6. IRON WORKS. JA9. V Kamm, Yres't.. prIrAtuRGH FORGE , AND IRON CO., m. a surAcTinume or - Bar Iron; , , P•3lroad Flab Bars and Bolts; e Railroad Car Niles, Rolled; • Railroad Car Axles Hammered; Locomotive Framer, - • Loeomotive trams Shapes; • Side BOda; YokeS,Btraps; Piston:lleadits• • - Stesuipimit Shafts; Stesunboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars, fie. • •' Office, Ao. 177 PENN . STREET, • PITTSBURGH, P'.. GRAFF, BYERS & CO., KANIIP'ACTUREIIS _Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT IRON, Iran Welded Tubes for Gas, Steam, Water, &e ALSO. OIL WELL TUBING. - Offtoe, 98 Water and 182 First Street?» PITTSBURGH, Pa.- KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD` '&. BLACK, MANI:TACT:OREM 0? Best Commoa t Ileilned, Charcoal t JUNIATA BLOOM IRON. xiIHCHAIQT BAS; ROUND and SQUARE IRON. HOO HAND T and ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLATE and SHEET IRON. - • ROWER AND REAPER RAW. CYLINDER and GUARD or WINGER IRON.- SMALL T RAILS _2O and 16 lbs. to the yard. WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIRES for acme. FLAT RAILS _Punched and 9ciuntersunk. COAL SCR D EEN IRON. f Warehouse and Ogles- at the Wanes, GREEN. IDUGH STREET, ta continuation of First street,) adjoining the City Gas Works, Pittsburgh. EVERSON, PRESTON - Si CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works. , Warehouse. Nos: lettssid 161 ITBST STREET. opposite Monongahela House. k_ " . oM:de PITTSBURGH. STEEL WORKS. pITTSBURGH STEEL . WORK& 4111. • ENSTABLISIOLD IIN 1845.3 ANDERSON & WOODS, ANUCCESSORS TO ANDERSON, coca a C 0.,) manniactorers of every description of • STEEL.. -BAST REFINED TOOL STEEL. MN, Malay, Circular, Slag and Cross Cut • SAW PLATES. Spring, cast a Fort; 3m ar e and il Toe' and stee Steel. - Railroad Spring Steel and Frog Points Cast Steel Bars, Sickle Steel. Spring /Steel Tyre, Flow :Wings, etc.:. Oil Drill !Steel. Once and Worka—Corner /MT AND ROSS erg., Pittsburgh, Pa. . ,1118:d9 SHEFFIELD STEEL WORK& SINGER, NtEtOK & W. 4 ITITSIBMIGEF, Pd, - kanuticturers of every description of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, BAMW" s" if. s 2 * mtniviat men' es, na'rixiacs, Bzumanuc, ac., sa Warehouse, Sit MAW' lutd 100 Mist Sta. MILLER, .11All8 rAinuii. cumau. rammums: U. itcrosur;. ' rattrints Jara.za, OW. W. 8eit7!.. 4 --n ,011170 1 ,111.11K1N. erzcl.4/:ARTrsnre. M. =B. CRESCENT STEEL;WARES, - isAmitar. - P.Axacuor. Office, No. 339 ilbezty St, ft14.d48 nmmawai - pa. BLACK DIA,IIIOPI,ED tiM= WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Xanataitareirs of all descriptions of • 0 Ica and Warnbonsa,l2o,l,iol. MK. SECOND and 119 and =I 7/138T sTßrara, „ • - •%• APITTSBIIRGH. NOVELTY WORKS. • NOTatir WORKS. DrILEE & co., mill:into:ouzo or Seystone Standard. Patent Platform and Cou nter E 3.0 E S. 4anus Faced Pattnt Door Locks and Latches. PAINT AHD 0 FYNE MILLS. MALLEABLZ IRON, A*. Corner of Grant and First Streets, rITTff!BURGH. WM HMu)wlmE. NEW iwurfrAnz some,. „lINDSEY, STERRIT & EU)RE, Ittsnuletaress Soft Importers Of ia . *- , i1.0..P . 4:4:, - . CUTLERY,&C. • 837 LIBERTY STREET, 00iUMt OF WAYMN One SWIM* " - PIFSAURGEL-.. 17iF ..1127 . 4gents for FiIatAISFEBIWALEttr , 3-)10 JS ••••.! .23Jc , :ar. bnk.l3.llflo irt,t± fa .16 4 7 . „ FOIIMMRS, MACHINISTS. W. I'. Porno. Say's. ATLAS WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. MLLES. President. These Works are among the largest and most mimplete establishments •In the West, and are now prepared to tarnish nolinier NATIONAL FOUNDRY -AND - PIPE WORKS. Conker Carrell and Smallman Streets, - (NINTH WARD,) ihrrrr SIWITROI3C, -WM. SMITH . , Manufacturer of OAST. IRON BOWL PIPE, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS. , sl i ne i surd ae ll r f e eei l la.:t t h i srYL i l i i i sO, l reg t at t hm b entc7l %mend Castings for Gas and Water Works. I would alio call the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works tomy make of RETOR TS . felildlo L. 0. LIVINGELSON.W. BUBT.W. aosuisos, JR. LHINGSTON. & - IRON FOUNDERS, 31ANUFACTil OP PINE LIGHT CASTINGS, All de,criplions , for t r s !t o lar c iLt i ll g r a: o l , l=4g: dune, _ All Job Work prqmptly.atteaided to, Mee and Worke—WABBINDION AVENDX. near Outer Depot, Allegheny City. Pa. • ROAINSON, REA & C 0.," successors to ROBINSON, MINIS & MILLNBS, WASHINGTON WORICS,• • FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. PITTSBURGH,. Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam Ea t_flris..,;lll•3lllelMl M t athin . eu i Rearing ,/ Stills, nulls. - au...reset /zoo 'Wort 's' . - an Office, No, IN,corner First and Smithfield Streets. .At lb OIFFARD'S PATENT INJECTOR On feks. Blers. IVIONt BLANC FOIINDRY. Butlen: Street, Ninth , Ward, Bolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MAGGINERN AND CARTINGB GENERALLY. Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reaaonable. • . I . EBBE:11T & MACE:LINA BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICE . & SERB._ OEM sad Warehouse, 29 Wood street Xanufaeture and keep eonstautly on band Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes,. WAGON BOXES, DOG =ANS, SUGAR KETTLES, HOLLOW WARE, np2e:ye THOMAS CASEIN & CO., • And Forth rWard Foundry and Nachbe Works, • Manufacturers of Steam lnos, Oil Presses, Pul leys. Shafting, Grist and Saw Mill Work,ftolling Wagond Machine Castings, Orate Bars, Weights, Boxes, &e. Build, to order and have on us= Engines of all sizes: invitailt OENITA.I. FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS 880 Penn Street. BOLUILAN, BOYD & BAGALEL Obillitolls, Mill Castings. Itoll Lathes. Ita. ZEIMON AIL&CHINE WOBILOL • ESTABLISHED IN 1838. ufactory of STEAM ENGINES, of all sizes and of th! , I! . loadap ß rz:3 , 4l l3 pttarn i p rp toi li staitgari geTr3_ variety of 10; 121 and 18 horse power GINZA -which will be sold at very reduced Wellsville, , Ditty mileat itelcrw Pittsburgh, on the Ohio river, and line of C. P. E. noe:ht LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! ALLEIZANDER PATTERSON, Dealer In all 'Hinds of Lumber. ON HAND AND FOR SALE : 500,000 feet Dry Pine Board 30,000 feet Dry Oak, land 2 Inch 20,000 feet Dry Ash, 2, 214 and 3 i nch; 200,000 feet Hemlock; 1,000,000 No. I 18-Inch Shingles. sawed; 100,000 No.ll I &loch Shingles; aimed; 100,000 No, 1.16-inch Shingles,lidaved; - g,OOO Locust Posts, 7. 8 and 12 feet; $OO Cedar Posts. Alsol,7lre,Brick, Tile and Clay, in large or small quantities. . YARDS - No. 86 PREBLE STREET. formerly Manchester. and 157 REBECCA. STREET. oppo site the Gas Works, ny CLy. J729:011 FORT PITT LUMBER COMPANT atpual, - _5125,000. PassunntT—S.DWAßD DITHRIDGE. SzcarrAuy—T. A. WRIGHT. SprzwaveltDANT—EDW. DAVISON. John Mellon - E. D. Dithridgey W. - DitbXidge, I M; - 1.. Malone, b. Johnston. LIMIER YARD—Corner of ALTLRIt r and.I.AM BER'STREETS. Ninth Ward. OFFICE AT FORT PITT GLASS WORKS, Wash Ington Strkat.. ' 420198 GAS AND STEAM FITTING. 4081 T coot.= lung. am: brut. 9nN DIG COOPER & CO., BRASS roma:Was, OAS AND MAW ,FITTE4B, Monatetaforil or PEWS AND BRASS WORE, A . e descrora2ein Gas ITCTIze dealers M Coiner of Pike and Waingt Streets, .-;;; prftsktiiiidije; SAIRTEL M. WIeKERSHAM, 71 ' T Yitri -) 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. • . t• " Agpnt ibytioteale of Coinitidyriedigitutire,' eaPninee /aahena, — Duneannen, tanhce, lendon, and ootber , brands of anthracite s Youghiogheny (Joke and as. Ohara: al Vold,Otribift? and ordure sespeetlility "elicited. z 9 ~ t 'ii...;ll.s:tf`i .113 .6 prx-rigrnlmtG.s. Engines, of eves? deenriPtions Boilers, Oil Tanks. Shv*t Iron Work. iailroad Ogitir4M Boning M.ll Castings. Engine Castings. itisehine Castings. General Castings. ORDEMS_IIOLICITED 1 (Opposite Union Iron Kills,) a generall ELANDTIBICY ALIZGRENY CiTY. LUMBER IRON BROKERS. 3t: • "Xv-gi -, Pl',-V4.'A • PITTSBUEGH GAZETTE : SATURDAY; AUGUST 15, 1868. ENGIpTLTS ;11104a1943,114if. FORTVIT'T' BOILER, STILL AND. TANK l• WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, MA-NITTACTIIRSIIB OP TUBULAR, DOUBLE-1%1:11M TUBULAR, FIRE BOX ,eND 'CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND -IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIMS Wiles and Warehouse, eorner Seeond, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, ; PITTSBURGH, Pa. SFr Orders sen to the above address - will be promptly attende • to. mh7:SEe • w m. ': L& co., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 510, 5151, 24 AND 510 PENN ST. Having secured &large yard and furnished it with the most approved machinery,• we are Trepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Balt Pans, Tanks,Oil Stills, Agitators,, Settling Pans, Boner Iron Bridges , ugar Pans , ,and sole manu facturers of Barnhlll , s Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the shortest notice. 1a5:c21 JAMES M. SITES, Fos. 55 and 56 Water Street, prrrsitmeen, ILLNUIPACTIMICII OP IRON OIL TANKS , SETTLING PANS, COPT= STEAM PITA I BOLLING MILL STACKS, And SHEET IKON WOE ' S, For Steamboats. WA IRD M. BRUM 11.DMIND D. DRUM ABED M. BRUSH & SON, J XIIIIIIACTDIUMB CM Steam Betters, ‘9ll- Stills, Tank. SHEET Mori WO2B. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. A *METTLER SONS & CO., atiaturAcrinizas or Steam Bailers, Oil Stills, Tanks, And SHEET IRON WORE., of all kinds. Locust Street, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh. Jrn. STOVES, CASTINGS, dec. Coos. STOVES. CET THE BEST . BISSELL az TRIUMPH, , • FOR larumnfOus COAL. • Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as !cell many other Stove hi the Union. MELT' & CO., No. 285 Liberty Street. Also on hand and !be sale, I'ABLCA"R 13V E1 1715 EA.T1C. T° Ir "161. r RO T ENDERS, COOEIR S AANGES, do. PITTSBIJEGH. CHEAPEST PLACE is the city To BUY TIM TRIUMPH COOKINC STOVE, xi at No. 146 685271' STRUT. P. C. MITT. WAKING AND KING, Conunisslon Merchants atilt Broken fa Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTSBURGH, PA. PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, :WARING, 'HMG & CO., TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS . AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its Products. Pittsburgh Once—DALZELLi BITILDING, cor ner of Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. ald Idedpida Office—LSlT WALNUT ST. • :w3O JACOB WEAVER, Jr. & CO. •Oil. Collura ssion L gTobbeeka, No. 3 DIIQUEffNE WAY, will buy and sell Crade and Refined 011 a, Lubricating, lair' Benzine and Cooperage. Our.long experience' In the Petroleum trade enables as to offer unusual facilities and In ducements to operators. As_ heretofore, we are de termined to make It the interest of buyers and sel lers to give i n v i ted Parties having Oils for sale are cordiallyo briag their samples. apS:nOl MILONG & co., • • MANUFAOTIIICEI , B , PURE WHITE Bop Ta p, oft, Bran4 — "Z /TOME/GP. ' °Mee, No. Dugiume Way, MOM& 118 , ',I4IACTICAL 118 FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS, ...,.. wHoo:24.tx AinikiCLlthi,': ,_ .!•::, LEMON. A—W.IEIBEIC ''. NO. 118 FOURTH errxtpmyr. Courtsitly on Wind eTergiwrietyof PARLOR and CHAMBER 7111HHITVRE, together, with Iwtoono_. pieta assortment of common Yurniture at reduce d • s perms, ---,,,—. _ • ) moss harm; or anything In our line are cordially Invited to call before purchasing. I - vrosk. anaranteed l ,, ~,,,i . , . .i iiiiir ..citititi: mib2l:nia 1 4,K-SUPERIOR mrpseammo wrist •-' PAAKi 4i' - 63; -. • Minnelitinrers of Shestbing, Braden* and Belt . Copper. PreeledeoptlrkßoMms. MOO oss l -, toms, Spolter Arno; en sad In Metal, Tinlite, Sheet Iron Wire, &a. Con stantly on Land inners 4 7Mahlas 11`111113T'STRF,, , ,TI, sria - Lmo 14 1111.6013/(uSTllkKT,l'ittsbnrgh. BpecUlLoll4 ll pfOingtee;nut tO ithrde red fora.. VMS , a 11 - d:ttl vlitAtitiv OILS. In Walnut Street,. •ITURE. _COPPER. • 11 s POUT , PITT, BANKING.. COMPANY, No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : I: 5200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUA DEALICES IN GOVEINMENT SE I I AND COL'. [NTEREST ALLOWED . ON TINE DEPOSITS. Collections made on all accessible pointi Ist the United States and Canso DIRECTORS: Jno. C. Risher, Robt. H. limy, Andrew Miller, Jan; EC M. Bailey.' IL A.N, Ervin. D. LEET WILSON. Cashier, D. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. Wallace, Z. Fawcett, BAWL. X KEYSTONE BAIiK, No. 293 WpTY . I STREET, PIICTSAIRCIN, PA. CAPITAL, (anthorlied,) : : : : $200,000. 1 DIRECTORS. H. J. Lyneh, ' • Wm H . Hamilton, _ John Murdoch, Jr., Heu Bockstoce, William Espy, 6eo. T. Van Dcren. Samuel Barekley, • A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS `TRANBA=3) . Collections made on all accessible points In the United States and Canada. • intend Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. H. J. LYNCH, President. GEO. T. TAN DOBEN. Gambier. OLDEBB INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. . . PEOPLES SAVINGSBANK, OF rrrTSUURA3FIX. CASH CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. Presidentm . -lIENRY LLOYD. Vice Presldent—WlLLlMl REA. . ITIIIIST116: Henry:Lloyd, ITY0111•TbOs. Mellon, lE. P. Jones, ?ih . . H t . ir; i g a h r t i m ey a . nit3o;;AC o l e ill t Ean, tritT. Bea, Secretary & Tnaer—S. F. VON BONNIIORST, SIX PER CENT, INTEREST paid on time de posits. date. r before Interest : o at Ili t t e i will bear November and Ist May. 1;31378 NATIONAL BANK OF COIIMCE, Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sts. A. PATTZUSON.... J,OB. H. FULL CAPITAL, : $500,000. DD3ECTORS: ___. ~ A. Patterson, George W. Cass, Win. H. Brown, James McCandless, Chas. Lockhart, WM. Douglas, Allen-Kirkpatrick, Wm. Heed. W. S. Haven, miscourre DAIL' Y, AT 11 A. M. apkoZt HAILT, CAUGHEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Oorner Third and • Wood Streets, 'rri.ureritundstrr, (BII4X123:30 . 88 TO HANNA. HART a C 0..) =I = El Exchange, Coin, Coupons, ♦nd parilindas attention paid to lie - pneellue and sale el GOVERNMENT BONDS. 131firut Drafts on Lortiton ;lmas N HOLMES & SONS, 57 Market Street, Collections made on all the principal points of the United states and Canadae. Stocks, Bonds ankother Secturities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of United. States Securities. 1.30:.l WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, Aro. 59 Fourth ifitret: . . CHART E tED 1866.. interinterest est paid on'rline DePosits ANY SUM RECEIVED PEOM• ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. . . • , . . ,DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO SHECK, WITHOUT • • HiTERE:ST: ! • - • Dlacpinta Daily at IS &clock. President4THOMPSON BELL, i • ' VlOPiesident—A. Mvtlf I • _ . _ DIRECTORS: __ . __i__ _ _ THOMPSON BELL, .. t, is. 44. , xmailicluoli. JOS. TOLWORTH..i '., : JOS. ALUSZE. :.. J. J.' GILLESPIE, : ,-,•: , . '. .', .- , .. Stockholders to;Whonisre :make retereneet ... Wm. • Forsythe, , . .: Joseph Dilworth., Win. Cabiwell,•;.. ' '; , ,Doe. David Kea, _ " 19:11 ' 118 Dairen ' .• . Henry Lambert,:: , W. o.Bldlraiis :',Brown.. • E. M. Fulton, . ~., : s . : ',ll:Wrests Zwine. . PAPER - ;' JITTSHUItGIi' 1 1 .44 0 E1i. -MOW PACTUIGNO COMPANY; Manursoturerspf , .PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS. BRIGHTON MILL—NEW BRIGHTON, PA. OPPIOIC AND WARIDIGHIGV . • I NO. 82. Third Stieet, Pittsbugh t fra. •E . 971rIcrate—ANGII8T HARM President. , 71).B er fi t atte e =nimsrf, , inzer 0 ut —A ugr s t Hartle, John Atwell, 8. "Butaxiim Jphn B. Livington. . gush ale? Pt Stock. /fa:Met 91;44m05 ,. ,. 35 00-4 mos 150 tonttNo. 1-Hanging R00k.143 00-stnow 40 4 4 Mill Iron - - „ t J..' -40•94...-6 intr a. - , ..7ek t .,4± 7 ...,N0. 2 Hatrging Ro ‘ ok.. 41, 00=4 mos ilif '44 44 ' 4. __, - 1 =Tummy . Et COAL S MELTED trAcIaLAICES , 811 2 . 9;: l'” "SIALL 4, ecERIPP, O II,Ip. - ./. s': , • ' ', . . .' , vor; 1, ICE : ICE : , -1601 ons 4oktled, tdatrive ' 10:66;..eiraos • - .... ...•:::. 'IA ..:i4.101:' , 5 i 4, ••••• 3 6 6 0 7 -411 1 0 . ii.„ 1 1,..... • nrar ~ u- n irs " 04 r In_ il,„A n y. • ..., 100 , ." Clogo.Grey Ftrige' 41 ` n l 5O-4 1 itiCla ' W nib s fif i tE . R.PJ,AFAh l fl. 24 "/ W W . '.. /10 16° ''' ClOde:anitkiilyfrry,.. - - 0 •lA..4ppg: 3r°,.Ff.:lPlANlQ.llrD'4W4rs:Aligtattursti. Z O 9 .!".,. Common 'Close Gigy -• ' ' ' ' .., .. - will 4431.4ut, fo pm q42noa Qrders left herikoriallizid Street Bridge i•e••*• Ift MI Ipy ‘ 7 llll - / ..../' e i cave protairtzglii. 3WiAirsous.ooWg Digita,6 , , )iii.... , U ~ ,, „ : ,. .1 „ , .. ....., . . ..60 7 ...4 44#,, , ?tilt"( 1icheA),,,,,,, 1," . , P i k ' 1 '' ,' "4! 0 d ;...f. t .....1...„ 3944 , -;47nds Lc. _ .„„„ . i ...,•,14.1 ..: .. la aiaaaat 1 , 1,1 " 4 444 . .-- a I ,44 A 4. 4 . f:44% i 1'451. 1 . ...I i il/1 ,, ,,:irt I. .# #4l. „ V.V. Xi , i.. ry, %1: .. , ;t , /'.., .... Elie: .1' 1.30. 3....). ? ..rl7ll/0i 11.04.4..4 1.441. i 41,:a".:E . bi^ila WO:: ill EMI "PH. AlLialarjrz BANKER, Corner of •Wood and Flll4 - streets. GOVERNMENT AND PACIFIC R. R.EONDS, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS Bought on the most favorable terms. Sells LET TERS OF CREDIT and DRAFTS a tillable In any part of Eurcipe. DEPOSITS received subject to cheek, or INTER EST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. LY LIABLE. JAMES TN B RU CO, (Successors to S. JONES & CO—) Corner Fourth and Wood Stn., 3EI Ey, BUY AND SELL ALL RINDS OF GOVERMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. rair Interest Allowed on Deposits. air Money loaned on Government Bonds at low est market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BOIFDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO. tyls rgittsinitgt Gay*. FINANCE AND TRADE. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBITAGE GAZETTE, FRIDAY, August 14, 1868. The market in gold fluctuated violently to-day, the opening quotations being 148 strong with an upward tendency, but soon the market yielded to 147% again selling up to 147% to 148, but, droopinOuddenly to 141%:and closing at 146% dulL The Cause assigned for the sudden firmness and rise were rumens of war in Europe, but more so the failure of D. C. Fisk a special part ner of the firm of Rodin . = Fisk dr Co., he being short several millions of gold at 146, and in order to force him to buy at high rates, the speculative Banker of Wall street and his clique raised the market on him. The clique has an immense amount of con tracts in gold outstanding, but their line begins at 130% to 147%; they can yet aver age about 142 and perhaps less, so they are perfectly safe. The rise was _assisted by the World whose financial Editor no doubt reaps a good benefit of his bull articles, but recently the Times changed from bear to bull and joined in the attempt to run up the premium. The world has always been on the bull side ever since gold touched 133 and has petsistently followed up argument by arguments so plausible, that even the head of the national finances must have been convinced that his Fort Wayne speech and all his other predictions were uttered for political bunkum. President,. Cashier. Government bonds are exceedingly dull and decidedly lower, ; and without doubt are by two or three per cent. too high yet. Large lots are held yet on speculation for a rise, but a sudden decline of the stock market will carry them doln several per cont. The more conservative speculators are anxiously wishing , for a general break of the stock market, *mil as soon its the wrecks are cleared away speculation in Governments will take the place of Rail road shares. But no _speculator,, of ,any good judgment will tiny_ bonds at present prices, and before capitalists will take hold of bonds themarket will have to break first. In The great 'feature of the stock market was the decline of Erie stock from 57)( to 63%, the balance of the market was but , lit tle offered, but Monday may Witness a de cline still greater than thefallof February, 1867. la Express stocks are lower but firm. Money easy af, Bto 4 per sent. on call, and from Bto 10 per cent, for first-class two months paper. Business dull and quiet. —The New York, Stock quotations to-day as received by litr: - Ph: R. Mertz, were as follows; . ,gold 146%; '.18814.4 115%; .5-20% 1852, 11436; do 1864, 109%; do 1865, 112; do new, 108%; do 1867, 107%; 10-40's, 108%; Cleveland do Pittsburgh 86%; Fort Wayne, 108; Western Union Telegraph 83); Adams Express, 52; Erb?,,PX• 13~ Pb. Opines OF TEE rt.= examen GAZETTE, FRIDAY, August 14, 1868. 5 report of The buoyancy noted in our last report of the crude iron market has been well sus. talned,.the supply of man y leading brands of standard forge irons. having became ei hausted. The Wes for - the current week have been very much restricted below -the demand. It is estimated that stooks of all kinds of raw irons remaining in•commis- . sion hands in this market today doos not exceed fifteen thousand torts.. ANTHRACITE. InonsWey 'forge' ' .$37 504 - rone 20, " o. 1 Foundry 41 00-Amos 10 " No. 2 Foundry , 39 00--4 mos 60 ~1 No. 3 -Forge ' ' 85' be--; cash 20.. . 1 . • No; 1 Foundry 49 : . 00- - 4 mos . 20. !, `No. 1 Foundry 41 00-4 mos 100, ' . 4 ‘ .'NO. - 3 Forge cold sh'rt 36 00-4 mos 100 . 1 % White cold short 84 00-4 mos /0, , " WO, 1 Foundry 41 00— cash 20 ' ll . Marietta Forge, open. 37;00 cash' .160 " ..... •37 00-6 mos 150 it al p. t. 50 " Mottled 86 60-4 mos 100 " ' ltosephene,!.NO. , 2 .42 - .00-14 mos 206 ig • ," " " 42 00-4 mos 400 Anthracite Forge, to , atT/y6 '; '• • 87 EICw-linaos -100, . 1, No. 3 Autimmite. .... 37. 00-4..m0s .100 4 6 Si 87 00-4 mos 100 " Red Short "/ • • ... • .38 .004-4 mos" . WO 11 Mottled 37,007+0195. ALLEGHENY'uuKE. 150 tons Coke 100' ;,-; .4 PITTSBURGH METAL MARKET. PITTSBURGH MAHKETe. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAzErrs, FRIDAY, August 14, IS6& The general markets are somewhat more active, and there seems to be a general im pression that an improiement in business is near at hand. The only drawback now is the uncertainty in regard to values, and particularly is this the case in Flour and Grain. Opinions are conflicting in this re spect; some think that prices are entirely too much inflated, and, as a consequence, are not disposed to do much as yet; while others are inclined to believe that the crops have not or wilt not turn out as weU as ex pected, and these instead of a decline, an ticipated an advance. Wheat in nearly all of the leading markets, both East and West, has been and is still dull and weak with a drooping tendency, and, ss a mat ter of course, Flour followg the track of Wheat. BUTTER—Is coming in quite freely and the market is•less active, though prices are unchanged at 30c to 33c, for good to prime. EGGS—Continue very dull, with a sup ply largely in excess of the demand; We now quote at I6c to 18c. CHEESE—Is steady but unchanged at 140 to 15c for Western Reserve and Ham burg; .160 to lie for Factory; and 20c for Sweitzer. HAY—Sales in Allegheny Diamond mar ket of 79 loads at $2O to $2B, as to quality. Straw sold at $17,60. GREENAPPLES—Are coming in pretty freely, though the demand as yet seems to keep up with the supply and prices are maintained at $3,50 to 55 per bbl, as to quality. PEACHES—Are being sold at $4 4 to $5 per box. POTATOES—Quiet and unchanged at $S to $3,50 per bbl. GRAlN—Wheat is coming in more freely I although the great proportion of the re- .. ceints are consigned to the mills; we con tiube to quote rime Red at 52,10 to $2,15 , 1 and White at $2,15 to $2,20. We are cogni zant of a round lot of Ohio Red having been sold at $2,10, to arrive; dealers gen erally are looking for a decline. • Corn* in fair demand, and we _can report several sales of prime Yellow at $1,12. New oats sold to-day at 65, and even at this figure the demand does not seem to be brisk. Old oats scarce with sales in store at 83 to 85. Sales of New Rye at $1,25 to $1,35. -We hear of some dealers contracting for new . crop Barley in the country at 51,70. - SEEDS-L-There is some inqury for Timo thy Seed, and as the Crop this year is re ported light, holders are asking an ad vance, $3,00 to $3,25.•-"Flasseed is in de mand, but there are no salesin thismatket, and we cannot give quotations. No move ment in Clover. ' • SALT-1s quiet and unchanged at $1,76 to $l,BO to the trade, and 52 in a retail way. PROVISIONS---Bacon is , firm with a steady, demand at 14 for Shoulders; 16J4 to 163 i for Ribbed, and 1834 to 183 a for Clear Sides, and 22 to 2234f0r Sugar Cured Hams. Lard 19X and Mess Pork ;30 to §30,50. LARD OIL-Is firm but unchanged at 51,15 for No. 2, and 11,45 for No. 1. FOUR—There Ls a fair, consumptive de mand for prime Old Spring and Winter Wheat, Flours and prices are steady but unhanged. We quote the former at 510,50 to 511 and the latter at $10,75 to 511,25. The Pearl and other City Mills are doing a very good business; we quote Double Extra at $ll in bbls, and ,§10,70 in sacks; Extra. Family, in barrels at 510,50, and in sacks at 510,20. Rye Flour unchanged at 59,25 per barrel. P_IMTSBURGEt PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF THE PITTSEUGH GAZETTE, / • FRIDAY, August 14. 1868. CRUDE—The crude market was exceed ingly panicky to-day, which was occa sioned mainly by a very- strong desire on the part of some Oil City parties to sell,and to do this they were obliged to make conces sions. Vktliave but a single sale to record, seven car loads at 15,10, delivered on board cars at Venango City. Subsequently there were other offers to sell at the same figure, but towards the cloie there were HO buyers here above ss,and even at that, the demand did not appear to be !very urgent. 15,10 at Venango City is considered - equivalent to. 13y0 delivered here, (allowing 42 gallons. to the barrel) which is a-decline of a quar ter to a half cent within the last day two.. REFINED--The market for Refined, in sympathy with crude, was also irregular and and a decline of about half a. cent took Apiece during the day. There was a sale of 500 bbls for the last of August. at 33c,.but later in the day the same deliv ery was offered at 32Y,c, and it was thought. it could bloke been bought at 82540. Spot oil was offered 3230 to 3234 c, but there were no buyers above 32c., It is difficult to account for the panicky feeling_which has. prevailed for the bat. two or. three'days, as we have heard of no late strkes or im portant increase in the production, (that is. within the time above mentioned) and the foreign markets have ianduargone no .mate rial change. Some are , disposed to regard it as a bear-movement; gotten up specially for the occasion, while others think it noth ing more nor less than one of the peculiar freaks of the trade. Fisher &Bro 880 Fawcett L., &.... 80 Lobkhart & Co. 400 L Roess & 8r0..... 480 Tot al OIL SHIPPED EiST BY A. P. R. Braun & Wagner, 350 h ref. to Waring King dc Co., Philadelphia. Lockhart Frew Co., 495 refined, to. Warden Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Lockhart. Frew & Co.. 112 bbla be h zole to Warden, Frew ikCo.,'Philadelphla. ' Citizens Ref. Co., 228 hbls refined to F. A. Dilworth t Co., Philadelphia. • Montzhelnler, Koehler it Ca, 350 ref.." Waring. King & C 0 .., Philadelphia. ' MoKelvy Bros. & Co., 160 do ref. to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia.• eivy A Bro., 166 benzole to W. P.. ::L o gan it Bro., Philadelphia. Clark it Sumner, 318 do ref. to' P. Wright & Son. Philadelphia. MoCreery & Beaumont ,. 217' do. reL toW... P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. - - • MoCreery it Beaumont, 53 henzolo W. P.. Logan it Bra.„Philddelphia.- - P Weisenberger it Co., 200.reito Wardens Frew & Co. Philadelphia. E. Jagemah & C0.,-200 do YfOnng. 1114 & : Co., Philadelphia. _ Ltvingston & Bros., 80 benzoic, to, War deii,Frew & Co., ptdladelplua. Livingstbn' Jiro:, 100 do ref. to ' War den, Frew , & 'Co., Philadelphia. , ' W. Morgan it Co., 200 dO do to War den, Frew do Co., Philadelphia. Nat. Ref. it St. Co., 1 50 do do-to F. A.' Dil'forth & Co., Philadelphia. Fawcett, Liven & StoOkdale,:,6o ref., to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. OTT; • ERIPMENTEC,PROM DINITIMINEI DEPOT.. Broolfo r Bro. & Co., 84 bbls ref., to Wars 'den; - Frew it Co., Philadelphia. ~. _;Jaa:,lllllleri 17 bbls ref. to W . P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. ' . • ‘G. W. Efoldship it C0.,141 do., to Waring,. r King & Co., Philatielphia. . • A. D. Miller. 32 bbis. refined, to Waring.' Xing &;Co4 Philadelphia... - • ; Kirkpatrick & Lyon; 259 fiodo, to W. Logan it Bro.; Philadelphia.. • • ,Lentsvitle PtOr.ket.„ Eitx Telegraph te the Pittsburgh Gitsem 1 - liOI:IIEN'ILLS, ft 0r,79:1112dEk 'Tobacco: lttgato mediatiiiiretikbt7,6 l4 on 91Attils-Eit,22ls%."laupeifineEFllsllt sella'atN Wheat at $2,10a2,20. gory *I-Wit 4. 900. Oats at 0a4813 in bulk. - Mess pork at $29. Lard 2 at ,12K44,11..pir - tib aides at 17o; clear sides at XX% liiiiklehonlderalsta2W4 olearraides stl6 e. - , Wl4skey , raty, J;ree aV/131 1,, ~..7_, , k; - _.,„ .7,k.-4;-Vi.4;k, RECEIPTS CRUDE OIL. Jas Wilkins 569 J 0 Hirkp't Co_ 89 Lafferty &W.... 169 Holdship & Co. 249 2889 t 1 .L ME
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