NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VHEAP HENS FOR THE PEOPLE.... GREAT .WESTERN GUN worms have been removed to N 0.179 SMITHFIELD STEER nwhere will always be found the most complete assortment of Out's, Pistol., Ammunition and Sport.. Ing Slaterial, &C., in tee city. All kinds of Gans and Pistols carefully . repaired. Cash' paid for ARMY RIFLES and RE VOli VERB. Send stAtp for illustrated Circular. Agents wanted in Orton in the United Stat Address, J. H. JOU STONi 170 Smithaa S t reet. Pittsburgh. OF"JOHN N. PURVIANCE, Register in Bankruptcy for 2:d District. Office; 116 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY.' Office hoturg-9 A. NT. to 5 P. 3f STEW CLOVER HONEY.-. 11.00 glass boxes white(hover Honey, Just receiv e and for bale at the ramify Grocery store of JOHN A. iteNSHAW. anT eon Liberty and Hand streets: T IQUID KENNET, for the in ist,nt preparation of Slip,. Junket and Frugo , the most healthfUl of summer dessert, receivec and for tale by the dozen or single bottle.; by JNO. A. RENSHAW, .117 : eornei Liberty and Hand streets. LOTS ON ALLEGHENY AVENUE AT ATICTION.--Will be sold on the premises: bATURDAY, August fith. at 10 o'clock A. lE., two Building Le' s, 20 by 12 feet,on Allighen• avenue. near to, Nilo avenue. and opuostte to the Round BOOM " This location Is excellent forbußdiug pur, {poses. • A. LEGGATE. Auctiodeer. pEARL 'MILL . . FAMILY FLOUR. PEARL MILL BLITE BRAND, equal to the best St. Lout. brands. PEARL MIL L. MO) BRAND. as good as the best Ohio brands. WHITE CORN FLOUR and CORN MEAL. gar See that all sacks ars sealed and dated. • • U. T. KrailliEDY &SIM I ster:m • PEARL MILL. SECOND-HAND ENGINES WANT]D. One Horizontal Engine, of SO horse power. One `•Nigger" Engine. without reverse valve. Also, a medium sized DRILL PRESS. Terms eash.—Address, with description and price, JOSIAILI COPLEY, Jr.,: 66 River Avenue, Allegheny. ai7:uB ANTED. . • ~ • . 50,000 bush. prima WHEAT _ 50,000 ••" •• Fall and Spring BARLEY; And %5,000 ". EYE: - ifor which we will pay, the highest price, in cash. BITOROOOK,VOREERY & CO. laTfdar VON SALE--In• the village of LL Nurraysville, Westmoreland county, Pa., %Gal e ie 11.5 tof Pittsburgh. , , , . One 2-Story Double Brick Manse; l With. SIX ACRES OF TOWN. LOTS all fronting the Main street. This property will be sold at a bargaln, and on reasonable terms. For particulars, nc , .. apply to W. F. MeHNIGHT, ati7:ulO.F • l3* Wood street, Pittsbirgh. • • • '•,t• Wliereas, Litters of 'Administration to the Estate of .WILLIAM RIZEL.T.E.R. late of Allegheny City deceased; have been granted to the subscriber, alepersons debted to the said estatenre requested to make ins mediate payment, and . an those having claims or demands against:the •estate of the said decedent will make %moven the same without delay to MARTHA E. LEPZELTEE, No. 66 Western *venue. sth ward,,Altegbeny. T, ETTERS of AIIMENISTRATION .1. 4 1 upon the , ESTiIIE , OF KR& ESTHER STOCKTON,. . . Late of Allegheny City, deceased, having been granted' to - the undersigned, all persons having Ilelaini z a, against paid estate will present them, prop • erly authenticated for settlement, and those !n -il debtedlo said estate will make payment to the tin "- dersigned, at the Manchester Savings Bank, No. 209 Beover avenue, jalegheny.City. _ TZWEIZAS B. UPDME,- sta:ul2,r TN THE .DISTRICT COURT ON' THE 'UNITED STATES,-for the Western Dia ! 'tract of Penl/101Till1111._ -L JACOB . C.-NORTHRUP. a Bankrupt under the .;'• Act of Congress of March 8d.1867, having applied 'I or a discharge from ail his debts. andWiticr claims provable under sold Act. by order of the Court, no r nice is herebrgiven to all creditors who have proved their debts.- and other persons interested. to appear !, on the, 12th daybr. September. 1888, at 10 o clock 'i' before SAMUEL HARPER, Esq.,.. Register, at hisofftce, No. 83 Diamond street, Pittsburgh, to shose.',eause, If ,any they have, way a discharge should not be granted :to the said Bankrupt. And further. notice is herehyAiven that the Second and Third Meetings of creditors of the said bankrupt, required by the 27th and 28th Sections of said Act, will be had before the said Register, at the same • I time and place. S. S C. McCANDLESS. Clerk of said Court. t .sn7;ull nIL- WELL Steam Engines for Sale. •.• - • . Si:wit:or mire, and secarid-band STEAM_ EN eniES-7, smile inch cylinders, 20 and 24 inch stroke, with all the fixtures. • . - .F'OB, BORING OIL WELLS. iddiess HUGH BOLE & NEMO Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh, Pa OFFICE OP CITY ENGINEEP, • Allegheny city, Aug. 5, 15613. - 5 'THE PARS COMMISSION will I receive proposals until • TIYETBDAY, 13i5 INST,-3 P. 7d., Woe FaroUhler; One' Thousand Coble `lards of good River Gravel, To be delivered slung the line of walks of Common Grounds. ' For specifications and particulars inquire at , this • The Commis.lon reserve the right to relict any or all tide. - GAIAS."TVAULS, anBtys Supt'dg Evgineer Park Improvm.t. U. S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE W. D. of Pennsylvania, PITTSBURGH, August 5,1868. MARSHAL'S SALE. y virtue of a vrriteof remit/font earKotas le aned out of the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania, and to me directed, I. will expose. to Public sale, at the Cdstom House, Pittsburgh. PB. on MONDAY. the 10th darof August; 1608, at 10 o'clotk A.. 11., the .fildlowing described property, viz: • 6 Barrels, I Copper Pump, 3 sections of Hose, containing about seventy feet: small Tvbs, 1 Bucket, 1 Kettle and appurtenances, and 1 Cooler. Seized and , kaken as the property of ANDREW HOENIG, at the snit of the United States. Tilos. A. *OWLET, U. S. Marshal. ' suß:u2 'THE ANTI-TORNADO -nurpow. • . , , Is eminently sidiptedtor oar large itestern rivers, with 'spans of 580 tech Se feet above lbw water. It will resist the strongest wind/O. hurricanes, and the heaviest .101 d ed trains will not effect IS. I made the dbcovery on 4he Mil nt.luzie last. A model 6 feet long I exhibit, and give specification on ltt Principles to all parties,who take an interest la. irridges, aid charge 515 ots. _,JAO OI3 GEYSER, -.jlEr - 519 LnitElt.. let Ward, All egb"nY ;10irE WOULD .INVITE THE AT- TghTtult of,the kloar trade 'to the sups tie ty of our.. SOUTHERN WHEAT FLOUR. • 'Which we sire manuthetuting trot& the beet select, edhoetberu'LlUnote end Teaneseep : Wheitt I'thtet 1 ee low es any In the =mite. . . • -1 ,`• eih; LICIGICrg I T'ir C 0..• J73l:rzt - .'"• nitiodricticity . . . • I TEACHEES WANNER.. , The Board of tlebool roister*. re for Union Tov_t. 1111,11 Thursday, Au/knit fith,st 9 P. M.,• . .Where ail sPPUcanta may ipply. ' jril ASS • T A IGHTBIING APPLE PARER I have Out received ablate stock of the above aver. They have been fully tested for the lad three years, and have l nyret themeelres to be the best ever Invented.," 7 pare faster, better ' , and do their work mach' cl eaner than any other Apple ifirere known. For sate wholesale and recall, lty , Wig* BOWL 4 ' Wood street: _aairrtm. - • rtIBILE' IitIEtSEIL SHOT - GUNN. ,l have in store a very superior lot of i °ibis : . 1 abet limns. breech and mnaleloading, Of lay own Imfortation. whichll. will sell as low as any home in the Mary. , featoetil , him& oak II . to call and examine and be convinced of the :same: Yoroale 7; &maw Woodalreet.,:, W I t 1 1 4titit - reattired • it" ftin usortment of New Yolk 'M J em trbot.M ad 99114 1 d roffisoforfed mumbers; from at B . 'O R% le. ref ace of • ZOOM, NOT#N, • - warm NEW ADIMILTII3nAMpris. pIENNSYLVAiNIA, STATE REPORTS. J.IIST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY No. 65 WOOD STREPET I= • OFFICH OF CONTROLI.F.F. OF ALLEGHENY CO., I pirrsstmcit, August sth, 1068. NOTICE TO COAL DEALERS. SEALED PROPOSALS wiltbe received at this office until 17th Inst.§ InclustvE, for furnishing to Allegheny County • • , 10,000 Bush. good 'Merchantable . COal, free from slack and dift.,-,to be weighed on the City Scales, and delivered at the entrance to the Court Rouse and Jtal, on Fifth and Ross streets. in quan tities of six hundred bushels per day, until the Wholeis delivered. Payment will be made by Warrants drawn on the County Treasurer when the contract, Is completed. BEdliectlon of County Commissioners.. ELENIZY T A 14-111011,'"1", a,n7:d &F pOSITIVE SALE 111rALUCTI9N, On SATURDAY, August Bth, On the premises in south Pittsburgh„ about • • awl.) ACRES .OF ' Adjoining the grounds now owned by the Penn's. - ..R.16.. where the Iron Bridge crosses the 'Browns vine road. on the one side, and.on the other by that owned by Col. Wm. Phillips. On it Sea substantial well built Dwelling House, of 5 rooms and cellar. Lot 25 feet by 149, running from the pike. The lot adjoininc, same width and depth, has a railroad connecting with a quarry Of great deth of good stone. and on .the upper portion which fronts on thti - Oy' ras road is we adapted for building pur poses, with fruit an shaae trees In abundance, and never failing springs of pure water.. If not sold In whole, the house and lot will be sold Separate to suit purchasers. '. For' urther informal ion enquire of D. P. HATCH, No. 91 Grant street. Honse can be seen and Also the ground, oy apolY ing to N. DALT.Y. • au7:u7. Boys'.. The Peoples National Bank of Pittsburgh. Capital, : $1,000,000. SiLIMITEL ILEA GEORGE BLACK F. M. GORDON The above ItetltuUon will occupy -their. NEW BUILDING, No. 75 Wood Street, above Fourth Street, On MONDXY,'Auknot-3d, wbere in future their business will be transacted. au.S:tar IiCrYJIMALULIC fCOW-MIL• • ER. ANTED—IMMEDIATELY--All who are look ing tor business to call and examine the Hydraulic Cow-Milker,. "A sure cure for acheing hands and kicking cows." It milks the four teAts of scow at once. It imitates the calf draw, and stops drawing to swallow. •-lit will milk any cow perfectly dry in three minutes. It is operated by band, dbg; horse or other power. One man can attend several machines, milking as many cows at once. It is simple. durable and self adjusting; will at any cow. Milks three-tented cows as well as any.- Easilyworked, not liable to get out of order, and has proved by practical use to be more agreeable to the cow than hand-milsing. Jk.' rare opportunity is now offered to enterprising men either to travel or lociste in city or country. Call and examine for yourselves. HYDRAULIC 00W-HILICING MANUFACTO 00., an 5388 • No. 10 02. CLAIR. STOEEt. Administrator NOTICE. -The undrsigned will . E-OPEL~T WS . -DINING .SALOON 3 • No.' 111 Wood Street, TO THE PUBLIC. • On MONDAY, August 3d Having refitted and remodelled the entire blinding. and attached A HET OP EpHTO THE CEILING, Covering the entire Dining !Worn. I assure my numerous patrons that_ not many pleasap ter places can be round In the city to partak - of a_ good meal than at my establishment. • . ['Very respectfully, . GEORGE ItI3IPTEIVIAN: J. L. Da.tamaan BILLINGF3 & STEVEN FORWAIMING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1. • For the sale of FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE generally. Also; I' DIQ,IIORS, WINES, BRANDIES, fse • No. 87 Second Street, Pitt burgh, Aar LIBERAL ADVANCES -made on etinelqn• elan. . 7a1:t78, BLACK SILK SACQUES. WHITE, ORR &: CO., rift - • - • CROCERY 'STORE. A 'Whol€sale and . Retail Gives's , Store, . . n . „ Doing a good lividness, sitiiated, in good place in Mieglieny City. will be sold-at sTessonable price. The store house MIS S iesse on for Ore years; and will, be sold with store. _ Par terms and location inidrees' • Di. 40, BOX•yt, GAZETT2 OrrioX, telsing tall-rtatne and where an interview can be AT E4TON% No 1T Fifth Street. MOW' BABe4u2is , - Stravrtioo4ll; Ladia! and Ohildren4 Uat Suntheiirns• ieti; ' ; • -'• idea.. tsita lti elte lj. te• t 'm ' * *1 tauRAN s to Uc•ootloee r in k BARBABY smy ass. sat dwl out. Any Just eastrileiontLberergv_..pubUG •ootioe note* crass sworVer74ll.74":' /mu) !Pa , t!A reePonsibi. far w.~~ortr. 11 21 P4 SMITH. VOL. 5. KAY & CO., Controller AT 5 O'CLOCK P. Viee President. MEIN Mama Lace Points, Summer Shawb,, YOR 9ALS ,AT LOW PRICEEt, 215 rum street. 1 , 7; PITT IUI GH brAZETI,C,..- 4 134thAY, gUGU ST 7, 1868. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, That after repeated trials of other remedies, Bo- back's Stomach Bitters,43lood Purifier and Blood Pills are the best medicines extant to cure the dis eases for which they are recommended. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. • PILES. . . There Is no medicine in use so erne:Mons as Dr. Roback's Blood Purifier and Blood Pills for the permanent cure of Blind or Bleeding Piles; they 'strike at the root of disease, thereby removing the cause. , Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. wro ›i• '`;co ) zf tTltere is, perhaps, no one thing that has done so much to promote the-cause - of temperance as that gentle stimulating tonic, Rolnick's Stomach Bitters; they strengthen and invigorate without producing the ill effects of aMohollc stimulants. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. LIVER PILLS Are Pills that have a direct and powerful action o the liver, and relieve any inactivity or congeste state of that all important organ upon which de °adds the whole process of digestion. The import ance, then, of procuring a Pill that shall have such , direct action without the in effects of mercury, fi` manifest to every oue; such Pills are ItOback's Blood Pills; they are warranted purely vegetable, and can with certainty be relied upon, and are safe at all times. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. INDIGESTION Is but another name for Dispepsia,jand the parent of many ills. Roback , s Stomach Bitters taken in wine-glass-full doses, directly after each meal, will surely effect a permanent cure. Do not take our word for It, but try them. Sold by all ,Draggists Everywhere. • NIGHT MARE Is one of• the many diseases of which Dyspepsia Is. the parent.. To effect a care persona should avoid hearty food at4ni.cht, and take a wine•ithuis-rall of itobaok , s StoMach Bitteia on retiring to bed. , . • Sold 1 y all Diuggists .Everywhere. - . .11.1210va. During, the Spring months it is one of the regular household flatfeet° renovate, and, in U! mul Bun chy of other duties one's own self Is, in a great meashre,.,oreriookeiit thousands of vkluable lives might be Prolonged, and many doubtless saved from premature graves by thoroughly renovating the system with Dr. Roback's Blood rub, Stomach Bitters and Blood Partner. . Sold by all Druggist Everywhen. President. Cashier. MELANCHOLY Is one of the many disorders of the nervous av f atem, arising from a low state of the constitutional health or severe firoatration aftir long Continued slckaeas. and requires Invigorating remedies like liolxack , a Stomach Bitters to - restore the nerves to their natu ral vitality. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. WHO SELF THERE ? The Agents for the Bale at: ISTBADIVS .BLOOM PILLS, STOMACH BITTERS and BLOOD PURI FIER are all DruggEtto everywhere. U. S. PROPRIETAB.Y MEDICINE CO., CINCINNATI, O. jenerwr-F NEW GOODS! J.lll. BUB.CEFIEIJI & CO'S, No. 52 St. C/air St. KEW PRINTS. NEW GINGHAM.% NEW bELArNES, ALL WOOL BLACK and WIIITE PLAIDS for 25 cents. worth 50. WHITE GROUND PRINTS. black figure: WHITE GROUND ALPACCAS, doi BLACK ALPACCA 4 . BLACK DOESKIN CASSIMERES; .. • BLACK AND BLUE CLOTH,. BLEACHED MaSLINS, • IRISH LINENS. TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS,. A FULL ASSORTMENT' OF GOODS 'Remember the place; No. 52 St. Clair 'Street, 2 IJNACCOIINTABLE now i.l_,ANclitEerm. • Say oae: It will ammo you and set you thinklng. A liberal discount to the trade. DI. A. EVAIIIA & QO., 59 'Firm *MY:RT. ' jyllo:t3i COAL WANTED. CONTROLLILR'S OFPICA_ CISIC OP ALLEAIIANT, August 1, aussurt • 'SEALED; PROPtIALB wlO -be. received at this °Sloe until 3 Weloe P. x.. on SATURDAY, August Rib, - for supplying the Public Buildings with „ • 4466. Jitaihels of Bost Quality of Lump Cott, To.welgh 76 poundsto the bushel, and Lobe weigh ed on the Clty Scales, tree whichpo.eharye will , be made.. the Coal to be dellVered at. the following places, iris: oou bus hels In the basement of city HalL 400 In the Belie Engine House. ” Friendship Eng ine House. 400 " Grant Engthe iouse. _ 7400 ; " Columbia Eng 11011110. : 490 _ " Ellsworth Engine House. 51 00 " at the Second Ward Weigh_ticalcs. • •100 " at the Dlantond Weigh heales. • The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. IMI ------- --- §7ItATED--FrOnl!the , :pr eMilleB of the sutliciiber, sdioln4g t;epy•apSpilFic sada; EssiLtberty. ' 4 ' '•• • y . - • 7. , , rpos cost With apiece broken off One heti: white dark spot., and 'teil ears. •• Auit Information ending , tu her snpoiety,*lll, belibersAit rewirded. ' ' J.,LATFERV, Jyalit73 •••• •At the: Central Stook Yarns: , persiiin •A•N o.or having eht:insitlisinst•tiin; o debted ESTATB OF JACOB F I On*UI4',ITS I 42 bleu!' Ho; Is Chestnut street;Ailegiiini City, ,pieue qs,a, l',on the uudetstgOed "anti turrii them ad- Jusge! l ": „ t , :;MARG*II.IIT 'STRAUB %' - Adoolnistratelit • - Therir. August : Alle6___ , _ TORE WINDOW 111)1A1101 1 .„ t ADZ or sod Aso ' real 1,,J ip town sln or sl 8 BS. Ziab° 1b Blue rtimitAßlA aso 4 4 lest sii, tap ,•*' , t fl 4 s FOUND. PROPRIETORS, ALL ENTIRELY NEW Near Liberty, west side an Answer ESTIONS bleb the rtles oper nig do not ; know. 1.13. FRANCIS!: Oily Controller NEW . ADVERTISEMENTS. == NOTICE OF REMOVAL, ON THE IST DAY OF AUGU S T, WE REMOVED TO THE LARGE AND COMMODIOUS WAREHOUSE, No. 45 Wo Directly Opposite St Also, entrance on THIRD CAL DISCOVERY ' MAN. R. E. SELL THE GREATEST TIED KNOWN La I ra . 711/1B 7E-3r'113 IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER, FOR THE CURE OF AU Diseases Arising from an Im pure State of the Blood, such as Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Jaundice, Cancerous Formations, Cutaneous Diseases, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Mercurial Diseases, General Debility,:Boils, Pimples on the Face, Liver Complaint, Sore Eyes, Scald . Head, Tetter Affection% Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Foul Stomach, Old and Stubborn Ulcers, Rheumatic, Disorders, Female COmplaints, Togetbevwltl all other disorders from an Improper condition of the Circulatory System. Asa general Tonic its effects are most benignant. and cannot fall to beneflt..when used perseveringly and accord—, leg to directions. It is purely a vegetable prepara- . lion—not a single' grain of mineral poison enters into Ile composition. so that while it invariably af= fords relief, and effects the most wonderful cures, , no overdone could injure the most tender infant. R. E. SELLERS & CO., Sole Proprietors, PITTSBURGH, .P A. ALSO, PROPRIETORS OF Sellers' tough Syrup; Sellers' Liver Pills and Vermifuge; Johnson Tit Rheumatic Compound; And Boerhave's Holland Bitters:-- FOR SALE 'DT ALL DRUGGISTS. MED TAXES t TAXES: I . • The Tax Payers of the consolidated Citybf Pitts burgh, are here by notitled that the Tax. Beaks are now In the hands of the City Treasurer; ready for collection. • Taxes and Water Rents paid between the Ist of JUNE and the latof AUGUST. will be received at a DISCOUNT OF FIVE PER CENT. And between AUGUST Ist, and the 15th of SEP-. TEMBER, at.a DISCOUNT OF TWO PER CENT. From the 15th of SEPTEMBER to the Ist of OC TOBER, all taxes will be payable as assessed. After the io n of OCTOBER, FIVE per cent. *Ube added; and on the I,st of :NOVEMBER, all unpaid Taxes will be put into the bands of C ollentors WITH THE FURTHER ADDITION OF FIVE PER CENT., making a difference of FIFTEEN PER CENT, between those paying In July and those paying - In November. aarThe STATE MERCANTILE LICENSES are now due, and should be p aid. on or before the Ist of - July, to save cost and expense of suit. S. ALLINDER, je16m3.5 ..- • City Treasurer. XCHANGE. 8,000 Aores - of Land, In Wyoming county, West Virginia, being num bers 116, no, 117, 133. 134, 135, 136 and 154, all in one tract, watered by branchrs of Twelve (12) Pole Creek, and part of an original tract of 321,000 acres granted to James Wilson, Charles, Willing, Simard and Michael Graty, Levi Hollings.' worth and Dorsey Pancost. Taxes paid up to 16137.. , Title perfect. Will be exchangedfor Pittsburgh manufactures or dry goods, at market:. prices. Address, EXCHANGE. . . OAZETTE OFFICE. RARE;CHANCE. 1"Oft SALE. Plumbing & Gag Fitting EstabliShment. A good stand and store.. together with; fixtures, good will, &e.; of a PLUM ING and GAS FIT-. Tihti Esl'AßLlStilifelii.T, doing seguoil business, 15 offered for sale. The, above is situated in a good place for business. Having engaged in oilier busi ness. trio proprietor , Offers this establishment at a bargain. Put' particulars, &C., call at No. 165 Weed Street, Pittsburg'', Pa. aul:tll W. C. FELD & CO., :A: • DEALERS IN • GLUE, CURLED HAIR, Taaaers , Scraps, .Ceroons, Cattle Tails, BONES NEAPS FOOT OIL &C Mice and Warehouse, No. 335 LIBERTY BT., 3d door from Wayne, • _ PITTSBURGH, PA. NWT PORE NATIVE WINES. ISABELLA AND CATAWBA, • &Our own growing. Also, the best brands of CHAMPAGNE, CLARET, tilililtitY and POET WINES. "Vine Growers , ,Company" of BRAN DY, glut flasks, Just the thing fur - travelers. N. R.-Particular- attention paid to supVilng families. A. DIAMAux, jya:toi No. *Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. I CEII ICE! ICE! _ WI. KREBS, Ice Dealer N 0 4 .551 DIAMOND. ALLEY, Pittsburgh. leftrbersor at Hand Street Bridge - win iti• vi prompt attention. ... , ,agone anondlig pi t y,- nand Alleahenr. , JJ•"• q4:140:1 CANNED rx,MOS ANA RA,BPBERIIIitik selling at very 10 / w GEORGE , aimrmalls. u sy ji 11 Federal street, Aneghogy. DIA BEINSER I BELTDIG AND hand at all aiad;aud Of MI INA qOaLlsy. R at t l es wtakdag to 4114 p WWI *cabal* WaSre 'Ala required, will luta oar rim al LOW " Oan be bed In Mt rut, and Italibeeevaa`, rturzirs. " aaA XII at. Casir Maas. OFFICE OF ONION PAutritc iLAIL TWA CO., } Eastern Dlylelon. rIIILAIIELPUIA, July 97th, 1888. rgrTHE INTEREST IN GOLD, FIRST MORTCACE BONDS, UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CORPANY, Due-Atigtist Ist, 1868, wlll be,patd on presentatioit of the , Coupons therefor, at the Banking House of d • Street, I:OA33NP,Y, 31011,G A.N . & co., Clarks hotel. WM. J. PALMER. Treasurer. Jy29:t7G-wFm , Nos. 102 and 104 PITTSIIETRGH & CINITNELLS VILLE IL IL CO. • RS & CO. First Mortgage Turtle Creek Division Bonds. noldereare hereby hottfled . that the Interest Cou pons of the shove Bonds, Will be paid on and after that date, on presenta tion and delivery at the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBTEGE. joirN H. PAGE, Jr., Treasurer Office Pitts. & Connellsv'e 1?... It. Co., Plubburgb. July 15th, 1868. 4 . I Cgr."NOTICE. To John W. Riddell, J. J. Shutterly, T. B. Stewart, M. McCullough, Jr., T. R. Sill, E. S. Hanna, A. S. Puryiance, W. W. Young. Wm. BeardOn, I. C. Pershing, S. J. Wainwright, James I. Bennett, J: Poor, D. 3:lempsey, H. Sample, L.. Teel baugb, E. Coats, J. W. Barr, W. McConnell, John J. Williams and N. P. Reed. Incorporators for the Erection of a Bridge across the Allegheny River, foot of Ewalt street, Lawrenceville. A meeting of the above Incorporators will be held at the office of SILL & SHUTTERLY, Law renceville. on FRIDAY, August, 7th, atl3 P. M.. for organization. . jyr :U36 BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE. ACADEMY OF MIIIiiC. LESSEE.... MAN GEE LAST NIGHT BUT ONE OF THE SEASON, Complimentary Benefit to Gov. Foster, The Veteran Manager. on which occasion he will appear for the last time on any stage. NIIIII - BER NIP STILL TNIUMPHANT. FRIDAY, August 7, the performance will eoM nserace wlttr the roaring farce of SLASHER AND CRASHER, • To be followed by a scene from C. Fosters Drama of the Invasion of Russia. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE GOY. FOSTER. To Conclude with the Great Pantomime of NUM BER NIP; OR, HARLEQUIN TOM. THE PI HERM SON, in which will be Introduced the Great Transformation Scene. SATURDAY, grand family matinee—admission 25 cents. Saturday night, benefit of the FOSTER BROTHERS. when a tremendous bill will be given. Any person having claim against the Manage ment must_present them before eleven o'clock 2. M., on Saturday. WBfk MILLER, Corner Liberty and Irwin Streets, SUNDRIES. . . . - , . . 400 bus Prime 'Yellow Ear Corn. 390 bus do do duelled do. ' 50 bus Prime Barley. 3,000 lbs. Dried Apples. 500 lbs. Dried Perches. 25 bbls. Sorghum Molszses. 10 bbls. Sweet Cider. .. 50 doz. Corn Brooms, " In store and for sale br - PETkER & ARMSTRONG/. jet 16 Market street, corner First B vv an X d S AAtfAtirc i, ;JEVT lEt sal l e J. B. CA.I4 Fl EL D a SON, 141 First street. liel HITE LIME-200 bbls. best White Lime, for kale by . J. B. CANFIELD & SON. CE E-N T-50 bbls. Louisville IL/ Hydraulic Cament,for sale by au6 J. H. CANFIELD &SON. FIRE CLAY-500 bbls. Fire and rot Clay, for sale by and J.B. CAN FIELD & BON. QUODA ASH-100 _ casks' in store kj. a nd for solo by J. B. CANFIELD & SON. IaDEARL ABll-25 casks for sale by J. R. CAN FI KILL & SON. 'HOOT ASH-10 casks for saleby Jt)IIN B. CANFIELD & SON PIG LEAD-500 pigs Soft Galena Lead for sale by J.. 13. CANFIWLD do SUN. STANDARD • *. • AMERICAN BILLIARD TABLES , AND OONBINATION CIIBRIONB. Undisputably the best In nse. NEW IMPUOVE MENTS, Patented Nov. 28th, 1867. and A_prll 21st, 1868. Everything relating to billiards of the best quality and lowest_twiees always on baud. Our NEW CIIE TRIMMER, Patented May sth, 1868, price—a great success. Illitstrated price Lists sent en application. Address PREWAR &- COLLRNDER. . 83. 85, 81 anti 89 CROSBY ST., New York City. JrB:Bst:rwit WILL. S. TAYLOR, • . PAINTER, No. 4a 0111.0 STREET, Allegheny. Thankfttl for the former very liberal patronage , be stowed upon me, I assure my friends and the public generally that, In the future aa in the put, I shall endeavor diligently to merit a continuance of the same, and will be always at the shop from T to 9 A. M. and from 1 to 3 r. N. my 21414 BZWAIIII , I SINGEHLT rnuar clam. QINGEBLY & CLEIS, SuccesSors Ai w 0z0..F. Wroclaw( & Co.. PRAermiL LITHOGRAPHEIIB. The only Steam' Lithographic Establishment Wdst of the Mountains. Business -Verdi". Letter Heads. Bdikdk Labels.. Circulars, Show Cards, Diplomas. Portraits , Views, Certigcatea- of Deposita._ Invtta lion Cards. to., Nos. - 7 A -and 74-Third. street.. Pittsburgh. NOTICES. ON THE OF THE EASTERN DIVISION, 53. EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YORE, On and after that date DUE AUGUST 'UT. 1568; AMUSEMENTS MARKER RUSH JOSEPH C. FOSTER Ozt•I•013013f1 (Late Miller & Bicketson,) Nos. 221 AND 223, Offer to the trade at Low Figures 150 pkgs. of, NEW MACKEREL. In barrels, halves, quarters and kits. 100 chests choice YOUNG HYSON, JAPAN andJMPERIAL TEAS. 50 sacks choice RANGOON RICE. 25 bbls. choice CAROLINA RICE. 7S bbla. LONG ISLAND SYRUP. 50 bbls. SYRUP, choice brands. 100 Ws. N. O. MOLASSES. 50 bbls. BERMUDA MOLASSES. • 200 bbls. REFINED SUGAR. 75 tthda. PORTO RICO, CUBA arid DENA RARA SUGARS. 200 bags RIO COFFEE. 50 hags JAVA and LAGUATRA COFFEES. 100 eases IMPORTED CLARET. 250 :cases MOET & CRANDON'S CHAN- PAGNE WINES. - SCOTCH ALE and LONDON PORTER. con stantly on hand. BILLIARD TABLES p al 1 / 4 1 3i*llll LITHOGRAPHERS 13 'JOHN PECH_, Ornamental Salt atm WeltalLa AND PERFUME% No. 133 tiird street. near Smithfield. Pittsburgh. Always on hand, a general sasortment of Ladies. WIGS, BANJO, CURLS; Eiandemenm WIGS, TO PEB3CALLT. GUARD CHAINS.O3ACZLZIR, Re. A good Price in cadh CHAIN be given for RAW HAIR. Ladies , and Gentlemen's Hair Cutting done( the neatest manner. - nal2"ll' DRAIN PIPE.--HALL & ADAM BUPZIIIO,II, AUTIOLit OP , • DRAIN PIPE, . . All eizeikfrom one to twenty.lbur lathes at WE DON HMLLY'S. agents for manuntotorere, IST Wood street, between Fifth and Sixth streets. __3ean T ACE ILEATHER, 'PAgek Vat iJ•4eLrobr sale 1 " 1 , 11114.1134 M4 1 0 4 , 5 V01 114 J. • IL FULLIDIPB. POLITICAL. IarTIIIRD AND FIFTH WAHL! AIERTIRH,—The Republican voters of the Third and Iti!fth Wards. (late 3d and 10th,) are re— quested to meet at CITY HALL, on THIS (Friday, EVENING, 7tli Inst., at 7S o'clock. to perfeet.the 'organization of a GRANT AND COLFAX CLUB. Speakers will be present to address the meeting. and a general attendance is desired. au7;tlis REPUBLICAN 'MEETING. GRANT & "COLFAX There will be s Mass Meeting of Republicans •t TARENTUM, FRIDAY EVENING, Augnst 7th, :1868., 8.. F. LUCAS,. W. C. MORELAND and L. P. STONE,. Ems., will be present and address tb meeting, an6:x. BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE IgrFOR MAYOR. JOSEPH A. BUTLER; Of the old SLNITIT WARD, is a candidate for Mayor subject to the declaim of the voters at the Republi can Primary Election., jr23:t.59 FOR MAYOR. JARED M. BRUSH, OM Of the old SIXTH WARD, Is a candidate for Major. sublect to the decision of the voters at the Republi— can Primary Election. jy2.1351 FOR MAYOR. CHARLES lEREMY, Of the old SIXTH WARD. IS a candidate for Mayor, subject to the decision of the voters at the Repnbli— can-Primary Election. jra:tal CITY TREASURER. VrFOR . CITY4REASCREIL SAMUEL ALLINDER Is a candidate for City Treasurer; subject to the de cision of the voters at the 'Rpublican Primary' Election.. . jrMt.s7 W'FOR CITY TREASITIMIL WILLIAM LITTLE. Of the old TENTH WARD, Is a candidate for City Treasurer, subject to the decision of voters at the Republican Primary Eledtion. - jy22350 FOR CITY TREASURER. .r WM. A. TOMLINSON', Of the FOURTH WARD; is ti candidati for City Treasurer, subject to the decision of the voters at, the Republican Primary Election. jy22:t54 igrFOR CITY TREASURES. A. J. COCHRAN, Of the old NINTH WARD, is a 'candidate for City Treasurer, subject to the decision of the voters sit the Republican Primary Election. jy22:t49 CITY CONTROLLER. - -FOR CITY CONTROLLER. THOMAS STEEL, Of the SECOND WARD, is a ; candidate for City Controller, subject to the decision of the voters at the Republican Primary Election jy2:tsl FOR- CITY .CONTROp..ER. ROBERT J. McGOWAN, Of the old FIFTH WARD. is a candidate for City Controller, subject to the decision 6f the voters as the Republican Primary Election. Jyl:ts3 REPUBLICAN CITY CONVENTION. The Republicans of the City of Pittsburgh are hereby Invited to attend Primary Meetings In their respective Wards on • SATURDAY, Augustlsth, 18681 Between the hours of 3 and 7 P. at., and there . vote far candidates to be placed in nomination for the several city offices, viz: . - - One Person for Mayor of said city. One person for Controller of saul city. . One person for Treasurer of said city. The voting at said meetings will printed or rritten ballots, containing the names of the candi dates voted for, each office on a ticket by itself, and the elections, as far as practicable. will be conduct ed In accordance with the laws and usages regula ting State, county and - city elections, the Mcers taking care to keep a correct 'list of all persons votinir thereht. . . The elections will be coriducted, wherever it can .betlone, by the Republican election officers chosen at the last city election: and inwards where no such officers were chosen, the officers to conduct the elec tion have been designated, as hereinafter mention i d, by the City Committee.: that - • The Committee suggest that the officers thus deft stetted to hold this election shall voluntarily take ne.usual affidavit administered to election officers . nder the laws Of the ,State, so as to shut out all ante of complaint. ' The election in the Vint and Second Wards .win held at the Public School Rouses in said wards. It the. Third Ward at the southeastern corner or s tU and Smithfield streets. .- ' - .. T. In the Fourth Ward at the Public School House. In the Fifth Ward in the .ofllce of the Clerk of tne Orphans' Court, at the Court House. under the su— pervision of W. B. Neepm, George Wass and it. J. Smith, who are appointed the Board to hold said election. In the Sixth Ward at the Public School/lonise:- In the Seventh Ward at the Public School House. In the Eighth Ward at the house ofilenry Wilson. In the Ninth Ward at•the Public School House. In the Tenth Ward at the` house of Wm. Brown, at st the corner of Penn and Mechanics streets. In the Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Seventeenth Wards. at the usual places of holding elections in said wards. In the Sixteenth Ward at the Wigwam, corner of Pearl and Main itreets under the supervision) Raab U. Craig, Behead Smith and John C. Stewart -In the Eighteenth Ward at the place of holding elections for what was heretofore enown as the 2cl precinct of Collins teen - Ishii), under the supervision or David Jones, David Holmes and David Kira. In the Ninete,enth Ward at Joseph Ganster's house .ou the Greenrburg. turnpike, under the Ch ina-vision of John N. Berlin, Wm. H. Morrison and . James Joyce. In the Twentieth Ward at Beltler's School House, under the supervision .ot Wm. H. Dennisfert, Geo. F. Rahauser and Juhn R. Baum. In the Twenty‘ Ward at Ross , School Hence, under the supervision of A.• J. Woolslayer, S. B. toss and B. W. Morgan. • In the Twenty.seuend Ward at Irwin's School House, under the. supervision of .John It. Murdock..: William Irwin and itaudal Morten. • • In the Twenty-third ward at the usual :place for *holding elections in late Peebles township, under the supervision of Joseph' Beals, James B. Feltner and James McKibben. Every supporter of GRANT *and COLFAX and the city-nominees Is I 'truest!) , invited to take part In said election, and none other; and the election- , calkers are hereby respectfully urged to use all pot- , attge di Agence to preserve the purity of the ballot box and .secure a lair return of. the votes Mg. The election °Meer& after the votes are counted will make np deplete returns thereof, one sof which, with the list of voters, shall be placed to-the ballot boxes. and the other .taken• pusethrslen of I b7 the Return. Judge; and, the _Retunc..ludges Of sop - Several wards shall present the same at a meeting. of R. turn Judges. to be held at the Common Coun cil Chamber, on TUvBDAF, August IPOI, as 1 0 o'clock A. as.. when they shall cause the game to be added together.-and declare the result. theiPoVIP 2 .rec-iving the highest vote for each &See lobe do dared the nominee. f - The Return Judges, at their meetly,. will uPtiOhlt the City Executive Comitlittee to , erne fort ileVa suing year. resolution, l om i l la ElTechetk)°'nutßmealrelttesetdoetahleresfotloie "'wit thetitiech. war, adopted at the last meeting of the fleet Resolve, That we recommend to !Seers of - the' Primary Election the enforcement of all legal ruled respecting the ( ratification of voter,. at gen era! eiections, in addhletteon to themember enoinsf the Union that the voter shall be a wu Republican Ys ny reaeiction was also pasted authorizing the A ' to Al a VasCAIIIIICA o ccurringnte Election Boar ds 'tee districts. cancers 'of Weirsespec • , J. A.. BUTLER,' Chairman. A. L VsAusoN. Bv:rec./try,. . auS:t9e SIEEBTINGS AND BATTING. EIO4IIII3S9iIFALL 9 0 ANCHOR COTTON MILLS iorrream - i - xI,GER. alLaanfactorera of ElikvirY, ifICDII3II and LIGHT iNosou AND orAsui[ous SNEE'TINGS AND BATTLNG. WE !IHTI3 AND XWIIRES. H-181„ LYON, Mar of *eights and Meanie% 10. 5 Pol7}lTH'Mal* Windy sad IMll,.wMeeft. Orion 'moray atasiol, Se. 0 MAYOR. num
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