ES tts gittifmtg# ertkrtts, LETTER FROM COLORADO. C antral City and Nevada Railway * Comma. nieationßeantiful Scenery Healthy Climate—The Rainy Season—Vl' inter.— Mails and Telegraph—Water and Steam Milli—Labor—investmeht of Money. CorresPoruienee of the Pittsburgh Gazette: COLORADO TERRITORY, July 31,1868. - News from this part of the nation 'may lie of interest to some of your readers, and I shall attempt to eve you the benefit of my two years' residence out here in the liiiti -411e of the world. Gold mining is, and has been, the great business here, and, as in all i other business, some men'make and some lose, and the losers form the majority. In some parts of the Territory, log huts still are fashionable, but if one of your Eastern readers were - to come out here, he would be astounded at" the solid looking town we hive. Brick buildings, such as churches, schools ' stores and dwellings are about as much the rule here as at the East. Central City and P'evada, which are in reality thisame town, contain about seven thensand inhabitants, six or seven churches and as many minis ters. In about a year a branch of the Union Pacific Railroad will be built I to Golden City, which is only twenty miles from here, and then it will not be long until we have direct railway connection -with the East, and then a few more years will only be needed to get the people to know what kind of a place it is, and it- will be the •greatest summer resort on the continent. Besides cool days and nights, (the thermometer has -not.- reached eighty degreee this summer,) the scenery is enblime, and there is probably no more interesting tripin the world. - I used to enjoy more than anything else, being on the ocean in a storm, contemplating the stupendous rush of mighty waters, and feel ing the almightypower of God, and man's insignificance. Here Fled just the same, among these enormous mountains and sur rounded by the tremendous stillness of nature. June and July are our rainy sea son, and during those months we have rain almost every day, then come August and September, more delinhtfhl than anything you can ithagine, with , weatherd air an such that mere living is plum:mil of the highest order. In October the anew begins; but we rarely have more than - feint to six inches, scarcely enough for sleighing. We can now, from here, see the snow, whiteon the tops of ' the ranges some fifteen miles .away. Then ,for health, there is no place like it. When I left the East my health fres miserable, I had two physicians , attending me, one of whom said I would never live to get here and the other said I might as well come as I would be sure to die any way, and now after two years, , l am enjoying better health than ever before, and am a - robust man. , Five years ago, if any one had told' me that I should be living in or even ever see the Rocky Mountains, 'I should have hooted at him t and yet here I am and do not feel at all out of the world, for we have a daily email by six horse coaches and news by'itele graph from all parts of the world, which we read in our two daily papers about 'aisoon as you have it in Pennsylvania. We have both steam and water power stamp, grist 'and saw mills, and yet some of our cast ings are from Pittsburgh. In coricluelon, this is' an Nex,:ellent place for men to come to who have money, for - they can easily make more, but to those who have none, I say don't Come unless they be laborers. This latter class receive from $3 to $5 per day, and servant girls receive from .$lO to $l2 per week and are a scarce article. Money can easily be loaned at 2to per cent. month, interest payable monthly with good .security, but this rate of interest cannot be, sustained very long. • t Tell yourreaders to come out here if they want - to have a good . summer excursion, but when they come, to leave all business . behind, spend a month out here, and they will feel much better forlt when the go 'back. ,Origln of the Names for the, Days of the Week. - Most persoiut are fanilliar with the facts in reference to the , nanes of the days of the week, and. et there may be some who are not able to account for the order in which they occur. ' ; The dwitrien of, time intd-weeks, was probably-first znade bYthe Chaldeans;- and - -the general order as adopted by the ancient people; has, existed to the present time. • According- to the Ptolematic system, t•here are seven planets which revels arotuail .ibeearth in the following order- of , ; beginning at the - inost remote—Seturn, -Jupltsr, Map. Sun, Venus. Mercury, Moom The day being divided into' twenty-four lours, and each hOur, by turns, being de, ' voted in thdory to one or another; in regu lar order, otthe divinities . which ruled the, -planets,; th e present order of days was neo •earsiry,_ln order to keep span uninternipt ed succession. Saturn or Saturday, was the 'first day - -of-.the week, the first hour of which was oleo devoted to Saturn,',:' the :fsecond-hour to Jupiter. the third to Mars, the fourth to Sun, the fifth to Venue, the sixth to Mercu ry, the seventh to Moon. The eighth was in regular, succesition de - voted to saturrq -ad also the fifteenth and the twenty-second the twenty-third to . Jupiter, the twentY- fourth to Mars, and thejirat hour of the see -ond day! to Bun, -hence the; day is called Sunday. By continuing the , same order Sun answers to the eighth, lifteeth and twenty-seconds; the twenty-tidpi, isYenuis, - -. the twenty-fourth Mercury, and the first hour in the third day is Moon, hence Moon day or Monday.. , - Moon answers to the eighth, fifteenth or twenty-second hours; the twenty-third to -Saturnt,the twenty-fourth to Jupiter; the • ' , .."first hour of the fourth day is Mars—Saxon;: Tuts...* or 'l.lg, hence Tuesday. The first-hoar of tho fifth day by the same succession; will le Mercury—Saxon, Wed •-eno, hence Wednesday. The ,order gives the first hour of the sixth day to Jupiter, the - Saxon Thor, hence Thursday. Friday, likwise, gives its first hour to Venus—Sax -on. These results may he ccinireniently group;" ed in the following tannin; form: Juylrer, Mara. Sin, VellUS. Mercuiy, Moon.. Satarri ....Mara. 24 San 1..m..u..22..Veaus • Mercury.... 24 Moon.. . . .... Saturn...:Jupiter 24 /tart _Sun Mercury s .16. 22 ' .M00n Saturn 24 Jupiter 1 ...8 . ..16..M . ..Mara 8 u 'Venus ........ , n ,Iteeesta !dim e order perpetually./ ONE of those awful tragedies, involving youtbaove, Orlickgr_k* no, • ,- ='?ardent spirits, unless high anti'doperate resolve., comes ..-urider. pat. ostvot,,VQ has ctranspiregtht Haw's - retry,' MsatittlPPla A young inaomas engaged to be married; but alas, he, was p00r..., His .;01'0- Anal ,; tittO.toitiod 'W 1 4404440; :and heM.od h • sweetheart's father's name for the paltry:, s. • rtto ofilaLT siX-rkelefillbes tyr. , razitingglid him. The maiden meept , and ep.rfiyed for r ,hls Meow, goodgitreshe got allied pieta; Bonn! good files, and clothed in slop „andt: modesty,i bbtafried'Peiniission Co visit the cell where langniahedbf3r.hero. He filed off the ; deiblea; shot 'Ode griatd; mortally wounded two fled like a deer .:4 olTewOrleals-Allattince"not mentioned— where, safely concealed, ho awaits his in - =orate and a remittance. .. ~..-. .:,......•....• ~•-, . • .....,,,, ~.., : r •:4:-4- - •4-:••••,::':7- : , -. ?:.!..:-;.7 - - , • :57::,• t r•Ae,;••:•0•.•:`: re 7;•••••• --i*4;:g..'ir.'•&:',Wl474•l7sr#:'l-1;74T6•-W::•:*•a.:‘2-Atik.4:o-?•tti•4'.i.-::•:-..-'7.,•,*.-t::-.14;•:t.-•A•WW6,te:4-'7,'''''''''' ' . --. • • •• . ,„:... .., •.•-•: -.. ...- ..: " 42 -' ••••,,3*46-44*21`•?:;.%ii•t-1•14At.:--ti-:,..<4;.,-'44:-.M4,1e:-"4;•-';;,,,i-Z,,,0.4...-.••••• •.- • x•-.: • .... ... . • . .. : . - . . MI EMESEMIi CLIPPINGS. THE STRIKE ENDED.—The strike among the miners along the Shenango Valley has ended, and the miners went to work again last week. This strike has made a differ ence of over haft a million donors in the business of this valley, has reduced the earnings of the railways and canal a quar ter of a million, and has affected the lake trade and the country iminediataly inter ested in the mines more than half a million dollars more.=-Grientrilie Argua. AT , . POBTICI, near Naples, so little value is set upon human life that a man recently murdered an acquaintance for the sum of two cents! Criminal returns in this district show for the month of June • last nineteen murders, two hundred and thirteen cases of stabbing, .three suicides and one hun dred and eighty minor crimes. If ;this state of things existed about two thousand years ago, it is no I wonder that Vesuvius played such an ugly trick on Pompeii. Tau war-pressure has been so great in Brazil that the Emperor and Empress have contributed a quallter of their income to help the public purse, and the other mem bers of the Imperial family one-fifth of theirs. At the sane time the Emperor has refused to have any exemption from the tax of three per cent. on all earnings over six hundred dollars yearly, and pays that proportion of the revenue allowed him for the support of his State as head of the Em pire. , Tally have curious ideas of pindshroeid 'out West. The Quincy (Ill.) Herald, after relating a diabolical attempt by a ruffian to destroy a house and its inmates by set ting fire to a 'room which contained two barrels of gunpowder, adds: "He ought to be sent to the workhouse for at least thirty days!" From the wording of the sentence, it would appear that the writer is not sure, that even so rigorous a punishment' as "thirty days" will beinflicted on the frisH oner. Air association of Cambria and Blair county bigness men have leased from E. F. Hodges, of •Boston, with the privilege of buying hereafter, thh furnace at Cone. inangh Station; Cambria county, which has been out of, blast for several years. They have also leased, under, the' same condi tion, 450 acres of ore and coal lands adjoin ing the furnace, and the ore right of 2,300 acres on the Broad Top Railroad in Hun tingdon; county,. The furnace is now in blast. AT A recent meeting of the committee of the Harvard graduates on the Alumni hall and Harvard memorial, it was stated that up to the present time 13142,000 of the me morial fund hadbeen received. Five thou sand dollars in addition to I this have been placed in the hands of the treasurer, and there is due from subscribers about 146,000 —05,000 of which is considered good— making in all 1182,000 toward a fund of pOO,OOO, which it will cost to complete the proposedstructure in accordance with the plans adopted by the building committee. The corner stone of the commemoration hall, it is thought, can be laid about the middle of October next. , TEE largest rose bush in existence is in the Marine Garden at Toulon,France. It is called the Lady Banks, ancovers swell seventy-feet in width, and eighteen feet in height. The trunk measures, near the root, two feet eight inches..' During the month of April it produces fifty thousand white roses. The oldest known rose bush is the one which grows on the wall of the cathedral at Hildesheim, Prussia. It is one thousand years old, 'and from its trunk, which is one foot in diameter, extends six branches fifteen feetin height. The Bishop of Hildesheitn, in the Middle Ages, had it covered with a roof to protect it from the ill- clemency of the weather. ON the recent wedding day of the grand Duke of Mecklenburg the rejoicings of the party assembled at the dinner table were suddenly brought to a very disagreeable close. All the'griests were suddenly taken very sick, a rather large quantity of arsenic having been added to a pudding, of Which everybody seated at the table had partaken. It was discovers(' that 'one of the girls in the kitchen had thrown the rat poison, into the auger-box, wh‘ince it had found its way into the pudding. Emetieri quickly admin istered relieved the sufferers, but the wed ding day of a sovereign Prince hardly ever closed in as dismal a manner as that of the Grand:Duke of Mecklenburg. ' Mem= VERNoN, the, burial place of Washington, is in , a dilapidated and (Hs; gracefol oonditiOn; but it is visited by hull dredasonstantly, and every.vieitor has • to pay a fee of fifty cents. There was a terri ble hubbub raised a few years- ego, by the 'old ladies who christened themselves "Re gents" of the Mount Vernon Association, about the then owner of the property "sell ing the !miles of Washington;" and a Con siderable summas raised by Mr. Everett and the "Regents" to rescue the bones from the mercenary bands of the dickering F. F. V. Some explanatiosi of the right of 'the Association to now turn ,the :tomb of Washington into a pee p show •would be ac ceptable. • AT DIAOCINA New Orleans firm, by CalTe'il apparatus, are producing ibrty tons of ice ,per day, and increasing their capacity by the addition of machines, so that by neat epring they hope to produce :160 tons • each day. The machines, however, are elabo rate and costly, the largest being valued at MOOO and capable of producing 'more than ten tons per day, at a cost estimated at ,to $5.: The daily.expense bra 'Very little fuel and the cost of working.% Congelation produced by the alternate •evaporisation and liquefaction of aqua .ammonia, by which,cakes of tee are formed every five minutes .in twenty pound slabs about three inches thick; which are piled upon one en . other and oongealed to any desired thick AN ART GALLERY, tO • test One million and a half of. doll ~is. to be - erected on Fifth aientte, New York. , Mr. , Henry. Keep, a Wealthy . railroad' man, has bought a lot two hundred feet' square on. Fifth avenue, between West Fifty-first and Fifty second streets, where the building is to be constructed. After founding and • endow inglbe art gallery, Mr. Keep proposes to place it in charge of a committee of • ladies of, a fixed number with _provision to fill the .vacancies as , they occur, from death or otherwise. A small admission fee is to be charged each visitor, the revenue coming from Which is to form a. fund' for two.pur pospst first, - the care and repair of the build ing and its contents; seOnd, Ake • surplus -for -the relief lof the poor of all nations needing succor in the city,of New York. SPEOIAL NOTICES. MANHOOD AND THE VIGOR . OF-YOUTH' restored in four weeks. Silo. Oess Arians; teedel• = DB.- RIOORD , S•ESSEDI OE OF JAYE reetores manly powers. from whatever Cause arising; the= effects of early maidens habits. self-, alms, impoteudy and climate' give way at Once to title wonderful methane, if taken regularly accord ing to the directions, (which are very simple. and reoutrelno: reek:tint , from business' Or' pleasure.) Failure to impossible. - Sold in bottlesa:FS, Or four (itutotities in one for S O. ;To bglll4 onlyof the sole appointed agent to Allied* H. GEBiTZEN, SOS Second Avenue. , 1e15:16 4-TTB 12r10141,140116Pillf: MAR. • - • BIAGE. AMP!, Course ot,-Lectures: AS de. livered at the New Toot Museum of Anatomy, em• bracing the eubleetargiow to livr aad what to livt for; Youth. Matiatity, arid Old Moinhoodlgenerw 'ally mildewed: t because of in esti° ~ flatulence and nervous diseaseirseconntedir ill fort • ocophically conaldereds Ae.-Paellas vignlnaa C° l24 'lining tbe.ii lectures will bo torwarded to partied , unable to attend. on - receipt of four stamps. by ad „dressing s96lotTAlli_Yi biew.Yotinitomiumnf AnB4- oFli/ and Science,Brqsspay, liowyork..! • • r B _ . ATCIIIBLOWSINAIR YES,: 7,......4.444' ." '' ' ' liiileaptivitigror-vm is th e best Ili falba* inissantsneowit, n'oTiZoltin z ert , t_Pirltent Until; remedies the -tilyeffeete of ba d ayes:lnv? r n i vit isi s te t ier d ea the. Hair ; oft and •bosatlfaL bt.R . 'repair:impart V l B l: arofgA Wi gI er gt f AfS norm street. hew York. Fac et?a. -- .Mr9lll,lllM , n /r 11 1) AlTAREgikarr YounE mixos.-finidommory ;maw ge and (*tangs' } etwity4 ThelinWile views of benev olent Physicians, on the Errol." and Abases incident to Youth and Early Manhood, sent la scaled letter envelopes, free of charge. Address HOWARD AS • tiOCIA.II.OII, 13os Y.. lbtladuiptap, pa, cave uveT r .11"- G AZETTE : BATITRDAY, AUGIrs'I.. 'l5, 1868. REGISTEMS orricr, 08. PrirontmOn, August 8:c b. 1I NOTICE 113 HEIfEBY, GIVEN that tre leg Accounts of Exeectm a, Administrators, 'On"' diens, &c.,have been duty passed in the Reevter'a Office, an d be present ed to the Orphans , Co:grl , for confirmation and allowance, on MONDAY, be.," umber Ito- 1885: No 1. Account of 'John Drummond. Adminfrtra• for of Henry brummond rued May 6th, No. M. Account. of Thomas Simmons and John } Wilson. Executors of daub 11. Creighton, dec'd. Filed May Bth, 1888. , 'No. 3. Final account of J. G. Comstock. Guar. i Man of Margaret KiMefetter, now Margaret Wean.' Filed May Oth 11888. . , at r No. 4. Final account of Robert Wallace Exam tor of Robert Rare, dee'd. • Filed May 11t h, 1888. No. 5. Final account, of Archibald Aso, Administrator of ueorge Barnsley, dec'd. "ilea May 13th, ' - • No. 6. ,Third and dual account of Samuel Carna han, Armintatrator of John 0. Tomlinson, dee'd. Filed May 15th, 1868. _No. 7. First and anal account of Mary Schauer, Llamas Lutz and 'John G. Walther, Asministrators of Philip Schauer, aec'd. Filed May 15th, 1868. - No. S. Final account of Rd ward McCorkle, deed, who was guardian of the minor cluidien of John Thompson, dec7d. Flied by Samuel Osbourne. one of the Executors of Edward McCorale, deed. Filed May I9th, 1868. - ho. 9. Final account of Fransiska Mark Admtn istratrix of Andrew Mark, aec'd. Filed May 19th4. 186% _ No• 10. Final account of Adam Huhn,' Admirals trutor of Ellsabota Curry, dee'd. Filed May 10th, 1868. • No. IL Final account of Jacob Mowry, lixecutor 41 John Mowry. dec'd. Filed May 19th, 1868. No. 1.51- a Accaunt of Anna M. Bruner an Bober* F. Logan, Admini s trators of Ephraim Bruner, deed. Filed May 93d, 1868. 13. First and analaccount of Thomas Du ff , Executor of David I Duff, dec'd. Filed May fp.3d, 1898. _ 'l,tharine Montooth, 1ii.:14; Final account of Admlnlatzatrix of William , Montooth , deceseed. riled fday 27th, ' 1888. , • I la. -- -it ! of Tbomas Gibson Exec . . n, utor of:Reboot:ea Pinkerton, 1868. -Rd.' 16. Flaal account of J.' M. Stoner, Guardian of Anna M. Stoner. Filed June 51111.' 18'68. r • No. 17. Final account of •Christian Branniug, Administrator of John Pad, dec'd. Flied June 3d. 1868. • • No. 18. Account of James A. McFadden, Admin. istrator °Listener Gov't, deci'd. Filed June 4th, 1868. ' - - No. 19. Acconntof D. B. Williams, Administra tor of Joseph ; b. Leech, dec'd. felled hi.y Iftb, 1868. - •No. 20. Final account of Barclay Preston, Exec utor of Martha L; Walker, dec'd. Flied Juue 6th, 1868. No. 91. Account of Josiah Aber, acting Execuw tor of Jacob Aber, dec , d, Filed June 6th, 1868. No. 99. Account of Billies Baird, Executor of Hugh Baird, deed.. Filed June 19thi 1888. 0. 23. e inal account of John alcCoruiick, Guar dian of Matilda Jane McCormick, (now Matilda" Jane White.) Filed JunelL2th, 1868. No. 94. Final account of Thomas Burns, Guar dian of John S. Burns. Filed June 19th, 1868. No. 215. Final account of Matthew McClean. Ad- Minlstrator of John Keen, dec'd. Filed June 99d, 1868. .No. 26. Final occonnt of J, P. Vantine, Admin istrator-of William Dickey, doed. Filed June 23d, 1868. No. 97. First and Final account of William Ait ken, Administrator of Sarah M. Aitken, deceased. Filed June 24th, PB6B. No. 28. First and final account of James R. Cald well, Executor of James Aitken, deceased. Flied June 24th, 1868. No. 99. Final account of Dz. Julius Relnhardt, Guardam of Francis Michael Braumeister. Filed June 24th. 1888. No. 3U, First and partial account of James Bryce and Thomas Fawcett, Executors of Thomas Cald well, dec'd. Fled June 95th, 1868. No. 31. First and dual account of Malcolm Hay, Esq.. Administrator pea dente We et Louisa Simp son; dec'd. Filed June 96th, 1868. No. 32. Ac mint of John Rankin, Jr.. surviving Executor of Robert Rankin, dec"d. Filed June 27th, 1868. - No. 33. Account of Elizabeth Bock, Administra tax of Charles 1. A. Bock, dec`ll. Filed June 27th, 1888. • _ No. 34. First and Final account of John B. Her • ran, Administrator. cum teat. annero, of Ellza Lin- ton, dec'd. Filed June 30th, 1868. No. 35. `Final account-of Joseph A. Butler and Jared H. Brush r xenutora of Margaret Kerr, de ceased. Fl edJuly 3d, 1868. No. 36. Account of Wiliam Allen, Administra tor of Richard Allen, dec'd. Filed July 3d, 1868. No. 37. Final account of Etpensxer Hendersoll. Administrstor of samuel P. liendenten, ecea.sed• Filed. July 7th, 1868. No. 3S. Account of Alexander Ililands, Esq., Trustee of estate of Thomas nobluson, deceased. Filed. July 9th, 1868. 110. elrat and final aeie& of Thomas Flfe, Executor, of N sucy Fife, de cd. Filed July lUtb, 1868. N0..40. Final account of Emanuel Ecker, miniutrator of Reuben Hague, dec'd. Filed July 24th, 1868. • No. 41. First and part ia l account of Thos. Hain, Executor of James Doha, dec'd. Filed July 94th, 1868. No. 49. First and final account of Hugh McElroy, Administrator, de bonts non, . of 4ona 0 , 24 it, de combed. _slims July 97th, 1868. ' No. 43. First awl final account of Thomas Mc- Quade, Executor of Catharine c'Nell, deceased. Flied July 27th, 1868. No. 44. Account of James McHenry Bhclnbart. Executor of James Malleurv, dee'd. Filed July 97th, 1868.. • • ..b10..45.. Final account of 'Bogert Grierson, Ad ministrator of Isabella Mettle, decd. Filed July Roth; 186 8 . No. 46.•lfirst and partial account of Mary Ann Laughlin, James Laughlin , Francis B. Laughlin and Hugh Woodside, Executors of Alexander Laughlin. dec'd. Ylled4uly 30th, 1868. No. 47; Final account ot J. H. Robb, Adminis trator of Robert Torrence,_ deceased. Filed July 30th, 1888. No. 48: First account of J. H. Robb Adminis trator of Auk Ka J to, deceased.. Plied uly 31st, 1868. No. 49. Final account of 'Elliott E. Swift and Robert intact!, Executors alter. Louis L, Conrad,. dec , d; Filed Jetty 31st, 1666. • No. 54. First .and final account of. Samuel Os- ' bourn, acting Executor of Edward McCorkie., Esq., ,deo'd. Filed August lat. 1858. ' No. 51. Final account - of Phlaias R. Gray, Ad ministrator -of-Robert Gray, deo'd. Flied August .4th, 1868. , z , • __No. 59. ifecOlui and partial account of R. D. Runlet and Jacob H. Walter, Esq., Administrators cum Petsasentsuanneam of Joseph Crawford, dec.o. Piled August.4lll, 1868. . _ No; 53 Account of Alexander MeJunkin, Administrator of enamel Hamilton, dee.'d. Flied August 4th, 1868... . • 110..54. Flom account of Sarah W. Rudolph, Ad min latratrirof George Rudolph, doe'd.. riled Au gust 5114 1868. • • . • • No. 55. Fluid account of Milan Crawford and Joaepte Chesnut, Executors of James Crawford, dee'de • Filed August Oth, 1868. • -No. 56. First account of Amelia, Freon ßitten, - trix of Benjamin !retch.. dec'd. Filed August 6th, 1868. NO. 57: Final account of George A. Chalfant, Guardian of Albert 11. Chalfant, minor son of Hen ry Chalfant, dee'd. Filed August fith, 1866. • -,Nce. 58. Nest account of - 41. Hasbrolick„ Esse • Adecinlstrator of James A .' Monaghan,- decease d. Jilted Annum 6th, 1868. . • • • No. 59. Final account of Sturiek Cuthbert, Guar dian of• John H. and James B. Newsom. Minor suns of John Newsotn, deed. :lied August Ith, 1868. No. 60. Final account of G. B. Bates, Guardian of Isaac Joanston, minor son of William Johnston, deo , d. • Filed August Ith. 1888. No. 61. First and final recount of John J.Eitch el, Esq., Executorial Honors Doerr, dee'd. rued August lth, 1868. L . • • . JOSEPH IL GRAY, . Register. auB:ls- , 722-20 AVESTERR DISTRICT of• PENN SYLVANIA. BS. „At Pittsburgh, the 7th day of Alagoas A. D. *SO . The undersigned hereby notice of their appoint- . ment . o Acsignees of JAMES D. DRAVO, of Pitts. burgh, la the , county of Allegheny; and !date of Peniurylvanls,' within said'district.`stko i has i?opii , adJudged s bankrupt . : upon 'creditors* petitiOn, by the District Court of said district. - • aulinda.B TN . THE MATTER OF THE HI.. JIL VISION OP SCOTT TOWNSHIP INTO TWO ELECTION PRECINCTS. • In. the Court of Com mon Pleas of Allegheny com t ty. No. 581, Septem ber Term. ISOIL Notice le hereby given that on Saturday, July 25, VAS, a petition was presented praying the alvision or . Judd 'Township Into, two. Election PrecinCte.— whereupen.the Owart ordered notice o thereof to be given, and that the same would be finally acted upon. •b 7 sidd Court on SATURDAY, Autruit: 22d, 1868, at whit% this aU pinions illteleated will lot heard. • , 2dOILELAND. MOORZ A EMIR; 13 , 20:05 ttorticire for Petltkozera.'• Pursuance Order of the District Court or Allegheny coal, made the 18th day otJuly, 188'1. notice is bare given to th e late authorities of She several .Dist eta or Pittsburg r h, rglssoliclated by &et of As. iworz_ l , , ?&'=4:eza,',lllll7,l.:ll.jolihrt asteri , im tne Indebtedne ss value 1 is property, Aug she separate of Said distriessi and , rata of sgealal tam for.the payment thereof, to • com pulinea with the provisions of the before_ men, tummy get,•irill, on the 8 IV MAX or 'AMU uBT. be co mm une d ismouteth unless °booties bereade to 00 =Scot Air,g mg Oiled by . s aid •COmmission, And decree_ accordingly. 4 , , Ire f l it Wildr* MME WOritkv -- A lll ipersonvtudebted ,400rAityuireimmiallanst toot ESTATE ,OP.JACOB STRAUB ) Died,; late or No. (I Olibitisut street, Atiegbelly-Olin,wlU View -WI on tsie poderelsnedi 'solitaire th em ad- Itised. • AgABMARKT STRAUtIi • - •, Adatalatastrlx. :AlleShenTr ieilidg ....anwaywn ing " 4 " . sett —iesna 'II°T,T r iClf t -itederiel'ealrefi,tasat nonselltrYae' hay me on the EtiT &TEL OW. rjpretalms. wit estate wilt p&aatkilb e m to me, duly ant entlestot=oo4 aUr petronsowingpld. -estate will make 'Alison& to me or my attorney, JOHN W. TAYIJts;'No. 73 (Irani street.,_ t OfittitgeOrthkNOßlKTEß. Te 4 5t(t.'11963, . t , "PM DACE LEATHER, Page's Pat ent, for axle wholeaalo and retail, it SG arid • tit. ()Ja street., ' stree lei J. di B. I.IIILLU'B. n==M] i~ `'T BEIOBEN 21111.1.1611, Jr, GEO. N. AnnisrnoNli. AUCTION SALES. •INPIYW BY I. LBEHLITE. :3IrSIDENCE AND LOTS AT WOODS' BIIN—TILESDAY, August ISth, us RE SIDENCE P. X. The Lots are so situated as to combine both city and country advantages, and offer the following inducements to purchasers, viz: They have gas pipes laid in front of them all. - They have each a frontage of twenty-five feet on We Beaver road. 'not are within fl minutes , ride of the city. They are within 00 yards of the Railway Sta tion, Oat which nuts, n accommodation t , alas stop daily,) They have all a c oice lot of fruit trees on them in full beating, &c., &c. The home Is that lendid residen a at present occupied by Robe -. Morris, Beek, containing eight large rooms, with all the modern improve ments, papered an finished throughout. but con tains abi ut half acre of ground, covered with choice pear, applej peach [and cherry trees, - shrub bery, ite:. and hating. in fact, all the city advan tages, with country privileges. Sale positive. Terms—One-third cash, balance in one, two and thrae years. . A. I.EGG ATE, Auctioneer, aulg No. 109 'Federal street, Allegheny. BY BMID3ON, VANHOOI{ & 10P,ANK111:11 1 T SALE OF A., GROCERLES AND SUNDRIES, , On WEDNESD Y, August 26th, at 10 o'clock A. la. o s ucti on , mises, No. 23 Diamond, will be sold by the entire stock of the wholesale Grocery House of J. D. Dravo, (bankrupt, ) consist ing of Coffees, Sugars, Teas. Syrups. bfolasses, Fish, Soaps, Starch, Canned Fruits, '1 obacco. Salt,' Oils; Buckets, Tubs, &c.; Store and Office Furni ture, Also. Dammam, Buggy. 3 Wagons. *Horses, Harness, Saddles, 6c. By order of Reuben Miller, Jr., and Geo. A. Armstrong, Assignees of J. D. Dram), in Bankruptcy. SMITHSON, 11.A.NHOOR 2 McCLELLAND. 11613 Auctioneers. BY 'A.LEBB 6c PHILLIP& pALNIER Sr. rinumni, AUCTIONEERS • And comtnissiing 'Merchants, OPERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS, No. 60 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. BOOTS, SHOES, CARPETS, ( Dry Goods and Notions, AT PRIVATE SALE DAY AND EVENING. Consignments Solicited. Prompt Be. turns. MARSHAL'S SALES MARIS.ELCVS SALE. By virtue of a writ of venziftioni esponas is sued out of the District Court of the United states, for the Western District of Pennsylvania, and to me directed, I will expose to Public rale, at the Custom House, Pittsburgh, Pa., on MONDAY, the 17th day of August, 1585, the following descnbed property, to wit: A part of a barrel of Whiskey; , Two (A) Copper Stills; I ThirteenSCopper Worms; (13) Casks. Seized and taken as the roperty of OIDBO.N MORROW, at the suit of the United States. THOS. A. HOWL Y. U. /3. Marshal. Marshal's 011 ice, Aug. 11. 1568. aunival MARSHAL'S SALE. • By virtue of a writ of ienditicmt expancur, is sued out of the District Court of the United States, for the Western District of Pennsylvania, and to me directed, I will expose to Public Sale, at the CUSTOMHOUSE, Pittsburgh, Pa.. on'MUNDAY, the 17th day of August. 1868, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following described property, to wit: Seven thousand (7,000) pounds .Fine Cut Shorts' Tobacco. ' Seised and taken as the property of GEORGE GOYER and J. J. Reston, at the suit of the United States. THUS, A. SoWLEY, U. S. Marshal. Marshal's °Mee. Aug. 11, 1868. aulam32. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. 115. FOURTH ST. • 115. JOHN D-BAILEY & BRO., STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND AUCTIONEERS, Are prepared to Bell at Auction STOCEBBONDS, and all kinds of SECURITIES, REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Ac., either on the premises or at the Board of Trade Rooms. Particular attention paid. as heretofore, to the sale of Real Estate at private sale. • Sales of 116a1 Estate in the country attended. °ince. No. 115 FOURTH STREET. jytnie4 $1.0.000 " "AN' ON BOND, AND MORTGAGE. (CEO. M. laVirvlnt. nyIS Real Estate Agent. 60 Smithfield street. MINERAL WATERS. MiNIaUAJLA 43 El F S l ' WATERS . , CLARK'S DRUG . STORE, No. 108 Fifth Street. , , 'Draught.—PnOPtirrzse: Aperient. Alterative and Wale, serviceable in , almost all (Arent@ Deranicementa of the Liver and Disease/ connected therewith. VIOIIY-011 Deaught.—Pßortarrart: Steen ly Alkaline, affording Immediate relief In aol JAY' or the Ot ( ilunch• : ' CORGIItEBI3 Pint BottIes.—PROPERSIZEI Ap-rient, Alterative, Diuretic and Tonic. . mon ROCK—Plat pottles.-..PROPZIRTIZB BIM ZS Congreee. EMPIRE—Phan. Bottles.—PsOiraratet t ßame as - Oongress. owrryouvao-44uart Beittles.--Pnoran- TIM Remedy iu Dyspepsia, itheramstlam, Goat, Gravel, Diabetes, and other Kidney and Urin.• ary anuses. (Call fbr &Circular.) • “SODA"or .CARBONIC ACID WATER on drsuignt, - Wade from pureat materinla and served with 137rups made from nun. • SIPHON BOTTLES • • . . I can furntstr . itip_bon Bottles to p ersons desiring either Kisslagen, vighy OtliOdil Witer On Oringni ii their homes. 'Waters retaining same .strenrth Itud•PUrity aii at the store. . • •-• t _ . jeft SZiATE.,' ,, ',.., , i . • • .• TWIN CITY , SLATE : co :mannsictore a ipmerforALtikle' t • - • .BO a. BIAAMEI :101070fhei 48 Seventh qt4 , piwb er i chi p i i. ; • - . mEcntaNlOAL'ENGThuanit • xuaiThEVAL , BRAMIETT, A'y I,o44ll4Nialas 'ZINGINEER, e An i v,,So eitor;' Or Patenta. ,a o st,e of P. P. W. a 41; . 0 1 4. #6.I9.PEDERAL STREET RboniNii. E. up _Matra. P. O. Box 50 . CITY. DAORINERT. 4 O all ae l er r Attoils; _ d : 3 . l ... ed. BLAST FURNACE and ItoiXiNti hIILE DRAW- . INDS tarnished. Partletdar attention paid to de. signtng OOLLIERY I..)1.1).!dOT IVES. Patonta con- Adenttally fw r.. An EVENING DRAW NG C - ILAM for mechanics every wD NESDAY• MORT. I - WINES, LIQUORS, kke PllTSKitin IMPORTING HOUSE. EsTABusuED 3830. l i SCHMIDT & FRIDAY , . , IMPORTERS 03' FOREIGN • WINES AND LIQUORS, No, 409 Penn Street, Pittentrghl • • Would direct the attention of the public to the fact that, po sewing super sor facilities through several large 'Wine and Liquor Houses in Europe. and making their importations direct, they are enabled to offer the various grades of choice WINES AND LIQUORS at prices less than Eastern rates. Ex aminations of qualities and comparison of prices respectfully solicited. A. choice assortment of pure OLD BYE WHIS KEY constantly on liana W/CTIMSTMEEL CLARET, WRITE AND SPARKLING. CIA.A.RMT. Chateau Latitte, Chateau Margaux, Chateau La Rose, St. Julien, w WINES. t i l t st i t a a u u Tato u lir Ma . nehe HocK. WINES. I llNarstein. ochhelm. Laubenhelmer, CU Mosel Muscatel, t Solar/burg, Rochhelmer•s superior quality. Cs_AMpAc NE. Moet % Chardon, - Cbambertine, Imperial; . Epernay, Vernezay, Heldsieek, Cbamblis, —and other brands. Also, a large assortment of BRANDIES, WHIS KIES and WINES, of all descriptions, constantly on band, at WS.. MILLER'S, (LATE (MILLER k RICKETBOI7,i 221 and 228 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. J79:882 JOSEPIi S. FINCH & CO., . Nos. i1515,i87, ISO. 1911 193 and 193, FIRST STREET, PITTSBURGH, NANO7ACTUILSES 07 • Copper Distilled . Pure' Rye Whiskey. Also, dealers In FOREIGN WINES and LIQUORS, HOPS, as mh2a.nsB pIIIIE NATIVE WINES. ISABELLA AND CATAWBA, CHAMPAGNE, ow growing. Also, the best brands of CLARET, SHERRY and PORT WINES. Vlne Growers' Company" of -BRAN DY, pint flasks, Just the thing for travelers. -. N. B.—Particular attention paid to supplying families. S. 1144111.A.111, jyZlit67 No. 4 Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. COAL AND COKE. ()WAR F. LAMM &. CO. O. P. LANDI COAL AND COKE. °Sloe, Sandusky Street and P. P. W. & R. It, Allegheny City. - SUPERIOR Youghiogheny Coal and Connellnille Coke, AT LOWEST MARKET RAM. roroptly attended to zar Orders COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! _ DICKSON, STEWART & CO.,' Saving removed their 02lee to NO, 607 1....133E111Lnr ISITJELEOUT, (Lately City Flour 31111)131,00ND ZLIKOL Azerafirßreps_r_od to tarnish guod YOUHIOGHS NY 11., ItIIT COAL OR BLACK, st G the lowest market price. Ail orders left it their aloe,. Or addressed to them through the Mall, will be attendid to promptly. inv2s:Mh CHAILLFS'IL ARMSTRONG, DIAL= Ix TOUGHLOGLENT AHD 0010FELIZVILLE MAL, And idanufactifrent of CORD) BLACK. AND , DEf3ULPHITENXD COKE Moe and Yard-001MM OF BUTLER AND MORTON BTR.ERTS. First yard on Liberty and Clymer streets, Ninth Ward, and on Second street, near Lock No. 1, _Pittsburgh, Pa. Families and 'Manufacturers supplied with the bert article of Coal or Coke at the lowest cash rates. Orders loft at any of their offices will receive prom • t attention. . A RMSTRONG & HIITCHINSON, • Saccasors to nraLLADIIELPNLL AND YOUIDELIOGDMIT OWL Co., MINI EM_ BIVEB, of st IPPERS AND je ° r tor EAL BY RAIL ROM tieny . CAB AND FAMILY COAL Office and Yard—FOOT OP TR? STREET, near the tins Works. SAFETY- FIRE- JACKET: SECUUMMAND COMFORT FOR ITHE.TRAVELING COMMUNITY.' J. B IBIS .SAFITY FIRE JACKET, • Car Heater and Moderator, • _ . For SMOKE AND HOT AIR FLUES, dispensing with the use of Stoves and Fires In or about the Passenger or Baggage Cars, with the attachment to graduate the heat to any temperature that may be desired without the possibility .of • bring the car or. cars to which the Jacket may be attached. Having obtained of the United States Letters Pat- • ent for a Safety Jacket which is warranted ; to resist the most intense beat that may be' *dolled to it in the poiltion and purpose for which it Is intended. It is a sure protection from accidents by are, origi nating from defective linee„ or where iron pinta are used as conductors for. smoke or••heat. It appli plicable to all piping that may become overheated, and is warranUd to give perfect satisfaction where wood or other combustible material may be placed in close proximity thereto. I am now; ready to ap ply my invention to stores,, dwellings, facterieß, ships. steamboats,-railroad. cars, • Ac., wherever pipes as conductors are: made dangerous by being overheated and security desised. sell, en ap. Iliratiou; rights to manufacture Or Wait+ the above nvention; also,territorial rightly to each as • may wish to engag e In stalling prlyZeges, either .by State pr oonaty.. • • • • "Nal: Ersinus.. as the .rim PLUS ULTRA PAINT Winr.ll4' corner of Morris street and the Alleghe atsV'str Railroad, Ninth. Ward, Pittsburgh, Pa. I:1: I a) all kw tell HOLMES, BELL*. CO 9 'ANCHOR COTioN NULLS, 14nir f4iiieri of klarr, =DIME 46%4 .146411` 40111$1101i AD CINOLLIL ;'' SHEEfINGS : ttAIT,IIO. PAINTERS.; PAINTER, TAtLOU, •. - PAINTER, N0.4301E10 STfIEET, Amegheriy. Thankful for the former very liberal patronage be stowed upon me, I assure my friends and the nubile generally that, in the future as In the past, I shall endeavor diligently to merit a continuance or the same, and will be always at the shop from 7 to 9 zd and from Ito 3 r. ini21:141.4 • S't • v..._. '~~~_. INSURE YOUR LIFE IN THE 1 MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE No. 102 BROADWAY. ASSETS RAPIDLY INCREASING, OVER This. Company is tho Guardian of a Sacred Fund. which. I s to provide for the Widow and the Father— less, with the least possible burden to the Insured. - ' All Approved Forms of Policietrlssind. Liberal modes for -the payment of Premiums. Policies Non-forfeltlng by their teraig The Entire Profits of the Company divined equitably among the insured. Last Return of Premium; NIFTY PER CiNT. DIRECTORS: Hon. John A. Dix, E. V. Han ghawout, Bon. James Harper, William Wilkins, John J. Crane, Julius H. Pratt. William T. Hooker, V Pliant W. Wright, Wm. M. Vermilye, Charles J. Starr, Chas. G. Rockwood, William Allen,. Hon. Geo. Opdyke, :., Geo. W. Copier. Minot 0. Morgan, '. Geo. T. Hope, Thomas Rigney. John H. Sherwood, BenJ. B. Sherman, Edward H. Wright, Aaron Arnnlr, Geo.'W. Varies., ltich , d H. Borne, WM. L. Coggawell. WALTON H. PECKHAM, Prealdent. HENRY V. AN,'Secretary. LU.CIIIS.McADAM, GAHAG Act uary.. . J. BATES *MULLIN, Madge, Margaux. Bt. Jacques, Pantlute. i " GENERAL AGENT 1 , 011 WESTERN PENNA.. Room No, 2, Book of Coninieroe Build tug, corner of Sixth and Wood streeta, BEN FMLNKLIN 0 WINES. Moe in Franklin Savings Bank Banding% • A HOME COMPANY, managed by Directors well known to the community, who trust by fair dealing t t o merit a share of your patronage. HENRY IRWIN.. riMOo.D. RIDDLE DIRECTORS: Henry Irwin, ID. L. Patterson, Henry Gerwlg. Geo. B. ;Jacob Frans Gottlelb Pau, D Simon rum, J. B. Smith,' Jacob Rash, W. M. Stewart, Ch. P. Wldaton, doeeph Craig, Jos. Lantner, H. J. Zinkand, Jeremiah SWat., ap10:035 NATIONAL INSURANCE CO., - OF THE CITY OP ALLEGIIMIY. Office, In ALLEGHENY TRUST 00/dPANYIS BUILDING. A. H. English Jno. A. Myler, ( Jas. L. Graham, Jno. Brown, Jr. mhZ:n24 TESTERNi INSURANCE (MX. , PANIC OF PITTSBURGH. EXANDER NIMICS, President. - WM. P. HERBERT, Secretary, CAPT. GEORGE NEELD,!General Agent.' Office, O Water street, Spang Co.'s Ware— house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. _ ( Will lazure against all kinds of Fire and Marine Risks. A home Institution, managed by Directors who are well known to the commurdty, anti who are determined by promptness and liberality to maim. , tain the character which they have assumed, As of fering the best protection to those who desire to be insured. =1 my2o SS E3l INSURANCE. GUARDIAN OF NEW YORK. $1,000,000.' PrrrE11311713.43-13, PA. Agents wanted. Apply as above INSURANCE-COMPANY, OF ALLEGHENY, PA, 43 Ohio St.. Allechein FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. W. W. MARTIN, Prealdent JAB. E. STEVENSON. Secretary. DIRECTORS:, O.H. Oeo. Gersw - , lin E. McCune, Chaa. J. Clarke, William S. Evan Josepti Phillip Renner; Wm. Morrison, • nom Alexander Nbrack, R. Miller, Jr., • James McAuley, Alexanderlipeer, Andrew Ackleu, David M. Long, D. Ihmsen. . pENNSYLVANL& INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITITSBURGH OFFICE, No. Minng WOOD . BTREET, BANE OP COMMERCE BUILDING. This is a Home Company, and insures against hug by LEON A RDvely. • WALTER, President. . O. C. BOYLE, Vice President. - ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer. •• • HUGH McKLHENY, Secretary. : • GeortroLWMOn. Goo. W. Evans; J. O. L ippe, J. O. Flelner s Jobn'Voegtley, A. Ammon. Leonard Walter, 0. 0.. Boyle, Robert Patrick. Jacob Painter, Josiah'Ring, Jai. H. Hopkins, Henry Sproul, . INDE4NITIE . , AGAINST LOSS BY FIR/4 1 . FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHIU4OELPtNA. OFFICE, 435 & 487 CHESTNUT ST, Nzis BUS L nralicerons. Charles R. Banker , ktordeoailL,Loula Tobias Wagner,• David 8. Brown; • Samuel Grant, - Isaac Le Jacob R. Smith, Edward Cs, . MI,. f eorge W. : Fees. CHARLES U. BAN ItEr l 3rfelde*.. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. C. BTEEL%_Becretarrattoteat. J. Oki:OBER COFFIN, AGairg _ North West corner Third and Wood _A LLEGALENT .1118174ANcE CON• PANY OF PITTSEXTRGIi. ' OFFICE, No. 37 EMIL STREET, BANK sLocz Insures against all kinds of Fire andlitaitne lusts. JOHN LEWIS. Jn., President. _ JOHN D. WOOED, Vice Piesidiusti ' - DONNELL. Secretary. CAPT. W. DEAR. General Agent. Cruet. Wan. Deity Fahnestoeg. W. H. ftersOrMi Robert H. Duets, Francis Sellars, John Irwin, Ji g John D: Meow., 0. H. Hassey, - Harvey_Chiloas , '- T. J. 110eklUSON Chalice Have: PEOPLESP ' INSIMANCE- CORP , PAN Y. • I .. ...... OFFICE, N. E. CORNER WOOD LC 115111 as. A Home Company, taking Fire and itanne,Riatio. • DiniceOuS: • • . - 1 . Capt. Job 1.. Meads. Samuel I'. natives, Charles Arbuckle, .Tared M. Mug; ' Wm: P. Lang, .. , Samuel MeCrackast resident. I Prealeent.; , Secretary. ' PN. GeneralAlrent. . Wm. Phillips, • Jolsa Watt, 'John R. Parka, Capt. James Maier; • - Wrn. Van Kirk,. - James D. Verner • WM. PHILL'ir+ P JOHN WATT . Ice ,__ W. F. GARDNER, • CART. JAB. GORD EXCURSIONS. SUMMER Dc<iTo 1;:-) TEIEPENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL, RAILBOAD COMPANY have tileilaiss at their Cake% Unica Depot, Pittsburgh, • •-. , ROUND TRIP EXCURSION 'TICKETS, lertiNTlC CM AND CAPE 11641, Enabling parties to visit these powder batking re aprtey and return. home at alnoderatetoet4 CAPE lIKTP - ASSICIDIEIB can tireluteeMt to go and return byali Railroad, or ey can to take :Reamer In either direction, betwe6 l lM- - ' deignia and Cape May. - ' , mu:Maslow votrrs are aloe ter - sale at the 'above Depot to NIAGARA PAILS, THX,IDL - DIONB, CIETTYISOVED, - and namerona pctlq4 Pennsylvania and Bar York. - Aleittratrre, containing fell deierytioair of various RICIrreiOII ROMS by this Road,:caa. be had on apposition. at the Ticket Odlee, Itt:tha Union Depot. • ' W. HatiCEAMIIY; 'Zen+ Atakirr• ivltiSS 4 • STONE. WEST COMMON ' Maclaine Stone Works, Northwest corner of West Common, ettegh_en7• PRICIPIC ATV4TER CO. - Hiv o hand or prepare on short notice Hearth and s te p Stones, Flags for Sidewalks, Brewer, Vaults, dc. Head and Tomb Stones, &a. - Orders promptly exceutel. Prices reasonable% U ID II ~~ ( -President. —Secretary. Jaw. Thompson Jos. /dyers, C. C. B' cite Kopp., Jacob
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