1 . - EME El Prrninarie r bli .?s TME I , , r;xtri=frz Gez=)3, • JulyM, 1868; :ertertil markets contirme and : little rotespeel; :' at • I. .; . of any inimediate 'improve- ; - 1 Flour is not so much - ei'seiVd in- , ' . i'), as it was, and it looks now instead i, ;Ivance, that there will a decline. , 1 Osr article , there are no features • !;''. of special notice. DER .- 1 and ~.. s du unchanged; small hi l fresh pa -ed at 3to 23c.._. 1.f3-411 cons quence of diminished re-' 1' ~ . areas tt. 22c. 1 - . ' ESE-Is steady, with regular sales, I ts 14s' for Western Reserve'•and Ham -11 1:5 to 160 for Ohio F tory; 180 i for i Jg, and 19 1,20 c for S eitzer. ', V—ls stead , and wit limited ar :Morin • but nchanged; $l5 to $2O for ind $2O to $25 for old. _-_- ' . 1.1 ;VISIONS ' Bacon a 'firm and I,], with an i proved de and; we now 1.,,,t 13> to 1 X for. Sno lders; 10to 18 .bed, and Clear Sides and 20 to 20' 1 Nar ("tired ams. Lard is firmer. at - 0 .4. M'eas Pork $28,50 to $29. 1: , 1) OIL,— quoted at $1,20_ for No. 1 1 $1,40 for No. 1. ' t,lN—They is but little old Wheat ig, and bu little in market; sale of 3 . ks - w - crop Tennessee.at• $2,25. Oats , :kit nominally unchanged at 77 to 78e, tk, and_Boe for small lots in store. • 'one in-market. Corn, $1,05 to $l,OB .1 . al to printe Yellow. 1 '-in n fair . demand, with reg les of new crop reported at $5,50 to 1 lUlt--Is dull, but without quotable' 0. We continue to quote at s9 s 0 to $lO - -.- ;;• to' good Spring - Wheat; $10,25 to "'t for prime to choice do; $ll to *11,50 ,"inter Wheat, and $l3 to $l4 for fancy * Rye Flour, $8,75 to $9. ,• NI . --Is dull and nominally wi . :pd. 1 . ~ LEAD—Is quoted at lOgc. , .2.. B—Sale at $2 per bbl. te,DS—Fla eed-is scarce and Wanted 0 to 4 1 • . . • t: • Y` lled Spirits. "fk : following veryi interesting statistics tilled spirits held in bouded ware ' in this district are fn.rnished us by . the gentlemanly Collector ,-;3rnal'lt7enne. .It will be observed iEe well-known and thorlaughlym F ind extensive distillery of Messrs. B.7inca & largely' leads: its NSA% cW‘ktAk‘aktikt :, - ..berarzazbes - ..ca" gallons haler irs boas: 1 ~ 3 .Tat,:iliASt., _.AuEld. , 'Abe , second, Ata . I tjat of tax thereon:) '•1 _ . ,•.--gstillera.', - ___. _ Galls. Taxes. -. : .• ;;;,.._l"anch it C0.,.185,085 - 09 i*, 6370,170-18- .1 i.dt , it Fildav" ..,. 15,739 68 . 31,479 . 37 . _Y.4nhetm'r - 64121r05' 39,17915 78,358* 70 -.;- -- ner 4co • . 3,203 60 - .- .6,407' 60 - .‘. 4h & Son 3,040 93 6,081 86 . .-,Pleglm 10,080, 00 ..,- 20,160 00 , • .Me- - Elliir.itiy '- . , 394.66 - 789 32 u , •l• :- -, •:-...,toli - Watson.; . 2,430 56 - --:.4,901 12 '' ,, ,t W n ' 1,389 rl2 - -- - i 2,778 84 1 2 . •'. - ....i.: it echlitq : ..., 24,229.-68 ' 4 8, 48946 . 11, ; fx, 1 , 4 ,, i , :-.iinxre tin - ' , . -•• .. . ' k . .- 0 Eire • 9,559.32 ' 19,118 64 ktlloug ,S. it Co.' 2,015 . 97 . 4,031.94 ~`...i Kinier • - -- 4,128 56--... 4 ,. - .8,257 12 . ":clreth it . C 0...,... 2,464 05 4,92910 - , ,-, 4,,, - "Crlckart 4 C0.. 7. 7 - 6,190 - 94 - 12,381 88 ' '..,.- • • 'XXI I 110..4 , :-.:, - -;• v .•_:4,050 89. .. . 9,301.78 f,:llintalli,Jr..iliao - . 1,853 12 3,786:24 :0 '...:_ ~.::.,-.Caxson...- . :, .. . . 910 50;'.. 1,821;00 .'4kket,7i . .... 3,170 76 6,341 52 . '... - '' . ZCarr . 4 Co 20,822 - 41,615 24 :845,235'46 $690,47092 THE EllEl ', A .b.o. mufti Diarket. - ) , - : ;• .•)lerritas Ito the ritubacan gazette. , ;;;•onvicrami, dul y 13.—Flour dull, but ..• .. p ain mi;,familys9,2sa 9 , 7s . • Wheat dull; 1 • ,-:•,-.: ' ~ eat** 12,00, old red held at $2,00a ''• • ' Nos . ' : 2 and 1. Corn firm and imp „or- , •• ,',' ght; ear 87a88c, shelled 899.90 e. Oats . ~..... .lac 74050,10 r No. 1. Rice dull but. rid. 1 '• ' : ••' Pl. Cotton dull at 311440 for mid - . Tobacco nominally unchanged; ',, :. • ,-.;'' is nothing doing owing to the tip. '-'•;' ' '..--, hinkvatinnal fair; the , total ' entries' cl ads: ,'Whisky dull; Sides at„32a4oa in ,„ .... . , 1 according to age; there is no demand ' ' ' l'cee.',lidess pork' Wild at $29, but there `` gdly, any demand, and buyers do not ~. , -t-, b e tter than 128,50. Bulk meats quiet i - ,2 c105e;1234; for shoulders'and , l4% for • 1 ,,, , }lanai Quiet - but iirm;', shoulders' -':.•'elclit•ir rib sides 16X, and clear 17i; the.!;.! - - L:-ttd is'of a retail nature. &two °tired . , d 19a.19103: :Lard held, at,lBc.,•lnt. did• hear..of any deniand of consequence. Se steady at 21125 c. -Potatoes selling at' ,--;:ar barrel and in better supply. Green : • •' - ' -'es from Georgia ." are selling at $3a8,50 lbl. Eggs declined to 151E16c per dozen. '-' "":'"far unchangad; freak 268290- . Linseed 01,02a1,03. Petroleum 35a3& for ra ii free. Lard 01if1,80a1.85. Gold 141% Nither eontinnes intensely hot. The =meter is 95 to 98 during the.day and .88 at night; almost a dead calm. Ac- Its iron" - 'crops are very favorable. r lat has been secured in all this region oellent order, and the supply is a full . Corn wing! very rapidly, it e 'same m ay be said of all the other . . , =a MEM ME HOE HIE . L'•'n ME II Chicago Market. ~ ~ielegrepti to the Pittsburgh Gazette 1 :. • ICAO°, . July 13.,-Flour is dull and . ; .were made at $88.1.0,50 for, spring ex- Wheat; the Market is very; dull and :: 4 1 3 s are nominally unchanged; and Sales Made of No. 2at $1,78a1,7 4 . Corti is ?:-.active and V ‘ a%cc lower, with sales Of lat 90a90 , c, No. 2 at_BB;oB9c, and re ' , : d at 82a&3c, the market closing with : ':' rs of No. 1 at9o%c,, and sellers at 903 X .. the market is quiet, and lalMc lower, 'v sales at 651.4a66c, the market closing t at the inside figures.: Rye and Bar re neglectettand prices are nominal. ! -Ivisions are firm and less active. Mess ;k . k sold at $28.25 for standard, and choice t ; ght brands are , held at $28,50. , Dry . id shoulders are held at 12c. Lard is .p .g and steady, with sales of prime steam trn,-tind summer. ,rendered at 1634a18c. ]its are quiet, at 3c on este, and 33:ct :rit to Buffalo, and 7%c on corn to 05.13 .13 ;0. The receipts for the past forty-eight ,• a mounted to 3,158 barrels flour, 11,- hbushels wheat, 228,577 bushels corn, t)0 bushels oats, and 3,079 - head of live '. The shipments for the same length i i tr ,a3 amounted to 5,038 . barrels flour, 4.47 bushels wheat, 244,574 bushels corn, ` . 41 bushels oats; and 3,990 head of live - , • . BEM 11111 ' :.L ;.: - “r. ,} Nei* lifiTricDry Goods Market. ~,,,.. 4 e l e gnott to the Plushursh Gazette.] RE.,, yr Yottir, July 13.—Dry goods market ger with a lair demand for staple cotton. vy browp slieetings at. the , best makers :a lB%, and seconds 16 1 4a17. Merrimack 4rints 15; do.' D 133014;4; American , tuorids, Oriental, Aliens and Lanca,s -i3 esx;l-.. Gloucester 13 5, ; do. mourning 13; dons and Simpsor.a do. 13; Hamilton spragues-alartinga 15; Arnold prints 0. Freeman and Glasgow ginghams 1434 t. 4 5 i rhllade 1 p b i 1 1; cattle Market. PiTelegraph to the Pittiburgh a Beeves in fair zette.] ?rural:4l.nm, July_lB. G --Xliand,nnsettled and low; sales 16,000 at r , 0a 1 0 for extra western steers; Via 9 for il to-good, and *6,50a7,50 gross for com. I C-1 Sheep. lower; sales 6,900 at 64E0,60 ritfeaT7s in fair demand at an ti o d r v e a i ntc a ; , . 4s 2,000 at *131'14 net, the latter I l JP hiladel hist Market. • 4Telegropb to the Pittsburgh Gazette., Piordiramvalik, July 18.---Flour dull. 13-ln more firm, with sales of mixed east i. 3 at *1,1621,17. Oats unchanged. .11ye 1-1 p-,.,• - • ._ , . Financial Natters in New York. Galt Closed at 141%. By Telegraph to the tittiantrgb eszette. l Ns Youu. July 13, 1868. MONET AND GOLD. Money steady at 4@)5 Per cent. on call. Sterling active at 110 3 @ llo j %. Gola,ftrm. er, . and opened at 1413 i, and closed;at 141%] ' -onvv,plonorin; Governments steady; Conpona-'Bl, 113% ©11.3%; do. 1 02, 113q®11 3 %; do. 4;1, 110 1 4 0110%; do: '65, 111%©111.34; do. new 108% @)108%; do. '67, 87%@89; do:168 1 87%W39; 10.405, 107%®107%; 7405, 108%10109. • lI9EDER STATE BONDS. Border State bonds' stronger. Stocks generally quiet and without:-material change, closing steady; the recent forgeries, it is understood, do not exceed $125,000. STOCKS. . . 5:30 prices: j , Canton,47@)49; Cumber land, 34%®34.%;1 Well's xpress 105©15%; American , Express, ~ 40!„@4731 : Adams Express, 53%®53%; United States Express, 475,@48;Merchants Union Express, 24r @ 2 . 5 ; Quicksilver, 2234@22V0 Pacific Mail, 1003 Mariposa, 4%©5; Atlantic Telegraph, 32:. Western- , Union Telo• graph, - 34%©34X; New 'York Central, 133;00113W; Eris, 69Nek(i9g; do. pfld. 7,5 75 1 ,i; Hudson, 1430144; Harlem, 124; Read - 1 lng, 94VA94%; Ohio and Mississippi, 20Ni ®293;; Toledo and. Wabash, 48%048%; St. Paul, 67:).1@07%; preferred, 79Net80; Michigan Central 117 1 ; Michigan Southern, 912,©91q 'lllinois Central, 143(4)144, ex. dividends; ' Pittsburgh, 85N ®B9; Toledo, 102%®103y; Rock Island, 107,4@l08; North Western, 79:4©79%; do. preferred, 81%© 81%; Fort Wayne, 107%0108; Hartford and Erie, 16 1 ,‘®163;; Ashtabula, 100; Mis souris, 01%; New Tennessee, 70%; Old Ten nessee, 714. Mining shares dull. ' New York Froduce Market. (Br Telegraph to the tittaborgh Gazette.l NEW T-01tR, Ju1r,13.--Cotton is a shade lower; 1600 bales' sold at 32c for middling uplands. Flour, receipts amount to 7553 bbls and heavy; saloc lower; 850 bbls sold 'at $6,65a7,10 for superfine. State; western at ii7,95a8,65; extra State ate 37,90a10; extra western at 810,65a12,60: white wheat extra at $8,50a12,75; round hoop Ohio at 88,75a10; extra St: Lcinis at $10a14,50; good choice do closing drill and declining; 600 sacks at 510,20a12,60. Rye flour quiet; sales 250 bbls at $7,70a8. rnmeal uiet. Receipts of Wheat amount to 59410 b ush; and is about la2c lower; 850 bash sold at 51,95 for No. 2 spring: 92,07 for Canada club in bond; §2,38 for new red Southern,atore;' tkt k ktkk tkXktt.K\ sch.fte , Cellrerzzfs. R_re alert awl barley - malt nomiael. ptecrr "corn 138;307 , bush and without decided I change; sales 76,000 bush at- $1,05e1,11 for mixed - wefloat, latter extreme; 81,12 for old do in stoi; - --81,12 for western yel low, and $1,12a1,11 for White-western. Re . ceipts of oats '14300, Mc better — an dull; sales 5,700 bush at 84aSiMc for western store; 8634,c for do afloat. • Stock of grain in 'Warehouse: Wheat. 592,919 bush; corn, 1460;412 do; oats, 780,825 do; rye ' 28,897 do; barley, 575 do; malt, 57,138 " do; peas, 60,708 do— Rice' unchanged.' Coffee—Rio 'quiet 'and firm; other hinds nominal. Sugar lower and more active; sales 650 hhds Cuba atllMallMc; 350 boxes: Havana at 11Mal2Mc.: Mot _ asses d ull. Hops quiet. Petroleum - dull- and easier; 17a17Mc for' crude, and 3334a34e for refined bonded. Fork. firmer and more doing; sales 8,250 bbls at; 528.65a28,87 for new mesv, closing at 28,75 regular; W 425148,50 for - old do., clos ing at 828,50 cash; $=,25a22,75 for prime; 524,00a24,50 for, porinie mess. Beef steady; Beef Hams, a little More doing;• sales 100 bbls at $25a35. Cut Meats steady; sales 260 pkga at . 1234a13Mc for shoulders, and 1634 a 17Mc for hams; middles quiet and steady. Lard fir m, closing heavy; sales 580 tierces at 17Ma183/.c for steam, and liiMalBMc for 1 kettle rendered; also 1500 -tierces steam, seller. September, at 17mc; 500 tierces do. buyer September, at 18c. Butter steady at 20a29c for Ohio. Cheese in good ffemand at 11a15'Ac. Freights to Liverpool firm;` en gagements per steamer on 'corn at 5d.. LATEST.—FIour closed dull and 5c lower. Wheat n ominally - lower, and shippers in sist upon a further material' decline. Rye • dull at 51,75a1,85.' Oath at 84c in store, and et 86a86Mc afloat. - Corn dull at f1,08a1,10 for new mixed western' in store. Pork firm"ets22, 50 for mess; 528,50, buyer onsev en days; seller for August at $28,75; closing with buyers at 528.75, and with 'sellers td 528,81 for cash and regular. Beef steady, with but a moderate demand. Cut Meats qirm, with fair inquiry. Bacon quiet and s Cady. - Lard dull at 18a18 1 /0 for fair to prime steam. Eggs quiet without decided Change. `St. Louis MaXitet. (By Telegroh to the Plttaburab Gazette.] Sr. LOUTS, JtilY 13.—Tobacco Steady and . unchanged. Cotton; nothing doing. Henan; nothing doing. Flour steady and quiet, at 17 for choice superfine; $7a7,50 for extra; $11,28a12,50 for treble extra and fancy. Wheat active and firm for choice; but medium and low grades dull and weak; choice white and fancy red, $2,20a2;80. Corn active and higher for white at 88a89c. Oats advanced, but the marketslow atee quotstons. 75a79c. Rye, fil,l,St3: o= visions firm with an increased demand at higher prices.. Pork sold at IV. Bacon; shoulders, 13a13)4c; -clear rib sides, 16. 1 4 c; clear sides, 17 1 A,c. Sugar Cured Hams, 20}4c. Lard firmer and held higher; prime tierce sold at 17X 1 c; choice keg, 19c. , Re, ceipte--Flour, 480-bhls; wheat, 19,000 bush; - corn, 10,000 bush; oats, 2,200 bush. P Toledo Market. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh GaSettei] TOLEDO, Jul 19.—Flout receipts 407 bbla.; quiet an dnominal. Wheat; receipts 700 bush.; no transaction in spot; No. 1 receipts of • Wabash ,sold at $1 75 seller August. Corn; receipts 12,450 bush. at la2c lower: -.closing with sales , at 900 for fresh receipts'lits; receipts 8,783 bush,; steady ati 90c. - The receipts for the past week were 3,352 bbls of Flour; 8,783 bush. of Wheat; 132,450 bush of corn; 18,915 bush. Oats; 380 bush. of Rye. Cleveland 'Market. fay Telegraph to the Pine: web Gazette.) CLEyELAND, July 13.—Flour dulP and weakvdouble extra red winter, city made, $11,50a11,75; do country $10,50a11,90; double extra spring, city made, $10a11.50; do coun try $9,25,10,00. • Wheat; No 1 red winter held at 112,24; No 2do held at $2,10. Corn; sales one ear a Oes two cars at 75c. Erie market dull and sal inactive; held at $1,75a1,80 for No 1. Barley nominal. Petroleum rules firm with a . good inquiry; I refined- in bond held at pc, do free at 42a a 42, a. Milwaukee Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] MILWAUKEE, July 13.--Flour is dull and price, are tinehanged. Wheat Is weak and lower at 81,82 for No, 1, and .tii,74 for Nd. 2. Oats firm at 68a64330 for - No. 2. Corn firm at 89a90e. Receipts—flour 1,000 bbls; wheat 7,000,•oats1,000; Dorn3,ooo bush Shipments --floUr-3,800 bbls; wheat 33,000; oats 1,000; corn: 1,000 bush. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh. Gazette.) CHICAGO, July- 13.—Beef Cattle are very dull, and sales were made at $01,50a5,50 for fair to good butchers, and $7,75 for good shipping. , Hogs are almost nominal, and sales were made at $8,50 for good to choice, $8,25a8,40 for medium to fair, and 18a8,12% for. common. . Matti Mere Market._ -T. Slay Telegrapb tp..the Pittsburgh Gazette.) July 13.-,Breadstrlrs quiet And unchanged. - Provisions advancin. Mess Pork firm at $29. Bacon firmer; r ib Sides 10¢c,: cider Sides 16%a17c, Shoulders 14a14%c; lairis 21a22c. Lard firm nt 1.7%a ( ,PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: TUESDAY, JUL l 14, 1.8 [By .Telegraph ter the Pittsburgh Gazette.) NEW ' 13.—ReoeiPts-5, 810 beeYesi 22,56 sheep and lambs; 15,007 hop. Beeyes tolerablY active and rather better; bat* 1634117 e; prime, 18V - al6Mc; fair to goodl 153ta16c; ordinary, 14wal5c; Sheep and Lambs fairly active, but under the large offerings lower; sheep, 3a 6)4e; lambs, 7a9c. Hogs unchanged and • steady at 9,373ya10;12A, last Monday's rates. Telegraplrto the Fltteburgh 6azette.l LOUISVILLE, July 13. -Sales 94 hogsheads leaf tobacco, lugs, 7a9; common to medium leaf 93,a15;' Olden county cutting 19a21%,, Flour $6,75a7,25. 'Wheat $1,854,95. Corn 93a94. Oats SO. Rice, new, $1,60a1,79. Mess Pork $28,75a29,00. Lard 18a18%. Bacon Shoulders 13%, Clear Rib. Sides 17; Cleat 1734;' Balk Meat houlders 12%; ()tear Sides 1634: - Cotton 30a3034. Chicago Cattle Market. ENIE Neir,'York Cattle Market. • .t The weather YesterdayWae Oppreesively hot and close, hardly albreath of air astir, and at two o'clockp. nu the thermometer was up to 06 in the shade.:r The ,river hue undergone but little change, twenty-one inches in the channel by the: Monorigehela , marks The Cheri:Tier' was to have left St; uis 'on Saturday for Pittsburgh: - , : '..- , -i The Lorena has given up her trip m Cincinnati to New Orleans ' for -the pres -. . . ent. ' , The Carnella was expected to re h St. Louis on last Saturday. - i - ! —An exchange says : •A steamboat clerk. kissed a lady the other day. It cost him fifty dollars and costs. We know a Clerk that kissed one a few years ago and has been taking care other ever since. . 1 I —A Cincinnati paper of Saturday, says :_ Mr. Jesse Burdsal, Clerk of the Watianlta, was in the city, yesterday, en route from St. Louis to Pittsburg. He says Captain Shuman will be here in a day or two. The boat is laid up at St. Louis. —A St Louisdisdatch under date of Fri day says: Captain John N. Bofingr and others have purchased the steamer fissis sippi from the Atlantic & Mississippi -..-.,---- Steairisphip Company. She :will be!put in St. Louis. Cattle Market. complete repair for business. The Henry Jiv Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) • Adkins takes the United States lumber, ST. Louis, July M.—Cattle; inferior and &e., from Omaha to the forts on the Upper common plenty at o il er medium to M issouri , river, at 61,40 per 100. The Ida , good and choice in moderate supply at 4a btOckdale passed Omalui for Fort Steven -oa7c, gross. Sheep; - good to choice 62,75 a son yesterday. The, a.gnes, from Fort 5,00 per head, Lambs; fair to extra, 61,75 a Benton, has arrived at Omaha. The river 4,00. is stationary at that „point to-day. A Pig rise is reported corning down.. -The pilots and the Northwestern Union ; PaCket Company seem to be at - no better understanding than at the, beginning Of their differences. The pildts claim that Davidson agreed to give t em a certain l price for the season, and - th t during the het contest with the opposite line, whenthe company was losing money, the sub mitted to a 'decrease of salary 'for the sake of the_general cause; butwhen the company ruadeit3ok to reduce to a very meagre fig ure and then, as they say, attempted to crowd second-rate men Intn.the boats to the exclusion of No. .1 pilots, the boys left in ....„. dignant. —We clip the following from the Cincin nati Gazette: The, report of the_Lcca rin-- specters in reference to the - explosion of the Magnolia last Marchishows an absence of water in, the middle boiler, and also an intense degree of heat under it. The lar board and starboald r boilers presented a remarkably good appearance. with no de-' fects whatever nor indications of bad usage, and apparently' hid a suilleient Stip ply of water at the tame of the explosion. The Inspeatere declare *at Marcus J. Ste )rena,lA t4ilt ‘ O '‘‘‘V\%ii,‘,‘%lts Zaglaty csr.frAtJer 'Or ooB7octikfg- to try Abe, water in all rho - bollern; that he. lc env - co! the peculiarity of the action of ., the Ifi r r ' e Un der her boilers, which made it - difficult to keep them regularly supplied with water, and that this peculiarity was never made known to the Inspectors, else a remedy might have been applied. - The explosion was riirfictly occasioned by the supply of wateribeing forced from the middle to the outside boilers, owing to that boiler beltur subjected to a more intense degree of beat; tau the water, in returning from tne other ladlers,...W_Ming suddenly in contact with the heatedlron....._The license of Marcus 3 Stevens, first engine r is revoked. —We take the following lromtheSt.Leal Democrat, of Saturday: Theiktract_darsof the killing of Henry Anderson, colored.-in -the baggage-rooM of the steamer Great Re public, on the night of her arrival at this port, are familiar to every, one conversant with local matters. It will be remem bered that Captain Sam. Barr, Jr., chief clerk of the Grreat Republic, was with Captain Donaldson that night, and the principal witness, the negro boy prover, testified that he was in the baggage-roam at the time the fatal shot was fired an- On Thursday. Chief of Police Lee re-, ceived, from what he conceived to be re liable authority,lnformation that the Grand Jury, now in session, had found an indict-, merit against Captain Barr (as well'. as Captain Donaldson), for the Murder of Henry Anderson, and at. once ordered Special Officer Smith to effect his arrest. Captain Barr was founfl at the Southern Hotel about four,o'clocl4 and at once taken into custody.. Ho is Still, in durance. and his wife had an interview with him yester day. The arrest is a 'Matter of no little surprise to. the Captain's friends. Louisville Mirket. Memphis Market.: (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] . MEMPHIS, July 13.-Cotton steady; re ceipts 22 bales, exports 3 bales. Flour dull: sales superfine at $7,00. Wheat $1,95. Corn 9509. , Oats 75. Hay sl6alB. Bran 22a25. Corn Meal 54,5054,60. I Pork ; 4 ,29,50. Lard 18a19.1 Bacon. firin; Shoulders 14; Clear Sides 1734a18. - IMPORTS BY RAILItOAD. PITTSBURGH, CINOINNA.TA AND ST. Loots RAILROAD, July 13.-131tehcock M'Creery & Co; 350 bush wheat, Thos Hare & Bro; i i 1 bdls fellows, 10 do shafts, 13 do wheels, 25 bxs starch, W H Kirkpatrick &, Co; 2 has hard ware, M M Whinnev & Co; 50 bales brooms, H B M'Clellatuf 7 bbl lard J Scott 150 bbl flour, 10 tea hams, Watt Lang & Co; 399 sks wheat, K q Kennedy & Bro; 1 car , staves' J Painter &Sons; 500 sks corn, J W Simpson; .2 bas frames, J W Morris on 23 tcs hams,•2s bbl lard oil, J H Parker; 5 bbl oil, F W C Feld; 3 bbl lard - oil, W B Hays & Son; 1 bbl scrap iron, lot old metal, mullen &meloney; 1 box books, A H Eng lish & Co; 3 bbl eggs, M W Rankin; \V H Graff & Co; 1 do do, 2 bbl botash, d B Can field & Son; 2 bbl eggs, Voigt Mahood & Co; 100 bbl flour, McClure, & McKee; 1 tea hems 1 box bacon, Lewis & McClure; A El Childs &Co; 30 bales . cotton 20 Ibis Bungs, B Mills, 2 tea dried beef, .3 3 Pettit: 6' 14(11a wheels, Carr & Hare; 1 set do MeClintoo; 1 box cement Backfield & Niehouse; 9 h¢:ts med B E Sellers & Co, 6 bbl cement, Rea & a\ 9 i*\kt 14 ‘ \ t\W%t\ bbl ovmmt, J P .ccrit.tr st , LA,-, .1 to beef .2 do hams, 1,155 rocs balk than:, 1 car staves, Ido do; J Gimber; /50 Aks wheat Clark ..4 C 0... PITTSIMILOII, FT. WAYNE AND CHICAGO ItArmaosn, July 13.-6 cars metal, Brytm & Canghey; 2 do do, Nimick & Co; 1 do do, Brown & Co; 4 do do. J Wood, Son & Co; ibleflour, Watt, Lang & Co; 1 0 1 do-de Culp it Wepard•aoo do do, C B Leech; 504 do do, T C Jenkins; bids, lkicKee it Co; 60 tcs.hams, l 3 Ti Parker; pip lead. Davis, C<k Co; 600 de do, Fahriesfockk Co; Ibx tpbocco, J Fulton; 8 bbls scrap iron, Spang; Chalfant it Co; 31 sks rye, 227 do oats, Et..clriellit'ick; 80 do rags, - Moen' lough, Smith it, Co; 6 sks rve, 25 do oats, T Jenkins; 55 bxs cheese, A J Braden; 12 - do do, W & Davidson; 25 do do. Canfield & Son; 25 do do, B Heazletcin; 25 do do, Kirk patrick& Co; 20 do do, Seghtnyer & Vos- Isurip; 15 do do; S Cooper; 1 car corn, C B Leech; 100 bbla flour,McClure & McKce; 1 car elate, T rir 'Fary; 1 de staves, M P Adams; 100 bb s fl our, Davis R; 4 cars oil, Superior lon Co. • CrsvnriArro LAND Prrrserrium RAIL- Rem) July: 18. 3 cars iron, Brady's Bend ' lron CA; 3 do do, ChCmyth & Co; 12 cars pig iron. Nimic it Co; 1 car hides, Springer, U Co; 23 masses copper, T Howe; 60 Was starch, Rinehart it iSte vens; 50 do do, E ffesizieton; 15 do do, D Haworth; 22 do do, E it Co; 50 do do, Haworth, McDonald & Co; 20 do do. ,4 crates do, J B Lipppincott; 8 do do, 12 bra do, J Porterfield; 7 jars butter l Volgt Ma hood dr..Co; 401 sks corn, 13 do oats, Graff it Co; 41 bbls oil, D P Reigbard; 50 do J W MeFerran; 60 - do do, Wm Ma Cutcheon; I car paper, Godfrey it Clark; 13 sks rye; D Wallace; 5 bids vinegar, Smith, Johnston it Co., A.r.racori.-113 1 rr STATloilf,•Yray cars limestone. Sttperior Iron Co; 2 cars lime, Gillespie & CO; 40 sks oats, R Knox it Son; 1 car lumber' Taggart & Wilson; 21 sacks cials, Rose do Ewing; 28 sks rye, Godfrey & Clarkll3 sks•flaxseed, M B Suydam; 5 bbls vinegar, Kohen & Bro; S;,. _o do, James O'Hanlon; 40 , bbls flour, 4 tns millfeed, Stewart & Langenheim; 2 bbls eggs, R & A Carson; 3 cars metal, Superior Iron Co. A.I.LEOBENT Vera= RAILROAD. July 13.-1360 bblit oil, Fisher it Bro; 160 do do, M'Creery s t on e , ; 480 do do, 0 B Jones; 1 ea Forester & Megraw; 1 do do, Rarrlson,& Bro; 2 do cinders, An drews it Hitchcock; 6 bales yarn, MeCrum & Glyde; 14 aka rye, Ido oats. Gay it Welsh. Prrremixtoic . AND Ccoonsmsviram RAILROAD. July 12-21 pkgs crackers, R Robinson & Co: 6 sheep, pelts 2 came 1 bbl tallow, Union Tannery; 26 bbls nt, W W Wallace; 2 cars pig metal, Yough Iran Coal.Co;:lot ivach blocks J Huskins. MISCELLANEOUS. , rrillE TWIN CITY SLATE CO., mannfaCture a superior article of ROOFING . 131-4ATZ. 11rOffice, 48 Seventh St., Pittsburgh, Pa. NEWNINYNR, Pres't. inVettint " PAPER ,MANU.. I TACTURING COMPANY, Manufacturers of PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS. CLINTON MILL--STEURENVILLE, OHIO. BRIGHTON MILL—NEW BRIGHTON, PA. !OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, 1 110.82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. o iricsisigigutryNirhP re side nt. . Li d oN. SAMUEL RIDDLE. Secretary. • DIPICCTOPS—Augost. Hartle, John Atwell, B. H Hartman, John B. Livingtort. Cash paid for Paper Stock._ TIRAIN PIPE.—FALL &ADAMS , . SUPERIOR ARTICLE OY DRAIN PIPE; K , . All steel. from one to tvr'enty- four Inane at WEL DON & KELLY'S. agents for manufacturers;-147 Wood street, between Ftfth and tidatb streets. JOS NOTICE. AU persona having claims against and Interest= ed to the STEAMBOAT ARMADILLO will take notice tbst I have seized said steamboat at the snit of umixß., rze.ucE & co. . TEIOS. A. 1101XYLET, •11. B. Marshal. Marshal's Omee. May RI. 1868.. m►93:g7S JACKSON StWEET.—NOTICE 18 hereby given that the viewers apnointed to as sess damages and benefits for widening of JACK SON STIMET. Seeond ward. Allegheny, from Pas ture Lane to Shields Alley. will meet on the prena tees onlT/19195DAY, the 9th day of July. at 4% o vioetp. 9., lo attend to J he duties till of their ap- Ointment- : AMES ILAM, ' \_ W. 9. LyANtK ',jeitt:os J: D..INGHAM. yIcIVADDEN STREET.—NOTICE Whereby given that the viewers 'appointed o assetifidalliagee and lwrietite for widenlng of M YADDItti STREAM; Fighth- ward,.Alleelleny, *lll =vet on the prembles, on FRIDAY, the 10th day of July, at 4 o'clock I'. Id,: to nttend to the (italics of their appolutMent. Lo in KIRPATRICK, • ilivrTHEAr VOKGTLEIY, • . ju93:roo - !SIMEON BULPO.K.I). . . Eff2=g3= luvioutkils River and Weather [Br Telegripil to the Plttebttrib , dazette.l LOUISVILLE, July. 13.—Riyer stationary With four feet in the canaL Weather dry and hot. Sp..- Louts, July 13.—Weather clear and vezy-warn). AN ORDINANCE . tae Grade of Crawford Street from Clark to Reed Street• • • SEC. I.' Bea ordained and enacted by the , Oity of Pittaburgh, a r elect and Common Councils assem bled, and it ir hereto enacted by the authority of the same. That the grade lof Crawfo.d street be so changed as to have a fall from Clark to Reed of TAW feet one hundred feet, or a uniform fall be tween tboso two streets, Sze. 2. That, any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting and ssage same this ordnance at the pres ent time, bethe same Is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enaoteo Auto law . In Councils, this 9th day of July, A. D. 191311. : . JAMES WADLEY, President of &lon Council. Attest: E. 9. biOnnow, , Clerk of Select Council. • I W. A. TOMLINSON, President of Common Council. Attest: WILL M. MAICTZELL. Clore, pro tins , of Common Council. A N - oRDINANCE farenslng the tinier: of. the Messenger of tonneils. SICCTION 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the COW of Pittsburgh, in /Select and Cometon Council. as sembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by t he :i authority of the same. That the animal' salary of th Messenger of.Couriells be' and the same is here by increased from seven hundred dollars ($700) to nine hundred (1900, said increase to take place from liehruaryllst, 1868.. I , Sze. 2, That any ordinance or part of ordinance con dieting with the 'passage of this ordinance at the present time. be and the same Is-hereby repealed so far as the same affect* this ordinance. • Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils; this 9th day of July, A. P. 186 A 8. ' J MICS MeATILEP, , President of belect Connell. Attest: E. S. MonnOW, • Clerk Of Select Council. W. A. TOMLINSON, President of Consinon Council. , Attest: l WILL' M. HARTZELL, Clerk, pre tem., of Common Council. - _iyilus99 QIIDINANCE defining the man ner of giving notice of the 'preparation of the s i ns and npectlications of the Montgomery Avenue newer and its laterals, eittendlng through the Cont. mon Ground. • SHO. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Select and Common Ontineits of the City of Allegheny, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the sante. That the City Yngineer be and be is hereby directed to give notipe to all parties interested by - public*. than in the official papers of the city for ten days succeeding the passage of this ordinance, that the plans and specifications of the Montgomery Avenue newer, and the laterals therefrom, °xi , tiding through the Common Ground, are completed, — and that the same can be inspeeted at his office. _ Ordained ana enacted into a law this the iithAsy of July, A. D. ltifiS. JAZ: 088 • Attest: D. 141A.CiEnnox, Clerk or Select Connell. . • R. DlLWou'rii, Clerk of Conn:non COUTICII.. Jyl3 ORDINANCES. .rimmwn. 11:2100 ALLEGEPIU. JAMES IifcBRIEE, President of Select ComtelL MUSH Mc -EIL, President, pro tent., of COMInOu lil-AN1100D: HOW IOW! HOW IC ri ESTOREIII Just published instated must opa.Ce, six e Ma % A 'LECTURE ON TIIE NATURAL TREAT3ILNT, and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhom, or Sembusi Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual 'Ffebillty and Impediments to Mar rlage generally Nervousnew., Consnmptlon, Ent. lepsy and Fits; Mental and Physibal Incapacity, re sulting from Self Abuse, &e, by Robt. d. Ctllver well. M. D. nuttier of Inc, "Green Book," &o. 111/ONTO THOUSANDS.F SUFFERERS," sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any post paid, on receipt or slx cents, ortwo postage slam e, to CHAS. .f. C. KLINE &, Co:, 1 - 27 HOWERI NEW YORK, FOSTOFFICE BOX 458 G. Also Di. Culr erWeiDS "Marriage Ili prtce.llll c eat 5. mytn.D3MT • • -'r'^:K ''o'F..:ti6.sr'",:w:[wl'.vZa''~wt~Txa~"wp.. ..••.a..»^- . I=3 WATT, LANG. AP9_•,:; 'Ett Groeeries, PrOditee, Pro% Sistonii; Fish, Ch eeie, Carbon OIL &&, 'Nee. stud 114 WOOD 13TIMET-nesz Liberty' 'sheet. Fittobargh, Ita. `. n08:255 .. ............... - Encesii. STg.ELE. $4; .80N, , z ' OstnafnissionMerckviltss - ' • : .ixnnLAVate - VIAPTIto. CatILEPF,XVIWTII. OS 01310 . 811iEWL :near - East 'colitmon, • t" • . ALLVITIENY CitY, PA.• ;Amu B. argclion - los. nutria MEAIVO.F 11441 I FI,OIIX-fiRAIN AND PRODUCE • /VEFEtpIiA:DII6BS 3%9 LIBFATY &TAKEN PITISBIIItOH Consignments solicited. REFERENCILI - 4. G. Martin; Cashier 'Mechanics , National Bank; J. S. Dllworth & Co., R. T. Ken nedy & Bro. ja.3l:l7A PETER KEIL 'JAS. P. RICHARI• TI EIL bs RICHART, • , - COMMISSION • MERCHANTS, AND DEALERIEt IR FLOUR., GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, gcr., 349 Liberty st., Pittsburgh, inyti:b37 • • • L J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail' Grocers, No. 306 PENN STREET. aplB:xB9 ALEX. M•BANZ McBANE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN and .PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, No. 114 WATER STREET, above Sadadfeld. - Pittsburgh. . . • ' • . led FETZER &•ARDISTRONIR, • FORWARDING ANDOONRIBSIOIi Porthe sale cifYlortr,' Grain; Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds. Dried Pratt,. and. Produce generally, No. 10 MARKET STREET, turner of First, Pittsburgh. 'fetbuil - • 'r! •-- JOHN L LOOMIL ROMS. 4 -011N-1:1101.18E---& Suc OEsnorts to JOHN I. HOUSE &CO., Wnolesale rocers and Commission. Iderehants, Corner GI .mithneld and Water Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. .. . e1:1 BIDDLE,' No: 183 LIBERTY • STREET, Pittsburgh: Pa., Cominlsilon Mer e and Wbolesale .Dealer In Country. Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgtatanufsetures. Cash ad vanced on Consignments, and_pald - for Produce Ira* SOBS. KNOX • mina.sw soral KNOX & SON, COMMISSION ' MERCHANTS and dealers in FLoUyt, GBAU I. PEED and PRODIJOE ORNERALLIts No DuaiOND, qpposite City Hall. Allegheny City. .. .. ----......:....-.,..4..--. . 0110.1 , WAAL.M .- . litianasl4l lq WINOCJIEILCTDECTI.N.' ......C-.8.1DM AND. CLAY. &e. Warediosse and Odice. Nos. ZOO • and 368. PENN STREET. Storage 11=1,1•Zidd. .: Consignments. solicited... 7 _ _ 111 eaters .BAJERD:. , &- .PATTON, Wholesale Grocers C earonraludlin Maraud/la and eaters hi Produce, emir, Bacon. Cheese FUN . Carbon and Lard oil, Iron, Wails, Maas, 'Cotton .Tarna and aft Plttsburgb_lisnalactiirea 1151 jind 114 k SECOND BTREET, Pittsburgh. JQdx wAzters. &W ALLAILCWIIOLE -. §SALE H ROCERS AND.PRODU DEALERSI, ". 6 SIXTH STREET. Pitteboriek: , ; 1&12:r68 ROFESSiONJUI. JOEL A.:I3IIUTLEItt . • " ALDERYAN AID POLICE Nacwris*TE. — Ol5 IAB WYLIE STIIEEY,.nesr ;Piriiildsgton, PPP/101 1 %0H, PA. ortElelies. • Aeknowlediemselith d all other lee Waste nThW:s3 Deeds, Ba nds, Depositions, 'Oneness estimated prompt _ SAMITEL • lIYEat, Its-iithcloJustloe of the Peace and Pollee Magis trate. Chloe, GRANT BTBLET, - opposite the M. thedtal. PIWSUROII, PA. • De p i d t o Bond Morthltelk Acknowledgments, De st es, an dalt Legal Business executed with pro Omer* and dispatch, wilds VUSTaieng. 1 1 11ORROW ji.'a AMAX) a; sek-orrim rumor or Ting ?sacs isio • POLIOP. mama's:writ. • • OFFICE, 110.73 PENNA.; AVENUE, PITTSBURGH,.PA. - Deeds, Bonita, • Mortgages. Acknowledgmentil. Depotittoes and 511 Legal husineu executed . with omptueu and dispatch. • 4 „ turn . •• .Justicebi the'Peace• CONVEYANCER; REA 4 ESTATE & lIISCCANCE ACT CARBON writzia, jrARTIII;I34MOII/014 Volleetlon'otßette sottcltld and Promptly attend gmemmim WELLIAIII 11. IRABILEIti . ' . ~ • ~ • JUSTICE Or THE PEACE, coNyetinCtß, tc., Office, CARBON MEET, 4early oppiteite the Bari*al Deiet, 1301Tril PITTSBUIWII. • ' Business entrusted to VA tare .PromPUY Attend ed to. mrl:7el DANIEL ItIcINEM. PRACTICING' PHYSICIAN, orricE AND BzerpraicE, Na. 59 Orsini St., near apto:rn • T S. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY-Alr - LAIN' , SZCOWD FLOOR, FRONT ROOM VIIIN W. lUDDEI..L, u • ATTORNEY-AT -LAW 01Me, 116 Dianat4 Street, (Opposi u the Court House fellS:t44 W e A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY-ATZLAW, N0..99 Diamond Street, tatis:na 11 . C. MAC/SHELL, ATTORNEY. AND COUNSELOR AT LAW No. so Grant street, my?A:b26 BLAMET, , so. 99 FIFTH STREET; :nEeday PIT'reifiIIRGH, [TOON A. - ;I4IitAIN ' AX...13=1,7 '211:&14 - , EIC-0771.010 JUSTICE. OP THE PEACE AND - .POLICE 111AGISTRATIC. Offlee,llSl-71PTIt STREET. oppositirthe Cathe dral, Pittsburgh, pa. Reeds,Bonds, My ages Acknowledgments,. Depositions and all Le Busi ness executed.with promptness and distils JOIEIf C. McCOMBS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT' LAW N 0.87 Fifth Street. Perudons, Bounties and Arrears of Pay promptll collected. • nos[ols WEST COMMON Machine Stoni3 Works, Northwest corner of West Cominoti, Allegheny. ATVATERIta 00. Have on band or , prepareott short notice Hearth and Stop Stones, Flags ?or Sidewalks, Brewery Vaults, ac. Head,and - Temb Steees , & 0 ' Orders promptly oxecuttlft. .Prices reavonatjyt T EATHER BELTING, the t_ beit_ A quality Oak Tanned, !waY S .2n,MPA I,d u° omit rates, J. S. LX"'"" MESE - - - ITTSBITH.GII and coIniziLBVILLEIL It Tutat - • Od and AT, March tratnefrui arrive &Valid depart froarth - e - Depot, cot Der of Brant and Water streets, as follows: 11 tcranditonilTniontla. 7: OA. M. 6:00 r. w. McKeesport Aceommodt'n 4 : l l:oo A . Pr: "2:05P. xi Ex. to and from Entont'n. M. 10:00 A. It. West Newton Aceommod,n 4:301p. at. 8:35 A. xj Braddoekts Aecommodat,n 616 r. x. 750 P. In Night Ace. to‘hiclieesswilt.lo:3o r. x. 0:40 xi. Sunday Charm Vane° d ' - • from West Newton 1:00 P. x.10:00 For tlditets apply t ) , t• /Vit . inbio • • gent,. I W. 13. STOUT, Saperinteadent. , &as/ ME ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD.*— Y DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL REGION 1 through to Ye:sang° City .without eh of cars—Connecting with trains East and Weide the Wane.. A. Franklin Railroad, and Atlantic a. Great 'Western -Railways... Shovtest and '2qulckeitt route-to OWIDIty and Franklin,land all points to the. 011 Regions. On'audtafter April 20th, 1868, Passenger Tra4 will leave from and arrive at the Pittsbnry„la Depots n corner Canal and TUC SIB. as follows:. • , --Depart. Affithl. Mall to and FM Van; City. 7:00 A. M. 0:15 P. Us Express ' ' 10:40 r. m.12:25 A. g. Brady's Bend AccomMotPn 3:00 P. M. 10:20 A4XI, Soda `Yorks Actorn , n . . ... 5:30 r. nt.. 7:55 A. st.. First 'Hutton AYxcrmod`n•.. 8:50 A. at. 11:40.k: if: • Second Hutton Accomod , n 12:00 M. 3:55 P. m. Sunday Chum,* ,Train leaves Soda Works at13:08 A. M., arriving in Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. M. It turning, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. 31., arriving 11 Soda Works at 2:55 V. H. BLACIISTONE, Snpn.l W. F. HOPE, Ticket Agent. - apZI Vl.TTSBUgGli,agraßiti CINCINNATI AND ST. CIS RAILWAY. . • - :I - . • - - PAN HANDLE ROUTE. CLANGS OF TIME.:-On,and after SUN .Ag-; 41 Jane 219t,11367, trains will leave. and arrive at , II 4319 a Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time: I . , ...'' ' ' ' Mail Mxpres 5....' ' . 2: 16 a. m. 12:10 ai m. - Fast Line 9:40 a ": . xn. 7:15 p4m Fast Express..,: - ........ . :::.. 12:10 p. m.11:20 a m; . MMed-Way 6:10 a. In . 7:05 pi In. . McDonald 's Acen, N 0.1.. 11:40 a. in. 3:os"pi M. Steubenvllle Accommod'n. 3:55 p.m. 9:30 at m. McDonald's AccM, No. '2.. 5:25,p.M. 6:20 ei M. . , . . . SPECIAL . NerrioX.'— ' 9n Express leaves at tll3. p. m., aixiving.in Cincinnati at 0100'3.'m.:the xt • morning. . • _ The 940 a.; 'mi.- Train leaves daily, Bandit ci.+. cepted„ and makes close connections at Newar foe Zanesville and painta- on ydandusky, Mansile d' & • Newark iL It. ' -- _..._ I. - H. F.RDICILL,.GeneraI Ticket. Agent. -' W. W. OAR% Sup't., Steubenville. -.. ,1 J. 8.. Anima. No.' ¶7 Firth siweet, • apivr73 TITTSBITROR; ' PA. PITTBBITEGII, PA. priTEamon, PA. sea¢c~~'"~,h..`"~vrai~`s?''a i`~"' -. "' '~`'-,e,.3r.~-r—K+~aciLSw.~.s wtc.~?o~ • mita ••'.' ; • . X . •.. .. 1 , 1 ., . - . ailluiligii . - P:4 43 :6H POE! PORT WAYNE & CHICADO:B. Vr:l-1711 CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH R. R. Pram 'June 7th, 1868, trains will leave !from and arrive at the 11tuon • Depot, north aided city time. ma follows: - . E Arrive. L Chicago Ex.. . . 3:03 a nil Chicago Ex... 91:08 aat Cleveland Ex .. 3:03 a m Cleveland Ex. 2:00 aM. • ut Erie 6 Yralaill ,7:68 a m Chicago Ex.., : 11:63 Si El Cl. &WWgbrl' 6:13 a in Nilmefing Ex. .1.1.:013 IL Et ClLLeggii.Thin., t , ;• 6:68 am St:Louis Ex,..„: 3:33 pra Chlcago_Ex... 9:63 e.m ct. & Wh , g Ex 4:38 pm CL a wiroi. - 2 j:ja p m Erie & Ye'n Ex 6:13 p M Chicago ....: 1:58 p m Chicago Ex.... 4:23 pm Wh. kEriep.x: - 4:411ww. Ct. & Whlr Es 1:08 pm . Depart In mn ,Aiseghmy . Arrive fn Aitegh44,. N. Brliirt ram. 6:53 a N. Brigt , n Ae. 7:©3112 meetactAle ~ 10:19 am N. Brlgt , n " 8:R8 am, .• 1- .. 31:88 sex Wel:Lavine •• 8:53 lam t44,kktir " tiVI IO .., N I Cif (CROP -.111 , :0 1 aat ''\ 'ib)i MII,NII/4 ..z.........5.../.. .......I. , 48•33,P.ra ' ' ," .-2 adli, At .. . ...ir .11 ,-.: • • , -,f._,..Y P g t,,= - . .1--o"''. x.ee ale' " :11:11:*.opm . " ' -"'-'. Taiterpsei ' sir aomp, sai.,4oldelyprEress leaves . dams.: - " 1 ff,P:23 a. tr . ll Ch rl i Ca P eWe r rrellerk Y j s Z ali t' . .- , :M..— gen ' , Vnß Pi N 8-111.11;itANLA - CENTRAL ILUILBOAD. Ind titter lane 7tte. MS,' Trains will' az. The 4 ,0d depart from the:Union .Depot.y• *net. oil • Wits=aldn Sind Liberty 'streets, as follows; . . Ma 4,il,l7l° ,, ifiiivi iisyitp., -D ie . si:sis,iiii Batt -14_ 5.i...",:1:40:ana Wall's Imo. 1.. 0: _EA'a asa Wa11'a1.40.1.• 5:20 a m Mail _7:50 2121 , Latrobe Aeen 7:50 a m *Cincinnati Exu:4o aEC ' .•-•• Wall a . No. 2.. 8:50 am Wall's No. 2-11:51 aln .Clnetanatl Bx• 0:10 a m Johnstbrra Ad: 11:05 pm Johnstown As. 10:35 ant Braddocks No 1_4:00 pin 3 1 I Baltimore Vt. -1:00pm Phila - ..Expres. - 4:sopm Phila. Eirpress .11204 pm WalVir No. 1,.1 ;5110 pra. ; - ..:1• Wall , ' No. 11. - 4:51:15 pmWall's No: 4.. #3:03 psi Braddocks,N9.}-SiSOP id Fast,Lixte.:.:..':,,723opne. • ..c. z, WilPieoVir: "1:15p In Latrobe Aeen 04:50 p.m Moons '5.ii_6.L. , :. -- . : : 4.lrgir.4leAr.'./110.*0.pni ,:...! rm • Trams *.i.:=UOrdliailro :. ..2,_ '.: - 7 ': , 6: ' • 71e . lira_ rain Wares Wal l's Station ftsoliLlit_o3o•l6ln4 rewaxing Pinata:mei at l e ggr EaUrning, leaves Plitsburgh ht _12:50, p. . • ~ and. c re u li i i at WallaStatton at:5S :00 p. rd. ' , • , . i-- , ' tlMlesaleaves dully. All other trains, ;: . lot at; laforreauoa apply to • , v i , . • .., „ , , -.-.. ‘, 1 --.....•+ ~,. ~ . .., W .114. BECKWITH Agent ' The - 14drosylranta Railroad, Company- 111, not se. f, ~• slime any risk for Baggage . except inr wearing ap. - ' , and hen Ilt , arm= responalMilty3ol22Plinncired 22 Taine. All Baggage .exce ding that. amount ito.webut Aida° stile risk artheN ir",'lth.." .- - leas take, try spectat contract. . ~ • . -r; .., ,• • 1 EDWA.BD H. -= - leg -'-' • • General ReVerintendent. Alrlinia, AL.'. ' . . _.. .. . .- - . . .. ~ . gn i vAtry l A P . •,. ~- . --- ''.—.`... : ' i : iita and after. Dial Elt - h, , .1881, - the PLS.. ...- senger. ' erg - the'Wetitirn Pennsylvania Bail. road• arrive Al and. depart :froin‘:the:Federag ".• Street D gakr iL Aglegherly City, as Pillows! 1 , Ittigingd'artWlkallini Waif .r 8:15 a gi, ilAmil***Xiiii;glin m Freeport No : 8:10*w:: 015 s m Sharpb•g No. T11;510 ani ShArli/Affes ri -Jkliput Eipressi :.i ;J.; Jli/lOpint: , • Free 0.2: :1.9 rtm Springd'e No i . 3:50.pm. mo n — . ..L.1.3 10:he pin Freeport No; 1.1 43,105,Lput 1 El gdne N , .02 11:10p m Springd'eNo h I;aillpya .. .:A t rue s flu deny e x cept ritindapi • ~., • .Tralb, leaves Allegheny Juliet. ever, . at • - 4),. lot, ' reaching , . Allegheny City 'at 1 4 0 1 ,16 0. Returshig, leaves Allegheny Ciyikl A , t ustof. *.- and arrive at Allegheny Janet. at was AvitrA Treggrs—For sale In iackafg m tt t,o4 ; ave Tnentl begrPoil....a:l 'City: Chet' nat.s HerVai it, r e reek, Etna and Sharpaburg,„ • and g oslyeallti stopping at Station' sgss• died en tickets. ,_ _, _ •i , • . Thel leaving' Allegheny City sit 6:15' I.: iiii and 1: r. x. make direct connectlon t ata'reepart - with Walker's line °Magee for Butler a d Mennen. town. Througa ti*ets inn. y .be purchased- at. the Mee, No:'3•Et. Clair _street, near the , anspenslMl Bridge: Pittsburgh, 'and IV the D=Alleghenys FOrihrtWlldorination apply to ~ • . . • , .. •.,', J.4- I W I bEFF Aentv . ' • Federal Street Depot. , The Wear ' ' Pennsylvania Railroad *lll not as. aume any for Baggage, . except for Wearing lip. Duel,. an d limit Wet.. responsibility tootle Hundred. Dollars in , value. All baggage exceeding: this amount %value-will beat the risk of the owner, un. s9ia W l , l7 7R eda e°ntr rit'll i • . ._, • • lOW li: WI Ltill%' • - • ' eleteval Boperlntendent, Altoona. Pa. . myll SDIARY , ROUTB. 4 • • lINIONPACIFIC .Eastern. Division from The Nas the SHORTt ts EST m A MOST REL teall poin in . ecolorado, Cillford% Jtah, [pont New a 0 ' 3 Id'it 9 ; Oregon. Two Trains leap. State We •and: teaveMworth 11260.3nildirla excepted, on the arrival of ttalne Railroad from St.- Loots, .and mei St. Jo Railroad from (piney, conneotinv at Law. roue. Topeka and: Waraego with ate e ,oir for points in Imam. At end of ' trackliweat of Ells worth witlithe UNITED STATES EXPRESS CON. PANT% DAILY LINE OF OVERfeAND ULM AND. =MU= COACHES FOR . D 311,11M114 SALT T'.A Trim; And,ap Points in the Territories, —aarithKARDERBOIPS TM-WEEKLY LINE ot CO IL A CABS for Port Valois, Bent's Port, Pass. Altr erq4e,, i Banta Pe; aifd all points in Arizona a cg With the noon. 'additions of rolling stock and •esinipmenti and the arrangements mad e Wi fro th m re* lts oponslble Overland Transportatlo all " western terminus, this road now offe rs t Fa facilities for the transmission of freig ht W T e l s cli Tickets for sale at •11 the priticlpall offices in the United States and Canadas. nt . E smox y Be sure tuul ask for tickets i Ts 'HILL II01""4 UNION PACIFIU B.A.thwe.Y. ir-enzus tuvai.ox. ANDEGAGN, General Saprintendert J. - IL W*11311624 General Trelgld and Tleket Age m= rjlo LIVERPOOL- Atigh -AL t • • QT.TEENSTOWT.; , TKO • INMAN MAIL , szipan uira . Namberlng sixteen ffret-class vesgete, among DIMS thiClarand.Allfk_ et OF IS4TWEPP, ' CITY ) F: BOSTON, - CITY Or SALTIMORK, CITY OF LONDON, q. .; • Balling 'EVERY SATURDAY, from Pier 43, ltortak River, New York. For pase,sgo or flFther Inform tton aPPI7 to W1U1431 BlNatini vo FIFTH STRIVEN, (Chronicle Building Iles/ 1 7 opposite ql o e, rittslnt V 3 N WAY, LE BOUT) Nevada, ED7I 'tpisas , t=t--1,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers