Ell 4U . E litbblqtl.'.-141.aiittt.. ST, *MO. Ire?" fair it'd tali* promfsei t • Lay the IslangoMThomlf•• Ocean o'er ifs reel:Stand bass Hid Its elementalsears; ,Groves ofeueohtili 'and 'Grew above its ds of en. ' • l?p.the gem of th Antilles— 'lsles of Eden," where no 11l is— Lite a great green turtle slumbered . 'n the sea thalt it encumbered. Then said William Henry Seward As be east tits eye to leeward; "Quite important to our commerce Is gigs Island of St. Thomas." • Said theifountain ranges. "Thank'ee, iitstadSherEghltuer,,ce.t ,o , er our scars and fissures poring, .•• 'ID our very vitals boring., , In our sacred caTerllll prying,. • ' All our secret problems trying— _Digging,. blasting, with dynamit • 'Mocking all th our uneera: }Cast IT;Z ' Sald the seaTlts white teeth gnaehlug O'eriieo7sl;reef lips flashing -1 I • "Shall I let this sc shin ing morta • shut with stand soy portal, • Curb my title and check rqy play, Pence with wharves my shining bay.? Rather let me be drawk out - ' In one awful water-spinatP , , • ' •.. • . Bald the blackcbroweit hurricane • ~ xeling o'er thelipanish main: ' • ...Shall 1 see my facets, sounds I 7 . Idea/lured' by square inch ant I pounds, With detectives itt My back • ' .1 • _When I double on my track.- I And my , secret Paths made clear, ' • Published o'er the hemispbere . • • t• • , - To each gaping. prying crew!.. - Shall I? - Blow mg If I dot" - Bo the minintainciltookAnd thundered, And the hurricane came sweeping. And the people looked and' Wondered As the sea came on them leaping: • „ . • ;.Each; according -to his promise. Alade things lively at - St. Thomas. Tin one morning,When 13111. Fliward Cmt hirweather eye to Leeward. • • • • !There Was not an Inch of dry land 11..eft to mark his recent island. • got,4 fla b gstaff or a sentry, - , otn w arf or port of entry— . ' • • ,Only—tcrent matters shorter - Just a•patch of muddy wa t er, ; ' In the open ocean tying, ' • . And a gull above it flying. • ' •• • ' - : -Ban Francisco Bu/Istin. Wri.XINBI3I7RO, May 22;1868. Eurron osv , TUN tle be GAZETTE—STM—AB the . . disbetween'Congressinen . Waslibuni ~ . • ari d `Connelly has assumed a national inter est, smile facts , not g enerally known, may , not be out of place in your , columns. . When Minnesota was, a Territory it was under the exclusive control of the Buchanan Democracy, In her.first election, as a State Rameayolne Republican candidate for Gov ernor, was defeated by. the „votes of Indirins in breech-cloths and blanhets, and by re .turns from election - precincts where nobody lived. At the second, the Republicans ral lied, and the two parties: came together in the fiercest political reneounter I ever saw. The Democrats brought out 'their strongest men as candidates, and • had all • the aid the party in power could'give. For Lieutenant Governor they nominated Getteral S. B. Lowrie; ''a' Southern gentleman of great wealth and such perional TOPularity that he had been generally, regarded as political dictator. of the Territory from itifirst organ iiation. An Indian trader aid interpreter, a mail contractor and President of the Claim - Club, who drove out of the country whom soever they would, he would = never condescend to represent the Territory 'as Delegate at Washington, but sent some subordinate, While he controlled mat tem at home. To oppose him the Republi cans nonilhated Mr. Doneelly, an Irish latiyer who had diatinguished. himself by his eloquent appeals to,his countrymen, in favor of human freedom: It was a most hotly contested election. Schurz, Colfax and Grow stumped the State; but none did better service than Donnelly, whois a most logical and cunning reasoner, in addition to the usual qualities of a capital stump speak er. The Republicana now triumphed; and She DOnocrats were so completely beaten that there can be no good reason to fear a Demo cratic majority in the. North Star State, at any time in . this , century. Donnelly ran ahead or. his ticket although these very charges whichlfr. Washburn now makes, were then made, and reiterated in every Democratie paper, in handbills,, • and circu lars, and public speeches, and scattered bit:indeed allover the State.. I•was per fectly familiar with them, and , considered them triamPheetlY disposed of long- before the, people rendered their verdict. , , When the Republicans took charge of the —Springfield, Mass., has a Doctress of Government the State finances were in a Medicine, who is a graduate of two col- deplorable condition. The people re-elected . _ every . State officer hy increased, majorities - - .... •at the end of their that: term; there certain -A new census of the city ou B a ltimore 1 Y had been, and continued to be a vast im is to' be taken, and a re-division into wards • movement in: the State credit. ' to to take place. ' • . . When Mr. Lincoln was first elected, -there —The Weeping Baptist is the latest of was a very thorough canvass of ' the State; those pious fungi leading Republicans calculated, in case of so prevalent about revival his election, that the patronage of the gen times in England. era government would be given to those —The Haytien paper dollar is only worth who labored for that consummation. There about two cents in silver. Solnave's re- were several contestants for the Surveyor verses are the cause Generalship; but.the people, in the northern . district, expected it to be given to Stephen —Those little foreigners, the sparrows, Miller, who has since been Brigadier Gen are being:killed by the cold, wet weather in. eral and Governor of the State. He had the New York parks. been adelegate to the Chicago Convention, . - - and chairman of the Electoral Ticket, —A Petersburg, Ya., paper cidls Gen. R. - canvassed the State, is an effective public . E. Lee, "the pride of the world." That speaker, had contributed liberally in money pride hashed a woeful Dill to defray expensea, was thought to have a —The fare from Boston to New York is claim, second to none, to the best appoint merit the. party could give:. Col. Aldrich, $l. It used to be M. Unlimited' compe- the, Congressacmal reputation commended tion has made the difference. by Mr.. Washburne, acknowledged that —Strawberries will be very plenty in claim. I inyielf saw his written pled jes to . about two weeks. It is thought the season secure the \ 'appointment for Mr. iller. There were two other prominent aspirants, will be at its height about the 17th inst. . whose mune& I hate" forg o tten, but whose —There is a man in Delaware - who has -chihkis are i trong. :•• _, had fifty-one children and three wives. One When the appointment' was announced of the latter and. thirty, of the former are there was much such a sensation as when 3fr. - Pierce was nominated for President. still living. !. . The question then was "Who is Frank —Thirty farmers in Green Lake county, Pierce !" -- INow. it Willi,' "Who is Wash- Wis., organized a gopher hunt last' week, -burn !" "IN'rashburnel , - • Washbunse 1! " 'and'sncceeded in depriving 2,221 gophers of Men , wouldcogitate, "Where did he come - -•• front ?" - - ' '` ' • : t h eir /L o ves ' -: .• . •'• . ' ' • ' '- In explanation of his broken Pledges, •--The people of Hartford like to I' encour, , Colonel Aldrich that the Washburnes ::. age A m erican talent; thpy i should all - be good 'inCongresa had demanded thiiposition for .. protectionists for Booth l'cloltln. ito*, more the,Washbarne who was not in Congress; than did Rig' tori,• .. , .., , . • mid' that it was impossible -to ignore their —Walterßroirn viable to find any A .• their 'interference .in Min mu. influence. ; , s . ', • - - • nesotti. a ff airs was thus- clearly indicated it glenian who, has confidence enough in him ta r perhapk, not unfairto infer that to it the to roWrwith him, inis hiked. a .challenge to Republicans of that state were indebted to the world at hirge, '" - • each a distributhin that; Gorirnment'patron - .Edmund ,-, -,;..; the; '''• ' i'...____. ' age, under Mr.Oicohi; as "well, nigh dis-' %T.'LLWI:II4 recrearu muulor , ~ . . . _• - •• o 'organizers the party._ Nothing but the most ! ' ' irPm . . , .... - /CM/ 13 , 11 2 ' . l . . 14 o '° l 7'"l& ,Ightr.. weigh s ~,.. one exalted patriotism could have , induced the sr'ialaPrPl- '._ Lmitt•tekrtYl Sr,m4a?kast,ight brown pe op le • to continue to uphold a•party which -hair and smooth brown•bsard.. • - conferred its favors on its drones, or most •active enemies. as for Instance appointing Ran nor says that Mr- Greely has b e come the two no as, ' g p ge Laud Officers of St. SO' thoroughly a quiet Man that he bastakeu Cloud, Mien.; to •Payinatiterships, over a s t o o t oohhag,-that is, to use the words of the dozen Republican; applicants. • ~ thdriebtjoureallittl'to'makiig a het of him- ~ This General Washburn who. is to sup . ~,, ~ ., ••• _ , , .• - , .plant,Mr. Donnelly got his title , from this • • • • appointment, and was in 31inzieriota making —The Yale Courant wishes - each who graduated' undei j the late ' President during all the time of the War: for, there . Day to contribute:One dollar to erect a suit. Was' no 'euktgratlon , to, the State in those : . , able „o o • ,o- .hi ta .1 0 - th i i years. She had about atv'Mtieh Use for • a ' MOM2IIIeIOI t° /1 • 43 C°-e g e • _Surveyor General es a calif - dr a third wheel. .' 1 grounds. -•- - 7, 1 ...- :,, ~ ,• ' • , . - That Mr. Wiabbnineshoulslaii, forget the • ...a.New buildings are going up all over the dignity ' of his; position . to repeat, , in. : .`city, and 111 s not itranPletifaml:4 . lght; and-` writing, and republish t ile's ,old :Demkw j. . , when we think; that . sometime':hcfcire next •Oratle falsooo4,llfter•their repeated; publiC . „, refutation, is at e, but is quite in keep.' Irlilter rftl!_i!treet, l Y 4 7 . Tir9 . 1 1,0 1 7, 1 ?°..,0ave42 lug with n• plot to: Oust ow trneovorkirig, ' • `' ' we ATepleAsAojTith:glii i Firge4p4:pr mu- Republican, .and , •gite •his place , to a man , niCipal improvement. . ' : who has-neithefabilltrOr inclination to do , , ~ r i vi n ., , -,,,- wit h e. ikeih I;ii lei, teen t h e I anything for his 'patty or' doinit&,lAlt sign : .... i•— • Chinese -, em ~: b assy sad„ declares .that one of Itr. D o Hell "Plitt.his - tower s , hot.headed .I "" ;l itifiii i * 4l 4'', been ' l oPrltinat. l ,i, 'alid*OEßlC l o4o l :o4tiairn Al 'Aii, L ia, and. , : - ; 1 4b i ii 1 1 11 /A/kill' 10* r i0",,*40 arrange - ' li4dit VA*A i ttu4' oll s l 44o4l l, 47P been said': • • • ' 1 , - •' = '' ' ieerrA ' ' alio nroneat l*publianstot meats with Wanus Cobb to have • his tall . . - 1 1 - * • ,:, • - •- r oii t - ,,i xit t ent -. • th , f i Pea° ere .2 1 41 , 11 iffr :at a- Conant( QW, 1 . -lili*7ork Ledger . :name_ of this,yoang hammolef.ithoWasmitdo l John V , *pgeh • 4,ol,...",pnts r actitnisi fest tallier Shlplofilltste - lit.thealder barna .l, an haseme of ,114,481 4 Li nd ten year mole deb and who sent om . ro- , ..t, u t , , • •. ~ A.. , , • .t... ,of her orltineMentbets. . - cr, the poet * 11, p, °rant War • *.....,/ -,,,,-..t. 4,,, ,inv. -iv::fli to . -,.. -,--. • ~. 0 that .,, ~ ~..f., , ~. ~, ,- . ~,' F , uo 614Luirwismai, .- monnei t y 7 n. onoo,ll , t a nner, l / 140111, than Blear we -..-. -: ble''',bittrha t •lk, liiail"o . ~ 1101-.1 7 . hoo fro Wm lii `f OM , out' mirrat km? ' ii . ' . tieba4 *I 4: . A . WILY .: -• I 6 dleall 1 0 11 2 o:4 4. o l foFilvSai 4140 4 .-- ila s tili; Iti..ilPee t ' MOW'. , ' AIM!!! • ,. .1. 1 :fi l l/Irk' 1 .4.' i fisialiti,, ,. . ~,, ,_ ,- :,,.,:;, ',, ~ ~ ~ „- , • chi piy is a pike?, an. .• - ways 1 ~4h. ziberft,,s 0 01 4 , - 1 ' . , ' ftr i orots-TWO, wireatAlquatittmcgro cut • - :x . ffieloWTOill'ebto - : 14411dlir for &harmonic - like, tlern,,Witsh thiltibiadatali.*-1.041i ate, lap sfinuftif' 0 ' hurne,Wonlctbo emgh 34 - 60 7 4 an $l,OOO :grin , ; I idej Commander it:. larnesttlwatkior lOW Illir.oDotubi ion ••. ~,, 1 - /.... r f illet hasitood Inl the front' tit "t d 1 • tfr A 44l4 ' - • ".'"'itii E dna lasn C it ' ' itiiitbr Aftedi pistil ' *nazi ~ cl4,4ie Lopiefai•O‘Al4 l o7 6 CPegi,oo4e, V r 3014400, 0 „POO dP,, -whichlamokeillapeilOnsa , OM iliettemla . 2ifK sgprs ' ”' '. .." " . - 1, " ~1. 'Y 4 i iirod . . 3. 1.... v , I 1,60 4 :4 0a # Aillitigi al gii i i"o l o 1 41. L4 111 1" ,111101111141. ''' ' ' I - . . C `f'll)' ..-til . ,vi r,.,1 ,0:,/ ,, .74! l'N., < , (.0 b - y41%. 1 '. f!' • , • ,Ii,;;, ,p40P.1; t Alt 4itli - 4 ofigig ;• `i, •EPHEMERIS. , _ is not corning to America this 1 -1.409 new, houses are going 'up in I•Tew York. ''l.—srhi season began at' Atlantic' City on • 43aturclay. last; ; t- • , -Black walnut is the fashionable material ' for croquet sets: - ' ••—"There is 'a female horse-thief . some 'where in Indiana. .Pio None. is said to bc. au excellent :. • former on the•violincllo. , —lndia rubber wheels for carriages used by inv.alids,'are the newest idea. • —Ristori is to play fora week in Phila delphia, beginning next XondaY: —Gottschalck is conquering - susceptible • hearts and breaking planos'in Brazil. =Three hundred more' Canadian &naves have started otr.their journey to Rome. —One of-Bismarck's pain' relations, also named 13istnuck, in' gaol at Chicago. ' Ruston 'Post calls conntry board the. lumber-market, and says it is high. : , —The bronze statue of Shakespeare for . • Central Park is to be modeled by Q. L. MEM •-• l• ,01". ate'l***,`‘,44s4,lo-IZ , •'''' ' ArtlY„.lsl,X9..trirkSWi„.74. • 7 •- • • •••"'ll`,- ' •• -• ' • ' • • - ' ' • ' -7 , her • ---- . • - woz 4-4: ' • • --• r• ' der victories, but it is not a tithe of what he would have received had he been a grog venor, a Caveridish, or a member of any ) other powerful famnYcl,e N-.• • ~,.- —The„Germatis had a . .teligitiful plc iilO hicago on Sunday .-^ 1 KusicOkingingioid. dancincaltermitork bAbletie . 'lormanip of 411 e .The fifth. kdeasantli and giti* : a handsOme sum was ranted to asslitindretraying, the et:" penses cle the great Saenger Fest, which is to come. -7Persons perusing =the remarks of =the Nene/York World on the Republican =di . ' •R•inikuktWaVA... APA.TiLLIA:ri2. I WI-.• beteiliat,that pier said,of .him some time itgbi- "'Reims every' manly Reality, ;which` will cause the name- of lienteninttlenerifGratit'to live - forever in history." • • /:1 f THE WA.4Hl3.lHtailitAm)DbNNE..y.ty MEE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1868. DENTISTRY., k TRACTED Ivrrimor'r !BO CESIUM MADE WREN iirniacia. TEETH ABE ORDERED. PULL SET . POI& OS, - • - AT DR ' - SCOTT'S. Nag mug sTuraii% 3 D:DOCT , 4133 6 91 E A "' ALL *ORE. WAIIBAI,,i'II). CALL AIID EX ITE AMINE SPECIMENS OP GENUINE VULCAN- Iard:4IN .-; ..•, i GAS.FIXTUAESi ._...,.... ____. . ... ---- 114A14 - virllETAnitl2l -, ' Alai . U'.E4..:3 • :k . :ritte3.lctsi*s . 4 i _ . . FOR GAS . AND OIL - ' 'Just feeelved, the finest mid ingest ... rtnaent ever opertedln this cite.. , , . 1 BO . . WELDON ',KELLY f" .147 WOOD'STBEET, COFL•VMGIN mh24:n22 . , • , SEWING MACHINES. = GROVE at IWILICIPS mummy amen - LOCH' STITCH SEWING MACHINES WITH . LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, At the New and Elegant Salei Rooms o 1 NEM COMWTY, 51 FIrTH 'STREET. Also, NEEDT,Th , :, - ,_ATTACITHERTS. MACHINE BILE and c(YETONH, THREAD, MACHINE OIL, &a., gc. , The Citi z e n of Pittsburgh are respect-. fully invited to call •, • . Applications for Agencies solicited. Circulars or temples ny mall on application. Correspondence to be addressetl to , , • • . ; • 4ROVER . Bz -BAKER a X CO., m . i5m22 711711. STRUT; rITTSBIJIIGH. THE GREAT AMERICAN CORI BINATION. - ' - DPl'l4E4l= OVIIESEAMING AND SEWING MACHINE. . IT ILS.I O TAITAI., BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST. FAMILY ILACHINE THE WORLD, AND IN TRINSICALLY THE 'CHEAPEST. BirAgents welted to sell this Maclitne. 33.4simer_my' , Agent for Western 'Pennsylvania• Corner. FIFTH AND. DIA.R.KET EITREETS, ove r Riclutraeon's devrelty Store. - trirS PIANOS. ORGANS, &C BEN' THE 'REST AND CHEAP. . EST PIANO AND ORGAN. • Schomacker% • Gold Medal Piano AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE. ORGAN, The SCHOMACXER PIANO combines all the latest, valuable improvements known in the con struction of s first class Instrument, and brut always been awarded •the highest permit= wherever ex hibited. Its tone is fitU. sonorous and sweet. -The workmanship, fotsigrablUty and beauty, surpass all others. Prices from $5O to $l5O, (according to style and inisha cheaper than•• ail other so-caned first class Piano. • ESTEDS COTTA'IE ORGAN Stands at the beadof all read instruments, injpro- Macias the most perfect pipe quality of tone of anY simiWr Instrument in the United States. It is sirs- - ple and compact in construction, and not liable to get out oi order. CARPENTER'S PATENT " VOX HUMANA TREMOLO" is only to be fennd In this Organ. Price from $lOO to $550. Alf guaranteed for five year.. BMW, MUSE & 1313EXTLER, ' mn9 No. 1A ST. CLAIR STREET. SECOND HAND MELODEONS AND ORGANS, In perfect order, from 633 to $l3O CHARLOTTE BLOKE, 451 Fifth st.. Ad door above Wood mbi'l e. z : :, . ' ' 100 WOOD:STREET CIIIINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, 1 SILVER PLATED WABZ,. • PARIAH STATUkTTES, • . BOHEMIAN. GLASS, ' - And other STAPLE AND rescr eoop.„ a groat variety. . 100 WOOD TrILEET.' RICHARD E: BREED & .CO. 100 WOOD* STREET C 44II 4 II• W IS T EXPI P VIS Federal Street, Allegheny, .• 'Month deof above Diamond. Glass & China Ware Table Cutl Al TERN PRIDES. • Drmilking required • r o Vaaa arra on hind. „Call 'sad examine o jelo:_ • cozrz%o%/O=R4N,I , GEO; ;S C! Fanci Cake - :Thdier 'k.'ecinfeciloneTri' IrOitEMit•; ANDD lutrailt"-k & D_MESTI_ F_RUIT_ A _IITS, No. 40, corner Fe'leis! and Robinson streets, r , Constantly 41i1 band..loE CREAM, of various .avors. HEN= w. HTEIRALCII6 . :Confectionery and 'Bakery No; 29 0 UtT Ifpgiurq; sletweea Blivell#L"d- AIIiPLAD ifit'OYßTll2 SALOON ittsebed, amoitei - roe t E4l 4ildi#BtOglifachiTe nurre And degas+ TCLEIRN AMERIOAN 9 /19NLE8, /ciao Ad.* . r iNiteria 4Vom an, /Int •Nidlenik " di * AU. " Rben7Pitt• CARRENTIMRSIABUILDERE3 : • Ipaa /tWAIDICK,! , " , ' '!, : ..7- . Plianwit*NialitnaoDEß No. 6* I, i v.kibtk 410 :Irin a % eltt a getff''TTelqt , il ,, , "?: 4 ..i .i • ,J0b5uird0wi10.4. 0 6 4 04.14. , ,AN, AU 4gmmptgimegqvh44o#ll c's444` y.ll ILAN' - - - $ • • Kt16:7',17, DYilft./Eatt i tsoultan. 45!, , it,. i, r4 : 6 ,:ii . :,A,• - p 1a ,...r... • _ t .. ,,,,, :, - 0 - 4.'.• i tik i riurriff i r luivids 4 ~ ,, rqt „ ,, ~ - , ,-1 , „4 rf; , : ;,,;11.,•)_i_ :1-0.- - ,41f. 0-1,1+7 , .. .1 , 1 1 ,,r4aLt , ! ~.. ui ~,,,i ~,,, -/ 4 .. - I ; , ' lAg*--,107, .44iiii-.4 . ,L4 ,a1"121; -4'l . A ir.veli 5)11110 li saomia,ra_ ~,.,, ~ . ; I „, . v, aurq ;A:muni Wearill RxiEgaifingill CAMS .11121r11,111, ; 1,.., 5 1 ..,v,.;; 1.,;;,..,;,;:,-, .. ; ;.,,.,.., ;; 3 1 4;1.. ti i 1 . atimitiotntor oats satkimon i w inc' ai P. - 0. rril pr rTtotortaptier;;; .i.,-..i.i, . bid . 111,OrriMit s LI i. 'lll l l B 4 o Cili.i :;.., -“ i is A ~I., ; ;A,:ii, Ai -it ith 1 . ituthase . i 1...i.f..., "..m.1::: i.l ~, , i ~ ..+4..a 1 ,r 0 . 1 . , - In , } Hi 1 lta V11411114' i to b.:Anvil ad z-A .. j0 7,;! - 7n),71 .1i . , .311 1 1i1 1 . ~ . ...e.l„ ,„q .1;,i; . =CI . EM 51 =2 MEI DRY GOODS. AT W111..8E31P 8, 80 . ,8 4 .1$2.Te4elaV.S.;:.neghesif . 4 GOOD BARGAINS IN r ; ' : - -. 6516 tiliat'srr, -- le; -----.1 - ---.4.-- '"r --- "''. •*--..? 7: 4 4,i. Jci..k.s,h4treait4l.l.4deli; ) '4' '..` i ii =, 4 fi 9t J A0P.,11.7: LA - PAW Y POPLINS, LA N S, CHINTZ, )ti#4 StkI!SEALES, &c. ~ 1 ME ~$ Ra~Ti~. •i r . aux UMBRELLA 2,! 1 ,4 t lStrii tfliallElllo3,%' ac Ell 2 NAT'S AND, !MIZaT VA:AWES DEEM I OWNS, HATS; BOIES, rtOWpl43, -Mr OE MTI.'7T=IWT-'7'X''Z'''TT77=l AT EXTREMELY Loyi:Pß!cEs, Wholesale and Retail, E3EI Je2 lBO & 188 Federal St., Allegheny. NEW GOODS J. Z. BURCHFIELD & CO., Have Not received from 7..7ew York, at Ito. 52 St. Clair Street, NEW BLACK COLORED MKS; PINE APPLE GRENADINES; BILK GRENADINES: ALPICOAS, all colors; RITE d COLORED ORGAIIDLES; FRENCH LAWNS; POPLINS, IRISH AND FRENCH: CALICOS AND MUSLIN% with a hill Assort mint of NEW GOODs. Sirßemember the place. No. 52 St. Clair Street. BED, WHITE AND BWJE' FRONT. lag mrD: ' , 87. - MARKET STREET. 87 SPRING AT Tll[ooollll F. PHILLIPS', illuecessor to. J. IC Burchneld/. CO.) awe DRY *ROODS. • , SPRING DRY GOODS. SPRING DRY GOODS. KB. PHILLIPS respectfully. announce* that the extensive alterations to his , RETAIL DRY - GOODS. STORE . ticeErifii:t...Mrsag re e l sta ' 7 , stoc k ~ o , New' Dry. Goods, Por era igpon ase fg ices Wear, , at thelovrest Huh. auk SI....IEARKEP STREET...AI.; ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO., Afh l ib wood VitLtli:Tkrif4 NvEtox.ar-5e.T.42 , ' , DRY I:300DR AND' NOTIONS, •AT L 0 8T EASTERN ;PRICES.. NEW•GOODS.==I•• • NEW ALPACCAL NEW.BSOILUD. • BLACK' SIENA 11.0SIERX au GLOVES. ucrir 16d a 168 Wylie 'Skeet '43 '„ cap.ii•moi • les. CADR,McCANDISSIS& CO Awe W4scru.Aillif...): • • , : o 77 I 9PWALIT.,P.P- 1 4 36 , :ForelgAmd Dom: , ~Dry43loodi So. ifk WOOD , door 'bare Diu/wild ''i ' r y . , ITZTEIBMIGII; OAPS. cIiorIZA.W GOODS ! f k „„7/•=1:.: , ..4 •thtel.t. -.). km”, • I•' • t 1.11 ' L jaAps, 7):/.1 „ t 3, ORALT Vittintr. •••' iv= •t. t= ; „ .•=, 0 , ;, L1.5 A T 1.1 •.--1 . 2 •,;,, A , s iro g nar, 34 , v o i, 14 1 c saw, . .D MIME% CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. ago. Mill MOPARLAND & COLLINS ME FRIZIBM ENILINIALUT CARPET;' ME s The `Lowe Prices 'Reached this Season. _ . _ . DOWN To si.io AND 11.15 PER YARD. Mcl'Mbkgl) & COLLINS, RUMPLE'S, my27;wws&T 1868. - 1868. summEß smock. 'White, Red, Checked, Striped and Fancy ,31 A TT S, GREAT Nrimosm-r; , 4NI Cloths, Window, ShAdei. See. BOVARD, ROSE 21 . 11 40 h, Street, inona&yer OVER BATES R ISE:L108. C HINA MATTING 4 .421ki : a..1 21 311 11 1 11 /06 A very superior quality of White, - . Fancy Striped - And Check . , MATTINGS, JUST 111PIAITED. Alas.' WOOL INGRAINS, IN BRIGH'rEEIT. COLORS. Pricei the • Lowest in this Market. AtcCALLUIi .• BROS apz ,.. 0 1 rP7aPTREET, above Wood. . 41.‘""a0 . We are no* reeetvlng_ _from oar ow* atol other ltiannftetortes aITEW STOCK of FLOOR OIL CLOTHS;. Ohlt,lttligtt; 4^triticritraE, TABLE AND " WEDO4 r .*. • EinADE '. . CLOTH& . Or EVERY DESCIIIPII62i, . „. -Mao, .a fell line of •-• • •';••• Tintiitparent inflow shadeit, Uplllands, elhadeFlxtureii , • ,„ ;* lllll ll".•iiiSßliiitivo*C. - Oer IY is, v av i da in& CAN t i t i ritliAßED irSIMME, and , of ; , WLItI/PV 4 P 0 4 4 t4P9 3 / 15 !'...: , 'PHILLIPS 1112:n86; iIIrAND 5181 . 3 T: 4:lLArit QTEABII -45 - Itzpv.at.tit :TING New end otli; er JJU:Tit clues ntaprre? complete success. n• 'lv ITS lADVARTAAIIIIIt " -, ,71 . -‘" Whan•uma wan Ault; loathe arthebrimm t . Atetaralthtil*Wrieril :g °l4 . Byre Tar veitha-nverviatir lareavara Caitatealll itiart lint 1 lerh it. a leshatueaaste b. r, la a Ala& POillio l -iLf OBD*II3 larluArlregtomm , LL, ; .5.e, 260,1 17 # "LAM : r t Y r t 14 * - reqrrn •F• •w i ii„itrigici ki k474llt.oe" tiotve "ftbr '2l - r ,/ l e° ) • o . . 113 tt.,:r' mh10: 111 . Ott wilt: PROPRIETOLI,I 7 , I col "1::• to 0304 1. 111 I . i tip 140 „ Aillekilladiti l "W I it f . 1 4 4 . .4, Mlitpirc . ;:%• 1 1, , , tee, .tnf ilt - W17. 4 g: .•.i.t 010 111.1 t").1 1".11 fA.t 1.,;941:1 ; • 0...41utr) OA - -- MB f; BEM e . , E§T_ pwr, srnp 9F a Mill I- 1 12 DIX•Q,FABTEB9, WIDE; Tapestry and Body lyussels, *4IICII THEY ABE , lizi,Lnro SUPERFINE INGRAIN' CONPETS Nos.. 71 and 73 Fifth Street, con FL bO u. =EI , ''.ESTABLISHMENTve == MISCEtiaANEOUS O V--dAreole.elWW.i."l,l4 l ,etegiNNlNNWSWeee, ....Ali , S. INTERNAL REVENUE! . • 23D DISTRICT.. , coLLiCTOR , LHOTICE. 1 , It : i , -.. briliiii Co It itilf lIKIRITAL BILVENCY„ Twenty-thigCallection Diet.of P • a. , .. , ~ 1 " - No. 87 Water St,sAljeg. heny City, 1 , ~.: , _ • ~. -:1 xa. Y situ, lua8• NOTICE IS trEnitOr GIVEN' that the Aunt:3; - 04s of SPECIAL TAXES, -ftqwberly termed Ll';, 1 41}ENSE6, and of the Taxis 'onANCOXES, CAli, RUGS*, WATCRES4SILVER ELATE, &c , ,, iir!, nowln this office, whei!e, payment will be reCeive4 Orsreon by the Collectbr tawaud after the Sitith of 2! May, 1888. These taies biiiing become due, mos! be paid before the 15th day of June. 1969 otheri . wisepdditional expeftsea wlll ; he.,lncuired by tta. taipayer. . r . . i ":: FF '. : 4 r,!, - ASe.AlgiliNGTO4Nr*lsil ,l 9.4tlrA9494B; for tli.' county of Armstrong,,, and EDWIN LYON, Esq.? Veli t Ctillettoilbg theotiltfBl7fti er, will bi r ‘ e:9l 80 iiellite , lifterith 29111 bit. '-'l, r their re' .ip # cioutil/eA I 4/1 POT liiittee.,, ~, osignstiftg I les itt . in& iiliideihrb and aftieteihev will bi prepared to receive the!taxes collectable by them. !, Tcuaccomintidate: taiwriwyelft3tlttyvtoinity of tht i places In Allegheny county, designated es.followc Der 4 ty Colleitfu‘SAllllßL l 11..33,aft1),A5q,, w i l l . ittenciat ihode" placskta receivi 'Reg .Rries, on tt,.l days named. between the hours of 9 o'clock A. ac? and 3 o'clock P. iii. of said days, viz: , . .5 At Tarentunt, on PildaY, 314 ! 22d, 'at ifrown ti ii Shadie's 'Geist.: ! - : 1. tl• At Sewickley; on Tuesday, May 28th, at Gaston'; Store.., 2_ , . , :•. /- •, ~ ll At 'Rakeritetra; Oft 'Thursday, May ' 38th, al White's Rotel:d• ' Taxes payable onlyi! In Greenbacks or !National Currency. !, ~. -„. i !j- •.,- !! - . ~- ,:. . k I Office hours trem.9 -r! is; to 3 ii. if.. . iLL $021.2t, strpritiN, '''--.- ' -'; - 2 6ollector. : 7 1 _!;,- EiE ME ME WEN MEI 131 7 91 0 9 YEEITABLISHND 11349..: 411.111 LA1113321T IN AirrEICAS NORTH'AiiIIatICAN Lightning Rod hiantifacto rv, MI IMES GAININIZING .. 1 46111iSi • 910,000 FEET if4STiIiPACTifEED DAILY. ' .THE.CELiBEATED 3TiRIMI:4ANIZED liannthetnred at tbesd worts, and sold to all partrl of the continent, are admitted to 'be noperior ttean3 l Lightning Itod.in use;!. Great inducements offered to peddlers and all persons buying at wholesale Also, due Matins Points, of all kinds -and patterns p, together with Insulattors, Fastenings Copper and s l Iron Connection Burs Braces, etc. dimples. Pam phlete and Circulars sent"free . REYBURN,HUNTER & CO ., Noe,. 488 and 490 St. John St, PEILAIN3LPHIA. 4,p10:0413-alier ROB! No. 20 FIFTH STREET,I . PURE mix mvsirsitr.l k Nancy To OWNERS or: . ••• ' 1 - ' - DitA.lTS'' 111 cis• &c Notice is hereby given to all owners oftira Carts, Carriages, Buggies; ac.; whether residen o an. non-resident In the City of Pittsburgh, to pay th ILicerules at the Tresearer's °glee, of the. City o 'Pittsburgh FORTHWITH, in accordance with Act of Assembly, approved Blarch.3oth, 1880, it and an Ordinance of the Councils of • the:Cityl on Pittsburgh, passed April Id, 1860. 1 , All Licenses not pad on or' beibie , 3lAY 15, 1848,1 wilt be placed. in thelands of the Chietot Police! for Collection, euldect • to his fee of 50 cents,for thel collection thereof, and all nersonsWhO neglect orl to takeout Ideensee will be subject to a peni alty, to be recovered before thelday,or, double the! amount of the License. , . , , , . The old metal plate!! preyioneyeare nmet be re- 1 turned at the Ume42lcenses are taken Out, or ra 2 25 cents therefor. . • 1 EATES•F LICENSE : Each One'lforieyehtele7 Each Two Horse ir.et . 00 50 Eoch Fourllorse - 15 00 • Each Two Horse, gielk ' 15 00 Omnibuses and- Vithber , Whiehrdrawh. - by Two Eiorsea f Eighteen rflplhara • each. - Far 'etch addi tional.Horss.used itianiet the aborevehleies a One Dollar. - ' I: r i y e.A3ITTEL A.LLIEEtEtt, - Oltiltesirurer. l'rrresurnetir. Tab 3 18. 1888, . • LiNDEN-laubvz: • i 1 LINDEN-GE() having been fitted up in the . most superb style s ,Ith a large and.elwnt Plati Sorra, besalltally. shaded, large Inning: Poom ands two excellent barsjs now rmidy to rent to PIG 4 Zit ez,P.I.IITrES, SUNDAY , 13001.. ompiss.-} Tkonno4o., on me tnoat reasonable terms. , I rartleit milding rtatile.s itc.. will. filtd,lt to their advantage to s=ure the Urine. 1 The °rove Is eerily sweatbeing but a few steps trom the land Hallway it, whose cars run regularly ev fifteen minutes. 1 , ARP For terms, e 4 apply's* thok ,OFFICE Ot THVORLATiIi ItilL WAY CO., i 1 tn .. , , OA3MAXDI STATION. Yl:lek ,:I • • - , ' P TO GLASS' BIABITFACTURIEWL-1 The underatedlanlag secured the sole Agen-i " " le'll* Z t olllL ee T tat i r arC f tl i 2 .'' . .. Are now preoared to suridsh It • tot ny qtlanutii , those wtsairsg to preettre Ea impeder artkde. 40 ring *Reran years want blau, We have arriv at such proportions Owe Were 'makes It a better .i . article ter potathaMaty•lttthe Intarket," we haring '• secured an anetaipt stand af ant, =GILT and Taus ~a. Norrrhe. We Irll.l tarnish' reeelpes fac - the propor. :,4.. :lion otthe mixture at _Ude Clay re s .tell!t. l lie Varcus" r„, l a , e T4ie Chit I s truttnn and triontaedi atl . hatipe ter ..,, ' i ' biTlrtaTitar s 4 hit. /: a , • ' 3 ' .Fort Plrt OlatusWork Mon Street. Plttaburitte, Pa. H . .., voirrrsijneir 'VA.PER or LA., 7 A o Tuff.= ( !l.o9diltaliWilanutenturera of 0 . -2, i ra 'i i i 1 ' ' 7 ..i.tl fie , k,..- , — t R TINS•A WRAPPING. PAPERS ; ,..., ~. ND 5..: ..-. . •,;..,. • CLINT4'.. :_llli /411 1 Lr, Trßillartß o t, OMo. -4 I:4ll;GriTuN .. EW 4:iIPICI - - D WARTMOUTIE,I , I, L.s. - , .2„...,i 2 _,..,".. i . . 1 1 46 , 14 , „ iri , 1, :,, ,, 1 N 0.52 Third'S tAlftburchPa- 'l"t' -.. , , - , 4, , , .93rinqiiiii srAtr: 11.- HARTrt, Prestdent. ?r3 .Ti •; : LIVINIA,T,ON. Treaanrer. t 4 . 'Empl, ,Beeretarr.- :'-';..l' 1 Diiindrrotin t t liken, golu4 104 8. aP' 4' astamhatJohrta. ft , wn. -‘ , 1 .. .. ',' ,-.„ `,,,, Calibgleld Or Paradrilttook.• , • ..,,, / Jai% 088 ',..." Wish = .... 7 .:, - .11 ' Ainw i r ..I , )11, 0 1 . I tt :',".• . 1 r. '''- ~ .. . t I W WON EiraraT, , il kr,..., , 1-. ,-;, 1, ~:i -.. IfillakiEirsis Zbrytter iC. 1 1,- ~..... , ~... , E l :4` t -. 1 1 ..4, Xanntaaturei_o_f_ N MAL, ars 1201211 anti pl;;7: . smsmrgn,.,roidys,,-11411Tervi Wilthez city ' , 4',- : . liitilianniWttlifeZ(Artrl; 13 54 1 . Ina ..;,, I CRPAlaiwital Hair k, .4aD walk - 140. 1= ' Akitzlizr - ;katrivki.„"aaaarudie.. V riatt rAlß lA. LS Viswmea 4 5 3 :1 . MAW A goo= ,alial. a 7Frerir for ). MA . -: • sultatlatl *Sub tioadriCitibit done t laknejitesslitanneir.d „ ~ , „ ~, ,102:ta ail!? 'TOW olriigilthttak .44 . _; , t. srlitikmlo?(Atidei t .,l l ,6 6 , o6 ., nou 1 1 4 aro*liak4 ,l lltiwtnitrietostiu re. V 14 I,7g9lloll.4llll4schish;rl72.ittv" {. A. . 4 mai ASS!FOVNIEPWr . • 1 AND • SOIN 7 El MEM . . ' • - HAS ift.lllM+l:l3 { • sNo SOT !I OF Ao, ? t-"r . - - • • • j%%',..... , 1? . .4. ' • '1 • ' II II ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers