12 61 Li M 1. liatt 11 1/911 ;5 - 11 r . 7 THE P . . ' l •l'Vi;otti'ltii Bonit.ini Net:'.: •j ' ''. ' .7 • ' •-• ran Nor witintieLif , •:' ' ' : : i: luureettie at histift has been - ekrfected that , s bOnfl wou ld ' Iti ' f '" 1 - • 44.t0 to - t t orsome time, t :.• ~ tie c o me ,- Ma de ~- ,- . c•:, and Teeliy, substitut e of a. few y ard s t ofnarrOVrilibOn, WiiiiltiCe or t asp *deed, looke , about =much like a bonnet•when it,' is on ,the head'a.s the bite' ofStrait' 'and lace, •.. , , • , . ~ , ;The rt_ which come-under • the p roper; name-, `' • "Lea," 'as the new stylvis dalled,t consists' , , of tendOuble loops ocniiirow rib bon,fite to _ . . each . band, mounted °n al strip , of foundation. tntialin an inch in width; coVered with Bilks' - "6 the same color as, the rittlioni this Makes two ,Z. bands of five loons each.' whiehrare fastened - 1 1. • 2 to 'a length of ribbon, sufficient Opus roun d .i.ho head and tie under the hair behind: p, Properly arranged, one band is placed acrosB ,the top of the head v and the other over the comb or chignon, and when the ends ar e; e tied behind," few would suppose that any. ;t ;difference existed between it and'betmets 1 - : Sold fore twenty-five doliardeaeli. ' Porsiiink ...-' mei 'watering place wear, they would be t! inimenie, as ladies could'make -a • new; one ; every day while waiting for the carriage to• drive around, if they .wanted to, and pack , seventy-five, of them_in one small hat-box. Another new idea in bonnets .is; the: !atm.: &action of a ruff More.imposi than queen t Elizabeth's; it. consists of 'a fall of fluted 11 tulle which plaice ' across the "back of ' - the. r bonnet, descends to s theilidiliders, and forms ; a square necklace upon the breast, .A‘third imported eddity•has blonde •strings;± which fasten With:an :ornament upon the breast, F and then:dividing Off; are`narrow lowdown upon the of the dress, where - theends of lit :Veils fastened with - a bow and ends of ribbon'. '.' - ' : - '' - 9r is a new little bonnet. of straw, the rim of I ' which rolls over in the front, instead of stand; L• ing: straight up. ,It is usually , trimmed with q leaves With aiscarf; of real liice , which, u is fastened at the back with' a rosette etrib-' I boil, 'and . 'forms -second' stritum in front, Leaves phonated on spiratand flexible stems `, are'diletseSonarbong - the lied Bash tenable: of on: ' They' have - 'Aihoft, iiiikerv. seded flowers; Same are rich' with the'llibvrit of the forest, others - touched with fire, anti °there shine with a lonia ' 4tethl- • ite't* , „eu. The neviesCand- nteftleati him- ' ever, - are the leaVes and flOWera, Of, mother- of-pearl; which in the natural tints composes , exquisite. ornaments forturquoistebluebon nets. .The most elegant. bonnets: for. visit ing are - now made of lace , embroidered. by' hand,,ornatrientlNl with colored blonde edg ing and -leaves 'of- mcither-of-pearl exactly matched, sometimes an aigrette of mother of pearl is stylishly placed high on one side of the front. The - newest and 'most distin guMliedreund hats bear S . striking resemb- i ltuice,to the hat worn by Ristorl ea:Marie I Antoinette., • The crown is not quite so high;: I nor the brint. so, broad ; but. otherwise it is like it, thesame in outline andin the coquet-- if ry of its somewhat wideflexiblebrim.--Plain li 4 round hats of Marseilles or confide, .soma corded, others pointed or acolkoimi upon the . edge been adopted by many ladies Tor. traveling purposes kir '3;/eartr'riast - bedtime . ithey can be .'.'donenp, 9 2.andare Injuriously i, affected by no accid'entof weather. in this 'resriect they. have-the advantage of white, t muslin bonnets, although , the latter . - -while 1P fresh are more , becemaing. - Round hats of I Marseilles can be bought at ladies flunish-1 ~,,, ing establishments andcost from three to five' f. dollars each. _s a :- ; .. : 1 The.new and pretty_ summerwrape are in . t i the burnous style ' 1 ' They are made in strip . tS ed silks and,greniidine; Abe silk . eltene and, richly mounted with ; tassels , licaVY cord-- ''' There- are-alea Abyssinian--burnousf-thoi ; - • 1 .. I stripes etas:nigh ,tmblettehert, linen alternat .; LI ing with stripes of Japanese unbleached 1 : h, saki iiipoiv*ticti tire •!Priated • small Arabic .• 4 characterei ~ More.dress.Y.niaatales aremade 1 ' V of white grenadine, with'- mantilla, backs; :=: 1 shawl basquine fronts which dose, °Vero .., r and long pointed hpoda. They are trimmed i: with handsome crimped tassels and . crimped • '.il tasselled fringe, in some bright color., The "Countess,7 a varlatiod'of the : lihtrie An , I .:C toinette, , is a 'very graceful • fichu, withlace '•:1 hOed r icutare tabs in front, trimmed .-with 'il lace and fastened down under , a belt, to i l which a wide Sash with • bows are attached ••,9 at the back, the ends of the sash being trimmed with lace. Water7proofeloaki are, ,a now made lifth a deep- eve t'insitidc of a • hoed, thecatie't caugh t up at the hack s With ••• two rosettes in the . . ''Colleen Itainit' style.' Scotch tartan Makeiti more stylialitravellxig 1 , i i wrap than water-proof doh,- and le, very f distingue made in ,the style Above mention ed with rosettes of silk in the•color or the 4 plaid. •' if -- • - . , „ ••;, NORNING wuarrEns AND COTTON DRiFana, ..t Several correspondents, some froth' his-; tantpiktkcifllin Witty, 'hhte written to: i 1 know how to make calico dresses. Morn:' lug, of :whleh•OVerY lady needs one or,two,' 'tt are gored plain, buttoned dotin the front,trimmed with aoterrnw- border in a chintz!' : pattern Or a rilaiii aunbilc stitched on and finished, with twer .. Attie, peckete,„ Such 1 wropees- , 2o4Cese:oltnviiitsktfamill-patterne - , can beheeght ready .. made ,at a fashionable., , house `for feet and a ' half - dollais each.;, , WriMipers•cutin *dome. mantra sunder in. . 1 white pique and trimmed with white or :" colored braid for nine& 'Waists dightrit; and in unbleached; linen ~tzininied ritfc.vwblie btaid' - (sev - era , th*sY. lor : 4 ;42W- doers, :> li' These prices arc Ftircely. _i indidarance of the ',S• cost of the material and makin g . I had al.:' 7 esti rot* I..ce ,that APlNNlltleig:‹nOt it( 1 , „ riressy Q affitir)- n is attached stir to the beck and. 41 tied in front. The ends are a Iltfielierder than the belt part and are finished , " with, braid. Dresses of plain cambric or calico. . k are Pr t Ar_ 4o4 kt i nvilAlllitieflitts stitched_ -: in very narrow tucks and outlined with ;a, • ' 14 KrPlvAta.u* 414 fAtiliklitel,thrtliethd;• l -: centre o f Which ' a c ore, rtunt.ti •,Th )shirt, should be vezi narrow at the top and fitili ; lathed with . aflatumeewhki, like that of Owl 'i t waist, will serve as a heading. Fiat braid' .. or narrow chintz b e - order stitched on may be: if used instep+. of Ah)rallittere-qher es I ate slightly Tolled ht We 4 p` an trimmed :, an the back and at the waist to match. The waist le pbe,a_mio 4mit„. l ., 1 : ,4 VhittritidligheSliksi•*.ef ustalairjag a at• parasolsaia empri, - either enyer o tkki black lame*. eintrOidgred'hi chielf • ton or Algerine designs. Beadingll4M7int-1 . gone out airegetiler,:ifittl l / 2 1-not so faahlon:! able as it was. Black silk parasols, inst4d. Itlhirltwel,broftara qrpottnentl.: •ea *I i" w • raffles, a ' etti Yon§ "nixin g the edge and scalleped. Parasols for little; :' -girls are ileolriiiimed'hirthle way, and are e/O cti ntr7ol 4 :llll Y COTstra, e ,7,l r n . 4 h h n t en 4ll)lS coll i lun . the " c O thigisi t e -: ( . afotrthd'66'ibles th k e i li ala te d a i t n st i y .r l o e n . !, plant isde;rybnesarrodeci &Wit Nittli ierk a tilniO4ts I ttlffed% pointenpontmAiloillders. 1 4, is Anglo ,-; ink, the plade er the - c Olititetwer: F .. rtebittli, commonly ~A Mx tracle,ikeet us dint ''the, Pre:' i'llt : ti ve ill' pol ln i - e ' : °, l 4 :e e n i :l 4 : 4 !Bli - thin : 'KlM:trine . ' . 1 1: Tree; • ;andt , iSirstilt is alitritialerdoetrlne to primed herown:intevest, a brplesehlimfree„ idikla te her befghberiTionkrkstala, ifoitoix4itpt . *Wit' 3 ,o , reitis tit _.!..,,5 4 14 .2 1 .h, APir..,,,Th ii*Ar:l4Alti, 04, ipp.miAtlN 'N f rytworti;43, 7 . / a•Ilk, ~.colo I,.rt , , ~..i7 P 51uatwa.)..i..,%.,,i, 3 , ,pr-I'm J $ 7 ._ ~a ~.. MEM - . . . , , "in a , doh q ;:. r. s; Riatorx,rar* wiitk,P l Qt# °rite St Ana Ith!ksi a l a rge number POI IP for'years in dailydread - of 0 raunlertirs numbar of suCeessful murderers 1: small '' as ; scarcely ttb ;Justify ail!‘'*lsurani offute in demanding a high_expremflut to Ti L. last and present rulers Qf PlaPect the object of -moat eh/ 1 1'9; 24 R 0 1 0..iWP4 h 0 trived plots;,;- bit t i jaegt4L l / 9 ,Mehhth which prudence could have sitggested' negleeted by Pleseli,gltiti;i4ditih:ik units. tors,: the, Only result'of tiontte Tr iptii • the slaughter. ofn,Ceit*, nuidber 'dr limo; Cent Pee*. The‘ attempts 0 8411 1 14110ir,. own, Queen were apparently:legs nations; and may ably be regarded as ptcnns of the avenge • disease which-lends pechilvtoseek noterietin tkity , offal."' 'Their failure. cal . " thel i er t gre; Aardljr 'lso.!teekoned• as in stit;Cei e!oxtriine difficulty, of the per-. f arri/Wee:;;Lßut' i Pie," 414blictl, attempt at tillinfthePuke tdinbarg4 was ; carried ontivitktho:nkoet tieliberateresolution, and, indeedixtunelar nearer to success than most. crimes of the kind. Yet, with the excep- Ilion of the murder of President :Lincoln-- and it must be:admitted that. theY 'do some thin better in America=no' assassination of the riflerof 'any Coutit7 has - been' sue eessfully executed with/it our time. • Are we to; "put dotni :curious, munity to a proiidentialinleiposition which perhaps does:not extend to,the . ,-Presldent of a Republic, or can we account for ..the ,pike: nomenon on simpler principles? It is. the necessity of all royal persons to'appear fre iplently in public.'and to -give 'the fullest' notice of time and Place. An' indefinite number of people have some fluicied interest,' in...removing fhern• ' or, if they have -no con: Ceivable in terest, many pgrsoris, as is un- ' fortunately obviouS, are fascinated 'by 'the suggestion of doing something; the crimi: 'minty of which isenly equaled by its stu pidity., Why should not any resolUte man take a I I knife or a pistol, and make certain of bring lug dOwn an unarmed adiersar to whom he has unrestrained opportunities of access ? ,There is-no _one, who cannot , by taking a• little pains, get within, a few feet of any reigning monarch—so near that; if the King wzrela partridge, he might ' , count with cer- lamp on. bagging - his victim: Considering thn'ql!eapnesa:of • revolvers, it seems really : strprismr that BO easy a mark is not more . s'equenti t. Pi r dbat y iie simplest explanation the true one—namely, that pine -tenths: of, man -kind are at. bottom Undeniable cowards, es pecially if cowardice means unsteadiness of nerve. tinder, oxeitement. ~We;are in the habit of .carefully _concealing the fact from ourselves and each other; , _:•and history; whichift said to .be the result of a general conspiracy to 'conceal the truth, is probably less litiktwortly on this than on any other point: t ., 1;,,1 - THE wheat on the 'Prairie lands 'of West. ern Missouri is nearly. ready, for the, sickle. radii,' thin - art average' crop, the heads bearing heavily with 'grain. Old far mers say that for ten years there has been 'nothing like it 4. Through the agricultural' portion of Kansas, from this point to the. mineral , regions of ,the further West the; crop is equally promising, te a v erage, yield:will be' thirty „Ave bushald to . the ; acre ' botOIA Aftiai,utinsomeit"'wil:l.Y9a9k SP~3OTAL NOTICES. IIAr * AIat ,OO b ‘ ANATIIIrs•VYOOR OF XLIIITIL restored In four Weess. nue ' cesa g - airantecd.- LR. BICORD'S ESSENCE OF. LIFE restores wanly mowers, from attentive:muse Arising; the effects of early. pernklous habits, sell - - abuse, Inipoteney and climate give way..tt once to •this wonderful medicine.' if taken' regularly accord ing to the directions:(wined:are nary simple. , and • require no ..rettraint.from business or pleasure.) , Failure Is Imposslble. Sold.in bottles at .3, or tour quantitielein ode for $9. Ti, be• hall only of the solo •aDletinted agent 'America, 11. GEEtTZEN, EO3 . Second Avenue New York- . Jei3llo4-try Ilar • PIIIFLOI1019114. OF. NIAR-i". IttAGE,.. a hew (lodise of Lect airs, -aa livered akthe New York. Museum of Atodoo,y, etn 'bracing the subjects. 110 w to liv. and what to live for; Youth, Materitrand Old Alp . Slanhoofi gener allyirealefreth4ite !cause or Ind 'Lion,- Satuirneer and nerroite diseases Berm/Lifted' or: Marriage phil, •&r.g4',Pocket voluotea coo, taining the,e lectures will _forwarded to parties 'unabletbat•tend,utol rerelyft:of four stomps, try ad, 1 dreusingSEGUETABY_, New York alufeh to ofNnat- Orayand Science, 618 Broadway, Neir York. • farGITIDE. TO MARRLiOE:--, :Tonne !tea's Guide to Happy larriane ne r d Conlngal Pehefty. -- The humane Ab ases benev olent,Phylielans,ron the Errors and Incident ronth and Early Man Rood,' sent in sealed Utter ; envelopes,'Deeurehargy.f. Address HOWARD AS. SOCLierioNi Box Philadelphia. Pa. tnythltißtr mairetitumms Hdi L OWE. • This sPlen4Lid Hair .Dye Ls the best ia. rbe world; • tbe only true and perfect Dye ; harleas. Instantaneous; to disappointmen ; -no Mittn:ma fi ti t ez temsettee the, au eftets et bird dye_,lt• zates and/leaves th e. Hair soft and, beantital. Una; orbrotm.' ,Boldhy all Dreggists tind rerftunert; end.. properly applied et•Batebelort Wle factory, No.. ifs,Bond meet, : ; VOLCILVAUX . ASSEGNMENT. • No o,xits berebyTen:that J•tairliPPPLSY°,:- 1 0 . d° 5 41 0 ; °4limitarY t t .. / IP o2 "4 . dated Ptb, 4.1°4 -4, l°P. glee, 111 4 1 P1 4 l°o lub°°lo°Th e /11 4°Fstigef I° !i"°ftll' ) Fth° P° l ‘fil °I /4° WOW°. Per° o 4° Ind'itited I ° ,B od .•°°Aate., wtll 313at0 pigment, and those baring claim, will them; (fair afitheztle(ated " ;at thiotitt4No. 2_l . _ • • ":: ; li.: • , GEO. N:4111113TRONO. ..,iPittsbargb.,Jnins feicryp ISIGNIEEV..•IIIYriCit77O - voniTiatirar ul;.1 1 sr, ,a the District Court of the Unittui fitntes, foethe estern Distyjct ofirpsylvanla. In the natter of SIMEON RUAIRe.D ff of r rry_ township ArM strong county, Pa 4 . No. 703, RAIS.O4: 3I 4 I thOrNINIto "rikrilJrl4l l o4, : : 'l,ll To wcog yr. InAy_conrciXNr-gl. undersigned' tereby trot noticeor hie-apperbt efit ifirAssigheic op kaki -841118•111.41, of , Ferry ; toffnirhip. In Ibie'conotytt Afinstrongohuf 13tOte of rentolylok olo::watuarsott4Astrictiritablio.benitlfill:lsklio boakrtaps upon ,his own „petition, by the District. c sio ourvo f,d 2 l :•P D li / W4 bustyg. , 14 1 t PIO ilt • 1/6nee, BEE -.oy •?s,:Y.tr(-17.4. X_MosnAkimiriniv,:21.)! w tr::q - “',/ A "VgkriltlecV;l4:74liii.3 I uksvi. 81411. ~f. P. 4;':(i ~ I 1 - . .1 11.. I , P POP War 1 41 Pliffiii74111; ltiii! s,- a . eit'• Aillimlia JITEAMINAT ARMADIL ~ ._ll.9.4l._.Octcoter Term, /SOL re i Admiralty. By virtue of a carried ir e c itt utieNued out of tie .D,Mviqt.,(Murtof i eSiti{ lier WipParia Ms- IttftiorTetkiittliact soulatto d rettedi- Feld ex.., ' r.S.Vgarifiglgn.Viith l tein4gal * I HtrusWtrape.lo.o , ,,offirtiuritarrititi) gpsikpbott, Armadillo., togethey 71, ie . r . ,Ulja, ~,ucalitirf, attale,ltyplrmpige i rp. .r : 1., , L uic i r t . l iiiiiltii j`;ls.lgiVriatat. ' Fnirkagalk, n THE itlrTliteruCOVßlFlrtge, 1 . imr."ll tint iyr i ITHIP: Po L At a . i. ty ~, , ,o utyl A, , . ~ • L , the , i lettbErn d .Ifr'iliNaltiltr Iqi . ?A' f? anus* tryt , k.e ;-..-7t .:Ifir;ll7W ar , it: Fn I I 1I Ph 61,01 k DietilkOPßielelkea nigrefia , ; * l 3 lira: 1 ..,1 ;r ' 1' At PI WilktBll4 ka:oisacil444l,Dl sem; . SWUM ivtaimcitqamswit4: 4, in Wad gii ;,_ di The underulgtied hereby Jove. iciotleAL „. pointment as JuisJ/Eg „rointi74. then . ~, ''' V= t 4 3,1141,4 1 41%1 at e • D VlPlttrpnrglitiMSJP:TPr.". , c it , • 11 - . '4l l zslapidditioNfrit ~ a6Siati 'h ~kisspit..„l.,il, Astoraprot MIT,4 stiel '9' n ""' ..._ _L./ - ----- ' - 14-* - - -- ; - , -- -:- .7- 7.7 , , '' . 11,7,r, ogi* ,w44iittitt*touf T- - ,, .., ,;11,111:44; 1 4.11 ..,,,.. ttir t ... I, ' , f1P...Y.fl rat tirt iv r+ r i •'- 6 '-'" '' _idataistas a ' ' ; ' I C o ll l l4rg 44 _ S WA S SV--A4Prnitioo WAkiftket i , rum, dela* ix noRIOONI 441iMpop ow ill Hei,' ir <MCA 7 r .5 . _sir alPa # - • lumps ,1 1 4,#.4finkt•m, A se. ' 4 4: 3 4 141 , s . utA•m va gimMuustasi ir onicb-1 ' LEGAL. ,rait, Dthiersve. at' tatialaation ofthe Wylie. 'g greet l'asacklg ill er cars. die 14 Vine ofttie hafa &KL mestlOatlons In Amitheny r uatriAttiit La nelghboth', Atipii• at AA ItragpliP Bea Zatatec: OXOe, ST um:, I PEST =BUILDING LOTS in MARKIVIIiare _thole.= offered fbr aale , in the vgig village a/ Allentown, adjolning the Sian line, and only fifteen infante!' walk from -endoflthe Monongahela bridge.' This town le log rapliar.e.iret*79,ooo wao-reallzed for lots Ileasen, and over fifty neat dwellings were ted daring the season. As a !meas. 1 inducement eebentes, we arc wining to crone the balance of otA at the low.price of from .300 to 3360 each, on Lerma:easier than flaying rent. We are'on 'premises every afternbon frtibm 3 167 o'clock: , ply at ou t oat.); ;Corer of Fourth and Smith .streets... , 13. hicLAIN &.C©. As" an. the 11:11.! 000;000 ipiTciwtss-.1.10 , Pacific- /2fsilmul o:nnpfz,ny, !tennis DIVISION , Lying slang the ILue.of ;pea road, at 1 1 ,4 00 , TO NM PPE MR; And on CREDIT 011 7 FIVE YEARS. For rtir9Tr Part l siinS *mpg% le-• odd • `JOHN DIEVIERE 2 . . - • Laadeozozoisatoner, Topeka; X Or VIGILS. B.LIMOS* • See'y CM REAL., - a r AN L TO O . 9000 • ' i'D*.iKititit;i4;x-patonPre;.4.43fm, ::,ON, WEthillifliOVED REAL MUTE: • • - • ; • APPLY TO . . • , • STtEL.& WILSON, Brokers and Real •Bstate -agents, _ Jell: Pre. EIS Sioattltileld Street. • JOHN D. DAELET & BRO., STOCK . AND''REAL' ESTATE BROKERS On AttlSPfraPlB;. Are prepare d u toted at Auction STOCES , BONDS. ET/ 1;8 1 k /VOID AI 'To A M prenalses or at the Road of Trade c . either Particular attention paid, as heretofore, to tkie ,sale or Real stateat private sale. . Sales of Estate in the country attended. Oflce. No; POORTH STREET. oc2ll I $lO XI 00, T° "bllll3 • tleit BOND AND 'MORTGAGE.- • . - GFO. 3X. Beal Estate; Agent, 60 tluititdield meet. BUSINESS N~TTOTI E. - .. The ,u deraigued has associated with him hi businew tins from April Ist, PAK lir, AL. FILED - S., ALL. h! i son ASA S. GILLISPIE and LOUISLyja: The style of the firm to be J. 4..o.ll.lsEiiir 4 09. J..J. GILLESI'LE. — Referring to the *bore. the undersigned eke pleasure in itattog that 'they will coutinue - the LOOKING , CLAPS . AND PICTGRB -BUSINESS, AA tie W street, where they intend to • offer In ducements t purchasers SOCCIii to no hostile In the . thnted Ste ~ . .` ' • '.• ''' Z. J.. GILLEISTIE Op CO. PistiO urtos.---tm..rutm or . Al -LEE & CO. was dissolved en the lit rlfe'brudiry, HMS, by mutual 'consent Either partner may Sign the name of the arm in settlement. • ' JOHN ATWELL. CHARLDiI ATWELL. The nn id will Continue the 'WHOLESALIi i i _W 2l3C A ß LvE N .n:vi, r gge Ti zro e in style street. A oontinusince of -Tao troiagislo Wanda and the peelle le reeßegypilvyilteld_e_ _ 1 I.Ea AT EL L. : nihlinsiii '':i :. ' - /. i LEE. , • . DftlEik SCOWail% . _ I 'llolr • DYtR AND:Booooga' • . i BST , v : And liose.llltpluadi 187 Third Street, " .r• . • • rr ' , r , 7 ~~fl G'"M . : ii , ..".it, Ima Ix' '• :, ~u , MAkT€ l ._ .., PARIEI 4kArkik•V.Eriteg ' AlaManniaesaren. olitaale anti Retail Dealer: n T fi r liki c _yALlN , 11k4.,, 2 , 0., la* filliflTlii roreTitta d;Pri: . 1 "' ' - Nritlyallert aarlaraetfdiu learmatAM.; St T 10171 - ci . or potrignmuktil A zaJolitria lypoi4l ' :PaTeipmair, Joel& lOth. AsP,?..' I ! NOINCEATO PILIYMBEIIB6" 7 ' . ' L .(.. , : - .r•-:- ~ (3 ' til/it ' :o9ltif F ignig a *. A tip......e.! ,. id .i up, . ve, for platter o , quitfettlett tip'ltabe Oduirtprittieeli :With t!rettefese. - .Witrii, Atfolfirvfifill••,-,, I , ,n•/ ••, ,•„, , ; I , ••,,:. •, , ~ INtith* i ittk r i; CLAM 4 401 4 ; 44; . : --- . .:.,1••••••:::i1: 04 , 04, 4 4 0, 044.4.40,04,, ,. ,,:., 385 feet 11i Ideitlvirileefit r osk ripe. - ' • , l ob Ipeletilo v Velreik' 'les , - , -Fu: ....one, ~........- -- - - 413 1, 4110;•&42 i , , - ;.! 40., ~ ~ ;•,‘ ,-,: ~ i' , ti I Forty 1 Men T.l l , 4 4 1,,r, •, r at, A ..._, ~ • , - f., , 411%.' .1,- titral7. 2 ..ika i lt t.. ,,./it i ti fipc4,'' with g e.riecessaff mo ; -,46.40. 1 %:. Bldg mast state, bow leiliik wilitbe; aneci e cmi p .If i iii . te. it, .M 3l ihirjell i ttie Of 'filliiiitOii i fit,ieitien* , County raison. je11:.52 1112M2V11ii110..ia'ikr ------,----,-------__ T° CONTR. P n.s,, . , FOR IRONWORK: Atiltlibilfit/i&litiiihriii4iketb' AAd of June tor thiverAlle ANDFUGH IRON ly f r o valgAt i fa i dtle *; • I ti 449211§C0V ffraiP : l A ar ihteOle, . Secrag m ula.. to. 4 ,014, ,r le t V it :# 4 l . 310 d Archlkoets, Nos. and & -01111Vstre4v1 N. B.—Separate blastula be received for the cm lspat harebell , igotterlfr., jvbra a :LAI4 oti Fißlifliß9l9 IYMig 1 YMig ATER tlMpsth/e131,618 f P.oool—Nl hrklma em, ene olo , Vl o , ll l ll Vi e l % 0 4 1 0400 VOW' M• MIMI ri p Mitr.kr i air i t 4 4 l l 4,.# Ito idtsaistiktk 0101 3 0taic *la te limo ear) I,o o i t ikviivti • i g l A • • de itfarlft 4 0 11t i cticitliN2 4 'Malta 16 t r ottransg was. ur wsi n rp out &tither notlatts expos MlNVOthath" , II 011101• VT COMMIlfoe ta..... ta . oncr Art/Hain f't catn.ffs "WO. fr. 440101 :31 1 .101MEDiodifit g 1I • aratelftt r MIMI lef vitt. 9Y-well P been like duffer may knew where' bJect kkviolent, _ more ,tban six. lee and te,varlous ' obtaining any i. I was so bad eifrge fresh the _ .... ery night for.weeks i —., without •an prospect or hope of cure. BIY condition WAS such t at I felt life wburthen. ano when I got ap attack I f tin danger of suffocating every Moment. So terr le bad been my , suffering, that my mother says t at she has seen me no near 'saillication that I was ii arly hlack Id the face from ' ..,:. t o deoPerate efforts , de to get breath ;In the 'c Idwintai nights, m a y a night.' with the ;doors a d 'windows of the ho se' .tlin?Wn. wide, °Pen, in lo er to hinder the ap eht dangeiloi'strangula tl n. In this . condition on ,the , 13th Of October, i l 66,: having beeid. of DIL. KEYSER'S ,skill in itn 1 c ring this disease...l. ired:pl A film, 14 Company Wth mY hitsbanlkJesep hleyirif, but I must'con fe s with a great deal of oubt as to' e ff ecting, a per m mit cure : LIR., HE Sift examined me care hilly, and my Itings . over; with his LUNG SOUND,; and uild*,!i it. with mite I would get well. I persevered Wit Ids, mcdiCines for over a year, and ant to.day lir vigorous' health; and totally - FREE FROM VIE AffFILIOA; and its terribly digs:- greeatde attendant,. I pkve'hixt; once In a while, a slight attack of the diSease, but I regard my 'health iii entirely re:ettablished, and lei ' dd'hiive any at , tack, a few doses et the Iliactors'medlciiiit Immedi ately relieves it. I cannot feet 'too thitainilfor the exemitiob 'fnim a disease 'whiCh used ,to eOst me whole weeks 'sad months of loss ofaleen, beildes' suffering WhiCh none but ttiose iite are siblect to this'disease can tally appreciate or 'describe. ' - NANCY MEYERS," MAItY MOUNT JOY. they niother,) "' eEbEtpIANA The cam or Mrs. Meyers, recited above, is oue of more then ordinary importance, because of She . vio. , leace of the ottaCks. rtheir continued /ength, and 'the gnat prostration of all the vital powers attend- Mg the disease.: Any oue who knew . her during the. time she was a sufferer from the disease of which ake was cured, and will, look at her now, the very picture of robust health, cannot but admit that the cure Is one of more than ordinary character. Inas much as we hear of Asthma every day. of our lives, being& diSeade of an II ctiratile - nature. Let those who doubt investigate for themselves. - St. Ltott Kt DR7 KEISER'S RESIDENT CONSULTING OF ricr voRLu - sp EXAMINATIONS . AND THE TREATMENT OBSTINATE cnlciNic EASES,.N:s. 120 rENT3t STREET, from 9 A. 31. tintli 4 r. fleafness.,llard Hearing, Discharges from _ the Ear, Polyplus of the Ear, Catarrh. mind Eyes, Sore Eyes. and eiriery, species of Eyes'and Zara sue. cessfolly treated by Dr. Keyser,' Nei. Liiio Penn Street.' • . The care to which we alluded some weeks ago, of Christiana Fisher. of Beaver county is now eutlre ly confirmed by the idspearance of lade{ Fisher her relf„-who today called on lilt. KEYSEIt in person , to thank him for his kindness and skill In restoring her to- ENTIRE AND PERFE StOliT. Miss ,Fisher has been wearily blind fur fur months. " She was so blind that she could not Ilia ingulsb any ob. Jett so as to make out. what It wrii. The ease ts re markable, aShundreds of eases Ilk hers are dooms. ed to never.ending darkness, on t 13Imay pretext that thereto no cure, and nothing IS be clone. bile was under DR. KEYSER'S trca tilt for two t` months, and before she applied to Is ' through her brother, Simon P. Flakier, slight h nes were enter tained of her 'ever getting her rig t.! Her cue Is well knowksin theneightiottoOd wis re she resides, and has.been.regarded - as one of r traordinagy re- covery. W., the undersigned, ltno of the cure of Mae • taber, and bear tiding . testiaro the fact above stated.... CilitinTlxsi Figaz Sinew P. Fisnltu, ( rothero &XXI!. EttADLLT, I ' Taylor Avenus, Allegheny; EcogNit McC.Ar gr.V,l . . . LOrtax ROSIER, Diet niece.) eeptember Dial. 1b417. I_ The case above r efe rreder to was en treks. eared by medicines to purify the islood, and It s witnessed by ' . scores of vers.:me who bare known M as Fisher, and have a, knowledge of her total resroratlan to health, . and the rectrerry of,ber "sight, aa the accompanying letter other brother sets forth: .. Do. Kr.Thr..ll .Thls is thellst of name,. that y have to your advertisement of the cure or iny Sister, Chrtsttanis•Ftsber.. They were all willing to pat their names down. and were very much asturusned to see that you brought. her sight so soon. My Maher sends her Mattis ttt. you; sheys ... you are our of the greatest men in the world.' ~ She szkys if we had not come across you she belie es her eniid would not be Dying at this time. e adjoin in sending our love and respects to ion. • ... S. P. Y. etiEit. Kurth wlekley. Llzzlekla. ad, Tillie !doh ad, T. M. klataad, 3e I hos. Man isd, Lean Allison. Mary J- Brown, Jane A. Marlon.. J. C. Wellet,, .Iklttri , J: Weller, N. D. Ilalen. Nancy. M.,lisusen, Wm.M Mary 11. M o u rt to on rn, .' Kira linen, - -, Jennie Wli. n, . Chr. M. M ason, MuuvK.' Wilsint. ' Mary Pistil - Jennie rat .n, r • Martha Pat en, Jetties Patten.. Sadie E. 7 Jennie E. D bbs„ J. W: Dols I. Dobbs, Wus.ll Pence, .: J. C. skier Willamisa i.her, • • (beg m %her.) . i =MIMI ,•A. H. Brown. • . • Thliip•Trlday, , Rachel Friday. 1! H. N. 'retile, A. H. Caron., 'Et W. Lleventiorfei, Wm: Jenkins: M.l p hael liarris, . . .Ta . A. Fleming, :l C. S. Stria tharg, • .-tivaan Lembo Filsa Hyde,' W m.. Alirson, Flits Lieveudorfer, J. Lierendurfer,. • P. slather,- • ' A. Mt. Lietendorfer, A. Harttuer., , U. Llevendurter, , J. V. Morrison, .. A. M. blorrtion,• , Hobert Hothead, Christiana Hahebd, ' Isabella Dobbs, N..Fuukboither p D. Flitter, • G. Fhberi • lber brattier, Dl. REYBV,R 4 I3 OONSITLTATION ETON& No. . . isto PENN STREET, earner of EVANS 'ALLEY. prrlt'E 1110=S 1 / 1 011 9A. It. 4 XO 4 P.Y. '. - VILI.OIIOEARYICI - 218131/IP?I liii. '- .E.E51.1/..T/N G EMU LEIIItIId ~ . litaliMeOk if 4 :I 2O AU# Po l o , Coloctiter, of No.' 16 ftaiopion strciii,'Allettliky fey: ' • • • I toot* violent attaoY. of ,t.le ' ‘-' In Bay : *Mg; teltic4 'left n 'et with db . loath . limit Me 'all Am limner, , wearing , away my, levesitti and .2trattually kinder. . mtniag.my t j l e al,, ttl,, Doling Shia attic& of Idenriay I • had *evert' nyelelana of Inc biggest reputation In , the clry. , r UMW partially rommered from Itha *Dieuirlory - 4 sal 4dviiivd to. go silater , llhe country, which .1 dld,and Vito .ftorc 2 called In & doctor W.O toldine n 'rim lung ' wall • afeett.44. and that II • armiethlrere &Mid one "loan I. n ro ald ,themf eilg-: BU PT e... •I, lingered.on from. this ldnit, tll, about th . Middle ..f4talle, my woo . and 'lung - la , ' lease gradeally , porringer/owl, and 1 ore er every' . day, and, aluto4 Arlyairlay r of ever ige tins well; /n this etas.° of:tap:Ha , cnov, *PO knoOl g the gen ' tral teller Of the iurdrahltiriortonetim titin; And . :havlognearel of tureantadeDE. HE Yu laud . • eeelnchleradvertlsemest In. nansowers, : l was „induced JO egotober last , to. c on ilia Doctor al Ma' Lk . dce, lute Ponn , atn'et, d megamin my !bangs wish; his NA/140 StfUND" lie told m the., ItivirizehtsurtitiVaUrellgirdribtrdegirigac i hi the t, 86 or hia medial he: , I veould get will, At the., Imtiviesriy-sotrglizitt-zilliivataricer' erellAngtral ?i t :theta to' co:gb f atit i'mul gay. 2 r coinksienodd the , lloetttes treatment ln lien:leer, . : ven it.feeble Woken tam tl tattoo, mil oonthauedlt thnillZ lt til lber•PrUttllli time !be PRetber edlelnal. h eWed We from the stare, add X icontilwrittluntietat myself. 'entity atropine., and soy ..gujigh 1 sur,pqctionniva Immentng,,. 1 1. ,tuiy e : , yoil767cdlyell UMW. !MG 0 01, bidr _aortal,' vryll; ~ air ihe liana te Of my lunir•lita remiss. and my r .. oral health.4l.llk nuEt7..wetielood. All EIY I'M& vea CV tin yn.. f k v ArlgitTr7 l l4 e olte.4 g" jr t h e. i ''i: nuedlcinballvetonme2Att.,.ll6Yeltlelwita 1 asaill-,: ria!PillfWittgtrrQUAt.:.t9P 4) icOcii9et. ton t 11 tta LlL`t... ,_ 1 t.„.. t _tt.,.t., ~, :•. 71 . Eo uujc . ro an., , irrersailltolli MarChaa 111616 • , 1,•T1 ~ • ' , - 7 1 ''' Vigiiiie il i qni l iVO*liii,V i riSS*.', i ..-' i 6101:11 i,?t, T urd t • xl(le k . ' he r r' diAi l i . .1. - ,i .:.' ' .;'. l t. -' kil t* ''l' o,ie Isaiiftell fi4mti . ha traiida btatei'arMy in , jab 4 ...Ink on4kidoUnt ifr eivrelinfrib the head;: from & .hcil, and a d tease wht -n tbs,itrampbYti;) rts it.ENTVlV4VallinmgLiltik 2illalk!e4argiiii!, . mis duasj,,l4, anytiltafplimortty artetroy retutril. from Atiamy.fttlmule4Sll4.4l9/1 1 44.13 1 4V1Pien Of t niy pyi h lomat, ',awl/ ik_ twanotnee ta •Pittatit, I 'nf Wks_ firOltStionr • -.lltteM• tea/tidies i I fuedillat Ily far aymmourtill•Mlttlmit amibenellt r Arbatorlyr, ttnit ratbrrkgratv ,z0r 41 ,, 4 0,,,,," t441 in, iledh 'end iltrrayth tit ry_ d),. .` - Ire.Aligilet, 11196: 1 ; my mother toOlcumPfd 4E, 11. 1931.R4 Jot lob mul: , agrVii,69ll)4l24.42,Fittilltturitertiti*l4ettl , .0,134e.• 00 zamk rrVltt Koryek .1 ' 11141,141 littitAXllo ISOUD•)IO4I4II4.mi 114(4 Are tangy its bOdlyttleitaglitlZrypiribulj 7 1 1 Lifityla i ratUtillYelaliel i . He f ' ll r lllinti Atill 4 -aili.dailriu . 14 1,1roviat laitilbr D it:IOPD% M Cil i C tinlaantirtn eit ia i . mi l Yittl Mt iiindtgalnat ll 4 l WC matt:Mill il ay , I I r) W"V"lrrikrlOrieggida*/*11311" ii'd4Slktae hal I I 10 jti c irl4t l i al i a& pi Irv& dfmital Varela-41 men timetatintleaneap r i VlAiiiiit l iiii, P ATilttatl gee , . 004, _AWL , : ....... .1/.1“- - ;.1.,..,ir 1 -,, f ft - ,,M.50 imorszaiirmintwiLOTllVllptr ~, i ill.. t 4 r.. w. 0 011 41*IAKRIA 1' ~ V/ i . ~ . . • I ,7 , 11T( , ,117 - 14thi o tiathiloh 4../. ,, at..........,_t _. ui I fain - tia . 44.1 - iiv KW 40/tielli sittiCY,Oiktisil 1 It,;ol4.ofmrooDtkrinig?. amkiiiiik4 Witluisii i arel. tit attar : As o raticrid Lutioi andiuktiow aikidokik unitl4l*. iil , i 1 ' 1 J , N'll liiii al , , 1.?i21 , ) Di .:1 ..". al /0 in.v4 7 .111;ft tithy I .1(1 ss.. SIGHT' RESTORED. ALLENUMVA . .; vorrn Fire Insurance Uoini any'. OP PITTSBURGiI. Oboe, No; 42 Piftii St, Second Floor, OYER REINEELAN, IiKEYE_Nr. a titEDLE'S • JEWELRY STORE. zkritmcorsortß : Robert C;Elehmertz, 'Louie ittorganste rn, QUISI6II Miry ' Joseph Abel. Wm. F. Lang, Wm. Carr • tii.olebg•frs'' Peter Keg, .C. J. Schultz, A. Stelnmerer, Martin Heyl. BO 13121 T C. sciumtirtz, Preset. L. hiORGANSTERN, Vice Pree't. CHAS. 31:0EAN, Treasurer o. F. HEttßOakE,Secreiary . , . - , • The above Company Is now fully organized, and prepared to take FIRE RltirES. E careful atteb. , tlon to business; prudence and .fa i r dealing, this Company will endeavor to merit a liberal share of the patronage Of the community. 11EN FRANKLIN' INSURANCE COMPANY, OP ALLEGHENY, Pi. Office in Franklin Savings Bank Buildings, No. 43 Ohio Rt., lkilefelen7.l A HOME COMPANY, manages byDirectoraweO known to the community, who trust by fair dealing to merit a shun of your patronage. . HICKRY pIoo. E.iLIDDLg DIRECTORS: Henry Irwin,' .113. Li Patterson, Henry Gerwig, Geo. R.-HI:Me, Jacob Franz, Gottlelb Fees, '' Simon Drum, D. Smith, Jacob Rosh, . W. AL Stewart, Ch. P. Wl:l3ton, Joseph Craft, Jos. Lantner, H. J..2lukand, Jeremiah Roben.. aphboas NATIONAL INSURANCE CO4 ..LN . . . OF THE CITY or =mum . °nice. in ALLEGHENY TRUST COMPANY'S BUILDING. ' . • FIRE 1 - NSVIR4IVVE- ONLY. vi..w.,, President. JAB. E. STEVENSON. Secretary.' ' DIRECIOES: . - 1 A. H. English, O.H.N. WilliamalJno. Thompson, Jno. A. Ilyier, Jas, Lockhart, Jos. 3.l2erf, : Jas. L. Graham, Robt. Lea. - C. C. B o yl e. Jno. Brown, Jr. Geo. Garet. . :- Jacob Hopp. , m145;1234 WESTERN INSURANCE WM , PANY OF, PITTSBURGH. EXANDER NnucK, Preeideet, 'WM. P. HERBERT, Beereury. CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, General Agent. Office, .Water street, Spillar & CO.'ll Ware honee, up stairs, Pittsbargh. Wll la:nre against all kinds of Fire and Marine Risks. A home institution; managed by Direeton who are well known to the community, and who are determined by promptnesa ( and liberality to main. Dan the characterwhich they have assumed, as of. gr s iathe best protection to those who desire to be nnutertatg: • • • Alexander Atmick, :Joan L MeCinie, R. Killer, Jr., •, Chaa. J. Clarke,l James McAuley, ' William S. Evans, Alexander Speer, ' Joseph Kirkpatrick, Andrew Aeicien, •Philllp Reymer,l David H. Long, Win. Morrison,' I). Ihmsen. • pE2INNYLVANLIL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH OFFICE, 21 MYTH STREET, BANK' BLOCK. This Is a Home Company, and insures against loss by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE, Vice President. ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer. 1111011 MeELMENY, Seeretary. Dnunnvons: , Georyd_Wllson. W Geo. W. Evans, J. •Lappe, J. C. Blether, • John Voustley, A. Ammon. . Leonard Walter, C C. Boyle, Hobert Patrick, Jacob Painter, Josiah King. Jaa. H. Hopkins, Henry fipronl, I NDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY.."FIRM FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFETUE,, #3s'4t , 431 CHESTNUT ST., Na-ta. ant. , . Charlie X. Rancher, . Mordeca/.11. Louie, . Toblea Wagner , „ . David S. Rrown, Sanwa' Grant, ' • ' Isaac Lea. • R Jacob . Smith, - Edward C. Dale, -, Feorge W. Bleb di ' George Coles, BAN CHARLES G. .HER, president. EDW. C. DALE, Vlee President. i, W. C. STEELS. Secretary proton. J. I.4ARDERR CISFFLN, AGENT, North West corner Third and' Wood Streets. . . A LLEGNIENV INSITRANCE COM PANY OP 'PITTSBURGH. OFFICE, No. 3? EIFTH STREET, BANK Rio= Insures againsk an kin& of Fire and Marine Risks.' JOHN IRWIN, JR., President. JOHN D. MOOO/ID, ViodPrealdent. C. EL DONNELL, Secretary: ' • CAPT. WAS. DEAN. General Agent. - DIRECTORS: • John Ir-frtn, Jr., John D. McCord, 0. Hussey, 'lLsrve,y Childs, T. J. Hoak tason, , .Iruirtes Hsys. PEOPLES' tarsintexcE con- °,710r, w. L P**7(OOI4 , FIFT4 ST% 4. ll dule Gain Pan taking litre and Maxine Bilks • . • .•• . • . • , DAmicronst Wm. rmuipe; 'cant: j v citnL. Rhoads, John watt; • :SAMOS] PA Otirtrer, JelmS. Parks,. - Charlea Arbuckle, Ceps. James Hiller,' Jared Af; Brush, • Wm. Van Kirk, P._l.a_ng,_ James 1). Verner, • • .11mnd xeVrinkart • - Wlll. PHlLLlPVPresident. JOHN WATT ice President.' CAPT. .14111.¢0 rilf`qll -p McARDILE, • Milq-Itertelll47 No. P 331 BiIIUTLIZI,D EMMET, inntilllTßOH. Reepo bonotantli on l'and a ene onsOrnyent of " CASSIMERES.4 VESTINGS pirrwrcrit_trmThitto, thrbff. 4 0,arra vixrrEgria Cplinft: the lat Oat atylei El HEN jEty mEyEa s i : - . ust- do t 41.1! •" ,Tlaigb, • P a,! tanr . i v ta.a hU ailaortmaitedrODLOTEß. Vrallol9o I T lOFF , & loo 4 , inierchaiit T . Olorsi ). .•! B 0 ; 13 4. ! tlO ••;‘ ZtaTeja t t rdetOettli !artiwitweAlß4BsAid Flo* og, iSa o le llX l 4PliE t i FißeAlarcirk .01 1 ..40P1em . able for a Ant dams custom trade. Mao, ItJarirt f 34 P k r o ........____OfWP4T , 'lkJtMOuafiuifi.;egopB ; ,• .lsalB • LITHOGRAP 4,a I . • Lk ta kug f . l Art- i v c hs :li4tt i —r- ir'it' l 4 :4 .. ‘ii, to P. it , ... .. . 2 4 ' ' IMi) t Liiti' 4 11 Atk: +iiiiiiily;6l4;rl, igliiialicrigitiatiMuoiit ' Weal brthe llititnitain eel mstbcdso 'OOO4 taitteriliesillo lipaN LaW.leVAgrettAMlld'eascrfrilewc, DI tilaltr tur,ftzim C rWap, c7,tal, .044e..%Arz., ~.:..:: „.,,,:,1 r: •.,,, . 4 1 ' OO ARPENTERS& BII46DERS. " ) 11 _I D 111.71/ 4" 1 ' -'''••• 1 , ,,n114-ol Nttip) . ~ : ~ , 1 ne.i:, ,::, ~ != , • L ELFPENJTEIR ;AND:BEIII3IER, mi 11it,?.. 4 'lllot,l ..',.1 0 •!:11. 4 f:!iii.il WI 4441 :11:44 4114'14t*Pl'A VZ En kr va li ' l rami (r.) t( . , ,!. --.., ~, .—i! r • • I yboinsmiitarottui, falg4ti kilir Aa: l f!...L l P t iVi t , . i f i lt." 8 . 4 1, 1141 Tl' 4 41.:441„ (ti 71 i;bl:;,ltilt.4) Lii4 .19 i.L Lik.i.Lll.: i IL:: r ..gccretazy. nM!7 Under the ausplcel de rata,. (St. Paul', .. A CRANE) PICNIC,CHARIiY. 6 AT M.TARLANDI4 ROTA, - ONS.A.TT.III , I3AIe. , July 4th. Ample arrangements have be (ilia& to secure a' pleasant and enjoyable day to who attend', while at the same time they will feel 4, nscious ofeontrib. siting to_the relief of the worth Poor iliour midst. - .Tlelsett, ofadestssion, iticlud Dinner, 50 cents - can be procured .froin the meruhers of the Society. or at George 'Quigley:B Book store, Grant street, and at the gate. -- -- ' - 1 • . . je10: __.7__ _....,.....______-....„._ te - AANP.r4v GROVE. . .. .:......' , •;. : 1 . LINDENGROVE having been Ot t er up 14 the most, superb style, with a large and • elegant:BlM-. form, , bean WO By . sharled,,large pining Room and - , two excellent bars, Is now .ready to rent to PIC NICS,. PARTIES, suNDAY ' sone•olt: CELEBRA TIONS, ite.. on t he reasonable terms. „ ti Parties holding Plenie &e., will nrid.4tf/a their advantage to secure therove. i'-• • •• ,_ The (.rove 1 q easily accessible ;being tint.iiinsw. Steps from the !Oakland hallway tatlon, whose,cars . run regularly every app l ylnut 13. .•, , : . r • air For tennis, Scc., at th ; OFFICE ,OF THE: OAKLAND RAILWAY . CO ~ mr3: OAKLAND STATION. p 64 __ ____ • RIVERDALE -- - --- SUMMER -RE ORT, • • . - • • AT HATSVI ....• . . • • - Delightftlify situated on the P. Ih. W. &C. eleven miles from the city, Is nods open for the re. eension of guests.. Address,., • - MILLER, Joel:, , Box 394, ttebprich. P. 0. Crni. Wm. Deis. B. L..rabnestoek, W. H. Everson,: Mobert , R.' Mavis; Propels Sellers, Cant. J. T. Stockdrae. • LACAA 0..1 0 . Leant • , COAL AHD. Cf,iC Office, fiantitutky Street. aid, P.-P. W. C. Citr• . • SIIPERIOR ' Youghiogheny Coal and Conillireille Coke, f:.` LOWEST Itllluorr wxrica. ' AO` °Nees Promptly attendedtril'i itlYts O I,,C44aCOATITIT.I , , gg DICKSOk'grkWART &Ca I t Haring removed thei; On ce td • , T3?-14 , 17.kmr:r. Flour glai6l63o634dicill, ' • trowl rdavlergß-l*ti ITgrk" Asta. .tlOielle; 4 t ; addresid to them Pr 0 14140. 10725:b26- • • CalAni!ssU. LRffiSTL IrOSSBIOGLENY:ALIDTMfIazunnua, - rr ••Irr:r r - Ana Taanaactpannm — ""ti, r:. ctost, , tlLACX AND .11E8ULPilun /a6D `COE& Ole" vrxi- 5 ) *ORTON BTREETtiI ovi Lib° Clymer streeta,t Ninth' Ward, moo Neottad near Lock No. .Il4toburgn,, pa. / j'amlll,e• and uraeturem., soOtlle4l, With iert 'hide etcoll /Cote 'atm/lowest' sub' nits& t , . 0 /dm" deli. ste.'smyst.' *dr. , aslnew:will rattan PromPt*nelit4on.; -," IRRISTRONG-44,.MITCHINSON, - , 9uccemi44 :4 l 4 amrifax_stuppzitsAND.Dem..irraiin• ; Rim, fippertor xor ' - witivAiiiiLsAMlLYl COAL o ' bifitisiradarta 4 Nl P OOTOirZap t6itacie•sear "41,8111 P W % , . . ICIPEAMOR , AL. • expear9LPOrIIO46I)IIIIISSeTNIOX •dr rL L, . 1AL0413L4p.r•_,.._ • Cos dell totimpt rso , an of 'sal 7, 14 a• tbefloweSt motet mks: pugs 02 rt (ftellnie7l T , ft Ind 'rpm it 3 ) ~xx,w2, 1 6. 1 114ED WAT : P. O. BOX. 5192. . . 11" suum: I v , - a rr.( • .""bom u....,,. .. 1 age Vii " t• ~ ~! (I L"'w rcl ici t hik r • ;Tr W ri t t. ticw ,0, 0,604241 0 4 , , irir 41 .• • . 14 Of . — HO• • 416415integni s • ' l.7*, • mosp t iy,..June . 130, stihl dutinglltp7eelF, THE CREAT IREBELLI,ON; Or, THE r.....akErr . ..A Sp..NEATIONAL PLAY. DRAMAtit', tti l EltATIO AND Btrlttil2i4VE., GON9EOV.I I- SCERY. • .• DiADTIFUL LADUCB. agr Grath!! 3311.11neii on §aturday. Rt 2 &Clock., Adualcsiou, 25 cents, to alliparts of the house., MUSEUM EXHIBITION; camprtihi s WORKS 01:-. ARV and GREAT NAT.: UIeAL LIVING CURIOSITM.. •, •" • •'• ~ AT FRANK HA LIN 'LL, . . Fifth street, opposite pittsburst Theatrai- Cards of Admission, 25 cents. Ligon open !roast{ i 8 crolock A. st. to 10 . P. st.. 't '' • algnorB L __________• 1 ''RAND —. I . VOCAL AND INSTREMENTAI •. - . CONCRT. I I A: GRAND CONCERT \YHA. BE GIVEN IN THZ ( 4UNK, KEYSTONE SKATINOr 1 Allegheny, i 1 , ON THURSDAy• AND FRIDAY EVENINGS. , .ixr.NE.isrif mit) 119 in, 18438, And a GRAND MATINEIIon SATURDAY 'AF TERNOON, June gOt. , at 2,ii o'clock. - The ORCHESTRA will be 11, the 'direction of Prof. WELSS, Jea4er of the rest Western Band. Miss C. A. 21100 Y, Prine pal of the tdozartHu •• steal Institute, will preside t the Plano. The services of the ALLEGHISNY QUARTETTE i 'have been secured for the ocasion, and will render some of their nnest Songs ea ch evening. • The whole under the direction ol ' -.Prof. W. R. SLACK, Teaoher of Music hi tile Public schools. ra - l• Adlimitin • • 50 cent.. Chlldren Under .12.YeaT of Ago.. 85 ” - • Tickets to be had at the 3tu lc Stores, Pittsburgh; the Book, and Drug. Stored,- 'Allegheny. and at thtt Hardware , is,tore of Whitt:sides * Drum, ,Federal street, near italfroad Depot. The Stelnym Grand 'Concert Piane , illi be tar nished by H. Meber &Bro. il, • :•,. r. Loots onen MIK coelock, Concert to conunenoe t N B . 34 .B ° .: c A lc'ek t B . o'ciock the Siniiirs ;ill form An Rap . and march to, positions on Die stage. . jelthr GRAND VOCAL CONCERT, FOR TETE. BENEFIT OF - .. .. i EIGHTH WAND 17.1,k MISSION, be condoeted by Prof., Ea IN, SHERRATT, to be help In the - i - SECONIL D 'U. P .- CHER , Sixth Street, cr k . ON TITURSDAT EVENI G. JUNE 18TH. Doors open at 7 o'clock, con ert to commence a 4 S quarter to 8 o'clock. Tickets to he had at C. C. M lor's, Wood street; Djeltbunse r et & Oti Hazlett's, Fifth st t, and at the door., I Eirh t FIRST C 17,173 1. ..• STRAWBERRY AND ICE CREAM . YESTITAL, Will be held in EXCELSIOR RILL, Allegheny,' ON TIE 113nr, 19Th AND 2etn For the beOefit of t.l slon Work. • Open from °toll. All the Mends of dially Invited to ant Iar'BENEF' Lekv,2lw - krePri 11= II El == T 1 EMI OCILT.
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