I 5E23 PITTSBURGH t 4 , , - OPTicrin OP'PrrrBl3l3Bol( CI .n, i c: , TaunsnAY, June . , 86 8 . f The, general ,uirkets, continue quiet and /: civil with little or nothing doing amide of ~ :-; the regular every day petty transactions. '...*-; The arrivals of Flonr, Grain anti prodnce 1.- t-1 generally, continue very light, but the •',- r i stocks of all the leading tullees are so ffi v,. Mealy large to meet the requirements of 1 . , the local trade. ! 1 IN BUTTER -•: UTTER- Prime to choice fresh packed '.l Butter is quoted at 25 to 27, with a very 1. fair demand. : i. 4 EGGS—tinchangedat 28e. , 1. YO TA.TOES—Continue very thin, and we %.; continue to quote at, $1,25 for . small `.' lots of Peaohßlows;_in store. Ti•ew crop %.': are quoted at $6,50 to 07 00 . per bbl , accord. b' t ing to:quality. . - ' • !`. HAY--Is - dull ut unchanged; sale of 44 '..: bales prime Ti othy on 'Wharf at 818. Wagon i Hay may e quoted at ;15 to #2O. ,• LL FEED es of Bran at $1,20 to ar,25 . . mild Widdil gs at 51,60 to $1;70. I GRAIN—Wint r Wheat is in' demand at •.;.• 52.30 for Red, and 5 toBo higher for White. Corn is dull,but unchangeci; we continue - to quo at St to' $1,05 for Shelled, and $1,06 i ; to $l,OB in Ear. Oats quiet and unchanged; - 1 - , 78. to 800, on track, .and the usual advance for small lots in store. Rye is A initial at './ 8450—but little' offering. Noßa rley in . 4 a t'.. market.- , • • • ..- 1 -.. , DRIES FRUlT—Continnes • very . - drill; ? may be- quoted= nominally at 6 to' To for; Apples, and 1/x to 12e for Peaches, (choice halm.) . - `. , FLOUR--There is no improvement' to note in the demand, anci'vrhile' the market ik is dull and weak, with a drooping -ten .1 - • deny, prices are without material i•: change. We continue .te•iquote at. $lO,OO I.' to $10,50 for Spring •Wheat; $ll,OO to •i $11,50 for Winter Wheat, and Isl 4 to $l5 for P . . , fancy brands. Winter Wheat, extra, $9,00. i' Rye Flour, 59,30 to 1%75. •". APPLE BUTTER--May be• quoted at 80 ~: 51 per gallon, as to quality. ;-; IiROOMS--Sales of No. 2 Western re f.,. ported at $2,50. . •• ' • LlME—Small sales at $2 per bbl. PIG LEAD--Quoted at 10c. HQMINY—Is dull, with small sales in store at 80,25 to $6,50. • • - i', - LARD OIL—Is quiet, and unchanged at iisl,23•to $1,25 tor No.. 2, and $1,43 to $1,45 for No. 3... - - • • '. - . ii PROVISIONS Bacon__ is . quiet . but b. , woody at -, l3xe for Shoulders; 15'c tn : l'4;c oi fore:: Ribbed -and \ Clear Sides; q'T3O for' t, Plain Hams; 19c for Plain Sugar Cured, and -:: 19X to 20c for Canimssed do. Lard, 18X to 18%e, for -prime - kettle rendered. - Dried Beef, 22 to 23e, • Mess Pork 128 to $2B 50. New York, Produce. Market. • :: , ..11for Teterraris to the PlttaburEtiGazette.l , , •.,1 NEW Yong, June 18.—Cotton Male bet e,. ter, with a good business doing; sales of 11.300 bales at 308.110W i e for middling uplands, • li chiefly 30Mc.- Flour; rec ei pts, 11,198 blab: • • i'l dull and'declining, with sales of 6,900 bids iat 17,20:a7,130 for superfine State and West ' .:. ern, 18,10a9,00 for extra State, 18,00a10,00 for . '"extra western; $11,50a13,00 for white wheat ~. extra, $10,59a13,00 for R. H. 0., $9;00a10,50 •• ' g for extra ,St. Louis, and $ for choice; ~' .` . closing quiet. California lourllals heavy, with -f sales of 800 sacks at $10,40a13,00. Rye Flour quiet, with sales, of 440 bbls Brand w ine, • .ti part at $6,25. Whisky nominal. Wheat; -;., receipts 3,019 bus; opened a shade firmer ?land chased quiet and steady, with sales • .Hof' 4,200 bus at -12,14 for No. 2 spring, p, 452,26 for spring, $2,23 for Canada club in ;;,,,,,•11 bond. $ 2 ,80 for white Canada, $2,85 for new ' 7 ". _„ white Georgia. _ Rye quiet; , sales 1000 bush .1 - . State at 12,08, an extreme. Barley and Barley Malt nominal. Cornr; eceipts 103,- .., :1782 bush; opened a shade firmer and closed • ''< dull dull and declining; sales 78,000 bush at . ~e . s $1,05Ma1,08 for mixed western afloat, dos • • '',- ing at 11,07a1,071 for prime parcels, and '''•:'i $l, llfor.white western. Oats; receipts of ;• 1439,825 bush; dull and - lower; sales 36,000 '...; $ bush at 83e.lbr - western in store, and 83Ma ; • s4c.for do afloat.- Rice dull. Coffee dull. .•Sugar easier ; sales 600 hhcitt Cuba at 11Ma 1 ~.i. 12c..- Molassasquiet. Hops quiet at 10a40c ' • . for AMetlean. Petroleum firm at 16a16Me i for crude, and 32e for relinedbondefl. Pork •:.4q ui et and a shade easier; sales 1;750 bbls at •• *25,5045.62 for, new Mesa,: , closing -at $28,50 regular, 127,75a27,28 for old do, closing at .V 8 regular; $22,50a23 for prime; $24,2.5a24,50 for,prime mess; also 700 tibia ,*..'•,'l new mess seller July at 128,56a28,62. Beef :......& t , uncbangecl, 476 bbls end 30 tcs. Beef hams . ' ~.4'quiet; 115 bbla at 26a35e. . Cut meats steady ' .3 at 1 2 34a18elorshoalders, - and 16a16y 4 c for .: 4 hams; middles quiet. Lard a shade firmer; • -.40, 1,550 tea at 16}.(a17.M0 for steam,. and 17 3 / 4 a ' , 18Mc for kettle - rendered; also 250 steam , . •zi seder on private.terma. •Butter steady at 25a30c for Ohio at 30 14.5 c for State. Cheese -dull at 7alse. Freights to Liverpool firm 1 , 1 er; 15,000 bush ; heat • at 6d. Der steamer. : 41 LATEST.—FIour closed dull, saloc lower. •. i; Wheat; very qiiiet but steady at $2,13a2,14, I t i for No. 2, and 12,20a2,22 for No.l Spring. :1 I ,‘ Rye; nominal. unchanged; Oats; quiet, at 1' 23;a83, in store. and, 8334 afloat, for wes - ~•• tern. Corn; dull and heavy at $1,06a1,0734, per bush, for pew mixed western, afloat. , Pork; dull, $2843,50 per bbl. Beef; supply 1 . " !... limited and unch anged . Bulk Meats; dull • • ' without decided change. Bacon; nominal, and dull, without decided change. Lard;- .-, - quiet at -17a18e Ibr prime - steam. Eggs; dull at 26: Cincinnati Market._ , .. . -'• • Env Telegraph to the Plttiburgh Gazette.: 1,. CINCINNATI , June 18.—Flour firmer and ' , F 'widens are asking , an advance of 50c per • • bbl; family is beld at 69,5010,75. Wheat is ...i. 10c higher but the demand is not large; the impression is that the late heavy rains have , . injured the grain, which is the cause of the advance. Corn dull and the prices are low ., er; ear 90e; shelled 92a93c, and but little • ' demand. Oats firmer and lc higher; No 1, ::. 78c, but the demand was light. Rye firm • er and holders are slaking 61,80a1,85. Cot ,'- ton adVaneed to 29c for middling, • with a 1 moderate demand. Tobacco.. in fair de . mand; sales 180 hbds. Mess pork firm but '. quiet at IPA' there is. some speculative de . .1 4 , mend for future delivery; sales 500 bbls . il at 828,4 , 9 buyers, and 200 do. at $2B ' buyers' for this month.' Rulk meats. dull;.: sheni-- ders sold at 'Repacked; sides 140. • Bacon .‘• remains:dull; shoulders llial/W,e; aides are j held at , 1631a1743 for clear.ib and clear; but 1 there was not much demand.. Lard nog lectedhut held at 1714 e... Butter firm and. the supplyligbt at.26aBoc.L Eggs dull at 17 ,11121 c. ..., Sugar , and Coffee' , unchanged- and • quiet. • Linseed , oil. 111,18 , . and . the ' demand ght....:l4ani oil $1,37a1e42 and dull. i • Petro-' il :fetus quiet at•32a3se. :Mild 139 , buying: • - . • , .... - • Toledo Olarket. ••,- ,- • t; (3y Telegraph to the Ptttehtureh gazette.. TOGEDOtfnEkO ./8i4..-Flour,titttet; . receipts. 612 bbls. Wheat la2c lower; receipts 3,000 ft bus; sales white Michigan at 82,46; amber, 1112,33; No. I•Ted Wabash, 62,20- • Corn 'a shade lower; receipts 21,79 a bus; sales No.. ~. 1 at Mtn Micingan, 933.4a93% ' c• sellerJ .ttly, 94c; buyer, Pile. . • Oats lebetter; sales No. 1 'at 701i7OV i c. Lake Freights dull; 3c on corn to Buffalo.. . • . — Memphis Market. 3er Tefefreeb tb tbe Pittliburgh Gazette.] M.U2erztui,' 'June 18.—COtton - quiet and rites noietnal; receipts -4, bales." Flour ; r jui,i at VaS.,, - Wheat, at $2a2,115.- - Corn.. at 950.. pats ,at 82e. l:lay. e t.ps. Pork ut 3,59. 13aoon.iinlet; clear aidds atl7%;, "tiboulders „Lord at 19820, Potatoes at V. Bitter at 250. Eggs,at, 17alae. DIPORI'B B t RAYLRO AD. i pi;innuanzialiolil .......eA lIMAND Clito.4oo IR AIkiROAD. Cara:pi' Iron, Nim• i c k isbj)o; 8 doßryan dr , CC; 7 do Iron ore, snonlibrrger & Co; 3 bbl scrap iron, J Jones; bbl tet_el4ll, Et Rea Jr; - 8 do 2 kegs chain vy g ries 'LL uraff&Oi; 25 bait bbliesb, 13• Et g r lif fo v wa er944* ?fa bbl l ei r 047 1 1Zin At injpr, Reite r %ARM:V./ 41*th Ak4; tbaksrasta&lannti4 80 oljtaa. Piddles** k:Pro; -334-abotir ibox tobacco Pritaeld & limo Oh. balm Mr lows, 4 do spokes, T Hare & Kr oldsbtdildrip gisisr, 15 Briggerman; 2do lt la Conway; I .„ 1 ' EINE .. ~ , ~ s -Thw Galena -Gazette int:W*Bl - 'lqt* titer oontlndatalling.' We bearer no nee Slocive that 4varrents theSpectilathin thanks usual' June rise itt net ;to miss iie 1818 1 5 , 61 i. ' ' in 1838 the riverbolimenced rielhgtri the Ist f July and 'kept tip with-oVstiovred bind& till Sopitmber. , ~ ' ,' "* - - • • 1 The Dubuque Hoe d, of Satniday,saVit here aind eVidtia ea of any agreement yet; ` heavy outtingen both Sides , 'was donee , esterdav morning, fares,fieing - taken from I' 3,50 to $5 to St; Paid: The'"-Sucker State d Key City , werelbtrth 110. yesterday ' orning. - There) wail sharp Competition, 'in so 'much in' speed': es 'in' procuring' lf'eight and :people ; all the , we* from St. tThe „The Messenger passed Cincirination Tros day, for Pittsburgh. 'Her officers - men the ; Champion raiiingstean2 When!theY Paised "her on Sunday.% - , - it :r.!. . : , A St.' Lents telegram, :under . - date of Tue.4day; 'save The :: •river' is declining slowly here. The - Upper , Wilds/40i- mod`' tributaries-are titling rapidly,from -heavy rams. 'The Missouri' is :rising raPid§” It. and below'Bentott. , .- . ~ - s .4.,10 . " , t - Ttte bacon left :Benton tor , Strtionlir on' the the 12th. The river la failing :last at*OM;; - The :Luminary. , enters; ; the Vicksburg 'trade' in 'two' weeks fttplace of the ItutdoMl, , ;which will hkeeplired/kv-4, , 111 .., -'-r I' 'l -.t. T hentesirior ililly t waintivrarde&thel3ov-; eminent i •ohntreetritryBoo4rinsuf 'Jumbo* ( i dt43. -Ur .IYptiersiblitsinnti. Joriielinduntain; mer St. Unlit/alio kiio:AinzPaitairinierorii* iksimienne dtritiaist tliso ..tbitlhrlf 11 MaliegsuragittiatitiL tb :. irurif be auspendect be= the °aloe toiler. 11113 . , .•c " ", • ' ',, ; - • I,: '• 8 1 1 .; - , : .. : • -. • : ::: : ;, / : 4 ...7...c":‘. - -.7;.. - ..M..: r" -- ...::: - . 7,. , ..c . .‹::.x.,.....0.17 -,.-- ~., ...,zpiirmt,tlßikPL-GAtitilt.-. ~ i - kii - - . . ._ . - ---- ItlmE-49 - --88 • _. - • IMINIMM=Nommr. bxs butter, 1 bbl eggs, IC Lut4 227.skti oats, Breaker & Co; 47 calf skins,.l bbl tallow, W Mucus t Son; Isk salt, 25 has cheese Ar buckle & Co; 2, bbl eggs, T 0 Jenkins; 30 sks rags, Godfrey & Clark; 1 bblf tub. oil.. McKee,Hacketts it Co; 34 bxs cheese, wz : Kirkpatrick it Co; 58 do d0,14' J Braden; 3 bbl, cullett, Bryce Walker it 'Co; i 1 box muse, J Graff & Co; 1 box hard ware,.Phil. lips dr Co; 60 kegs nails, W Cooper it Co; 40 lidls rakes, 6 do anaths, 6 do . heads, 1 ,box sundries, 28 bdls green hides. J H Ralston; 1175 kegs nails, Rogers & Burchfield; 10 bxs cheese; R Robinson & C9;12 , 41DJ H Lipert cott; 100 crates, F Bros4J , ..lKnoxv 3 bxs Imese, 1 trunk Atlantic Glass Co; 100 • bxs . window glass, :C Ihrnaten & Soda; .158 gale stone ware, J H Reeawinkle; 172 sks 'oats, .1 B Cambell; 1 bx hard ware,'" Limpencott it Bakewell; 3.bbl eggs,. Volgt Mahood it Co; 1 sewing machine, •W' Sumner dr Co; 21 harvestors Ileckkam 4 Lang: , • CrarveLiwn' AICD .griiiiipllßGlE n 'RAIL ROAD, •Junt3•18 7 ,3 care iron ore, .1 it W Porter, 7 do'do, , DilWorth;,, Porter & CO:84 bbls coPper,- 28 'biasses ' do, T M . Howe; 74' sks rag.s,:litrarkle. &. Co; 1 ,car lumber, B Schmidt; 3.lixa ficalitst' Fairbanks, Morse it Co; 8 bblit "glass, McKee & Bro; 36 bundles spoltes,'Vexles; T Hare & Bro; 6 bbls paint, \V Wlttiggs,-1. liar hardware. Jas Woodwell; ' 15 bdls han dles' PH' Laufman dr Bro; 16 bas cheese,W H Kirkpatrick; 6 bas cheese, J Daub; 4aks rags, 15 bxs cheese, Graff & Reiter; 35 bx s cheese. Watt, Lang, it Co; 25' do do; T C Jenkins; 15 do do, Vangorder it Shepard; 16 do : do; Wit Graff it Co; l' bbl sugar, 1 do tobacco, Haworth, - 11oDonald dr Co; 50.bbbroil, 3 Spear; I varlumber, Slack & Sholes; 1 car lumber,Collin Manufactur ing Co. . ALLEGE:ENT VALLEY RaiLsoau, June 18.-1 ear pig iron, _Lyon, Shorb it Co; 1 do do, McKnight, Porter & Co; 90 carboys acid, Braun' & Wagner; 2 cars ties, Kier, Foster it Co; 1. do fire clay, • Kier, lover .& Co; 1 car pig iron, H fire; 1 to stone, J Hastings; 1 do lime, J Reno. 1 do rAs, W J Meek; 1 box marble J Mc:Cargo; 8 sks oats, E H Myers &Co ; • 19 sks bats, 55 bales hay, Adams &' Austin; 1 bx. butter, J L Blanchard; BO bbls salt, Tbos: Mitchell; 1 bbl eggs; Vir 'H Rirkpatriek & Co; bale, hops, Burman & Bro; 8 sks rye, T Donald. sou; 2 bbls eggs, Volgt, Mahood. & Co. PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI AND ST. Louis RAILROAD, • June 18.=2. bbls eggs, J M Manbeck; 2 do do, W JSteel & Bro; 4 bdls snaths, John England; 95 sks - oats, Bing. ham Laing; lot - lib - goods, Mrs Mary Hen rica; 1 bbl .eggs, Voigt, Mahood it Co; 15 bxs, Watt, Lang, it Co; 8 sks wool, J L Marshall; 1 car staves, M P Adams & Bro; :1 car oats, Brown dr.Williams; 100 bbls flour, .T C Jenkinx 1 car staves, S Painter it Son; Ldo do, J Ebarhart; 1 b4l points; John Hal & Co. • . ALLEGHENY STATION, Jtme 18.-2 cars iron oro, Spang, Chalfant" &Lb; 1 car lum ber, Taggart & Wilsen; 29 bgs oats, 9wens it Harper; 6 bxs cheese, RaboiSr Hodle,Yi 5 bbls eggs, John Herbert; 2 cars- lumber,. Hamilton - , Algot) &Co; 38 doz tubs, 25 do buckets, F H , Renndy; 35 green hides, J Luckcamp; 4 cars litnestene,'Superior Iron CO;: 1 car metal, Pittsburgh .Forge Co; 3 .bbls vinegar, H McGuire;- 1 car staves, Ralya & Rebertson; 1 car wheat, Kennedy it Bro.l . . Prrrentrnort AND CormELLSVILLE RAILROAD, June 17.-17 sks oats, Watt, Lang & Ca; 3,bbla whisky, 70 sks oats, Dil linger it Stevenson; 333 bxs window glass, Michaels, R&. Co; 10 kgs washers, Lewis, Oliver & Phillips . • PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD, June 17.-340 bxs window glass, J Flack; 10 plates ingot, Park, Bro Co; 8 alas hair, G N HofEstott. , RIVER NEWS. The Alleghev river rose about seven 1 inches yesterday and was still swelling last evening with five feet - ‘ six inches in the channel. The Monongahela also has risen several inches but •is back water, from the Allegheny; the marks in ;the former indi cated three feet five inches. Weather con tinues excessively hot with indications at times of rain. - . ,t" • No arrivals, and business at the landing is pretty well played out A light - biiiit could doubtless take , out two hundred tons, but freights are so very low that it does not pay to go with half trip. It used to be that when the river . got down freights would - go up; but this cannot be done, now In conaa: quancaofthe railroads. . , . .. • SPEC:W. Narks...-The large .00niniodi ous and magnificent aide wheel steamer; St. Charles O. A. DraVo, Master, Capt. 3: Robinson Jr. Clerk; will- leave Wheeling this day, after the arrival of the 12 o'clock padket, and evening trains. A fine oppor• tunity for Passengers whihiag a pleasant trip to Cincinnati shouldi the river raitle the St. Charlet' willCoritinnete make 'regtt lar trips to this city. "'The steamer is a fixed 'institution in - the - Pittsburgh and Cincinnati Packet trade, and as soon as there is sufficient , water in the fall will re-; sums her trips sea regular weekly,packet ' independent pf all other boats—should the water continue toe low for the St. Charlft, Capt. Dray() will place a nuntber one low water boat In the trade.: r The J. N. McCullough left for Cincinnati yesterday with all the freight she could take on the water. The Wauanita, which boat was aground on Glass Rouse on Wednesday, got off Wednesday evening, The Argosy and Glendale arrived at Cin innati on Wedriesday, and the former boat, 't is said, will lay up there and undergo repairs. The , WestniOreland left Cincinnati, for New Orleans'on Tuesday night with all the :reight she wanted. • • . Them Leonidas was at Cairo-on yenday, en route•from Bt; Louis 'to Pittsbuh. Tbe Cincinnati Enquirer of Wed rg nesday. says : Disasters to several-coal boats of the fleet which% passed doirn on the late rise , are .'reported. The officers' of-the Rob Roy-, report ' one barge'aunk 'and'tancitbar .aground of the Neville on aid head' i of Blue River towboats Stella , aank a barge 'lot but coal belongit3g to Blgley &' Mellerilh, coal dealers arliteroPhis, 'on, her' I trip' dOwni' at' Pinta Point: ' The;- barge 1w broken titalciahipa and wßl,' - prinre a total Four , thoutoand - -bend `eattle* eported near New. Orreingi; went I N'orth. • '‘. -~ ~ ~, ~S: ! SF~4k~:nN~i'ifa'.ti.~~f . K h 4 1 L h-T: Freight, to is 'lbw 40c per hundred, and c bin passage $lB. - - The Evansville Journal, of Monday, 811 3 m 'Colonel Gnthrie'infornis ns . that at first in the investigation of the cause of the explosion of the Ella Potter, he found the stile blame to be with' the engineer, who has paid the penalty with his life. New evidence was ,discovered on Saturday, how eier, which seems to implicate the Captain, who was seriously injured. / Col. Guthrie left for Louisville on 'the - Tarascon Satur day night, and will lay the testimony be fore the Local Board for their decision. It was dis Covered that the fide had been for some time defective,- having been pre viously injured from want of water i and was considerably "bagged." This was known to the , engineer and Captain,. but was unknown' to the owners.- It was the duty of the engineer,and Captain to have had the defeetive fitie repaired. The ne glect cost one his life, the other serious in juries, and lialailityln a civil suit to the friends of those killed and injured for damages:..' STEAMBOATS . : . . CINCINNATI ' u r id iga i g PACKET LINt. For lybeellng., Marietta) Parkersburg,! Pooteray, Qalllpolis , Big Sandy, Ironton, Portsoiontb, Braisville and • Clineinnatt. t• • ST. CHARLES C. A. DitArO, Master. FRIDAYS, S P. Bt. The above elegant , side.wheel steamers will leave regularly as announced. 'eDlineeting at Cincinnati with Packets and Railroads toLoulsville, Nashville. Memphis, New Orleane and-St. Louis. Also to the Upper,Mlssissippl and Missouri rivers. • Freight or passengers recolpted through either by rail or river.. . • . Especial attention given to Orders and Way Rued nes,. . BARNES*comaxs, anal GHRIEST & • LETT. Agent.. . NOIITHEIIN LINE agr e i PACKET -CODIPANT: CIISTABLISHYD ISMS.) • The Only ' To.tigti s Linp s it . tt i ving Be w u Si. s g 1 . 011 d Shippers desiring their freight to go through with getirigiVlncraTAT'irktiw&g.a6e_ coas t: Through rates given Orer,Pittsburgh floats, a>l guaranteed br_ _ FLACK & OOLLINGWOOD, Agents. And _ R. O. GRAY, tes _ ' No. 04 Water Street. TO WHEAT . GROWERS. - EUREKA ANIXONIATED BORE, • SIIPEIt-PHOSPItATE OF . LIME, ALLITUFACrIIRED BY . The' A ll egheny Fertilizer Co. • SE IVARD•ie C.A.III.PBE.L.L, • ralcomourr_.74: - .)rts, Office 856 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. The best Fertilizer to use, and. recognized by Farmers who have given it a trial, tote the stand ard for raising large crs of Wheat, free, Oats, Corn, Pota tocs, dc. W eave published for gratu itous circulation a pamphlet containing interesting and valuable statements of thlorertilizer, copies of which will be sent free to any sending us their ad dress. rtCoIEtIWS(_)N, No. 20 FIFTH STREET, HAS RECISIV&D OF PURE MAPLE SYRUP. MANHOOD:- HOW •L‘IST - 1- HOW "I"""s"......RiWT9BitzEtn I,'"triNeillraottleit 601 .411).L1 P T.P.: - ERICAThiaNT, and :Radical Care of fjpennEmissatorrbcest, or Remittal Weaknesa, layolantary Debility and bliPecißliellts to Mir' Jive generally _• Nervousness, Consumption, "Ettl• Lew and .rits; .Ilental and R k yldbal Incapacity. re sulting from Self Ablise,' - &cA try Robt. J.' er well author brake ..Oreeu Booki" &a: '.”A, BOON 10 TnouBA-Nu s or SUFFER RR, '' seat under seal, in a plainerrelopei to any address, post pa on receipt of six cents, or two postase stamps.. to &AR. J. O. KLINE . & 00., IA7 BOWERT; NEW YORE. POSTOPTICE BOX 4586.* Also Dr. OulverwelPs ',Marriage Outdo," price cent*. mys:o&wT. , • rjco GLASS DIANIIFACTIURELIS., The undersigned haulng secured the soleAgeu ey or the sale of the celebrated COPLEY POT CLAY. Are now prepared to furulsh It In any Quantity to those wishing to procure this superior article. Do rin fifteen year: use of this Ohm, we have arrived at uchroportions as we belleye' makes It a better article for.pots than any. In the Market, we having secured an auerage stand of eix, SIGHT and TEN Morino. .We wilt furnish recelpes for the prc don of the mixture af this Clay to persona pare i The Clay is ground and moulded to lumps for DITHRIDGiC et BON, , Fort Pitt 2_34/5# Wqrks, Washlnston Street, ' 9 rilighT Vossiscu:; winiii,l>rrios. June 5. 1888. WATER PAVES AND STOP COCKS..7-Nollee is herebrgiven to ill-Plop arty .owners, that by resolution passed in.meeting or Councils the Ordinance - !n relation to STOP • COCKS' Iand'WATER PAVER, Chapter 10th, Sec- Bone. 3d and, Ith of City 'Code, wilAho strict l y en-, forced. • TWIESTY IYATIPINOTICE le kierebY•'alied tto `have; 41, slap Coelui and .W ater.Pavee. removed end loWetear that . eonflict with Ordinanee Chapter./6; bectlems 3d and lttb, , ther will be reinoir4far With. ,telt farther noticeat the expenee , or oyrnvr of the property. 13y order or committeeor' stmeta., ~I JOint, : r.:IIIUNTEM4r ./' ' • Street Comnalaaloner;rftseDiatrlCl., • "';'• • • JOHN-if,-M0rA1714114,4 leaf MO- • OiTeet Comeglocer, Stoma Dletzlist. 1011 1 1kiiellt i AtilifeblfrEtr, . 7 ~ 71*030/140illio :**LititiiktfC z.! (LeteCof,r.Air;W..9,oh/htilway.), • (Mee, NO. 19 13033AitYlligArt.00m No;_sl,‘ spetaire. P. 0.90 z ao LEG CITY. MAClNfiff., .gll ,atolerW Ow • 'BLAST rturp Land BOL4O vv., - INUlPturtniehea, Peritonitis. at rithm pal to de- MiniviCOLLIE Yd. , o3.llclTivind., racemes occ-,,, ddentrillysolleited. EVZNINB Damp. !NO CLA.sa tbr Mechanics everysWEDlgggper NIGHT. , I - &Naga NOT/CE• ' ' : I AB percent havineelehiiesnactin and thlereet ea in, ile STEAMBOAT AIiILILDILIA) will -take I notices that I have seized aatd Steamboat at the cult- I of BAN 23, ' , ELB'S, CO. Tzros.*' tim;tmJsm, iseit. U.. 8. Alartaji Mirsbal's °Mee, Mir F°R SALE. 600 Haps. P.. u. POTATOES, 300 PAzas Lrvie 4 . MORRISON At; DMVO/.0 ; ,mrs:rl7 So. 73 triter etreet. IL LYON, ikuder et Weights sad , Iffeasures=l' , - EN.;;IitI'9WITR,s.TIizET. t• 2 7 1 ißeiweisi Llb a r triadirenritieetli ; araiiO4- - 30 , 4 1 1 11 1 fi r •1 1 ,ii r arigia i ii,141 1 0 4 1,V61 , 1 1; , fru. v . ,„; 'WATT, Wil4l A 00.,;".e' MM mu am 14 ii. wood sieset. rettabusia. I ~' ~~~~. ~ ~ " ~' ~'sd~~r .~'~ =4 ~N*~' . _3 ~ ~~s,i3m'~R:L'o3~z~: t ¢ , ;~' '~ ¢ t'~r, :~ ~s % r` ~' 't •~~ ~, 4"• ~'~ ~ ~~~. '~' '~'"~;.::w~. 'km's✓, +-~ ~.a' , _~y ' }~k~~M. i3~s .~"~w~.~k~ , ------ m isoitritarnao - us: . . ....----„,-,..„...,-;,„,...--.........„. clt EAT DISTRIMUTIO,Nif BY THE METROPOLITAN GIFT COMPANY, Cash Bto the , amount of $250,000.. very .ticket draws a prize. 1 5 Cash " Gifts - • Each $lO,OOO 0 •20 ' ." 40 •• .5i:00000 0 500 300.--: " 0 10 - 50 450 - : " • ' •" :25 1300 " !k 25 30'Elegant Rosewood pt s, each $3OO to $5OO 35 Mel eons, '• 75 to 150 150 Sewing Machines •• each 60 to 175 250 Musical Boxes .. . . -... . . ... • ' 25 to 200 300 Fine Oold . Watches ' ' " 75 to' 300 750 Fine Silver Watches"__ 3O to- 80 Fint Oil Paintings, Framed Engravings, Sliver Ware. Photograph Mbar and, a large as . sortMetit of Fine Gol Jewelry, in ill A •• valued:at 111, 0 ,000,- _ . chancy:to arab" ~ ity of the above Pi fret by par-. chasing , a Sealed Ticket. for ga cents. . Tickets de scribing cacti Prize are era led in Envelopes and thor ougbiy - mixed: • On receipt rif:2scts. a beafed 'Ticket will drawn without choice and delivered at our. office, .or Sent. h i l l y Mall taany-address. The prize named upon it w Ihe delivered to the ticket holder on the payment .ofone dollar.. 'Prizes -will be imme diately sent to any address, iuil requested, hy expreua or retu rn mail.. . . ' . . . . Youtoo/4 - noto What your P tza ilt bears you pay for ft . : Any mire m.y bg.exc anyed for another of th• soma wane, . NOB ' .A.N.K . Air (Jur patrons can depend n fair dealing. Rxxxitxxcits.-We select th few following names from the many who 'have I tely drawn vat able prizes aud kludly_pertnitted 118 to pUblidi them: S. T. Wilkins, Bnifalo, N.' .. SLOW; Miss Annie Monroe, Chicago, 111., piano, allied at 050; Robe rt Jackson, Duburine, - loVra, Got Watch, V. 50; Philip I I 11CCarthy, Louisville, Ky., Diamond Cluster Ring, VOO: IL A. Patterson,. New Bedford, Mass., Silver Tea Set:. $175; Miss Emma' Walivorth, Milwalikee, Wis., Plancb111500; *V. T. W. Pitt, Cleveland; 0., Melodeon; s m._ iiii`We publish no names Without permission. OPINIONS_Or. THE ;PRESS.--"They are doing the largest business; the firm is reliable, and deserve their suecess.”— Weekly Tribune, Peb. S, • "We hate examined their system. and.know them to ben fair derding arm.!'—lreto rark Herald; P.b. 7a - 1868. Last „week a friend of ours drew a $5OO prize, which waepromptly received.—Datly Netap,' /larch Send for Circular giving many more references and favora.ble notices hem tee press. Liberal induce. manta to Agenta. Satisfaetion guaranteed. Every package. of Sealed Envelopes. contains • NE OA-1i Girt*. Six tickets for siftS for V; 35 for 45: lie Air gl5. All totters should be addressed- to HARPER, WILSON I CO.. 173 BROADWAY, N. Y. JaG:ra7 - SECURITY AND COMFORT FOR THE TRAVELING COMMUNITY. •. J. B. HARRIS' SAFETY FIRE JACKET, _ Car Heater and Moderator, For SNORE AND am . AIR FLUES, dispensing with the.nse of Stoves .. and Fires 'in or about the Passenger or . Baggage Cars, with the attach ment to graduate the tea t to any temperature that may be desired without 'the possibility of bring the car or cars to which the Jacket may be attached. Baring obtalued of the United States Letters Pat ent for a Safety Jatiket which is warranted -to resist tho most intense heat that may beadolled to - lt In' the poslßon and purpose for which It is intended. It to a. btere protection from accidents by lire, origi nating from defective Sues, or where irotapipes are used as conductor s for smote or heat. .It, Is appli f - plicable to ail piping that ay become overheated, and la warranted to give . rrect satisfaction where wood or other cciribustlb material may be played in close proximity thereto. I am now ready to ap ply my inventlou to ee r ie dwellings, (arteries,, ehtpa, ateatilbouts, raliro d' ears, &c., wherever. pipes as conductors are de dangerous by being overheated and security desiaed. toill sell, abovepllcatioa. rights to manufacture o use the invention; allso, territorial rights, to such as' may wish to engage In settling privileges, either by State or county. J. HARRIS. .11W — 011Ice at the "NE PLUS B. ULTRA PAINT WORKS," corner of Morris street and--the AllegheT try Valley Railroad, Ninth Ward, Pittaburgh, Pa. fez:Au . CITY MA ALLEGIIENY, _ TiteAstritan's OFFICK. June sth, 1868. 5 ALLEGHENY TAXES. Notice Is herehr Orem that the Assessors duplicates fromplaced In the Treasurer's Office the duplicates from the several ward et of City, Poor, City Business,. School, School Building and Public Park Tuxes, And of WATER RENTS for the year. 1868, and that said Taxe‘will now be received in pursuance of the Acts of. Assembly, of February 27th, 1860, and of. April 14th, 1863, subject to the following regulations and allowances: Fire per cent. if paid on or before the first day of July. Four per. eent. .if paid on or before the Drat day or Augromf. Two per. vent. If paid on or befOr the 'first day of September. If paid after the first day of Septern er, and on or before the that day of ber. no deduction will be made. • If paid after the first day of October, and on or before the first. 647 of NO' Tember. an addition of five per cent: shall h e added to and payable on the AFTER THE FIRST OF NOVEMBER, War rants will be I,:sued to enforce the collection of ail taxes remaining unpaid, together mith the percent. age accrued thereon, and the coats. • , . , City Treasoier. .86:r31 • . IA:oT NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DRAYS, HACKS, • . Waite I. hereby given to all owner, of Hears, Claris, Carriages, Buggies, Ac., whether resident ar. non-resident in the City of - Pittsburgh, to pay their Licenses at the Treasurer's Oilles of .tbe City of, Pittsburgh FORTHWITH, In accordance- with an Act of Assembly, approved Councils ot, 1800, - and and an Ordinance of the of the City of Pittsburgh, passed Aprill6, 'Sea:" . All Licenses not paid on or before MAY 15, 1338. will be placed in' the 'hands of the Chief of Police for collection, subject to his tee of 50 cents for the collection thereof, and all persons who neglect or refuse to take out Licenses will be subject to a pen- I ally, to be recovered before the Mayor, double the amount o me t alleense. The old plates of preyfous years must be re turned at the time Licenses are taken out, or pay 211 cents therefor, . - • ' .Each One H roe Veh RATESic le OF LICENSE: - 11 7 0 0 Each Two Horse " US 00 Eoeh Four Horse., " IS 00 Each Two Horse Hack 13 00 Omnibuses and Timber Wheels drawn by Two Horses, Eighteen Dollars each. For each addi- Donal Hone used, in any of the ahoy ° vehicles One Dollar. SAMUEL ALLINDE City Treasu rer. lelTrantniolL, February IEI6B. .- OFFICE OP COPtitotton OF ALLEMIENT CO, j Pyrreuusiou, June 10th, 1668. NNOTICE TO PLUMBERS. - : eIEALED ritorosefri will be received at this calico Until 20Tli INS.T.,, lOCllleiVe. tor putting In and lining up In the County Prison, with Urst class wort, the &flowing WATER, ; PINS, CLAMPS:: 410, ~L lttabur ¢ ti, Fla, . . • • , 365 feet IST inch Gale ntied !rob' Pipe: i Eight 1 luelkilaiobe Valyesc bt mai. Four 1 rich Unions; galvanised. Night, inck L'af: 3.. r, do;.. •: 7 ' -,.. ' _ . 'Forty 1 Inch Va., ' do. . rorIT 35 Itch tilobe.Vairea;_hraaa;. , ,: ~ • ; . . ;65 Clamps. ciaekets apd Holt* on Fteato,Pluea, .: with all heoelearr biledlL'filetetilhlifil ie. . ir:aldiimuel•iktate boll-much :will .b4s allowed ri d. 11:K.941. matealremove -.. ._ - (or , _ . MEI z0104144)N a Mi., 103 Wood street. MitnuniciuTl 0. W. 11. WARD, 387 Braid way. NearTo k. t077t349 rro coprritscuriiitS FOR IRON WORK... iad Brk o ir flu i ne P t ß o? PthleiSCANlTwili D b. W I TO i V_ veli Da u f ni t° Q tb6 WORK reotilrod foe therCoon AVork The work condom of AS RAVE GI! _TWA ROOF TRUSS IiDLTH. DEMO atiftrOOKAUG TED SHEET IRON EXILitiitS,BEVIITE.A.,DI, proposals 'to • bee left wilt DEMME AL HllEll. lleoretag or the dliceerd of 3f of wood and ?earth itreete,'Fictib fik '•fuer Draw Info, sad' Apo Motts;fto tutileog and all ay." • ecriituarmstion et SW of or BARN it idOSM. A r at i tta 1 4 8 /$ 1 and ll:.:Ciair eircAL bide wll received for the c ef- Arelikbranobe# -r°4' t JeLrgli MEM , , i jO l 9OOllO B.,FINCit 1/16D. 18C4 um; tiotaim be, timat-ananizwisntraimeogo HIPMERAPOPPRiukt97.I.4:II Ablax 0 6 1 1 WASAftnaRMARItr W.loWithr, "m ach malasi Ut ILION WIN= szul rampoßti, Rom SP& amain As direeted by the Engineer .... _ .. 1 COMOSSION MERCHANTS. EL STEELE I A. STAIELE. STEELE & SON, " M COM7/I‘BBiOn Merchants,, • AND romamits IN FLOUR, GRAIN, FEED, &Et No. 93 OHIO STREET near East Common.. ALLEGHENY cur, PA., JAMES B. MEANOR Jps: usara MEANOR & HARPER, FLOUR, GRAINAND ritoDucE COMIVIISSEIICPN mmucTreawrs 39 LLBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH. Consignments solicited. • Rawknkwcks--J. G. Martin, Cashier Mechanicif National Bank; J. S. Dilworth it Co.. R. T. Ken 'lndy & Bro. .1331:124 YETZR KEIL JAIL F. RICRAII.V. KELL, &-RICHART,' • . • COMMISSION- MERCHANTS. . . AND DEALER S. FLOUR, GRAIIf, SEEDS, MILL FEED, &c., &c., 349 Liberty St., Plttablirgh, mysaga, • i.'IILANCILILRD, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 396 PENN STREET apla:xB9 • ALEX. M`BANE .1; B. ANVBIL MCBANE & ;ANJEJR;" COMMISSION MERCHANTS,. Dealers In. FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, No.: 141. WATER STREET,. above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. .tea FEIL4ER & MCMSIWO,N49__,_ • • , FORWARDING An OONNISSION MERCHANT!, • For the sale of Flour, Grain, Bacon , Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, No. MI MARKET STREET, comer of First; Pittsburgh. feZi:uB SHOHAHER & LANG, Whole sale dealers in Groderies, Flour, Grain, Pro duce, Provisions. Fish. Cheese. Salt. Carbon Oil, &c., Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD STREET, near be Lirty street. Pittsburgh. Pa. . n08m55 JOHN I. MUSIC LOW. HOUSE WII. H. 4 IOUSZ. - OHN I. HOUSE & BROS_, Sue ' gesso an d . Commissions E Merchant O, Wholesale rocers , Corner of Smithfield and Water &teeth, Pittsburgh, Pa. - , II RIDDLE, No. IS3 LIBERTY . BTREET, Pittsburgh, Pa 'Countryon Mere ant and Wholesale Dealer In . Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash ad vanced on Consignments, and paid for Produce gan . erally. ___ au2t HORT. KNOB ANDRHW •KNOX fiNOX-& SON S COMMISSIOIt . FE HANTS and dealersin FLOUR. GRAIN Ilk FEED and PRODUCE OEN ERALLY, No 79 DIAMOND. opposite City Rail, Allegheny CitV ' 1a17:07, PAP. CRA WFORD, COMMISSION MERCHANT • PIG METAL, ' BLOOMS, , WROUGHT SCRAP IRON, 'FIRE ,BRICK AND - CLAY , Ac. - Warehouse and Office, Nos. 366 and 308 PENN STREET.: Storage flarnlahed. Consignments solicited: oe3 , . ITTLE; BAIRD - & PAT'rON, Wholesale, Grocers, Commission Merchants and eaters In Produce, Flour, ,Bacon, Cheese, Fish, 14 Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron. Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns add all Pittsburgh 31anufactures generally, 119 and 114 SECONWSTMEET. Pittsburgh. r B. CANFIELD - & COM !" •• mismos & FORWARDINELSLEBCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealers In Western Beserye Cheese, Butter, Lard, Pork, llacon..giour, Fish. Pot and Pearl Ashes. and Oils. Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Nos. 144 and 140 Front street, Pitts burgh. JOBS FIMPTON...., . ...A WALLACE. §LIIP'rOII & WALLACE, WHOLE- SALE 6 ROCERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, o. 6 SIXTH STREET. Pittsburgh. , 1a12:r58 PIaOFESSIONAL. JOS. A. BUTLER, ALDERMAN AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. , Office, 128 WYLIE STREET, near Washington, PITTSBFRGFI, PA. Deeds Bond+. Mortgagee , Acknowledgments, Depositions, Collections, and all other legitimate business executed promptly. - mh2bne SAMUEL McMASTERS, A1,131011M.A.N. .E.l-officlo Juitlce of the Peace and, Police Magis trate. Odic ,e G.BANT STREET, opposite the Ca thedral,-PITTSIIIIILOH, PA. Deeds Bonds, 31ortgages, Acknowledmientsi Depositions, and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. rabid EUSTACE S. MORROW, . * , - ZIC-131 , P1C10 JUSTTCP OF Tin PEACE AND POLICE ALiOISTRAT'E. ~ • . OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds' Bonds, Mortgagee, Acknowledgm ents, Depositions and all Legal Business executed: with promptness and dispatch. ' mph A ‘ AMMON, Justice of the Peace, . CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AST. CARBON STREET ,EAST /SWUNG HAM. • , Colleeticoa of Rents solicited and promp tly attend ed to. • • M3'3: , . JUSTICE OF THE PEACE; CONVEYANCER; &C., • • °aim CARSON STREET, nearly 'opposite' the Railway Depot, SOUTH nrrsguatur... nuAiness entrusted to his care promptly atteng ed to. • myl:y81. ARCHIBALD BILAILELEY, A,TTOIi~TEY: AT-LAW; Na 98 FIFTH STIEET, apB;o9MAar D ANIEL 1111. D., / ' PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. No. 59 Cgrant St., t near ialigh. Rp2o:x7l • • T, S. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.. No. 87 Fifth , Street , SECOND FWOR, rttovr ROOM. UN ' ATTORI4r.:4I-AT-LAW' Ocoee, U 6 DlzunousllBtmpel, „, (Opposite the Ootart-itoisset) Ell W ; - A., LEWIS, ATT 0 AIN E . „ No. 99 Diaipond. street;: mh3sufl }I fC. MACKRELIi, • • : 1 1 040, icIiUt4SELOR AT LAW 140.139 (3-rani lgtreeit. laptitbM PA.. j-oB' Ai,STRAIL • • • :SB-OFFIC I O JUSTICE OF TRW PE&OE AMA) • • At MeNntlyPllFTMElTßEZT,'iptioatie the • Crathe & M. rittatitirgb, Ya. Deeds. ontla, Mortgages . Acknowledgment+, Ileposttlona and an Legainuat neteixecuted with'proraptachs and dtepateh. JOHN C. 112cC0-148181 ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Ss:s.l47, 'Fifit/S.Stref.ekt cou lionsP Bounties, lug Airlift of, ruy progiritir 0 , • . . - NEW I StniIIIIIER e a.. ,g 4 p ilk the due 4gmeiiio;i7,* .Franialu 110111111101112dtlauft TPlahouse le I S Tt drwi s tliging oolm, rigorrmit,ht , Wile.* 11141.11111111411.1"".. an 61161 :141 / 1 1 r 7 : 11 :r 1%1 11 ri n e T Chicago Ex.... 2:03 am' Cleveland E r •-• 2:o3's ml Erie &Fgt. Mq 7:26 ato I Wh_'ENl'l 6:13 a.tnj Chicago Mall.. 0:58 a in, Chicago Ex—. 9:43 a inl Cl. & Wh'g Ex. I:43pm' Chicago" Ex.... 1:58 p m WU. 4t Erie Ex. 4:48 pm Depart from Allegheny. N. Brigt'Alle. 8:58 a tit Lesdide " 10:13 a inj 58 a m, Rochester " - 2 11 :23 pin \Fellows Ace.. 3:43 pm Leetsdale Ace. 4:13 pm N. Rrigt`n " 5:33 pm N. lirlgvn . 6:28 pm Leetsdale " • 10:43pm 0/1" 1:58p. m. Chicago 1 11:23 a. m. Cilleaßl JeB F. R. MYERS. T I TTSBURGH,aggiggin .2o CINCINNATI AND ST. UIS RAILWAY. • PAN HANDLE ROLM .. •,_ • CHANGE OF Tl3f'Er. , oli and4kfter SUNDAY', 'May 10th, 1887. trains will leavdand arrive at the - Union Depot, as follows, r ittabur4h time: • ' pepar . Arriva. , Mall Express • ' ' 51:18i. m.' 4:33 p. M.. Fast Line 0:40 al. in. _7:315 p. m. -IFast,Epress 1:80 it m. 11:20 a. M. `Mixed Way 0:10 C. m. . 708 p. M.. McDonald's Acc'n No. 1..11:40 il m; • 3:08 p. m. Steubenville Accoionfoti'n. 2:50 ii. m. 9:30 a. m. cDonald's ACC'il, No. 2.. 8:96 V. m. 8:20 . a.vt, .B m PEC „,ftt7 lAL ivi hi n T i C n E e .— ln S c e in hd n e a y tt E ti t X g r : ilO6 a.leamves, th a e t -I nert ;morning, • h . .., I The 9:4o's. m. Train leavee diflly,"Sunilays and d . Mondays excepted, and makes dole connections at: Newark-for Zanesville and 'pold §on Sandusky, Mansfield &Newark It. R. •- • q . •,___S. F. SCULL:, GerferaiTickit Agent. W.W. CARD, Snp`t., Steubenv le.. - . • N N S Y LVALNIAa'at CENTRAL RAILROAD. On and after June 7th, 1867, !Trains will. sr- - rive at and depart from the Union a tepot, corner of {Washington and Liberty streets. follows: Arrive.;; epart. Mall Train.... 1:15 ain fDay Exiress.. 2:25 a lik, Fast Line ..... 1:40 ain I Wall's o. 1.. 6:30 a m Wall's No. 1.. 6:20 a m Mail Tr ain•... - . 7:50 aat Latrobe Ace'n 7:50 a m .cinclnithtlExll.:4o a m Wall's N 0.... 8:50 are Wall's N 0.2.. 1/:51 ana Cincinnati Na. 9:10a m Johnstoth Ac. 3:05 pin. in Johnstown Ac.10:35 a Brsddoc 0 Ncil 4:00 pm. Baltimore Na. 1:00 p m Phila. EiPres. 4:50 pm Phila. Express 1:20 pm Wall's No. 3., 5:10 pm Wall'a No. 3... 2:15 pm Wali'a No. 4..; 6:05 pm Braddocks No/ 5:50 p m Fast Line..... ; 7:30 pm Wull's No. 4. 7:15 pm Latrobe ' cm'a 8:50 p nt. Altoona Acc'n Swlssval Vle'n 10:50 pat and Emigrant The 9:30 prr. 'i i ; . . . The Church Train leaves Wall' 'Station eve Sunday at 9 : ls reaching Pitteburgh at 10:04' a. in. Returnin, leaves PlttaburghLat '12.:50 p. raw and arils :a at Wall's Station at 2:00 p. in. •Clncinnati Express leaves daily. All other tralna daily except Sunday. ; For runner information apply to' ' W. R. BEC , El, Agent. . Ki l tT The Pennsylvania Railroad Com Aly will not as sume any risk for Baggage except for wearing ap, pare), and Limit their respcinslbillty to One Dollars In value. Alt Baggage - exceeding that. amount in value will be at the risk orthe own er, un less taken by special contract.. , 1 . - • - EDWARD 11. WILLIAMS - jell - General SuperintendentirAltoona, Pa. MESTERN - PENN-a_ ok) ilt ,t a iL il.Hn tiaiityiOel, igwi l 1E167, the Pas. - *eager Trainsvm.the-Wvanetn -Pennsylvania Rail road will arrive at and depart froth the Federal' Street Deppoot, Allegheny C it y as follows: - 1 - , Arriee., . , .1 //Sparc • _, Sprlngd'e No 1 0:35 I in. Mall:. . .•. . L•;... 6:15 ant Freeport Freeport . No.l. 9:10 axi Express - , -10:15 No.l 5:15,4 mlam Sharpb • g - N0.1 . 1.1t110 ant Sharplrg. No. 1 AeaspExpre64.4i..... 1:50 put Freeport• No. 2 4.:10 p in apringd`e NO l' 3:50 pm .Mail... - • 5:50,p 0.1 I. reeport fie. 2 6 : 0 50.39 •Springd , e Not 7!10 p da il y eling(Pe hid V 7:30 pln • Aboye trains run daily except Sundayl.• i •.; .• • • The Church Tralh leaves Allegheny! Jitnct. ever, . Sunday at 7:10.a. in., reaching Allegh eny . City rit. m. 9:50 a." Returning, leaves. Alio terry City at 1:110 p. - pa, andarrive arrive : Allegheny uact. at 9465 p.m. . .11. , . . • ComurrAlvow -Treirays-mPorsale l ;packages of Tweaty,between, Allegheny City, and street; Herr'S, - Dennett; f ine Creek, and Sharpsbturg, and good only on the trains stopping at Stations spe cified on tickets- • - • .- II •- • - • The trains /oaring Allegheny Cltyiat 6:15 a. , in. and 1:50 P. It. Make direct' conneetilin at Freeport with Walkert line ofStages for Butlerland Bar:labs-. town. Through tickets may •be - purchased' at the' Othee, No. 3 St.. Cialr-stneet, near.-the Suspetudon Bridge Pittsburgh,-and at the Depot, Alleghenv.,• For farther luformatton apply to - ii - • • ' • , . JAMES LgFb'ERT2S-. Anent, Federal so.eet Depot: ' • ,The Western Pennsylvania . Itallroid will not as sume any risk for Baggage, except •nor wearing ap.• parel, and limit tbel. responsibility to One Hundred Dollars In value. " ALI baggage lactedltag this amount In value will be at the risk of he owner , are. teas taken by special contract. 11 EDWARD li. wILLIAIts, Gen-•d. Sonerlntendent. 'Altoona. Pa. PITTSBURGH. PA; WM S EY HILL , UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. • Eastern DiViSiOn. . , The SHORTEST AND MOST RELIAI3LIe from the East to all polgte in .;] . • • Colorado,. Nevada, .1,; • • California Utah , - - . 1 . Oregon. , „ ~ TiVir Trains leaye State Line and Leitivenwortlt 0 072 ralladara excepted.) on theardval of trainee! Patine Railroad from St. Louis, and.Banttlhal and,. Bt. Jo •Railroad'rfura 0 11 11 0 3'i' tonne:hung-at LasS:. ,retice., Tolleka . and Wautego. witbilinagee for Ella .. 1' padnts . in Rahn*. •At en 4 of track • west.. of - Ella , i f ittA l g t • I Ii t tiV L,( LINE i . t : r O E I B I IV " tND 11:88 Ka : D EXPRESS COACHES IN.R. It. . _.,____ • .DEI.4: vmno - SAifir • l..A•irw4. , • 1 .• : -,, '. - ; • -- • :. g all Points in the Territories, . . ate et' An AiritiSANDERSON'S TRI=WE _VT LINE 0 cRES tor Fort Union, Bent ' s Fort, P 6.38. . n Albge... • titi riii_tail, Banta Fe, and all points:Jr' Anions se srexleP, . ith the recall.' additions rot` rolling-et eq ipment i and :the arrangementslmade ,trith re 5.. . ,. e liable- ilveriand Transpertitionl , Lines f rem tit 'w tern terminus, this road now ultereilinequelleir 0 tee titles tor the tratiatnieslon ofrreight ' p . .) , Epe Far', Uniiekeis hit- 'sale at - all the p!inetpo•l' ofAca,a In . Uset ~ . ted States andlianoidne.... - _: 1:._11. 1 ..........„ -.-._,,, ...... ::' Be' sure and' ask 'for Ho:evil vim: THE einiOn..g BILkAI.OI - "ig. UNION PAGIFIO , HALLWAY. , 1 EA.STERS. k•AVISLOS. ! . . . . • • .. . i, . ' ITTBBI7RGH, PA t'tirTSBURGB, pA 11 tri L . E PUL QUEENSTO*N Tao maw ma; Numbertof i d nsteen it;st•okaiisr vesildi t ik 10 ) 021 11 Walk ,OlTY,tkg PAUL", r CITY NTWEPP, CITY OF BOSTON. CITY oF Aiitl- I t rAcgriVt n(4 ,4l i rti(ie rarrite t yoris4 For Panultr 0 P.rfirthes Inhorga., ,, - 4 nap Wain)/ litrifill4.ll, • ,;;,, t hit 0 - . - 1;*„.... ! vi e A v kii mor i r opposito Piet Oa* Mew. 11 RAILR - 0 DS.. 131dTTSBURGH and coNNELLsVILLE B. On and after ITHURSDATILMarcb Stk. /MI trains will arrive at and depart the Depot, cos ner of Grant and-Water stree as follows: • 24part. Arrive. Mail to and from tniont`n. 7;00 A. M. 8:00 P. N. 3fdieesport ACCOniZSIOIit'I2.IIIO A. M.. 2:05P. M. Et. to and from Uniont'a . 3: Q,P. M. 10:00 A. nt. West Newton Accommod'n Mr. N. 8:35 A. it.. Bmddock's Accommodat`n 0415 P..M. 7:50 1. Night Acc.to alcKettsport.lo:3o r. 8:40 A. U. alinday Church Train to and , from West Newt0n ......., 1:00 P. it. /0:00 A. It For tickets apart) , K. KING, Agent. W. Bt STOUT, So ,e ntelideut. mu, LLEGHErif eIL ir VALLEY RAILROAD. LT DIRECT'ROITTE.TO.THE OIL REGIONS. Running through to Venango (pity. without change of cars—Connecting. with trains East and West ois the .. Warre.. Franklin Railroad, and Atlantic dr. Great Webtern Railways. Shortest and quickest route to Oil City and Fradklln, and all in the , 011 Regions. , • '' ; .0n andilaftei April 28th. - ISoS,lPassengei Trains will leave from and arrive at tite - Pittsburgh Depot.- corner Cahn' and Pike Ste. as follows: De P9ll. ArMve. Mall to and fm lien. City.' 7:00 A it 13:15 Express - Ao:4io M.L2,110 Brady's Bend Accummid'h 3:00 - Y at 10:801. X. Soda Werke Accom'n 5:3D Y. M. • 7:55 First Milton Accomoird. : 8:50 A. Si. 11:40 A. N. Second Hutton Accomot1 1 0.151:00 . 3f; .3:5Wp;•16.. - ... Sunday Church Train lesves Soda Works at 8:00 A. se. 4 arriving In Plttsbhrgh . .at 9:80 . • Rew... tu*rning, leates Pittsburgh at E, in., arriving* Soda Worktrat .8:55 r. 31. ' ' • Supt... W. F. HOPE. Ticket A 186 s **** AY! E CHICAGO L PITTSBURGH It. .1L tralus• will leave from Depot, north. aide,' WIT • ;it Arrive: Chicago 'Ex... U1:01il sr& • I Cleveland Ex. 9:084 m IChicagdEx_ 11:23.am • Tlheeliiig Ex. '11:08 a sm . .' St. Louis Ex.. 3:33 pm, ICI. A Wh'g Ex 438 pm 'Erle .it•Xg'a Ex 43:13-pm Chicago' Ex. . 4:23 p m CI. & Wit.g sr:os pat Arriire in A/kJ/he:v., , N. Brigt'a AO. 7:03 a ft N. Brigt'n . 8:28 ant • • Wellsville " 8:53 aft !. New Castle " 10:1.35m, Leetsditle " 9:l3'a at • /:08 . pm. • N. Brigt'n " 2:43 pin Leetsdille 453 v m •II I " 7118 pi* Ex_prewilleaves re Exprqas arrives daily. General Ticket Atent. • Pl+.? iinelloll, PORT ' W. AND. CLEVELAND From June 7th 1, and arrive at Abe , Un BB ion S time, as piton's: Axizona, WasiOin v Fton, Nei s Mexico, MOIL°, d. ANDiywkii, • r • •.•.. - • Gen ernitAll ite 1 • 1, , R'ESPtTER,.- ' General Freiftbi-tacillliiket Agent ,STEAMSHIPS. • a 3:
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