'financial Matter& in New York. Gold Closed at 139%®139;/,. 3y Telegraph to the 'Pittsburgh Gazette. I -I NEW YORE, May 2, 1868. , GOLD AND MONET. Money easy and abundant, G per cent on ',311 loan. Sterling quiet at 10©10X. Gold eaktir, opening at 139 y, and closing 'eavy at 139g€1139yi. Export for to-day ipL,2OO; for the week, 41,431,891, snpply of h, gold liberal and 4 to ..G per cent was l aid for carrying. •,. . . BANK STATEMENT avorabler.: Loans 8=08.672; increase of ,314,055... Specie 816,166,873; increase 81.- 2,326; Circulation, $34,114,843; decrease 112,781. .Deposits - $191,206,135; increase 10,898,646. U_gal tenders 857,863,599: in rease 88,996,842.: . • • ~ ~ bOvE MEETS. , i Governmentsdtfil. 'Henry - Clews & Co.. rnisli theSrinexed 4:30 quotations: Cott 'tons do , 81;11361133.,,'• do It12,1063‘©108; do /4,106% ®106,.‘; d0 1 65,106, 6 4@1,06%; do new t08; 1 4@l08XL do '67,109 1 /,@10934. Ten forties'l.o3@lo3%. Seven-Thirties /07;‘,@) = The Sub-Treasurer to-day collected only 1150,000,0 f gold.. He bought 81005,000 of -30 motesat uag and paid out 81,830,000 in. oin. on account of May interest, which takes the'total paid out for the pa.st three Rays nearly $10,000,000. This is about half he amount to be disbursed from the New ork office. The comparatively anion hipruents of specie in the face of large isbursemetits by the Treasury for May in rest attract general attention and indicate hat a considerable amount of 'the interest ue abroad will be invested in bonds in tead of being shipped to Europe.:. 1 Fere dull throughout the day, closing with 1.. somewhat improved feeling, a better de• pand and a slight advance from the lowest int. . . The following are the rive-Thirty prices; Anton 50®51; Cuniberland 36; Wells Ex ress 2.534@26; 'American 59@60: Adams 11{@61 , a; United States 60@61; Merchants Tnion 31X@31;4; Quicksilver 27%®28: lariposa, prefer/cid, 9®11; Parific Mail 13• 4 •®92; Atlantic 32®36; 'Western Union elegraph 36' u 37! New York Central 2814®128!4; Erie 703.4®70%; do preferred T 4075; Hudson 136%®137; Reading 89Y,@ 0: - Ohio and 'Mississippi 31%@31,,,; We ' ash 50©51; St. Paul 63®65; do preferred %0 5176; Michigan Central 116; Michigan .() 1 sH Hannibal, r C e d n _ 1 I n i t a b r ; a d: , 145 p Erie' r @ e I.®a u ri t i h s e t: rn. 47: Pittsburgh 82W,®82,4i; Toledo 105X(Co 0641 - Rhode Island93%®94X; Northwest ra.l34Vl,434l4;' do preferred 75, 5 , 1 ,@73Y,;' Fort C 18:3 o1; m : b 1 ;; ; 104 1111 4 1ari ; n° , rred, 843,; Missouri 88; New Tennessee 43‘. • , ." MINING MARES s UI.I; New York, 60; Davidson, 39. SUB-TREASI7RY Receipts at - Sub-Treasury to-day $3,400 — ,- r, 70; for week $21,172,520; payments to=day .7,024.664; for week, $27,813,129; balance, 101,208,2221. Imports for week in dry oods, $1,143,940; general mercbandize, ti '• ,251,375.-- • - • Wow York Produce Market. ; Jy Telegraph 'to the Plttsbtirgh Gazette.) ' NEsVICons, May 2.—Cotton a shade firm r, 2,800 bales sold at 32Ma33c; Middling Jpiands, chiefly at 33c, closing quiet. no - uyers atover 32%c. Flour, receipts 9,386 ! bbls. dull at 10a20c lower, 5,900 bbls•at $B.BO • 9,35 Superfine; State and Western $9,85a t, „ 35; Extra State $9,80a11; Extra Western 12,20a13,65; white Wheat extra $10,10a14,00; and Hoop Ohio $11,00a12,65; Extra St. f Dais $12,50a16,00 ; good to choide do, ;losing at $12,20; California dull and lower, 00 sacks $12,25a13,90. Rye Flour drooping, ••00bbls, $8,20a9,90. Corn Meal steady, "0 bbLs.• Brooklyn and Western on private • rms. Whisky nominal. Receipts Wheat 7,262 bus. and . 2a3c lower and is now less ctive ; 63,000 bushels sold at $2,42a ' 43 for No. 2 spring; $2,65 for choice amber ireen Bay, and $2,50 for white Michigan. • ye dull and drooping; sales of 1,500 bush f State in 10t5._.81,04,1,95. Barley -toady; sales of 8,000 bush Canada West at ;.2,27%. Barley Malt steady;' sales of 1,000 3 ush Canada East at $2,20. Corn; receipts ~085 bush; market a shade.. firmer; sales i f 58,000 bush, at $1,14a1,16 for new mixed • extern afloat; $1,14a1,15M -for old do 'afloat . i nd in store; $1,16 for white southern, and .1,22a.1,22..t4 for new yellow southern. Oats; ecelpts 67,700 bush; market active .and ,a, shade firmer; saw of 89,000 bush, at 85a : - ;.,5c for western afloat. Rice quiet. Cof ee firm; salsa' of 1;1011 bush Rio. on private erms. Sugar fairly active and a shade i rmer, at 10,NallKe. Molasses dull. Hops . uiet. Petroleum 'quietat 12gal3c for rude and 27y,a2ilfc oal dull. - Leather; - Hemlock sole . uiet - atPrevious prices. Wool is ' . uiet and Without decided change; sales of 1,000 Ibis, at 47a4c for' domestic ..fleece. i• ork firmer and quiet; sales of 2,250 bbls . t 829,37a29,56 for now mess: closing at , A , At ,37 regular; $28a28,37 for old do; closing l• t 328,12 cash; $23,50a23,75 for prime; $25,56 6 for prime mess. F Beef steady; sales of , 4•0 bbls at $15a20,50 • for new plain !. mess; •-. 0,50324,75' for new extra mess; also 80 ierces at $37a39 for mess; $42a43 for India ... ess. Beef hares dull; sales-of 50 bbls wes: irn at $35a37. Cat meats .steady; sales of 300 packages' at 14.6a14c for shoulders; 13% alBMc foritams; middles quiet and firm; sales of 10,000 pounds short rib in bulk at 15140. Lardth•m• ' sales of 1,150 bbls •at 18;6a18)(0; alio.3sobbls sellers for June at 19Nc. Butter heavy at 20a40c for Ohio; 47 a49c for State. Cheese firm at 12a1734c Freights to Liverpool dulland lower; 15,000 ' bush wheat, per steamer at 5. 1 4 d. Larzsr.--131our closed dull and 50 lower on common grades. , Wheat more active and .firm, with -a fair ..export demand, at $2,43a2,43% for No. 2 Spring. Rye dulland heavy, at $1,90a1,95—: Oats firm at-85%c for Western afloat. Cornr diill at $1,14a1,15M for new and old mixed western afloat and in store. „ Pork;quiet and steady it $ 22 1 3 7/ a 29,50 for new; mess, cash and regular, and 129,6249,87 seller, June:. Beef quiet and', unchanged.' Cut meats active and fiimer.. Bacon; i , quiet and unchanged. Lard quiet and firm, et 19a19% fOr prime. Eggs quiet at 23c. ... , . _ ' • Cleveland Market. : illy Telegraph fothet , ittebeela '-Oaeette.3 CrxvnEttrin, nay 2 . l 4lear'market firm; double , extra apringi4loal2; 'double ,extra red winter, - !extra white; 813 . ,50015, - 50.• Wheat--There ,is a. fair in: quirr and the mankerl:iirm;' with No; '2. better; No. I red,: 32,751- No. 2 do, 12.,50., ;Corp t In fair demaad • and irregular; sales No. I shelled at 96a9Se the spoti.44eVi4lo-:ol:o34utatkvlq:iniltliTY4 Oats—There 'is' only a moderate demand and theenuirket• lower;' light sales were made at 771-4 e for No. 1 State. Rye firmer and better; sales small lots at $1,95 for No. 1 State from store. :13ar1e3.1. in demand, but none ' offering. PetrOlehm - firm - and' ad= vanein crude::-is held at $1.35a4,40 per bbl; refined in bond, 23a24e; do, free, 35a25e and in demand. 'Philadelphia nutet. (By Telegrapiito the Pittsburgh Gazette :1 PHILADELPHIA, May 2.--Patroll3llM hold at 173 c for crude ' and= 27qa27gc for re fined. Flour in• better demand; North -western extra family, 810,50a12,00. Wheat dull.and advanced 10c; amber, $2,05: No. 2 arming, $2,4502,50. Rye declined to .12,05. Corn in far demand; sales 10,000 bus mixed Western at 81,18a1,20; 1,000 bus yellow at 451,20%. Oats steady at 85a87c for heavy; Western, 90a92e. Provisions unchanged' . . , . (By Telgoir!,*A9 the rutstpungti,quel,te) ,IN6zarig& t . 2.-'r'•oo,ol27.7„rezelpts; babgif 44 01 1 1 _4qm' bele& 'll ol2 r . dull; `en': perflni 18a8,50. Park, 29. tabtiii" - ttiie olioulds'e( ;1434W'elear" , sides,.llsl•Vir aheuidentin&J. Lard;•issioe,,::%int,.44o2,; Oats,' 80e« onrani.llllV--/ 'Y f.; wankee Market. Clty Teiegrahto the Pittsberail Gazette.) MILWAUKEE, May 2.—Flour dull and weak; city double extra $9,67a10,25; coun try do g,t9,65a10,00 and $8,75a9,50. Wheat unsettled at $2,14 for No. 1 spring and $2,06 for No. 2 do. Oats buoyant and higher, at 65c for No. 2, Corn scarce and higher, at 86c for new shelled. Grain freights quiet; wheat to Buffala Cc; do to Oswego 11c. Re ceipts; '1,200 bbls flonr; 50,000 bush wheat; 60,000 bush. oats; 3,000, bush corn. Ship ments-5,000 bbls flour; 113,000 bush wheat; 1,000 bush corn. Louisville Market EBv Telegraph to the Plttshargh Gazette.l • Loui:svir.LE i May 2.—Sales of 86 - hlids tobacco 4 fullrates; lugs, -$5,25a6,75; com mon to medium leaf. $8,25416; fair to Owen county cuttingg at e17a20,25: Flour—super fme, $8,76u9; fancy At $12,75a13,79. , Wheat, $2,65a2 ,60J Oats, 78a80c. Corn, 8840 c. Rye, s 2 i ",15. Malt, $2,80a2,90. Lard 19c. Mess pork, $29. Bacon—shoulders, 14lie; clear rib sides, 17%c; clear sides. 18)ic; bulk shoulders,,l3. Whisky dull; raw, free, $2,20. Cotton, 30c for middling uplands: • Baltimore felarket._. CBs Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Garstte.3 BALTIMOBV, May 2.—Plour firm at $3,10a 3,15 -Maryland; $3 for Pennsylvania. - Corn firm, White $1,09a1,11; - Yellow $1,20. Oats dull, Western atsBoaB2c. Rye dull at $2,20. Provisions firm and unchantred. St. Louis Cattle Market. CEy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] Sr, Louis, May 2.---Cattle in small supply at .laBMe gross for inferior to extra. Sheep range.front ?2,80 to 32,87 per head. 1 IMPORTS BY .RAILROAD FIT'LSBERGEL FT. WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD, MAY' 2.-2 cars metal, Bryan & Caughey; 5 do do, J Wood, ,on & Co; 20 do do, Nimick & Cc; 2 do do, Moorhead & Co; 1 do do,Robinson, Rea &Co; 1 do do, Rees, Graff „t: Dull; 500 bbls flour, T C Jenkins. 100 do do, Culp & Shepard; 1 car wheat, Wright & Co; 1 do scrap iron, T Maloney; 19 bbls apples, 2 doeggs, Voight,- Orttuan & Co; 100-bbls flour, W H Kirkpatrick; 71 sk - s . rags, Pittsburgh Paper Co; 103 plates iron, W Douglass & Son; 6 bbls apples, W H Graff & Co; 1 do bacon, 1 bx do, H Rea Jr; 447 sks wheat, ,T S Liggett & Co; 18 pumps, Jito Tata; 1 hoi 4 le rake, Beckham & Long; 28 bdls hides, .1 Ralston & Co: 167 bx glassware, C Ihmsen & Son: 19 cases lye, Penne Salt Co; 4 pumps ' J Cavanaugh; 17 do do, Bennett & Bro; 10 do • do, Weldon & Kelley; 15 sks barley, H Rea Jr; ,1 car staves, M P Adams & Son; 1 do hay, H Rea Jr; 100 bbls flour, Seghtnyer. & ,Voskamp; 1 car reapers, Beckham & Long. CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH RAILROAD. May 2.—:5 cars pig iron, Nimick & Co; 92 bbls scrap iron, 5 hf do, 1 flue, '1 reaper, Mullen &Maloney; 90 rakes, Beckman & Long; 85 sks potatoes, 16 bbls do, 2 do eggs, Voight, Mahood & Co; 3 bundles chairs, A Milliken & Co; 25 bbls' spirits,. Shipton Wallace; 9 kgs nuts, Lewis, Oliver & Phil lips; 105 green hides, G Y Hoffstott; 1 bbl wax, J Griggs; 1 bx scales, Fairbanks, Morse &.Co; 16 bbls dry apples, 1 hhd to bacco, 558 sks corn, %V J Steel & Bro; 16 bbls apples, Head d; Metzgar; 24 do po tatoes, 1 do ags, Mcßane & Anjer; 68 bags corn, Hitchcock, AicCreery & Co; 6 bbls cider, 11 Rea Jr; 1 car lumber, J & M Sei bert & Co; 50 bbls oil, A W I) Kraff & Co; 173 sks potatoes; 5 bbls dry peaches, 2 kgs .lard, Ibx bacon. Vangorder & Shepard; bbis eggs, F G Craighead; I car stone, P Wolfe; 1 do do, „T L L Knox; 177 sks oats, Strickler & Morledge; 32 do corn, Bricker & Co; 13 kegs pearl barley, Seghmver & Voskamp; 11 jugs molasses. S Reymer; 5 sks oats, John 31 - cGrav,l 30 sks scraps, 3 do tails, 1 do sacks, 5 rolls leather, Wm Llac cus & Son; 6 bxs soap, 11 Riddle; 6 sks rye, .McHenry & Hood; 11 rolls leather, D Chestnut & Co, 2 cks cheese, J Daub; 2do do, W H Graff & Co; 16 sks scraps, 1 do tails, F W C Feld. - PITTSBURGH COLUMBUS AND CINCINNATI RAILROAD, May, 2.-1 bbl whisky, John Lundy; 2 crates empty kegs, Fahnestock & Co; 20 butts tobacco, W J Jones; 2 bundles wheels, R Bingham; 2-bb4.2-hlf bbls _whisky J Love; 15 sks rye, Graff & Reiter; 10 bbls dry apples, Head &Metzgar;.s do eggs, F G Craighead; 5 bbls vinegar, Knox & Orr; 81 sks rye, McHenry & Hood; 12 bbls ap tples, Voight, Mahood & Co; .4: bbls eggs, W H Graff & Co; 42 sks oats. 100 bbls flour, Meanor &Harper; 45 sks oats 5 do wheat, 17 skis rye, J B Sturgeon; 17 sks corn, Robb & Herron; 84 bbls apples,l7 do peaches, McElroy & Dickson; 400 Ls flour,Stew art & Ltmgenheim; 22 tcs grease, F Sellers & Co; 2 cars scrap iron, Mulllns & illalonep; 2do corn, J W Simpsor* 268 sks rye, J S Finch. ALLEGRENT VALVE!' RAILROAD. May I. —2 cars pig iron, H Woodsides; 2 do do, McKnight & Co; 4 cars limestone, Shoen berger & Blair; 1 car staves, Forrester & McGraw; 240 bbls oil, Montzheizner. Koeh ler & Co; ssa do do, Lockhart, Frew & Co; 1 bbl eggs, W H Kirkpatrick & Co; 6 sks wool, Kirkpatrick, Herron & Co; 45 sks oats, 6do rye. Scott & Gisal; 10 sks oats, Kell & Ritcliart; 12 sks oats, McHenry & Hood; 8 bdls trees D E Sexton; 1 by znd.se, Harris & Ewing; 1 bx copper, T 7 Burch field; 10 sheep 6 calves, A Dinshire; 7 pkgs marketing, Monongahela House. RIVER= NEWS The splendid side-wheel passenger steamer SL Maiys, Capt. Sweeney, take,s her departure this day at 4 p. In. for Cin cinnati and Way Points. .This boat has an perior.uccommodations, and is In charge of as .gentlamanly set of officerS atz , can, be found; , Thestetimer Kate Robinson has changed her sign. She will; leave for tit. Louis on Tuesday. positively. So 8413-Captain Rob .. The.boata announced for ;Saturday was detained until tO4llly. ' • The,Monongithels Is filling slowly, with ,stx feet two inithes . in the hittinel. The Allegheny- "narks, calls ' for • seven feet Weather fine. - • " " '• • The splendid passenger-steam r Glen dale will:positively, take ler'departiire for St. Louis and .Missouri river on • Saturday, and persons going that way would do well to bear this hict i in JR She has unsur passed • accommodations, and , careful and, attentive °Media.; ' • Capt. Atiaaralt;.wit4 the,' Wiict DRak 'and Barges, takei her 'departure this . day peal tivelyfor Cairo and St.l.onis.• The mainline of stearnhoiteoii th'elfo nongahela- are running , regularly tol:All points on the river. The boats are all that clas4 and..,the officers 'care: proberbiallv courteous and obliging.. The steamer Argosy, Capt. Vancleigrift, left Cincinnati on Thursday evening-with 'all the freight side. wanted, ann engage: mentsobove. • • . - The 4. - N. "MoCtillorigh; Capt. - Moore, was announced to leave Cluchinati,ou Sunday for this port. COAL DEPARTURES. The' following boats have departed since our last—all for Cincinnati—amountilig, in the aggregate, to 510,000 bushels:.' Whale, 70,000: Niagara , 7o,ooo; Fearless, 8,000; Leopard, 70,000; nor net, 80,000; Salmon, 70,006. The Coat Val ley Would leave Steubenville for Clucin nati,with 90,000 : bushels. This - 'coal- • was towed down by the'A.rab. .. iIIiEFKERsoNviLLE, May, I.—Thec river , is wing with, 4 feet 19 inches in, the pass ;over the' Cloudy, and , south west; indleating rain. 'rharrnorneter 80 de;,, vein in'theihade, and 100 degrees in the SUP Ihii*drutest , daY • thia'sprin t • Joistritxx, Mal•-Fler an atent but c i ou o, with indications : of:raini verYgent l4 Chit:Anna* 'to Mantla4filZ‘YP rinl i flA VIAOR 4 / 1 4,411 Z , 03Cri9r14503%, t° l 4l4 4 l f d altttV 4 / 9 // 0, 14.401. 11011Iffifie 24e.f.y;Y-K,krOV,"'i;l:l,W4,l4 Pll7l - IfURGR f fOAZW'F,R: Mathena,!:€l steamboat • .pilot; committed suicide at 10 o'clock last night, at the store of J. S. Gamble, in this city, by taking morphine. Sr. Lours, May I.—The river is still ris ing here; stationary at Dubuque, and rising at IKeokuk. The. Missouri is rising slowly at Randall t The following .boats for Ben ton have passed that point; Deer Lodge, April 3;' Cora, 8; Aiatelope,2l; Sallie, Hunts ville' and Miner, 24; Henry Adkins, 25. Business is in good. Travel is light. In two or three weeks there will begin the heavy stream of travel northward that al ways characterizes the season. and which is bound to become larger every year. There will be large numbers of persons go ing to Minnesota by stream. Fort Benton freights are abundant. Rates are six and one-half cents for large, and seven cents for small lots per pound. The line of the Mississippi Valley. Telegraph Company is now completed from St. Paul to Lansingia distance of 269 miles, while the contract is let for building it by.' July next. - Captaia Dan. Musselman, commanding the Metn phis packets , for several years i died on Wednesday, at Bailey Springs, Alabama, where he recently went bad health. The steamboat flags are lowered. He was a Pennsylvanian, and aged 39 years. CAIRO, May I.—The Nightingale, from St. Louis, has 50 tons for Louisville; 150 sacks rye for Cannelton; 200 tons pig metal for Pittsburgh; 224 sacks oats, 200 sacks ship stuff, 33 pkgs scrapiron fat Cincinnati. The Leonidas, from St. Louis, is full, but has nothing for Cincinnati. The following is our port list for the past W 24 hours: Wednesday—Beng.al Tiger, Cumberland river to Cairo; Baltic, New Orleans to Pittsburgh; Sam. Brown, St. Louis to return; Cumberland, Evansville; Bismark, New Orleans to St. Louis; Pau line Carroll, St. Louis to New Orleans. River fell 1 inch. Weather clear and warm. , The St. Louis Democrat has the follow ing: Government • freight for Fort Sully and Stevenson is seeking the boats at our wharf. The Gaty sailed for. Sully last evening, and the Ben Johnson !and Isa bella take cargo for Stevenson. Benton freight appears offering, One boat just announced has a load engaged, and another which - 'leaves Saturday hae a full cargo secured. The Nightingale left for Cincinnati, having a large number of passengers and a full cargo; 'including grain, 200 tuns pig iron and one hundred tuns ore. The LeonidaS also sailed, and' likewise had a full cargo _'engaged' for Pittsburgh and way - points. Since the first of the month through bills of lading via New Orleans, have been issued -here on 20,000 bushels . of Wheat Pit- Liver-. pool, over 65,000 bushels of Wheat, nearly 90,000 bushels corn, 8,000 bushels oats and 900 barrels flour for New York; 2,000 bar rels flour and 20,000 bushels corn for Boston. The St. Louis Republican has the follow ing: There is at present no opposition in . the New Orleans trade. the: Atlantic line and the outside boats having effected an arrangement by which they load in turns, having a boat every other. day: There-are six of the Atlantic line and five independ ent. By this • means they are 'enabled to keep rates up to at least a living rate: ..• The Importer and Silver Lake both have their signs up for. Benton, and will leave when they get a trip.. _ • -* There appears to be considerable appre hension felt amongst steamboatmen inter ested in Montana boats, &I account of low' water in the Tipper Missouri, as it is re pirated that there is very little snow in the mountains, which, if such N the case, will cause - great loss to steamboats not only in time, but money,' by being compelled to lighten, or may be in - cases where boats are too large, may have to reship_ by wagons, at an expense nearly as great as the whole amount of freight through. Competition in the Missouri is zreater,at present ; than in any other trade, six boats being receiving yesterday. The packet lines seem to have the advantage, as their boats only have two days each to load in and always leave prOmptly on time, and other boats are sometimes a whole week in getting a trip. DUBUQUE:—The river. is • swelling, and weather . stormy, a warm rain falling all yesterday afternoon: Freights are not over plenty, but steamboats are decidedly so, more running in these waters than at any previous season since the flush times of ten years ago. The Itasca made a sudden re appearance from upriver, with • a fair trip and taking on 809 sacks of wheat and pota toes cleared for St., . - • ' CINCINNATI, May 2—The' Argosy came in from Pittsburgh With iv fair trip, and was preparing to return with all the freight she wanted on the present water. The J. N, McCallOngh'will arrive from Pittsburgh this morning. • - A meeting will be held this morning at the Marine Aisociation Rooms, corner of Main street and Public ligndlng, to arrange for petitioning Congress in regard to the 300 feet span, bridge. A. general invitation isextended. The people of the Mississippi Valley are all interested in this matter. Rivers and Weather [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazeite.,l , LOUISVILLE, May 2.—River rising, with seven feet in canal at noon. Weather clear and cold. Sr. Louis, May 2.—Weather clear and warm. There was a heavy storm last night and this morning. STEAMSHIPS. T .LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. THE 'INMAN. MAIL STEAMSHIPS, Numbering sixteen first-class vessels, among them the celebrated • - CITY OF PARIS, CITY OF ANTWEFF, CITY OF BOSTON. CITY OF BALTIMORE, CITY OF LONDON, Sailing EVERY SATURDAY, from Pler 45, North River, New York. For passage or further Anforma tion apply to . " WILLIAM BINIRIAMi. Jr., ~ "9 FIFTH STREET, (Chi/snide buildingo - Nearly opposite Poet Office, .plttatitirgh", • rrio•GLAss MANUFACTURERS.— A s The undersigned honing secured the sole Agen-; cy for the sale of the celebrated • - - COPLEY POT CLAY. Are now prapared to furnish it In any quantity to .those wishing to procure this superior article. D ring fifteen years" Wear this Clan, 'iye liars arrtvg at, ruclaprolxrrtionragVve'helleye makes it a bettdr article for pots thnn. any in the. market, wo .harlog secured an aucrage stan'd of Six; Eic.tiT and ?EN MONTIIB. We 14111 tarnish recelpes for•the :proPot-. tion of the mixture at this Clay to persons purchas ing! The Clay is STOuliti And Moulded :11 lumps for delivery.. ' SON. Fort Pitt Glass Works. WaslitnatowStrent. Pittehtirwh. Pn. _ _ •. A. LLEGHENV COUNTY , • WOnRI-IdtTSE‘. 19EA.1,ED.PROPOSALfiwilt bo received until-the , 78th inst„ for LAYING Bill: BY THE THOU-I SA.ND,•inuceordance with the lays' and specifica tions tiled at•BAUlt & MOSER. S Wilco; and under' the direction_ of the Sgyer,lnterident. . • -- • eIEO. ALIMEE, Secretary t stigho2o • Wood.street; corner ninth.- - - - CE I ICE! ICE I Ice Dealer , • , . NO. '&3 DitimtoND -ALLEY, pittst;argh. • Orders left here or at liand'Atreet liridge will re. cave prompt attention. IVagontl running In.Pltle. burgh and Alleghey. 1107:03 113 11, TTfA_ELEL — lotice Is hereby .1 . given tuat,the viewers teport Olt. WIDENING GP PITT •ALLEt, '• Thlrd-ward,Altu,heny,hits beett Med iln tho Dle tee, Court, NO. Wil.- 1 9 1 ; 1 1 xcrW, 1808 4 for con Ur. mation• ' ' J. *C.' 3 lcCOblllti,' • City Sollottor. neb. No 1$ ring ~ydcat 1) , I 5 8 : no 0 00 0 A 0 40 1 :b . 150 prime Rt.; ) FofbstiidY - Hrroncor /leen Eraf 't i e Zl3 TeNtiti t•EA . , H E rit,..,1:.4' , 412W0_113141,011 I , p ent ittligunue'u. , 'J1'00.41117 of a .v srato•• f - 1- 31.0:NPATt, -:M1T,,W,186r8: STEAMBOATtS. FOR CINCINNATI. THURSDAIT PACIKET-A The new and splendid side-wheel J.. NITULLO , G. D. HO RE , I The 'abo c 1 D. 11LOOP - elegant side-wheel l regularly /CS- annonnced, connec with Pack ts.and Railroads to Lo Memphis, New Orleans and St. Upper Misiissippi and Missouri ri Freight or passengers receipte rail or river. Especial attention ' given to Business.' . For freight or passage apple m JAS. COL I CHAS. HAI GHRIEST & BASLE Forwarding and Commiss on Merchants, AND GENERA STEAMBOAT A ENTS, Con Market and Water Ste., Pittsburgh. We are the authorized agents for the "NORTH WESTERN UNION PACSET COMPANY."- be: tween St. Louts and St. Paul; also for the "ST. LOUIS & QUINCY' PACKET CO3IPANT." Freighte ItECEIPTED THROUGH by either. of the above lines at the LOWEST RATES. Shippers entrusting goods to our care can rely ou having them handled with care and delivered with dispatch. We are also agents for steamers to Cincinnati, Louisville. Memphis, New' Orleans, and all other Eints on the Western seaters. apses CINCINNATI jia gEt PACKET LINE. For Wheeling, Marietta, Parkersburg, Pomeroy,. GalMonona, Big Sandy, Ironton, PortiiiiOnth, Pliporille and Cincinnati. MIME T. O. SWENNY. Master MONDAYS, 3 P. 31 ST. CHARLES FRIDAYS, 5 P. M The above elegant side-wheel Eeaniers will leave regularly as announced, connecting -at Cincinnati with Packets and Railroads to Louisville, Nashville. Memphis, New Orleans and St. Louis. Also to the Upper Mississippi and Missouri rivers. Freight or passengers recanted through either by rail or river. Especial attention given to Orders and Way Tins!. ess. BARNES COLLINS, anll 0111.11 EST S HASLETT. Agents. pITTSBURGH, j a dE i t WHEELING, Marietta and Parkersburg Line. Leave Company's Whartboat, foot of Wood street, DMLT. at 12 31 MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. J. N. McCULLOUGH Ow. D. MOong. Mester TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, • • BATARD - A.. 5: SHEPHERD. Master WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, GREY EAGLE C. L. BILENNAN, 3laster. Freight will bd received at all hours by a oil JAMES CGLLINS. Agent. A LLEGHENT RIVER Ll. PACKET LINE leaves every TUESDAY. TrEURSDA'Y AND SATURDAY, At 3 o'clock )1.. fr4,m. - they fo"t. of Ito- - In street" nits line 15 COM:).SCC. tht•.'-folio;:clug boat • IDA REFS Ntr. 2, U. Ittrs. Master. W. F. ST Ent- MI, Clerk. ECHO N. 3. E. GOr.DON, Master, A. D. Hu - SS.LL. . The above Boats were Wit expressly for the trade; have superior aceounuodatlons and attentive offi cers. m 112.4 FOR CAIRO AND ST..gaZ z p . Loum—Tll4, new and elegant passenger packet G I. ENDA L E toltx 31. Manz. 3laster. Will leave as above. positively. on THIS DAY-4 r. ti., positively. For freight or passage apply on board. . rityl IrrEIBURGH AND ST. LOUIS BARGE CO.--FOR ST. WILD DUCE BARGES e'apt. .1. W. ANAWALT. TIIIS DAY-4 P. M. For freight apply on board or to • CHAS. BARNES. stP4' i JAS. COLLINS. s:AgentA. AIEGULAR. WEDNES DAY PACKET 'FOR CINCIN- A . 14.--The line steamer ARGOSY Capt. VAmannontre. W. IL Setill, Clerk, leaves Pittsburgh for Cincin anti every WEDNESDAY at noon. C. BAHNKLI. JAS. COLLINS, Agents JOHN FLACK.' EEM • ORCINCINNATI, LOU-i i egg i t ' ISVILLIL. S.T. LOUIS a CAIRO. --4 'be Ode steamer RATE ROBINSON' -'. Cart. ROD?. ROntssoN, Will/cave as ibove on TUESDAY-4 P. Tt. For freight or passag . e apply on l.oard or to •• JUlih FLACK. apZi • J. I): COLLINGWOOD,Agents OILS. WESLEY WILSON & CO., NATURAL LUBRICATING COILS, I tlitliis',"l:gti.il.lcagYk.l.l4llP-kerCliarElVL . QUALITY GUARAYTEED ITNIFORAL iirPropoSals for gunut !ties solicited. No. 167 Wood Street, "DANK OF COMMERCE bUILDING." _292.8:09 WARING AND KING, Commlsslon Herebante awl Brokers In Petroleum and its Products DALZELLPS BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTSSIIRGII, PA. PHILADELPHIA ADDIIESB, WARING, KING & 127 Walnut Street. TACK BROTHERS, .COMMISSION - MERCHANTS, ... AND DEALERS IN Petroleuntand' its Products: Pittsburgh OftIee—DAT.,ZELL' BUIT;DING, nor of Duquesne Way atuirniqn"Sfriets. Ofnee--nr WALNUT ST. ,JAC9B WEAVER, Jr. & co., Oil Commission Jobbers , ' , No. 3 DUQUESNE WAY. will buy and sell •Crude and Refined Oils, - Lubricating , . Tar, Dentine and Cooperage. Our long experience iu the retroloan trade enables us .to Wier unusual facilities and in ducements to operators. Aa heretofore, we are de termined to make it the interest of buyers and sal ten to giro us a call.- .Parties having Oils for sale are cordially invited to bring their samples. • • ' "r 4", M. LONG .& CO., MIA'NUFACTURERS OF PURE' 'ltifflE 'BURNING on; f7CIFES." Office; No. *2 lhoinesne Way, Pittsburgh. .I. C. DWPITX.. - .o.4.t lilBltlltP . , W n. wnITEIII7A~•` NN 3:44titheture,tin4 Imre f r isle sal kinds of LUBRICATINC , 'OIL I9 .. • No IST CitarttiTlikElic - ; •;; , lip l ll 1 , SSN Ao— 0 - •1 a..io• c, Al' tr•. 04o,u,,bLt_ia.- i. : dpws qtthgdiferentwgthit &rm.& and AS lA. Claus srce,, COMMISSION MERCHANTS STEEtF ilk - STEELE & SON, 1.11.• NMZI Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN • V. 1.01113,, GRAIN , FEED, &o. No. 95 OHIO STIIE.EI near East Common, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. steamer me Commander Clerk - - JAMES B. 3IEANOIC • JOSS. HARPER MEANOR & HARPER, teamer will leave ing at 'Cincinnati isvlile, Nashville, outs. Also Ito the COMMISSION MERCHANTS 329 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURG-H. through either by Consignments solicited Orders and' Way REFERENCES—J. G. Martin, Cashier Mechanics' National Bank; J. S. Dilworth & Co., R. T. Ken nedy & Bro. - _ . jaml.24 FETER KEIL JAS. F. F.ICII.AniT K EIL & RICHART, • - - board or to IN9 2 Aents i• NEE. f g , =ISt COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS,MILL FEED, &c., &c., 349 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, mr24:1.47 Tj J. BLANCHARD, • Wholesale and Retail Grocers, ap18:x..49 ALEX. WANE J B. ANJER. McBANE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . Dealers in FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, No. 141 WATER STREET, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. • jes FETZER & ARMSTRONG, FORWARDING AND OOMBEIBRIONDIERORANTS, For the sale of Flour, Grain, Baeon,-Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, No. /6 MARKET STREET, coruer of First, Pittsburgh. fet.lniS QHOMAKER & LANG, Whole kj sale deniers in Groceries, Flour, Grain, Pro duce, Provisions. Fish, .Cheese, Salt. Carbon Oil, ic.. Nos. 172 and 174. WOOD STREET, near Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. noS:n.ss JOIIN I. lIOUSE.....EDIV. JOHN 1. HOUSE & SOC ressors to JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., Wholesale trrocers and Commission Merchants, Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets, Pittsburgh. Pa. C. A. Danvo, Master RIDDLE.IIo. Isa LIBERTY } . • STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa.. Commission Mer e ant and Wholesale Dealer In Country• Produc er Groceries and' Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash ad vanced ou Consigumuts, and paid.for Produce gat, erally. au2l • ROUT. K NOX ANDREW NNW "KNOX - tir. SON, COMMISSIOI .MERCHANTS and dealers In FLOUR, ORAL: a. FEED and PRODUCE• GENERALLY, Nt 79 DIAMOND, opposite City Hall, Allegheny City Ja17:1:17 DAV. CRAWFORD, COMMISSION MERCHANT IN PIG METAL, BLOOMS, ut:E.. WROUGHT ,SCRAP IRON, FIRE BRICK AND• CLAY, &c. Warehouse and Office,,Nos. 386 and 368 PENN' STREET. Storage furnished. • Consignments solicited. PAgFilik; Wholesale Grocers, Commission Sferchants and /ealers in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsinirgit Alanutactures generally, 112 and 114 SECciND - STREET, Pittsburgh. B. CANFIELD & SON, COM .. MISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS, 3114 Wholesale Dealers In Western Reserve Cheese, Butter, _Lard, Pork, Bacon, Flour. Fish. Pot and Pearl Ashes, and 011 s, Dried Fralt and Produce generally, Nod. 144 and 146 Frout street, Pitts burgh. JOHN SILAPTON (A. WALLACE. SHIPTON &WALLACE / WHOLE SALE ROCERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, No. 6 SIXTH STREET, Pittsburgh. Ist2.:r3S JOS. A. BUTLER, i eince. 126 WTLTE STREET, near Washington, PITTSBFRGirI, PA. Deeds. Bonds,-Mortgages, Acknowledgments, r Depositions, Collections, and all- other legitimate business executed promptly. tuh'll: n 9 A 'HIBALD BLAKELEY, .. PITTSBURGH. PA. SAMUEL McMASTERS, ffe== Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace and Pollee Magis trate. (Mice, GRANT STREET, opposite the Ca thedral, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds., Bonds. -Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. • . ^mhl6 WILSTACE S. MORROW, -11-4 EX-OFFICIO JUSTICF TEE PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. . OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, Bonds 'Mortgages, Acknowledgments,- Depositions and 'all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. mytti ._.. _ A AMMON, • • Justice of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGT. CARSON STREET ,EAST BIRMINGHAM. Collection of Rents solicited and promptly attend ed to. an 3.y60 WILLIAM H. HAWKER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CONVEYANCER, &C., Office, CARSON STREET, nearly opposite the Railway Depot, SOUTH PITTSRURVII. . Business entrusted to his care promptly attend ed to. myl:y6l JOSEPH M. GAZZAM J IMITTEIIMELD. G. M. zrmAsTme. M'MASTER, 6IAZZAM & BUTTERFIELD, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, And .Solicitors in Bankruptcy, PlTTSl3lCritarl. OFFICE, 98 GRANT STREET, Opposite the Cathedral-77 jelavrrs DANIEL MeIWEAL . ; M. D., PR ACTICING •PHYSICIAN, No. 59' Grant St., near High. sipat:x7t V S. FERGUSON, , SEC . OND . FL;OOII, F 110.!& ROOST W A. LEWIS, :013'os JOHN W. RIDDELL, AtTORNEX-AT-LAW 011lce,•118 Dlsznond Street, . ' - (Opposite the Court House, fel3A44 H C. DIACIKR,ELL, my2MbZ _ . TORN. A. STRAIN. r • 10....orvicvzo ~rusriat 'or iritz PEACE AND • . POLICE MAGISTRATX.:, , oincg,lll2 FIVTH STREET, opposite the Cathe dral, _Pittsburgh, ra• Deeds, :Bondi. .Mortgage s Acknowledgments; DepOsitiont &Cud LegarDi ness executed with promptnesS Mid dispatch. • • ~ , • : ATTORNEY , APIDtdONSELLOR AT 1.01,` . l i - zroa B i7!rllltis.Street; , ? , l;: - = as t i ti J.; I,isasiong ,BogintosindAtresiv otvitif proalptty: licaelnedi nemon FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE. No. 396 PENN STREET PROFESSIONAL ALDERMAN AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. A.• - rronN.V.X"-AIC-I,A.W, No. 98 FIFTH STREET, ALDERMAN, ALDERMAN, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, ATTORNEY-ATE-LAW, No. S 7 Fifth Street, ATTO RN EY-AT-LAW, No. 90 Dlsa,mond,t3treet. PITTSBURGH.. PA PITTSBURGH. PA ATTORNEY AND. COUNSELOR. AT LAW, No. 8,0 Grant Str eet, PITT BI3 UIIOI4.' - PA . RAILROADS. IDITTSBURGH andaMEN CONNELLSVILLE It. INMEMEiE! On and after TITCRSD.A.Y, March sth, 1 . 48 trains will arrive at and depart from the llepot.„ , :eor ner of Grant and Water streets, as follows: , 1 Depart. Arritii Mail to and from ITniont'n. 7:00 A. ar. 6:00 Kir. McKeesport Accommodrn.ll:oo A. :. 2:05 r, M. Ex. to npd from Cutout'''. 3:00 r. la. 10:00 West• Newton Aceonunod'n 4:301•. m. 8:35 Ati nl. Braddock's.Accommodat'n 0:15 r. Sr. 7:50 It: Id. Night Ace. to McKeesport.lo:3o r. St. 0:40 Al M. Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton 1:00 t'. at. 10:00 A": 1 - x. For tickets apply t J. R. KING, Agora. • W. B. STOUT, Superintendent.. rata LLEGIEENY W i gggN4 VALLEY RAILROAD. Y DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL REGIONS. O. Running through to Venango City without change of cars-Connecting with trains East and West on the Wane.. S.- Franklin. Railroad, and Atlantic & Great WeSteru Railways. Shortest and quickest route to Oil City and Franklin, and all points Iti!tbC Oil Regions. - • • ' i'l . On andfatter April 26th, 1666. Passenger Trains will leave from and arrive at the Pittsburgh Depot, corner Canal and Pike Sts. as follows: ..; Depot?. •• Arrive' s l .. Stall to and fm Yen. City. 7:00 A. If. 6:15 P:' le. Express ,' '` 10:40 P. '0.12:25 Ak , it. Brady's Bend Accommod•n 3:00 r. If. 10:20 .4.;i; xi. Soda Works Accom'n 5:30 P. M. 7:55 As /5: First Milton Aecomod'n... 5:50 A. at. 11:40 A. 4. II: Second Hutton Accomod'n 12:00 ie. 3:55 1 - ... it. Sunday Church Train leaves Soda Works at Sios A. 3f.. arriving In Pittsburgh at 0:50 A. Pif.' *e turning, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. IL, arriving at Soda Works at 2:35 P. M. • . 1 - H. BLACKSTONE, Suß76. W. y. HOPE, Ticket Agent. atit.S : • 1868. • . -WialLui PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE & CHICAG IR. W. AND CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH It. R From Jannaty 19th, 1668, trains will leave from and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, CRY time, us follows: J. 14 Leave: Arrive. Chicago Ex—. 2:13 a tri Chicago Ex... 2:433m Cleveland Ex.. 2:13 a rn:Clevelaud Ex. 2:434 m Erie &YgnM'l 6:13 ain Chicago Ex.— 10:58a m Cl. & W 1.001.1 6:28 a in'Wheeling Ex. 11:08A m Chicago Mall.. 6:58 a nt , Clzicago Ex.... 1:53 pm Chicago Ex.... 9:43 a„,m;CI. & Wit'g Ex 4:03p m Pitts. Sc (3. Ex. , Erie & Yg'n Ex 6:l3pm via YoungrE n 9:43 a m:Chicago x.... 6:58.p m Cl. &Wh'frEtc. 21:13p m!CI. & Wh`g Ex 7:oBpm Chi cago „ 2:28p m: Pitts. & Ct. Ex. Wit. &Erie Ex. 4:38 pm: via YognsPn. Depart from Allegheny.i Arrive an Allegheny. N. Brigt'n Ac. 8:58 a in;N. Brigt - n Ac. 7:034t m Leetsdale".' 10:13 a in; N. Brigt , n " 8:28* m " • " 11:53 a rri , Wellsville " 9:sga na Rochester ••• 1:33 pm' New Castle " 10:13n. m Wellsv'e Ace.: 3:43p in ,Leetsdale '• 9:13.3m Leetsdale Acc. 4:15 pin " " 1:181pm N. Brigrn . 5:3g pmN. Brigt`n " 2:43P m N. Brigt'n " . 6:28 p mjLeetsdale " 412ap.m Leetsdale " 10:4-3 pm' 1,6 " 7:2l4!_pm 2:28 p. tn. Chicago Ex-: 10:50 a. m.,Chieago press leaves daily. •• I Express arrives dally 4 jati .F. E. 3UPERS, General Ticket Agept. FIItTSBURGH,Egawnig COLUMBUS 3: CINCIN PIN HA.NbLE ROl.l E. CHANGE of TIME.—On and after SUNDAY, December lath, 1867. trains will leave and arriVe at Union Depot. as follows. Pittsburgh time: g Depart. ArriveZ Mail Express 2:15 a. in. 3:55 pi in. Fast Line 9:40 a. tn. 7:05 p:. m. • Fast Express • 2:50 p. m. 10:55 a: m. Mixed Way - 6:10 a. m. 6:50 pi' m. 'McDonald 's Acc'n, No. 11:10 a. in. 2:10 mar. Steubenville Accommod'n. 3:55 p. m. 9:30 aii m. McDonald's Acc'n, N 0.... 5:101). in. 8:20 m. SPEC/AL NOTlCZ.—Sunday Express leaves ut St.;:so p. m., arriving in Cincinnati at 6:30 a. m. the tett morettig. r Church Train leaves Sun.iar at 12:55 p.m. The 9:40 a. tn. Train leaves daily, Sundayrand Monday excepted, arriving In Cincinnati_et 9655 the same evening, 8 HOURS IN , ADVANCWOF ALL OTHER ROUTES. j. irip.No change of ears between Pittsburgh It' ad Cincinnati, and BUT ONE change to SL Cairo, and the principal points West and Southm*st. Whenpurchasing tickets be sure and find 41te office of the ;t i: • Pittsburgh, Cohnnbus & Cincinnati E. IL, UNION DEPOT, (SOCTII M. D. MOTHERSPAUGIL Ticket Agent. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. JOHN I). MILLER. Gen. Frelalit P On and after October 6th. 1867. Trains will; ar rive at and depart from the Union Depot, 'corner of Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: ilri e. . I Depart. Malt Train.... 1:20.a m Day Express.. 3:00a m Fast Line 1:50 a mVall's No. 1.. 6:30.a m M'ail's No. 1.. 6:20 am! hall Trztin. .. .. 8:20h, ra Minton No. 2. 7:50 a intWalFs No. 2 . 9:501a m .No. 2.. 8:50 ain •Clncititiatl Ex 1/.:15A m Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 a m'Wall's No. 3.. 11:30'a m Johnstown Ac: 10:15 a m'Johnstown Ac. 21:50pm Phila. Express 1:50 p m Wail's No. 4.. 3:3opm Wall's No. 3... 1:30 pm Phila. Express m Wall's No. 4. 2:50 pm Wall's No. 5.. 4:solPdt Wall's No. 5.. 5:50 pm Wall's No. 6.. 6:os'pm Wait's No. 6.. 7:00 p m Fast Line 7:2o:pm Altoona Acc'n Wall's No. 7.. 10:50;pm and Emigrant Train 10:30 p rr. ' • 1! The Church Train.leaves Waills • Station_Wrery Sunday at 9:15 a. at., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:05 a. m. - Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 lb ra: and arrls .s at M all's Station at 2:00 p m. CinclunattExpress leaves daily. All other daily except Sunday. Philadelphia Express and the Altoona Accortimo dation autTEmigrant Train arrive daily. Clifeinhati Ekpress arrives daily except Monday. Ali (killer trains daily - except Sunday. • : f For further information apply to W. H. BECKWITH, Agent. The Pennsylvania ltallroad Company will no; as sume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing - ap parelJand limit their responsibliit y to One Hundred Dollars •in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount to value will be at the risk of the owner,! , fin less taken by special contract. ' EDWARD IL WILLIAMS,' oce ' General Superintendent., Altoona, Pa. ESTERN PENN SYLVANIA RAIL- S D.—On and after November 1, 1867, the res‘' senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rail road 'will arrive at and depart from the Federal Street Depot Allegheny City, as follows: Arrive. - __ Depart. Sharpb'g No.l 6:25 a m'31:111 6:50 a m .Freeport No. 1 5.:15 a m Freeport, No. 1 9:08 a m Express 10:10 am Sharpb'g No.111:20 m Sharpb'g N 0.2 1:25 p m Express 1:50 pin Freeport No. 2, 4-:15 p Harmerv'e Ac 3:53 pm Mall t 6:05 p m Freeport No. 2 6:03 p m Ilarmerv'e Ac 7:10 p m Sharpb`g N 0.2 ,7:3OPM Above trains run daily except Sunday. The (Church Trails leaves Allegheny Junct. every Sunday at 7:40 a. in., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. in. Returning, leaves. Allegheny City at 1:20 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Jurict. at 9:45 COMBIITATIOX TICKETS—For sale in packages of Twenty, - between. Allegheny City, Chestnut street, Herr's. Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsburg, and good only on the trains stopping at Stations-ape -ellied on tickets. . „ The train leaving Allegheny City at 6:50 . m. makes direct connection at Freeport with Walker's line of' Stageeffor Butler and Rannalistown. Throne; tickets ma) be purchased at the 00ce, No. 3 St. Clair street, near Suspension Bridge, Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny City. I For further information apply to JAMES LLFFERTS, Agent.' Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will. not• sume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing' Ap parel, and limit thel. responsibility to One hundred Dollars In value. • All baggage exceeding lads amount In value will be at the risk of the owner, un tess taken by special contract. • EDWARD H. - WILLIAMS,' de.s General Superintendent. Altoona. .146 MORA HlLLaisami . to Hamra. • - • - • UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, • Eastern Division. The SHORTEST AND MOST RELIABLE BORE, from the East to all points lu Colorado, . Nevada, California, -Utah, Arizona, Washington, New Mexico, Idaho,. Oregon. • Two (Sundays eaye' State lane arrivalnenrth daily, excepted, ) on the ottralos of. Pacific Railroad front St. Louis, and Hannibal and St. Jo Railroad .from Quincy., connecting at LAW. • fellee;'•Topka and Watnego with stages for-all points In Rattans. At • end of track west of Ells.. worth with the UNITED STATES EXPRESS COM.' PANT'S DAILY LINE OF OVERLAND MAIL AND ExTRESS COACHES FOR DEN,MIts SALT' . . And ahl Points in the Teriltoriii ..• - • - Anti with SAN ERSON'S TRI-WENNLY LINE of COACHES forlFort Union, Bent`s Fort,'Paes., winu r e e , x p o ntr. Fe, and all pobatit ha ,Lei z a,; ,.. d , • ith the recen. a arrangemen ts n stook:and,' equipment, arid the made with re - sponsible Overland Transportation Lines from its western terminus, this road now offers unequalled facilities for the transmission of freight to um 'IP sr West. Tickets for, saleAt all the principal 'Otileee United States and Canada& ' Be sure aqt ask for • tteketa via THEE MONT HILL Ror' UNION' .PAolwro EASTER?: —.y - • . A. AIMEBBON, , - General Superintend*. 11(1-1kraXIMIt- • kat ap4:w73 ocu s t wrazer . ~,,.., ....vii.eice is beieor liyen that 1te 1i f146111; 3 4A3 t i.". in thelnittfr lot oinitiut LOCTUBVITREZT4I/! lkaily, aas been men In the District. clatart.....ii ._ t, o. ' van. Awn Tera4 lB 6B;saetirUt I ..less exceptio I atediulLfte be lthipp,_ .. "1—"" " 1"1. i::: / ..,./ .%., i n , -,- 1.: : „ one audrie.. 8 6/7:040 , EN Fl NMI NSEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers