El PI ti : ', lit!. : sTai,4g,t-:..q , alttti;:. ONLY A. COUSIN. BY ItIWDf. AMIDDER sat 14bearbo r 31oZiattently welting fu .yOu, Belle; WhlldMhe thirds were all hfuglnu In merrh*tvptut And the skies went the hue - of the blue-hell. 1 caught yOur bright look sa you clime up the lane, Wlth yparruut buquet of posies: tAhlt ,bititit on your beau t I pat cheek 'qutriva .thit'eid'Of the rOses'. .• • Thu sat by my side that fair morning in June, 11 When the sunlight came down like a glory; And drqping your la•-hes lose over your eyes, Yotito dine a tender love story. it thrilled um as neveramot her could thrill, (And.rve tistoud perhaps to a dozen.), And made me reommOcr, whO used to forget, • 7-That 1, BellO, was only your Cousln.! As the vines crlit around Os that morning in JAM. rlditer an emerald duriatu •• - To shut In sly Corpld and ,hut out the world, • lr your rar heart wasmost certain! . 7 ;,T. • ''m, nitii•your soft little hand to my own. , . • :MI • - •ne your love for another, • 1 v brave, though toy bautlful - hopes were. all ,cru,bed, • -And .l - tried to behave like ii brother,: • it In your parlorilds morning In Jute, pleasanter thing eau I do. your children are singing in InerriOst Mot -your ltusbinitt Is chat tlng.w ith you. Belle; ' "Yet the world neverean eon) quite What It was • When we satin the vide-covered arbor. - • And Ns at ehed the White sails thrOughtlic glistedilfg As the ousels came into the harbor! !zpimtiEßis, debt $90,600,000 in gold: arragnt is - worth a million. ' is I - particularly healthy this 4:--Paris is i HA.dmiral season: ' • 1.---Tho';Girland silvor alines of Maine are being . developed. s n elephimt--whipped four lions in an "English t i kee..3 , z,rie. ,ps 'of-Alabama and south Caro lina need rain badly. A grand gnolinm match for $4,000 aside is to take Place in Paris. • •'; . 1.---The Huntsville, (M 0.,) coal mines are being successfully worked. '_The Marquis of Hastings won $1,400,000 in gold On a recant horse race. One-half of the newly tppointeecadets to West Point failed in the' examination. e Her Majesty?s Opera, • ruryLine; has •just.been supplied with an electric.organ. —A precocions child eleven years old, poi ' •soned - her mother in Nashville . a few dais • ;• ..--liostonia to have a brick skating rink •f, tonecomModate nearly seven thousandper- —Some wag wrote to the. Pope tendering him the.Graud•MtiatOltip of the Free Ma , „Bons; • ' •-• Forth pairs of eta is considered the 'thing rig for fliallionft ell In. PF IB-4 PoF ,-,... for each tOilette; • T•t''l=The Mansion House,- a -popular sum:. (Me.,) was re • Willi estroyedby fue., young men of Haverhill, Maas, ‘''havabeeii'Went . to 'Jan . .' for, stealing touib stones out of u cemetery. • Some parts -of Canada► .ate eorely want of water.,:, —,Tacob•Choice, a negm of Gieewvill% 40 bis:thMat with beta of broken glass queer Choice- . .. ul-;i:rrtiODEtelangiiioB:Rt.th Roman age:natre ,iteta*shetied in,Scothaul,land are exciting 47145'hb0t• 'llll3loia, boasts of - nine iestablisliments the,Monnan church with an aggitgateikplembership of 1172.• ' Lifghif I , Gad-iteei is' the recent Classical iii44l)l4to.'iOO4 1 04 who are con f liiiuB t y g r gme nad i ng;th ePlreeti• - .1)1• +Dendrite= the Ina of =ado tO beau /' • Affftry. ioliiiilexiolvbel43 been quite fre (l' 19U'en'04}irec birougbout the dotintey. r There are 'four ,thousand babies in the . • ,Foundling Ilnepitel, for illegitiorite children in one' nurs e for eie . ys,tivO babies. • '—'l3l‘libi koiliaiiie; Wei, prOteete' 7 , , spinet the. 4 , l tudantil innovation"on the ea - -tsblistted worship of the tpfecopsl church:! - ''• 4 :L-Ttie regieeti`South Carolina be 41g 1311411 ea Out at the rate of five a week y 7 ' , the ,catelers ruse of : fire anus ,in their own bends- • 'a . ..the editors, publishers, and printers of IT4llarnpehire Will bold a, State ,Conven Alon at IVoltborough, on Friday, the .. .24th of July • liorie in Londou;'Ontano, was fear ' fully bUrned lately from rolling in ti e re; Ease .sulphuric acid , discharged from 'aome, oil refinery '- young and spirited' young man in Boston will 'black his employers beoti if given a situation as book-keeper; 'at least he, ) no 'advertises. • • -J• —mThe Paselutll House scheme, a scheme • SiMilar to,the Crosby Opera House afffilr; to , , takeplace in :Louisville, has been postponed til October next —Cigars nearly a yard long are being r• made by Yinkea defilers to evade revenge ' tar. Tiie purcbaser has trouble • to cut them in 8 . 17.CfS to Snit. • —Rev. Dr. ,Ogden, ofthatbem. N. J., ctlebrated the 40th 'anniversary of his 'Pas,- fors*evii a 'parish. His congregation 'marked the event with a parse of $2.000. l'he Batesville (Ark.) - Mtge reportit - - Jaw. the caterpillars so numerous in that region • that an'industrloue man with a'shoVelconid fill a wagon load with them in ten , minutes:! --TheSollowing• "warning!' is posted cm grounde a few miles back bf Hobo “Takeliatice-LThatwhesbeireris found • #rsP ass g these gro l /140 cfP be s hot and prosecutea.” • • ,IT• • _s —The first Japanese child born outside tif• • Japan' for the last fen centuries" lately in Xiohdon. Mr., and Mrs. Ifauenliari; Etadakte44,..mernbers of an acrobatic troupe, ' '.• are the parents. ) ... _ 1 11. 3 8 Mary ff.: Cramer, .foimerly' favorite New,York actress, but of lateyears a - pensioner • of the American Dramatic has. recently died _at Morriselana at the ige of sixty-five . years. —Prince, Alpert remarks concern lig his • - -vialtlo the colonies , of the- Southern hemi , - sphere : 'tin Adelaide they'robbed Me, 3fellihuntetheY raobhed me, in :Sidney .they; shot ape, but in Queensland they tOoli.nietn: Johdovini." , ' • , , —l3revet Lieutenant Colonel B. F. Smith,' 2dijOr S. Infantry; dled at Fort steno,titilota;Tgili9rYs Juni - 22, Of gas::, . Col. Smith- graduated at West . 1838, and 'was tii**434 to the Ist U. -B: Xnfiq'trri:oo4ll/P'l4i,:oPall,4 h#, 414 ') 4 , If:: 4 411 f,fil 4s , a . f;; t..if )tig r 0111110 MOE MIME for his gallantry was brevetted Brigadier General. . In= the four days of shooting at the Schutienfest Now York, the receipts amounted to $11;44; , representing 90,800 shots on the kerschetben and 2,019 on the targeld of hmor; 1.80,316 shots haye beentred off during thetchtitzenfest —Fho . Marietta Re:qtater announces, the -death - in that plado, on the - 21. st of June, of Mrs. Rhoda Hildreili;'Neidow of Dr. S. P. Bildreth, the historian. She was born in New Bedford, Mass., August 25th; 1785, and came to Ohio with her husband in 1808. —Judging, from the number of deaths re ported by lightning-• throughout the State, the fluid „seems tO have assumed a very ma lignant character. Too much precaution, cannot be used during' storms; stand in no dangerous places, and have nothing 'about you to'attract the dangerous stroke. 1 " —Mrs. Elizabeth .Cady Stanton, writing of the Woman's Club in New York, sus it is proposed to admit gentlemen tg the gal ' leries to listen to the speeches, and to hear "the pale thoughtful brow, — "the 'silken mustaclie," "the slowing locks," the manly gait and iorm," toasted in prose and verse. —Two Irisnien attempted to swiu the TT CEIVIENT. 6onnectieut at Montague,: on Saturday, to save three cents toll each. One tied 'his ' • PLASTER, CUISINEY TOPS, clothes—a: new suit—about his neck, but IN - ATE - 6 rier.s. found it kept his head under the.water, and was obliged to untie it, and the bundie floated off down the river., Economy ,is great virtue. . =An 'Albany pilySiCian saes that pure lager beer is not only not intoxicating, but that one glass of it will instantly sober a man made drunk by spurious beer. The Express thinks that, this being so, pure lager beer is a scarce commodity, and that there is-a great•deal of-the spurious 'article,' around. -x —Wilburn Waters is the name of n re markable man, known •as the hermit of White Top, Va., and the greatest hunter of the age. He is now fifty-five years of age, and-durhig. ilia .hermit life has killed 100 bears, 88 wolves', more than po debr and a - number of wild:eats, or catamounts, having. killed 20 Of.the latter during ihelast year. —A. young widow in Nashua, N. H., advertisedfor a husband, and was speedily sticessful obtaining one just to her fancy, .from: Indiana. She converted her property inio cash and started with her con -soler for hid mythical western home, only to lose.both husband and mono); at a way sta,.. don, where the train - stopped five minutes for refreshments: _ " --_—When a young man in some of the old countries goes a courting, the first question the young woman asks, of him is: "Are yon able to pay the charges?" That is to say, - in plain English, aresou able to keep a wife .when you have got heit Such a rule in ilida country: would lesien the number of marriages very materially-and would guard against much misery. ' '--The prevailing styles illohort coats and .painfilly. tight panto have lint been intro ducted in . .San. Fnuicisee fashionable' Nes , Torker. li,crigcd - isinch Sensation. One of the editors who raw him siva coat tali ended where the tail of a well shaped gorilla begins, and his tight pants gave to his small lege (W ch terminated.in ,prodigious yams) the appearance of a couple of .broomsticka springing out of molds kegs. The • poling gal who sells' b44neta lon , - the corner: .of Clay street viewed him 1 with him titt admiring eye, remarking that he looked "sweetly pooty.". • —lt will be interesting to our, fashiona ble young, ladies know that the'wardrobe of the Princess getternich consists of 119 dresses.: of silk,' each, of -119 'pieces, , and trimmed with 1,900 yards of trimmings; 164 morning gowns of vanousnmitenals, adorn. edwitli one million of buttons; 01 Walking driisseg and cloaks, omamentedwith one ton offbugles. 51 shawls elf , various sizes and colors; 152 petticoats, in'variety; 275 .other under garments; 2115 pairs , of stockings; 156 pairs of: gloves of every color; 49 pairs of bootsand shoes; 71 sashes and belts, 64 broochee, in variety; 72 1 pairs of ear ringa in variety; 81 fans; 24 parasols; 1 timbre] ia, , IS:2E Foal, Play—Row Between the Authors, , . Reade and Boucicault. _l. (London,PotTespopdence New York Tribune.)' Two dramatic 'versions of Foul Play are performing at different theatres, the joint authorship of Charles Reade and Boueicault having ended in a quarrel. The partnerr, ship between the two was originally formed, for what may be Called tumerclal purposes. Mr. Evade could co d a high price for &novel, and of the u vel he was to be the author. Mr. Boucica It could command a Called 'high price for a'playi d was to dramatize the play when writt en .. The novel appeared by instalments in Ono , a Week, floating the new - series of that periodical into' prosper , ouis seas. end creating an undoubted sense , don- Preaently Mr. Boucicault sent word to Mr: Reade that he Wanted to furnish part of• the text Mr. Reade assented. Mr.' Boticicaffit wrote two numbers: When the first had been printed and the second was partly in type, the publishers of . Ones-a Week notified Mr. Reside that the contract for; a novel was with him 'rand not Mr. 13ouclandt; that they expected him; and ant Mr. •Bourdeault.to write , it; that they should decline to print anymore copy sap plied by - the latter or to pay Mr. Reade; un less Mr. Readewrote his own• novel. Thus ~treated, he, resumed his pen, and• the whole book in fact his, a few chapters ex ee_Pted.- ~ Naturally 11r. :Boicicault was *Raw, 3rat chose to be offended with the, wrong person' with ,Mr. Reade instead of with Messrs . Bradbury & Evans, the pub liskers of Ouse , a Week. He ,broke off all relations _with Mr. Reade, set himself to , ivo ih 0 3 ,,draniatize the novel, refused to allow Mr. Wade to see any part Of his work. ' or to, coneiliti with him, and finally_ an nounced the ma of Foul Play for pre- duction attheßolborn Theatre sooner than it eouldhe completed iri:Ortee a W ee k. Mr..:. Reade thereupon made . another drama for himself out of his own navel, and brought it out, at the theatre in Leeds. This latter I have not seen. Mr. Boncicault's is thor oughly had. The • story . of the novel - is knocked mulways, as . Mr. Fullalove would Say, and : I believe Ur: Boncicault got,, kis *erne together before he knew thedeneue nO - ntt of the novel. If you grant the princi ple Of Mr. Reades story, it is wonderfoitY well done, and. Rehm ; Itolleotou is A fine creatut . e. Mr. Boncicault has been in such , B I t iurry 1020 his piece on the stage that he Ma taken ,little, care of plot , or ehareeter? The 14sit Callrdl, Y. be intelligible to one who has not' rea*the(RONell sad% extqeme -47-tudntereatirigtoone who boy."" i• ~1 . 1 , ' , 7 _,: -, : q1.1.:vi ..-;.• ~• t:•,,..3,i1,?,i-i,fv:4-1.... . .• ._ .-:. . , . • . _ EMS ITTSB`CrRGII GAZE "rfl : 'V DENTISTRY EXTRACTED NvrrEtcou'r PAIN T NO &MARGE MADE WHEN ARTIFICLAL TEETH ABN ORDERED. rum. SET FOR SS, AT DR. SCOTT'S. 218 PENN STREET, 3D DOOR ABOVE HAND. ALL WORN WARRANTED. CALL AND EX .AMINE SPECIMENS OF GENUINE VULCAN ITE. my9:d&T - GAS FIXTURES G-Al4 FIXtIiTIMS .A.14:13 (0 1 312 , EZ 3a.0- I.lers, FOR GAS AND OIL. . . dogs reteived.'lll ,. nnebt and largest assortment ever opent-d hi Lid- l!i[v. wE. - -Ltaorz et. KELLY, 3.4:7.w001?i ,, yEF.ET. VU(( is ALLEY mb:24:tin CEMENT, SOAPS &c ipl6:o7e CLOZING OUT , SUMMER D.tE,TSS GOODS, - AT J. Ma BUlteliritLß 8. CO'S, No: 5,2 St. Clair Street. LAWNS for 2.5 c. worth . LAWNS for 37c. worth 62e. GRENADINES, for 25 re ol+ worth 40c. P A I I VA E CV t se. a V74' 1' 01 1 4% GREY GOODS , 'r for DUc. r w i ortb - 75e• ' TIIE BEST ASSORTMENT OF DRESS , GOODS IN THE CITY, ALL- ENTIRELY NEW, ,AND CEILI.IAFEST IN 'TIM cr - rw, REMEMBER THE PLACE, • No. 52 St. Clair Street. r y 9 : 87. MARKET STREET. Err , GREAT REDUCTION PRICES ! TO CLOSE wrocic •OP is DRESS 431-001:10S. IWASKL7' STREET. THEODORE F. _ - leak EMMET..... 1111. uS WOOD ~ ABBOTHIiOT, No. 115 Wood St., DRY GOODS AT LOVE EASTERN PRIM iyou 18. ... 6 ....... NEw Gomm NEW AEPACCAS. NEW 111?)L4.111. BLACK SILKS. HOSIERY Old GLOVES.' F. SOIJCIY, • tar N. 168 Wylie Street. ,jlO 168. tArlm4o3 McCANDLESS & CO., Li (Late WlWit, Carr & 00.4 NVIIOLE43AIA DEALERS IN Foreign mid Domestic Dry. Goods, No. 941 WOOD WISZE'D. Third door Diamond site's • PITTSHURGII, Pk. TittIMAT ADIEBICAN COM BUTTON-Ron mamma AND SEWING NAM= IT NUS NO EPTIAIi; , BEING ABSOLUTELY IT)TE BEST FAMILY I,"°TalaijilLlSlTA°l(llZ.ligt "" ,Agents Inihted to sell this C. lEssiAnikAri , Agent for Western. Tettnetlysnis. Corner snrru , MABEE?, SigUSETt ;, ova lOchardeon , s dew . Store. , nay2Smei . CONFEOI7OIStikFUTBIT : _ • GEO. SC - -FPoy.Cake Baker & POUfodlol l or, . . .. . ,d 1. 2, ID Dais= is . • , .. 70111111054 DOPIMITIfi7II‘IIIII3,4,NITTS, ~ No. 40, corner Federal and lioblnson streets, Alle gheny. NI- Coustaatly ,on - band. 10E ousex, of Tart .ns havers., . • , , , HENIIIIW.BORBACII , Conf'ectionery and Baker! N. $lOO 81:11T13711SLD STESZT, c • Between Seventh sad I.lbert7 Atir.s.aD Alat , OYErritlt EILT.ArN attached. RAREST FOR BAlt* vim os wrraosrr THE no RE IN= I i.1.EN23.1t U. COLLINS, 4:5 Wood street DRY GOODS. MI VNON & VOy itsburgly P&? WHO I NOTIONS, SEWING rdAOSINES. . , . Oe wouldreat tbe ' s teed of re44 l / 2 * , rimuY e o“ . vrAitp,s, Na pitio Alto 8 ans say Ola l amj c - ra lmjEnt s t -01 0. 111 ' _ • - 4 .y n:'~tii.'.i is ~,17 `%4~G~ ESDAY, NV! 14, 18 TRIMIIINGS AND NOTIONS. pitums MARKED DOWN! DIACRITBE CA=ME'S; No. 1.9 Fifth Street. ALL GOODS GREATLY RtUDEDI ON AND AFTER JIILY IST. HOOP SHinTS. (Ladles';) P3Alit r eOIiSETB, (Itela French,) 'LINEN IiANDK'F.IIC3IIEIfth, 3 C4r arfantiA, ) PAPER COLLARS 200 Yds. Spoor, COTTON, (good.) rOCKET worth 50c 3IEN S Si:T.ll5,lEn DERSII I S .MEN'S JEAN D RAW E 1 All kinds 'Bonnets and Hats at Half Cost CTIE:AT 01111CAINSI. IN ALL II.INDS Or" GOODS. Spectot gates to Itlerpliants Dealers. i 2 maCRZTh & CAr-LESLE, 44. 19 FIFTH :=TTTIFT AT _JOSE:PIa Co.'s, MIS bAu.y AitiyAT, or IN - JEW G. -0013S HAMBURG EDGINGS AND:FLOUNCINUS; HAMBURG INSERTINGS: .i- , SIVISS EDGINOs AND - R INSETINGS; • LACE CAVE•S, COIFFEUR'S AND PARASOL 'COVERS: LINEN COLLARSIANII CUFFS. . 0 - oslllr. SUPER STOUT AND SUPER...FINE COTTON AND 31ERIN0 1-2 1104% LADIES' AND MISSES' HOSE, in Lace, Lisle, and Cotton, of la,st English and (ier- mom untlzes; DOMESTIC . 110SIERY, at. very low rates . i, ALEXANDRE'S DUCHESS KID IiLON new Hue lust recelvinl. A. full assyrtment of BULLION AND SILK FRINGES: TASSEL FRINGES. BEAD FRINGES AND TRIIMINGS: GIMP 'HEADINGS; TRIMMING RIBBONS AND SATINS; rAMASOLS AND SUN UMBRNLLAS. Errit:A.Vi 'GOODS. At greatly reduced rates New atyle'RATS—Lidles • and Mims. CRAPES,IIIALINES, DOTTED NETTS RIBBONS, FLAMERS, lIIILLIINERY LACES, BON NETISILKS, FBA SUNDOW,^NS AND SLIM HOODS, Wholesale and Retail. CALF AND 11 and 19 Market Street. jet:law* $ NEW (;00DS. LARGZST AND BEST STOCK IN THE CITY UMW MS BUCK GIIdiFTLETS, With MUltari Cuffs, Is Drub, Buff sad Tun. HOSIERY, • tall nue of Trench. Gam= sag English. VANIN4 In 811 k, Ltnen and Palm Leaf. A. fan tine of WILK. OPERA VANS. . . 4 _ 1 FECNOI3B, SUING ME AND BULLION, 1 i In all colors Ina shades. PARASOLS, I MOND, BEAXOND, LINED AND PLAIN. A FULL LINE OF HOOP ‘:4:11:TS. Ai*, lour DM steel DROP MUM. COREatTe—A co ored, Itte Ladled Ns!cloak, Irish Lines, Lawn, Swiss, Cambric, Also, THE NEW ELILLTOOL COLLAR. An these looda we to be had et tbe LOWEBN PRIORS, of MACIATM, CLYDE & CO. TS and SO Market Street. Jel3: COAL AND COS. ,N 0 OSCAR F. LA3I & CO. ' O. IP. LAZY COAL AND COKE. 0. 011Ree,,Ssiulushy Street and P. 4. W. & - 8. It., Allegheny SUPERIOR Tongtdoghanyi Coal and Connalaville AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. Lei" Orders prOmpllT attenlod W. COAtitilLll COAL!!! REWART &CO, Having removed their oake to N - 0, 667 LIBERTY girrplarer. (Lately (Sty Flow KLIBEOCCoND ELOOB. Are no_rered C OA Lish good YOI7424IOEtNE NY Limr, BUT ON BLACK., at the lowest market, price. . All orders left at their dace, or addressed to them through the mall, will be attended to promptly. mria:W26 • • "' CHARLES R. ARMSTRONG, 101100100LBEY OD 00: dad Bla!Lontoturere of COAL. ilL ' *oB AMR DESULPIiCitrZED Mee and Yard-.COILN 08. - BUTGE • AND MOUTON NTitlii.3l3. • First yard on Li and Clymer atreetr, Ninth IV ant, and on Oeoou $ eet. null'Leek No. L rittaburgh, PC • • - th the Families and atanutketureel supplied, bertartkle of Coal or Coke at the loweat a • rates. °tilers left_ at any of . their of will recelve Protein utt,ention. A RDISTIIiONG & nurcanitsoN, duoocamois I 7 r. iuusint,rut& AND Yptrailianntarr 00 00.. MlNEMl li suryr — its'A • Pr t ALERS. R RAW' ROAD A D lit 'R, of . aupur or Ifta4hlu hyny .CAS. AND FAMILY 'CO 1.. Ocoee and Yard—FOOT OF TRY 13T431 - . new the Oas Works. SUPERIOR COAL. O. cinnonny mtnersincilThlplpere of P1TTI&BUIt011 O. • snd FAMILY COAL, NUT COAL muipt., Coal delivered promptly to all parts of at the lowest mar k et rates. Office and Yard—CORVEN METH BONiformerly Canal) EITILT.Ema, pittson • P.O. BOX INOS. •-• B ARR &NogEn, Tat= HOUSE ABBOCUTION BVILD 111 and a dt.OWr; rittsburitt. 54. Wootton Wait to the Asolipaliss sad •9008$ /WM and 11171/41.0 BOLIN MEI BEM= BM CARPETS AND XTOTWITHST, Ifaulfilkttffers' prices, we will co Largest stock of and 'lngrain Carp ~ 50c 100 OLIVE at .6T., .0., SIR STOCK 4 Or CARPETS White, Rcd,,tbecked, Striped and. Fancy - 3,1 r ir IF Cr S t VARIETY. Oil Cloths, Window Shades. &c. BOVARD, ROSE Zr. CO., 21 FIFTII STREET. e29:d /twlr JUST RECEIVED. NOTTINGHAIII CURTAINS. SWISS. LACS CURTAINS. Brass and Wood Cornices , TEE FEWEST AND BEST PATTEBBS, (Many oC-wtikh cannot, be had elaewhere,) AT THE LOWEST PRICES. NeFARLANII & COLLINS, 71 and 78 Flfth Street. A Meplete et*. variety, in white sad oo Paper Collars, Paper euth, Striped Smboldertes, Ittbborki, etc. Velvetßibbons Hid Gloves, Bilk We've 11. Lisle Gloves, Ootton Gloves, C DAVIS ARCHITL'OTS. OIL CLOTHS. CAR '.' lANDING THE ad,v'ance 1- tinue to offer the russels, Velvets is in the city, at reached this sea- the lowest prices d, a few pieces of, a new and exqtite patterns of Royal ANmir4er. son. Just receiv No. 12. Fifth Street STEAM • CARPET BEATING ESTABLISHMENTS 'Which TEN UAW TRIAL in New York and oth er Zane= cities improved a complete success. nit ADVANTAGES: list—ladies sod Ertirbiklige_ ere eompletely avoid 114—No rippinLapart necessary. ‘ 3&—When - freed MIMI dust. soothe or their larvae, the Carwt. looks nearly as coed . 11e new, save tbf l i natural fading from wear. 4th—When perfectly clean, a Carpet will wear Y loon again, a desirable matter sa a mere point of economic, to say nothing of looks. . 4 ALL ORDRES LETT AT TIM OFFICE. No. 179 Liberty Street' Or addressed to P. 0. Box 1173, wilt, tredve prompt attention. UEO. L. MeCLINTM4 PROPRIZTOB..I ble GLASS, CHINA. CUTLERY. OOD altar, CHINA, GLASS ABD QIIIEENSWARE, SILVER PLATED WARE, or ; PARIAH STATUETTES, . BOMAN GUN, ..1 ... And aef i Ir re A a rg i A tt ft FANCY k . ' 100 WOOD STREET.' RICHARD E. BREED & CO. taw —...... 100 WOOD STREET• DYER AND SCOURER, J. LANCE, DYER AND SCOURER. No. 3 ST. CLAIR leilißET And Nos. 136 and 187 MI Street, l'lTTOU'ltelt, PA. myt9tl6! ELECTIU SIIMMER C 011111414 An lisedljble remedy__for Summer Complaint, Dim thea, Dysentery, Vomiting,. Bonr Stomach and tlintlt tit Morbus. ' • ' ' DL CROP CORE, A specific Air Cholera, Croups-and pain Etas:mob. for 1111110 by • .. HARRIS & EIVENG, corner of Liberty and Wayne Steel% A.OI3INTIEI FOR, J. 13011001 0 ana di SON'S p utr ,, WHITE LEAD, DieVrpli VERDITM GREEN, a ,.. Try. oulr.green paint that al - II not ileterlerate.b/ em poeure. It Will look better, last lancer sine give more_perltet • 'attraction than any paLut la the _Lat.. $lO.OOO TO Off BOND AND MOBTOAGE. • • ONO. M. PETTY. - 11t715 Rest Relate Agent: 60 Sent Odie street. 06. itia#,Tugu,„ irageNt ra.t ea s ur Pas Tr.iii via ',ll!ll.T.fils trin ..,.... - FOR SALE--REAL ESTAi _ .J... , ~. - -----, F°' SALE. . ,4 500 ACRES OF Wilt f n PI4E ANL LOCK ,T13111F.11, LANI). altnatild on Bt Creek. Bridlrigtori townehlyie Indiana coon 9 miles from Nlnccab Station, on sthe Penn Oeutral,ltabroad. and about 60" acres of land,' under good fencing.. On the Orem erected one Grist Mill. with 2 r n of bun run Of stones. all complete and in i good run der.. One- Saw DIM, in complete order. .3,000 feetper day. ; One dwetitne:house, two stories high. '.. rooms, 40x42. feet.___ '' , tine ilwelMng, 2i0:1-0 feet, R rCiorps., One ii I.SN. - -10 , 2 '3" One. •• ISx2O " it On, " ISx26 " 2F" Oue " 24x20 " " 5 ..;." One Stable. 20.x24 feet. 16 fe_ek. high; Ina Shop and other outbuildings• '!phis land 1 laid with snore cool and iron orks anti it ha of never-falling springs of water. besides t running through t Ise entire impulses, and sad elisap an n on easy terms LiSa geed= 'title money. 10 .I.t.)TS , ON BEDFORD Avt - NITE. sac t 1:V 100 feet, on whit t.' erected Pier IA frame :lwei v- linu ho •s„ of 13 ro l ms and ha The :e lots : ma bce a full senar. . of grOnTII ing 200 lest on lit:lf:nil aveun , anti hoc each end by a wide, street, with4n 15 feet the IT:Ir. :tit :Ill' premises Is a !lump 01 last , excellent water, and the surfae',4 of the lot? :inn needs neither tilling mdr-rading tOprtqa. fon building porn-we& and belnft In a sectlo MTV where property I , inerealng very-ra value, U. them •lestrable for Ito investmel daily as flu 'present houses rent for etr:„, ,, it good 1n t:•ree.t. on the :ma: :sited for th pi oper y. Call soon on Ill.: tu i n ell:hated au a cheaP, s a afe nd pa:int - mvest ant. Al o. A FARM ot , ' I GO' ACI ZES of 'Fon ' situated In L;mt Wltuat field to , .'oship, bulb Pa.:, 130 acres of which is elearqd land, in tiVs thin, 21) acres being in exctl lent mea:l7: . improvonents an.: a two-story frame dwell!'. - of. 4 rooms. a,frame b..nk Idall. 31.1:61.1.1,e, Stabil Lig underneatu, aml other outirellsilag good repair. It is la a good IA ighboesom, nit to schools, churches, stOre. , s.. &c.. and sore yore low for east: or annreffed securitis Also, a RIVER BO'fTo - 31. Filni of 70 a. , miles from the city, in Eliza% cih • townshl Sherry county. Pa., on the You;,hlogheny ria half mile front Elrod's Station on the Colin. railroad; near ,hurehes. sehoo 14, stores: &c. flourishinu Villages of llosiou earl 6 reol 9 a improvements area two-stor &ink , house roinns. hall and cellar, a good irtllle bank ba stabling undeint ;Wt., and otheriontbuthilngt of; good standing, water at the door, and standing so', a,- . of water on the farm, and chard of li 09 I ri.es of selected fruits of tinge ries, pears, pooches, qulnce ., . , and grapes. 'ft . crtv being located near theAlno of- the r, within one hour's ride of the , makes it 3 siratilt• for gardening or a diner' farm: it I I rood and beatitlful Location fa . country hom the city. lying immediately of: the river, on • posits: slit:from the rallrort4 The Vest S . Accommodation and other try no on the rail: (Ord certain and frequent Opportunities s.. communication to and from the city: Will • as a whole or in lots of one atte or more. to s_ chasers , l t • Also. A FARM OF 173 ACRES; situate Clair to:m:3lV, Weatmorela d County; Pt the I inelof the ronusylxahlailinailthad at I Station. The improvements are a two-stor house. ;int: six rooms and good cellar, a few barn 4 by GO fdet, anti other. outbuildings. is on t place a young apple and peach o 120 aces cleared laud. divided into fields of nit-nt e. a large portion of, which are eel clover and timothy; the residue of said tra ered with - gaud timber. It IS mien watered a derlaid with coal and limestone, and la con: to churches, schools, stores,fmllls and bias • shops. , A real good bargain It offered in Shit lent farm; and with it will bh sold all the. ti . property on the premises, , consisting. • of cows, stock cattle, bogs and poultry, harness. wagon, plows. farming implements and ho: and kitchen furniture.' 'Together will be at low and on easy terms, to a responsible mind Also, a desirable and very fertile Tract of I 158 ACRES ..4.8 D 25 rEgctiEs. in. Entails , Allegheny county. l'a., on the line of these •railroad„ and one and one-hafif miles from• 2 •nellsville railroad at Suter's iStation. On tb are 40 acres of superior white oak timber, alone is now worth one-half the price asked; • - whole tract. The inrproveinents are a log frame barn, good feneing, and an apple ore, good fruit. it is well v. atered and underitO I limestone and flag stone of fe superior e rnalit; stone coal for the use of the farm. -. "Also The best. FARM to rairli d ton • WestrAorelsnd coity, Pa.•, , of amtsCRES, six miles south of the PeruisylCentre road at Bolivar Station. Thedmprovements : large hewed log dwellingsn: one of the lazes beet frame barns in the township; two ap chards, in good bearing condition,* corn crib,: shed Snd other outlaulldings. The whole under a high state of cultivation - felittnil l an rate order , anti the land of the beat gn 1 o stone soil; about 200 actee lot 'whist: ill 0 051 the residue of the tract in good timber, e white oak, rock , oak, hickOry, walnut and This ;property will be sold Very - cheap and o terms, as the owner wishes to engige;in :Abe new. For particulars etienpe of • • , • Ella , FOR SALE. 1 TWO Etotrsics AND ,LOT on Allegheny. This property wilt be, lk party is about tearing the city, and rk of 3 11,14JDwtrtlG ROUSES BARNS, with good FARM, and about soc, timber land. This pro h ger4 will be eold low.i 1151 3 1 ARSI OF li gitl ar lt RIB, I l i z ill t I: 4 lYEr id. for .2 dollars per acre. IxoprovfAl , nts Witt .' ortablE Louse and good burn : 50 sof the land eat • FARR Of 380 ACRES, hear the line iit rIC , ' very well located. for raising stock: imprort are good and substantial; 100 acre; of the I meadow and grain. • I I i•:. , . 1 : CITY PROPERTY.—WiII sell a good brick :A t g i g/ 'tit rfrrie.:l=Al' D t i de A LARGE LOT OF GROUND, ' slug a frantiantl.very convenient of acne ._ '. r• • TANNERI, convenient ,to the el ,' and ha , roll' established custom ' or local con 1 therewith; iitood dwelling and fo strell.of 1 ' I ve, FOUR LOTS in Sharpaburg, n the lei mild make e_good coal tire. • • • - . HOTEL/ FOB SlALE.—lkat fine H otel Tro With ou at the roomsi n la c l i rgl e il: Jun 'a:A three ficres of garden and t trees. well located hotel will WI sold low 411 Boa Pr tor wishes to retire from business. .. .. ' FOR 1 NT. One large House, for Distal ion. Orte new Brick Donee, ' 8 rooms. One new Brick Muse, of 4 r . ' ' One new Bt irk 13 °ate Of 3 room . One House ci 5 roma and lot 5 _by 40 1. One Boutin of 7 Nome and lot; by 160. Two new Brick Honed, 11 roc each.. One uew Frame Hum,' 4 rooms. Two now [ trick House d 3 room" each. Ore' sew yracce, Renee in W 11115bl:it', b six moral, And Urge lot, well tilted for gi !um that can be tided in sere lota. a LOW in Oakland. , • I ' Power and a large R m and and for fen good location. Will be r o , nted r short of time. FOR LEASE OR BAL E 3 Lo on Korb?' s Ninth Ward, i 3 to 41 think. WTED-3,000 feet of . ging . AN •I . 1 TO LOAN—SS ,000, . * I- 'i iN BOW OF $O,OOO AND 11PWABD.. t• . t . • . - ATILT , AT D. P, ILITCIPS REAL r" '^"%~` x m om. ~r ... s.r m~'~v.~s..x ' G. H. TOWER. Mora • . No. 91 Grist St., e2D:plB . 2,00010Q0 CHOICE LIXDS it TEN limb rad* ta EASTICIII:N DI along the Une b g f flute . $l,OO To 45,0 Anil ona 01313D1T oir TM YEAR& For fttrthef Part/emigre; maps. /to.: i dd '1 sonal r. nmes , _ . Land Oeiunissioner, Topeka. • B. Liaisons Seel', snits St. Louis, Nitro S 2 00/I ' 7 rILL PIUIRCHASI, • ARM OF 103 - AOltßk. iiEproved, Wlth Me house of six roosesU, barn, and an orehard of good bearing 'PP . ' peach trees. &c.; Olt acres clearedi the, _balsas good oak, hickory. Suar and other timber. St ' three miles from teMuskingum elver. at Bef , This is said to be the cheapest farm otferedlor in the Muskingum Valley, and parties desitir purchase should call soon. • ' B. ItitiLAlNta CO: fag i‘ No.fie Smithfield litre; paturray ii RES 1 1 ENCE - A SALE OR RENT.—A- two-atoll . come, containing /Ozanne, including' double •lor, irttb marble mantles, d all-the mod Provementst / sort of ground, filled With' 1 1 a. grate, t l rr ti lr, &a- rated nearAbl oe * Thin ls one of th:rbit;dsogielt street locattons ln, wow:A .and In a. stood neigh ' W. A. 113101011 , 0 Rod Ritt!ato,vlowl ,- _ml etre-, . . • -•- M , SALE & TO LET... 11 011 . Lots for sae to allt._ • of the elf/ be, i .Also, impend Pto Arood t•Wr i ALIN, a emu WOOLEN rAcTosx,. _with wt , 1 of land, and good !Improvements, which -I cheap sad Ga. resmonable terms. Busltt S oma. to let on good streets. PriTft4S Direllia4..l rein in "oreltMei For, ta/N5 . , .ftrUi ..'"0,7 ia - 1 ilb eisai itisit , . ,-- - ' : .-.. • „,„ !y: ' : 1 ~ ...r. • 11111111111 ~~ i 3:11:1 arrou lis 1.. to ATI Off ttabsEgl ORES OF OR Si antsigi ON, I ACNE,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers