIEIN, RESORT. THE LAKE HOUSE, StAmeborci, Pa., ...On the tine oir4iniestown £ Franklin Railroad: DIM boor , a ride. from Franklin.) Tedi house - new .ind • commodic , l-.. raniletiud.; kns Ilitard tome, ten- rt!n all, , ...nd covered oroune sales. It I. on the , hank? 4 the meet edvirmtno fair/ Lake in, Amerka, IWO wiling in nab.. mid ad mirable fur sMling purposes, surrounded with eta- Saar WOrinits, romantic seenery, do, lit lathe bear mummer Jeaort In the State. Addeo's. es Tatsulusamr..Propriletor. : , . TRIMMINGS AND NOTIO AT MACRUM, GLYDE & CO.'S, A Complete Assortment of White Goods SWISS, VICTORIA, LAWN, LINEN, CAMBRIC, &e HOOP SHIRTS, In all the Newest Styles KID GLOVES, at alt prices; BIACRITN, GLYDE dz. CO., TS and SO Market Street. sum PRICES MARKED DOWN: MAMMON it:CARLISLE'S, ALL GOODS GREATLY REDUCED HOOP SKIRTS, (Ladies`.) Ikir CORSETB, (Real French, ) LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, 3 for KID GLOVES, (warranted,) PAPER COLLARS 900 Yds. SPOOL COTTON, (good) POCKET BOOKS, worth 50c MEN'S BUkTSLER UNDERSHIRTS 50 MEN'S JEAN DRAWERS All kindii Bonnets and Hats at Half Cost IN ALL KINDS or. GOODS Special Rates to Merchants & Dealers. BE= SIMMER EXCURSIONS. , • • THE PENZigrLYANIA CE.NTRAL -A- RAILROAD COMPANY have on sale st their Office, Union Depot, Pittsburgh, ROUND TRIP , EXCURSION TICKETS, • TO ATLANTIC CITY LND CAPE RAY, Enabling parties to visit these popular bathing re sorts, and return home at a moderate cost. CAPE MAY PASSENGERS can pnrchaae Tickets to go and return by all Railroad. or they can arrange to take Steamer In either direction, betwee Phila delphia and Cape May. EXCURSION TICKETS are also for sale at the above Depot to NIAGARA FALLS, THE OIL RE GJONS, GETTYSBURG, and numerous points in Pennsylvania and hew York. • .11Rt- PAMPHLETS, containing fall 'descriptions of tile various Excursion Routes by this Road, can be had on application at the Ticket Unice, in the Union Depot. W. H. BECKWITH, jvi:l2B TICEET AGENT. CRACKER BE g, SHEPHARDYS STEAM CRACKER BAKERY 317 Liberty Street. Our Crack are baked upon the OVEN BOT TOM. and a e m s uperior to any baked • by hot air or any other process. Air TRY THEM.- -168. MARV,I„. " $. E R ARE SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHERS OFFICE= rs THIS CITY. WATER; ST S TTN. I, 88h CnREMARITI•EBS: S COTCH and NILS. BISCUIT. For Sale by Every Grocer in the City. Bakery, No. 91 Liberty St. twain_ LC01111." TO WHEAT GROWERS. MESA 1111110NUTED Boa, SUPER-PHOSPHA.TE OF LIME, MANITFACTITB.ED BY • The Allegheny Fertilizer Co. SE WARD te CAMPBELL, puoimitivirconi% 01See, 850 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. The best itertillier In use, and recognised Farmers who have given It a trial, to be t stand ard tbr raising largo crops of Wheat, Rye, Osta, lion, Corn, Pohl toes, ac. We have published for grata and al e t e t u bl i o ti stit=g h ti this et e d rt g sio r i e gA l l ;AU% pill be sent free to any sending As their ad. I e /wavier hay, I If easier than a child IS years Hundreds of lel is below: my 8 18157: lake, - montane ; , Pa., and ree -1 Iglu. and heavy soviet's glean construction • BUCKLE." • street, Mtn umblana, Ohio, In and retail by WALLACE. ort. • my2S:daT ' I CE I ICE! ICE! 11RE11 4 3 lee Deale r ," -J ••• lir 0. 1:18 DIAItIOISIII 411,1Lizr, Plitabartria, evedere le ft here or as Hand istreet, Bridge will re. prompt ! attention. Wagons running In Pitt*. and A.Ueiben7. • . ap7to3 , • 78 and 80 Market Street. MOSQUITO NETS, MUFFLED AND STAMPED APRONS, SHETLAND SHAWLS, LADIES' WHITE UNDERWEAR; A full line of HOSIERY; • 31ORRISON STAR SHIRTS, GENT'S PAPER COLLAR -F., LADIES' Do. AND CLik Fs, TRAVELING' SATCHELS, A full line of JET SETS, SILK 3; BULLION FRINGES SILK & SATIN BUTTONS, all colors. GENT'S & LADIES' SUMMER UNDERWEAR MEN'S JEAN DRAWER?; 1,000 Doz. EALXIORAL HOSE; 5,000 Lbs. WOOLEN YARNS air Speetal Rates to Jobbers No. 19 Fifth Street. ON AND AFTER JULY IST. GREAT BARGAINS! DLICRIMI & CARLISLE, 19 FIFTH STREET. EXCURSIONS FERTILIZERS. ilin CHURCH SCHOOL, (Lambeth COLLEGE. I KIT'rANNINO, PA. PRIMARY, PREPARATORY AND ACADEMIC. TRUSTEES—Judge Buffington. I. H. Sh"C. TI berg() r, CO. W. Cass. T. J. Breretun, E. S. Goide ?I. J. 310 4frove, J. W. stohrtr, Benj. Orem. J. K. Karcher. Vierroas, ES•OFFIcIo—Rt. Rev. J. K, B. Her foot. and the btanding•Cnmmittee. This Institution commetnis itself especially to Churchmen. It is easy of access. and unsurpassed for healthfulness of location. students way pursue an elective course. •lioanlinf pupil. are under the Rector's personal care. The year is divided Into three terms, of about thirteen weeks each. Neces sary expenses, (exclusivo of Music and .Modern Languages,) $9O to—sloo per term. Christmt.s . Term opens Sept. 9th. aj?" A Special School for Girls, under the same general supervts•on. For catalogue, Sc.. rddress the Rector, Rev. J. K. KARCHER. Kltsamilog. Pa. anS:nl7- TT'S pIEIIiNSYINA NIA MILITARY ACADEMY, CHESTER, Delaware Co., Penna. The Seventh Annual Session of this .k cadenty opens THURSDAY. brpt..3d. The buildinger are new and complete In all their appointments. Partictdarattentlori given to the morals and per sonal habits of cadets. Pcrr circulars apply ARLES H. rAuLsoN, Eg., No. 73 Wood street. Pittsburgh. or to Col. THEO. HYATT. Chester. Pa. aul:tatl RENSSELAER . 1 ; . POLY7MCIINIC zNsrrrirry, Very thorongb instruction in Civil, Mechanic:a and Mining Engineering. Chemistry n,nd Natural. Science. Graduans obtalemost desirable posi tions. Reopens Sept. Btu. For the new Annual Re inter. giving full informs. lon address Prof. CHARLES DIWIVNF., Director, Troy. N. Y. au3:te6 PIANOS. ORGANS, &C BUY THE BEST AND CHEAP EST PIANO AND ORGAN. Schomacker's Gold Medal Piano, .AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. - la Th s e SaCIRuaOBIA ' C p E r R v e P m l e A n N ts O k n om wn b inin s t h a l cothne struction of a first class instrument, and has always been awarded the highest premium wherever en. blbited. Its tone is fall , s orons and'sweet. The workmanship, for darabill and beauty, surpass all others. Prices from $5 to $l5O, (according to style and finish,' cheaper all other so.mned goat dui Plano. EfiTEY'S COTTMIE ORGAN Stands at'the bead of all reed instruments, in pro tinning the istoSt perfect pipe quality of tone of any similar Instrument in the United States. It is sim ple and compact In construction, and not liable to get out 01 order. CARPENTER'S PATENT ",VOX DITILLNA. TREMOLO' , is only to be found in this Organ. Price from $lOO to $550. All guaranteed for flTe years. BABE, SNAKE & B No. 10 ST..OL AIii : 3TillT.-- SO LOU mla9 CLOSING OUT SALE S SMELA.W HATS, AT REDUCED PRIC ES , AT M'CORD Sr. CO.'S, AJITIN LIEBL* DIALER rs FLAT'S, CAPS A._l‘7l-3 F 97.1119, Also, Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In TRUNKS, &c., No. 132 SMITH FIELD STREET, Pittsburgh; Pa. - Orders nromutly tilled and satisfaction srnaranteed. GLASS, CHINA. CUTLERY. 0 100 WOOD STREET CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, 1 SiELITER PLATED WADE, PARIAN STATUES, BOHEMIAN GLASS, And other STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, a great variety. RICHARD E. BREED & CO mh27 100 WOOD STREET SEWING MACHINES. THDfNfitVer- -AMERICAN BUTTON-HOLE OVERSELBEING AND SEWING hL&Cffl IT BAS NO EQUAL, , BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE IN THE WORLD, AND IN TRINSICALLY THE CHEAPEST. Sir Agents wanted to sell thin Machine. CIEXA.S. C. . 113 A_LE31...F_.1r, Agent for Western Dennsvls - anla. Corner FIFTH AND .MARKET - STREETS, over Richardson's 'Jewelry Store. mral:g64 BUSINESS CHANGES TAISSOL IT TION.—The Partner "s ship heretofore existing between the sub scribers, under the Arm of ANDERSON, COOK & CO., Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The busi— ness or the late firm will be settled by our succes— sors, Messrs. NOElO.lOl4', & WOODS, at the office of the Pittsburgh Steel Works. IL J. AVDERSON,,,,, W3l. WOODS. • The undersi.trued harini disposed of his Interest. Messrs. late firm of AND RSiiri, COOK CO., to NDP.U.SON a WOODS, begeleave to rec ommend his successors to the patronage of•the cus— tomers of the former n rm. J. W. COOK. Pittsburgh, July 568th, 1868. 1 73" M TlissoutrrlON.-111' o is hereby given that the gaitnrs4.hr..tooreeitat,_ " between J. B. wi L LIAM.% ILL! + 3 l BURKE and DAVID J. MIL' Elt, under the name and style of J. B. WILLI it.MS A CO., has been this day.dis solved by mutual consent., and the books of the said firm have been left with It. J. McCaig 1111. - SS, Sher man House, No IG sinesr street, Pittsburgh, for settlement. The bu In future wit' be carried on by J. B.:WILLIAMG. J B. WILLIAATS I WILLIAM LIIIItb.E, Plttibu DAVID J. MIL - Lk:M. rgh, May 30., 1868. le2:r6-ice WALL PAPER. WALL PAPE R ~,,, AT REDUCED PRICES. AF TUG . J.IILY rlez We will offer our pretient stock of . Wall Papers at Greatly Reduced Prices. A large assortment of SATIN PAPER% for halls, rooms, ceilings, de, at N 0.107 Illarket Street,near. Fifth. fva- JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. • VirliaGHTS 'AND NECAs •Re UREs. " , ..46.46N,0 H. LYON, ' - • , sealer' otlreakies,7 No. b FOURTH maw, - ,• ' '• • , tßetweetillberty aad promptly Per streets. , Ordtaiol allendetil ' •ntl.ts iCE LEATHER, Page's Fat ,Rlent,for • sale wholesale sad retail. a* 5116 aad Olalr street. • At 'Troy') ATS AND CAPS. 131 WOOD arnErt 100 WOOD tiTRAF:T
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers