U El II Onaliala titters In- .New YorL . Gobi Closed at 140®146:y i 1. 137 fielegrapiiliithePhtsbitreh Gazette.' • NEIN Ypii2C. June 2,1868/ / MG2ZEIt AND GOLD. Money is very easy at 3@5 pei cent. for loans. Prime paper is :wanted at 534(k N. offering of money ' iianiis is tisnely in excess of the demand. Sterling 4s firm at 1034€.11:q. Gold is firmer, dus mg at 1401g140W - Loarie mile earlyifle 0.34 per cent. for cerryitig, - but litter at .1-64 . 12) P. per cent,fcirborrowirtgi closing hat. The ishipment to-day is 3600,000. The shipment 16moriow is anticipated will be nearly two ;'.millions. GOVERNMENTS::' 3‘@% elosing:very_ :heavy at -the last •eall, but subsequently i t - there was Inore disposition to .purchase on the street: 'Henry Clews & Co. furnish the - ,..annexect 4:30 quotations: Coupons, , 81,11.6% @116141 4 iini .1 62, 112' @112%; do. '64, 1103s tlg110%; do. 9 65, 110 3 / 4 ®110); do. new, 113 Pgll3;-410.267,113}vg41351; 10.40'5, 103% 'te4510534; 7-39,,,.109 1 /®IO9N. - • RAILWAY MARKET t)OpenedsbhOyant• - arid 'higher,but under realizations there was a heavy all in prices, sin some instances fully 2 per cent. The 4 market „rvered somewhat, at the close, but waif g enerally ep dull. Voider State c, bonds 'active and Idgher. Miscellaneous list dull. 7 STOCKS. The following are the 5:30 prices: Canton, 51%®52; Pimberland,.34 ®35;..We1157.14 24. @25; American, 53®53%; Adams, 5654@ 57%; United States, 55%©56; Merchants, 28®28%; Quicksilver 29@29%; MaripoSa, 5 ®6; Pacific, 'Mall,'agit st i Atlantic, . 31Q -33; Western Union, 38% 54; N. 'Y. Con f. tral, 134%®135; Erie, 69%,@69%; preferred, 76©7630,. Hudson; •7143®143%;. 0111 V and Mississippi Certificates, 30%®30 1 %; Reading, 95%,(g)95%; 'Wabash, 51%®51%; St. Paul, ; 66x, ®67; do. preferred, 78@78X; Michigan Central,?'lo®l2oW; Michigan. Southerri, 11, 90@90%; Illinois Central, 14934; Pittsburgh, 8 8%ex•8 8 ,_ _Ai; Toledo, 109%®10986; Rock Island, 07%97%; Northwestern-, 6934@6996; g pref., 8134; Ft. Wayne, 1135,1w14; Hartford and Erie, 115: Terre Haute, 4S; Chicago 4; and Altou„l29; Chicago-and Great-Bastern, 35; Missonris 93%; Tennessee, old, 73%; ; new, 72,%; 'Virginias, 59%. The most marked fall of the day was in New York Central and Fort Wayne. ynsUNGI. SILLEM , Mining shares are active and lower; Gregory, 405®410; Quartz Hill, 115; Smith Parmaleei 3; Edge Hill, .480. • 131711-TREASURY. The rece ipts at the Sub-Treasury were PM l566 ' Jn.Y n 2 entllo34 9 2l ,F_ ; . • , New York Produce Market. [By Teleirititi'idtbe!imtsbaraii Gazette. t' NEW Voinz, June 2.—Cotton tallier more active and a shade easier;' sales of 1,100 bales, at, 30}ia31c, for middling uplands, „ . - chiefly 31c. Flour; receipts 7,200 bbls; . market dull, heavy, unsettled and 20a30c lower; sires - of 4,900 blils, - AfT57,316,15 for State and western; $8,35a9,10 for extra State; $9,35a9,90 'for extra western; $11a12,75 for white wheat extra; $8,25a12,75 for IL H. O.; 610,35a11,50 for extra St. Louis; 611,75 for good to choice, do. closing dull and downward; California lower; 'sales 1200 sacks at $10,75a13,00. Rye Flour steady; sales 250 bbls at f8,00a10,00. Corn Meal quiet. Whiskey nominal. Wheat very dull, unsettled and Oa& lower re ceipts 62,272 bus; sales 27.500 bus; $ 2,09a 2,10 for No. 2 spring, latter an extreme; $2,20 for No. - 1 do.; $2,80 for white Ken tucky; $2,75 for white California. Rye lower; sales 8,500 bus at $2,04 for Western and Canada free. Barley and Barley Malt nominal. Com opened . , steady and closed active, trithl„apeculatire :demand; "1c ad vance; receipts 133,200 bus; sales 210,000 bus at $1,05 a 1,07 for new mixed : Western afloat, chiefly at $1,06a1,0634; Western yel- low, sl,l2; ; white Southern, 81,17a1,22; old mixed Western in stor§, $1,1534. Oats mpre active and 'lc lower; receipts' 37,8681m5; sales 96,000 bus at 8334 e for Western in store; ifi4lic afloat; .81sig/c, seller, last' half of . June. Stock of grain in the warehouse Wheat, 538,778 bush; corn, 1,094,4681nui1i; oats, 370,943 . bush; rye, 48,- 000 bush: "barley, 575 bush; malt, 16,419 bush; pese4-31,-769imsk — ftkmluietr 4 lef .- fee steady; sales of 1,200 .bagt•Rio on pri vate terms. Sugar steady; sales of 600 hhds Cuba atdiMal3gc. tpilet. : lEforie quiet, at 10a45c Tor American. Petroleum quiet, at 15c Par crude and 29c for refined bonded. Pork heavy and. lower; sales of 1,750 Maks t A 27.75,027" for.: newcalleWt closing -- tif /12t,80 regular; $27,37a27,50 for old do, closing •at $27,50 . regular; $24)323,50 for prime, and $24,25a24,50 for prime mess; the st ock i of old and new on hand i5.83,370 - bblg last immthi - 132;59k, and last year, 103,157 bbls. Beef is..;quiet and unchanged, with sales of. 265 bobhu the stock of oid and new on hand 16213;463 peek ages; for the game time last inonth, 39,453 pockages, and for the corres po nding Period last year. 3,675 tierces. -Beef-Rams are quiot - and sales were made a, 30 ARA§ at a 32 Cut meats are quiet and heavy with sales of 200 paolt§: atr/2afal2MC tor shoulders, 16a1714 - c for hams and middles are ,nomi nal. Lard is du ll' and heavy, with sales of 580 bbls at 17y,a180, for steam, and lasleic. for kettlerendered: 'Butt& la firm at '2sa' 32c for Ohio,.and 32a36c6 for State. Cheese is dull at 81t15c. Freight§ to Liverpool: are dull and with engagements of 25,000 bushels corn at sd. per steamer. • LATEST.—FIour closed' Very dull and 10a 15c lower... Wheat. heaVy- and nominal" at $2,05 for No. 2, and $2,16a2,18 for No: 1 spring. Rye steady . At . $2,03a2,004 for western. Oats dull ; and I heavy at, s3aB3ge for westini'itilitere. *Corn qtallet . dt $l, 6i 1,0634 for new Mixed western Afloat, • and $1,15a1,15% tor old in store. Pork dull and heavy; sales 250 - , - bblisess at ,g 27 285. cash, and regular. Beef quiet m and steady. - Cut meats and :Wawa V ie t:A t 113 W for &Imo steam , ~ , F,gg.s steady at 1735821,, , . • 1 I,i "A K ; Si) Both rivers continue to recede steadily at this point with seven feet in the Mental -:gahela, and about eight in the Allegheny. The weather yesterday was cloudy and sultry, and at times there was every ap posisan ce of rain: Business - Moderately . • active, though there is an 'abundinect - of room for improvement: • The steamer Sallie has . arrived at Fort Benton, making the quickest time this sea son; by six days. Her time-from,Bt.,Loula •to Fort Benton was about forty five days, and the most remarkable think tohnecth.d with - ler trip, is the fact that she never had - to break bulk. -• • • .- The Julia No. 2 departed for Zanesville last evening with an average trip: Mtn. W. J. Kountz left ibr Omaha on Monday night to look alter the•Leni Leoti, which best is - reported as having sprung a leak, and at last aeconntswas in a disabled' condition.. We :understand, however, that, she sustained no serious damage, and once- he gets to her; Com: K. .will. - soon have her under way againi• all light.. ; • , The' Kate Robinson , arrived from' St. Louis. diV Monday evening, with a very • d trip. The Wild Duck and7Glendale, - ; ra the- same point, were due last night; • r. e Leonidas' -Cleared for St; Louis yes ter,,:y afternoon witkapretty good trip of fre ih t . , •,, _ • • - • • . • The • Bayard' arrived and departed 'for Parkersbuig, and tha'Orey Eagle; Captain Brennan, is 7 the regular packet for Pat*. ~ersburg .7 t o day, '• promptly at The McCullough is' due frotn .- . nnati this - alteration, and will return art; metal tainorrow.iitl2 _ e atm America, oaptairtAdam Poe, is now: • in barn for St. Louis, and will be the Arlie regular packet oat foVitliattioint, , o pie funeral of ...atain. Alexander Meo Clo Win. ,will take .place.to-dayat half. -past, Ova - , from the 'resident/ 070 f his , brother.inTlawoßmian-MeClure.,corner. of Mhd street andiDuquesne Way.., •-, •,.. : ...,• ,• • The. Vicksburg Hera ld , of:MednesdaVo. Wet 4 . , An -.3.lrish•woman: by the. name .of Catharine McHugh, a resident of Memphis, deliberately....pued.ter husband Denials overboard from the tug: - Aueen.yesterday morning_: and drowned - 7/ 4 in' . -Fr°nl * the ' testimony adduced , yasterdanDennis had, -7 *leitmotif. liquor and finding her :hams . [Bs Inerfled he city Telegraph to the PlttalkortivrAzette.i Wongsrv:While, under :the in- . ter not of the: meek satisfactory nature, left BALTIMORE, June 2:..Prolit has her. and came to7this -city and engated declined, - 4;404:::•WiitIO-dPW ;Coro gloat- himself as. umia k .** thettig citteem7 , ..Vie • sl,l2al,ls,lOn:Whitq.. yellow . at. 61,2,1.23.• wife had been,here:sesstal•titnes - 7•to 7 inalme Oats dull and unchanged' Rye 'hita to return to her,- and fhilingto 40 0010 " visions -sicas 7 AactiveawdtlHatesiketi prioes.l lalfridi her purpose dm-proceeded lathe typt . Mess Pork - rib • sides at ley boat Whore - 7 , 167 - whad-i7beeni I :eating 'D m al63r; c 1 sidesAt'l.7.s,ol7g7( shoulders at . - breakfasti•and finding him-seated (nil:the 14Xa14,C,' trams at SUN..' .1 guar& pushed -him - into thoriveri-Ife rose! • • • . - th ree b i g, ~,„„ h i t ar ,te. being , itt , • :Philadelphia! itiark' • - jank-o t ilige .-- - tt no moreiu , '. - - „ 7 -7 7 7- , [By scri4 - a tigHthi . kkiii''OgilritgAll,4t: 'PHILADELPHIA, 'June, Ittealiphia'and ' Fort ' 'Padtbf Quist: erode at 17340'.1'ofitieillit'2Na2fki:' from , Fort : Smith to Mork Flour diillin4al7ooa L hio w ,liar ih,rtet to • ' OW 4tV4Cli. snag ; ' • demandtrafamete.sll74infiveivite giv-141141:146-- i 5114.) n idiie feet of witter.: ,--7 -1.1 la - feared , thtil 2,93; vorn nominalr:Q Alinfern Will prove a total loss, as her „hat is ;1,14. Oats dull. Provisions dull. Mess broken badly. The . Centralia was a good pork at 11 20 a 29 ,k01___Lard - st -- 190 - . - 7- stern-wheel boat, and lately rotsiVed seve- ,;.p %, • 1;!, :,~~ ,j ~: Chicago Market.. - I (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh G atette4 2.—Fl6df dull;sprint ex 4 tras 591119.50. 'Wheat irregtflar and 6a03 e. lower; sales No. ;1 at -51,84a1,87, and No. 2 $1,77a1,8034, closing at 1)1,77 for No. 2. Corn, less active and a shade easier, sales Xo. 1 at 53%a841 1 7; No. 2 841.§fr., Tebetag, - 2031 / 8 14a closing ith bitter* ittt4gc, ihellers 84' for No. 1. Oatinniet and as low er, closing dull at. 6510. Rye dull at $l,BO for No. 1 t Anki/1755f0r1i0.--2 Sn store; -Bari. ley neglected and• nominal. -Provisions more active. lifeis pork 25c lower; sales at $27,75321141c1051ng at -the inside:l Larci e x lower; sales at 17818 c. Freights Arm' and steady, at fic on wheat, 410 otiporn tO,Buf - falo, andegri,c `on- Wheat". to o o6Wego.- eeipts-4.525 • bble flonr,., 44,400 . bu viheat, 102,358 bn corn, 39,805 b u oath.,§hijnnents —.5,752 bble 'flour,. teV ' 4 A 1€4,545 bu corn, 83,687.1)0. eats.. ' • . E 2 - , Cleveland 'Market: [Special Dispatch VII!e gittswo offimeti. CLEVELAND, June 2.—Flour dull and lower; double extra spring city sloall, do. Country sloalo,sok double- extra city, made 'anther $l3; treble extra city Made white $14,50a15,00; double extra .country made' red fllal2. Wheat : dull ; lmd nominally lower; • No. 1 red held at 2.42. and No. 2 do at $2,25430. Corn held at' 28a99e.' Oats dull at 74a76c, -Rye held A t ap. Barley nominal. Petroleum dull and lower; refined in bond held at 24c, do. free'at 34a 34 e. ' Toledo Market. Env Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l •Tonsuo, June 2.—£lollT—Receipts 2,744 tibia; sales white wheat at $l3. Wheat— Receipts 7,643 bush, dull and lower; sales white -Michigan at $2,56; amber, 12,28. Corn—Receipts 12,879 - bush and -opened dull at 89c, Ind closed Artn at 91c (Or No. 1 Michigan; to buyer tor June, 93c; to seller for June, 90c; to Seller for last half of June, 903,rc. Oats-Jtecelptsj,tloo_ brish and" 4c lower; sales No.. I. at 68c. 'Lake freights dull; 3c , on ccririti) By Telegraph to the Plttsbnrgh Gasette] Lointfccrtr.; June 2.—Tobacco sales -175 jail* lugsto medium Clarkville, leaf at 88,50a17,25, and'Henry aunty cuttings at f 20,75. Flour; at $8,25a8,75 for superfine; $12,50a18 or limey hramis . Wheat at $2,30 SAIL Corn at - ,11.3a95e. Oats at 88a85c. Rye at 112.05a2,18. Mess Pork at $2B. Laxd at 183 a183,1e. Bacon, shoulders at 18%ei clear sides at 17%; bulk shoulders at 12%e, and sides at lige. Whisky, at. 52,20 for raw free. • CLEVELAND AND Prrraimitcuit RAu r ROAD, June 2.-2 cars iron ore, Porter & Cp; Lear , lumber, .A A Barker; 2 do blooms, Anderson, Cook & Co; 2 do fire . brick, Miller, Barr Parkin; 2do pig Iron IT/Mick .t:Co; ' 1 car stone; PWolfe; 33 masses copper, T Howe; 1 Organ, W Seidle; 6 bxs scales, Fairbanks, Mitirse & Co; 2 mowers, etc, H. Bulger; 11 kgs nuts, Lewis, Oliver & Phillips; 1 roll leather, Cr Anderson & Co; 1 organ, J C Totten; 2 bbls oil, J Speer; 1 bdl rags, W J Meek; 2 casks cheese, J 'Ranh; 11 bgs rye, J & W Fairley; 84 sks oats, Jas Glenn; 13 do wheat, Mea nor & Harper' 26 do potatoes, Volgs, Ma lutilodOECo; 46-. do do ,H Rea Jr; 32 do do, Robb & Herron; 10 bbls dry peaches, H Riddle; :1 car oats, Elevator; 44 sks oats, Jas (iraham & Co. I .!.cx,,„,;:---r,,,,iai,.,.ti.tT.Tka-;:,:t,;-T2ZT44-zc_zq-yz4.e,4z;z;.z:4.5.-1:Z:--ai:.;i-:zxt-;;:;4td'--a,'',,t-'")4-za43-;vEii.,iRi--4zat7?0:V,X,f,= t• • • -' X7:-14r+ - A1.4 - Je%, ,,,, ..7, , 0744V.01 4 • Ago 4 3* - 4..7. , ....7.•41771.4%,Z42.„,•A'Aft,Atiattir.i4a - iss-T4P2,1 -4 , 4 .. 0 4 4,7 4, -?-7, = =I Louisville' Market. IMPORTS Blli RAILROAD. Prminuitow, Pr. Way= Awn OECICAGO ReILBOAD, June 6 cars metal, Nim iok- it Co; 4do do. Bryan--dc-Caughey; 11_ bbls eggs, Volgt, Mahood & Ce; 18 bundles carriage, hardware, Hare it Bro; 26 bbls vin egar, C A Kitzmiller; 19 his cheese, N J Braden; 45 pkgs hardware, Logan, Gregg do Co; 55 baa glass, 'human it Son; .-1 car bum ber,,Nanz rk. H; 153 bags wheat, Thomas Moore dt Co; 41 ska rags, Oodikey ttt Clark; 20 bbls flour, R . Robinson dr. Co; 18 cases lyo„.Penna Salt Co; 10 bxs 'Crackers, Rey- Inez Jz Bros. RtwatatukiGH,CINCINNATI AND ST. Loins RAILRGAD, June L-4 bbls eggs, W J Steel & Bro; 47 sks oats, 15 do rye, 1 box baCon, :Manor dc Harper; 55 -- sks corn, 16 do oats, 6 do rye, 8 pcs bacon, McHenry 4t Hood; 13 bbls eggs, W H Graff & Co; 4 bills poles. 4 do circles, 1 bx seats, - :M MeNS'hin ney & Co; 13 bbls culletts, Bryce, Walker a Co; 5 bdls forks, Logan,Gregg a Co; 200 bbLs flour, T 0 Jenkins; 2 09 eks oats,Brown &Williams: 1 cow J Dorrington. At.r.zonmorr VALLEY RAILIMAD. June 2. 160,:bbls - oil, Clark Sumner; 640 do do, Ely a Pinkerton; 2 bbls eggs, S P Shriver; 2 bls butter, Knox de Orr; 2 cars railroad iron, North Missouri R R Co; 6 pkgs but ter and eggs, J C Cuddy; 10 do do, J Hilty; 4 cars limestone, Shoenberger a Blair; 20 sks oats, 10 do rye, J Snyder; 3 pkgs but ter and eggs, G Small; 2 do do, H F Burg man; 2do do, Nebraum; 30 sks oats, 9do rye, Scott a Gisal; 20 do oats, A B Stewart; 14 do potatoes, S Young. 4,LEGII&NT STATION, Jane 2. —1 car 114mber, Taggart et Wilson; 10 - bxs glass J Craig; 184 leans stoneware, J S_RobinsOri; 18 bbls flour, S 0 McMasters; 106 bgs mlll - feed, M Steel a Son; 6 bgs cortuneal, R& A , Carson; '2 pkgs rags,-Mrs leplatt; 3 cars 1 metal, Leartsalaileya , DalMAL - PITTSBURGH AND CONNEWHILLE RAILROAD, June 1.-1 ear metal, Yough iogheny Iron de Coal co; 1888 Nils pap er, Markle a Co; 16 aks oats. Bingham ng; 5 bbls crackers, R Robison a Co; 181 tails sheet iron, W.F ,Armstrong; 8 coils rope, Fulton, Bollman de Co. • 'ENRSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD, June 1-6 sks flaxseed, Gay & Welsh; 30 aka wheat, Hitchcock, MoCreery dr. Co; 62 bblif pitch, Lupton & Christy; 30 bdls paper Wcllroy & Harrison. I RIVER NEWS. I . • . .. - J• I 1•A.t...C. • ,*-.:ATAWC.. , VICI ., l a. , Z.IMVAI'..., :,,,,, ,-..,...,,, lI I NI . , t Irtrn"-g-- tit fiertuvitorit .G.s.zE •:- _Va•NtsiXt • Beg' . . • . . ral thoneand.dollara worth repairs. She was owned by'the Memphis and Arkansas River Packet Company, valued at $15,000,1 and insured in Cincinnati. and St. Louis offices for three-fourths her value. The bill'inaking Chicago, St. Louis and Cincinnati - pints of entry,' and allowing transportation of imported goods dliect to those ports to the Original packages, passed the House by two majOrity. By an amend ment distilled spirits anti wines are ex- Ce,rfrom the, peration of the bill. The Bellevernon, en route from St. Louis has the following .items of freight for Pitts burgh: Rees,. Graff & Dull. 19 bbls iron, 1 keg and 3 sacks bars; 'John Flack, 2 boies bedsteads; John Fulton, 14 hhds tobacco and 2Um ,do; Nimick t Co., 100 tons pig iron; Davis, Chambers & Co., 136 pigs load; Jas. Wood & Co., 200 tons ore; J. B. Can field &, Co., 60 pigs lead. - We clip the following from the Cincin nati Gazette of Monday: • The Emma No. 3, Pittsburgh to St. Louis , passed down on Saturday-well loaded. She received a fear passengers here. Pilots, John Sullivan and Moses Kirkpatrick. Ina lxilaWare, Pitts burgh to Nashville. Is expected here to day. The Abeona received over one hun dred tons of freight and some passengers fFom the J. N. McCullough. Besides what was reshipped on the Abeona, the McCul lough reshipped 300 kegs , nails and 12 tons other freight on the Mall boat America, 60 tons on the John H. Groesbeck, for New. Orleans, and three and a half tons on the Havana, for Nashville. She took 100 ale barrel& from the Westmoreland, and left for Pittsburgh in the afternoon. The Importer arrived at Fort Randall on the 22d of May—crew all welL • RECENT 'STEAMBOAT TRANSFERS AT ST. Louis.—Victory, by Amos Abrams, 8.. A. Dozier, Jos. Gray and David P. Green,each sellone-fourth,to the St. Louis and Quincy Packet Company, for a total of p 8,090, Bth May. Sam Gaty, by Ben Johnson ime•quarter e to. Peter P. Manion for $1,62b, March 26th. Julia, by Atlantic and Mississippi Steam ship Company, to James R. Lockhart, Jno. N.Bofinger •David Campbell, Fred Leber tran and Jaines B. Westlake, for 022,000, May , 28th. Bridgeport, byy I. D . Pulkerson, James Kelly, Wm. Re illy, George, H. Brannon, Adolph Phelibert, for $6,600, each selling one-ilfth; to Geo. M. Reilly, two-fifths, and Robert R. Kirkpatrick three-tifths, May th. Evening Star, by A. L. Bryan, John M. Menkhaus, John F Schwegman, Stephen M. Jones, each - selling one-fifth for a total of $9,200, to Thomas W. B. Crews. The Louisville 'Democrat, of Monday; says: The towboats Boaz, Lake Erie. and Grand Lake were due' from - below last night. If we remember correctly, all of them are too long for the canal, and the stage of water on the falls could barely per mit them to ascend. Should they not ar rive until this morning, we can only refer them to Capt. Pink Varble. River and Weather. CBI Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] ' LOY.7IEIVILLF.;JiIIIe 2.—River falling with 6 feet in the canal.. Weather is warm and showery: ST. LOUIS; June 2.-.—Weather cloudy and very warm.' MISCELLANEOUS, PRICES OF THE VARIOUS KINDS OF GUNPOWDER, 31JiNTITACTURED BY THE. HAZARD POWDER COMPANY, ARTHUR KIRK, Agent, ORlce, 17% and 174 FEDERAL-STREET, Electric Noe. 1.3, 3, 4 and 5 vain, in Elquara Canisters, I.lb. ea-M American Sporting, in Oval Canisters of 1 lb. • each D e usk !Mooting, Nos. 1. 2, 3 and 4 grain, in Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each ' Indian Bide, In Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each.... Nentacky Mei In Oval Canisters of 1 lb.-each Kentucky/I idle, in Oval Canisters of % lb. each (25 one lb. Oval Canisters In a cave. ) • (50 half lb. do. do. do.) Kentucky Bide, ma, pro, and **Sea Skoot tug" kep, 26 lbe Kentucky Kee, 7/70, WWG, and "Sea Shoot big" Iv, i n kegs, 12S lbe Kentucky BMee, rim% PTO, and 'lies Shoot. Ingo' ro, In kens, e 34 lbs Deer Powder, itikep, Mining and Skipping -Powder, leintn l r, Pr, and ferrule, netvaell, in kepi, Safe in packages ty ruse for of 60f Bleaeet ating nd over , of superior quality, Delivered free of expense on board of BOP or Ballroad,_ rittabargli or AVegbeny. WARD'S CLOTH LINED PAPER COLLARS l'A'n CUFFS. L iro BE h r A D EVERYWHERE. 'Trade satitated to Pittsburwn A.-IIeRNIOFIT LOOSI4, Wood stereol,P EBSON a 1411 , -, TY Wood street; DiAOR & VARIASbr, lifth street; McCANDLE33, JAIIIEON h CO., 103 Wooddreet. • , Manntaetured by S. W. H. WARD, 337 Broad way. Drew York. • myetipe9 A/fANHOODt HOW, LOST I HOW RESTORED! Just pub tithed innate envel ops. Price, ex cents. A ' LECTURE ON THE NATURAL TREATMENT, and Radical. Cure of Sperntatorria, or Seminal.Weaknesr, Involuntary Ertnissions, k exual Debility'and impediments tO Mar. riage generally; _Nervousness, Consumption, Eel.' lepsy and. Pig Mental and Flintiest Incareity, re aultinKfroM Relf &c. , - by Robt. • Culver. well. M. IL A author ot the, "Green Book. , do. .4 1 1. BOON TO THODIOANDS OW SUFFERER/30' sent under seal, in it plain envelppe, tO any addrear; poir paten receipt of skeet:ma, tor two postage stamps,. to 0 AS: J.. C, KLINE CO/ k ri7 BOW MIT, NEW.YoRK, POSTOYSICE BOX 451/6, Also Dr. COlverwelPs "Marriage Unide, ,, price.ll3 cents. , . notified , All pfroidistercged are bigeby f that tbdNePefi f;tinewire, g modlyed iirtheNourt pf quaricr Sessions...it .Nos. As and LS of June Tenni 1168, has been finally eiiirirged, aid that' the as seswnenti are 'Unless 9t,b 4 iror,e out; d o= will be Motu liens ant collected by process oflae J. F. SLAGLE, Clity .9.110115i574. _ gattidiurgh, May Bth. 1161 • - zn79:p94 LIE' AII) 0 , eAN'STS lirf I • ,A.ll persons Interested are hereby notified that -Vie t!tidrt 'or Vle:iren r :lB :modittesl lir thbitiritt l of Muster lteete e lis et No . ii.siio.,., Pecriii 4 , Term. /Ws hi. be 401 r condemed,, and tbe,% the eiscelment. are Mill' 111, my autos fee leieuee. I 2 r 1 . 1012„: , 1:1231ess payment 11 mule apr beft,re ,Tunei p, , MB, the elehfetwAll Pe, WA. ele , L *AN - add lemeetridtry prandial' laws - , -.„, • ~,, „,, ~,,,, , . 0 f ALL:OI44OSX COW; Alogormy, I ; „...... tin biillaylthicl l lll4l. r, r,i ~ -, 1 „is , gips. I,IIIITAVOES 4-41 fterlielhi b u rAtt mows. Prince m a nd Soli Muff PotaWAC rsaelved and for SW " MUI malt r's, ALLEGHENY, PA. CANISTER POWDER. KEG rOWDER ST'EMMIOA.TE•. O 8 CINCINNATI. F -- TEMSDA. PAC......T—AT is 3i., - The new and splendid side'-wheel steamer J. PL-M'CULLOtiCH, G. D. MOOSE D. • D. 211008 r, , de-wheel steamer will leave d; connecting at Cincinnati ads toLouisville, Nashville, . a and St. Louis. Also to the .. . . rl rivers. s s receipted through either by The shore elegant a regularly as announc with Packets and Sa ll Memphis New Orlea MPper Misslssippland Freight oe passeng rail or Aver. Especial attention 'Business.. ,For freignt or puts given to Orders and Way • e apply on board or to I At 3. couraq !Aents HAS.. BARN S, pIT[SBIJI w : Marietta and EELING, • Parkersburg Line. mlbost, foot of Wood street, Y, at 121 IL Lea*e„Company , B COI D URSDAYS. G T E H O. D. Moms, Muter. AND FRIDAYS. .. A. S. Slummy.% Muter. S AND SATURDAYS. C. L. BIUENTrAti, Mester. ved at all hours by MONDAYS J. N. McCULLOM TUES.DA WEDNESDA GREY EAGLE Freight will be r • &be • _ JA mrst..coLtnis. Agent. R ST. LOUIS, t - TDUJBUQUE AND ST. PAUL.— TT Tie steamer • . AMERICA' - Capt. A. For, Will leave as above, in connection with the North ern Line Packet Company, on THURSDAY; June 4th--* P. Nr. For freight or passage apply on board or to JOHN FLACK. Jet Or. S. D. COLIANGWOOD, Ascents. •REGULAR .WEDNEfii-jar i t DAY PACKET FOR CINCIN A I.—The Ine steamer ARGOSY. Capt. VANDEnonirr. , W. H. Scott, Clerk. leaves Pittsburgh for Cincin nati every WEDNESDA.T at noon.' 'C. HAMM% _ } JAS. COLLINS, Agents. JOHN FLA.CH. _ alk2l COAL AND COKE. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO Having removed their Office to NO, 667 LIBERTY STREET, (Lately City Flour 11111) SECOND 'MOOR. Ar l o L ore we : 4l to o lnalzkii 3 ca . YO:T a tilao l l l H e ra morket price. - All orders left at their office, or addressed to them through the mall, will be attended to promptly. tnyWYM CHARLES H. ARMSTRONG, =I YOUGHIOGLIMY AHD OONNELLIWILLS con, And Manufacturers of COAL, SLACK AND DESULPHI3BIZED COKE. Office and Tird—CORNER OF •BUTLER AND MORTON STREETS. First yard on Liberty and Clymer streets, Ninth Ward, and on Second street, near Lock No. 1, Pittsburgh, Pa. Families and Manufacturers supplied with the bert article of Coal or Coke at the lowest cash rates. Orders left at any of their offices will receive prompt attention. ARMSTARMSTRONG & lIETCIIIIIII3ON, Successors to RONG AND YOUGHIOGHENY COAL CO. MINERS. SHIPPERS AND DEALERS. BY RAIL. ROAD AND MYER, of superior Youghiogheny CAS AND FAMILY COAL. Mace and Tard—FOOT OF TRY STREET, near the Gas Works. SUPERIOR COAL. C. cmnitit.-y-ir. Miners and Shippers of PITTSBURGH GAS, TOED SK and FAMILY COAL, NUT COAL.and SLACK. " 7 Cotl delleared promptly to all parts of the cities at thh lowest market rates. Orrice and yard—COILVER FOURTH ANTI 'WAT SONVormerly_Canall STREETS, Pittsburgh. P. O. BOX LINA. _ oat: SEEDS. JOHN R. & A. DIWIIDOCH, Nurserymen, Florists and Seedsmen. Bs= S7oas--112 SMITHFIELD STREET, oppo site Post Waco. rlttsbusgh, Fs. , Greenhounes at Oakland. Minutes an Eiquirrel 11M. • DOLLAR SAVINGS HANK ) - No. 65 Fourth Street. cmituamitZto IN 1855. ASSETS • Dpen daily from 9 to 2 o'clock; also on WEDNES: 4 ( D 1. li and SATURDAY EVENINGS., from May Ist t November Ist, front 7to fro'clock., and from No.:•• v mber lit to May Ist, from 13 to 8 o'clock. ONE DOLLAR, received of ill sums of not less than ONE. DOLLAR, .and a dividend of the profits declared • Mike a year. In June and December. . Interest has. ' been declared semi-annually in June and December since thellink was organized, at the rate of six per cent. a year. . Interest:if not drawn out; is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same in terest from the lat days ofJune and December, com pounding twice a year without troubling the depot- Itoni to call, or even to• present his passbook. At this rate money-will double in lesatbantwelve years. Books containing the Charter, BY-Laws, Rules and Regulativus, furnished gratia,".ou application at the ottice. • . PuktrinErr- , GEORGE , ALBREE. ; 'i - TICE IMEMDENTs: : ' John D. liackofen, ' A. M. Pollock, M. D., - Benj. L. Fabnestock, Robert Robb, - - - James tienbulm,, John H. Shoenberger, . James McAuley, . James SWIM. :' -• • • James B. D. )f eeds, Alexander Speer, • -Isaac M. Petmeek, TRUSTEES: -Christian Neager. Wm; J. Anderson, . I 'Robert C. Loomis, - 7 - Calvin Adams. . 1 ilenru J. Lynch, John C. Ilindley, -' I Peter A. - Madeira, • ' ' ' George Bizet, . John Marshall. •-, ' Dill Bargain, - . .• : - Walter P. Marshall, , Alonzo A. Carrier, . , John B.:McFadden, ' Charles-A. Colton, - - . -Ormsby Phillips, . . • , John Evans, .- - . Henry_L. Rlngwalt, . Johp J. Gillespie, -• • WM. 7 E: Schmertz, William S. Haven, • , Alexander 'Tlndle. • !Peter H, Hunker, • - William . Van Kira, • • 1- • Richard Hays, • . . • . . Isaac Whittier. I James D. Kelly, • - 'Wm': P.- - Wcyman. - Tanisup.m.7-CHARLES A... COLTON.. I. • SECRETAItY—jAMES•B; D. , MEEDS •. - . pATE1111"1p0311111Vit'flON 110SL: • • This 110.3 is, without . utiestiop,_' I the stivngest ;and most durablii.e.tany now inananintured. Cut in lengths to suit puiehasertiorith nozzle Mid ilexews. JOAN M. ' SATE , ' 'l'himber . gel, Liberty 014,PAttiburgh r . Op Federal. street; Anas c hei r ii. , misa:wsoirtr:Tztag i' l itroiszairt - To' rtgazitititzt • OFINESI, OZINESt.-13EINE81-4 here iusttre.:, fie Ve 4 tb. rollollln . onell, Alt cempiet e , w ifh bobs, esteandatekeres. SO. 00i1140 , and 50 rade to , L in o.lone tech thee 1150_ 5%1 receive ku a rowdily' 5 - o — sed TO yard fti Tertlealwlehtttg Seines hetV better callroonteitt • e any ;4 13 1 zottt i aeisdi for tits dlneult - 10 get e blade, ere o ere • earbribthe irtater.,i il'lr eel by ;- .:, , thew iioVir 130 Weed' stre e t; .: ap7:lTriP I K 5 , 7 .1101 108 'AND JOINTED 13. — ISAyeAlghsCaky B•intf stock 0; rt 8 ' LIU* 'KOMI, kith Baskets, f end *Medal, Batt; The tat Izzak Welton ous AM - eetaplitt aSsort m-oii of Ik e Motltett l i H A l S o S .ll l l o by - 2 l• Wag B9WN, 136 Woodfitreet. r 1; APT" An() CANEI iiiirimist Pacts: - "1 tit" baPt)./jaceLve4,-41tractp - t t a l loVioVilt s vet Weoutu; '7;000 sdpiorlar cane w t . l yillejiAlibplyinilorw flgikrt i • Mbeser 11145 Men , cu sale winter,..tha nest ;li to ,1 ti med' ) • :)1.1.1i , ;4:41' ;10 Y '/ • qiiikosAissibt Latimisaigmur:i quailty warranted geed, et the lowest L J. H. PHILLIPS, spIS WI awl ASS, OW Welts COMMISSION MERCEIANTs M STEELE & .SON, -Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR,. GRAIN, FEED. . &O. No. 95 OHIO STREEI. near East CommOß, ALLEEWENY CITY, PA. . Commander. Clerk. JAMES E. MEASOB JOS. ILABgER NrEANOR & HARPER, 4 ' l " m ' FLOUR. GRAINARD PRODUCE comarngBiort mmitc-x-Ltw,xvE4 3A9'LIBEETY STREET, PITTSBURGH Consiirtunenti Solicited. Rarznawcas—J. G. Martin, Cashier Mechanics' National Bank; J. B. Dilworth & Co., B. T. Ken nedy & Bro. Dial:l74 YET= KEIL JAB. F. RlCaditi• - ECM & RICHART, ' a- ZOMMISSION , MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS r.N FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FRED, ac., ac., 549 I.llberty dt., Pittsburgh, m :537 , L. J. BILANCIIARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 396 PENN STREET lip18:m89 • ALIVE. WHAMS.: .. . . . . ... CC R ANE & ANJEIt, . „ OMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers in FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE-GEN ERALLY No. 141 WATER 'STREET, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. , ' FETZER & ARMSTRONG' PORWARDMILAND 0020188101i.113111:0/WM nir the sale of Pionr, Grain, Bacon, lard, Riatter, Seeds. Dried Fruit and Produce generally, No. 1 . 0, MARKET STREET, cornet of First, Pittsb urgh. QUOMAKER & • LANG, ..Whole. KJ Sale dealers in Groceries, Flour, Grain, Pro duCe; Provisions. Fish, Cheese. Salt.' Corbels 011, Libertyos. 112 and 174--WOOD. STREET, near street. Pittsburgh, Pa. noSatSs Joss; I. Roush 'EDW. HOUSE ---- IrsVii.tietraa. - TOHN HOUSE & .Sue• cessors to JOHN I . HOME & co. Wholesale cers _ and Commission Merchants,. Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. . , eIIRIDDLE, No. 183 LIBERTY • STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa., Comnilaston Mer ant and Wholesale Dealer in Country Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash' ad-. vanced on Consignments, and paid for Produce gam erally. ItOBT. KNOX • • ANDRISW .15N0.11. 'Um KNOX & SON,.. CODIVIIISSIO3 thtt 3r F E E R EWAVVIV i r s a I IagaI RA NI 79 DIAMOND, opposite City Hall, Allegheny Clty, ja17:117 • KtAV.CRAWFOItiP) COMMISSION MERCHANT IN PIG METAL,. BLOOMS, WROUGHT SCRAP IRON; FTRE BRICK AND CLAY.. &c. Warehouse and Office, Nos. 3643 and 368 'PENN STREET.' Storage -furnished. • -- Consignments solicited. . , • - ocg TaITTLE, BAIRD , & • PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, CommDelon Merehants and ealers In Produce,. Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Flab,- Carbon and Lard 011, Iron, Nalls, Mass, Cotton Yarns an 114 Pittsburgh Manufactures' generally, US and SECOND STREET, Pittsburgh. T VANFIELI , 84'80N .00191- ft, • MISSION' 4' FORWARDING MERCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealers in. Westernßeserve Cheese, Ratter, Lard, Pork. • Bacon;' Flour, Fish, Pot 'and Pearl Ashes, and Oils, Dried Fruit and Produce t enerally, N 04.144 and 146 Front street, 'Pitts- JOAN BIIIPTON.,i, ...A WALLACE nirproNa, WALLACE , WHOLE SALE ROGERS AND PRODIIVE" DEALERS is: 6 SIXTH STREET. Pittsburgh. 11‘121•58 JOS.' A. BUTLER, ALDERMAN AND POLICE MAGISTRATE.. °Mee, 120 WYLIE STREET, near Washington, • PITTSBPRGEL PA. Deedi, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments Depositions, Collections, and all other legltimat ' husioesa executed promptly. laibM:n9 e RADIUM. McDIASTERS, AxamitmArr, Ex•Oficio Justice of the Peace - and Police Magis trate. OrIee,GRANT STREET, opposite the Ca thedral, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, and all Legal Business executed with protiptneas and dispatcn. ruble VUSTACE S. MORROW, 1L1.133E005:s EX-OFFICIO .nrsricv or TEE PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE• ' OFFICE NO 73 ?ENNA AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds Bonds; Mortgages. Acknowledgments, Deviations and all LegriiMindness executed with ' rom Mesa and dispatch. my'Zi - Jiistite of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL iSTATiiINGURANCE AST. CARSON STREET _EAST BERIKEINGRAM. Collection Of Rents solicited end yromDtlyyAttend! ed to. mr3:760 99, ($l,lllO 19. WILLIAM H. BARKER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CONVEYANCER, &C.,; Office, CARSON STREET, - .nearly opposite the Hallway Depor, , SOVTLIPITTBI3I7BOH. Business entrusted to. ids care promptly attend ed to. - rayltyet DAPAIEL MCMEAL,III. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN. No. 59 Grant St., near Iligh T S. FERGUSON, V+• • '•ECOND FLOOtt,FROItT ROOM JOHN. W. RIDDELL; , • ATTORNEY-AT- LAW. lee, U 6 Diamond,l66reet, (Opposite Oe,Court lionse,) 11315:04 ''[xT A.;LEwIB~ I'!' • No. 99 -Diamond 13treet. • •nl,. ;,. mhs:uB Atcq.4 l l ll ' ll l4l o ,F4L.E. ••. ATI/1011,141EALP.AILT•a..i4W, , • ~ '44 - ingo:Arif • a L ATTORNEY : 'AN D :COUNSELOR' AT LAW, • NO. $0 Grant istr‘ei, zn • :1374-1 r;l,4t:' -. PI'PrEIBT.O3OII; PA. j °1111 "!• 11T44 4 5, `. - EB=OMiilo latroiC kit- T rrin, irpeez AND iritze th iliZ l ;ll4 44l gte, " _Ntsl4llk46itl43.: 1 1 :46/1 111 011 1 „Ni;%ei s in d ,tiaiegiMit' aelasiemrced vitt% promptness and aispacon. jell:WV& MCCOM/N4 F C Al -7,1",'.1 , 1 :1.11 -,-f. - rir, , 1,,•,„ ~ ... ~ '... ; 9PP,OPCOUNSEILLORAT LAW, No .087 , 011 tit. falizireet. reriskitut, Thinn: t!tis imeizriars bt.Piirproinvilr. 1 ocusetioullf i - . li. ,n:,pur., - , :u. ! :.-,. i i ' IIO:sow• 0. ;Y yNEW SIMIERRESIMIT. ba t i vinz: 44 : 414 44 $ iergi:Che 1,121%01 4 Jm etr estot i gAlar T i, i "r V CtimlngitttqaP nZilli3d•Co tt p2. n t:Zo!brrrott4d ,urott• -• 0, ten _ : dl2ll : l o . lls2de ee rate bes 88 1; phor slalom romantic oces sze l i d dmik 11=01. resort to the State. _ M. T. EX rivielesor, ME srumic. M=Xl2l PROFESSIONAL. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, • No. 87 Fifth Street. rw'rBBITRGIL PA. ATTORNtY-AT4.AW, PIT =BURGH, PA. 7 0 1 =43 = IMA,ROAIV. 'DITTSBURGH and aNBEIN CONNELLSVILLE R. R. On and after TAIIESDA.Y, March 50,. 18041 ; trains will arrive at and departitrom the Depot, cOr ne.r of Grant and 'Water streets; as follows: . De.W.lrr.l ' Mail to and from trniotre. n 7:00 6:00 P. 1f• MaKeesport Accommodt , n.11:00 A. 31:05 P. W. Er. to and from Unlont'n. 3:00 p. x. 10:00 A. M. West Newton Accommod'n 4:30 p. w. 8:35 A. N. , Braddocre.Aegeannodat'n 6:13 P. 55. 7:30 P. N. Night Ace. to MeKeesport.lo:3o P. X, 0:40 A. M. Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton 1 . 00 P. x.10:00 A. N For tickets apply . t3+ I 1 .N. KING, Agent W. D. STOUT, SnOtirhitendeat. wigs ALLEGHENY aggliggi VALLEY RAILROAD. Y DIRECT ROUTE TUTHE OIL REGIONS. Running through to Venango City without change of cars—Connecting with trains East and West on the Warr e... & Franklin. Railroad, and Atlantic & Great Western Railways. Shbrtest and quickest • route to Oil City and 11 Franklini' nd all points In the Oil „Regions. 1 1 On aadjafter April 26641868. Passenger Traltut will leave from and errive at She Pittsburgh Depot, Corner Canal and Pike . Sta. as follows: Depart. Arrive. Mail to and pin Ten. City. 7 :60 A. M. 0:151.. X. Express • •• • 10:40 r; 1fa9:23 A. M. Brady •s Bend Accommod'n 3:00 r. st. 10:20 A. M. Sedtt Works Accom•n 8:30 , r. N. F:55 A. K. First Hutton Accomod•n... 8:50 A. x. 11:40 A.-14. Second Holton Accomod`n 12:00 M. 3:55 P. x. Sunday Church Train leave& Soda Works at 8:05 • 1 , A. x.. arriving in Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. M. Re turning, leaves Pittsburgh at 1 : 10 P. is.. arriving ah Sella Works at 2:55 P. H. BLACKSTONE, Supt. W. F. HOPE, Ticket Agent:,- • ap2l RI TTSBURGllliloggig CINCINNATI AND ST. IB RAILWAY. PAN HANDLE ROUTE. ORANGE OF TINE.—On and after SUNDAY Mayl.oth, 1801, trains will, leave and arrive at the Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time:. Mall Express Fast Line Fast EslT;ire ss ... •• • . ,•••• •• ab Mixed Way 6:10 a. m. .7:Obp.m. McDonald 's Acc'n, No. 1..1140 a. in. 3:05 p. Steubenville Accommod'n. 3:50 p.m,. 9:30 a. m. McDonald's Acc'n, No. 2.. 5:25 p. in. 8:20 a. m. SPECIAL NomCE.--Sueday Fxpress leaves at 1:50 p. m., arriving in Cincitmati at 0:00 m. the next morning. _ The 9:40 a. Train leaves daily, Sundays and Mondays excepted, and,makes close connections at Newark for Zanesville and; points on Sandusky, Mansfield & Newark H. IL • gt 8. F. SCULL, GeYneral Ticket' Agent. W. R. CARD, Sup't., Stedetenville._ . R • 11 OE FORT •.' From M DLEV t iLA N D O 3 . 4 and arrive atAhe 'Onion time, es follows.:. •••..: Lati2. • Cleveland Ex-. 2:13 Ism, Erie tt YgisAil 7:918 aml Cl. &Wh'tg3l , l 6:13 am, Chicago Nail.. 6:58.a mi Chicage_Ex.... 9:43 a mp Cl. &..Va_ff ' Ex. 1:43p rni - Chicago Ex.... I:sBpm Wh. it Erie Ex". - 4:48.p Depart from Allegheny. N.Brigt`n Ac. 8:58a m `Leetsdale • 10:13 a m •.• • " 11:58 It MI • Rochesterm 343 pml Leetsdale Ace. '4:13 pm .N. Brigt'n " . '5:33 pm' N.Drigt7u •.'„ 628 p m .-Leetadale " • 10:43_pm 1:58 p. m. ChicagoNx . press leaves minlyU 7 F. R.:,11-YE tr. NN B,lf LTA, CENTRAL RAILRO. 'and after May 10th rive at and depart from thi Washington and Liberty if • Arrive. Mail Train.... 1:20 am' Fast Line - 1:50 ami Wail's No. 1.. 6:20 am. Latrobe Acen '1:50 am Wall's No. 2.. 8:5.0 am Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 aml Johnstown Ac.10:35 a m Baltimore' Ex. 1:00 p m Phila. Express 1:20 pm Wall's bro. 3... 2:05 pm Bmddocks No 1 s:sopm Wall ona Acc.'s No. 4. n ' 7:ospm Alto and Emigrant Train......... 10:30 pr. • . The Church Train leaves Wall's Station every Sunday at 9:15 a. m., reacllng Pittsburgh at 10:05 a. Returning, leaves P ttiburgh at 112 : 50 p.m. and arriv at Wail's Stati nat 2:00 p. m. • ' , Cincinnati Express leavei daily.. A.ll,ether trains daily except Sunday,. I For Butner information apply to , W. ff 4 isEcKwrrn,-*gent, The Pennsylvania Railrend Company will not adz sume any risk for Baggage4except for wearing ap parel. and limit their responsibillt to One Hundred.. oirs in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, un less taken byspecial contract. • _EDWARD H. WILLIA3IS4 General Superintendent, Altoona,,Pa. . EMI ERN .PEN N- EbZD p., 4 1 61111 . SYLVANIA- It4L :—Con and afterjltay 10tI, 1867,. the P seer Trans Ithe attern X.ennsylvantig . road will arrive at and, depart from the Fed Street Depot Alleghtmy ci l ty,. aa follows. • - _ . _ Staingd'e Nal ;6:35 a m Mail- ' 'Deport 6:15 _Freeport N0..1. 8:15 atp Freeport No.l .9:13 ana • F.xpreeut.' ..•111:15 m Sharpb , g Nd.111:30 am &iamb , g .- No . . 1 .1:5115 p m F xprese 1:50 p m Freeport No. - 2, ;4:10 p mrpringd‘e , No 1 • 3:50 pm MiA 5:50 p m Freeport No. 2 6:05 p na. • Sprbigd'e No 2 7:10 p m,3turingd , e No 2 7:30 pin ' Aboye trains run deny eXcept_tiunday..... The Church Thai' leavig Allegheny Junet. every Sunday at 7:40 a. in., reaching Allegheny City at . 9:50 a. to. Returning, leaves - Allegheny City at 1:90 p. and arrive at i regheny . admit. at9:511 p. :, • CoMfirrAlrioN !rum!, For sale-In :packages of Twenty,_between,_Alleglierly City, Chestnut street, Berra. Bennett; Pine Creek; Blue and ft:Limburg. and good only on thetrains stopping at Stations ape. cined,on DAUM, I I- L• . • .. The trains leaving . Alligheny City at 6:15 a. in. and 1:50.P.x.: make direct. connection at Freeport 'witirWalker'e line ofStages for Butler and Ban nah town. Through tickets hut') be.-purchased •at - the Mee, ,No. 3 St. Clair street, near the Suspension Bridge-Pittsburgh, and ;at the Depot,' Allegheny. For farther Informatien apply to - JAMES - LEFFERTS,Agent, Federal Street Depot. The Weirteru Pentisylvinia Railroad will not ea. - 'same any risk for Baggs4e, except for wearing ap parel, and limit tbel. reslonalbility to One Rundaed. Dollars in • value. . A. 1.1 baggage : exceeding thin amount in value will be I the risk of the owner, nn. teas taken by special cont tact. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS ' Gen•Tal Suncrintendent. Altoona. Pei Q. Di OKA Hit Laggiggir a i p RUTE. ' ! UNION PAC m , :RAILWAY Easton,: Division. ap4m73 The SHORTEST AIMISOST RELIABLE ROrIE '" from the Eau& to all poi in • :.Colorado, • itevada, California, ;. Utah, Aritona, : 1 WaShiqtola, New Mexico, Idaho, . _ Oregon. Tire. Trains leiye State ) Line end Leavenworth daily, @enders excepted,' on the tirrikalhTtoine of .PACIIIC 811,11rOattfr011at. LOWS. an& iHrinnlut end . 'Bt.' Jo Rallrbad from thincyr •connecting at Maw - reacts, Topeka and ..WisoiegOwlth stagger for- all points in Matsu, At-.end of trait' west' of Ells wwoprrtth the UNITIM STATES'EXPRESS _COW. PA' DAILY LINE OF • OVERT - AND MAIL !silt& EXPRESS COACCE4 you •• - - . . MEIN vEtti Azzr‘•v - , , *: - Fi - mg • Pointei•the Territories, Anewitti l iANDlDßBol ifir-w.Ent.'i LINE of COACHES Ibr Fort Man, Bent , ,s'Fort, Pass, Air Wl: w nyr e , xl " Fe, au: all points In Ariso na . With the nee n. !lions of rolling stock and esitilpment, , antlb the arrangements Made with re ' sponsible•Q•erLnd' Transportation .Llnes,froin tts 'Western terminus, Ode 'read now offers unequalled r .111411 ties for the transtdissiort of freight to tut , •• Tickets for sale at all the prlndra . o Mtet in the united Mitts and Camels". • • '• - • " • - ..1 3 e itute In 4 tusk for tickets via THE sitolvz, LL •ItOr".r. UNION -PACIFIC - 'RAILWAT; • .EASTERN tia7i*PX.l f "", : MEM :•-firEMUMDEIHIPan ~_Apdamb . ' , ~. via . (iitO.L' kin?. MUMB, L 4.,...*:ig_d0,i,,-;',) T- -411E.F.*$T'• 1.•r...„,1.- ~. .; 4,64.,....1i44121° INIM, , titiectilii* ',lir' iiiiitk4 beriii. .1-'1! vrrynia4.l4l:lll° -, - auncei arce.,jan% •1 OWNVoiri. - ,4,..= i V6llitewVllllZikr K ~..:-.. , nariiirimattitt, • . : 4--. • • Batiatzt.) . ,(ohnshale go TIME wain. nit once; rwabligt4 ii Nuzi7 9 Dipart. Arrive, .. 2:15 a. m. 4:35p.1. t_1;:40 a. m. 7:15 p. m. . 1 If .. .. '' ,algtigiMg „ • 14- ... NE Jr..THICAGO . E.:: • - - P4TSBVIIGH Lat.. . . , , trains i.will.leave , from • ' Depot, iwth. Aide, pity. .. • , . q Arrive. , • • ' - , Chicago Ex... 2:23am . ' Clo'eland Ex. 21:23 am. " , r ] 1;1 teru E g x .E:, 1113 :It :, - ,t - St Louis Ex.. 3:33 p m 'CI. & Wh'gEx. .4:38gr0 • .... .1 iE e & Tg . , :iEx • 6:13 pm C case h'x-. ..4:23p10--- Clat Wh`g Vx 7:08 poll. .„,... , ;Arrive in .d/leoheilli. - - - •'- N:;;Brigt's Ac.77:09 nail . .. `. Ni'dllrigt'n ' ".:8:118 am• . '':-. 4 Wellsville 9:53 am .' . Nety Castle " 10:13ans - . Leetsdale " 913 am . . , 11" -1:013 p or. ' • ' N,ntrigt'n " 21:43 pia • • Le ale :: .4:53 p m . . . 7:2Bpas ~ .', j11:-.93-34111.' Chicago E press arrives daily. : iS - nera 'Ticket A cent. aggiNgig A li. h, 1E467, Trains will ar- Depor; - corner of streets. as follows: , Depart. 'Day Express.. 2:20 a m iNtidi's No. 1.. 0:30 aaz Mall Train 7:50 a in ~incinnati Ex 11:40 a la WalDe No, . 11:51a m I.rohnstown Ad. 3:05 pia Braddock:, N014'200 pm Expres. 42.50 p pare No. $ .2 5:00 pm lPs No. 4.. . 6:05 pm ast.Line' - 7:30 p m liatrobe Ace'n 8:50 p Sirissvale de , n10:430 p m ~ /ii;.:, X UM:WWW....I-: . 4Y f - `tieriera~stiperlateadeat "''' ~` 14 34, 17, _ • • * relsbt. anaTic*'Amt. ttt•• "kalVt . : _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers