PITTSBURGH MARKETS. OFFICE or THE PITTSBURGH GazurrE, mompay, August 17, 1868: The general markets are devoid of any thing- that is really new or important worthy of special notice. We can report a fair volume 01 business in the aggregate, , but as the demand is restricted mainly to supplyinglmmediate wants the operations in all of the leading articles are mainly of an important character. BUTTER—Is -in good supply, and in steady demand with sales of good to strict ly prime at 30 to 35. - - 1 EGGS—Continue very dull, with a sup ply largely in excess of the demand; we continue to quote at 16e, to 18c. CHEESE—Is steady but unchanged at 14c to 15c for Western Reserve and Ham burg; 10c to 17c for Factory; and 19 to 20c for Sweitzer. HAY—Is being sold from - country Wagons at no to $2B per ton, as to quality. MILL FEED—The following are the mill prices—wholesale: Bran, $1,10; Shipstuffs, $1,30: Screenings, $1; and Middlings $2,20. GRAlN—Wheat is coming in more _ freely, though the mills continue,to take all that oilers at $2,10 to $2,15 for Red, and $2,15 to $2,20 for White. New Oats are also arriving quite freely, and we' how quote' t 60 to 65c. Corn is quiet and unchanged at. sl,lo_to $1,12 for choice Yellow, and 3 to 5c less for mixed. Rye is wanted, at $1,30 to $1,35., There is considerable inquiry for. Barley, bat, as yet, the arrivals have been small; we hear of several contTets having bee' made at $1.60 to $1,70, delivered here, GREEN APPLES--Are'becoming _quite plenty, and the market is dull, with a drooping tendency; we now quote at $3 to $4,50 per bbl, POTATOES—Quiet-and unchanged at $3 to $3,50 per bbL SEEDS—Flaiseed is in demand at $2,25. Timothy Seed , Seed_is qteated at- $3 to $3,25, and Cloverseed at 87,50 to PROVISIONS---The.panic caused by the cattle plague hag. considerably!' increased the demand for the hog product,and prices are firm at, the recent. Advance.' -We con tinue to quote at 14 for Shoulchirs; 1634 to 16% for Ribbed, and 1834 to 183; for Clear Sides, and 22 to 223‘for Sugar Cured Hams. Lardray and Mess Pork $3O to $30,50: LARD ' OIL—Is firm - but unchanged at $1,15 for No. 2, and $1,45 for No. 1. FLOUR—Is quiet and devoid of any new features,worthy of special notice. The mill prices are as - follows: Double Extra, $ll, in bbls. and 310,75, in sacks;'Extra Family, $10,50, in' -bbls, and- $10,25 in sacks. Rye Flour, .§12,25 to $9.50.- - - - S`ALT—Is quiet and .unchanged at $1,75 to $l,BO to the trade, and s2'iti a retail way. New York Produce - Market. I[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] NEW Yonx, August 17.:—Cotton a shade firmer and not very active; sales of 900 .1 bales at 29%a30c for middling uplands. Flour: receipts of 12,897 bbls, market saloc lower, and in bat moderate demand; sales • of 7,900 bbls at $7,25118,26 for superfine State, Western $8,40a9,55, extra State $8,50a10,65, extra western $10,80a13,00, white wheat ex . tra $8,90a13,40, round hoop Ohio $10a12,00, extra St. Louis $12,40a14,75, good do closing quiet. California heavy and lower; sales of 1,000 sacks at $10,25a12,30. Rye Flour 1 steady; sales of 200 bbls at $7,80a10,60. Corn 'Meal quiet. Whisky firm; sales - of 400 bbls in bond at 67)4c. Wheat dull and la2c lower; sales of 14,600 bush at 02 7 10a2,:12 for - No. 1 spring, .$2,15 choice amber do, and 42,80 for white' California Rye heavy; o sales of 1,100-• bush new Western at $1,83. Barley nominal. Barley Malt heavy. Receipts: Corn, 213,220 bush; slightly in favor of buyers with pretty good "I . business; sales 17,300 bushels at $1,12%a 1,17 for unsound, $1;18a1,19% for sound - mixed western afloat, $1,28 for high mixed, i' nearly yellow, $1,21a1,23 for western 16w and $1,25 fort white western. Receipts Oats 2,700 bushels, a, shade firmer; sales 1; 50,000 bushels at 83% for western in store, 83% afloat, 80 for new. Stock in warehouse '• —Wheat, 489,289 bushels; Corn, 1,988,359 , do; 0at5,485,235 do; Barley, 575 do; Malt, ;.1,021,115 do; Peas, 47,015 do. Rice steady at ;,9%a10% for Carolina. Coffee dull aadvery heavy. Sugar dull and drooping; sales 200 hhds Cuba at 11a113 . Molasses dull, sales ;25 hhds Muscovado. Hops quiet. Petro leum steady at= 16% for Crude and 33a333 • . ' , ,for refined in bond, Pork is firm er but quiet;, sales 1,400 barrels at $28,20 A 28,75 for new Mess closing at 28,62 for reg ;:ular; $28,75 for old 00,; .$23,01)a23,50 for 4irimsr, and -$24,75a25,00 - Ibr prlme mess. .Beef steady;' sales 150 • bbls at $15,00a20,00 ~ ;for new plain mess, and $20,50a24,62 for ex - 7 tra mess; tierce Beef dull;- $31.00a33,00 for !prime mes'a; $30,00a36,00. for India , mesa. Beef Hams dull at $25,00a32,50.. Cut Meats :firm; sales 240 pkgs at 13y 4 ,c forAhoulders. and 16a191d - forThaini;"_middles firm and quiet. Lard steady; sales •650 tes at 18a19c Tor 'steam, chlefly,_at 18)(01,830, and lft 19%c for kettle rendered. 'Butter steady at • 30a35c: for Ohio, and 35a42c1 for State. Theese, 14a18c. Freights td Liverpool ;quiet; engagements by steamer, 21,000 bus horn at 4S - c. I • : LATEST closed dullend a shade AT -o wer for Common grades. ' beat nomi ally lower; shippers out of ( market and killers insist on a material dcline. Rye 'dull and drooping at $1,80a1,83. Oats stea • ly at 81 3 / 4 a820 in store; 83140 fl. old afloat, 'And 80c for new at the railroad depot. Corn 'needy at $1,13a1,17 for ,unsound, and sl,lBa ..:,20 for sound new mixed western afloat. 'ork quiet at. 528,35 for, mess and regular; • ales 250 bbls mess at 828,50 Sellers for Sep :: 'ember. Beef steady and in moderate de .' nand. Cut meats in light supplyand firm Ind in moderate demand. Bacon . firm. card quiet at 1814a183jc for fair to prime ..• team. Eggs dull and without decided bange. -.< _ Chicago Market. Tgigraph to Ib Pittsburgh Gazette. CHICAGO, August 17.—Flour quiet and '.xichanged. Wheat moderate, active and • 25•4 c lower; pales No. lat $1 85a1,656; No. 151,75a1,76; at cloaing quiet - sl,7sSc for • • • fo. 2; no change since the noon board. porn quiet and lal%c lower; sales No. at la9Bc; No. 2at 95a95,tic, -and ; .rejected at closWit 98c for. No. I•in . store. • -iats dull 23‘a21.4c lower, sales at 51n052%c, sing at 51gc. Rye modeiately active id 3a4c lowemsales -No., 1 at-4/42881,32, '-" • No. 2at $1,25a1,26,_ closing at. 81,28 for o. 1. Barley quiet, closing at 81,52Ma1,53 ' r No. 2in atom,, gighwipes dull at 51,20 free, and 80c ftii bonded. Mess. pork, 9,25a29,50.' Lard quiet and:steady at closing at the inside figures: Bulk • . ,eats nominal. Freights , lc higher at 6c •:,i oats, 7a736c on corn, and 834 c en wheat Buffalo. Receipts for the last fortv-eight • iurs were: -7.810 bbls flour' .35,24 b bush heat; 181,983 do corn, 181,374 'do . oats, ' 199 hogs. Shipmenta•-8,677 bbls flour, • : ,077 bush wheat, 242,641 do corn, 165,009 • oats, 2,219 hogs. ' • Pidladelphla Cattle Market. Telegraph to the Plttebniith dszette:l PHILADELPIII4..Augnit 17.—Beeve8-in r demand 'aid - : unchanged;. 1,650 head d at-a9a9,25 for'extra Pennsylvania and astern steeirsitiaB,7s for fair to good do; a;so gross for common.. Sheep in 'fair •ruand; sales 10,000 head at f5a550 gross, to condition: Hogs hi 'fair demand at advance; sales 3,000 head at $14,40a15 net: frti'nipAb" • • Telegraph to the Pl:Ushers& 6atette.l &MPH'S,4t.gttat 17 .7 - cotton—receipta, bales; explirta, I 'bale. Flour dull; 117,60a8. Wheat. 51,75a2. Corn: 80a s. 0ata500. 9 Hoz am - -Bran - 21. rrirLeal $ 1 .0.4 4 , 6 ° , :" -411- l ik ."" °l4 ut so . Lard Ka2lo. Batson l ower; shoulder., ar aides 17148170;." TAD Brat bale of new ton was received 1041411y11.1i00n 6c Co. Detroit Market' Telegraph tecli6. - PlGeliurgh Gazette.] •.• - )orsorr, Att ft u,17.:-;1 0 1 - durf augetiOrld ak demane 111;600.1;15; very 4014 1 choice bakers $10,25; Other grades het. Wheat active but unchature4, at 30 for No. 1 white; $2,20a2,22 for No. I $42,15 for No. 1 amber. Fhianeial Natters in New York: Gold Closed at 116% air Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Grizette.l NEW YOTtIC, August 17, 1868 MONEY AND GOLD. Money firmer with an increasing demand. 1 1 The outstanding , oans at 3 per cent. were generally put to! 14. per cent., and many banks and move lenders are disposed to insist on a per cet. for new business. The shipments of currency to the west contin nig. Prime'lkaper in better supply, and 7 per cent.. is the minimum rate. Sterling dull at 109©10915, with no business over 109%. Gold weakened under rumor of the import of £30,000 sterling. opening at 147 X, fell to 146%, and closed stead' at 146%. = Government Stocks heavy and lower" with a better feeling toward the close and some inclination among dealers to buy. Cciupons 1881, 114;4 ®114%; do. 1862, 113%® 118%; do. '64, 10914®,109yA -do. '65, 111 1 ,6® 111%; do. new, 107' @lOB , do. '67, 107%@ 107 X; do. '6B, 107%®107g; do. 10-40 s, 108!‘ ®lOB. BORDER STATE BONDS Quiet; Missonris, 92y; Old Tennessees, 65; new, 63;%; 'old North 4 Carolina, 73; old Vir ginias, 56;. new, 54. RAILROAD SHARES There was a further break in the Rail road market during the forenoon followed by a sharp reaction in the afternoon,. al though the highest figures were hardly Sustained at the close, the market leaving off unsettled; Eritt totiched 57%; Central, 24%; Northwestern, 78 for common, and 78% for preferred , during the morning, and respectively. 52%, 126%„81 and sog in the afteinoon. Express shares lower. lICEI2 s:3ornrcEs : Canton, 46®47: Cumberland 30@33; Wells Express,-25%®20; American, 40@41; Adams, 4714®47 1; United States, 41; , ,A413x; Merchants' Union, 211/,®211.,1'; Quicksilver. 20. 1 ,:A21%; Pacific Mail, 102; Western Union Telegraph 34R,A34 1 .6; New York Central, 126y,®125W; Erie, 52%®52 1 ‘; do. preferred, 69;4®70; Hudson River, 13634 0139 y; Harlem, . 123; - Reading, 90y, 90%; 'Ohio and Mississippi, 29029 x; Wabash, 50;;®5034; St. Paut, 71;4@72; Ao. preferred, SO/,,®80 1 4; Terre Haute, 40® 44; Michigan Central, 119; Michigan South ern, 84R4@84%; Illinois Central, 143; Pitts burgh, S6 l /A873,4; Toledo, 9814®97%; Rock Island, 983.1(499, North stern, 80%081; do.' preferred, sox@8oy„; Fort *ayne, 107 ®107; Hartford dr, Erie, 21,%@21m. )LINING SHARES. `Mining Shares quiet; New York Gold, 135; Quartz Hill, 100; Smith Parmelee 435 ©450; Gregory, 405. SUB-TRRASURY MATTERS. Receipts at Sub-Treasury, n. 268,029, Payments, $3,272,911. Balance, $832,853,39. Cincinnati Market (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.y CINCINNATI, Aug. 17.—Flour dull; fami ly $10a10,25. Wheat, dull and the prices are steady; No. 2 new $5; No, 152,08. Corn 'firm and holders ask higher._prices; ear 94a 95c; shelled 96a99c. Oats quiet and steady at 55c for mixed; white brings 57a58c. Rye adva.nced to $1,30, and holders asked high er rates at the close. Barley scarce and firm at $2,15a2,25. Cotton firmer; middling 30c. Tobacco firm but quiet. Whisky in limited demand at 70e in band; dealers,buy sparingly, not knowing how soon distillers may begin operations. Mess pork nomi nal and unchanged, and is held at $28,75. Lard held firmly at 18Nc. Bulk meats are quiet at 121, 4 /a14 1 ,5c for shoulders, and sides nominal and unchanged. Butter in better supply, and the prices tend downward; fresh 33a35c. Cheese firm; WeStern Reserve 143 c; factory 113,1ic. Eggs 15altic. Clover seed held at 14c, -- bu no demand. Timothy $2,90a3. Flax in demand at $2,10, but can not be bought below $2,40. Gold $1,46 buy ing. Toledo Market. [By Te!egraph to the Pittsaargh Gazette.: ToLEno, August 17.—Receipts for the past week-24,617 bbls flour, 275,129 bushels wheat, 135,882 bush corn, 157,879 bushels oats, 9,441 bush rye. Shipments-13,299 bbls flour, 296,67Q_bush wheat, 82,039 bush corn, 36,900 bush oats, 400 bush rye. Flour quiet and firm. Wheat opened strong but closed weaker; sales of white Wabash at $2,50a2,55; white Michigan at $2,20a2,23; amber Michigan at $2,11a2,12; No 1 red at $2,07a2,10; No 2 do at $2,0152,02; No 1 spring at $498a2,00; No 2do at $1,75; No 3do at $1,55; amber, sellers for August at $2,09a 2,11. Corn steady at 11,02 for No I, and buYera for the month at $1,04. Oats 3ialc better; No 1 at 57116754 c; sellers .for Aughst at 56a56Mc; sellets for September at 55e. Rye lower; sales - of No 2 at $1,3401,40. Lake freights firm, at (Toby steam and 5c by sail to Buffalo. Louisville Market. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. : • Loui.ssmi.p, Aug. I7—The tobcco mar ket is quiet and unchanged with light re ceipts. Flour is held at 156,75a7,25 for superfine. Wheat; 12,10a2,20 for ? red.l Oats; held at 45a50c. Corn is held at. 90a95 - c. Rye at $1.2.5. Mess pork sold at M. Lard at 18 ~c. Bacon shoulders, 14c; clear rib sides, 17c; clear sides, 17%c; bulk meats shoulders, 12%c; clear sides, 16Me: Whisky; raw free is held at $1,20a1,30. Milwaukee Market. [By Telegraph to the I'lttatittrzh Gazette.] • MILWAUKEE,August 17.—Flour dulland lower; city double extra, $9,50a9,75; try brands nominal. Wheat active and higher, at $l,BB for No lin store; $1,78 for No 2. Oats dull and lower, at 57c. Corn lower, at 99e for No 2. Receipts-400 bbls flour; 14,000 bush wheat, 3,000 bush oats, 3,000 bush corn. Shipments-8,000 barrels flour, 1.300 bush wheat, 1,000 bush oats, I,ooobush corn. ----..•--- Philadelphia Marl Set Tolegra pit to the Plttaburgli Gazette.) PHILADELPHIA, August 17.—Petroleum ll du. and unsettled; crude, 20c; refined, 31%c. Clover seed,lS,2s. Flour—Demand limited;sales extra Northwestern at $9,50; Ohio do, a 1 0a12,50.' Wbeat—Prime in fair demand; sates 4,000 bush prime red at $2,47 a 2,48 .4 Rye,41,50. Corn quiet; yellow, $1,27a1,30; mixed western, $1,23a1,25. Oats Unsettled; sales 5,000 bush new Pennsyl vania at-50a70c. Baltimore Bartel. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) , ,ItAriruwax, Aug. 17., Sour quiet and less firm; northwestern superflbes7,BsaB,2s; extra $7,75a9,50., Wheat—prime to choice $2,55470; low grades dull , at $2,20a2,40. Corn dull; white f1,18a1,20; prime yellow ;61;1781,18. Oats dull at 70a80c. Pork firm; mess $80,50. Bacon active; rib aides 17 1 /„a .173yc; clear do:l7%allAic; shoulders 14%a 16c; hams 22a33c. Lard quiet at 18c. l;hleag9 Cottle Ilarket. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Oszete.) thrmAoo, Augudt :17,-Cattle dull and nominal. frogs dull and nominally 25a300 lower. • '.IMPORT S • Pivls?Snuall, FT. ~ WAYNZ AND 011I0A00 *RAILROAD. Avgast. 17.-7 . oars pig iron. Nimick& Co; I do, J Wood Son & Co; 5 do, Moorhead ct. Co; 5 cars barley, , Spencer & McKay; bxs .window Wage, tWm•McCully do C0; 1 2140,4 Hanna &, Co; 4 Ws frames, Barker, & H;;1 bx. •palnty.TSchoon , maker & 5 eke wool. It T , Milierri kR, Ila screws, Wood Mathews & 300 bblE 400 qr eke flour, Tr C- Jenkins;.. 100 bbl-do, Culp & Shepard; 1 oar shorts; II &Intel' , as4ek; 5 casksgpot , ash; 800opigal leldrJ-H & Son; 5 doz wash hoards, A C hea4tl Ake WOOL S Harbauh & 0o; 8 ci i rcul teD ar saws; Lippencotick Bacce g well; 78 bbl apples, 8 do pears, Vole, Mahood & 3 obis ap ples , kegs lard, 5 bbla eggs, TY 8 Taff Co; 5 bbl ref oil, M A Jones; PITTSBURGH' GAZETTE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1868 bdl neck yoks, 16 brils coach stuff, 3.5 Elks wool, W Barker, 'Jr & Co; 1 car cut stone, W Brown & Co; 2 bas' glass ware, Bryce, Walker & Co; 4 bbl scrap iron, 1 anvil, J Jones; 3 bbl green apples, 2do pears,H Rea Jr; 8 sits oats, Hoffman ' Hone 6t o; 1 car wheat, J S Liggett & Co; 100 bbl flour, Dillinger & Stevenson; 200 oil bbls, 0 IP Jones; 20 bxs soap, Wm Miller; 10 do do, B Bishop; 10 do do, B Burgerman; 2 boxes bolts, 1 box hard ware, Whitmore, Wolf Duff & Co; 1 bbl castings, 1 bdl cast ring, Graff, Hugus & Co; 3 cars staves, M. P -Adams & Bro: 2 bxs tobacco, Boyce & Co; 33 sks rags, McCullough, Smith & Co; 147 do do, Christy &Benham; 25 bxs cheese, J S Dilworth & Co; 25 do do, J Connor; 25 do do, W H Kirkpatrick & Co; 20 do do, Smith, Johnson & Calvin- ' 10 do do, Carter, Mc- Grew & Co; 887 sks malt, - J White Jr; 200 sks, oats, Brown & Williams; 5 tcs hams, 10 do dried beef, F Sellers & Co; (2 tcs dried beef, E Hazelton; S kegs spikes, Chess, Smyth & Co: 1 hhd paper, W Muller's; 14 bbliapples, 2 do pears, Woodworth & Da vidson. Prr— .CITTSBURGH, CII , HTINNATI AND ST. Loris RAILROAD, August 17.-100 bbls flour, Watt, Lang & Co; 215' sks millfeed, A Tay lor; 2 cars Staves, P Adams & Bro; 25 bbls vinegar, Graff & Reiter; 28 bbls bone dust, Seward & Campbell; 5 pkgs tobacco, Head Jr. Metzgar; 5 do do, J I 1 Lippincott; 1 car oats, Hitcheock. McCreery & Co; 15 hhds bacon, 15 tcs hams, Jas'Lippincott; 25 sks corn, Robb & Herron; 19 sks oats, 1 car do, Ido corn, McHenry & Hood; 55 Ski , wheat, 1 car do, 1 car corn, Moanor & Har per; 37 mks barley, J M Carson & Co; 23 do oats, J & D McCaffrey; 100 doz brooms, Mc- Elroy or co; 19 hideS, 1 bid tallow, S Mflit; 2 pkgs fish, 5 do tobacco, S R_Shriver A: Co; 61 bdls paper, Pitts Paper Co; 120 sks oats, 1 car corn, 61 Steel & Son; 2 cars cord, 1) R Herron; 1 car wheat, W J Meek: 2 dodo, S Liggett & Co; 1 car grain„ Brown & Wil liams; 5 tcs hams, J J Pettit; 50 - bxs can dles, Arbiiekles & Co; 8 caddies tobacco, J Portrfield & Co; 125 green hides, J H Ral ston; 200 sks millfeed,: J B Campbell; 5 bales tow, Fulton & Hopper. CLEVELAND A ND PITTSBURG RA I 1.- ROA D, August 17.-13 cars pig iron, Niinick & Co; fear stone, J L L Knox & Co; 7 cars pig iron, J Moorhead; 2 cars iron pre, Hutchinson Glass Co; 2 cars copper, CCI Hussey; 306 bags malt, Murray & Lynda, 1 car Eine, Campbell, Jones .14: Co; 1 do do, Atterberry it Co; 1 cars blooms, S Rea; 15 - lib's rosin, C F P & So; 1 e,ar staves, J . J Bender; 8 bbls eggs, 2 buckets butter, 1• firkin butter, H RRldle; 25 bbls apples, Fetzer & Armstrong; 60 - sks oats, W H Graff& Co; 56 do do, 18 do rye, 1 bbl eggs, Mcßane & Anjer; 8 caddies tobacco, C C Baer; 7 tubs eheese, 5 bbls eggs, Graff & Reiter; 1 car lire brick, Graff, Byers.& Co; 200 sks oats,C H Morledge; 1 car oats, F Sellers & Co; 1 do do, Robb & Herron; 1 do do, McHenry &Hood; 107 sks oats, James Cochran; 25 bbls whisky, J S Finch; 80 bbls flour, 2 do apples, owner; 12 bbls scrap iron, Lloyd & Black; 2 cars pig iron, Union Iron Mills; 1 do do, Win Smith; 15 Wits lard oil, S B Floyd & Co. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R., August 7. —360 bbl crude, Leech Jr. Wood; 240 D Edgerton; 240 do J Wilkins; 160 do Nat Ref & Storing Co; 300 do P Wersinbergerl 1 car pig iron, McKnight P & Co; 1 do, Lyon, Shaub & Co; 139 green hides, G H Ander son; I car fire clay. Samuel Kier; 10 bdls flags, 1 car vitrol, Lockhart, FreW it Co; 4 cars stone, Henderson & Co; 1 ear lime, J Reno; 1 car stone P C Messick; 1 do, Small & 'Walton; 1 nbl whisky. J S •Finch; 5 bbl onions, W H Kirkpatrick; libbl eggs, Ipg butter; Paul Gibson, 2 bxs . mdse, W W MOrrisom 6 sks onions, Kirkpatrick, Her ron & Co; 9 do do, 2 do eggs, 1 keg butter, Head & Metzgar; 21 rolls leather, 7 sks tanner scraps, 4 bdls cow tails, W Flacus & Son; 4 bbls rags, Watt & Wilson; sks' oats, Keil & Ritchart; 139 do Scott & Gisal; 6 sks onions, .1 Schawlin. ALLrour:NY STATION, August 17. cars wheat, W McKee & Co; 200 flour. Stewart & Langenheim; 9 sks woo!, S Bradley & Sou; 7 cars limestone, Superior Iron Co; 5 doz washboards, 2do tubs, J A Scott; 1 car flaxseed, M B Suydam; 6 doz. brooms, Moon Jr Bro; 5 do do, 2 Nagle; 100 hides, A Holstoine: 22 bbls apples, W Rea; 8 do do, .1 Herbert; 11 care wheal,Konnedy & Bro; 40 in lath, Taggart & Wilson; 12 bbls apples, F Owens. MISCELLANEOUS STEAM CARPET BEATING ESTABLISHMENT. Which TEN YEARS' TRIAL in New York and oth er Eastern cities has oroved a complete success. ITS ADVANTAGES: let—Fsdlni and dhrinkage are completely avoid ed. • 91d—No ripping apart nece searf. 3d—When freed from dust, motbe or their larvae, the Carpet looks nearly as good as new, save the natural fading from wear. 4th—When perfectly clean, a Carpet will wear as long again. a desirable matter as a mere point of economy, to say nothing of looks. ALL ORDERS LETT AT THE OFFICE, No. 179 Liberty Street" Or addressed to P. 0. Box 473, will receive prompt attention. 4: GEO. L. McCLINTOCK, rihin: • PROPRIETOR. TAXES ! TAXES! I , , The Tax Payers of the consolidated City of Pitts burgh, are her. by notified that the Tax Books are now in the hands of the City Treasurer, ready for collection. / Taxes and Water Rents paid between the Ist of JUNE and the Lauf AijiaTST. yill be received at a DISCOUNT OF EINE PER CENT. And between AMMO' let, andtthe 15th of SEP TEMBER. at n DISCOUNT OF TWO I'ER CENT From the 16th ofSil"f KM kill to the Ist of OC TOBER, all taxes will be payable as assessed. After the Ist of QCTOBER, FIVE per Ont. will be added; and on the list of NoVF.MBER,t an unpaid Taxes will be put into the hands of Collectors WITH THE FURTHER ADDITION OF FIVE PER CENT., making n difference of FIFTEEN PER. CENT, between those paying la July au? those paying In November. aa-The STATE MERCANTIL now due, and suould be paid on orl July, to save coat and expense of I Jeis:rcs FOR SALE. BANKRUPT BEAN DEEDS AND MORT LEDGERS AND JO DcCEETS ANR R. • FRENCH. AND ARM COPYING I &KB, BY W. S. H Come; Wood and 4 . OIL WELL Steam Engines Superior new and second-hand STEAK EN GINES-7, 8 anti 10 ineh Winders, 20 and 214 inch stroke, with all the fixtures; - FOB BORING OIL WELLS. HUtilt N. BOLE & CO., Address I !!! Way, - Pittetunrich, _-___ „ ____ IVOTIVE.—Ait perions indebted to or having olatmp,firs*Bt3 l 4 l., .. ESTATE OFYAMO, tanun„ Deed. • '— Isla of No. to ChCatnur streoe, - Alle 010 n y City, niti 'please call on tom undersigned, and hay° ,them ad-, lusted.. .: ,1014%.R1f.T STIUUI3. Adminlatratriii f • i Allegheny. ,Anicuse l. 1.88 n., , ana:tat 70TIVEA-LittersTe-stitmentary XM!' beet Wien is inted, hie on the ESTATE Os AY irA 0111E14R, deceased, all persons. hay leg Claims lageinst her estate will present thein to me, finis authenticated, and all -psalms owing said estate_Will make_ payipen f: 1 1 4.°81, ,e,Y , JOHN , W : TAWAS, WO: Tif (*rant et. • ,O,WPFPF,FI.Migh4,TIC/4 Jtdi Ad. 188EQ'' • Tsisu rirRANNPARE NT GREEN OIL JL CLOTH, for Window• Shades—huperior in Quality and lower In prloe than the litaetent mann. facture. Another large supply of the different widilio Joat rooeived from futon PHILLIPS,/el 115 sad VS lit. 01,1 z West. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. D ON THE IST D Y OF AUGUST, WE REMO D TO THE : r • LARGE AND COMMODIOUS WAREHOUSE, No. 45 Blood Street, Directly Opposite St, Charles Hotel. • 'ILE GREATEST.] DIM DISCOVERY KNOWN TO NAN. Also, entrance ou TAT B. E. SEL MaI . W3D M-Y7,l!ffil BLOOD SEARCHER, -AU Diseases Arising from an .12a were State of the Blood, such as Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Jaundice, Cincerous Formations, Cutaneous Diseases, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Mercurial Diseases, General Debility, Boils, Pimples on the Face, Liver Complaint, Sore Eyes, Scald Head, Tetter Affections, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Foul Stomach, Old and Stubborn Ulcers, Rheumatib Disorders, . Feniale CoMplaints, Together with all other disorders from an improper condition of the Cliculatory System. As a general Tonic its effects are most benignant, and cannot fall to benefit, when used perseveringly and accord ingdo directions. It is purely a vegetable prepara- tlou—not a single grain of mineral poison enten into Its cronvositiou, so that while it invariably at- fords relief. and effects the moat wonderful cures., no overttoae could Injure the most tender infant. R. E. SELLER S/ & CO., PITTSBURGH, PA. Sellers' Cough Syrup: - Sellers' Liver Fllis and Vermitnge; Johnson's Rheumatic Compound; And Roerhave's Holland Hitters. FOR SALE BY ALL DEI7GGISTS jy3c:Lii 4 ELECTIC SLIMIER CORDIAL, An infallible remedy for Summer Complaint, Diar rhea, Dysentery, Vomlting, Sour Stomach and Cholera Morbua. DR. DIRRIS' CRAP. CURE, A specific for Cholera, Cramps and Fain in the titomach, forage by EURRIS & EWING, 'Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, J. SCHOONMER it SON'S PURE WHITE LEAD, ItIccOIPS VERDITER GREEN, • This onlY green paint that will not deteriorate by exposure. , It will look better, last longer and give more perfect satisfaction than any paint In ple market NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Thp Sewerage Commission of Allegheny City Are prepared to receive proporals for the curibtrue tion of the following Sewers, viz: ' 7 CONTRACT No. 1, Comprising a leuath of about' 4.700 feet of Sewers, of from 3to 53 feet In diameter, on Montgomery Avenue and West Common. LICENSES are before this 114 of suit., ALLINDISIti City Treasurer Combaslog i length of-about 1,200 feet of Sewer, of SIS feet diameter, oh Federal streot. ECM RNALti, ' • ' CONTRACT 3. Comprising a length of about 2,430 feet of Sower, of from 3 to 5,4 feet diameter. on Sedgwiek street .and line of.P. rt.. W. & C.B. R. • • Dimisings and' speellitastions Can be seen and full particulars obtalned at lengineer's (Aloe, City Bids must be endorsed •tsewer Prop. silo. Con tract No: 1," (or other. as the ease may be, )and de livered On or before 3 r. m.. TUESDAY, the 25th day of August. Forms of proposal ton which forms alone the bids wilt be received,) can be obtained at the Engineer's Office. ORD ROOKS. MEE] VEN, ,ird Streets - • • The rommission_do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any bid. By order of the Commission. ' au25:n55 Cnep. DAVI.% City Engineer. OPTICS OF CITY ENGINE/La AND SIIIIAISTOR, - Pittsburgh, August 17, 1888, ; NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. • SEALED PROPOSALS FOR I Grading,. Paving and Curbing ST. MARY'S AVENUE from Butler street• to the • Allegheny nalley Railroad. LONG ALL KY, from Lewis alleyto• the Allegheny. Valley Railroad. And also for GRADING FAIRVIEW ALLzt ! A Will he reekved at this office until• ATURDXYi I August 215/Id, me; tineeltientleus can, be had at this °Mee:. • . The Committee reserve the rignt to reheat any or all bids; Et..a.moonE, Ara:on ; • CRY Engineer. 'or Sale. CONIIIOLLER'S UPPICaa,, ctri or .4, 7j our4a, August asee; f !sr,ALED" ippoirosALs • received ai this ellice,il . l4a 3 o'ciock P. IC on , 5110, 'octant,' for 011,44.1)1NGr *Pri?,:r4,y** - c4 :lEiCf „,.. ‘. 4.l,rxr, RL,4l44pqn g ivey..p.%o pe4x„ ••:, wick itrett• • ThAB" LA. vdtjyt i k frate•Robineonl,o 111bnah Also, , /OffhPralN STREET, freer Henderson &tree to Middle street. Peonies and specifications can be lean in the (ace of the City Engineer. a a FRANCIS, aut se Cit 7 Coattoiler. D S'l%, Nos. 102 and 104, lERS & CO. IMPROVED Fou TitE cu - RE Or folc Proprietors. ALSO. PROPRIETORS OF AGI - FAN - rs FOR, MEI PROPOSALS CONTRACT No. 2, PROFESSIONAL JOS. A. BUTLER, • ALDERMAN AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. Office, 128 WYLIE STREET, near Washington, PITTSBFRGIL PA. Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, Collection , and• all other legitimate business execUtett promp s tly. mhakn9 SAMUEL MciIIASTERS, AMEOERNEAN. _Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace and Police - Magis trate. (Mice. GRANT STREET, opposite the 'Ca thedral, PITTSBURGH, I'A. Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. mhl6 EUSTACE S. MORROW, 111,13. ItAIA.N", EX-OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTWATE. OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, Bouds, Mortgages, • Acknowledgments, Depositions arid all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. my'a A. AIVIRION, Justice of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, , REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGT CARSON STREET, EAST BIRMINGHAM. Collection of Rents solicited and promptly attend ed to. my3:y6o WILLIAM H. BARKER, JUSTICE OrTHE PEACE, CONVEYANCER, &C., Office, CARSON STREET, nearly opposite the. Railway Depot, SOUTH PITTSBURGH. Business entrusted to his care promptly attend ed to. • myi:y6l DANIEL IlleltlEAL, M. D., PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, • OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, o. 1]) Grant St., near a 1,20: x7l S. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street, SECOND FLOOR. FRONT ROO3l. JOAN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office, 116 Diamond Street, (Opposite the Court House, ) PITTSBURGH, PA . W A. MEM ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 99 Diamond. Street. mhs:uB PITTSBURGH, PA. AC. MACKRELL, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, No. SO Grant Street, • my24:b PITTSBURGH, PA ARCHIBALD BLAIiBLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-I_,AliV, No. 98 FIFTH STREET, ape:0901,4,4V InT'PSTICRGH. PA. JOHN A. STRAIN, ALDER3IAN, ES-OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. 0f5ce,112 FIFTH STREET, opposite the Cathe dral, Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Legal-Rnsl ness executed with promptness and dl4tatch.. JOHN C. McCOMBS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street. , Pensions, Bounties and Arrears of Pay promptly collected. n0:6039 ASSESSMENTS.I • OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER ANTI SUAVEYOII,,./ • Pittsburgh. August 14.:1855. NOTICE.—The Assessment for Grading, Paving and Curbing rrast ford Street, I Is now ready for examination, and can be seen at thls oflice until THURSDAY, August 22d, 1865, when It will he returned o the City Treasurers 01lice for collection. IL 3110011. E. ani7:usB City Engineer. OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER AND 'SURVEYOR, t Pittsburgh, August 15, 1868. N OTICE. -•-The Assessment for. Grading and Paving Haslett Alley, (LAWR.E.NCEVILL4) Is now ready for examination, and can be seen at this office until TUESDAY. August *sth, 1868, when it will be returned to the City Trt asurer's Office for collection. • aulsms( City Engineer. GROCERIES WM.: MILLER, (Late Miller & Ricketson,) Nos. 221 AND 223, Corner Liberty and Irwin. Streets-. Offer to the trade at Low Figures 150 v i k a n ,s of N'ENN" b a l i lk , g i E s ßEL, In barrels,' 100 chests qua rters Ice TUUNU HYSON, JAPAN and IMPERIAL. TEAS. 50 sacks choice RANGOON RICE . • 25 bbls. choice CAROLINA RICE. 75 bbls. LONG ISLA ND SYRUP. 50 bble. SY RUP, choice brands. 100 bola. N. O. MOLASSES. 50 bbls. BERMUDA MOLASSES. 5100 bbls. REFINED 1313 GAIL• 75 Wk.'s. rota() H.lOO, UOA and DEMA tIARA _, SUGARS. • 300 bass RIO COFFEE, 50 bags JAVA and bADUATRA'CI:IFYKEn. 100 casebUlpoßna) CLARET. • • !ASO cases I.loPrr & CRANDON'S PAGNE WINES. SCOTCH ALE and LONDON CHAM- PpETER con stantly on hand. . , SUNDRIES. 400 bus Prime Yellow Far Corn. 300 bus do do. Shelled do. • J5O bus Prime Barley. 3,000 lbs. Dried Apples. • 500 lbs. Dried Peaches. 25 bbls. Sorghum Molasies. • 10 bbls. Sweet Cider. 00 doe. Corn Brooms, In store and for sale Tod VETPIF , RARMSTRONG jel • • le Market street, corner First. gotiIEtIMING 'NEW.--Desiecateil coeriSli. for fish; puts one pound equal to four pounds of raw fish; put up in nest one pound paper boxes, with ree.ipes 'or cooking In n;varlety of styles. Price 35 cents ner pound. For sale, wholesale and retail:at the Family Grocery Store of sari• JOHN A. RF.NSHAW • ; Lt +lnv and Rand streeii. ;CHOICE JAPAN :TEA.--Juste re ceived, a fresh Invoice of extra nuality uncol ored 'Divan Tea, fonsalechy the - pound or half chest JiliO. A. ItEhnHAW, , . mrner Littorty And DADA Ft.roptA. 'poo krts.. Go SHEN,' F • ACTORY and, lIAMBURGII ttiIERSK, for sale Y J. B. CANFIELD & SON, and • 141 First street.: WHITE bbls. best White Lime, Tor Sale by ' au , J. it. CANFIELD & SON. O"EN( E NT - 50. bills . . , - Hydraulic Coment. for sale by au& , • , ; ,B. OdisIFIRLD SoN'. • E CLAX-7604ibhis. Missouri Piro and 4'oc Clay, for sale by log ~r. U. -- CANITETA.) ea'aoN; QODA ASU--100 btore Ky . and' for aala bY r 4. CAN MIA/ h rION.• I g • AL:II-23 casks Tor sale b J. B. CA NFIRLD POT ASH-10 casks for sale by JOHN B. CANYINLD a HUN Pl 6 IG LEAD--600 pigs Soft Galena Lead. ter age b 7 J. B. oadirmv s SON. RAILROADS. ~ITT SHl.TROHandagumm CONNELLSVILLE R. R. On and after THURSDAY, March - sth. 188!_ trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot, cot, ner of Grant and Water streets, a:. follows: Depart. Arrive. Mali to and from Uniont'n. 7:00 A. M. 6:00 P. M. Mai - re:Tort Accommodt'n.ll:oo A. M. 2:05 p. Ex. to and fro:7i Uniont'n. 3:00 P. M._0:00 A. m. West Newton Accomtnod'n M. 8:35 A. 14 Braddock's Accommodat'n 6:15 P. At. 7:50 P. /11.. Night Acc. to McKeesport.lo:3o P. M. 6:40 A. M. Snn churcla Train to and • • from West Newton. For tickets apply 13 J. B. KING, Agent., STOUT, Superintendent, , CHANGE Of T1MEva723.,,-i...;-, ALLEGHENY - VALLEY RAAROAD. On and miter WEDNESOAY, 7:25 P. lt August 12th, DOM TitAlAs, DAILY .will leave Pitt9burgli Station, eurner Pike and Canal streete, foi' Frank :in, 011 City, buf f alo, and all points in the Oil negions. . _ LEAVE PITTSBM:011.• 8.05 a m Ex prebs 7:25D m Brady's B'd AC 3:25 p m Ist.Soda Works • ' Aeciuno(l'n.. 11:00 - a m 2(1 Sofia Works . Accorno 5:20p.m Mixed 'Way T'n 0:20 a m tiulton Acc'n.. 6:20 a m Church Train leave Pitt rive In Pittsburgh at 9:51 Passengers taking express train• have but onei change of cars bt tween Pittsburgh, Buffalo and Ott Regions. - Mall and 'Express Tratns stop only at principal points. Mixed Way and Accommodation trains stop at all stations. THOMAS H. KING, Assn. Supt. W. FOSTER itoPA. Ticket As ent. sun 13CINCINNATI AND ST. IS RAILWAY. PAN HANDLE ROUTE. CHANGE OF TIME.—On and , after SUNDAY, JnnAl,t, IS6S, trains will leave and arrive at the Union Depot, as folio s, rlttapurgh time D Mall Express 2Ts rt a . . m. 1 4 2 rrt :10 vg a . .M. Fast Line 9:40 a. m. 7:15 p. xi. Fast Express 2:10 p. m. 11:20 a. la. Mixed Way , 0:10 a. m. 7.05 p. m. McDonald Acc'n, No. 1.. 11:40 a. rn. 3:05 p. m_. Steubenville Accommod'n. 3:55 p. m. 9:30 a. in McDonald's Acc'n, No. Z.: 5:25 p. m. 8:20 a.m.. SPECIAL NOTlCE.—Sunday 'Express leaves at 2:10 p. m., arriving in Cincinnati at 6:00 a. m. the next morning. 'the 9:40 a. ra. Train leaves daily, Sundays ex cepted, and makes close connections a , Newark for Zanesville and points on Sandusky. Mansfield k Newark H. It. MIME S. F. SCITLE,, General Ticket Agent. W. tV. CARD, Sup't., Steubenville. ITIrA3 'RGH, 'FORT W. AND CLEVELAND From June 7th, IEI6B and arrive at the Unton time, as follows:' Leave. ' Chicago.E t .... 2:03 a m Cleveland Ex.. 2:03 a m Erie & Ytta MI 7:28 am Cl. WI.Vg 311 6:13 a m Chicago Kali.. 6:58 a m Chicago Ex.... 9:43 a m Cl. & Wh'g Ex. 1:43p m Chicago Ex—. 4: 1:58 p Wh. & Erie Ex. 48 pm. Depart from Allegheny. N. Drlgt'n Ac. 8:58 am, Leetsdale " 10:13 a. m ", 11F5S ami Rochester " 2;23 pm! Wellsv'e Acc.. 3.43 p Leetsdale Ace. 4:l3pm N. Erlgt'a " . 5 . .33 pm N. Brlgt'n " . 6:28 pm Leetsdale " . 113 43pm 1:68 p. m. fhleago Stir 1.1.:23 a. m Chicag JeB F.R._MTERS, V DENNSY tVAIN CENTRIAL nAILRO, - - Oa and after June 7th rice at and depart from:th Washington and Liberty a Arrive: ' Mall Train...) 1:15 Ain' Past Line. 1:4-0 a ml Wall'a No. 1.. 6:20, Latrobe Acc'n 7:50 a m WalCa No. 2.. 8:50 a m Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 a m tohn,town Ac. 10:35 u Baltimore Ex. 1:60 p . PIAla. Express 1:20 pm Wall's No. 3... 2.15 pm firaildocks No 1 5:50 p Wall's No. 4. 7:15 pm Altoona Acc'n and Emigrant Train 9:30 ptr.l .The Church Train leaves Wall's Station every Sunday.at 9:15 a. ma., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:05 a. m. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. and arrit es at Wall's Station at 2:00 p. tn. • Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All other trains daily except Sunday. For rurtn er orinformation apply to W. H. BECKWITH, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as sume any risk. for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and limit their responsibility toQne Hundred Dollars An value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, un less taken by special. contract. EDWARD H. - WILLIAMS, jet ' General Superintendent, Altoona, pa. TERN PENN:ag i ggpm ,ES SYLVANIA RAIL R Ark,—On and after May 10th, IS6S, the Pas senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rail road will arrive at and depart from the Federal Street Depot. Allegheny City, as follows: Arrive. i • Depo rt- 6:15 a it . Smingd , e No 1 6:35 a m,Mall Freeport No. I 6:15 amj Freeport No. l 9:10 a m Express 10:15 a miSharpb`g No.111:20 a sit Sharphlg No. I 1:-95 p m Express 1:50 pa Freeport No. 2 4:10 pm Spr ngd'e No 1 3:50 pm Mail.— --- ... . . 5:50 p m Freeport No, 1 6:05 p ixt Springd'e No 2 7:10 p m Soringd'e No 2 7:30 pm Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Junet. every Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:90 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Tuna. at 9:45 p.m. CombarrArioN Trcins7s—For sale in packages of Twenty, between, Allegheny City, Chestnut street, • Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Shaimsburg. and good only on the trains stopping at Sta tions ape died-, on tickets.. The trains leaving Allegheny City at 6:15 a. to. and 1:50 r. M. make direct connection at Freeport with Walker's line ofStages for Butler and Uannahs town. Through tickets' may be purchased at the Mike, No. 3 St. Clair street, near the Suspension. Bridge Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny. For further information apply to JAMES LEFFERTS, Agents Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad w ILI not as sume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and limit the!. responsibility to One Hundred Dollars to value. All baggage exceeding this amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, on teas taken by special contract. E HD H. WILLIAM: Gen.-a1:411ne l V H. A ntendent. Altoona: Pa. QMOKY HlLL amigni KY ROUTE. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY , EastOm Division. The 8116RTEST AND MOST RELIABLE ROUTS from the East to all points Is Colorado, Nevada, California, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon. • • Two Trains lease State Line and Leavedettorth (Sundays excepted.) on the arrival of tytins T'aelne Railroad from St.: Lords, Vi and R and St. Jo Railroad from Quincy,' connectin• at Law rence, Topeka and Wamego with sta s es for alt points in Kansas. At end of track west DIEU,- worth with the .UNITED STATES EXPRESS COM PANY'S-DAILY LINE OF OVERLAND MAIL AND EXPRESS COACHES FOR 1ME.14 VE11; agAT•T T• A Trim.; And all Points in the Territories, And with SANDERSON'S TRI-WEEKLY LINE Of COACHES for Fort Union, Bent's Fort, Pass, Alba q_uerque, Santa Fe, and -all points in Arizona and Few Mexico. • With the recent additions of rolling stock ant, equipment, and the arrangtunents made with re sponsible Overland Transportation Lutes from Its western terminus, this road now oilers unequalled' facilities for the_ transmission of freight to the Far West. , Tickets for sate at all the principal offices In the Crated Stites and Canadas. Be sure and ask for tickets via THE SMOKY HILL ROU rge,___IINION PACIFIC RAILWAY. EASTERN DIVISION. bleier/a Freight ii.nd Ticket, Agent.. STEAMSHIPS. LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. TIIII 111/MAN MAIL STEAMSHIPS. - . ,Number.us 'Lateen BM-caw vedaels, a.aong theta the celebrated CITY OF RAMA_ CITY OF A NTWEPP_, CITY OF BOSTON, CITY OF BALTIMORE. CITY OP LONDON, Mailing EVERY SATURDAY, from Pier 40, North River, New York. For passage or further Informs. Con apply to WILLEM' BINGIIA:34 Jry 70 ?Trim By'REET 10hroalcie Rtilkllng ) NehM7 OPDOMte /I'd.cis" Pi DI 1:00 P. M. 10:00 e.. ac A-n'RIVE IN PITTSBURGH'. M.li 4:50 p ni P.xpi%-55........ 6:05 a na R adys 13'd Ac 10:20 ant I,t Soda Works lAccomoda•n. 7:50 am 2d Soda Works Accomoda'n, 2:50 p nt Mixed Was T'n 8:25 p m. Hutton Acc n.. 8:35 a to Armstrong Ac.- 6:20 p In sburizti at 1:10 P, M. tdr- I -A. )f. • AYNE & CHICAGO H. PITTSBURGH It. R. trains . will leave from Depot, • north side, city I!=t2l Chicago Ex... 2:08 ara Cleveland Ex. 2:08 ait nhicago Ex....11:23 a at Wheeling Ex. 11:08 a ra St. Louis Ex.. 3:33 pnt CI. & Wh'g Ex 4:3Bpne Erie &Yg`n Ex 6:13 p rit Chicago Ex.. . 4:23 p CI. &Wh'g Ex 7:oBp aa Arrive Ca Allephen_y„ _ N. Brigt'n .Ac. • 7:03 a na ;N. Brigt'n " 8:28 a m %Wellsville " 8:53 a m New Castle •• 10:13 a m Leetsdale " 9:13 ara 1:08 p ixt N. Brigt'n " 2:43 p m Leetsdale • • 4:53 p m 6 6 " 7:28 pm Express leaves daily. e Express arrives daily. , General Ticket Agent. *t47 7: . 1.1.168, Trains will az e_Unton Depot, corner of :treets.' as follows: • Depart. • Day Express.. 11:25 aat Wall's No. 1.. 6:30 a m 31M] Train 7:50 am I•Cinclunati Ex 11:40 a m W'all's No. 2.. 11:51 ain !Johnstown Ac. 3:05 pm Bra thlocks Nol 4:00 p za Nina. Ex pres. 4:50 pm Wsll's No. 3.. 5:10 pat WAill's No. 4.. 6:15 pm Fast Line 7:30 pm Latrobe Acc'n 8:50 pm* Swissvale Ac'n 10:50 p m Washington, A. ANDERSON, General Superintendent. -J. H. WEBSTER,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers