. • .n\l/11C131: Matters , in New York. . 41% t --- .. Gold Cloaad at 1 r . 4'aDli to the Etttahortth Gazette., 7 . : NEIN YORK. July 14, 1868. _,., • MONEY AND DOTAL • . iloiii,y steady at 4135 per cent. on call. irlitig 'steady and unchanged. Gold 3Rtit 4t.'142 1 ,g, and declined to 141%, and !xi advanted to 142, and closed at 141%. " - - --- GOVERNMENTS. ---- • - ki l ovPinments steady; teupons 'Bl, 113% d0.'62, 1133.(®113:%; do. '64, 110% ibr,lgi do. '65-,- 111%624111 1 ,4; do. new 10S;„" S 7 -; d 11100. '67, 108% 108%; do. '6B, 109® .k . I X :.. to-. 104 . 107%. 7-369 1083 4 / ®l6S3.< ~;,..„ celUPacitie' Railroad ' bonds, 2.40 . "t ' '-• .. t - „ erocßs. • .ti lo .Cr, closing dull and unsettled. Eie imiionocernent of four, per cent. divi- - rid,, without scrip dividend, which has ten expected, caused a decline. The ti ,vit,t fall was in Central and. Erie, ifi - tgiich the larg,est 'dealil gs mere made. ' • er,osizzo Quo wilioNs. :36 Vrices: Canton 47®49; Cumber ridi.*3.lB343; W ' ell's xpress 24%®25:4: 4ti(Tit't n Express, 46.!4®47 :' Adauls .1 )rt.:-;,, , 53%®53;; United States Express, ~i 47-!‘; - Merchants U ion Express,. 24. ; %t k,.i...„: quicksilver, 21 1 ®22; Pacific Mail, Ciiiloul4i; Mariposa,. 41i ®SX; Atlantic 11, :}0; Western Union Telegraph, 34,4® pk‘,... ; „,„.. York Central, 131y®131X; Erie, ~, -,7 %; don preferred, 74W®75; Hudson,. k.x.l:+9; Read r ing, 94 , /,@945,1; Ohio and essheiinpl, 2g@,29%; Wabash, 4814(4)483A Paul, 67 1 /M67%; preferred, 79X®89; flichigan Central, 116)4®117; Miehigair Anthem, 90!4®9034: Illinois Central, 1444 144; Pittsburgh, 85%• , Toledo - 122%0 , .%;\ Rock Island, 12 ' 74 ®l27;i;- North estelm, 78x ®78%; do. preferred, 80%® f , f o K; 1 7 .irt Wayne, 101.X.®102; Hartford ad Erie 165.; Chicago and Alton, 137; fillet iind Chicago, 91; Columbus, 90; Mis kturis, 91; new Tennessoes, 69;4; old Ten ssee. o. 71%; Nrth Carolinas, 75 rV . SUB-TREASURY. eceipts at'Sub-Trettsury, $1,698,603; pay en', :$2,584,861. Balance, $82,846,934. , tttports specie, $268 000— . - Sew York Produce Market. • i T. graph to, the Pittsburgh 6 azette.l .i . : ‘ N; YORK, July--14..--Cotton is dull and avy; TA bales at 32c for middling, up ds. --.lour dull and stlikdower, receipts • g 026; sales 7,400 bbls at $6,55a7 for super pa State and Westerc; 1790a8,55 for extra ate; *7,85110 for extra It - estern; $10,60a ~ 50 for white wheat extra; $8,40a12,75 for IH. 0., $8,75a10 for Extra St. Louis. $lO 4,50 for chclice do, closing dull. Cali for a dull but easier; 900 sks at $10,10a12,50. 80 Co ci Ye for re it - 1 11 i 7 f r il d r ul re l; qu 2 oo est r 4o ls o at b s b 7 i , s 6oa a 9 t ,Bo ss . , rsev; $5,90 for Brooklyn, and 1 R 5,15, fOr • antlywine. Wheat active and ? a shade - ier; receipts 1,000; sales 30,000 bushels $1,91a1,(33 for No. 2 sp ri ng:-No.l Racine on ivato rates;s2, 50112,88 Michigan; $2.37a2,57 Ik B „r• new white Southern; 112 50 fir new Fhite A rkansas; first ever received here; t. 10 for inferior new red Southern. Rye; $11; sal c-.,0 , 500 bush. of Southern at $1 75. rley and barley malt nominal. Corn; re • "ipts none; trade firmer with amoderate_ stand; export and use ,imme 93,000 bush.; ', les were made' at $1 05a1 11 for inferior ! prime mixed Western afloat; closing at .opal.ll for sound parcels; 61 10al. 15 for w white N'Yestern; $1 12 for yellow West . n; $1 16 for 91d white Southern in store. ts; dull and drooping; receipts none; : es of 41,000 bush. at 83.Xci84 for West nin store; 86c do for_afloat. Rice; quiet • • d unclninged. Coffee; alio quiet and West . • Leady4 other kinds' nominal. Sugar an r'yor of buyers; sales ;Dila/ hhds of Cuba at . !(,allNe. Moltuises; dull and unchanged. i , o i l l i d s e ; :i_ii p e o t r a k til l , eovy P a e n tr d o i l o eu w in ex ; .; quiet at at iBoo l7 . 75/,,c ha crude, and 33a33Mc•for refined is at $28.25a28,75 for new mess, closing at fl' ,25 rcgu1ar;1528,00a28,25 for oldalo., dos .oao'ta2V2V'2s4,so fc re r g p u r l4 lm r e B L ° 2l a22 . B 'Th ee fo r r s P te ri a ul dv e ; es 185 Wile; unchanged. Beef Hamada% .last Meats quiet;_sales 236 pkgs at1.2y01314c r shoulders, and 163ca17lic for hams; i •iddles nominal: 'Lard quiet And a shade wer; sales 583 tierces at 17a181/0 for steam, ltd lyallW,c fOr kettle rendered. Butter ihiet at 20a28c for Ohio. Cheese quiet at ilalsne. Freights to Liverpool more ac ftve, and firm; engagements per steamer;- 1 ,000i...bus corn at 5a5,V1.120,000 bus gheat' at 534a6d. IiLATEST.—FIour closed quiet , and slight favoripg,buyers, wheat dull and de in ing, with No. 2 spiing at $1,90a1,92, and o. 1 spring at $24 ,05. Rye quiet at $1,75 X. Orin dull and heavy at. 8334a84c in .g.., l and at 87% - a87 3 / 4 afloat. Corn quiet 1, d ether easier lat $1,08a1,10 for new .Ixe western, afloat, and at $1,12a41234 r old mixed Western in store. Pork heavy '• d lower,.with sales of 750 bbls at $2425a - 31 for cash and regular; closing quiet at , :,25a28,30. Beef quiet and steady. Cut oats firm with fair demand. • Bacon quiet . d steady. 'Lard quiet at 173018%c for Ir to prime steam rendered. Eggs steady 23a25c; . ' - _ Chicago Market, 7 Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l . • ~ Crtrowno, July 14.—Flour is steady with •s e . , lee of spring extra at $7,60a10,50. Wheat i dull and unchanged,' with sales of No. 1 : 111,92a1,94, and No. 2at sl,7Baly7B;i. •:: -. .rn is fairly Active, sand thcolemand is •.1..-7; hiefly speculative; prices are firmer and 1„c higher, and sales were made of No. 1 92a02x,c, 4 N0. 2 at 91a9lype, and rejected -: , Fanatic, the market closing with sellers 5 t ..i.,14 No. lat 920... There is a fair request_ for •' : e ats by speculators, and prices are y 3 c igher, and sales were made at f36a67e, the i ' arket closing quiet, at the inside fi gures. .. .ye and 13.irley are neglected and nominal. °Visions are steady and 'firm but quiet. less Pork is selling at 1328,50. Sweet pick : •:.11 hams are' o* selling at 15c. Lard is : l - - eld at 18 - c - , seller for. September. Dry •,-, • :lted 12c, buyer all month . 'Freights are ' . ull ,and steady, at Won corn to Buffalo. - :-. .i he receipts for-the past twenty-four hours ere 2,959 ba r re l s flour, 9,190 bushels heat, 199,270 bushels corn - , 28,565 bushels _•1:i':, to. The shipments for the same lergth i• r, . r, time amounted to 7, 1 74 barrels flour, ,:i• ,447 bushels wheat, 170,426 bushels corn, i 5,7,592 bushels oats, - and 523 head,of IWO o,g .. . . '.oCincinnati Market. - t By Teieitrapb t tbe Pitiebinela nazette.l iCmciNNAri JulyHl4.—Plour unchanged nd -quiet. Wheat dull, at $1,90a2 for No.' 7„ and I winter; new red sold at $1,85 to be delivered next ' week; $1,75 bid for August . . lollvery. Corn scarce and firm, at 880 for . • al .. Oats dull at 74a75c. Rye dull at $1,60 , . 1,53,C0tt0n quiet ,and unchanged; mid " ...Iling 814134 c. Whisky in limited demand t 1 . t Baa4oC in bond. Provisions held firmly ;;:put the demand light. blear:irk. is held at .:;,529, but $28,50 is the beat rate offered. Bulk `guests and bacon nominally unchanged and in held firmly, but there-is not much de ll-wand: Lard opened buoyant and sold at '• go, but closed. dull at this rate. Butter .: . y at 211a29c. Eggs dull at 15a16c. AL.‘t '. • ries dull. Sugar XaW3k lower on all . fides. Cheese dull at 14a15c. • Gold 141 X, . vyin g.... -L . - 4 . i !limpid. Market. ._ .:+. ••iftv elegt'sph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) :trios / July ,14.—:Cottolv dull and 1 k ' v. r i riodinittly unchanged; receipts 2 -7alee; expliete_none. , Flour quiet: sales si 3 - " rline at :$ 7 00x7,50. Wheat $1,78a1,00. rri 'l,OO. Oats 80. Hay 817. Bu in 24. . Meal 84,50a4.65i Pork $29,75. Lard ;1 - 413% 19%. ' Bacon firm; Shoulders ' 14, - 00:: Sides 18. ti) \ . Philadelphia Market. 1. 4. $ By iriearapu to the kittaborgh Gazette.) .. \ PII:LADEL#II7A, July 14.— F lour very Wet and best brands held firmer; sales rWorthwestern extra 1 family at $9,60a11. Vsi•Wherit firmer and more in demand; supply fiTht; ttime 'red, $2.40a2,45; ;common do, 2.5; o. 1 spring, 412,25. Rye, $1,60, corn ;less a live; mixed western, $1,17. ---- * I L . ' • 1,& St. Louis market CBT Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] ST. Louts. July 14..—Tobacco inactive and a little lower, at.56,75a8,25 for sound lugs; $8,50a12,50 for dark leaf; $15a40 for medium color to bright leaf, and $40a75 for fine to fancy. 'Hemp dull and unchanged, at $1,55a1,60 for undressod and 2,40a2,50 for dressed. Flour in better demand; ,super fine sold' at $6a6,25; extra, 7,50; double extra, $8a10; treble extra. $10,75a12,50. Wheat; choice firm and active, but corn- Man grades dull and drooping; strictly prime and choice $2,15a2,344. Corn ad vanced. especially for white, ranging at 80a 90a91a92c for, fanCy lots. Oats higher at 79as2c. Rye.declined, , at $1,22425. Pro visions firm but quiet. 'Pork sold $29. Bulk shoulders in dry salt. Bacon; shoulders sold at 13a14%c; clear sides, 17a 17!(c. Plain Calivasped Hams, "1. - 6;c, sugar Cured Hams, 20a21c. Lard; very little doing; choice tierce, 17y.,a18e— Re ceipts—Flour,6oo bbls; wheat, 11,400 bush; corn,, 1,900 lash; r oats, 800. . . Baltimore Market Clty Telegraph to the Pittsburgh ilazqte...l • Barirnumii:,. July 13.—Flour is quiet and unchangled; old nominal. Wheat'very dull and no sales. Corn steady; white $1,12 a 1,15; yellow in good demand at $1,15a1,18. Rye•and Oats unchanged. Mess Pork firm at 329. Bacon firmer, and advancing; rib sides 16 c; clear bides 17c, shoulder 4 l4Xc. Lard firm at 18a11330. Louisville Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l -- Loursvnix, July .I.4.—Sales 73 hhds to -baceo at full rates; s9als for lugs to medium leaf; Henry it Co. cuttings $l9 Flour $6,75 a 7. Wheat $1,90a2. Corn 93a95c. Oats 78 aBoc. Mess pork $29. Bacon—shoulders 1334 c; clear rlb sides 17c; clear sides 173.,fc. Bulk meats—shoulders 12 e; clear sides 1634 c. Lard 18344 e. . 1/111waukpe Market. _ My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] MILWAUKEE, July 14.—Flour quiet and unchanged, Wheat unsettled at $1,83 liar No. 1, and $1,74 for No. 2. Oats steady at 5M 6c for No. 2. , Corn active at 890 for No. 2. Receipts-400 bbls flour. 5,000 bush wheat, 3,000 bush oats, 5,000 bush corn'. Shipments-1,000 bbls flour, 48,000 bush wheat, 100 besh corn. IMPORTS B 1; RAILROAD CLEVELAND AND PiTTSELTROII RAIL- Loan, July 14. 2 cars iron, Zug & Co; 2 do do, Lloyd & Black; 630 plates cop per, C G Hussey & Co; 15 masses do, T M Howe; 8 cars pig iron, Niinick & Co; 1 half butt tobacco ' Boyle & Co; 14 hf bbl tish,'J K - Smith; 31 do do, Win Cooper & Co; 7do herring, E Hcazleton; 24 boxes hardware, Secomb & Co: 2 sks millfeed, J H Hiller man; 1 caddie tobacco, Little, Baird & Pat ton; 25 bxs cheese, T C Jenkins; 25 do do, Watt, Lang & Co; 20 do do, N J Braden; 1 bdl leather, W FSchmertz;, 85 bgs scraps, 3 di wool, 3 do hair, 1 do.tails L Strouse; 50 bbls J W McFerran; 60 - sks corn, 80 split brooms, Headft Metzger; 1 bbl eggs, 2 kgs grease, 10 bbls potatoes, Voigt, Ma hood & Co; 12 bxs potatoes, 4 bbls eggs, 3 firkins butter, H Riddle; 1 car fertilizers, Seward* Campbell; 2,5 bbls vinegar, Gray burn & Shannon. PITTSIDTREIH, FT. -WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD, July 14:-1 car metal, Nimick & Co;-1 do do, S Harbabgli & Co; 12 do do, Bryant Caughey; 100 bbls flour Shipton & Wallace; 500 do do, owner; 100 do do, Culp &Shepard; 100 do do, Kirkpatrick .t Her ron; 5 tea 1 bbl lard, F Sellers & Co; 1 roll leather, Jos Callery; 19 sks wool, S Har baugh; & Co; 25-boxes cheese, E Heazleton; 15 do do. McKay it Bro; 6 do.do, John Mc-' Devitt; 25 bales broom corn, McElroy & Co; 5 bbis oil H M Henderson; 3 kegs tobacco, E Megraw; 37 sewing machine Sum. ner: 41 bgs feed, H Rea Jr; bills cider, Graff .t Reiter; 12 bbls pearls, J Hobbs; 10 boxes cheese, J H Lippincott; 31 sks rags,.: Godfrey & Clark; 2 bbls eggs, W J Steel & Bro; 1 car lumber. Nan , 4: Co. PlTTSgurcena.-c INCI/1:ATI ANDST. aftria Raxmloan,_Jul 14. car corn,Brown & Williams; 100 13 - 13 ti fiou s, Watt,' Lang & Co; 217 sks wheat, -Crark & - Co; 285 do do, I Dicke- & Co; 5 pkgs" tobacco, J H Lippin cott; 10 bls oil, , B ahnestock . 4 Co; 10 I bxs starch, Eagle Cott F on Mills; 25 bundles green hides, D Chestnut de Co; 23 baWS cot-'. ton, A H Childs & Co; 52 tes-hams, J H \ Parker; 1,178 pcs eat, E H Myers & Co; 1 car lumber, M. P A tites`cit Bro; =, sacks o'ats, Robb dc Herron; 0 1 do do, C HLove; 2 firkins butter, 1 keg e gs, J J Pett ; 1 box beeswax, F G Craighead, "ALLEGHENY VALLEY \ kt.A.lLEtll . July. 14.-5 bbls butter, 3 do eggs, J - ', iltY; 3 boxes butter,- J, C Cuddy; 5 tiks ra W H Kirkpatrick & Co; 6 cars metal, arson Preston & Co: 1 car cinder, A drew & Hitchcock; 1 car lime, D L Re' olds; 6 pkgsbutter and eggs, L J Blanch d; 1 au line, D L Reynolds; 1 car tan frc, W Flaccus & Son; 101 bgs oats, 11 do rye, Gay de Welsh. - ALLEOHENy STATION, July 14.-3 cars limestone, 2 cars metal, Superior Iron Co; 2 cars metal, Lewis, Bailey & Dalzell; I do corn, Stewart t Langenbetm; I car lum ber, Taggart & Wilson; 4 cars wheat, R T Kennedy & Bro; 10 bbls flour. S CllcMas ters; 40 sks do, Backfield & Niehouse; 2 ;obis eggs, 2 kgs butter, F Beckert & Co. Pirrsnu4eux tam CONNELL-In:II,LE RArtnoA.o,--July 13-288 ,sks oats,' Hitch cock, McCreer3r Jr, Co; 3 kgs butter, 1 bbl eggs, L E Owen; 4 pkgs butter, sdo eggs, L Zellers; 150 bdis paper, W A McClurg; 335 bxs glass; Michael, Ft tit Co. TO FARMERS. ‘ THE HAY RAKE "*rELCO PATENTED 1865 AND 1867 Is the best Rake made. It will. rake' bettyi r hay, carry it farther, load and unload Itself easier than any other rake. It in self-operathar: a child Years old can do the. work of a full 'hand. Hundreds of certificate!' could be given, one of which is below: _ "IR Erie Co ., Pa., July 5. 1 867. "I have used the Welcome Ray. Rake, manufac tured by W. W. Wallace, Pittsburgh Pa., and rec ommend it to farmers. It is good In light and heavy bay: is easyon man and horse; is a complete glean er qf grain and irtubbli le simple In construction and easily kept in order. _ . _ JOSEPH ARBUCKLE." AU orders directed to 319 Liberty (street, Pitts burgh, Pa.. or at the works in Cioluinbtana, Ohio, promptly attended: to. Sold whold-sale and retail by - W.W.-WALL4CF,. Send orders in early, as supply is s hort. , mr2Bid&T - BUILDING LOTS FOR SALA., ' 4l " .A.l.X.f*.skiar.Nx- CITY. xecutoraet the lite General Robinson will sell '' !I - The 7aluable Building Lots, • • .1 The Site ted,„on_:tim North CoMinons, each lot 14 by 17 feet.. These lots are am l ngihe most des rable fur :irate. residence of any to be hart in the e ty. so. the FAMILY CARRIAGE and pair et line R rzsii vigehontesifEss comple ' te. / 2 " l _ . JOHN D. BOBISON, No. 14Federal Street, Allegheny. Seao:B2B NIANICOOD: . HOW LOST w RESTORED! lust published inseakd meet: , Op,. Pries, .sin cents. A LECTURE ON THE NATURAL TREATMENT, and • Rm l ic a t Cu " " B penninorrhcen, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Etulasions, re=nal Debilityand impediments toMar riage generally Nervonsnes.,• Conatituption, Epi lepsy and Fits; Mental and Physibal IneapaeltY, re• suiting from 13eif Abuse, Re., by ROM. -J. Culver well. M. D., author or the ',Green Boolk" att.+ ".A . BOON TO THOUSANDS or SUFFERERS," local under seal, in a plain envelope, to any liddrese. P a "' m. o n es . ipf six ceati, or imp postage stamps, to J. c. KLINK & 1 1 7 . BO WERY ; NEW Itoll.li, POS.TOFFICE 110. a 4880 . mt. CulverwelPs 'Marriage Gulde,'s price AB nen tuyikn&wl, tTNDIAIIaUBBER BELTING Aifirn STEAM PALIKING.—A full stock on hand t 101 mes.• and of the best quality. Parties wish' g•to flthp mills or shops where Belting is required. will end our prices u low as can na had in the Easty and relght saved. / J. , a rr. riurad - ps, v e • _-:, 136 and 9N St. Clair atraejt. MICANSIPARENT GREEN OIL CLOTITi- ford Window Shades—superior In quality and lower In' price than the Eastern 1 , 111.13 U. facture.-Another-large supply of the different %lathe Nat received from facto Je4 'Wan J 28 H. tPHIaLL I • z t.. .*.GAZ:Etr.E . : . 1r8J):10D4T: 14,111;i7 15 , lB RIVER 13 The weather continues oppressingly hot and sullry, and business at the fain land ing is cbmpletely suspended. The river is still receding steadily, with but eighteen inches in the channel by the konongahela marks. • • The Charmer left St, Louis for Pittsbiargh on Saturday, , and the 'Camelia Was advez tised to follow on Monday. The steamer Elizabeth departs for Eliza beth at half-past three o'clock this after noon. The Brownsville packets will run regularly hereafter. Coal Inez], now that boats and barges can be locked , through dam No. 2, will 'com mence loading their crafts, to have them in readiness to go out on the first considera ble rise in our rivers. The following passenger steamers are ly ing at the Monongahela wharf: ,Hessen ger, 'Kate Robinson, Armenia, Kenton, Arinadilio, .rate Putnam, Belle Vernon, Grey Eagle and Bayard. The Yorktown/paslied Evansville an Sat urdav, en routeifrom for Cincinnati. It is Said that she - cleared 510,000 on her recent trip to Fort Benton.' The America, qnroute from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, passed Louisville on Satur day. —A. St. Louis' telegram, under date of Saturday, Says: - River stationary, but fall ing all the way from St: Paul.• Missouri stationary at St. Jibeph; :rising rapidlyat Omaha. - Business moderate. , The small boats are preparing for active service, and. the Pauline Carroll, / for New Orleans, left yesterday with all the freight she wanted. The - Dmahapacketi have more than they can handle. Thursday's boat left drawing 53,4 feet, full of p Ople.. She Jell a large. amount of freight or to-day's boat's. Ar rived—Pembina, om St. Paul; Silver Cloud, Pittsburgh; Bee and barges, Now Orleans. The .M. y McDonald goes into the Ohio line for he low water season, taking the place of he Virginia, :which will probably be enlar ed. ' Another barge ar rived yesterday,- - w th 1,000 tuns railroad iron for the Cineag 'Railroad, Yanking 4,000 tuns received - duri g the past month. —A diving bell boat has for two weeks been working at tl e wreck of the High land Chief, sunk i : the middle of the' river, tliree miles a ove Vevayr The bull t , lies some twenty , fee under water, and has : been sunk now sore four years. The di ver stays — down ov .iran : hour at a . time; working with awr itch ` unscrewing nuts and fastening chains or ropes to engine fixtures, when they{ are hauled -up. Seve ral hundred dolliiis 1 worth have been hauled - up, and no* they are waiting for a coal tug to go further iip the river to other wrecks—the David Gibson, perhaps—near Aurora. , —Froni te Dort Democrat we that on h Satu aVe rday np evening last Minnie Hall, little daughter Of Peter a well known St. Louis and St. Patil pilot, who lives at West Ilaxenriort, went with several of her companAnts to , the river for the pur pose of bathing. While there they at tempted to cross the slough to the island on a board that had neon laid down for crossing, and in doing so Minnie fell in and was drowned before assistance could reach her. --- —The Louistille- Courier, of ° Sunday, says: Capt. Sweeney, of the St. Mary's, telegraphs to his agents here that he has not received stiffieion freight to justify go- Mg :through, and ti at be will reship at Cairo. The St., Ma . V's had a vary fair start from here, but. "luled to wet anything below. We presume, she will return hero to lay up. —The Memphis at d Mound- City'ferry boat was soldpt Ree dyer's sale, at Mound City, Thursday-, and was bought at some price In the neight .rhood of 57,000,.by George Check. The, ferry privilege was also sold at the same t itne for one year, at $450 per month. I A Custom-House lnspector named HaStings committed :suicide In New Or leans last week by takhig morphine. He has relations living 'in Cambridge City, Indiana. it .. . River' and Weather.' [By Telegraph to the PlZtsburgh Gazette.l , LOUISVILLE, Jul' 34.—River swellin with' four feet tw Inches in the canal. g Weather clear and ' exces.4lilely hot. ST. LOUIS, July 4.—. Weather clear and 'very warm. . . 3 ' CINCINNATI, Jul '• 14.—Weather, warm with indications of a thunder storm. SCRIMANEQUS GRADING AND PAVING. • _ Proposals will be tecelved by the Committee on 3louougabela Wharf d ‘ util MONDAY, 0 - ETI...'Y 13th. For the _partial GRADING AND PAVING OP SAID WHARF, from smitbfleld to Grant streets. Bidders will state the Price they will all w per yard for the stone now in the wleirf. Proposals may be lett at No . 9 MAILHET T. 4ORROW _43:8.410 of Committee. C scri t g4q -A ric i k lW Ju lf : .: e N l l( 47 l. lB A 6c:l — IS HEREBY GIVEN • TO THE HOLDERS OF THE Six Per Cent. Municipal Bonds of the My of Allegheny, Pn., • That :he Coupons on sald .Bonde, corning dne July ist. - 18138, will be paid on bahl day, (lams the Ktate tax,; at the BANK VP PITTSBUtaiIi, la the City of,Plttsburgli, Treasurer of the City of Allegheny, Pa jelg:rBo OYFICIL ON CITY r, r tNanit AND StIitYRYOU. Pittsburgh June i • NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. HEALED PIIOPOSALS for Grading, Patti g and Curbing -11) 0 GM tintEET, from W e bster to Cliff street, T 4 /WM:IEN D STREET frrim Wylie to Decatur St., ALI.EY, from ederal to Wasafagton rt. xticKPATiticx STI ET, from Centre avenue to Duncan street pima rft STREET from ROBS to Try street, 'Will I LtD STREET; ram Goss to Try street.. • 'Will te• resolved at t ,in Wilke until YID DAY. July 3d. IWOB. Speeld flops and blanks for budding can be bad by call' g at ads of ,11. J. MOORS. ' city Engineer. jab: al • SIINDRIEW . 400 bus Prime Yetlow Ear Corn, 300 bus do do Spelled do. 50 bus Prime Barley. 3,000 lbs. Dried Apples. 800 lbs. Dried Peaches. Ate bbls. Sorghum Molasses. 10 bbls. Elweut elder. 80 doe. Corn; Brooms, In store and for mile by ETZER &ARMSTRONG Jel 1 . Market street. corner 'First. SUPERIOR TIOLE OF DR N PI?E , An sties, from one to twenty-four Inches at WEI, DON & KELLY'S. agents for manufacturers, 147\1 Wood street, betsfeen Fifth and Sixth streets. - • jeia MI OtieE. All persons having claim against and intermit ed in the STEAMBOAT A 131ADILLO will take notice that 1 have seized said Steamboat at the stilt of BAILER, TEAROE & •' • TUOS. A.-ROWLEIT, MarshalbOthee, May 27. ISOR., U. S. Atarshal. Ins2I:o71 STREET -- ; - - 7 1110Titig hereby glitbirthat the viewers apettinted to a - sees damages and benefits for widening of JAC BON 87ttEET. Second ward. Allegheny. from P - turn Lane to fililelds Alley. will tenet on the pr M ises on THURSDAY, the, 91h day of July, at ittf o'clock P. M., to attend to the ditties of their ap pointment... JAMEn GRAD • W. h. AN*. . 4. D. l E NIDIAM. 7 ........_._______,__,_____ geFADUEN STREET.---NOTICE is hereby given that the vlewera aPtioloted o assess damages and benefits for wldenin /of Mo. FADDISM STMEET, Eighth worl, Anegh t , y wil l meet on the premlses,"on FRIDAY, the I.ot der of July, at, 4 o'clock P. m., to attend to the , tles of thetr appointment. ' JOHN KIRKPATII UK, MATTHE iV VORG, MIX. j e 93.08 - SIMEON MULFORD. . EATBER - BELTING, the best westuality Oak Tanned. *apt on baud at the rates. - U. PHILLIPS. D. PIACFEICRON,' e The Tax. Payers of the eonsol Idatell City of Pitte burgh, are her by notified that 'the Tax hooks are now In the hands of the City ,Tnusurcr, ready for collection. Taxes and Water Rents paid between the. let of JUNE and the lat of AUGUST. will be received at a DISCOUNT OF FIVE PER CENT. • And betwimn ,AUO UST /at. and the *sth of SEP TEMBER at DISCOUNT OF TWO PER CENT. From the 15th of SEPTEMAER. to the lscof OC TOBER, all taxes will be_payable us assessed,. After the let of OCTOBER, FIVE per cent. will be added;: and on the let of NOVEMBER, Ail unpaid Titres *lll be put Into the hands of Collectors WIT n THE FURTHER ADDITION OF FIVE PER CENT., making a difference of FIFTEEN PER CENT, between those paying lx July and those paying Ina November. Wrho STATE MERCANTILE LICENSEECkre now due, end snook' be pita on or before tho let of July, to wive coat and expense of suit. S. ALLINDEE, City _Treaadr, NO'ficE. / \ Opening of Gib])on Street. i . ' Notice Is hereby given to th o se Interested that the Report of Vie Seers, as modified by the Court, has been la ced m In hands. 7ha simessyneute will re tinal' nmy office ; N 0.1013 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, for pa 'tient, until the 27 . th Aar' of July, when those ntikpald will be illei „. lt4 . Courfai liens: , . _AL' F. i i_Lts,Cri.E, ', iiit -46 . - - , „....._____ x ii saney. June Siltith,4BoB. - . Ae27:613 . V I U. ' P • 11,,iti.1:114.n July,3 7 , IEI4. , MARSHAL'S SALE. , -. - `7-1. C. IIAWLEY et al. vs. STRAMROAT TRAVELLER, No. - 3, October Term, 11308; 111 Admiralty. __. By virtue of a vendßfoitiextumas Issued out of the' District Court of the Un leo states, Western Dis” trim of l'eunsylvenls, sod to MC directetk I will expoe to Pun h• Unto, on TIIESDM, the 14th day. or July, A. 1 , ,, 18019, at 10 o'clock A. Id., a; the Custom House, 111 the City or?l'lttsburgh. te e eTNAIdROAT THAVELLEIt, together with het bosh, machinery, tackle, area" 3a '. . _ THOS. A. ROW . ,,LEN, 17.8,, m„ shii. jyaurtll Wmer44)lstrie t of Pa, ..lifitphine Stone Werke, Northwest corner of 'West Commen, Allegheny. ,FNED , N. ATVlL'rlilHSt 40. Have on land or Erepare on olihrt notice Hearth tglid Btem Stones, Vale for Sidewalks, Brewery Vaulle,• at. • Read anal Tomb Stones, &a. Orders prompgy OXeoutod. . Prices reasonable P/TTEIBURGH. A N ORDINANCE • Winging the Grade of Crawford Street • from Clark to need Street. • SEC.I.-Be fl onzair t e2 and enacted b the City of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Cot ne8147 (mem bled, and it in hereky.enactod by ttie av horny of the same. That the grade ~ r .Cra. wfo , d street , ioa 60 changed as ,to a fall from Clar Reed ot 7.67 JeCt. one hundred feet, or a 1113 form fail be- tween tlio,,lWo streets. SEC. 2. That apt ordiaance or par conflicting the paszage of this ordinal. ent time. he and , the same Is hereby r as the tame atleets this ordinance. ordained and ettaete into a law In pthday of July, A, D,1868 . • JAMES MO President of S Artecd..: E. S. Monnow, • ' Clerk of Select - Council W. A. TO) President of Cour Attest: Wilt. H. 11A ItTZELL. Clerk, Pro ton Coen ./ ,T11:s100 A N ORDINANCE " fitireasing the Fielor:r of the Messenger of (34)11110115. SEcTrox I. Be ft ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in ..V.h.ct and C0M271017. councils as sembled. and It ix hereby ordained and enacted by that:maturity of the earns, That.the annual salary of tee fdeisenuer of Councils be and the same Is here. by Increased front severs hundred dollars 4700) to. nine hundred (4900 • said • Increase ',to ; take place from February Ist, 1868. • SEC. 2.: 'that any ordinnnee -or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage - of this ordinance at the present time. be and the Caine Is hereb) repealed's° far as the same tiffect thirdinance.. Ordained and enacted Win a ..law in Councils,. this 9th day Of July, A.l). 1868. JAMES IC:At:LEY, Presideu , of beleet Connell Attest: E. S. ItroienOw, - Clerk'or Select Council. W. A: TOMLINSON, President of Common Council, Attest:',cud. M. HAR.TrELL, dirk, pro tern., of Common COll6. 1.1. JTII:s99 ALLEGHENY. ORDINANCE defining the. man ner of giving notice of the preparation of the Pians and epechications of the Montgomery Avenue Viewer and Its intends, extending through the Com mon •Ground. SEC. 1. Be it ordained aid. enacted by. the. Select and 'Common Councils of thtetty• of .A Llegheny, and it is hereby enacted by the authority ar the same. That the City hogincer be and he is hereby directed .to give notice to all particaAnterested by puhllea .tion In the official papers Othe city for ten days succeeding the pas-age of this ordinance, that the Marrs and 81)1 . 0(1r:it:km ti of the• Montgomery Avenue tesver, and the laterals therefrom, eXttruling through the Common Ground, are completed, and that the same can he ingpet:ted at his oilice. Ordained and euncted into alaw this the 9th day of July, A. 1). 1865.. • . - JAMES Me127:111:8; Ptesktent of Seleet Coutieft. 1112 ti Nte...}.:11.,, " Pres:dent, pro of Gimme,., Council. Attest: D. I.lAeFicunciN, Clerk of Select Council. Dit.woiern. Clerk of Common Council. Ivrt NOTICE TO' OWNERS OF DRAYS, HACKS, &c. • ' • Notice. Is hereby gleon to all owners of Drays, :Carts, , Carriaires, Buggies, &c., whethertosidentor non-resident in the City of Pittsburgh, re pay their Licenses at the Treasurer's Unice of- the City of Pittsburgh FORTHWITH; In accordance with an Act of Assenibly, approved March 30tih 1860, and and an Ordinance of the Councils of the City of Pittsburgh, passed April MI, 18611. All Licen.ses not paid on or before MAY 15, 1f45%, will be placed -in the hands of the t:idef of.-Pollce for collection, -Fll tdeet 40111 s fee of SD cents , for the collection thereof and all person -4 nip, neglect or rertlSe to take out 1.-h - 4•lnts will he snh.lect to apen :thy, to ho recovered before the Mayor, double the amount or the 1114'4'114C. • • The old metal pl SteS of preylous years must ue'rr turned at the • time Licenses arc tauen out, prPay. 25 cents therefor. RATES OF -.Each One Hors Vehicle. T 50 Facts Tiro Horse •. 4 I:1 00 Eoch Four Horse •• • 15 00 Each Two Horse Hack 15'00 Oninibi.ses and Tinther obrawn bv TWO Horses; Eighteen Dollar, each. For caeli sedi tion:o florso used in any of the above vitilcles, One DoIIar.SA3IIJ,E.L N DER, • • City Treasurer. Yurrimvacsn. T° 111. HEAT G'IIOWEIt3.. tuREKA iIIIXONIATED BONE, SUPER:PHOSPIUTE OF LINE, mestriAcrurtEn lir The Allegheny Fertilizer Co. SE WARD & CAMPBELL, 1 3 1 - I , ol"Xtrr.• 'l'ol-tIS, Office, 856 Penn Street, .Pittsburgt, Pa. The hest Eertillser In cite, and recognized by Farmers who have giveul it n trial, to be the stand ard for raising large crops of I,l"heat .Itye, Oats, (torn,rota toes, ere, Alie have pubiltdied for gratu itous circulation I pamphlet containing Interesting and valuable statements of this Fertilizer, copies of which will be sent free to any sending its their ad dress. (rikieN. 07, CITY EMIIIIrILEIL AND bURVIGICOIL, • Pittsburgh. July 9th. MS. NOTICE TO COI TRACI'OIIB.. SEALED PROPOSALS for the followlug work will he received at the Orace of the City Engineer, until TRUItsDAY, July 10th, IEI6B. vie: For ;the ctinstruction' of a PUBLIC SEWER on Fourth street, from ch street, to WOOII atreet, and - ote On Bintenberfte from Locust street .to St. Patrick's alley. . And'for (IRA DINO, PAVING'and CURBING the following streets. viz: LIBERTY 8 MEET. from Carson to Taylor St. CARROLL STREET, from Sumilman to Butler atreet. ' • CARSON STREET. from Mulberry alley , to the river. WII)11 ALLEY, from Logan to Fultorbstrect. SPRING ALLEY, &mu Morris Loftus!' street. • ii.Az LEVI' ALLEY. - ,(Lnwrencevilleii from ros ter to mailman Ntrret. / A)d for the partial GRADING of COLWELL I street. beyond Dlnwlddle street) Alio. for PA S'INLJ MABE. WH. bTICEET‘ IT Alan. PKVEMENT, froth Liberty to A LFourth street, (excepting the Diamono.) for constructing RD w BOAAL ITN .3 I VENJOYLVANIA AVENUE, from °Aland Car. Station to Neville street. Snectheatlona and blanks ifor bidding can be had at this Wage J • DIOOnE, 1. s.r4 C City Engineer., TAX/ PS jelesrer EST COMMON COMMISSION MERCHANT J. It. CirniLD T. Cd... FIELD. JB. CANFIELD & SON, COM-. . - MISSION MERCHANTS: and ' -Wholesale Dealera In tioshen, Factory.. Hamburg and W. IL. Cheese. Butter, Lard, Pork, Bacon, Flour, Fish, Dried Fruit. Grain, Pig Lead, Pot, Pearl and S'.da Ashes. White Llm.e. Linseed, Lard. Co*l and Car bon Oils. No. 141 First street. Pittsburgh. WATT, LANG Sr. CO., Groceries, Flour. Grain, Produce, Pro- of ordluande at the pres pealed so tar visions, Fish, Cheese, Carbon oil, 4:r.. • Nos. 172 and, 174. WOOD STREET, near Liberty ' street. Pittsburgh. Pa. n08:n55 ountlls, this ITTIL.EY; leer Comiclt 74. STEEL] , 311 STEELE . 1 / 4 SON, I ANSON. ;non Council COMMission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR , FEED, Acct. No. 95 OHIO STREEI near East Common, •_ ALLEIMENY ctrv, PA. non Council JAMES.B..MiANOR JOS. HARPER MEA," OR &HARPER,. . • . _ colvEmassioN 31.W.RCIIA.NICS 329 LIBERTY STREET. PITTSBURGH. Consignments solicited • • • REFERIC2iCES-J. G.lSlartin, Cashier Mechanics' National Bank; J. S. Dilworth & Co., R. T. Ken nedy & Bro. ja3ld2l PETER KEIL ..6 JA9. F. 13.1C71..U81a KEEL & E/E/L/ET, • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DIALERS IN • FLOUR, DRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, &c., gm, 349 Liberty Ni., Pittlibtargh, nar24:tai ey -- L J. BLANCHAICD, Wholesale and Retail Grocert4 No. 396.PEN5 STREET *NA:NV) ALP.. *DANE J.ll. ANJER ISICHANE 6 ANJEJI, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers in FLOUR , 4 GRAIN, and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY. No. • 14-1 WATER STREET,. above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. , les FETZER. &. ARMSTRONG ( FORWARDING AND 00311413810 N MERCHANTt3 I For the sale of 'Flour, Grain. Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, No. 16 MARKET STREET, corner of First, Pittsburgh. fe22:uB JOHN I..IIOt:SP. PDW. HOUSE W3l. 11. ITOCRE. 011 N I. HOUSE Si. RHOS., Suc cessors to JOHN I. IlOrtiE OE CO., Wholesale ocers and Commission Merchants. Corner of TOIL Smithfield and Water Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. TT RIDDLE. No. IS3 LIBERTY STIOEET, Pittsburgh. ~ Conamission Mer e unt and Wholesale Dealer In Country Produce, Grocerlei and Pittsburgh 31anufactures. Cash ad vanced on Consignments, and paid for Proctuye - gor - - au2l IiORT. KNOX ANDREW KNOX 114 K.NOX & SON, COMMISSIOIT •m m }.{CIIANT and dealers In FLOUR, GRADL FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, NC 7U DIAMOND, opposite City Hall, Allegheny City, • j317:r37 . . DAY. CRAWFORD, COMMISSION MERCII ANT IN PIG' METAL, BLOOMS, t.IF.FF,', IYROUGHT SCRAP IRON, FIRE BRICK ..'., ND CLAY &e.: IVareholise and Office N05.'366 awl 368 PEkN STREET.' Storage Inrillsheil. Consignments solicited. X4ITTL E, BAIRD Si. PATTpN, Wholesale Grocers, Conandssion • Merchants and iealers In Produce, Flour, Bar, Cheese, Fish, Carbon sad Lard Oil, Iron, N: its, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, 112 and 113 SECOND STREET, Pittsburgh. .mns 61111 . 1Y1N...... ...A WALLACE. §1 'UPTON &WALLACE. WHOLE— SALE 0 ItoCERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, .F. -- fl SIXTH t&THE ET. Pittsburgh. 1412:r38 JOS. A. BUTLER, ° ALDERMAN AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. °thee. 126 IrTI.IE STREET, near Washlngton, errrsrwitan, PA. Dews Borids,s t . Mortgages, ' Acknowledgments, Depositions, Coll .etions, and all other legitimate buQlnees executed promptly. sniletr3 SAktll3l. Bledl A STEEI9, A.11.33.V...rtar,_A.N. Ex:-Ordelo Justice or the Peace and Police Magis trate. 09lee. GRANT STREET, opposite the Ca thedral. PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds lionds,• Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, and all Legal. Business excepted with promptness and dispatea. ' mhia VUSTACE S. MORROW,, ES UFFICIU JUSTICF'OP THE PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENIAg, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds Bonds, Mortgag.es, Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Legal:Business . executed with promptness and dispatch. A AMMON, CONVEYANCER, REACESTATE & INSURANCE AGT CARSON STREET _EAST BIRMINGHAM. 6ollection of Rents solicited and piomptly attend ed to. my3:y6o WILLIAM IL BARKER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CONVEYANCER, &C., °Mee, CARSON , STREET, nearly oppdalte the Railway Depot, SOUTH I'li'TSßUltUll. BUSIIICSS entrusted to his care ti . romptly attend ed to. inyt:yel D ANIEL ItIcAIEAL, ni. D., PRACTICING PRYSICIA NS OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, No. 50 Orant St., near INIEak. ar:m:x7l j e S. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY-AT-4W, No. S 7 Fifth Street, SECOND FLOOR, FRONT ROOM. JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Ornee, 116 Diamond Street, (Oppodlte the Court House.) m15:144 IV' . A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY - AT-LAW, N0..09 Diamond Street. mhs:nB Treasiinir. TT C. MACKRELL, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, No. SO larant Streets in734:b23 ARCHIBALD BLARELEI4 .ATTOIMMV - -AT-144k1V, No.' 98 FIFTH STREET. spe:n9o:ll TORN A. STRAIN, u 'ES -OFFICIO JUSTICE OF _THE PEt k ez AND .- • POLICE lIA.GUITICAE.' .. Omee,lLY FIFTH STREET,epposlie the Cathe dral, Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeds, Bonds, hinirages Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Le Bust_ . nese excreted with promptness and (hepatic . ----- JOHN C a . ItIcCOMBOt ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ' • No. 87 PlM'', Street. Peaions, lionntlea and Arrears of P ay -promptly collected.no:ecoao §TOHE, WINDOW SHADES, 'Of any color and size required, with border and - item 111 plsin or Rilt; also the plain Blue, for same PgrOose,- mom ato . 7 feet wide, at the 'in Cloth sargroolos, Se awl A 8 Sa. Clete stree • Jag 6 •J. a H. maxim NVIIOLESALE DEALERS - -J. A. STEEI.E. FLOUR, GRAMA.ND PRODUCE PROFESSIONAL. AX , MOratIVI.A.N, Justice of the Peace, PITTS)? untiii, PA PITTSBURGH, PA ~GY~~f;luYrr.•li;~ MTBBURGR. PA. .111.133EY,t1V.LA:N, . -,.... ... IDPITTSBIURGH anda. CONN ELLS VILLE li.. R. On and after TT - TUT-51)A; ' Var the st h , /8615 trains will arrive at and deretrt Iron the Depot, cot ner of Grant anti Water streets,' as follows: • - . ~ :Depart. Arrive.. ' ,--- Mail to and from Unlont'n. .7:00 A. id. 6:00 P. If. .Mclleesport Accomm odt'.n -11:00 A. m. 2:05 P. mt,: , , Ex..to and front Unlont'n. 3:00 r. N. 10:00 A. Y. West Newton: -neon:mu:l'u 4:301r..m. 8:35 A. rYe Braddoek's Accotnntodat'n 11:15 P. It. 7:50 P. Y. Night Acc. to 3lcKeesport -10:30 P. 211..0:40 A. 14 puday Church Train to and ' - from West Newton ... ..... 1:00 .r. m. 10:00 A. sg• For tickets appl7lto - ~ _ J. E. KING-, Agent. W. B. STOUT. Superintendent. alfrauggii A VALLEY RAILROAI3. DIRECT ROUTE T4THE OM REGIONS.. Running through to Vera:nip> City - without change of cars... - Connecting with trains East and West on the 'Warm- & Franklin RailrOad, and-Atlantic •Wc,tern Railways. Shortest and^quickest route to Oil City and Franklin, and all points in the, Oil Regions. On, andlatter April 26th, 186 S, PassengerTraine will_ leave front and arrive at the. Pittsburgh Depot. 'corner Canal and Pike Sta. as follows; • • Mail 11,Epart. r , Arrfee, N unitrm Ven. , City. 7%;00 A. at.. 0:15 r.. 14 Express " . 10:40 r. 9.12:25 A. at., Brady's tend Account:n(l'n , 3:00 r. at. 10:20 A. X. Soda NI-arks ACCOITI •.. 5:30 r. M. 7:55A. X. First Hutton Acconiod`ri.: 8:50. A. M. 11:40 A: XW. Second Hutton Accoutod`n 12:00 an. 3:55 r. Y. . Sunday Church Train leaves. Soda Works at 8:131P A. M., arriving, in Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. M. EA. turning., leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 r. an., arriving a& . 4 Soda Works at-2:55 P. M. W.F. IL BLACKSTONEt. HOPE, Ticket Agent= . &W aP2S PKI li M I TTSBURGi C INCINNATI.A.ND ST; aggißign RAILWAY. % RANDLE ROUTE, CHANGE OR. TI3fE.-00 and after D ew_SUN June 21st, 1807, %rattle will leave and arrive Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburg ... l time: i• • . .Depart. Arrive. 1 Mall Exprese - 21.:15 a. m. 12:10 a. M. Fast Line 9:40 a. m. 7:15 p. m. Fast Exnress : - 2:10 p. M. 11:20 a. ra. '-'- iMixed Wa 4 y ' 6:10 a. M. 7:05 p. nt. - McDonald s Acen; No. 1.. 11:4:0'n. in. 3:05 p. In. Steubenville Acconimod'n. - 3:551p.m. 9:30 a. M...' . illaDonald's Acc'n,lNo. 2:, 5 : 215 P. ,1 ,0. 8 : 2 0 a• m. PraCiAt.NoTlCE.—Sunday .xpress leaves at • m ri i lu arrlvlng in Cincinnatk at 6:00 a. ro.. the next re 9:4o'a. 'a. m. Train lea!ves daily; Sundays ex- ' r4 lit ce ,ed, and makes close cenaectlonwai Newark tor . Zanesville and points on Sanclueky.'o Mansfield & Newark R. It. ' i - ' W. I . V• CARSDS SCU LT Gmeral Ticket Agent. ,')„up't.,4lculienvlle. 4' .1,X368. t I TTUBUItGII;.FORT TAYNE 4 unICAGO B. W. AND CLEVELAND .e..IITTSRGRGR R. R. From •June 7th,' 1868, trains will leave from. and arrive at the - Union Depot, - north side, city • • time, as follows: Leave. . 7 '.Anive. Chicagog Ea.-2:03 a tn' l Chisgo .Ex... 2:08 ara Cleveland Ex.. 2:03 a m huleverand Ex. 2:08 aDi Erie & Ygn 31'1 7:28' app ; llifeago Ex.... 11:23 aat Cl..Sci'Wh•g3l , l 6:13 ain'tVlieeling Ex. 11:08 am Chicago Mall.. '6:58 a MSt.A.,ouls.Ex.. 3:33 pm - Chicago• Ex.... 9:43 ain Cl. lt, Wleg Ex 4:3B.pra Cl. & Wh'g Ex. 1:43p m'Erld& 'Fru Ex 6:131p as Chicago Ex.... 1:58 p m Clileag'o E p x.. . 4:23 m, Wh. &Erie Ex.' 4:4-8 ptr. C/..P, NVIVg kx 7:08 plot Depart from Allegheny. • A_rrire in Al/egheny. 1 N. Brigt'n Ac. 8:58 am N. Brigt•n - Ac. 7:03 a m 1 Leetsdale " 10:13 am; N. Rriirt 6 n "-8:28 aai • ' " 11:58 ant. Wellsville . " 8:53 a m Rochester " 2:23 p mlNew: Castle " 10:13 am . -1 Wellsv'e Ace.. 3:43p m;Leetadale ' 6 9:13 am Leetsdale Ac , c.' 4:13 pan! `f '‘ 1:08 pm N. Itrigt`n ' . 5:33 pT. BMt'n " 2:43 pal N. Brlgrn " . 6:28p m LeeMdale ' 6 4:53 pm Leetadale " . 10:43pm 4 .• " 728 pia Aliar- 1:58 p. m. Chicago Express leaves daily. .11Ur• 11:23 a. m. Chleagr Express arrives daily. .103 -F. R. MYERS, General Ticket Agent., P EN -= -AN -k N S Y Lye,. CENTRAL RAILRO. iln and after June 7th, rice at and depart from thi Washington and Liberty sl Arrive. • !Mill Train.... 1:15 a no: Fast 1:40 a Wall's No. L. 6:20 aml Latrobe Acc'n 7:50 a in, Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 am Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 ain Johnstown Ac.10 . :35 a in Baltimore Ex. 1:00 p Phila. Express 1120 pm Wall's No. 3... 2:15 pm Braddocks Nol 5:50 p m Wail's No. 4. .7:15•p m Altoona Acel and Enalgran - Train . . .... . 9:30 pm! The Chur ch Train leaves Watt's Station every' Sunday at 9:lsea. in., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:01 a. an.. Returning, leaves. Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. to, and arril.7..s at Wall's Station at 2:00 p. m. Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All other tralns daily except Sunday. • For furtaer information apply to W H. BECKWITH, Agent. - The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not sume any risk. for Baggage, except for wearing ap.. parel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars •In value. All Baggage exceeding that. amount in value will be at the risk fif the owner, Mt. less taken by special Contract. • EDWARD H. WILLIAM', General Superintendent. Altoona, a. WESTERN PENIV-agg" SYLVANIA RAL- It.--On and after May 10th, 1607, the Pup. senger Trains on the IVestern Pennsylvania Rea ' road will arrive at and - depart- tram the Federal ' Street Depot. Allegheny City; as follows: • Arrive. •• ' Sioringd'e No 1 6:35 a m Depa rt. 6i15 a in Freeport No. 1 8:15 a mlFreeport No. 1 . 910 ant. Express 10:15 aln ; Sharpb`g Ho. 11:20 ana Sharpbg No. 1 1:25 pm i Express . ; 150 p ISt Freeport No. 2 4:10 pin inpringd'e No I 3:50 pm a ', 5:50 p mlFreeport No. 2 6:05 pla Springd'e No 2 7:10 p MlSprinAd`e No 2 7:30 Dr& A txwe trains run daily except ennday. The Church Truth leaves Allegheny Junet. even,- Sunday at 7:40 a. na,, reaching Allegheny City at 0:50 a. tn. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:20 p. and arrive at Allegheny Janet. st 9:2‘ p. COURITTATION TialCzTS—lror sale in•packaties Twenty„between„ Allegheny' City, Chestnut's reeti, Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Shaftesburif. and good only on the trains slepping at Stations spa- Cified °Minket& The trains leaving Allegheny City at 6:15 a. m. • and 1:50 P. M. make direct connection at Freeport With Wel ker"l llne of Stages for Butler and Hannaha-- town. - Through tickets may be purchased at, the Office, No. 3 Ft. Clair street, near the Suspensloffi. Bridge Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny. For thriller information apply to JAMES-LEFFERTS, Agent, Federal Street Depot.. Ti'... Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not as sume any risk for Baggage except for wearing mt. parel, and limit thel. respOnsi Witty to OnnHundved Dollars in value. All baggage exceeding NUR amount In value will be at the risk of the owner, . teas taken by special contract. • EDWARD IL W7.LLIAM4_, Gen•-al Sunerintendent Altoona. Pa. MEI myll S it i t tagj 11 L WRltaregglE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, Eatitern The SHORTEST AND MOST RELIABLE noiyai. from the East to all pointsln Colorado, Nevada, California' n44:v17`3 Arizona, 111exv Mexico, 'ldaho, • • Oregon. . - Two Trains leape State ) Line and. Leavenworth daily, (Sundays exzepted,on andsval of ttainsok. Pacific Railroad from St. Louts, *ll..nrilhal and& s t . 4 0 Raroad from Quincy; connectlnv .at Law.- reach, Topeka . and Watnego with sts. e ,es for as points In Kansas, - At. end of•track west of ERR:. worth with the UNITED STATE.s ExPEEBEi_OO/C pANy,R,DAILy . SINE :'O,IT E ovR,LAND' saa.u. AND EXPREN3 COACaffS FOR imaNVERI- SALT LA3T.334 • - . .• . . . And all Points in the Territories, . , .. And with SANDERSON'S TRI-WEEKLY LTFTE COACHE San t aort Union, Bent!. Fort, Pass, Alba. ~ q_uerlue, Fe, and all Debits in Arts,it ape - New Alexlco. With the recen. ' , additions of-rolling stock a equipment, and the arrangements. made with , ms sponsible Overland Transportation Lines hone,* western terminus, this .road now offers un.eT•iaLlet• Wfacilities for the transmission of freight to um rag- -. est, i . ~ . Tickets tale s d Canada* . 6 Principal °Mel biting 1 ; United States and . .., _ Be sure and 'ask- for ticket. via Trtit iitsincr•-' HILT. .rtor^:c, UNION RAC/Pio -..twiavejr misniaa: ict VISION. - • A. ANDERSON, " - General Buperinteiidert 'A. Al, WEllimtig,,, General Freight and Ticket Age ST ESHIPS. T o %Fr E air 0.0 V AND...A& ' • QUEENSTONVIc.- Tin trigkiart: DuuL sTputistapti,:' Numborloafteen, firlit-oless remit, among nisei . the celebre . k orrr or- ARltl_ Orrr or ANTlvrl,r CITY Or BOSTONA CITY OF BALTIAIO#I4 Illito EYEllflarTalin, l l?o l iti Pier 115, Ifortik c. " . River, New York. For Patialige or hrtherlaforolliw;', tloo apply to ' • IiraLIAN BINGRAmi Jr _ . SO Toni t3Tararr. (Ohroutele ltillid4 ' .-*: liokrilr4oo44l . tikrii, ilttakli E 3 AD. a, 1868,. Trains will an. lon - -Depot, corner of streets,, as folleWsi - . • .. 'Deport. Day ExPress.. 53:25 aIR Wall's No. L. 6:30 am Mail Train ... 7:50 ant Ex 11:40's zoo No. 2.. 11:51a ro. Johnstown Ae. 305 pia II raddoela No 1 4 :oopm. Exprea. 4:50 pm. Wall's No. 3.• 5:10 pat WalPs No. 4.. 6:05 pat Fast Line 7:30 p M Latrobe Ace'n 3 . 150 pm Swissvale Ac's 10:50 p Vtali, Waphingt on „
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers