I did Iliatters' hi lie* York. Cold Closed 6cll4oy®l4oy DI ZBy Telegraph to tbe Pittsburgh Gazette., it • NEW YORK, June' 27,1868. MONEY AND GOLD.- Money easy , and steady at 3®4 per cent. on call loans. Sterling at 110@a11Oy.. Gold '•;, lower; opening at 140%, and closing at .140%®14014. GOVERNMENTS. Governments steady * Coupons of 1881, c • 7... , • c N@III7X,; do. 62, 1135‘®113%; do. '64, '11.6%®111; do. '65, 111M®111 3 / 4 ; do. new, 1 13X0114; do. '67, -114 y.; do. '6B, 109% ifl Ten-Forties, 107%®10734; Seven t? rties, 109%. - • • ? BANK STATEMENTS. 5 Loans, $27 ,204,036; increase, $2,386,428; ' Specie, IR 7 ,I 300; decreize, $1,371,530; ()illation, 8,721; decrease, $70,399; de. posits, $214,3 207; increase, $2.817,820; le r •Ital tenders, $ 3,853.303; increase,sl 285,871: R ILWAY MARKET Opened buoys t and higher, closing nearly Nip ~to the highest point of the morning. :Bofder State stocks and railway mortgages are firm. Express shares recovered slight 1y from their depression earlym the day. STOCKS. ' The' following - are the 5:30 - ices: Canton, -19%©50; Cumberland!, 32X . _®33; Wells' Ex ,Li presa, 1 2 6%1 `leriour- ' D mlEProms, 43 %@ -44; Aftms Express, 523®52%; Mer x .chants Union Express, 26©26N;• United .States Express, 43@46; Quicksilver,• 22,y,; Pm:LW° Mail, 102y‘; Atlantic, 30@33; Wstern Union Telegraph 1 . 34%'®35;- New' York Cen tral, 135©135%©135%; Erie, 707‘@)71; pre 'forted, 75X4743; Huth. on, 141)*A®140X; Read ing,'lo6@lo6%; Ohio and Mississippi, 30(@1 4 40%; Wabash, •48%©48%.' St.' Patti, fax® .6735; preferred, 741®79 ; Michigan Centrik , 1175‘; Michigan-. Southern, W 2.% 4 ' 92 3V !Illinois "Central, 157@158; Pitts burgh.; 90%@9014; Toledo, 105%®105%; Rock Island, 105y,,®105%; North Western, 71@71%; do.preferred, 79y, 79; Fort : 3 , Wayne, , 11 6‘@112%; Hartford and. Erie, •15@15%; C cago' and Alton, 138; St. Joe fi - preferred, 88;• Burlington and Quincy, 154; new Tennessees, 74%; do. old, 76; new Vir -zinias, 58; do. old, 59; 'Missburis;94%®9ly,. MESTNG SHARES . MI • . 4 tang shares steady; Quartz Rill, 115; 'Smith & Parmelee, 360; Edge Hill, 425; •Gregoti. 520. ' IMPORTS. Importi for the week: Drygoods. 81423,- 1 787; merchandize, ;4,139,840. - 4., • • • • SUB-TREASURY. 'Receipts at Sub-Treasury, 11,303,219; for - the :Week, 'M694.791; payments to-day, 4509.638, for the week, 814,428,293; balance. 493,902,715. New York Produce Market. t • Illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) ft NEW Yonn, June 27.—Cotton is less ao : zi tive ' with sales of 1,400 'bales at 31Mc for , li • ,_, ti . gaiddling uplands. The receipts of Flour , *I , - to r day amounted to 5,403 barrels; the mar . . .et is dull and. in favor of buyers, with sales of 7,500 barrels at 86,8557,30 for super , line State and western; 67,80 for extra State; -$7,75a6,97 for extra western; 510,80a12,90 for 0 white • wheat extra, - $8,65a12,99 for Round .. , ,:q 'Hoop Ohio; 58,50a10 for extra St. Louis, ,f.: and $10,50a14 for good • to choice do., closing , .1? heavy, including 1,500 barrels extra State '4 for export. California flour is heavy, with 41 sales of 900 sacks at $1.0a12,75. Rye flour is '., -quiet with sales of 200 barrels at $8.25a10,30. •:f: ,ora Meal is declining, with sales of 100 barrels city at $5,30a5,35, and 300 barrels .'44' Brandywine at $6,75. Whisky is dull. The 'receipts of Wheat to-day amounted to 8,200 : bushels; the market is dull and sa3c lower, 'r! with sales of 12,400 bushels at $3,50 for am '✓ her winter and western; 62,68 for new t'' white Georgia ; $2,60a2,75 for white Cali :r fonds; 82,60 for do. Michigan and. Canadian club; No 1 spring at private terms. Rye '• dull and declining; tulles of 800 bush Penne yi at $l,BO. Barley nominal. Barley Malt ti dull and heavy. corn—receipts, 10,344 „•., bush. the market is heavy, dull and la2c 'll lower.; sales of 87,000 bush at $1,00a1,04 for ?, mixed western afloat; closing atsl,olal,o2: , A good, sound parcels at sl,oBlr white west- 1 IT ern. OatiP--receipts, 92,177 bu sh; the mar- 1 - .1 ket is heavy And 2c lower; sales of 98,000 . .4 . bush at BlaB2,tio for western in store and . - p:1 afloat; closing at 810 in store. Rice moral nally unchanged. Coffee quiet and .firm. ~' Sugar steady andin fair .demand; sales of 2 4; -SOO hhda,Cuba at 'Wane; 100 boxes Havana -I.; at 12%c. , , Molasses nominally unchanged. !,, Hops quiet at 10a400 for American:'-Petrol -I4 •sum quiet and firm at 16140 for' crude; '32a ' .f.-:: 33c for refined, bonded. Coal quiet. Leath - c.e r=ifemlock- solelattiTtcallidlirgi litlgaoc: *l3oc Wool r 'more ZaCtlirtii.....atilprevions. 11 prices; males of 67,000. _pounds •at 45a f I .536' ilk' doinisitic'-fleece- Pork:'Valet told 1 steady; sales'l;6oo bbls at 28a28,"2.5'f0r -new; ',fir mess, closing at $37,85 radii; $27,75428- for •.1 old do.; closing at $27,87 cash; 1122,50a23 - for ' 'lll, prime; $24a,24,25 for prime mesa. Beef ;cit . steady and unchanged; sales 150 bbls. Beef hams dull at $25a27. Cat meats quiet; sales 180pkgit .at 12a180, for . shoulders;. i153017c 'til, for ham& Middles dull and heavy; sales Si choice long clear at 15c. Lard dull and ', heavy at 15 1 ,4a11135c for steam; 1734a18c for 7 , '371 kettle rendered; sales 250 tierces steam buyers for August at 171)( 3 e. Butter '9ulet at 24a28c for Ohio. Cheese heavy. Freights n to Liverpool firm; shipments per steamer ,- 1 15,000 bu wheat at _534e; 2,000 be corn at 1 - 5Xe; 400 bbls flour at ls. 9d. , .' LATUST.—FIottr closed dull ' and heavy; .5210 c lower; demand is confined to supply ii ing pressing wants of the home trade.lT Wheat heavy and nominal at $1,90a1,98 for No.- - 2; and $2,07a2,10 for No. 1 spring. Rye is dull and heavy at $1,70a1,85 for common to prime. Oats dull. Corn dull and heavy 1., at $1a1,02 for new mixed western ailost,,,• Pork is nominal; $28a28.25 for mess, -dash, ~1 and regular. Beef quiet and unchanged; cat meats are in limited demand but un- 7 changed.' Bacon quiet without 'decided •'. change. Lard dull at 16 t(al6,gc for com i mon to prime steam. Eggs remain quiet at 21a23)4c. New York Dry D'ahla Market. LB! Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 274=M-either: visit, with a stoppage_pf one-fourth per cent. 9n cotton mac hinery;' eas(ern prices areon a ri se illis7 ,l 9Pf i ft l Y Vitb raw Materiuls., Span daratninwn sueetinlpf lite in rtsiticild -sup ply, and firm, .itt 17,34a18c•f0r best, makes, and second — best at 163 al7c. Fine sheet logs, like - -444mtios ;lave adyanpitd - , t t o rykk unit shirtinlo4 likeethel3 snake, to lbto.. Antoskeag bleached musl in have risenio 18c; Bates B B to 16%c; do B to 141613;80rt1et5..01t0t1 4 36,,1W0 . 8. - to 18Mc; Hills theft to 18e; w_ nemarket uf 'bleached sheetings steady. Moat. bf light :styles of printed calicoes and delaines have Men entlrelicclesedout.at the, recent low prices,•and in - the <Sinn° of`a Week or fort night thedarker styles will be put upon the market at muchAigher rates. Loutsville Market (By.Tilesriilxofbe :171tsseursli Gszettso LolifisyrtrE, - .lund27;LLSales'Of 'Tobacco lugs to medium leaf at 734a15. Wheat scarce.at-.51,9Qa 2 ? 0 , 0 17 F/oux.unset tied, superfine $7,25i7,50. -corn; Shelled in bulk 72c; ear 90c. Oats -78a98. Mess Pork dull at Moo. =Bulk Meats 12a160 -for shoulders and clear sides. Bacon, shoUlCl ers Igo, clear rib sides 1634 e; clear sides I7c. Lard tierces 1734 c. Whiskey nominal. Flaxseed 82,00. '.!:"Liniseed Oil f1,40 r - cotton sMc. Sheetings-17w/......t - • -•- . • • t".. Clevelalbt Market , [Br ielesupa to the .Pittebarsh Gazette d' CLEVELAND, June 27.—Flour held higher —doable extra .4ed-4itintetri4ll.soal2,oo; double extra spring $10,50a11,00; country brands dull, heavy and irregular; bald at ;9alo a.** enißlKaut#944 so for doOlb bitititittrlffer: Gig ivb red held at ii2A4a2,25. Corn; salesloo bush st 950 ono , • .; h at 93Ma94e. 0 04 • 411011011- •• ;• ' : • • held at 1,: iar il l :39xley,nomi -..sui.• , . " • • c."L Sit - ' - =r~; :;,.ri;:t_ a r'~":.~,..d,?"&!.~.:_: u.-. CBrTelegraph to tbePlttabttrih Gazetie.3 Catcsoo, June - 27.—Flour very dull and nominal. Wheat unsettled, with a.deoune of 4asc on No. land 2a23ic on N0..2; small 1 sales No. 1 at $1,89a1,91; sales No. 2 before the change at $1,94, and opened on the change at 81,90a1,903¢, and fell to $l,BB, but rallied to $1,94 arid dosed with buyers at $1,93. Corn less active and lalX,c lower; sales No. lin store at 83y,a85c; NO. 2,81 a 82c, and rejected, 76a78.3, closing at 83Xa 840 for No. 1. Oats fairly active and Mac lower; sales at 64Maft5c, doling at 64;ic. Rye dull; sales No. lat 11,60a1,62. Barley entirely nominaL Provisions dull 'and easier. Mess pork nominal at $27,50a2775. Lard, 1,5%a15gc. 'Dry salted shouders'lle.l Freights fairly active, firmer and higher; 3c on oats and, corn -and& on wheat to Os wego. ' Receipts-1,471 bbls flour, • 50,344 buss wheat, 236,243 dd cdrn, '50,840 do oats, 2,522. hogs.' Shipments-4,522 bbls 23,000 bush wheat, 79,365410 corn, 41,400, do oats, 5,503 h ogs. . • Cincinnati Market. CBy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l The market for flour and wheat is exceed ingly 'dull, and there is' nothing dciing in either. Corn; very dull and lower, Ear; Offered at 84a85e. Oats; dulland unsettled, held et 75c. - Rye; firm At $1;65, but held hirer. • Cotton; }held le higher, middling at-O. , Tobacco; unchanged. and steady, l b xovisfons; dull and irregular. Mess Pork, ; held At $27,75. ' Bulk 'Shoulders; dull, at lly t iotsse; 5,000 , pounds sold at 1130; Packed.sides held at 13%; Shoulders at 16,!and clear Rib Sleds at 16X. Butter; dull, the supply being in excetei of the demand; sales ;of Ohio at 23a25c; and- Western Re . - serve at 26a28c. Linaeedoll; very dull, and not saleable for more than $1,00; held at $1,03a1,05. Groceries; unchanged and low er. Lard Oil; dull at $1,35aL40.; Petroleum; steady, at '33a35, Potatoes; very dull, sales of New Southern at $3,50a4 per bbl. Gold; $1.39X, • • . • • • St. Louis' Market. ißy Telegrardi to the PittsbnighGazette.3 ST: Louis, ;June •27.-:-Tobacco inactive and unchanged. Hemp dull, undressed ranging at $1,35a1,68. - Flour very ildiet; small sales at $6-for super, .17a7,62M for etc tra,lBao,6s for double.. Wheat dull, Irreg ular and transactions small; prime and choice fall $2,05a2,25. Corn slow, buyers contending for lowerprices; small sales at SoaB6c. Oats, lower.at 68a71c. Rye in het ter demand at, $1,35a1,40. Provisions very dull; Pork sold at $23.5./—an Outside price. Bacon; small order.husiness done at 13c for shoulders, 17e for' clear sides. Cattle un changed at $3,06%. for tinfenor :to Choice. Sheep unchanged ,at :slas; Lambs $1,25a 2,50. Receipts--floun. 1,205 bbls; wheat. 1,400 bush; corn, 12,800 • bush; oats, 63.009 New Oricana Market. . . My Telegraphs° the Pittsburgh Gazette.l NEW OBLEAss, June 27.—Cotton quiet and firm at29ofor.middling* sales-230; :re. ceipts 30; exports 890 bales. Sterling 152 a 155. New York sight exchange % pre mium. ' 'Goldl39 l /01'39N. Flour dull at r for superfine; $8,37a8,50 for treble extra,and 810,25a10,50 for choice. Corn lower at 93a 96c. Oats dull at 85c. Rye firm and un changed. Pork at $29,25. Bacon dull at 13Xc for shoulders. and- 17 ve for clear sides. Lard unchanged. ' • CEty Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] BUFFALO, June 27.—Receipts-wheat 27,000 bush; corn 21,000 bush, flour 7,000 bush. Shipments—oats 15,000 bush, corn 117,000 bush. Freights; 1030 on corn to New York. Flour; No 1 spring 25c lower and very quiet. Wheat nominal. Corn lower and dull; sales of 16,000 bush No 2 at 89c. 6,000 bush do at 90e to arrive. Oats held at 75c; no demand. Rye and Barley none offered. Mess pork. $28a3,50. Lard 283‘c. Milwaukee Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tiazette.i MiLwAnicsk, June, 27.—Flour dull and lower; choice Minnesota $9a9,25; do Wis consin and lowa $8,25a9,00; medium $B,OO. Wheat unsettled and 3asc lower, at 81,83 for No 1, and $1,73 for No' 2.. Oats dull and weak at 6514 c. Corn dull and nominal. Receipts-400 bbls Soar; 1,800 bush wheat; 4000 bash oats; 5000 bush corn. Shipments —2OOO bbls flour; 400 bush oata. By Telegraph to the Plttibitnetrazzette. ME3mtrai June 27.=-Cotton quiet and firm; middlimx,nombrial at 30c. receipts, 6 biles; expoits 73 balea. 'Flour ' dull; su •r -finel7a7,6o. `Wheat $1,76;11,80. Corn IL. Oats 750.• Hay $.15.:-Bran.2.Bc4:N Corn Meal 86,26x6.60. Pork , 829. .Laxd 1834a20c. Bacon quiet; shoulders 13%c; clear sides 17y,a1735c. • r` CI3Y Telegraph to the Pittititirgb Qaietti.l TOLEDO, June' 27,-1 2 1Our—:receipts 949 bbls; no transportation.' ••; Wbeat—reoeipts' 1,110 bit and dull; sales amber at 52,30; No. 2 red 51,75. Corn—receipts 16,415 bu, dull and opened at 87c, and closed at 87%c for No. 1; rejected 85c. Oats, r recelpts 2,456 bu and quiet; sales at 68c. Philadelplikt Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l PHILADELPHIA. June 27.—Flour dull and weak. Wheat dull; red. $2,35a2,40. Rye advanced We; sales at' $1,75 for Penn sylmnia. Corn dull; mixed western $1,12. Oats better; western 86a870. Petrolum leas active; crude 19%c; refined 30%c. Provis ions tmchanged. li • Baltimore Market. (By I t e eirraeh to the Pittsburgh Gazette., BAianio.ll3, June 27.—Flour fairly no tivo and favors buyers, but not quotably unchanged: - Wheat dull and unchanged. Corn I firm; white' . $1;12a1,13. Oats dull; western 85c. Rye, very dttlL Mess pork quiet4lt $29.• Beef firm, and unchanged. Lard "Null at 18e. /PM/Fr* BY • RA-WIOAD. :„' Fixrssuitos,, Tx. WAxxx. AND Crnizsao RAlLnosb;' Inns 27.-2 ears metal, Bryan it Cadghey; 4 do-do, Nittriaki&Cof Ido do," Cheek Btnytty & .04; 4 OW Akii, Union Iron: -Mills, 3do do, Moorhead 4c. Co; ,I + oo. bhls flour,fil . liltedsay4r de.Ccif 300 db:ll3 eke' pondoesiciwner; 2 oars•Va;i7' EClPliieh;.2Bo bErs.ostailaila Reiter; bb) dry' keg lintter,H rteal,r; oaskspearisa well:Pdafii•& COf 118 eke Harbiugh dr. CO:71 car.shingled, :lifotZneivan - letalong.:: jgav2 .E.W 0 F 1 0044145,8, to , Baird do Patton ' 20 boxes cheeie,'Binith Johhionr&CoF72‘do 1;1 - Bradem2bbhxibtiatuill'etzer & Armstrong;• 100 bga Are*, Murray . ,/,iyndj, 25. boxes eheese'Ellea'zleton;.ll 1:10X08 glass MoWit llama & 75 bdla broom handles, +W Mar dory; 30 do; pearls, Watt it. iWilaon; eke MaCullough,Stnith&; Co;; 32 aka wool, W - BarkOr Jr& Co; 15 boxes soap, Munhall & Liagrttai; egg/Jilt:Rea Jr. ' CLlOntlialm 'OND.- , P,lT•rsatruez : BAtri- BoAn, .June 27.-8 care iron.ore, McKnight, Porter & Co; 4 carts pig,irort, 4 cars' blooms, lilmick & Co; 1 do Iron ore, Lleyd &Bleck; 1 do, do, Reese, : Graff! 6; Dull ; ,2 oars loin ber, B Schmidt & co; 1 car .shingles, Win Dilworth , & Co; 36 bblti copper, i Tht Bowe; - 21 bdlsi handles, ~Whitmore.)Wolf;dr.:Co;/ coils twine, Fulton, ,Bollman gr... 09; 7, 1 r1s scrap iron, - J Jones; 6 bbls cement, rahneotook & - Co: 12 1 &lila rope; Godfrey & Glark; 50 bbls oil, Wm McCatoheon;-1-ciarr stone, A J Harbaugh; 10 has cheese, Kirk gatrick si Harrpn it Co&A., t poi ~pgo ; ,,, .vo g tis boo di:Co:12'10 cheese,Grall it Belton' 1 8 doidO,W /I , ,GiAatrot CP;J s s,titildo Watt, _AT.* i3' i blis_ gatb;'9-lao' iv nibioal' b kbealts;' Win NoKiriti;'sfil ry oi llir to .,_ o tiipi GM 7. ;Ina tetitiO* Jr ( 1111 - i/iorttk it' :{8 tiiilo: grilDilliotev it tifiienWayl! , _ Ta t* , v B . . neriailtk 71 4C4CO6keirl/ b 4. tterclifc Heirrisod; IfttiblaMilour4.7rookit 4 41 1 / 4 41 , f,oititragolli •grtr , , - t cif) boa ,tent 0 I prrigumalE,ClXOThdlrarDditiadittlS RLimi,o,Lo, June 27.-24 aks oats, 17 do rye, Hollow it Hood; 89 do do, Bob!) it 3trist 29, 186 Chiewo garket. Buffalo Market. ifiarket 'l'oledo Wltirket: f Herron; 26 airs corn, Meanor & Harper; 3 Cara oats, j•W Simpson; 1 car corn, BroWn 4t Williams; 100 bbls flour, owner; 1 car staves, Chas Albright; 1 . do de, Kornish; 100 bbLs flour, owner; 10 cases cement, Fleming & Agnew; 3 pkgs tobacco, W .1 McKnight & Co; 25 bbls oil, Jas H Parker; 30 bales cotton, Kennedy, Childs it Co; 5 tcs hams, Jas H Lippincott; 10 do dry beef, B Hays & Bon; 20 kgs lard, Watt. Lang e.k Co; 6 bbls coal oil, Bradley & Son; 20 pkgs tobacco, W L Jones; 4 hhds, 5 tea hams, H Wilson; 62 sks oats,'C H Love; 4 bbls eggs, Graff & Reiter; 5 do do, W H Graff & CO. ALLEGE:Barr VALLEY RAILROAD. June 27.-4,96013b1; oil, from Venartgo city to Philadelphia via Junction, 160 do do, Lock hart Frew & Co; 240 do do, Weisenberger & Co; 1 car lime, D S Reynolds; .323 bars Iron, 105 bdls do, McCune Muthoff & Co; 3 cars lumber, P McKee dr. Douglass; 2 pkgs eggs, 1 do butter, Head & Metzger; 4 cars limestone, - Shoenberker k Blair; 1 car metal, H Woodsides; 1 bbl eggs, LJ Blanch ard:l car oat's, H Gorrnly; 1 car clay, Kier, (Rover & Co; 2 cars metal, John Moorhead; 35 bgs rye, Little Baird & Patton; 114 do oats, Scott dt. (Heal; 55 do do, Whitten it Son. ALLEGHENY STAtIONO June 27.-1 oar lumber; A Patterson; I do do, Jas Mcßriar; Bdo iron ore,2 do metal, Lewis, Bailey & Babel; 67 ks flaxseed, Ewer, Hamilton & Co; 4 bbls sugar, E , & C. ,Maginn;, 1 wheat, W McKee &"Co; 7 do-limestone, 2 metal, Superior Iron Co;-, I car shingi Rudolph & Co; 5 bishops, Kohen & Br bbl eggs, R& A Carson; 8 hides, J Lu rATTEELIRGH AND CONNELLSVIL Renato/af t -June 4 211-46 kegs nails, T' Olphant.. 3 bales wool, Gay it Welsh; bales wool, Johnßitchie,ss do do, W Bar Jr it Co; 50 sks hair M H Stimple RIVM, NEWS. The.river continues to recede ateadily this point with about thirty inches in t channel. The weather yesterday was presaively hot in the sun, and at time there were indications of rain. Business is almost entirely suspended at the landing, and there is but little prospect of any hi mediate improvement. i Capt. Dick Gray was at St. Louis sr Thursday. The case of Capt. Donaldson continues to be leading 'theme of conversation among steamboat men everywhere. The St. LOUI3 Republican of Friday says that the _friend i t i of Capt. Donaldson at St. Louis "are con - dent of his complete ability to establish hi innocence without the shadow of a doubt.' It is to be hoped so. The J. N. McCullough succeeded in get ting afloat again sometime during Frida evening or night as she was at Rochester o Saturday morning, and was to have le thereon Saturday evening for Cincinnatt. The Camelia, in command of Capt. Wni. Dean, is announced to leave for St. Louis this evening at four o'clock. She is an ex cellent low water boat, and is in first ,rate condition for business. • The Leonidas arrived from I\l'Rees, Rock's, sometime during Friday night or Saturday forenoon, we don't know just when. It was feared that she would be compelled to go into summer quarters at that place.' The Charmer got through Brunot all right on Friday. We do not know cer tainly, but it Is more 'than likely she took the left of the Island. The Mary Davage and barges, en route from St. Louis to - Pittsburgh, left Cincin nati on Thursday evening after taking on 1,000 oil bbls. The steatnerf,Clyde was sold at New Or leans Monday - by the United States Mar shal to Mr. Spencer Field. Price, $2,600. --Some of the paesengere on the Great Republic, on her recent trip from New Or leans, make the following statement in re gard to the shooting of the negro Ander son, by Captain Donaldson: "When but a few miles out from _New Orleans the negroes employed in the cabin struck fo ran advance of wages, which was refused. The ringleader, named Ander son, was handcuffed, and the marine laws forbidding the captains of steamers put ting colored servants on shore at any inter mediate point, he, with another negro, named Glover, was confined in the bag gage room i and handcuffed. Anderson broke his Irons twice on the way up, and the captain being afraid ho. would lire the boat, had heavier irons placed upon him which he also broke; and a short time be!. fore the shooting occurred, he and another negro quarreled about some cards they were playing, when the boat entered plort." We yesterday conversed with a gentian - tan wbo was on hoard the Great Republic be fore daylight Tueaday morning, ,at St. Louis. • The negro was then lying dead on the floor. The -gentleman says, that from what he could earn, one of the Inegroes (Anderson) attempted an assault on Capt. B. with a knife, and was backed up b 9 Glover; that Captain D., in self-defense, drew a pistol and shot Anderson. and then he walked the deck afterward for several hours, awaiting the proper time in the morning to deliver himself up to the proper authorities. It is believed by many that a shot was tired by Glover at the captain ' as when the latter was arrested he had In his possession a pistol recently discharged. --A St. Louis telegram tinder date of Thursday kr,ives the following particulars of another shooting affray on a steamer at that place : About twelve o'clock •last night the captain of the Missouri River packet Cornelia, Chas. Baker, was shot in the leg by Wm. Clark, mate of the boat, who was discharged yesterday.: Four shots were fired at the captain, two of which took effect. Clark was pursued, Jumped into the river, attempted to swim across, and was drowned. , Capt. Baker's wounds are slight. There are various rumors as to the mate Clark.. It is confidently asserted that• he escaped, but his mother believes him dead, and is frequently wishing along the wharf. 'lie is the same man who was tried for murder while on the Brilliant, and - more recently attempted to kill a deck- . hand with, a - hatchet on the steamer Cam berland. • , —The . New Orleanit Crescent says the Richinond, on her Nat trip, made the run 'front Cairo, to New ; Orleans M sixty, hours, making twentY-two freight, landings On the way, She'Mfrgew'Orleana With 300 tons, over.soo head , of . cattle, and full of paasen. lore. . • • „ -4:tan. Wright, ' entiinear and 'iNoe up war& of etwenty years on the Upper:Mis sissippl„ and-recently of the Itaska, died at kciokuk on Wednesday. -Captain ,John B.,Day B.about putting a line of oP is pasition beide on the Arkansas . river. River , and Ifireattier.' (By Telegraph to the rlttithirgh 6atette.3 LOTJUIY/LLEI JAPo 2 7:7-Itlyerfalllng with flye feet In , the canal., Weather clear and moderately warm' - WILL. S. TAYLOR • , NVE'R‘ . " . /q 19.46 01110 STREET, Alleirhoiy. , Thankful for the termer yen' liberal patronage be• stowed upon vie ; lassure my friends and tbepublio generally ;but t in. the future , con he past, of undeneor• dill entty to unnit a tinuance of the saute, and wl be !always at, the !Ihpf . ,from 7 to 9 „a. m..kod.trom mv2l:al4 wASIONGIPOS BIOLts . ; Near Plitatnirgh Grian Elevator • . f. , 41ji i _Wtitri of Oby.N le ggitii3Oll}litz 11 :.0 Y 4 , 0 wers4 lid'etther is,UX °l l2lh l lige : di oboe ogiet ~.s pmporshume,w.a nitaili , 11 corSZCZATlMal i kkgigi • tr avagra moraw ., & 111 and 1.1147 tglr °i nn WT esle 7pl oiter Ulifizt/ sad Haw anew COMB2IBI3ION MERCHANTS. WATT, LANG & Co., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ,Groeeries, Flour, Grain, Produeer Pro. visions,nsh, Cheese, Carbon 011; tic's. 172 and 174 WOOD STREET, near Liberty street. Pittsburgh, pa. I noit:nbs M. STEELE A. A. 1317461. E. IVISTEELE & 130iV, . Commission Merchants, AND EIIALZRB 114 PIA: 0 U11, GIi , A.INOEIErEJD, Br-Or No. 96 01110 STREVI. near East Common, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. JAJIPM B. aszazion— .... MEAIVOR & FLOUR, GRAIN . COM...TiniSSION . 329 LifiENTY Consignments solicited Itaransmcse—j. G. Ma National Bank; J. B. Diiv nedy 8. Bro. iETNIt KUL JAS. Y. DICHABI. KEn• & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERO FLOUR; DRAIN, SEEDS, MILL PEED, &e., &e., my24:b 349 Liberty ht., Pittsburgh, .t" I • 3..kLANcHARiI, i~ i~ Wholesale' and Retail ilnwnl/2 aplS:x No. 390 PENN STREET 88 ffil:=22 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers to FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, No. 141 WATER STREET, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. le/ I "5w4~ :~:~`:~,:r:yu:~o;cam FORWARDING AND 003t1113810N • NEROMT8 1 For the sale of Flour, Grain. Bacon,,Lard, Butter, Seeds. Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, No. 16 MARKET STREET, coruer of First, Pittsburgh. fe22:ue JOHN 1. 11 0171311..,•.EDW. HOUSE WEL. H. HOW3B. 4rOHN 1. HOUSE & BROS_,_. Sue- , , cessors to JOHN I. HOUSE .t. CO.; Wholesale ocers and CoMmission Merchants, Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets. Pittsburgh, Pa. _____ pcRIDDLE, No. 183 LIBERTY . STREET, Pittsurgh, Pa.,Consinission Mer e an and Wholesale Dealer In Country Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash ad vanced on Consignments, and paid for Produce san erally. sun ROUT. 81.10 X ',....AIWIRSW nziox AKNOX & SON, COMMISEOOII *MERCHANTS and dealers: in FLOUR, GRAIN L PEED and PRODUCE OENERALLY, NO 7 jal7 A DIAMOND, opposite City Ball, Allegheny City, :riel ____ _ 1 PA V. CRAWFORIV, COMMISSION E. MERCHANT, IN PIG METAL, BLOOMN,, WROUGHT SCRAP IRON', FIRE BRICK AND CLAY, &e. Warehouse and 0111eA . Nos. 366 and 368 PENN STREET. Storage furnished. Consignments solicited. ocl TITTLE, BAIRD & PAT'rON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants and ellersin Produce, Flo Bacon, Cheese, Carbon and Lard Oil, i ron , Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh 3Lanuractures generally, 112 and 114 SECOND 'STREET, Pittsburgh. JB. CANPIELII & CORI • MISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS, snd Wholesale Dealers in Western Reserve Cheese, Butter, Lard, Pori:, Bacon, hose, Fish. Pot and Pearl Ashes. and Oils, Dried Fruit and Produce Keneritlly, Nos. 144 and 146 Front street, Pitts burgh. JOHN' SIEIPTON... ...A WALLACE. §HIP'rON & WALLACE,WHOLE.• SALE 0110CERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, . 6 SIXTH STREET, Pittsburgh. lal2:rt3 PROFESSIOXJAL. - joS. A. SIMPLER, ALDERMAN AND POLICE NAGISTR • Mike, 126 WYLIE STREET. near Was I'IrTSIIERGIf. PA. Deeds, Rom's. 2(lortgages, Acknovele Depositions, Collections, and all other 1 business executed promptly. SAMUBL McMAWrERS,I Er-Otßelo Justice of the Peace and Pollc Magis trate. Office, ORANT STREET, opposite the Ca thedral, PITTSBURGH, PA. Decda, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, and all Legal Business executed with promptness and di4Pntch. whirl EUSTACE Pi. MORROW, 4,I4I:OEithLA.N, EX•O?FICIO JUSTICP OF THE PEACE AND POLICE BLAGISTRATE. OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, Donde, hinttearea, AcknoW'edam:tents, DepeaMom and all Lesalltusineas executed with promptness and dispatch. In Arl n! A AMMON, o Justice of the Petice, CONVEYANCER, REM. ESTATE & INSURANCE A6T. CARSON STREET „EAST BIRMINGHAM. Collection of Rents solicited and promptly attend ed to. - • mythydo WILLIIAIIIIITILiiiKiIIt, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CONVEYANCER, &C, 1 . . . 0 Mee. CARSON STREET, nearly opposite the Ratinny Depot, SOUTH PITTSBURGH. Business entrusted to his care promptly attend ed to. . - . ____ . _ myily6l ABCHIBitii BITAKEILEY, ATTORNEY--AT-LAW. No. 98 FIFTH STREET, baps insChdir .PITTSBURGH. PA.__ iiiiti WiatiCii:,iii. fro., PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, No. 59 Grant St.. near High. apN:r7l s. FERGUSON, u • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street, BRCOND FIAN)R, FRONT yoom JOHN W. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Mamoru! Street, (OPpoaltd the Court House,) fel6:t44 • 2ITTSB I • VJ,A LE14"18 ' • " ATTORNEY-AT-6LAW,' •., • . ivp g 9 Diamond street.'. mbs:p3 C. pirm3KitELL, ~ATTORN!.y; AND COUNSELOR AT , , LAW. No. 89 Grant Street, mr2.1:V15 OSN A. STRAIN, AIarkERNIA.N, _ • Es-orrpoio TUSTIOE. OF. TRE PII&OE' AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. !Mee 1151 .FIFTD STREET, Opp:mite the Ottthe. drat, Pittsburgb;. Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mor t gee A,ckaawiedamep ta, Depositions and sit Le Bust. 'flesh bxeoud with promptness and dispatc JOHN C.'l ICIPOMBS; s• ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW; 'o. Ert Fifth tiilA;reei. pepstolvi,.TionAtles and : Arrears qt. Par.promptly tpllectod. , . • NEW SODENERRESOET. - . 1 • • • . 4 :LArEatte t Stonpimp, thy.tife'llneors & Rattio4;' DOS II rrial)l.4lofltrftifi'Maihr r reit emu 1 LW, oeh "ar Do dd Ohba =Mg aft& ou r swing/. romsatacc sooner' Is he sumer real i tithM in t im swami • Eir .Jolg. lIA.B.PYR •.; AND PRODUCE hJ a ILICFIAIti'M'S ET, PITTISIURGH. C tINCINNATt . . `PACKET LINE. . • JR!or.:Wirqe!tzei. Marietta, Parlierettimp, Pomeroy, Gallitrollo, Big Bondy, Iroatott, Perineumth, Maysville and Cincinnati. )3T. , CUAELES..... C. A. DRAYo,-- Master. FRIDAYS, The abase elegant, , side-wheel steamers wilt. leaye regularly an announced. connecting at Clue/matt with Packets and Eallroads to Louisville, .Nashville. Memphis, New Orleans and St. Laub. Also to the Upper Mississippi and Missouri rivers. Freight or passengers reccipted through either by railer river., . Especial attention given to Orders and Way Dad nem.. • BAR ES & COLLINS, • - an2o GORIEST & HAISLETT. Agents. tin, Coatiler MediankW .rtli i Co., B. T. Ken ja3l:l24 NORTHERN LINE . ' , PACT coitir.PANY. LESTABLIHNED 1859.1 The Only' Through' Lire - Rtanuing Be— tween St. Louis and St. Paul. Shippers desiring their freight to go through With out re-shipping above St. Louis, will please consign their freight—VlA NORTHERN LINE. Through rates given over Pittsburgh Boats, and guaranteed by • a FLACK & OOLLINGWOOD, Agents. • And R. C. GRAY, les No. 94 Water Street. J. B. ARJEII. FOR ST. LOUIS AND ST. PAUL. —The line steamer BELLEVERNON Capt. dx9. D.4IIILAH, Will leave as above, giving through receipts to all pointaon the Missouri and Upper Mississippi rivers at lowest rates, on THIS DAT-5 P. za, For freight apply on board or to e 25 WIRIEST I FIASLETT. Agents. OR CINCINNATI, LOU-a i dGb ISYILLE, ST. LOUIS & CAIRO. he fine steamer . CAMELIA • Capt. DitAN, Will leave as above announced on FRIDAY, 26th hast.-4.P. M. For freight or passage apply on. board or to JOHN • F LACE. je.4 J. D. COLtANGWOOD. Agents. A ST. LOUIS.-The riaZgF r e l iable steamer . KATE ROBINSON Capt. J. N. Sutras, Will take her departure for the above and Interme diate ports . - - • For, freight or passage apply on board or to lea -FLACK & CULLING -WOOD, Agents • MY OF ALLEGHENY. TREASITIMIt'S OFFICE, June Sth. 1868. ALLEGHENY TAXES. Noti4t is hereby given that the Assessors have now placed to the Tremurer's °Bice the duplicates from the se'versl wards of • City, Poor, City Business, School, School Building and Public Park Tuxes. • And of WATER RENTS for the Tear 1868, and that said Taxes will now be received in _pursuance of the Acts of Assembly,. of 'February 97th, 1880, and of April 14th, 2863, subject to the following regulations and allowances: TS Ington. Five per cent. If paid on or before the first day of July. Four per cent. If paid on or before the first day of August. Two per cent. if paid on or before the first day of September. If paid after. the first day of September, and on or before the first day , of Otto- Der. no deduction will be made. - If paid after the first day of October, and on or 'before the first day of No vember, an addition of five per cent. shall be added to and payable on the same. gm ents. g It (mate 1133. n 9 AFTER. THE FIRST OF NOVEMBER, War rants will be issued to enforce the .coltection of all taxes remaining unpaid, together with the percent age accrtted thereon, and the costs. D. DACIThRON, City Treasurer. je3:r3l TAXES i TAXER I I The Tax Payers of. the consolidated Citiof Pitts burgh, are handsnotlfled that the Tax Rooks are now in the of the City Treasurer, ready for collection. 'faxes and Water Rents Paid betiieen the 'lst of JUN.E. and the let of AUGUST. will be received at a -DISCOUNT OF FIVE PER CENT. ' • And between AUGUST Ist, . and thg 18th of 'SEP TEMBER, at a . - • .. DISCOUNT OF TWO PER CENT.. ILhe 15th of SEPTEMBER to the Lst of *C all taxes will be payable as assessed. After f OCTOBER,'FIVErper cent. will be added; he -Ist of NOVEIIIIER, all unpaid Taxes 1 t into the hands of Collectors WITH THE It ADDITION OF FIVE PER. CENT., difference of FIFTEEN PER CENT, those paying In July and those paying in 1 r: I STATE MERCANTILE LICENSES are and suoultl be paid ou or before the Ist of ye coat and expense of suit. . . S. ALLINDER, City Treasurer. From TUB& ft the Ist and on will be ti rIIRTII mating between Novemb girTh now due July, to 1= 1 = Egi SEA I office unj of a ne Montourl townibi Also, Lure at tl leading 1 1 the land. Plans tion. Emu: FEEI aptw73i rrAct e Caul over the Mill Run opened a At otil%' July Bth 9th. At U At oMo Maticheitt, A.nd pt Tempera T . lta to *P. v Jam3u orrtd or OITT ENGIN/OM 'AND SOX / Pittsburgh. Juno MU. N OT CE TO CO NTRACTORS. SEA ED PROPOSALIi for Grading, raving and Ourbl GMT 13 REET,' from ebster to Cliff street. TOWN.RNI) STREET. front Wylie to Decatur St. VINE LLEY, from .Federal to Washington St. KIRK • ATIIICK STREET, front Centre avenue to Mandan attest,. FOURTH STREET', from Roes to Try street. THIRD STREET, from Reed to Try street. ' Will be received at this office until FRIDAY, July 3d, 1505. Specifications and blanks for Wang can be bad by calling' at this office. H. 211 - 00B,M, .1e2z:54 1 - CitY Engineer. PITTS131111G1t; rn XOTI 1 Six Per Thet the 1 1 let.' 1868 tax ) at t . of Pittsb Jelikeisa D 017 PA MN Wood s STRA.MBOs.II'S. FOR CECCINNATI. jimailEg WILL LEA.VE TO-DAY, AT 10 A. Y. , The new and splendid siliwbeel steamer . J. N. RIPCULLOUCH, G. D. MOORE Commander;., D. MOORE Clerk. The above elegant side-wheel steamer will leave regularly as announced, connecting at Cincinnati • with Packets and Railroads toLonisville, Nashville, Memplijs, New Orleans and Si. Louis. Also to the . Upper Mississippi and Missouri rivers. Freight in passengers recelpted through either by rail or river. Especial attention given to Orders, and Way Business.. • For freight or passage apply'on board or to -- JAS. CuLLIN - S, CHAS. BARITES. I "e`"''' THIS DAY, June 97th'-4 P. II OF CONTROLLSII. OF ALLEMIF,NY CO., PITTSBLIRCIL. June 213 d, is6a. ICE TO CONTRACTOR& ED PROPOSALS will be received at this 11 JULY 3n, inclusive, for the- erection v Wooden Structure at the Bridge over sßun, on the Middletown road, in 3.Locou r the erection of a, new Wooden Strife e Bridge over Peters Creek, on the road ova the Brownsville road to Elizabeth; on of Amos Pearce, in Jefferson township. nd specifications can be seen on , appllca• tlon of the County Commlsaloners HENRY1 ,"1", NOTICE. CCORIPANCE WITH THE • f ItMorpOration, books for subscription to al block of thesOompany to erect a Bridge Ohio River, from near the mouth of Saw. (Temperanoeville,) to Allegheny, will be, folibwe, viz: , e of R. H. & H. L DAV/R, Allegheny, nd Ith. - • ; ROTEL, r Wald/re]; July Sat and of D. L. PATTRROM, I,Xlegheay. 'late , r,) July 10th. ' Mee of JOHli - RAlft, A 0., Boroagli Of Ceville, July Ilth. ks will be ke pt opderfrokt 10 o'clockAi• t order of Odenalletmere. • .1 • HENDEssoN R. DAVIti, Secretary. OITOO ALLEOHENic IeASUILER 8 OrricB, June 18, CE •IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE iIdiDERS OF THE- nt. Muniotpnl limas of the City `of Allegheiiy t Pay onpone p ai did Bondy eomg ARO July Arlll be eatd•ttiy,. obis the State e BANE OF PITTSBURGH, la the, C/Y i rgh, pa,,. - • - - 111 WERR I R O N , Per QC thlt ,city Allegluzy; P , •: O AV,TXCLIII COM CI .c.. . ..,.,-;.' "' , , `N,...:..tc.! -___,, '0 ~ If •, , r1 01 ::.#i T t r WiFre , Ils 0 ta,Ji , l(Flii '1 ~ 1 , ,zll,x) 441 TELLY , agent' tcpolo na nat c e h e e u r a e t r eW, EL et, between illtb and BLith streets. D IT TSIIIURGIIand P CO NISTELLSVILLE IL R. .......—. On and after THURSDAY, March sth, 1965 trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot, cor ner of Grant and Water streets, as follows: 'M art. Arrive.all to and from Unlont'n. 7:0 Depart. A. If. 6:00 P. V. McKeesport Accommodt'n 41:00 A 2:05 P. M. EX. to and from Unlont'n. 3:00 P. at, 10:00 A. w. West Newton Accommod'n 4 :30 , r. M. 8:35 A. Ye Braddock's Accommodat'n 6:15 P. id. 7:50 P. 31. Night. Ace.. to McKeesport./0:30 P. M. 6:40 A. Y. 1:00 P. M. 10:00 A. X Su rro nd m ay w. Cli es u t re N h e T wt ra o i n n to and For tickets apply ts . J. R. xr v , W. B. STOITi. Buperrintendent 'sgent . tags . ____________ O‘ , LLEGEIghTIe aggim me I VALLEY RAILROAD. 0 - . \ Y DIRECT ROUTE TOTER OIL REGIONS. Ru timing through to Venango City without change of cars-Connecting with trains East and Weatton 'the I Warre.. A Franklin Railroad, and Atlantbi & 'Great'• Western Railways. Shortest and quiekest route to Oil City and Franklin, and all points in the 011 Rogione. 1 On a•ndlafter April Beth, 1867,Passenger Truths will 'Gave from and arrive at the Pittsburgh Depot. corner (lanai:ad Pike Sta. as followa: , .Depart. - Antos. - Mail to sad P Ven. City. 7:00 A . it. 6;18T. lt. Expreau_'` ~i ..‘ 10:40 P. M - .32:MtrA. M. Brady's Bend ecommod'n 3:00T. N.10:20 A. N. Soda Works A cown.. .. ... 5:30 P. M. 7:55 A. X. First Huiton Ana:el:m(lM... 8:50 A. N. 11:40 A. M. Second•laulton eromodM 12:00 xa. 3:55 P. M. Sunday Cita Train leaves Soda Works at 8:05 ti t A. M., anti in Pitt E sb . u ß rg L b Ac at ics o T :lH: l4 :. M aui) , tt, R•e• turning, leaves P ittsburgh at 7:10 P. M.. =lnnen* Soda Works at :55 r. M. • W. F. HOP' Ticket Agent. ' - . a ...6.... I TTS CINCIN MS BALL ORANGE OP] Jume•Zlst, 188 ,Unfon Depot, Depart. Arrive. , . Mall RxOetaa 0:15 a. m. 19:1O•a. M. Fast Line 0:40 a. 81. 7:15 p ! m. Fast vvess 110 p.m. 11610 a. nu Mixed ay 4:10 a. 7:05 p. m.. McDonald'EY AccM, Nog' 1.. 11:40 a. n 3:05 p. la. Steubenville Accommod'n. 3:55 p. m. 0:30 a. m. BUM:mm:l4'a Acc'n, No. 2.. b:55 p. m. S:2O a. m. Brad, wan _p.orni m.n arrivlhg I. mg. The 9:540 a. In cepted, and:make' Zanesville. and p' Newark R. R. W. CARD • 4.0 1111 I 13 lIGH W. &ND CLEVE From June 7th and strive at the time, 413 follows: . . . - Leave. Chicago Ex.... 2:1 3a m ClevelandEz.. 2: am ' Erie As Ygii ISPI 7: ' 8 a ni. Cl. & Wh's.34 l l. 6: 3 a to l Chicago Mall.. 6: ,- 8 a :cif Chicago Ex..._ fil , :t a m C1..5,Wh'e.8..c. 1: pm Chicago Es.— 1 1 18 p m wh. &Erie Ez- 4:. 8 p ix. Depart from AI hem,. 115rIgni Ae. 8: Sam Leetsdale sP 10:13 a m 1:58 i Rochester " . . 3 2:23 p m a m 1 Wellsve Ace,. 3. 1 43 pm Leetsdale Acc. 413 pm N. Brigt , n " .-- 5 33 pm N. Brigt`n " . 6 28 pm 1 Leetsdale " . 10,43 pm, air 1:58 p. m. Ohlcago 1 11:23 a. in. Chlcar JO . . ,F. R. MYERS tiEN N SY LYME CENTRAL RAILROA n and after done 7th. rive at and depart from the Washington and Liberty sl Arrive. Mail Train.... 1:15 am I Fast Line 1:401 mI Latrobe Wall's; No. 1.. 6:20 a tril Latrobe Acc'n 7:50 a m Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 am Cincinnati Ex'. 9:10a in Johnstown Ac. 10:35 a m Baltimore Ex. 1:00 p m Phila. Express 1:20 p m WalPel i, No. 3... 2:15 p m Bradd cks Nol 5:50 p m Wall's No. 4. 7:15 p m Altoona Acc'n and Emigrant Trald 9:30 pm! The Church Train leaves Wall's Station event_ Sunday at 9:153. as., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:09 a. in. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. m. and arris :s at Wall's Station at 2:00 p. m. and Express leaves daily. All other trains daily except. Sunday. For further information apply to W. R. BECILWITII, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as. same any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and limit their responsibility to One, Hundred 1 Dollars la value. All 'liaggage exceeding that. amount in value will beat the risk of the owner, un less taken by special contract. EDWARD It. WILLIAMS, Jai General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa: • j~ UAIL ESTERN-PE.Nlia ggigANß- SYLVA - Ti' .—On M A er May 10th, 1867, the Pas. : senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Ran- Streetill arrive at and depart from . the Federal Depot Allegheny City,' aa follows: • Arrive. Snringd'e NOl. 0:35 A WALLS Depart. • 6:15 aSe Freeport No. 1 S:l5 a mlFreeport No: 'l. 9:10 ala Expresa • 1.0:115 mliiiharpb"g No. 111:30 - a re Sharpbg No.l 1:35 pan Express 1:50 pm Freeport • No. 2 4:10 p m Springd , e No I 3:50 pm Mail • 5:50 p:m I l reeport No; 2-B:05 p Springtpe No 2 7:10 _p n2ll3nringsre No 2 7:30 .1;1 in Aboye trains rnit daily except Sunday. . The Church Tralla ieaves Allegheny Janet. - every Sundayat 7:40 a. reaching • Allegheny City at 9:50 a . in. Returning, leaves Allegheny CIO' 'at I:3o'p.- ta. and arrive at Allegheny Junct. at 9:48 COMNStrrATIOis Tielcare—For sal Che s t ackages of Twenty, between,Allegheny City,nut street. lierr's,',Bennett, Pine' Creek, Etta and Sharpsburg. and good only on the trains stopping at Stations spe. ailed on tickets. • • The trains leaving Allegheny- City at: 0:18 a. and 1:50 W.' at„ niake''direct connection at Freeport with Walker's line ofStages for Butler and Hannaha town. Through tickets may be purchased at the Office, No: . 3 St. Clair street, 'Marne Suspended Bridge Pittsburgh, - And at the DePOt, Allegheny. . For further Information apply to JAMES - LEFFERTS, Agent, Federal Street Depot. The 'Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not as sume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and limit theL ponsibility to One Bundled Dollars' in value. AU baggage exceeding thin amount in value will. be at the risk of the owner, on-. teas taken by special contract: _ • • - - EDWARD H. wiLLTAms_, • ; Superintendent, Altoona. Pa.. S HlLL airaggin UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, Eastern Division. The SHORTEST AND MOST RELL&BLE ROUTS from the East to all polnte In Colorado, California, Utah, Contrail Arizona, New Mexico, Idaho, Oregolll. %. • Two Traina leare State Line ' attd _Leavenworth daily, Thundays excepted,) on the arrival of train Cr Puna Railroad from Bt. Louts, and T bmattlitl' in& Bt. Jo Railroad trom_Quincy, connectinv at Law rence, Topeka and "Wimego with sta,,.s, for sht points, in .Radsas. At end •of track Vest OfEl/a worth with the UNITED STATES EXPRESS COX PANyws DAILY•LINE OF OVERLAND "R&M' AND EXPRIM ..COACHES FOB • MEN laAjrir Y. A Trr4 ind all'Points inthe Territories. And with SANDERSON'S TM-WEEKLY LINE Of. COAUREB tor Fort Union, Bent's Fort, Pass, . rar e '4l ill tr ts Yet tud. Kit points In' Arizona and . • With the recen.. addition' or rolling stuck end equipment and the arrangements made with re-. - sponsible Overland'-Transportation Linea from Its .: western terminus, this road now offers unequalled &clinks for the transmission of freight to the pat , ,West. Nest. Veleta for sale at all the principal office@ in the United. State/ and Canadas. Be sure and ask for tickets via THE SMOKY HILL itr.C. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY - EASTERN. %AV/SION. e ETA TO L VEit PO OL ANDaa , QUEENSTOWN- INDIAN, *AO. STE ilitunnering ainteen.prid,olll/4 'vela* gooniCanni thetelebrated- • ,OITYOIO PA"'' -°'7Bl:lP2MTar., CITY OF Bos °Tr 1 101iffingiririinl i s.49SEM i Ne LONDON; !! osu i . italgiuToPnriu. onskunsipo Turyier err, na( ailteaki, 7EITH MAMA Whxonkle Building Natll Mesta Not Mos, Motu. RAILROADS. lIRGH ,ATrA3DsTMININIV 1111111 LE ROUTE. TIME:- —On and after SUNDAY. follows, wrilitlebave uad arrive at thisurgb time: --Sulday Express leaves at .4:16 Cincinnati at 13:U0 a. in. the next Train leaves . dally, Sundays en close connections al Newark for Ints on Sandusky, Mansfield & CULL, General Ageau- StenbenvHle. " AYN 1 PITTSBURGH It. It. Drains .leave from epot, north elde, city ' ORT Ah D 18(4 Union ' Arrive. IChleago Ex... 2:08 a a 01eveland Ex. 2:08a at !Chicago Ex .... 11:23 a ixi. ;Wheeling Ex. 11:08 a na 'St. Louis Ex.. 3:33 pm ICI. 9Vili'g Ex 4:3Bpna Erie & Yg , n Ex B:L3 pat Chicago Ex.— 4:213 p m Cl. dr.Wh 7 g Ex 7:08 pm Arrive in Allegliny., N. Brlgt.'n Ac. 7:153 JIM N. Brlat'n " 8:28 ant Wellsville- " 8:53 al la 'New Castle " 10:13 sat Leetadale , " 9:13 am. 108 Pm lt. nrigt'n " 24-3 pria Leetsdale " 4:53 pal •• " 7:28 pm 'Ex_press leaves daily. c. Express arrives daily,. • General. Ticket-Agent. lAalsigas AD. 16613, Trains will ar— If. Union Depot, corner of streets. as follows: I Depa ;Day Express. rt. . 2:25 a a. W'all's No. 1.. 6:30 ani biall Train . .. . 7:50 ale *Cincinnati Ex, 11:40 a M Wail's NO, 2 1151 pm Johnstown A c. 3:05 p Braddock!, No 1 4:00 pm Phila. Exprea. 4:50 p Wall's' No. 3.. 5:10 p Wall's No. 4.. 6:05 pat Fast Line 7:30 p m Latrobe Aec'n 8:50 p m . _ Swissvale Ae'n 10:50 p ma Nevada, Washington A. ANDERSON. General Superlntender( J. H. wEssTEB, General 'Freight aind:Tleker Agent urn El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers