El .11,ttoturgij ttit 'A -WE OMB; Here's a wetponie to you, Erofessor, . Arrived on the Engllsls strand; ' for your soup across the Atlantic; In the tenant? the mother land.; • . • • Tont' 'fries aretioved of_the housoltold. That - knows no Academy's lane hand's warm pressure Is better , . Than A whole world's disuse +Pte.', It's cold lathe clearbloc ether. chlevel--- • Thai the king of the eagles a . • " - Ent she swailows have endiese Summer • And buljd close under oureaces..- And the voices at bid yen welcome Are Many and tender and true— ""rbednetfshout for the beat of Stte poets • Aatoud ap they're hailing you . Come to the homes of the people. - Where your household words are dear; There's seldom a Obet has sung them A ituchlyries of courage and cheer. - The poet who tt 'Resignation." Who sang us the" Psalm of Life," you axe dear to them all, 'Professor, , Chlld, As s ent. husban d and wife Afe,_let the tolveriltles seat you InTeruples of Honors and Arta; Theipeople of England. slr, greet lon.' itad open the doors of their - hearts. , +(London Pun EMMERIS. • —Musa eats opium. --John G. Saxe is bald. —John 'Armor otts is very ill. --Ex-dete.ctive'l3aker left $250,000 to his —Pam sari ... luau is stile-gram-in-ivorous ;animal.. —Madametudevant has two grand 40/ildrell. , —Verdi is 'writing a new Opera called 11ing Lear. —Motto for,the married—never dis-pair. ,:)—Ezchango. --:-There are several female gymnasts in ' • non now. d -The drouth ruining things in Sp:— and Southern France'. • —The profits of Ole Bull's recent trip in America, were $13,006. - --Fleas and mosquitce,shave everything their own way in Maine. .Baltimore has $1,600,000 which it wish et:*to invest in a city hall. —Martin Van,„Efren's brother Lawrence died last.week , a Kinde.rhook. _ Dicken.'s health is miserable; , like his gerdus it seems to have given out. - A donkdy, evidently one of bh.d taste, ate an English gentleman recently. —Phillip Phillips is singing his songs to English people, who 'are pleased. A;ssoo meerschaum was,, one of the prizes at the New York Schutzenfest. White flannel suits are more fasbiona., ble tbarivbite duck ones thi • •T..sLondon once more talks about the in . teliperance of tharich, but_Disrmli is used to t\ f_—New Jersey has a petrified oyster, but It is pot as good•as a Cape liay_Or Chinco league. , / Queen Isabella of Spain weighs 284 pounds, and her poundeiosity is on the in --A- small New Haven by ato„tiventy - : eight grains of bell donna the other day and died. \. • —H. B. Stowe sa s she thinks George Fjiott,' the novelist \and poetess, wrote, -"Ecce Homo." ==- ' —NaPoleon paid Edmund, About 50,000 .:.francs for writing his great book on the Boman Question. , .. —The Emperor of Brazilliuq-contributed • a quarter of This income. towards the eta penes Of the War. __ —3ldrtinier Thompson, otherwise Doe -- sticks, jias taken once more to the pen-which lie once abandoned. —The mother of a two-weeks-old baby in lowa is seventy years old, and about as Wellas could be explred. Bev.' Charles Kingsley, essayist, poet sn'd - muscular; Christian , gentlernan, again proposes a visit to Ainerica. _ .., . —Cold Grimles - Who, as everybody knows, _was dead, has probably been galvanized, as he is again giving signs of life. —The hap Elder Kimble left sixty-seven fie l was a - well married man, until he suddenly bevame a delad one.. • '-Wagner has improved; at leas" tile -critics say,that his latest opera is entire y different from . ' anything he ever t wrote bc\ fore ._ -Thiers isarery old; .some people say he -- :Is only 71. Bat Eve Shed tears when t she. iiit the garden of Eden lima, they may lie the same. si ' .'- • _ I . 1 4, ---- I '---- - ; - - —The Chinese like ice cream, and assert \-' / ''" Coot . Rooms.; .that - Amerfcan profs .of the department Professor Attfield sends the following to . of the, cuisine knowhow to cook l i t. viWry the London Times : b , . ' , ~1 ;,, . In 'these hot days a - tool apartment is la iam • --clitil Hamilton is going to Europe next real 1 xury, a luxury to be had far oftener tb• mon . Poor Europeans I She will return than ost people suppose possible. The eret palate, net in letting in the cool ir, sties about a year to yinerica. Mack fornaturally all do that whenever they . a! , , ' has hp chance, but in keeping out-hot 1 r. Americ '' 1 —MIS.4I.oIe-in-the-day contemplates limy_ If t dir outside a•room or house becooler than, the air, inside,.. let it in by all mans;" ' lig to New York or Paris, with her million 3 but if, it hefty:otter, carefully. keen it,ou . A of dollars, and going into society assn übo.. stairease wsnilow let open during the i night z , • . -signal princess. - . i -,•_ , will Often - 02' l the . P Magee :of a house, and —Ai -Philadelphian* of German descent, the room, too, if ti eir. doOrs be not/ abut; but it must be close at eight or nine o'clock ;Slimed John Himmelsbach,. took the highest inhC morning, or f on the sunny Side, at - lionors , this year at thKConservatorsr of fo u r lor i . five o' lock, - and : the/ blind Music in Leipzig. , drawn down. --Th mistake People gener "..- •r—A) Staten . Islander , gives hidliorses a ally make Otto tb w Openti t i t eir windows at , f 1 1- Zicket full of 'champagne every day.a er whether the ' -/- r V BeHe n a l t i iiriA ß l r t o h it e ts d i l ; P i (Cool -or s rching ' ' "duke it tobby, but we should call it some- ~ et us liave som air;" they say and in . --,.-- thing 'quite different. • . comes\ the treacherous!, breez e—for ,even pot L , —.AI Idissouß farmer' sheared a sheep re- air is pleasant while it la ',gently , lowing, taking \a,W . ,,ay pees 'ration , land thereby cool. i ' the fleeec of which was but One - year C ent Ya-- .. .. I 4ng the tskin; bu _the tiPartinent is made mrarint. instead feliolerl and a -soon as 'aid seven days old, and yet it weighed iweety'l;sev ' ell an" q u arter pounds. r: ficy move t out, of thel draught they find their ~ ' • ...4rince Alfred thinkshe won't go airoy- oom to, be more uncomfortable than be tote. Lit in cool air, keep out h t; that is to distant colonies any MerF4 lie is willi ng / O i e orilyfrula to iiisnio the m i - .' to take it for granted, ereafter, that theaun discou r . I; 0.. , Sitting Omni- imam of Omni-ma generally _,does it's duty and rev !doe on British ioll. he' kept,OPl during the i whoie ay .if the —Salmon leaps are not always succesaful, doors be cfnly opened'for nzress and egress , \ \out And the; windows be kept close a d shielded slid the Chief ."Justice must have -found from direct sunshine\by, a bill d. if the by this time the truth of the old proverb _._,. atmoaph / ere of 43, roam be i Pure from i t = I 'that, a stern Chase s a dreadfully '1( 1 g - any cause, let it be renewe Mho hot air cbtm $ tis le/injurious than bad alri ,* l room (''..iit,Ded i i be small in comparison with the umber . of . ..- 'f- , • ‘ So 'e one has pie osed a great Arneei - I _ , !II - - • \ , persons engaged in it, free ventilation ' 1....-cati, eachibition to outd the Paris affair, anu comes indispensable. In a cooking apart- I , ' to come off in 187 1 3,' t open on the fourth 'ment the temperature will probably be high . ~Of,lnly, the centenni` i aniversarY .of the . -e el ; e i r l i a p n l ( ITo t ia i( nvZ, b l e e d: i sl e i . l :Dedlaration of Inds is delice. .' . • if)riee enclisssoionn; -,,[ /do nett object to sit in a di rect &i l :gilt .Of "k. Aexchange sa&B hat the private gin- , men air, Windows and doors may be opened, a ' $2OOOO • - i ' Alen of New York o n ,000 -worth / breeae being more refreshing f even though 7 ',..", o figocided horses. :Th a really surprises tuf' several degrees warmer, than cold air; but ' ai We snow the' he - ' undsr nearly till them circumstances roans snobs must , oWi , . should be kept' closed aii much, as possible stitch more than the gi Omen- " till sftersundown, or till the air ontside is - --LS , B. Fads, Chic Engineer pf the . cooler than , hat inside. Let in cool air, - keep r li-iridgeover theHississi I at;Bi. Louis, has out hot. ..., . ...i. , . '- l' ~ 1. ' ' ' 1 • - =I - - . e lost hishealth4ind goes to Europe shortly. The work will go on under the supervi sion of Col. BOberts. --Cordelir I W,nde, of. Cincinnati, has taken poison seven several _limes, but halt, always been stomach pumped into life and sa fsy again. She is one of the most per!. sistentself-destrintives on record. —One legged dancers, so popular in Eu rope three or four years ago, are now heard •f ao moro. The great original one-legged dancer, at'rench Zouive who lost his limb in '59, died in '65 and the furore died with --Asiatic cholera has appeared in Troyi it is said to be.the real thing, and we sug gest that Wine enterprising realistic theatre manager have a sensation play written and secure some of the real thing to draw andi- enter. ; , --Pirate Semmes, can't get over the idea that the public must feel an intense inter est it him and his deeds, aud consequentl:., - he is writing a - six hundred page book about his rblberies, rascalities, inhumanit:es, dis grace and barbarism. _ . --Robert ,Browning is I said to 11 less known in Ertilio than.any other modern' poet. The meavng in some of his poems is often hidden {co deep that we doubt if any man in England, himself not excepted, can dive deep enoutili to \ find it. ~- - - -Heenan b. - 4 -- d McCoole will probably 1 bruise each other. This news will perhaps draw Adah'lsaacs M.; H. etc., etc., back o America, and glen, if McCoole should Wi ,‘ we pity him, for Adah ' etc. will become Mrs. McCoole in spite of ;him. —Kelly and I.,eon's inimitable minstrel troupe is perforining in Philadelphia. ide- - sides its unusually good acting and music it gets ahead of Other troupka by having a murderer and 'it partial victim of an assas sination as leading actOr , is. - -A Bridgepprt, (Conn.,) man has made a buggy out of a single pice of India robber one-eighth of tin illex thick, the wheels are wood and the Iwhole \thing only weighs one hundred and twenty-five pounds. The pre sent owner has reftised to take $2,000 for I 'the unique "drag.l!, . • -On Saturday night Tom Florence was serenit t ded . in Philadelphia after the close of the Seymour-Blair meeting. - Tom made ii speech, and Oome half, dozen other men who had not been to get off their speeches at the meting seized the ,oppor; tunity and accepted the situation nobly. —lt is for some reasons a good thing for the country; that the eight hour law has gone into operation in government shops. The United States currency can only be tejally manufactured ne4 eight hours out of every twenty-four, so that we must ne cessarily have two hours a day less of paper. money. ' - ,--A.t. ,the•recent railroad disaster near ElJnion Mills, the conductor was sitting he sine a lady iP one car when the shock came, and both , were latecked senseless. They - were surprised shortly afterwards to, dis cover that they were b4itig taken out of another-tar. Row ey were transported fronkt i at. One tarriag to the other is no Un .... ~. . t . eit - dained fuystery, _ - ',. .......„,„ —A Cincinnatian as invented and had t THEOBllliti F. patented a 'safety stove for cars, consisting 1 of areservOir of water above the fire, and i 100. anothefbel.ow it, The partial ferturning \ of the an* is expected to displace the swell globe Thai keeps the water above in its ', cylinder, and let it into the fire. The cone -', _ A „ nyytlrruictvr pletedyerturedlig of the 'stove will throw the ; t•Aap t-: -ktt , -` 11. • ) \ , , water trpti,iathd - fire from'; he lower reservoir. i ILINN ON & C 0.,., —A specialttrain which left Pittsburghl ca:(Friday on Ithe Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne t ands-Chicago 'Railroad ran to ChiCago in 1 No. llr, l'food'St., Pittilturgh, Pa., • '' id' twelikre hours, ts tit ace four hundred and •, W/101-4V•tiALI.E.. • 1 sixty,'-eigiht miles, the quickest time on re-. i . cord;' The Occasion was for tile execursion, numbering thirty in the palt.y, from Phila- • DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS 1 cielphia to the Rocky- Mountains. Promi-i • , nerit atnongtheiparty were T. A. Scott, S. IT "Owl= EASTE R?rEICES.- \• G. Le ve ls and others of the Pennsylvania; 1 b-_= ___ - Dr. Wi K. Pancnast; of PhiladelphiaV "0 J. ; .10 W-, Merrill, of Boston; J. P. Scott, of ,fiew Q" ___. ____ York, and Hon. Jas. Tliompson, Chief Jus- I, tice of ilie/SOprente Court of Pennsylvania., They gio ivest frorn Chicago to Omaha, and 1 _thence to -Denlfer Mourk and the Rocky 1 ' BLACK (OLIO. tains, d will be absent about three weeks: - , Ever,ytl ingdaprovlded for-the - fonafort and. HOSIERY and GLOVES. ehjoyalgeriess of the party. F. SCOI7CII(9 • tor No. 168 Wylie' Street...la' , 16S. 168. _ 111 Mil - 1 A PITTSBURGA 4 4 , 01 , 53.,044.01- Wa44 _ 'AZETTE : WEDNESDAY, RTLY 15, 1868 T EL EXTRACTED • INTVELCEEIT PANN E IQO CRATE MAD % ORDE R ED CI". A FULL SET FOR $B, AT DR. BCCITT'S. 1178 wars snlErr, 3D DOOE ABovz BAND. ALL WORN WARRANTED. CALL AND EX AMINE FECERENS OF GENUINE VULCAN ITE. znytndla • GAS FIXTURES; , GAS VIXTERES • sxH 40 XL 4:36 ellOr ay FOR GAS AND , I Just recetrt;d. tueet largest swot:neat ever eyez..ed to :bib tits. • t• W ELDON & KELLY,. • • 141 WOOll ,STREICT, COB. vixGIN ALLEY. mb24:1122 CEMENT, SOAP STONE, &o HYDRAULIC CEITIENT. SOAP BTON'E. FLASTER, CHI W ATER Y W EY TOS. . , ES. ELENBT,II. CO)LLINS , lasl6:o7to . 25 Wood . street. DRY GOODS; CLOSING OUT OF • SUMMER DRESS GOODS, AT J./1. BURCHFIELD & CO'S, , . . Aro. 52 St. Clair Street. LAWNS for 95c. worth 375ic. h OW. ', titttia l l f A r N 3 Fl e- , for w S ee n ti, wor t h soc riquEs for 'l3o. worthsl.l3. , ' ALPACCAS for 310-worth 40c- / ' ' GREY GOODS, for 500. worth 75c • / THE BEST ASSOBTKENIT OP / S DRESS COOD, i IN TILE CITY 4 ALL ENTIRELY HER, ANO' ' . .11%7 TIFF. CITY, I.•ENTEIiBERTIIE PLACE No. 52 St. Clair Street. . - Q 7 STUEET.. i m 7 • • • GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES-1 TO CLAD ;"F. STOCK , . OF TOELIESS 4G4:200,135. . . 87 31.4.1L.KET 82.'11E.PT. S7....2tARKEP tTS:EF.T .;.N7 flo:10:n403 • rIARIL McCANDLESS & CO. gh../ . (Late Wilson, Carr k C 0.,) WHOLESALE DEALEUS IN Foreign and Domestic Dry -Goods, No. 04 WOOD STREET, Ttilyd door above Dtamosid \ PITTBISUUOI.I. PA. lIE GREAT , AMERICAN COM -7 . nix/mos. r sutra-nom ovmsullost • AND SEVinaqG DIACIIINE. , , I " ' IA 8 NO-XQUAL, -.; ... !MING AIISOLUTEL a T 1.... MIST V AMILY ' IdACHI NE IN TH Ig WIUItIM AND 1N• TRINSICALIN THE (#II , r II'EST• SrAgentairanted to sell this Machine. ; • CIIA.S. C. 13ALIEFLOT.Y. I • Agent for 'Western Pennsrivanta• er Corner FITTFIFTHAN I) M &NICHT ISTREETIB, Mto&I1 ov 1 Inchardson's Jewelry tit9re. riir CONFECTIONERIES . GEO. SCH.LELEni , Fancy Cake Baker & Confectioner, AND DEALER. IN YOUEIUN iPOMEBTIO YRUITS &NUTS, _No. 40, coiner 'Federal and Itoolnson streeto, Allot cgliony. 'Er LutDitantly on hand, WIC CItEAM. 0 1 Tortoni; ft oTorsj 2 _l___ • W. 1101111ACII, • Confectionery and Bakery surruyirj.l.l MUM, Betrmen Seireutb and Liberty LAD 3 OYSTER SALOON attache BAKERY FOR SALE WITil Olt WITHOUT TIM P tOPPATY Or would rent fur a ttmn of years. Enquire at AVAILItIr-S* oral-NOIP No. 40 Palo Alto 10.1)p§gbelty FOB SALE--1,000 pottauls of old TrrE. Apply at the (lAETT etAiNTINO. • RILES MARRED DOWN! P• DEACRIIDI CARLISLE'S, ALL GOODS GREATLY REDUCED: ON AND AFTER SU IST. 1300 P BRIETS. (Ladleol,) f0r..;.. COESETS• (Etta French, ) ..... .... LINEN lIANDIEEROIIIEFS,• for SID GLOVES. (warruottA. )• PuILLIPS. WOOD 115. EM NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. NEW NIOFIAIIR. WING MACHINES. N • . . N 0.19 Fifth Street.' COLLATtS 200 Yds. SPOOL COSToN, (yowl) I'OOIMT BOOKS, worth 50c MEN'S STJAIMpI, 11,NDEPSUIRTS„ , • • MEN'S JUAN DRAWERS:.,, All kinds Bonne f ts and 'fiats at Ralf Coat CREAT BARGAINS! IN ALL tor cipoonm Special Mateo to Merchant• atc neatens • _ m g m.vms & otazusum, 1 rirni writskT, T .110441Elwri. 11101tIVE I :I_Y /.10:1 V I, 1. ( , Y 1 • • NI - OW Cal )(1111)03 EIAIIIIMIO R WINOS II) 71,01INCINOS; lIAM IRO Itituarri NO ; SWIM 1)11 NOS AND I SELITAIi; LAVE , lAp I S o 00IYVED RN AN TI PARASOL , (SW ILICKI , LIN RN 0014416 AND 0111 , Yli , .. " I ILOSILL/T I LY. . )11.1PICIt wroyr ' o AND surzit wiz uo_TTON AND . at nt) 1-st wow.. LAni Ed o: A I) )1114)110 0 IIIISR:Iii Loco, I,lolg, tiiiiljllll4 ( . .otl.oll, of two' kLogllalt 1184 (OA nlittio,kl.oo. DOME le Moil ERY, Al, Irony low ratexi ALEXA 1)314 . 14 lIIIMIESS KID tiLOYES, • now One loot, received. . i A. fully a aartnnt of BULLION AND BILK l .V I N ; 1 : 4• TASSE( II ES. .1) • 114 AD FRINGES AND TRIMMINGS; .lIIMY DEA INUSI TILIMMIN( RIBBONS AND SAT - INSI PARASOL. AND hUN UMBRELLAS. S ILA' GOODS. A greatly reduced rates. New *Lyle I ATS,.-Ladlea , and Mlrses. I ;It A P F.S. I A LIN ES DOTTED NETTS: RIBBONS ELOWEAs,. •••I-- MILIAN} BY LACES, Ist IN.N ET .t4l.liS, FRAMES, hUNDOWNS ANIL SHARER. FLOODS, • I Wi l eoiesaie and Retail. • C A 1... 1... /A. Nla F. X. A 31.1. N 3E. / 17 glad 19 Market Street. . NEW GOODS. • - 4 , : I,,AROEST AND BEST ' STOCK IN THECITY. LA=8;4'1;3E111101 GetnaLETß, , Vilih 31111IaryCnna, to Drab, Buff' and Tan. il - • I 1 HOSIERY,, .._ . . . A fun 4n.:, of French, Garman and EnglialL V A. N In : 4 11k. 1.1 1 0. n and Palm Leaf. ;A full line of White OPERA 11., Nr. , . i FILINGE-„, SEWING SILI AND RITLLION, / 1 ':, In all colors and I bade s: .., • ' . ' ' PARAS LS, - ,YRINUED, LiP.ADF.D. LI. ED AND ri..Ant. A EH+ LINE OF 00P , SEIRTS. Alc,l, mottle . ntw style: , 11 for tKIRP. I 1 - L. C,CIRTE7N—A complete 'earl( t 9. in white and co 1: orot. for Ladles and Att.wa. olk, , 'Velvet RibhonC Paper buffs. : N I. iso i‘h Linen, . NM M oves. i Paper Law , ' Silk . Glove,. I -titriped t:..hlrta, s' h' n. , 1.1. e Gloves.. Embolderlea, . Cambric., : l'utton lilcrea,l Ittbuons, etc. 'Also, TILE NEW SARATOGA COLLAR. Alt the e goods ace be bad al.the L0W,E57...1 of (,CLYDE & CO., IS and SO market Street. Jam, I COAL AND COKE. .. ~.......,-.....,..• ~,,,, .0,,,,,,,,..,........,.. ~,,,,,,,,,,,, . OSCAR F. LARK b. CO, o. r. LAUSI , t; ..................... ......„ . i 1 COAL AND COKE. . Office, Sandusky Street guild P. P. W. St 0. A. R., Allrghetty City. Burzieune , aughloghely Coal and Cannelloni! AT LOWEST MARKET RAT sir Orders promptly sattended to. COAL! COAL!I COAL/12 DICKSON, STEWART remAl their 013 140, 507 I.II.3EIRTY tLetely.Clty Flour BECON' Me now prepared to furnich gOod M NY LUMP, NUT CUM , UK SLAW market' price. AU orders tel - Office, them through Um irnyZatb2. 4 'TOUGHIOGLEtt COALACIE 'bake and Yen MORTON STItI Clymer street., near Lock No. l Ft/MMUS' and bert article of CC Orders left at prompt attention. A nit .IILADICLPIIII4, ROAD AND RI CAS AN coawl 'Yard. thin tilts Works. p,•-• Q'• C. Cl fittnersand Shlms and 'FAMILY CO , delivered at the lowest mm °Mee and Yard BON (formerl 12t0 y Cal 1 0 . uo x WIN , . BARB ii, moirm, / _,A -u 41 , 1 -Ear €l, , FRUIT H_OUSE ASSOCIATIO,N DiIit.DINGS, Noe. 4 atift 4 St. Clair StrJeat, Pittsburgh, Pa. Spada ittention given tote designing and building 0 • ootrAts HOUSES an • PUJILIC BUlLlalitiEl. .. _ CAR PETS AND AND Oga CLOTHS CARPLTS. NOTWITHSTANDING: THE an*cturept recent admit* in pricSs, we will continue to offer the Largest stock of Brussels, Velvets andingrain C is in the city, at the lowest pri reached, this sea son. Just recei ed, a few pieces of - a new and ex uisite patterns of Royal Axmins r. OLIVER INTOCK. & ISE 1.00 MINER' STOCK White, lied ! Cbeelted, Rtriped and Panty •rj IS- fa tg, Oil Cloths, iVindow Shades. &e. BOVARD, ROSE & CO JelLidawY 7i McFAIUS . D & COLLINS M. DAVIS EZ3 MI 'CO., 'Ii,I7ETr hILOOE. 1/0/11100 E. , st thu to est r addresse to ed to prom tl7. ALI 'l3Rtritn BUTLE /AND it on Übe I. and 4on Salon reet, supplied th the 3 lowest ea i rates. dikes glil receive ~~ 011v4T Co ' i f , Co, )IFALEItt3. RAI erlor 'fought Oen; I ' IILY 0 AL P TRY STU ET. r a'4i CO.. ;HAULand ttOH taL Ct, TOROS ;O IL 111 parte of !the °Kiel FOURTH AND WAT ETS, ILtsburgh. ,•• • (KM: .ARCHITECTS N 0.23 Wil!th Street OF CARPETS. .1 • YN carm.tvr 21 FIFTH STREET. NEW CARPETS. , DAVE JIIBT RECEIVED TRY. NEWEST AND BEST STYLES OF ENGLISii VELVET CARPET, Pi/E-QVAIITERS WIDE; Tapestry and Body Brussels, THEY ARIV,SELLING,AT The Lowest Prices Iltachitl this Season SUPERFINE INGRAIN 6APRPETS IWN TO $l.lO AND $1.15 PEE Y\lllD. , McFABLAND &• COLLINS, Nos. 71 and 73 Fifth Street, SECOND FIL.OOR. my27lvirrsT • STEAM CARPET BEATING .ESTABLISHMENT. Which TVS YEARS` TRIAL In ?ger York and oth er Nastens cales has proved a complete success. ITS ADVANTAGES: tst—Fakling and Shrinkage are completely avold.. ed. 9d—lio , ripping-apart necessary'. 341—When freed from duet, moths or their l ve ame, the the Carpet looks nearly as goad as new, sa natural fading from wear. 401—When perfectly clean, a Carpet will wear as long again, a desirable matter as a mere point of economy 4 to say nothing of looks. • I ALL ORDEE3 LEFT AT THE OFFICE, No 179 Liberty Street" Oriitid eked to T. 0. Box 413, will receive prompt attention: . GEO. L. IiceLINTOCK, . 'flili '. •Pfto PRAETOR. LASS, CHINA. CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET CHISTA; G - 1.4 - 0 AND I. QUE.E.NSWARE, SILVEii . i4fED PAR.,..IA* STATUETTES - • . 8 Boriziko ouss,, And other jgreat var TATtI.F. AND FANCY 000DK.aiety. 1 110 i) woo BTREET: RI a aAAD E. Brtr.ED & CO L~ \ " - • ,- Il - D e —,.......___ .....—.... 7 lOr . LAN4O _ V. , A- 2 -• $ , 6,YER 043VILSCOlIRER. No . $!"• • I pion. 135-and 137 Third Sixpeto PITTSBURGH. PA. MEM WANTED - --A good and eflicient, HOUSEREEPEIR, . , Ono wfici understands cooking. Also. two 'FEMALE I TEAM. Eltd, tor one of our Public ln..tltnt,fons. Be;ii • o reierencea required. Application to be made n 47 FOURTH writEET. Juneo' 141111db:1g, Bode - Are I, on or before Monday, July 13th. M;6511 ! ~ , ~3 ^ ~ j 7N4 FOR SALE-,-REAL ESTATI FOR SALE. 00 ACRES OF WHITE FINE AND HI LOCK TIMBER LAND, situated on. Black I Creek, Burlington township. Indiana county, I 9 miles from Nineveh Station, on the rentytt: Central itailroail. and about 60 acres of elm land,-=under good fencing. On the premises erected one Grist lltll. with 2 run of burrs an .run of stones, - all complete and In good running der. One Saw Mill, In complete order. visit 3,000 feet per day. One dwellingli house, two stories MO. with rooms, 4141x42 feet. (Inc dwelAng, 28x40 feet, 8 rooms. ' One " 16%26 " One " 18i2G " " • One " 18016 " 4 " One " 24x26 " 5 .. One Stable. 10x24 feet. 16 feet high; Blass., Shop and other oetbuildluga. This land is up . • laid with stone coal and iron ore, and4t - has el ee. of uvrer-failing springs of water, besides teed • running through the entire premises, and will sold cheap and On easy terms, to a kood num w i t little money. • 10 LOTS ON BEDFORD AVENUE, each lot: by 100 feet, on, widen It erected four tw frame dwelling houses, of 6 rooms and hall ea These lots embrace alull square of gronnol.fro log 200 feet on Redford avenue. and bounded • each end by a wide street, with an 18 feet &Bel , • the rear. On the premises Is a pninp of lasting a . excellent venter. and the surface of the has t a le - • ano needs neltherfilling nor / grading t o prepare* for building i purposes and being In a section Of i city where property s increasing very rapidly, value, make them desirable fur an investment. e;. daily dolly As the present houses rent for enough tot a good Interest on the turn asked for the wti ptopdr y. Call soots 011 the undersigued and see! -a cheap; safe and paving lines:Mint. s, Also, A FARM OP 160 LA.CitiElahhire.fugdotithiodlacl' • situated In. East Whoatileld township. Pa., tiO acres of which Is cleared laud, In geod e , Ovation; 20 acres being in excellent meadow. '1 linprovements are a two-story frame dwelling hol of 4 rooms, a frame bank barn, 36x60 feet, w good stablirepngair. undetne it la at in a stugood d oth neighborhood er outbuildings, cone al m ' nient to schools, churches, stores. ..4.c.. and wilt Bold very low for cash oe_anureved neeuritlez. I Also it RIVER BOT'Mkt. FARM of 10 acres,: miles 'from the city, in Elizabeth township, A; glieny county, Pa., on tile Youghiogheny rater, of half mile from Elrod 'it Station, on the Couuellsv: railroad; near %I - lurches, schools, stores, &c., In - . ' fiourielting villages of Boston and'Oreen Oak. 'I Improvements are a two-titory brick house of l rooms, hall and cellar, a good frame bank barn ivi 'stabling underneath. and other outbuildings; ea . of good standing water at the door, aim teve el onding sp,rings of water on the farm„ hard an chard of 700 trees of selected fruits of apples, elf - 1 Ilea, peara, peache.s, quinces and grapes: Thispri . erty :being located Rear 'the line of the ratites • within one hour's ride of the city, makes It very d alrable for gardening or ,a dairy farm; it Is alai good and beautiful location for country homes to, the city, lying immediately on the river, on t posite side front tile railroad,. The West Newt i'' • Accommodation and other Value on the railroad) ford certain and frequent opportunities of de, • communication, to and from the. city. Will be tg . I as a whole or in lots of rue tiers' or more, to emit pi 1 ' Chasers Also, A FARM IIW 113 ACRES, situated Int Clair township, Westmoreland county, Pa., ne t h e 't h e of the POllllHylValltil Railroad at lloutt Station. The improvements are a two-story feat house, _with eix roums and good cellar, a frame be, burn 40 by 60 feet, and other outbuildings:. The, is on the place a young apple and peach orchat 120 scree cleared p or ti onl vided which - are of con-, nient size, a large rof which are well set: clover and timothy; the residue of said tract efi, erect with good timber. It is well watered ands derlaid.with coal and limestone, and is convenig, to churches, schools, stores, mills and black:ant . shops. A. real good bargain to offered la this exec property: and with It will be bold all the boors property ou the premizes, consisting of hors IXINIV S. stock clin huge and poultry, banters, rat , Wagon, plows. farming implemeuts and bombe and kitchen furniture. Together will be sold ye-. • low and on easy terms, to &responsible perehasee Also a desirable awl very fertile Tract of Laadt 158 ARES AN D 25 PERCHES. In Elizsiwth Ti, Allegheny county, Pa.; on Digitise of the Hempfis railroad. rail one and one-half tulles from tae tle itellev Me road at liater's Stet lon. On titia fa are 40 acres of superior white oak , Hunter, whe alone Is now worth one-I alt . the price asked for t, t whole tract. The impr , vernente are a log hoe - frame barn, good (envie. , and an apple orchard'. good fruit. It is well r atere:l and underlaid 10. ; • limestone and dug stone of a. superior quality, re; stone coal Air the use of the farm. . Also, The heat FAR e,M In Fairfield towne Westmoreland county. 250 ACRY.S. abez six mite famth of the Pennsylvania Central Fa: road at Bolivar Station. The improvements are Z.; large hewed log dwellings; one of tile largest s'l. best _frame barns In the township: two apple ti chaeda, in good bearing eondttion; earn crib, wage; ehed and other outbuildings. The whele Anal under a high state of cultivution; fencing all in Al: - rate order, and the laud of the best euttlity oilier': stone soil, about 200 metes of which is eleareda;; the residue of the tract in good timber, such '. white oak, rock oak, hickory, walaut end Wee . : Title property will be fold very cheap and on got terms, as the owner wishes to engage in other tat,: nest.. For particulars enquire of G. 11. TOWER. 164 Fourth Street:4 Jell . :042 , V FOR SALE. I • - ,--: 1 . • TWO HOUSES AND. LOT on Carroll strew. Allegheny. This property will be - field low. is 1. part y Is about leaving the city. and wishes to Tee; of the property before removing, , ~ SAW MILL, TWO DM' ELLINGFIOL'SEts.i TV,” BA RS. N„ with _Food FARM, and about SOw C acia,-.L% timber land. This property will be sold to 42,500—balance on timeto suit be sold for WCII, • ,•:. FARM OF 120 ACRES, will dollars per acre. Imprc,vements comfortahl • frai. house und pool hare; 50 :scree of the land clear. .. FARM OF ISO ACRES., gear the line of railrem:, Very well located for raisleg stock; improvepte are gootrand substantial; 100 acres of the , land meadow and grain., b r i c k honk;: . CITY PROPERTY.—WiII sell I gra d brick hone; containing live rooms. at Six - teen Hundred Dollar,: and woui f rent for the amount in s.IX years. , A LAI:GE LOT OF GROUND, havitig a riae , .. front, and very converdeutof access. `, rr AN:I%IERN. , convent:nit to, tile eity,latid haeint , ,Z, well established custom or local trade connect , , , therewith; a coot dwelling end forty Ott , resiof land l , FOUR. LOTS in Sharpsnurg, uearj the tatinta? woul,lmake :t good coal yard. HOTEL FO SALE.—That tine Hotel:properfl R , situated at the Blairsville Junction, unmilil t '• fourteen rooms and the necessary I outbuilding'. with three acres of garden and frutt trees. Tr: well located hotel will be sold low, as the proprrl tor wishes to retie from business. - i. El OD • BTRILE AND SCOURER, TOR RENT. =. One large House, for Boarding House. ,-.- 'f: • One new Brick House, 8 rooms. cr, 4 One new brick House of 4- rooms. ` • One new Brick House of 3 rooms. e house ' - Onhouse of 5 rooms and lot 55 ,by 140. „ ,/.. ' One House et 7 rooms and lot 150 ny.150. 1 Two new Brick Hou , ses, 11 rooms each. One new Frame House, 4 , rooms. ; Two new Brick 'Houses, 3 rooms each. , - lissi One' new Frame House in Wilkinsburg, fc six rooms and large lot. well suited for gardet 7 acres that can be divided into acre lots: 5 Lots in Oakland. • , power and a large Rooniand Yard for rent, I good location. W ill be rented for short or lori-. time. 'OR LEASE OR SALE-3 Lots on Morton sire Ninth. Ward, . • P' W ANTED-3,000 feet of Flagging 3 to.* inchk thick. . . , - . TO LOAN—ssoio oo s IN BUM OP $5,0 00 AND ITI"WAP:p. , (• A IPPLT AT ' '- L D. P, IIATCIPS REAL ESTATE OFFict No., 91 Grant St., Pittsburg h. 2,000 000 ACRES OF I MICE LANDS FOR SAT 4 BY TUB , 'Union Pacific ',Railroad Campania. . . t 2. . * . ... i l I • , V:' , For further particulari, mips, &c., address 1 .., , JOHN P. DEVBREPXI 6.- , ,• . . , , Land Cominlasioner, Topeka, I KansaS.W ..- .Or CHAS. B. LABBORN, tleAry, K,l aunt , : St. Louts. Missouri. ---------- . ig qi,•:.'' $ . 2.0(?0 FAil l s li t't,F iv u 3 s U li g „:„ i tproved, w th frame house ' , Mix roctf it ua rr0*,.... Earn, isnd an orchard of good boating apple 34:els! - Rf.a d; trees. A , c.; 65 acres cleared, tar Ms atom triret...'- gotalipalt, hickory. eueseand of her timber. cituatM, tome milesTrom the lluskingam river at Reyerlr'.' This Is said to be the cheapest farm offered for sit In th., Muskingum Valley, and, Antos d-airing te , l; purchase should call soon. -. rsl s. , • i , li . IifeLAIN Sr, CO P . M . ~ jvi , ,- . / ~ No. 313 Smithilehl street. POINTRIir i— RESIDEien .— iilifi4:: : , Sax Olt (RENT.—A large two-story doublatt °use. confining 10 rooms, including double part... lov, with m rble mnittles, and all the modern IrtilMt. prbyentente; 1 acre -of ground, tilled -with frultig,..,V... grapes, berries, Acs. Situated near Millersville, a 3 , -, the termination of the 'Wylie street Passenger ears‘, This Is one of the handsomest locations in Allegheneik I=, ep_utrty, and -In • a good nelgliburhood. Apply A. ay,* NV. A. HERRON'S Real Estate (Miles, B7 Gran , i street. ) ... - 1ni 328 me LASTICEN Lying along the line of their rood, at I $l,OO TO $5,00 PER JCR', nd on a CREDIT OB SIVE YEARS. --yon SALE & • and Lots for sale IR till_ parts of the etty and su - , - urbs. Also, severad AMIN In good. matlonst:f.. Also, a smatle• WOOURIst FAC'CORlwith '2O sore °Claud, and 'good s itnprovements, w'hleh I,wW tatt cheap and on,reusonable terms. Bustness Rouse to let on good streets. Prlveto thyetlte„. , Hoodos cot 'tent tn'botb cities. For farther Pa rt toilArs triquirk4 WILLI 1 W ARD • • ' 3lO Grant strebt. 041xhitte Catttearal. II I FE ^~..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers