El littsburo elayttr. TWICE LOST. BY LEXTEIL SMITH. Once, through Mobs's) , street. • We went with hurried feet,— Asked those we chanced to meet • Of our lost darling; Heeding not wind or rain, • 'tearehing each street and lane. Peering through window-pane, . For oar lost darling. We found our lost one then, Brought her safe home again,. .In from the falling rain, 'Oar little darling: - Once more her tears she dries, Once more a sweet smile lies. In the bright, sunny eyes Of our own darling. ' TetGod's own will we bow We've lost our loved one now; Death's hand is on the brow Of our lost'darlhar, - • Wow, baby's gone at last, tare from the wintry blast. All of I.lfo's sorrows past— Slumberii our darling: 'Angels have fotind our prise, Borne bar to brighter skies; - • , What though trom.ar 1 she dies Utill lives our darling; We mayaot and her here, Yet, In ts brighter sphere, • Freed from all sin and fear, We'll find our dardeg l. _s ou the r n .rourrial of Music EPHERERIS: . „ —The fruit in New Hampshille , •is past wring. —An earthquake has again shaken hands with Canada. —A Field for enterprise—Cyrus W. 7— _London Ffun. The new French cable , has $5,000,000 invested in it.. —Palermo has a new priest.who once was a notorious bandit. —Cubans, it is said, spend the , most coney at fiaratoga. —ss per week is the Saratoga price for laird. for a pet poodle. " ---Business is looking up in New. Orleans and , all along the river. ' —Beecher has a son, and that son is a '74iew Freshmen at Yale. ...-Bismarck. talks of visiting America be fore he , resumes his office. —ln Indiana and Missouri Judge Lynch ie holding his courts very vigorously:, —Boiled oranges are ' considered very mood as a side dish by Japanese gOurmands. —People say Madeline Henriques,. now 3lra Jennings, is the haridsoinest woman _ London. . —Miss Braddon is coming to this country imd the New York sorosis are to give her a banquet =The fashionable thing to do just now, .in Rome is to see the Coliseum by the light of lire-works, —Two',hundred per week;is the average cumber of canine quadrupeds slaughtered a the City of Brotherly Love. • —An exchange says "Blair has seven ichildren, - all of whom have to be provided with office when they grow up." —Princess Dagmar is a real mar, and the Czarawitsch is a par. The new scion of royalty is, we suppose, a grand Czarawiteli. —An elopement from the most elevated 'circles of nouveaux r4heris said, by an ex 'ageing% to be the chief topic ot genii) just 'now at Long Branch. —Mosquitoes do not often trouble Lon don, but they are said to ( be very trouble some there this 'year. Everything -Amer , ' , can has become so fashionable in Europe. • - —Boston is far behind the age; there the' ppepple have to pay twenty cents a quart for een, puny tomatoes, whilst here we have n enjoying excellent ripe ones for weeks.. • —The Chicago Post thinks that clergymen are beginning to take more interest basso /all as one - in that city recently preached from the text "Wkere ten are the Nine 41.1 Borcicanit has deauled to act no more: is going to write playa, he ought to write something else for we are already beginning lo see that all playa are making him a dull —The regular occupation of the poet Alexander Smith was that' of a drawer of patterns, but as he stole ranch of his time to write books he could hardly be called a pattern of drawers. —Wagner is composing a new opera with the Ifiebel,ungenlied as the foundation for its libretto. With such a foundation the new opera is sure to be one of the seven lour kind with the fullest opportunity for 4he development of the composer's peenhar love of noise. . —Benjamin Franklin left, .by will, MO to the :young married artificers of; the town of - Philadelphia, and a like amount to those of Boston—both on the same , terms, the rate of interest being five per cent. Somewhat curiously, the Bost - on fund , has accumulated $125,865, while that of Phila delphia has only reached $65,467. - • —The scenes - on the beach at Long Branch are thus descrioed : "Out of the .bathing house issues a portly gent in bloomer robes; placidly surveys , the crowd, sees that his garments are secured against any chance accident, locks his door, and with a stately, solemn tread, as though bearing;the -reopen .aibilities of a nation, he 'boldly marches to the water's edge, grasps the rope and brave- . Iy steps into the deep. ..Here comes a young sr individual, a "swell", the .night before, the, reverse, now.: walks toward his lady friends and sits down for a chat, talks - about swimming, etc: , ands rises and. walks up to his kneu. here;, be *Vera awhile, until, taken unawares, he is wet by a breaker, when he- sputters and • dips and: •Inakes his bath. Next comes 'tie bold and practiced swimmer, ,- Starting on. a ran , e divei into the first wave Sad swims Sionnd tto hiaown satisfaCtion.. , Hera cornea probably, thou owher!li4 dnies anitkitli` difficult to distingulik :that water and: carefully-- weta her heads then' bobbing up and down She Proceedi inch by' • Inch, to where the Water la biah, and there she remains. Many other, classes are . iepraented; the ' father Ofa family: 'bathes his little flock as fannais do.sikeep t i. e, without wetting themselves; the boo of the night , before, who -comet :shipping' along with some gentleman friend, ' and ...abrieking as though sabring ockuntlOss.tor =eats, she permits herself to be led into the Water. Some of the ladies are' very courageous and good swimm ers , but many only to improve their lungs." 1„ A Notice tram Mark Twain; [Front the San Francisco News.) Mitssns. Enrrons: I was expecting to sail from New York in the Pacific Mail Sterunship Company's steamer of the - 18th of June, but unfon3een circumstances com pel a delay of a few days.. I cannot sail until the 30th of the, month. •It is there fore proposed that I should give this notice to those friends who have intrusted articles to my care for-delivery to their relatives in the Atlantic states., so that they can send by parties who sail on the 18th such of them as demand expedition. I will give a list of the things f am speaking of, and those which will admit of delay until the 30th can remain i n my posession: 3 violins. 1 double-barrel ed gun, 1 package books, 1 do. sheet music —negr9 ballads, 1 set casters—vinegar cruet missing, 2 scratch wigs, for repair, ,1 women, 7 boxes and 1 barrel ore speci mens. 1 amalgamating pan, for repair; 1 parrot, 1 pup, 1 cage or canaries—two dead, another woman, 18 mining company pros peetusea--marked "please' circulate, 1 va liee—appears to be nothing in it, 6 photo graphs—consigned to different partiesi 1 volume Tennyson, 2 white women, 1 box salve, 2eccordeons, 1 overcoat, 1 set chess men, 1 cow, 1 sandlewood fen, 1 rosewood dressing case, 4 meerschaum pipes, 5 speci men pins, some grass widows, 1 oe steam press for repairs; 1 unabridged dietionary, 2 bandboxes, 1 lunatic for asylum„ 1 idiot for. Paris, 1 gridiron, 1 baby, 68 letters, 1 package gold coin, 1 do. greenbacks, 23 trunks, another woman. Besides these articles, I have to carry along a valise for myself, and a jug, and I may be discommoded unless some of my things go by the steamer of the 18th. The baby is not well, And appears to get worse all the time. I think may he it has got the mumps, or, the consumption, or something of that kind. These are things I do not know anything about. It must be one , of those, because I have doctored for fits and measles, and all these things, but still she grows. worse. - She had better go by the steamer of the 18th. Ido _not think she will keep for the 30th. To tell the plain truth, I am sorry I agreed to take this baby along. A baby is too troublesome—altogether too trouble some. I have had a baby at sea, and I know. Once I had two twins on a ship, and. I never suffered so much in my life. Please come and get this one, and shiP it on,the 18th. Moat of the other articles- had better go at the same time, especially the cow--and-- the idiot. If I were relieved of,thcTser could take some more women, and may be another trunk or two. }URIC Twenc. A Mutiny Quelled by au Elephant Recently a fine specimen of the Asiatic elephant was landed at Southampton; Eng land, and purchased by Mr. A. Fairgrieve, the acting proprietor of the Queen's Men agerie. It was shipped at Bombay, and was under the charge of a Suinatrian named Ramee Jhan 'deegga (familiarly known on board as "Remy" to whom the elephant was Particularly attached, and who bad brought the huge brute under perfect sub jection. During the first few days after the ship had cleared the land every thing ,went on perfectly satisfactorily, but, unfortunate ly, heavy weather coming on, a spirit of insubordination was displayed by the crew. The would be mutineers assembled together one eveninz near the wheelh,ouse on the main deck, Close to where the ele phant was chained, and held council as to their future proceedings. The keeper, Ramy, lying at the side of the animal, feign ed sleep, although he paid no attention to *hat the disaffected spirits were saying, heard the whole details of a most diabol ical plot to murder the captain and a greater portion of the crew and passengers, and he ascertained that her(Ramy) was one of the selected ones who were thus appointed to be ruthlessly massacred, The onslaught was to be made when the. watch was changed that night. No time was to lie lost in warning the captain of the danger but it was impossible for Ramy to proceed to the state cabin without incurring the' greatest risk, Inasmuch as he would! have been, compelled to pass through the midst of the plotting rascals, and they would certainly not have scrupled in effectually silencing on the spot one whom they had themselves selected for slaughter. The wily keeper, however, took a wiser course, and as it eventually turned out, a very ser viceable one .' Noiselessly unfastening the chain which bound the elephants forelegs, Rainy set the animal at liberty, and, spring ing to his feet in an instant, he bounded into the midst of the mutineers, followed by the elephant. Giving ,a aleal to the intelligent brute, it laid about it nght and left with its trunk, and the astonished Ballot% were quick ly, prostrated on the deck, wounded and bleeding, and shouting loudly for mercy. The captain;. hearing the disturbance, was quickly on the e spot, and, having been made acquainted with the facts of the ease, caused ;he mutineers to be put in irons. to be dealt with at the first port at which' they touched. The wounds caused by the animals trunk were somewhat fearful. A Grumble. The lighter drinks of America—it is a Mistake to suppose that they are always strong and intoxicating—are unknown in a country where warm beer satisfies the long ings of most "thirsty souls." •We cannot get ice fit to use from our English ponds, but the article is not so difficult to obtain as to {excuse the barbarism of hotel-keepers and others sending tepid water to their guests to drink. Few Londoners have an idea of the miseries which people are called upon to endure who are obliged to stay in London hotels. They are fleeced in the most shameless manner. The bill for a gentleman and his daughter staying one week at a Weat End hotel--it very inferior hotel, Although presenting an imposing ap pearance to the passer-by--Was lately £32 3s. The wines used had only coat £1 of this sum, and the total was swelled by enor mous charges for every trifling article need. A few morsels of ice were sent up when specially asked fork and from 6d. to 9d. a day was charged for them. • We donbt whether there Is a firstolate capitol in the world where so much extortion is practiced and so little comfort given, as in the great hotels which have been opened of late years. Is it any wonder that so many strangers re turn with anything but pleasant recollec tions of Londont.—[Pail Gazette. Japanese mere. There is a story current among the Jape. nese which excites their warmest admira tion. It is told 'of Aidzu, the hero of the Tytloon's . party, and who is deemed by all nittiveli to be the bravest prilsee in the Empine -, ' ,, A' abort time since ,he • Wits attacked In his own stronghold by a large force of Sat 4 vinnay men. ,After some •days' fighting with uncertain result, the latter demanded a truoe,that they might go•and replenish their commissariat, is. they had come to the end •of their provisions; but promising to return and continue the fight. Aidzu re: plied that there was no need•for them to're tire as lieviemld' supply their wants ; and I accordingly vent them a plentiful supply of fleet sufficient foitieversl days. Already a hero in their eyes, this act almost deified 1 .hial- The effect on his assailants seems to rave been prodigious mad to have given to the leaders an idea of the invincibility of such a man. They left without striking another blow.if PITTSBURGH Giannt: SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1868. DENTISTRY T EE'rli EXTRACTED ' WITHOUT PAIN I NO CHARGE MADE WHEN ARTIFICIAL, TEETH ARE ORDERED. A FULL SET FOR4II, ,AT DR. SCOTT'S. 278 rENIT STREET. 3D DOOR ABOVE HAND. ALL WORK WARRANTED. CALL AND NM ITEAMINE SPECIMENS OP GENDINENCLC my9:dTAN . . 01.4411 :4,04") a*" GAM FIXTURES AND tO h. ridi:ohLeral, FOR GAS AND OIL Just received, the finest and largest assortment ever opened in this city. WELDON & KELLY, -. 147 WOOD STREET, 00R. MGM ALLEY. mhrohn= CFIvrFINT, SOAP STONE, are. HYDRACLIC CEMENT. OAP STONE. PLASTER, CHIMNEY TOPE. WATER PIPES: HENRY H. COLEHiS; sp18:070 AS Wood street. HYDRAULIC CEMENT DRAIN PIPE. • Cheapest and best ripe In the market. Also, RO 13ENDALE HYDRAULIC CEMENT for sale. R. B. & C. A. sarKErr & co. Office and' Manufactory-2,40 REBECCA BT., Allegheny. /Jr Orders by mall promptly ate22.tended Allegheny. J:rea• TRIMMINGS AND NOTIONS. NEW & SEASONABLE GOODS. PINE, - -WHITE 'AND BLUE, MOSQUITO BAR; LADIES' AND GENT'S SUMMER , UNDER WEAR; PALM FANS, LINEN FANS, SILK PANS; HEAD NETS; LINEN HAND KERCHIEFS, LACE HANDKEIt- CHI'S, EMBROIDERED HAND . IiERCHI EFS ; COTTON HO , SIERT; LADIES', GENT'S AND CHILDREN'S RIND HOSE. SILK GLOVES, LACE COLLARS, I LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS. CORSETS, A rpldndld aasortment, for Ladles and Maser. BULLION FRINGES, SEWING SILK FRINGES. Also, afull line of BULLION, to Match. We have now a fall line of the new DROP SKIRTS OX HAND. JOCKEY COLLAR, DICKENS COLLAR, DERBY COLLAR EXPOSITION COLLAR We would espeelally ' lnvlte the attention of Job bers to our Wholemae Department, as we sell our goods at lowest eastern market pmts. DIACILIIIIT, GLYDE 'Ar. CO., IS and SO Market Stieet. PRICES MARRED DOWN! AT ELA.CRI7III & CARLISLE'S, No. 19 Fifth Street. ALL GDODS - DREAM!. REDUCED ON AND AFTER JULY IS-V.‘ HOOP SICIET. (LWies•,) for 800 COBSETS. (E!al French,) LINEN SANDISEBL'HIEIPS, 3 for ... .. KID GLOVES, (warranted,) 1.00 PAPER COLLARS 10 'SOO Tde. SPOOL COTTON, (good)., 8 POCKET BOOKS. worth 000. 25 MEN'S SIIM2dEIt IIN DEESHTETS...), 80 KEN'S JEAN DRAWEES-. 4 . All kinds Bonnets and Hats at Half Cost. GREAT BARCAINSI IN A. 1411. KINDS OF GOODS. Special Rates to Merchants & Dealers: DIACRITIC & CARLISLE, MEM WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER, AT NEDUCED'PRICES. . : AirEft - JULY.3.132 . , We will offer our peisent stock of Wall Papers at Greatly Reduced Prices. A large assortment of SATIN PAPERS, for balls, rooms, ceilings, *c., at N 0.107 Market Street,near Fifth. JOS. R. HUGRES & BRO. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. TuLIAN ALLEN, , DIA L ER ALL MINDS 07 LEAF TOBACCO AND SECIABS, co.: 8 BIXTIf STREET, (National Bank of Com merce Bollding,) , PITTSBURGH, PA. Branch of 175 Water street, N. Y. ap4mn DANIEL.P. DINAN. , RJECELSIO.O. WORKS. R. .sc ..TErixuareicort, • Manufacturers end Dealers In , , Tobacco,,Snufi, . Cigar s , Pipes, cko:, Noi s TZDZBAL 8T ALLKEITLEMY• "'ha , • . arifirojCl , 4l im is s GI; v Tio.r-The P a's• ship heretofore existing between the sub. scribers, under the Orm or . . • ANDERSON, COOK & CO., Is this day dissolved by tautest consent. The bust. nes* of the Late Arm will be settled by our slimes .sore, Messrs. ANDERSON & WOODS, at the °Mee of the Pittsburgh Steel Works. It. J. ANDERSON, J. W. COOK. - Wll. WOODS. The undersigned having disposed of hilt Inteiest In the late arm of ANDERSON. COOK 1 00 " to Nestrs.ANDICEsON WOODS. bees leave t4 ' ommend bla successors to the patronage of the cus tomers of the former nem. W. 000 K. Pittsburgh, July ADO, 1668. Jrn NEW GOODS! J. IL 111MCIIHall t CO'S, . NEW PRINTS, • NE wiryGINGHAMS, - NE DELAINES, AL WOOL BLACK and WHITE PLAIDS, or 25 cents. worth /W. ... WHITE GROUND PRINTS, black Spare; WHITE GROUND ALPACCAS, ' do; • BLACK ALPACCAtg, BLACK DOESKIN CASSIMEBES; BLACK AND BLUE CLOTH; BLEACHED WIC:MINS, 1 IRISH LINENS., TABLE LINENS, ' TOWELS AND NAPKINS. 1 . . A FULL ASSORTMENT OF :GOODS, ALL ENTIRELY. NEW. Rpnember the place; *O. 52 St. -Cliiit-theet, Near I.,llfdr.tti west side. 87 MARKET EitillVET. 87. GREAT REDUCTION DRESS 13-041:)13S. THEODORE F.- PRELIM. • Jag: 1197.:..meaRrr 8TRE,ET....87. 115 ARBUTHNOT,' SHANNON - & CO., DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, )v.61 11107• NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. HOSIERY and GLOVES. F. SOUCY, Na 168 Wylie Street...ol 16S. , 168. CARII, McCANDLESS & CO., Mate Willson, Carr - A - Co:A - . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foteign and Domestin Dry Goods, • No. 94 WOOD STREET, Third door above Diamontalley, PITTSBURGH, PA. SUMMER EXCURSIONS. MBE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL ' "RAILIip.AD i3OMPANY have on sale at. their Mee, 'Union lepot, Pittsburgh, ROUND TRIP EXCURSION -TICKETS, .... 80 Enabling parties to visit these pont:tar bathing re lents, and return home at a moderate Cost. 1• CAPE MAY Pak-me:NE/EBB can purchase Tickets ' to go and return by all Railroad, or they can arrange to take Steamer In either direction., betwee Phila delphia and Cape May. ETCCURSION .TIUEETS are also for aale silk* above Depot to NIAGARA. FALLS, THE OIL RE GIONS, GETTYSBURG, and numeronei points in. Pennsylvania and New York. ET PAMPHLETS, containing full deacnptions of the various Excursion Routes by this Road, can be had on application at the Ticket (Mice, in the Union Depot. 19 FIFTH STREET. iv1:628 1 MERCHANT TAILORS. SUMMER GOODS. ,• • i . Boys', Youth's and Children's. I SUMMER ckssrmEnE SUITS, LINEN SUITS, DUCK SUITS. FLANNALPACCAEL BMTS. JACKETS, In every style , of the greatest variety, suitable for the present eetuinn. Otintienien wilt nnn a one as sortmenu of WHP`E •nd BROWN DUCK SUI fel, ALPACCA and FLANNEL C0A02.0.,,,E5ee every - Rumen being specially msde id r.,ai-byzebe-hest-- Eastern bnuses. Our prions are as low as , good goods can be sold at by any Srm East or West. - MI? 47 ST. GLAIR STREET HENRY MEYER, MERCHANT. TAILOR, No. 13 SMITHFIELD STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. Constantly on hand, a fall assortment of CLOTHS, CASHMERES. VESTTNGS..te. ap20:086 HENRY VV. HORBACII, Confectionery and Bakery No. 5100 Baunipuram STREET, • aetween Seventh and Liberty. ../`LADIES , OYSTER SALOON attached. • GEO. SCHLEIXDF • r Fancy Cake Baker & ConfeCtiGner, AND - DRALim - ; ,.70ursetzi ak Dontir42lo IkßtrxTe 3 Nirre. • itt n r, coratr ol te&t e rt : l y i l i tillMtzse u h i ii . lr e. various ffavorg. • CORN XELS,L, RYE FLOUR, &o. . - ."I"O,W.ISIVWAINNIVW.O WASHINGTON MILLS,_ , • WASIMWTON ST/MCA Near Pittsburgh grain Messier w. W. Ailmomitsprir,. Rys 1101713 and olloppED- 'mu. Orders deurered IP either city frft of char e. Oran of all kinds chopped. and Corn on short notice. DRY GOODS. No. n St. Clair St. IN PRICES TO CLOSE sorocs. OF 87 MARKET STREET. WOOD ST. 11M yr. No. 116 Wood St., PitUburgh, Pa., WEIOLAEE3. I .UE.+E AT LOWEST EASTERN PRICES. NEW MORAUt. / BLACK SILKS. [ip3o:n4o] EXCURSIONS. TO Hi - ANTIC CITY AND CAPE MAY, W. H. BECKWITH, , TICKET AGENT GRAY aA I,CoGrAN, CONFECTIONERIES. CARPETS AND OIL.CLOTHS. CARPETS! COPRTS! - MANUFACTURERS in Europe HAVE NOW .4* VANCED_PRICES, but we of fer all kinds of CARPETS for the present at the very low est CASH RATES of the past season. Having made all our contracts previous to any ad vance, and invariably for cash, we are enabled to sell lower than they can be put.. chased this Fall. - MdCAL.LIIIIS BROS., NOTWITHS TANDIIIT Oa THE — kanufaeturers' recent advance in prices, we will continue to offer the Largest stock of Brussels, Velvets , and Ingrain Carpets in the city, at — the 'lowest prie,es reached this sea son. Just received, a few pieces of a new and exquisite patterns of Royal Axminster. _ OLIVER TORTE & CO., No. 23 Fifth Street. Ok I tiVil MN Cl C,AR.PETS! White, Red, Checked, Striped and Fancy 31 A'T rr INF c - s, rni GREAT VARIETY. Oil r Cloths, Window Sham &e. -16 S. BOVARD, ROSE* ca, ) 1 Firm sTimi Seekd STEAM . • • CARPET B,EATING. ESTABLISHMENT. Which TEN YEARS' TRIAL in NeW York and oth er Eastern cities has proved a complete success. ITO ADVANTAGES: Lst—Fadlng and Shrinkage are completely avoid ed. ' Ad—No ripping apart. necessary. 34I—When freed from dust, motns or theirlarvae, the Carpet looks nearly as good as new, says the natural fading from .wear. 4th—When perfectly clean, a Carpet will wear as long again. a desirable matter as a mere point of economy, 13 say nothing of looks. ALL ORDRES LEFT AT THE OFFICE, No. 179 Liberty Street" Or addressed to. P. O. Box 473, will receive prompt attention. GE4I Ti. 31cCLINT001, • • mh10: • 'PROPRIETOR. ORA.CTLFIR SREPIIABIPB . • STEAMCRACKER BAKERY ! ! 817 Liberty Street. • Char Crackers are baked upon the OVEN BOT TOM, and are superior to any baked by hot air of any other process. • I . ser TRY THEM.-, • • . . . , • , • ....`- r ' -. • 1 . i l .: i -.' ..•., , jA...”-,••k;• -'-•:-.-a,5t F ,•.e...:l.i'ef,'i,-d \ t „ ^ , . 4. . ' 9 „ $ 1 , 4. % r lzi-1 ~ • •' - r . V a t, .... - ? . s w' ' ' - ' ''. '...'•- - is i *,,,• i •••,.,; 4 . 4 %, i j, :.riX . ail . :,,,., w..t, A ';• 'Yr: 1 - "xl-: 'z • iiii , lb -1 ARE SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHERS . OFFERED IN THIS CITY. -WINE, BOSTON, SODA.--CREAM, FRENCH, WATER, _BUTTER, SUGAR and SODA CRACK. EBB; SCOTCH and MILK BISCUIT. For Sale by Every Grocer in the City. Bakery, No. 91 Liberty St. jels:r3a _„ _-;';SLATE , t • SHE 'TWIN CITY SLATE CO., A. manufacture a superior article of - itcoorario. riirOttee, 43 Seventh St., PittsburghlTa. • J. S. NEWILEYER, • Presit. znymmist. . . LITHOGRAPHERS, OLLIE/. SaINGERLY & CLEIS, Successors kg to Ow: F. BOHIOIDEAN b CO.. • PRACTICAL LITROORAJPIIRRPL The only Steam Ltthograptito -Establishment Weed of the Stountalas. Business Cards, Letter Reads, Bonds Labels, Meals', Show Clods, Diplomas, PPortraits, Views, Certificates of Deposits, Insult.. o CAM% .74.1 , .73 and . T 4 TAW street, Tittebtirsh. '. • • ELUIt'AILM) PERF U MERY.-.. .01OHN Ormansental HAIR WOR AND . PERFUME% No. j 133 , bird street, near itenithdeld, Pittiburgh. Alwapt on nand. a general assortment of Ladles' Wletti.DAllDB, CUR_ ,LB. Ganuemen's WIGR e AN RN13CAI•111. GUARD CRAMS, BRACH A good Price In cash will be ,givir RAW AIR. Ladles' and Gentlemen's Hair Cutting donel the neatest manner. • . , tatazto PBUITHOIISB ASSOCIATION BUILDINGS, Noe. S and 4 St. Clair' Street, Pittatoirgh. Pa. Spiels! attention given to the designing and building of DOUBT MMUS and PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 51 FIFTH STREET. CARPLTS. ARCWjOTS. & MOSER, EDUCATIONAL. REINSEILA ER rNiefTECialqlo ^ fit Troy, N, I 6 -• Very thorough instruction in Civil. MecliaLicaL and Mining Engineering, Chemistry and Natural: Science. Graduates obtain most desirable posi tions. Reopens wept. 9tu. For the new Annu,sl Regitter, giving Tull Informailon address Prof.. CHARLES DRGWZitE, Director, Troy, .1.4. Y. au3:tcd pEN NS YLVA NIA MILITARY ACADEMY, CHESTER, Delaware Co., Penaa The Seventh Annual Session of this Ac l adem'y , opens THUHSDAY,h,t-pt. 3d. `i The buildings are nen arm complete in all Mar appointments. • ~ Particular attention given to th e - morals and per sonal habits of cadets. For circulars apply to CHARLES IL PAUT,SON, Esq., :No. 73 %V ood..stri- et, PlttsbUrgh, or to Col. TH F.O. HYATT, Cheater, ra. CIIEGARAY INSTITUTE, ENGLEaI AND FEENCE, rOl3, - srcouNGc . BOAIIDING AND DAY' PUPILS, ► 1527 and 1529 ht•ltEcE STREET, rtuladelphin: Pa., will re-open on MONDAY, kiept. 92d. Yrenoh la the language of the family and Is constantly spoken In the Institute: I • - MADAME D'HEEVI Y, Principal. jels:r66-nwr • - - • PIANOS. ORGANS. &C BUT THE BEST AND CHEAP RST-PLANO AND ORGAN. Schomacker's Gold Medal Piano, 'AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The BCHOMACKER PIANO combines all: tkis latest valuable impravemeuts known' in the con struction of a first class Instrument, and has always been awarded the highest premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone Is full, sonorous and sweet. The 'workmanship, for dorabilt and beauty, surpso_ from all others. Prices ss to $1.50. (according- Le style and flnlaho cheaper n all other so-caned first class Plano. ESTEY , I3 COTTA'IE ORGAN- - - - - - Stands at the head of all reed Instruments, In pro. - diming the most perfect pitiequality of tone of any similar Instrument In the United States.- It Is site. pie and compant In construction, and 'not liable. tr. get out ot order. CARPENTER'S -PATENT " VOX HUMANA . TREMOLO" is only to be found to-this Organ. Price f.remillioo to $550. All-guaranteed for Svt years. BLRR, WIAKE & BUETTLEI4 N 0.1 2 ST. CLAIIi STREET. inti 9 SECOND HAND MELODEONS ANI) ORGALISS, In per tett order, from $35 to $l3O. 4 • CHLELCYTTE EL . 11M - 7, 1 trita2 42 Fifth st., Ad door above Wood. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. .ELECTIC NIMBI CO1101114: An infallible r e medy for Bummer Complaint, Diaz r c h h e o t er ltit o e r n t f us ery . , Vomiting, Sour stomach an , DRI HMIS' CRIMP- CURB A specific for Cholera. Cramps and Pain Stomach,-for Sale by WA 'RR'S & EWING, Corner of Liberty arid Wayne Streets AG:E*XI3 PCOR TT SOSOONIWIER & SON'S PtTRE .7 WHITE LE AID : AND Ilic COY'S VERDITER, GREEN, Th exp e o o s n u l re7riint that will na't ast longe el r r = le gi t ; more perfect satisfaction than any paint in tn market. 7 • HATS AND CAPS CILOSIG OUT SALE ! Srrl=l,..4._W rEA..9r AT REDUCED PRICES:, AT BVCORD & 131 WOOD ST3EST IVEARTEW LIEBL,ER, DEALZI3- IN CALVIS Also. ...Ifartufacturer. Whole:Ala and Retail Deal.' in Ti:WKS, VALPATA Lc., No. 331 YIELD STREET. Pittsburgh. Pa. orders promptly filled and satisfaction gnarantec GLASS CHINA, t.,IITLERY. 100 WOOD STREET nINTA,GLAss AND QUEENSWARE, SILVER' PLANED WARE, I'ARIAN STATIJE.TTES, BOHEMIAN GLASS, A - And other STAPLE AND PAN CT . eOODS, s great vartetg. - WOOD trrara-r. RICHARD E. BREED Br. CO. et= 100 NV4.)OLk STREET. SEWING MACHINES. MHE GREAT AMERICAN CONE BINATIO:i. BIIITOMOLE OVERSEAAING AND SEWING MACHINE, IT ILAN NO EQUA.L. BEING ABSOLUTELY THE. BEST PANIL MACHINE IN THE WORLD. AND IN. TRINSICALLY THE CHEAPEST. air Agents wanted to bell this blow-bine. clirA, el: C. 'l3/ 1 k1 , 19X.A21V. Agent tbr Western l'ettnetleagig. Corner. FIFTH AND MARKET STREETS, os , Richardson , . Jewelry Store. nty26:ol D!i R AND Sc OURER J. LANCE, ( DYER AND SCOURER. No. a err. ter,: rit enatiMall And ?fosi _lB6 and 181 Third Street, =Tut ", PFITEMITROA, STONE: wEsT cOmniox / machine Stone iVorka. Northwest earner of West Cointnon, Alleghtny, MBES% ATVATINTI. & Have on helot or prepare on abort notlee Beer and Step Stones., Fiala for' 8141ewalke, Breve Venni, ate. Head and-Tomb Stones, &s. Orders promptly executed. Prices reasonable II El
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