Vizaxiss, • , pirTSWITIIGH FORGE AND IRON' CO:; OM XANUFACTURE24 or , Ear Iron Hfddread Fisk Bars and Solis; :uipod Car Axles Hells* • . RafirbadVar Axles Hammered; isseetato,nve Frames; Lariinisothe rranse Shapes: Rid" Ailiodst 'Yokes ? Attram Piatins Heads; • • Stesunsbeat Shona; - - Steamboat Cranks; Piton Bads, Wrists; pmasaaft Jaws, Dollars, mem ) NO. 177 PENN STREET; PITTSBURGH. P' .. C2,IIAfF, BYEBS & CO., _ MANUFACTURERS OP ME . i Bar; Hoop and Sheet Iron, . - INROUCHT IPON, Iroa,Welded Tubes for Gas, Steam, Water, &e. ,• ALBO. OIL WELL ME 03tee l 38 Water and 132 First Stmts. PITTSBURGH, Pa. sidlke26 KENSINGTON IRON WORKS LI 4 OYD - & BLAB; MA.NUFACTVRERS OF Best Common, Refined, Charcoal JIINIATA,BLOOM 11M. • • NE OQ RC P. ITAN'T BAR ROUND and SQUARE IRON HD.AND.,,T and E .. . BOIL PLATE and M ANG LEET lIRON RON. MOWER AND REAPER BA RS..: • .• ,• • , CYLINDER and GUARD o r. R INGER IRON. SMALLAP ,_LS SO and Ips. to the yard. . WROUGHT CRAMS and SPACES for same. FLAT RAILS; Flinched anti Countersunk. • COAL SCREEN IRON. • • NAILS AND SPIKES. . Warehouse and Glee 'at the Worto, GREEN OUGE erRRET. (a continuation of First - street,) adjoialnit the City GaA Works, Pittsburgh. - , . ETEWSON, PRESTON .& co., Pennsylvatha ITon W like'. Warehonse s 'Noa. 160 and 167 FIRST opposite Monongahela Hoagie, ....- •-- an24:d6 • - .PITTSI3i STEEL WORKS., STEEL W SING.Pr MMOK PITTSBI7IO4I,I, P Rennflieturers of every descriP CAST AND GERMAN : RAILWAY SPRINGS, • ELLIPTIC AND PLATFORM AXLES, STEEL TI Warehouse, 88 Water and 1 aplew67 • • pITTSBERGH STEEL ANDERSON, COOK & aimicolts Td JeiiEs, BO Manntsetarersof the BEST BEFINFLIV%C. in "l4 H P OlttiatrA o r CAST STEE L or' - - Respincand Blowing at I.A *e • *eel PLY* . Wgi t Axles, Vire CastandCOMMOAßlovr& • Offlee—Horner rIEST AND : • blocks abOve the Monongahela H BABB. it, P CiTairEELAS. PAM WM. IdETOLL . 4 / GEO. W. :BARE. • - t 1 • BizOtar. CaXSgEN.t STEEL ;BARR Ofttpei:Ne; '239 PITTSBURGH, Sell:de J B utpa DIAMOND . :,:.,. liipi2E;.'.'W PARA.,.!:, , 8R0 -,,i ifinu.foOttuers of ill stsoms Mee and Warehouse,. 12 azidl.l9 and 1111 Filter 13 HARD NEW ILLUDW .(, LIMEY, B'l'Ell isitufaaturers ~. curs. 837 . LIBER ootorrE == PLTts ANN"' 00 0 28 ; , irit h iqqssiirpr "Ars tAireai JIMIAN ittL NIP .140/f4iol;"' I .re t AND , ROARN ' 4 f ldirairoMiatit ''" AP V - VAgOionWt *tAritiW l :, 011014 V: WAF TOilA No Notroitikttlgi !DWI illnliOngri %Vie 41 , i ! 1; i fr 4 ...- 111 .1 1 tt r -,,,,,,,,,,&-..-_ FIKELOI I M, 4.] T° , ' IICI1 (6 AI t ff 00 V 111 111,141 t/ ovoiteripee, ato., '•'iU • . ••• • •4 • ,f,•,,,,21},',<?•,, :=7•- , • , - • • . • . • 1 .414. 4 - Vigf r;tZW ' W. P. POlllllB, Burn. BEI MEI - ; AND ' n !STREET Ran. KS. Ca , of of TEFL, RINGS. ac.., 80 First wallas. C 0..) .13'1EKG, . . all• sizes; SAW STEEL; mem 1 1 144 - 116 e• • prlng steer niTzTia. ins KIN. , Ell . PAItKLN. . Elk& :WqRKSI .~' erty:St i :' . 'rk ',.''. MT = R & Ca. esiripttome ot iss sifcCosit Irfr*Sß=U;lii, MIME OUSE. IT & is PP" Wrig of MEE A~t~. Yi ~y S'REET, WAYNE, =TM MI =II ...... LAKE suranKra,,,,l . Agpi . sh Jai& ANDONTINDICI W 0111), (-',. 1 1 1171 1 811rUnatta 0 '," s : ." PARK, MoCURDY 4,7004 4 ail /74 ..C i rs• „, ,2il. '. ( -1- 'V V( 3 1X 1 ' i PC -t i : 114 omen °ibex*, . i • sz e gOlal omen t 4 I ' f f : I= ATLAS WORKS; -- MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, Pri'lr,433i.TAOME: THOMAS ,N. MIXER, rcefi.dent. • complete Work s are among the largest Inc most establishments In the West, and are now prepared to furnish.. • -• ••- . . • . - Engines, of every description.. B*Hers• ' .7 `, A lii r e . s.4l) N 9/ 1 1 1, , • Railroad Casiinips. - ft liar.nnit Vas. ' " r •ifit!tehirie • ;Geneiattsietiiiiis - "d , Tio9 1n69 'ORDERS POLICITED NA T I O 4; IO O.WRY A X IIO : I RIPEC - WORIMIT, Corner Carroll and Smozllnian Streets,' (NINTH Vianir, ) AVM. swim ;vraili - aztia4,7,i CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, M 9 Y►peena and 1l feet Plts, in dry Also, full assortment of General Ca:Alisibieniaidititeiiciiks. of lo: to mg astvilioz of n ,o n .cAt l i m r OB . Inte ! il 9 ate felo:no HE BAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY CO, - CHARLES SCRAP, President. IESAP, Vice President. 0. IMIETVALFSee'y and Treas`r. 3. H. WADE;Engineer. J. 0. RNA'S', General Blannifer. oreacTorts: JAMES B. AftrilltAE, of Lyon, Shoib & Co. A. E. W. PAINTER of J. Painter & Sona. , C. B. NERRON,_ofppang, Chalfant Co. THOS. S. BLAIR,'o Shoenberger & Co._, WAt." METCALF, of timer, Barr Portia. RANUFACTIMEIiB OF Rolling Mill , Blast Jffachinery. RETORTS and CASTINGS. of every deseelptlon. ERNEST'S NAIL MACHINES`, fe24 L. 0. LIVINGSTON.W. Lt. BORT.W. A. ROBINSON. JR. LWINGSTON & CO.; r IRON' POUNDERS, M.AIiIIFACTUBEREI FINE. LIGHT .CASTINGS, All descriptions, for Plumbers and 12la:, All 6 micultural implements, Cotton and Woolen M is t Ma chinery, At. All Job Work promptly attended to. . 011de " and 'Works—WASHINGTON APT-kin., near Outer Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. ROBINSON, REA tic (30., ..• to ROBINSON, MINIS & Mizamo, WASHINtrTON WORKS, FOUNDERSAND.MACHINISTS, PITTSIURGH, . Manufacturers of Boat and. Stationary Steam E. Ones, Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Gearing, Shafting, Castings of all descriptions; Oil Tanks and Stills, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Office, NG:I2. corner First and Smithfield Streets. -Agents for tiIFGABD'SEETENT. LNJEC Ht. for feeding Boilers... • - Janata moNT BLANC FOIDNBRI. Butler Street, ' Ninth Wafv2, (Opposite Valve Iron 111110,) Borg bi~il en midge itstings; THINIBLEIKEINS'AND PIPE.BOXES; r, DIACTIpTEII Y, 41.10) CASTCSIGEI CiEN'ERILLLT. Orders prompUp and carefully sweated. - Charges reasonable. 01111111 , & MAcKL VA cm:15:128 BEIttEW FOUNDRY: PRICE &`SINSL OMee .and, Warelietwei 29 Wooifiltrete' krantifiitire'and keep'constantly on hand Thimble, Seca and Pipe WAGON BOXES, DOIYEE4:*3, sitcuilit ,43174 -• 4. " ' Ana Castlngslrenerally. agneqs- THODiAliti -CARLIN lc. CO., Fourth liareFoundry- and Machine Works f SANDUSKY ST.; - ALIEGEENI7OITT, r.A., _ Manufacturers of Stealrg:Ei/VitqllviroSW.SAP.ll/. a gt r igi e , gl4 3ra r d Za ci 411; jaag4 nLi v 2a ti ngr , ;Wagon Boxes, Bald to,Order .initgt 4 f: o r tiala Engines of all glans._ CENTRAL FOUNDRY ~, AND NOLL INORICS; SSO Penn street. BOLIMAN I 13664 kidlilt! Cbluitouv asc VEAI, TrIVIKACUIMIE WORK.P. - . • Estintistran'm - 1030.• ' ' • antifactory of STEAM ENGINES, all sizes and of the moat:approved '+patterna r * ; for stationary purposes ; STEAMBOATS and STEAM FERRY BOATS. A, variety,. at 10, Lit and La iloPliiiifrrer• ENGIIIMI, which "will' be sold at Very reduced 'prices. P. F. GEISSE. WiglavillHe, 0. Fifty miles liicile4itiaburgi, an the and line of C. & P. R. no9;b2 mirrq;•rvrism..s. o .4-;m1 JOHN M. COOPZIt 008. BATE BULB. ArPas CO9 BRASS: .70171IIIMICS ANIYSTEAM 'MITRE& 3tatuttsenrers,f M erWO , Ali ' ai I ,WET6T,T4I, O %IAffrm.. cht s . „ „ anger of Pike "ad Walnut Stitet4' - myts:4o ; . . ' IROMBROHERS: ' • SAMlll4l.4!ii MIW ."' IRON 13R-011EIL, 124 First fi,qee,t o z,r,10111414rg,h,,,Pa., ~ sr •, , t t &ni p - ' Alaig e lt hon dltfih‘ . ' o bre ien . 4 47. Ottr n ia br 126 :134711111#1,1,;X6#019gailnt, Cl i 4ge *ll4 P h r l Yr,-• / • • . t I , :: • ,; ',,n tl i Xt4; " :MlKl l *Efv., " , - , 1' ,, ' ,. -' 3 .. ; ' . .:o# ll : ll .P B WatiVihttorden respoestautootatitail., Cg119p1011V, , ,:4;,,.! 1 , 4,1 r v aarrtHr I. ( . 1; 3 , 44 'p.' r' _ • • litbrairms.,Bonizßs, /to. WORT l'n't ' /It Blink STILL- AND TUNE . TBRULAR4 noOIIBLE-FI,I7ETP,TITEITLArt; PIKS. BOX AN-) . CYLINDER STEAM BOILE.U. orr, STILLS AND ,t 3P CgINNEYS, BREECIBSO AND ABB PANS. SETTLtNG CCM: DENSERBi, STRAM:P/PES,: ..; *-SO XATZItiIo 1 6 4CP - 11 9 N: BRIDGES; -I PRISON DOORS AND COAL BRITTEB I Ocoee and Warehons x ), darner Second, Tblrd, l!Tor Iteff;ltitrepp,/7.,„ :pirrsatlßGlL ••• NO- Orders sentta; ,ablve , addrees. , - wlll be promptly attended - to: 1 ' mb7:189 E. IV. MO/1110W....JA8. B. 114,14,11HU.L.,..JAZ.8L41a, O'HARA BOILER WORKS. 1 11011 , ROinalhitIMELLitA 47;r1, 1 MAIMFACTI,III4IIB or iteaniliiiidri;bli Sifll£ll ' iggol4 “ : -TARES, SALT PANS, GASOMETESS, WROUGHT ERfpiligalp HIHI, SEITATIAON WORE, &0., ::. , •...4. .....,..; and 3 • .Cor. Liberty Second Ste., REPAIRING promptly done. WM. & CO., 1301,LERNIAKERS AND SH E ET IRON:WORKERS, N08.,20, RA, 211 , AIM /116 PERYSTI 4 Raving secured a large yard and furnished It with the most approved machinery, we are _prep_ared to manufacture ,evessi gloscription of BOILERS la the beat menner,'atid - Wei. ranted ennui to any wedeln the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Bede, Steam Pipes, Locomotiya. Boilers, Condensers, Bali Pans, Tanks Oil BURN, Agitators, Settling .o Pans, Boller frOnairldges, Sugar Pans, and' sole _zilinu kcsurers 0 anWil's Patent Boilers. t Repairing done on the shartestnotice. „,• _______ TAMES 11. ! - AtITER, • ~.„. ." 17 tj Nos. 55 and 56 Wciter Street, ;7. . BETTLINg KAN - 540E7E1i STpar, PIPE, BOLLilifi thILL StACICS, ' 4 - ' FORISLESSabOStd...': JIRZD IL BRUM EDMUND D. BRCSII JARED Big BRUSH 4 . SONy / - krAz. - r7e.crun.En9 or Ste~rit Boilers, ,Oil Stills, thEfEET netiN want. tko: 61 Penn Street, Pittaptirgh; Pa.. STOVES, CASTINGS, ' 00011 i STOVES. 1 : CET-4Hk Beer:- • I f BISSELL'. at CO: TRIUMPH, - • .'FOR BITUMEN - 017S COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as well as any other_§tareln the Minn., BISSELL & 00., NO. 235 tAbertjr "Str;fiet: au° on hiwalkik s. !, PARLOR STOVES 43319}XR111°P1MTTR *ENDERS. COOKING RANGES. c• PITTSBURGH CHEAPEST pLACE la The ~city: - - t -29 , 8UY THE COOK!Na STOVE,. 'la ;to: iffs 0 /4/ 47 13TE ZET. ; ; ,-, • s id • - • P,.. - 04 DUFF Y. WAII.I4NEGAND . KING. Cotinidas Zderetas44 and Eirokersp Potrtdeuin and its Produ , PALZEtin 131.01,I)INd, DUQUE.4NEVAVi '• -12 rrrrsT,:itraen, pa. - • ninADELiniCADDitEss, KlaIG & -k, : ;' O l 11;/7 16innt stleiet.t: ___- 9CAC i.,. /E I. 7, IER L I If i • CQUISSia, kl AND DE • •••• • r# 'VP 17" 41;1'1231N tretroleuzn tad 4 , 4F. rsi 7. net of liiminos no and e 44- Philadelphia el:ace-127 WALNUT BT. a • 1:W20 pant WEAVER, Jr OU Comnassioti Jobber* . • -- ,t • • N. wbtriltraint-wAV,itta tiAidik• land Refined 01M, Lubricating, Ter Benzine and :Cooperage. Our long_experience In the Petroleum es and • d 'Uld tiorairer e irgrpa t gitgr' t i tnitt l eag " Larette : larinized tomMS it the interest of buyers and sel ler* to give as a call. Parties baring Oils for sale ale cordially Inattgottplartalr amalhults 4011:n94 4.4 •-• ifi t A 4 u•ivy 4 1 •1 egg,. • IiA2 , 77pAcyFtrAERS OP •: • „ f 7 ;'•!. PURE WIRE - BOOING OIL, oineetio. iturOkde Iva buttli. SOHOZ., Q. =UMW6.l4Bffigrep OAL XR U AKi ur l l Nlt li .k i nrol*.sntlikus 9C, LUBRICATINC OILS. *o. 1 92:aiitiraiiii" , i: , • , - 817F Plll4. REUEW & CO. ' ll 4 ± l - 1 ! c ' t • t I_4 URNITURE MANUFACTURERS; 1119 2• " r 1 B 146 Sad VrTArr'ki , , . , Gearbetote purawta. wielganiama. aamoN a inialla VrottKs. & -SNYDER -4tr mrEt` C,4% LyLAcf 7 IPITTSBIMGEWIF4L BLANTPACTI7IIER OP And SHEET IRON WORE, OILS. ,TIZUURLiWo. :or FORT - PM , B MO ORIN Y • ', MY:I69 Wood Street; CAPITAL, - :- -: .:. - : .: $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALERS IN ~ J , • " P \ I ' [ GOVtR ,, N 7 :SECURITIES, ND ` . 004): . ' '' INMIEST lL OED ON'TEEE DEPOSITS. ! i - 'y :-/: ~ 1 , i ; • • ~; . • ,-, ,• , OolleCttoru3 made all ieceitstble poliais In ttie United States and Ca.naclns. .• , ... ~.- ~ . I DIRECT RS .3 f.' s. -, i 'Jan. IMRtsher; • !,, .7 . s I 'ltobt H. Mita.' - And, ew Miller, James DI. BaLley. "L i . NtOCLI7II SA ,Pres'L" D. Hostetter, n t a . n A e r g alrj: ;,FE. Fawcett,... 'II' 1 , D. 1 aNo. 293. FE ''''' ` PITTSBURGH, PA. CAPITAL, Cuidlttirited4 1 I )3"..E $21)%000.. 7 7 Ie .n . Eci lRs. , .alrtrd;rirki, Jr llff_tt , rl l r E ai Gee '' Van P? re2 7 al4Bl ley A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRTRANSACTED Ai Collections made on all aceeeefbie vointa iti'die United States and Canada. _.. Interest Allowed on Mile Deposits. ;UNITED STATESSECURIIIB..BQUOIT AND §OI.D. H. J. LYNCH, presiden t . ( GEO. T. vampoßy - iir. Cashier. ..firVIOCKHOLDERS ' INDIVIDDALLY LIABLE. jy4:b! , ATIONALBAN -7 : - . Of- , C OMMERCE, . . .... COr. of Wood and 'Sixt h Sts. A. PA.TT/14011.;.1 " '" Frits idihiil:- JOB. 11. lau.L ' • - - diumtir ti ~, - CAPITAL, :' ::: •4 1 .1500;060.V.& DIRICCIT6IIB:' %.___ ..: A. Patterson, ~„, .121L 2 _wi . .., Wm. H. Brown, - ~., J BlcUalleLbes. Allen C I r egg r r t fck: . ','-'-- . 4Z- 141.''' f:-.w.ti. Haven, DISCOITNII4 DAILY, .AT 11 A. X. 114.11. T, 'F4AUGEtraX 1 CO., l'',' .... BANKERS AND B OKERS, Verner Third and ood Streets,' . - I • 7 : ~: '' i . ' : ' : . • - ialTileSl3lcritc4.l, . 1 E : ".411...., , . - ~. (succzstiorw TO HANNA, HART & C 0.,) DEALERS IN • Exchange, Coin; Coupona, . , . And partlealnrattention paid tot, e enrebsee and sale of . . . COVERNMENT 130NDS. _ Sight .11Wrafte on London. m aor N HOLMES & Nig, 57 M , a — r - k' et teet , ,' a prrernrsn 1;1 / PA.. Collection. made on all the principal iiohate of the' United States andyartadait, I` . • Stocks; i*rds igthm fiectuitieir sotroinckit iiotwitecoutegathiml-- • rarticulF atteeqlon, to flip Rum -base and ~aie o[ ; tit; ; 'United States Securities. j&10:11L-, - n - I INVF#TEEN MA:SINGS BAN*, No. 69 Fourth Street. CUARTEIMP „1866.= : Interest paid on 'rime IlePosits irEcitmeirritoe '- '‘ - • ONE . boLtAll'UftwAßD: " D1E134113 SUBJECT Ttl' mixer. 'WIT/30# - tpaceants Sally st, Wollock. : • . • 4, 2 !rWderite - 1110311 ' 801! BELL' Vice hesidest—. N. tiiisHALL, a i. , ,:lllolol34: wp *ritiLL7 ii . Id. idixsßALl4 '- 7 . •:.--Jos. Dil.rtiL , „ JOU. AL , LKIIR. ft J. J. Othurzpor„, , •,- -•- , ' , , :•': oi • —• • , _,:ißiockholdero rolo 70_sosketne i o r e t k ummu..,CllFD°ll7l2o4lllll,4 ' R E V em li tt i4 hVld !E r tl?: vr.:0.,13141wat1,!' • A:. - 44.! 1i n0 n; . 1-11 C. M. Fulton. Thomu E MMUS' SA‘riNGS HASH ' . ' --iri:l';:i •r- A „,.. z _ ...T. -rrr-r No. 3.4 L lOW , 2 stiormet s No. rttin.irit.s,..i..,,i ~,INTER.EsrpArb, ON IMMO% i ANY BON BiuntivEprltoMcwoKl443,ll37WAllll. ,Por Posits tit'sidittOect.V.3' ittiek Withoit &Wm.. t i JANISABLAONKORE, Preslitint.; (~ ' - -:,. ' A. GEO. D. TINDLL, Seeretat7 and TreAnrem. JA•MIi4 #3. UOMNiiir BoUskor. ; , 1 , ~ r4.1. ,- ;; , .. , .. I ' TRUSTEES: i fe i r AV:2 4 aore, .' .. . 'punt/ Eizavkias,. .. Mgt: a pe, , w.l v irsriehanr. . g e ! yi ll i u r . Tn. „Mt! r 1 - • 1 in i l eP t ra lll ß L IMBED/ LUMP= pualliElil ... . , . • r 4.I,IDIANDER PATTRIMONs.: : 4 n,, . YANON Nal go Preble Meet. forMerly Manolrester‘ ,ina. P: 2s 2 l a i rrarMPr iT wl Vl l l:, 1 DEALER IN 'ALL 'HINDS'OI O ' " ' ::• : 4,7 tough 4410 :4"iiltifir Zitthlia. • oOrlrig, _. Doors. ts 1 ii• 'v :t.t 1, y estberboarsang, Bash i '. ' POLUmber,` l ' f-'lO%/41:11'ttiatiitl'eits, Lath ,O ' 0,—.. . Oak sod Yellow Puke. „A 1•144 L 1 „ um isigaroTlLEl And CLOAT I ,.. I seat veigteae.,,L, 4190,60fk" 1 ? Jeuno‘.-!•rtz , I . r IDWAIRI( DITHIUDOL 4 E • ru rr a ini T ali a IGHT. Dialk"Pr'n t il: H: ll4l4) • A uw -t - I tea _ _ tilt' • witt '4O t s r. . is Ni t a i i 6 vi umi n e ri v azir LL. bittitt' tb Ward. OFTICX FORT ULAN WOUSAm i t Wes - r tikAkciti: ET WILSON, Cashier, EZ3I ENE OM ME . . RANRRR~., , , tim 3P11.,114.:., ,MEEl:trirZ ' - 'Prrr B ITABllf,mrd; - , OFFICE OFI BURGE GAZwri , E, t WEDNESDAY, June /7, /868. • • - Wood and :__. - r The general. Markets continue dull, and, Corner of ' light., Flour ta eportt3d a,shado ; firmer in ~ _,.. . . . , consequence of slight advance in Whelk at , = Chictgo,bUther , as yet. therois no chabge, exeepting that alhere is a firmer feeling. In other articles there are no neft‘fOlirtulei,3 worthy of notic/. • •" • - , •• , BU'I I TER- Pr me to choice fresh :packed 1 Butter (is onoto i d at 24 to 2p, witt a v7ry I fair deniand: '-A 1,, "i i = :. . .., - - 0-rg .. 'I ,1 r - ..= l' - EGOS--L - ndet 4 the influence or Increased', ' , arrivals are a'shade easier, and cannot now • be quoted abovol2B. i • CLIEESE-Salb.s of Western Reseve, 're I ported at . 14c; Htiutborg 1 A1,54/ and ,Factory__ i GROCERIES-=The grocery a.srket "wal been rather Antot during, the past week, notwithstanding there has been-a fair v,ol unie•ofblielliess'rrntiftraggrelitito:".in fez' '1 li gard to valuei Itttere _has een kilo- irripor- i tart changes, one way or the other, as will I be seembyt the thiltiwinit qttotathatis V ,r . 0--° ; Suoans-Cuba n ' 12mc for gOOd' grocery' 12% to 13c fil=r pritne;•and 140 for clwiee; -porto Rico-good, 13c; prime,. 131 i; choice, j 14,1 - td 14 to 1.4-Me.'‘lte- • . Jined-Standrprd llard, 17Xo; 'A, 16.7ie1,8g'7 164 1 ,4c;,Fartre C,.l6,p‘e; Sugar,House,ile. , `, COFFEE-Rio ranges- all the Way from 2635. to 27c foiedrintnon to strictly • prlthe. Java-37-to3Be. 11 ;Sviturs-Lovertng'e sU.silver -- prips, /I; White Drlps, $1,10; medium brands', 70 to 80c; -common,,so',J,to'7,6oe; BMA/DA 7Edgarf Syrup,•9oe. ~ I 1 .:,., ~ . • , • -, Ares-Rangoon; • good; 30e; 'pritos to •Oolee, 11 to 1 - 1,40; Carolfna, I 2 t01231e. MotAssEs-NeW Orleans,, 90 to$1; Cuba, 4 . 65 te` 7o etParte - Itito,'7ol6 85e: --.- A - SPICES--Cassiti,'lBo to 850; Cleves, 50e4 Pepper, 38epAllspice, 850; Nutmegs, $1,50, ST,i.rtca,-Madiston,Bo3; Silver G1c55,„..12, - e and Corn Stirbh;-/Ne „ : - ' _ Fatmrs---Layer I }. sins, $4,75 -per box; Valentia,•2oe per' ; Prunes, 17e; Currants, 14c for,new.- g.- - :111.,.-r • 4• c ;. l',. lisii'Lierg-120f813003,50 pe r beg.“Babbitt%" 12c;= • “Oakley's,' , 11 4c; Rostif7ls to lc; I , Dobbiri'll," 15e. - 1 -; ANDLEs%-Mtiola,;l66;-Star,:23e.' t_:' CONCENTRATED TAYE7 4 SO per case. Br Cifitn•Son4.-:-sB,s6Per 100 '' ' 1 ' . 2 • .Fisn-White Fish, 89,00; Lake' Iter-=' rig, $5,00; hfackerOl No.:; 1.14; No.- 2 , $ 8,00; No. 8; $13,50; - in half . barrels, 50c ortacce-Black I ss, Os, yos and LOWE- R d Navy, 800; U. tic-D. -TVibdati,'.7., 22c - to 25c fo best. ; 1 i mc e-7 -- a 2l7o l ll th rl:e 6e ; b: 4W ;rrn:: . d 6 'l;c: 3 ; 1 1 :: ( i hi her for new crop. Choice Young Ely- '" •ftio , 0;75; fair,' f1;50- ' omulacsi to`good, ;1, . td $1,'35; Oolon - 75e, -- - 'Bse,'9oc, - sl;'sl;2s-and .. ... $135; good Porto 'lltico, /I" to $1,85, as to q4lity. Imperial,' $1 to $1,85. Japan (ll3l.)ioe,4l:24B-fitir..l4.- ,"Ic. - '`, , rl'" 7 ' ' is' FLOUR--As above noted, is a shade firmer,,under the Influence of an advartce of 5c per bushel for (Wheatlit 'Chicago. As jet, =however, , there ' nt'• -, no,:atlfaitdo; ~ 4 , and we 'continue to quote ,at slo,oo' to $10,50 for 'Wheat; $ll,OO , to, $11,50 for Winter Wheat, and $l4 to $l5 for fancy brands. Winter Wheat, extra, . Rye ''lottr, $0;50 to /9,75. - - ' - $, f MILL FRED-la dull and drooping; sale' I q 5. 274 sacks Bran atlsl,2o to $1,25, anal 'car No. 2,Aliddlings at $1,60, ~ . . • .-.....- ' POTATOES-Cen roue veryifull, - and 'we continue to quote at-41,25" for small lots of.l'each Blow in store. New -crop, , are quoted at $6,5046 $7 50 per'bbl, accord.: 1 , ingto quality. , ~1 , -- ..• ~ HAY'-Contlndd exceedingly'dull; 1 . Baled may be quoten at $l2 to $lB for com- I mon teprinie. •-Wegtirt- Hay is ."selling ?at'sealea at 515 to $26. ( I ', I r.i - BEEPS-We can' report a small sale of Fl'axseed at $2,55. No demand whatever foUtver or.D.rnotliy, . . , . , ( 'l'=' Is dull =anon/Matti , unchanged" -.41,75 to $l,BO to thl trade, and s2for re/WI - I, lots in store. ' 1 ~ i. ' GRAIN-I%Bi° Was some inquiry for I Wheat to-day, and $2,30 is now offered for Red Winter, and i52,35-`asked ; Sprirue 4 Wheat does not sesina to be wanted, and there is but little of any kind here. Corn is dull but tmchanged; salei 61- 1 300 bushelti • l Yellow (Shelled •)lat $1,04, and .400 inuMplal,- ii White (Shelled) at 1,02; Prime Far Corn i may-be quoted 'at ' 1,06 t 041,08. :BYO is g i dull and nominal at,11,50. Oats 'quiet and ' E unehangedp me continue4,ol quote iat.7l3 tfr "i . 80c, on,traok-and •wharf, and 82 ',to 880 • 'ter (I small `l ots in store. 'I ' , ' ' _ LARD 011:-Is quoted, at 41;63 tO $1,25 - ;or No 2; and $1;48 to $1,415 fbr Nci,, , l.'• - ;, ' PROVISIONS - Baoon is r quiet but' t steady at 43 tielbrOhouldersf16340 0 32 ? 0? It for Ribbed and Clear , 'Sides, 17Xe :or ,A ) LaiiiXfains;i94S for plain Seats/. Cured,' and , I 'le% .to 2013 for.Canyassed do; Lartlj•lBl,‘ to • 1834 c, for 'Prilne'lfettle' rtnaleied:! Beef, Dried 22 to Ze. Mesa Pork, $2B to'f2Sso. 1 IT t -':i ''' . 1' . 4)...0 - 5,4 " 1.7.' r:. .1 Cr 11 , i•rmigußeatreriormum,stittLiter. 1, GOVERNMENT, AND PACIFIC B. B. BONDS, GOLI4SILVER AND COUPONS r. Borglit on the most favorable terms. Sells LET TERS 01, CREDIT and DILAFTS• available In any part of Europe. ' • • DEPOSITS received snbJect to client - , or. .IRTER7 ALLOWED O\TIME DEPOSITS.' ludg 86 ` 06 . Vonier, F.outth..and Woodt:Stsi;i.l;; . 33 ' suY ►Nn ssiit t L na = +j. G9V.ERNMIM'"SEMtITIE {ILYER Al 6. tottor* IT FAVORABLE TERMS. N.V.E R D IHT6 THE • ; co c:Poic Deposits: , OANED-e9NOOrJraN3DS.VT er approved edllateral at lowea !nted ter the ,IPitirehtise "end Ht," BONDS ilia BOLD; •3• ~ZAMEs 88. 01 :littsturgirgartft. _ ANCI.E *--) O' ' IN' OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, . 1 . ' ' NtEtlfzeilA:T. - Janco7, 1868.- ,^ The pparent rising teridendy of - gold. en ginee -d by a powerful clique of brokers in Wall a reet, has 'brought out a number 'of t import:ra as ,buyers for 40-day's steamer, and the pricej limped late last evening from 140% . 146 V and thii morning the mar ket op:. ed atkilgefollowed by artArnme diate . ilcline "to' 140 ix. TbiS deollie 4 was caused .artly by the export that the Gov erntne. t would anticipate the coupons due July n:, t, witiCh, bo Never, as riot' con firmed, :ad the cossequent ! withdrawal of , 1 orders . ~purchase for a, rihe. -When , the:' tables s . 'owing the - daily exc6slVO'importt of mere , andise and the small shipments of produce abrdad are closely - ,troungleti tliere, it seems would be sufficient reason for a further advance in gold, but since these g,oods are not purchased abroad, ,but, ;merely consigned for sale, it does not fel low, that immediate , payment ; is to he made. Dio r is it known *hat- amount of securities are actually held, abroad; it is just as doubtful Nihether' rethitEinces haV.5 to be made to Europe In specie for: the in terest and dividends booonsing dueon July next, or whether these stuns will not be trilled in Government, Union or Central Pacific Railroad bonds, or Railroad and Mining , property,' ' of which ' kaki: 'tracts change' ands now.L Not uriless these dates can be ore definitely ?led, no cot- ; rect est im ate can be made what amount of paper c rency would be.. equal to a gold dollar. • It should be remembered that the two contending elements for a rise and fall of gold at New York are the importbrs and the brokers and speculators. It seems as 'lithe brokers on an easy. money market would have the advantage over the impor teri who lisvogrrotistlm.tpars not be pledged') for money so readily as bondS or stock. Government securities were 'fraction off Au-day, after the decline in gold. The Lon.. 1140 quotations Arra off from the highest : point, and - theinvdernand is rath , ei slack; it is mere* , the-speculators,ii;iiiiVal cal4e - 011.0 n. easY:infdleirilaript adai4ulY, . neat - that are twhig at present Id-order,te i. force investors then to 'prir their gown priest,. : ~ „ •', , • 3StOolis 'arf'steadY; and 86 ma of the r4i l ; - , road shexeSfirehigher. - North'Western de elareda dividend' on the common , and•pre ' ferred 4 . 0 9k.PC:A PO cent. ,Vcßr.Nll!!!kLares are dull and lower. and border State bonds are higher:. •i ? - f:3 , u.-,4 , ` 1 , r , '',.. ' 1 . , ' ',:. :ti 'Mining u shaite 'itottve 'alid — higher, ilia money less in demand. , Business dull and active. ' (posing quotations as - reamed by Ph. R. 'Martz, were as followa: : Gola, 140 g; 11381 bonds, 1174; 1862 5.205, 113; 1364 diiil46l4 085 :40, ,illiipmeo3, _ _. . . • .... 113 g; 10-40 e, 10N; 7-305; 5 109%. • • Railroads—Cleveland & Pittsburgh, 88%; Port Wayne,lllX; North Western,common 1355 i; North Westeru—Nefetred, 77; New Yoik Central, 184%; Erie, 69%; Old South enl, 90y a ; Ohio & Mississippi. 29; Mer chants Union Express, 28; Western Union TeleKraph, 37,4. Min in g A Shares—Cory don Bl9vz)7lll926:'' 4 ' . e" . • —The Philadelphia Press says: The question of the future course of the Gov eftlment stock market is one of the deepest interest to everybody at the present time, and is the subject of the most animated AlseussiordQ, , allp ppiniprciniostoonnapnly fttertained What United Btatesitocks are likely to go higher. The supply, which many have for a long time been prone to (*ashler as well nigh inexhaustible, shows algkis of giving out, andtbe f oldijitock seems to be rapidly goingcatit 4 6rthe l street and into the hands of the large, host of regular *Vers. Confidence in the stability of our la itulions is upon the increase bot h at home and abroad A angttlo, belief in t,12944: 4 .. itredirAßli.fttubblis tforiteillkir. and prosperity of this great country is be coming the creed of even the most con ilrit:ied croakers. T 7. •- ~.,, la-*-The Philadelplitt ;1441Piroof TTIVIllnk va : The supply of money, as compared wish the demand for it for business uses, continues very Jorge. The rates rule as to as Bto per., bii.f&r.oW: 4 l :rn. ;In nt collatt - and - d ilt iwl/ pelf . - . . on ridc ellaneouseollateraL—Rrime paperls in ieinand at 5 to 6 per cent., and fair outside afar zarrbe pliteed;at • 6lo7 per maw ( w e ', e rarely knoWn'tetinid When thers'Wale so littlez „, donotud4OCAMitleY, e Ar,lN a rsd• Nab approved securit ,it could be b at, I.wer rato3. l!livi I plan' ofti a i iu ,„ . cal l , "FALtgar dAT ,14 . i. -74 / i ~. °slag q uota tions received by James T. R . y &Co.: • 0 id, 1#4616; AtititillbrirlklUnk. i ‘ 420'N 1864, 1 _,11Mi; 5 18615. ,li ; 10.441'51, 106%; &MN January and Jti Ntiltip - IklftilaW's/Janatiag iand. Linty, IT, 1 l 4; June 140% mit July .. 7-80% 101 % - iklayVoinp.oses,4l9,4lo:4" 4 'Arir rdiritt. i Te 1......% tub it, ere .., •t. iii , ,,,,, x , ..„lnnsciletlEbeittillibitUttiPz• cialrzffirany olate! of goods mull prima WOLIN atkoldelkidaionti ftiVier Sabi) , lamer. • MEE ADY & CO - , • OFFICIO OP THE P I 3 OG , I f 4:Gm..1Ai,..4 ILV"IAW2DZE3Li' z TIIIOI7.IIO i CRIMFThe • e.a^ et l was,.aLalp 2 vor3i• l I guietl6:lay, DUI . I , oingte a .n reported, a 2,000 ab l3l 4t , 4uly.spubtaa ';'oi4oitiiit t 3 e. AP°' oil is n vor Y;T z i e ,Pz. 4 1 '4 , 44 ,Pi 3 -' 1 1 1 ; 03 -Pue91 • f l e (Sr s a les, may be 9,1€45,0d `iit 'I2M to Jac:* It mayseem -strange; pet,it is 'nevertheless i true that _ oil 'is • relfitiveiy; ' higher at" ciAL . „ City thaffirbr hi* . •,silli9 }trek nowlieing ( made at that point,Lwiiiisheaftin , " deducting cost of, tifinsportatiOnrnulii:,not . ilo r#7.,.... 3 alised ,in Allis 'lll .iikbt.' •,', 1 '..N4 - 14 u nder"' stand, is owing to thei t tiet Ansi freights are relatively cheaper from there to Cleveland, Philklelplala andNe# York, WO efib,r4Linfi', buyers from these _points to pay more for oil than C 412 -. fiepp4d, Iw, operators cor this _ , market_ _'. 1 . , 1 1 ~" • - .-' ' ?i REFINED:...;The market. for; 'bonded - On, , was unusually - activist, the l arge r , , 1 sales being 'unusuallyilargc, larger, we' be- .• 1 lievO,, , thinflidritig,fitill it ifeeding,Wthis, - 4 - 1 year,;reaching in the 1 aggregate'ftventy.ole ... 4i 'thOtagend b'ai'rg.4j prices t iP*aTer, cdrAPEPTII" ,' ~ vilth:yesterdisv, are off, fully„halk,a. cent; .i but as(will be seen; there must'haVe bbeiko - , • '' t very-brisk demand at ;the reduction: The ' ' sales-wtirdal Ibn:iris: It oxitiobcvAtigis 616 5 , 7 „ December,- at 144 500 , r same, at-aeg 609 f. / for 'same ; 0:8235r - 4000 each AligebSturanerk- to:Oberon private ternis; I WO. each: for Sep- ~ . timber:mitt,' cctoberi tit, ?,Atlitp) Aug •of: 'soo 1 each; or last lullf ,SltlY, at:att.Ap i &elk , , 11_ , August to November fit 83; 500 - .4.ngtuwto • m octoix t s l as 40;_ t/ and- lasr9n escWbrAugust (4 1 q0(0 UiAtta a i ge1 ; 1 0A AnißrArso."ioriiisli. , of 4 oi ri,.r'l:"PZ4l Ps , potted' V3:4110 won,' ikitmoiiii :.•',' .-; = 1, ,..1 :1' p 1 Clark & Sumner. 880 Nat . j Ref."Co.'. '. MI ..' 41k LoCiifihrt 41.-Itreir-720, - Mt& EdgellOii. Ow r qr4 A r .!map.14 4 0,14913i .' 64 eroAn Shear-' ' ''' ' l 9 O . ~- t 0 t ', :: •,•: 2 •::::',iF , 1. ' , !•4 ' ' ..,........' O - ..:i...e.ia. ~,, ' • ~ :4,...u . .. ~,, ::.4i2itio . 381 0 - t 4 IL 8111PMENTo pint A. V. IL. A. . iltiketorßet CO., -2,14 idda-rellyto*to F.1:43. r k:l4 Dilworth , & klo , ,Thiltidelphia:, =•, e t. , 7, N .InAtill* WT4 M B O B L ' I P • .163?'. teVANOpici .; e 4 -. -- Kipg-it Co., -Ph ladololiti. ~,,1,7t NM , satytiVneirlinififd,, tOftdOldkA top N1F. ) ';,1%; P. takiku eziket.VPlo4lolphilk. "', , !, ,, i: , ) , i ',. tt.:, IdditOfsh; laikslc4ll::249 Edo'o2 Ili Nie.:l; - . 1 , ''', Loc& lira,. Philadelphia . -°f .:z. ~ •,, ~,, . o finr.h ollo o l og9 l 4,l9l',4' C 04825" 4q:, do '' r.: - .4: ik,, aiting, Xing ,Sr. -1134, fr1d1ade1i1ita..,.,..,,,:, ; e'er 14 14e1t: , Ref . ."CO.; '411; .d 0 do to 'F. ak. DR-. te worth, Philadelphia 4 .- -t: z. lothititon *Paine/50 1116 db RAW:p. LtiQuii , A . n A . , iiiik. vhibittsit,hicklA, 1.. ' ;tiu'iiiiiiiirjitior4iViiatiliaiti osii*,',' ,; , ,OZ. bisri Co.t ) l7 6ibbbs4*.totWairderto : , , ~,,,,,.; gichakio, , do+ d 0 ti,Noiliiik; ~ ', . .#1. i Ki *eib , p hliader 1it ...,)1 - ,zi. vl,O. 3,(lpr i lka V;l4' 14,114410 0F&'Vei.VV40 1 0tileck ;ka. W On 4 r ievildeVow,Phllatiliiikk*,' :' %. if,„ ,u., 5 ,.., alai. linteri-1411do 4b`do toiWt-;;Ftliibi.t:•JAK-1-.. i . ti JD- v pi ,1 fitt,4 • . k ‘ s.: .it ii St '0 51 i - ,!11.&116 ~,_- Art 7 c ir 94 Pl , l:7"*‘: ~,,", hipt,_ ._14 . 41t vo., .1 (t_ 0 phi& ' C , .ii 1 ; , L. '.. ,it' ,, Al, OTD4Piriat ltitakio-40itP*.Ar rilk-V4 toil" is •, . _ ... . • t... •,,,.,..-.. D. Miller, 125 410:41ortomatiaisolkuss ;4; 00., EMI NM - f ila.o 2 P- 1 41 - 0e4 , 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers