MU El i.YYsicis, P=ee't. prrrsutrittm ron - GE „_._ • AND IRON CO.; auunmscroulas OP , Bar Iron; P,lroad Fish Barn anti Bolts; Railroad CaO, Niles Soiled; Sallrosil'tiiir Axles Hammered; • Locomotivo,Fram"; Locomotiie Framefibuspoieg Side *cods; . 'Yokes, Straps; Piston Heads; I ' Steamboat Shafts; • \ Steamboat Cranks;. *bijou Sods,' Wrists; Pitman Jana, Collars, &e. IiEN Office, No. 177 PENN STREET, PiTTSBUltat, P GILLUFF, - Sr; CO.; ILANIIFACTUREES OF Bar, Heop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT, IRON, Trai Welded Tubes for Gas, Steam, Water, ite. A.LE:)4. OIL WELL TUBING. 98 Water and US First Streets. ,-PiTTSBUFiGiq'Fri; S ;ç KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLA.OX,. - AMVI:WAC.I . ".Mi=B OF Best Common, Refined, Charcoal exn JUNIATA BLOOM IRON. maitenANT - TIAA Amin, /to SQUARE IRON. HOOP, BAND ,- 7kand ANGLE IRuN. BOILER PLAT% andSHEET IRON. HOWER AND REAPER BARS. CYLINDER and GUARD or-BINGER IRON. 20 and 16 Ibe. to the yard." WROUCCES and SPIKES ibr tame. IPO • YLATRAAlLlTunehedsulOontitersualt.., •"' COAL•BC 1110 N„, NAILS SPIRES. • Warehouse and (tilice the_ , Werits,, GREEN ' OUCH STREET, CireoxitinuaUort of First street,) adjoining the City Gas Works, Pittsburgh. VIERSON, -PRESTON & E POnsylvania Iron Works.. Warehotese,Houlliftand 18.7 THEM STREET opposite Monongahela House, 11 14 4 :dt * PITTSBURGH. STEM WORKS. pITTSBWGII Spam WORKS i 'l iasTAllliusiren t' 184-5.3 ANDERSON & WOODS, truccEssinis TO AiirtEEKm, coos a co. ifarlafacturers of Every deEcription of • StEEL- BEST REELNED:TOOL STEEL idulay,.9lraular, Gang aadCioss Cnt SAW PLATES. , Spring;;Diak andlleinian Plow and Blister Steel: Shovel, Roe, Fork. sake and Toe (laik Steel. Railroad Spring Steel and Frog PoLtits, Cut Steel Finger Sara, olckle Spring . Steel Tyre, Plow • Wings, etc. Drill steel. Omce and Works—Corner FIRST AND BOSSTS. • Pittsburgh, Pa . - • - . jy2B:dB SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGE, & CO prprginwin,„ pa., kanufaciarers of eyery ilescriPtion or CAST AND,CERMAN STEEL L EATURrAi EPEINGiR. , • ' EblarTlC •&•:::"D PLATFORM SPITEGB, i AXLES . IrrEig. TIRE, Re., &a.• WirellOßgegAS.W/Iter Alla 100 Filit 006 171 ELL Y1 4 .! , "Mt &PARMA% 67R=EAL PARTN*2I3: WM. idiETCALF,. REUBEN' WILLER, GEO. W. BABB, • • I CHAS. .PARKIN. Plif.TarEit—E. 11. BLEB.: . CRESCENT STEEL' WORKS, 3fimLmizz, Pi s Office, No. 339. Merty.St, n+resuitenzt, Pb 1',e14:d43 LACK: DIAMOND NEM STEEL WORKS: PARR, BROTHER & CO., lisatittpiOarep or 41 aeiwriptions or swmimr,T O Mee and Warehouse. ,12_,_0 MI% 1914 9ECOND . and 119 and:l2l Jr/E.ST. /17:11ENTS. • VELTY WORKS. pirrsilunon NOOLTY WOEK. ME AD - AIM, ,-.2IrECEE " CO.' , . listmir,Acrnitie or ~ Re7stenti_stsaridiid;3Psteni Platter/al • . . '-' l s.l r g•W-.L.E;S; • Janus hod, fatent-DoorliaOs Mid' Latefl , PAINT A7tp bmnrjgreiAtlLl . $ . „ : , /SALLE:AB LB IRON, Ac C c e r 9f .2 6 tapr 4n4',`FAcgd streets, mis:ts, HARDm WEWitAIIDWRE HoirsE, LEDs EY, STEERrr-aItWER, an uren =d e b r poiteive IEI A.. It ICI *****., EBBEEDI CUTLERY,: itar'P 807. LIBERTYS2ItEE - T 6isrica 011 1 WAYNE, _ _ Oae' PITTSBURGH. , r': A:, .111":1 arAlmw AIr,TAUPKII3up4E=2a • ; MED W.l'. POnTIB, Bap's. CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL, WORKS 'SSG Pexua Street. BOLLMAN; 'BOYD BAG LEY. ohm suds, arm Cutlass, 801 l Lathes. Be. VULT 'ON MACHINE WORKS. ESTABLIBLILD IN 11336. 711anufactory of STEAM ZNOLNEI3, of all Rises an ,of thenboot approved patterns for stationary purposes ; A . STOATS and SAM ?mar BOATS. variety at 10, DI and 10 horse power ENGINES, yrldch...yrifl 1:1e sold at very reduced prigs; GEISSE. Wellsville, 0. "lily miles below riltelnirilt, on the Ohio slyer, and line of C. E. E. nce:lo 12311111=1 ! LIMBERS ala 3 iraNPEß PATTimsore, Dealer in an kinds of Lumber 500,000 feet Dry Pine Boards; aomou feet Dry Oak, 1 and A Stein 'lllO,OOO feet tory Ash, A: and ain Ch • 200, 00 0 feet Herolock• 1,000,000 No. 'I 18- Inch . Bhlngles, tamed; 100.000 No. 118dneliShInalni4•18dvedt 100,000 No. 110-Inch Shingles,. soared: ~ g oo° Loftin., Posts,. 7, 8 and IA feet; •• - • ' 300 Cedar Poeta.. Also, • • Vire Brick, Tile and Clay in large orimiall __ g ri l a t ii a 'N'o. SO TREBLE STREET. formerly Manchester; and 157 REBECCA. STREET, o site theHm Works, AllieBlo ny Cloy, ink: . PUTSBIIBGH. FOlt.rf.PFT'V )4 1 1.TRIBEIL .capitql, - - - 8125,000. '•"• • • " • Psanarnsirr—ZDWAßD DWELDOE. • SzcsurEurt;-T: AVWRID .kluranzirrrawnourr—EDW:DAVlSON.; • DIE2CTORI4.- Zdwird Davison, ILr .' Duncan, John Mellon, P E. D. Diatutage, Ditandloa,_ - L. Xalo e. - S. IL. 30hOiltOir. ciDllfillE YAM:lL:A:korner of BVIT,ER .Isr•• LEGEIENY STREZTEI. Ninth Ward. OY7I EAT FOBT-Mr wieza wonxii, *Ash. Linton Stfeat. ,, !• .• •• • • 3120098 . - AS:4I/12! STEAM FITTING: r ' -TYr M OPELM&A 1:10WRT NEM. BitAlist - zsotratizztsg AND: STEAM FITTERS Manofactuxero of P 17111713 AND BBABB WOBZ o oyom desollpfloot dealers. In • OAS APIXTuII23 TIIBLI;i,,A.r all kinds. Colter Otrike and Walnut Btreett4 trrnstritoFf-. 1.715.401 4. . 'DION; BROMMEI: WEE S ARg6 . WW1"1/MMI4 XRON zutozcza, . ...._,: . , t%",i3 .1,11:31 A. :.;,..r..:m - ---'. -.-- 1'i,,',7 1 0.1'st Stieet, Pittattitgli, Pa. , 4 - ... orn .'il t i ; eil-' ,' alp* r *le sale ofuwai polish/atm% i'lll I lePa4 "• Du nctsuggint,Vtanbgs, e1ea4024 tle ale llad t ol , • 40tg agOe; 11 :7 41 . -,''' P, l f ti fi ,H e ' Y' yThr5.. ....., , , • , I -7iftw +rririktr ' 9i'' I - 1 1 ":, , s,! iiii, ~, , q v. 4.1 . 4.) I . '41..1.1;“'i. , 1. 1 4, ,t . .U 1 t4'uCriYa.~-t:j ATLAS W0H4148, NEORTON. STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. MILLER. Presi!lent These Worii are among the largest and most Complete establishments In the West, and are now prepueitto furnish . ti Eogines, co:every description. Boilers, 0 Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Castings. r BoIIIuS mini casttnzi. murizie Castings. Machine Casting's. General Casthigell; n09:n139 ORDERS SOLICITED • NATIONAL FOUNDRY • • AND PIPE WORK'S. Corner .Carroll and Smallman Streets, (NINTH WARD,) ' .PrIa'SBURG-H, • WM. SMITH, . 15 fantit' CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, ?MOAB AND WATER WORES. My Pipes are all cast invariably In Plts, In dry sand, and 12 feet lengths. Also, tall assortment of General Castings for pas and Water Works. or' Gas Works also cal(rule attention of of Superintendents s. fenktlo 0. LIIIINGSTON.W: 11. BURT. W. A. ILOBINSON..II2. LIVINGSTON & CO., IRON FOUNDERS, hfASTISIPACTT.T.ER.S OF FINE LIGHT , CASTINGS, • All descriptions; for Plumbers and Gas Hitters; ABB. rleultural Implements, Cotton and Woolen 311.1.1 eld A rneri a ll o . rk • promptly attended . • ~ Mae . and ^ Worts—WASHrNGTON AVENUE, :teas Outer Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. ROBENDSON ILEA. & CO., Successors to 11011IN8O1t, Minn & 311zyffig. 'WASHINGTON WORKS, , FOUNDERS AND MACHINIST'S. PITTSBURGH, . . Manniketnrers of Boat Sold Stationary Steam En gines, Blast Engines, MIR Machinery, Gearing, ,g, Castings of all descr_iptionsi Oil Tanks and Stills, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Office. No. 191. earner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for virressare. PATENT INJECTOR for feeding Boners. jalltrs2 MONT_BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Union Iron Mills,) Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THINLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, NACHTNERY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY Orders promptly and carefully executed. Claarges reasonable. _ EBBERT & 71LiCRLIND. 0CL5:123 B . F .BLIN FOUNDRY. PRICE &SIMS. Office and Warehouse. 29 Wood Street. Manufacture and keep constantly on hand Tiiinsible, Skein and Pipe Boxes, WAGON BONES, -DOG IRONS. SUGAR KETTLES, HOLLOW WANE, dad Castings generally. ap2S:ye THOMAS CARLIN & CO.; Fourth Ward. Foundry and .ftlarhine, Works' GAIiDUBSY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., • Manufacturers of Bteam Engines, Oft Presses, Pal. ley"; Shafting, Grist and Saw MAt Work Rolling Elliend Machine Castings, Grate Bars, eights, IVegon Boxes, ,te. Build - to order and axe on hand Engines of all sizes. LUMBER. ON HAND AND FOR BALE PITTSBURGH GAZETTg AUGUST fi , , 18681 w ENGIND3; BOILEPS,-&e FORT . PITT Balm, sm. Ale TAPAS • . TUBULAR, POIIBLE4ILITED TUBULAR, FIRE ' BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM HOMERS. OIL STILLS AND .OIL-TANES. CHIMNEYS, BREECHING A. 11) ASH PANS,. SETTLING • PANS, BALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, eIuSOMETEMS AND IRON BRIDGES: PRISON DOORS AIM COAL SHIITES Office and Warehouse corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, Aar Ordat sent to thW above address will be promptly attended to. mh7:189 WM. BAR HILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS 7 'AN SKEET IRON=WORKERS, • • OS. so, Nl2, 24 AND ISO PENN ST. Raving secured a large yard and{. furnished it with the most approved machinery, we areiprepared to manufacture every description ofIBOILER'S in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country„( Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pane, flanks , Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, ant sole manu facturers of Barnlkillis Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the shortest notice. 1a5:c21 JAMES . M. MITER, Nos.-55 and 56 'Wate Street, PITTSBURGH, Pk, MitritnrAOTtritim OP' IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAK PIPE, ROLLING HILL STACKS, And MEET IRON WORK, For Steamboats. JAILED M. BRUSH • • EDMUND D. ILEUM JARED N. BRUSH & SON, , 11 ANUFACTIDUZZ8 or Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, _Tanks. SHEET IRON WORE &O 61 Penn Street, !Pittsburgh, STETTLER SONS &, CO., • • DIANIIPAC2OFBitB OF • - Steam Boilers, Oil Stilts, Tanks, And SHEET IRON WOR11;4 all kind!.. Locust Street, Fifth lyard . , Pittebtirgb. STOVES, CASTINGS, &c. cool( wrovEs. CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO,'S TRIUMPH, FOB BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as well as any other Store In the Union. BISSELL & . CO., No. 235 Liberty Street. A.IJO on hand and for sale, PARLOR STOVES, HEATING STOVES, GRATE FEU TS FENDERS, COOKING G.ANGE3, PITTSBURGH CMCCAJPEST PLACE in the city • TO BUY TBZ TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, Is at No. 146 GB►NT STREET, Je 2 P. O. DUIPT. H OIL S. nokokowo WAHINE AND. lUNG, Cireurdsolon MerekAnts and Broken in .Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S' BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTSBURGH, PA. , . PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, - • * WARING, KING & CO., • Walnut Street. TACNIL BROTHERS,- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Petroleum and its Products. Pittsburgh Orece—DALZELL, BUILDING, oor nor of Duquesne Wsp and Irwin streets. Phtladelphts OIRce—LIT WALNUT EIT. spl:w4:l JACOB WEAVER, Jr. & CO., Oil Commission Jobbers, No. 3 DUQUESNE WAY, will buy and sell Ctrude" and Refined Oils Lubricating, Tar, Benzine and Oooperage. Our long , experience In the Petroleum trsde enables 01 to offer unusual facilities and in ducements to orators. As heretofore„ we ere de termined to mate tithe interest of buyers and sel lers to give us a call. Parties having Oils for nabs are cordially invited to bring their sample'. apiknet M. LONG & CO., MARUPACTIIIIEBS OP PUBS inira BUANING Branci7a.f.l7ClFEß: o • awe, No. 2 Ihigiefme Way, Pittsburgh. 118. PRACTICAL FURNITURE . - MANUFACTURERS, WIEWLEBAiX AND BETAIL,' LEMON Si WEISE NO. us sounru tirritmiErr. Constaatly on band every variety of PABLOB and IPURNITURZ, to/ ether with a cow Plata *aorta:tent of common /Furniture at r educed, priest , Thom to want °twain, la our Itie are main/ teMtad to call before pneetutalog. • work guarauteed * . - intaltD l4 ' r LEMON LAILE SUPERIOR --.- ) 00PPIRAU61. :..nee Wan PARK, .'IIeiCUIIISZ si• Clip I - . stuinalohirem or aimed, ' 'Brazierii ' ''' 1•11 OOPPer...„.'/I r at i f s ) , itaills4 'MThili Pist4- "1 ' In Tit I I ' INll,fri E ltou Inattir on Mid TUriteil , eati - . nip X, l le, ",.l 1 11 h ,7400111 .3 4: 411 10 44trir WORIra. - CARROLL & SNYDgR, MANITFAC7I7E.Ma . OP PITTSBURGH, Pa. AND DEALERS IN • 3 COPPER. wirrlmmm. FORT lifirliVElNT COMPANY, No. 169 Wood Street, CAPITAL, $200,000 STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY' LIABLE, DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND COLD. INTEREST - ALLO DON TIME DEPOSITS. Collections made on al: accessible points in the United States and Can das. D CTORS: D. Hostetter, i 'lnn. C. Risher, James Gordon, Bobt. H. King, D. Wallnee, ',Andrew , Z. Fawcett, i 'James M. Batley. BAWL. axe D. LEET IifiLEYST No: 293 LIBERTY STN,FITI PITTSBURGH, PA. CAPITAL, (a ntho ,) :: : : $200,000 00 7 . t gcb • DIE CTOR/- Wm: H. Hamilton, John lorx ,-9:aEal'Geo... Van Doren. Samuel , . A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED • Collections made on all accessible imints La the United States and Canada. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits., UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD, H. J. LYNCH, President. GEO. T. VAN D OREN. Caishier. SirSTOCKHOLDEP.S INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. PEOPLES SAYINGS BANK, OF pxrwsituzu4xx. CASH CAPITAL President—HENßY LLOYD. 'tee President—WlLLlAM MEAL. 11117STLEEi Henry Lloyd, Ilion. Thos. Mellon, IE..P. Jones, Th. Wlghtman`Geo.,W. lisalztuut, lWm. Bea, H. H. Hartley, lEdwiLrd Prom, IHtrszt Stowe ecretary & Treitt'r , -.8. F. TON BONNIIORBt. _ SIX PER CENT. INTERES T paid on time, de 'posits. Deposits made on or before Ana ust 15th will bear interest from that date. Interest computed on Ist November and tat May. jy311178 NATIONAL BANE OF COMMERCE ' Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sts. A. PATTERSOBI.. JOB. H. HILL' Cashier CAPITAL, : : 0400,000. DIRECTORS: George W. Gass, James IttoCandlees Wm. Douglas. Wm. Seed. . A. Patterson, Wm. R. Brown, Chas. Lockhart, Allen Kirkpatrick, W. B. Haven, DISCDIINTIS DAIL HAUT, CAITGREY & CO, I BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Vara and Wood Streets, P'IPTIiiiI3I7:ROD, 03IICCESSORS TO HA,NNA. BAIT h C 0.,) • DZALERB IN Exchange, Coin , Coupons, . Aad I ,...tlentiu• attentlz i n ie p c al it d to the pnrchise and GOVERNMENT BONDS. Drafts on 'London. myt:szi N HOiNIES & SONS, 57 Market Street, PlT'r'X'SEilMisilEl, PA. Collections made on all the principal paints of the United :States and Oatuidee. Stocky Bonds and other Seenrithis BOUGHT AND SOLD ON C7OIODESION:' Partitelar - attention paid to the purchase awl sale of United States Securities. 1010:al 'I',VM;TMN SAVINGS BANK, No. 59 Fourth Street. CHARTEItED .1866. ' Interest paid on'llme Deposita AN BUY =CUP= rum ,ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITE SUMMIT TO carpi,. wavouT, INTEREST. Dlscolutti Daily at iS Pretddent42olWPSON BELL, Vice Preatdent—A. ELllsam. THOIRPSON BELL, I A. M. IkCARSHALL. JOB. DILw_Q_E_TIL JOS. ELE.E ALB. J. J. GILL/saris, Btockholdets Wittman Iv Wm. yorsithe. Wm. Caldwell. - Willis Diann, D O. ( X. M. Patton, pirrssuaun , HANK' FOR SAVINGS, POILKEBLYTHE DIXEOAVINGBUtiffiTUTION 'No. 07 Frithth Street, Moss.: OrrOen• tirt , iiiamps Prrreetradi. t l):110. MIL : '• ' 7.: • : ' ' orss DAIVI" frotde toS'o .9 6lo;94_and =wit*, 2111/BDAT end SATURDAY_ ringietxo% ft'ora i r let to oovembee lot, hes T. soy Welloaki lad 01 .ofratli l ia r tit niV i ts,,flodin i ngt ii i , o r kei r e - , WirUoiliatiW . - ri7ar to , awe mhoose nolkints aro ittalied,' tioraorptiotridaeounolate. b 7 Mut dePolib% ees aairrid; Ai own Arbleb_wlll be a - mono° when needed,, and Marini inio ,e -it'llirly eti r t .4P.F 041 ...,_ ,41 2v A ,-. .. er . BOARD or busman:9i • • • ' '' ; 41 , , . to .. ;Ma, Jar mo % • 8r. . - . : - ...:: ?. . 'ti ' ' l ' : "Illa2'00.0•Ixec 4 ' ' ! , : 4 4 111. U. IHALliilKAN.ii .kur ' , '-i i ria•x *aa x tri vi t ik, as. esoss _Lild. Mosibrugri.,', A. - 4,1 LIT, -',.. 'l' far: ~,1 L , • % ,1 1, 1 r.1 .„ , .., i ti ; p : f o, . 1 i . t ... fe i • , • , ~ 110 . .r . . • opss ,!,.„,.., • 1 .. t • , . MA . . "„ l t , ' 1 1 " I OLIIBHAN, Pros't. LEON. Cashier E $lOO,OOO President Y, AT HA. If. The market fir cattle has been very much excited, and unsettled this Week, In consequence of the arrival of several droves of infected cattle, large numbers of which died upile in transit as well as since their arrival at the - yards: The result is there has been and is still considerable of a panic, sinethe end we fear is not. There was quite a large number of eastern buyers in attendance, many of whom after learning hots - matters stood, picked- up their carpetbags and returned home with out buying a !angle bullock. The iudica- Hone at , the opening were very promising for a heavy week's business, - as there was a large supply of Cattle, and -as we have al ready stated, plenty of buyers; hitt when it become known that the cattle disease was in the yards, business soon "played out," and holders• were, and are still in a quan dry, as to what disposition to snake uf their cattle.. We can report a fair number of transactions in prime fat cattle &cm Ohio, and eastern Indiana, but there were no buyers, so far as we could learn, for stock from Illinois, as it was feared that if not already infected, they might possibly take that terrible disease. . 01 The heaviest buyers, as is nearly always ,he case at this season of the„ year, _were stock growers from Lantaster Dauphin, and other adjoining counties in the Eastern pan of the State, and there, were quite a number of these in attendance this week, but, as we_ have already intimated they bought nothing, being fearfut of spreading the sdeurge in.that particular section of the country, and a consequence the yards to-day were pretty _well particular grade of stock, and no buyers. These cattle were shipped here with It views of selling to these•parties, and as it is pro b,able.that the further , lent lhey.go,- the -more they will depreciate in Value,' holders are placed in an ugly position ; it is . simply absurd to think_of ishlPOffig - Aunt • under existing circulestanoes, and to ship , hack home again, would be rather expensive. We desire to have it understood however, that the great proportion of all the - pylon cattle on sale, in good condition, .01:01 1 10 t • shipped from Chicago, sold ~without, much difficulty at fair - PrieeNthodgfr some *fiat below the range Of ; ItSit ,week,:: ; We quote at 7,60 to 7,75 for prime to extra fat steers, 'and 6,75 : t0 7,25, for Mr to Jrnediume,.• as we have already remarked, those wil . ) , were so unfortunate hays stock cattle are bound to loose heavily, f• 1 • " The authorities at- the yards are doing everything In their power to prevent. tbe disease frontspreading,'SndWe are glad'o state that thin far they have 'been success. nil Not a single ••case has ocesupd3out. : „ Woof the three lots of cattle referred to, and by to.mprirow,o l % next Aso% khavi -41 tine boeff'kliled,'Sitir disposed" f in suelfsbuinher, it is hoped, as will efraco., tdrylirevent the .sooprge frettrwpfeadlitie It will take the trado however, some time to reeov3 r from the e ff ects ofilmipaa4 we exPe t to see both arrinfkliii,i)` inflw • tdente t ry,mich xedsteed. car soma wee** • O v ti rti i i b j e r,i l,B tAliitbit7llo4lriluietroshitY v•Yius u•resimacsoonsseptiai..n I% v: 1 , 1 tt . 1 • n 1514 Whi l firked:7ll6a I WB sii r: iNtly4.fbr 911 m W vellatettikalmaiwto Evans gaean° sire; SO ihe name risks Ithrenee: Joseph Dilworth. Bev, 13syld Kerr, Henri Dambert, A. h. "Brown, • - Thomas Ewing., PH. IL. TODELIRICIZ, BANKER, Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. 'GOVERNMENT AND PACIFIC R. R. BONN, GOLD•SILVER AND COUPONS • Bonght on the most favorable _terms. Sells LET TERS OF CREDIT and DRAFTS a affable In any part OF Dirppe, , . DEPOSITS received subject to check, or INTER EST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Jvirps T.•BRA - DY •04), Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., _ 33 A. DI 315.. R. ?it:lr BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS Cljt Hittzintritij rite. FINANCE AND TRADE, ORRICE OR THE PITTED:it:MOH GAZETTE, THURSDAY. ADgUlilt, 6, 1868. Gold has still further' advanced, being quoted this evening at 148%, against 148, yesterday, and the tenaency still seems to be upward. There are various assigned for this rapid advance, the chief one of which seems to be the increased foreign importations. The New York ,13tock-nuotations as re. ceived this afternoon by Mr. Ph. R. Mertz, were as folloWs: 1881's 116: 5-20's 1863,.114;5; . do 1864, 110%; do 1885, 11235; do'new; 1082; . ' do 1867, 108%; 10-48's 1093‘. Erie, 6331; Fort Wayne, 109; Cleveland & Pittsburgh, 89, Western Union Telegraph, 3435: —The Philadelphia Ledger in referring tqthe sharp and somewhat unexpected ad vance in gold, says; The prices Yesterday, were the - highest at which-gold has sold in this city since November, 1866, when it was up to 148 V. In September of last year it was nearly as high• as it is now, and ruled above 140 until December of that year. In January of this year it went to 142, and there has not been a month-since in which it has not sold above 140. There Is some anxiety to knot: , in precisely what shape the seven million Allaskti purchase money will be transmitt ed. In connection with the prices of gold our ability to expoit largely of cotton and breadstutfs will hayeoome influence. /f hereafter, as heretofore, we pay for our ports by exporting bonds instead of the product of labor, we shall but • build up a debt against us, the effect of which *lll be to carry abroad Our gold, and to farther depreciate the currency with which the coin is measured. • —Closing quotations received by James T Brady dr. Co.: Gold, 1493;; U. S. 6's, 1881's, 116; 5-20's, 1862, 114 6 ,6; 5-20's, 1864, 110%; 5-20'5, 1865; 112%; 10-46's, 10936; 5-20'a, January and July, '65, 1083;; 5-20's, January and July, '67 108%; '6B, 108%; June 740's, par less v, July 740's. do 3; August 118% Sept, 1183; Oct. 118; 17don Pad& Railroad, 102; Cen trallo3. Cr.NMI44.',I4IV,E,..S:II:teK 2MUIKET. OFFICE CF THE PITTSEURAH GAZETTE, THY ESDAY August 6, 1868. / CATTLE. to MT at 6; 40 for same to same at 6,40; 20 for hittlesy Co Miller at 5,75; 18 for Clifford o Entress. prime weighing 20,850 at 7,25. Smith &Talmage, seld 22 for. Cornell to Mussellman at 5,35; 26, for Powers to Graff, at 5. -Villbelm to W. Iledge74, 33 head prime fat steers, weighing 46,125, at 6128, per head. ,1 Evans to Duffy, 17 head, weighing 18,726, at 4,25 to 6,85. - Forbes,to Pot f ger,A Horsto head, weighing 17,- 375 at 5,25„ ' • - to Potteger, po head, weighing, 18,- 700, at 4,80. • Reed to Klemen, 73 head, weighing, 80,000, at 582 per head; Donohue to same buyer, 15 head of prime at 7,75.. Crmick - to Martin 15 head prime fat cat tle at 7,50. Campbell to Evans, 19 head weighing 21,100, at 6,50. Watson to Evans, 19 weighing .21,345; at Thinsher to Landes, 22 head bulls—price not given. ThaYer - to Elmer, 19 head weighing 15,, 325, at '55. Fairrall to McArdle, 21.• head, weighing 10,950 at 4X. ' 'Ruff to Kurtz, 23 weighing 18,800, at 4,75. Muncielly to Bedford - dr.. Co., 47 head weighing 53,950. at 7,50. .' ' Head to H Miller, 16 head, Weighing 15,- 600, at 7; and 3at 7,25. • ' Taylor to.Rines, 20 head hulls—price not given. - • Snyder to Dawson, 16 head, weighing 20,- 025, at 7,35 Scott toi,andis et Moore,l4 head weighing 19,875 lbs t 5%. ! , Porter to'llusselman, 42 head, weighing 41,350 lbs at $5,15. Dunlap to Kurt; 23 head, weighing 20,625 lbs at g 5. Warner to McArdle, 16 head, weighing 16,600 lbs at 86,50. _Windfall to Martin, 16 head good Cattle, weighing 17.925 at 87, Head •to MoA.rdle l 39 head mixed Stock at' 0,25 to 5,50. T. F. Orr, sold 20 head for Prue to Reed, 15,525 lbs at $4,65. • Jones eThornbury to McArdle, 18 head of coiannomsh stock, weighing 14,250 at 84,50. ME Neff to Martian, 47 prime Southern Ohio Steers at' $78,50 per head, 18 head from Donohue at $lOO per head. i Hedges (4-Taylor, sold 18 head for Ule to .R Black at $5,18; 18 for Harris to Landis at $5,10; for Ripley to Landis at 85,50; 18 for Scott to Roth at s63‘; 20 for McCarthy to Skinner at $5,75; 20 for Hayik to, Landis at $5Yi: SHEEP. The arrivals of Sheep hive Peed larger than using this week, and notwithstanding there was a pretty4sll attendance of buy ers, the market was a little tame, and to-, day, under the influence of disconraging advices from the east, buyers were asking for still further ooncesPions. We '%note at 3 to sc, for common to strictly prime fat Sheep. in a dull market holders of com mon and inferior Sheep are always the heaviest, losers,' and we would ask our , friends in the country to bear this in mind. - Holmes, Lafferty 4 Co.; sold 192 head for • Scott - to Bailey at $3,75; 210 for Crum & Glass to Barclay,at 84,30; . 188 for Dent to Pancoast at $4,45; 98 for Cook Craff to Pidcock & Co., at. $4,25; 96 for Burns to thei same buyer at 3,75; 103 for Sargeant to the same at 4,00. Hedges &Taylor sold 181 head for Fields to. Dietrich at $5; 102 for Varforsen to Diet rich at $3,40; 103 for Ripley to Dietrich at $4; 200 for Roenbaugh to Pearce at $3,59. Pidcock & Co., bought 221 .head from Dawes at $4,50; 105 head. from Farren at $5; 116 from Asherft at $4; 97 from Warner at $4,30; 98 from McClean at $3; 234 from Ma holm at $3%; 105 from Holmes, Laffarty & Co. at $4; 96 from the same at $3,75; 95 from the same at $4,25;, 115 from Pancoast at $4,25; 220 from Grunbee at $4,85; 179 from Bell & Morris at, $4,56. - &..Talmage sold 126 for Rucken brood to Dietrich at 3,50; 112 for Brooks to Ann & Myers at 3,50; 212 for Brooks to Hill. at 1,97)4 per head: 100 for Rucken brood to Hines, scalawags" at 1,00 . per head; 200 head for Williamson toyearce at 2,50 per head; 200 for Jones to Loyd at 2,4 e per - , R. C. Crum sold 185 head for Hasson to Deitrich at averaging 78 at 3,25; 401 for Wy coff to Deitrich at 5,08 per head; extra aver aging about 92 lbs; 210 to Baialay, averag ing 80 His at 4,30. HOGS. , The Hog market has been firm and fairly active end tinder the influence of Continued light arrivals and a steady demand, prices are well sustained, and, if anything a shade higher. We quote at 9% to 9,75 for New York and 10,50 to 10,90 for Philadel-: phia 'foga. • Holmes, Laffarty & Co. sold 81 for Cook & Graff to Hedges at 9,‘; 103 for Blair to Crouse, Emerick & Co. at 10,35; 49 for McFadden to the same at 9,70; 56 for Holmes dc Ptieffer to Keys at 10,40. . - W. Hedges sold 200 head to Gilchreist & Co. at 10,80; 10 from Forbes at 9,50; 81 from LaffiirtY` &. Co. at 93(; 48 from.. Waring fit 9,50; 36 from Crouse,. Emer ick & Co. at 9,40. • Hedges Singer & Jinhoff, bought 52 from W. at 10,75; 88 from -Martin at 10,50; 112 from Tilden at 10,65; 86 from the same at 10,75; 360.fr0m the some at 10,80; 105 from Taber at 10,65; 118 from Tilden at 10,50; 187 from the same at 10,75; 84 from Hudson at 10,30; 195 from Robinson at 10,90; 13 from same at 10,80; 269 from Chicago at 9%. • PITTSBITRGE PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF TER PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, THIIEBE4I74 August 6, 1868. The Crude market Was somewhat excited to-day in consequence of the Improved character of the eastern "advices, though, as fat, the advance in prices has been very slight, the salei'vere larger In the aggre gate than for several days, as will be seen by the following: 2,000 bbls for 'all year, sellers-option, at 13e; 1,000 each August and September at 14%c; 1,000 bbls- on cars at Oil City, at ;15,50; 3;000 do - do atts,so; and 2.000 do. do, at $5.60. The first; sellers op- tion all the year, shows an advamie of half a cent, the sale - reported being 'at 12%e. Spot Oil is firmer, being held at 14%, and . but little'offerlng. REFIITEtt--The market for refined Oil, was alio considerablyexcited thdayadd with .considerable Inquiry and' but ' little *ff erfilg; --Ribes. are - Arta - and tikini -one • -•-• half to three , tpuirters of a cent higher. ' Sales of two lots of 500 each , for September pt 38;2,000 - kW Anitiistia 34%; 600 •at 348; .500' each from Septemper to December at 35 0, '9d 500 each froin October to March at 83Mo. As will. be ,seen, September corn., pared with last evening has advanced a full half cent: August is firm an eighth to a Twirler cent. better; and • the last = four - • months is ripe half pent. • It was reported this afternoon' that a prominent oil firm at .011,Cits , had been forced to go under. No particulars. c;•.' OIL HHII'tED FEB A. V. . E. mo r it z beinier, itoebler & 00., 250 bbla ben, tole to Waring; ging - tied:. B. W. Morgan &Co.,'loo;libla ref. to War den, Frew & Co ,;Philadelphia. • R. W. Burke, .152, bbls to Warden, 1. Frew tic 004 r,tinathAPhia. • - W. BurUei:Aso.l) Warden,. p l i C ti a Ec d e k i t Tp 4 4., , ,,' 4l:) . : l9 ; Curtis, • oil. 13111111=8 PROM IpUQUISSMI MilIVII!•• ' r tniiin It - 4e & 13q , CO.,.4111)bitar tit. wausee • ,', de owl; Philadelphia ‘... •• . •.. - . . roil WOrkW-.2112-bblei ref. to W. P. .' ' i Bro.f.Phtladellibia. , iiW Mll l.F.zig ) . l .?o* P. ikolkr.Bro,,, rolpawiSlifoi „•.; ... ~ ~ ~. ~ -, r% I. , iq r tZgr e Holdall!. let Oyu, 50 bbia -tar to ... 4.,. I .ofaigago 4r. cavit,,, . . .. . 1 .414 Brootat, Bco•A ~_ • , lif re f. to War- - - delii r. Preir all 13:, 'Phi .. 1 his. r 4., MI
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