U 11 II Finandil Natters , in New York. Gold Closed at 147y,@147%. pry Telegraph to the Fittebeneh Grizette.l Navy YORK, August 7, 1868. MONEY AND GOLD. Money easy at 3@4 per cent. on call, and 6@7 per cent. for prime discounts. Star : ling y uiet at 1034. 'Gold is still active but lower; it opened 148%, and closed at 147y,@ . 1147%. It is,expected that one million more r of the Alaska_ purchas' .money will be shipped per City of Londorito-morrow. ; • ' GOVERNMENTS Opened weak and lower, but closed steady. Coupnns ;of , 1881, 115 1 4@l15%; do. , '62, 114J4@114%; do. '64, 1103‘.®110%; do. '65, 112g411214; do. new, 108%@1083.i; do. '67, 109%31033‘;•-• do. '69, 108,./,@108;x: do. 10-40 s, 1090109%. Stocks lower and in sympathy - with Erie, „ which indulged in a further break to-day, and closed ye:7 un settled. Others are steady and drill. - 5:30 PamEs—Cantori, 47®47X; Cunibnr ' land. 30g33; W., - F. d: Co. Express, .27X® - 1 '28; American, 44@44%; Adams, 52.'4%53; I 'United States,4s,W446; Merchants Union,: 243i@2 - 4;.; ulckeilver. 2 2@)223;; Mariposa ; preferred, 8; Pacific Mail, 102/®102%; Atlantic Mail, 25a28; Western 'Union Tele- I graph, 34%@34X; New York Central, 1313i@1321/,; Erie, 581€)58%; Erie pre-- ferred, 72@723,; Hudson, x1371@ 138; Reading,- 81%®92 %; Ohio and • Mis sissippiCertillcates, 29 5 ,1@293; -Wabash, 49W@ , 52; Terre Haute, 41 0)44: St. Paul, 75 (§77;do Preferred, : 8 2@83;Michigan Oen - tral, 120 K; Michigan -Southern. 50%; Illi nois Central, 149V„,@150%; Pittsburgh, 8834@58; Toledo, 105%@10534; Book Island, lit%@l%; Northwestern, 82 @82 1 ,1,; do preferred, 81%@82; Fort Wayne, 10936@10914; Hartford and Erie, 4203.‘@20X: Prairie du. Chien; fi rst preterred,-107; =Burlington and Quincy. 170: Ooltur.bu.s,L 864; Ashtabula, 993,1. Border State bonds quiet: Missmuis, 93; new Tenn.; essees. 62; • old do, 64; old North Carolina; 74‘; new.,d0,..71; Kentucky, 109. • . 2 , UNING SMARM. Mining :shares are. dull; Gregory; 450; % Smith and Parmlee; 425; New York Gold, SR.B.TRRASITRY NATTERS • ' Receipts -au b-Treasury, $4356,768; pay mqnts, e l,64 . l ,ftbalatiee, 170,260,068. Neiy. TerksProlliShaiiihSkei. • (By Telegraph hal%Thstetia.l- , . NEW Yens, A • ttoif dull and" declining; .sales 850;4i;i101Pott , 2982934‘42r„ middling splatftl:tifefik a - 296: ',Flour— receipts, 4,428 bbls—less active and a Shade • easier; sales 6,900 -bbls' at $7,70a8,40,f0r su r perfine State and *restore, s9alo for extra State, $9a11,20 for extra, western, $11,3Da13,60 for white wheat extra, 39,30a13,75 for Round Alloop Ohib,.sllal2 for extra. St. Louis, $12,50 14,50 for good , to choice do., closing quiet; California a shade easier; sales2,soosacks at $10,80212,85. Rye flour firmer; sales 3;000 bbls at $8,25a10,75. Coin meal quiet. Whiskey firmer; salei of 800 bbls at BSc; in bond and 31,67;6 free; closing at 6i3a7oc in bond. Wheat receipts, 7,800 bush—dull • and nominal and 2a3c lower; sales 102,000 bush at $2,20 for choide Green Bay spring; $2,40a2,45 fur amber western; $2,50 for white Canada.. Rye quiet and firm; sales of 650 bush Pfmait. at $l,BO, and 8,000 bash Ohio at 32,9 - Barley nominal. Barley Malt quiet. ,Corn - receipts , 61,799; the market urscarcelv so firm;-sales of 146,000 bush at 31,10a1,171t for unsound mixed western; '151,18a1,19 for sound medium westerliafioat; :1131,20 for one load of high mixed, nearly !yellow. Oats—receipts, 1.5,725, bush; the market is rather heavy, with sales Of 48,000 1. bush at 82,4 e for western in -store; 840 for do afloat. Rice dull. Coffee qUiet. Su ,:gar firm; sales of 450 hhcls Cuba at l'Lal23o. Molasses quiet. Hops quiet: Petroleum quiet, at 17e for crude and 34y 4 a35c for re - fined in bond. Pork active but quiet and a shade firmer; sales of 1.450 bbls at $28,85 ‘a29 for new: mess; closing at • 3'28,90 $28,25a213,59 for old do.; $22,50a23,35 ;for.prime; $24a24,25 fbr prime mess. Beef '!steady; sales 150 bbls. at $15.320,50 for new plain mess- $20,50a24,75 for new extra ,tierce.' Beef quietat 213330 for prime mess; 30a36c for Indiamess. Beef hams dull at $26a32,50. • Cut meats steady; sales 325 pkgs at 13a14c for 4houlders;- 1651a173ic for hams. Middles quiet and; steady. • Lard quiet and a Shade easier; sales 950 tierces at . 18e19y 3 c for,steam,-.chiefly 183‘a19c,J and 19%c for kettle rendered; also, 250 tierces 'steam buyers to September loth at 19c._ Butter quiet at 25a34c for Ohio; 32a39c: for State. Cheese f irm at 11a17ii. Freights to Liverpool quiet and a shade firmer; engage ments 15,000 Liu compel- steamer at tilgd. • LATEST.-e -Flour market closed quiet and a shade , lower. Wheat :slightly in buyers, favor and dull; holders exhibit no very straw desire to realize. Ry e scarce and very firm at $1,130a1,90. Oats dull and heavy •at 82a82' in store and 835ia83% afloat. Corn quiet at $1,10a1,16 for unsound and $1,17a• 1,19 for sound new,mixed westernefloat. Pork dull 'and rather Weak at $28,87 for Mess, cash and regular. . Beef dull and lightly in. buyers favor. Cut. meats . quiet and firm. Bacon quiet and nominal ly unchanged. Lard dull and heavy at 183‘ 518% for fart° prime steam. Eggs dull at 25a26. ,; Chicago Market. By Telegrapil to the Pittsburgh Gazette 4 CHICAGO, August s.—Flour firm at 18,003 10,50 for spring extras. Wheat dull and' with,sales at $1,81a1,88, for No. 2; Vlosing nominal at $l,Bl, cash, and at 11,70 seller for latter,part of the rdontb, for No. the market remains unchanged since the ,meeting of the noon. Board. Corn firm and ,5a5y,,c higher, with- sales No. 1 at $1,02a 11,0534; No. 2-at $1,01a1,02, and neglected t94a956; closing steady at $1,05 for No. 1; ;there were sales this ,afternoon at $1,0414 Tor No. 1. Oats are 3n, fair request and 1c 'rbigber, with sales at 571360 c; closing quiet St 59c. Rye unsettled with sales at $1,37 3 ,5a ,1,46% for No. I, and at $1,38 for No. 2. Bar- IleV dull at $1,60 for No. 2ln store: sample 'Jots sold at $1,50a1,66 on track. High wines Sre firm and 10c higher; sales of bonded at ,15c, and free at $1,45; closing at 80a for Ponded. Mess pork opened firm- and 500 "higher, but subsequently declined 250, and s closing steady at $29,25. Lard IS steady snd %,i3 lower, with sales at 18Xc. Sweet f'ickled Hams - quiet, with sales at 170; Shoulders inactive and nominal at 12y 4 tt ,12%C. Freights quiet at 4o on corn per AR, and 4c on oats per steamer to Buffalo, Receipts, 5,746 bbls flour, 12,690 bus wheat, 125,909 - bus corn, 60,014 bus oats. Ship ments, 3,565 bbls flour, 12,950 bus wheat, 115,511 bush corn, 44,625 bush oats. I New York Dry GOOG6 Market. I,By Telearsokto.tbc Plttflrirxh Gazette - I Naw Youlc, August 7.—Dry Goods for isertain classes, if not all woolen goods, have been in more animated demand, as prices have been comparatively ,luw, except for novelties, ivhb.;l3 bring fair prices. Cotton pods are still without much animation, ,and heavy brown shootings areNo lower some few styles which have been held 4 extreme rates. Otherwise the market la ,ffithont change and an active trade is con ideally look for soon. ! - Louisville Market. pY Telegraph to tbe Pittsburgh Gazette.) Loursvmr,n, - August 7.—Tobacco; sales 064 blis; Inge,' 7Xa94.ic; medium leaf, 14,40; shipping. 17e. Corn 950. Oats 45a We. Rye f1,25a1,30.. Wheat 11,95a2,00. ?lour; superfine - $ 6 , 2 6a6,50. Mess Pork P 29. Lard: 113%a19c., Bacon; shoulders .1330133.(e; qlav rib sides 17e; clear sides 17%c. Bulk Meats; shoulders 12 e ; olear Video Whisky ; raw free 111,19, Memphis Market. Teleuiptt Lo the Pittsburgh Guntte. • Mimesis; August 7.—Cotton market we; recelpts;4 bales. Flour quiet, fitipet ine 47,00a8,00. Wheat, $2,10. Coro, 880 0 . )atB, 57 4 0 . Hap, $2O. Bran, 522. Cor o $4,40a4.65. Pork, Sic. - Lard, 191200„ liken arm. Shoulders, 111 e. Clear . . St.l Loala Market. (By Telerriph to the pittetnuTh eazette.l Sr. Laths, August 7 .—Tobacco is very strong on medium and good leaf, but priceif_ are nominally unchanged. Hemp is in moderate demand; undressed at.51,85a1,60; dressed at, $ 2 ,40a2,50. Flour - is firm and sellers arelasking higher prices for fancy brands; superfine at $8,40a7; extra at $7,25a 7,50; double extra at sBa9; fancy at $11,50a 12,25. Wheat is steady and firm for prime and choice grades; and irregulan for corn 4mon; choice red and white fair at $2,85a2,40; prime to strictly prime at $2.10a2,40;-prime to choice spring at. $1,60a1,85.• Corn is busy but higher; mixed and yellow at 87c; mixed white: and yellow at 88a90c; choice white at 90a92c. Oats:remain active and -higher; common to choice at 50a55c. Rye is active and high at $1,125a1,18. , Pork yesterday's advance was maintained; small sales of mess at $3l. Bacon is very firm but the ad vance of yesterday was checked; there is a denianit for city clear sides and they are now selling at 17qa17340; clear rib at 18y 4 o; shoulders at 12 (e; bulk meat, tnere is noth in dg but prices are nominally firm it 12og ,oin and 15c for shoulders, rib sides and clear sides. Lard, is firm at 18;019c for choice tierce. - Whisky is firm at $1,30. Live stock rs dull at yesterday's quotations. Receipte—fioar, 6,660; wheat, 21,705; 'corn, 3,428; oats , 17 , 588; rye, 2,635- • ' ' Cincinnati Market. (By Telegraph to the Pit....lurch Gazette.l CINCINNATI, July 7.-Flour-firm; family $10a10,25. Wheat higher; new $2,0532,10; old $2,20 for No 1; the greater portion of new coming in is inferior, and sellsat $1,60 a 1,80.1 Corn in demand at 90a92c for ear; shelled 95a96c. Rye firm old No 2 sold at $2,30; new $1,23a1.25. 'Barley in demand at 52.00a2,15; offerings light. Cotton dull at 29c for midcllnig.. Tobacco unchanged and quiet. Whisky 11T demand at $1,55; ask ing $1,60 in bond. Mess Pork is held firm ly at $29, but there was no inquiry. Lard held at 17c, but there is no demand. Bulk Shoulders in good demand at 12c for loose, and 1230 for packed, with sales of eighty' thousand pounds; sides held at 14yie for loose. Bacon quiet; shoulders 13qc; clear rib sides 16/c, and clear 17c, with only a jobbing demand. Sugar Cured llama 23a 21c, and in demand. Sugar steady; Cuba 13a1434c; Porto Rico .13Ka15c, and firm. Coffee firm at 22a21c for, common to good 256334 c for prime to choice do. Linseed Oil quiet at $1,05. , There is only speculative demand for. Clover Seed, and all to be bad.sl3 has been takeni . it is now held at $13,50a14,00; 'the demand. is from Philadelphia. •Beef Cattle dull at Bade gross. Hogs active at 8a103.(c gross. Gold ' -13734, buying. = Money market easy at 7a9 Toledo Market. . . rßytelegrapti to the Pittaburgh Gazette.; • ITO4BDO, August 7.-.—Receipts-2,050 Übls 'flour ' '-27,700 bush . wheat, 410,440 do corn, B,6oodo.oats. Shipments-2,007 bbls flour, 6,000 bush corn.. rlimr—Sales double extra at $11: ' Wheat-LVirhite 'better and amber lower; sales White 'Michigan at $2,20a2,26; amber do, $2,13a2,14; amber to sellir for August; $2,04a2,05; to buyer for August, $2,15; to seller for September orn steady at $1,05 for No. 1 and _Michigan; to buyer for first half of August, $1,06; to sel ler-for last half $1,06. Oats 20 lower; sales new No. 1 at 62c; to seller for August, 561 . .. Rye better; sales No. lat $1,35. Bar ley--State to seller for September at $1,20. Lake freights, 434 c by steam to Buffalo. ' Cleveland Market. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette,3 CLEVSLAND, August 7.—Floor quiet at $10,00a10,50 for XX spring; $11,00311,50 for XX red winter;• country brands are quiet at $9,00a10,00 for XX spring; $9,50a10,50 fbr XX-red winter; $12,00a13,00 for XX whito.l Wheat; sales two cars No. I red winter at $2,16, and one car N0.2.40.!at Corp; sales tlio cars at $l,lO. Oats; sales of ten cars at 74c, and ' one car at 73c. Rye; mar ket dull and inactive; held at $1,75a ,80 for No. .L Barley; market nominal. Petro leum; market steady ;and firth at 30c for standard white; 2:2a309 fur prime light straw to white. • I Dunmore Market. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette BALTIZdORE, August 7.—Flour active, with an ,advance of 25a50c; sales North western Superfine at 57,75a8,95; warn, 33,75 a 9,50, Wheat weak- and low grades lower; sales of prime to choice red at $2,55a2,65. Corn steady; sales prime white at $1,35a1,38; yellow, $1,30: Oats,BBa92c . 'Rye $1,45a1,50. -Provisions firm an active. Mess pork, /30. Bacon—Rib sides, l7sl7Xe; clear sides, 17 a).73iq shoulders, .1.43,c; hams, 22.32.3 c. Lard; 18Sal9c. • • • • . Milwaukee Market. CBv Telegraph tolthe Ylttsbnrgh Gagette.) • MitSVAVICSE, Aug. 7.—Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat unsettled and droop ing at $2,01 for No 1; $1,93 for No 2. Oats dull and 8c lower at 65e for No 2. Corn firmer at $1 for No 2. Raceipts-200 .bbls flour, 2,000 bu wheat, 9,000 bu oats, 3,000 bu corn. Shipments-2,000 bbls flour, 14,000 bu wheat, 200 bu oats, 600 bu corn. Philadelphia Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette.l PIIILADELPHIA. August 7:—Petruleum dull and lower; sales 2,000 bbla crude in bulk at 17qc; refined In bond, 34;4c. Flour dull and unaltered. .Wheat: red, ,11.2,40 a 2,50; white, $2,60. Rye, $l,BO. Coin scarce; yellow, $1,25; Western mixed, 111,20a1,22. Oats advancing; Pennsylvania, 920; South ern, p. Provisions firm. IMPORT'S BY RAILROAD PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI AND ST. LOI7TS RAILROAD, August 7.-50 green hides, D Chestnut do Co; 25 tes hams, 10 do lard, W B Hays &Son; 20 bbls. potatoes, Vangorder & Shephard; 25 bbls whisky, Jos S Finch & Co; 25 tos hams, 10 do lard, Watt, Lang &Co; 8 tos do, hams J H Parker &Co; 20 bbls oil, Isaiah, Dickey & Co; 172 sks oats, Stewart & Langenheitn; 2 cars wheat, Hitchcock, McCreary & Co; 4 do do, J S Leggett & Co; 1 car staves C C Smith 170 blooms, Nimiek & Co; 16 caddies tobacco, Smith, Johnston & Co; 2 eases do Win Miller, 29 boxes seal ing, wax; B L Fahenstock & Co; 10 do do, Arbuckles•dr Co; 25 do .soap,'J S Dilworth & Co; 25 do candles,Carter, McGrew &.Co; 30 bbls bungb, A B Mills; 4 bbl sealing wax, J K Smith; 3 bbls egg% 1) Kyle; 1 do do,W H Graff & 15 half bbls fish, Means & Coffin; Soaks ear corn, M' my food; 1 car corn Hitchcock, McCreary & Co; 1 do do, J B Campbell; 1 car staves, Vim Haat logs; 1 do do, M P Adams; 1 do .do, 'C C Smith; 500 bbls flour, Watt, Lang it CO; 160 bdls brooms. McElroy & Co; g 5 do .do, James Connor; 30 bbls oil, WA Jones; S dq do, John P Scott.. eITTSIIIIROR, FT. WAYNE AND ClawAno RAILROAD. August 7.-2 cars metal; brim ick dc Co; 6 do do, Bryan & Caughey; 00 bbls hoar, E Heazloton; 265 do do, Daniel Wallace; 5 bbla spirits, 5 do do gin, M'- Crickert tit Co; 55 bbis whisky, Jos S Finch &.' Co; 100 bbis flour, M'Kay & Bro; 100 do do. owner; 50 bag cheese, Arbnokles & Co; 7do do, W H Kirkpatrick & Co; 10-do do, 0 V Smith; 40 Dim flour, D A'Dougherty; kegs butter, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 82 bbls flour. Woodworth &, Davison; 25 do do,. W 'Glendenning; 5 half bbls fish, A G Cabbage; 1 oar wheat, J S Liggett & Co; 1 oar lum. 8 Ramsey; 200 bbls flour 'owner; 1 car lumber, R A. Clark; 1 bbieggs, W S Steel dr Bro; 7 sks oats. Scott dtGisal; 8 kegs far& 8 db do, batter, ,89 sks oats, H Rea, Jr.; 25 bas glassware, Semple & Fry: 55 bgsvals, Johu Hinkle; 66 bas cheese, N Braden; 28 dodo. W .Kirkpatilok dir. Co; 20 . do do, W Haslage tt. Co; 25 do do, E Belisle toe; 25,bbls flour, Haworth, Ili'Donald dt Co. CLEVKLAND AND Prrniau fwa RAIL. nom), August 7 . -19 lets scales, pairbanks. Morse ,sc co; 1 boiler, W B t3oalfe; 1 keg sods, Penn Salt. MIK Co; 8,000 it lumber, Slack t Sholes; 2 oars oopper f 0 (1 gummy; 2 cars iron ore, Zug & Co; 7 cars iron ore, McKnight P a Co: 20 bdla black boards, J R Weldon do Co; 1 bbl eggs. 8 ErMaryin; 8 bet shafts, Bdo foles. T Rare & Brost II bbis sidsc v los 1.811.1 9 bbla IPAPplae.6 PITTSBMIG,H. GAzATTE:, ,SATO/iAT, _ , potato _ es, Voigt, Matt . ood & Co;_1 car atone. P Wolf; - 1 au bones, 0 Weidler; 8 bra mdse. Knable 4t Picaingy4 tuba cheese, Graff dr, Reiter; 60 soks oats, W H Graff & CO; 13 do do, Mcßane & Anger; 1 bbl eggs, WJ Steel & Bro; 7 bbls flax seed, W J Thakerton; 3 kegs butter, 7 bbls eggs, Morrison & Co; 1 bx tiles, Hubbard. Bros dr. Co; 11 bbls pota toes, Thos M'Coy; 1 bbl oil Graff, Bennett & Co; 1 bbls eggs, Henry" Rea, Jr; 20 bas cheese, Woodworth & Co; 32 do do, T C Jenkins. ALLEGHENY STATION, August 7..-11 bas cheese, E 1,200 galls stoneware, H Stevens; 2 cars , metal, • Lewis Bailey Jr. Dalzell; 6 cars limestone. Superior Iron Co; 1 car wheat, R T Kennedy & Bro; 10 rolls leather, P Markey; 7 hides, I bbl tallOw A West; 1 car metal, , Graff,- Bennet & Co; 8 pks eggs, H Lanz; : 3 firkins butter,, 1 bbl eggs, J Ghrist; 300 green hides, A J Groet zinger- 55 bbls flour, Stewart & Langen. helm; ' 25 do do,'A Miller; 5 bbls. oil, IT P Schwartz; .1 car staves Ralya & Robertson; 1 car lumber, Maxwell & Davis; 1 do, lath & shingles, A Patterson; 12 kegs powder B, M Jenkins; 10 bbhr apples, John Herbert. ALLEGHENY Var.r..er H. R., August 7.- 3 cars metal, John Moorhead, 5 do do stone, Henderson & Co; 1 bbl eggs, Knox, & Orr; 23 bbls potatoes, 5 do do apples, S-Miller; 7 pkgli butter, 4 bbls eggs, J Klinginsmith; 4 pkgs•butter and'eggs, J Arbuthnot; 5 kegs butter, A Gallagher; 3 bas' do do, 4 bbls • eggs, John Kimple; 2 bbls eggs, 2 do do butter, J Miller; 6 ).kgs dodo, 5 bbls eggs, ' J C Stewart; 6 pkgs butter and eggs ' P M' Kain; 3 cars limestone. 1 ear coke, Shoen• berger .t Blair, PITTSBURGH AND CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD, August 7.-2 cats metal, Youghlogany Iron & Coal Co; 13 bbls whisky, Dißinger dr, Stevenson; 35 bbls ce ment, W H Kirkpatrick & Co; 40 aks wheat, Wm McKee & Co; 2 bdle leather, J Tomer; 35 bbls cement, Summers & Co; 44 coils rope, Fulton, Bollman & Co. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL R. R., Aug. 60 bdls paper, Hostetter & Smith; 95 eke wheat, bay A Welsh; 3 cases cigars R & W Jenkinson; . 2 boxes butter, 1- bbl' eggs, E Heazloton. • MINERAL WATERS MII~ER,AL. F WATERS CLARK'S DRUG STORE, No-103 Fifth :Street. - KISSINCIEN-.Ort Draugh.--PnOrEnTras: Aperteht. Alterattve and 'lasi In altuot,t ad Chronic Deran- ' eatonts of the Liver and Dlannaea cortnected.therewith. VlAlairhi Dr . att P.m; •Strong y Alkaline art ea lit.— of th LIM/lent ato entomaeh.• reA/of add. CONG,FLESI3 Pint "Bottlet.--' Tnolicirriss A t rir tent ,, AltentOrei. l : l4lll3 M4o44ll-To4C:: • : • 1111611 'ROOK-Pint Bottles. --PliOranno Same as Cungless. EMPIRE-Pint Bottles.—Eizonarnme: Same la Congress.. GETTYSBURG—Quart BottlesAPßonen - Stitas Remedy ha Dyspepsia, Ithetneatiam, tient, Gravel, Diabetes, and ether Kidney and Urfa - my dlseues. (Call for a Circular.) "SODA" or CARBONIC ACID WATER on drarmii*, made from purrbt rostoriala and sewed with idyrupe made from TIMIT. SIPHON BOTTLES I can furnish Biplion Bottles to persons desiring either Hissingen„ Vichy or eosin Water on draught at their homes. Waters retaining same strength and purity as at the storm Jams 111ARS14AL'S SALES C. B. MAIthIIAL'S OFFICE, W. D. of Penusylvaniii,:• P/TTSBUIWIL August 5, isas. krAHSHAL 9 S SALE. the Of a writ Of oendiffonf el out of the District Court of the United kltatel for the Western District of Pennsylvania, and to rue directed, I will expose to Public nate. at. the Custom House. Pittsburgh Pa, on MONDAY, the loth day of August. 18bP, at 10 o'clo..:k A. X., the following dcycrl bed property, viz: 0 ll'arrem, 1 Copper Pomp, 3 Berlioz's of Rose:, containing about seventy feet; 2 small Tabs, , 1 Bucket. 1 Kettle and appurtenances, and 1 Cooler. melted anal taken as the property of ANDREW . HOENIG, at the suit of the Butted States. TUOS.. A. ROWLEY.' U. B. Marshal =OM FOR 'RENT raF— OR RENTThe leasehold fOr , a term of about nine : years of a Two Bum me Lwelllnc House, at. corn• r of Union Avenue sild Water streets, Allealleny. (fronting Nast COM• mon)) having 7 rooms. 2 oath! and ,arge bath room. Excellent range to kit...hen: hut-and cold water up stairs and down; good cellar. Covered porch In front and at. side of house,. lirape arbor. Lot 30 by SO tort. Possession boon, If desired. Yorterms apply to • i B. MbIJAIN & 00., .17117 No. 56 eltnithlleld street. MISCELLANEOUS. RARE cn ANCE. ". Fon • Plumbing & Gas Elting Establishment. A good stand And store. together with fixtures, good will, Be.. or a PLUMBING and GAB riT TIA F.bl' BLISIIM KAT, doing a good business, Is offerrd for f The above is situated in a good place for business. Ifaviug engAged Id fOrlet• busi ness. tue proprietor offers this estabillhment at a bargain. For particulars, Ac., call at No.' 165 Wood Street, Pittioburgh, Pa. sal: 181 - "=•• ExcHANGE.--- 8,000 'Acres - of Land 1 In Wyoming county, West Virginia, being nurit bens 118, 116, 117, 133, 136, 135.336 and 154, all .In one tract, watered by branches of Twelve (la) Pole Creek, and part of an original tract of 331,000 acres granted to . Jame/ Wilson, Chalice Willing. Barnard and Michael tlraty, Levi Hollings worth and Dorsey Peacoat. Vanes pM up to 116 7; Title perfect. Will be exciianged. for Pittsburgh manufacturea or dry goods; it'inarket:ro'rices. Address, '' • ' EXCUABBin. 1319:174 • = BraZaTTS FOR SAME. ;. CRCICERY stbne: A Wholesale and , Retail Grocery' Store, Doing a good buelness,,ind eltusteulln A good place In Allegheny City. will be geld ablareallollabie price. The store house has a lease on le forte years, and will be sold with store. , • • • Her terms and locaticiitiddrees N 4;) SOX Chian-rig Oriica, (living full name eee,litere In terview can be 111,4[1111.1PIFEkr- lOLHALLAAII DABW, SUPERIOR ARTA 0 • DRAIN PIPE;, Oti • All alms, time sto twenty inobeo at Tiowr.Lia-.lB,.agents for manufacturers, al Wood otrooty NatWest' Filth and lath otreeta• §TORE _WINDOW SUADES, of arty kola, and site required with border and e tent to plebs orktiti mmt t.ba aIl feet wl e, at las O lae,am same torte, from 3 to VA Glom alb ma 42 St OM/ firjah lu el Au K The weather eolith:Mos cloudy and un settledome last evenfug there was every appearance of rain. The river continues to recede steadily with but three feet in the channel. • 1 , Business is completi _ _ ave] - at .-ie main landing, not a single boat making the slightest pretension to I business. . —The Camelia and Ida Recta are due here to-morrow from. Cincinnati: —The Charmer, on her way from St. Louis, has on her barge 400 bales hemp for Il et Loms 'lle. , eJ. N. McCullough, was adverlis6. to le ve Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Thur day evening: hen the Ruth returns to St. Louis, from New Orleans , she will be slightly alter d, and will probably run between Me phis and New Orleans. • he Vicksburg l'imes, of Saturday,says: Two hundred thousand feet of lumber are on the levee, and will be shipped by the Louisville to-day, this steamer having changed her destination from Louisvill to. St. Louis in order to take it. Hereafter wo will have two packets a week to St. Louis, which will enable the merchants to ship thisarticle regularly and without deten _tion.h —e quote from the U. S. records as fol lows: W IJuly 31st, the St. Louis and Quincy Packet company steamers Tom Jasper for 160,000; Mollie MoPike for 115,000, and Vic.' tory for $lO,OOO, and wharfboat at St. Louie for 810,000. A considerable amount of the total sum was paid for by an exchange of stooks. We learn that the opposition to the old Keokuk line will continue as lively EIS -13V011 —The Cincinnati Enquirer is responsi ble for the following: • A well-known. Pittsburgh steamboatman remarked yesterday, as illustrating the ex, traordinary dullness of the past year, that but two boats running to and from that port have made enough money to nay their insurance, and for the usual annual coat of paint which every boat requires. One of these two was the Rate Robinson. The .Now York Evening It,st gives the following'description of an immense raft: A raft of 700,000 - feet of lumber, towed by the steamer Hills, passed up the bay, and through the :East river and Sound this week. The lumber came from New Bruns wick, Nova Scotia, and was taken to Dutch Point, near Hartford. The raft was sixty five feet wide and about 600 feet long, and was one of thelongest that has ever passed this city. —A canal boat, propelled on a new prin ciple, has been placed on the Erie canal, and attracts some attention. The propell ing power is a wheel ni the , center of the boat which is arranged something like the driving wheels of a mowing machine. The wheel rests* upon the bottom of the canal, arid is fixed upon a - frame which allows it to rise and fall according - to the depth of the water. The speed is about twine as much as by towing. The boat creates no swell, and from the shore it was impossible to tell where the motive power was applied. - River and Weather. Inv Telegraph to the Pittabureh Gazette.? Lomsvii.Ls, August 7.—The river is Swelling slowly, with five feet four Inches in the canal by mark. Weatheneloudy , and Warm. ST. Louis, August 4.—Weatherr-elear and warm. COAL IV'MITED. CONTROLLER'S OFFICE. f CITY OP ALLEGRARY, Artgnst 1, 1868. SEALED PROPOSALS 'will 'be received at this office titan 3 o'clock-Jr:" bt.. tiATLIRDAY, Augubt Sth, fur aupplying the Public Ballaluga with 4,300 Bushels of Ecu Quality of Lump Cool. To weigh 76 pouels to the bushel. and to be weigh ed on toe City Stales. I for which oo ehsrge will be made. the Coal to be delivered at the following places. Via: • 2,000 bushels in the basement of City Halls 400 • v hi the Hope Engine House. 400 •• Friendship Engine House. 400 - •• '• 'Grant Engine House. 45 , 0 "- ." Columbia Engine House. 400 " " Elie worth Engine House. • 200 •` at the second Ward Weigh nealea. • ' 100 at the'Diamond Weigh S-ales. • The rightist reserved to reject any and at bids. atiS: lBo City ,Controller. {.7PF ICI or cowritotaxtr or ALLEGFizinr t . 0., t PIDrSDCRGU. A 14119 1. sth, 1068. NOTICE TO' COAL DEALERS. 415,A.LED POPOSAT4I3 will be reeelved at this °Mee until 170 inst., inclusive, for furnishing to Ailegheny County 10;000,Bush. good Merdaniable Coal, free from slack and dirt, to be .weighed on the City &alai, and delivered it the entrance to the Court House and Jail, or, Fiftb.and Ross streets. In quan twin of six hundred bubhcis per day, until the whole is delivered. . ' Paylnput will be ma'de by Warrants drawr on the Colinty Treasurm when "the contract is completed. • By dlreetion of County Cormulsslouers. ILENR,V au7:d.t F OFFICE oF. CITY ENOINEER, Allegheny City. Alla. 5. 1868. A. HE PARK COMAIISSION will • receive propotald,mitllg THURSDAY. lani Issr.::3 P. L., For Furnishing One Thousand Cubie Yards of good River Gravel, , • To be delivered stung theAlue of walks of Common Grounds.. Vor speciflcationi and particntars Inquire at this office. Tha Comm!Ssion reserve the right to re,ecr any or all Otis. Uttati. aus:vs Elupt'dg Engineer lark rrnprovm't. liPrlCa OF CITY P..NOIN/iltit AND :311144TEY014, - Pittstourkh. July 31, 3 68. DI NOTICE TO STONE AS NS.' 'Rebuilding a Stone Culvert, Over the Four Mlle Run, at the Swindler Furth, 23,1 Ward, be received. at the City Ell gineerta Oilloo until Saturday, Anoint Bth. 1868. Epeelneations can be wen at this office jy3l:t7l . manta Olt ()ITT ENGIN/UM AND .IVitrltYoll. . cittebUrgb, dpky. 5119. 186 S. • NOTICIE.-4-The` Assessment for radlng, Paving & Curbing Mulberry Mich Brom Clymer to limlth street, Is now rijady for ex smlnatlen, add can be seen at this °face, mall SATURDAY, AUGUST Sni, 1808, When it will be retooled to the-Olty Treasurer's 01110 foreolleetion. 1923377 OPPICII CITY JsxaiNsea AND 80WrzYou, Prrnanumuz, July A 9, 188. • OTICE —The Ablessment for tirsoinig, Pitting and Curbing the East _ ern Portion of Second Street, la now ready tbr extunination, mad can be at* at. ibis Otto natil , • • : AuotrsT sTu, less, When it will be returned to the City Trezenrerte °dice tor collection. , 11.. J. 711000BJEI MI 1 0 7, ai 0): V:111:1 k" , M=l afzi B. LYON, .Realer of *eights and Measures, No.'n not*a mum, tneivreon Liberty sad Peaty 'amts. oituri vempur aneasset lOU AWE :ir0u5T,,,,,!..,,•„1,0q. RIVER NEWS. fly . SUB PROPOSALS IL. B. FRANCIS, Controller SEALED PROPOSALS FOB' 11. J. 1104QUIE. City Engineer ASSESSMENTS 11. J...m00nv..., City Engineer. City Engineer COBEIVIISSION MERCHANTS. J. L. DILLINCIRE ....A. Z. BTZVZTII9OIT. BILLINDER & STEVENSON , , FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the sal. of FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE generally. Also, LIQUORS, WINES, BRANDIES,' &c. - No. 87 Second Street, Pltt,burgh, P 4. RR-LIBERAL ADVANCES .nuide on eonsbn menu." Jy3l;t7B ceded EIM COrIrIEt.TV • ,• • - A.✓ T. CANFTELD. B. CANFIELD & SON, CO.RI .IdEIICI-LANTS, and 'Wholesale malers an t.Mshen, Fsetors: Hamburg andlr..lLt Cheese. Butter,Lard, Polk, Bacon, Flour, Ptah, Dried Bruit. Biatu; Pit Lead, Pot, Pearl and. &Lb Ashes, White Lime. Linseed, Lard. Coal antiC.F bon 0113. No. 141 Vint street. Pittsburgh. • AXTATT, LAND & CO., r v. Groceries, Flour, Grain, Produce, Pro. visions,riste,clheese,Carbonoll.&e.. Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD STREET, near Liberty , _ street. Pittaburkh Pa. ' ' n08:n55 ______ ... ______ 11. STEELL Air STEELE & SON, Commission '.liliyiehonts, " AND DEALERS IN ~ FLOUR, GRAIN, FEED, &o , N0..R.3 OHIO STREW" near Eut ALLEGHENY -CM' If rA83.9 B. MEAN BASPBB MEAIVOR & HARPER, FLOUR, GRAM AND PRODUCE 111:E.R.C.U.A.Na's 329 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH. Consignments. solicited. Rzynnicisons—J. G. Barttn, Cashier Mechanics' National Bank; J. SI Dilworth Co.,R. T. Ken nedy Bro. . ja31:124 PETLB NEIL JAB . F . I/ICHAB2. Ens- & RICHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN SLOITR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, &c., &C., 349 Liberty 44" Pltteilbt!zsb, my2,1:b31 L. J. BLANCHARD, ; Wholesale and Retail Groom, No. 396 PENN STREET aplB:xB9 ALEX. WHANK McBAN.E & 4NJEJI,' • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealer In FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GER REALLY, No: . 14z. WATER RTREET, above Sialthtteld, Plttabuxgtt. • • lea ij~ETZEH& ARMSTRONG, FORWARDING AND 0011103131021KERCHANT8, For the sale of Fawn, Grain. Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Ruled Fruit, and. Produce generally, No. 16 MARKET STREET; corner of First, Pittsburgh. : JOHN I. HOUSE. ....P.DW. 11008 E WM. U. HOUSE. JOHN I. HOUSE' &.1111.0S" Suc cessors to JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., Wholesale JOHN and . Commission - Merchants, Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. -.- - RIDDLE, Nei. 183 LLISERTI AI. STREET, Pttsburgh, Pa.„_Commission Mer e ant and Wholesale Dealer in Country Produce, (irocerles and Pittsburgh Manufactures .-. Cash - ad."; vaneed on Consignments, and paid for Produce gen erally. auM. ILOBT. KNOX ' , ' ANPEKW KNOX. 4' • KNOX ti, SON,I•COMMISSION .11ERC HANTS and dealers In FLOUR.. GRAIN .. Il ,L FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, - No. 79 'DIAMOND, opposlte•City Hall, Allegheny City. Jal7:r37 TITTLE, BAIRD & . PATTOIII, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants and lers. in Produce, .Plour, 'Bacon, Cheese, 'Fisk Wuhan 'and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Tarns and all Pittsburgh idannfactures generally, 112 andll4 SECOND STREET, Pittsburgh. .• . _ . . • • JOHN ELStPTOM • A WALLACE. §HIPTON & WALLACE, WHOLE.. SALE G ROCERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, SLXTII. STREET. Pittabureh. tal2:rsB PROFESSIONAL. J OS. A. BUTLER,' • 4 ALDRED= POLIC E MAGE3TBATE. ' ()Mee, 126 WTLTE ErPTIRET; - 'near - Washington, , PITTSBPROII, PA. - • • Deeds,' Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, Colletions, and all other legitLmate business executed promptly. - trainee SAMUEL OIcRIASTERSi - • A.I.Ariplia.E.ALN. - Ex-Otllolo Justice of the Peace and Police .biagfis trate. (Otte, (RANT STREET, opposite the Cls thedral, PITT:A:Mitt:EL PA. Deeds. Bonds, :Mortgages,' AcknoWledgments, - Depositions, and all Legal Business executed With promptness and dispatch. 'mine EUSTACE S. MORROW, AI.DFIiIIAN, EX-OFFICIO JUSTICE '3F THE PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. OFFICE, 140.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, P) Deeds, Bonds; Mortgages, Acknowledgments,: Depositions and all Legal Business executed with' promptness and dispatch. tnykat AMMOI , A. justice of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AST CARSON STREET, EAST BIRMINGHAM._ Collection of Rents solicited and promptly attend ed tn. /111 WILII4AftI U. BARKER, JUSTICE OFTHE PEACE, CONVEYANCER, &C,, Office, • CARSON STREET, nearly opposite the Railway Depot, SOUTH PITTSBEILB.4H. Business entrusted to his ewe promptly attend ed to. myl;y6l --4Nr DA iIEL McMEAL, M. 1)., PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, IN o. 59 tarani . , j e S. rionpusos, ATTORNEY4T-Ltkliii, MtOOND FLuon, Fnoimitoom JOHN W. UWDELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oidoe, HO Diamond Street, (Opposite the Court Romeo 1e13:1;44 t' W A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY-AT - LAW, No. 99 Diamond 'Stroet. mhS:De C. MACKRELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAWS No. sc i ) Grant Street, ARCHIBALD, BLAILELEY, AT"INDIINM3Y"..A.7NILs..A.W• No. OS FIFTH lITREST, iweaso:ctar JOHN A. tITRAAN, X.OT+'IOIO JUSTICE OF 'Mg PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. O fr. 3,1112 FIFTH STREET. eppoolie the Oath.. dud, Pittsburgin , Ps. Deeds, soltddj. Moegtie - Acknowledgments, Depositions and nu Le B u m. neu eXenuted with Pr:Hindu" . an"lBPatm • JOHN C. iIicCAIIKBS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, NO. S Plitt. Street. p am p as , Bosuattes sad 4rnsan of Pay promPUIP eeiloosed. mss • 47110LESALE br.A.X.P.13.8 IN J. A. AVJEJ3 No. tl7 Flirqk Street, st4lw73 PILTSBIIIIGH PA . PITTSBIT.I4H, PAi PITTSBURGH, PA. PITTOB PA. RAILROADS. and .A. CONNELLSVILLE K. B. On and after THURSDAY, March sth, 1661 f... trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot, eor. ner of Grant and Water streets, aVfollovvs: Depart. _ drrifes. Mall to and from Un ion t 'n. ' 7:00 A. M. 6:00 P,. M. McKeesport Accommodt'n.ll:oo A. M. 6:05x. Xi. to and from Uniont'n. 13:00 P. m. 10:00 A. 'M. West Newton Accoinmod'n I 4:30.p. m. 835 A. N. Braddock's Aoctommodat'n 6:15 P. xt.', 7:50 P. Night Ace. to McKeeaport:lo;3o p. at. 0:40 A. N. . Sunday Church Train to and from :WestNewton 1:00 P..M. 10:00 A. . ' For tickets apply t 3 _ J. R. KING. Agent*. W. 13.. STOUT, Surrerintendent. mhb • • • LLE . G/TE;,NHE Ogra ONLY ggin WALLET RAILROAD. Y DIRECT ROLrTH TO THE OIL REGIONS. Bunning through to Noiango City without change oft:ars—Connecting - witiPiraters East and West or the.. Warre.. & Franklin Railroad, and Atlantic Great Western Railways. Ohortest and quickeit route to Oil City and Franklin, and all points la tie 10n. and, aftei.April 96th, ISSS, P.iiisenger Tinitia will leave from and arrive at the Plttaburgh Depot. cornereatud and Pike Sta. as follows: - • . Depart. Arrive. Hall to and Pin Ven. , City. 7:00 6:15 P. Y.. Express " 10:40 0.12:95 a. B. • Brady's Bend Accommod , n: 3:00 M. 10:20 A. Y. Soda Works -ACcoten.. ... 5:40 r. M. 7:55 A. Y. Plitt Hutton Aecernocrn.f`:'l3:so A. M. 11:40 A. If. Scoond Huiton AcconuotPn 12:00 at. 3:55 P. M. Sunday Church Train leaves.. Soda Works at 13:051. A. M., arriving in Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. at. Re.. turning: leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 at Soda Works at 2:53 , r. m. - - • • - 1r; BLACKSTONE, Supt. W. F. HOPE, Ticket Agent.' • ap2s 13 I T TS ITURGlLaggiggs . msNCINNATI MID BY. RAILWAY. - PAICHArifiILEROUTE __ • I . . .... CHANGM OF TIKE.—On and after SUNDAY. June 21st, 1868, trains will leave and arrivett Us Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time: Mall Expries Dewitt Arrfre. 2:115a..m. 12t10 &mi.' Fast Line 9:4.0 it.'m.. 7:15 p. iii.. Fast 'Express press ' . 2:10 p. in. 11:20 a. 111,.. Mixed y 610 a.m. 705 p.m. :McDonald's Abc'n, No. 1.. IE4O a. m. 3:05 p. m... Steubenville Ar.nommod'n., 3:55 p. m. 0:30 um.. McDonald's Acc'n, N 0.2.: 545 p. in. 8:204. a.. • . • • SPECIAL Ncrrxen.-Stlnday Express leavat at R:ief • !- p. m. arriving in Dincinnatl at 6:00 a. m . the next = ' morning. • ~ . .Xlie 9 : 4o Train leaves - daily, Sundays ex- cepted, and makes close connections al Newark Int - • - Zanesville and • points on Sandnaky. 14anallaid & Nevrarlt R. R. _-- • • S. F. SULL,- eeneral Ticket Agent. W. W. CARD, Sap,g.,'Steubenville. t'WtHto3 ADD FORT 'W. AND CLEVtLAND From June 7th, 1868, and arrive_ at the Union aa follows: Chicago Ex.— 2:o3stml Cleveland Ex.. :2:03 a m , Erle k Ygn.ld'l 1.7:28 m ml Cli 6913 a m • Chicago Kali:. 6:58 is ml Chleago_Ex... 9:4-3 a m Cl. 1:43 p In Chicago Ex— 1:58 p.m Wb. &Erie Rx. 4:18p ix. Depart from Alkoheny. N..Brigt"n Az. 8:58 a m Leetedisiti " • 10:13 a m • 58 it p m Rochestei , 11 " 2:23 m Wellev'e Ace.. 3:43p in Leetsdale Ac , c. 4:13 pm N. Brigrit • . 5:33 pm N. Brigrn " . 6:29p Leetscialel . 10:43pm m 451.1:58m. Chicago] air a. m. Chicitio Jee t- F. R. MYERS, pEitNsy EVAN CENTRAL RAILRO. • On and after June 7th, _rive at and depart from the • Washington and Liberty s Arrive. Mall Train.... 1:15 aml Fast Line ... ... 1:10 a at, Wall's No. ... 6:20 am; Latrobe Acc'n 7:50 am; Wail's No. 2.. 5 :50 a mi. Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 a m Johnstown Ac. 10:35 a m Baltimore Ex. I.ollp in ' Phlla..Expreas 1:20 p m Wall's No. 11... 2.15, pm Braddocks No 1 5:59 p m Wall's N0..4, 7:lspm Altoona . Acc'n. • •;••• ; .and Emigrant Train-- - 9:35 3 . tr. .' ' ' • . The Church Train eaves Waive Station every 'sunda* at 9:15 si...M:v•reachlng Pittsburgh at '10:05 in. „Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at.12:611p.in.. and arrives ati7,%li's Station at '2:00 p. m.- - • 'Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All other trains. daily except Sunday. For flatter itiftnnation apply to - . ' ' - •" ' - W. IL BECKWITH Agent -- ; The ParmsYlvallia - Beilroari Company-11 not eir... same any risk•lbr Baggage, except. for wearing Bp parch andlimitiltelr responsibility to Onrindred Dollare in value. • All saggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the alsk of theowner,llll - taken by Special contract. _, . _.. .. - ;... : 1 ~. _.• :. .. .." - EDWAIID.H. WILLIAMS, - • • Teti General Superintendent,. Altoona, Pa, . , WEST ERN PENN . . HYLVANIA RAIL -R and after May . 10th s 18 6E4 the-Pas.. unser 'Trains on the Western Pennsylvania. Rait-:. road will arrive at and depart from. the Federal Street Depot Allegheny City, as follows: Depa Staingdle No 1 6:35 a m rt. Mall . 6:15-allt Freeport No. 1 8:15 a m Freeport No. 1 9:10 aat - E2Preaa 10:13 gm Sharisb'g Ho:Ill:BO eat' SharplPs. No.l' - 1:25 fins ExPreas 1:50 p za• .- Freeport No. Y. 4:10 pm apringee No 1 3:50 pas ../ I Mail 5:50 p m Freeport No. 2 6 : 05.p , at Springd2e - No 2 7:10 p m Stningd'e Ne 2 7:3119111,7:.-"' Aboye trains run daily except sunday. - The Church Train • leaves. Allegheny Janet.' every Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching, Allegheily, City at` 9:50 S..m. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at . 1:20 - p; in. sada:alive. at Allegheny &oat. At 1445 , _CostatreAnow Ticearra--For sale in -packagearet' ." Twenty ,_between, Allegheny City, Chestnut street, -.- Herr's, Benne tt , tt,. Pine Cree/c,- Et n a and Sharps burg, - - andjood crnly on the train stopping at Stationaapc- on ticked The trains 'miring - Allegheny City at. 6:15 a, ;to. and .1:50 P. st.!make -direct connectiowat_ ...Freeport. with Walker's line ofSusge,a for Butierand trannans.. ; town. Through tickets may -be • purchased at the ' ffice, No: 3 St. Clair street, near the Suspensloa • 'Bridge Pittsburgh, and at the Depcd„. Allegheny. : .; ,, t For further informstion.apa to •.' • - - 7 ' Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania •Itatlroad - will not as same' ny ask tbr - Baggage, except for wearing ap- wet., and limit thel. responsibility to One Hundvett. Dollars in value: - All baggage exceeding this; =mount. in value will be at the risk o f the o r, lac 1, teas taken by special contract. ' I EDWARD 5. WILL Gen--al Su he rin ten den t, , Alto out.- a. ErLe MOLY , .HILL.,. , UNION PACIne RAILW Eastern Division. The SHORTEST AND ISIOSTHEti.A.BLE thee the Eastaq ell ,pointe • Caprado, .Ne*ada, • California; . Utah, eiritc)nit, • • • New - Mexico, Idaho, . Oregon:-. • ‘ l,. • • Two Tr ains r.e leave iitble Line d , avenworil. daily, (Sundays excepted, i on the arrival of ttains boalle Railroad from St. Loins, and 'I -Anibal suet St. Jo Railroad from Quincy, connecting at Law rence, Topeka and Wamego with sts,,ea points In Kansas. .At end :of. track west of wo - - PANT' w DAILYLI ED -OP TE vX E END AND LIC-PREna C9ACII.Es , FOR • "MN VER.; siAmir ' TrlM4 And Points t the 'Territories, And with LIANDIMSOIPS TRI.WEEKLY-LENlrit -COACHES for Fort_Onion,--IlauVu Fort, Pan* Albu querque,l3arite-Fa; s.nd all. points In Azisona and New'Mexico. With the retina. -additiona rolling !tech and equipment,. and the arrangements Made wi th re 'sponsible- Overland Transportation Lines from Ha western terminus, this road now oilerl unequalled facUltlea for the transailasion of freight to the gar Tickets for sale at f all the principal offices In the United State/ and Canadss. Be acre 'and ask for tickets tea VELE Sld4sEr RILL ROO i e lIIVION PACIIIO- RAILWAY. ItABTEAS . , A. .A.BIEBSON, El General floperbsettdext. Z. WpIIMITER, OetiefallPreigtit and Ticket Agent. STEAMSHIPS. TO L 1 ,00 L ANDMINI QUEENSTOWN. -. inn!. rinsear ma; STEAMED% Niue berths sixteen' Ilest-claw . rreseie. =out the orlebrated CITY OF PAM& . 4.37 Y OF AsTwErr, orrr OF BOtITON, CITY OF BALTIIIIONN. CITY ar LONDON. - • ' sautas mraßy BATURDAY, from Iner.43. Moral River, New York. For passawoor further InAm lion &POW Io ..t WILLIAM MAW" ar4 ire stint trriunT. dotwoldos• agnate.) 1 Mesa/ *riming rut mak Putsbasot Q ',WAYNE di-CHICAGO nrusIIBGHIL : . trains will leave trait Depot, ,:ziorrali.midev-titili. • !Chimps Ex.,. 51:22 six 'Cleveland Ex. 2:08 ain Chicago Ex..— 11:23 al! Wheeling Eg. 1108 a , ISt.' Louis Ex.. 3:33 p m': Er . & 4 W T h'g Ex 4:33 pm Chicago Lx::.. 4:23 p CL~twko s .Ex 7:08 pus Arrive in Allekheny. N. Brlgt Ac. .7:03 ani N j 'Bni - " aat tile • 6 53 a m New-Castle 'M HOI3 a nt Leevaie9:Ll ant • • __ • " 108 ' N. Brigt '2'n '" :43 p Leetsdale. 66 4:53 p m • • t 7:2Bpm Epiels leaves daily,. Express ar ri ves daily. General Ticket Agents' . 1868, Trains will, at— e. Union Depot,- corner Of . treats. as follows: • IDepart. Day-Express.. 11:25 a nt ;Mail No. 1.. 6:30 a m ;Mail Train . .. . 7:50 am I•Cinclnnati . Ex 11:40 a m 'Wall's No. 2. 11:51a m Johnstown Ac. 3:05 pm - Braddecks - Nol 41:00 pm. Phila..Empres. 4:50 Wall's :No. a.. 5:10 p Wall's No. 4.._ 6:15 pm Fast Line 7:30 p rot. LatrQbe 8:50 p ta• I Swissvale Ae`n.l.o:so p m° ~g , : trAjg Washin =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers