A Financial Ilkt63rs in New York. Gold. biased at ii734@•149%, • • (By TelegTiph to the PittsburatiGitzette.l • NEW Yonri, August 5, 1858 • • MONEY AND GOLD. Money rather more active at 3(g5 per • cent. fort cans. The fall in. Erie some '`what d the - confidence of leaders, ' and miscellaneous collaterals were serute.. razed - more closely. Sterling quiet at 93;05 • IWe. Gold active and firmer, opening at 147% and closing at 149©149X,. There was great excitement throughout the day, and • the custom demand absorbed 6600,000, and in addition'a leading banker was a heavy buyer.: The shipment of 61,000,000 :of the * Alaska purchase money also had some in finance. as well as the fact that enormous quantities of cotton are being shipped from India to England, and which will reach there simultaneously with ,our new crops. , Loans of Gold were made at 3W, 4, 234 and , /0 per cent. for mrrying and fiat for borrow ' ing. The report that a German banking house was in trouble proved unfounded. GOVERNMENTS Are firmer, but the market only advanced on 6.1 s and 10-40 s. Coupons of 1881, 15% (4,16; do. '62, 104%@1041"; do. '64, 1103( 4 © 110%; 1 124'@11234; do. new , 108% 010 6 %; do. '67, 108%@.109; do. '6B, 108% • s@)109; do 10-405,.1093‘(910916. •• , Border State bonds are firuier and, more active; Old Tennessees, 65; New do, 6434; North Carolinas, 7234; °Rt. do, 7234; New Virginias, 5334; Miskouris, 931. A. \ •, • f RAILWAY MAIMS. The Erie problem absorbs attention mid unsettles the whole Market, which has • fluctuated violently. Erie .opened at 5734, fell to 56, advanced to 58 1 / 4 , fell to 57, and :finally, under report that Mr. Drew return ed to the city and was a heavy buyer, rose to 613i,'Itt which the closing sales ,were made. New York Central opened at 130 mid closed at 132%. There were largesales of Reading at 90 in the morning and exten sive business in old Southern and Pitts burgh. Rock Island sold as high as 112. In the afternoon the market closed active, higher and firm on the whole list. Miscel laneous and Express sharee quiet. 5:30 .PAidEs—Canton, 474§50: CI umber , land. 25310; Went(' Express, 26%®26%; ' American, 4434 ®45; 'A.dams, 52 1 /453; United States, 4514(?,45; Merchants Union 24X@)24%; 'Quicksilver; 22(gi2234;•Maripas preferred, . 7 ®9;-Pacific Mail, 1 0031@)10034; Atlantic- Ma11,26a29; Western, , Union Tele graPhi 3 4 5(a.34%;,.. New York Central, 132%101323.i; Erie 61.3i@61%; Erie:prefer ;red, 73@733i; Hudson, 13.834@138x; Writ 125; Reading, 91 350 91 y. °Ohio and Mississippi Certificates, 29%(4.40;" pitalash a 50(4)51; Wabash preferred, 73; St.'Paul, 75x. 0753(; St. - Paul preferred, 813 @)82;. Terre ',Tante, - 41(4)44; do • preferred, 65©66; Chicago and Alton, 137yQ)138; Chicago and Altonpreferre 138®196; Michigan Central; 11934®120; Milielhigan. Southern, 86%@87; Illinois Central, 14834; -Pittsburgh, SB%© 99; Toledo, 101%@1013;; Rook Island, ; Northwestern ; 82;4@82k i , ; Northwestern' preferred, 62@623t; Fort Wayne, 1093;©110; Hartford and Erie, 19X; Columbus, 863 • • airrinvo sireuEs. Mining shares dull; New, York Gold, '125: Lacrosse, 30@39; Mountain, 50; Smith -.‘di Parmlee,. 400; Gregory, 460. ' T , REASURY MATTERS. ---- z Exports for, the week, exclusive of specie, ;42,505,994., Receipts at the Sub . -Treasury, •,44,492,502; payments, 44,331,180. Balance '`578,582,601.678,5Eq,601. , . • • New York Produce Market. * - *••'-' tar Telegishit to the Pittsburgh Gazette.t , ~ . . NEW __YOUR', July s.—Cotton dull and a .; shade lower; sales 350 bbls at 2934a300 for ;;..middling.'uplands. Flour; receipts 3,639 ,(..t.,bbls; 15a25c better, the advance being . ' chieflyi on medium, and :low grades; sales • 12,600 bbls at $7,50a8,30 for superfine State • .. and western, 59a9,90 for common to choice extra State,_ 59a11,25 for extra western $11,30a13,60 for white wheat extra, 59,25 a ' • 13,50 for round hoop Ohio, 110112 for extra • St. Louis, and 812,50a14,50 for good. to -• , choice doi el Mfig firm. California firmer; , . sales 850 sacks at 111a12,70. Rye : .Flour ; .1* armer; sales 25,000 bbls at 88a10,36. Corn Meal firmer; sales 200 bbls Brandywine to . ... • wrive on_private terms; sales 700 bbls wes- Aim at $5,80a6,00. Whisky advancing; . ;ales 500 bbls in bond at $116381,64. Re , .• mipts of 15,250 bash Wheat; 3asc better; • tad in moderate milling demand, with sales • • if 35,000 linahels at $2,05 for No. 2 spring: .. l • 1245 for No. I de.; 82,35 for red 'Ohio; *1 . 2,45, Orlimber; 12,55'f0r white Canada; 52,45 for ,• ..., 'white Tennesseer 62,40 for common red - leoigia, and about $2,92;4' for extra; choice • sew white Michigan• ••11ye Is Very firm, - 7 - , -,. vitksales of 600 blishels Penaut.7lVania at . 2 11•,1Kt.' , , Barley is nominal. Barley Malt is • - *,, inlet', Corn.. receipts of, 13.8,242 bushels; .- he mailtetiii Id better ' clohing dull, With • ales of 168,006 bushelsat 11,16a1,18 for an , onnd; - $1;19a1;23, for, sound mixed western float; 51,20a1,25'10r old do. in store. and •• • : 1,25 for white weste - tn. . °aft - it - receipts of - 3,685 buidiels; tlidinaiketAil rather, more teady, with sales of 54,6002bnahels at 82.11 c nr western in store, and: 846a83,ic for do. . . ifloat. Rice.le quiet. Coffee is in fair re inest, with sales of 200 - hogsheads Rio at . lrivate terms... Sugar; the market is steady, , • ,'Fith sales of - 566 hhds Cuba at 1134812 x c. d'olasses dull. Hops quiet. Petroleum , . toady, at 173018y,c for crude and 343 c for ., Pfined bonded. Coal;• domestic firm; for .: an nominal. _ Leather quiet and' nu ;•. )ianged. Wool. quiet and Without de. • Aded chafigo; sales of 275,000 this, at 44a51c • .pr domestic; 43c for pulled and 50a53c for ..s.;iibbed. Pork steady and moderately ac,- • eve; sales of 2,650 bbls, at $28,80a29,00 for ew mess, closing at $28,80 cash; $28,50a : 4 3,75 for old - do; ,$24a24,25 for pribm mess; :.so 100 bblsnew mess,, for sellers for Sep-, .., .mber at $29,05a29,20. Beef steady; sales • if 180 bbls, at 525a25,25 for new plain mess I nd $24,50a24,75 for extra Mess. Tierce lecf quiet. at /21a33 for JpnEne mess and : 36 for India meas. Beef•Rame dull at r;ti '., a 32. Cut Meats firm; sales of 900 pkgs. 13a13/c. Bacon; shoulders, 16a1634e. . : sins and,Middleti are quiet but firm; sal e. • * f 250 boxes of Stratford and long cut ' hams •,•-14,18e. Lard &moil. sales 0f.130 tierces, at '.:' 4 3,319c for,, steam and ,19a1940 for kettle . :Indered.: . Butter • :unchanged.: Cheese •.•- - rni _at 12a16j4c.: Freights to ••Liverpool -,.'u11; engagement per steamer of .•15,000 . ash cornet sasd. . - - • ~,; • • LATes•r--Flour 'closed Sc better on low : rades ' with a very - moderate demand. Theatquiet and veryfirm• at $2,05a2,07 for. b. 2, and: g2,14a2,16 for No. 1 snringd.• Oats nu at 82,kiall2Xe in store, and - 63,./o afloat, s.; om quiet $1,12a1,17 for unseund, 11;18a ,49 for -sound new mixed In afloat, id p,20 for old mixed ' store. Pork` iall; mess $28,76. ca-Rh r . $ 2 8,8734 reglllar. iad $29, segler, September. Cut Molts. ;Wet and , steady. Bacon advancing In vices. Lard •firm at iBal9c for fair toprime - . •-• • • . ' Cincinnati Market. - . • TTelearahh to the Plttaburgh Gazette., CRICIRNATi; Attirttat: -5. and tteat'ntichanged: - Corn actrve and higher;. • 90 e; end shelled 1: 1 494e:.. Oats tirm. at, -asoc for prime ,to: choice new. -Rye ad-f .Luced to $1,25;' and" the‘ demand' good. clay in demand at'ii2a2,lo, but 'very . ,llt-' 1 ) offering.. Cotton firm -andinfair, local •• ' pluand at 30cfor middling.:,•!Pobacco,lin, 'fanged and qmet; ,Bales of ,440. bads, ,00a40,00 'trash and Ingii; and $ll,OOS' :,00 for leaf; redciiitslight. Whisky 55c in bond: Mess Pork•is held at• 29ci it there was Ao, demand iandr:this is , the : I-aka:sold at. /§34e, but. the . ''gland was light: - p'ulk :Meats Arai but Shlitildettf . itold • the extent •of :•QOO lbs at 12c,. buyers for this month, and ,000 lbs sides fttl4,W•fort paokedb, on -the-. ptt 130;efl g,bacon st• /Ws .for • oulders. and 17c tbr.ae4rOdtia , Itutter „ „ rather 'BOOT, supply t ..F31438a"°- for 'sh. GrodQiieS-PlOadY• Cared at 124,64 1 / 2 OLP? , demand gat9es. at $2,5`0847,5,...,. Ad 447 bilYhig and - 14g s * e'lling-• ;Irket easy, andthe demand light 4:2149-, ; r cent.- St. Iniuli'litarkei • . , Cit Telegraph to the Pittsburgh fisiettel T. ,Looms,• August 5.--Tobacco active an prices better for lugs: sound lugs, $ 8 . , 5 4 :) a 10 , 150 dark leaf, $9,.50a13; black wrappeisi t $14416; medium and bright leaf, $15a40: fancy, $40a75. Romp active; common to choice undressed, $1,25a1,60; choice dressed $2,35a2,45. Flour quiet and unchanged; choice family grades scarce and in steady demand. Wheat—cb.eice fall active but stiff; prime saBc lower;, Rains of choice red and white at $ 2 ,35a2,40; prime to strictly prime, $ 2 ,15a2,20; choice spring,sl,62al,6s. Corn firm; yellow, 84aii5c; white, 89a90c. Oats active and firm; choice, 50a58c. Bar ley inactive; small sales of fall at 11,90. Rye inactive and higher, at $1,05a1,06. Pro visions firm. Mess pork advanced 25e; sales at $29,25. Bacon . active; city clear sides, 17c; country do, 1636a11331c; city clear rib, 16ga163.0 shoulders, 133153/e. Lard firm; small sales at 18c. Live Stock—choice beeves in request, at 634a63;e, gross. Sheep in good supply, at s4as per head, good to choice. Receipts—Flour 900 bbls, Wheat .1'4120 bush, Corn 10,350 sacks, Oats 4500 Sacks, Rye 392 bush. • d Market. Telegraph toClevela the Pittsburgh Gazette. CLEVELAND, August s.—Flour quiet at $ 1 0,98a10,50 for double extra spring and $ 1 1,00a11,50 for double -extra red winter. Country brands are quiet at 39,00a10,00 for double °extra spring, $9,50a.10,50 for double extra red *inter and $12,00a13,00 for double extra White. Wheat; sales 5 oars of No. 1 red wintei at $2,17,. 7 cars do at $2,18 and 3 cars No. 2 do. at $2,08. Corn; sales 1 car No. l•at $1,04. Oats; new held at 60c; to ar rive. Rye, market dull and inactive and held at $1,70a1,80 for No.i. Barley Malt nominal. Petroleum. 'good inquiry for re fined and the market firm at 31a32c. for, standard white. • Toledo Market. My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh easttte.) TOLEDQ, August s.—Recel pts : 1,738 bar rels Flour; 25,950 bushels Wheat; „ 10,030 bushels Corn; 9,100 bushels Cats, 1,080 bushels Rye. Shipments : 200 barrels Flour; 13,451 bushels Corn— Flour firm. Wheat Sc better for red and amber 50 lower; sales amber $2,20a2,24,. closing at inside figure; No. 1' red Wabash $ 2,20, white Michigan '152, 1a1 , 9 1 40, Closing at inside figure for am ber to seller. August, $2,05a2,08; buyer August, $2,25. Corn 3c better; sales at $1,05. Oats lc better; sales No. lat 66. Rye 2c. better fdr new; sales No: at $ 1 1,32. Lake freights 3c. to Buffalo. • • Buffb.lo Market. ' IBlTelears ph to the Pittgburgh Gazette.) BUFFALO, • August 5.10ur firm; sales 1,500 bbls city , groand-sp ng at V 9,250.0,00. Wheat firm at an adva ce; sales 6,000 bush N0.,1 Milwaukee Club at $2,10;. 7,800 do. to il l arrive at $2,07; 5,300 bush Racine at $2,05. COrn opened firm at full rates and closed weak; sales 50,000 'bush western at $l,OB, 1,600 bush do. at p,oBN, and 6,000 de. at 11,08. Oats nominal; sales at 45; seller's option, September, 61c. Other articles un changed. "Receipts--Corn, 66,000 bush; Flour f 2,2lo bush. Shipments—Corn, 88,000 bush. Freights unchanged. Louisville Market.' LET Telegraph thc.rittaburgh Gazette.? Lornsvuzz, August s.—Sales• 900 hhda Tobacco; lugs and medium leaf, 7 a7j,io. Flour; $6,50 for superfine, and $10,25 for family brands. Wheat; red, f1,90a2,00. Corn, 95e. Oats; new, 45a50c. Bacon; shouldels 1334 c; clear rib sides, 17c; clear Mess Pork, $49. Laid, IS! ‘a 1814 c, with a sale of 450 tierces at 18y.c for Eastern market. Whiskey; raw free, 81,15 420. . , Milwaukee Market. kyty Telegrash to-the Plttebargh•Gazetteo MILWAIMiII, August s.—Flour quiet but firm and prices unchanged. Wheat quiet and firm: sales 200 bush No 1 at 51,90. , Oats' nothinarat 74e for No 2: Corn firmer at' 09c for No 2. Receipts-300 bbls tour, 1000 bush wheat, 1000 bush oats, 500 bush corn: Shipmenta--2000 bbls flour, 18,000 bush wheat, 400 bush Casts, , 400 bush corn. ' IMPORTS RAILROAD. CLETIELAND AND Prmsaurtuß Rom), August 1.-1 car lumber, W. W. Higdon &Oa; 2 cars iron ore, Brown & Co; 4 cars iron ore, MriCnight P & Co; 1 butt tobbacco, E. Wormser; 20 bbls lime, Pittsburgh Ghtss Company,l2o bdls spokes, 4 dct spokes; Thos.Hare6c Bro; 3 bbls glass, Bryce, Walker & Co; 1 bx toolseP. H. ht.'- Kenna; 10 bellows, Lindsey, Sterritt & Co; 1 car lime, Dotz & Co': 2 cars blooms,Park, & Co;•1 ear stone I.fesEdcs & Gyenna• 1 skiff, J. H. Kramer, 2 , bbls tallow I bdl pelts, W. Fifteens &Son; 3 bx tobacco, J. S. Dilworth 4,C0; 1 car stone, P. 'Wolf; 1'; ear water pipes, H. "H. Collins; 6 sacks wool, W Barker, Jr, & Co; 10 bbls knobs, Adams M'Kee'tt C o; 10 do, Tones, Nimick do to; 1 bbl tobricoOlS.lP. ,Shrlyer' & to; 20' bas Crackers, .Reytner:'& 'Bre; 1 flue 84eet, Brown &Co ;z1 bbl Head lietmer; 52 bbls apples,' , W:.Jw Steel & Bro; I box cigars - J. W. Barker; 1 bx, 1 coil rope, G W Faber; 48 empty oil bbls.-Thos.-Musgrave; 10 ILES cheese, Volgt, - Mahciod - & Co. Pima/ma/Im, FY. WAYNE AND CNIOAOO RAILROAD * August 5.-1 car , wheat, J S Liggett & CO; lot carriage, hardwere, Mo.. W.hrnney & Co; do do, Hare &Br 2 pkgs tolmeeo, it. , Bmith; 4 - tcsbeef W Hays & Son; 10 bbls marble dust, Sohn Selfretif; 25 tea hams, .7 H Parlay, 25 bbls oil, Beymer, 'Bauman ft Co; 62 nests wash bowls, Z ford; 20 boxes cheese, Arbuokhts & Co; 10 do do, Haworth, McDonald & Co; 1 bbl eggs, Means & Coffin; 36 sks rags, Cliristy & Benham; 2 bbls eggs, Watt & Wilson; 90 boxes cheese, N J Braden; lot glassware, Semple & Fry; 15 sks oats, McHenry & Hood; 17 do wool, W Barker Jr & Co; 50 oil bbls, Adams do Bro; 50-bbls flour, John Shepherd; 200 do Ott, owner; 200 oil bbls, E Jageman & Co; 10 cars metal, Bryan & CaugheY; 1 do do, Nimick & Co; 3do do, • :es, Graff .& Dull. • .P/TTE4BUROH, CINCINNATI AND ST. Louts RAILROAD August 5.-1 ' car - staves, 'J. Painter, dc :Sou; 100 bbls flour, Seghtnyer & Vo.skatup; 11 tubs butter, H. Rea, Jr., 7 do do 'WA/. Graff & Co; 5 rolls, Saks rags, F. G;Craigheaci; 4 bbls eggs, John McDowell; bbls butter, 1 do ,eggs : P. Schikleoker, 66,sks oate; M'lletiry & Hood; 41 do do, Meanor.tt Harper; 2 , bbls eggs, 2 kgs J. Wiggins; 1 'pkg 'eggs, 1 de butter,' E.' Heazleton; 1 car corn; Stewart- tic - Dangen helm; 490 bbls flour, 30 sks feed,-"Watt, •Lang & Co; 6,50 pcs shoulders, E.-H. Myers j di Co;, 5 tes hams, JObi.i. 11311;,5 do do„ S. Dyer, 3 dodo Kohen & Bro.; 20 bbbi potik , toes, Tangorder & Shepard, 7 do de, 8 cio onions, .W.-11". Graff & Co: 2 hhds hams; J. Illetz;-4tcs - beef;Carter,'M'Gre*A Co., ' I - Atm:oar/vs ST/atom, Aukust 6.-95 bbla flour, Stewart it Langetheim; I-car lum. • ber, Taggart, tit , Ykrilson; / do deo, Dickey; 21,bbla potatoes, 24 do apples,. F. -Owens; 1 bbl tobacco, R, & 174. ,J,o.baston; 330140 i whilat..R. T. KenifedY it Bro; . 100 bbls flour, R. Knox *Son; 6cars limestone, Superior Iron Co.; -1 calf metal, _Lewis Sal ley &Dalzell; 260 pigs lead, JSchoonmalcer & Sari; 100, green bides, A. Holsteins; ,9. bbls apples, Owens tt. Thirper; . 20 bhls, 'Whisky; 11,, &A. Carson. • , • Vatiacr: R., R., August 5.-- 1 car , Metal; McKnight, Porter's/Y. : 04 '2410 . UMestone '''Shopplierger & Blair: bar metal, II i'Voodsidesiletti- stone, 'Harrison lit:Britk; 4 bbl eggs; 2 IpkaAuttericiot- sun dries, J Graham; 3bbls eggs, Bde butter, R 0 Crawford; 2,bcls leather; John OM& Son; 1 car Metal, I.,you.Shorb :C0;.4 cars, stonetc Henderson it CO; '2( ads 1 3 g_gls.f Hoen; Stars railroad iron, Pgh Cin dc St. Dews CukTris.t.l„:lKixtmomi August 5-7:sks raga, St Ewart do - 17:15: .1 bbl egAL .7 Blanchard; .13. rolls leather, Barr ;' ~STONE. ~ t >~ a t , . WsTOMIXON: • I ' • 5 • 4 0 FAIrCit itiriaetof liVecit'Coifirdon,'legiSeit. PRIDDrit TATIVATVat: a, name ,on pamtiottitiiiareiou'_.itkiirt, notice' ad - Um AIM - Ste„ti Stones,' T om b Stdorsiks, B re mate,"&co 4ear ana Stones,Worn : Orders promptly executed. Prices reasonable ,;,PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1868 MIEMINNIEMI RIVER NEWS. The river continues to recede rapidly at this point with - but little over five feet in the channel by the Mononzahela marks last eviming. The weather yesterday was clear and pleasant and, apparently settled. The Bellevernon cleared for St. Louis about daylight yesterday with about all the freight she could take, and tne Rate Robinson left for Louisville in the after noon with a very good trip. Tavens and Given were the pilots on the Robinson, Capt. Marsh Hays in command. There were rumors some weeks since that negotiations were'pending looking to _ward a consolidation of the two rival Pitts burgh and Brownsville-packet Companies. Aocording to an evening cotemporary how ever,, this arrangement must have fallen through, as It seems , that the feeling of rivalry has broken out afresh with 'the re sumption of navigation. It is stated that the towboat Keystone stuck two of her barges at Glass House on Tuesday; we did not learn Whether or not she was successfull in'getting them off. —Cant Wm. Dean is loading the Camelia at Cincinnati for Pittsburgh. —The carpenter. of the Emma No. 3 (name not /mom)) died suddenly on the trip up, and was buried at Evansville. —A lolelena dispatch of the 2d says the Tom Stevens left Benton on the 27th, and the Leni Leoti on the Ist. River reported very low. —The Importer, at St. Louis, is being lengthened, .repaired and painted previous to entering the New, Orleans and Arkansas river trade; • , —Mr. James T. McCord has received the appointmentp of Boiler Inspector at St. Louis, in _plebe of Mn 'Morgan, whose sui cide we noticed a few days ago. He filled .the position many years ago.. —An Omaha dispatch of the 2d says the river is falling very slowly. The McDon ald down at noon to-days the Columbia ex pected from below to-night; the Ida left Sioux City on the 28th for St. Louis. -The following boats were at the Cincin nati Wharf Monday eve'ng. Mlnneola, Alas ka, America; Silver Spray, Abeona, Came lia, Shamrock, J. P. Webb, Ida Rees, Argosy and Mattle Burns. All but the two last named are in commission. --Capt. Redman D. Ball, of El DOrado wood yard, Arkensas ' died on the 29th ult. The Memphis Avalaitche, says: Captain Ball was among the pioneers of St. Francis river. His landmarks ,to his posterity are worthy of a place; t% family and friends generous to 'a fault, prompt in his dealings, and in truth an honest man. 'Peace be his; may the turf best lightly on such as hia. —A late St. Lads paper says: The' con solidation of the N. W. U. (It Q. Packet Companies was the grand theme of conver sation on the upper levee yesterday, the action meeting with' much approval and some displeasure by the friends of both organizations. The „Northwestern Union Packet Company . will hereafter attend -to all offering business between here -and Keokuk, but will make no concession to shippers not allowed and practiced' by the marl line. - -We clip the following front,-the Cincin -neti Gazette, of Tuesday : Our dispatches yesterday morning waked steamboatwen up—especially those who had been expect ing two or three months more of low water. The. various packet companies had laid their large steamers up, and were running low water boats. To-day they witl begin to put their own steamers on the track again. Some of them, however, are receiv ing paint and, repairs. Not expecting a rise so soon, workmen - have been taking their time., Now the cordptudes are caught nap ping. The . Cincinnati, Big Sandy Oit Pomo roy-Packet Company. however, will tie up the Robert Moore and bring out the Tele graph to-day, with the old officers and crew. The . U. 8. Mail Company will also to-day turn the J. N. McCullough and R. R. Hudson over to their owners and bring out the America and Gen. Lytle—the for mer to leave Louisville and the latter to leave Cincinnati this evening. The United States is not ready for business. The Maysville Packet Companywill accommo date people residing on their line of navi gation by brinaing out the St. James to morrow. The Portsmouth packet Bostona, and the Pomeroy and Parkersburg packet irlbetwood, will be out in good time, in ex. cellenecondition for business. River and Weathei; (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) LOUISVILLE, August s.—River etation3 ary. with five feet in canal and three feet on falls. Weather clear and.waraa. ST. Louis, August s.—Weather clear and ' w o c:10 al a tr:i ip VI ill RARE :FOR • Plumbing .& Gas. Fitting Establishment. • . . A good statiff and store. togthei• with fixtures,. .kood ao., or A PLUMBING and GAS FIT ZING' ESTABLISHMENT. doin s i tuated business, Is offered for sale. The above le ln a _good place for business. Having engaged in other busi ness. the proprietor offers this establishment at a bargain. • For particulars, 'fie., call at Nit. 165 Wood Street., Pittsburgh, Pa. _ anitti3l EXCHANGE. 8,000 Acres of Land, • in - Wyoming county, West Virginia, being num bers 115, 116, _ 117, 133, 134, 135, 136 and 154, all in tgefract, Watered by ,branchrs of Twelve (12)Pole Creek, and part of an original tract orl 321,000 acres granted to James Wilson, Charles Willing, Barnard and Michael CI rat y, Leal Dolllngs worth and Dorsey Pancost. - Taxes paid up to 1567. Title perfect; Will be exchange;! Tor Pittstiurgli manufacture s or dry good'', at market prices. Address, • EXCHANGE. jy2u:r74 . DAZLITX UPTIO/C. OF CITY Mum - mm.li AND :WitVEYOU. Pittsburgh, July 539. Isll3B. f NOTICE.—The - Assessment for Grading, Paving &' Curbing Mulberry Alley, 'From Clymer to Smith' street, fa now "ready for ex annnation, and can be seen at Ltde odic° until BATITEDAY, AUGUST STD, 1668, When It will .be returned to the City Treasurer's Odice for collection. ' •11. J . 11:11301i.E. irM:f47 . °"'" or it.uburgb, August Itt, 18G$. NoTicE. THE'ASSESSMENT TOE THT • "1 4 1ienlson Pavement". on Fifth St.l ' bi now ready for elimination, and can be seen at this taco matt,. ' .' • • TIIESIkttY, Atillrdt 11.411, - 1868, , Wbm WIII..be-returned to the City Treaanrer's omen for col,ettion. • .• • • aul:tBs 4:toorcE. City EnginetY.- , rrxas CITY rialtdr tarY 014 rl zj y o sB. OTICT •44;essnent, ox ,Vinatnir, Paving: siva Cairbtinrthe Fast. • -ern Periton sof Meepadittrert. nnir' ready for cattinlinstlon, anH can be sienAt this claim ynt4l; • ; '•': SATURDAY, AUGUST SID 1868, , When It mill be returned to thei2Clt7 .Treo.aurers Olnop ,, ,;or,oulleottomi.,. • • . moort•i, • 20,t78~ (71tr 4 Eig Y in . eer 02 AL CRG s!yTTEtli.D_l. t, No i nCE ;t.thall partials letereetoal ithiel'eoiletruetto& ,o wearers In the Middle, and, Wentrrn al.trlete th a t, Vette :add atiretneetntme fur 110 , Per .Ph f r edersi ...inle sea , also for eons oie.gedgertelt , Hlreet. •bra , beeb p r efaereal awl walk b- °lien Aar Inspection att Itthf *Mee ontl.l U ILA Y, the 11th Inez. . real4B3 • Cif Ae. 11AvIt3 , clt) tinittneer. SEC. 1. Be it : ordained and enacted by the City of 1 F'ittatkurgh, in'Select and Common Councils assem- DIM, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the 'same, That under the 4th Section of tne Act of As - Isembly entitled "Au Act supplemeutato the Acts dncorporating the City of Pittsburgh,' ry, aliproved ?April 1. A. D.. 1868, the Common Council of the city shall be composed o sixty-slx members, and 'shall be apportioned am ng the at/el - tut wards as follows, viz: - , First Ward- • • '-' Three (3/ members. Second Ward , - Four ( 4 ) ' ", • Third Ward i; Three ( 3 1' ' ,ninth Ward ' Three (3), " . Fitch Ward , Three (3) Sixth Ward ' 1 Pour (4, " Seventh Ward ..s .. : ..... ....:...Three (3) " Eighth Ward Three (3) - "- Ninth Ward ' Three (3) '' Tenth-Ward • ' Two (2) '• Eleventh Ward ' (..Three (3) • • Twelfth Ward ~..Five 15.1 Thirteenth Ward ' Two (2) Fourteenth Ward Four ( I) Fifteenth Ward-.....F0ur (4) " Sixteenth Word . Two (2) " Seventeenth Ward ' Three (3) " Y.lghteenth Ward ' Two (2) " Nineteenth Ward Two (2) Twentieth Ward Two (2) Twenty-first Ward' Two (2) Twenty. second Ward - Two (2) " Twenty-third Ward.... Two 12) _ Total ' , - Sixty-six ix (6members. Sze. 2. That any ordinance or part of ordlnance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same is hereby repealed so Oas the same ffects this ordinance. rdaine'd and a enacted into a law In Councils, this 31st day ofJuly, A. D. ISOS. A. H. GROSS, President. pro tern., of Select Council. Attest: E. S. Bionnow, Clerk of Select Council W. A. TOMLINSON, President of Common Council. Attest: fluor mcmesTEn. Clem of common Council. au4 AN ORDINANCE For Locating the Greensburg Turnpike. P S a e 6 . u ro Be f ft Se dne a d d l n (A d m m a ocnt ed k by e th i a C as y en f bled, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the City Engineer. be and he Is bereby directed to survey and open the Pittsburgh and Greensburg Turnpike Road. from its intersection with Butler street' to St. Mary's avenue, the full width of sixty feet; and. Thomas Aiken, Samuel McKee and Z. Wainwright be and are hereby ap pointed viewers to appraise the damages and assess benefits in accordance wi th an act of Assembly, ap proved January 6th, 1804. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be'and the name is hereby repealed so faO radsa the d a a m nd a n e ctedlntoa inaw ce a Councils, this 31st a / 6 y of July, A. D. 1868. A. H. GROSS, • Attest: E. S. MORROW President, pro t m., of Select Connell. , Clerk of Select Council. . W. A. TOkiLINSON, President of Common Council. Attest: HuOn McllfAsems, Clerk of Common Connell. . an( A • SECTION]. Be U ordained and enacted by the 014 s of Pittsburgh, in Select - "and Common Councils as sembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the Nam., That the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to ad vertise for proposals for, the gracing of Liberty avenue, from Wilson street to Centre avenue, and to let the same in the manner directed by an ordi nance concerning etreets, passed August 31st, 1857; also, an act concerning streets. approved January 6th, 1804. SEC. 2, That any•ordinance or part of ordinapce contlieting with thepassage of this ordinance at iblta present time. be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this 31st day of July, A. D. 1865. P.reslAem,_ • A. H. GROSS, Attest: E. S. MORRO W pro tem., of Select Council Clerk or Select Council. I • W. A. TOMLINSON, Prpsldent of Common Council Attest: HUGH Mcblesrin. Clerk of Common Connell. as AN 011111N,ALIICE Place of Holding. Elections In the Twentieth Ward. _ . Sac. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh. in Select and. Common Counotts assem bled, and it is hereby enacted by the authority 'of the same, That the place of holding the elections In the Twetal. to Ward, for the present, be at the old place. (School House No. 1, Liberty township,) and the officers for folding the same shall be as follows, • Judge—Win: H. Dennlaton. Inspectors—John It. Baum and Geo. Nanhaneer. Return In. peetnre—rdw. Aiken and Orin Newton. Enc. 2. That any ordinance or part of Ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be •tod the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law la Cannella, this 31st day of July, A. 1). 180 E. em A. H. GROSS, . . President, pro t ,of Sqlect Council. Attest: E. s2.ll9artow W. A.'IOIiLINSON, • President of Common Council. Attest: .11Cott MclilAsvEn, Clerk of Common Council. au*, A N ORDINANCE Poi a Cinder Walk on Centre Avenue. SECTION 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Qitg of Pitiebitroh, in Select and Common Councils - as- • ambled, and it is hereby enac . ed by the authority of the same, That the City Engineer be and be Is here by directed to advertise for proposals .for the eon structien of beten ra p ci t n r der s s idew e a Jl a odu Oelnle re avenue, .commenc Ki t k K a rkpa k rickstree n an Mi to r e i rmna o at Jacob Ewart's corner, and In connection with the CoMmitteear,Roads to let the same. Sc.R 2. 'lnc cost of construction to be at sessed to property fronting thereon' and to be collected as the assess' etas ma , e by the city are collected. Ste. IL That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the r, - present time, be and the same is hereby repealed so 7, faO rda the e da m d enacted h int oadaw nc n e. . Councils, thia 31st day of July, A. D. 1865. A. GROSS. ' President, pro km., of Select Council: Attest: E. b. Monnow, Clerk of Select Connell. • W.' A: TI ) hiLTNSON, President of Common Connell. Attest: Montt MCMASTICII, Clerk of Common Council. rata A N ORDINANCE " Granting then " Western Union Tele graph Co." the Privilege of Erecting - Poles.. Sat:. 1. Be tt_ ordatnrd and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Councils mum bled, and it to hereby enacted by the authority of the came, That , the privilage be - aid is hereby granted to the "Western Union Telegraph Co." to eree poles on Allen street, front the Allegheny Valley Railroad to Sutler s•reet, and on Butler atree o roster's alley, (Lawrenceville.) the Councils i re . serving the eight to remove them on sixty days' notice. They also reserve the right of attaching Fire Alarm 'Telegraph wires thereto. The poles to be of such size and de-cription as may be-satisfac tory to the City Engineer. Sac. 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting the passage of this ordinance at the pres ent time, be and the sable, Is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained null enacte , into it law in Councils, this 31st day of July, A D. .1868. , A. 11.• 0110-S. • - Presdent. pro£ m. , of Select Council. Attest: E. S. Munnow, Clerk of Select Council. W•. A. TOMLINSON. Prealdent of Common Council. Attest: Mali Meal ASTER, Clerk oh Common CounalL , ant AN , 011.1141 NANCE; ATITAORIZINO THE Gradink and McAdam 'sing Larlxner Ay . enue, front rtitailon it:Arming SRO. ,Be ordettned. and enactsd try the My' of • Pittafniroh, in Befectcanel Commtm • •Ootincits assent bled, and if fa hereto enacted try tled authortlY of the same—That -Latimer .ASenue • Eaiit:Aaherig, f rom Station street to Spring; street, gradmi to the width of forty.flve (481 feet. In ancorda ,CE with a , . plan in the City Engineer's ! , Nee. and o McAilatnized . ,- s as td . haire, a road bed or twenty-four. ln width, the cost 'ilietvof to be assessed on the prop erty abutting thereon. ' . • ' • Sie. 2. That any ordinanoo or part of ordlnanoe conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the , present time, be and the mu ne is hereby repealed so Swat the same streets this ordinance. Ordained and enacted. into :Liar in. Councils, this 31st day of July, A: D. 1565. •I • ' • •, A. tl ,. qi . t.OSS. • • • Preeldinit.'Pro tem., Select Connel. Attest: E. S. IdoithoW Clerk of Se lcet Cou cil. • ; -. W. AeTtildf,lNSON, • President of Common Couneli, Atteit:' If oau MOM ASTAM Clerk of Common Memel!. AN OlticilN City Esittineer. I r D vi o ir awr ' Open nig o a x n If.. , eneeville. 161ccTIQN I. Bic ,B ordo mad taut mooted by the ou t , of Pittsouri7h to loci and Common Counerfa (tr embled. anet h te hercog enacted nu atighorito of tau sante. That the 'By Eirglnenr Au and ht, in hereby directed to gurroy ,Rild: 0 PVn Ditrlloit street. trona Corinsmon street to ...4. et .ry'a avenue, and that I:sP e u 7 d a in h4 a " a d e u e n a l t " ti: s e John Naser. Win: Borhy..r., und Thinned Barrett a bea r in it a im il e t i e t h be er n e ent hy a cp i s : u o ust l s n a :d ooyri o titut opening er t h e Alamo. z...., ~ Eittc T. That any drdinatien or part of o, 'flambee FitiPt e sl t h l e i t e ru t ? atit•ltstlicits=liblualitAree.?)Y repeated B° conflicting with the e. : o . rdflfi e , d rres ; ir; e rra n non ac i: tod sts:et. i n n twi to :ni u: Awu. l: tin i rTmosei ll I mo o: eic,: : : :eu tiuouonn e elvE6 : l l,,.. ,Blat day of July, A. D. litatf. . . i Att "i; ',B * 6. M lle eat Oo en - 2itthstriluan ltettatrall. , ...; ....1 .. , ~. t Clerk. of common Ckntecti. a. ORDINANCES, PITTSBU4GII. N ORDINANCE A Apport4mlnfr the Members of the Com mon Connell. AUTHORIZING THE. Grading of - Liberty Avenue. FIXIIcH THE Cleri — c;FS"elect Council 1311 FOE THE AN RDINANCE REGULATING NIGHT S. •11.11•:G. :•_•tic. I. Be it ordain,d mut ena•ted the Select mid Comnion Council* of the (Ty of ond it is hereby suachd by authority of the same, That the slayor be and Is hereby empowered to appoint some suitable persona° nave charge of allot or boat, to be placed at some convenient point along tile kl -leglieny °roil's) rivers, where all persons who fol low the business of night soiling are required to deposit !heir filth, and no person shall be ellowed to deposit the contents of any privy without first procuring a permit from the Mayor nor shall the d same be oposled at any other place ' than that des ignated above. . SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the person having charge.oif such boat or flat to keep the same clean., and entirely free from any offensive smell, and shall keep It at ail times in suitable condition for use. Eike. 3. It shall be unlawful for any one to Inter , fere with any person . engaged in the business of night soiling, or with tae person who shall have charge of seen flat or boat. • SEC. 4. The amount to be pald'for the said per mits shall be fixed and regulated by the Committee on Police, and shall he divhled..hetween the person having charge of said boat, aS-E-iid committee shall agree upon.- Site. G. Anvperson offending - agiinst the pror Is lons of this ordinance shall, on conviction before the Mayor, forfeit and pay the sum of not less than five nor more than twenty - dollars. to be recovered stimmarilv,_and any person engaged in the business of night soiling, Who shall be twice convictuu of violation of this ordinance. 01,11 thereby forfeit, the right to obtain a permit to follow such business, SEC. 0. Any citizen who shall feel Ineoininoded by having the said boat or flat placed near- their residence or place of business, may make known the same to the Committee on Police, whose duty It shall be, In conjunction with the Mayor. to consider the complaint, and, if they deem advisable. to have the same placed where It will not likely cause any Inconvenience. ' SAC. 7. Any ordinance or part of ordinaneothat may conflict with the foregoing be and the Same_is hereby repealed. Ordained and enactedlito a law this the 23d day of July, ILSOS. JAMES McBRIEK, President of Select Couuci MeNEIL. Attest: President, pro tem., of Common Counci D. NACFERRON, Cl6 - 1c of Select Connell. It. DILWORTH. Clerik'of Common Council. ans ORDINANCE to authorize the Grain slid Paving of Isabella Court - and Lindsay's alley, and. for the grading or Foun tain street. SEC. 1. Be it ordained . and enacted by the Select and Common Councils of the. City of' Allegheny, and it is hereby enacted ,by the aidhority 'of the same. That the Committee on Streets be and they are here by authorized and directed to Invite and receive pro posals Lindsaye Grading and Paving of Isabella Court isnd 's alley. and for the grading of Foun taln street, and to contract therefor with the lowest and best bidder or biddece. at their discretion. ' - Sec. 2. That for thepurpose or defraying the cost and expenses of the Bald improvements, there be and is hereby levied a special tax? to be equally as sessed upon the _severallota bounding and abutting upon Bald court, street and alley respectively. In pro portion to the feet front in them . respectively com prised, and bounding and abuttlng as aforesaid. SEC. 3. That as soon as the cost Ana expense f said improvements shall be fully - ascertained, It shah be the duty of the Street Commissioner to assess and'apportion the same among the several lotsbound ing and abutting upon said court," street and said alley respectively. according. to the rule above inaiested, ana thereupon prodeed to make deniana and ecilect the same, according to the provisions of the act of the General Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act deflninit 'the manner of-collecting the expenses' of grading and paving of the streets and alleys of the City of Allegheny, and for otheipurposes." passed the Wth of March. IBM ' - Sec. 4. That so much of any ordinance as may con flict with or be supplied by the foregoing, be and - the same is hereby repealed. Ordained ana enacted into a law this the 23d day of July, A. L. 1868. JABIES IieBRIER, ____... - _President of Select Council . • litAM Idcb, Ell., President, pro tem„ of Common Council Attest: D. MACPERTION. Clerk of Select Council. E. BiLwortrit. Clerk of Common Council. N ORDINANCE REGULATING 14 SIGNS. EC. 1. Be tt ordained and enacted by the Bath and (Ammon (Jeanette of the City of Altlegtteny, and ft fa hereby enacted by the authority of the same, _That , no sign nor sign post, of urly kind or descrip tion whatsoever, e hall be set or placed upon any foot way, navement. street or alley in said city, nor attached/to any building at a distance of less than nine feet above the pavement underneath,. norahall the sane project from the wall of the building to which thanong over the pavement a greater dis tance three feet; provuled, however, that' a movable sign not over four feet In height can be_set on that portion of the pavement allowed merchants and,others for exposing their goods and wares, be ing three feet from lihe of lots; provided, however, that In no instance shall more' than one-fOurth of: the width of any pavement or footwalk be so occu pied. MeC. 2.And every sign or sign post that hai been 'set or paced that violates the provisions hereof, is hereby : declared a common nuisance, and snail be taken down and removed. bac. 3. Every person offending against the pro vitions or this Ordinance shall, upon conviction. forfeit and pay the SUM of live dollars,-and costs of removing the same. WM. 4. All ordinances conflicting with this arp hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted Into a law this the 23d day of July, IeIGS. JAMES Mcßtil ell, President of Select Council. HUGH McNEIL.' Preaiden t, 'pro fem., of Common Council. Attest:, D; 1 1 Iacraanox, Clerk of Select Connell. It; Ditwoirru, clerk of Common Conncal. ans AN ORDINANCE amending Sec. 6. Page 107. and sec. 521, Page 11*, enti tled "Nuisance." In new City Code. lite. 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the Select and Common Councils of the Vag or Allegheny, and 0 is herein, enacted try the authorit e r ec t the dame, That no awning shall hereafter be ed In said city unl unde r side me is nine feet above. an y pavement to the ofthe lov eat point of part of s t aid awning, nor shall anppos,t be set or planted'inr the purpose of fastening tineretdany awning. unless the same shall be Of irons and not lets than nihe feet In tulght above the pavement; the rails, braces NO rods composing any awning shall be of Iron, and from the under side of any such rod, brace, rail or awning, at the lowest point thereof, there shall be a distance of not less than nine feet the pavement underneath: the owning to•be fastened down with good and sunlclent . cords. SEC. 2 . every person offending against this ordi nance, or auy provision thereof. shall, upon con. victim:, forfeit and pay the sum of Ave dollars, and the costs of removing the same. Sac 3. All ordinances, or parts thereof, conflict ing herewith, are hereby repealed. ordained and enacted into a law this the 23d day of 'July, 15611. JAMES IicBRIE /I, • President of Select Connell. . 11130 H IioNEIL Attest: , President, pro tem., of Common Connell. . • D. AIACFERROIN Clerk of Select Connell • R. DiLureurrn. Clerk of Common Councll.• aus OHDINANCE relating to Hogs. ;EC. 1. Be It enacted by the Select and Common Councils of the City of Allegheny, and it is hereby enacted by the authort ty of the same, That any per son who Shall suffer his hogs or any swine to run at large In this city shall, for each °tient°, on convic tion thereof, forfeit and pay or, oath of said ant male so running at large the sum of live dollars,-and every one of said animals so found running at large shall be-oonsidrred a publit and common nuisance. and it shall be the duty of the polleemen, or any- of them, to seize and take into custody every one of salt animals so found running at. large, and have them taken to the City Poor 1. arm, and appronria ted to the use of- the city on Bald farm. Ordained and enactel into a law this the 93d day of July, A. D. 1888. - JAMES 31cBRIER, • • Pmeident of Select Council. 11U(411 AlctiVAL.. • Prcel,Alcnt, pro tern. s of COnnnOn Attect: I ) .l.tcFrunocr, Clock of Select Council. C. DILITORTLi. Clerk of Common Council. anS AN ORDINANCE amending an Ordinance entitled "Nuisance," Chap. 23, bee. 13. Page 107. In City Code. see. i. Be It ordained and enacted by, the' Select and Common Councils of the City of :Allegheny, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of :the same, That the proviso In said ordinance allowing mer chants the uee of three feet. of the paVement In trout 'of line - elf lots shall be ibr displaying their names goods, ac., provided the same isMot more than throe feet in height; and not more than one fourth of any pavement or sidewalk shall be so oc cupied In any event, the same penalty to be 'attach , ed for the-violation thereof as Is now attached to the heetlon to which this Isan amendment. ISM 2. All ordinances or parts f ordinances con flicting beretelth are hereby repealed. Ordalned and enccted Into a law thls the 23d day of July, A. D. 1868. • • • , JAMES President of Select Council HUGH Mc Ell.n 'President, pro fern., of COMIXIO4 Council ICBM' D. hfacrinnow. Clerk of Select Connell, Do.wnwrii„'Cleric of Common Connell. aus ,fIRDINANC-E . to.- increase the - NJ- number of. Night Watchmen. enterioN 1. Dolt .ordained and enacted by the Se lect and Common Councils of the City of Alleghe ny, and It ittherkby enmated by the authority of the same,; That tue ordinance znereablug the Police Force, passed the 13th day of Februar.. A. D. 18138, Wand it Is hereby amended to read y after the words s`Three Lientenafits of the Watch" "and Twenty-seven Watchnum,Y, Sze. 1. That note:lth of any ordinance as may oon Stet ,with or be supplied ;by the foregoing , be and the same hereby repealed. • Ordained and enacted, rots a law thin the 434 day of July, A. D. - au4 .•, ' JAMES MOURIER., Prooldent of the Solent Cous/cll 111113rH PrealoentAttest:, z;ro - tem , COMMOU I),:hticPiiiitolr, Clerk of Select Council. - R. Dr Lwonra.yderk of Common Council.- a -11111111.N.ANCIF. defining' manner _or gl ain't otic of wers. I ue I t en a cte dby the' Select and Corn- 'Mon' Councils of the City of Allegeeny, and That hereby enacted by the buthorltY 01 thO same. :when plans and Ppdc I lientlong of sea erd in 'Said. city' are prepared by the Commission on pewers, notice theroor ahall :be given byta id - ColuMiteden ti) all P'rtl-s In' ereyted. by ten - days , publteatlon in the official papers of said city s 'forthe inspection otthe said battle, ln interest. : . Ban. 2. All ordinances or ports of ordinances con llbt ing beret, Ito arc herebyirepealed. OrdY hied and enacted taloa law thIS the 23(1 day of July, 11166. 1 A..111C8 McßtiLLrlt , . President on.rle,it Council. - - - 11Pliti.fdebIbIlty • . president„ tern.,-of Common Attest: • . , , • iriAcr %nit()); - emit nflßeleei (T.:milieu.' it. DILWORTLX, clerk of Common Connelly 11115 ORDINANCES, ALLEGHENY. ORDINANCES .....„_„,„, . ____......„.... Ott.DiNANCE authorizing the Curbing on "Rank Lane. encTion I. lie it enard, mon Couuci's of the City of Allegheny. anti l o ts City by the Sdleet and - hereby enacted by the authority of the t.ame„ That a wooden curbing shall be constructed on the.side„ of Bank Lane (Sth ward. gall city.) next the wharf, fur el 7 the purpose of preventing giving or sliding , ~ S icc. 2. Al! ordinances or part: of ordinances con flicting herewith are hereby repealed. . Ordained and enacted into a law this The 23d day of duly, A. 1). /86d. ' JAMES McBETER. ' President of the Select council President,li HUGH Me LL;, s'` -- Attest:, pro tem., of Commou Connell D. M.A . CPERRON. Clerk of Select Council. It. DILWORTH, Clerk of Common Council. nut AN ORDINANCE changing the name of a portion of Sheffield street. SECTION I. Re it ordained andl • enacted by the Se lect and Common Councils of the City& Aliegheny, and it is hereby enacted by the autbority, - of the - same, That the portion of Shediald street lying be tween Allegheny avenue and Bidwell street, in the warded' said city, is hereby changed to "Cabi net street." SEC. ^ All ordinances or parts of ordinances eon.; flietiol . herewith are hereliy repealed. ofOrdained and 186 S : enacted into a law this the 2s,i day J D. JAIrES MeTIRIER. I:tesfdetit or Select Council - • BUIT--hicNELL. • Presiclept, pro" tcnz., of Coiximbh Council . .._ AtteSt: D. ItIACFERROIC t Clerk of Select-Connell, - D. DILWORTH. (ilerkitf COMMOII Council. , (ARDINANCE to - widen the'Side v, walks on Juniata street. etc - tioit 1. Be It ordained and enacted by the Se lect and Conamon Councils of the Cup of Alleghe • ny, and It Is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That the sidewalks on .lunlata street, In the wardlof said city, is widened to ti teen feet from Sedgy Lek street to Beaver avenue, and all or dinplees of parts of ordinances conflicting ,here witb are repealed. Ordained and enacted into s law this the 23d day of July, 1858. • J AMES MUBRIETh. President of Felect Council • HUGH MCNEIL. President, pro tem„ of Common Council Attest: . D. Alaciutanox, Clerk - of Select Council. R. DILWOHTTI, Clerk of Common Council. aeS LEGAL. ,RPEL4.I\SI COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of ,‘ Allegheny county, dated the 11th day, of ' July, 1868, the Executor of At.. 019 HUMPF, deceased, will sell at;_ PUI3LIO, SALE, • On the premises, in tpe City of Pittsburgh, on 1 WEDNESDAY, LUGUST 19TH, 1868, AT 10 O'CLOCk A. M., All that`certain Lot of Ground isituated in the old Ninth Ward, BOUNDED. AND DESCRIBED AS •FOLLOWS • Beginning at the- eaiterb corner of Lot No. 79. on Penn street; extending and running thence east wardly twelve' flTfe - et to_a poin , egui distant from Lots Nos. 79 and 81, and. running thence at right angles with Penn street by a line said distant from and parallel with.the,line of thence 81, one hundreti feet. to an alley; we s tw ard ly the dinar ce of twelve feet to lot number 79 and thence by the line of said: lot the' distance of one ,hundred feet to,Penn street, the place of beginning. • • The condition's of the above sale are as follows: - 1112.000 'csh, the balance In two ordinal payments, with interest. For further particulars inquire of ; JOHN W. TAYLOR., Esq., Fo. 73 Grim], street, or . . . • JAMES M. TAYLOR, - Executor. .13,30387,2" s • TN .THE MATTER OF THE DI -A-, VISION OF SCOTT TOWRSTITP INTO TWO ELECTION PRECINCTS. In the Court of Com- Mon Pleas of Allegheny cour. ty, No. 581, Septem-• -ber Tenn, 1868. . - - Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, July 25, 1868, a petition was presented praying the alvisida of 'said. Township into two Election. Precinets,., - whereupon the Court ordered notice thereof to be given, and that the same would be finally acted upon by said Court on SATURDAY, August 22d, 1868, " at which time alllersons Interested will be heard. - MORELAND; MOORE & KERR, Attorneys for PAitioners. fy19375 NOTICE.—In Pursuance of an Order of the District Court of Allegheny cotintY, mode the 15th day•of .Th1y,1567,' notice Is hereby given to the late authorities of the several. Districts of Pittsburgh, consolidated by Act of As sembly, approved'April 6th, A. D. 1567, that the Report of - Commissioners apnointed by that Court to ascertain the indebtedness, value the property, find the separate lode btedness said districts, and Hs a rate of special tax- for the payment thereof, la compliance with the provisions of the before'men. Honed act, will: on thell 11 DAY OF AUGUST, be conaimed absolutely, unless objection ,be made to the rate of special,tax - fixed•by said commission, audit deuce made accordingly. JACOB IL WALTER Prothonotary , • ram VSTATE of Mrs. NANCY MARKS" AU DECEASED. • - A.etters Testainentary upon the estate of said de cedent; late of :McCandless township, Allegheny county; Pa., hare been duly granted to the ant.- scribertf, who. reside in . Allegheny 'City. Ali per fect' indebted to Bald decedent are nothied to make payment to me, and those having claims or demands against her estate are required to make the same known without delay. ' 1 • • WILLIAM P. W RIGHT, Jen:m-1v Executor. NOTIC.E.--Whereas, Letters of Administration on the estate of MICEIAZI. ri - A . NEY, date of Allegheny City, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber, all persona indebted to the said estate are . requested to make immediate payment, and all those having claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent will make known the ' same without delay, to - MARY HANKit, Adminlstratrix. • . No: 117 Spiing Garden Avenue. Allegheny City, July 15. 1868. • • iyl6:t..W.rw MARY Testamen - tary - having beertgranted Me - on the ESTATE or =- rANGAIEYER, deceased. all persons hay-- lug claims againsther estate will present - them to me, duly authenticated, and all persons owing said estate will make patment to me or my attorney,.,_ JOHN W. TAYLOR. _No. 73 Grant /dame.. July 91d, 1868. CIIRISTO.F.IPANUALEYER. i - yars4l i - ' . • . BANKRUPT. NOTICES. • . .. , IN THE:. DISTRICT COURT OF 1 THE UNITED STATES,_IFOR THE WEST ' N DISTRIO.T OF PkINNSYLYANTA. . ROBERT WRITE -and JAMES DI I late partners as WHI i .F.: It DONNELLY, bankrupts' . I, under. the Act. of Congress of. March Bd. /Sin,' having 4 , 1)110 for a discharge from all their debts, and other claims provable under; bald act, by order whoeVou, notice ls;bereby given to all credittirs . . have proved thelrdebts, and-o, t her persons in terested, LP appear on'the 6th day,of August, 1868, at 10 (Petrick A. m..ebeforeJOlLN N. PURVIrak.CE. ESQ.. /register, at his °nice,. No. 110 Federal street. ' Allegheny - City,. Penna., to show cause, e If any they have, why dlsehaarge should not he granled to the said bankrupts. /F-2:456241 4 S. C. IIreCANDLESSII a , . Clerk of sald. Court. CRACKER BAKERIES. - stitErmAßD's 511 AX CRACKER BAKE , 31 1 7 Liberty Streiti Our Crackers are baked upon the OVEN - DOT. TOM, and lare superior to any baked by hot air or any other process. • " ' . -TAY TIIKTIE.ift :7i, , ,(' ';'''' ..: 4 't ' ,: ' 4:1 OA, •,!...:- , 4. 1 g .. ...4;i: , 1 A.,-,,,,. : ,,.• • 4: ..:2%il.':K. ;:'.., ,‘' •,. '.:: : .. ~ V.i. '',.,:''',. 'A. '., 4. ' ..• . .., r , :.,.`4 ... .. , ... " .. . r.,. • ' , ~,:. C X. ARE SUPERIOR, - TO ANY, .onrERA OPPICIaIi IN Tins CITY. WATER, BOSTON, SODA., CREAM. PRENCTI, - WATER, BUTTSR, SUGAR and SOW. CBACK• EDS; SCOTCH and WLIC BISCUIT. • , • • • •• For Side ty Every Grocer in the'City. : ' Ila.kery; No. 91 Liberty St _` :~ Y BAItIL MOSEIt, Ity,TRT /10IIBE .143SOCIATiph7 EVAT.PWaSijZo". A mil 4,51. rlai6nrs4, Pi. Epeeist lttetitloa given to the deelgrang and bulldliti. COURT HOLMES and rtraLle BUILDE&OS. 63 rszli I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers